#messy messy messy dooooodles
wishfulsketching · 3 years
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Did not mean to but ended up doodling young Silco again. And one smol Silco.
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mountain-man-cumeth · 5 years
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to get back into making digital art? I don't even know what to use at this point 😰
uuhhhh, i can only speak from my own experience... 
you can try starting with something small; my initial instinct is always to pick up from where i left off and it rarely works, it takes some time to get used the tools again... so, like, doodle simple things, dont bother detailing or colouring them if you dont want to, if it is a particularly good idea you can always go back to it later, you dont need to finish it asap. you might not immediately get the results you desire, its better to be prepared for disappointment but why does anyone produce art, really, if not to get it out of your head. its like a nasty pimple growing in your mind that you just gotta pop and sometimes its messy, other times its cathartic.
gotta keep in mind that it gets better, you get faster, it might not seem that way at the beginning because youre practically re-learning the work environment and it sucks to look at things you used to do and you can get discouraged but its like... you’ve done that before, you can do it again. dooooodle.
im kind of simple when it comes to the tools, i use older versions of PS, it doesnt clog memory as much as the newer ones (although the new smoothing feature seems quite useful) and my intuos 3 tablet is 15 years old. but for someone whos getting back to it id recommend sticking to what you used to use, would be easier to jump from there.
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