evcryopeneye · 1 month
@meteoraine gets a starter
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Her chance to do what needed to be done was slipping through her fingers again, and Yuffie felt something in the centre of her chest flip. While she felt somewhat still, despite the rage, ragged breaths betrayed her. She could feel her whole body tense up, like a cat coiling up getting ready to pounce. “Oh hell no.” Her voice shook. She wasn’t going to get away again.  Yuffie was leaving here with her, or both of them in body bags. 
That was the funny thing about rage, sometimes anger at those who tried to remove every little piece of happiness out of the world fueled her. As if she had assigned herself to be some kind of counteracting force to all of that pain and horror. The rest of the time, it just made her mad. It wasn’t a feeling she liked. Sometimes it even frightened her. Then once in a blue moon, it was all she could see. 
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Yuffie was going to kill Scarlet. It was all there was to it. Without conscious thought, her legs carried her into a run, there was no plan. She didn’t even really pay much mind to the fact she had to shove past her own teammates. A hand landed on Clouds arm to deliver a shove to the side. If he wanted to leave he could. She’d deal with this. “Get back here you bitch!” A hand reached the railing, ready to leap over it and tank the four story fall on the other side. She wasn’t going to bother doing the maths to work out if she’d even be able to tank the fall never make it down there in time.
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fairlybeloved · 1 month
continued from here:
There was a momentary point where the dark look on Zack's face perfectly matched the darkness of the atmosphere outside, the threat of a torrential storm only significant because of the words he'd only just shared aloud. When the light faded after the flash of lightning, the warmth had returned, and the Zack Cloud knew best was back in place.
"Ah never-mind!" He stretched his arms up high over his head, before his hands swung to rest against his hips. He sashayed over to the window of their suite, leaning forward to try to get a better look at the surroundings through the foggy glass. Not much to be seen, but with the rumblings of thunder rolling past there was definitely plenty to hear!
"Shouldn't let a storm ruin our fleeting free time, right??" He spun to face Cloud, smiling wide. "What do you say we check things out early?? Get a feel for what we're in for out there~ If we HAPPEN to swing by for a drink or two before heading back, who will know~?"
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oakthcrn · 1 month
accepting @meteoraine sent: ❝ so if I'm honest, I think I'm beginning to question how much I want this ❞
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Lark was silent for a moment as she took a small sip of her red wine. Tifa had gone into the back to fetch something and other than her presence, the Seventh Heaven was empty.
Lark's mako hues shifted to Cloud and she studied him in a quiet survey. After all that had happened and he still wanted to bury his head in the sand?
Lark let out a soft sigh, laced with disappointment as she leaned forward.
❝ You need to figure out where you stand, Cloud. ❞ Lark replied coolly. ❝ Regardless of what you choose, SHIN-RA will come for you as it comes for us all. ❞ She twisted her stool to face him.
❝ Eventually, it will come for you. It is up to you how you want to meet them. You can flee, I suppose, and hide away in some distant forgotten land and pray you'll die before they find you as the strip the planet of its resources, or you can make a stand and fight against them in hopes we can establish something better. ❞ She paused and leaned back a bit and gazed up at the ceiling.
❝ We know the planet is alive and sentient, and we know it is angry. I know what my choice is. I rather die fighting than to hide away and hope the problem will be solved by someone else. But let me remind you, Cloud. There is no one else. ❞
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whitexdove · 1 month
@meteoraine -- a reunion starter
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he can't help clenching his jaw at the sight of the other blond. it seemed that every time they found each other, there was a confrontation of some sort. which is, admittedly, understandable, but rufus won't admit that to cloud's face. rufus secretly hopes, though, that this will be... less violent, less of a worry for himself and more of a worry for his cat.
"you're still alive." and rufus still has such a way with words.
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escortingsecrets · 1 month
‘i am aware that i have… little talent for forming friendships.’
DA Sentence Meme | Accepting
Shivan paused, hazel eyes turning to face the mako blue. His lips curled up at the statement, and he couldn't help but shake his head a little. "Don't worry about it, darling. You're not the only one." He said softly.
Before Cloud could say anything he raised a hand, finger nearly pressing against the blonde's lips. "I know, my job has me playing the social butterfly. But, none of those friendships are really genuine. It's harder, to form a real one." Shivan admitted, letting his hand fall back to his side with a low sigh, lips parted as he let the air out.
Everyone had similar thoughts- he could make friends with anyone, play it off and be their buddies. But in reality, Shivan didn't have many friends outside of work. Most of them were superficial at best, the short male putting on a different mask and attitude around whoever he was with, to fit into their circles as needed. Being himself was out of the question.
Hearing that the merc had a similar problem did help him feel a little better, and he tilted his head slightly. "What about Tifa? I do believe she's mentioned you before- you're friends with her. That's one more friend than I have." He pointed out.
