#mesa collie
xjulixred45x · 2 months
El Coleccionista (The Owl House) y una Lectora platónica(TRADUCCION)
pero con un pequeño detalle.
Lectora tiene una vida familiar complicada, viene de una familia donde la descuidan constantemente (ya sea por problemas familiares o simplemente sus padres son como los Blight, muy centrados en sus reputaciónes como para darle la atención adecuada) y eso la vuelve una niña muy dependiente de su imaginación pero tambien bastante solitaria.
creo que seria especialmente triste si estamos hablando de una Blight Lectora. ya que ve a sus hermanos teniendo interacciónes y amigos mientras que ella no puede unirse al ser mas pequeña y tener problemas para socializar(': sumandole a eso que ella es demaciado joven para que Odalia le de un "uso" digno para que le de atención y Alador...es Alador.
imaginate que RECIEN CUANDO PARECE EL FIN DEL MUNDO es cuando Lectora termina teniendo algo asi como un "amigo".
si vamos con el Blight lectora, es mucho mas obvio el como se conocieron lectora y El Coleccionista, Odalia sirviendo como su "mamá" TENDRIA EL DESCARO de ofrecer a lectora como una mejor compañera de juegos (tratando de tener un favoritismo) y deja a lectora sola con este niño con poderes de dios.
ahora, lectora no esperaba que el coleccionista fuera tan...inocente, actuaba como un niño de su edad, MAXIMO. aparte de que estaba realmente interesado en las ideas de juegos que ella tenía para ofecer. que para esta lectora que alguien siquiera este dispuesto a escuchar lo que quiere decir es un MILAGRO ¿pero ponerlo en practica y alentarlo? ¿es esto un sueño?
ambos son niños extremadamente privados de tacto e interacción durante mucho tiempo, por lo que de forma sorprendente lectora termina disfrutando mucho su estadia en los Archivos con el coleccionista y King, ya sea jugando "la casa buho" todos juntos, juegos de mesa que lectora invento, volando en las estrellitas voladoras, etc.
definitivamente lectora tuvo un cambio de look igual que King y Odalia, con un outfit de estrellas y todo, aunque creo que el coleccionista le deja personalizarlo. y definitivamente no dejara que Odalia intervenga en la ropa de lectora, con la excusa de que sus "sugerencias" son demaciado aburridas.
¡fiestas de te con las marionetas! si, es un poco creepy, pero hey, estan mejor ahi que alla abajo con Belos(después de lo que lectora a oido de su hermana a escondidas, se oye como un mal sujeto). aparte de que la poca gravedad es divertida.
King sabe que no hay mucho punto en tratar de convencer a lectora de ayudarlo en su plan contra el coleccionista, el entiende de donde ella viene, tener a alguien que te toma en serio y te motiva para ella es un sueño hecho realidad! es gracias a esto que ve mas al Coleccionista como un niño triste y no como alguien tan aterrador..
después de que "Raine" le miente al Coleccionista sobre lo de King queriendo lastimarlo lo mas probable es que también se vuelva mas pegote con lectora (y ligeramente mas protector).
puedo incluso ver a lectora formando equipo con el cuando juegan sus "juegos favoritos" contra Eda, Luz y King, aun si se cordinan bien no pueden evitar perder de una forma u otra😅
definitivamente lectora empatiza mucho con el coleccionista cuando el cuenta su historia y como sus hermanos simplemente lo pusieron de lado, causando su encierro, pero tambien empieza a reflexionar y darse cuenta de que, bueno, no todo es un juego, pero que quiere que sean amigos.
después de los eventos de final de temporada, puedes estar seguro que la familia de lectora esta tratando TANTO de compensar el daño hecho(sobretodo Amity y Alador) a su vez que no estan tan seguros de como sentirse de que la bebe de la casa se hizo amiga de un casi dios😅
Collie, ahora siendo DOLOROSAMENTE conciente de la mortalidad de lectora, es bastante mas gentil con los juegos cuando el viene de visita(en especial porque bueno, tu sabes, no es lo mismo lastimarse cuando eres pequeño a cuando eres grande) y en general crecen juntos para aprender a aceptar mas amigos:3
AHHGGG NECESITABA ESTO. Talvez haga una versión con un padre! lector/a, ya veremos.
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mikecuenca · 2 years
Trash Heap Souvenir No. 7
Punk Rock & Horror Shows.
October 10, 2022
I call my mom to verify facts.
“The teacher had you write an essay about your parents and your home life and you typed up a whole newspaper,” she tells me then laughs.
“Wait, what?” I vaguely recall this. I mean, I don’t even remember where I park my car half the time.
“You were in second grade. It was supposed to be a blurb and you brought her a stack of pages!”
On that typewriter in my dad’s office I started making up stories. And I went above and beyond on creative school assignments. Math and history assignments? Horrible. Get me to pay attention in class and you’d receive a medal. But when I was given wiggle room I’d go to town.
“That’s what happened. You had a teacher and you showed her that her statistics were wrong. School officials noticed and that’s why you were taken out of high school.”
At fourteen or fifteen I was placed in a dual enrollment program at Santa Ana Middle College High School: you’d take college courses and also receive high school credit. And it happened at the best time. Because I took a film history class. And that changed my entire world. It really did.
But I’m getting ahead of myself here. Since the reason I had a social worker it’s ‘cause I had gotten arrested.
“You started wearing all black, and spiking your hair and dressing the way you did. Which was shocking. Neither of your brothers turned out that way and we didn’t know why you did. They sent over a social worker who told me and your dad that you’re a good kid. ‘He’s intelligent and has high grades. You just need to see what he has on the inside; not what he wears on the outside. You have to accept who he is.’ And because of what she told us we did. And I’m not calling you out now, you’ve made your decisions, but you received three scholarships, mi niño —three scholarships and you turned them all down because you didn’t want to go to school anymore. You said for what you wanted to do, you didn’t need it.”
Jesus Christ.
To say I was peculiar is a nice way of putting it. Misguided. Upset. I was a Freshman in high school and nobody, not one soul knew I was dating a popular cheerleader a grade higher. Especially not the boys who picked on me; athletes Liliana hung out with. It was as cliché as it gets. They would gang up on me and mock me and spit on me in gym class. So I started carrying a huge knife in my backpack. Next time I get shoved around I’m gonna stab a motherfucker.
