#mentioned phoenix wright
wheatormeat · 6 months
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His silly rabbit
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doctorsiren · 4 months
If you're up for it, would love to see some Phoenix and Franziska friendship sketches (criminally underrated duo imo they'd be the worsties ever)
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Okay I didn’t mean to accidentally come up with a new headcanon but I did. I think Franziska actually grows to care about Phoenix, considering he is her brother’s significant other and her girlfriend’s basically-brother. She gets embarrassed about it though because she has to maintain her Tough Girl Prosecutor look and can’t be showing sympathy for a defense attorney. When he gets disbarred, that wall still remains because she can’t be seen showing sympathy to a *disgraced* ex-defense attorney. However, she still feels like she should do something, so she masks her concern through the concern of the other loved ones. She ends up having movie nights with him (the same way Miles and Maya watch samurai stuff together) and they bond on the more cynical sides of the world, as well as deep down secret loves for musicals and pretty things. He becomes like a big brother for her in a way that Miles never really was because, while growing up, Franziska was often the one comforting Miles through his nightmares and trauma. That’s just one of the reasons why she refers to him as her “little brother”, as well as her just wanting to project herself as more in charge than she actually is. Franziska also develops a soft spot for hugs because she never really had them growing up. Miles isn’t really known to be the one to initiate hugs (although he does enjoy them), while the Wright Family (and this includes Maya) hugs ALL the time. Much like everyone else, Fran finds comfort in Phoenix’s hugs and is able to let her guard down with him (however, she tells him that if he tells *anyone* about this, she will kill him because she still needs to maintain her reputation as Tough and Scary for her career)
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drawsmaddy · 1 year
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[ID in ALT text]
A conversation somewhere post-Justice For All, haunted by the ghost of a man who is very much alive
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runby2 · 7 months
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daddy bear
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ranmaru-kageyama · 8 months
Apollo's letter to Phoenix [TRANSLATION]
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(From the collector's edition of the AJ trilogy. Transcript in alt text.)
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snoocupz · 1 year
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"Slowly I start to think they might be lovers instead??"
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perrigoaway · 5 months
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WILDLY self indulgent actor Feenie art.. I think maybe Ivy University held a musical and Phoenix managed to land Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors because it doesn't get more theatre kid than that
(Also I was just listening to the soundtrack while I drew)
I let Larry be a good friend even though we don't see him in college, he has the spirt okay? I think he probably liked the weird finale LOL
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leeeeeeef · 2 years
im still thinking abt 3-1's impact on phoenix as a character. because in 3-1 he's so trusting and open and unabashedly friendly until he realizes the truth abt dahlia. and just before dahlia is apprehended, she says this to him:
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and after that he.. just doesnt tell anyone anything??? he never did get to tell mia about larry and miles and why he became a lawyer. and he doesn't tell maya either until she literally stops him and forces him to tell her. and he didn't tell maya about miles's disappearance. and he didn't say anything about his involvement with iris at the beginning of 3-5.
and in aa4, that secretiveness is only exacerbated after not only his client but the entire legal system suddenly turned on him. right out of the gate in 4-1, phoenix is very selective with the information he discloses, like when he chooses to plead the fifth and refuses to elaborate on his game with shadi, or when he lies to the judge about his locket (through omission, but a lie nonetheless). and even throughout the game, he never tells anyone about his work on the mason system and he doesn't tell apollo and trucy about their mother.
and not only that, but he works as a poker player!! the entire point of poker is to be secretive and misleading!!! and he keeps up this facade throughout the game, projecting this character of a sleazy, shady poker player, even leaning into the rumors of him forging evidence. all when he's trying to enact generally positive legal reforms!! it's as if he's keeping up this poker face throughout the game, and it only makes him even more secretive and cryptic.
my point is, there's such a stark contrast between the bubbly, emotional, and forthcoming college student phoenix wright and the mysterious, closed-off poker player phoenix wright. and even lawyer phoenix is secretive to a degree!!
and i can't help but think that dahlia's last words to phoenix before she was arrested contributed to that change at least partially. do you think dahlia would have never resorted to murder if phoenix didnt tell anyone abt the necklace? do you think he blames himself for doug swallow's death? he was just innocently gushing about his girlfriend!!! how could he have known it would lead to something like this!?? and if this much harm could have been caused just by telling people about a little necklace, i'd understand why phoenix wouldnt want to talk about his life at all!!
but as much as he's been betrayed or weathered down, no matter how many walls he builds or how he changes, there's one thing that has stayed constant throughout his life as we've seen it, and that's especially apparent with his beanie and locket. his beanie, likely a gift from trucy with the word "papa" stitched onto it, and the locket with a picture of his daughter. both symbols of his love for trucy, just like how he wore the bottle necklace and the sweater made by iris as a sign of his love for her. and if there's anything to glean from these parallels, it's that there's a part of phoenix that never faded away after all those years, that still cares for people so ardently and so strongly and with all his heart. and that's something that will probably never change.
