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fragmentary limestone colossal of queen ahmose meritamun from the temple of amun at karnak, she is depicted wearing the hathor style headdress and wig.
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nowoolallowed · 7 months
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Book of the Dead for the Chantress of Amun Nauny - Met Museum Collection
Inventory Number: 30.3.31 Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21, ca. 1050 B.C. Location Information: From Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes, Deir el-Bahri, Tomb of Meritamun (TT 358, MMA 65), burial of Nauny, first corridor, inside Osiris figure, MMA excavations, 1928–29
This papyrus was part of the burial of Nauny, a Chantress of the god Amun-Re who died in her seventies. She also bore the title "king's daughter," which probably means that she was a child of the High Priest of Amun and titular king of the Theban area, Painedjem I.
On the papyrus are images and texts from a number of spells. The central scene illustrates Spell 125, better known as the Judgment of Osiris or The Weighing of the Heart. Nauny is in the Hall of Judgment. (...) Behind Nauny stands the goddess Isis, both wife and sister of Osiris. She is identified by the hieroglyph above her head.
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egypt-museum · 9 months
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Outer coffin of Queen Ahmose-Meritamun
New Kingdom, early 18th Dynasty, ca. 1525-1504 BC. Tomb of Ahmose-Meritamun (TT358), Deir el-Bahari, Thebes. Now in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC), Cairo. CG 61052
The outer coffin is over 10 ft in size and is made from cedar planks which are joined and carved to a uniform thickness throughout the coffin. The eyes and eyebrows are inlaid with glass.
The body is carefully carved with chevrons painted in blue to create the illusion of feathers. The coffin was covered in gold which had been stripped in antiquity. The inner coffin was smaller, but still over 6 ft tall. The inner coffin had also been covered in gold but stripped of this precious metal.
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 Wig, found in the tomb of Meritamun, 1040BC-992BC, Egypt.
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ancientoriginses · 2 years
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La peluca de Nauny. Una princesa de la dinastía XXI enterrada en la misma tumba que la reina de la dinastía XIX Ahmose-Meritamun. Está hecho de cabello humano tratado con cera de abeja y grasa animal. Egipto, 1040 a 992 a.C.
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egypttouring · 2 years
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statue of Meritamun, Open Air Museum of Akhmim, Sohag governorate, Egypt. 📷©️Photo @amr.a.salah. 𓋹 𓂀 𓆣 𓅃 𓃠 𓆃 𝕰𝖌𝖞𝖕𝖙 🥰 ❤️ 🇪🇬 😍 🌄 🏝 ☀️ 💙 🌎✈ 🛎 🌍 🐪 🌴 🤩 💯 #Egypttouring #Egyptouring #Tourism #مصر #Egitto #Egipto #Египет #埃及 #ეგვიპტე #मिस्र #Єгипет #Civilization #Egito #Ägypten #Եգիպտոս #Αίγυπτος #Egyiptom #Mısır #Egipt #Travel #tour #touring #thisisegypt https://www.instagram.com/p/CWnyrW-MfqI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tempi-dispari · 8 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2024/02/05/rising-star-ultima/
Rising Star: Ultima
Ultima, band nata e cresciuta da persone con due passioni in comune: i riff pesanti e i videogiochi.  Entrambe possono essere ascoltate in ogni loro disco: riff djent, melodie e arrangiamenti potenti, sintetizzatori folli e idee non comuni. I loro spettacoli non lasciano tregua e combinano alcuni momenti ambient con enormi riff.
Avendo già formato una band insieme, Jacopo Ceretta e Massimo Forestan decidono nel 2016 di introdurre Patrik Roncolato per trovare l’impronta sonora prog che stavano cercando. Matteo Polonio è arrivato un anno dopo, essendo l’elemento definitivo per una massiccia band djent. Il loro primo singolo (Malasomni) presenta la voce di Led della band Kanjante.  Alcuni mesi dopo, Matteo Toffanin entra a far parte della band come cantante.  I testi trattano di simboli e messaggi forti (con qualche riferimento a videogiochi e serie TV/libri) con la costante presenza di un lampo di speranza in una visione cupa.
