#merucry trine moon
cursedbyastro · 1 year
from (post here!) ✿
ASC - MC, sun, moon, venus, mars or jupiter conjunction, trine and sextile (0-2 orb)
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*added by me* Adonis (2101) — magnetic, charismatic beauty (sextile moon 1º)
Aglaja (47) — Splendor
Alkmene (82) — Faithfulness, Intelligence
*added by me* Apollo (1862) — attraction, beauty (sextile mars 2º, trine MC 2º)
Aphrodite (1388) — Sexual Attractiveness (honorable mention conjunct mercury 3°)
*added by me* Bathseba (592) — lusted after beauty (honorable mention conjunct merucry 3°)
Bella (695) — Beautiful Woman
Candy (3015) — Candy Girl (sextile Sun at 1º)
Casanova (7328) — Charm
Chariklo (10199) — Sensitive
Charis (627) — Charisma
*added by me* Erato (62) — sensual, lovely beauty (trine MC 0º)
Eva (164) — Femininity
Fay (4820) — Ethereal Beauty (trine ASC 0º)
Flora (8) — Ethereal, Fairy Beauty
Freia (76) — Beauty, Fertility (sextile moon 0º)
Glo (3267) — Shine and Glow (sextile moon 0º)
*added by me* Godiva (3018) — untainted, pure beauty (conjunct moon 1º)
*added by me* Helena (101) — The Most Beautiful (conjunct ASC 1°)
Hera (103) — Sexual Attractiveness (sextile Jupiter 2°)
Kallisto (204) — The Most Beautiful (sextile Moon 0º, honorable mention conjunct Saturn at 0º)
Kleopatra (216) — Strength, Authority (trine Moon at 0º)
Lilith (1181) — The Dark Side of Sexuality (trine Moon at 0º)
Lotis (429) — Pure Beauty (trine ASC 2°)
Medusa (149) — Enviable Beauty (trine ASC at 2°)
Nadherna (5089) — Gorgeous (sextile Sun at 2°)
Nefertiti (3199) — Graceful
Narcissus (37117) — Vanity and Attractiveness
Nymphe (875) — Ageless, Natural Beauty
Peitho (118) — The Goddess of Persuasion (trine MC at 1º)
Persephone (399) — Queen of the Underworld (trine ASC °2)
Psyche (16) — Enviable Beauty (conjunct Mars 2º)
Ptah (5011) — Magical Beauty (conjunct Mars 0º, conjunct Venus at 2º)
Queen (5457) — Elegant, Strength, Powerful
Salome (562) — Seductive, Fatal Beauty (sextile Moon at 0º)
Sappho (80) — Bisexual Energy (sextile Sun 2°)
Sassi (7500) — Sassy Girl (sextile Venus 1º, sextile Mars º0)
Sirene (1009) — Dangerous, Femme Fatale (trine ASC 2°)
Shigemi (7597) — Luxuriant Beauty (sextile Jupiter 1º)
Zerlina (531) — Leading Energy
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tower-girl-anon · 1 year
heyyy girrl how r u ? 🤍 hope the new year is treating u well so far 🍀
so im quite new 2 astrology and im curious what my chart could mean but u see i cant afford a reading yet 🥲 so i was hoping if u could help me know what exactly these placements could mean ? how it affects my vibe, appearance, all that stuff you know ? ive a leo rising chart ruler in the 6th house capricorn ( i heard its bad ? ), leo jupiter in the 12th ( my friend told me this is bad as well ? ) conjuct my ascendant, uranus n neptune opposite asc, venus trine asc, saturn sextile asc, moon semisquare asc, merucry quinqunx asc, chiron biquintle asc and pluto trine ascendant ! woo im sorry if this is a lot ! u can only choose 2 asnwer only a few if u want thats completely alright ajshsjsjs. um and could u also rate my big6 ? out of 10 haha;
• sun in capricorn 25° 6thouse, cancer moon 11th house 2°, capricorn mercury 15° 5th house, scorpio mars 4th house 29°, sagittarius venus 9° 4th house, and leo rising 18°.
