84t8r41n2 · 4 months
Is the devil wears prada fandom still active here?
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84t8r41n2 · 4 months
Tumblr love of my life app i havent been active on for months
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84t8r41n2 · 1 year
Wrong cause its not cheetah print
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Lottie in Nat’s clothes au
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84t8r41n2 · 1 year
When Natalie comes to her realization, she’s with Misty cleaning up Shauna’s mess.
Said realization is that she may be falling in love with Misty fucking Quigley. The same Misty Quigley who stalked her, put a camera in her room, and wasted $300 of coke trying to stop nat from relapsing.
The Misty who has always stuck by Nat even when she pushed her away and hurt her in so many ways.
Natalie starts to feel guilty as she watches Misty move Adams body.
Why does misty do so much for this broken team when its so clear nobody enjoys her presence. Natalie, for the second time today comes to the realization that misty loves to try and mend broken things. That misty has this fucked up sense that she needs to be a savior to any and all people she can.
And Natalie for a brief second wants Misty to be her savior. Wants Misty to try and put her back together, but that thought is quickly pushed away.
She knows that letting her live out the delusion that she can fix Natalie wouldn’t be good for either of them. Only Natalie can fix herself and maybe she’d like the company of misty while she does, just as a friend or something more. Not as a savior.
Natalie is then jolted from her inner monolog by the very person she was monologging about.
“Nat? Natalie? Are you going to help me or just stand there.” Misty says with a slight smile.
Suddenly remembering what she’s here to do. “Huh? Oh fuck, yeah sorry.”
Natalie isn’t one to become nervous around women. But sitting on the floor and scrubbing blood off of it with Misty, she is. Nervous that they might get caught covering up a murder.
And nervous that after cleaning up this body, misty will go back to ignoring her. Something Natalie unexpectedly hates thinking about.
Yes misty is annoying, and way to cheerful about cleaning up a body, but Natalie, as she hates to admit. Likes having misty around. Though she’d never tell Misty that.
Something about Misty’s stupid laugh and weird interests endears Natalie. The way misty is always so excited to see Natalie. Not to mention Misty isnt ugly, she’s very pretty actually.
Natalie sneaks a glance at misty’s face and she feels a ping of want in her heart, and she now realizes something for the fifth time today, she is about to make a mistake.
She clears her throat, which draws Misty’s attention.
“Uhm Im sorry. About being such a dick to you. Don’t fucking say anything stupid about it or I’ll take it back.” She mostly adds that last part because she feels, weird. About this thing she’s trying to do right now.
“Mm, its okay! I know its mostly because of some unresolved trauma or whatever, and what happened out there! I never hold it against you.” Misty says back still scrubbing the floor.
And Nat hates, how misty can just brush it off, not care about how horrible Natalie has treated her. She also hates that Misty called her out, because she’s right. It is unresolved trauma. But she stops herself before she can get to deep into such a depressing thought.
“Right. So i was, wondering is you wanted to hang out or whatever after we get this done..?”
Surely misty would jump at this chance so she doesn’t understand why she’s so nervous.
Sure enough misty does jump at the chance. Literally.
She gets off her knees and starts jumping in place.
“Really? Okay okay, uhm how about going for coffee? No, to conventional. Theme park? No you definitely wouldn’t like that…”
Misty starts to ramble, and Natalie begins to regret it but pushes that down. Misty deserves to be treated well after how Natalie treated her.
“Just fuckin pick something please.”
“Sleepover!” Misty squeals like she’s 17 again.
Natalie figures she never got to have a sleepover so she just nods and they finish doing their part of the Adam situation.
Natalie pulls up on the beat up motorcycle she bought after she sold her car.
She figures she could’ve walked to misty’s house but she does still like her, so she might as well try to impress her a bit.
Natalie can see misty looking outside, probably waiting for her. She smiles a bit thinking about Misty setting up and eagerly waiting for her arrival.
She walks up and doesnt even have to knock on the door before it opens.
“Hi Natalie! Cool bike by the way!”
Misty is practically jumping for joy.
Natalie gives a hum in response.
“Can i come in?”
Misty steps aside, signaling for her to come in. She can see that misty has cooked dinner, and has netflix pulled up on the tv.
“You really prepared for this huh?” Only slightly teasing.
“Well its not everyday Natalie Scatorccio says yes to a sleepover.” She can see misty has a smirk on her face. Natalie thinks its not the most unpleasant thing she’s seen.
“So uh, what are the plans then?”
“Okay so first dinner, obviously. Then if you want theres ice cream for dessert. Then i figured we’d watch a movie? Then bed and i’ll make breakfast in the morning?”