 Nel 2019 è uscito l’EP “Meritamun”, con “Malasomni” – pubblicato da The Circle Pit su Youtube – e “Inadequate” – sul loro canale Youtube ufficiale – come singoli.  “Inadequate” ha raggiunto 30.000 visualizzazioni in un paio di mesi.  Successivamente, Ultima ha pubblicato una sessione live di un’altra canzone dall’EP, “Iconoclasm”.  Nel 2022, il singolo “Four Mornings” ha preannunciato l’uscita del nuovissimo album. Successivamente, “I Won’t Hide” esce su tutte le piattaforme, con un video visualizer su Youtube presentato da Spaceuntravel. L’ultimo singolo “Kids” viene pubblicato come video ufficiale da BVTV e riceve un clamoroso successo portando la band a dei nuovi traguardi su Spotify.
Ultima ha tenuto concerti con band locali e ha partecipato a molti concorsi, riuscendo molte volte;  ha vinto il premio per la Miglior Band nel 2021 nel concorso musicale “Alex Ruffini” per la presenza scenica, ha vinto il premio “Defenders of The Faith” di After Dusk Studio, nel 2022 con una demo originale fatta in casa.
Ultima suona dal vivo dal 2019 in tutto il Nord Italia e nei paesi limitrofi.  La prima uscita dell’EP è stata presentata con un tour tra Italia, Croazia e Slovenia.  L’energia e la qualità degli spettacoli dal vivo è in costante aumento e molti nuovi spettacoli sono in programma per i prossimi mesi.
 Djent, Prog metal dall’Italia
 FFO: Periphery, Monuments, Volumes, Tesseract
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elsiaef · 1 year
Today we will talk about a list and names of the kings of ancient Egypt. The first dynasty ruled from about 3150 to 2890 BC. M. It is the first dynasty of Egyptian kings who ruled Egypt after its unification (Upper and Lower Egypt) by Narmer, who ruled after him eight kings, the most famous of whom were (Hor Aha), (Jar) and (Jet), and Queen (Merit Nate), who is the first ruling queen in ancient history , and represents the beginning of the Egyptian historical eras.
The fourth was in Sudan, and Thebes (today called Luxor) was the capital of this empire, and there the greatest temples and the most magnificent tombs were built. This was followed by the era of the third decline, and it includes families 21-25 (about 1085-663 BC), in which kings of Libyan origin ruled the country, including Sheshonq, Yokuris, and others of Nubian origin, the most famous of whom was Yankhi. As the Assyrians invaded, the Egyptians revolted and liberated the country from their control under the leadership of Psamtik I, who founded the 26th Dynasty (about 663 - 529 BC) and returned Egypt to its strength and the Renaissance began. Then the Persians took over the country and some powerful personalities succeeded in expelling them, but they returned throughout the 27 Dynasties. 30. The history of the pharaohs ended when Alexander the Great invaded Egypt and expelled the Persians in 332 BC. And then it was ruled by the Greek pharaohs of the Ptolemaic dynasty. The rule of this family ended when Egypt became an independent Roman province in 30 BC.[1]
The dates provided in this listing are approximate. They are based primarily on the traditional chronology of ancient Egypt, mostly based on the Egypt Digital Universities Database [2] developed by the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, but alternative dates taken from other sources can be noted separately......
Kings names.