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bijillion · 3 months
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its okay weed is legal in Southern California
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metaphorical-goblin · 10 months
Thinking about Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth being kidnapped for ransom or whatever
The thing is that he is So Done With This by now, and when he feels something press against his back and some squeaky voice just saying “don’t move!” he sighs and puts his hands up, all casual compliant whatever
Sits very primly in the backseat of the car that they threw him in, and of course he tears them up, “really? An unmarked vehicle? Do you understand how suspicious you look? And not even any accommodations, don’t you understand that hostages are much more compliant if they feel they have some sort of leverage—“ (they give him a cup of tea to placate him for a bit)
Then “I suppose you want the entire police force after you, too. My husband is known for his ruthless pursuits, as I’m sure you’re aware.”
ARCH HIS EYEBROW. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know.”
ohgodohgodohGOD quick get his PHONE, find— GAH WHERE’S THE NAME— oh there it is, Phoenix Wright. Dig the gun into his side and tell him to make up some excuse
“Hello, Phoenix. I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’m going to have to cancel our plans for tonight. Things got busy at work,” yadda yadda
Phoenix, sitting there in his sweatpants and fuzzy socks, stuff sitting out for their mud masks and snacks for their monthly Movie Night: “uh”
“Alright, I love you. Goodbye”
HANG UP FAST, throw his phone out the window, whatever, and MEANWHILE, Phoenix gathering evidence (first name basis? canceling plans to watch Steel Samurai?? I love you???Something seems fishy….)
They find him in less than an hour
“So… husband?”
“Shut up, Wright”
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possesseddog · 11 months
everything abt phoenix and edgeworth makes it seem like edgeworth is Cool and Composed while phoenix is on the urge of a mental breakdown at all times, and while that is true about phoenix, I think it needs to be said that edgeworth is equally flappable. he gets startled in court and does the shinji chair meme standing up. he feels one emotion and visibly sweats. man is not Easy to read but he is like a small dog in the way that you can tell when he is distressed
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fantasy-girl974 · 2 months
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Studying hard
**** A follow up of the comic I did based on the fanfic "One step at a time" by OuterWilde 💙
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doctorsiren · 4 months
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I drew Mob Psycho 100 characters as Ace Attorney ones in my last post , so here’s the reverse of that! (The explanation can be found on that linked post ^^)
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hychlorions · 6 months
how do i even caption this
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box-dwelling · 2 months
I put this in discord but fuck it it's post worthy. I missed the month but AA charcaters and are they publicly out (like in terms of being legal celebrities, not with friends and family) and do they attend pride.
Phoenix: He is not out because he doesn't like talking about his personal life at fucking all. But if asked directly he's gonna admit to it. But he does definitely go to pride every year with Trucy and is the guy to give dad hugs to queer kids who's parents don't support them
Apollo: The press will wrestle his sexuality and being trans from his cold dead hands. He does go to pride but very specifically because he's trans, not because he's gay. Given his taste in men he does not think that's something to be proud of
Mia: 100% out publicly and does go to pride.
Athena: Not really famous enough for people to care but she's not hiding anything at all from the public. She goes to pride every year and loves it
Maya: Out publicly as a deliberate stance around the complicated gender politics of Kurain. Loves pride and brings pearl along who loves the rainbows but will stare homophobically at any gay person she sees.
Ema: not famous enough for anyone to care but she will absolutely mention it if she ever is. She is going to pride and she is getting wasted and high and then having a questionable hookup
Miles: Literally started this train of thought. He is not out publicly. He would find the very concept of revealing his sexuality publicly demeaning and invasive. He doesn't like pride for introvert reasons, he only ever goes as a chaperone for Kay and Seb.
Franziska: Very very out. But she is not going to pride unless she's asked to do a speech because she is a god damn workoholic. She only goes personally if Maya drags her along and then she does actually have a ton of fun.
Godot: I don't think he's even out to himself.
Klavier: He is very very out publicly but his fans still debate it. A lot of people think he's queerbaiting for his career despite all evidence to the contrary. He is at pride EVERY yeah and will go to as many parades as he can manage. Huge pride guy. He also probably performs there 99% of the time.
Simon: Robert Patterson levels of out. He is not here to represent anyone, he is here to baffle. He goes to pride mostly with Athena and refuses to wear any colours.
Gumshoe: Again not really famous enough for it to matter. But he fucking loves pride. He enjoys himself so much. Honestly even if you don't interpret him as queer I think he'd still go to pride as a loud as hell ally.
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turnaboutfix · 5 months
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Maya May Day 2 (guess I'm doing this): What if Eddy actually chose death tho
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