glass-noodle · 10 months
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childhood promises
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breadlockedup · 9 months
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On contrary to his brother, Nines knew how to behave around Humans.
A very belated gift to @glass-noodle for being a very nice person who pointed me towards DBH comics and art (fuel to my current obsession). Your Merman AU gave me some inspiration.
It's been ages since I've done anything digitally, from sketch to finish. Got a brand new tablet last Christmas (2022), which I didn't use. Got Clip Paint which, also, hasn't been touched. It's my first digital drawing since approximately 3-4 years. Last posted thing is... 2016. Yeah.
It's been a rough year, but I hope that 2024 will be better for everyone!
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spacemonolithart · 7 months
I more or less finished this. I hope you like my merRK900~
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spacemonolith · 1 year
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Mer900 with an orca design~
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keined · 5 months
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experimental fish men renders (rk1700)
In the cold depths of the ocean, two merfolk steal moments of stolen passion, their hearts entwined in a dance of desire that knows no boundaries.
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nadeshikoshirogi · 4 months
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Continuing with the mermay, a little bit of reed900, with different species but also in chibi because they are very adorable 😌💕
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akumuart · 10 days
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nine-of-words · 1 year
No Vacancy (Part One)
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M Merfolk x M Orc Reader
Wordcount: 2981
Content Warnings: Astraphobia, Spawning, Slit Fingering, Oral Sex (Reader Performs)
Originally I planned on posting this for mermay, but the passage of time is my greatest enemy. :')
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Well… This is about as prepared as you're going to be for this cyclone.
You've battened down every hatch. You've checked and double-checked the stabilizing wards. You’ve readied your backup generator, just in case a rogue, magically charged wave manages to overload the ship’s ley grid.
You’ve convened with your singular, unwaveringly faithful employee, Rosing - whom could care less about the coming storm, which she referred to as a ’drizzle’. 
Ah, to have the calm confidence of a middle aged kobold woman…
But most importantly, you've assured your passengers that you've run this open ocean route through heavily stormy conditions hundreds of times before and are well equipped to handle it, so they don’t need to worry.
That didn't stop some of them from continuing to fret - landlubbing tourists in the above deck rooms, of course. The merfolk occupying your various submerged rooms below deck haven't expressed so much as a peep of concern. They never do.
Now watching the heavy rain start to roll in, you can't help but think of how difficult it would be to swim in those storm churned waters.
You're at full capacity now, and you had expected your merman friend to stop and rest as he usually does during his longer courier runs, but you haven't seen head or tail of him yet.
You have found yourself looking out at the water more than once, absentmindedly scanning the spaces between white caps for his bright blue dorsal fin cresting the surface. 
Eyes skimming the water one last time as the downpour becomes unbearable even for you, you sigh, and head back inside to your cabin.
He probably just didn't need to stay this time, you assure yourself. You just hope that he’s somewhere safe from the impending storm.
You strip out of your rain gear in the open bridge area before walking into your sleeping quarters, so as to not make any puddles on the floor. It doesn’t take long for you to fall asleep after climbing into bed, more fatigued than you realized and rocked to sleep by the familiar roll of the ocean.
You wake later with a start to the sound of something heavy thudding loudly on the deck above you, audible even over the howl of the strong winds and pelting rain.
What was that? 
Probably equipment or supply crates bumping against the gunwales from the force of the storm. Usually nothing to worry about, but that sounded louder than normal, and something may have broken loose despite your detailed preparations. At worst, a thrill-seeking passenger decided to take a stroll in the storm and is in grave peril…
Caution wins out, and you rouse yourself from your comfort.
Hurriedly, you jump out of bed, pull on your raincoat and the pair of waxed trousers you have set out for tomorrow, and step into your boots. You have the foresight to grab your handheld spotlight as you head out of your cabin to go investigate.
The raging winds whip about you as you take a step out onto the open deck of your ship, shielding your face from sea spray with your forearm, your free hand holding you steady. Your eyes follow the beam of light through the poor visibility, searching for the source of the noise.
