#messy art go brr
echovale052 · 6 months
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Me drawing fanart? Would that shock anyone? No absolutely not.
I’ve been reminiscing with a friend about the arcana and so I plan to redraw my silly little MC soon. Until then here’s some Nadia 💛
Some rambles and the sketch under the cut as usual! :)
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Don’t get me started on how much I love this game and this character, that being said plot wise I do love Muriel and Portia’s route’s plot wise more. Nadia’s is definitely my comfort route though.
Julian and me would be best friends istg, granted I’d be worried about the silly guy the entire time but who isn’t at least mildly worried about him in this fandom?
Art Taglist: @valentine-30 @plutobutartsy
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anacatalog · 1 year
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lavenoon · 2 years
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"No more reveal comics" Okay but what about domestic post-reveal shenanigans?
@naffeclipse at this point I have no more excuses, have another
Also bonus, what they were writing:
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They have a lot of amendments to make <3
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ohitsthatguy · 1 month
pov: you tell fresh you know what he is
art I did a while back and only got around to posting now, enjoy
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tenpoints4andy · 3 months
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just kinda vibing
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frozenhi-chews · 2 years
Ya know what? Screw it
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I'm back in freaking [business!] With a meme.
I've always kinda been a self ship blog so I'm tryna get over my nervousness and share this. I spent a while on it and am proud of it, even tho it's a MEME!!
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fictionfixations · 17 days
jp card spoilers, jp book 7 spoilers (kind of)
so. ive just been playing around with like filter-y blending stuff and messing around with it cause im bored
but so its. very sloppy. and bad. so. im just. gonna share it here and brr
inspired by this post (which does it a lot better)
Original Groovy (Tsumsitter)
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i. wanted to try to do like a partially silver partially blonde but i dont know how to do that so idk. its very messy.
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silver tsum has green on the eyelid (i also gave him very faint blush while i was at it)
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anyway im going to just say. im not an artist. i made an attempt. human silver's ear is traced from malleus' tsumsitter card art as ive never drawn an ear before, by no means am i taking credit im just entertaining an idea not submitting an art piece so i see no reason why i cant do it. itd be a different problem if it was a fae ear from someone else's art but its not and im not trying to pass it off as my own, its not really that good anyway. also the tsum's ears are based off of lilia's tsum. that ones not traced i referenced it because i didnt know how fae ears looked on tsums yes i realize i probably couldve also just used malleus' tsum card for reference as its RIGHT THERE but im dumb
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this is very very bad and i dont think i did it right (i dont understand shading either lmfao. i tried referencing it but it didnt look right so at that point i just gave up and traced. and it still doesnt look right but i also have mixed feelings on ears so shrug.)
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daily-xb · 2 years
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day 31: he's boutta shoot keralis (very messy, art block go brr. also ya'll Really liked yesterday's lmao)
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bolly--quinn · 3 years
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🏆 💖 collection (+ annie)
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vampiricsheep · 3 years
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Character Profile: Banni
my beloved @bird-bureau inspired me to write up some profiles for the urban fantasy verse and, well, I felt like sketching banni tonight, so here we are! Not sure how many more I'll make since I have pages of my comic to finish and two classes to keep up with, but there's no harm in starting a project that doesn't require finishing. I'm just considering it a nice little practice for now.
profile will be under the cut for lengthiness!
Name: Banni
Pronouns: they/them
Age: mid-20s
Orientation: likes men and masc nbs
Species: Werewolf
Physical characteristics
human: Scruffy with a perpetual "haunted" appearance characterized by visible tension, jumpiness, and dark circles under their eyes. Their hair has a subtle peak and is brown, straight, and messy; hangs down to roughly chin height. Their eyes are a pale leaf green and their skin is a very light tan. They have a noticable overbite and somewhat buck teeth.
around 4'5" but, due to varying posture and toe-walking habits, may seem shorter or taller situationally. They nonetheless have adult proportions. Their legs are on the thick side, but their wrists are very skinny. Their chest is flat but heavily scarred; they will avoid showing their scars as much as possible.
half-shifted: an almost comically stringy and bony creature somewhere between human and wolf with gnarled hands and ears too long and pointed to look like a wolf's. Can be bipedal or quadrupedal. roughly 5' tall if standing straight (they won't).
