#mentopolis norrell ojiccle
crab-on-printer · 1 year
He’s the manifestation of Elias’s intrest in neurology!!! The reason why he’s not some orphan child is because Elias nurtured him! He got a job that involved neurology! That’s why he’s the one to have the copper gun, since Elias’s knowledge of neurology is what made him take the copper supplements!!!
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I mean his head’s transparent, only showing his brain for heaven’s sake! And with him now being dead, this probably means that Elias will take up some other career or intrest he loves!! I’m not sure if this was something that everyone else knew, but it hit me right in the face when i figured it out!
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clownjacket · 1 year
WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! I just realized that Mark Bition’s hit on Conrad came AFTER Norrell’s death! Which means that, even though Mark probably hated Conrad before (as did Dan Fucks), it was the KEY that pushed him over the edge and made him order the hit! Elias wasn’t trying to finally murder his conscious, his BOSS was so that Elias would continue working for them. Because he raised a MORAL objection! Which probably means Don Avaricce is being controlled by the Key too!!! That’s why they put a hit out on Conrad at the SAME TIME!
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zoozoocala · 1 year
Dude fucking shoutout Norrell Ojiccal, average citizen who gave his life to do the heroic thing. What a king.
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goodcastlegazette · 1 year
Rewatching Mentopolis episode one, and knowing about the pistol and the mysterious figure open up so much about Norrel Ojicle’s last moments. The keyhole was destroyed by “buckshot”, but it’s confirmed the gun was Norrel’s and not the figure’s. The figure with the master key who could destroy Elias’s functioning entirely.
It might be that Norrel destroyed the keyhole on purpose. We don’t know how much he knew before buying the gun, but what if he knew how destructive that key was? He could have fired it at the figure, but the shot hit the switchboard.
Did he sacrifice himself? Did he misfire, but save Mentopolis in the process? Is he the reason Elias has more time?
Pour one out for the guy who didn’t have it coming.
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wilderebellion · 1 year
There hasn't been much Norrell Ojiccle fanart, has there?
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debbiewebbie27 · 1 year
Just gonna start a list of all the references/puns in Mentopolis because my brain takes 25 minutes to recognize each one:
Mentopolis: mental+metropolis
Detective Hunch Curio: curiosity
Imelda Pulse: impulse
The Fix: hyperfixation
Anastasia Tension: A. Tension (attention)
Daniel Fucks: he fucks (also pleasure/sexual pleasure/urges)
Conrad Schintz: conscience
Victim - Norrell Ojiccle: neurological
Curio's assistant - Anna Lysis: analysis
Employees at Sugah's:
Hans Schadenfreude: schadenfreude is the pleasure by someone from another person's misfortune
Joey Sneezes: sneezing?
Libby Longshower: the feeling after a long shower? (Libido?)
Donny Urges: intrusive thought
District Attorney (DA) Mark Bition: M. Bition (ambition)
Mayor Leon Logic: logic or maybe L. Logic (illogical?)
Mr. Lance: vigilance?
The basset hound - Justin Fication: justification
Madam Loathing: loathing (self-loathing)
Orphans: forgotten/abandoned (wayward) interests (magic, reptiles, trains, lists)
Mr. Avaricci: avarice?
Cortex City: external surface of the brain that plays an important role in consciousness
Oblongata Station: medulla oblongata - the connection between the brainstem and the spinal cord that acts as a conduit for nerve signals
Cerebell Pacific: cerebrum and/or cerebellum and also Pacific Bell telephone company
Synaptic Switchboard: synapse - the site of transmission of electrical nerve impulse
Temporal Square: temporal lobe
Hippo Campus University: hippocampus is a brain structure in the temporal lobe that has a major role in learning and memory
Occipital Park: occipital lobe is the area of the brain at the back of the head responsible for visual perception
Let me know if I missed anything or there's better references
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d20-eotd · 16 days
Dimension 20 Episode of the Day: 9/6
Today's Episode is: Mentopolis, Episode 5, Emergency Powers
Original Release Date: 9/6/2023
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The Quick Synopsis: The Prefrontal P.I.s split once more to tackle the issues plaguing Mentopolis: corrupt city officials and the gangsters in their pocket, the site of Norrell Ojiccle's death and the key to his demise, and something sinister in the downstairs of Madam Loathing's Home for Wayward Interests.
"First of all, I would like to thank you for meeting withall of us today. Judge Fusion, I understand that you are very, very busy, and this is a huge ask by a huge man who is known for his ambition and his ambition alone. He is not interested in the goodwill of this city. He is not interested in what is best for the big guy. Man cannot live on ambition alone! Yes, he has led us to our brilliant career as a scientist, while neglecting those important urges that every single man, woman, child- Scratch that last one! Every single person has inside of them. And while the big guy might be achieving a lot at work, the big guy is miserable. The reason for our prohibition is because the big guy is not allowed to be happy. The big guy is not allowed to be happy because M. Bition has not allowed him to be happy. He has not allowed any of us to be happy. In fact, if there is anything that created a Daniel Fucks, it was Mark and his ambition!" ~ Anastasia Tension, powered by Danielle Radford's past work as a paralegal
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unsleepingtales · 1 year
Here we go babeyyyyyy. (this is so long. you have been warned.)
