"Ah, hello, there! I assume you're the one who's come to meet me, yes? Well, seeing as I don't have much of a choice..." [He sticks a hand out, a lazy attempt at a friendly gesture.] "Flick Farran, though you'll be calling me Armourer. And this,"
[They pat the holster sitting securely over his shoulder, the outline of some form of handgun visible inside.]
"-Is Sterling. Now, I'd assume you've got a number of questions, yes?"
[It sits, offering a sharp-toothed smile that doesn't quite seem to match his eyes, loosely gesturing to a too-small chair in the cramped room.]
"Please, do take a seat. Don't worry, I don't bite... without warning, that is."
yippeeeeeee modern time fuckyeahhh :]
anyways hiiiii I’m modern!! My main account is @moderndaymadscientist and I also run @emotionally-mature-mechanic and @physically-renewed-medibot!!
uhhhhh general stuff
Mod is a minor, so no gross stuff thankyou 👍
mod uses he/they/it/vile/beep/volt, Flick uses He/They mostly, though uses others when it suits him, and Sterling uses He/Him
m!as are allowed!
will update with more info + reference later
Interaction tag is #Armoury Annoyances and ask tag is #Flick Answers
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sleekista · 4 months
recovery takes time
part 2 of ‘you are broken on the floor’
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alexia putellas x keeper!reader
request: here
A/N: reminder that i’m a writer and not a med student so idk what times are like for this..
also since y’all wanted me to ask more questions.. if you’ve experienced anything paranormal lmk because i’m interested in that stuff and experienced stuff myself so 🤷
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The first few weeks of recovery are the worst, you can’t do anything at all. Even walking is a challenge, how would you ever go back to where you were?
Alexia was always by your side though, helping wherever she could considering you weren’t allowed to lift anything. The concussion went away as expected and now was just a long journey of recovery ahead.
“You and I both know you’ll be back out on the soon, give yourself time. Recovery isn’t a quick process, remember what you told me when I did my ACL.” She’d say things similar to that, and for a while you’d believe her until you saw what the media kept saying.
As much as it affected your mental health, it only made you want to come back stronger and be better, to prove the critics wrong. To show the world who you were and that you were staying.
- - - - -
After 10 weeks, you could do regular tasks again. It did tire you out but it gave you strength and the feeling you had control over something. It’s something you so desperately needed, outside of Alexia of course.
You started to head back to the training grounds for meetings with physios and trainers who were doing their best to assess where to start when lifting weights and doing other flexible motions with your arms and chest that isn’t too harsh.
While it still isn’t much, it’s still something. That’s all that matters.
- - - - -
When you were first cleared to lift 5kg, Alexia was there. She always was when you had more progress in getting closer to the pitch. She was your number 1 supporter and it really encouraged you to be better.
When you could fully stretch your arms without pain or feeling uncomfortable, she was there.
When you could go back to lifting regular weights in gym sessions, she’d watch you while feeling immense pride at how far you’d come.
When you were kicked balls to for the first time again, she watched and congratulated every ball you saved.
She’s your knight in shining armour.
- - - - -
The day of your first game, a year of recovery behind you. You were finally starting for your club again. You stand tall behind your girlfriend who sports the armband.
Ever since it was announced you were in training and back in the squad, the media had been relentless. Asking too many questions. Wondering too many things.
You had one job tonight, and that was to show the world who you were. Who you are. Who you will be.
You walk out, fans yelling and cheering as the Barça anthem plays in the background. You missed this so bad.
- - - - -
The game was tough, some shots on you but you managed to keep a clean sheet. Alexia smiling and crowd roaring at you as you did so.
When the final whistle blows, Ale runs to you first pulling you into a crushing hug.
“Mi amor, you did so well.” She wraps her arms around your waist and kisses your neck.
“Thanks Ale, couldn’t have done it without you.” You reply, hands brushing up and down her back.
No matter what happened in life, you’d always want to do it with Alexia. Only Alexia.
i’m gonna close my requests for the time being so i can get through my 7 other works 🙏
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wizisbored · 2 months
im curious what the .6 au could possibly be, but I also wanna know about the rest of the 44. Can you list them? Thats a whole lot of aus, presumably for more than just one fandom?