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planet4546b · 2 months
its so funny the degree to which you can run the cloud meteor build between the ancient city + northern crater
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willosword · 9 months
the only thing i really really really want them to do different in the ff7 re-trilogy is to let us unlock cloud's meteorain limit break during a dramatic story beat. the fact that in og ff7 cloud inexplicably has access to magic that is a mini version of the world-ending threat we spend all game trying to prevent and no one comments on it whatsoever is SO sick and twisted
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evcryopeneye · 1 month
hc + 👪 for a family-themed headcanon // Yuffie ofc.
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Family is an odd one for Yuffie, especially as it comes to the team. She knows that calling them family is the right answer to most peoples' questions. What were these people to her? Family. There was no other word to describe it and yet she hates the term. Most families are kinda shit in her book. They either leave, they get taken away and the one person that was left behind was an asshole. She doesn’t have great qualities tied to family. Saying it just makes me brace herself, waiting for something horrible to happen. 
They’re her chosen family, and she lacks another word for it, but they are the people she always wanted…and needed. There is no judgement with them, annoyance maybe but she’s never felt small around them. Never felt less than, or stupid, or in danger. Sure sometimes she ends up in the worlds worst roller coaster and she will curse them out for an hour before, or they end up in a spooky cave she hates. In among all of that she never felt unsafe from them. 
Maybe she’ll be able to openly use the word one day and come to terms with all of that, but it’s not going to be soon. Instead of words Yuffie likes to show her loyalty. Regardless of her mental gymnastics over her feelings, she really does hope they know she would do do anything for them, go down with the ship or walk into hell and back.
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oakthcrn · 1 month
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
the salty af munday meme
accepting @meteoraine
Okay so this might get me a little bit of hate, but rules passwords. For the most part, everyone's rules are generally the same. Don't god mod, don't be a dick etc etc. Having to give a password just to RP with you seems detrimental to communication and building rapport. It's like giving VIP club vibes, and I'm just not about it. RP with me or don't. Trust me in reading your rules or don't. I don't like jumping through hoops to just to rp with someone.
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elder-dragon-93 · 1 year
Headcanon Theatre: Brawler Angeal
Hello, and welcome to a thing I’ve decided to give a name to; Headcanon Theatre. Why is it called that? Because I’m extra as fuck. Today will introduce the first of my many, many FFVII headcanons, which is also one of the tamer/less involved ones. (Trust me, they will get more intricate as we go along.)
So, Brawler Angeal. This is one I’ve gotten quite attached to recently, though I’ve had thought about it for a few years now. Basically, I think Angeal is more of a hand-to-hand combatant that only really uses swords when fists would be impractical, such as when fighting a guy with a ridiculously long nodachi. Why do I think this? Two (admittedly small) pieces of evidence.
First: this scene
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Second: Zack’s DMW/Limit Break, Rush Assault, which is the Limit Break associated with Angeal. Now, from a gameplay standpoint it’s supposed to mimic one of Tifa’s Limit Breaks, Beat Rush, but in universe we know that Zack is somehow copying Limit Breaks from the people he’s connected to (a source of it’s own headcanon). We know this because we see his Limit Breaks Octoslash and Apocalypse being used by Sephiroth and Genesis respectively in their boss fights, and Healing Wave and Meteor Shots are basically Aerith’s Healing Wind and Cloud’s Meteorain. So, it stands to reason that Rush Assault (or something very similar) is Angeal’s Limit Break, and from what I’ve seen of FFVII Limit Breaks they generally follow a theme involving the person’s fighting style and personality. Ergo, Angeal fights with his fists most of the time.
Now, why is Angeal so often using a sword in the game if he prefers hand-to-hand? Two possible reasons. 
First reason; like I said above, there would be some combat situations where hand-to-hand would be impractical, like when fighting an opponent with a long reach. “But Dragon, Tifa fight’s opponents like that all the time.” Yeah, well 1.) Tifa usually isn’t fighting alone (at least in OG), and 2.) Tifa is much smaller than Angeal and can more easily dodge and get past people’s guards. Now
Second reason: Shinra want’s all it’s SOLDIERs to fit into a specific mold. Namely, swordsmen with very big swords. Oh, SOLDIERs will get some training in hand-to-hand, but they all need to have those nice swords for all the group shots. Plus swords leave a “less messy” corpse behind.
So, yeah. Angeal is a secret Brawler. And this could give a kinda backwards reason why Angeal carries Buster around with him at all times despite never using it. He felt so bad about his Dad spending all that money on a heavy duty sword when Angeal prefers hand-to-hand that he carries it around out of guilt, even though it would make way more sense to keep it in a display case if he really wanted to prevent wear, tear, and rust.