Right off the bat the cc says (cool opening noir music) and I'm in love
Mind of a scientist ok!!
brainstorm I'm dying already
I'm so excited for Hank Green in the dome guys
Also I love that Hank gets to show just how big a dropout fan he is here
I love that they hacked the system by hiring the people who wrote the original system lmao
God the table is SO COOL
Oh god is this gonna be corrupt
It would be so cool to see theoretically moral 'people' have to deal with being the mental functions of a not necessarily 'moral' person
closeups on the buildings this is SO cool
Dome antics AND light antics??? We're being so spoiled this season <3
First episodes are usually one of my favorites in any given season because I love getting introduced to the characters and watching a story get set up and this looks to be no different
I love the custom office scene for Trapp is there going to be a unique backdrop on the dome for each intro??
Brennan found a list of slang terms for detectives somewhere and decided to have a good time huh
A rubbery kinda guy
I for one LOVE the puns
Siobhan is gonna kill it as a femme fatale I can already tell
They're being so dramatic I love them I love this so much
ooh okay different time system? That's really interesting I wonder why like is it just because the scale is smaller or is there some larger reason within the world logic?
"I understand the sequence of the words you've said, I don't understand how it involves me just yet" FELT
ooh that's a cool feat
what the fuck are you two talking about
they have a mayor?
Does stuff being in the newspaper mean that it comes to the attention of the big guy?
(nat one sound) I love that that's a normal caption <3
Halving mechanic my beloved!! King Solomon that shit
(sad, New York accent) me every day of my goddamn life
is one of god's own children a real saying that I've just never heard in my life
Brennan was just waiting for Danielle to ask what their name was and I'm so glad he was able to slip it in even though she didn't
Norrel Ojiccle I'm gonna lose my mind
The clunk means failure :D
Entirely unrelated but I can't wait for merch of this season I just know it's gonna slap
so many reporters, just one fact checker. so real.
Ooh okay so A probably has ties to a rich/powerful family but left to make her own way
So when an attention being goes somewhere it actually calls the big guy's attention to it? Like if A went to the red light district it wouldn't matter if she reported it or not, the very fact of her being there would do something?
"I heard you say a lotta words there but deep down I really don't wanna pay attention" FELT
Also the word play of he doesn't want to pay her. Because she's A Tension.
Also I didn't write it before but. I think there's more going on with her name than just being a play on attention. Tension means something else. We've gotten clues that the Pulse family has impact on the big guy's actions, implying that they have something to do with the circulatory system, I'm thinking something similar could be going on and that the ties A has could be to a musculatory family? Idk maybe I'm clowning.
(making those sounds you make right before sneezing) cc writers I love you
I was prepared to have mild distaste for this character I was not prepared to be charmed
I love that the names in the red light district all seem to be things that feel good or are a luxury or connect to a physical pleasure trigger in the body I think that's neat
Dan Fucks and Donny Urges. Man.
Ohohoho intrusive thoughts. Oh boy.
The lighting on Brennan's eyes as he said that lmaooo
That one time a barber whispered in your ear. Is this just like a universal experience.
It's not sexual. It's also not not sexual. (being satisfied) it's nooOt sexuAl
oh my GOD oxytocin being hot chocolate but also oxytocin being outlawed because the big guy is lonely and touch starved
I silence with my arms. Also my gun, if necessary. I love you.
Why is he vaguely french
The big guy doesn't DESERVE pleasure???
(saying "yeah" back and forth in increasingly horny ways)
(Hank trying to control his laughter and himself)
(weirdly tense mouth sounds)
They're all so delighted by what's happening this is wonderful
Nobody's allowed to feel good until the job is done this is such neurodivergent guilt shit. This is gonna nerf me I think.
You're telling me that the giant hitman has bad sneak? Unbelievable.
I am once again begging for posters of the dome art. Please. Like retro style travel posters.
oh he's good at this. he's really good at this.
fuck why was that kind of hot.
(Brennan silently laughing in terror and awe) me too babe meee toooo
He can use sharp instead of slick 'cause he's Menacing another cool feat!!
Also yeah that is menacing
I don't think Brennan was prepared to be that flustered and honestly besties neither was I
Hank's satisfied little smirk <3
Trapp so fed up and simultaneously delighted with the puns
But what happens when he's hyperfixated on something that is of no use to the main ambitions of the big guy? What happens to him then?