A lone crack of lightning streaks across the sky, making the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
It doesn’t take long to locate a familiar pop of vibrant color. Beautifully reflective azure scales illuminate under the focused beam of the spotlight, stark against the greyed out haze of your surroundings. 
Sprawled out across the wooden planks is your dear friend - mostly limp and listless, being tossed around across the slippery surface with the force of each strong wave. He's managed to wrap the guide rope up around one of his hands, holding on for dear life as he's pelted by the elements.
"Noa!" You shout to the merman over the tumult of wind and rain and thunder, your body rushing into motion without active thought.
He weakly lifts his head at your voice, but if he responds, it's completely drowned out. He’s not shifted his tail into legs for some reason - so you steel your resolve to carry him in.
After stowing your spotlight in your pocket and waiting for a break in the onslaught of waves, you heave the merman’s body up with a grunt of effort. There is a surprising density to his athletic, piscine form, like that of most merfolk. 
The motion of hauling heavy loads of fish may still be second nature, but you've grown a bit soft in the middle since your fishing boat days. Life as a ferry ship captain carting tourists around the various island chains of the Indra-Thalassic isn't anywhere near as physically grueling - something you're thankful for, even if it makes this situation slightly more challenging.
You wobble slightly on the path back, your boots threatening to lose traction on the slippery deck from the uneven weight. 
Much more distracting is the feeling of his damp, smoothly scaled body against your fingertips. You can’t help the way you feel about him, despite how much you’ve tried to quash it over the course of your friendship… And you certainly don’t think it’ll ever be reciprocated, so you’ve resigned some time ago to continue to keep it to yourself. 
He would have to be the one to initiate a relationship anyway, due to Orcish standards…
But now is not the time to ponder this. So you brush those thoughts away, and try hard to focus on getting you both back to safety.
Luckily, you know your ferry ship like the back of your hand, and you manage to navigate back into the main cabin despite the treacherous weather and low light.
You carry your friend across the threshold like a prized catch. The heavy door shuts on its own behind you with a thud.
“Can I get a room?” Noa asks wryly, his voice tired.
You can't help but laugh.
"Boat's full up." You say simply, and then think to clarify as you glance out the porthole; "But I’m not turning you away in this mess. You can share my cabin for the night."
“You alright?”
“I’ll live. Just… too tired for legs right now.” He weakly motions to where his tail sways beneath your grasp.
"Got it. ...Now where to put you, then…" You wonder aloud. “Ah, I know.”
You enter your personal quarters, pass the alcove where your bed is, towards the head. The compact corner tub seems a good enough place as any to store a merman that’s physically incapable of shifting at the moment, so you carefully deposit him there.
“Huh. Neat.” Noa remarks, leaning back against the broad edge of the tub and removing his waterproof courier pouch. His bright eyes run over the bathroom fixtures in interest, his coiled braids quivering softly with the slight movement of his head.
From what he’s told you of his life, he hasn't spent a lot of time on land, so you have to wonder if he’s ever even seen a bathtub in person before.
“You must be cold and sore after all that.” You sit on the edge of the tub and turn the faucet, letting comfortably hot water rush over his flank and begin to fill the tub.
“Ah… That’s… nice.” He relaxes considerably.
"Why on Hearth were you out swimming during a cyclone?”
"Couldn't pass up the job, the gold was way too good." He sighs, holding a spread hand to his brow. "But the storm came in too fast, even for me."
He always seems to be working himself too hard. It makes you worry for his health…
“Mmn. How’d you get up on deck?”
“Jumped.” He says, far too nonchalantly for the impressive feat of agility he’s describing.
"Ah." You chuckle in admiration. “You’re amazing.”
“Keep telling me that and my head will get fat.” He smirks.
“Where were you going that was that important, anyway?”
Noa simply growls, throwing his head back in frustration and scrubbing his face with his palms.
"Sorry. That bad?"
