#mesmerizer mv
sillyezra · 5 months
mesmerizer teto !!
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py6oto · 5 months
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dailyhatsune · 3 months
teto dunking the miku orb
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(if you can read this you get teto’s bread)
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kokoasci · 4 months
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mesmerizer !!
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thechibilitwick · 5 months
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i’ve been so obsessed with this song lately someone save me
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dailyjadenep · 2 months
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staridust · 4 months
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You’re tailor-made for this era,
Wi*H An apPe3r?(e of \/u1neR@bli7Y !
Hey space crew, good to see you!
I just had to do something with 32ki+Caststation’s newest video Mesmerizer! (FLASH WARNING)
That video is very stimulating, and it was so fun to go back and find the secrets hidden in plain sight for the viewer on Teto’s pleads to be saved.
So I made my own little Jack and Artie version! There are small secrets in the image, can you see them?
It’s a lot of colors, but I really wanted to capture the video’s ending sequence with all of the confetti and overall vibrancy.
While not canon to their story, I still think this could line up to Jack’s world being some sort of false reality that he doesn’t want to live in.
Or maybe someone is threatening him to keep up this vibrant act?
Here are the cropped images of the post!
Please do not use or reupload these for any reason without my written permission.
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ˢᵒ ᵈᵒ ⁱᵗ ⁱⁿ ᵐᵒᵈᵉʳᵅᵗⁱᵒⁿ (^^♪
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09lover · 5 months
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dotted-clouds · 5 months
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cinnanamii · 4 months
Mesmerizer teto and miku are so yuri coded happy pride month guys
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bu99erfly · 1 year
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aurae-rori · 4 months
Hi guys, Aurae is back at it again at Krispy Kreme, this time with a voacloid song analysis (woah!). So, before we get into this, here's my usual disclaimer! I have been researching psychology for a WHILE and I plan to go into it professionally (:O). HOWEVER, that said, I am NOT a professional, so understand that everything I come to conclusions about has been analyzed with some personal judgement, personal interpretations, and this is just what I have concluded.
This also contains a lot of personal projecting onto this song as art is aways up to interpretations, and I see a lot of my childhood in this song. I will be touching on topics that are implied through lyrics, and you may not see this song the same way that I do, and that is perfectly okay! This is my take on deconstructing some of the messages that this song has.
A TW FOR THIS ANALYSIS INCLUDES: hypnotism, escapism, unhealthy coping mechanisms, suicide, self-harm, depictions of abusive environments (as that is how I interpret this song), manipulation, gaslighting, dehumanization, neon colours.
So, now let's get into the confetti and fun wonderland of MESMERIZER!
I'll be splitting this into three parts: The part where I talk about the song lyrics, the part where I talk about the animation itself, and then I'll explain a few theories I've seen, as well as my own, adding onto the story that I think it is telling.
“No thinking about real feelings
Are you pretending to not notice?
The absolute truths and your own heart
That's how the safe zone is shrinking
Prostituting your wounds
You give a feeble cry, such shameful conduct”
Although the song itself is quite catchy, cheerful, and jubilant, the lyrics are far from those things. We immediately start off with the idea of disregarding one’s own feelings, Miku talking about how people pretend not to not notice their own feelings and the ‘truths’ of their own hearts. However, this is hard to avoid forever, and their ‘safe zones’ (escapism places) are shrinking as reality creeps up on them, so they ‘showcase’ their sorrow to others. I think this is definitely a metaphor for how some people overshare to others and tell others all about the ways that they’ve hurt, which can be used against them, as this gives others easy access to material that could be used to manipulate them. However, there are also undertones of self-shame (which comes with trauma), calling their cries for help ‘shameful’. It should also be noted that some abuse survivors, while being abused, have relatively clear cries for help through their actions that nobody else seems to pick up on, which is also a theme in this song as nobody answers Teto’s cries for help. 