I got this ghoulish preoccupation with vampires. One kid in school, whose name totally escapes me, would go to the Barnes and Nobles in Costa Mesa and steal a shit ton of books and flip them at a huge discounted rate. In some way, similar to what I used to do with my bootleg music tapes. I had him nab me almost a dozen books on bloodsuckers.
“Secret destroyer, hold you up to the flames.”
My favorite band were The Smashing Pumpkins (MELLON COLLIE being the one CD my dad ever bought me, a double-disc set too). I spent many late afternoons lying on my bedroom floor, staring at my glow-in-the-dark-star covered ceiling, listening to that album as darkness enveloped the room. And soon their goth-pop masterpiece ADORE would be released. The song “Bullet with Butterfly Wings”, as popular and overplayed as it is, carries a title that perfectly describes exactly what that band is. How they feel. Which is how an eccentric, angsty yet hopeful teenager feels. And Pumpkins fans, actual Pumpkins fans, are very special people I’ve come to find out. Nirvana fans were angsty and rebellious, but their time had passed, and now this band was the most popular in the world. Sure, they too were angsty and rebellious, but they were also romantic and mystical and covered an array of styles, reflected in the hearts of their listeners.
SCREAM had been released and I watched it about six to eight times in theatres. I wanted to hear what people would say when the killer was revealed. This one guy during one of the showings goes, “Who is that in there?” I think about his frustration all the time. It made me chuckle at the moment. SCREAM lead me to pay close attention to HALLOWEEN and PSYCHO; Hitchcock becoming my favorite director. It was easy. He was a household name. I was fucking blown away by PSYCHO. The goddamned dialogue. The pacing. That music. And then one nite during a SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE commercial break I’m flipping channels and I stop on PBS and it’s showing this old black and white movie with an eerie, chilly score. I don’t know what it is but I am captivated. A brother is taunting his sister at a cemetery telling her that they, whoever they are, are coming for her. I couldn’t stop watching. And when the ending hit it fucking hit, let me tell you. I was in shock. Couldn’t believe it. But I fell in love with NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. I immediately brought it over to Alex Solis ‘cause I showed him everything.
“Dude, we gotta watch this!”
“Whoa, this is just like RESIDENT EVIL [the 1996 video game]! But better!!!”
My mom was a horror nut. I say was ‘cause now she hardly goes near them due to her health issues. She gets too involved with them. But that’s all she ever watched: Spanish soap operas and horror movies. My dad? Hated ‘em. So when he was off gambling on Sundays my mom would sit on her throne and marathon all the horror programs UPN would screen: THE PUPPET MASTERs, HELLRAISER, CUJO, the FRIDAY THE 13THs, this one flick whose ending haunted me forever and I recently learned was BURNT OFFERINGS, and so forth. But no vampire movies at nite. No way. They gave her nightmares and she’d always wake up checking her neck for fang marks. Nite or day, you couldn’t trouble me with any that stuff. At five years of age I’d hide under the coffee table when the Freddy’s coming for you song would play on the TV. I was such a ‘fraidy cat.
Until I got a taste of the real thing.
1994. There was a burglar, maybe serial rapist preying on our neighborhood. It was a Sunday. My dad was off who knows where and my mom was marathoning her horror shows. There’s a knock at the door. This is right when we had moved to Seventeenth Street. We didn’t have a peephole. After this we did. I look through the blinds covering the window to the left of the door. I see a white tee, blue jeans, kind of like a greaser/mechanic, and I immediately associate the person with Luis, my brother. He usually visits late Sunday afternoons after he gets out of the car shop.
I don’t know how she sensed it from the entertainment room on the other side of the house. Call it instinct. I go to unlock the door and my mom flies in like a bullet screaming, “No! NO! NO!”
The guy kicks the door open and my mom throws herself right at it as he rabidly swings his arm through the crack, trying to grab at her.
“Call the police!” she screams.
I panic. She’s shrieking. The guy is yelling angry nonsense.
The rotary phone is literally next to me. I can’t think clearly so I run across the entire house, through the entertainment room, into my dad’s office and phone from there. I’m yelling at the cops about what’s going on. I run back to the living room, to the front door of the house and my mom is on the floor in tears. The door has been shut.
My mom, who is far from an athletic woman, found the strength in her to protect that entry. The guy gave up and ran away. Of course, it took the cops a good hour before they showed up. And by that point Luis had arrived. I told the cops I thought the guy was my brother. They give Luis a hard, suspicious look. I gave them one too. The following week a neighbor a street or two down wasn’t as lucky. I was too young to care to learn if the criminal was ever caught.
You know when you never hear or know of something and then you come across it and now all of a sudden you’re noticing it everywhere? That’s what  happened with CHAINSAW. I was eleven and I kept seeing the name TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE everywhere. So I rented it and watched it with my parents, my aunt, my uncle, my cousin (all who lived with us at the time), super late at night. It was the greatest, most terrifying thing I’d ever seen. It was beautiful. And I was scared for my life. The whole time I’m sitting there convinced it’s a true story. And I can’t believe this happened. Months later when we’d go on a cross-country road trip my heart raced as we drove through Texas at dusk.
The movie ends. I’m trembling, making my way to my sleeping quarters (I no longer had a bedroom). My dad stops me and goes, “Where do you think you’re going?”
“…whu--- huh--- what?”
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s Sunday night.” I blink my eyes at him a few times. He concludes, “Take out the trash.”  
The garbage men come by on Monday morning. I forgot.
It’s two AM. I’m dragging the garbage bins out. And as I’m making my way to the sidewalk from a distance I hear… bbrrrrrr… BRRRR… BRR! BRR! What sounds like a fucking chainsaw!!!! I am not kidding here. I fucking hurl the trash bin, all the garbage falls out, and bolt inside the house in terror!
My dad, “What in the hell…?”
Turns out it was our meth head neighbor down the block who was mowing his lawn in the middle of the night.
But TEXAS got me cinched. And I delved into horror.
So here I was, a freshman, the Smashing Pumpkins on my discman, meat clever in my backpack alongside a stack of Dracula books. And no friends.
The way Saddleback High worked is that the freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors all had different lunch hours. Hence, nobody knew I was dating Liliana. Which I was actually relived by because she was cute and I was a lot younger (adding that I was a year ahead in school) and a skinny-bone-Jones and a dweeb and no one would believe their eyes anyhow. But because of the school’s offbeat scheduling you just never crossed paths with anybody anymore. My nerdy MacArthur junior high friends all went to other schools and I never saw them again. And our schedules clashed so I rarely saw Solis outside of our Saturday hangs which were becoming less frequent.
