#mentions of impure agere
bunnelbaby · 9 months
Regressing or dreaming due to stress does not make you or your headspace impure.
Regressing or dreaming due to anxiety does not make you or your headspace impure.
Regressing or dreaming due to trauma does not make you or your headspace impure.
Regressing or dreaming due to mental, physical or emotional health reasons does not make you or your headspace impure.
Regressing or dreaming due to overstimulation/understimulation does not make you or your headspace impure.
Regressing or dreaming due to anger or frustration does not make you or your headspace impure.
Regardless of what your reason is for entering your headspace, there is no such thing as regressing/dreaming impurely as this is a coping mechanism meant to help you.
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ittybittybatboy · 6 months
Possible trigger warning, childhood bullying, avoid if regressed. It's about realizing why I've regressed since i was 14, and never realized it. You really don't need to see or read this if you’re not in a good headspace. I just know unless I get it out somehow I will hyperfixate on this subject.
When I look back on my childhood I was bullied. A lot. I had 1 friend and everyone else made fun of me and said (either my autism or asthma i can't remember) was contagious and would run away. I had this vivid memory come to me if wondering why they hated me, why they were so mean, why I was alone on a playground with no friends nearby. Almost made me impure age regress. I think that's why I can't have friends who casually bully each other. I think i just realized the reason I regressed even before the person who really caused me to need agere so much was because of how much I was bullied, without realizing that it was, in fact, bullying. Being that weird autistic adhd kid really wasn't fun. It just made me feel alone and ostracized. At least now I know my friends are truly my friends. The ones I have now I know would never treat me like those kids did. I think i just, accidently blocked some of those memories and them suddenly coming back to me and making me feel like a bullied kid again isn’t fun. I think that's me, accidently impure regressing.
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strawberryfloofs · 4 months
lets show some love to the regressors who...
note: slight mentions of trauma/mental health issues - can only do/feel comfortable with non-physical punishments - feel uncomfortable with calling carers daddy, having a masc presenting one - feel uncomfortable using parental names - are very sensitive in their headspace and need constant reassurance - have impure regression, or use regression to cope with mental health problems - have trauma is linked to their regressing - have age regression blocks or periods that there's a lot of regressing, and then none (you're still a regressor -fellow one who does this) - when tiny, struggle to self-regulate and feel a lot of big feelings intensely - have a lot, or mostly involuntary regression that's really bumpy- switching from little age to little age - regress so tiny, that they also get frustrated with the effects (ex: upset it's hard to use your words, or can't walk around without stumbling/bumping into things -also me) - have big or intrusive thoughts while tiny - are flips (you don't have to be big, let alone a caregiver all the time) - feel tiny, but not tiny enough for most activities (like too big for coloring, dolls, cartoon, etc)
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As someone who also struggles with most of these things, I think it's important to talk about them. Yes, they don't fit the "cutesy pinterest tiktok agere" people are used to, but regression is different for everyone. I just wanna say, you're not alone.
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agere-fics · 8 months
Mickey D's
dni: k!nk, anti-agere, agepl4y, or ddlg-esque blogs 🍄 this blog is a safe space for age regressors and age dreamers 🍄
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Characters: Modern World AU Din Djarin, Age Regressor Reader
Pairing: Caregiver!Din Djarin x Regressor!Reader
Summary: A long day of work was the tipping point for your stress. Now, you're impure regressing.
Word Count: 764
Content Warnings: Impure regression, stress, physical touch (like hugs), mentions of going to work, work related stress, use of bubby/baba for Din, that's it :)
love y'all 🐈
Most days you can move past that gut wrenching feeling. It lingers in your abdomen, in a stand still, until it bulges out like a cruel, evil monster.
What comes of it is a crying, snotty mess. Makes you feel like the world is crumbling and that soon the universe would be devoured. But after a while... it can actually make you feel okay. Being little turns into a warm, tight hug, with heaps of security and safety.
You're so busy for so long that you hardly ever go into that headspace willingly anymore. Your subconscious decides when it's had enough at whatever point in time.
Today was one of those days and you think Din knew.
For one thing, you had him drive you to work that morning. The less obvious one may have been you biting your nails. Maybe your orderly squared breathing was noticed, too.
You were about to find out as you walked closer and closer to his parked grey pickup truck.
You reached for the car door and swung it open.
"Hey, bug-"
"SHHHH!" You panicked and looked around. No heads were turned or funny faces pulled. You were in the clear.
Din muttered a soft oh.
Belongings flew onto the floor of his truck, followed by you plopping nto the passenger seat. The door slammed shut.
You sighed, covering your face with your hands.
Din started, "Can I-"
Screams were muffled, taking residency in your palms.
"Oh, baby." Din slowly reached his arm over to you, placing his hand on your back. You flinched, but didn't give any other sign of discomfort from it. He rubbed soft circles into you, and breathed a deep sigh.
It hurt so bad, so very bad, this pain in your chest, this ache in your heart, this hurt in your head. But you couldn't even cry. Nothing. Not even a tear. You were so numb to it all.
You threw your body into him, colliding with his side and wrapping your arms around him. "B-bubby." you quivered.
Din leaned into your embrace and kissed the top of your head. "It's alright. It's okay." He assured you. "Some days are not good days. I know the feeling. You're doing so good, and trying so hard. I'm so proud of you for that."
"Don't wanna- can't talk 'bout it anymore."
"We don't have to, little lovebug. I do have something that might cheer you up, though, but only if you're interested-"
You lifted your head and looked at him with wide curious eyes. Your bubby looked right back at you with the universe glowing in his. A grin finally grew upon your face as you moved to sit back in the passenger seat.
"Close your eyes."
You squeezed your eyes really, really tight. So tight, it was kinda uncomfortable. For good measure, you also used your palms to hide your eyes.
"I'm gonna hand it to you, and you have to guess what it is, okay?"
You nodded swiftly.
"Here ya go." Din giggled, loving how happy he could make you.
You heard the crinkling of something but gasped as soon as you felt it. It was that all so familiar bag you've held countless times before. Your eyes went wide. You kicked your legs and swung your body side to side, you were just so excited you couldn't contain it. "It's McDonald's!"
"That's right, my beautiful little one, it's good ol' Mickey D's." Both of you let out little giggles.
What's the best elixir for a bad, bad day? Bubby and your favorite food EVER!
You started to open the bag until Din stopped you.
"Wait, butterfly, hold on." You look at him. "I need you to eat it at home."
"Awww," you frowned. "But why?"
"Because," He thought for a moment. "Because, bubby likes to keep this big, old truck very, very clean... and being clean makes me very, very happy."
You looked at him for a second and eventually relinquished. "Okay. I love you, Bubby. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"I love you even more, honey bee." He kissed your head. Din got settled back in his seat and began to start up the car. "Seatbelts on?"
