#the mv and the song are so phenomenal it makes me want to shit myself /pos
thechibilitwick · 5 months
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i’ve been so obsessed with this song lately someone save me
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astralsweetness · 2 years
hellooo, i am here to annoy you a little bit with the suju ask game 💙
1, 11, 12, 42, 70, 99, and 100? spill all the details, and add anything you want, i'd love to know :3
This is referring to this post. Yeah sure! Absolutely not annoying me at all, it's fun! I wish more people would talk to me about Suju :( Put beneath a read more cut bcs it will probably be long haha
1. When did you become an ELF? This is sort of hard to quantify, bcs even now I'm not totally sure if I'd consider myself a hardcore enough fan to call myself an "ELF". I first got into Suju when they released Don't Don, bcs that was 100% my shit - rock/metal with a VIOLIN? And a pretty boy screaming??? Bro. So good. When Hangeng inevitably left though I sort of stopped paying attention to them closely - I felt like they were probably going to go through more difficulties and I didn't want to get attached. I kept an eye on Heechul though, bcs I have always loved his voice and tone, whether he's doing screamo in Don't Don or singing rock for M&D or astounding us with rock ballads with Kyunghoon. So if anything I guess I'm not technically an ELF but can classify myself as a Petal since I am definitely a fan of Heechul and always have been. I am only really getting back into them now, so I guess you could say I've been a baby-ELF since Don't Don era and have just never progressed out of that stage haha
11. Your ult bias? & 12. Your bias wrecker? So, @funkywinkyboy and I talked about this recently but I feel like with Suju there aren't ult biases or bias wreckers! I've decided there's a whole different classification for Suju:
The "first and forever bias"
The "they appeared out of nowhere and like a cancerous growth have irrevocably ruined me forever" bias
The "I don't even find them physically/mentally attractive and yet I am drawn to them like a moth to the fucking imploding sun" bias
And then "electron biases" that just float around forever as your little baby (plural) but are not aggravating enough to become the moth to the sun one but also make enough sense that they aren't the cancerous growth one
So if we're following my new classification system lol, Heechul is my first and forever bias, Hyukjae is the cancerous growth bias, Kyuhyun is my moth to the sun bias, and Donghae is my electron bias!
42. Sexiest song or performance? You had to see this coming, considering it's.. well, me, but Hyukjae's VCR from their STYLE tour where he has all the sex toys and bondage equipment and men in heels with floggers chaining him to a bed, etc. That VCR has a grip on my fucking soul. As a domme it is one of my favorite things in the world, and I like the opening performance he does as well, with the chains. You can see the VCR + intro I'm talking about here if you're interested. I am actually in the process of taking screenshots from that VCR and color-correcting them + unblurring them bcs I am so obsessed with it. I'll make one post with them later when I'm done lol, so not gonna add them here 👀 Just gotta keep an eye out for them when I'm done!
70. Funniest or most iconic SuJu moments? God, there's so many. Suju's comedic sense is absolutely phenomenal. Shindong in particular is great at really out of pocket comedic lines. Currently I think my favorite lil moments are Donghae's incessant "Hyukjae~" during their 'Bout You performances, or Leeteuk fighting for his life during No Other while trying to find the camera. Just lil cute things like that I like a lot. Honestly any of the energy of watching Heechul's solo MV behind the scenes too, they're all so unhinged, he just absolutely does not want to be seen as vulnerable and the mental gymnastics he will go through to avoid that is funny lol
99. If SuJu could do anything you wanted, what would you want them to do? (E.g, perform a song live, bring back a member, etc.) I miss Hangeng and Kibum 😭 And ofc Sungmin, but if he was wanted by the group to come back that would have already happened. I feel bad for Kibum bcs he really missed out on all the success Suju had, and Hangeng... just a shitty situation all around for him. I am glad he seems to still be on good terms with the boys tho, and is leading a happy life! Let's see, aside from that... I want SM to do SOMETHING with Zhoumi omg, he wants a Suju-M comeback, give him one :( I also would like a sub-unit with Heechul and Henry doing rock shit, so like.. M&D but with a violin. Obviously that won't ever happen since Henry left but.... pls give me more rock songs! And with violins! ...Man I miss M&D. Pls revive it Heechul, it was so good, I listen to your two albums on repeat still