But when we did hang Solis and I would goof off with our large assortment of action figures. We’d have them get into adventures and I’d tape the whole thing. Listen, this is as dorky as dorky gets. I spent many hours in my bedroom, yeah, playing with action figures until I was about eleven years old. But I’d make up stories and give the toys dialogue. With Solis now puppeteering I could actually record this.
And this is not long after I gathered the school kids who made that video homework assignment. If they could make a movie, I could make a movie. So I wrote some sort of script. My memory doesn’t serve me well so I have no idea what it was about. But I rehearsed them and started taping them with my camcorder. We got into a verbal fight, never spoke again, and I never finished the thing.
A year later is when I was dropped into Middle College High. I was supposed to be a high school sophomore but instead I was on a college campus! Chris Pierce and Jonathan “Deez” Saldovar were my best friends. I’d gone to grade school with them but we didn’t actually become friends until Santa Ana Middle College High. There was this punk rock kid named Max in one of our classes. And Max always wore a Circle Jerks shirt and Sex Pistols patches. I inquired about those bands and he gave me shit. Typical punk. Chris and Max became friends and in the blink of an eye Chris was an anarcho-punk.
I was either in a history or who knows what class. There I met Megan. “It’s pronounced Me-Gan,” she’d say. And Me-gan had a boyfriend, or someone, can’t remember, who was roommates with Travis Barker. And this was when he was still with The Aquabats. Just some random trivia. I see Me-Gan working on this cool poster. She’s drawing this punk with spiked hair (“They’re called liberty spikes.”) who’s protesting and there’s a bullet going through his head. I asked her what that is. She said it’s from an album by her favorite punk band. “Do you listen to punk?”
“Punk? What’s punk?” I asked her.
“Here,” she reached into her backpack and slammed a CD case on our shared school desk. “You can borrow it but bring it back. If you don’t I swear I’ll beat the shit out of you.” I put this scene into SCENES FROM OBLIVION, my abandoned first feature film.
I didn’t quite get the Subhumans. But I tried. I played THE DAY THE COUNTRY DIED over and over, reading along the lyrics. I gave Me-Gan back the CD and eventually nabbed Subhumans - EP/LP and Crass – CHRIST – THE ALBUM (next to BEST BEFORE, certainly the weirdest and most inaccessible Crass album) from a grimy (and nifty) Tower Records at the Anti-Mall. The rest is history.
By the time I was supposed to be a junior I dressed like a walking newspaper.
The first concert I’d ever been to was Green Day opening for Madness. With Chris and Deez. And then the first show I ever went to was also with Chris and Deez at The Showcase Theater in Corona; Narcoleptic Youth and Atomic Bombs on the bill. I always thought musicians were like Gods; you could never meet them in real life. They were ants on a stage and that’s as close as you got. And here they’re right in front of your face, playing loud, playing fast. After their set they’re selling their own band tees and patches at a booth in the venue. They were so approachable. This is what punk meant to me. These musicians were real people like you and I. That night I came home a tad late without calling in. My dad lost his shit and hurled me against the closet door. And our callous feud began.
I got into politics. It was 2000. Chris, Deez, and I were about to head off to the Warped Tour. I was gonna pass out all these flyers. The flyer had a drawing of Christopher Columbus on it and at the top in bold black letters it read “RAPIST”. I made about fifty to seventy copies but I also made a big mistake. I left the original flyer in my dad’s photocopy machine. And when he saw that shit, oh my God. He flipped his lid and accosted me, yelling that this is communist propaganda.  
A year later when I was trying to get a band together, this girl Monica, a guitarist accomplice of mine, we were working on songs in my room. She had parked in our driveway and on her rear windshield she had a decal of Che Guevara. My dad saw that and— let’s just say Monica left exasperated and sobbing. No commie anything around my dad. Nothing, nothing near him that resembles the country he was forced to leave.
Our collective parents gave us so much shit. Deez’s parents were chill but Chris’s were conservative Christians. They’d scoff at our “anarchist leanings”. We were fledging and naïve and thought we could change the world. We couldn’t even change our band patches without leaving huge holes in our clothing. I was dressing now in all-black with sewn on patches everywhere and political logos, raiding record shops for anarcho or crust albums.
I picked up The Adicts’ SONGS OF PRAISE from Black Hole Records thinking I was in for some crusty stuff and then I was shocked to hear this dude that reminded me of Robert Smith belting out the catchiest punk singles I’d ever heard. Still one of my favorite bands. They all are. I’ve never abandoned anything I grew up listening to.
What I consider one of the greatest coming-of-age summer days of my life, one which I intended to loosely replicate in BOYS ABOUT TOWN and wasn’t able to, is when Deez, Chris, and I hit up Bionic and I bought two albums that forever shaped me: Rudimentary Peni’s DEATH CHURCH and The Adolescents’ blue album. That afternoon I met my future second girlfriend Amanda #1 aka Chris’ cousin. A couple rounds of truth or dare later and I was beguiled. With time, me being with Amanda would cause my friendship with Chris to dissolve. Went from best friends to full on enemies. We patched things up as adults.
Liliana had been the girl next door, personality-wise. She actually lived at the opposite end of the block. We didn’t have much in common except for sharing first experiences. She was my first everything and I was with her from the ages of twelve to fourteen. Amanda was definitely not as conservative as Lily. She was into punk. And movies. She most definitely loved SCREAM and its trail of teen slasher knockoffs and watched BUFFY regularly on TV. She was offbeat. Adventurous. And loved to cover her face in glitter. That was the first thing I noticed about her. That and her radiant cat-like green eyes. I found her really beautiful and she even shared a prominent resemblance to Katie Holmes, a compliment she got a lot; DAWSON’S CREEK was all the rage amongst young teens at the time. Amanda also went to school in an entirely different district. In Fullerton. And get this: she too was a cheerleader.