"No. Just- don't worry about it." His brow knits, and his tail slaps the edge of the acrylic in irritation with a hollow thump. "I just… had a second stop there’s no way I’m going to make now. Stupid delivery held me up…"
“Hmmm. That’s rough.” You rub your beard, steering the conversation to a topic that will cause him less distress. “...You know, I don't think I've ever seen your colors like this. Did you always have so much purple in your scales?"
Noa’s scales are usually a gradient of blue and white, with stark white horizontal stripes lining his sides. But now his fins are an almost ultraviolet purple, with the darkened shade of his blue scales making the purple accents pop. The small, thin fins on his hips flutter rhythmically under the rising water.
"No, it's… seasonal."
That makes sense, you suppose. You don’t see him much at all during the migratory months.
“Suits you, is all.” 
You chat a bit more, until the tub has sufficiently filled. You cut off the flow with a metal squeak of the knob and rise to your feet.
It’s difficult to pull yourself away - you would spend so much more time with him if you could. And you may or may not be enjoying this view… as guilty as you feel for it.
"I should get some more rest before daybreak. But I'll be right over there if you need anything." You motion to where your bed is nestled into the wall.
"Thank you again." Noa nods, the grateful smile and sense of relief in his body language more than enough gratitude. "For always being here when I need you."
"Haha, not a problem at all, my friend."
You second guess stripping back down to your underclothes now that you have company, but your desire for comfort wins out. The humid air from the storm all but requires it. 
So you do, and quickly switch off the lights before returning to your bed for some much needed rest after all this excitement.
You hazily wake up what must be a few hours later, to the sound of water sloshing and wet footsteps. It'd be irritating being woken up for the second time in one night, if you weren't used to it coming with the territory. Something always needs attention on a boat.
More than anything, you're confused. Then, you remember - Noa is in your cabin tonight. 
"Nnnh-?" You go to say his name, instead being abruptly silenced by the sight you register.
Noa is standing on his own strong legs at the foot of your bed, water rapidly wicking off his completely bare skin. The saturated color of his scales is even more apparent in the brief flashes of light from the storm outside.
"Cold." He says simply, quietly, staring you down with a strangely intense look in his eyes.
Ah, the tub water must've gone cold.
You grunt in acknowledgement, holding up your quilt and motioning for him to join you without putting too much thought into it. 
Noa doesn’t seem to need an explicit verbal invitation, climbing up onto your raised bed without a problem.
But rather than the slightly awkward warmth of sharing a blanket at a platonic distance you were expecting, you get something much different.
He straddles you, his weight pressing sweetly against your groin. From this angle you have a clear view of the pink flush on his lower stomach, framing his swollen, needy genital vent, even in the low light.
“Noa?” You finally inquire, your voice still froggy as you let the raised quilt slip from between your fingers. Certain parts of your body are waking up faster than others.
“I was going to Spawn. That's where I was headed,” He finally admits in a pained, breathy response. “Thought I could make it in time… But…"
Well, the subtext there is pretty clear.
You’re stunned for a moment, unsure that this is really happening, or if you’re still dreaming. It’s not every day the object of your unrequited affection crawls into your bed and essentially asks for sex.
Noa presses his hips flush against yours and grinds, restless and agitated in his movements, as if you needed any more confirmation of what he wants.
Your body has taken little time to react, given your pre-existing affection for him. You can feel the persistent throb of your newly erect cock as it prods against Noa’s pelvis.
You know you shouldn’t… that this will end in heartache, like it normally does for you… You’re fairly sure Noa isn’t typically into men and is just desperate, and that never ends with anything that lasts longer than arrival at the next port.
…But it’s him. 
The rubbery soft skin gliding against your own makes your head empty of any other thought, valid concern or not. Not to mention the pressure and movement against your loins starting to let it take the helm over your brain.
“You know I need something a little more direct than that to work with.” You say, the taboo of initiating on your end the only thing still holding you back.
“Please,” Noa all but begs, his voice shuddering. “I need… Nngh… Help.”
Thunder cracks outside, breaking the silence, followed by a flash of lighting illuminating Noa’s form on top of you.