100. Your favorite thing about SuJu? Burn the Floor? Lmao but seriously, I think my favorite thing about Suju is how they are clearly more than just an idol group. They were originally only supposed to be idols as a sort of back-up to augment their other skills in things like acting and comedy, and it really shows, bcs they excel at those things now too. I love my groups that are attached at the hip and have a close-knit bond that's more than a family, but something about Suju's realistic relationship with one another, where they've grown up and don't always see each other but still (for the most part) get along is nice. It's like being able to see the more realistic side of the industry while still keeping the rose-tinted glasses since they still like one another. You've got to have both to survive I guess - on the one hand you have a group like Pentagon, that will literally waste away into nothingness if they have to be apart from one another, and then on the other hand you've got a group like Suju who is like... I haven't seen one of our members for MONTHS now, I assume he's alive 😂
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bangtanblurbs · 4 years
song: I NEED U
first experience: sitting in my dorm room, alone, watching full episodes of inkigayo in 2015. I NEED U was performed and i knew in that moment that i was about to drop all my other groups for bangtan. immediately i was googling their names, bios, other songs. i couldn’t get enough of them. i was completely mesmerized. I NEED U was my first ever BTS song, and that’s why i wanted to write about it first.
feelings: when i listen to I NEED U i am literally transported back in time to when i had that childish crush state on bangtan. my heart was so full, amazed by their talent, encouraged by their story full of struggles and perseverance. i felt encouraged and seen because i too was struggling at that time. listening to the song today is nostalgia in its purest form for me, even though it also retains its initial meaning for me as well. initially the song was one that gave me a feeling of yearning and courage. i was amazed with how well the beat and sound of the song matched the lyrics.
personal connection: at the time of first experiencing I NEED U, and finding BTS, i was going through a moment in life where i was growing out of a romantic relationship i had held dearly for two years. i was realizing i didn’t need that person in the way i thought. for me, the song was encouraging me, pushing me, to find someone that i needed who would make me better, push me harder and further towards my goals and dreams. this was coupled with how i felt learning about BTS and their journey. they encouraged me. no, BTS didn’t fill that void that a ill matched partner left - but they did make me feel less alone. we were going through that journey together. i listened to I NEED U constantly. walking around my university campus, driving around the city, forcing my friends to listen along. it was such a comfort song. the performances, they also brought me comfort... seeing the emotions in the dance, the way in which feelings of youth were exuded in the body movements... the fabulous MV... this song filled me with energy and helped me through the process of gathering my courage to leave my past and fight for my future. while the messages i took away from the song are quite different from the lyrics, the same pieces of needing to be free of a toxic relationship were there. the song helped me move on and realize i actually didn’t need what i thought i did. it also became relevant to emotions about past loves when my feelings and affections were met only with coldness and someone simply using me.
to better convey the breakdown of the song i want to explore along the lines of the music (for me i’m just speaking to the beat, the sound - i apologize for my lack of technical music education), vocals (how do members voice tones convey the emotion of the song), and the lyrics (i’m working with english translations).
musically: the beat is obviously very pop-y, upbeat, and has the asian style beats undergirding each part of the song. for me, this sound was extremely unique, but familiar at the same time. it pulled me in. i found myself bopping along to the song at all times of the day, using it for my alarm, putting on I NEED U was like drinking coffee for me. i listen to the song and it’s pure energy and just... it’s something that makes me think of running? although i wouldn’t workout to I NEED U, it’s perfect for late nights studying and needing to get shit done. the build ups to the chorus? the bridge? i makes me feel like time is speeding up - but in a great and motivating way. i could go on and on honestly...
vocally: i’m tempted to do a member breakdown, but i’m not going to go there. each vocal in I NEED U is stand out. rapline’s slow raps that build with the beat carry the urgency of the song, and lead perfectly into vocal line’s power vocals in the chorus. we get jimin’s high notes and V’s low register... a PHENOMENAL verse from each rapper, and JIN’s beautiful pre chorus, which is even more stunning live than can be imagined. for me, the highlight is RM’s verse, something about it stands out - his tone is so deep and he delivers an insane amount of emotion. that’s not to take away from anyone else’s performance because damn, yoongi and hoseok also pack a huge emotional punch in their raps as well.
