#mentor character being hopelessly in love with the man whos trying to kill him
So, here we are again. At the end of the world, me laying here and you five feet in front of me. I keep thinking that if only I could reach you, drag you back to me, I could change it. But we both know how this ends and how it has always ended every time. So if I stay here, unmoving, will you also pause, and can we live in this moment of time unchanged?
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bayofwolves · 1 year
spirit animals / hunger games crossover
hey fellas. i recently got into the hunger games (movies) and have been thinking about a crossover with our favourite kids from the spirit animals books. in fact, i'm planning to give it a multichapter fic. no canon hunger games characters, just the spirit animals guys in their world. the basic premise is that the four (conor, abeke, meilin and rollan) are all chosen as tributes and... yeah. try not to die challenge.
i'm really liking the ideas i have so far so i'll share some stuff down below!
panem is different in many ways. for starters, there's only 9 districts, and usually only one tribute from each district. in the year this story takes place, the capitol bumps it up to two -- sparking violent protests. a tenth district was destroyed many years ago, its people massacred, with only a few escaping to district 9. the districts don't supply anything to the capitol and are isolated from one another. reapings happen for every child between the ages of 13-19 (in other words, teenagers).
the whole story is told from abeke's perspective. she's sort of the katniss of this au, but not the only mockingjay-type saviour person. there are four of those: conor, abeke, meilin and rollan. the four victors of that year's games.
now! character info!
conor: district 3 (a middle-class district, rural, with a focus on cattle). 14 years old. chosen as tribute alongside devin. except he wasn't really chosen. conor volunteered to save his brother, garrin, whose name was initially picked. he and his family are humble shepherds who tend to their flocks in the hills. after being reaped, conor is mentored by olvan, whom he suspects is betting on him being the first to go down.
abeke: district 8 (one of the outlying, poorer districts, made up of savannahs that stretch away into a vast desert). 14 years old. chosen as tribute alongside karmo. to her horror, however, she discovers that her family offered her up as tribute. abeke has been a huntress all her life, and has one of the best chances of surviving the games. her hunting partner is shane, a boy from district 9 whom she's known since she was 11. they sneak out of their neighbouring districts into the no man's land that lies between them, hunt together, then take their respective catches back to their families. both of them are essentially the providers. abeke loves her father and sister dearly, but the same can't be said for them. after being reaped, abeke is mentored by zerif (who isn't from her district at all, but there's never been a victor from district 8).
meilin: district 1 (the richest district, with the best relationship with the capitol). 14 years old. chosen as tribute alongside an unnamed unimportant boy. she is the daughter of general teng, a victor from years ago. he trained his daughter vigorously in the hopes that she would be prepared were she to be selected. she's not a career though -- she would never willingly volunteer. she's not stupid. she knows how deadly the games are. unlike many other district 1 residents, general teng doesn't suck up to the capitol and teaches his daughter to do the same. she's a rebel at heart. it might get them killed. after being reaped, meilin is mentored by teng himself.
rollan: district 7 (one of the outlying, poorer districts). 15 years old. chosen as tribute alongside anda. as an orphan who was quite frequently breaking the law, he accumulated a high number of slips and wasn't at all surprised to be picked. honestly, he's just surprised it didn't happen either of the previous two times. after being reaped, rollan is mentored by tarik, who by the way, doesn't die in this crossover (yet).
shane: district 9 (the very farthest district from the capitol, and thus the poorest and sickliest). 16 years old. chosen as tribute alongside tahlia. he is abeke's hunting partner and best friend; he's hopelessly in love with her, and she loves him too, but neither of them quite know how to admit this to themselves yet. much less to each other! shane is secretive, and abeke can sense that he's not telling her everything. indeed he isn't. he definitely hasn't told her that he's descended from the district 10 refugees. the year prior, shane's sister, drina, was chosen as tribute and died in the games. she made it far, though -- she was killed by the victor in a brutal square-off when they were the only two left standing. neither shane nor his remaining family have ever been the same.
those are the main cast! the other tributes are devin, karmo, meilin's unnamed district partner, anda, tahlia, tasha and her unnamed district partner, talon and her unnamed district partner, alix and shadow (district partners), and ana and her unnamed district partner. this makes a total of 18 tributes, 2 from 9 districts. those guys won't be getting as much screen time and some die rather quick, so. (yes, i will find normal names for talon and shadow.)
conor, abeke, meilin and rollan are the only ones to make it out alive -- process that information how you will. they cheat the system and the capitol crowns four victors for the first time in history. they are traumatized and their time is short. i'm planning for the ending to be left open, with the four promising to fight together to take down the government that subjected them to such pain.
i doubt i'm the first to do a spirit animals/hunger games crossover -- i'm pretty sure i read one way back in the old days -- but yeah. obligatory hunger games au.