ohh i have been waiting for this day. i keep a list so i dont forget myself. these are not strictly in order of creation because i started the list after i started writing fics and for the purposes of this list ive seperated the fandoms. not all of these are things im actively working on, sometimes i have an idea and i put it on the list so i dont forget about it so i can come back to it later. yes i do have other fics not on this list but post-canon stuff doesnt go on the count
1 - i'm going to live twice (#igtlt fic) / ragdoll (#tinky!zaz) (ive mentioned a couple times that these were intended to be in the same universe. i kept quiet about it while i was more actively in the hatchetfield fandom but eh, fuck it) 2 - wildfire (#wildfire fic) 3 - laboratory four (#lab 4 fic) 4 - smoke and feathers (#sf fic) 5 - double e au (#double e au) 6 - nasty emma (#half-infected!emma) 7 - little firebringer (#lfb fic) 8 - teacher's pet (#teachers pet fic) 9 - feral-infected paulkins (#feral-infected!paulkins) (ive written a oneshot set in this universe)
10 - the hitchhiker and the herd (i thought id talked about this one more on here but i could only find this) 11 - centaurworld western (i only found 2 art posts for this one heres the first, heres the second) 12 - armour amor (pretty sure i only ever talked about this on discord. it was about an armour maker and a horse armour maker collaborating on centaurs) 12.1 - the taurnado takes more than souls (and we've gotten to the deciamals! i came up with the initial idea for this au but it was very collaborative. the '.1' count is based on no actual maths i just figured that was about the amount of claim i really have over it)
13.1 - bugebroph (#bugebroph) 14.1 - birdbath series (#bitb fic, #bitb2 fic) 15.1 - the firstborn (#firstborn au) 16.1 - little black dragon (#dragon au) 17.1 - snake oil (#snake oil au) 18.1 - accidental possession (#ah shit bj got in the meatsuit) 19.1 - blood of the covenant, water of the womb (#changeling twins au) 20.1 - the paranormal investigative society of dormitory four (haunted school au) 21.1 - stupid cat for stupid mental health (posted abou this one Once before putting it on the list so i didnt forget about it and then promptly forgettign about it) 22.1 - beetlejuice media multiverse (#3 lydias what crimes will they commit) 23.1 - in case of emergency, break glass (#ghost jars au) 24.1 - netherborne (#netherborne au) 25.1 - lydia gets stuck in a netherworld office job (i definately posted about this at least once but cant find it) 26.1 - the infernal children (#infernal children au) 27.1 - worm ranch (could only find a meme about this one) 28.1 - ten paces (#ten paces au) 29.1 - heritance of an occultist (#overcooked homunculus au) 30.1 - graverobbing (again i KNOW i posted about this maybe once before towwing it on the list to bookmark it but i cant find it now) 31.1 - the running iorn (railway taurs au) 31.6 - uh oh i came back wrong (#goddamit i told you not to come back wrong) (the rest of the collabs are listed as .5 because theyre shared with one other person. this ones with @blueskiesandstarrynights) 32.1 - fucked up ranch (i think i mentioned this maybe once on my blog but @maitlandmischief has more. it has since bloomed into a multiverse of rps but i dont want to have to think about how the fuck to log that in decimals so it stays .5 for now) 32.6 - piracy time (collab with @bunnys-beetlejuice-blog that mostly exists on discord)
33.6 - anarchy's apprentice (#crocodile beetlejuice hours) (beetlejuice & centaurworld) 34.6 - blue beetles (#hf/bj au) (hatchetfeild & beetlejuice) 35.6 - strange hill high & beetlejuice (#shh/bj) 36.6 - starkid & bbc ghosts (sk ghosts au) 37.6 - choir incomplete (#bj/rtc au) 38.6 - wednesday & beetlejuice (#wd/bj au) 39.6 - until we wake (#family bonding via dying in the wilderness timeloop) (beetlejuice & the red lantern) 40.6 - beetlejuice & cult of the lamb (#cotl/bj au) 41.6 - severavnce & beetlejuice (#severance/bj au) 42.6 - the worm hole (#the worm hole au) (the owl house & beetlejuice)
43.6 - a bunch of fookin shite that happened (silly lil fnaf comic i made to show my friends in secondary school. put it on here because i was going to 'novelise' it and throw it on ao3 for a laugh and then forgot all about my intention to do that) 44.6 - carnival ghosts (#carnival ghosts au) (ride the cyclone)
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
If Ven and Yon go poly I feel bad for Theron. Only thing worse then being hit on by one Sith is being hit on by two Sith who may or may not be together, despite the questionable relationships one of them is trying to set the other up with him and still flirting.
(Poor, poor Theron. They would be terrible for his blood pressure!)
Theron swallowed painfully, feeling the unforgiving flat of the durasteel wall behind him.
One would think, he thought as his he tried unsuccessfully to phase through the wall to sweet, sweet freedom, that he should be used to this kind of shavit.
“Agent Shan, relax.”
How could he, when there was a voice practically making love to his kriffing ear with how smooth that purr was.
“I won’t hurt you, darling.”
That firaxan smile said otherwise, but for some reason Theron still felt a flush of heat at it. He clutched his holopad to his chest like a shy schoolgirl, and that comparison didn’t make him feel any better.
Besides, Darth Venator had a reputation and it wasn’t entirely a good one.
Not that any Sith had a particularly sparkling rep, but the Mirialan was the kind of Sith that cleared battlefields with a mention of his name, and that was so above Theron’s paygrade.
He was also a shameless flirt.
Amber eyes ringed in burnt orange regarded him from under dark lashes, and that smile didn’t leave his face. He was standing a little too close, one hand bracketing Theron in while leaving a space for him to duck under if he really wanted to, and he had to believe that was intentional because he refused to believe a Sith that made Darth before he hit thirty was that sloppy.
The Sith’s smile widened, and those teeth looked like they could do some damage.
Good for biting, his mind supplied, and leaving marks.
Mentally beating that part of him with a stick until it hissed at him and backed off, he put on a frown in the face of temptation.
Venator was an imposing thing, all sharp lines, tall and solid under that armour, and with a body count higher than Theron’s holo-number.
Yeah, murder isn’t sexy.
A big no on the war crimes too.
“You know,” Venator mused, and Theron swore he could feel the heat from him despite their clothes. The Sith glanced off to the side knowingly. “It’s okay.”
Theron blinked.
What was he- oh.
He followed Venator’s gaze and it settled on him.
The Wrath.
There was just something so… so something about him.
He felt himself start to go red and attempted to will it away. Venator had somehow gotten even closer, and Theron was sure he felt his mouth brush the shell of his ear. He jumped and looked away.
This was so not going how he had thought.
He was this close to executing plan ‘Get The Kriff Out’ and high tailing it to somewhere safe in the Alliance base where he wouldn’t run into amorous Sith.
The meditation area that the Jedi liked to use was a good bet, since the Sith seemed to hate the sound of the tinkling water and calming birdsong.
Except… Well, Master V’lante might be there and Theron did not need reminders of what he looked like naked to run across his mind right now.
Oh stars.
Plan GTKO had failed before it had gotten off the ground.
“I said that it’s okay to look, Shan.” Venator murmured, murmuring into his ear as they both watched the figure of the Wrath as he spoke to someone. “Lovely, isn’t he?”
Okay, what the kriff was even happening right now.
