starzpsychics · 7 months
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Remember to be Happy | International Men's day
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kykui · 1 year
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kdcreation · 2 years
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hey do you have any uhhhhh menday
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Boy do I!
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pleaseburger · 2 years
Welcome back!
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thank you beloved adam. happy menday
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teckzy · 2 years
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Happy Men’s Day
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stellisketches · 1 year
I’m making a calendar system for Diaries and let me tell you it’s a lot funnier than it should be. At least to me personally because I have the humor of a 5 year old.
Anyways, it’s a six day week that goes in the following order: Menday, Kulday, Esday, Kiday, Shadurday, and Irday
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jentolak12 · 2 months
Aku ada sorg akak sedara yg beza 3 tahun lagi tua dari aku. Dia rapat dengan aku dari aku kecik. Kemana mana je aku ikut kalau family dorg berjalan sbb mmg dia akan ajak aku sbb dia bongsu n suka layan aku mcm adik kandung dia.
So nk cerita kejadiannye spupu aku ni nk nikah. So byk kerja nk buat. Then aku pun dtg untuk tolong lah kononnya. Dah tolong buat kerja dri ptg aku balik jap mandi2 malam aku dtg balik buat kerja lagi. Lepas buat kerja tu aku cari kakak aku sbb nak lepak.
Aku tngok dorg dlm bilik tengah bungkus apatah aku tak ingt aku pun buat2 la tolong. Kejadian ni mmg tak rancang walaupun mmg dah lama fikir mcm mana nak try nk ratah sepupu aku ni. Dlm pada masa sama aku tngok la apa yg ada n mlm tu first time aku duduk sebilik dgn kakak2 sepupu aku seblum ni tk pernah dpt.
Time tu mata aku melilau tngok buah2 kakak sedara aku ni. Bulat mata aku sbb first time tngok dorg free bra. Lgpun sbb dah malam dlm pukul 11 lebih n buat kerja2 dlm rumah je. Dalam masa dok usya tetek2 kakak aku. Aku rasa mngntuk. Aku main phone n terlelap dlm bilik spupu aku yg nk kahwin masa tu.
Kejadian berlaku waktu aku trjaga masa mlm tu. Tak tahu kenapa bngun2 tu adik aku stim. Aku bngun konon nk balik la. Masa tu aku terjaga dlm pukil 2 pg. Masa aku bngun nk balik tu aku tngok spupu aku terbaring elok tidur dekat bawah. Aku pulak tidur atas katil dia yg dia akan tidur dgn bakal husband dia nnti.
Masa aku nk gerak tu rasa mcm serba salah nk tggl mcm tu je. Aku pun cuba kejut akak aku tu suruh tidur atas katil. Waktu ni mmg aku tk terfikir nk ratah body dia. Just nk kejut n bla je masa tu. Masa aku kjut pulak dia tk bngun2. Aku pun decide angkat dia letak atas katil. Akak aku ni pun kecik2 je org nya. Waktu ni la aku nmpk peluang nk ratah dia sbb masa aku angkat dia tu baju dia terselak n nmpk buah dia yg kecik2 comel tu. Aku bertambah stim masa tu tp dlm masa yg sama aku takut. Takut2 dia tk layan nafsu aku n takut die menjerit ke apa sbb tk suka apa yg aku nk buat kt dia. Tp aku beranikan diri juga try ramas buah kecik dia tu. Kecik2 pun sedap2 tapak tngn jugak la.
Aku ramas2 buah dia n still dia tk bngun mybe sbb penat buat persiapan. Next walaupun aku dlm keadaan takut aku try juga kiss dia smbil ramas tetek dia. Then dia mcm separuh sedar n nak menolak aku. Tp aku berkeras n still kiss dia. Lama2 makin kuat dia tolak aku n ckp “adik!! Apa adik buat ni??” Tp dlm nads berbisik je. Aku ckp “adik tk tahan”. Dia cuba melawan n aku tk lepaskan peluang. Aku still nekad nk buat dia ghairah. Aku selak baju dia n ratah tetek dia mcm tkde hari esok padahal esok dia dah nk nikah. Lepas 5 minit mcm tu dia dah tewas n mula biarkan aku bermanja dgn tubuh dia. Dia dah mula layan perbuatan aku. Aku jilat body dia semahunya.