This actually isn’t such a bad plan. Natalie nods.
“So whats for dinner?”
“Spaghetti.” Misty smiles that Misty smile and leads her to the dining room.
After they’re done eating Misty brings out the ice cream. It is a huge pint and, mainly strawberry. Natalie’s favorite flavor.
“Did you do this on purpose?”
“What ever do you mean?”
“..Dont play dumb.”
She’s looking at Misty and with the way she’s smiling at Natalie she definitely knew this was her favorite flavor, but then again misty might know Natalie better then she knows herself so she’s not surprised.
“Okay yes, now cmon.”
Misty grabs nat’s wrist and leads her to the couch, just like she did leading her to the dining room. Misty lets go when they get to the couch and Natalie finds herself missing the contact. She doesn’t say that though.
She sits close to misty. Trying to close the gap just a bit before they choose a movie.
Misty, to engrossed in trying to pick a movie they’d both like, doesn’t notice.
Natalie sees an opening and stares at Misty. Admiring her features, how her hair falls around her face, how her nose curves, how soft her lips look. She wonders if misty wears lip balm, wonders if her lips have a faint fruity taste.
Natalie has to stop herself from finding out on her own.
She shakes that thought and focuses on choosing a movie that would scare Misty.
“Lets watch Texas chainsaw massacre.” She says
“Mm i’ve never seen it!”
She watches misty search it up and press play.
Her plan was for Misty to get scared and for Natalie to comfort her, but she should’ve known better. She’s misty.
She’s staring at the screen while putting a scoop of ice cream in her mouth once and a while. Not scared at all, more interested in the plot then anything.
So her only plan failed. She figures its best to just let the night play out then.
The movie finishes and they get up, but not before misty grabs Natalie’s wrist again.
Natalie’s whole body becomes warm at her touch. She figures misty is only holding her wrist to lead her to the bedroom.
She heats up a bit more thinking about what this could be seen as. She likes the thought of misty leading her to bed, just to tear her to pieces and put her together again. To touch her in ways Natalie has touched herself.
She shakes the thought. Not the time.
“Alright bedtime!” Misty had led her to the bedroom like Natalie thought she would.
As she watches misty get ready for bed she realizes she didn’t bring any clothes to sleep in.
“I forgot clothes.”
Misty giggles and Natalie feels a bit embarrassed.
“Hold on, i’ll find you something!”
Nat watches as misty rummages through her drawers until she finds a plain black shirt and some pink shorts.
“Here ya go! I figured you wouldn’t want a sweater or a cat shirt or anything.”
Well misty was right, she would’ve hated a sweater.
“You’re welcome!”
Then misty pulls her shirt over her head and turns around to find a shirt to sleep in.
But Natalie freezes, and she stares at Misty’s back. Of course misty isn’t shy to show her body, but it drives Nat a little crazy. Seeing how Misty’s body curves, how smooth her skin is.
And Natalie for the second time tonight, wants to touch her, to caress her waist, hold her close to her own body. To hold her hips down while Misty is in a compromising position.
She wants to fantasize more but the thoughts are interrupted.
“Stop staring.”
Misty has that smirk she had earlier tonight, like she knows what she’s doing to her. She slips a shirt on.
Natalie scoffs to act like she wasn’t gawking and imagining eating Misty out.
“Like i ever would.”
Natalie changes quickly to avoid embarrassment and awkwardness, all while Misty giggles.
“Where am i sleeping?”
“In the bed with me?”
Natalie hadn’t considered this is what they’d be doing.
“Right, right. Okay.”
She hesitantly climbs into Misty’s bed. While misty climbs in after her.
Natalie is sleeping when Misty wakes her up.
“Nat? Hey? Can you, hold me?”
Natalie hums in response and turns to face her. She’s to tired to refuse and its not like she would have anyway.
She grabs Misty’s waist and pulls her to her chest. She can feel misty snake her arms around her.
“Whats this about?”
“Im not sure. Having you here, in the same bed as me, near me. It reminds me of the cabin. How close we all slept together.”
Now Misty brings it up she feels the same. Its not the most pleasent memory to go back to. So she understands why misty wants to be held.
Natalie hums again. Understanding how Misty feels.
“Im sorry i woke you.”
“Im glad you did. If you’re having bad memories, i’d prefer you let me go through it with you.”
And at that she hears misty giggle into her chest.
“Its just, back then we were all so broken. I think maybe we still are but it was so much worse back then. Having to watch our friends die. Eating them”
Natalie stiffens at the eating bit, remembering how she tore into Javi, how she cried and screamed trying to save him. And how misty held her back, saving her.