Ultimately, you are weak. You can’t resist, and start rubbing yourself against him in turn from beneath.
An excited, ragged sigh escapes Noa’s chest in response.
Oh. You definitely need to hear more of that.
You reach down, drawing a line with a finger along the edge of his swollen slit, enjoying the way he squirms at the sensation. Then you press your finger inside, immediately sinking in deep from the copious amount of natural lubricant.
Noa gasps in surprise and a brief look of panic flashes across his face, before it’s completely obliterated by an expression of enjoyment, his eyes glazing over from watching your fingers thrust in and out of his own body so easily. The muscles around his opening start to contract rhythmically around the intrusion, squeezing you.
You pull your fingers out when you feel Noa’s phallus start to emerge, rigid but still slightly squishy to the touch.
Noa shifts to hover over you, balancing his weight on his palms and knees, and you allow yourself to be pressed back against the bed. The ends of his braids tickle your exposed chest.
“Aah- Never done this out-  outta the water.” He chokes out in warning. “Or with a man-”
You want to reach upwards - hold the back of his neck firm and kiss him - and for a moment you’re tempted to act on the impulse. But, you resist.
"It's not all that different." You reassure him. “I don’t have any lube at the moment, so my mouth will have to do.”
Noa grunts in approval, clearly fine with whatever he can get at this point.
You hook your legs on the edge of the bed and shift your body downward using your calf strength. Your mouth trails down Noa's chest and torso as you go, until you're at hip height, staring down his now throbbing cock.
Grip firm on his hips, you guide him into your mouth. Noa, unsurprisingly, tastes a bit like the ocean, a subtle hint of salt pooling on your palette..
He immediately lets out a shuddering gasp that morphs into a groan, hips bucking forward in automatic, biological need.
Your curved tusks press against the firm muscles of his inner thighs, his skin soft and ticklish against your facial hair. 
After adjusting his knees into a position at your shoulders slightly more conducive to pumping, he tests the roll of his hips. You grunt encouragingly, sucking and pressing your tongue along the underside as he moves, pulling an eager groan out of him.
It doesn’t take long for him to become comfortable with the motion, and he starts to shamelessly and forcefully thrust into your mouth. The tip of his cock repeatedly jabs at the soft flesh at the back of your throat. The urge to gag is strong, but you manage to tamp it down and relax your throat. You dig your calloused fingers into the side of his thighs, bobbing your head against his strokes.
Despite being fit and having enough stamina to swim cross-ocean for a living, Noa is clearly already worn down from his recent ordeal; already at his limit barely after starting.
In what seems like no time, Noa lets out a string of breathless grunts and his struggling thighs tremble around your jaw. You’re nearly blinded by his vibrant colors that seem to literally light up the dark cabin - The stripes on his sides flicker in phosphorescent white, like the streaks of lightning outside. 
Cum shoots down your throat without you even needing to swallow, completely coating it. The subtle salty taste from before is a full-blown brine now.
Noa rolls off of you and limply collapses onto his back against the bed, chest heaving for air so deeply you can see the pink flash of his gills peek out between his ribs each time his lungs expand.
“T-Thanks- Sorry? Nngh-” He gasps in shame, looking like all his life force has left his body. 
“No problem at all.” You say, a bit hoarse, rubbing your throat.
By the time you’ve fully caught your own breath and propped yourself up, he’s already out like a light, fast asleep exactly where he landed.
You let out a sigh of a laugh, and get up to lumber into the head to take care of yourself.
Not the least sleep you’ve gotten in one night in this line of work…
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liamfaoisidhe · 1 year
Drew this commission for @glxyqst 🥰 (psst I adore you)!
Enjoy some mer Reed900 stuff a month late, courtesy of them!
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wonderkat11 · 4 months
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NBxXC || 9 as Shulk, the Merman
Okay, a funny mer-cosplay for Numberblock 9? Ha! Don't make me think of itoh yeah, I just drew him as Shulk, but he became to a merman since l've left a drawing out since last year, now that I decided to draw this merman cosplay, you know why? It's today & I AM FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW! 😰
I think I did great, but......why did I draw this...?
