#young silco I mean
silco is a loving parent but also silco is the type of person who should never be in the same vicinity as kids ever
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celestialzet · 2 years
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*asexualises your young Silco*
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
Omg fucking stupid thing I thought of but like Sevika with a reader who is literally her number one apologist
Oh she got into deep shit? “I saw nothing actually” <— (quite literally was there)
Oh she murdered a man? “I mean.. did we ever take time to consider why she killed them? I mean, they could have looked at her wrong! I mean, I would if I were her too—“
Oh Sevika was being an asshole? “So? And I was backing her up 😇🫶🏼”
this is so me, she'd chop finn's head clean off in front of me and i'd be like 'babe ur so silly! omg u have blood on ur arm!! lemme clean it for u...'
men and minors dni
sevika knows you're loyal to her.
in the five years you've been together, sevika's never once worried about your eyes wandering or you sneaking around on her.
but it's more than that.
you ride or die for sevika.
she realizes this the first time she's home to watch you talk to an enforcer.
sevika and silco's deal with marcus means they get away with most their dealings in the undercity-- but from time to time, to avoid questions, marcus will have to send a rookie down to the undercity to 'investigate.'
usually, the kid will snoop around for half a day, before high-tailing it right back up to piltover.
sometimes-- they actually try to investigate some of the evidence.
and, once or twice a year, one of the rookies will even have big enough balls to try to question sevika herself.
she's on the couch reading when someone knocks on your door. she's on high alert as she watches you open the door, her hackles rising when she sees the uniform standing on your front stoop.
"sorry to bother you so late at night, miss, is this the residence of a 'sevika'?" the enforcer asks.
sevika huffs, rolling her eyes and biting back her annoyed groan. she's in no fucking mood to deal with this. she's about to haul herself off the couch and take over for you, when you speak again.
"who?" you ask.
sevika blinks-- unsure if she heard you correctly.
"s-sevika?" the man tries again.
"sevika? i've never heard of a 'sevika' living in this neighborhood..." you say. sevika realizes what you're up to, and a smile breaks across her face. "do you mean savannah? there's a savannah a few blocks south, she owns a barbershop off third..." you suggest.
the rookie studies you for a second, and you just blink up at him innocently.
sevika has to smack a hand over her mouth when the idiot buys your act, sighing and slumping before turning around to leave your front stoop. "thank you for your time ma'am. sorry again for bothering you so late."
"put your gas mask on, young man, you'll hurt your lungs down here!" you call after him, waving sweetly as you watch him wander down the street.
you grunt and roll your eyes, your sweet smile dropping the moment he turns the corner, before you turn around and walk back inside your home, slamming and locking the door behind you.
sevika tackles you to the ground, kissing you fiercely. you burst into giggles. "what's this for?" you ask.
sevika can't stop laughing against your lips. "you're so amazing." she giggles. you just huff and roll your eyes.
"thought i'd turn you in?" you ask. sevika shakes her head.
"no-- didn't think you'd lie to a cop for me though."
you blink up at her, suddenly serious, and sevika's heart swells. "sevika. i'd do anything for you."
sevika has to hide her flustered face against your shoulder at this.
over the years, she realizes how much you meant the words.
you come home one night and find her panicking, a dead body in your living room blood soaked into her skin and clothes. you just blink, take a deep breath, and snap into action.
sevika watches in a daze as you gently guide her to sit on the couch, kissing her and calming her down as you strip her of her bloody clothes and toss them ontop of the dead man in the middle of your home.
you don't even ask her questions. you just gently guide her to the bathroom, and treat her like she's just got a cold, or something.
"you're so pretty." you whisper as you wash her clean.
you dress her in her jammies and put her to bed.
sevika stays awake, listening to you call ran and silco over, and then listening to the three of you clean up the mess for the rest of the night.
when you crawl into bed beside her at the end of the night, smelling vaguely of fire and gasoline and bleach-- sevika turns onto her side and grabs your hand.
"you okay, my love?" you whisper.
"will you marry me?" sevika asks.
you burst into giggles and agree, kissing sevika sweetly before dragging her onto your chest and scratching her scalp as she falls asleep.
it's not even the serious shit that you back her up on either. it's the dumb, petty shit too.
you can be sitting on her lap during a game of cards; muffling your giggles against her shoulder when sevika cheats by hiding a few of her cards one second, and the next you're swearing on your grandmother's life that sevika's never cheated during a game when one of her opponent's accuses her of hiding cards.
you hear her voice rise a bit when she gets in an argument with a goon, and you're by her side at lightspeed, glaring at whoever dared to question her authority, cracking your knuckles to back up her threats. when the goon stumbles away, nearly crying in fear, sevika turns to you with a guilty look.
"what?" you ask.
"i realized halfway through that i was yelling at the wrong kid... they all wear the same grungy eyeliner-- i can't tell these fuckers apart." she admits.
you burst into giggles and pull her in for a hug, and sevika finds out years later that you ended up tracking down the kid you'd both threatened and buying him dinner to apologize.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
@raphaellearp @iamastar @sevikitty @claude999
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mollysunder · 1 year
Lunari Heritage in Zaun
This is gonna be a reach, but from the little we've seen of Vi and Jinx's mom and younger Silco, I'd guess they were both from the same ethnic group.
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In a place like Zaun, where the people are left with scraps, any piece of jewelry sticks out. Vi's mom and Silco are both wearing similar pieces of jewelry. Silco's bracelet could likely be fitted as a necklace since it twice wraps over his wrist. Neither are wearing anything of high quality, but the necklace and bracelet in their respective pictures seem decently maintained if not worn. That's when I thought, these are probably heirlooms.
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In fact they looked pretty similar too, but in smaller scale of the princess's own pendants. I wouldn't bring this up if it weren't for the fact that Piltovans prioritize elaborate art-deco aesthetics, the more elaborately geometric the better (Councilor Shoola). So you would assume even the simplest jewelry would be a square pendant or a straight line. But no, big plain circles, and then I remembered we saw that before, on the princess Ambessa killed. Big bronze circles.
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And when we look at young Vi , you notice that she's wearing jewelry too. A simple necklace with a green (it looks green) gem. And I realized that the princess's necklace was also adorned green gems.
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I'm pulling from scraps, but it's interesting that small things these Zaunites have to adorn themselves (though not for long with the time skips) are similar versions if not simpler version's of the princess's.
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At first I thought this meant that many of the cast were actually of Ionian descent. But then in the Princess's scene a thought kept coming back to me, "Why is Mel wearing purple?". Mel, a skilled diplomat from a young age, typically wears the main colors of the nations she hosts and is hosted by. White for Piltover, Black for Noxus (Ambessa), and always with her signature accents of gold. So if Mel followed her mother to Ionia ,where green is a culturally significant color, why purple? It's because Mel and Ambessa weren't in Ionia, they were in Targon fighting the Lunari.
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The Lunari are Rakkor tribal people in the Targonian region who worship the moon, and are persecuted for it by the Solari, the religious order that worships the sun. While technically Mt. Targon is influenced by Mt. Olympus and Greek mythology aesthetic, that's more the case for the Solari. Overtime the Lunari aesthetic has been mixed it's originally nomadic culture with East Asian influences. The prominent colors of the Lunari happen to be turquoise, silver, black and purple. It was such a little thing to remember but it made me see connections I hadn't thought about.
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Suddenly everything starts to connect. The bronze coins represent the 3 moons that exist in Arcane's Runeterra. How do we know there are 3 moons, because the Valdiani piece Jinx stole was depicting their planet. In the Valdiani there are 3 orbits circling the Earth, meaning 3 moons (or satelites). Now the engraving on the gold of the princess's necklace makes sense, because it's supposed to resemble the gates at the peak of Mt. Targon. The pendant itself is shaped like the mountain with the gates fitted at the top.
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Frankly, it works for the Princess to have been Lunari and waves of descendants of the Lunari to arrive in Piltover and end up in Zaun. In Arcane, Piltover was created as a safe haven to escape the Rune Wars 200 years from the start of the show. Even after the Rune Wars ended the shipping port has likely seen waves of migrant labor and refugees from the ongoing crisis that occur in Runeterra (*cough*Noxus*cough*). It's likely that many of the current generation of Zaunites are of mixed heritage of the various fleeing people's.
It creates a whole new dynamic of the ways in which Piltover's laws, their Ethos, strips the people of Zaun from their identity and reducing them to tools for the mines. Magic is inherently a part of religious ceremonies and religion in general in Runeterra, especially for the Lunari. How do you practice your religion in a place that has banned the means by which it's conducted? There must have been more people like the Lunari who didn't have a problem with their magic, their problem was that they were being persecuted.
The remnants of family keepsakes brought over as communities fled were clung to as best as possible especially as they had to let go of part their spiritual identity. But even that doesn't seem to have lasted either. Vi doesn't keep her necklace, her mother is dead, so lost is her necklace, and we never see Silco wear his bracelet. They could have been stolen, or at best, hidden for safe keeping, maybe Enforcers get suspicious at the hint of mysticism and suddenly they want to talk.