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coffeeshoppewriter · 4 years
Harry x Reader: Before the Battle of Hogwarts
Author's Note/Summary: This one shot/imagine takes place moments prior to the Battle of Hogwarts. The reader is Harry Potter's significant other and they are desperate to see him one last time before everything commences. Fair warning: there is quite a bit of angst. I did my best to keep the reader gender neutral. Also, there is one comment on them being a muggle-born, hope that's okay. Enjoy!  
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The silence was palpable. The only sounds heard throughout the corridor were the echoing whispers of loved ones relishing in the last moments they had together and the hushed cries of younger students. It was the calm before the storm as some said. An oblivious bystander might interpret the words spoken between couples, families, and friends as unnecessarily compassionate. Those within Hogwarts, however, knew of the dark events that loomed. These traumatic events would have drastic consequences. That was a given. Yet several people were still determined to partake and help wherever they could. I was one of those reckless individuals.
The Battle of Hogwarts. A war that would no doubt be remembered forever in people's minds and history classes. As a seventh year, I oversaw protecting and calming the younger students. However, that was only until McGonagall seemed desperate for more defensive forces to protect the building. Swarms of death eaters threatened the castle and I could not help but grip my wand tighter as one of the strongest professors I knew seemed terrified; Terrified of asking the kids she spent the last few years mentoring to risk their lives. We only had a couple of hours to be those "kids" though. After that, we became war heroes.
The probability of death was high and I had no intention of calculating all the endless outcomes this day might bring. I simply did not want to face the reality that everyone I loved was at risk for dying a gruesome death, and I especially did not want to dwell on the fact that the man I was in love with would have to kill the darkest wizard of our time himself or be murdered instead.
Harry and I had been dating on and off for the past few years. He said he had every intention of marrying me once this war was behind us. If we both made it out alive, that is. Dating "The Chosen One" brought along severe anxiety. I constantly worried that every time I saw Harry, it would be the last. While the people fighting to save Hogwarts were not just fighting for Harry, it was no secret to anyone that Voldemort killing Harry is the action he craved to prove his power.
I nodded vigorously to Professor McGonagall as she ordered other older students and me to prepare to split up and defend the outer corridors of the castle and their secret passages. My mind was clouded, my feet running on their own. I did not know how to process all the rampant thoughts within my mind. I would have believed I was being irrational if I had not noticed everyone else feeling the same. No matter if it was a first-year or a skilled professor, the unknown of what was to come was enough to petrify anyone who thought about it long enough.
I passed several students, ones I had been attending school with for years. These people made up my childhood and now they were my fellow soldiers. Now relieved of my duties of soothing first and second years, I ran faster than I ever had before. I had to find him at least one last time.
I dashed through countless corridors, went up several flights of stairs, and looked in almost every room I could think of, but I could not find him. As I neared the castle entrance, I saw a red-haired boy holding hands with a bushy-haired brunette. They seemed to be deep in thought, strategically planning their next move. I could not stop myself from interrupting though, even if I wanted to. If anyone were to know where the man I loved was, it was them.
It worried me even more that Harry was not conspiring with the two. They were a package deal, always attached by the hip. I knew before we started dating that if I wanted to spend more time with Harry, I would have to spend more time with Hermione and Ron. There was no doubt about it.
"Where- where is..." I panted, barely catching my breath.
Between running around the enormous castle's grounds and fighting back tears I did not realize I had, it was difficult for me to even form a sentence. Luckily, the smart witch knew exactly what I was asking and proceeded to tell me all she knew.
"He only left a few moments ago. He said he had to do a few things in the Great Ha-" I did not even let her finish her sentence leaving her as I shouted a "thank you" over my shoulder and began sprinting to the room Harry and I sat together in during the welcome feast our first year.