Made in IbisPaintX for Digital Art maker.
No Rude Comments Please.
9 belongs to Numberblocks (CBeeBies & Learningblock series).
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glass-noodle · 9 months
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[CW: blood]
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lab merman AU doodle dump from the past few months (not in any particular chronological order)
A very disapproving younger brother
Connor who wants to gift his mate all the pretty things he finds (gifts he’s gotten Hank so far: pennies, a pearl hair comb, a CD, a variety of shells and stones, a phone case, an 18th century chamber pot)
Hank who’s not used to gifts and gets flustered (and also wonders where the hell Connor’s getting all these things from)
A hug that they both desperately need
Hank’s nightmares
- the infamous tangled hug
- i used a reference for the hair clip and now i can't find it anymore, i'm so sorry. i found it by searching for vintage pearl hair clips on google, if that helps any 😭
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chaos-thirium · 1 year
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After the events of Call of the Sea, Connor and his human lover are happily settled at Jericho. But what about Nines?
Nines never thought he could fall for a human the same way his brother did. Turns out fate had other ideas.
Nines x reader. Rated M.
Read on AO3.
(I do not own any of these pictures, they're just used for fun.)
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spacemonolithart · 8 months
900 with an obvious design choice~ 🤭
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spacemonolith · 1 year
900 for mermay with an obvious design choice~ 🤭
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phckingusername · 1 year
Chapter 5 is out
I'm sorry but I'm tired. It's out now finally though.
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sirenmoth · 6 months
Monster Mash - Prologue
This is a collection of what was supposed to be small fics accidently turned full fics of you getting fucked by nine monsters, who are also your boyfriends (and each others)
CW: DUBCON, poly relationship with multiple monsters, polyamory, polygamy, polycule, free use, plot what plot/porn without plot, the plot is porn, mentions of anal sex and vaginal sex, mentions of aftercare, monsterfucking (Each chapter will have it's own warnings) This is an 18+ series with a female human
Monsters Included (In order of the series): Vampire, Drider, Satyr, Werewolf + Orc, Centaur, Naga, Siren + Merman, All Present
Monster Mash Masterlist Next ->
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Being in a relationship with nine different monsters was a very interesting thing, a day was never dull, watching the various ways they interact with each other and their environment in and around the shared living space, the small petty arguments and minor domestic disputes when one of them did something another didn't like were entertaining but exhausting. But they did agree on one thing, you.
Their little human.
It didn't start out like this, one by one you unknowingly added a monster to your list of lovers, to your harem. You met them at different times at different locations, getting to know them not knowing how they felt and why they started talking to you, if they knew you are talking to different monsters behind their back, they knew, they could smell each other on you. They never liked creatures outside their own kind, barely tolerated them if they had to interact with a different species, hell, most didn't even like their own species, finding them annoying or a waste of time. But with you that changed.
Watching from the shadows, they stayed close to keep you safe and the others away, getting into bloody fights if one got too close for the others liking, they'd sometimes go as far as to let themselves get bloodied and bruised just so you could pamper and coddle them once you saw the state they are in, littered in cuts and bruises, bites and scratches. It never lasted long, you'd yell and scolded them for being so stupid and reckless, for the petty territorial claim they put over you.
"Don't you have at least one thing all of you agree on? Like something in common and like enough to share?" You foolishly asked one day, not knowing what that would lead to, what one, innocent in nature, lone question made them all collectively agree for the first, and probably the last, idea they all agreed on.
Swallowing their self pride and ego, as well as their hatred for one another, they agreed on sharing. With a few conditions, they didn't want to lose their precious human. And if living together with a different species they loathed and could hardly stand meant they got to keep you, so be it.
They hated it at first, wanting you all you had to themselves, growling and snarling and hissing at the other residents if you got too close. Marking you in obvious places for all to see and scent you until the other couldn't stand being around. Fuck you in full view of the rest, knowing they can't get violence or aggressive without risking you avoiding them for a whole day.