Remember Angie? The stoner who was into the Doors, Misfits, and Smiths at Middle College? Well, she hung around this other group of kids who I wound up getting along with really well. And these kids were very much into ‘60s and ‘70s rock. There was this girl Kat. She was into Janis Joplin. Boom. Off I went and got The Big Brother & the Holding Company’s albums and Joplin’s PEARL from Columbia House. I didn’t know shit about this music. How could I? My parents only listened to old school Spanish stuff. There was no such thing as dad-rock, a term that used to send me laughing. “Yeah, dad-rock to me is Julio Iglesias.” Because of my Janis Joplin deep-dive I thought Robert Plant was a woman. I got lent Zeppelin’s first album and I’m playing it in my mom’s car as we’re driving away from the video store and “Whole Lot of Love” comes on and I thought, “Man, this chick sure knows how to belt!” I got Led Zeppelin’s entire discography in box set form and played it endlessly in my room. Amanda and I would spend hours on the phone talking. She’d ultimately get aggravated and tell me to put some other music on in the background because it’s been five months of NON-STOP LED ZEPPELIN. Her dad chimed in, “What’s wrong with that?”
And I must have played Sabbath’s PARANOID album about eight-thousand times. That album is the most addictive album of all fucking time. And soon I got into Donavan and Dylan and Jefferson Airplane and Creedence. And MORRISON HOTEL, the Doors’ best album, IMO. I was hearing all these things for the first time. And one day I go into Bionic and I buy a Dystopia album along with the Beatles SGT. PEPPER’S. The middle-aged clerk gave me a puzzled look, “These both are for you?”
“You’re a very strange kid.”
That Beatles album knocked me out. When I’d take over the stereo in my parents’ car while they were driving, as any teenager should, that’s the album I’d pop on ‘cause I knew they both wouldn’t get annoyed by it.
I just got reminded how I caught my mom humming along to my NEVERMIND CD.
“What’s your favorite band, ma?”
“Los Bukis.”
So I got into all this different kind of rock music all at the same time. Some of the ’70s loving schoolmates also dug the shit out of the ‘80s and soon I was drowning myself in The Cure and Depeche Mode and New Order, Bauhaus and Siouxsie. Goddamn, man. To be a teenager and discovering all these worlds and really marinating in albums. Really marinating in them. I would give anything to experience all those tunes for the first time again.
Rewinding back to the first year at Middle College High. 1998-1999. Deez, Chris, and I bonded over our love of Korn. Uh-huh. Those first two albums. But the third one was the bait-- Todd MacFarlane of SPAWN animated one of their music videos. But we hit it off like you would never believe. The two had been childhood friends and now I had joined the party.
I was so damn angry right before we had become friends. So pissed off. Tired of being bullied around. Ignored. Cast aside. Here I was at this new school and I didn’t know anybody. I ended up befriending this shifty tall kid named Rikk. And Rikk had major chicken pox scars. And he was super deep voiced. There definitely was something odd about him. And we talked a lot about our love of slasher movies. And soon we were talking about the kids in school we hated. Specifically, which ones we would kill had we the chance. This gets very dark here-- we’d go over how we’d murder with knives. And it got to the point where we’d act it out. Soon we were drawing maps of where we’d commit these acts. There was this outdoor elevator right by our school bungalows. Boom. We’d get so-and-so there. And I’m not kidding when I say it started to get too grim. And me? I just went, “Fuck it. Fuck them. Fuck everybody.” But my moral compass sounded off. No way was I actually going to do any of these things. I stopped hanging out with Rikk. Instead, because of my love for horror movies I started writing a slasher script where two school kids do exactly what we were jokingly going to do and they film the whole thing and release it. But I don’t know anything about making movies. Maybe I should start taking this seriously. I was on a college campus and there were a ton of film courses! What am I waiting for?
But my friendship with Deez and Chris and all the shenanigans we got into distracted me from my goals. One afternoon we caught this new music video. It could have been CKY.  And the music video is made up of pranks done on a camcorder. Remember when I used to hurl rocks at cars from my rooftop? Now I was like, “Dude. We should do pranks and I’m gonna record it.” And we did. Cut to Deez pushing Chris in a shopping cart down Seventeenth Street during rush hour and he’s mooning all the cars. Got it on video. That school elevator? Pissed in it. Got it on video. The Taco Bell drive-thru sign? Kicked it down. Got it on video.
My neighbor was Elvia Palacios. My mom’s friend. Also Cubana. Her son Gilbert was a handful of years older than me, Deez, and Chris. We gave him dough to nab us beer from the local 711. And we got Tequiza. The first beer I ever had. And actually, I didn’t even drink much of it. I downed about two-and-a-half inches worth. I just didn’t see the appeal. I didn’t know what being drunk was. I didn’t know that’s the reason people drank. Chris finishes his beer. We’re on the Santa Ana college campus now; I lived three blocks from it. We’re in the lunch area on the second floor and I think it’s a weekend so the whole school is deserted. Or so we deem. I see this group of cholo-looking kids walking below us. I grab my camcorder and look at Chris. “Dude. Throw it.” Deez chuckles. I turn the camcorder on.
Chris doesn’t even think twice. He gets the beer bottle, and I think I even get one too, and we all hurl them at the mini-cholos. We don’t even wait to hear the bottles break. We high-tail it, laughing our asses off, camera still running. We run into that famous elevator laughing so damn hard. I tape us having a grand ol’ time in there. We hit the bottom floor, the elevator doors open, we rush out and --- WOOOOOOOP! Campus security corners us.
They take my camera. They sit us against a wall. The cops show up. They take a good look at the three of us. “What gang you in?” Santa Ana used to be riddled with gangs. We don’t say a word.
The other cop takes a look at our shoes. “Huh. Never seen a gang wearing Chucks before.”
Campus security hands them my camera. “They have this.”
They look through my recordings. “Oh,” the cop chuckling. “This is incriminating.”
There it was, all immortalized: all the vandalizing, the pranks, and if you rewound far enough, footage of Solis making his action figures hump (“Hey, make sure you don’t see my face!”).
And on our persons? The rest of the Tequiza bottles.
Oh, man. Oh, man. We were in hot shit. We’re cuffed. Thrown into the back of a police car. Neither of us is able to mutter a word. My dad is going to fucking kill me. My dad is going to shit. My dad is going to fucking shit my skeleton out through my mouth. I glance over at Chris who looks as upset as I feel. We realize the cops are playing The Offspring in their vehicle. Welcome to OC.
“I’ve got a bad habit.”