Ptolemy IV
Ptolemy VII
Emperor Trajan
Emperor Tiberius Caesar
Emperor Caracalla
The names of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs
Pharaonic queens of Egypt
Queen Hatshepsut
Queen Ahmose-Nefertari
Queen Nefertiti
Queen Nefertari
Queen T
Queen Tuya
Queen Twosret
Queen Cleopatra
Queen Ahmose Enhaby
Queen Meritamun
Princess Neferure
Egyptian pharaohs
Minister we will die
Architect Imhotep
Engineer Habu
Engineer Ham Iono
Binozem I
King Ptolemy VI
King Ramses X
King Amenhotep III
King Amenhotep II
King Ramses XI
King Ahmose I
King Amenhotep the First
King Userkaf
King Unas
King i
King Harihor
King Nectanebo II
King Nectanebo I
King Taharqa
King Mentuhotep I
King Mentuhotep II
(The secret of Maat-Ra) (Mary-Amun)
King Ramesses V (User Maatre) (Sakhr En Ra)
King Ramesses VI (Neb Maatre) (Mari Amen)
King Ramses VII (User Ma'at Ra) (Mari Amen)
King Ramesses VIII (User Maatre) (Brother to Believe)
King Ramesses IX (Neferkare) (Step en Ra)
King Sekhnakht (Merre Ra) (Wsu-Kheu Ra) (Step En Ra)
King Ramses X (News of Maat Ra) (Step En Ra)
King Ramses XI (of Maat-Re) (Step-En-Ptah)
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halaelnaggarart · 2 years
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a-man-called-hawk · 2 years
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The wig of Nauny. A 21st dynasty princess buried in the same tomb as the 19th dynasty queen Ahmose-Meritamun. It's made from Human hair treated with beeswax and animal fat. Egypt, 1040 to 992 B.C.
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Meritamun daughter of Ramses II and his favorite wife Nefertari at Akhmim
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Coffin of Ahmose-Meritamun
The Outer coffin of Queen Ahmose-Meritamun, made of cedarwood, from the Tomb of Queen Ahmose-Meritamun (TT358) at Deir el-Bahari, West Thebes. She was both the sister and the wife of pharaoh Amenhotep I.
New Kingdom, early 18th Dynasty, reign of Amenhotep I, ca. 1525-1504 BC. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 53140 https://egypt-museum.com/mummy-of-queen-ahmose-meritamun/
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nowoolallowed · 7 months
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Wig - Met Museum Collection
Inventory Number: 30.3.35 Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21, ca. 1040–992 B.C. Location Information: From Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes, Deir el-Bahri, Tomb of Meritamun (TT 358, MMA 65), inside coffin, MMA excavations, 1928–29
This wig was found lying behind the head of Nauny's mummy in her inner coffin. It is made of braids of human hair fastened at the top with a cord. The braids were treated with beeswax and a layer of animal fat covers the entire wig.
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thehereticpharaoh · 5 years
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Statue of Meritamun, Open Air Museum of Akhmim, Sohag Governorate, Egypt.
Meritamen (or  Meritamun) was a daughter of Ramesses and his favourite wife Nefertari. She appears as the fourth daughter in the list of daughters in Abu Simbel and had at least four brothers: Amun-her-khepeshef, Pareherwenemef, Meryre and Meryatum, as well as a sister named Henuttawy. Meritamen may have had more brothers and sisters, but these five are known from the facade of Queen Nefertari's temple in Abu Simbel. Her eldest brother - Amun-her-khepeshef - was the crown prince until at least year 25 of the reign of their father. Prince Prehirwenemef is known to have served in the army and is depicted in the battle scenes from Kadesh. The youngest sibling known to us - Prince Meryatum - would later become High Priest of Re in Heliopolis. Around the time her mother died (around the 24th or 25th regnal year), Meritamen became Great Royal Wife, along with her half-sister Bintanath.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 3 years
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Floral Garlands of Nany
Medium: Persea leaves, lotus petals, palm leaves, linen thread
Date: ca. 1050 B.C. (Third Intermediate Period)
Geography: From Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes, Deir el-Bahri, Tomb of Meritamun (TT 358, MMA 65), Mummy of Meritamun, MMA excavations, 1928–29
Accession Number: 30.3.33a
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dukuzumurenyiphd · 2 years
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"rr/rer [Kush/Kemet: Time] & rnpwt/Renput [Kush/Kemet: Years]:
In the essays of this text two calendars are presented as a guide to recorded events. One is the Julian calendar to which all in the Eurocentric countries and their former colonies, now neocolonies are familiar with. Its divisions used here are BCE for Before the Common Era and CE for the Common Era. The second calendar utilized is labeled KC, for kš kmt/Kush-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Kush-Kemet, Kushite Kemet] Calendar.