Hello!! Thank you so much for your preocupation. I've seen your planets, signs, and placements and I can tell you this:
1-Please don't consider your placements as bad or good. Placements and aspects, no matter if they are considered better than others, can still have bad effects on the long term. I'll take as an example the Jupiter placement in the 12th house. Certainly, one of the bad sides of this aspect is that the native could indulge himself/herself in drugs and alcohol since the house of Neptune rules that also but, on another hand, it can grant intuitive or psychic abilities. Maybe those who have it can recieve information through dreams which, in my opinion, is not a bad placement to have at all. The same can be said about the Sun in Capricorn in the 6th house. In vedic astrology, the Sun is considered as a malefic planet so, having it in the 6th house of health, could grant you some health problems or accidents related to the bones (Capricorn rules that) or with the heart since Leo is the natural ruler of the Sun. But, since I'm talking of western astrology, the good aspect about this is that it shows a very responsable, hard working, and health conscious personality. 2-Now, having Jupiter in conjunction to the Ascendant could give you a jovial energy. A funny and energetic side that many people will notice. In terms of physical attributes, this aspect could grant you a chubby body, a big chest in some cases, or long legs since Jupiter rules Sagittarius. 3-Venus and Saturn in an easy aspect to the Ascendant can give you a natural seriousness about you along with atractive features and loving energy since Venus is the planet of beauty. With Pluto there is some mysteriousness and power sorrounding you that people can hardly define but, in a good aspect, is not overwhelming. In relation to the other aspects, I won't consider it as being that strong to interfere with the other aspects so I won't dive into it.
4-In terms of rating your big 6, I don't think I understood your question. Are you asking me to put a number of how good or bad those placements are? You want me to put an order to put what placements is better than the other or I just need to describe a little bit each placement? Because I can see that you have, at least at first house, a powerful charisma and brigtness with the Leo Ascendant that could help you attract other people. With the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn, there is a natural energy of seriousness within you. The Moon in the 11th house gives you a very nurturing energy that shows that, despite that serious side of you, you are very sensible and care about the well being of the others. That is something that many people can see since it stays in the 11th house. You are very carefree and funny with the Venus in Sagittarius energy, but very private also with the Mars in Scorpio in the same house as Venus, especially whit things that makes you feel angry. It gives a very nice balance of Masculine and femenine energy.
I don't know if this was what you asked. Please let me know if I mistook your question.
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hungarianaquarian · 7 years
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Investigation Day
October 30
According to news reports, the Russian Investigation team will begin to charge people on Monday, October 30th.  I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the charts with that in mind. But also to comment on other interpretations for those of us not under investigation.
The chart above shows the major aspects for the day, and I’m going to break them down here.
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First, there is a triangle of potential made up of Mercury in Scorpio, Pluto in Capricorn and the Moon in Pisces.  The moon and mercury are trine while Mercury and the moon are each sextile to Pluto. This puts the focus on possibilities related to the Pluto energy which could have a positive outcome if action is taken. But who would have the positive outcome? The investigators or those being investigated? Well, let’s see how it could play out.
Pluto represents government, the authority, the boss, or drastic change and transformation.  In Capricorn, it brings up a sense of responsibility, hard work, and being practical, efficient, businesslike.  
Mercury represents communication—possibly news, discussions, emails, announcements, agreements, and even short-distance travel. It is in Scorpio, the area of secrets, money, transformation, rebirth, and power. The moon represents comfort, what we consider to be our home, home country, the private space in which we feel at home or something that makes us feel comfortable.  In Pisces, AND conjunct Neptune, it could relate to sensitive issues, something that is not clear, being blind-sided, psychological issues, or intuitive sensitivity about something.