You exclaimed, "Oh, yeah! check!"
"Okay, we are off-"
Din moved his foot. Luckily he hadn't actually started going yet. His brows wrinkled. "Huh?" He looked down and saw that he did, in fact, forget to put it on.
"Silly bubby, we have to be safe!" You quickly dragged his seat belt into the buckle and made sure he was very properly secured.
"Thank you so much, caterpillar. What would I do without you." He smiled. "Now, can I go?" He looked to you expectantly.
"Yes! vroom vroom!"
Giggles echoed off the car walls, your day was already getting better.
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Hi, I like your blog! I was wondering what the term "impure age regression" means, because I've seen it mentioned in one of your posts as well as others in the community. Does it just mean NSFW regression?
(TW: mentions of NSFW, kink, and ageplay)
Hey! and thanks! I’d be happy to explain the term :)
So in the SFW age regression community, we frequently use the terms ‘pure’ and ‘impure’ to describe our regression. I think it would be easiest to explain both terms, as they are cooperative.
Pure regression is what you’ll see mostly on this site. It’s the stuffed animals, play time, kid’s shows, snacks, moodboards, and general joy. This is what people usually think of when they hear the term ‘Little Space.’ All together, this is the happy stuff.
Impure regression still refers to entering a younger headspace, but not because you are happy, nor is it going to make you feel happy. Impure deals with the darker side of regressing. It often includes tantrums, crying, feeling overwhelmed, depression, flashbacks, and other negative feelings. That joy and happiness isn’t there. Usually, this is where we are processing our trauma.
Both pure and impure regression are very important in their own ways. While it might seem best to avoid the stress and negativity as much as possible, working through trauma is how we are able to move on and overcome it. And, the balance of pure VS impure headspace depends on the person. The way they experience and cope with it will vary as well.
While I can understand why someone might assume ‘impure regression’ to refer to NSFW due to its title, it is in no way sexual. Quite frankly, it’s the opposite, as this is when a regressor is at their most vulnerable—literally being in the headspace of a traumatized child and absolutely cannot consent while in that mindset.
The SFW age regression community is in no way affiliated with any ageplay, kink, etc. Unfortunately, the internet loves to prey on the agere community, which has made it harder to distinguish terms.
Age regression (SFW) and ageplay (NSFW) are completely separate groups and mean very different things. The first being a trauma healing community, and the latter being a BDSM subtype. It is a common misconception, but there is no such thing as NSFW age regression. It is either age regression, which is inherently not sexual; or it is ageplay, which is sexual. I hope none of this is coming across too hard, btw; I don’t want it to seem like an attack or anything. I absolutely understand how the terminology can be confused, I just want to make sure to draw clear lines between the SFW and NSFW in order to keep the community safe.
Thank you for your question and I hope this helps! If something doesn’t make sense, then feel free to shoot me another ask and I’ll elaborate. Lots of love to you, anon, and I hope your day is going well :)
-Marty 👻
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dino-boyo-agere · 2 years
Not On Valentine's Day
╰→ Steddie AgeRe fanfic
[Word count: 1748] holy crap, that's a big boi!
Character info:
Steve - Age Regressor (lil age 3-ish)
Eddie  - caregiver ("Poppa")
Steve deals with immense pressure, caused by him planning a elaborate Valentine's Date for Eddie, while desperately trying not to slip into little space.
Tw! Angst, Hurt & comfort, mention of: impure regression, mental health, self loathing, anxiety & intimacy.
╰→ It's all kept SFW!!
! Age Regression is not a k*nk !
Steve felt like he was going to burst under all this pressure, it was to much. He planned and prepared a romantic valentine's date...
Well, he wasn't quite done yet, even though it was already Feburary 14th.
It was still in the early hours of the morning, but nonetheless, his anxiety was through the roof. He barely got any sleep and he still had so much to do. Steve whished he could just curl up infront of the TV, in his PJs, eating fruit loops and- 
Oh, no..
He could feel himself beginning to slip.
No, he can't have that, not today, darnit..
"Get it together, Harrington.." he mumbled to himself, slightly slapping his own cheek, as a means to stay aware, stay alert, stay big.
He wanted this day to be perfect.
He wanted tonight to be a romantic and.. hecc.. intimate experience with Eddie. Not whatever his stupid, effed up brain wanted to make out of it.
He won't- no.. He can't let himself ruin this for Eddie, not again..
Why did he always have to make everything about himself? Eddie deserved better. He deserved a nice, romantic date, in which he would be the center of attention. And Steve was going to make that happen, today.
He pushed aside the self-destructive thoughts and his urge to regress, focusing soely on making this work. On making this day perfect, for Eddie.
So, he continued with the preparations to make this happen.
He went all out, exhausting himself more and more in the process.
The whole ordeal also took him way longer than anticipated, since he continually had to fight slipping.
While cleaning the house, he constantly got distracted by finding toys or other 'little stuff'.
Whilst cooking a fancy three course meal, he found it frustratingly hard to read and understand the recipe, resulting in him having to start over two times.
He had to calm himself down and remind himself that monsters aren't real, before being able to enter the cellar, so he could pick out one of the most expensive whines from his parents collection.
Upon selecting some romantic movies, he had to resist just throwing in- and watching a cartoon.
He had to give up on the idea of building a blanket fort, while making the bed.
When he took a shower, he denied himself using his 'spiderman shampoo', though he really wanted to.
And as he picked his clothes, Steve had to go with something elegant, instead of his cozy footed PJ's he so desperately wanted to snuggle up in.
Hopelessly klinging on to his big headspace, Steve had to remind himself to stay focused on the mission, constantly.
In the evening, he was finally done, right before Eddie arrived.
He embraced his boyfriend with a hug and excitedly explained his plans for the day.
Steve could still feel his brain being fuzzy, though he eagerly tried to hide it.
Eddie could tell that something was bothering Steve, he avoided eye contact and seemed to be restless. Always jumping up 'to get-' or 'because he forgot something'. 
So, he asked his boyfriend if everything was alright.
Steve just shrugged him off, stating: "Oh, yeah. It's- I'm just a little tired, that's all. And so excited for today, really."
Eddie knew he was lying, or at least not telling the whole truth, but he didn't want to push it, so he just accepted Steve's explanation and moved on from the topic.
The date was going great.
Their food was delicious and they've snuggled up infront of the TV, watching some cheesey romance movies. They liked judging- and making fun of the stupid decisions characters tend to make.
Under the blanked, Eddie started gently caressing Steve's thigh. As he was just about to lean in for a passionate kiss, he stopped right in his tracks, when he saw Steve's face. A look of unease, or even fear, in his glazed eyes.
Eddie knew that look. He knew it too well.. This was the look of a- no, of his deeply afflicted darling boy.
Immediately, he lifted his hand from the boys leg, ever so gently placing it on his cheek instead.