“I’ve got a recommendation for you, the ultimate escape
Eventually, you will be saved from being lured into sweet traps
Now that you can no longer live sanely in this world anymore
Perhaps pretending to know nothing
And surrendering yourself is the optimal solution”
This ‘ultimate escape’ that the song talks about is escapism, or imagination. Reality is too hard to deal with, so children turn to their own minds as a way to stop the pain from taking over. It’s much easier to live in a dreamworld rather than a reality where you’re being hurt, right? They say that ‘ignorance is bliss’, and they’re taking it to the next level here by repressing, ignoring, and denying their own true feelings in order to feel happiness. They escape to that ‘safe zone’ mentioned earlier within their minds. However, there is an irony in the second line where they talk about ‘sweet traps’, as it can be interpreted as the imaginary world being ‘sweet traps’, or maybe the harshness and certainty of reality can be considered a ‘sweet trap’ as well, depending on how you look at it. 
“If a bunch of flowers dressed up with words
Can steal one's heart, are they real?
To an event where everything will be tainted
I give you an invitation”
This runs even further with the idea of imagination and escapism, because flowers cannot literally dress up and speak in the real world. This is talking about how maybe the characters feel like they can no longer distinguish fiction from reality, talking about how fictional things can make you feel things, so they must be real, too. It’s basically saying that because fiction has such an effect on us, then can fiction and imagination be considered to be another form of reality, as well? However, it is mentioned that the event will be ‘tainted’, possibly referencing the idea of fiction completely overtaking reality. 
You're tailor-made for this era
With an appearance of vulnerability
Fooled by this truthful acting
Your heart beats so very loudly
Your extra lives are quickly being lost
Your durability worn away
Dodging matters right in front of you
You got your hands full just living”
This is where we go back to the idea of manipulation, and maybe even conditioning. ‘Tailor-made for this era’ implies that something turned these people into the kinds of people that would be easily manipulated. It is also implied that the two are hurting and explicitly stated that they’re vulnerable and easy to take advantage of. I would consider the theme of hypnosis and brainwashing to tie into this as well. They are more vulnerable to the idea of being manipulated and taken control of due to the fact that they are hurting and want to escape to another reality, and will believe anybody that says that they will make things better because they are hurt too much. They are fooled by the acting of the people that pretend to love them, who are really here to just control them. This is talking about the urge that people have to run away from reality, because just getting up and existing can be such a challenge. 
“You’re getting sleepy, a shallow hypnosis
Your head, your body are becoming muddled
No way, so many tricks?
Swinging a coin before your eyes
You'll become completely still
"This is fine," even you can be coaxed into shut down”
This is Miku’s part, and the part where she is completely hypnotized and taken control of. She ‘shuts down’, completely rejecting reality and going into the ‘imagination world’. She does not want to feel pain any longer and takes the opportunity to run from it, turning into a puppet for others to control and manipulate. 
“You're getting sleepy, a shallow hypnosis
Your head, your body are becoming muddled
No way, so many tricks?
Swinging a coin before your eyes
You'll become completely still
(coercion cancellation)” 
Teto’s part however, in the middle of it, fades out, as she does not completely listen to what the people have to say. She resists the manipulation, and it’s explicitly stated with the part where it goes ‘coercion cancellation’. She is actively fighting the urge to run away into escapism, and resisting the manipulation of whatever is trying to do so to them. 
“However you survive today, it's unrewarding everyday
You're already in a bot-like cycle
Continuing from the moment of inertia
If you have no luck, no hope, it's all the more pointless
If you haven't got it then give up
Playing with the leftovers is your fate”
This is just more stuff about giving up on the real world. Inertia means “the inherent property of a body that makes it oppose any force that would cause a change in its motion”, aka: refusing to move, even when force is put upon something. I would say ‘inertia’ is a synonym for birth or consciousness, because it’s talking about how even from the moment that you are born that you are stuck in a cycle of endless pain in reality. This part is basically talking about why you should give up on reality entirely and simply live in the worlds of your own creation, running away into escapism and disregarding the real world in favor of not feeling pain. 