“I can barely eat beef anymore. Its to similar.”
Natalie relates to that. She’s stopped eating meat all together. Hating how similar the texture and taste was.
“I get it, you aren’t alone in that.”
“I know. Thank you for agreeing to this sleepover, you made me really happy tonight.”
Nat squeezes Misty a bit, letting her know its not a big deal.
“You ready to go to bed?”
“Can we stay like this?”
Natalie hesitates but plants a small kiss on Misty’s forehead.
She waits till she feels Misty’s breath become slow and shallow before she sleeps.
Yeah, Natalie definitely loves Misty Quigley.
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84t8r41n2 · 1 year
Natalie started struggling with addiction from a very young age, ever since her dad accidentally killed himself, and even before that. She never stopped blaming herself for her dads death, as much as she hated that man he was still her father. The man who held her as a kid. The man who, in small moments of soberness would hold her and play with her when she was 5 years old, but after that was over and he went back to drinking, Natalie watched. She watched and she learned.
When she was 10 she drank her first beer. Her dad had told her to try it, said he was her age when he had his first. She hated the taste of it, the way it went down her throat, but she wanted to make her father proud. So she drank the whole thing. She did it just to make her father proud several more times over the years, until she was a freshman.
By that time she began to like beer. She drank it for fun, or when it was offered. Halfway through freshman year though, she realized she was an alcoholic. Just like her father. She cried about it for days, went outside and shot cans with the same shotgun that killed her father. After all was said and done, she vowed to never drink again. That lasted until sophomore year.
The Yellowjackets had just won a game, nothing serious but still something to celebrate. They went to Lottie’s house, as her parents were never home. Everyone was drinking, it triggered nat. She grabbed a red solo cup filled with water and walked into a bathroom. The bathroom, held a crying Misty Quigley who was covered in fruit punch. At first nat was shocked anyone was in the bathroom, but then realized; its a bathroom.
Natalie stood awkwardly. Looking down, on shifting feet.
“Hi, Natalie.” Misty sniffled out. Natalie, for some reason felt bad, yes misty was weird and borderline creepy, but she was still a person. The person who cheered for their team even if they were losing. So she figured she should sympathize, and be nice.
“Hey, uh are you okay?” Natalie winces at the way her voice sounds. Deadpan. Like she doesn’t care at all, but the more she looks at misty’s shaking, crying form. She finds herself feeling bad for her.
Misty was really excited to go to this party. Given she wasn’t invited, and got the memo from stalking some girls at school, but it was still a party! Plus she was their equipment manager, the team has her to thank. Without the good equipment they probably would’ve lost.
Misty shows up in a pink cat sweater, and overalls. She finds the outfit cute. She waves excitably at the people around and on the front stairs. They look at her weirdly, although she pretends not to notice. They cant comprehend the way misty operates. She doesn’t blame them. She admits she’s strange, but she feels she wouldn’t be this way if someone, anyone encouraged her interests, or was a genuine friend to her, but misty doesn’t dwell on this thought.
As misty walks in, people scowl, and look uncomfy.
“Hey!” Misty hears as misty sees jackie walk over to her.
“I didnt know you were invited?”
“Yeah i uhm, last minute invitation!”
“Alright, have fun then misty.” Jackie smiles at her and walks over to Shauna.
Misty likes Jackie. In a friendly way, she was always nice to her, no matter how weird she was. Misty appreciated it more then Jackie could know. Misty turned around and found her way into the backyard, slight smile still on her face.
Misty likes to wander. She cant sit still, so she wanders, its what shes doing now, im the backyard. Even at this party. She spaces out and accidently bumps into a boy in their school basketball jersey.
The unknown boy makes a big deal of it. Misty has apologize multiple times, yet he’s still throwing insults at her. Stuff about how she’s a freak, how everyone wishes she was dead. Admittedly way to harsh for a small run in, but she’s misty Quigley. A well known freak. So she guesses thats why this reaction is so bad. Misty senses he’s almost done, when her throws his fruit punch, and the cup at her head. It stains her pink sweater dark red. The punch is gonna keep her hair red for days. She runs back into the house, embarrassed, upset, and really sad her cat sweater is ruined. She looks around for a room to go in while people stare at her. She spots a bathroom with an open door, she darts for it, and closes the door.
Misty sniffles and looks up at Natalie, with teary eyes, she shakes her head.
“Yeah. Dumb question, seeing as your sweater is totally covered in fruit punch.”
Natalie walks over and sits next to misty.
“I guess if you wanna say what happened to you i wouldn’t mind. Even though i came to escape my own problems.”
