"I am Emmet. I have noticed a pattern. The drone goes in cycles. I fight five waves of enemies. It moves. I rest. The fighting starts again."
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How frustrating, that the thing seemingly responsible for your endless cycle of battle is also the only thing keeping you alive. Every time he leaves to scavenge parts from the map, the void seems to hurt worse. Like it's building up over time, digging deeper and deeper the longer he's exposed.
It's probably for the best he doesn't think about that.
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lingermylingen · 2 years
tyme (from pkmn sv) reminded me of my highschool maths teacher. a person who got me through advanced math in my last two years (which I was forced into despite my inability to *do* most maths without a lot of assistance) and encouraged my non math hobbies and helped me see how they related and would walk me through excersises and tell me it was okay that I found it difficult and helped me write my threes the right way round.
Like I still cried over the state issue homework workbook being stupid hard for me in all five years with him but he helped alleviate some of the stress of being *in* class and often gave me easier sheets to do on the same field of maths and graded me as though they were the hard ones.
I can only really appreciate it now but he kinda gamed the system on my behalf and I might be stupid now and even worse at reading numbers than I was back then and only have a vague concept of numbers but I can kinda do calculator assisted budgeting without breaking down.
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aquariusxiv · 16 days
Laptop repairs complete, in transit. So should be done soon.
Better have no more problems from here on out. I wanna play Guild Wars 1 again D:
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ocdhuacheng · 1 month
Taking a quantum diagnostic test and I literally have skipped every single question so far bc I remember like none of this
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bizlybebo · 1 month
You get to experience my evil thoughts here
Brain cooked up something dastardly a couple days ago. What if. What if William did breath in the amnesia gas heart attack stuff, whether on purpose or by accident?
I don’t think he would’ve died, but the implications of what might happen afterwards with David are sticking in my brain
Would he just, drop him off somewhere? Bring him somewhere safe within Belltech? How would he have managed Vyncent, since Vyncent saw all of his crimes (and would likely be harder to manipulate, in his mind at least.)
And another thing that could tie into this- what if David found out about the Mexhanical heart? Something that can give any normal human powers?
There are many fucked up implications for that and I’m not sure if I actually wanna think about all of them at once
DUDDEEE. oh fuck oh my god
see vyncent is william's best friend but david is wlliam's brother, even if they're pretty estranged, and so i don't think david would just wanna let william Go out into the world again with him in that state and with vyncent still knowing the Truth, cause who knows what he'd do and say or if he'd tell any heroes etc., and so it'd basically be belltech vs. vyncent if vyncent wanted to grab william and go. basically an impossible battle, and so vyncent would probably have to end up staying and complying or being thrown out without william and god knows what would happen to him in there if vyncent wasn't there. so david basically would hold william over vyncent's head and that would be so terrifying OUAGHHH
and then when william woke up and he Didn't remember, what would david tell him?? what would vyncent tell him??? FUCKKk
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animaticaskblog · 5 months
wait what if i made a orange and blue animatic and named him fountain. like after fountain pens. maybe. or lead after freaking mexhanical pencil lead i love both of thoseuhh umm writing utensils. writing instruments idk
(go right ahead lol! sounds like a fun guy!!(
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years
I havent played pomemon black an white but I th bink n is a really itneresting character cuz I thibk his thing is he bekueves humans and pimemons hould be sperated and rhat battling with pokemon (the core mexhanic of the series) is abusive and he wants to stop all of that but he wants toncompeltely speeate them from humans altoether . thiugh battling isnt neccesarily bad for the pokemon in thenpokemom universe and trianers nromally have really strong bonds eith their pokemon poke.on and honestly it feels like pokemon abttling is improtsnt in pokemon culture. and pokemon and humans generally helpe eachother roo like in ookemon legends arceus the pikemon help with like farming and lalso in mordenr daybpokemon there dlike rotom phones (rotom are.poemkon that can go inside electronics)
also I think n is being taken axvantage of in the game ? he has good intentions but his goals are tksing it to the ectreme.and I think hes resly interesting. aslo because hisbcharacter deisgn
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penny-nichols · 2 months
I got to the ghost puzzles section and I thought it was gonna be like. bonus levels unconnected to the main story but playing with the ghost mexhanics for funsies but no its my ultimate enemy. THOSE FUCKING SLIDER PUZZLES.
I know theres a technique and I have to look it up any time and I hate them theyre my enemy. Im gonna do them because theres an achievement and I'll be damned if I let it taunt me and then I can unlock some cool art but I am a certified slide puzzle hater
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nnn-lll-nnn · 11 months
Repoet•45 Gifeve Dash Onr
</>Goliath this is Visor2-2, Report 5-1 fo2wlfnwhak Lalo Bavkkal okalvok'hyn ervarmfjNdb</>
</>Visor 2-2 this is GolaiThsbbsbn Snend it Over.HYn###</>
</>Line Victor; fOve Fife personnel, Line Whiskey; 0345Zulu, 634-439, 45 personnel, Line X-ray, two front vColumns of armor, /break/</>
</>Line Yankee; 0350 ZULI, NA650423, two mexhanized Sections in the ppNe ohhoW copy so far over?</>
</>Roger copy all, say again Line Yankee over?</>
</>roGer I say again, Line Yankee, Line Yankee, 0-3-5-0 ZULU, NOVEMBER AMlphAhybn siX FIFE ZEROBN, FAOUR TWO TREE, /break/, ZERO TWO, mechanized Sierra Charlie Tango Novembers, in the open, I repeat, in the Opppn over.</>
</>Solid copy continue, over.</>
</>Copy wolcoRxnttyhn###########nnnnn Llmn hyn Kiloena goertz hyng Hhab akikwl l;/br eal0/ Line Alphàd; 2-0 KLMNs, fife two tree, zero six niner, Line Bravo; November Alpha 921928, tree mechanized infantry colluMbs of obvhynreirhyn.</>
</>Solid copy... /break/</>
</>Do you have any remarks, over?</>
</k></>Negatorytyhncvkckvhyn, no remarks to report, over.</>
</>Roger, will relay, l;/break/, continue reporting at least on line every 3-0 mikes, this is bajBajn. 926#;###8#(#?!№ out.</>
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hopeheartfilia · 2 years
i was like "if youre looking for medieval books i suggest you try the church - they often provided the highest education one could get" and now main has joined the church
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wayfarerxiii · 4 years
Big F in the chat for the Tenno who hadn't learned how to use a glaive weapon and then where forced to use the weapon for one annoying, spamming, time-altering boss fight
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erebugs · 5 years
I’ll Im going to say is,, if you were one of the people that liked the last 5 minutes of episode 160 you should listen to the mechanisms
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house-of-wack · 5 years
((Guys with Ellis being Tony Stark now bc I've decided is Keith Rhodey? Are Paul and Dave AIs? Bro.
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irradiatedsnakes · 5 years
okay so once upon a time in space has like, bops, songs you can run and bounce around a room to, but bifrost has songs that are less physical but just Wonderful to listen to. just spectacular
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