“He looks at you, too, you know.”
His heart beat faster, and he heard a throaty chuckle from beside him.
“You two should talk.”
Theron frowned, squashing that part of his brain that was yelling inappropriate things.
“Are- are you trying to set me up with him?” he asked, incredulous.
Venator winked.
Well, Theron had never had a Sith wink at him before.
“You were being slow,” he said shamelessly, “Besides, as fun as it would be to watch you drool all over your reports whenever he walks in, it’s infinitely more fun to get him naked than it is to stare at him.”
Theron’s brain short circuited.
“I- you-“
“Mmm,” came the amused, cat-got-the-cream response. “Yeah. So, you can trust me when I say he’s an epic lay, darling.”
Theron’s brain was making the sound of a space-microwave rotating.
The Wrath, in a moment of cosmic happenstance, glanced over.
Venator grinned, pressed up against Theron’s side like they weren’t in the cantina at mid afternoon where there were other people.
Theron was no prude, he knew what he had and how to use it, but this wasn’t flirting.
This was- whatever this was.
To his horror, Venator raised a clawed, gauntleted hand and beckoned the Wrath over.
A tilt of the head and he was making his way over and Theron was about to scream.
An elbow in the gut for Venator and he might make it ten feet before the Sith caught him.
The Wrath came to a stop in front of where Theron was standing, an amused Sith draped over him like an affectionate nexu, and his face as red as his jacket.
After a moment of too long silence, he plastered a grin on his face that fooled no-one.
First rule of the SIS: Fake it until you make it.
@darkshadeless All yours. ;)
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St. Pauli 2019-20 temporada lejos y segundo jersey de distancia
Dos semanas antes del inicio de la nueva temporada, FC St. Pauli y la marca Under Armour presentaron conjuntamente las nuevas camisetas de visitante y segunda temporada del equipo e invitaron a los fanáticos a participar en Miller Gate. Un evento único para los fanáticos en el estadio (Millerntor-Stadion).
El diseño de la nueva camiseta de la temporada es muy especial, no solo para satisfacer las feroz necesidades de la competencia, sino también para un proyecto de arte. El nuevo diseño contiene muchos más símbolos e íconos que nunca. Estos símbolos e íconos son pegatinas que los fanáticos locales han usado durante décadas para expresar su amor por el equipo y su actitud hacia el club. Mirando de cerca, estos gráficos representan la cultura local de los fanáticos en una variedad de formas: corazón, cráneo, tibias cruzadas, punk rock, bandera del arco iris, ancla, fútbol y otros temas que llevarán la diversidad de fanáticos y jugadores. Se expresan las características de tolerancia, coraje, perseverancia, espíritu de lucha, conciencia comunitaria e innovación. Los 16 símbolos desarrollados por Under Armour en estrecha colaboración con el club muestran a todos los valores del club.
"Cuando visitamos Hamburgo por primera vez para el Club en https://www.camisetasfutboleses.com/ St. Pauli, la cultura de los adhesivos de todo el estadio e incluso de toda la ciudad de Hamburgo atrajo nuestra atención", dijo Karen Patterson, gerente senior de diseño de Under Armour Global Footballwear. "Nos gusta que los fanáticos intercambien ideas de una manera tan especial. Esperamos abrazar esta forma íntima y directa en el diseño de la nueva jersey, mientras capturamos el espíritu de St. Pauli en los elementos. Al mismo tiempo, la etiqueta simboliza una pequeña bola". La actitud y la efectividad en el combate, que determinan el estilo y la mentalidad del fútbol del club, así como la perspectiva mental del equipo ".
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Los nuevos jerseys de distancia se destacan de otros jerseys debido a su diseño único. El esquema simple transmite un aspecto moderno y práctico. La modesta modesta, el cuello sobrio y el esquema de color clásico en blanco y negro reflejado en el diseño reflejan la simplicidad del club, pero al mismo tiempo no renuncia a los elementos interesantes. La adición de estos elementos especiales refleja completamente El estilo urbano de la zona legendaria local. "Estamos muy contentos de llevar una camiseta con el símbolo de un club, con lo que todos estamos de acuerdo", dijo Bernd von Geldern, jefe del departamento de marketing del club. "El diseño de la nueva camiseta es para todos. Un homenaje a quienes representan los valores del club ".
Además, el papel clave desempeñado por los fanáticos de St. Pauli en el club también ingresará a un nuevo campo. El domingo 21 de julio, Under Armou y St. Pauli Club invitaron a todos los fanáticos a la jornada de puertas abiertas de pretemporada y, en presencia de entrenadores y miembros del equipo, rediseñaron el vestuario desde la tarde. Inspirados por el diseño de la cultura de los adhesivos y la nueva camiseta de visitante, los fanáticos tendrán la oportunidad de elegir uno de los 16 símbolos de adhesivos de jersey, con un mensaje personalizado que siempre se guardará en el vestuario del estadio.
El mediocampista del equipo Marvin Knoll dijo: "Creemos que es una buena idea que Under Armour pase las calcomanías en las gradas al vestuario. El profundo amor de los fanáticos con el club es nuestra fuerza motriz. También asegura que nos mantengamos energizados mientras corremos en el campo ".
La segunda camiseta de visitante de St. Pauli en la nueva temporada también combina conceptos de diseño con propuesta de valor y tecnología textil innovadora. En el fondo negro clásico, destacan las rayas de arco iris especiales en el pecho, y el nuevo diseño es un tributo a la diversidad, el respeto mutuo y la franqueza en https://www.camisetasfutboles.es/.
Funcionalmente, como antes, la camiseta usa el tejido HeatGear estirado en cuatro direcciones de Under Armour para evacuar rápidamente la transpiración, lo que ayuda a los jugadores a mantenerse frescos durante largos períodos de tiempo, asegurando que los jugadores estén más enfocados en el juego en la competencia de alta intensidad.