It seems that the sensitivity to issues that are not clear is likely to be in the news, to be discussed and announcements are very likely (trine is highly likely) to happen.  The possibility is that news or communication will relate to the government, possibly to the authority, the “boss,” OR it could be that there is communication about a drastic change related to being responsible and efficient or practical, serious and acting as a taskmaster (the Saturnian role—Saturn rules Capricorn).  Pluto, the authority or the major transformation, is connected to the moon and Neptune with a sextile, too, so the key focus here is the authority figure, the government, the major transformation in this situation. Positive things can happen if there is communication related to this, but only if action is taken.   If action is taken regarding feeling comfort connected to home or country and possible psychological issues, confusion, or lack of clarity related to the government or authority figure, the outcome could be positive.  That is why it is called the triangle of potential. There is an opportunity that could lead to a positive outcome if action is taken—communication, related to lack of clarity, sensitivity, intuition, or being blind-sided related to the home or country. Scorpio, again, relates to secrets. Things not discussed openly. Jupiter and the sun are now in Scorpio. The sun is shining a light on what is deep under the surface, and Jupiter digs deep in Scorpio—deeper than usual—and it expands things, opens up new worlds of information, higher levels of understanding.
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The next aspects relate to Venus (women, money, or harmony) in Libra (justice, relationship, fairness),  squaring (challenging, creating tension or stress) Pluto in Capricorn—the authority figure, the government, taking responsibility, drastic changes related to authority figures taking responsibility.  This could be connected to the sexual harassment situations that have been coming out—women seeking justice in challenging the authority figure, or holding the authority figure accountable.   It could also relate to this investigation by creating a sense of disharmony regarding issues of justice, women, or what is fair and balanced, being part of the challenge to the government, or a challenge to the authority being responsible or practical with regard to this disharmony.
But Venus is at a positive angle of opportunity to the North Node in Leo.  The NN is the destiny of society.  It is possibly that this effort to obtain justice, harmony, fairness, or money –possibly for women or related to challenging the government—could have a positive outcome for the social destiny—what we are meant to do, be, and undertake as a collective as part of our destiny at this time.  This connects Venus to the Grand Fire Trine that the North Node is part of.  So it can be highly positive and receive the benefits of that trine, which brings in legal and international responsibilities and long-term planning which keep in check unpredictable actions or outbursts.  It also can help build up new technology possibly related to harnessing and using energy responsibly.  
Jupiter and the Sun are opposed to Uranus in Aries, which brings up the possibility of unpredictable actions being  taken, outbursts, attacks, or surprise impulsive actions.  In relation to the light being shone on secrets and digging deep beneath the surface – possibly related to sex, money, international issues (Jupiter), legal matters (Jupiter)—it could be hindered by unpredictable actions or outbursts.    This connection to Uranus also ties in the Grand Fire Trine, though, bringing in Saturn’s sense of practical responsibility, planning, and serious, deliberate hard work that can lead to long-term structures in place that will affect the social destiny in a highly positive way. So whatever is happening today, October30th, is activating that highly positive grand trine, and is offering several potentially positive outcomes for justice, for agreements or news, or messages—as well as feeling comfortable based on either major changes or actions taken related to clarifying things related to the authority figure.  The moon here can also relate to the White House – the HOME of our country.  The home connected to the government and the leader/authority figure.  
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 This Grand Fire trine has been positively keeping things from getting out of hand and holding people accountable and responsible.  There will likely be news about secrets or hidden agendas coming out, that could be international, legal or will affect the world and our destiny.
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There are two yods—fingers of God—one of which has been ongoing, since it involves Pluto and Neptune,which don’t really move much in the short run.  They are forming a sextile (which is part of the sextile with the moon), and pointing to the North Node. So the social destiny could be affected in a way that is uncomfortable related to the lack of clarity, drastic changes in government or the authority figure. The way to remedy that is to turn to the opposite sign—Aquarius—opposite the NN where the finger of God is pointing. Aquarius represents doing things for the social good, taking on humanitarian causes, fighting for social justice.