full-shifted: a smallish wolf with short but scruffy blonde fur that looks white in poor light. Proportions similar to a red wolf. Due to size and proportions may be mistaken for a coyote or dog to the untrained observer.
accessories: Banni has two gold rings in the cartilage of their right ear. They wear or carry a plain canvas backpack of average size but large for them.
attire: Due to height they struggle to find clothes that fit, so most things they wear will look quite loose. They prefer hoodies or tees and shorts; most pants that would fit their legs are far too long. Typically they'll wear neutral colors and soft greens, but their attire is whatever they can find, and their wardrobe is restricted to whatever they can fit in their backpack without taking up needed space. Banni does not wear shoes; their feet are calloused enough to tolerate most conditions and they can't afford the additional weight in their bag.
Banni can transform into full or partial-wolf at will, and retains full cognitive function. The transformation is physical and does not take clothes with it, so they have to work around placing their outfit and backpack between full transformations.
Banni can also merge with their wolf companion. Doing so will always affect them physically:
if remaining human - eyes become yellow, ears become pointed and furred, hands and feet become clawed and a little gnarled
if half-wolf - a foot taller, muscular, and red eyes instead of green
if full-wolf - larger, stronger, with darker fur and yellow eyes instead of green
These abilities are innate and cannot be transmitted.
Behavioral/Physiological Characteristics:
Banni is never far from their animal companion, a large arctic wolf named Moss. If for any reason Moss would be prohibited from somewhere they enter or would attract too much attention, Banni will merge with him, then Banni will pull their hood up and sleeves down to hide the tells.
When they're comfortable around people in-the-know, they may accidentally partially transform without realizing it (e.g. human with wolf ears or tail).
They tend to walk on the balls of their feet and leaning or slouching forward with arms close to the chest or a hand on their wolf companion's shoulder.
Banni is incredibly nearsighted and does not use sight aids, so they typically bring objects close enough to touch their nose if they need to examine details or read. Reading gives them a headache for this reason, but they are still quite literate and have a large vocabulary they don't often use.
They are so soft-spoken that their voice is best described as a whisper, and they struggle to effectively raise it.
Banni is shy but happy to talk to anyone who becomes a regular welcoming presence. They both long for true love and are terrified of seeking it out. Banni is polyamorous, and worries that that complicates their chances as well. They don't immediately trust people who are friendly or flirtatious with them despite wanting that attention, but they warm up with time.
Banni is indeed haunted by their past, and struggles to shake the scars of events and people they refuse to discuss. If pressed for details, they shut down and may even flee if the subject isn't changed.
They have a heightened flight response, and intense stress may result in them fleeing and hiding until they've had enough time and distance to calm down or a sympathetic individual is able to communicate with them appropriately.
Banni [like myself] has bipolar and is prone to irrational behavior and mood swings if situations are too stressful for them to practice self-stabilizing techniques.
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legendspeaker · 3 years
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Hydrangea!! My primary nightmare boy, he’s very baby and needs a hug <3
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echovale052 · 2 months
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If Emile had a favorite song to sing during their performer era it would’ve been “Amado Mio” link to it under the cut
That first part is so emile core you have no idea this dramatic mage has no chill.
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tay6119 · 3 years
Hey guys!
New 5+1 Things DNF fic by me is out, it’s a one-shot based on @messy-gguki post, but not like exactly lmao I started writing and it kind of went a little differently but YK WHAT. That’s what art is B)
It’s called Our Love is God (hah Heathers reference go brr)
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capriciouswriter207 · 2 years
Charcoal art is fun. Super messy though. I mean, super messy. It takes awhile to master as well.
Gem paints, Sausage uses charcoal, they both do messy art, I'm guessing Gem probably doesn't have paintbrushes back yet.
Now fWhip needs one. Maybe oils. Oils are also messy.
Do Sausage and Gem just sit down and work on a picture together, or do they each do one themselves? Push themselves by trying the others style of art? I used to be an art nerd until my one art teacher (who didn't stay long) decided she hated special needs kids (I didn't have accommodations in her class other than out of class breaks and extended due dates) and failed every single kid that had some sort of accommodation, she somehow got away with it for three years before she was fired for physical violence to a student.
Sorry about the personal life ramble, ADHD go brr. Back on topic, would they ever have a mean guard who would try and report them for anything? “Yeah the girl looked like she was planning something and touched her magic cuff.” “The boy grinned sinisterly staring out the window.” But then also like take away their stuff for no reason, sometimes not even reporting that they did so, or insult them, insult their art, tell them they don't deserve to be treated the way they are now. That the rulers should have left them to their punishment, they've done so much wrong they don't deserve kindness? They should be in the dungeons?