My dad and I had been getting into it bad. My mom had been away in Cuba that past summer and my pops without my mom around was a wreck. He didn’t know how pick his own clothes, couldn’t handle laundry, kept forgetting to eat, kept forgetting to shave. And we would get into yelling matches all the time. It was terrible. One day he caught me, Deez, and Chris paired off with girls (me with Amanda), doing some questionable sexual activities in separate rooms of the house and he threw me out. I had to go stay at Amanda’s parent’s place.
Now we were in a juvenile holding cell awaiting our murky assignations with our parents. We thought we were going to do time. In juvey. We didn’t say anything for a while. I then said, “Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a zombie attack and all the cops get eaten and the zombies can’t get in here and we’re just like here watching them die?” We started to laugh. Cheer up.
I was the last one to leave. And I sat there by myself for a very long time, shitting bricks. Apparently, they showed all our parents the footage. Ay caramba!
The cops, “They won’t say how they got the beer.” I grew up around my dad’s love of gangster movies. I knew better. Rats don’t make it past the front gates. Mum’s the word.
It’s my turn to go. My parents have zero expression on their faces and they’re there with my niece Karina. She just gives me a look. I get into the back seat of the car. No one’s said a word. We get home. No one says a word. Definitely not what I expected. My parents are very colorful and dramatic but now they’re on silent. I go to my room. My dad comes in. And he just says to me, very low-voiced but stern, “All the times I invited you to have a drink with me and you never did. Instead you vandalize and get wasted with a bunch of delinquents.” And he walks away.  
I wish I knew what happened to that tape.
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muznew · 6 months
Beatport Best New Mainstage: November 2023
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-11-03 GENRES: Mainstage, Bass House Tracklist : 1. Henry Himself, Jimmy Clash, Mykris - What Is A Rave(Extended Mix) 2. Cuebrick - At Night(Extended Mix) 3. Luca Rezza, Revealed Recordings - Carioca(Extended Mix) 4. Tomcraft, DJs From Mars, Hardwell - Loneliness(Extended Mix) 5. Stisema, Fabien Darcy - Hype This Floor(Extended Mix) 6. SKINSHIP (KOR) - Nawabari(Original Mix) 7. KIKUTA II - WATATSUMI ll(Extended Mix) 8. Mike Hernandez - The Sound Of Silence(Original Mix) 9. Elia Akita - Pirate Flag(Extended Mix) 10. Mike Candys - Waka Waka(Extended Mix) 11. DJ Solovey - My Fingers(Extended Mix) 12. DJane Thunderpussy - I Am Ready(Original Mix) 13. Won, Cees - Riot(Original Mix) 14. Roy Orion - Dream Tonight(Extended Mix) 15. Plastik Funk, Amanda Collis - Stuck In My Head(Extended Mix) 16. Nick Havsen - Aftermath(Original Mix) 17. Mesa & Boss - R.A.V.E.(Extended Mix) 18. Azael - Cloud Kingdom(Extended Mix) 19. Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 6 months
Beatport Best New Mainstage: November 2023
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-11-03 GENRES: Mainstage, Bass House Tracklist : 1. Henry Himself, Jimmy Clash, Mykris - What Is A Rave(Extended Mix) 2. Cuebrick - At Night(Extended Mix) 3. Luca Rezza, Revealed Recordings - Carioca(Extended Mix) 4. Tomcraft, DJs From Mars, Hardwell - Loneliness(Extended Mix) 5. Stisema, Fabien Darcy - Hype This Floor(Extended Mix) 6. SKINSHIP (KOR) - Nawabari(Original Mix) 7. KIKUTA II - WATATSUMI ll(Extended Mix) 8. Mike Hernandez - The Sound Of Silence(Original Mix) 9. Elia Akita - Pirate Flag(Extended Mix) 10. Mike Candys - Waka Waka(Extended Mix) 11. DJ Solovey - My Fingers(Extended Mix) 12. DJane Thunderpussy - I Am Ready(Original Mix) 13. Won, Cees - Riot(Original Mix) 14. Roy Orion - Dream Tonight(Extended Mix) 15. Plastik Funk, Amanda Collis - Stuck In My Head(Extended Mix) 16. Nick Havsen - Aftermath(Original Mix) 17. Mesa & Boss - R.A.V.E.(Extended Mix) 18. Azael - Cloud Kingdom(Extended Mix) 19. Read the full article
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prismatoxic · 8 months
Tahoe, 2011-2023
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we met late 2011. you were 11 months old, fresh off of being returned to the farm where you were born by your original adopters. i never did find out why; i also never got your papers, but though my parents insisted it was important, i never really felt like it was.
your name was "jake". a very average working dog name, but you weren't going to be a working dog. i changed it to "tahoe", and you were so smart, you were answering to it the same day.
you were covered in ticks and filthy. we meticulously pulled every tick out of your skin in the bath station at the local pet shop. you were so nervous... did you know we already loved you? did you know i already loved you?
you were afraid to get on furniture. you had clearly been disciplined for it before. i didn't care; i wanted you to follow me everywhere and do everything with me, including sleep in my bed and be on the couch next to me. i wanted us to have that sort of relationship where i could consider you my best friend.
i remember, a few years in, thinking to myself about how you were a neurotic guy who loved others while also being scared of them. and i was the same way. and i realized i was wearing a black and white shirt, that i usually only wore black and white. it was funny--like that opening to 101 dalmatians. we were the same.
when i moved out, of course you came with me. nervous as you were, you adjusted well, i think. you became fast friends with our roommate's dog. you loved the snow. you figured out that you could easily squeeze through the cat door in the gate we tried to use to keep said roommate's dog out of the room we were inhabiting.
you didn't like mesa at first. not until we moved here, to this house. then all at once you wanted to play with her. she loved you; you were her best friend in the entire world. i don't think she's realized anything's changed yet.
you've been... getting worse. bad teeth. bad joints. tired. after having to say goodbye to kaos, i knew you were next. i knew i would have to make peace with it, sooner or later. i kept hoping there'd be more time...
everyone says border collies don't know when to quit. that they keep going and going and going. yesterday, when you refused to eat, i knew you were quitting. you'd been following me upstairs less and less frequently, going outside of your own volition less often. but you always loved food. you would bark and bark and bark at me to hurry up and come feed you when it was time. you were doing that just a few days ago.
but you didn't want to eat. and you didn't want to go outside. you didn't really want to do anything. when you didn't eat again today, even though i was holding out hope that something would change... i knew. i've had enough pets now to know the signs. they still break my heart, now. especially when it was you.
hearing devot explain the situation to the vet on the phone, laying out all the details that had been accumulating, i realized that there was no coming back from this. 12 years feels too young. it wasn't enough time. but waiting any longer would have only hurt you.
it never gets easier. i'm saddled with guilt over how my own decline in health affected your life. i wish i'd done better. i wish i could have given you more. but i loved you. i hope you knew. i hope you had some inkling of an idea of how deeply adored you were.
i'm sorry i couldn't make it better. i'm sorry we had to say goodbye. i hope the last few moments were peaceful.
i love you. i will always love you.