“Problem for problem?”
Natalie makes a sort of a grunting noise in response.
Misty repeats her experience, and nat listens. Intently at that. She feels anger bubble up. She’s never been close with misty and she does find her strange but she’s never wanted her to die. Nat hates that someone would say that to misty.
Natalie looks straight ahead.
“They’re wrong y’know?”
“Huh?” Misty sounds surprised, like she never thought anyone wouldn’t wish death upon her.
“They’re wrong, i don’t wish you were dead. You take care of our soccer balls well. I don’t want the quality of them to plummet because some guy told you everyone wants you dead.”
And that gets misty to crack a smile. Misty knows Natalie isn’t good with other peoples emotions. Misty is grateful that she’s making an attempt to comfort her. She’s glad Natalie somewhat cares for her.
Misty looks at Natalie, and quietly signals its her turn to share.
Natalie, starts out slow, about her alcoholism. She doesn’t dive to deep into her childhood, tells misty most about her freshman year realization really, and how all the alcohol around makes her want to drink again.
Misty reacts by asking something unexpected.
“Can i hold your hand?”
That shocks Natalie. She sucks in a breath, and holds it for a bit. Misty gets nervous, and starts rambling about how sorry she is, and it was a stupid question and she promises to never ask or try and touch Natalie again. Natalie breathes out.
“Okay.” Then she grabs Misty’s hand, and misty stops her ramble and stares at their hands, mouth agape.
“Dont gawk at out hands all day, you asked to do this remember?.”
Misty snaps out of it and smiles.
“Of course, yeah, i did.”
“Oh! I uh, wanted to say you’re brave, and if it means anything. Im proud, and i think you should be proud of it. Im sorry the alcohol is triggering.”
And at that, nat sheds a tear. An unexpected one but she sheds it, and misty goes back into her panicked apologizing. Natalie will hate herself later for the thing she plans on doing at this moment, but she’s to emotion-filled to care. She’s looked for someone to be proud of her, her entire life, and its Misty fucking Quigley who fulfills that request.
Natalie lets go of her hand, and hugs her. She wraps her arms around misty and squeezes. Not caring that her wet sweater is wetting her shirt, or that misty smells like fruit and spiked fruit punch. Misty hugs back after the shock. She starts to hear Natalie whisper something into her shoulder.
“Thank you misty, god fuck. Thank you.”
Misty smiles and rubs Natalie’s back.
“I hope i helped natalie!” Misty says in a much chipper tone than she wants to, cause she knows she helped nat. She feels good that she did.
And for the rest of the party, the two sat and held eachother, maybe Natalie would ignore her tomorrow, but misty is gonna enjoy what they have right now.
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84t8r41n2 · 1 year
Follow my twitter PLEWSE, more yellowjackets content on there
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84t8r41n2 · 1 year
I love them so much they mean si mych to me
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#just a knight looking to her queen for approval
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84t8r41n2 · 1 year
Im glad people enjoy my posts, i am soo obsessed with yellowjackets i have many more ideas in store, i would write fanfics but god my mind is not comprehensive enough for that! So i will give you my short angst, and maybe a lil happiness once n a while
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84t8r41n2 · 1 year
While in the wilderness, after Jackie died, Shauna stopped talking, she would never talk or respond to anyone. She just had her repeated sequence of actions. She would wake up, and go talk to Jackie’s body, update her like she wasnt dead. Just in a deep sleep. Nobody could find her for hours. Once nat found her laying her head on the dead Jackie’s lap. Sleeping. Natalie was freaked out but decided to say nothing. It wasn’t her place to judge or scrutinize Shauna. The next part of her schedule would be to bleed and skin anything nat and travis caught, she’d get so focused trying to take her mind off her dead best friend that sometimes she’d cut herself on accident. She’d never let anyone but tai get close to her in those times, cause even though misty had the medical experience, she only trusted tai to wrap her wounds. They’d grown closer since she found out about Shauna being pregnant. Tai makes sure to keep a close eye on Shauna. Be a friend to her, cause there will come a time that Shauna decides to end her life and tai refuses to let that happen.
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84t8r41n2 · 1 year
Some people are saying they were expecting more from episode six. This is why you're wrong about everything. Spoilers ahead, obviously.
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Losing a child in labor is one of the most horrible things that can happen to a person, in this case Shauna was 17. “They were afraid of going there”. You're wrong. They ate the baby, twice, actually. They ate it in season one and then again in season two and then it died. I don't think you understand how smart the showrunners actually are.