“You’re tailor-made for this era
With an appearance of vulnerability
Fooled by this truthful acting
Your heart beats so very loudly
Exaltation has already lost its meaning
A fake charisma
If you stare directly at reality, you’ll end up going blind
So do it in moderation”
Once again, talks about being perfect subjects of manipulation. However, Teto speaks of the fact that the rush of joy that you usually get after originally going into the escapism world has already been lost, and that it is fake. However, she also mentions that if you keep on living in the real world the entire time, it will not do you any good, so she advises everyone else to live in your imagination only sometimes, but to keep an eye on the real world. 
This is just a lot of things that I have noticed other people saying, but some tidbits about the animation include: 
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This is a screenshot from the very start, showing how there are themes of hypnosis from the beginning. 
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I believe it is also mentioned that the 13-pointed star that is shown a lot represents immortality. 
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Also, can I mention that their outfits seem almost childish in nature? I believe that this is meant to represent that they are ‘vulnerable’, intensifying the idea that they are easily taken advantage of. However, these also look like worker outfits in the way, with the yellow rectangles almost looking like name tags. It almost seems like they’re workers for a children’s amusement park? Which would make the horror aspect of this even worse… 
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Miku’s shoes are rollerblades, which can be interpreted of her being more carefree and more willing to run away, because wheels are faster, and can also be interpreted of her being less connected to the ground/reality. It can also be shown in the idea that she is the more ‘childish’ of the two of them, being easier to manipulate, which is why she falls to hypnosis first. 
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In contrast, Teto’s shoes look rather normal. Probably a representation of her being more grounded? 
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I’ve seen people interpret Miku’s cuffs as like places for strings to hold onto during her later animations, which can tie into her being more of a puppet rather than a human? 
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Star pupils at the start for both of them when Teto talks about an escape. They are clearly both looking for one. 
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However, Teto pretty early on also does the ASL sign for “HELP”.
Also, Teto blinks in morse code for “SOS” during the first chorus. 
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The first letter of all of these spell out “help”, while the fourth letters spell out “SOS”. 
“phosphoribosylaminoimidazole succinic carboxamide” is something that helps with energy metabolism, as well as DNA synthesis. I believe this can be a reference to the fact that many abuse survivors go through dehumanization, or it could be a reference to the idea that neither of them feel “real” or “human”. 
Also, at the end here, Teto makes another nonverbal sign for help with her hands. 
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Miku is hypnotized pretty easily, swaying from side to side like following the motions of a coin. 
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Teto resists hypnosis for ten days, if you count the amount of times the sun rises and sets in this scene. Although, at the end…
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Even she falls into hypnosis.
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Also, their entire background is green here. Teto looks a little shocked, while Miku finds nothing wrong with this. This may be a green screen, which further emphasizes that the world that they are in is not real, and is only a product of escapism and/or imagination. 
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Miku has never done this pose before, until after she was hypnotized. 
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Also, it’s a good time to say that Miku’s movements here look robotic, or like she’s being puppeteered, with how jarring they are. 
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I didn’t point this out before, but this happens earlier too – they point at the star, and tell you to “focus”, before “MESMERIZER” is spelt out really quickly in the star, at the very start, but not at the second time.  
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As we start the next chorus, Miku’s face develops into this. It’s also noted that Teto stops bouncing for a few moments in pure shock. Also, I should mention that after you hang yourself, your tongue can protude from your mouth. There’s also a choker around her neck, and her skin seems to pale considerably, which points to the idea of a suicide. However, if she’s dead, what is puppeteering her? 
Also, the star at this point is swirling. It’s outright trying to hypnotize you. 
However, after this, Miku continues to dance, even after her part is over, and even goes off beat. The amount of confetti in this scene is increased considerably, as if whatever is trying to hypnotize them or control them is trying extra hard to make Teto give in. 
At the end, she does. 
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So, what the hell does this all mean? 
Let’s recap– 
Teto & Miku are going to the unhealthy coping mechanism of escapism to deal with their lives, through one form or another, to run from reality. This much is clear. However, it gets to be too much for them and they are inevitably hypnotized by something or someone, taken control of, and while Teto asks for help, Miku gives in early, leading to the ending. This is all we can take from surface level. 
This is where I get into it with my theories. 