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lucamoreirareal · 2 years
Escritora Isa Colli participa da oitava edição da Bienal Rubem Braga
Escritora Isa Colli participa da oitava edição da Bienal Rubem Braga
No dia 26 de maio, a escritora capixaba Isa Colli participa da oitava edição da Bienal Rubem Braga, evento realizado pela Prefeitura de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (ES), que contará com nomes importantes da literatura brasileira. Isa estará presente na transmissão virtual para a mesa ‘Literatura de romance e a expectativa de viver outra vida’. A conversa com a escritora poderá ser acompanhada por…
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amiguiz · 3 years
A la salida del Park Tavern vive un vagabundo. Por cierto, creo que ya no debería decirle vagabundo, creo que ahora se les llama sin casa (pero sin casa son dos palabras, suena rarísimo ese nuevo concepto, en fin; y en plural... ¿sincasas?). En inglés no se enteran de que ando usando palabras incorrectas, acá ya no se les llama hobos, y no estoy segura de si homeless sí está permitido. El sin casa al que me refiero es negro o a lo mejor es un latino que ha pasado demasiado tiempo bajo el sol. O tal vez sea ambos, why not both? Se la pasa sentado en la banqueta afuera del Park Tavern, en esa sección del Downtown en donde los edificios son altos y dan buena sombra. Siempre está acompañado de su perro, una especie de border collie que no creció demasiado. Pide dinero con una leyenda en un cartón (el sin casa, o tal vez el collie, o de nuevo: ambos). No puedo recordar la leyenda exacta de su cartón, pero me parece que pide dinero para comida. No creo que diga Vet, porque a esa palabra yo le pongo atención siempre. Cuando apenas llegué a Estados Unidos, esa era una de las leyendas que yo no entendía, el primer pensamiento que se me venía a la cabeza siempre era: veterinario. Si el letrero del vagabundo del Park Tavern dijera Vet, yo lo recordaría, y mucho más considerando que siempre anda, como dije, con su perro al lado. A veces deja sus cosas (el vagabundo, no el perro; este chiste ya se choteó) y se va por ahí a dar la vuelta: camina por San Jacinto, sube la Mesa, baja la Mesa, sube la Stanton... etcétera, me entendieron. 
El otro día, saliendo del Park Tavern, porque ese es el tipo de persona que soy ahora: el tipo de persona que frecuenta el Park Tavern, Codell me tomó de la cintura para alejarme del vagabundo. A mí ese gesto se me hizo raro, primero, porque el vagabundo es inofensivo, dos, porque a Codell los temas de raza le preocupan tanto como a mí los de género y viceversa. Esto es algo en lo que pienso seguido: en que el racismo es un tema tangencial en mi vida, periférico, creo, y eso que soy café, café del color de la muralla, pero a Codell es algo que lo ha afectado siempre y es unas de las pocas cosas con las que no se permite bromear. Será que él es dominicano y yo soy mujer y yo nunca he sido dominicana y él nunca ha sido mujer. En fin. Total que me tomó de la cintura una segunda vez y en eso me di cuenta de que a quien estaba protegiendo era al vagabundo, pues yo venía hablando y gesticulando y medio borracha y tal vez él temía que fuera a pisarlo.
Ayer, cuando salí de bañarme, Codell estaba revisando su teléfono antes de que empezara su jornada de trabajo. Me dijo que estaba monitoreando la noticia de lo que parecía haber sido una detención en pleno centro. No dijo brutalidad policial, no dijo injusticia, tampoco usó apelativos. (Mente reportera, eso deliberó Sylvia el otro día, a guy that sticks to the facts). Arrest. Downtown. Police. Breaking news. Eso fue todo. Luego me mostró un video en el que se veía mucha gente aglomerada alrededor de un suceso. No se distinguía nada en la imagen, pero de fondo se oían ladridos. Guau guau guau guau. Digo, woof woof woof woof. Desesperados. Rompía el corazón oírlos. El perrito del vago, le dije. Imagínate ser el perrito y no entender qué chingados le están haciendo a tu amo.
Creo que creyó que le estaba diciendo Te amo.
Tal vez pensó que estaba diciendo Ammunition. 
Hace rato me avisó que ya habían soltado al vagabundo. La noticia incluyó su nombre, su apodo, también el nombre del perrito. Shorty (el vago, no el perrito, why not... agh).
Pero hemos estado ocupados toda la mañana y no he tenido chance de preguntarle si ya tiene más información. ¿Qué habrá pasado? Se me hace que la policía nomás andaba buscando a quién cazar. Todo este asunto se me va a olvidar en cuanto lo publique, tengo demasiado trabajo. El viernes que vayamos a cenar al Park Tavern le pregunto a Codell más detalles. Sí, ese tipo de personas somos, el tipo de personas que frecuentan el Park Tavern los viernes.