lyrically: it’s a love song but it’s a painful one. it’s a resentful one. it’s one we all know the emotions of, we’ve all been there, in love with someone that clearly isn’t matching our emotional depth. it sucks. it sucks because the other person, who cares less, holds all the power. these lyrics brought me back to that feeling i’d had, one of my first loves, just wanting that person *needing* them but also just wanting them to break me and let me move on. the song beautifully conveys that inner monologue... you hate the situation, you hate yourself for your desires, you hate the other person, yet the same time you love them and you’re addicted to the high they give you. “you’re my everything” and then “please get out of my life” in the same chorus? not sure many other songs convey this shitty type of situation so bluntly. RM’s beautiful inner monologue is rapped expertly, conveying the up and down of the situation... going in his head “talking to myself” discussing how his heart and head just “don’t listen to me” it’s devastating, it’s raw, but that’s how these situations are. you beat yourself up, you spiral. most poignantly - in the bridge jungkook’s line “give me my last gift” begging the other to just leave, give him peace finally. it’s strong. it resonates. I NEED U, on the surface may seem like a pop single, but the lyrics are as deep as any b-side. the song is a refreshing dive into the toxic one sided power game that some relationships become. the song just hits, if you’ve been in that situation.
performance: i’ll be very honest here, i am hoseok biased. i have been ever since i saw I NEED U, seeing that man dance center in short shorts changed my life. that being said, I NEED U is *that* performance. every member is KILLING IT. dancing like rent is due. from the very start the performance is unique, all members laying on the floor - the rise up is very creative and eye catching. you then have the exquisite body rolls... which nobody has ever recovered from... it’s sensual, but it’s not overdone. it draws you in. especially as the chorus comes in with the “i need you girl.” jin’s beautiful pre-chorus isolation moment is stunning. jimin showcases his insane aerial... the entire performance is gold. the dance still holds up, if I NEED U was released today the dance would be a massive point of conversation because it is just phenomenal and every member hits every move seamlessly. also, the acoustic or slow jam versions of the performance are also amazing. having seen slow jam version live, it is just devastatingly beautiful. the entire crowd singing along... stunning.
tl;dr: I NEED U was my first BTS song. it’s a real masterpiece from start to finish. it’s nostalgic for me, but it’s also incredibly deep. speaking both to shitty relationships but also musically offering hope in its upbeat music.
p.s.: the amount of thighs in the I NEED U performances was... SOMETHING. and might have played some small role in my huge and fast spiral into stanning 😂😂
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lynxalon · 3 years
Hi hi Lynx!! Here's an ask for you in turn, today!! what're some of your favorite Kpop group?? I've always loved Stray Kids and Ateez! The Boyz have brilliant choreography, especially in their Road to Kingdom performances!!
Ooooh! Thank you for asking Lina!!!
My fave group is BTS! I've been an ARMY since around December of 2017/ February of 2018, not too long before their Love Youself:Tear comeback, and it was such a meaningful experience for me to find BTS that the first album I got was that one! And my fave song (ever) is Black Swan. My friend is a musician, and I was a dancer for 12 years, so we analyzed the Black Swan Art Film and then the main MV, and that's one of my favorite memories, us hunched over my laptop, me gushing over the interpretive moves from the art film compared to BTS' official choreo and the corresponding lyrics to moves, and her telling me about word painting (which is when the musical composition reflects the lyrics and such!!! Very neat stuff!!!)
I do like lots of other groups, but at this point I don't consider myself a part of those fanbases. I love Stray Kids, The Boyz, A.C.E, MCND, Verivery, and loads more tbh, but since I don't interact with other fans of them or actively follow their comebacks and stuff, I just don't consider myself a fan. I do enjoy so many groups though lol! And that just exclusively talking about boy groups XD
Stray Kids have always been near and dear to my heart since I was with them from their debut, and their lyrics and such have been a real comfort. 19 is my second favorite song of all time, like man oh man that one Hits. I really love Ateez and their choreography and presence, man The Boyz just... Wow their creative energy was Really brought forth during Road To Kingdom like that shit was absolutely amazing to witness cause they took what could have been an average or less than average show and they made it Worth something. Not putting down the other groups that were on, because I adored so many of the performances from TOO and ONF like MWAH *chef's kiss* but damn The Boyz were kinda the driving factor behind those legendary performances because they really stepped it up because they had the creative freedom to do that, and I adore what Road To Kingdom brought out of those groups.