He rubbed his thumb against the soft skin lovingly & with such vigilance, as to not scare Steve further.
"Oh, oh baby, I'm so sorry." Eddie said, his voice shaking from guilt and hurt, for almost harming his little one.
He felt like punching himself in the face. How didn't he catch that sooner?!
He almost kissed his little one passionately, hasn't he looked up in time. What kind of awful Caregiver would he be if..
Eddie could feel his stomach turn at the thought of that.
"I'm so sorry." He repeated.
Steve was perplexed, at first.
He didn't notice how far he had already slipped, cuddled up on the couch like that.
He wasn't fully regressed yet, still capable of thinking  somewhat adult-ish. But it was definitely noticable that he wasn't fully there.
Nonetheless, he wanted to play it off, he's come so far, he won't let himself ruin this for Eddie.
"N- no, it's okay.. look." Steve tried to sound as convincing as possible, leaning in for a kiss, desperately pushing away the feeling of unease and disgust. Attempting to assure, not just Eddie, but himself aswell.
'Eddie is my boyfriend, darn it.. Why do I have to be so weird about this.. He's not disgusting..I should just kis-'
Eddie stopped his thoughts and advances, backing away, while gently holding Steve at arms length by his shoulders.
"Whoa there, Kiddo.. What are you- That's not appropriate!" He exclaimed.
Eddie was mortified.
Something was clearly affecting his little one in a very negative way and he had to know what it was. He had to know how he could help him.
Steve, meanwhile, grew frustrated.
"What do you mean 'not appropriate'? You're my boyfriend and boyfriends kiss." He snapped at the bewildered man in front of him.
Eddie remained calm.
"Yes, I am your boyfriend, when you are big-Steve. When you are little-Steve, I am your Poppa. And right now you are not big, Buddy." He explained, his voice assertive but tender.
Tears formed in Steve's eyes, prompting Eddie to pull him into a warm hug, kissing the top of his head. "It's okay, Darling. I've got you. You can talk to me." He reassured his little one.
Steve began sobbing, slipping further into his regression.
He started apologizing. "I'm s- so sor-ry. I ruined valentine days. I aways ruin tings an I'm aways se- selfish.. sorry.. sorry."
He was unbelievably upset with his actions and ashamed for again making everything about himself..
At least that's how he viewed the situation.
Eddie tightened the hug.
"Don't say that. You didn't ruin anything, nor are you selfish in any way.-"
His attempt to comfort Steve was interposed by the latter, who was vehemently fighting his regression once again.
"Yes, I did an- and yes, I am.. I always do this.. I- it's always just.. me. Me. ME.. This was sup- supposed to be y- you day. So.. so I tried to.. just.. s- suck it up.. and.. and.."
Steve was visibility shaking, when Eddie interrupted his rambling.
".. and just kiss me? Disregarding your own emotions? Ignoring how you felt unsafe and uncomfortable?"
Tears where forming in his eyes now aswell, at the thought of his Darling having to deal with such harmful thoughts, all on his own. Eddie's body also began to tramle too.
Steve looked up at him, having fully slipped now. Besides, he was to exhausted to fight it any longer anyways.
*¹ "Is sowwy. I kno it bad foa meh. I jus' wan u to be happeh. sowwy, Poppa."
He sniffled into his caregivers chest.
Eddie pulled him even closer.
"Steve, Darling.. I love you." He could feel hot tears running down his cheeks.
"Wether you're big or small. I'm more than excited to spend valentine's day with you." The boy in his arms looked up at him, wiping away a tear from his caregivers face, before letting him continue.
"I don't care if we eat fancy cuisine or dino nuggets. I don't care if we watch a romantic movie or cartoons. I don't care if we get intimate or just cuddle." He paused again, to kiss Steve's forehead.
"I am happy, as long as I am with you. So.." Eddie tightened his hug, pulling his Darling closer once more.
"..just let me be with you, whichever you it may be. Please stop trying to hide yourself, to try and accomodate me."
He loosened the hug, to gently grab Steve's face with both hands, lovingly looking into his eyes. "I love you, Steve. I love each and every part of you and that'll never change, ever."
Eddie was full on crying now.
Both of them embraced in a tight hug again, weeping into each others sweaters.
They stayed like that for a little while.
As the sniffling and sobs slowly subsided, Eddie could hear a soft whisper. So quiet, he couldn't make out what was said.
"Sorry, Stevie. I didn't quite catch that. What did you say? Could you repeat it for me, Darling?" Eddie asked softly, rubbing his little one's back.
"Pwomise?" Steve repeated, intently staring at his carer's hoodie strings, with which he was fiddling.
Eddie immediately understood what he was referring to.
"Promise. I'll always love you as you are, Sweetheart." He promptly answered and placed a kiss on Steve's forehead.
*² "Wuv yuh too, foreva.. pomise." The boy replied, now sleepily chewing on the strings of Eddie's hoodie, his eyes half closed.
He was exhausted..
Exhausted from all the planning and preparing.
Exhausted from trying to fight slipping all day.
Exhausted from crying so much.
Exhausted from having to deal with all those big feelings for so long.
After sitting there, cuddling for a while, Eddie got up. He turned on some soft music on his speakers, before carrying his Darling Boy to bed.
Kissing his forehead again, he whispered: "Happy Valentines day, Stevie." into the little one's hair, before closing his eyes aswell.
Steve knew he was safe now. In Eddie's arms, he was home.
His strength was barely enough to give a dazed "mhmm" in response.
Eddie was content with that answer. With Steve in his arms, he was home.
They layed like that, tangled up in each other's arms, snuggling, until they fell into a deep and much needed slumber.
I hope you liked my little Valentine's Day story.
& thank you so much for reading!
╰→ (Stevie's Baby-Talk Translation)
*¹ "I'm sorry. I know it's bad for me. I just want you to be happy. sorry, Eddie."
*² "I love you too, forever. I promise."
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・».゚°・⁠✧ ↓ DNI ↓ ✧・° ゚.«・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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#nates stories
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8-rae-rae-8 · 8 months
Feral anon, back again
I had a realization that I'm planning on turning into a fluffy agere ramble but I thought id share my realization w/ you and put it in an angsty perspective. (also some HCs about their personal lives.)
cw: Toxic family dynamics, depression mention, mentioned verbal abuse All the boys probably struggle a lot during their leave, away from base.
Ghost is forced to stay on base due to technically being dead and doesn't want to bother anyone so he fights off his regression and insists he's fine. In reality, he's all alone and stuck with his thoughts with not much to do and stubbornly fights off his regression. He gets bouts of depression. He'll over exercise, he'll lose sleep, he'll punch walls in the base due to all his overwhelming emotions. When it gets too much, he impurely regresses and hides away in his room. weeping to himself. (HC) Price has a large house. He inherited it from his grandparents. It's a nice house but he hates coming back to it bc he doesn't have anyone to come home to. He tends to smoke more when he's home to help distract him from his loneliness and the empty feeling deep inside. He misses his boys deeply. He misses the chats, the banter, the late night poker games...but he probably misses taking care of them the most. He sleeps in his bed alone, thinking of his littles and his heart aches to the point where his eyes sting w/ unshed tears.