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No Cannon Shall Sink This Ship
Summary: A collection of one shots of alternate ending, alternate episodes, and headcannons. 
Newest oneshot: Defenders of the Wing, Part 2, alternate episode. Mala says she’ll kill Hiccup and the dragon riders, Hiccup falls into the volcano, and everything goes downhill from there.
Link: on Fanfiction.net 
Defenders of the Wing, Part 2, Alternate episode
"Your people are going to die for what you've done, but first, Hiccup, I'm going to kill you myself."
Hiccup pressed his back against Astrid's, his heart beating hard in his chest. "Wait," he said quickly. "Yes, this is my fault-"
"Hiccup, it's not your fault, it's Viggo's-" Astrid tried to say, but Hiccup held up a hand to stop her.
"-But it's not my friends' fault. They are good people. They follow me just as your people follow you," Hiccup said, taking a tentative step forward, ignoring the extra spears pointing straight at his heart. "You can't punish them for doing something that I asked them to do."
"Hiccup, don't!"
"Enough!" Mala commanded, grabbing Hiccup by his shoulder and shoving him to his knees. "You have done your last evil, Hiccup."
The volcano rumbled and lava exploded from the heart of the volcano, showering down around them. "Mala, look out!" Hiccup yelled, pushing Mala out of the way and let out a scream as the lava landed on him. He took a step back in surprise and shock only to find his foot meeting thin air. For a moment, he met Astrid's eyes and she could plainly see the pain and terror written in Hiccup's gaze before he fell into the roaring lava.
"No, Hiccup!"
There was a terrified yell from Hiccup and a large shadow zoomed past everyone as Toothless shot into the volcano after his best friend. Astrid threw off the soldier beside her and rushed towards the edge, not caring who got in her way, just fighting to get to Hiccup. The hot rock burnt her hands as she looked over the edge into the heart of the volcano. She looked just in time to see the insignia of the Night Fury sink into the fires of the volcano.
"Hiccup! Hiccup!"
Hiccup Haddock III - son of Stoick the Vast, the pride and heir of the Hairy Hooligan Tribe of Berk, the Dragon Conqueror, the Rider of the Night Fury - was gone.
Hiccup had fallen plenty of times. Countless of times: falling off of Toothless when they were first learning how to fly together, the terrifying plummet when the Red Death's tail hit him, tripping plenty of times when he lost his foot after the battle with the Red Death, crashing when he started to design Dragon Fly and failing plenty of times in the war against the Dragon Hunters.
But every time that he fell, he knew that he could trust Toothless to come and catch him as he fell.
This time, there was only air between him and the fire. No Toothless, no Dragon Fly, nothing.
Hitting the ground was an unpleasant surprise. All the air was driven out of his lungs and Hiccup thought that he couldn't find it in him to scream, but a loud scream ripped out from his throat as the pain from the lava burns registered. The leather of his armour was on fire, slowly burning into his skin. With a desperate yelp, Hiccup yanked off all of his amor and threw it as far as possible from him, still swatting at the fire remaining on his tunic. He wasn't sure if it was the heat or the pain that caused tears to roll down his cheeks as he watched the rest of his armour sink into the lava.
Darkness was crowding at the edges of his vision as he heard the telltale roar of the Night Fury. A second later, Toothless landed beside him, nosing him worriedly, but Toothless's actions just caused pain to erupt all over his body and the world turned dark.
Astrid opened her eyes to darkness, finding her and the other riders back in the same prison they were in earlier that day. Everything came back to her in little snippets: going up to the volcano, Mala accusing them of treason (again), and getting knocked unconscious with the darts again. Groaning, she sat up, looking around in the shadows, mentally checking off the riders.
Heather. Snotlout. Fishlegs. Ruff. Tuff...
"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled out desperately. "Hiccup!"
Her shouting roused the other riders, but still didn't bring the one person that mattered to her.
A hand landed on her shoulder and for a moment, she thought that it could've been Hiccup's hand, but instead of HIccup's warm hand, calloused from many years working in the forge, it was Heather's slender hand that gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "Astrid," Heather said, her voice void of her usual hard edge, "I'm so sorry."
"I never told him," Astrid whispered, her eyes searching the stars, wishing that she could see the familiar silhouette of the Night Fury somewhere up there.
"Told him what?"
"How much he meant to me. How much I... how much I thought he was more than just a hiccup. I didn't tell him how much I trusted him I didn't tell him... how much I love him."
"You said 'love' present tense not 'loved' past tense," Heather said, her green eyes searching through Astrid's blue ones.
Looking away, Astrid sank down to the ground. "'I can't imagine a world without you,'" she whispered. "That's what Hiccup said to me. I never thought that I would have to live in a world without him. There was never a scenario that he wouldn't be able to get out of. Even if his first stupid plan didn't work, he always had a next crazy plan. Every time he was in a life-or-death situation, I could do something to save him. I could threaten every Outcast, Berserker or Dragon Hunter, I could search through every island in the Archipelago, I could do SOMETHING to save him, but this time... he's just gone."
The riders fell into silence, Astrid's words echoing through the prison. Nobody said anything until a shadow fell across the prison and in unison, they looked up to find Mala looking down at them.
"What do you want?" Astrid snarled, her hands fisted by her sides.
For a moment, she didn't say anything as she threw a couple rations of food down to them. "We have contacted Viggo and we are trading you for the Great Protector tomorrow at first light."
"Do you think that it's going to be that easy?" Fishlegs asked from beside Astrid. "If Viggo was able to trick Hiccup on more than one occasion, this is going to be no simple hostage exchange. There's no way that Viggo and the Dragon Hunters are just going to hand over the Eruptodon."