This calendar developed by the kšyw/Kushiu [Kush/Kemet: Kushites] of old, is based on the phryt spdt/Pekhert Sopdet [Kush/Kemet: Sothic Cycle]. The German Egyptologist Eduard Meyer of the Berlin School of Egyptology was one of the earliest Egyptoplogists to detect the importance of the phryt spdt/Pekhert Sopdet [Kush/Kemet: Sothic Cycle] in 6145 KC [1904 CE].
The phryt spdt/Pekhert Sopdet [Kush/Kemet: Sothic Cycle] is based on the 1,460-year cycle of the star spdt/Sopdet [Kush/Kemet: Sirius]. The phryt spdt/Pekhert Sopdet [Kush/Kemet: Sothic Cycle], or the heliacal rising of spdt/Sopdet [Kush/Kemet: Sirius], is mentioned in many kš kmt/Kush-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Kush-Kemet, Kushite Kemet] documents as occurring in the same observational position every 1,460 years on the wpt rnpt/Wepet Renpet [Kush/Kemet: New Year’s Day].
The earliest phryt spdt/Pekhert Sopdet [Kush/Kemet: Sothic Cycle] as calculated by Eduard Meyer occurred c. 4241 BCE, this is the date used as the basis of the kš kmt/Kush-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Kush-Kemet, Kushite Kemet] calendar used in this text. A second phryt spdt/Pekhert Sopdet [Kush/Kemet: Sothic Cycle] is recorded as occurring c. 1461 KC [c. 2780 BCE] during the 4th prꜥꜣ/Per-aa [Kush/Kemet: Dynasty]. Another phryt spdt/Pekhert Sopdet [Kush/Kemet: Sothic Cycle] is stated to have occurred during the 12th , prꜥꜣ/Per-aa [Kush/Kemet: Dynasty] in the seventh year of the ꜥḫnwty/Ikhnuti [Kush/Kemet: The Administration, ie. the Court, the Government of the Nesu and Nesit] of nsyt/Nesit [Kush/Kemet: Queen] Khenemetneferhedjet-Weret and nsw/Nesu [Kush/Kemet: King] Khakaure-Senusret according to the Illahun Papyrus.
The Eberus Medical Papyrus also states that a phryt spdt/Pekhert Sopdet [Kush/Kemet: Sothic Cycle] occurred in the ninth year of the ꜥḫnwty/Ikhnuti [Kush/Kemet: The Administration, ie. the Court, the Government of the Nesu and Nesit] of nsyt/Nesit [Kush/Kemet: Queen] Ahmose-Meritamun and nsw/Nesu [Kush/Kemet: King] Djeserkare-Amenhotep during the 18th prꜥꜣ/Per-aa [Kush/Kemet: Dynasty].
Another possible calendar consists of the date given by mꜣꜥ nit/Maa-Neith [Kush/Kemet: Seer of Neith, Manetho?] as recorded by the hrsšt ꜣ ntr/Herseshta Netcher [Kush/Kemet: Masters of the Most Sacred Mysteries] of c. 32,284 BKC [c. 36,525 BCE], which according to kš kmt/Kush-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Kushite Kemet] texts is the year when the first ‘divine rulers’ the šmsw hrw/Shemsu Heru [Kush/Kemet: Followers of Heru] arrived in kmt/Kemet [Kush/Kemet: ‘Land of the Blacks’] from Southern continental Afrika, the lands south where the ‘gods’ deigned to come down and commune with the ‘blameless Æthiopians.’ This period is written about by the hrsšt ꜣ ntr/Herseshta Netcher [Kush/Kemet: Masters of the Most Sacred Mysteries] as the sp tpy/Sep Tepi [Kush/Kemet: The First Time], a golden era of Utamaduni Mkubwa [Kingozi: High Culture]. While this event is referred to with the Eurocentric concept of mythology by Egyptologists and Afrikologists for that matter, the written record of the Wahenga na Wahenguzi [Kingozi: Ancestors of Ancestors] reads to this sš/Sesh [Kush/Kemet: Scribe] here present, as if this was a real event, which literally occurred and not as if it is an allegorical tale.
