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curatedwellness ¡ 11 months
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bizworldinsights ¡ 8 months
Pre & Postnatal Vitamins
The global market for Pre & Postnatal Vitamins is estimated to be valued at US$ XX million in 2020, with a projected growth to US$ XX million by 2025 during the forecast period. The consumption of pre & postnatal vitamins has witnessed a significant increase of 7.3% between 2015 and 2019 and is expected to continue on an upward trajectory, presenting higher incremental opportunities for industry players. According to a U.S. national survey, almost 97% of gynecologists recommend multivitamin, multimineral supplements (MVMM) to women during pregnancy. The consumption is notably higher in developed regions compared to developing markets.
To read more about the topic please visit site : https://bekryl.com/industry-trends/prenatal-postnatal-vitamins-market-share-analysis
A variety of supplements are available during pregnancy, including iodine, folic acid, iron, potassium, and calcium, each with its own significance and recommended based on the patient's condition. For instance, while calcium helps maintain bone density, folic acid is taken to prevent neural birth defects.
Pre & Postnatal Vitamins Market – Report Taxonomy
The 2020 edition of the Pre & Postnatal Vitamins market report is analyzed based on product type, form type, and distribution channel.
Product Types:
Prenatal Vitamins
Postnatal Vitamins
In 2019, the prenatal vitamins market accounted for 84.8% market share. Between 2019 and 2020, the segment is expected to create a US$ XX million revenue opportunity for industry players.
Form Types:
Tablets & Capsules
In 2019, tablets & capsules based maternity vitamins accounted for 59.1% market share, followed by powders and gummy-based vitamins.
Distribution Channels:
Online Pharmacies
Drug Stores
Hypermarkets & Supermarkets
Convenience Stores
By distribution channel, pharmacies accounted for the highest share, followed by hypermarkets & supermarkets. Sales of pre & postnatal vitamins are expected to register double-digit growth through online sales channels. The emergence of online channels has allowed many regional companies to scale revenue at minimal operational costs. Consequently, many enterprises are strategizing on distribution channels to expand business presence with lower overhead costs, including logistic charges.
Pre & Postnatal Vitamins Market Size Analysis – By Region
In 2019, North America dominated the global share, accounting for a 37.1% market share, closely followed by Western Europe and Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific is expected to register the fastest CAGR during the forecast period. A substantial demographic population, improving healthcare infrastructure, and a rise in healthcare spending are key factors expected to drive the sales of pre & postnatal vitamins in the region.
Pre & Postnatal Vitamins Market Size Analysis – Competition Landscape
The global pre & postnatal vitamins market is substantially fragmented with the presence of a few regional players. However, the market is highly competitive with major players expanding their business footprint through inorganic strategies. Key players in the market include Garden of Life, Jean Coutu Group, Douglas Laboratories, NATURELO Premium Supplements, Nestlé, S.A., MegaFood, Metagenics, and Nature’s Way.
COVID-19 Impact on Pre & Post Natal Vitamins Market
Estimates suggest that production declined by 27.5% in the first and second quarters of 2020 due to lockdown impositions. However, the demand remains strong. As such, the market is expected to quickly recover and gain market traction in the second half of 2020. For a detailed understanding of the COVID-19 impact on the industry during the short term and long term periods, contact Bekryl Analysts.
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drlaurynlax ¡ 6 years
The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Supplements for Your Body
What are the best supplements for you? Do I really need to take the best supplements?
In an ideal world, we would not need to supplement. We’d get all we need from food—especially if we’re eating real food, fruits, veggies, meats and fish, nuts and seeds.
However, as great as real food is for us, it’s important to recognize the outside forces working against our optimal health and absorption of these nutrients in our modern lifestyles including:
Chronic stress
Toxic burden (both from foods, additives, environmental chemicals, hygiene/cleaning products)
GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
A decrease in soil diversity and health (leading to a decrease in nutrient quality)
Poor sleep quality
Poor water filtration (tap water)
Less outdoor/nature exposure
Disconnectedness with community/social relationships (a la technology)
Sedentary lifestyles—traffic, desk jobs, screen time
Over-use/reliance on antibiotics and other medications (damaging the gut and liver)
With multiple variables working against us in all directions, supplementation with particular vitamins and minerals is like health insurance for all the daily healthy habits that you practice.
This will help you get the most out of them. And, while you cannot out-supplement a poor diet or poor lifestyle choices, you CAN have the best supplements to compliment all the “hard work” that you already do for self-care (like eating a nutrient-dense diet, regular exercise and movement, social connectedness, outdoor exposure, organic skincare, etc.). 
So what are the best supplements to choose if you want to maximize your health?
Not just any supplements—smart best supplements.
There are some general rules of thumb to consider for “smart supplementation,” including:
1. Be selective with your supplementation (Not all supplements are created equal).
2. Customize your vitamin and mineral needs for your body (not what Google or a news 
headline tells you that you need).
3. Get nutrients from food whenever possible.
Here is your Guide to Smart Supplementation, with 7 things to consider when investing in your “supplemental” health insurance.
1. Not All Supplements Are Created Equal
Just because the label says “fish oil” does not mean “fish oil.” Unfortunately, just like the words “natural” and “organic” are not regulated by the FDA when it comes to food (“certified organic” is), supplements are not regulated—thus, even though it looks like fish oil and says “fish oil,” does not mean it’s fish oil. And the same goes for most all vitamins and minerals on shelves.
Many of these formulas and best supplements sound good in theory, but with long shelf lives, unknown processing practices, hot shipping conditions, and potential for rancidity (particularly fish oils), how do you know what is legit? Typically with this one, you get what you pay for. Cutting corners in the name of cheap best supplements can have long-reaching health effects. Especially, if a product contains the wrong ingredient form or potentially harmful contaminants. Or if the active ingredients aren’t absorbed properly.
There’s a reason there is a difference in a $50 probiotic compared to a $10 one.
In addition, pharmaceutical-grade best supplements—those straight from the company and/or a healthcare practitioner have a likelihood of being “more legit” than those you find from third-party sellers or on the generic supplement aisles at the grocery stores.
In a study (FDA, 2012) of 120 immune support and weight loss supplements purchased from retail stores (CVS, Walgreens, etc.) and Internet sites, the FDA found that not one supplement met criteria the that the FDA recommends for competent and reliable scientific evidence when best supplements boast claims and that the majority of supplements had not been tested on humans.
Another study (Newmaster et al, 2013) tested 44 bottles of popular supplements sold by 12 retail companies and outlets. They found that many were not what they claimed to be, and that pills labeled as popular herbs were often diluted — or replaced entirely — by cheap fillers like soybean, wheat and rice. For examples, two bottles labeled as St. John’s wort for treating mild depression, contained none of the medicinal herb. And of the 44 herbal supplements tested, one-third showed outright substitution, meaning there was no trace of the plant advertised on the bottle — only another plant in its place.
The bottom line?
Go with a reputable company, and consult a holistic healthcare practitioner who often has a direct line to pharmaceutical-grade (much more regulated) supplement companies. Many pharmaceutical-grade companies have higher regulation and are continually researching and testing the efficacy of products, such as Thorne Research and Metagenics.
2. How is Your Digestion?
Before we even talk any more about supplementing properly, let’s first talk about your digestion—how is it? If you are not digesting your nutrients in the first place, than the best supplements you take matter very little (unless they are digestive supplements).
That said, boosting your supplement (and nutrient) power with some helpful digestive practices could be the secret sauce for getting the most out of any supplements you take, including the basics like:
Chewing your food well, drinking water throughout the day.
Refraining from processed and refined foods. Slowing down while you eat, eating healthy fats and foods containing fat soluble vitamins (especially Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Vitamin A).
Reaching for organic produce and grass-fed/pastured meats as much as possible.
Resorting first to investing in digestive best supplements, before spending money on any other supplements (that may or may not digest properly).  
A quality probiotic, plus potentially some digestive enzymes, HCL (hydrochloric acid) could be the “secret” sauce for you, particularly if leaky gut, digestive distress, or other gut-related inflammation (like allergies, headaches, food sensitivities, blood sugar imbalances, etc.) are at play. Ensure your digestion is up to speed (daily bowel movements, decreased bloating/gas, etc.)
3. More is Not Necessarily Better
More always seems better right? So, more greens and more working out. Additionally, more kombucha as well as more vitamins and minerals. But it’s not always the case. When we take more than we need—of any best supplements for too long toxicity can happen (overload), and have the opposite effects we originally intended in the first place.
The alternative? Maintenance supplementation—using best supplements generally as a baseline and extra little booster to the foods you do eat. Maintenance supplementation involves supplementing with selected micronutrients that are difficult to obtain even in the context of your nutrient-dense whole-foods diet. Best supplements in this category are generally taken in small doses, indefinitely and vary from person to person, depending on your body’s needs.