Soap, like Graves comes from a large family w/ a lot of siblings and cousins(He's the middle child and I imagine there's a little bit of sibling favoritism). Despite his efforts and achievements, he feels overshadowed and practically invisible. He can barely get three words in before one of his relatives cut him off and speak over him. He's often delegated to the 'family's babysitter' and gets all the kids shoved onto him. He tries to address it but is told off and told to stop being 'so selfish'. he doesn't get a chance to properly wind down. He doesn't get to regress at all and He often comes back to base feeling drained. Gaz's family situation is complicated. He loves them, but they had a lot of expectations for him and don't support his military career. Family reunions are very tense and often result in a lot of criticism and thinly veiled, passive aggressive comments. All which are aimed deep and sting hard. He's a people pleaser and it breaks him when he's disappointed the ones he loves. For their sake, he forces himself to endure their displeasure and constant criticism. The stress of it all makes him regress and he's little, stuck with thoughts of not being good enough for his parents. The damage done takes weeks to repair once he's back on base.
i hope this is okay vbjdf
I definitely think those are accurate 😭 especially the Gaz one??? Spot on for my HCs !!!
Something a lil sad I'm thinking about is
Price returning to his office after his leave, and he finds a poorly scribbled note in crayon right on his keyboard. Obviously Ghost's work. It just says: "stay next time?" All sad with like rain clouds on it and sad faces
Soap and Gaz equally miserable and cuddling after while they decompress, but Ghost doesn't really go hang out. He stays in his room until the next day of them all being back on base
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spookypookies · 9 months
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asheiji agere headcanons TW: CSA, sa mention, impure regression, bed wetting, diapers, d1no mention, mvrder,
Ash is a trauma regressor and regresses from 0-3 so very small
Eiji is his primary CG and a great one at that
Ash didn't get a non-sexualized childhood so this is his chance to try
Eiji has a perfect gift of calming Ash down and getting him regressed
Ash has to wear diapers since he wets the bed a lot and it makes him feel smaller
Eiji has the little one sleep next to him when he has nightmares and comforts him
Ash loves cheese itz and grape juice as snacks
Eiji is such a great caregiver he helps Ash with all his infant needs
Ash gets nightmares about Dino hurting him again eiji kisses all the hurt away
Eiji has an easier time waking ash up but he still gets fussy
Ash calls Eiji more fem cg names like "mommy, mama, mama bear"
Eiji will put ash on his hip and not let anyone touch him not even ash's gang can't touch him
Ash likes more infant/baby nicknames like "bug, bugaboo, baby, baby boy,, puppy (not a pet regressor), honey, little one"
Ash regresses sometimes after fights and sometimes mvrder and FREAKS OUT eiji cant even calm him down its that bad
Eiji's specialty is forehead kisses and hand kisses
Eiji isn't a strict CG but has rules like no bad words, no talking bad about self, and behaving well. the basics
Ash is a very sleepy regressor and will nap on Eiji's shoulders, chest really anywhere he will sleep
i loved making this since i love BF and they deserved only happiness a cool fun fact about meee is I share a b-day with Ash Lynx and my secondary name is Aslan like his real name
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densengrsk · 25 days
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Agere!Ennis del mar Cg! Jack twist fic
///Tw: impure regression/ corpse mentioned/ non verbal agere/ just not an extremely happy agere fic
Word counter: 1876
The little cowboy
Jack gave a long yawn before glancing at Ennis and smiling, Ennis smiled back, and thought his smile seemed clearly off they both got into their horses, it was time for herding.
“Can’t believe he found out you didn’t go back to the sheep the other night… damn Aguirre got eyes everywhere” he murmured, looking over at Ennis.
The blonde man didn’t say nothing, instead just looking at Jack’s blue eyes a little shyly before they both started moving around with their horses together, going through the trees as the dogs helped them take the sheep to the right place
“Well I do sure hope we never have to work for that man again! He’s got us doin’ illegal stuff and he is the one that gets mad at us, really?! Because you didn’t go back to your tent one night? Doesn’t sound fair to me at all” He spat as he looked over at the other man, hoping for an answer this time
None again. Ennis nodded quietly as they kept riding, he stared at the ground the whole time, ocasionally looking over at the mountains and the trees surrounding them. the lack of speech and eye contact was making Jack at the very least a little weirded out, he was used to his partner not being so talkative, hell, before that time he spoke about his family by the campfire they had said very few words to each other.
Still Jack couldn’t help but feel like something was *off* he thought they had made progress because of how much they laughed together, how happy they were together, feelings wasn’t something they talked about often… rarely even a topic in their midnight talks, but this time it seemed necessary to ask a question about it, Jack cared too deeply for Ennis to just let this slide like it was nothing.
“I’m sorry.. did I say something wrong or.. did something happen?” He asked, genuinely wondering if maybe it was something he did wrong to upset Ennis
Ennis blinked twice as he got back to reality and bit the inside of his lower lip intensely
“Damn it” he thought… he had tried his best to hide this part of him to Jack… to everyone…and he had succeeded until now, why was Jack asking this all of a sudden, even Alma just took his quietness as “being too tired” and didn’t ask further questions.
Was he really that obvious? Had he really failed so badly to hide how he was feeling? Had he really let himself be so vulnerable in front of another person? He couldn’t, nobody could know that he got like this at times.. all quiet and childish, not even he himself could get why he got like this, so why would anyone.
Ennis was too deep in his thoughts, his breathing becoming more heavy as he started anxiously thinking of what would happen, of how would Jack react about the way he acted like sometimes, he already felt weird enough for what he was feeling for Jack.. he didn’t wanna be weirder, he didn’t want to be looked at like that, he didn’t wanna-
“Ennis” Jack almost shouted, trying his best to get Ennis out of his trance getting out of his horse right as they got to their designated location.
The blue eyed cowboy got near the other, watching him as he nervously tried to get off his horse too, still not answering the question from before or answering to his name.
“Ennis….” he repeated, his voice soft but with a little concern
Jack observed as his fellow cowboy struggled to get down his horse, which was very surprising, he had never had any trouble with stuff like that before.
“Need a hand?” Jack asked, without any trace of mockery in his voice, just concern.
Ennis nervously mumbled, not any of his word being actually coherent as his cheeks got redder by the second before finally sighing and nodding awkwardly, not even looking at Jack directly as he did.