"Silence! This is the only way I am going to save my people. you WILL co-operate!"
Mala turned to leave, but before she could, Heather called out, "Wait, Queen Mala."
"I thought I bid you silence."
Heather took a step forward. "Hiccup was our leader. He saved your life. Please allow us to send him to Valhalla in the ceremony that he deserves."
Mala surveyed them with her cold glare, her expression unreadable.
"Please," Heather said again, "If you let us do this one thing, we will not protest any more. We just want this one thing. Let us honour Hiccup once more."
At long length, Mala said, "What do you need?"
Hiccup woke up to a cool breeze against his cheeks.
That and the sticky spit of one Night Fury.
Cracking open his eyes, he smiled as Toothless warbled happily at the sight of Hiccup's eyes. "Hey, bud," Hiccup said weakly. "How long was I out?"
Toothless bounded over to the edge of the trees where they were hidden and pointed down the hill with his nose, making excited noises. Shakily, Hiccup stood up and joined Toothless over looking the beach below them where he could see Mala leading the other six Dragon Riders towards a boat.
"Come on, bud. Let's go save them."
A little while later, the six dragon riders stood on the shore, holding arrows as a boat drifted out to sea.
"The greatest dragons and gods cry for the boy who has fallen today. We ask for the safe passage of your newest einherjar, that he may fly into Valhalla and live for eternity in peace that he has brought to his people. May he hear the songs that we sing, the songs of him, our great Chief."
Astrid pulled back the string of her bow and let the arrow fly through the sky. Beside her, the rest of the riders lifted their own bows and shot a flaming arrow to the boat as well. The sparks from the fire floated up to the sky as if they could join the stars too. Through the smoke and fire, she thought she saw a Night Fury carrying a rider out into the wind.
It was still dark as Mala's ship, carrying her tribe, the Dragon Riders and herself, sailed into the sea for the rendezvous with Viggo. The two proud ships met in the waters, their leaders waiting for the other.
"Return the Defender of the Wing," Mala commanded. "We have your people."
"They are far from my people," Viggo said, "and I have to extend my deepest gratitude for taking care of one Hiccup Haddock."
Mala gave no reaction, only extending her hand again. "Give us back the Defender of the Wing."
Viggo curled his lip. "No."
She snarled back at him, "Give us back our dragon, You foul monster!
The dragon riders saw before anyone else did. Up in the masts, a Dragon Hunter raised a crossbow. On the deck, Viggo raised his hand and immediately, Astrid leapt forward.
"No! Astrid, don't!" Fishlegs yelled, but she was already leaping forward.
She knocked Mala onto the deck of the Dragon Hunters, the arrows flying over their heads and immediately, there were axes at their throats. Astrid looked up to find Viggo there, his sword pointing straight at her.
They had no choice, but to raise their hands.
The Defenders of the Wing and the dragon riders were tied up on the deck, while Astrid and Mala were on the upper deck, a little way away from Viggo who was talking to one of the other dragon hunters.
"Why did you try to save me?" Mala asked, quietly as not to allow the dragon hunters to hear them speaking.
"I didn't want to, trust me," Astrid growled. "I would've let you rot in Viggo's hands."
"But yet, you saved me."
Astrid looked away, hating the tears that were welling in her eyes. "You never knew Hiccup, but Hiccup is the kind of leader that would do anything for his family, friends... and allies. Hiccup would've saved you. So I did too."
Mala studied her for a second, before slowly speaking, "That's..."
"Noble of me? Kind of me?"
"No, that's very... Hiccup of you," Mala said, her voice soft. "He must have loved you very much."
Lifting her eyes up to the horizon, Astrid sighed, catching the sight of the last star in the sky fade away as she whispered, "Yeah. I did too."
The sun's first rays bled over the horizon, just as the Night Fury whistled through the air, carrying his best friend into battle and everyone heard the loud cry of, "Viggo! This ends now!"
"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled in happiness. Hiccup's upper arm was wrapped in bandages, the ends of his hair (most noticeably his braids) were singed, and he wasn't wearing his armour, but despite all of that, Hiccup never looked better to Astrid. Behind him, the other riders' dragons followed him.
"Hookfang! Meatlug! Get the riders! Stormfly and Windshear, get Mala's tribe! Barf and Belch, light up the catapults!" Hiccup yelled to the dragons and immediately all of the dragons burst into action. "Toothless, let's go get Mala and Astrid."
The two landed on the ship, directly across from Viggo, Mala and Astrid.
"Hiccup Haddock the Third."
Toothless growled, but backed down as Hiccup gently patted his nose, turning around and bounding to somewhere else on the ship, followed by Stormfly. Turning his attention back to Viggo, Hiccup held up Inferno again, holding the flaming sword between him and Viggo. "Viggo. Let go of Astrid and Mala"
"Before I even consider that, let's talk about the treaty," Viggo said, his voice light.
"You know what Viggo, I have thought about the treaty," Hiccup said, setting down Inferno.
"Good. Good. Then are we going to sign?" Viggo asked, holding up the map.
Hiccup smirked. "There is one thing that makes us different, Viggo. To you, everyone can be expendable, but to me, all of the dragons on this side of the line matters. I will not sacrifice the lives of the dragons on this side of the line for the peace for the people and dragons on this side of the line. I will not sign this treaty."
In one move, Hiccup sliced the map in two with Inferno, sending it up into flame. Viggo stared at burning pieces of paper and Hiccup felt a bit smug that he managed to stun Viggo for a bit.
"Hiccup. You know this means war."
"I do."
"I thought you were smarter than this."
"Oh, I am. I am smart enough to realize that the lives of my riders are worth so much more than whatever you are offering," Hiccup said, stepping away from Viggo. "Oh, and by the way. If you ever touch my Astrid ever again, I will kill you."