For instance, I take a daily B-Vitamin Complex, Cod Liver Oil and Zinc supplement because of my history of being low in the nutrients these supplements provide as well as noting a significant difference in how I feel when I take them (way better).
All this said, there IS such thing as therapeutic supplementation—a short-term dosing of supplements to help boost any deficiencies you may have—often times in “therapeutic dose,” or higher amount.
For example, you might take a round of “anti-microbial” (gut killing) supplements for a solid 30-60 days if you’ve been diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Also, you might kick up your vitamin C a notch if you feel a cold coming on. A healthcare practitioner can help guide you in therapeutic supplementation.
4. Multi-Vitamins Aren’t All They Are Cracked Up to Be
Taking a multi? You may want to think twice. The problem with multivitamins is that they often contain too little of beneficial nutrients (like magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2). Too much of potentially toxic nutrients like folic acid, calcium, iron, and vitamin E. This means that multivitamins can cause nutrient imbalances that contribute to disease.
Research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (2013) found that multivitamins were ineffective in preventing cancer, cognitive decline and other claims multi-vitamins had been known to make. And another review in the Journal of the American Medical Association, that evaluated more than 68 trials with 230,000 participants, found that treatment with synthetic vitamins (i.e. fake, cheap vitamins) often found in multivitamins (such as beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E) may actually increase the risk of death.
The consensus on taking a multi-vitamin? Save your money, and instead, reach for the actual single vitamins and minerals that you DO need. 
5. Observe
So how do you know what vitamins or minerals you really do need in the first place—and is it even worth it? Vitamin and mineral supplementation CAN be tremendously beneficial. Particularly, given the lack of nutrient-density in much of our modern-day food supply and overburden of outside toxins—given you do invest in quality supplements; you lack certain micro-nutrients in your diet; and you are taking the right supplements for your body.
Interestingly, it is always advised, for starters, you work with a knowledgeable healthcare provider—such as a nutritionist or functional medicine practitioner—who can help you navigate what your body needs. However, simply being in touch with your body can point you in a good direction.
Here are common signs and symptoms, and the minerals and vitamins most often associated with them:
Craving chocolate often?—Magnesium (Topical Oil, Natural Calm, Greens, Raw Nuts/Seeds, Raw Cacao)
Neeeeeed Coffee or Caffeine?—Amino Acids (Tyrosine, DLPA), Sodium (Sea Salt), Phosphorus (pinto beans, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, lentils)
White Spots on Fingernails? Zinc deficiency
Fatigue, Muscle Aches or Weakness?—Vitamin D , Iron (grass-fed red meat, organ meat, shellfish, canned sardines, broccoli, kale, spinach, *never supplement with iron unless you are extremely low)
Low Energy, Anxiety, and/or Anemia—Vitamin B-12
Skin Breakouts, Acne, Inflammation– Omega 3, Digestive Enzymes
Dry Skin, Wrinkles—Biotin, Sulfur (egg yolks, meat, poultry, and fish, garlic, onions, brussels sprouts, asparagus, kale, sauerkraut).
Thyroid Imbalances (enlarged thyroid), Shortness of Breath, Weight Gain/Weight Plateaus—Iodine (iodized salt, plain yogurt, fish, seaweed, pastured eggs)
Suppressed Immunity (frequently sick)—Vitamin A (Cod Liver Oil), Omega 3’s, ProbioticsConstipation- Zinc, B-12
6. Test, Don’t Guess
In addition, to observation and checking in with yourself (signs and symptoms), testing—(both lab and functional evaluations) conducted by a nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner or other healthcare provider can help take the guesswork out of “what to take.”
Instead of supplementing with a cocktail of nutrients you think you do need, get some blood work, or other necessary clinical labs run to address other imbalances (such as gut-health or hormone needs) in order to determine a no-nonsense nutritional therapy supplement protocol to help bolster your bod back to it’s happy place.
7. The Bottom Line: Get as Many Nutrients from Food As Possible
Best supplements can be great, but nothing beats real food. Aim for food and nutrient density (fresh organic produce, pastured and grass-fed meats, organic organ meats, wild caught fish and seafood, quality fats—avocados, coconut oil, ghee, pastured butter, fermented foods) and variety to get the diversity of minerals and vitamins you need.
Sure chicken, broccoli and sweet potatoes are healthy, but when we eat the same foods day in and day out, are we truly being healthy?—Getting the diversity of health-giving nutrients our body desires?
In addition, Whole foods are more effective than supplements in meeting nutrient needs.
For example, cancer-fighting antioxidant-rich berries, spinach and broccoli. These are tremendously more effective than any synthesized supplemental form of Vitamins and Minerals we could take. Or a balanced plate at meal times throughout the day. This is consist of proteins, veggies and healthy fats. This balanced plate can provide a pure amount of vitamins and minerals you may try to get in your multi-vitamin.
Ultimately, aim to get the majority of your nutrients from food as possible. Use supplementation wisely to help re-calibrate the body when deficiency is warranted. 
The post The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Supplements for Your Body appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/wellness-knowledge/best-supplements-for-your-body/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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certaintacodonut ¡ 2 years
Global Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Market Size, Share, Trends and Industry Growth Analysis Report to 2028
Global "Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market" Before entering the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market, the analysis report covers critical market information as well as quantitative understanding required to develop crucial business techniques and goals. This report covers information on market drivers, future trends, growth opportunities and challenges, maker competition, production and capability by region, market dynamics, and COVID-19.
Access Full Report here : https://www.zionmarketresearch.com/report/prenatal-vitamin-supplements-market
COVID-19's Overall Impact:
COVID-19 is an unprecedented global public health crisis that has impacted practically every business, and its long-term repercussions are expected to have an influence on industry growth during the forecast period. Our continuous study is enhancing our research approach to guarantee that fundamental COVID-19 concerns and potential solutions are included. The research examines COVID-19 in light of changes in consumer behaviour and demand, purchasing patterns, supply chain re-routing, market dynamics, and government involvement. The updated study considers the impact of COVID-19 on the market and provides insights, analysis, projections, and forecasts.
List Of TOP KEY PLAYERS in Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Report are:-
● Church and Dwight Co Inc. ● Country Life ● Garden of Life ● Rainbow Light ● Biotics Research Corporation ● MegaFood ● Metagenics ● Nutramark ● And Others
Market for Prenatal Vitamin Supplements:
The global market for prenatal vitamins is estimated to reach USD 575.6 million by 2027, with a CAGR of 6.9% from 2018 to 2027. (forecast period). Because pregnant women are becoming more health conscious, the market for prenatal vitamin supplements is booming. These supplements are mostly consumed for their nutritional benefits. A few supplements have been shown to minimise disease risk by delivering essential nutrients.
Market Trends
The key driver of the prenatal vitamin supplements market is increased health awareness about optimal food among pregnant women. A nutritious diet is necessary from the moment of conception; the proper number of nutritional components is essential for a healthy baby's delivery. Prenatal vitamins are currently recommended by practically all obstetricians in the United States to encourage healthy growth and reduce birth abnormalities in pregnant women. According to a study conducted by the UC Davis MIND Institute, women who reported not taking daily prenatal vitamins immediately before and throughout the first month of pregnancy were twice as likely to have a child with autism spectrum disorder than women who took the supplements. When paired with a high-risk genetic make-up, the related risks increased sevenfold. The sale of prenatal vitamin supplements has expanded significantly as a result of rising income levels and market sellers' promotional tactics.
The Global Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Market has been divided into four categories.
● Folic Acid ● Essential Fatty Acids ● Iron Supplements ● Calcium Supplements ● Others
● Retail Stores ● Direct Selling ● Online
The research includes key data on the market state of Prenatal Vitamins Supplements manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for businesses and people interested in the industry.
Major players in the worldwide Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market featured in the research study, research scope, Market segments by type, Market segments by application, years considered for the research study, and report objectives are all included in the overview. The research report examines the global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market, including an overview, definition, and scope, as well as important regions and countries. The research report covers every facet of the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market in great detail. Furthermore, the research report categorises the market for Prenatal Vitamins Supplements based on product kinds, applications, and end user industries.
Read more at : https://www.zionmarketresearch.com/news/prenatal-vitamin-supplements-market
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Zion Market Research is an obligated company. We create futuristic, cutting edge, informative reports ranging from industry reports, company reports to country reports. We provide our clients not only with market statistics unveiled by avowed private publishers and public organizations but also with vogue and newest industry reports along with pre-eminent and niche company profiles. Our database of market research reports comprises a wide variety of reports from cardinal industries. Our database is been updated constantly in order to fulfill our clients with prompt and direct online access to our database.