Finally, maybe a little less related, it is interesting how prominent Piltovans and Zaunites take on day and night aspects. The sun shines over Piltover at their best, begins to set at times of uncertainty. While in the cover of night with moon above, the strongest Zaunites strike hardest. One more thing, it is interesting how Arcane's Jinx has taken on darker tones of purple rather than stick with neon pink. I always have to go back and look at a reference to remember that her pants are purple-er than I recall.
Update: I wanted to include that the large doodle Jinx made on her cup actually looks similar to the Lunari's sigil. And the sigil remains on the cup into the timeskip, also the center moon is made smaller within the crescent like in the necklace. I also noticed Jinx's cup later has more violent bomb imagery around it.
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Update 2: With the final season approaching I'm noticing this is getting some attention again. I would like to say that if I could write this from scratch again I'd say it's more likely the princess is from Ionia now, which doesn't up end the Lunari theory.
Previous League canon confirms the Lunari faith does have ties to Ionia. A good portion of the Lunari are Ionian in descent, and Diana, their aspect of the moon (essentially their demigod), currently lives in Ionia. League even created skinline for Ionians blood moon worshippers, an edgy offshoot of the Lunari faith. It's all very interesting and a bit complicated because Riot loves to drop plot points in the lore and never come back. I'll try to clean something up for a longer explanation later. What's crazy is the Medardas are still the aggressors because Noxians and Solarians, which the Medardas are both, terrorize Ionians and Lunaris respectively.
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vi-is-badass · 3 months
Arcane Season 2 - The Base Violence Necessary for Change
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I think this shot is the most interesting part of the trailer. We see a shot of Jinx as a painting on a wall. A symbol. A leader. Her actions stand for revolution in Zaun and I think this could be an interesting expansion of Arcane’s exploration of violence and the idea that there is a base violence necessary for change.
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Silco is framed as an antagonist in season 1 because of his actions against the undercity people specifically.
In act 3 he’s not the revolutionary he positioned himself as and is instead hurting the people of Zaun through his leadership. He’s doing as much to hurt topside as Vander was in act 1 (meaning nothing at all). He’s even got the sheriff working with him just like Vander, but, unlike Vander, Silco is hurting his own people to facilitate power and he’s not even fighting for that freedom he claimed to want so much.
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We see the damage his actions have wrought. We see the shimmer addicts, forgotten and exploited. We see that he's created a hierarchy rather than a community.
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And it’s contrasted with the firelights. People considered terrorists to Piltover, who do use violence to fight back against Silco and topside, and yet offer the biggest glimmer of hope. They aren’t villainized. The act of fighting back isn’t villainized and it shouldn’t be.
Because it’s not the violence in and of itself that’s the issue. It’s what that violence is used for.
The series hammers this idea home through Vander. 
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Vander’s staunch stance against violence is flawed as well. It comes from a good place. A desire to protect what he loves rather than destroy what he hates and it did create a time free of the death revolution brings, but it’s made it so no ground could be made to free Zaun and create a better world for the people in it. It created stagnation. 
The people of the undercity are still stuck in a cycle of crushing poverty, growing up without parents, dying young due to pollution or violence wrought by desperate people or oppressive enforcers.
It didn’t move the needle because Piltover and the system in place wasn’t going to change just because the people of the undercity were playing nice.
The unrest and anger felt towards Vander for his ideal was understandable. His views on the cyclical nature of violence and the fact that if you fight you will lose people (“What are you willing to lose”) is correct, but that doesn’t make this option the ideal one.
Which brings me back to that shot in the trailer of that painting of Jinx.
Season 2 looks like it’s going to be a season of opposites and rediscovery where it flips what we expect of Jinx and Vi on its head and further explores these ideas of violence, oppression, and revolution.
And I think this season might possibly do that by reversing how Vi and Jinx reflect Vander and Silco.
In the first season the siblings were direct reflections of their respective father figures, but now they’re inversions. Jinx can become the good to be found in Silco’s ideals and Vi the pitfalls of Vander’s.
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Jinx’s actions in season 1 weren’t those of a revolutionary. Her actions weren’t meant to free the people of the undercity or improve their lives. She didn’t steal the hexcrystal to bring hextech to the undercity and improve their lives and she didn’t kill the enforcers on the bridge to get rid of dirty cops. She didn’t kidnap Caitlyn for a greater cause.
But we know that Jinx isn’t only the violence she enacted. That she is “the monster they (the system and people around her) created”. Her actions weren’t heroic in the first season, but they were driven by the life that was forced upon her. Her hurt and anger are justified.
Now that she’s away from Silco, no longer a part of his machine and actively participating in his actions that were hurting the undercity, her actions and anger can take on a new light. She can rediscover herself away from his manipulations (this isn’t to say he didn’t love her but what he did and said isolated her and allowed her issues to fester) and become that symbol we see on the wall.
Jinx could be in a way what Silco could have been if he didn’t let his own self interest get in the way of his ideals. Not quite as forward thinking as Ekko or as idealistic, but still a symbol for resistance that fights for Zaun.
Whereas Vi is sort of on a path to becoming a darker reflection of Vander’s ideals.
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Vi becomes a part of the system she used to rage against.
 Based on the season 2 teaser that was released in 2021– 
“Nobody else needs to get hurt.”
–I think it’s likely that Vi believes she can prevent more death or can stop Piltover’s violence against the undercity if she takes Jinx in.
Vi sees herself as a protector who has failed at every turn to protect those she cares about. She lost her parents, Powder, Vander, Mylo, Claggor, etc. and she is constantly desperate to try and save what she loves and that will likely drive her decision to become an enforcer.
Vi, like Vander, wants to save what she loves and as a result isn’t going to fight back against topside. This is a much more extreme version of Vander’s ideals. Where she “compromises” in an attempt to prevent bloodshed but as a result enables (or in her case helps) the system in place.
This decision will have negative consequences (and deservedly so!) because no matter what thoughts or feelings are the driving factor in it she is still siding with her oppressors and ultimately helping the system that is the root cause of that loss and pain in the first place. 
Based on the clip released at Annecy and what people have said the writers explained about Vi’s arc in season 2 it seems like Vi will be ostracized for this decision and deservedly so. She won’t belong anywhere. To the undercity she’s a traitor and to Piltover she’s nothing more than an undercity rat.
She will have lost everything. She will have no one to protect. And who is Vi if she’s not a protector?
Vi will be forced to re-evaluate who she is and what she wants. Just like Jinx, Vi will have to redefine herself when she loses everything.
I can’t wait for season 2 and what the team at Fortiche has in store for us. The way the show tackles complex themes and ideas is incredible and Vi and Jinx are some of the most compelling and complicated characters I’ve seen on tv. I’m looking forward to November.
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chairwritexv · 1 year
Fem Reader is another adopted kid silco took in (because young jinx insisted on it). The two are super close and deeply care for each other. During the statue scene she tells silco she'll offer herself up and take full blame for jinx if it means her sis stays safe and free. This way zaun is free, jinx is safe, and her dad finally gets his biggest wish. This is enough for silco to basically go "fuck that. You are my children and I will not give either of you away. Not even for Zaun. We'll think of something but I refuse to sacrifice either of you." And Jinx overhears all this.
the statue scene is when silco’s talking to vander’s statue, right? lol, my memory sucks…
tw ❦ angst
platonic ❦ romantic ❦ neutral
fandom ❦ arcane
character(s) ❦ silco, jinx
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“is there anything so undoing as a daughter?” silco’d asked as he took a sip of alcohol. you’d peeked your head out of the shadows as you listened to your adoptive father’s conversation with vander’s statue, knowing what you had to do. “dad,” you said as you walked up to him, your hands swaying by your side. silco immediately turned to you, slightly startled. “Y/N.” you took a deep breath. “i’ll do it.” “what?” “i- i’ll offer myself to the enforcers, so that jinx will be safe and-” you were only halfway through your sentence when silco started shaking his head, standing up, but you didn’t notice as your eyes were closed and your head was down. “-and then zaun is free and you’ll have your biggest wish and-” “No.” at this you looked up, staring your adoptive father in the eyes. “but-” “No. i am not giving either of my children away, not even for zaun. i’ll figure something out but i am not losing you or jinx.” you stood there for a moment, unsure what to say before you tackled silco in a hug, almost knocking him over. he flinched, but hugged you back. neither of you noticed your blue-haired sister hiding in the shadows, having heard everything. ☽ 【┘】 ☾ "jiiinnnnxx,,” you dragged out your sister’s name as you called her, your feet dragging behind you as you entered her “lair”. however, the place was empty, much to your surprise. you looked around, making sure she wasn’t hiding to scare you as she’d done so many times before. “jinx?” which is when you noticed the note scribbled on the desk. “ not letting you sacrifice yourself for me n dad. luv you, tell dad i love him too ꨄ ” you cursed and ran out of the room, running as fast as you could all the way to the bridge connecting zaun and piltover. after reaching the bridge you immediately spotted jinx’s bright blue braided hair, and the enforcers surrounding her with their guns raised. “JINX!!” you yelled out, catching jinx’s attention as she turned to you, her eyes widening. “WAIT!!” you yelled out, coming in between jinx and the enforcers, half of whom now had their guns trained on you. “wait, she’s-” “Y/N, no-” “she’s just covering for me,” you spat out, still panting heavily from the long run. “it was me. i did everything. jinx was innocent, she did nothing wrong. she’s just covering.” and that was all the enforcers needed to hear. they handcuffed you and forced you away from jinx, dragging you toward piltover. you looked back at jinx with tears in your eyes, giving your sister one last smile.
