#mess ― ∬ ― 피미
suga-ssi · 6 years
A bitch teared up while watching the Billboard Bangtan Bomb. 
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suga-ssi · 6 years
The purple ribbon project is a sad reminder that not everyone in this fandom is mature enough to remember that the people we idolize need to be treated with respect.
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suga-ssi · 6 years
Ahhhhh I’ve been sooo into how Yoongi has been looking lately... like he could come out wearing a potato sack, no make-up, messed up hair... and I’d still drool... 
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suga-ssi · 6 years
Maybe, sometimes, feeling nothing is okay. Like, it’s probably tiring to feel something 24/7.
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suga-ssi · 6 years
Ah are you 28? I’m also 28 and I feel so awkward loving bts as much as I do so I only ask because I enjoy finding people my age who like them too!
Uhmmm. Age is a very sensitive topic for me. hahaha. This is also why some days I wonder what I’m doing here. But yeah! Hit me up! :D Would love to pretend to be serious about pretend adult stuff. hahahaha Seriously! Let’s be friends :D
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suga-ssi · 6 years
Hey! Two people who are close to my age! I'm 30, so I'm definately sensitive about my age too. I feel ancient sometimes, haha. But hey, now I feel less alone. 😊 (Also, I love your url btw and your gifs are a god send!)
Hi, hun! haha Bangtan noonas should unite! lmao 
I have much respect for people who fan girl and are maneuvering through adulting fluidly hahaha also, thank you for your support.
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suga-ssi · 6 years
Hey hun. Just dropped by to ask you how are you feeling today? Are you okay? Hope life is good to you and praying that you are healthy and happy ♥
So sweet. Thank you for checking up on me. I got to rest today and finally be online after a while. XD So today has been good so far.
I have so much on my plate these next couple of days tho… I’M MOVING OUT OF MY DAD’sS HOUSE IN 2 WEEKS! and I have no place to move to yet. LMAO why am I moving out late in my 20s? 
I was taking care of my younger sisters (cause… mom is out of the picture rn) 
Mom is finally back in the country and now I have to take care of her 
Filipino family traditions are different and living with our parents till we get married is quite normal
So this on top of work and enrolling for my masters… kinda stressful…
Sorry for the over share LMAO… but thanks for checking up on me, hun! ♥♥♥♥
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suga-ssi · 6 years
i was def. more sensitive about my age when i was in my 20s and 30s (which i fully regret in hindsight. It was so silly.). Now that I'm past 40, I find that I care less and less about what others think about what I say and do, hahaha. It's so freeing. I think in about 20 years I will be a completely shameless grandma.
omygod! I’m sooooo friggin proud of you, hun! yeah… i think I’m at the age of overthinking and over evaluating. Thanks for this thought though. It really can seem silly and restrictive. 
People have this certain idea of what we should be at certain ages and I’m so glad that tmes are changing enough for us to have those lines blurred too. Enjoy what you enjoy and live and do what you can while you can. 
I’m looking forward to your shameless grandma phase. hahahaha I can only hope to be as confident as you are when I reach your age. XD
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suga-ssi · 6 years
18, 21, 33
From this post…
18: Most traumatic experience
^ This is deep as shit. LMAO It would be hard to tell you this without things getting too deep and personal… so… let’s just say that when I hear any Ford SUV beep, my heart skips a beat in a bad way. Yes, I can tell if the car is a Ford SUV with just one honk.21: What I love most about myself
Oh. Uhm… I’m not very fond of myself at the moment. So this is really difficult. I guess, I like that I’m determined? When I set a goal for myself, with the right motivations, I’ll see it through. 33: What words make me feel the best about myself
Any word of affirmation would do. It would take a lot for me to believe it… but anything would be enough to make me feel less bad. hahaha
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suga-ssi · 6 years
If you just don't want to think for a while I suggest some sound ambiences. I also have that quite often, so know it will get better even if it seems absolutely impossible right now. My favorite youtube channel for that kind of sound is 'The Guild of Ambience' Another good one is 'Relax Sleep Asmr'. I hope you're feeling better soon
Does ASMR really help blank thoughts? I kinda need that right now. I’ll give it a shot, I guess. :) 
I will. It’s just tough right now. I’ll feel better soon, I’m sure. But seriously, thank you!
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suga-ssi · 6 years
YYYYYAAASSSS GIRL!! But, I’m in Sydney lol. If you make it here, we’ll only be 10+ hrs away from each other hahaha. But I totally get it. Europe would be cool too!
Hahahahaha! Well… same country at least? Yeah. There are more full scholarship opportunities in Europe. So it will still depend. :)
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suga-ssi · 6 years
Just wanted to say there’s never a right or wrong age to love someone’s music 😊 as long as it makes you happy that’s what matters most~
I agree!
Music, Art, Beauty, Inspiration… all these know no age to deserve admiration. I struggle most with it when I look around people my age outside the fandom and wonder what they usually have on their minds aside from work and family. 
I’m glad I have Yoongi on my mind to take breaks from reality… there are definitely worse ways of escaping reality… He is my escape. hahaha
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suga-ssi · 6 years
Try and put a warm damp cloth over your eyes that might help your insomnia.
I actually did that when my eyes felt puffy. Oh wait, was that cold water? LMAO
I promise I’ll try this tonight.
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suga-ssi · 6 years
1 👀 lol
From this post…
1: Virgin?
👀 No.
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suga-ssi · 6 years
Can I ask what your age is, if you don't mind me asking ? 😊😘
20+ lmao. why does it matter? but if you really want to know… DM me and I’ll tell you. 😘
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suga-ssi · 6 years
When silence hurts me I like to listen to yoongi's album reviews... the kinda early on ones he did. Hyyh pt. 1 is especially calming and has some of his little laughs in it. Hope the silence is filled with something better soon 💕
Thanks for this tip. I’ll probably try that tonight. :) 
I hope so too. Thanks again. :)
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