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marketreseach ¡ 3 years
Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Healthcare, Clinical Reviews, Survey Reports 2011-2026: Thorne Research, Twinlab, Country Life Vitamins, Nature Made, Zahler
The global research report titled “Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market” has recently been published by The Research Insights which helps to provide guidelines for the businesses. It has been aggregated based on different key pillars of businesses such as drivers, restraints, and global opportunities. This Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market research report has been compiled by using primary and secondary research techniques. Finally, researchers direct their focus on some significant points to give a gist about investment, profit margin, and revenue.
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The report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market. Top Companies in the Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market: Bayer, Church & Dwight Co Inc., Country Life, Garden of Life, Rainbow Light, Biotics Research Corporation, MegaFood, Metagenics, Nutramark, New Chapter, Pharmavite, Thorne Research, Twinlab, Country Life Vitamins, Nature Made, Zahler
This report segments the global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market based on Types are:
Folic Acid
Vitamin D
Based on Application, the Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market is segmented into:
Retail Sales
Direct Sales
Online Sales
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Regional analysis of Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market:
Geographically, the global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market has been fragmented into several regions such as North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Europe based on the productivity of several companies. Every segment along with its sub-segments is analyzed in the research report. The competitive landscape of the market has been elaborated by studying numerous factors such as top manufacturers, prices, and revenue.
The information on the global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market is accessible to readers in a logical chapter-wise format. Driving and restraining factors have been listed in this research report, which helps to understand positive and negative aspects in front of the businesses.
Access Full Report information with TOC, here:
What are the market factors that are explained in the report?
-Key Strategic Developments: The Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market study also includes the key strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market on a global and regional scale.
-Key Market Features: The Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market report evaluated key market features, including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin. In addition, the study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with pertinent market segments and sub-segments.
-Analytical Tools: The Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market report includes the accurately studied and assessed data of the key industry players and their scope in the market using several analytical tools. The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the key players' growth in the market.
Customization of the Report: This report can be customized as per your needs for additional data up to 3 companies or countries or 40 analyst hours.
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thomasmarleyblog ¡ 4 years
Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Growing Popularity And Emerging Trends In The Market| Key players- Bayer,  Church & Dwight Co Inc.,  Country Life and more
Data Lab Forecast Insights has recently updated its massive report catalogue by adding a fresh study titled “Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market – Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, & Forecast 2021 – 2027″. This business intelligence study encapsulates vital details about the market current as well as future status during the mentioned forecast period of 2027. The report also targets important facets such as market drivers, challenges, latest trends, and opportunities associated with the growth of manufacturers in the global market for Prenatal Vitamins Supplements. Along with these insights, the report provides the readers with crucial insights on the strategies implemented by leading companies to remain in the lead of this competitive market. Get the PDF Sample Copy of This Report @https://www.datalabforecast.com/request-sample/12246-prenatal-vitamins-supplements-market
North America accounted for the largest share in the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market in 2020 owing to the increasing collaboration activities by key players over the forecast period
Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market report provides key statistics on the market status of the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Industry. The Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Report also presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendors operating in the market. Top Key Players Profiled in this report: Bayer, Church & Dwight Co Inc., Country Life, Garden of Life, Rainbow Light, Biotics Research Corporation, MegaFood, Metagenics, Nutramark, New Chapter, Pharmavite, Thorne Research, Twinlab, Country Life Vitamins, Nature Made, Zahler Detailed Segmentation: • Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market, By Product Type: • Folic Acid, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin D, Other. • Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market, By End User: • Retail Sales, Direct Sales, Online Sales. Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Reports cover complete modest outlook with the market stake and company profiles of the important contestants working in the global market. The Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market offers a summary of product Information, production analysis, technology, product type, considering key features such as gross, gross margin, gross revenue, revenue, cost. Key Stakeholders Covered within this Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Report • Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Manufacturers • Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Distributors/Traders/Wholesalers • Prenatal Vitamins Supplements be component Manufacturers • Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Industry Association • Succeeding Vendors There is Multiple Chapter to display the Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market some of them as Follow Chapter 1, Definition, Specifications and Classification of Prenatal Vitamins Supplements, Applications of Prenatal Vitamins Supplements, Market Segment by Regions; Chapter 2, Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Materials, and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure; Chapter 3, Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Prenatal Vitamins Supplements, Capacity, and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis; Chapter 4, Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment); Chapter 5 and 6, Regional Market Analysis that includes the United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea & Taiwan, Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Segment Market Analysis (by Type); Chapter 7 and 8, The Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Prenatal Vitamins Supplements; Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type Natural preservative, Chemical preservative, Market Trend by Application; Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis; Chapter 11, The Consumers Analysis of Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements; Chapter 12, Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, Prenatal Vitamins Supplements sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.
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Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market
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whatshappeningnwa ¡ 4 years
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superpavanblog-blog ¡ 5 years
Know the Latest Study of the Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market 2020 in the Industry with Prominent Players
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The research report mainly introduced the global prenatal vitamins supplements market basics: a market overview, classifications, definitions, applications, and product specifications and so on. The global analytical report has been made by using significant data research methodologies such as primary and secondary research.
Download Exclusive Sample of this Premium Report at https://market.biz/report/global-prenatal-vitamins-supplements-market-2017-mr/177628/#requestforsample
The report also targets important facets such as market drivers, challenges, latest trends, and opportunities associated with the growth of manufacturers in the global market for Prenatal Vitamins Supplements. The report provides the readers with crucial insights on the strategies implemented by leading companies to remain in the lead of this competitive market.
Competitive landscape
Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market study covers a comprehensive competitive analysis that includes detailed company profiling of leading players, characteristics of the vendor landscape, and other important studies. Prenatal Vitamins Supplements report explains how different players are competing in this report.
Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Manufactures:
New Chapter
Country Life
Nature Made
Garden of Life
Biotics Research Corporation
Church & Dwight
Rainbow Light
Thorne Research
Market Segmentation
The global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market is segmented on the basis of the type of product, application, and region. The segmentation study equips interested parties to identify high-growth portions of the global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market and understand how the leading segments could grow during the forecast period.
Product Segment Analysis by Types
Folic Acid
Application of Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market are
Retail Sales
Direct Sales
Online Sales
Following regions are analyzed in Prenatal Vitamins Supplements at a provincial level
North America
The Middle East & Africa
South America
Inquire more about this report @ https://market.biz/report/global-prenatal-vitamins-supplements-market-2017-mr/177628/#inquiry
The reports help to find the answers to the following questions:
• What is the present size of the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market in the top 5 Global & American countries?
• How is the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market separated into various product segments & sub-segments?
• How is the market expected to grow in the future?
• What is the market potential compared to other countries?
• How are the overall Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market and different product segments developing?
1. Global Photovoltaics Industry Market Research Report
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amykim123-blog1 ¡ 5 years
Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market 2020 Strong Development By Key Players, Research Analysis and Forecasts to 2027
Most recent Study on Industrial Growth of Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market 2020-2027. A point by point study gathered to offer Latest knowledge about intense highlights of the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market. The report contains distinctive market expectations identified with CAGR, income, production, Consumption, market size, gross margin, cost and other considerable elements.
While highlighting the key driving and guiding powers for this market, the report additionally offers a total investigation of things to come patterns and advancements of the market. It additionally looks at the role of the main market players associated with the business including their financial summary, corporate review and SWOT investigation.
Get Sample Copy of this Report: https://www.globalinforeports.com/request-sample/1082137
Top players Included:
Thorne Research, Country Life, Pharmavite, Garden of Life, Bayer, Church & Dwight Co Inc., Nutramark, Metagenics, MegaFood, Biotics Research Corporation, Rainbow Light, New Chapter
Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Key Segments: On the Grounds of Type:
Folic Acid
Vitamin D
On the Grounds of Application:
Direct Sales
Online Sales
Retail Sales
Leading Regions:
North America, Asia-Pacific, UK, Europe, Central & South America, Middle East & Africa
Get More Discount: https://www.globalinforeports.com/check-discount/1082137
The Prenatal Vitamins Supplements inquire about report is an important source of information for business strategists. It provides the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements outline with development examination, historical and futuristic cost income request and supply information. The exploration examination gives an elaborative depiction of the worth chain and distributor investigation.
This report gives a comprehensive analysis:
Key market sections and sub-sections.
Advancing business sector patterns and elements.
Changing market interest situations.
Measuring market openings through market estimating and market forecasting.
Following current patterns/openings/challenges.
Competitive Analysis.
Opportunity mapping in terms of technological developments.
For More Enquiry Click at: https://www.globalinforeports.com/send-an-enquiry/1082137
Customization of this Report: This Prenatal Vitamins Supplements report could be customized to the customer's requirements. Please contact our sales professional ([email protected]), we will ensure you obtain the report which works for your needs.
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ourdimitriblr ¡ 5 years
Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Future Scope (2019-2025): Emerging Trends, Size, Share and Growth Analysis | Thorne Research, Country Life, Pharmavite
This report speaks to the indisputable analysis of Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market and detailed conceivable outcomes from 2019-2025. Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements industry report contains driving market alongside organization profile, development prospects, openings and difficulties to the market advances. This report rundown up the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements information practically equivalent to supply-request, utilization rate, scope, cost structure and factors impacting the development. Additionally gives refreshed data practically equivalent on Prenatal Vitamins Supplements industry trends, and import framework.