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hope you enjoyed! ♡ debating a part two lol
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cl-0v3r · 2 months
Okay this is gonna be super rushed and probably have alot of mistakes but I need this out of my system so it will most likely be like half a shitpost !!!
When i think of Jinx and Mel at a flat level, i assume that they are very different from eachother, there is no personal connection between the two at all, they don't even know eachother and they both have very different roles in the show, not to mention the difference in demeanor and character as well.
But Arcane, a show full of parallels, always knows how to connect each of its characters to one another somehow, I find it amazing that you can find so many similarities despite their vast differences even if it was the most subtle thing ever, its like the tiniest bits of detail SCREAM at you.
One of my favorite (and most obvious) things about Mel and Jinx is the fact that they speak of their past THROUGH THEIR ART, I don't think I really need to go ahead and dissect this to the last atom since it's already very clear what their drawings mean to them and to the story, but they prefer to cope with their trauma by painting/making things that remind them of the past or has a relation to it, there is ALWAYS a piece (or pieces) of art about something that continues to HAUNT them to this day, for Jinx its "doodles" of the hallucinations of Mylo, Claggor & Vi who are almost everywhere she is, as for Mel its the bloody necklace thats hung above her head and over her bed alongside the painting of the immortal bastion to remind her about "home".
Whats even crazier is the fact that their art is also tied to the people who cast them out from their family, Powder before this was always called a Jinx ESPECIALLY by Mylo and she was considered weak and unable to handle things like the others, leading her to change and become somebody new after they left, sound a little familiar? Because Mel was also considered weak, sentimental, too soft to be a Medarda E S P E C I A L L Y by Ambessa at a young age, and what happened after? Gone. Afterwards, they find themselves in a new place where people "look up to them" or they're seen as someone with higher importance.
And I've spoken a bit about the visual similarities in an earlier post, but we gotta appreciate their attitudes towards their "parental" figures, I don't know why but its funny to see how much sass they throw at them, its what inspired this post actually. Maybe its just the satisfaction of seeing my two least favorite characters get the same honest reaction I have by my favorite characters 😭
They're both tired of their shit and its the best thing to ever exist.
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Let's not forget how they both got genuinely angry at them as well? Jinx snatching Silcos injection from his hands and being pissed at him for lying to her about everyone being dead, while Mel slapped the goblet out of Ambessas hand, upset that she played with Jayce unrightfully so.
The color and design differences is a beautiful parallel too, Jinx is often surrounded by cold or dark colors like Blue, Green, black with a hint of purple and pink and dressed like her personality, while Mel is more light & Warm-toned with yellow/gold, red, white and a wee bit of black which is all matching to her Elegance. This is just a general parallel between characters of Zaun and Piltover overall, but its always very appealing when you compare them together.
And finally, its them completely letting go of their past selves and starting out new literally by the last episode after struggling with who they are the whole time, Powder was officially gone by the end of the season, and Mel was no longer Medarda. Jinx is just Jinx, Mel is just Mel, and they are both going to do things their own way and that was shown with how Mel took off her ring and painted over the Immortal Bastion with gold , and how Jinx launched her rocket towards the council with her own art on it too.
Its funny to think that thats the only physical connection they could possibly have and that its related to their character arcs, its related to them making a new big decision, it has a strong relation to their art, and a strong relation to them saying goodbye to their family.
Hope this made sense !!!!!!!! I honestly just want them to like idk hug or something and go to loo loo land and paint together or whatever in a different universe and cope with their shared trauma together no fuss no muss. Fanfic writers where did you go y'all are missing out on this super mega awesome cool older&younger sister / mother-daughter duo.
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venerawrites · 4 months
Silco x reader headcanons?
author's note: I swear, the things this man makes me feel... whew! Anyway, this is my first request for Arcane and I was so excited to write it! Thought it would be interesting if I made reader a councillor since I always see headcanons for him with an employee. Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for requesting! <3
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All his life, Silco thought he would either remain a bachelor or eventually get with one of his employees. He didn't care much about finding a partner - taking care of Zaun and Jinx was already enough responsibility. Having someone to demand more of his time and attention was the last thing he needed.
But fate had a wicked sense of humour, so when you sent some of your bodyguards to go and arrange a meeting with him, his interest peaked. A councillor from Piltover seeking him? My, my, that would be interesting.
The initial arrangement was a simple alliance - Silco was supposed to keep the undercity's movements for freedom in check, as well as keep Jinx away from the topside. You, on the other hand, promised to provide information about all upcoming decisions and changes in the law approved by the Council.
He usually would never agree to trade with someone from the other side of the bridge, but something about you intrigued him. You were born and raised in Zaun, yet somehow made your way into the City of Progress and climbed the political ladder till you got to the top. While you claimed you had Piltover's best interest in mind, he couldn't help but be suspicious of where your loyalty truly lies.
Listen, Silco may think innocence and naivety are cute, but what truly attracts him is power. Brains. Someone who knows what they want and how to get it. Someone like YOU.
Soon the political dealings started to become more... intimate. Perhaps because none of you had a romantic partner, or simply because your secret meetings always took place late at night in his office, but it did not take long for your verbal exchange to become physical.
First, there were lingering gazes. He followed each one of your moves, almost like a hunter waiting for the right time to attack. Later, you started closing the distance, often circling him while you pried information about the latest rebellion news in the city. Your hands sometimes found their way to his shoulder or arm, gently squeezing his muscles or dragging your nails down his skin.
The eye of Zaun tried not to fall for your charms. He really did. But as you were luring him in, like a siren, how could he stay away? Plus, it didn't have to mean anything, right? Both of you were interested in influence and power, not love, so it wouldn't hurt if he just gave in to his desires at least once.
Except it wasn't just once.
After having a taste, he couldn't stay away. He would never admit it, but he definitely fell first. For you, it was all fun and games, but for him, it was a completely new experience. Sure, he fell in love once when he was a young adult, but it couldn't compare to what he was feeling toward you now.
God knew how much he hated himself for catching feelings. And for a councillor, of all people?
He tried to hide them for a while, but the way he grew up to be super possessive of you made his intentions clear as day. He liked to keep you as long as he could with him, delaying your meetings on purpose just so he could spend more time with you. He also asked to see you more often than your arranged meetings and if you said no, he would just show up at your home in Piltover, completely unbothered by the fact that you could call security on him at any point.
It would be a lie if you said his behaviour didn't trigger anything in you. You've met many men who were manipulative and calculating, but no one who was like him. His whole existence screamed 'DANGER' and by the time you realised you should not get involved with him on any level deeper than just physical intimacy, you were already a victim to his charm.
Being from two different worlds - one dark and dangerous, the other one safe and progressive - your relationship was pretty toxic. There is a constant distrust between you and quite a lot of arguments, especially in the beginning.
Slowly he started to open up to you, letting you know about his dreams for Zaun and his rocky relationship with Jinx. You also shared your story of how you escaped the streets of the Undercity and eventually earned your seat on the Council.
Jealosy is something you both possess and is a common cause for conflict between you. Silco sees competition in any male in Piltover (after all he has 0 influence over there, so he could never make an official claim over you!), while you severely disliked how obedient all his female employees are, especially Sevika. He finds your annoyance quite amusing, but he likes seeing that side of you, so he never really tries to reassure or comfort you.
He is not really romantic, but from time to time he likes to randomly give you gifts. He always tries to play it off, as if he didn't put any thought it in or if he just randomly saw an object in his house he thought you may like, but the amount of effort was visible in the beautiful packaging and the hand-written card. He especially likes giving you jewellery and making you wear it during your Council meetings.
Without a doubt he would try to influence you to give up your seat and join him and his cause. After all, you were born in the Undercity and is where you belonged.
As you won't give into his request and he doesn't want to give up on you either, your relationship would cause a lot of chaos and tension between the cities. Silco would often send either Jinx or one of his workers to go a cause mischief in Piltover, just to spite you. Every time you confront him, however, he would deny, a small mocking smile on his lips.
Overall, very toxic, but highly exciting relationship. He would burn the world for you to belong to him and ONLY him, and no matter what he did, you just couldn't stay away.
cc artwork: "Arcane" concept art
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kodamaghost00 · 3 months
𝑰𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖,𝑽𝒊𝒌𝒕𝒐𝒓?
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Fandom: Arcane 2021 (NETFLIX ORIGINAL)
Pairings: Viktor x GN!Reader
Genre: Long-lost Friends to Lovers, Fluff
Summery: After you thought your Best friend died you reunite with him after 12 years of being apart.