Aku dh puas jilat buah dia n nmpk dia dah bg greenlight kt aku. Aku kluarkan adik aku yg dh stim dari td n suruh dia blowjob. Dia tknk tp aku paksa n akhirnya dia buka mulut dia. Akhirnya aku dpt rasa bibir dia yg nipis tu kt batang aku. Masa ni mmg nikmat sbb apa yg aku berangan selama ni jd reality. Mula2 dia agak kekok tp lepas 3 ke 4 kali aku hayun perlahan lahan dia mcm dah pandai blowjob. Atleast tklah kekok mlm pertama dgn husband nnti.
10 minit juga dia blowjob aku. Dia mcm dah tak keruan mcm nak aku ratah pepek dia pulak. Dia pun agaknya dah stim habis masa tu. Aku pulak time tu first time n tenaga batin tk berapa kuat asyik rasa nk terpancut. Tp aku thn juga sbb aku belum puas.
Perlahan lahan aku buka baju dia n tarik seluar dia. Maka terlihat la satu tubuh kecil comel n buah dada yg aku idam2 kan tanpa seurat benang. Time ni lg la nafsu aku naik kaw2. Aku rasa pepek dia dah basah. Dlm hati aku mmg dia nak aku baham dia ni. Aku pun slow2 masukkan konek aku. Ternyata masih ketat n dara lg kakak aku even dah ramai ex. Aku start dgn hayunan yg slow sbb takut dia sakit. Bila aku dpt benam konek aku smpai ke hujung dia mendesah.
Aku tutup mulut dia n aku start mendayung makin laju. Hmpir 10 minit aku mendayung n aku nmpk dia dah tk tahan sngt nk klimaks. Akhirnya dia klimaks kali pertama. Aku tk boleh stop lg sbb aku belum habis. Tkkn air aku nk gantung pulak.
Aku biar dia rilex jap n tukar posisi. Kali ni aku doggy dia. Aku hayun smpai bunyi n dia minta aku jgn kuat2 takut dgr bilik mama dia. Bilik mama dia sebelah je. Aku pun sambung dayungan aku. Hampir 30 minit kali ni untuk dia klimaks kali ke dua. Mcm2 gaya aku dpt buat n aku still belum puas.
Kali ni aku pulak nk settle kan part aku. Aku hayun kali ni mmg yg paling kuat n dia pun mendesah “ ahhh ahhh ahhh adikkk mmm mm” dlm masa yg sama aku takut ada kakak2 atau sape2 dgr. Smpai la aku dah tk tahan sngt aku nk terpancut. Aku tk sia2 kan peluang ni nak cum kt dlm mulut n satu muka dia. Cpt2 aku tarik konek aku n duduk kan dia. Terpancutlah sperm aku yg byk n pekat kt dlm mulut dia n muka dia.
Ini la hari paling puas dlm hidup aku. Kitorg berdua terbaring kepenatan n kakak aku memeluk aku sambil ckp “adik nakal” smbil tersenyum puas.
Aku pun pakaikan balik baju n sluar dia. Aku tidur kan dia dulu mcm dia tu bini aku. Lepas dia dah tidur aku pun balik rumah n tidur.
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February 2024 Vocaloid Song Tournament
Round 1, Set 3, Match 7: Sweet's Beast by Menday-P vs. Heartbeat Clocktower by mothy
Please listen to both songs before casting your vote! And please reblog for a bigger sample size!
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sleepyowlwrites · 8 months
seven snippets, seven people III
this old chess marble chess set is from @kaiusvnoir
let's dig through really old Sleepy stuff for snippets today.
1 (at this point I do not remember what the Sicra was supposed to be for. like. what even is it. also how long is a tree-cycle)
“Wait,” Kalissa called to Mendai. She’d recovered her senses enough to feel the humming growing more persistent. She wasn’t about to let them go again. “Did you find it? Is it all right? Bring it to me.”
Mendai, who had just come out of Malcon’s tent, rushed over and held out a small pouch of blue velvet. Kalissa took it in her right hand with relief.
“Open my bag, would you Eris?” He did so, and Kalissa slipped the velvet package inside and instantly felt the soft humming of the great gem against her hip. At last, after two tree-cycles, the Sicra emerald was in the hands of its Keeper again!
2 (the biggest impact the Redwall series had on my writing was my desire to describe food in my worlds. why don't I do that anymore?)
Kalissa could smell the food already: mushroom and celery flans; blackberry pudding; yellow cheese with chestnuts; and four different breads from small garlic ones to great cheese-crusted ones. Her mouth was watering already, and the Janiren would probably not be here for a while yet. Kalissa tilted her head. That couldn’t be the Janiren’s music companions already-- could it? She listened hard while walking to the edge of the camp.