Get Sample Copy of this Report: https://www.globalinforeports.com/request-sample/1082137
Top players Included:
Thorne Research, Country Life, Pharmavite, Garden of Life, Bayer, Church & Dwight Co Inc., Nutramark, Metagenics, MegaFood, Biotics Research Corporation, Rainbow Light, New Chapter
Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Key Segments:On the Grounds of Type:
Folic Acid
Vitamin D
On the Grounds of Application:
Direct Sales
Online Sales
Retail Sales
Leading Regions:
North America
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
Get More Discount: https://www.globalinforeports.com/check-discount/1082137
Key Benefits of Buying this Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Report:
Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the market growth, size & share, leading players and segments in the global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market.
The key findings highlight decisive progressive industry trends in the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market, and helps the players across the value chain to develop effective long term strategies.
Analysis key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.
Develop business enlargement plans by substantial growth giving developed and rising markets.
Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies & plans that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products.
In the end, the report includes worldwide Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market opportunities and the competitive aspect for market leaders.
High Lights of TOC
Competition by Players: Competitive circumstances and Prenatal Vitamins Supplements trends served, and production types, prices by regions, sales share by manufacturers and production share.
Production Share by Region: Regional markets have been examined within this section on the grounds of demand, gross, revenue, production, and growth rate for its inspection period 2014-2019.
Company Profiles: Key players of this Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market with size are profiled taking into account with production, price, revenue, their market share and regions and also other facets.
For More Enquiry Click at: https://www.globalinforeports.com/send-an-enquiry/1082137
Customization of this Report: This Prenatal Vitamins Supplements report could be customized to the customer's requirements. Please contact our sales professional ([email protected]), we will ensure you obtain the report which works for your needs.
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shristipbi ¡ 5 years
Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Market  Size, Share, Growth, and Forecast to 2025
Precision Business Insights (PBI) in its report titled “Global Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Market: Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2013-2017 and Forecast 2018-2024” assesses the market performance over seven years forecast period over 2018-2024. The report analyses the market value forecast and provides the strategic insights into the market driving factors, challenges that are hindering the market revenue growth over forecast period.
 The global prenatal vitamin supplements market was valued at US$ XX Mn in 2017 and increasing at a significant CAGR over the forecast timeframe owing to rise in number of cases of neonatal deaths due to lack of proper nutrition, increase in the awareness regarding the advantages of vitamin supplements during pregnancy. Additionally, increasing number of gynecologists recommending prenatal vitamin supplements to expecting mothers due to the benefits offered such as nutrient rich components, safe for consumption, and preferred way to manage the nutrient value and decrease in the nutritional value in the foods taken by the women are the major factors that are driving the growth of the global prenatal vitamin supplements market. However, risk of overdose and the stringent regulatory framework are anticipated to hinder the revenue share of global prenatal vitamin supplements market.
  Global prenatal vitamin supplements market segmented on the basis of product, dosage form, distribution channel, and region
  For request sample: https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com/request-sample?product_id=37319
  Folic Acid Products Dominates the Global Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Market
 Based on the type of prenatal vitamin supplements, global prenatal vitamin supplements market segmented into Folic Acid, Iron Supplements, Calcium Supplements, Essential Fatty Acids and others. Among them, folic acid products dominated the global prenatal vitamin supplements market in 2017 and estimated to dominate over the forecast period due to the high chances of incidence of anemic conditions during pregnancy, increase in the gynecologists recommendation, enhanced care towards pregnant women and rise in awareness among the people are surge the market over the forecast years. However, a faster growth rate observed for the iron supplements over forecast timeframe.
North America leads the Global Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Market
 PBI’s global prenatal vitamin supplements market report analyses the market in different regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa. According to regional analysis, North America accounted for larger revenue share through 2013-2017 and expected to dominate over 2018-2024 owing to Increase in the awareness regarding the advantages of prenatal vitamin supplements, increasing number of self-directed consumers population, and increase in the healthcare expenditure and increase in the disposable income of the people of this region are anticipated to propel the market. Asia Pacific prenatal vitamin supplements market projected to exhibit significant growth due to increased prenatal vitamin supplements market projected to grow at significant rate owing to rapid urbanization, increase in the awareness regarding the diet that should be taken during pregnancy, increase in the care during pregnancy and presence of market players expected to increase the market share.
  Launch of newer products, frequent ecofriendly product approvals, and strategic alliances are the key strategies adopted by market players
 Global prenatal vitamin supplements market further reveals that the key players increasingly adopting strategies such as launch of newer products, frequent ecofriendly product approvals, and long term alliance to improve market revenue share and gaining significant geographic presence across the region.
 Key player’s profiles in the report are
¡       Garden of Life LLC (US)
¡       Church & Dwight Co. Inc. (US)
¡       Country Life LLC (US)
¡       Abbott Nutrition (US)
¡       Biotics Research Corporation (US)
¡       Rainbow Light Nutritional Sytems Inc. (US)
¡       Metagenics, Inc. (US)
¡       Otsuka Pharmaceutical (Japan)
¡       Procter & Gamble (US)
¡       Bayer AG (Germany)
  Detailed Segmentation
 By Product Type
¡       Folic Acid
¡       Iron Supplements
¡       Calcium Supplements
¡       Essential Fatty Acids
¡       Others
  By Dosage Form
¡       Capsule
¡       Powder
¡       Gummy products
 By Distribution Channel
¡       Hospital Pharmacies
¡       Online Pharmacies
¡       Supermarkets
¡       Drug Stores
 ¡             North America
¡         U.S
¡         Canada
¡             Europe
¡         Germany
¡         France
¡         U.K
¡         Italy
¡         Spain
¡         Russia
¡         Poland
¡         Rest of Europe
¡             Asia-Pacific
¡         Japan
¡         China
¡         India
¡         Australia & New Zealand
¡         ASEAN (Includes Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, and Others)
¡         South Korea
¡         Rest of Asia-Pacific
¡             Latin America
¡         Brazil
¡         Mexico
¡         Argentina
¡         Venezuela
¡         Rest of Latin America
¡             Middle East and Africa (MEA)
¡         Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries
¡         Israel
¡         South Africa
¡         Rest of MEA
  For more information: https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com/market-reports/prenatal-vitamin-supplements-market/
  Precision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customized market research services based on our client needs.
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ashwinigongale-blog ¡ 5 years
Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Growth Opportunities, Industry Analysis, Geographic Segmentation and Competitive Landscape Report to 2024
Market.biz Data has launched a research report on the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market that predicts future market trends and current market trends. It includes analytic data of the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market about growth rate, size, market trends, profitability, manufacturers, applications, historical data, popular regions, etc. The valuable detailed research report created by the skilled industry experts, who are experienced in this research industry. This report on the Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market will be the epitome of the products we provide to the readers.
Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market report also sheds light on the evaluation of growth opportunities, challenges, market threats and constraining factors of the market. This report will help you to know each and every fact of the Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market without a need to refer any other research report or a data source. It studies regional as well as global market and emerging segments, and market dynamics also. Moreover, it offers insight into the competitive landscape, market driving factors, industrial environment, and the latest and upcoming technological advancements to determine the overall scenario of industry and move forward to form lucrative business strategies effortlessly.
Get Sample of Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Research Report at: https://market.biz/report/global-prenatal-vitamins-supplements-market-2017-mr/177628/#requestforsample
Competitive Landscape
Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market report provides the comprehensive company profiles of a number of the significant market players, that will stay active in predestined decades, combined with product launches. Along with, Prenatal Vitamins Supplements key developments, budgetary details, sale, and gross margin, company short-term and long-term approaches and SWOT analysis of those businesses. Thus, the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements competitive landscape section elaborates on the present in addition to the futuristic potential of the leading international market players.
To be more specific, Leading players in the Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Research Report are:
New Chapter
Country Life
Nature Made
Garden of Life
Biotics Research Corporation
Church & Dwight
Rainbow Light
Thorne Research
Market Segmentation of Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market:
The report provides important evaluation of Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market section from 2014 to 2018 and prediction from 2019 to 2024. The report has also segmented the Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market on the basis of a few categories to make it easier for people to grasp the whole data without much of efforts. For better understanding, the report provides Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market segmentation depending on the types, end users as well as the leading regions.
The specific type of Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market includes:
Folic Acid
Variety of applications of Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market:
Retail Sales
Direct Sales
Online Sales
Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market Segmentation: By Regional Segment:
North America
The Middle East & Africa
South America
Inquire for customization in Report @: https://market.biz/report/global-prenatal-vitamins-supplements-market-2017-mr/177628/#inquiry
Quick Overview of the Global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements Market
**The report offers a five-year forecast for the global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market in terms of CAGR between 2019 and 2024 also year-on-year (Y-o-Y) growth to comprehend the consistency of the market and to identify the Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market openings.