“I’ll help ya then” he exclaimed before putting both of his arms around Ennis’s lower torso, which got him a little mumble out of Ennis due to how embarrassed he was
Thanks to Jack’s help the cowboy was finally able to get down his horse, his eyes still avoiding Jack’s gaze and his cheeks still red from the previous embarrassment and still… no words.
“Now I know you ain’t the most talkative fella out there, but I also know you are able to speak” he teased a little, smirk on his face
Ennis whimpered at the remark, his anxious thoughts from before were still there, but they had become clouded by the now warmth Ennis was feeling around Jack.
“I- you… uh..” small words got out of him as he tried to articulate an explanation, but his mind wasn’t helping a lot
“You don’t seem.. like yourself, you know?”
“I mean, I would never have thought you would accept my help so you could get down from your horse, hell, I would never have thought you would need help for getting down from your horse…”
The silence from Ennis was loud, he felt so anxious at the moment, he felt like he had done something very wrong and he felt like he was about to get scolded by Jack.
“So… is something wrong?”
Ennis felt a few tears leave his eyes, before nodding rapidly at the question, he couldn’t hide it anymore, not from Jack at least
Jack’s eyes widened at the sight of the tears running down Ennis’s face, he had never even imagined he would see his partner he this vulnerable
“H-hey.. it’s alright, you’re alright” Jack said as he got closer to Ennis, very concerned for him.
“S-sorry” he muttered, feeling very guilty for crying in front of someone
“N-no! It’s alright Ennis, you can tell me what’s wrong, okay?” Jack cooed as he wrapped his arms around the man.
But Ennis didn’t answer to this again, in all this time Jack had gotten very few words out of Ennis… he felt deeply concerned about him, he really *really* wanted to helped him, he loved him so much that he could’t stand seeing him like this
“Are you feeling better?” “No more tears?” Jack asked, looking at Ennis with a frown in his face
Ennis didn’t cry for long, he didn’t want to, he felt way too vulnerable doing so… but… he also didn’t want for Jack to let go of him, he felt way too needy right now, and even thought he hated being like this he also just couldn’t help it as of now, he felt too small.
Jack started slowly letting go, he wanted to actually speak to Ennis and get to the root of the issue, to actually understand what was going on with the man he loved.
“Mph..” ennis whimpered, he didn’t wanna let go, not yet.
“Alright then” “but… it’s only fair for you tell me what is going on Ennis”
Jack let go finally, and Ennis kept quiet for a few seconds, his thoughts were fussy and words were very hard to get out at the moment, they always were when he was like this… as long as he could remember. Still, he tried his best, for Jack.
He remembered exactly what he had seen before he started acting like this, a dead sheep, he couldn’t get the horrifying picture out of his head as he kept trying to articulate his thoughts, the sheep had scared him to death, and even worse, it had reminded him of the same sight he saw when he was just a kid, when his daddy showed him the corpse of Earl as a warning, as a warning to not act like the dead man or the same would happen to him.
Ennis had shown Jack the dead sheep before… just so he would know in case Aguirre asked, but he didn’t want anything to do with it, he felt way too uncomfortable with the task of getting rid of the body, so he didn’t, and Jack ended up doing it, not getting why Ennis hadn’t himself.
“S-sh-eep” he mumbled, a small tremble leaving his body as he spoke, putting one of his knuckles in his mouth as he stopped speaking
“The sheep? You mean the dead sheep from earlier today? I got rid of it if that’s what bothering you”
Ennis felt a little more relieved at the declaration, he didn’t wanna see that sheep anymore
“I-uh- felt… s-scar-y..” he muttered, cheeks red from the confession that the sight had scared him
“Oh! … I’m sorry, I didn’t get that at first, I should have noticed the sheep had scared you Ennis” Jack said gently, he still found the situation amusing, not expecting Ennis to be this affected by the sight
“Little” Ennis said without trouble, he still didn’t get why, why he felt like this, like he needed comfort the way a little kid would, but he trusted Jack enough to try and explain it to him.
“Little?” Jack questioned, looking a little confused
Ennis nodded quietly, and pointed at himself, he wasn’t sure how to explain this thing as he wasn’t even sure what this thing even was, he just knew it had always been with him, and it always appeared when he felt way too overwhelmed.
“You?” Jack raised his eyebrow in confusion, but tried his best to understand the situation.
“You’re little…? That’s what you’re trying to say?” Jack was very confused, he couldn’t hide that, but he was also very worried, he didn’t want Ennis to keep feeling bad, he didn’t want him to feel so guilty.
Ennis didn’t answer, too shy and embarrassed this time to admit that Jack’s statement was exactly how he was feeling.. little
“I don’t think I get it perfectly Ennis… but I want to, and as long as I’m around you can trust me with.. feeling little, alright?” Jack offered a smile, his words were sincere
Ennis’s eyes teared up again, this time just because of how emotional he was at the statement, he slowly raised his arms, wanting a hug from Jack
“C’mere little cowboy” Jack chuckled as he hugged Ennis’s tightly.
“No more tears… alright?” Jack said as he smiled, he didn’t want to see Ennis sad, or with any negative emotion
Ennis nodded, before leaving an almost involuntary “yes dada..”
Jack was extremely surprised as the words came out of Ennis’s mouth, surprise from how unexpected it was.. but also for how cute Ennis’s sounded saying it
“That’s right little lamb, dada’s here” jack cooed, Ennis’s closing his eyes as he hid in the other man’s chest, feeling calmer than he ever did before.
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babyyspaces-blog · 2 years
What is Regression?
Definition -
Age regression is when someone reverts to a younger state of mind. This regression may be only a few years younger than the person's physical age. It could also be much younger, into early childhood or even infancy.
Why? -
Age regression is often used as a coping mechanism for things like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Regression in adults can arise at any age; This would be retreating to an earlier stage of life. (emotionally, socially and/or behaviourally). Many overwhelming emotions can cause an adult to regress. In essence, individuals revert to a point in their development when they felt safer and when stress was non-existent, or another adult would have rescued them.
How it helps -
Age regression provides a safe space and break from mental health issues and other issues. Many regressors benefit from having a caregiver to provide them with extra love and support. Some regressors may need help with: A reasonable bedtime, A set of rules to help them manage daily life or to generally help with personal matters such as grooming/eating.
Terms -
Caregiver: Someone who looks after a age regressor when they are regressed, they can also be referred to as other names
Little: Another term for an age regressor
Agere: The shortened version of age regression
Cglre: Caregiver/little regression
Little space: The younger age regression headspace (0-9)
Middle space: The older age regression headspace (10-14)
Sibby: A friend who you regress with and see as a "sibling"
Play/Vent Regressed: This is other terms for pure/impure regression
Voluntary/Involuntary -
Voluntary age regression is where a person chooses to regress to relieve stress, cope with mental health issues or for fun. Involuntary age regression is where someone regresses against their will, typically to deal with high levels of stress or due to past trauma.