During that feast, the two of us connected instantly as I was a muggle-born and he grew up with muggles. I found relief in spending time with someone just as clueless as me and he found relief in someone not gawking over him and his fame. I did not even know of his story until after I befriended him.
I smiled faintly at the memory but forced myself to a halt as I passed the Great Hall's threshold. Students and teachers were setting up the room to help the weak and injured. I did not want to know how many dead bodies would litter this room by the end of the day. Shaking the dark and worrying thought out of my head, I glanced frantically at the faces of every witch and wizard in the room. I rubbed my eyes over and over to wipe away the few silent tears that were blurring my vision and preventing me from finding Harry.
It was not until I saw the back of his shaggy, raven hair that I let out a sob of relief. The choked and desperate sound that left my mouth had Harry turning around instantly. Somehow, he immediately recognized the whimper as my own and quickly glanced over me to ensure I was not already injured. After looking me over and positive that I was okay, he met my relieved but grieving eyes with a similar expression. We were both already grieving the loss of what would inevitably come from this day, horrified that it would be us.
"(Y/N)..." He whispered with an almost shocked tone, probably previously thinking he would not see me until after the battle.
Darting towards each other, I immediately found myself within Harry's tight embrace. His skin was caked in a light layer of dirt and his once refreshing and calming scent was replaced with the stench of blood and sweat. However, it did not stop me from wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him close. I felt, and probably looked, like a toddler who was reunited with their mother after a long separation, but I did not care as I tried to squeeze him even tighter if that was at all possible. I was as close as I possibly could be to him, attempting to never allow him to leave my arms.
We stood in the middle of the hall in silence, not having to explain our public displays of affection to anyone as they all understood. I tucked my face into the crook of Harry's neck, listening to his ragged breaths as they almost mimicked mine. His arms lifted from my back to my hair as he ruffled the strange hairstyle a nervous second year gave me to distract them from their worries. He continued to thread his fingers through my hair as he cradled my head. Feeling some of the tension I had released, I pulled back from his neck to get a good look at the love of my life.
His eyes are what broke my heart the most. The cuts and bruises seemed extremely painful, but they could be easily healed by a healer from St. Mungos or even Madam Pomfrey. On the other hand, as I looked into his eyes, I could not help but notice the spark, that I fell so hopelessly in love with, being gone. I had always commented on how Harry smiled with his eyes and how they brightened up any room he was in. Today was different though and no amount of magic could instantly bring it back. His eyes that were once full of life and perseverance, just seemed tired and almost accepting of their potential death. These sunken eyes looked at me hopelessly as he ran his thumb along my jawline. He continued to trace the features of my face as if trying to memorize it for eternity or to make sure I was truly there in his grasp.
"You don't have to be the hero, you know," I said after clearing my throat. It barely came out as a whisper but due to our proximity, he looked down at me with a questioning glance. "I just mean that you don't have to give your life away to try and save others," I reiterated.
He gave a quiet, breathy laugh as he reached for my hand which was previously resting on his chest. However, his small smile from hearing my voice quickly shifted as realization turned his features stone cold.
"If you are at any type of disadvantage, you run. Do you hear me? You escape. You avoid any unnecessary duels," He firmly said staring dead into my eyes with a serious tone, ignoring what I told him just seconds prior. We both knew deep down that he wouldn't waste a second to sacrifice himself for the greater good. It was in the Potter blood.
"We both know I'm too stubborn to let any of those Death Eaters go without a fight," I responded to his command with a hint of humor.
He scoffed softly and pressed his forehead against mine, cupping my face with his hands, and mumbling incoherent words of which I assumed were about how he did not want to lose me too. All words he had said to me a million times before.
"I can take on Voldemort, but I cant take on you and your obstinacy... I'm never going to win that argument, huh?" He mumbled as he referred to the emotional yelling match that we had a few weeks prior over whether or not I was going to fight in this anticipated battle.
I insistently shook my head "no" once before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. It was not a sensual kiss, but all the passion we had for each other was still there. As I focused on every sparking sensation that was created from his lips rhythmically moving against mine, I felt the love we had for each other overpower the fear of our future together (or lack thereof). After pulling away and putting my arms back on his waist, Harry placed a quick peck on the corner of my mouth, his eyelashes tickling my cheek. I let out a small and quiet laugh, forgetting the disaster called my reality for only a moment. His hands did not dare to leave the sides of my face and his eyes refused to break eye contact once his face was just in front of mine, out noses almost touching.