Before Viggo had a chance to reply, Hiccup retracted Inferno's blade and Zippleback gas billowed out from the other end. The gas exploded into flames, knocking Viggo off his feet. Hiccup rushed towards Mala and Astrid, cutting through their bonds with a quick slice with Inferno.
"Hiccup!" Astrid leapt into his arms as soon as he freed her. "You're alive!"
"Not now, Astrid, I'll tell you everything later," Hiccup promised. "For now, Stormfly!"
Stormfly swooped out of the sky, squawking happily at the sight of her friend. "Stormfly! Let's go!"
Hiccup turned to Mala and said, "Come on, Mala, let's go."
"I can not fly on your dragon, it's against the law," Mala said quietly.
"It's not on my dragon," Hiccup said, turning around, "It's on yours."
The deck of the ship exploded and a dark shadow zipped out of the explosion, followed by a large Boulder Class dragon.
Astrid gasped in amazement. "That's..."
"Defender of the Wing. The dragon that protects Mala's tribe," Hiccup said as he helped Mala onto the dragon before jumping onto Toothless. "Now, let's go."
The three dragons took off into the sky. "Dragon riders, retreat!" Hiccup called. "Back to the island!"
"Maybe I judged you wrong, Hiccup Haddock," Mala said as the dragon riders got ready to leave her village. "Your dragons did tell the truth in the trial. I apologize for not trusting you and the dragons."
"I would've not trusted me either," Hiccup said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm just glad that everything worked out okay in the end."
Mala nodded and finally gave Hiccup and the riders a smile. "Good luck on your travels, Dragon Riders. If you need our help, we will come and fight for you."
"Thank you," Hiccup said with a smile in reply.
"No, thank you, Hiccup, you saved my life, my village, my dragon. Thank you," Mala said. She gave Hiccup and the riders a deep bow and the rest of her tribe followed her suit.
Hiccup smiled and looked around at the other riders. "Come on, let's get back to the Edge."
The sight of the Edge was a welcome sight. All of the Dragon Riders celebrated that night. Hiccup was so distracted by the celebrations that he didn't notice that Astrid had slipped away.
"Come on, Bud, let's go find her," he whispered to Toothless as he managed to slip out of the party as well. It didn't take long for them to find her, standing on the beach, looking up at the sky. Hiccup gestured for Toothless to stay back as he approached Astrid as quietly as he could with his uneven legs.
"I can hear you coming, Hiccup," Astrid said with a sigh. "You don't have to pretend that you're actually sneaking up on me."
Hiccup laughed and came to stand beside Astrid. "I guess I should know better than to sneak up on you too."
Astrid smiled, but the smile faded off her face a moment later as he gaze returned to the ocean in front of her.
"Astrid, what's the matter?" Hiccup asked, placing a hand on her shoulder and turning her to face him. It surprised him to see her blue eye filled with tears. "Astrid..."
"I thought you were dead."
Astrid's voice was so soft it took a moment for Hiccup to understand what Astrid said. "Oh, Astrid... it's okay. I'm still here."
Suddenly Astrid surprised Hiccup by throwing her arms around his neck, nearly knocking him off balance. "You were dead!" Astrid said, her voice raising into a sob. "I thought you were dead! I thought that I would never be able to tell you all of the things that I've wanted to. I thought that I wouldn't be able to tell you how much I love you. I thought that I wouldn't be able to because I thought you were dead!"
"It's okay, I'm not. I'm here and I'm never going to leave you behind again," Hiccup promised. "I'm right here." Hiccup gently lead Astrid over to a fallen log and helped her sit down, kneeling down in front of her. "Astrid. You know how much I hate these braids, right?"
Astrid raised her hand to tangle in his hair, stroking the singed ends. "What happened?"
"The lava burnt off my braids," Hiccup explained. "I was running back to the Edge when I realized they were gone. Even though I hated them, I needed them back, because wearing them was carrying a part of you. Astrid, I'll fight Thor before we're separated again."
Astrid laughed shakily and leaned back far enough to look Hiccup in the eyes. "Really?"
Hiccup smiled back, holding up his finger, and Astrid raise her finger to mirror his. "Promise."
Tears were still running down Astrid's cheeks, but she smiled, leaning her head against Hiccup's chest. "Thanks, Hiccup."
"For what?"
"For everything else."
Hiccup laughed, wrapping his arms around Astrid tightly. "Anything for you, milady."
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socialattractionuk · 5 years
15 men share their wildest sex stories
(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sadler for Metro.co.uk)
Many of us have had some wild sexual experiences.
However it happened, having consensual sex – no matter how kinky – is nothing to be ashamed of.
We all like to try new things – some of us more than others – and often we’re left with memories we tend to keep to ourselves.
But 16 men decided it was time to share their stories with Metro.co.uk. They told us about the most out-there things they’ve ever done in the bedroom – and outside of it.
The one with their hairbrush…
‘I had my wife and friend buttf*** me with a hairbrush. And once inserted my wife’s big vibrator in me.’
The one with the gangbang…
‘Went to a Naturist Spa in Kentish Town and banged a 47 year old in a steam room. I’ve also been in a gangbang.’
The one who likes to share…
‘For most of my adult life I have found that when I am in a relationship for quite a while then I become fixated on the idea of sharing my partner with other men.
‘I’ve had partners just shut that down and say its not their thing (I’d never try to be pushy about this kind of thing) and others who’d be up for dabbling. With my wife, as we have been together for 10 years, it has been something that is “there” for ages.
‘She has always been keen on the idea but sensibly wary about damaging a relationship. In the beginning it was “this is just a fantasy, we shouldn’t risk it”.
‘Over the years that evolved towards dipping our toes in to the water, so to speak, and eventually to the point where she was as keen as me to try. We have done it with a handful of different people and she has also been with someone while I’m not present.’