It's their way of showing dominance over each other, showing they are the better boyfriend and mate. A way of saying they can please you better, make you cum harder, render you brainless quicker than any of them can, have you drooling and begging for more.
Overtime they adapted and accepted this new living arrangement, learning about each other and their lives, how their species acted and thrived and their cultures. It wasn't all happy and domestic though, arguments were and still are common. Your vampire lover screaming from his section of the manor for one of them to keep it down during the day while he was trying to sleep, the werewolf running around, both indoors and outdoors, to burn energy and disturbing Driders web or the Naga's nest, the list goes on.
Most took to living outside the manor you bought together since it came with a massive plot of land, in a small hut, barn, burrow underground or a body of water, just to live away from the chaos living with nine monsters brought and some alone time, in peace and quite with you, away from the bickering and shouting. A sanctuary for them to rest.
You love joining them and spending time there too, bathing in the silence, just you and your lover. They are more than happy to keep you there, all to themselves, full of their cock or cocks as they fucked you, or you fucked them, bouncing on their dicks or dicks, using them the way they use you.
One thing they were adamant on not sharing for the longest time, was you, yes, they agreed to live together, but that didn't mean they liked it or agreed to be nice to each other. Sharing you was off the table, if one wanted a turn they could wait, problem being that wait could be a few hours to a whole day, at worst a week or so.
That changed when you begged for two of them to tag team you, have you in the middle with one in your cunt and one in your mouth, maybe add a third. Oh, how could they say no to that? Having you looking all pretty and cute for them while getting treated like the monster cock whore you are.
It very quite became the norm to find one of them balls deep in one of your holes, pounding away like their life depended on it, bending you over every available, fucking you from behind until you were limpless and unable to move, holding you up and your legs open wide or your legs wrapped around their waist as they double dicked you down.
Leaving you spent and used out in the open for the next one, letting whoever decided to use you next had easy access to use you how they liked, to fuck you hard and deep, covered in bite marks and cum and sweat. Sometimes they'd tie you up with the Driders' silky webs or let the Naga wrap his tail around you to keep you in place, having you lay there like a premium sex toy only they can use.
You got used to being covered in some type of marking, bites and bruises was now a warm welcomed part of your life. Having your brain empty when the siren sang his song when you visited the backyard lake turned makeshift ocean for him and the Merman, impaling you o his inhuman cock, the Merman would join in, entering your puckered ass while you pulled you under the water, kissing you deep in heated moments to provide you with air. Leaving you on the shore once done to warm up in the sun as they laid half on the land, half in the sea, stroking your salt soaked hair from your eyes.
They still took care of you afterwards. After fucking you to the nine hells and the heavens and back, after rendering both your mind and body and voice useless, they'd pamper you they way you pamper them, telling you how good you did, how much they love you and are glad and grateful you're theirs. Undoing the silk, or licking up the blood, waiting for the knot to deflate or for you to catch your breath, which every one with you would cuddle you after cleaning you up. One or more would join until you were under a heap of warm and cold bodies, when asked they denied doing it because they loved each other.
Some didn't mind sharing most of the time, working together to ring out countless orgasms from you until it hurt, and you physically couldn't any more. Some refused to, wanting to keep everything you had to give and take to themselves and only sharing if they saw fit, or you begged on your knees. Another common was waking up sore and dripping with cum, sometimes in a new place after you traded you off to another one, you gave your consent for them to use you in your sleep or to continue to keep using you after they fucked you unconscious until they were satisfied.
But that didn't mean they were always in charge of the scenario and situation, they are, especially the werewolf, weak to your pout and puppy eyes when you ask them ever so nicely to tie them up and ride them or peg them until their tired and overstimulated, it was always a fun time, giving the same treatment they gave you, though they never gave in much, wanting you to be on the receiving end of what they have to give and the pleasures they can provide.
Your days are never dull, with nine monsters tending to your every need and whim, and you tending to theirs
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