**The Prenatal Vitamins Supplements report offers concise and complete information on emerging market segments that will boost the decision-making process and feasibility of investment in Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market.
**The study demonstrates an in-depth analysis of the recent market trends, key drivers and restraints although various growth factors which are expected to influence the global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market performance in the long run.
**The report profile the various contributors involved in the value chain of the global Prenatal Vitamins Supplements market such as manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and end users.
Get more details, Visit Here: http://reporte.us/global-prenatal-vitamins-supplements-market/
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brian-cdates ¡ 6 years
The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Supplements for Your Body
What are the best supplements for you? Do I really need to take the best supplements?
In an ideal world, we would not need to supplement. We’d get all we need from food—especially if we’re eating real food, fruits, veggies, meats and fish, nuts and seeds.
However, as great as real food is for us, it’s important to recognize the outside forces working against our optimal health and absorption of these nutrients in our modern lifestyles including:
Chronic stress
Toxic burden (both from foods, additives, environmental chemicals, hygiene/cleaning products)
GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
A decrease in soil diversity and health (leading to a decrease in nutrient quality)
Poor sleep quality
Poor water filtration (tap water)
Less outdoor/nature exposure
Disconnectedness with community/social relationships (a la technology)
Sedentary lifestyles—traffic, desk jobs, screen time
Over-use/reliance on antibiotics and other medications (damaging the gut and liver)
With multiple variables working against us in all directions, supplementation with particular vitamins and minerals is like health insurance for all the daily healthy habits that you practice.
This will help you get the most out of them. And, while you cannot out-supplement a poor diet or poor lifestyle choices, you CAN have the best supplements to compliment all the “hard work” that you already do for self-care (like eating a nutrient-dense diet, regular exercise and movement, social connectedness, outdoor exposure, organic skincare, etc.). 
So what are the best supplements to choose if you want to maximize your health?
Not just any supplements—smart best supplements.
There are some general rules of thumb to consider for “smart supplementation,” including:
1. Be selective with your supplementation (Not all supplements are created equal).
2. Customize your vitamin and mineral needs for your body (not what Google or a news 
headline tells you that you need).
3. Get nutrients from food whenever possible.
Here is your Guide to Smart Supplementation, with 7 things to consider when investing in your “supplemental” health insurance.
1. Not All Supplements Are Created Equal
Just because the label says “fish oil” does not mean “fish oil.” Unfortunately, just like the words “natural” and “organic” are not regulated by the FDA when it comes to food (“certified organic” is), supplements are not regulated—thus, even though it looks like fish oil and says “fish oil,” does not mean it’s fish oil. And the same goes for most all vitamins and minerals on shelves.
Many of these formulas and best supplements sound good in theory, but with long shelf lives, unknown processing practices, hot shipping conditions, and potential for rancidity (particularly fish oils), how do you know what is legit? Typically with this one, you get what you pay for. Cutting corners in the name of cheap best supplements can have long-reaching health effects. Especially, if a product contains the wrong ingredient form or potentially harmful contaminants. Or if the active ingredients aren’t absorbed properly.
There’s a reason there is a difference in a $50 probiotic compared to a $10 one.
In addition, pharmaceutical-grade best supplements—those straight from the company and/or a healthcare practitioner have a likelihood of being “more legit” than those you find from third-party sellers or on the generic supplement aisles at the grocery stores.
In a study (FDA, 2012) of 120 immune support and weight loss supplements purchased from retail stores (CVS, Walgreens, etc.) and Internet sites, the FDA found that not one supplement met criteria the that the FDA recommends for competent and reliable scientific evidence when best supplements boast claims and that the majority of supplements had not been tested on humans.
Another study (Newmaster et al, 2013) tested 44 bottles of popular supplements sold by 12 retail companies and outlets. They found that many were not what they claimed to be, and that pills labeled as popular herbs were often diluted — or replaced entirely — by cheap fillers like soybean, wheat and rice. For examples, two bottles labeled as St. John’s wort for treating mild depression, contained none of the medicinal herb. And of the 44 herbal supplements tested, one-third showed outright substitution, meaning there was no trace of the plant advertised on the bottle — only another plant in its place.
The bottom line?
Go with a reputable company, and consult a holistic healthcare practitioner who often has a direct line to pharmaceutical-grade (much more regulated) supplement companies. Many pharmaceutical-grade companies have higher regulation and are continually researching and testing the efficacy of products, such as Thorne Research and Metagenics.
2. How is Your Digestion?
Before we even talk any more about supplementing properly, let’s first talk about your digestion—how is it? If you are not digesting your nutrients in the first place, than the best supplements you take matter very little (unless they are digestive supplements).
That said, boosting your supplement (and nutrient) power with some helpful digestive practices could be the secret sauce for getting the most out of any supplements you take, including the basics like:
Chewing your food well, drinking water throughout the day.
Refraining from processed and refined foods. Slowing down while you eat, eating healthy fats and foods containing fat soluble vitamins (especially Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Vitamin A).
Reaching for organic produce and grass-fed/pastured meats as much as possible.
Resorting first to investing in digestive best supplements, before spending money on any other supplements (that may or may not digest properly).  
A quality probiotic, plus potentially some digestive enzymes, HCL (hydrochloric acid) could be the “secret” sauce for you, particularly if leaky gut, digestive distress, or other gut-related inflammation (like allergies, headaches, food sensitivities, blood sugar imbalances, etc.) are at play. Ensure your digestion is up to speed (daily bowel movements, decreased bloating/gas, etc.)
3. More is Not Necessarily Better
More always seems better right? So, more greens and more working out. Additionally, more kombucha as well as more vitamins and minerals. But it’s not always the case. When we take more than we need—of any best supplements for too long toxicity can happen (overload), and have the opposite effects we originally intended in the first place.
The alternative? Maintenance supplementation—using best supplements generally as a baseline and extra little booster to the foods you do eat. Maintenance supplementation involves supplementing with selected micronutrients that are difficult to obtain even in the context of your nutrient-dense whole-foods diet. Best supplements in this category are generally taken in small doses, indefinitely and vary from person to person, depending on your body’s needs.
For instance, I take a daily B-Vitamin Complex, Cod Liver Oil and Zinc supplement because of my history of being low in the nutrients these supplements provide as well as noting a significant difference in how I feel when I take them (way better).
All this said, there IS such thing as therapeutic supplementation—a short-term dosing of supplements to help boost any deficiencies you may have—often times in “therapeutic dose,” or higher amount.
For example, you might take a round of “anti-microbial” (gut killing) supplements for a solid 30-60 days if you’ve been diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Also, you might kick up your vitamin C a notch if you feel a cold coming on. A healthcare practitioner can help guide you in therapeutic supplementation.
4. Multi-Vitamins Aren’t All They Are Cracked Up to Be
Taking a multi? You may want to think twice. The problem with multivitamins is that they often contain too little of beneficial nutrients (like magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2). Too much of potentially toxic nutrients like folic acid, calcium, iron, and vitamin E. This means that multivitamins can cause nutrient imbalances that contribute to disease.
Research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (2013) found that multivitamins were ineffective in preventing cancer, cognitive decline and other claims multi-vitamins had been known to make. And another review in the Journal of the American Medical Association, that evaluated more than 68 trials with 230,000 participants, found that treatment with synthetic vitamins (i.e. fake, cheap vitamins) often found in multivitamins (such as beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E) may actually increase the risk of death.
The consensus on taking a multi-vitamin? Save your money, and instead, reach for the actual single vitamins and minerals that you DO need. 
5. Observe
So how do you know what vitamins or minerals you really do need in the first place—and is it even worth it? Vitamin and mineral supplementation CAN be tremendously beneficial. Particularly, given the lack of nutrient-density in much of our modern-day food supply and overburden of outside toxins—given you do invest in quality supplements; you lack certain micro-nutrients in your diet; and you are taking the right supplements for your body.
Interestingly, it is always advised, for starters, you work with a knowledgeable healthcare provider—such as a nutritionist or functional medicine practitioner—who can help you navigate what your body needs. However, simply being in touch with your body can point you in a good direction.
Here are common signs and symptoms, and the minerals and vitamins most often associated with them:
Craving chocolate often?—Magnesium (Topical Oil, Natural Calm, Greens, Raw Nuts/Seeds, Raw Cacao)
Neeeeeed Coffee or Caffeine?—Amino Acids (Tyrosine, DLPA), Sodium (Sea Salt), Phosphorus (pinto beans, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, lentils)
White Spots on Fingernails? Zinc deficiency
Fatigue, Muscle Aches or Weakness?—Vitamin D , Iron (grass-fed red meat, organ meat, shellfish, canned sardines, broccoli, kale, spinach, *never supplement with iron unless you are extremely low)
Low Energy, Anxiety, and/or Anemia—Vitamin B-12
Skin Breakouts, Acne, Inflammation– Omega 3, Digestive Enzymes
Dry Skin, Wrinkles—Biotin, Sulfur (egg yolks, meat, poultry, and fish, garlic, onions, brussels sprouts, asparagus, kale, sauerkraut).