Ooh! Big mention! TXT, I love them! So! So! Much!!! The storyline they have going is one that is veeeery fascinating to follow along with, and I've always enjoyed the theorist side of things (hence my immense love for the Dream SMP and the sheer capacity of dsmp theories that come from it) so what TXT has going on is just mesmerizing and intriguing! My favorite MV of all time is actually Nap of a Star by TXT! Such a beautiful, gut-wrenching MV!!! Which to be fair is gut-wrenching to me only because of how well Yeonjun portrayed this terror over having suddenly grown horns and being in such pain, and wanting so badly to take away the pain aka his horns. I remember first watching it and being shocked by the bloody and kinda gruesome depiction of his breaking one of his horns. Like daaamn what an impactful MV 😳 On a similar note! The Eternally MV was phenomenal! I honestly just can't get enough of stuff like this, like I have so much love and adoration for these things, I could go on and on ngl XD
So yeee I'm gonna end here, but thank you for asking! This is something I absolutely love talking about, it makes me super happy ^^
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sainthoodswift · 6 years
My Rep Room Story!
I can’t believe this actually happened to me but here we go. At the start of the night I ran into a few people who were like "I thought you had pre-show" because taylor had liked posts about me going and before the show started I was going to breakdown because I really thought it wasn't happening for me so I just told myself to focus on enjoying the night. after charlis set taylor nation came over and took a picture and a boomerang of us but they never posted it anywhere so we were like ?? and then I was literally having the time of my life, the show is amazing you guys don’t even understand it’s PHENOMENAL. Getaway car is the 3rd last song and I was dancing so much I actually think I may have snapped my neck and suddenly I feel someone put their arm around me and I look to see who it is AND ITS ANDREA SWIFT?? I didn’t know what to do so I just kept dancing with her and she took her arm off of me, turned to me and said “how many of yous are there” and there was only two me and my friend ellie. SO then ms andrea swift was like “I have a very important question to ask you, have you ever met taylor?” AND I STARTING SOBBING and told her I hadn’t and she was like “Promise?” I WAS LIKE PROMISE and then she literally changed my life with one question she said “Would you like to meet her” I WAS LIKE YES I WOULD LIKE TO MEET TAYLOR SWIFT WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON so i was sobbing and i called my dad to tell him and ran to tell jack I was meeting her and we dancing to TIWWCHNT together it was beautiful! 
After the show we made out way to the section we had to meet in and I called my girlfriend and cried so much and then they brought us to rep room. LET ME JUST TELL YOU HOW BEAUTIFUL IT IS. The first thing I said when i walked in was “OH MY GOD THEY HAVE PILLOWS WITH HER EYES ON THEM” . They had the Throne from the lwymmd mv, the rep bodysuit and the rainbow end game mv dress. They had Polaroid cameras so we could talk pictures too that was so cute. There was also Pizza, cookies, brownies, coke and 7up, water and like a cheese board. Then tn were like okay phones away I was like HOLY CRAP and MS SWIFT WALKS IN “HEY GUYS! you guys were so amazing tonight” and she introduced Andrea she said “This is my mom” AND I WAS LIKE OH I KNOW SHES AN ANGEL. so she went behind the curtain and started meeting people and we were talking to andrea and she told me I looked like I was having the time of my life and called me babe and I thanked her for making my dream come true and I started to cry. Then tn were like “next group” AND I WAS LIKE HOLY FUCK I AM THE NEXT GROUP” so i walked in first so slowly I was like “Hi...taylor..” and she LUNGES forward and shouts “HEYY BUDDY!” and I died and told her I loved her so much and she said “I love YOU so much”. Shes so beautiful in person you guys like its next level shit  I couldn’t breathe. She started talking about how she wants to cut her hair to ellies length and then I blacked out a little and I said “can i get deep for a second” and she said “yes of course” and from then on she never broke eye contact with me. I told her about losing my mam and about my depression and anxiety and about how shes been my life line and she put her hand to her heart and I began to cry she she hugged me so tight and held my hand. She said “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, I can’t imagine what it must have felt like, Like the whole world kept moving but you were stuck in such sadness. Thank you for telling me that” and I told her that she’s helped me out of that dark place and thanked her for writing nothing safe is worth the drive and she said “Im so proud of you, I love you so much.”  and then ellie told her her story and taylor didn't let go of my hand the whole time. During her advice to ellie she said “ sometimes I think like whats next? like when im 40 no one is going to want to listen to me “ and I said to her “Taylor you could be 80 sitting on stage eating pasta for 3 hours and I’d buy tickets” and she laughed so much and was like “PASTA?? I LOVE THAT I LOVE YOU” and thats when I like actually died, my soul acceded into heaven. It was time to take the picture and I was like “ Can I call head tilt?” and she was like “yes of course” and then she gave me a final hug and We told each other we loved each other AGAIN and I left. 