Warnings: Loosing close people, Death, Fights, Spoilers EP3, Emotional, Slow burn, forced to move on fast
Word count: 2,4K
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧
“Viktor! Viktor over here, look at this!!” You are around 11 years old and call out for your best friend. He walks over to you as fast as he can. “What’s going on, Y/N?” He asked cautiously, but then looked at what you pointed out. “I’ve never seen something like that before…”. Now you both stare at a little bug crawling around in the dirt in front of you. You and Viktor watch the bugs and animals around you all the time, but this one... you’ve never seen it before. It had short legs, but the colors were beautiful. “Do you think it’s a new species?” You chuckled. “Well, maybe it is. What shall we call it?” He smiled at you softly. “Hm. I’ll name it sooner or later!” You two watched it crawl away. You stood up and helped him to do the same.
“Let’s go home you look tired…” He just nodded, and you both made your way to the small shed you called home. You both laid down facing each other. “Viktor? Do you think we’ll make it big one day? To the topside, I mean.”. He thought about it but responded calmly back to you, “I know we will. With my brain and your brawn, we make a pretty good team.” You chuckle. “That’s right. Goodnight Viktor…” "Goodnight, Y/N��” and with those last sentences, you two fall asleep.
*BOOM* Something exploded, and your little shed crumbled to pieces. Everything burns, there’s smoke everywhere, you can’t see anything but call out for Viktor. There’s no response. You try to free yourself from the remains of what you called home once, but you’re trapped underneath. There’s no way out. You are in so much pain that you black out. There’s nothing, only darkness. Then the memories of the happy day before came flooding back, and you violently woke up, tucked away in a cozy-looking bed.
“Where am I?” You ask cautiously. Looking around for any enemies you could encounter, the only thing you see is a large man with a beard. "Oh, you’re awake, kid. How are you?” He came closer, and you flinched away. “I’m not your enemy, kiddo. I’m here to help you.” He said reassuringly as he handed you a glass of water to drink. “What happened? Where’s Viktor?!” You asked, looking around to find your best friend again, but to no avail. “Viktor? You’re the only one I found. I’m sorry.” You started to cry, and he came to hug you. You cried on his shoulder for a while until you calmed down. “Do you want to stay with me? I assume you don’t have family here.” You nodded quietly and held his hand, not wanting to let go. Then another man came into the room. He was big and scary-looking but had a rather friendly aura. "HAHA, Vander is gonna be a dad now? That’s something I never thought was possible!” The man shouted. “Shut it, Benzo…” he said, rubbing his nose bridge. You only giggled at that, maybe your new life won’t be that bad after all.
From that day on, Vander was like your dad. He taught you how to fight. How to defend yourself. How to protect the ones you love… You didn’t even notice the 12 years that went by. Now you basically have 4 younger siblings. VI,Powder,Mylo and Claggor. You were the best role model for them, and they looked up to you. You trained with them and taught them valuable lessons. Especially VI, she was young and naive, but you knew that she only wanted the best for your family.
Then the tragic day came. Silcos people attacked you guys, and not only Vander, your beloved father, but also Mylo and Claggor died during that incident. You fought with them, but to no avail, the shimmer was too powerful. You got hit badly by one of silcos men, you didn’t know what happened to VI and powder before your body gave in and you blacked out. “Is that what happens again…? I don’t want to die. I don’t want them to die! NOT AGAIN!” The next thing you know is that you woke up in a fancy-looking hospital.
You woke up in shock and looked around, panting, “VI? POWDER?! WHERE ARE YOU??” Then someone calmed you down. “ You looked down at the creature that’s trying to help you. “A... a furball…?”. Heimendinger was amused by your comment. "Well, I wouldn’t say a furball, but that’s a fair assumption.”. He laughed. “Where am I? Who are you? Where are my siblings?!” You asked frantically, starting to panic again. “Calm down, young one. I’ll explain.” He took a deep breath as you went quiet again. “You’re in a hospital right now. I am the head of the council, Heimendinger. And your family…” he frowned. “Where are they?! My sisters!?” You asked in a demanding manner. “The chief enforcers told me you were the only one found alive… I’m sorry.” You were so shocked that the fact didn’t register at first. Then you cried. You were sobbing hysterically into your own hands. You didn’t process the fact that all your loved ones died. ‘Once again? I thought I got stronger? I wasn’t able to do anything…’ The pain was talking out of you, and you thought it should’ve been you, not your beloved family. Under your sobs, you managed to form one sentence. “What am I going to do now?” Heimendinger looked at you with the most heartbreaking expression anyone ever gave you. “If you want to, you could become my assistant. I already have one that’s been with me for a while now, but... I don’t think another one would hurt.” He said this to you while resting his hand on your shoulder. You looked at him again, not realizing what he said completely, but you nodded. The chance to help someone… you won’t throw that away. That’s what dad would’ve wanted, after all.
Heimendinger sat by your side for a long time before asking you something again. “How old are you, my child?” “I am 23, sir…” you responded hesitantly. You knew Heimendinger wasn’t a threat, but opening up to strangers was even harder now. “23… so young. Yet you had to go through all of the misery. I’m really sorry for you, child. I’ll leave now, we will discuss the more serious details tomorrow. Please take care!” He waved you goodbye and left the room. Now it’s just you. Alone. In a hospital bed in Piltover. All the events came flooding back, and you cried again. So hard that you cried yourself to sleep.
The next morning arrives sooner than you wanted. The sun is coming through the window, and with a clear sky, you sit up and pinch your nose bridge. “Such a headache...” you whispered to yourself. As you stretched out. You glanced at the nightstand beside your bed. “A letter?” You take the letter and open it gently, and it reads:
Dear Y/N,
When I came to visit you again, you were dead asleep! I didn’t want to disturb your peaceful sleep, so I decided to write this letter instead. I asked one of the nurses when you could go out again, and they told me you could go today. Talk to a nurse before heading out to my office later,alrighty?
P.S. . The clothes are also for you, so you blend in a little better.
In best regards, Heimendinger!
You chuckled at the fact that Heimendinger wrote you a whole letter just for you to sleep a little longer.
You still mourned a lot about your family, though, so it's understandable that you weren't the happiest. You put on the clothes he gave you and went out of the room to call a nurse, and one came rushing to you.
"H-Hey! You can't just stand up like that!!" She rushed over to you, helping you back to your room. "I feel better. Can I go now?" You ask, wanting to go out of here as soon as possible. "Oh, you're the one that heimendinger favorites... what's your name? So I can look you up in the system." She pulls out a device you never saw before. "It's Y/N". "Last name?" She was a bit confused. "Don't have one." You snarled back a bit. She looks confused but enters your name anyway. "Ah! Y/N! Wait a second!" She rushes out and comes back with a small bag in her hands. "Take one of them per day it's best if you do it right after breakfast." You looked at the bag suspiciously but nodded. "Thanks." And you're on your way out. "Rude..." the nurse whispered to herself.
You totally forgot to ask the nurse where heimendingers lab is, so you wander around the halls of the academy. “Why is this place so big…” You looked around and admired all the pretty painted walls, amazing wooden floors, and bright chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. When you were focusing on the big windows next to you, you ran into someone. "Fuck, I’m sorry… I should’ve looked where I was-“ you were cut off as you looked at the man in front of you. Tall, flawless brown hair and a cane. You stare a little too long, and he asks, “Are you okay?”. You nod “I’m sorry… You just remind me of someone who I was close with a long time ago.” He doesn’t respond until you ask something. “Excuse me, but where is heimendingers lab? I was supposed to meet him.”. He looks a bit surprised but points in one direction. With a thick accent, he says, “Turn left around that corner. It’s the third door; you won’t miss it.”. You thank him and walk away. You can’t shake the feeling that this man you were talking to was Viktor. But no… He was dead, right? There’s no chance that he’s here…
You couldn’t think about it longer as you stepped into heimendingers lab. It looked scary but fascinating at the same time. “You wanted to see me, sir?” You say this as you quietly close the door behind you quietly. “Ah! Y/N! Just in time, young one.” He smiled as he stood up from his chair. A little horned furball barks at you happily. "Oh, you just missed my other assistant! He’s bringing us some papers for you to fill out so we can make your employment official!” He says he is smiling. He seems super happy that you’ll work with him soon, he has high hopes for your future.
Then Viktor comes into the room after a few minutes. And heimendinger brings you two closer. “Y/N, that’s Viktor, my assistant for years by now. Viktor, that’s Y/N, the second assistant that will work with us from now on. I hope you two will be a good team from now on!” Heimendinger says, and the room falls silent. “Y/N…?” Viktor said it with a shocked expression. “Yes Viktor?” You smile at him, and he lets his cane fall to the ground, running into your arms. “I thought you died… I’m so sorry for not recognizing you earlier. You’ve grown so much I…” he said as tears welled up in his eyes. They cause you to cry as well. "No, no Viktor… Please don’t cry…” you say as you go through his fluffy hair, and you both have a very emotional moment. Heimendinger notices and leaves the room quietly. “I have missed you so much… I’ve been searching for you for so long…” you say softly, wiping his tears away. “What happened to you that day?” He said this as he stood up straight again, stumbling over his own feet. You grab his cane and hand it to him for support. “How about we talk about that in peace later? We have so much to talk about…” you declared, but Heimendinger chimed in. "Oh, young ones, you can take the rest of the day off if you please…”. You wanted to protest, but he cut you off and sent you two away.