He's so prepared for it to be a pun
He feels a feeling that he does not know and is not comfortable with. I was so right when I said the audhd rep (explicit or otherwise) would nerf me in the emotions.
Ooh I just noticed on the map it looks like the university is in the red light district? Fascinating.
"Would a good guy do a bad thing?" oh my GOD??
I gave him all the facts and he made a choice KIDDO
He put the papers out of order on purpose?
(old timey speech music)
And all of this makes sense!
Bonjour, hello- Oh well I don't speak that!
"Please reconsider" reconsider what?? Just the illegality of it? Or did he get rejected for a job or smth? I feel like I'm overthinking this.
Are they gonna alternate spellings of his name because if so that's hilarious
My MORTAL ENEMY (referring to a child that was introduced as small, too small, and whose character sheet refers to him as teeny tiny.)
We need lore on the Fakename family please
Oh of course they know each other!
Does that imply that Imelda is somewhat related to intrusive thoughts?
They also know each other!
Babe what are you saying
Notably slightly shinier than most rocks!
It's very satisfying to me that Conrad's stat dice are in descending order.
Wayward interests...
That's not what a superlative is?
I love him
The wayward interests are past hyperfixations?? Or maybe interests that were deemed unhelpful?
They both know so many facts this is going to be a wonderful season
I like when it is very clearly explained thank you
What are youuuuu
List of Lists kid <3
Oh my god magic kid. I'm gonna cry.
Okay so she has an insane amount of power.
Cousins! Ok!
A also has a key! Noted!
Is this kid about to get shot
Oh what have you done
I loved that so much cannot wait for next week <3
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wilderebellion · 1 year
The big wigs of the city of Mentopolis, the mayor, city council, and the DA's office are in cahoots. They have "big plans" for the Big Guy, which involves seeking promotion and 'pat on the back' for Elias as far as the public is concerned.
Mark Bition of the DA's office believes in operating outside the law to get things done, and employs the Fix to eliminate distractions so Elias can work.
Months of research, Elias depriving himself socially by prioritizing work over everything else. In Mentopolis, drinks like Oxytocin are prohibited until The Big Project is complete.
Conrad Schintz and Justin Fication seem to know something that the other characters don't, about what could happen if the folder of Elias' work isn't checked. Conrad also doesn't want to upset anybody, and is trying to find a path of least effort to get someone else to pay attention to the file.
Conrad reorders the newspaper he sells so that the small article about "Last Chance to Check" the packet of Elias' research is put in front.
Among his customers is one Imelda Pulse, who takes action at the slightest suggestion. Two days later, she comes to the office of Hunch Curio: she wants to know why she's being followed and why someone would be mad that The Big Guy picked up the file.
The night before (possibly a day after Imelda took action), Norrell Ojiccle is killed while on a solo shift at Cerebell Pacific. There is a stab as well as a gunshot - the latter appears to have been at the Synaptic Switchboard, specifically a keyhole for one of the Keys that the Pulse family has. The lights of the switchboard have dimmed.
The telecommunications system of the city goes down. The mayor claims everything is fine; that this was planned and that despite messaging across the city being disabled, that everything is normal. The audience knows this is false. People are told to utilize public transport to get messages across the city manually.
Sugah's is raided, with DA M. Bition and Mr. Lance nearby. Supposedly Dan Fucks is getting "too high profile" for their comfort. Bition tasks The Fix with finding and eliminating Conrad, who is now considered Distraction Number 1.
Wrapping up his workday, Conrad observes the phone booths not functioning. As the PCs come together at Sugah's, some thugs try to take Conrad to Don Avaricci. They are crushed by the falling debris of a crumbling synaptic highway from overhead, which narrowly misses Conrad.
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wilderebellion · 1 year
Mentopolis Ep 1 questions that don't fit anywhere else:
Why did Conrad "blow up" about the ice skates? Mentioned by Loathing as having occurred just before Conrad left, and around the same time that Conrad may have met Justin. Conrad has yet to show any sort of true temper, and since the skates aren't with him he might consider them to be one of the "trinkets" he collects.
Can Norrell's sister be trusted? Maybe there's a literal liar in the Ojiccle family: Patty or Pathy Ojiccle = Pathological. Hunch Curio claimed there was no one named Joanna Fakename when Imelda used the Stacy alias. When Anastasia did it, Norrell's sister asked if she was related to Joanne, claiming the latter was one of her best friends. As a different NPC, Brennan later brings up the confusion over Joanna/Joanne.
Is someone only perma-dead if a body is left behind? Are only thoughts capable of changing?
Why does Norrell have 4 arms? Not a narrated detail in episode 1; nearly all other citizens we've seen have a number of limbs comparable to a human. The only one moderately close is Freddy Focus whose head is mostly one big eyeball.
Imelda is the Femme Fatale - does she have a hidden agenda yet to be revealed, like possibly being involved in M. Bition's plans and she has to keep Hunch Curio distracted?
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