To everyone who rooted for me, thank you so much I am so grateful for all your support. To taylor and andrea, I am so grateful, i have waitied for this since I was 8 years old and I cannot even begin to express how amazing it was. I love you so much taylor. I will never forget that night.. 
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kpoprambles00-blog · 5 years
(G)I-DLE ((여자)아이들) - I made (2nd Mini Album) [COMEBACK REVIEW]
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Rookie debuts are always an interesting thing to keep an eye on. But what's even more interesting is seeing how a group follows up on their debut - do they keep a steady sense of momentum? Or do they leave listeners disappointed? I'm sure a lot of people can agree that one group who've absolutely kept their momentum is (G)I-DLE - following up "Latata" with "Hann" is still one of my favourite decisions a rookie group has made. I love "Hann" to death. I can't even tell you how long I had it on repeat for.
But now, the girls have made another comeback, and this time we got a full-fledged mini album and not just a single. So I was interested to see if it was in any way similar to "I am" (what with its similar name and VERY similar album art), or if the girls had evolved and started to find their own style. Let's have a look at the album as a whole and see if I think that's the case!
To start off the album, we have the title track, "Señorita". And hoo boi, this is a big diversion from what we've seen from (G)I-DLE in the past -  and from what I've seen, this song is fairly divisive. Some think it's just the right mix of sassiness and charm, others think the song is both too short and repetitive.
But if you're asking me, it's... pretty fucking great, honestly!
It's catchy, sticks in your head almost instantly, and has this amazing salsa/rumba vibe with the trumpets, stilted piano line and castanet touches. It reminded me an awful lot of Soyu's amazing "All Night" from last year - but it's as if (G)I-DLE's producers took "All Night" and mixed with the charisma of "Latata" to give us "Señorita". So, basically, it sounds very nice in my earholes and I'm a huge fan of it.
"Señorita" has got this fantastic sultry vibe to it that the girls match excellently, since they sing in their lower range for the verses - every single member sounds phenomenal here, no joke! Soojin in particular is absolutely MURDERING it this era. Goddamn, who knew she could look and sound so good?! She's by far the star here, and her performance is the standout of the song for me. (As well as Yuqi. I didn't think I could love that girl any more, but oooooooooh man this comeback has proved me so wrong.) As well as all that, Soyeon's off-kilter rap is honestly a stroke of genius. It catches you so off-guard with the rhythm that it gets your attention pretty much instantly, which Soyeon pretty much does on her own with her charisma anyway. It's excellent.
That mysterious/slightly sexy vibes comes across SUPER well in the lyrics, too! The lyrics are honestly really damn interesting for what could've been a simple love song. They've got such a great sense of curiosity to them, but it's a very mature curiosity that honestly took me by surprise. Whatever sort of relationship that's going on here is progressing very quickly, and yet the girls are willing to dive in head-first. And hey, who knew they could pull it off so well! The sultry vibe really suits them.