Oh... and it could also tie into that really obscure theory that the Remnants are supposed to represent Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal... I guess... (I’m sorry. It’s a cool theory, and it could make for some interesting fan fics, but I really do not think that was the developers intention when making any of these characters. Especially when it’s stated that Seph jettisoned most of his memories in order to keep himself from being absorbed into the Lifestream.)
Anyway, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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card-of-the-day · 2 years
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Today's Card Is: Meteorain
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YGO AU Leviathan Rising
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Yami Yugi and Kaiba learn about Dartz’s past with Leviathan.
Chapter 19 The Heavy Hand
The duel began and both Kaiba and Yami Yugi managed to summon their ace monsters; Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and Black Lustier Solider to field in one turn. On Dartz's turn he activated the seal of Orichalcos boosting his bloodlust along with his monsters powers. Leviathan could feel the darkness growing in Dartz and it pleased him, he watched Dartz summon Orichalcos Gigas and Kyutora to the field. Yami Yugi and Kaiba both managed to summon their ultimate fused monster Master Dragon Knight with 5000 attack points along with the trap card Meteorain they where now guaranteed victory on this turn alone.
“Take this, Dartz! Galaxy Crusher!” Both Kaiba and Yami Yugi shouted together as their monster let lose it's ultimate attack upon him. Orichalcos Gigas was destroyed instantly but Orichalcos Kyutora seemed to remain on the field blocking the monsters attack effortlessly. Dartz was grinning and said “Nameless Pharaoh and Seto, You'll never defeat me.”
A blinding light filled the room and both Kaiba and Yami Yugi where pulled into it; when they opened their eyes they where now floating in space just above the earth, still within the seal of Orichalcos along side Dartz. Dartz explained that their attack interacted with the Orichalcos power and transported them into the Orichalcos' world of memories. He told them that everything came form darkness, the world, humans all of it. And that the world was heading towards darkness and demise, as time passes all human hearts would be covered in darkness.
Levi soon appeared beside Dartz making Yami Yugi glare at him but Levi ignored him as he watched the world below them grow closer.
“This planet is beautiful and unique, an absolute miracle that it even exists...yet you cannot hear it's sorrow...” Leviathan's voice was low and sombre.
“The planet's sorrow?” Yami yugi asked.
Past the clouds they could now see a great city sitting in the middle of the ocean; and ancient city with greenery and flowing water, Atlantis. Dartz watched as they came closer to the city he once ruled, the one he destroyed.  Dartz began to tell them of the tragedy that befell Atlantis, he told them of how long ago before he was king that people worked with the spirits of the land and together they build the fruitful city that lived in harmony with nature. But one day a giant black dragon emerged form the earth and swallowed the sun, stones fell form the sky that created the Orichalcos. A gift form the earth that humanity used to advance their industry, medicine, energy, and technology.
Levi watched in disdain as the world that was once green and healthy soon become cold and industrial, his fists tightened slightly as Dartz continued.
“By the time I became king, Atlantis was an advanced civilization. But neither I nor my father Ironheart realized, that our peoples hearts were beginning to rot , slowly and quietly.”
Yami Yugi then realized Dartz and Ironheart where father and son and that the Orichalcos was rotting people's hearts. An environment that fuels greed will also grow the darkness in people's hearts. Just like in today's society with the world becoming more materialistic forgetting about the blessing spirits and land once gave humanity for the sake of convenience. Humans have lost the creativity to see the truth and feel emotions.
“Humans are the cruellest creatures on earth.” Leviathan glared at both Kaiba and Yami Yugi.
They watched people in the streets started to change; becoming monsters that attacked and killed with no remorse, even Dartz's wife Iore changed into a monster before his eyes and he was forced to kill her too. The city was in chaos, screams of horror and fear as fires started to burn all around, the water now ran red with blood as Dartz watched in shock and confusion.
Behind him he felt a great pulse of power hit him; he turned to the fountain that was now glowing bright green, Dartz walked into the water reaching down and pulling out a large green stone, the Orichlcos stone. He could feel his heart was pounding in his chest as the stone started to glow, soon he was pulled into space and flung forward before stopping just in front of the earth. He saw as darkness started to collect into one spot. He understood that the Orichalcos wasn't a miracle substance, it amplified the darkness in peoples hearts to create a new life form. It was a cursed substance created by the planet to test humans, the darkness in peoples hearts destroys them and Atlantis...humanity failed.
Ironheart told Dartz to get rid of the Orichalcos but Dartz knew it was already too late. Even if they got rid of the Orichalcos now the darkness was too strong, humans would never find the light again. The only solution was to call forth the God of the Orichalcos to destroy the rotten and create new humans. Dartz then summoned his Orichalcos soldiers who surrounded Chris and Ironheart with the intent to capture their souls, he'd need many to summon Leviathan. With his army now raised he vowed to summon the new god into the world.