Thyroid Imbalances (enlarged thyroid), Shortness of Breath, Weight Gain/Weight Plateaus—Iodine (iodized salt, plain yogurt, fish, seaweed, pastured eggs)
Suppressed Immunity (frequently sick)—Vitamin A (Cod Liver Oil), Omega 3’s, ProbioticsConstipation- Zinc, B-12
6. Test, Don’t Guess
In addition, to observation and checking in with yourself (signs and symptoms), testing—(both lab and functional evaluations) conducted by a nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner or other healthcare provider can help take the guesswork out of “what to take.”
Instead of supplementing with a cocktail of nutrients you think you do need, get some blood work, or other necessary clinical labs run to address other imbalances (such as gut-health or hormone needs) in order to determine a no-nonsense nutritional therapy supplement protocol to help bolster your bod back to it’s happy place.
7. The Bottom Line: Get as Many Nutrients from Food As Possible
Best supplements can be great, but nothing beats real food. Aim for food and nutrient density (fresh organic produce, pastured and grass-fed meats, organic organ meats, wild caught fish and seafood, quality fats—avocados, coconut oil, ghee, pastured butter, fermented foods) and variety to get the diversity of minerals and vitamins you need.
Sure chicken, broccoli and sweet potatoes are healthy, but when we eat the same foods day in and day out, are we truly being healthy?—Getting the diversity of health-giving nutrients our body desires?
In addition, Whole foods are more effective than supplements in meeting nutrient needs.
For example, cancer-fighting antioxidant-rich berries, spinach and broccoli. These are tremendously more effective than any synthesized supplemental form of Vitamins and Minerals we could take. Or a balanced plate at meal times throughout the day. This is consist of proteins, veggies and healthy fats. This balanced plate can provide a pure amount of vitamins and minerals you may try to get in your multi-vitamin.
Ultimately, aim to get the majority of your nutrients from food as possible. Use supplementation wisely to help re-calibrate the body when deficiency is warranted. 
The post The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Supplements for Your Body appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/wellness-knowledge/best-supplements-for-your-body/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Supplements for Your Body via http://drlaurynlax.tumblr.com/
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clarencebfaber ¡ 6 years
The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Supplements for Your Body
What are the best supplements for you? Do I really need to take the best supplements?
In an ideal world, we would not need to supplement. We’d get all we need from food—especially if we’re eating real food, fruits, veggies, meats and fish, nuts and seeds.
However, as great as real food is for us, it’s important to recognize the outside forces working against our optimal health and absorption of these nutrients in our modern lifestyles including:
Chronic stress
Toxic burden (both from foods, additives, environmental chemicals, hygiene/cleaning products)
GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
A decrease in soil diversity and health (leading to a decrease in nutrient quality)
Poor sleep quality
Poor water filtration (tap water)
Less outdoor/nature exposure
Disconnectedness with community/social relationships (a la technology)
Sedentary lifestyles—traffic, desk jobs, screen time
Over-use/reliance on antibiotics and other medications (damaging the gut and liver)
With multiple variables working against us in all directions, supplementation with particular vitamins and minerals is like health insurance for all the daily healthy habits that you practice.
This will help you get the most out of them. And, while you cannot out-supplement a poor diet or poor lifestyle choices, you CAN have the best supplements to compliment all the “hard work” that you already do for self-care (like eating a nutrient-dense diet, regular exercise and movement, social connectedness, outdoor exposure, organic skincare, etc.). 
So what are the best supplements to choose if you want to maximize your health?
Not just any supplements—smart best supplements.
There are some general rules of thumb to consider for “smart supplementation,” including:
1. Be selective with your supplementation (Not all supplements are created equal).
2. Customize your vitamin and mineral needs for your body (not what Google or a news 
headline tells you that you need).
3. Get nutrients from food whenever possible.
Here is your Guide to Smart Supplementation, with 7 things to consider when investing in your “supplemental” health insurance.
1. Not All Supplements Are Created Equal
Just because the label says “fish oil” does not mean “fish oil.” Unfortunately, just like the words “natural” and “organic” are not regulated by the FDA when it comes to food (“certified organic” is), supplements are not regulated—thus, even though it looks like fish oil and says “fish oil,” does not mean it’s fish oil. And the same goes for most all vitamins and minerals on shelves.
Many of these formulas and best supplements sound good in theory, but with long shelf lives, unknown processing practices, hot shipping conditions, and potential for rancidity (particularly fish oils), how do you know what is legit? Typically with this one, you get what you pay for. Cutting corners in the name of cheap best supplements can have long-reaching health effects. Especially, if a product contains the wrong ingredient form or potentially harmful contaminants. Or if the active ingredients aren’t absorbed properly.
There’s a reason there is a difference in a $50 probiotic compared to a $10 one.
In addition, pharmaceutical-grade best supplements—those straight from the company and/or a healthcare practitioner have a likelihood of being “more legit” than those you find from third-party sellers or on the generic supplement aisles at the grocery stores.
In a study (FDA, 2012) of 120 immune support and weight loss supplements purchased from retail stores (CVS, Walgreens, etc.) and Internet sites, the FDA found that not one supplement met criteria the that the FDA recommends for competent and reliable scientific evidence when best supplements boast claims and that the majority of supplements had not been tested on humans.
Another study (Newmaster et al, 2013) tested 44 bottles of popular supplements sold by 12 retail companies and outlets. They found that many were not what they claimed to be, and that pills labeled as popular herbs were often diluted — or replaced entirely — by cheap fillers like soybean, wheat and rice. For examples, two bottles labeled as St. John’s wort for treating mild depression, contained none of the medicinal herb. And of the 44 herbal supplements tested, one-third showed outright substitution, meaning there was no trace of the plant advertised on the bottle — only another plant in its place.
The bottom line?
Go with a reputable company, and consult a holistic healthcare practitioner who often has a direct line to pharmaceutical-grade (much more regulated) supplement companies. Many pharmaceutical-grade companies have higher regulation and are continually researching and testing the efficacy of products, such as Thorne Research and Metagenics.
2. How is Your Digestion?
Before we even talk any more about supplementing properly, let’s first talk about your digestion—how is it? If you are not digesting your nutrients in the first place, than the best supplements you take matter very little (unless they are digestive supplements).
That said, boosting your supplement (and nutrient) power with some helpful digestive practices could be the secret sauce for getting the most out of any supplements you take, including the basics like:
Chewing your food well, drinking water throughout the day.
Refraining from processed and refined foods. Slowing down while you eat, eating healthy fats and foods containing fat soluble vitamins (especially Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Vitamin A).
Reaching for organic produce and grass-fed/pastured meats as much as possible.
Resorting first to investing in digestive best supplements, before spending money on any other supplements (that may or may not digest properly).  
A quality probiotic, plus potentially some digestive enzymes, HCL (hydrochloric acid) could be the “secret” sauce for you, particularly if leaky gut, digestive distress, or other gut-related inflammation (like allergies, headaches, food sensitivities, blood sugar imbalances, etc.) are at play. Ensure your digestion is up to speed (daily bowel movements, decreased bloating/gas, etc.)
3. More is Not Necessarily Better
More always seems better right? So, more greens and more working out. Additionally, more kombucha as well as more vitamins and minerals. But it’s not always the case. When we take more than we need—of any best supplements for too long toxicity can happen (overload), and have the opposite effects we originally intended in the first place.
The alternative? Maintenance supplementation—using best supplements generally as a baseline and extra little booster to the foods you do eat. Maintenance supplementation involves supplementing with selected micronutrients that are difficult to obtain even in the context of your nutrient-dense whole-foods diet. Best supplements in this category are generally taken in small doses, indefinitely and vary from person to person, depending on your body’s needs.
For instance, I take a daily B-Vitamin Complex, Cod Liver Oil and Zinc supplement because of my history of being low in the nutrients these supplements provide as well as noting a significant difference in how I feel when I take them (way better).
All this said, there IS such thing as therapeutic supplementation—a short-term dosing of supplements to help boost any deficiencies you may have—often times in “therapeutic dose,” or higher amount.
For example, you might take a round of “anti-microbial” (gut killing) supplements for a solid 30-60 days if you’ve been diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Also, you might kick up your vitamin C a notch if you feel a cold coming on. A healthcare practitioner can help guide you in therapeutic supplementation.
4. Multi-Vitamins Aren’t All They Are Cracked Up to Be
Taking a multi? You may want to think twice. The problem with multivitamins is that they often contain too little of beneficial nutrients (like magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2). Too much of potentially toxic nutrients like folic acid, calcium, iron, and vitamin E. This means that multivitamins can cause nutrient imbalances that contribute to disease.