My dear, why are you coming so close? There's still so much we don't know What should I call you?
And yet, after all that, we still have the choreography to look at! (Yeah, I know I have a lot of opinions on this song. Bear with me.)
[Unfortunately I can’t include the choreography video here because of the video limit! Here’s the link though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhBa2_-qw00]
To be honest, while the dance isn't going to blow any minds, it's an example of what I'd consider a very well put-together routine. I don't think there could be a routine that fits Señorita any better than the one the girls are doing here. It matches the ebbing and flowing of the song's instrumental VERY well, with some really nice formation and position changes to keep you interested. There's also a slight change here from the choreography originally shown in the MV; in the second half of the chorus, the girls' arm positions now alternate between up and down instead of everyone's arms being up; there's also an extra move or two added in. That was a much needed and very well executed change, since it makes that entire section waaaaaaay more satisfying to look at. And hey, this choreo really picks up the pace in that final dance break, and I'm all for it! It's the cherry on top of a really nice routine.
(Also I've said it earlier and I'll say it again: SOOJIN. UGH. JUST YES. She embodies this fucking concept and I love it.)
All in all, this is a damn solid title track. It's got sass, charm and some really great details that just make it very high-quality. Considering I was so nervous to see how (G)I-DLE progressed, I couldn't be any happier with "Señorita" - I don't quite like it as much as "Hann", sure, but it's damn close! But hey, that's just the title track - we still have the rest of the album to get through...
Moving on to the side tracks, we start off with "What's Your Name". And considering I never got to listen to "I am" in its entirety, this is pretty new territory for me. I wasn't sure what to expect going into (G)I-DLE's side tracks - would they be experimental or more similar to their title tracks? Would they even be worth listening to? And after listening to "What's Your Name", I can say that they're certainly a little bit experimental, but definitely worth listening to!
Honestly "What's Your Name" reminds me a lot of "Latata" in terms of its style. There's a great buildup from the verses to the choruses here, with some futuristic synths serving as a base to the instrumental. The verses have a very grand atmosphere and vibe to them too; the pre-choruses in particular feel really anthemic. And that's particularly fitting for how explosive the choruses are - the synths from earlier are blown out and loud, but in a way that gets you energized, especially when you've got Soyeon's vocals layered on top. They're very addictive if you ask me, which is evidence of how much this song has actually grown on me! I was very unsure of it at first, but after repeated listens, it's certainly a good song in my eyes.
But y'know what I still don't like? Those trap breakdowns with Yuqi's vocals.
I know. NOT liking some of my bias' lines. Blasphemy. But let me explain.
With those breakdowns after each chorus, the great momentum and sense of explosivity I brought up earlier just... stops. It grinds to a halt in favour of an eight bar drop that's trying so damn hard to be edgy, sexy and memorable. It feels out of place from the beginning, and the song would've honestly been better off without it - hell, if they weren't there, this song would be title track worthy if you ask me! But they are there, and they end up leaving a really sour taste in my mouth - especially since it's how the song ends.
Lyrically though, this song is... weird? I went into this expecting it to be a party anthem about meeting someone new, but... no, this is a breakup song. A very different one, that's for sure. It's full of metaphors and flowery language in places that made it very hard to find a good translation, but once I did, it's... certainly interesting! They honestly subverted my expectations a lot, but I can't shake the feeling that they don't fit the tone the song is going for very well at all.
Set it down, forget about it, like a midnight dream "We" and "you", we're going to have to talk about all those beautiful words
In the end, I can't help but feel like "What's Your Name" has a little bit of lost potential. Yes, the song is certainly good, but both the unneeded trap breakdowns and the... slightly confusing lyrics hinder it a bit - which is a major shame. I do still like it, though, and I've found myself listening to it a lot more than I expected to!
But on the note of breakup songs... do you want to hear an absolutely heartfelt, amazing and beautiful one? WELL, SAY NO MORE CAUSE (G)I-DLE HAVE YA COVERED.
3. PUT IT STRAIGHT (싫다고 말해)
It takes a lot for a song to elicit an emotional reaction from me. Yes, songs can make me happy (very much so, my love of music is why I started this blog), but... an actual emotional response? Like goosebumps or tears? That's rare. But it's something I treasure when it does happen.