(Picture: Ella Byworth for MEtro.co.uk)
The one who likes to take risks…
‘I had sex in the parking garage at my place of work. It was the risk of getting caught that made it amazing.’
The one who got high…
‘Most extreme thing I did was take GHB and let my ex and her mate strap-on me while we were all off our faces and drunk.’
The one with the older woman…
‘Weirdest sex I’ve had was with a woman who was 41 when I was 19 in a field. Did loads of oral and different positions. Didn’t plan it.’
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The one with the surprise four-way…
‘My ex decided she wanted a four-way, promised me it was other women, and that all would be a surprise.
‘I had to turn up at her house, and go straight to the bedroom, where she came in and locked the door.
‘Tied me to the bed and blindfolded me. I had to remain blindfolded until they removed it.
‘I was completely at their disposal, was pegged and peed on, used in every way.
‘Took the blindfold off midway to see that the other two women were her cousin and her best friend. I was then untied and allowed to continue on into a dominant role.
‘Genuinely the strangest evening, night and morning I have ever had.’
The one who finished in pain…
‘Craziest thing ever was tearing my foreskin during sexual intercourse and not knowing which of us was bleeding after climax as the pleasure masked the pain for about 10 seconds.
‘Had to go to hospital for surgery. How embarrassing.’
(Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)
The one who just couldn’t wait…
‘Well, I was at University in Leicester and was seeing a girl, who I’ll call Sally, who was, like me, studying Maths.
‘We had a shared sense of adventure and lived to live life on the edge. Having tried sex in (among other places) rooms in the Holiday Inn which we weren’t staying at, the library at the University and many more, we had spent the day in London.
‘Being poor students we had hitchhiked down there and back. On the way back, Sally started becoming, shall we say, amorous, in the back of the car that had kindly given us a lift.
‘The couple in the front were completely unaware of anything that we were doing in the back of their car and, when we approached Leicester, the guy driving just pulled over onto the hard shoulder instead of of leaving the motorway.
‘We jumped out and passion got the better of us so we had the most incredible sex right there on the grass bank next to the M1. It was early evening the sun was setting, but still light enough for a lot of cars to toot their horns to let us know they’d seen us!’
The one who got caught…
‘In a tent… my ex and I were wild camping and obviously decided to have some fun, I don’t know if it was the risk of being “outdoors” but we were definitely a bit louder and friskier.
‘We were interrupted by a torch shining on the tent. It turns out we woke a small village just outside the forest. The guy said he thought someone was being attacked.’
(Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)
That one time, in a car…
‘Craziest sex ever was in the back seat of my car while on the train through the channel tunnel.
‘My wife and I had driven for about six hours before getting there and she’d been teasing me by saying things she knew would turn me on and by rubbing my penis.
‘By the time we got there I was ready to explode. We climbed into the back and I lasted less than a minute.’
That time in Iraq…
‘I’d been injured and was kept in the medical centre for observation for 48 hours. I connected with a nurse, who was a commissioned officer, Captain, and I was a JNCO, Corporal.
‘So any relationship was a military crime on two levels, she was an officer, I wasn’t. She was a nurse and I a patient.
‘We’d had some heavy petting my last night in the medical centre but it was too risky to go further as the Doc and the medics slept in there.
‘We made a plan to do it covertly elsewhere. We arranged to meet near the phones and then make our way to one of the Warrior armoured fighting vehicles.
‘It was January and got dark very early.
‘We snuck into my Warrior and disabled the power so the hydraulic door wouldn’t open. As we were having sex, which was amazing, the camp came under attack from both mortar and 107mm rockets.
‘The vehicles being a very safe place to be we kept going. With the sound of alarms and explosions we continued to go at it as though the world were about to end.
‘It’s a special memory.’
(Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)
The one whose experience happened during a time of alcoholism…
‘All of my wild sex escapades were in the midst of my disease and not with my wife. For me, it all centred around being pursued and pursuing others, it was never about the sex itself.
‘I was with men, women, men and women at the same time, with cross-dressers, and have cross dressed myself.
‘I’m not proud of these experiences, some were good and fun, some I put myself into danger, and all in all I carry a lot of shame.
‘The worst of it all, through my actions, I put my wife’s health in jeopardy with my affairs.
‘To my knowledge, she is completely unaware. Today, I am living my amends to her by being faithful and placing my sex life on to a spiritual plane.
‘I know if I let myself succumb to my own desires, I get pulled into a spiralling circling of thoughts and actions that led me to make decisions that placed my wife’s health and my health in danger.
‘Thank goodness I was fortunate and never picked up an infection or was raped or murdered.’
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The people watchers…
‘I hooked up with a guy and we went to the park after opening hours. I was f***ing him in the trees when we realised there were loads of men in the bushes watching us.’
And finally: The one who broke his penis…
‘When I first got with my partner we were at it all of the time, trying new moves and weren’t afraid of anything!
‘One day I decided to turn her around 180° while still on top of me, and we both just heard SNAP, she got off me straight away because we both knew something was definitely not right, and sitting at the end of my dick was blood coming out.
‘Luckily it stopped fairly quickly, but I still got a paramedic to take a look – which must’ve been the most embarrassing moment of my life.
‘For a few weeks afterwards my willy was clearly bent sideways from around the middle of it, but thankfully it went back to normal soon afterwards…’
Stories have been edited for length and clarity. 
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0 notes
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(- @physically-bloody-medibot )
[It had been a fairly uneventful day for Flick. No one had come by for repairs, nothing unusual or wacky had happened, just a normal, completely regular day.]
[Which led to quite the shock when an unfamiliar robot seemed to pop right into existence in front of them.]
“Holy fuck, where did you come from!?”
[He exclaims, clamouring to their feet out of surprise. Taking a pause to compose himself, he clears his throat, before continuing.]