Research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (2013) found that multivitamins were ineffective in preventing cancer, cognitive decline and other claims multi-vitamins had been known to make. And another review in the Journal of the American Medical Association, that evaluated more than 68 trials with 230,000 participants, found that treatment with synthetic vitamins (i.e. fake, cheap vitamins) often found in multivitamins (such as beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E) may actually increase the risk of death.
The consensus on taking a multi-vitamin? Save your money, and instead, reach for the actual single vitamins and minerals that you DO need. 
5. Observe
So how do you know what vitamins or minerals you really do need in the first place—and is it even worth it? Vitamin and mineral supplementation CAN be tremendously beneficial. Particularly, given the lack of nutrient-density in much of our modern-day food supply and overburden of outside toxins—given you do invest in quality supplements; you lack certain micro-nutrients in your diet; and you are taking the right supplements for your body.
Interestingly, it is always advised, for starters, you work with a knowledgeable healthcare provider—such as a nutritionist or functional medicine practitioner—who can help you navigate what your body needs. However, simply being in touch with your body can point you in a good direction.
Here are common signs and symptoms, and the minerals and vitamins most often associated with them:
Craving chocolate often?—Magnesium (Topical Oil, Natural Calm, Greens, Raw Nuts/Seeds, Raw Cacao)
Neeeeeed Coffee or Caffeine?—Amino Acids (Tyrosine, DLPA), Sodium (Sea Salt), Phosphorus (pinto beans, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, lentils)
White Spots on Fingernails? Zinc deficiency
Fatigue, Muscle Aches or Weakness?—Vitamin D , Iron (grass-fed red meat, organ meat, shellfish, canned sardines, broccoli, kale, spinach, *never supplement with iron unless you are extremely low)
Low Energy, Anxiety, and/or Anemia—Vitamin B-12
Skin Breakouts, Acne, Inflammation– Omega 3, Digestive Enzymes
Dry Skin, Wrinkles—Biotin, Sulfur (egg yolks, meat, poultry, and fish, garlic, onions, brussels sprouts, asparagus, kale, sauerkraut).
Thyroid Imbalances (enlarged thyroid), Shortness of Breath, Weight Gain/Weight Plateaus—Iodine (iodized salt, plain yogurt, fish, seaweed, pastured eggs)
Suppressed Immunity (frequently sick)—Vitamin A (Cod Liver Oil), Omega 3’s, ProbioticsConstipation- Zinc, B-12
6. Test, Don’t Guess
In addition, to observation and checking in with yourself (signs and symptoms), testing—(both lab and functional evaluations) conducted by a nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner or other healthcare provider can help take the guesswork out of “what to take.”
Instead of supplementing with a cocktail of nutrients you think you do need, get some blood work, or other necessary clinical labs run to address other imbalances (such as gut-health or hormone needs) in order to determine a no-nonsense nutritional therapy supplement protocol to help bolster your bod back to it’s happy place.
7. The Bottom Line: Get as Many Nutrients from Food As Possible
Best supplements can be great, but nothing beats real food. Aim for food and nutrient density (fresh organic produce, pastured and grass-fed meats, organic organ meats, wild caught fish and seafood, quality fats—avocados, coconut oil, ghee, pastured butter, fermented foods) and variety to get the diversity of minerals and vitamins you need.
Sure chicken, broccoli and sweet potatoes are healthy, but when we eat the same foods day in and day out, are we truly being healthy?—Getting the diversity of health-giving nutrients our body desires?
In addition, Whole foods are more effective than supplements in meeting nutrient needs.
For example, cancer-fighting antioxidant-rich berries, spinach and broccoli. These are tremendously more effective than any synthesized supplemental form of Vitamins and Minerals we could take. Or a balanced plate at meal times throughout the day. This is consist of proteins, veggies and healthy fats. This balanced plate can provide a pure amount of vitamins and minerals you may try to get in your multi-vitamin.
Ultimately, aim to get the majority of your nutrients from food as possible. Use supplementation wisely to help re-calibrate the body when deficiency is warranted. 
The post The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Supplements for Your Body appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/wellness-knowledge/best-supplements-for-your-body/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Supplements for Your Body via https://drlaurynlax.weebly.com/
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elizabethbgrimes ¡ 6 years
The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Supplements for Your Body
What are the best supplements for you? Do I really need to take the best supplements?
In an ideal world, we would not need to supplement. We’d get all we need from food—especially if we’re eating real food, fruits, veggies, meats and fish, nuts and seeds.
However, as great as real food is for us, it’s important to recognize the outside forces working against our optimal health and absorption of these nutrients in our modern lifestyles including:
Chronic stress
Toxic burden (both from foods, additives, environmental chemicals, hygiene/cleaning products)
GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
A decrease in soil diversity and health (leading to a decrease in nutrient quality)
Poor sleep quality
Poor water filtration (tap water)
Less outdoor/nature exposure
Disconnectedness with community/social relationships (a la technology)
Sedentary lifestyles—traffic, desk jobs, screen time
Over-use/reliance on antibiotics and other medications (damaging the gut and liver)
With multiple variables working against us in all directions, supplementation with particular vitamins and minerals is like health insurance for all the daily healthy habits that you practice.
This will help you get the most out of them. And, while you cannot out-supplement a poor diet or poor lifestyle choices, you CAN have the best supplements to compliment all the “hard work” that you already do for self-care (like eating a nutrient-dense diet, regular exercise and movement, social connectedness, outdoor exposure, organic skincare, etc.). 
So what are the best supplements to choose if you want to maximize your health?
Not just any supplements—smart best supplements.
There are some general rules of thumb to consider for “smart supplementation,” including:
1. Be selective with your supplementation (Not all supplements are created equal).
2. Customize your vitamin and mineral needs for your body (not what Google or a news 
headline tells you that you need).
3. Get nutrients from food whenever possible.
Here is your Guide to Smart Supplementation, with 7 things to consider when investing in your “supplemental” health insurance.
1. Not All Supplements Are Created Equal
Just because the label says “fish oil” does not mean “fish oil.” Unfortunately, just like the words “natural” and “organic” are not regulated by the FDA when it comes to food (“certified organic” is), supplements are not regulated—thus, even though it looks like fish oil and says “fish oil,” does not mean it’s fish oil. And the same goes for most all vitamins and minerals on shelves.
Many of these formulas and best supplements sound good in theory, but with long shelf lives, unknown processing practices, hot shipping conditions, and potential for rancidity (particularly fish oils), how do you know what is legit? Typically with this one, you get what you pay for. Cutting corners in the name of cheap best supplements can have long-reaching health effects. Especially, if a product contains the wrong ingredient form or potentially harmful contaminants. Or if the active ingredients aren’t absorbed properly.
There’s a reason there is a difference in a $50 probiotic compared to a $10 one.
In addition, pharmaceutical-grade best supplements—those straight from the company and/or a healthcare practitioner have a likelihood of being “more legit” than those you find from third-party sellers or on the generic supplement aisles at the grocery stores.
In a study (FDA, 2012) of 120 immune support and weight loss supplements purchased from retail stores (CVS, Walgreens, etc.) and Internet sites, the FDA found that not one supplement met criteria the that the FDA recommends for competent and reliable scientific evidence when best supplements boast claims and that the majority of supplements had not been tested on humans.
Another study (Newmaster et al, 2013) tested 44 bottles of popular supplements sold by 12 retail companies and outlets. They found that many were not what they claimed to be, and that pills labeled as popular herbs were often diluted — or replaced entirely — by cheap fillers like soybean, wheat and rice. For examples, two bottles labeled as St. John’s wort for treating mild depression, contained none of the medicinal herb. And of the 44 herbal supplements tested, one-third showed outright substitution, meaning there was no trace of the plant advertised on the bottle — only another plant in its place.
The bottom line?
Go with a reputable company, and consult a holistic healthcare practitioner who often has a direct line to pharmaceutical-grade (much more regulated) supplement companies. Many pharmaceutical-grade companies have higher regulation and are continually researching and testing the efficacy of products, such as Thorne Research and Metagenics.
2. How is Your Digestion?
Before we even talk any more about supplementing properly, let’s first talk about your digestion—how is it? If you are not digesting your nutrients in the first place, than the best supplements you take matter very little (unless they are digestive supplements).
That said, boosting your supplement (and nutrient) power with some helpful digestive practices could be the secret sauce for getting the most out of any supplements you take, including the basics like:
Chewing your food well, drinking water throughout the day.
Refraining from processed and refined foods. Slowing down while you eat, eating healthy fats and foods containing fat soluble vitamins (especially Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Vitamin A).
Reaching for organic produce and grass-fed/pastured meats as much as possible.