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The truth is, they wouldn't do that. Sure they're hungry but they're not monsters. Lottie wouldn't do that. The audience (and Shauna) thought they would do it because she was scared, and we just wanted it to happen because, what else are they supposed to do?
Shauna literally accepting for the first time that she was going to be a mother and being happy about it while actually dying from blood loss was such a masterclass in writing. They tricked the audience into believing they were going to eat the baby, only for them to actually doing such a devastating and natural scene as this was. Breaking the fourth wall with Shauna asking the audience “Can you hear him cry?” was the best conclusion for this story.
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Them eating the baby wouldn't make any sense, and in Shauna's mind that's literally what happened. And that's why this is so good.
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Quick note: I don't think you understand how desperate a person like Tai has to be to start praying to a god she doesn't even believe in. This episode was perfect.
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84t8r41n2 · 1 year
I’ve come back only to talk Abt Yellowjackets, Shauna and Jackie kissed at sleepovers in 7th grade, it was mostly just practice for when they got boyfriends but both of them secretly liked it. So they decided to keep doing it and calling it just practice. Neither of them knew the other liked it, but one day Jackie overheard her parents talking about how disgusting gay people are, and how its unnatural. So the next sleepover Jackie and Shauna had. They didn’t kiss. They stopped the whole thing, they never talked it out. It was forgotten, a buried memory. Shauna thinks of this after Jackie’s death, and regrets not telling her bestfriend how much she liked it. Regretted not talking it out.
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84t8r41n2 · 2 years
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There's a WALL of them
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84t8r41n2 · 2 years
If someone showed me some nasty ass crusty converse and a fucked up wannabe camping backpack i would immediately think of ellies gay ass 😭😭, She NEVER took them mfs off she slept with those shoes on
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84t8r41n2 · 2 years
I bet u $150 that robin, paperboy, vance, bruce and griffin were tap dancing on the grabbers body
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84t8r41n2 · 2 years
Stranger things season 4 vol.2 spoilers
Robin buckley headcanons:
Robins shoes have to be the same brand, if they arent she freaks out about the texture
She’s autistic
Robin uses she/he pronouns (dont come at me with “thats not realistic” bitch neither is a diff dimension.)
Robin hung out with max often and visits her in the hospital frequently along with lucas, erica and Eleven
Robin has a huge scar on his back from the vecna vine fight
She has attachment issues
Steve, nancy and robin all have movie nights and talk about their feelings after no matter how much robin hates it
Steve started to teach her how to drive (although she says she never will and forces steve to drive her everywhere)
Robin and nancy have “girls night” in nancy’s bedroom
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84t8r41n2 · 2 years
Caitlyn is deaf and has a hard time coping with the fact she cant communicate without her hearing aid (cause nobody not even her mum or dad have learned asl for her), vi takes notice and decides to learn how to do the hand signs for sign language (as she already understands sign language) so that they can communicate even when she doesnt have her aid.
One day Caitlyn is lying down on the couch and reading, she has no enforcer duties today so she decided to give herself a break. Speaking of break, earlier that week Caitlyn’s aid was smashed in a suspect chase. So she cant hear at all, as much as it bothers her its just how she has to live now.
Cut to vi who’s sitting in their room and going over how to say “hello, how are you, cupcake?” One more time to surprise cait, Vi knows Caitlyn’s on the couch reading so she figured its the perfect time. Vi wraps up and starts walking to the living room, she stops just behind the living room couch and taps her hand on the couch gently so cait knows its her. Two taps, Two taps for the two letters in vi’s name. Caitlyn marks her page and puts her book down. “Hello love.” Caitlyn signs as she turns to look at vi. Vi takes a deep breath, brings up her hands and signs “Hey Caitlyn.” Caits eyes go wide and she starts smiling a little while simultaneously tearing up. “Come here” is what caitlyn says. So vi comes, she sits next to her and caitlyn gives her a hug. “Thank you so much.” Is what she whispers (a bit quieter than she wanted but hey, she cant tell can she?) Vi traces the letters ‘yw’ on caits back as a response.
(I have nothing else to say, this sucks cuz my writing is rusty, sorry.)
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84t8r41n2 · 2 years
Puttin this out there, i hate the ppl who hate hate abby and say the game couldve gone on if joel lived, cuz i think the whole point of the second game was that everyone is a bad person, even if they think theyre doing good theyve all done horrible things, and non of them ever get a happy ending, joel didnt, abby didnt, ellie didnt, hell even dina didnt. The game was to show the cause and effect of others actions. I think it also shows how hard it is to break a cycle of violence and suffering, Ellie struggled but she broke the cycle by not killing abby, if she did i have no doubt that lev wouldve tried to come back to kill her.
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