What is Age Dreaming?
The difference between age regression and age dreaming is that in age regression your brain mentally reverts back to a younger age where as in age dreaming you do not do that. An age dreamer is someone who likes having the mentality of a younger age but they do not mentally revert back to a younger age. Age Dreaming can and is still used as a coping mechanism in the same way regression is. Some age regressors use age dreaming as a way to help them self's regress. Some Age Dreamers also use little gear like pacifiers and sippy cups etc and take part in childish activities just like regressors
What is Pet Regression?
Pet regression (petre for short) is very similar to age regression, but instead of regressing to a younger age you regress to the mindset/head space of an animal. This animal can be anything from household pets, wild animals and mythical creatures. When regressing as an animal the person may take on behaviours similar to that animal for example a puppy regressor may be more energetic, bite things and want to play. Pet regression is the same as age regression - a safe state of mind to have a break from mental health and other life problems. Many pet regressors use gear such as ears, collars & dog toys but they may still use things used in age regression.
What is Pure & Impure regression?
Impure regression (also known as vent regression) is typically your brains involuntary response to thinking about traumatic events, severe mental health issues or flash backs to keep you safe and let you feel they emotions and a safe way. Impure regression is fully involuntary and always triggered by the above mentioned things, meaning you don't control when or how you regress. Impure regression can involve flash backs, crying, bad memories etc and is over all a scary and not happy experience.
Pure regression (also known as play regression) is when you involuntary or voluntarily regress. it is normally a happy and fun experience and a way to escape mental health and other issues for a while and cope. It is possible to be upset during pure regression but it is not impure. Though it is possible for pure regression to becoming impure by a trigger such as listed above.
What is a Caregiver?
A caregiver is someone who helps to look after someone when they are regressed, The relationship may be platonic or romantic it just depends on the people. Some regressors may refer to there caregiver as mommy or daddy but there are many names you can call a caregiver it just depends on what you’re both comfortable with and like, some regressors just call their cg by there name. A caregiver may help there little by checking they have ate, drank and taken there meds, They may also set rules and rewards. Using the rules as motivation for the regressor to do things they need to do. Caregivers help littles regress by talking to and treating them as the age they regress too. they may do this by asking them to color a picture, put on a kids movie for them or just tucking them up with there stuffies and blankie, there are lots of ways a caregiver can help there little it just depends on the person.
Age Ranges -
Uses pacifier
Uses Bottles
Uses Diapers
Sleeps a lot
Dependant on carer
Baby talks
May be/go nonverbal
Uses pacifier
Uses sippy cups
May use diapers
Uses words but not full sentences
Likes toys and stuffies
May be/go nonverbal
Likes to color
Active and energetic
Enjoys games
Plays dress up
More independent
Very curious
High energy
Highly independent
Enjoys video games
Very social
Enjoys video games
Likes spending time with friends
Mostly independent
(this may not apply to everyone and is a very basic description)
What Is Regression Carrd:
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bitey-baby-shark · 1 year
30 Days of Agere: Day Nineteen
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19.) What’s your opinion on the agere community?
Hoo boy. Okay at risk of getting completely cancelled, I’m gonna be honest. A lot of ranting about the community under the read more.
I hate the agere community as it is now. If you’ve seen some of my personal posts before that can be picked up on very easily. It’s wayyy too eager to witch-hunt people simply for using the “wrong” tags or expressing the “wrong” opinion. Not to mention, it feels so... instagram-ified. Like everything I see is pink or pastel or rainbow and it feels like it was meant to be more aesthetic than practical and it feels like all I see are picture perfect young 18 or something year old girls being all soft and delicate and it infuriates me because that’s NOT what age regression is about. Age regression is about giving yourself space to explore your childhood again, and sometimes the trauma and baggage that comes with it. It should be loud and messy and not “picture perfect” because that’s not what kids are. It’s especially infuriating as someone who is traditionally masculine in all other aspects of my life, including my regression and everytime I go on the agere tag being flooded with super soft pink imagery. It’s the reason I changed the agere image I’m using for this to be blue. Like I hate to admit it but seeing the community as it is makes me dysphoric. It’s okay to like what you like and do regression how you want to do it but like??? It can infuriate me to no end sometimes. 
Like you can be a dude and still like everything I’ve listed above, you can like pink and dolls and tea parties and being soft and gentle, but what about those of us who aren’t that. That’s the main reason I made this blog, is to have a space to express my little self the way I want it to be expressed. I’ve been planning to make more regressor content as it relates to me being a traditionally masculine trans dude, but I’m so worried about the masses converging on me to accuse me of being a misogynist or some other crap because I just want a space for more masculine regressors to exist. 
The other big thing that kind of made me unreasonably mad at the community and write it off as a whole is the use of “pure” and “impure” regression. I once saw a post that said “impure regression is when you regress due to trauma” with not a single ounce of self awareness. This community decided as a whole (and I do acknowledge there’s been some push back but it feels too little too late) that those of us who regress due to trauma and express big emotions in our little space makes our regression “impure”. Do you understand how unbelievably scummy that is? To take a group of people who are traumatized and label and other their regression into something impure???? I am still unreasonably angry about it. Every time I see someone use the term impure completely uncritically it makes me want to throw my laptop out the window. You wanna know synonyms for impure? Like straight up pulled off the thesaurus website synonyms? Gross. Corrupt. Dirty. Tainted. Everytime you categorize vent regression as “impure” you are telling a trauma survivor they’re all those words for using regression as it’s supposed to be used. Clinical age regression is most commonly found in Borderline Personality Disorder, PTSD, and DID, and while I’m not saying you need to have that to age regress, a lot of people who are going to be drawn to this community have trauma. And the community, as a whole, decided that made them “impure”. 
Lastly, this instilled belief this community holds that you can be “too old” for regression. It’s like every blog I see says “DNI if older than 25″ or sometimes even younger and when I was looking for an agere discord to join I was worried I’d be “too old” for a lot of them AND I’M 22 FREAKING YEARS OLD. Not to mention that older, more masculine age regressors are more likely to be witch hunted because they’re not the stereotypical regressor. It paints a bigger target on their back from outsiders. Honestly, in all the tiktok compilations I’ve seen of age regressors I have not ONCE seen someone who looks traditionally masculine and not ONCE seen someone who looks older than 25. This community actively outcasts them. Like??? Does everyone assume this is a coping mechanism you age out of and that older regressors don’t deserve a community??? Or that people who like traditionally masculine things just don’t age regress???? Because that’s not how that works!!
So yeah, I kinda hate the community as it is, and that’s why I made this blog. To try and be someone that’s a source of good and makes the content I want to see in the world. I’ve been kinda slacking on that side of things, but I do plan to make more content individualized to what I wish I had been told when I first joined this community. I hope I manage to achieve that one day. 