I feel like that would make the Wither take a few steps back in recovering. Gem thinking Pearl only befriended her as a way to spy on the Wither, to weaken them. That one day Pearl will laugh in her face and say she never cared for them. One day they wake up not in their beds, but in different cells, locked away in a dungeon. The rulers only gave them things to do and a nice place because they know it'll hurt when taken away, the things are to keep them busy and trusting the rulers until they come up with what they deem a fitting punishment for their actions. Who knows, maybe they'll be given back to Xornoth, and have him do what he sees fit for them.
The wither would be too scared to report the guard or admit it, because what if they aren't believed, or that it's a test, and things get worse by speaking up. Plus, they're prisoners, and authority is right. So they stop doing art, and just sit in corners and sulk, Gem doesn't even go to her magic classes, the guard convincing her that it's useless, she'll never use her magic for good. Telling the rulers they're just not interested anymore.
Yikes, that got deep. Sorry.
Uh, lighter note...
Oh! I got a plush of a cat in a pink unicorn onesie, it may not be a live pink sheep, but Dandy is adorable.
Dandy sits next to Nugget when I remove him from the window at night.
Gem is not allowed access to paintbrushes, and therefore, neither is Sausage. Though there isn’t really anything she could sharpen the ends with, they still don’t allow it. Better to be safe than sorry. They would have access to charcoal, though, and enough papers to draw on. As for fWhip – I’d imagine him wondering if redstone is also a messy art, but oils would do well for him.
If Sausage revealed his art to the others, maybe they’d work together. Until then, he’s probably one of those types who’d work on something and never show anyone, or even mention they’re working on it. why would he show it, it’s not good enough yet (yes he’s one of those).
And yes, I’d assume there’d be mean guards. I mean, they did create carnage and maybe some guards lost family members to the Wither’s attacks. And here they are, not even in a proper cell, in a guest house meant for other rulers, just doing whatever. Like, no. That’s not how you treat war criminals and yes, this whole thing with Exor would be considered war to some of these guards. They’re instructed not to go in unless asked, and never alone (safety procedure), so peer pressure might prevent these guards from acting out – unless their friend thinks the same, in which case they’ll do whatever they please to hurt the two without leaving physical marks because if Katherine found out her guards have been beating prisoners, they’d probably be fired or worse, so they’re careful not to leave any traces. And nobody else can figure out what’s going on with Gem and Sausage, because they were fine one day, so why would they misbehave like these guards say they are the next? Something wasn’t adding up there.
Man, this really won’t help Gem with her overthinking.
No wonder Sausage continues to be withdrawn and not do anything. No wonder Gem is still so uncertain and tries too hard to be on her best behavior when people visit. No wonder she’s suddenly quite hesitant to learn new spells and neither do much of anything anymore.
If Katherine or any of the other rulers found out about this abuse of power, those guards would definitely be fired and replaced with others. They’d be made an example of and Katherine would try to do everything in her power to set things right, to assure them nothing that guard did was authorized, that she was sorry she didn’t see it sooner. And if something like this happened again, they should ask to see her as soon as possible to tell her, so she can take action.
This was some good stuff, I love it. Don’t apologize for going so deep, I never would’ve thought (or remembered) that some of these guards wouldn’t have the best opinion of the Wither and would definitely try to make their life hell. These ideas are really good.
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kitahara-rei · 3 years
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messy lines make art go brr
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ms-debonair · 2 years
ya know...sometimes i just realize how influential ppl i've never met rlly r. like all of mcr. geniuses within their own rights. gee always gets that sort of “yea frontman woah smart!” praise and yea def!!! like they're superüber smart and talented and see beauty in everything. but also frankie like woahhhh his lyrics are soo.... all-encompassing despite the changes within the time and the audience. like the sheer power and force behind his work. and mikey being able to create some absolutely insane stuff but being able include all his experience/knowledge/depth/perspective in it is so wowza. and omgee ray. everything he writes is full of seeing beauty and he works so hard. it just makes my brain go brr and i feel like bc of when i found their art and started listening 4 real i realized how beautiful the messy things n life r. so yea..ty for listening to my random rambling yay have a good day :):)
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