Now you both are on your way to Viktor's chambers since you don’t have your own yet. As you both walk next to each other, an uncomfortable silence is in the air, so you try to ease it a bit by trying to hold his hand. Just like in old times, he takes it gladly, and you both walk to his room. With a pink hue on his face, he closes the door behind you. “You have a lovely room.” You try to start a conversation with something small. As you sit down on his bed, Viktor does the same and looks at you. “Thank you… I appreciate it. What happened that day, Y/N? I haven’t thought of anything else since that day… It’s haunted me ever since.” He says straight up, not wanting to let any more time pass. “There was an attack near our home. I called out for you, but you didn’t answer, so I thought…” You go silent, and he notices that you assumed he was dead. “I went to our home every day to look for you. I missed you so much.” You feel your tears well up. He suddenly spoke up. “One of the enforcers took me with them. The attack was so intense that I blacked out on the spot. Heimendinger raised me. I’m sorry that I left you like this…” You listen to him but nod. “I had a good family as well… but they…” You started to cry now, giving in to your emotions, and Viktor hugged you, noticing that you had lost important people once again… “I’m here now... I’m here for you, Y/N. And I will never leave again.” He pulls you in, laying you on his chest with the last sentence. His presence is so comforting that you let it all happen. “We’re together again… that’s all that matters now…” he says caressing your hair, kissing your head gently. You blush deeply and burry your face into his chest gently. “Thank you, Viktor… I’ve missed you so much…”. “I think you should rest now… It’s been a long week for you…”. You nod and fall asleep on his chest. Quickly, before you fell asleep, you heard his voice saying one last thing that made your heart bump like crazy.
"Goodnight, dear, I love you.”
You wanted to answer, but your body caved in, and you fell asleep.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧
A/N: Hello and thank you for reading this short story that came into my mind! It’s my first time writing out my thoughts out actually so please don’t be too harsh on me. I’m so excited for S2 and I think many of my fellow Arcane fans are as well. Have a great Day/Night and goodbye!
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bara-izu · 5 months
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Toma and Griff's turn, to hopefully let you know them more-
Part 1 feat Halion and Morpho
More detailed breakdown:
Toma (They/Them) :
Heisenberg - His vibes... being quite lax, and jovial even in such gross and visceral situations, the way he holds himself just gives me Toma vibes
Wolfwood - I literally know fuck all about Trigun but whenever I see him I just think of young Toma
Nandor - When I saw him in the Gym episode I immediately changed Toma's main bodytype to reflect it, it just felt like them. Also some of Nandor's mannerisms Toma would totally have-
Mads/Hannibal???? - this specific picture of Mads was what made me design Toma in the first place 😂 the vibes were immaculate. I've never watched Hannibal but I've seen pictures of Mads all bloody and disheveled and that just screams Toma to me haha (the clean suited version however is NOT them)
Harry Hart - Little Izu back in 2015 came home from watching Kingsman and immediately designed Griff. Back then he was a... quite a bit nicer and less traumatised so was far more gentlemanly 😅 (now the gentleman side is just a persona for manipulating people)
Silco - I mean the scene where Silco breaks into Marcus' house and waits for him to arrive home is pretty much how Toma and Griff first properly met. His persona of making people thing he is superior and in power, but is actually a little pathetic (said with affection)- he also shares a lot of little mannerisms with Griff.
Ed Nygma - (Ed is the Batman Riddler) So he is calculated and scheming, but he's also erratic, and irritable. Early in the series he is friendly and chatty, but later you see that persona crumble, similar to Griff where he tries to fool others onto thinking he is charming.
Astarion - currently using the Origin Editor mod to turn Astarion into Griff for my Dark Urge (Toma) game. It's funny to see how they share a lot of little mannerisms in the way they act. Griffin is also a rogue in 5e, an Arcane Trickster, Astarion's hunger for power and to be taken seriously, hungry enough to ascend, feels very Griff to me
If you got this far, hope you learned some more about these two!
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lullabyes22-blog · 7 months
Snippet - Rotten to the Core - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
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Young Silco meets Margot in Stillwater.
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
TW: exploitative dynamics, power imbalances, threats of violence, physical assault, oral sex.
- Inmate to be assigned to solitary for duration of his sentence.
- Inmate's cell door has been reinforced with additional layers of steel.
- Inmate must remain muzzled at all times outside of his cell.
- All personnel are advised not to engage in direct contact with Inmate 238453 for any reason, excepting the administration of food and water, and the necessary maintenance of his physical needs.
- All guards are instructed to use maximum force against the inmate.
- Guards are not permitted to engage in conversation with the inmate.
Transcript from audio recording made at 1201, 11-13-1949, in the Stillwater Correctional Facility
Location: Solitary confinement cell
Inmate: (singing)
Guard: You've got a lovely voice.
Inmate: (scoffs)
Guard: It's not just flattery. You have a really beautiful voice.
Inmate: ...
Guard: Are you sure I can't give you anything to make the time go faster?
Inmate: ...
Guard: Anything I can bring you? Something to eat? A drink?
Inmate: (chuckles)
Guard: You know, there's nothing I can't get.
Inmate: I know.
Guard: What's that supposed to mean?
Inmate: You know.
Guard: No, I don't know.
Inmate: You're new here, aren't you?
Guard: How can you tell?
Inmate: A few reasons. First, because I haven't seen you before.
Guard: ...
Inmate: And second, because you're talking to me.
Guard: Why wouldn't I talk to you?
Inmate: Because the Warden ordered the guards not to.
Guard: Yeah, well. Fuck the Warden.
Inmate: Sssh. Don't let him hear you say that.
Guard: I can't stand the bastard. He treats everyone like dirt.
Inmate: I've noticed.
Guard: Is it true what they say? You beat up Dr. Madden, on the day of his visit, just to get moved here.
Inmate: ...
Guard: Because I can see why. You've got privacy. Space. A nice soft mattress and a clean toilet.
Inmate: And the best view in the house.
Guard: (laughs) What view?
Inmate: Oh, I don't know. Yours, for starters.
Guard: Yeah, you can't go wrong with a girl in uniform.
Inmate: Definitely not.
Guard: You got a real smart mouth, you know that?
Inmate: Do I?
Guard: I've had plenty of prisoners try to charm me. But you're the first one who acts like he already has.
Inmate: I hope it's a good thing.
Guard: It depends.
Inmate: On what?
Guard: What else you can do with your smart mouth.
Inmate: Oh?
Guard: Oh, yeah.
Inmate: Well. Maybe there's a thing or two I could show you.
Guard: Maybe you could.
Inmate: You'd have to open the door, first.
Guard: ...
Inmate: You won't regret it.
Guard: What makes you think I'd do such a thing?
Inmate: You want to.
Guard: Oh, do I?
Inmate: You're interested already, aren't you?
Guard: (breathing).
Inmate: Come a little closer.
Guard: I'm not supposed to.
Inmate: Just for a second.
Guard: Okay.
Inmate: Hmm. You've got the most gorgeous lips.
Guard: Thanks.
Inmate: And such a sweet smile.
Guard: Yeah?
Inmate: What kind of girl wears red lipstick under a guard's visor?
Guard: (laughs) A bad one.
Inmate: Very bad.
Guard: What about you?
Inmate: Oh, I'm already bad.
Guard: That's not what I meant.
Inmate: What then? You want to find out how bad?
Guard: ...
Inmate: Open the door.
Guard: (whispers) I can't.
Inmate: Oh, yes, you can.
Guard: The cameras.
Inmate: Nobody watches them.
Guard: You don't know that.
Inmate: I do. Solitary is a dead zone. Everyone's attention is on the cameras in the general population wing.
Guard: I can't risk it.
Inmate: What have you got to lose?
Guard: My job.
Inmate: They won't fire you.
Guard: Why wouldn't they?
Inmate: The place is short-staffed. They need every name on the roster, and then some.
Guard: But they might dock my pay.
Inmate: Or transfer you to a cushier spot.
Guard: Cushier?
Inmate: They're starting a parole program for tracking inmates. Check in on their progress after they've left the facility. It pays well.
Guard: How do you know?
Inmate: The new psychicker told me.
Guard: The psychicker?
Inmate: The jolly fellow from Bandle. The one with the paunchy jowl and buck teeth.
Guard: O'Neil?
Inmate: That's the one.
Guard: But they've been offering that job for weeks, and nobody's taken it.
Inmate: Why's that?
Guard: It's dangerous. Most of the parolees are from the Undercity. They'd sooner slit your throat than take orders.