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10 Signs You May Have Kidney Disease - Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital Kidney
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Around 10 percent of the overall Indian population are living with kidney diseases, many people don’t know it. More than 1 lakh people bear renal failure, according to the research. Before actually experiencing kidney disease, the body shows some physical symptoms. Kidney disease, even in final stages, becomes rigorous to discover when relying on physical symptoms. This is the reason why patients don’t get physical symptoms earlier than usual. Patients don’t even track whether they have it.
How exactly you can spot it, simply by getting it tested on time. At Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital Kidney Transplant program has helped several patients. If you’re a golden ager or someone who already has kidney disease because of high blood pressure, or has diabetes or a family history of prior kidney disease, it’s important to get yourself tested once a year. Remember to mention if you have seen any favorable symptoms to your healthcare professional of Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital. To ensure if you need a renal transplant majorly depends on the approval you might receive from professionals at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, Powai. In this article we will sync through the potential signs signalling kidney diseases.
You’re weary whole day, have minimal zest or face hardship focussing
A severe kidney condition can lead to excessive toxin and impurities build ups in blood. This can make people experience a weary, tired and sweeped experience. It eventually becomes harder to concentrate on daily activities and healthcare profiles.
You witness sleepless nights
When there is absence of smooth filtration in the kidney, toxins abide in the blood without leaving the body through the urine pass. Your sleep routine might get affected by this. There is a direct link in the middle of obesity and chronic kidney disease and sleep problems are more common in people with chronic kidney disease, than in the general population.
Scratch That Relieve It Instead
Healthy kidneys play several roles. Kidneys’ job is to remove excessive fluid and waste from your body, help make red blood cells, help in keeping bones in perfect condition and work to serve the right amount of minerals in your blood. Dry and itchy skin is a sign of minerals and bone disease which brings advanced kidney disease, when kidneys are unable to carry right balance minerals and dietary nutrients in your blood flow.
Frequent Need Of Using Restroom
If you feel the need to use the restroom on a regular interval at night, then probably you’re dealing with kidney disease. When kidneys are injured then you might feel an urgent need to urinate. Sometimes, this can be a warning sign for emerging kidney disease.
Blood in Pee
Healthy kidneys keep a proper amount of blood cells in the body while filtering unwanted and toxic waste out from the body. When these kidneys are damaged, blood cells start to flow into urine. In addition to all kidney disease, this particular phenomenon is tumor, kidney infection and kidney stones.
You’re experiencing continuous swollen eyes
Make sure your urine doesn’t release excessive protein when it comes to dealing with damaged kidneys. Puffiness around the eyes is the direct sign for your urine releasing a heavier quantity of protein from the body, rather than storing in the body.
Your ankles and feets are puffed
Decreased kidney function can result in sodium retention, causing swelling in the ankles and feets of the body, Swelling in ankles and feets signs down many problems from heart disease, liver disease and chronic vein problems
Loss of Appetite
This is a very common symptom, with a strong buildup of toxins resulting from poor kidney functioning is a sign of potential kidney disease.
At L H Hiranandani Hospital Kidney, Dr Sujit Chatterjee has built a strong team of highly professional doctors who are working profoundly in the field of renal disease. If you’re someone who has kidney disease or is in doubt then you can get in touch with professionals today. Kidney transplant program is a premium program which helps in treating patients on time with premium supervision.Around 10 percent of the overall Indian population are living with kidney diseases, many people don’t know it. More than 1 lakh people bear renal failure, according to the research. Before actually experiencing kidney disease, the body shows some physical symptoms. Kidney disease, even in final stages, becomes rigorous to discover when relying on physical symptoms. This is the reason why patients don’t get physical symptoms earlier than usual. Patients don’t even track whether they have it.
How exactly you can spot it, simply by getting it tested on time. At Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital Kidney Transplant program has helped several patients. If you’re a golden ager or someone who already has kidney disease because of high blood pressure, or has diabetes or a family history of prior kidney disease, it’s important to get yourself tested once a year. Remember to mention if you have seen any favorable symptoms to your healthcare professional of Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital. To ensure if you need a renal transplant majorly depends on the approval you might receive from professionals at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, Powai. In this article we will sync through the potential signs signalling kidney diseases.
You’re weary whole day, have minimal zest or face hardship focussing
A severe kidney condition can lead to excessive toxin and impurities build ups in blood. This can make people experience a weary, tired and sweeped experience. It eventually becomes harder to concentrate on daily activities and healthcare profiles.
You witness sleepless nights
When there is absence of smooth filtration in the kidney, toxins abide in the blood without leaving the body through the urine pass. Your sleep routine might get affected by this. There is a direct link in the middle of obesity and chronic kidney disease and sleep problems are more common in people with chronic kidney disease, than in the general population.
Scratch That Relieve It Instead
Healthy kidneys play several roles. Kidneys’ job is to remove excessive fluid and waste from your body, help make red blood cells, help in keeping bones in perfect condition and work to serve the right amount of minerals in your blood. Dry and itchy skin is a sign of minerals and bone disease which brings advanced kidney disease, when kidneys are unable to carry right balance minerals and dietary nutrients in your blood flow.
Frequent Need Of Using Restroom
If you feel the need to use the restroom on a regular interval at night, then probably you’re dealing with kidney disease. When kidneys are injured then you might feel an urgent need to urinate. Sometimes, this can be a warning sign for emerging kidney disease.
Blood in Pee
Healthy kidneys keep a proper amount of blood cells in the body while filtering unwanted and toxic waste out from the body. When these kidneys are damaged, blood cells start to flow into urine. In addition to all kidney disease, this particular phenomenon is tumor, kidney infection and kidney stones.
You’re experiencing continuous swollen eyes
Make sure your urine doesn’t release excessive protein when it comes to dealing with damaged kidneys. Puffiness around the eyes is the direct sign for your urine releasing a heavier quantity of protein from the body, rather than storing in the body.
Your ankles and feets are puffed
Decreased kidney function can result in sodium retention, causing swelling in the ankles and feets of the body, Swelling in ankles and feets signs down many problems from heart disease, liver disease and chronic vein problems
Loss of Appetite
This is a very common symptom, with a strong buildup of toxins resulting from poor kidney functioning is a sign of potential kidney disease.
At L H Hiranandani Hospital Kidney, Dr Sujit Chatterjee has built a strong team of highly professional doctors who are working profoundly in the field of renal disease. If you’re someone who has kidney disease or is in doubt then you can get in touch with professionals today. Kidney transplant program is a premium program which helps in treating patients on time with premium supervision.