But oh my god. This song.
This fucking song.
I got chills. EVERYWHERE.
If y'all haven't been taking Jeon Soyeon seriously as a composer and lyricist, then you'd better fucking start paying attention, because she composed and wrote this almost entirely on her own. She only had help from one other person, and that was on the composition side of things. But... if this is the talent that she's got? Holy FUCK. Now I get the buzz. Now I see what people were saying about her - that she's the next big thing, that she's more than just an idol. And this song proves it. The hype is real, big time.
"Put It Straight" is... emotions. It's just emotions in musical form. To get all waxy and poetic myself for a minute, it's the feeling of a call with no response; the feeling of a tug of war you can't win; the feeling of tears forming but not quite being shed. It's gorgeous. It's seriously one of the most atmospheric ballads I've heard. I'VE NEVER EVEN BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP AND THIS SHIT MADE ME FEEL LIKE I'VE BEEN THROUGH A FULL-ON BREAKUP.
The stopping and starting of the instrumental in this song's verses is really ballsy, and ties right back into the metaphor of emotions I just talked about; you feel like you don't know what's going to happen. The song could explode with emotion and intensity, or it could just... fizzle out. And that'd be it. It's very touch-and-go in a way that's reminiscent of anxiety and uncertainty for me. (This is pretty clear in the transition from Miyeon's lines to Minnie's lines in the first verse - the song feels like it's building, and building, and building... and then it stops.) It's honestly fucking stunning. Combine that with the little added effects, like the echoing vocals or that faint sound of shattering glass during the second verse, and you have an example of how a minimal breakup ballad should be done, K-Pop or not.
That's just the song though - I haven't even BEGUN to talk about the lyrics. And yeah, they're just as much of a masterpiece as the song. They're insecure, they're fragile, and they're symbolic of a relationship on the verge of collapse. This song is honestly so well put together and the lyrics are just the final touch to make it perfect. They're drop-dead gorgeous, and so damn heartfelt to boot.
Just say yes - no, I mean, say that you're in love with me Just like the old times Now, can't you love me?
If you're asking me, I'd say this album is worth a listen for "Put It Straight" alone. It single-handedly makes this album worth your time. And from a musical standpoint, it's the best song on the album, hands-down. PLEASE let them have another song - god forbid a title track - like this in the future, because I'm on board from day one if it's as much of a masterpiece as this.
But... regardless of its immense quality, it's actually not my favourite song on the album. 😉
4. GIVE ME YOUR (주세요)
That would be this! Yes, I love "Put It Straight" a LOT, and it's the best song on the album, but "Give Me Your" is my favourite song. Let me explain why, though.
Heads up: this explanation is probably going to seem... very, very weird, and it's probably going to sound like the ramblings of a crazy person, but BEAR WITH ME, OKAY.
"Give Me Your" is a song that's almost reminiscent of something you'd hear in a coffee shop, in my eyes; it's something you could listen to whilst drinking tea, coffee, or some other fancy hot drink on a summer day. It's laid-back, chill and very relaxing to listen to, with its twinkly pianos and staccato rhythms. But... even with this image in my head, I found it hard to sum up this song's style in a way I was happy with. The coffee shop metaphor works, yeah, but it's still not perfect? I had a really hard time describing it.
And then, over the course of a few weekends, I sat down and played a video game. And that game summed up this song PERFECTLY.
Tumblr media
...yeah, I know, my nerd is showing. BUT HANG ON, I'M GETTING TO THE POINT, I PROMISE.
Long story short, the Layton games are a childhood favourite of mine, but I had never got around to playing Lady Layton (which is what I call it, because good lord that title is WAY too long). But then I did. And OH MY GOD. If this game had a movie-style soundtrack with a bunch of different celebrities doing the songs, "Give Me Your" would be on it.
It's light, it's cheery, and yet it's spunky and tongue-in-cheek; it carries that feeling of an extra spring in your step when you're in a good mood. All of this matches Lady Layton (and specifically the main character Kat) perfectly. I couldn't get over how well it coalesced. And I'd be lying if I said it didn't help me enjoy the song more! I already loved it as it is - it was already my favourite song on the album - but this just made it better. Now, I highly HIGHLY doubt (G)I-DLE even know this game exists, but y'know what? Let me dream. Let me be my nerdy self. Okay? Okay.