Inmate: Only a small fraction. Most are low-level criminals. They're harmless.
Guard: Still. I don't like it.
Inmate: You're bored here, aren't you?
Guard: ...
Inmate: Admit it. You are.
Guard: Maybe.
Inmate: I'd hate to think that a sweet girl like you had to go all day and night, bored and lonely.
Guard: I'm not lonely.
Inmate: You're not?
Guard: Of course not. I'm surrounded by men. Trapped, and feisty, ready to explode.
Inmate: That gets you hot, huh?
Guard: Yeah.
Inmate: You can waltz up to any man's cage. Get up close and whisper in his ear. Let him get a whiff of your perfume. Tell him what's going to happen, watch him squirm, then walk away. Does it turn you on?
Guard: Yeah.
Inmate: So what's stopping you?
Guard: Nothing.
Inmate: Unlock the door.
Guard:  ...
Inmate: You won't regret it.
Guard: You've said that.
Inmate: And still, you're afraid.
Guard: I'm not afraid.
Inmate: No?
Guard: Of course not. You're locked up. You can't touch me.
Inmate: I could, if you let me.
Guard: If you think I'll fall for that—
Inmate: I won't lay a finger on you, unless you ask me to.
Guard: That's easy to say.
Inmate: I never make promises I can't keep.
Guard: And if you can't keep that one?
Inmate: You'll have my balls in a vice.
Guard: Yeah, I will.
Inmate: (sings)
Guard: You have a pretty voice.
Inmate: And a dirty mouth.
Guard: ...
Inmate: You could have my mouth, if you wanted.
Guard: ...
Inmate: (sings)
Guard: Fine. I'll let open the door. But we're going to do this on my terms.
Inmate: Anything you want.
Guard: Anything?
Inmate: Yes.
Guard: So, you'll do exactly what I say.
Inmate: Yes.
Guard: Get down on your knees.
Inmate: Alright.
Guard: Put your hands behind your back.
Inmate: Okay.
Guard: Now, I'm going to unlock the door. I'll put the key in my pocket. If you make a single move, or touch me without my permission, I'll pull out my baton, and break every bone in your body.
Inmate: I promise. I won't lay a finger on you.
Guard: ...
Inmate: ...
(sound of a key turning in a lock, and a door opening.)
Guard: Crawl over here.
Guard: On my knees?
Guard: That's right. Keep those hands behind your back.
Inmate: Like a good little doggie, hm?
Guard: Yeah, you've really got a smart mouth.
Inmate: And you've done this before.
Guard: Have I?
Inmate: Oh, I can tell. You like the Fissure-boys, don't you?
Guard: The girls, too.
Inmate: Of course you do. It's all about the filth. Rolling in it, then grinding it under your heel. Knowing it can never be more than a spot of fun. After, you can lock it right back in its cage.
Guard: You're pretty dirty yourself, aren't you?
Inmate: You've no idea.
Guard: I've had a few of your kind. They're all the same. All teeth, and empty stomachs.
Inmate: And a tongue that knows its way around a cunt.
Guard: Fuck, yeah.
Inmate: You like that, don't you? Putting the dirty ones to use.
Guard: That's what they're good for. Licking our boots, and crawling around on the floor, like dogs. 
Inmate:  You've done that before too, eh?
Guard: Maybe.
Inmate: Yeah, you have. And more than once. Gulled a desperate prisoner, and made him into a toy. Whored him out to the other guards for kicks. And a little extra clink of coin in your purse.
Guard: Yeah, it's a real rush.
Inmate: Is it?
Guard: Having total control.
Inmate: You can have that again.
Guard: Oh, yeah?
Inmate: I'm here, aren't I? At your feet. Hands behind my back. Ready to do anything you ask.
Guard:  I'm going to ask you to do a lot of things.
Inmate: (chuckles) I'll enjoy every one.
Guard: Take my skirt off.
Inmate: Alright.
(Sound of a belt being undone, and fabric rustling.)
Guard: Nice and slow.
Inmate: Like this?
Guard: Yeah, like that.
Inmate: Oh my. Not a stitch under that little uniform.
Guard: No.
Inmate: And such a soft, smooth cunt.
Guard: (breathing heavily)
Inmate: So wet already. Is that for me?
Guard: Don't flatter yourself.
Inmate: Do I need to? Your thighs are trembling.
Guard: Lick me.
Inmate: Like that?
Guard: Oh, fuck, yes.
Inmate: Mm.
Guard:  Gods, that mouth...
Inmate: Mmmmmm.
Guard: ...oh, fuck, I love that...
Inmate: What's your name?
Guard: I'm not—not supposed to tell you.
Inmate: It's only fair, since I'm lapping up every inch of your juicy little box.
Guard: Fuck, you are dirty.
Inmate: What's your name, peach?
Guard: Mar-Margot.
Inmate: Mmm. That's a sweet name. Sweet as you are.  
Guard: Keep licking. Fuck. Don't stop.
Inmate: Like that?
Guard: Yes! Oh, yeah, lick me, just like that. Fuck, oh fuck.
(sound of heavy breathing. sound of moaning.)
(sound of a blow, and a cry.)
Guard: Fucking hell!
Inmate: Poor peach. Did that hurt?
Guard: Let go of me, you fucking bastard!
Inmate: No, I don't think so.
Guard: You son of a bitch. You said—
Inmate: Yes, and I'm a lying sump-rat. Anyway, I don't make promises to your kind.
Guard: What's that supposed to mean?
Inmate: (sings)
Guard: Stop it. If I scream—
Inmate: Who will hear? I told you already. The wing's a dead zone. Nobody watches the cameras.
Guard: I'll report you—
Inmate: You'll report yourself. After all, it was your key that got you inside, wasn't it?
(silence and heavy breathing.)
Guard: What the fuck do you want?
Inmate: I have an itch, sweet peach. An itch I've had for a very, very, very long time. And you're going to scratch it.
Guard:  Oh gods. Please. No—
Inmate: Sssh. Nothing so indelicate. We're going to stay right here. With my hand wrapped around your pretty throat, and your back pressed up against the wall. And we'll have ourselves a little talk.
Guard: I—
Inmate: Ssssh. What did you think was going to happen, when you opened that door?
Guard: I thought—
Inmate: What? You'd let the sump-raker out of his cell, and he'd fall all over himself to please you. 
Guard: No, I—
Inmate: Yes, you did. You thought I'd eat your cunt like a starved man, and thank you for the chance. After all, that's where Fissure-trash belong, don't we? Kneeling, with your boot on our necks.
Guard: ...no, please, I'm sorry...!
Inmate:  Hush. I'm not angry. I'd grateful.
Guard: G-Grateful?
Inmate: The Kindred could've sent me a hundred guards. Each one old, and dumb, and ugly as boiled arse. And none of them would've been able to help me. Not the way a clever girl like you can.
Guard: H-how can I help you?
Inmate: You can start by listening.
Guard: O-Okay.
Inmate: Good. Tonight, you'll complete your rounds. Same as usual. You'll say nothing of our encounter. Tomorrow, and every day after, you'll visit my cell. Bring me what I ask.
Guard: What do you want?
Inmate: Books. Ink. Paper. I've a few messages to pass on.
Guard: What's to stop me from ratting you out?
Inmate: My hand at your throat.
Guard: ...
Inmate: That, and I'm right. You are bored. So bored you took a chance on a caged animal locked behind bars. Now, I'm giving you a purpose. Something exciting. Something fun.
Guard: ...
Inmate: There's a place for you, peach. A place where a clever, greedy, restless girl like you can be more than a cog. You like Fissure-boys on their knees, and Fissure-girls on a string, do you? You like to yank, and watch them dance. Well, there's a whole city of puppets down below. And I'm offering you the key. All you need to do is to leave my lock ajar.
Guard: I can't—
Inmate: Not often. Just now and then.
Guard: ...
Inmate: I've told you. I'm not angry. But the Kindred might be. If you refuse me.
Guard: (breathing heavily).
Inmate: Well?
Guard: I'll... I'll do it.
Inmate: (sings)
Guard: Stop singing. Gods, just stop!
Inmate: I always sing when I'm out of smokes.
Guard: I—I can get you cigarettes.
Inmate: Good. I'll expect a carton every night.
Guard: Okay.
Inmate: And books. And whiskey. And canned sardines.
Guard: Alright.
Inmate: And a knife, too.
Guard: Shit! No—I can't get a weapon in here.
Inmate: A letter opener, then.
Guard: Fuck, I don't like this.
Inmate: No. I imagine you don't. But you like a lot of other things, don't you?
Guard: ...
Inmate: I do think, when the time's right, you should transfer to that parole program.
Guard: Why?
Inmate: Because I'll be eligible in a year's time. And I've a feeling we'll get along better, when we're both outside Stillwater’s walls.
Guard: Fuck. You're crazy.
Inmate: So why are you nodding?
Guard: Because...
Inmate: You like that I'm crazy. And you know we can help each other.
Guard: ...
Inmate: Now, how about I let go of your neck? And you slip your skirt back on.