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applebrryblast · 9 months
🐝 super secret agere blog
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(its not actually secret i just get shy about this stuff) some info about me ↓↓
✦ hi, my name is bee. its not a real name that i go by, but one im using on this blog to hide my identity from anyone who might recognize me (im not a bad person or anything, im just very shy about people i know finding out about this >_<)
✦ im a 17 year old trans guy, and as mentioned before this is my “super secret” age regression blog. usually i regress to around 8-11 years old, its not a big difference i know
✦ i think im what you call a sad/impure regressor, i read around and it seems to be the most accurate, so idk expect some sad stuff or something. shrugs
⛅️ → indicator if im regressing
✦ ironically, i actually DONT like bugs… im terrified of them @_@… i only like bees because of the whole sollux theme. my favorite animals are cats though!
✦ im autistic and a hypersomniac, i really really like mob psycho 100 and obviously homestuck, specifically sollux captor. i heavily associate him with my identity.. ✦ personally im not one for pacis, but i enjoy plushies and toys. also my favorite color is actually blue, despite my blog’s appearance ^_^
✦ im a really shy person… when i regress i rarely talk. im open to having mutuals and everything, but sorry if i dont interact much… im kind of isolating myself right now
✦ thats all for now i think. i mostly wrote this in case someone somehow stumbles across my account
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sfw-babyspace · 5 years
Regression isn't always giggles and smiles, sometimes its:
🍼 Putting a paci in your mouth to stop yourself from having a panic attack 🍼
🍼 Silently crying on a stuffie's shoulder because you're alone and scared. 🍼
🍼 Regressing when you shouldn't and feeling guilty about it. 🍼
🍼 Shaking a rattle when you're depressed to hear the comforting noise. 🍼
🍼 Cute band-aids to cover sad things. 🍼
🍼 Being scared you're going to annoy your Cg if you text them too much even thou you're really sad and just want to hear their voice. 🍼
🍼 Ordering off the children's menu so you don't binge 🍼
🍼 Playing soft lullabies while falling asleep so you don't have flashbacks. 🍼
💕 It is okay if your regression is sad or impure. Its okay if its sad sometimes and its okay if its always sad. You are so strong for getting through everything, little one. I'm so proud of you. 💕
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8-rae-rae-8 · 9 months
I had a sort of angsty agere thought that’s been floating in my head 👉👈
Cw: death mention, impure regression , angst
Ghost (reboot or original) already in a tense/bad headspace bc it’s nearing the anniversary of his family’s death.
He always gets extra snappy and tends to be more grumpy leading up to it. Most of those close to Ghost (Gaz, Price, Soap, Nik and Laswell) understand what’s going on (to an extent - Price knows the most as Simon trusts Baba) and try their best to help Ghost anyway they can. but to new recruits and contracted soldiers outside of 141, it just seems like Ghost is being an asshole for the sake of it. He’s extra hard when Training new recruits, shouting at them for small mistakes and seems to have a shorter fuse than usual.
A group of problematic recruits who are frustrated w/ the LT’s attitude decide to pull a ‘harmless’ prank on him. They heard a rumour that the LT HATES snakes and decide it’d be funny to sneak one either in his barracks or his locker. When Ghost opens his locker and sees a ball python chilling in his locker, it makes him freeze in fear and have a really bad flashback to his childhood. This, combined with the upcoming anniversary causes him to impurely regress (and it’s a hard drop). Behind his mask, he starts weeping silently and shaking violently.
Luckily, Soap is there next to his LT. he sees Ghost frozen in fear and peers into his locker and sees the ball python. He hears snickering behind him and puts two and two together.
Long story short, he breaks the nose of the ringleader and sends the rest of the group to run laps. He gently coaxes a very shaken Simon to Price’s office, cooing and comforting him the entire way.
Que regressed Simon being pampered and coddled by 141. Baba Price letting him snuggle on his lap as he does paperwork. Soap (once he’s finished filling out the incident report) playing w/ Simon and colouring with him. Gaz, who quickly becomes aware of the situation, helping a sleepy Simon take a nap by letting him snuggle into him and rubbing circles into his back. Overall, just a lot of love and much needed pampering from the rest of 141.
Deep down, Little!Simon is still hurting about the upcoming anniversary. He misses his old family a lot..but having 141 drop every thing to help the distressed little one heals a part of his broken heart and reminds him that he’s not alone like he thought he was.
This was so long I’m sorry for being feral again 😔😔👉👈
I love you I love you I love you
YES. Yes. UGH /pos
Just yes.
I can 100% see the 141 helping Simon out in those ways. (even if Price's legs go numb from holding Simon in his lap so long)
I bet they'd make their own holiday thing that was like Christmas, but not too much. Mostly just a day they'd spend together, but no presents
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sxnriodolly · 3 years
regression intro, vocabulary, tips & tricks + common misconceptions.
tw: mention of kink, trauma & mental health issues.
what is regression?
the term regression simply means to regress into the headspace of a younger version of yourself, or an animal version of yourself. the most common form of regression is age regression, in which a person falls back into a headspace of when they were younger. types of age regressors can be known as littles and middles. another type of regression, is pet regression, in which a person falls into the headspace of an animal. regression is usually a coping, used by people who’ve experienced childhood trauma, mental health issues, or physical health issues. regression is mostly known as being involuntary, although people can regress voluntarily as well.
age regression vocabulary
age regressor - a person who regresses to a younger headspace than what they physically are.
pet regressor - a person who regresses to an animal headspace.
caregiver/cg - a person who looks after a regressor.
flip - a person who regresses and is also a caregiver.
little - a person who regresses to the mentality of a baby or young child.
middle - a person who regresses to the mentality of an older child or teenager.
cg/lre - stands for caregiver/little regression. usually used by people who don’t associate themselves with any community, but still regresses or is a caregiver.
agere - is short for age regression.
petre - is short for pet regression.
age dreaming - imagining being in the headspace of a child, doing things you would do while regressed, but not being regressed at that time.
little space - the name for the headspace a regressor might be in. however, this term is also used by those in certain kinks.
impure regression - when you regress to cope with something in that moment. it may include crying, self harm, bad thoughts etc.
involuntary regression - usually triggered, involuntary regression is when a person regresses without wanting to.
“age regression is sexual”. no. age regression should never be sexual as the person is in the headspace of a child, and therefore cannot consent to anything. even if they’re a middle, and regress to an age where consent would be legal, regression is a coping mechanism and it should never be taken advantage of.
“age regression is a kink”. no. once again, age regression is a coping mechanism, and also encouraged by therapists. it is never sexual, nor is it a kink.
“age regression is the same as ddlg, ddlb, ageplay, abdl etc”. no. all of those are kinks and subcategories of bdsm, therefore in one way or another, they are sexual/sexualised, which age regression never should be.
“only teenagers can regress”. no. anyone of any age, religion, race etc can regress. all regressors are valid.
if you have anything you’d like me to add, or have any post suggestions/requests, message me and i’ll try my best to fulfil requests.
ig - babiee_duckiee
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