This Lady Layton/coffee shop vibe carries into the lyrics as well, which are light-hearted, lovey-dovey and actually quite comical in places! They legitimately got a chuckle out of me, and they're so damn charming that I couldn't help but smile whilst reading them. They focus a lot on the singer's imperfections, and how they're amazed that their partner is interested in them - but they also touch on that relatable feeling of wanting to crawl into a hole and die when someone sees you looking like a mess. That shit's real.
A silly face with glasses, I can't believe I woke up from sleep [like this]
Alright, I think I'm going to go die now...
All in all, I love "Give Me Your" to bits. Light-hearted lyrics, a really nice instrumental and a theme that I admittedly adore - yeah, it's awesome. (G)I-DLE are two for two - first "Put It Straight", now this! What about the final track, though?
"Blow Your Mind" was a song I was admittedly interested in from the beginning, considering Minnie actually had a part to play in the songwriting/composition (as well as Soyeon, of course). Of course, I was also interested to see just how well it would hold up in comparison to the other tracks in this album. And after listening to it a lot, I can say it's a pretty alright song! I want to say it's great, but... it's got a major problem that bugs me, similar to "What's Your Name".
Let's focus on the positives first, though - this song has Soyeon's best rap on the album. It's fast, it's charismatic and it's another great rap from her. No surprises there. I also really liked the staccato pianos that are in the choruses, since they give the song a surprising amount of energy and vibrance. It's a very fun, bouncy rhythm for sure! I feel like all of the members have great parts here, actually; Minnie and Yuqi have that great lower-range introduction, Soyeon's got her rap, Soojin's sounds amazing in the chorus and final bridge, Miyeon's got her amazing adlib, and Shuhua has... well, Shuhua's being Shuhua and not getting a lot of lines. But once she's more comfortable with her Korean, that'll change! 😊 Regardless, everyone really does well here, and the abilities of each member are shown off really nicely.
But... like I said, I do have one big problem with this song - the "drop". Can we call it that? Is that the right term? I don't know if something that takes away so much momentum could be considered a drop. Whatever that vocal sample is, it sounds awful - it drives the momentum "Blow Your Mind" has going for it right off the nearest cliff. And that's a damn shame, especially after how good the choruses are! This song, similar to "What's Your Name", would've been title track potential if not for that one blunder... except with "What's Your Name", the trap drop is at least listenable. The drop in "Blow Your Mind" is not. It's grating, annoying and out of place, to say the least. It's very much like the seal that's pointed out in the music video, but... not in a good way. At all. It's annoying and I wish it wasn't there.
Lyrically, though, the song's nothing special. It's just one of those "I like you, you like me, let's hook up" sorta songs. Nothing too mind-blowing (heh) here. (It's amazing how all of the lyric videos I could find on YouTube were wrong, though... and I'm not talking about the English lyrics being wrong, I'm talking about the KOREAN lyrics being wrong. Which... is weird. Oh well.)
Don't wanna be unsteady, don't wanna be uncertain I just want to stay calm I'm like your painting
Also, I know there's a dance to this song - I'm not going to talk about it. The performance felt very rushed to me, and while I don't think it was as bad as a lot of people say it is, I feel like it would be unfair to review something that felt so thrown together. It's not a title track anyway, so it's not a big deal. It was nice to see it done live, though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So yeah, this... wasn't the best. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed with it when the album ended. "Blow Your Mind" let me down a bit, admittedly, but the rest of the album certainly didn't! There are some absolute gems on "I made", and if I had to guess, I'd say you might see me talking about them again in the future - I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up on a year-end list or two. 😉
ALL THE CREDITS FOR THE ENGLISH LYRICS I USED IN THIS REVIEW: Señorita What's Your Name Put It Straight (싫다고 말해) Give Me Your (주세요) Blow Your Mind
COVER IMAGE CREDITS: Señorita MV screencaps by bbyhyuck on deviantArt
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