Looking through the trees, she could see the bright colors of her mother’s company. Mendai joined her, watching for a moment, then, “I’ll tell the rest to know that she’s here. You’ll be here to wait for her? You’re the leader; it’s your right.”
3 (what the fridge is a seelin)
Miranie shook her head and stood up abruptly. She bowed and left the fire. She strode to her tent hurriedly and swept inside. Her heart told her that she had known this for a long time, but her mind couldn’t accept it. Sitting on her pallet she tried to calm herself. When the rest of the janil had also returned to their tents, Miranie left hers, and walking noiselessly through the camp, came to the edge of the clearing. She knelt down and leaned against a tree.
“Miranie?” Startled, she turned. Teleaf was coming towards her. He sat by her, but they didn’t say anything for a while.
Then Teleaf gently grasped her shoulder, “Miranie, it’s all right. Myla said you probably won’t be a full seelin for at least another four tree-cycles. You can learn all about it by then. And I know that you will do well; you always have in any situation.”
4 (I especially do not remember the point of this arc)
The village of Small Valley had been there since before anyone could remember. It was just as its name imposed, a little town located in a small valley at the edge of the Ice Crest range. Ordinary would be the word to describe these people at first glance. Run down houses and shacks was the accommodation here, along with rough, muddy paths that passed as streets for the farmers’ wagons loaded with the few vegetables that would grow in the thin soil. Hardly any visitors ventured out to this tiny speck of life holding its own by the grey shadow of the mountains. One would think that this dusty, dirty, shallow place was of no importance. However, this particular tiny speck of life was more than just its look. Unknown to most of the villagers, their town was being watched by something, something big and ancient, a creature from past years. One boy had a secret.
5 (okay I do remember this little poem)
All the while that Teleaf followed Miranie he kept a close watch on where they were going, noting broken branches and stones, to help them get back from wherever they were going. They went on for ten minutes until they reached a clearing. Miranie gasped at the many spirits she saw around the perimeter. The birch she had followed beckoned her closer and other birches joined her in singing a slow, hypnotizing, happy song as they danced round and round. Miranie felt amazed when she found she could understand the words. Soft the wind that blows at night Soft the warm twinkling starlight Soft the silvering moon bright As darkness forms its web Walk the mossy ground gone cold Drink the twilight ripe and old Feel the shadows growing bold As darkness forms its web
6 (I don't think I realized how much of a self-insert Kalissa was back then. that came later)
Kalissa tossed restlessly in her bed at the Silver House. First she tried one side, then the other. She couldn’t sleep on her back or on her stomach either. The Sicra was in its blue velvet bag on her bedside table, humming very loudly. It had always seemed strange to her, the way only she could hear its humming and see its vibrating. It was rumbling now, banging on the polished surface upon which it was resting. Finally Kalissa rolled over and snapped at the violet-scented candle on the table and a flame appeared and glowed, shining on the surface of the bag containing the Sicra. She grasped the bag and pulled it off the table and onto her bed. Once she touched it, the emerald immediately stopped moving. It was warm in her hand as she drew it out of its sack. Placing on her heart she felt its soothing song fill her spirit.
7 (14 year-old Sleepy: there aren't enough fantasy names in this scene, better add another one)
When they entered Wymien’s great library, Kalissa took in the smell of leather, and parchment. Spying Minrissie in one of the aisles, she hurried to catch up with her.
“Min, wait a moment!”
Minrissie paused and set her armful of books down on a nearby table. “Is something the matter?” She read the stress and puzzlement on Kalissa’s face. “What do you need to learn about?”
Coming up behind her, Erisin said, “Books on Gifts, and some on rare ones. We need to find out what a Serith is, for starters. Then,”
Minrissie cut him off. “Serith? Hmm, let me think. I’ll get Lienbouri to help you with that one. Just a minute.”
hope you enjoyed those. alright, seven people. @dontjudgemeimawriter @justwriteyoudummy @halfbit @jasperygrace @incandescent-creativity @vermontwrites @writing-with-melon or anybody, of course
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starzpsychics · 7 months
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International Men's day
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lmaonade · 2 years
listening to radio head like a little sad bitch happy menday
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dwinkus · 1 year
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happy menday
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have you truly abandoned Happy Menday girl for that harlot Hex Maniac?
just for you I'm gonna find an artist to draw Inori and Hex Maniac kissing sloppy
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nightapproaches · 1 year
Tigershark Tuesday
Wet Beast Wednesday
Out of Touch Thursday
Flat Fuck Friday
Saturday for the Boys
Suck her Dick Sunday
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scalproie · 2 years
well if its menday *open the mk21 movie tab*
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