"Everyone knows you are the most important person to me... including them," Harry began, holding back tears I knew he would not let fall until after the battle was done.
The boy who masked his fears and sadness with a look of strength did not need to specify who "them" was. I understood that he was referring to The Dark Lord himself and his death eaters.
"Harry, don't-" I tried to respond, but was swiftly cut off.
"No. You must understand that me being in love with you places a huge target on your back. They will come for you. You get that, right? They want to make me suffer and they know I'd rather die than see you get hurt," He said frantically as his hands began to shake causing him to firmly grip my shoulders.
In any other context, what he said could have been interpreted as sweet, but the truth behind his fears only made it so much worse. I grabbed his trembling hands and held them tight. I continued to softly gaze into his eyes, knowing there was not much else I could do. I previously learned the hard way that my go-to retort, "You clearly underestimate my strength," does not lighten the mood with Harry at all.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)" he whispered.
I shook my head instinctively and said, "Not allowed."
Harry was an apologizer and I knew we would have continued back and forth if it were not for the sudden yelling we heard from outside the castle. Defensive and offensive spells of all types were screamed. It was at that moment that Harry and I both knew the final battle began. I could not stop a couple stray tears roll down my cheeks once more as I felt the panic in me rise.
"I love you, Harry Potter," I stated tenderly, my voice wavering only slightly from the apprehension I was experiencing.
"I love you, (Y/N) (L/N)," He said while his voice cracked. He coughed twice to clear his throat and briskly followed his declaration with a whisper into my ear saying, "I love you so much, my love."
Harry wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead slowly as he then started to grab his wand and run off to do acts that would most likely give me a panic attack if I knew of them.
Before he even made it a foot away from me though, I grabbed his arm and tugged him back into a deep kiss, much more desperate than the one before. I kissed him with all the life I had in me and he kissed back with just as much emotion if not more. I could see the worry in his eyes as we separated to breathe, but I knew he would never admit to it. He was "the boy who lived" after all. He took a few steps back squeezed my hand one last time before making his way out of the Great Hall.
I stared at the place he once was, trying to burn that memory and every memory we shared prior into my mind. It was not until I heard the shrieks of pain that I was taken out of my daze. I pushed all of my anxieties towards the back of my mind, repressing them until the war was won.
"Its not time to be emotional," I muttered to myself multiple times as I extended my wand in front of me and left the hall with confident steps.
My thoughts were now only focused on how I had to help defeat the dark lord and his followers.
"For Hogwarts," I whispered as I then began running one more out of the room, hoping to see a tomorrow. Hoping Harry and I both saw a tomorrow.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Then what happened?!" My youngest son, Albus, asks with wide eyes.
"Yeah, did everyone die?" My daughter, Lilly, questions, practically on the edge of her seat.
"Obviously they didn't die, Mum is literally telling us the story right now, Lills," My eldest, James, retorts with all of the sarcasm he could muster.
Lilly threw a death glare at her brother, one that he probably taught her how to do in the first place I assumed. This causes James to snicker while continuing to throw his father's golden snitch into the air to only catch it once more.
"Then we fought the battle, won, and lived happily ever after," I summarize as I turn off the light, thus making their bedroom pitch black.
Albus and Lilly let out cries of rejections, begging me for one more story. I laugh slightly while settling them back down, tell the three a final goodnight, and use a Lumos spell to guide my way out.
I go downstairs to see my husband in the living room sitting on the first couch we bought after moving in together a year after the war ended.
"How did they like the story, dear?" I hear my husband sleepily murmur, practically falling asleep at that exact moment.
"Lilly asked if they all died," I joke with a hushed voice.
"Oh, yeah? Did you tell her that THE Harry Potter died?" He asks, "I know how hard that was for you to lose the most amazing man in your life."
I roll my eyes and snuggle next to my husband on the couch, kissing his fading lightning scar lightly. I couldn't even get mad at such a joke. If I did, he would just coax me out of my angered state with his irresistible affection. He got pretty good at avoiding my wrath over the years. Somehow, even after all the mistakes made and arguments with me his wife, (Y/N) Potter, he is still the boy who lived.
      A/N: 2800+ words later and I thank you so much for reading!
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