Levi watched and smiled as he saw Yami Yugi looked up at him still angry before his attention was brought back to Ironheart, Chris and Sunny who managed to escape. In a cave which connected to the spirit world they called for help from the three legendary dragons; together they fought in a battle against Dartz's and his army but it didn't end favourable for them. This was the battle Yami Yugi witnessed in the rock wasteland. Before Ironheart died he sealed the portal to the spirit world and any lingering spirits where left to roam the world.
“I've been waiting 10,00 long years, but the world is still corrupt and humans keep making the same mistakes! I'm close to reviving the god of the Orichalcos. He will destroy this world and duel monsters world!” Dartz declared only for Kaiba to point out that he'd already failed since Master of Dragon Knight's attack has already dropped his life points to zero.
Dartz only chuckled as the blighting light returned sending them all back to their point of origin; standing in the room of captured souls, Levi on his throne watching as the group outside of the seal saw the 4 of them return. Kaiba then realized Dartz's life points where the same as before their attack, he explained it was due to his Orichalcos Kyutora's effect which reduces battle damage form monsters to zero.
“He he I hope you both enjoyed that little history lesson, since you're all doomed to repeat it.” Levi chuckled as the duelists both glared up towards him.
The battle continued as Dartz now activated his second seal Orichalcos Deuteros creating a second seal around them. The second seal granted Dartz the added effect of gaining 500 life points for every monster on his side of the field. It didn't take long for the duel to fall into Dartz's favour; Orichalcos Gigas was gaining more attack point each time it was destroyed, Orichalcos Kyutora absorbing any battle damage he'd face and with the second seal also protecting him from direct attacks like Kaiba's Reflect Energy magic card. Sending said attack back towards their monster, Yami Yugi used Defusion to separate their monster and save them from the attack.
Dartz seemed to be unstoppable, especially once he summoned his mirror knight calling to the field which in turn called 4 armoured mirror knight tokens to the field. All 4 where boosted with the seals power, in their shields reflected both a monster and a duelists life points which gave them their attack points. Each knight attacked destroying Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Black Luster Solider and damaging their life points with a direct attack.
Levi was enjoying watching them squirm; he knew it wouldn't be too long before they lost and he had their souls. Yugi would soon be his and his alone, he leaned back and drummed his claws on the thrones arm rest. He was excited to see them lose, but his excitement soon turned to shock when the effect of Kaiba's Ring of Destruction took out Mirror Knight Calling thus removing the mirror knights invincible shield protection.
Their helmets began to crack and fell to the ground revealing the faces of the captured souls of Yugi, Joey, Mai, and Pegasus. Everyone was in shock especially Leviathan who glared at Dartz, his golden eyes narrowed and his teeth gritted.
//Dartz! What the hell do you think you're doing with my vessel?// Levi communicated with Dartz in his mind who responded.
//Do not worry Master, no harm will come to you I'm merely using lost fragments of the boy's soul, this will not effect you at all.//
Dartz looked over to Yami Yugi who was of course distraught at the sight of his friends now being used as pawns in their duel.
//You see Master? He will not attack the vessel if he believes he is in danger, this will steer his hand and allow me to win!//
Dartz then commanded Mirror Knight Yugi to attack Yami Yugi, but the mirror knight seemed to struggle against him using all his will power to keep himself form moving.
“Ah I see you still have the power to resist me? Well we'll see how long your bond lasts...” Dartz grinned again.
Levi was furious; not only was a part of Yugi now in danger but it seems like even now Yugi still holds a bond to the Pharaoh. Leviathan dug his claws into the throne's arm rest even harder making it crack and break.
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dvouhr · 7 months
I archived my primary Cloud blog - that's an older blog from like 2017. New blog, new me, it's bare, but if anyone is into any cross-over play meteoraine
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willosword · 9 months
why does zack get meteor shots in ever crisis -_- like u will NEVER be meteorain
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gadgetflow · 1 year
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BARANI Wireless MeteoRain rain gauge can handle extreme conditions and hobbyist use - https://thegadgetflow.com/portfolio/barani-wireless-meteorain-rain-gauge-can-handle-extreme-conditions-and-hobbyist-use/
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tmma1869 · 6 years
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A few hours ago or maybe yesterday I said I was salty not getting it, and then all it took was 5000 gems to finally get it. :3 R.I.P. all the Draw Tickets I wasted though ^^;
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Behold my almost OP Cloud (3 more Crystal Levels to go), feel free to follow me... and writing that quote is intentional (again it was thanks to Takahiro Sakurai), I'm freaking glad it fits the 30-character limit XD
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