Guard: And then what?
Inmate: Oh, we'll see about it tomorrow.
Guard: (breathing heavily).
Inmate: You'll be back, peach. And, I suspect, you'll have a little something extra for me.
Guard: Maybe.
Inmate: That's a good girl. Now, go on. Get dressed.
(sound of rustling clothes.)
Guard: Bastard.
Inmate: Have a nice shift, peach.
(sound of door closing, and footsteps, and the key turning in a lock.)
(inmate resumes singing)
End recording.
- Inmate is showing marked improvement in his behavior.
- Inmate shows receptiveness to toward rehabilitation.
- Inmate has requested to work with Doctor O'Neil.
- Inmate should remain muzzled at all times.
- All guards are advised not to engage in direct contact with Inmate 238453 for any reason.
Petition to Piltover Parole Board
Subject: Parole application for Inmate #238453.
Requestor: Stillwater Correctional Facility - Psych Ward - Dr. O'Neil
After extensive study, we can conclude that Inmate 238453 exhibits excellent progress, both cognitively and socially. He has demonstrated a strong desire for rehabilitation, and has successfully engaged with our psychotherapy programs. He has not had any altercations or incidents for the past twelve months, has engaged constructively with other inmates, and shown a high interest in group-therapy. In his private sessions with me, he has expressed remorse for his actions, and a wish to contribute to society.  
In light of Inmate 238453's good behavior and outstanding progress, we recommend his application for parole be accepted.
Stillwater Correctional Facility Case History
- Psychological Evaluation:
- Behavioral Evaluation:
- Medical Evaluation:
- Letters of Recommendation:
1. From Doctor O'Neil, Stillwater Correctional Facility:
2. From Margot Baffier, Stillwater Correctional Facility:
Reply from Piltover Parole Board to requestor
We have reviewed your recommendation for parole. Based on our own analysis, we have approved your recommendation.
Inmate 238453 will be released from custody on the following conditions:
1. He is not permitted to be in contact with any of his former associates in the Undercity.
2. He is not permitted to leave the Fissures, nor may he travel without an official permit.
3. He must reside at a registered parole address.
4. He must refrain from using, distributing, or being in the company of narcotics or alcohol.
5. He is prohibited from possessing weapons or sharp objects, and must not enter establishments where weapons are allowed.
6. He is required to obtain employment within two weeks of his release.
7. He must remain in good standing, and cannot have any violations of parole, or else he will be returned to Stillwater.
8. He is required to check in with his parole officer on a weekly basis, and must present proof of his residence, employment, and personal effects.
Assigned Parole Officer:
Margot Baffier
Assigned Parole Address:
7803 Old Cannery
Zone 3
Release Date:
End report.
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gregrulzok · 1 year
Silco is such an incredible character, specifically because of how fucking /human/ he is.
Even the small things. The fact that he threatens Deckard when he sees his actions as a threat, but immediately relents and even makes sure he has food to eat when he realizes he did good. The fact that he never /forces/ him to take Shimmer, merely encourages him. Ultimately it WAS Deckards choice, and I'm not saying that I'm sure Silco wouldn't have forced him, but the fact that he even tried to give him the choice to do it of his own free will speaks volumes.
Because one way or the other, he cares about the undercity. He doesn't want power, he doesn't want pride, at least initially all he wants is Respect. He wants revenge on Piltover. He wants the same things that Vi wanted, which is exactly why Vander was discouraging her. Because he saw exactly where those good intentions and extreme means could lead.
But in his struggle to avoid that conflict Vander grew complacent. He betrayed his brother and left him to die, and instead he trapped the undercity in a state of stasis. Bow your head down, live in your shitty slums, and pray that the elite will leave you alone. Vander kept everyone safe, but it was at the cost of freedom and opportunity. And Silco wasn't just angry because he was out for blood, he was angry because he was being denied a life worth living, and his PEOPLE were being denied a life worth living.
And then he sees a young girl, who he could easily have killed, crying, alone, scared. And though he was initially going in to strike, he hesitates. He asks her where her sister is, he speaks to her in calm tones.
And that's even before she tells him her sister left her behind. That's even before he realizes they have that betrayal in common. Even before he makes the decision to take her in and guide her and guard her, he still couldn't quite go through with killing an innocent, crying girl in cold blood. At least, not without talking to her first.
I don't know.
He's a piece of shit drug lord obviously, and I sure am glad he had no redemption arc or something like that, but he is SUCH a fucking human character. He's so nuanced and REAL.
I absolutely adore him.
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gardenofradiostatic · 2 months
Thinking about the inevitable parallels in season 2. According to the reddit qna about both seasons and Jason Spisak being a terrible liar, we will be getting some kind of flashback involving silco. It was unclear whether this was going to be Silco with a young jinx or young Silco and Vander in their revolutionary juvenile delinquent days (my bets are on both). Another thing we should definitely entirely be getting; the Jayce and Viktor fall out, which could very well be left open ended/no post divorce.
Given the fact that characters are going to be flipped on their heads, sympathy should be played towards Jayce in this season, not Viktor. And also league Viktor is kind of meant to be seen as a villain or antagonist, regardless of morality or personal quality. Anyways, Jayce is the sensible one here, and Viktor is the one with the crazy ideals, the far fetched *revolution*, the immoral plots and schemes and whatnot. Sound familiar? This is (in my opinion) what the flashbacks between Silco and Vander were meant to imply, unless of course that also gets changed. I think that we will see the birth of Viktor and silcos respective r/evolutions play out side by side, most likely via beginning of episode flashback. I think this also means that we will see the Meaty Emotional Conversation Girth (how Vander/jayce came to betray Silco/viktor) behind both the Jayce and Viktor fall out and the Silco and Vander fall out happen in a similar manner.
TL; DR -> Jayce and Viktor+ Vander and Silco both “brothers” type relationship with vague homosexual undertones. Partial s2 crew hinting tells me we will watch them both break up side by side in season 2.
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mollysunder · 11 months
Since it's November, that basically means it's Christmas, so I want to look back at Arcane's most self-indulgent promotional art (illustrated by @GreezArt).
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Practically everyone's here! (RIP Mylo and Claggor)
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Look at Vander and Silco, they're not just being civil for the family... but actually cordial. Silco looks like he's ready to close the gap. Jayce and Mel get to enjoy a kiss under the mistletoe with no missile in site.
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Cait and Vi are on cooking duty, but I doubt Caitlyn's ever had to cook, lol. Sevika gets to enjoy carving turkeys instead of necks, and they all let Singed join, for some reason.
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For once, Jinx and Ekko aren't trying to maim or kill each other, they get to play with the toys instead. Ekko gets his spinny crystal bombs, and Jinx gets a suspiciously hollow rhino.
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In a nice call back to young Viktor's boat scene, an older Viktor has managed to capture someone's interest in his handcrafted boat through Jinx. And in the back, Heimerdinger gets to put a hextech star on the tree with Ekko's board. Everybody gets to have a good time before next season.
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This is more or less a speculation, not a theory.
I have read some pretty decent post act 3 Arcane fanfics, yet one thing always bothers me a little bit about them. It is an obvious thing that Viktor will return to Zaun at some point, like this is inevitable. The same goes to his falling out with Jayce. Many people have created some cool scenarios on how it will happen, and i appreciate every single one of them.
With that said, i really cannot imagine Viktor getting banished as an event that starts it all. For a simple reason.
I don't think Viktor would have been bitter about it.
With the way he acts in the last episode of season 1, i believe that he'd think it was deserved. The thing he could be charged for would be an illegal experimentation and the manslaughter of Sky Young. Things he feels so guilty about he tried to off himself. He has very little time left, and if the trial is a necessary procedure, he'd probably accept it. Would he be upset? Of course, but i don't think he would even try to put an effort to avoid it, once people find out. And at the peak of panic in Piltover after Jinx's attack, the whatever the hell is left off the council would try to ensure that there is still at least a renmant of government control. Just like in act 1, that was literally the reason why Enforcers were trying to arrest 4 kids.
If anything, i think it would be Jayce who'd be the most desperate in this situation. "He'd be mad at Viktor for killing an innocent person" he literally did the same thing (if you think about it, Jayce have killed so much more people besides that kid, we just don't discuss it because in the show they are presented as scary monsters, not human beings that got drugged the hell up and now have their entire ripcage obligarated. But y'know, that's the point of this scene). "What about Viktor's illegal experimentation?" What Jayce did with Vi was also kinda illegal? I mean, he is a councilor, he can do whatever the fuck he wants ig, but before hand it was clear that other councilors would not want that to happen.
I imagine that Jayce would do anything in his power to cancel this trial. Viktor is his best friend, person who he has such a close bond to. And while what he did was wrong, he isn't much better. Yet it is Viktor, his dying friend, who is punished.
I can see Viktor actually being like: it's okay Jayce, it needs to happen, i will be okay (he's lying but trying).
So yeah i don't think that Viktor being banished to Zaun would be a death blow to their relationship.
Buuuuut you know what would probably make more sense (at least to me :3)?