I like to mention the fact that these two feel immensely like they’re being conditioned by something, or someone, that they are supposed to trust. Maybe an adult figure in their lives. They clearly have faced hard shit during their lives, which explains the need for escapism. Teto is the more grounded one, and Miku just wants to escape from the pain. The first way that I interpret this is: 
Childhood abuse. Both of them are being manipulated and coerced by their own parents, and are finding solace in one another. Teto brings up escapism to Miku, and they do it together, creating worlds together and having fun at the start. Teto keeps on trying to ask for help to the people of the outside world in miniscule ways, but even when she directly asks for help dealing with her situation, she is still ignored and pushed aside. So, they then escape whenever they can because it gives them a feeling of control when in fact their own escapism mannerisms are a way to try and control their real lives but it doesn’t matter because it’s better this way. So all of her “SOS”s are for nothing. 
However, the longer the abuse goes on, the more they fall into it as their only method to be saved, and Miku eventually cannot handle reality, falling into the imagination world forever – that is, killing herself so that she will never have to deal with reality again, being pushed over by the expectations she had to fulfill in reality. Teto stays afterwards, however, trying to handle life, but is eventually manipulated into being something that she’s not, and kills herself as well due to the pressure. However, this could also be interpreted as a “loss of the self” as they either drown themselves both in the imagination world, or could be interpreted as the fact that they eventually simply turned into the people their parents wanted them to be. 
I can also interpret this in a completely opposite way – that the world that is full of colours and whimsy is actually a world that their parents have trapped them in. That they are being pressured to be happy all the time even though they don’t want to be, and that in front of everyone else they have to act like everything is fine even though it isn’t. Maybe they’re being coerced by their parents to never feel sadness, to leave all of those ridiculous things behind, to become perfect – almost like a Coraline situation. They’re pretending like everything is fine even though it isn’t. However, eventually, they get caught up in all of their lies and the fake reality they set up for themselves. They’d rather look at it rather than reality, but at the same time, they are being puppeteered by their surroundings in a harmful manner. 
Escapism. :) 
Second interpretation: they are working for some studio or something, which could be why there was a green screen at one point. They are promoting the idea of escapism to other people, but unwillingly. Miku falls into the ideals of their director and falls into the headspace entirely, agreeing with the ideals of others while they are forced to continue spreading this message in an almost dystopian manner. They are hypnotized by the person producing this message. 
Third: Maybe this is a story about them working in some sort of childhood theme park in order to escape their realities as well, and be children forever? This ties the two previous ideas together. They are overworking themselves to the point where reality and fiction are indistinguishable. Unable to deal with everything that she has to do, Miku dies, and Teto follows suit. 
Four: Literal hypnosis. Maybe some sort of horror story of becoming victims of some hypnosis monster? I like this one the most because it makes me think of a story where Mikuy and Teto were struggling, and perhaps made a deal with some eldritch being so that they can escape reality into their own fictional world. However, as more time goes on, the more the world that they’ve entered becomes twisted, and Miku falls to the being’s whims, turning into a mindless puppet in order to reject reality further. Teto, horrified at what has happened, tries to reach out to others, only to have nobody listen to her. She then gives up entirely and joins her friend. 
There’s a lot of ways to interpret this, but the general message is that people want to escape from their harsh realities. This is natural, especially if you’re a victim of manipulation or abuse, but this is also a reminder that you can’t go too far from it, and that there are still people waiting for you. 
TLDR: Escapism, slay! But don’t slay too hard, unless you want to end up like MESMERIZER Miku!! I love this song so much and I can and will elaborate on ideas. I’m really tired due to my exams so I am so sorry if something doesn’t sound coherent here, but thank you for reading!! <3 
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kindatired · 4 months
Thinking about “Mesmerizer” and how it actually hypnotized the audience due to the catchy song and the amount of details in the MV which prompts the listener to rewatch said MV
Probably just me projecting because this song is stuck in my head right now
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l1ghtbulb · 3 months
the yellow NEEDY that totally was in mesmerizer
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without filters undercut:
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meow-what-is-life · 3 months
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snskskksks mesmerizer finally got me
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wemefication · 1 year
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XIAOTING ✧ 'Giddy' M/V
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