A third possible calendar of kš kmt/Kush-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Kushite Kemet] origin would begin in the year c. 7301 BKC [c. 11,542 BCE], which is recorded by the hrsšt ꜣ ntr/Herseshta Netcher [Kush/Kemet: Masters of the Most Sacred Mysteries] as the year in which ‘men began to rule men,’ following the age of the rule of the ‘gods’.
A fourth possible Calendar could be commenced from the date of c. 2039 BKC [c. 6280 BCE], which according to Æthiopian sources is the date of the birth of kš/Kush [Kush/Kemet: Kush], the progenitor of the kšyw/Kushiu [Kush/Kemet: Kushites], namesake of the kš/Kush [Kush/Kemet: Land of Kush] and founder of the nsyt kš/Nesit-Kush [Kush/Kemet: Kingdom of the Kushites].
Mhenga [Kingozi: Ancestor] Yosef ben-Jochanan uses the first year of the reunification of kmt/Kemet [Kush/Kemet: ‘Land of the Blacks’] c. 141 KC [c. 4100 BCE] as year one making the current year according to this dating c. 6113 NY [Nile Year].
Also, there is the Lebombo bone implement recovered in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, which dates to c. 32,759 BKC [c. 37,000 BCE] and which has 29 markings possibly signifying a lunisolar calendar. In addition, there is the Ishango bone implement found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is dated conservatively to c. 4759 - 2259 BKC [c. 9000-6500 BCE] and may be as old as c. 20,759 BKC [c. 25,000 BCE]. It is a calendar that contains 39 marks, used as a notation system for calculating the monthly phases of the moon. The Ishango implement could be used as year one of a calendar system.
Using any of these or any other calendar devised by the ancient rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] is an elementary must to free contemporary rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] from the cognitive-effective repression of a Eurocentric conceptualization of time which severely encases rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] in a sarcophagus of European mythologized temporal reality.
Consider that, the current Julian calendar utilized by Europeans is centered on the mythologized birth of one יְהוֹשֻׁעַ yəhôšuʿa/Yehowshua [Kihebrew: Yehovah-saved, Jesus] known to his followers as the מָשׁ��חָה māšəḥāh/Masehah [Kihebrew: Anointed, Messiah], dividing time into BC, Before Christ and A.D., Anno Domini or ‘In the year of the Lord’ meaning the Christ.
During the height of the European trans-Atlantic trade in enslaved rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] James Ussher, a Protestant Christian of Ireland, using the Julian calendar as a base, methodically created a chronology based on the canon of the Roman Catholic bible, which stated that the ‘god’ of the Christians began his creation c. 237 KC [c. 4004 BCE].
This calendar defines all neocolonized human events in relation to a mythologized fictional event of European derivation and limits human history ostensibly to c. 237 KC [c. 4004 BCE]. Within this time system all acts of agency of rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] are relegated to points in time when Europeans encountered rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans].
A calendar originating with the rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] greatly expands historical memory, places rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] in the subjective seat of active agents in time and connects rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans] of today with a long history replete with the Utamaduni [Kingozi: Culture], social, political and economic progression and regression of rmt/Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity i.e., the Blacks-Afrikans]."
pp. xxviii
km dd.tn mꜣꜥt/Kem Djed.ten Maat [To Be Black, Speak You Maat]
Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. Public Policy Analysis
Essays on Afrikan Liberation, Revolutionary Governance and Radical Macroeconomic Public Policy with a Translation of the Oldest Book in the World, the Instructions of Ptah-Hotep, the Ethical Axioms of Excellent Discourse & Afrikan Behavior by the Prime Minister & Chief Public Administrator of Kemet c. 1866 – 1891 KC [c. 2375 – 2350 BCE]
kmyt/Kemyt [Books of the Black Land]
AFRIKOLOGY PHILOSOPHY SERIES Pan-Afrikan Ethics for Pan-Afrikan Public Policy & Public Administration Volume I
Accra, Ghana: University of New Timbuktu Seba Press, 2021. Pp. liii, 690. [PDF] Price: $29.95 https://www.abibitumi.com/shop/tobeblackspeakmaat/
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