“Ahem, I mean to say. Why might you be here? And how did you get in? I could’ve sworn I had the door locked…”
[They muse, taking the opportunity to observe the newcomer. A medibot, he guesses. Quite an unusual one, though. They aren’t normally so short, or so… bloody. Though annoyingly enough, the robot still stands taller than the man, who takes note of the odd construction of the being before them.]
“And… If I may ask. Who exactly are you?”
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[arthur flickers into awareness of the body]
[it finds itself in a building very similar to its home, but a quick inspection reveals that its found itself in the blu base]
[did ymir get it here?]
[in any case it needs to get out right now - no way will arthur just be able to ask for help without getting shot. it can worry about getting home once its safe]
[so it cloaks and starts running...]
[...only to trip and fall directly in front of whatever room flick is currently in, creating a loud clang]
[It had been a quiet day for Flick. There had been a match scheduled for today, leaving the halls of the base quiet and unoccupied.]
[A welcome occurrence, if you asked him.]
[Idly working on a broken mechanism within one of the spare pistols, they didn’t even notice the footsteps…]
[But he certainly did notice the clang.]
[Composing himself after definitely not falling out of their chair in surprise, he approaches the Armoury’s exit.]
[Surely it’s just an early returning team member, or something fallen off a shelf, or…]
“Well, then.”
[Or a robot. Apparently.]
“I’d suppose the crash was you, then?”
[He questions, maintaining a casual tone, though a hint of caution seeps through. They’re not letting his guard down just yet.]
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[Flick sat in the darkened armoury. A regular night like any other.]
[Something felt off. The team was back, should… should be back. And yet, no sound. No chaos, no shouting, no laughter.]
[Just silence. Usually they’d be grateful for that. Tonight, though, it only felt cold.]
[Perhaps they’d had an early night? Unusual, but it would explain the odd quiet.]
[Perhaps he should go check.]
[Rising from his seat, he exits the cramped room. As they walked, the halls seemed to get longer… and longer… and longer.]
[After far too long, he reached the common room. It lay abandoned, far too clean for the team to have been there.]
[Now that was worrying. His heart starting to thump, he turns down a corridor. This was the way to the rooms, he recalls.]
[He turns down another hallway. And then another. And then another. Admittedly, they rarely visited any of the rooms, especially his own, but… It never remembered the base as being this large.]
[One foot in front of the other, just a little further… Just a little further… Just…]
[He paused. Looking down, instead of the familiar tile of the base, their foot made contact with half-dead grasses and muddy ground. A fat raindrop fell onto his head, followed by another, and then a curtain of rain fell onto the shifting scene. The moon shone brightly above, a sharp crescent piercing through the dark.]
[A snap, like a twig being stepped on. A jolt of panic spiked through their mind as they snap to attention, stumbling and tripping as he attempts to break into a sprint.]
[And quick as it started, he came crashing to a stop. A root from a nearby tree had caught their foot, sending him to the floor.]
[A cold horror settled over him as a shadow blotted out the pale moonlight.]
[Weakly, he attempts to pull himself up.]
[And as a single, loud blast rings out…]
[…they jolt awake.]
[Catching his breath, reason begins to return. It was… just the base’s door. Being slammed open. Sure enough, the sound of conversation had returned to the halls, loud laughter and the occasional shout filling the complex.]
[He sinks down into the chair with a relieved sigh. Hand drifting to that spot on his shoulder, they reassure themself.]
[It was just a bad dream.]
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humans are social creatures, you know
eventually youre gonna go nuts if its just you and your guns
“I. Am. Fine.”
[It growls.]
“I am a perfectly normal and sane person. And I certainly will stay as such going forward.”
[It finishes, before adding:]
“I do not like other people. Other people do not like me. And I am perfectly fine with that. Understand?”
[Though its words are confident, it almost feels as if he isn’t so sure about these facts he supposedly believes.]
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wow, thats sad
“What’s sad?”
[It hisses back.]
“I will have you know I am perfectly fine. I have Sterling, I have Aldric, all of them. I have everything I need. So lay off. Got it?”
[He finishes, coldly.]
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Got any good friends?
“Well, I used to. They’re long gone at this point. I doubt I would be able to get in contact with any of them even if they wanted to see me. As for the team here, we don’t quite… interact much.”
[They pause.]
“I have my weapons, and that’s enough.”
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DO you like dogs?
“Dogs? I would say I’m quite neutral. I don’t mind animals by any means, don’t get me wrong. It just tends to be animals that mind me. It’s just how it is, I suppose.”
[They say.]
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Are you okay?
“Me? Ah, yes, yes. Perfectly fine. Right as rain. Doing just wonderfully, obviously.”
[He responds, dryly.]
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Do you have a favorite weapon you've made or worked with, or maybe just some of your favorites? :3
“Ah! Wonderful question!”
[He seems to perk up at this question, a genuine smile crossing their face.]
“Well, I have worked with many fine weapons in my time, from rifles to pistols to shotguns. Though, despite the number I have repaired or crafted, truly none can compare to my Sterling.”
[They state with utmost certainty, pulling the aforementioned derringer out of his holster with a flourish. Well-polished and well-maintained, it’s clear a lot of love has been put into this small weapon.]
“Now, I do admit my bias here, Sterling and I have been together quite a number of years, after all. He’s the first I ever restored, did you know? It’s quite the story how we met, actually, I simply must tell it sometime!”
[They exclaim, enthusiastic. It’s rare to see anything other than vague boredom or veiled annoyance from him, so this is quite a surprise.]
“Ah, and did you know that..!”
[They proceed to spend the next fifteen minutes rambling on about all sorts of details about the various weapons he’s worked with in the past, from the broadest, surface-level facts to the most minute little details.]
[They… really like this topic, as it turns out.]
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