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r0sieemary · 3 years
Me encanta vivir con mi novio, vivimos en un lugar hermoso, amplio y verde, donde la vida abunda y el aire es fresco. ¡Amo vivir en mi hacienda! 🍃
La casona está rodeada de jardín y huertas, donde los peones cultivan y cosechan todo tipo de frutas y verduras: uvas, manzanas, naranjas, fresas, papaya, melón, tunas, zanahorias, tomates, papas, champiñones, limones, guayabas. 🍊🍎🍓🍋🍅
También tenemos vaquitas, cabritas, toros, ovejas y caballos. Trabajan muchas personas geniales y dulces en mi rancho: están los peones, los que cuidan y atienden a los animales, los capataces, las mucamas, la chef, los jardineros, y los amo muchos todos, son excelentes trabajadores. 🐄
Me encanta mi vida, paso mis días descansando, comiendo cosas deliciosas, cabalgando, jugando, pintando, escribiendo, viendo películas y series, besando a mi novio, platicando con todos, riéndome mucho, acariciando a mi perrita, tomando siestas, mi vida es perfecta. 💕
Algo que nos gusta mucho a mi vato y a mí hacer es salir en la tarde con los caballos, yo monto a mi yegua y él a su potro, la chef nos prepara aperitivos para un picnic y cabalgamos por las huertas y los viñedos, hacemos carreritas, charlamos con los trabajadores, disfrutamos de nuestros terrenos, disfrutamos de nuestro mundo, y subimos al lago. Bailamos junto al lago, jugamos, nos correteamos, tenemos el mejor sexo del mundo y nos quedamos acostados en la manta sobre el pasto, platicamos, inventamos historias, poesía, cuentos, bromeamos, reímos, nadamos, comemos y cuando cae el sol por el horizonte regresamos a la casa a merendar y seguir descansando. 🌄
Hoy acabamos de regresar, todos ya comieron y se fueron a sus casas, la chef nos dejó comida en la mesa y sólo somos él y yo. Comemos en una de las terrazas, él y yo. Música de los altavoces. Son rancheras de antaño. Quesadilla, mi border collie, duerme a mis pies. El anochecer. Mis piernas sobre las de él. Él y yo. El agua deliciosa, la comida en su punto. Yo acaricio su mejilla y él me sonríe con los ojos. Él y yo. El reloj resuena por las paredes. Respiro hondo y agradezco por todo.
Todo está bien.~ ✨
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
Odds for Tia! 🤍
Yes! You got it! Let’s go! OC Fluff Questions
1. What’s their go to pick up line/flirting tactic?
She honestly just kind of goes up to a person and starts a conversation somehow or they start one with her. She doesn’t really have much of a go too until she get’s her dog Mesa then she...well you can see for yourself below the cut there. (from something that was mostly written to get a feel for her so it’ll never see the full light of day after this)
Gotcha, my eyes meet Mesa, her blue eyes expectant waiting for the command, “Get him, girl.” The dog braces herself before running up to the one his friend called ‘Bright Eyes’, jumping on him, surprising the small group around him. I shake my nerves away, as she barks up at him, trying to get the man to play with her. The worry and embarrassment settles onto my features as I jog up to them, “Mesa! No!” I hold onto her collar, feeling her pull towards him, “I’m so- Oh my god I’m so sorry. Mesa,” her head turns to me, “down girl. Bad dog.” The dog settles down quickly sitting obediently by my legs, the red creeping up my cheeks as I notice that his shirt has gotten wet. “You’re okay right? I’m so sorry,” I grab a napkin from the table nearest us, dabbing it against his shirt, “She didn’t hurt you did she?”
3. Underwear style?
She goes for cheeky bikinis or various types of thongs, it just depends on the outfit. She does on the occasion go for none but again if the outfit calls for it.
5. What was their childhood stuffed animal of choice?
Her choice was always to go for the brightest one. You know when you go to a zoo or something like that and they had like some of the animals in different colors? Yeah she’d go for the one that was the brightest in her eyes or most sparkly one and pick that one. She only had one that was of a regular color and that was a gopher that her mom and dad found for her while they took a small weekend trip to the Big Basin Redwood State Park. She loved that toy she slept with it every night.
7. Do they snore?
Unfortunately yes. The volume of it will depend on the sleeping position that she is in. She will snore very quietly when curled up, almost non existent when she’s sleeping in the passenger seat on a long trip. Her loudest is when she’s sleeping on her back, with the medium being on her stomach and side if she’s stretched out.
9. Sweet, sour, salty, or savory?
Tia is more the salty and sour person. She’s not not a fan of sweets but there’s something more satisfying about salty and sour things. It really could just be the amount of road trip snacks that she eats but that’s a forever mystery. 
11. What would their favorite book be?
Tia would like more series of books, mostly ones with adventures and exploring new places. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is one that she really enjoys quite a lot. She is also one for the occasional book on poetry, though those were ones she acquired via small book shops or straight from the authors during her travels. RIP to all the books she lost in Rocky Road. 
13. If they got a new pet, what would they name it?
Well she does acquire some new pets in her stories and gave them names. The first one was a dog that she kind of stole, in her defense the collie didn’t want to leave her side so the dog technically ran away and besides she responded more to Tia’s name for her and that was Mesa named after Mesa Verde one of Tia’s favorite places to drive near. After that she came across a lonesome little red tailed boa, no idea how he got there but he didn’t seem to belong to anyone so she kept him. She was really missing Conner and named him, sort of, after what Conner would have named his pet if had one growing up, which is Pabiyan. Or as Tia likes to call him Paps. 
15. What would their favorite board game be?
Tia is more for card games as they’re faster. However if made to pick she’d play Life or Monopoly or ideally combining the two. If she can combine them then she can change the rules as needed so it works in her favor. 
17. What’s their favorite smell?
The arid smell of the desert at the hottest time of the day or during dawn and dusk. She also loves the smell of small coffee shops that have bakeries within them, it just brings a sense of comfort.
19. Describe their laugh.
I would like to default to her faceclaim’s laugh for this as it has the cadence and tone that Tia has. It can be loud if she’s with people and having a good time but it’s not generally annoying. The best video I could find where you can hear it consistently is here!
21. Are they good with their hands? How do they deal with household-type maintenance?
Tia is fairly decent at basic fixes, but if you can’t fix it in an hour max it might be something for a professional. She also knows the absolute basics of some car repair since Rocky Road had some issues, again only enough to get to a professional though. 
23. Favorite carnival attraction?
Rollercoasters, the rides that you get wet on with the big hill, and the games so she can make others win her things or just poke fun at your skills, she’ll win the prize in the end though. 
25. What’s their ideal day off like?
She loves to wake up early enough to see the sunrise, take a small nap after that so she can then find a spot to set up her hammock and read, think, or just lay about in the sun so she can end the night just looking up at the stars. She likes to be a cat on her days off with nothing to do. To her life is full of all these big moments that you should enjoy and do but its the smaller moments that make life all the sweeter.