Resorting first to investing in digestive best supplements, before spending money on any other supplements (that may or may not digest properly).  
A quality probiotic, plus potentially some digestive enzymes, HCL (hydrochloric acid) could be the “secret” sauce for you, particularly if leaky gut, digestive distress, or other gut-related inflammation (like allergies, headaches, food sensitivities, blood sugar imbalances, etc.) are at play. Ensure your digestion is up to speed (daily bowel movements, decreased bloating/gas, etc.)
3. More is Not Necessarily Better
More always seems better right? So, more greens and more working out. Additionally, more kombucha as well as more vitamins and minerals. But it’s not always the case. When we take more than we need—of any best supplements for too long toxicity can happen (overload), and have the opposite effects we originally intended in the first place.
The alternative? Maintenance supplementation—using best supplements generally as a baseline and extra little booster to the foods you do eat. Maintenance supplementation involves supplementing with selected micronutrients that are difficult to obtain even in the context of your nutrient-dense whole-foods diet. Best supplements in this category are generally taken in small doses, indefinitely and vary from person to person, depending on your body’s needs.
For instance, I take a daily B-Vitamin Complex, Cod Liver Oil and Zinc supplement because of my history of being low in the nutrients these supplements provide as well as noting a significant difference in how I feel when I take them (way better).
All this said, there IS such thing as therapeutic supplementation—a short-term dosing of supplements to help boost any deficiencies you may have—often times in “therapeutic dose,” or higher amount.
For example, you might take a round of “anti-microbial” (gut killing) supplements for a solid 30-60 days if you’ve been diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Also, you might kick up your vitamin C a notch if you feel a cold coming on. A healthcare practitioner can help guide you in therapeutic supplementation.
4. Multi-Vitamins Aren’t All They Are Cracked Up to Be
Taking a multi? You may want to think twice. The problem with multivitamins is that they often contain too little of beneficial nutrients (like magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2). Too much of potentially toxic nutrients like folic acid, calcium, iron, and vitamin E. This means that multivitamins can cause nutrient imbalances that contribute to disease.
Research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (2013) found that multivitamins were ineffective in preventing cancer, cognitive decline and other claims multi-vitamins had been known to make. And another review in the Journal of the American Medical Association, that evaluated more than 68 trials with 230,000 participants, found that treatment with synthetic vitamins (i.e. fake, cheap vitamins) often found in multivitamins (such as beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E) may actually increase the risk of death.
The consensus on taking a multi-vitamin? Save your money, and instead, reach for the actual single vitamins and minerals that you DO need. 
5. Observe
So how do you know what vitamins or minerals you really do need in the first place—and is it even worth it? Vitamin and mineral supplementation CAN be tremendously beneficial. Particularly, given the lack of nutrient-density in much of our modern-day food supply and overburden of outside toxins—given you do invest in quality supplements; you lack certain micro-nutrients in your diet; and you are taking the right supplements for your body.
Interestingly, it is always advised, for starters, you work with a knowledgeable healthcare provider—such as a nutritionist or functional medicine practitioner—who can help you navigate what your body needs. However, simply being in touch with your body can point you in a good direction.
Here are common signs and symptoms, and the minerals and vitamins most often associated with them:
Craving chocolate often?—Magnesium (Topical Oil, Natural Calm, Greens, Raw Nuts/Seeds, Raw Cacao)
Neeeeeed Coffee or Caffeine?—Amino Acids (Tyrosine, DLPA), Sodium (Sea Salt), Phosphorus (pinto beans, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, lentils)
White Spots on Fingernails? Zinc deficiency
Fatigue, Muscle Aches or Weakness?—Vitamin D , Iron (grass-fed red meat, organ meat, shellfish, canned sardines, broccoli, kale, spinach, *never supplement with iron unless you are extremely low)
Low Energy, Anxiety, and/or Anemia—Vitamin B-12
Skin Breakouts, Acne, Inflammation– Omega 3, Digestive Enzymes
Dry Skin, Wrinkles—Biotin, Sulfur (egg yolks, meat, poultry, and fish, garlic, onions, brussels sprouts, asparagus, kale, sauerkraut).
Thyroid Imbalances (enlarged thyroid), Shortness of Breath, Weight Gain/Weight Plateaus—Iodine (iodized salt, plain yogurt, fish, seaweed, pastured eggs)
Suppressed Immunity (frequently sick)—Vitamin A (Cod Liver Oil), Omega 3’s, ProbioticsConstipation- Zinc, B-12
6. Test, Don’t Guess
In addition, to observation and checking in with yourself (signs and symptoms), testing—(both lab and functional evaluations) conducted by a nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner or other healthcare provider can help take the guesswork out of “what to take.”
Instead of supplementing with a cocktail of nutrients you think you do need, get some blood work, or other necessary clinical labs run to address other imbalances (such as gut-health or hormone needs) in order to determine a no-nonsense nutritional therapy supplement protocol to help bolster your bod back to it’s happy place.
7. The Bottom Line: Get as Many Nutrients from Food As Possible
Best supplements can be great, but nothing beats real food. Aim for food and nutrient density (fresh organic produce, pastured and grass-fed meats, organic organ meats, wild caught fish and seafood, quality fats—avocados, coconut oil, ghee, pastured butter, fermented foods) and variety to get the diversity of minerals and vitamins you need.
Sure chicken, broccoli and sweet potatoes are healthy, but when we eat the same foods day in and day out, are we truly being healthy?—Getting the diversity of health-giving nutrients our body desires?
In addition, Whole foods are more effective than supplements in meeting nutrient needs.
For example, cancer-fighting antioxidant-rich berries, spinach and broccoli. These are tremendously more effective than any synthesized supplemental form of Vitamins and Minerals we could take. Or a balanced plate at meal times throughout the day. This is consist of proteins, veggies and healthy fats. This balanced plate can provide a pure amount of vitamins and minerals you may try to get in your multi-vitamin.
Ultimately, aim to get the majority of your nutrients from food as possible. Use supplementation wisely to help re-calibrate the body when deficiency is warranted. 
The post The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Supplements for Your Body appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/wellness-knowledge/best-supplements-for-your-body/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Supplements for Your Body via https://drlaurynlax.blogspot.com/
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researchreportinsight ¡ 6 years
United States Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Market Research Report: Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2025
26th September 2018 - United States Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Market is expected to grow at a significant CAGR in the upcoming years as the scope and its applications are increasing across the globe. Prenatal vitamins are essential for women and aid to augment for any potential insufficiency in the diet throughout pregnancy. Prenatal vitamin supplements are available in the market in various forms such as gel capsules, powders, pills, tablet forms and liquids.
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Prenatal vitamin supplements play a vital role in the prevention of neural tube defects, preventing anaemia, help in the growth & development of the fetus, etc. Prenatal vitamin supplements contain more folic acid, calcium, iron, vitamins and other minerals as compared to the regular adult multivitamins. The factors that propel the growth of the United States Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Market include increasing demand, rapid urbanization & industrialization, and product development & technological innovations.
View Full Report with TOC @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/united-states-prenatal-vitamin-supplements-market
In addition, some of the key factors that attribute to the market growth include well established healthcare infrastructure & facilities, insufficient nutrition in routine food, growth in number of educated women, awareness among the population and rise in disposable income. On the other hand, there are factors that may hamper the market growth such as drop in fertility rate and small families. United States Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Industry is classified on the basis of product type, applications, distribution channel and geography.
United States Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Industry is segmented by product type as Calcium, Folic Acid, Iron, Vitamin D, and other. This industry is classified on applications as clinics, hospitals, and others. United States Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Market is segmented by distribution channel as online stores, specialty stores and others. This market is classified on the basis of geography as The West, Southwest, The Middle Atlantic, New England, The South and The Midwest.
Some of the key players that fuel the growth of the United States Prenatal Vitamin Supplements Market include Bayer, Biotics Research Corporation, Country Life Vitamins, Church & Dwight Co Inc., Country Life, Garden of Life, MegaFood, Metagenics, New Chapter, Nature Made, Nutramark, Pharmavite, Rainbow Light, Thorne Research, Twinlab, Zahler, and others. The key players are focusing on inorganic growth to sustain themselves amidst fierce competition. As such, mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures are the need of the hour.
Market Segment:
Geographically, this report splits the United States market into seven regions:
• The West
• Southwest
• The Middle Atlantic
• New England
• The South
• The Midwest
with sales (volume), revenue (value), market share and growth rate of Prenatal Vitamin Supplements in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast).
United States Prenatal Vitamin Supplements market competition by top manufacturers/players, with Prenatal Vitamin Supplements sales volume, price, revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players including
• Garden of Life
• Country Life Vitamins
• Twinlab
• Abbott
• Matsun
• NutraMark
• Rainbow Light
Request Sample Copy of This Report @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/united-states-prenatal-vitamin-supplements-market/request-sample
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