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The other yod connects Venus and the North Node in their sextile, discussed earlier, pointing to the moon and Neptune in Pisces.  There is a level of discomfort regarding the confusion, lack of clarity, the psychological issues regarding our home, our country, the place where we want to feel comfortable.  The solution is Virgo, paying attention to detail, getting things organized, working hard to put things in order and to also focus on health and nutrition, doing a good job, “cleaning house,” and being of service to the home or country. This could potentially have a positive outcome for harmony, happiness and justice in the social destiny and in the formation of positive partnerships, finances, or values.
 If you want to know how these transits are affecting you, personally, through a reading of your natal chart and the current transits--along with readings regarding the year ahead, the upcoming months or a relationship, drop me a line at [email protected]
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d4rkpluto · 3 years
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬 𝔬𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔱𝔢𝔫
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hello, i'm here to blabber on again!
❦ libra midheavens take a lot of selfies
❦ cancer in 8th house folks have a lot of empathy to children
❦ many people with sagittarius in their big three or big six come from ethnic backgrounds (or have sagittarius degrees)
❦ libra's aren't fake, most of the time they're the best people to talk to when you're feeling down
❦ fire moon's as babies may have cried, a lot
❦ neptune placements/dominants make the best actors/actresses
❦ i realised a lot of people who are very known in fandoms have gemini placements, either gemini suns or gemini merucry even gemini mc
❦ cancer and virgo combination makes a puppy/traditional lover
❦ sagittarius placements are most likely to have sanpaku eyes
❦ you're most likely going to attract people who have the same placements as you, or have placements opposite you. e.g, i have moon in the 11th and some of my friends have moon in the 11th too. i also have sagittarius pluto in the 1st house and i realised i've been attracting people who either have sagittarius in the 7th house or pluto in the 7th house.
❦ people with scorpio in the twelfth house can attract vengeful, brooding and menacing spirits. their presence is so strong that the scorpio placement person finds it difficult to not feel them
❦ people with too many trines in their natal chart can take life for advantage then live a very depressed life because of their lack of self-reflect, Peter Steele is a good example
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❦ second house stelliums focus on aesthetics a lot
❦ neptune - ascendant can look different from many angles
❦ i've noticed both venus in the 3h and 9h like music in other languages
❦ someone having taurus with 4 degrees can have psychic powers
❦ people who have virgo with 0 degrees can be so good at manifesting
❦ libra's are hilarious, the type to say things that shock people or are unintentionally funny
❦ someone with aries with 8 degrees can have success, but it's more of a hit or miss.
❦ folks with many neptune and pisces placements remind me of the character flora from winx club
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❦ i've realised (from celebrities and influencers) under-developed cancer placements can be self-victimising, manipulative one day and continue with their day tomorrow
❦ someone having gemini 10 can make someone have such a powerful personality, like a once in a life time
❦ having virgo with 16 degrees can make someone very successful, but beware of becoming a sloth which would make you hated by the public
❦ someone who has capricorn with 22 degrees can make them intrigued in learning about astrology, spirituality, tarot and so on
❦ aries risings have wide foreheads some of them might have like a popping vein on the right side or even the left. their eyebrows can be quite arched too
❦ sagittarius risings aren't spoken about enough!
❦ as a whole (sun sign, moon sign and more etc) it's obvious that sagittarius is the most laid back fire sign, even though they're competitive like their brothers they wouldn't mind not being first all the time like aries and leos.
❦ taurus as a whole, is the most "laziest" earth sign, well, even though earth signs are slow paced. taurus is the least earth sign to over-work themselves.
❦ as a whole pisces is the least guarded water sign, scorpios and cancers are the water signs that are the most protective about themselves when it comes to meeting someone new, pisces can open up easily and speak a lot too, for example, grimes, you know you can't trust that woman with a secret!
❦ libra as a whole is the air sign that'll think with their heart the most. all three air signs are thinkers, but gemini and aquarius are most likely going to think logically, whereas libras can be balanced and think emotionally and logically.
and that's the end of astro obervations ten! ❦
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pluto ❦
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