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tarditardi · 4 years
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Just Cavalli Milano, una settimana interamente dedicata al Food & Wine d'eccellenza
Just Cavalli Milano continuerà a conquistare il suo pubblico e tutta la città con una settimana dedicata al Food & Wine, eventi esclusivi dedicati a ogni gusto e sapore. I 7 giorni più gustosi della stagione, tornano anche quest'estate, dal 13 al 19 Luglio, in versione food contemporaneo nel locale più elegante della città, all'ombra della Torre Branca, in viale Camoens, nello splendido giardino estivo, tra le eccellenze del food & wine, che, all'ora dell'aperitivo daranno appuntamento a tutti gli appassionati per tanti imperdibili appuntamenti in un vero e proprio percorso enogastronomico.
Il calendario prevede:
Lunedì 13 luglio VEGGIE VIBES & BLOODY MARY, aperitivo buffet, al quale si aggiungeranno piccoli finger food di pinzimonio, per un aperitive time all'insegna della natura, del benessere e di tutti gli appassionati del wellness. I barman del Just Cavalli proporranno il Bloody Mary in uno speciale tumbler basso con verdura a vista in versione veggie style.
Martedì 14 serata Flamingo con degustazione Maschio Cavalieri, dal sapore morbido e fruttato, tutto da degustare, da abbinare alle prelibatezze del buffet, ma anche ai finger food in versione pinzimonio estate 2020.
Mercoledì 15 cena spettacolo con il gruppo Fujiko che farà divertire a cena e dopocena gli ospiti. Durante l'ora dell'aperitivo degustazione Calafuria Rose' della prestigiosa cantina Antinori, un vino rosato del Salento, dotato di grande freschezza e delicata aromaticità, che lo rendono un perfetto vino estivo, da abbinare ai piatti del buffet e al risottino alle fragole cavalli Style.
Giovedì 16 degustazione Vino Bianco by Tienimenti Civa, prodotto dai migliori vigneti dei Colli Orientali del Friuli, terra di viti e vini, colline feconde e generose. L'aperitivo è a buffet,  ma non mancherà un suggestivo mozzarella live show.
Venerdì 17 il protagonista sarà il Vermentino Giunco della cantina Mesa, vino bianco leggero e fresco, dal gusto minerale, con profumi di frutta esotica, da abbinare ai piatti del buffet e alla degustazione di pecorino sardo, ai malloredus alla campidanese, primo piatto tipico sardo-della zona del Campidano-preparato con ragù di salsiccia e pecorino e fregola spicy con arselle, altro piatto tipico Sardo, un gustoso primo dal sapore di mare, adatto a ogni occasione.
Sabato 18 degustazione Vino Arveja della cantina Prunotto, intenso, con note di mango e frutto della passione, in armonia con sensazioni agrumate di pompelmo rosa, pieno, ricco e fresco, da abbinare ai piatti del buffet e alla degustazione di pizza gourmet, in versione Margherita e anche Napoletana.
Domenica 19 Sol y Mar Paella & Sangria; aperitivo a buffet ma anche paella e sangria
special adv by ltc - lorenzo tiezzi comunicazione
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bnadogs · 3 years
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This glorious baby is looking for a forever home. Meet Sammie an 11wk Border Collie mix. Going to temperament test this Tuesday.. #adoptlove #arizonadogrescue #azadoptabledogs #mesadogs #bordercollieadoption #azbordercollierescue (at East Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJkFqIphCZz/?igshid=lx80bz9au1h7
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Tables far apart, servers in masks and gloves, single-use menus: What Colorado restaurants will look like when they reopen
#thebottom🍽 👩‍👩‍👦 🔻 👀 👹
Colorado News
Colorado released draft guidelines on Tuesday for restaurants that want to reopen to in-person dining as soon as the coming weeks, revealing major changes the coronavirus has made to the way people are used to dining out.
The latest from the coronavirus outbreak in Colorado:
MAP: Known cases in Colorado.
TESTING: Here’s where to find a community testing site. The state is now encouraging anyone with symptoms to get tested.
WRITE ON, COLORADO: Tell us your coronavirus stories.
STORY: Nearly a quarter of the people Colorado said died from coronavirus don’t have COVID-19 on their death certificate
The bottom line: Restaurant goers should not expect dining to be normal, and it will likely be difficult for businesses to recoup their losses.
Among the rules for restaurants wishing to reopen for in-person dining are requirements that they keep tables at least 8 feet apart — whether they are indoors or outdoors — and that servers wear masks and gloves.
Other items included in the guidelines are that:
Menus be single-use only
Restaurants have proper ventilation
Restaurants not offer communal seating or bar seating
Self-service stations and buffets are not allowed
Restaurants must have floor decals to direct customers
Bathrooms must be cleaned every 30 minutes and there must be at least 6 feet of spacing between in-service stalls and urinals
Hand sanitizer must be available for patron and employee use
Servers must wash their hands at least every 30 minutes
Menu offerings should be modified to create more kitchen space
Customers should be asked to wear masks when they are not eating or dinking
Customers should be asked to register with the restaurant in case an outbreak occurs
Restaurants, under the draft guidelines, are also directed to notify public health officials if there is an outbreak among their staff or patrons of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.
The empty Vine Bistro restaurant in downtown Montrose Tuesday afternoon March 17, 2020. (William Woody, Special to The Colorado Sun)
Colorado’s food-service industry has been one of the sectors hardest hit by the pandemic. Scores have lost their jobs because of the virus and some restaurants have closed their doors for good because of the financial impacts.
A few restaurants were already chafing at the proposed guidelines released by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment on Tuesday.
William Oliver’s Publick House, which has locations in Lafayette and Fort Collins, said the 8-foot spacing rule would limit seating to about 9.5% of capacity.
“These guidelines are still a work in progress,” the Colorado Restaurant Association said in a post on its website. “However, these guidelines give us a glimpse of what reopening may look like.”
Gov. Jared Polis has encouraged local governments to loosen regulations to allow restaurants to serve customers in their parking lots, on sidewalks and even on streets where possible so that they can have more capacity.
“That’s really the only way, with the spacing, we’re going to have a thriving restaurant environment for the coming months,” Polis said Monday.
The governor hopes to solicit feedback this week and finalize the guidelines before Memorial Day, which is when he said he will decide whether restaurants statewide can reopen for in-person dining.
In Mesa County, in-person dining has already resumed because officials there requested and were granted a variance to the state’s safer-at-home order.
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Tables far apart, servers in masks and gloves, single-use menus: What Colorado restaurants will look like when they reopen
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The post Tables far apart, servers in masks and gloves, single-use menus: What Colorado restaurants will look like when they reopen appeared first on The Colorado Sun.
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