Viktor's punishment being working on hextech weapons against Zaun.
Think about it. Jayce in an act of desperation convinces other councilors that as a co-founder of Hextech Viktor would be a viable asset in designing weapons that would "protect" Piltover against Zaun.
Well wouldn't that make Viktor absolutely fucking furious. Viktor may have ****kinda**** accepted his death but making him work AGAINST the city he spend his entire life wishing to improve and protect? Over his dead body, he'd rather be eaten alive by rats in Undercity alleys than do such a thing.
It works for me much better because it keeps Jayce's character much more consistent. Like, it's understandable why would he do it (he doesn't want his friend to die) but also highlights his change in priorities after season 1. Like, he told Silco that Undercity doesn't stand a chance against Piltover, and well, one rocket proved hin wrong. Now there are dead people in Piltover. I think he'd be more radical, more bold, maybe even less forgiving and 100% stressed af.
Does he want to keep Viktor safe? Yes. But does he find building weapons is now necessary when they are at war? Also yes. And considering the "I'M from the Undercity" scene he also tends to forget that Viktor is not, in fact, Piltovan, that as much as he loves Jayce, he does not associate with Piltover society. He is from Zaun, it is an important part of his indentity. Something that Jayce keeps neglecting.
It also doesn't change the fact that he still feels guilty over the death of that ONE child. Not the countless men in chemtanks, that are as much victims of Undercity's terrible state as Viktor is really. I think that when he'd make a decisions "a necessary decisions to keep them saved" he'd think about them, scary, crazy monsters with blades. Not that one kid. Kid feels so much more personal, people who attack them-not.
I'm not saying that is how the conflict in season 2 will look like, nuh-uh, it's just me making some fanfiction prompts lmao.
Anything could happened since them. Viktor trying to sabotage their work which would end up in an explosive and dramatic break up once Jayce finds out? Yep, i can see that. Add some fire and leave Viktor crying on concrete floor, now we have some nice parallels. But i can also see Viktor fucking off right there and there, or other stuff i dunno.
So yeah i have fanfic ideas.
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writerpey · 9 months
Omg wait, you have so many fandoms I love, ok, ok could you make like a list of characters from theses shows and what they’d be? Like regressed, caregiver, ect? (So I can send asks based on that) I’m so excited right now
Arcane, Detroit Become Human, Last airbender, Our flag means death, and Six of crows/shadow and bone
happy 2024! this has been in my inbox forever but looks super fun to do! here’s my take on what characters would be regressors/caregivers for arcane, dbh and atla. I totally wrote way more than I expected to but here u are! <3 I’ll do a separate post for ofmd and soc bc they have so many characters I have opinions on.
Agere Character Headcanons
(Arcane, D:BH, ATLA)
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(jinx is me cooking up this thread)
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Vi: As much as she’d be a wonderful caregiver, she’s absolutely a regressor. Being small reminds her of days spent with her parents and Powder, family trips to the fish markets of the coast and sunny days building sand castles at the beach. She tends to be on the older side, a natural tendency from a life spent as the older sibling, taking care of Powder. Vi’s a very active and vivacious little, playing outdoors and hanging off Caitlyn’s shoulders. Loves physical touch, hugs and high fives are the way to go.
Caitlyn: Caregiver all the way! I think she loves kids in general, and despite her awkward nature and sheltered upbringing, she finds it easy to take charge and step into the role of a protector. Definitely looks after Vi and is oftentimes too concerned about her safety. She loves taking the little out to the playground and to eat at Jericho’s food stall (even if she still refuses to eat a bowl of slop herself).
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Jinx: Tiniest, cutest, moodiest little troublemaker there is. Jinx regresses to about four or five years old, and absolutely bounces off the walls at all hours of the day. She’s not the quiet, sweet child she once was as Powder, but rather gets herself into trouble and feigns innocence. She loves to annoy both Silco and Sevika, clambering on the latter’s lap and hiding under Silco’s desk for games of hide and seek. Her mood changes rather drastically as well, as she can go from completely happy to hyperventilating sobbing from anything as simple as scraping a knee to refusing bedtime.
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Jayce: He’s a very attentive and high strung caregiver. Looking after Viktor is much easier than Caitlyn, Silco, or Sevika’s jobs, but Jayce always fusses over the little. He’s quick to scoop him up whenever it’s deemed necessary, and goes to Mel for help when he needs another pair of hands. Jayce loves caregiving because it gives him something to focus on other than his responsibility to Piltover, and enjoys simple play with his little like story time and building blocks.
Viktor: Super small and quiet regressor! Viktor can get very young, and has no qualms with depending on Jayce for help when he’s little. He likes to be snuggled up on a couch in a mound of blankets and is also content to sit and watch Mel paint the ships that go by the balcony of her apartment. Viktor is sweet and shy and doesn’t tend to verbalize his needs, but because Jayce is so attentive they mesh well together.
Detroit: Become Human
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Kara: Caregiver. Need I expand? It’s in her coding in the first place to protect and nurture. Upon her deviance, Kara realizes that even if she was made for it, she can still reclaim that part of herself for herself. She is quick to console whomever her little may be, and projects the kindest and warmest energy to the person she’s taking care of. Kara enjoys making up her own stories, and loves playing make believe with her regressor.
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Connor: One hundred percent a regressor. This little guy was shy and uncertain when he first started regressing, as he didn’t know what ‘normal’ behaviour from a deviant was, let alone how to process all the new emotions he was feeling. Connor loves to spend time at Hank’s house with Sumo, revelling in the feeling of the dog’s fluffy fur and laughing happily when he teaches Sumo all sorts of tricks. Connor is usually happy when regressed, but struggles with anxiety and asking for help. Hank is always there to walk Connor through his big feelings and encourages him to use his words.
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Markus: He’s one of the most chaotic caregivers there is. You picked the pacifist route in the game? Doesn’t matter. This guy is unhinged when it comes to caregiving. Spoiling his little at any time possible, letting them stay up hours past their bedtime, giving them candy for breakfast and encouraging colouring on the walls. He spent so many years being exactly who Carl wanted him to be while also tasting freedom through Carl’s art that it brings him so much joy to see a regressor’s eyes sparkle when he says yes to whatever their heart desires. He’s also amazing at comforting a regressor. Big hugs and gentle eyes!
Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Katara: Is a caregiver! Incredibly kind yet less patient than one (Sokka) might hope. Katara is quick to caution her little, always on the lookout for anything that they might hurt themselves with or on. But this doesn’t mean she hates fun! She adores the beach and using her bending to splash around, and is always ready to get her little an extra blanket or any snacks they ask for. She’s super sweet and falls into the role of a caregiver like she was made for it. Katara has even sewed a plushie or two as gifts, and has a knack for settling a regressor in front of a crackling fire and braiding their hair before bedtime.
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Sokka: Regressor for sure. Even though he’s a big brother he never let go of his goofy side, and it plays into so much of his behaviour when he’s regressed. He’s on the older side, around 6-8, and has so much energy he doesn’t know where to put it all. Queue him running around for hours, laughing at absolutely anything that Aang says and bothering Toph just so she’ll play with him. Sokka doesn’t cry, even when he takes a tumble (which is quite often) but is fussy when he doesn’t get his way. He’s a troublemaker, but his beaming smile lets him get away with plenty.
Aang: Honestly I think he’s a caregiver, but is more like a fun uncle than any other label. His sage airbender wisdom doesn’t come through often, which means he’s all about fun all the time. His childish side matches a little like Sokka’s constant energy, and he seems to vanish into a cloud of smoke when any tears come his way. And how did Sokka and Zuko get chocolate all around their mouths, you ask? Well, there’s no one to ask because Aang’s just taken off on his glider on some very important business.
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Zuko: LITTLE! REGRESSOR! TINY! Oh my goodness, he’s the first fictional character that I ever headcanoned as a regressor. There’s no need to delve into his trauma here, but the boy is in such a desperate need of healing his childhood that he regressed long before he even knew what it was. Regresses very young, between 2-5. Before meeting the Gaang he’d hang off of Uncle’s shoulder during Pai Sho tournaments on his ship and would shyly ask the crew members to play songs during music nights. His tough demeanour disappears completely when he’s regressed and he turns into a shy boy that is insistent on doing things himself and is quick to cry when he’s unable to, for example, wrap his robes the way he wants. Zuko has a turtleduck plushie that Katara sewed for him after Aang asked him what his favourite animal was and Sokka caught him cuddling up to Appa at night. Sweetest boy in the whole world.
Toph : Caregiver! Matches more with Aang’s style of caregiving than Katara’s, but still lands somewhere in the middle. Her earthbending gives her the ability to pick up on every tiny emotion that a regressor feels, and it means she’s prepared and in tune with every need, happy or unhappy, that someone needs. She tends to playfully tease Zuko and Sokka, but knows exactly where to draw the line with either boy based on the rhythm of their heart. Toph helps Aang when it comes to letting the boys do something Katara has specifically told them they’re not allowed to, and will always feign innocence when confronted by the eldest caregiver.
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