Something about me is that at least once while watching any kind of period film or show I will leap out of my seat and exclaim "THE MAUGHAN!" at the sight of my favorite building in the world
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challiscapitalweb · 8 months
Navigating Financial Challenges with Challis Capital Workout Solutions
In the ever-evolving landscape of finance and business, organizations may encounter unforeseen challenges that demand strategic solutions. Challis Capital, a prominent player in the financial services sector, offers a comprehensive suite of Workout Solutions designed to assist businesses in navigating financial complexities. In this article, we will delve into the offerings and advantages of Challis Capital's Workout Solutions, exploring how they can be instrumental in overcoming financial hurdles.
Understanding Challis Capital's Workout Solutions:
Challis Capital's Workout Solutions are tailored financial strategies aimed at helping businesses manage and recover from financial distress. Whether a company is facing liquidity issues, debt restructuring challenges, or other financial setbacks, these solutions are crafted to provide a path forward, promoting stability and sustainable growth.
Key Components of Workout Solutions:
Debt Restructuring:
Challis Capital specializes in designing effective debt restructuring plans. This involves renegotiating and reorganizing existing debt obligations to create a more manageable and sustainable financial structure for the business. This can include extending loan terms, adjusting interest rates, or negotiating with creditors to achieve a more favorable outcome.
Asset Optimization:
Workout Solutions also involve assessing and optimizing the use of assets within a business. By strategically managing assets, companies can enhance liquidity, reduce operational costs, and improve overall financial health.
Turnaround Management:
When a business is facing operational challenges, Challis Capital's Workout Solutions provide turnaround management strategies. This involves a comprehensive review of the organization's operations and implementing targeted changes to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve profitability.
Cash Flow Management:
Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Challis Capital assists businesses in developing robust cash flow management strategies to ensure the consistent availability of funds for day-to-day operations and future growth initiatives.
Special Situation Financing:
In unique or challenging financial situations, Challis Capital provides specialized financing solutions. This may include bridge financing, mezzanine financing, or other innovative financial structures tailored to the specific needs of the business.
Benefits of Choosing Challis Capital Workout Solutions:
Tailored Approach:
Challis Capital understands that each business is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Their Workout Solutions are customized to address the specific challenges and goals of each client, ensuring a tailored approach that maximizes effectiveness.
Industry Expertise:
With a team of experienced professionals and a deep understanding of various industries, Challis Capital brings unparalleled expertise to the table. This industry knowledge allows them to navigate complex financial scenarios and provide insightful solutions.
Strategic Guidance:
Beyond providing financial solutions, Challis Capital serves as a strategic partner, offering guidance and support throughout the entire process. This collaborative approach fosters a strong client-advisor relationship, essential for achieving long-term financial success.
Challis Capital's Workout Solutions stand as a beacon of support for businesses facing financial challenges. With a commitment to innovation, a tailored approach, and a focus on client success, Challis Capital is well-positioned to guide organizations through periods of financial uncertainty, helping them emerge stronger and more resilient. For businesses in need of strategic financial solutions, Challis Capital proves to be a trusted ally in the journey toward financial recovery and sustained growth.
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Everyone suspicious of Maxo and its just his cucurucho antics from yesterday that glitched, plus they can change their ign guys 😭😭 Antoine did before so ppl would stop calling him mezanine
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lamyaasfaraini · 10 months
Omah Bumi & Tempo Gelato
Ngayogyakarta Day 1, Part 2
Adikku si selera tinggi, apa2 kudu estetik. Dari fashun utk dia sendiri, dia tau how to mix n match, pengambilan gambar alias foto2 dia tau spot bagus dan kudu simetris apalagi kalo dah nyuruh fotoin, beuh dikoresksi mulu "teh kurang tengah, teh itu kaki kepotong, teh miring deh". Sampe akhirnya berkat dia lama2 aku sedikit mahir lah hahaha.
Milih guesthouse dan hotel pun kudu riset dulu yg estetik. Super sih dia layak jadi EO, segala macem dia cari tau sampe war tiket kereta di traveloka katanya harusnya bisa lebih murah (dikit) wkwk. Ditengah2 anaknya yg sering tantrum adikku ngebelain searching smua muanyaaa. Hebat adik! Yu bisa yu buka bisnis open trip wkwk.
Omah Bumi, jl. Golo, jogja. Sengaja milih utk 4 org tp extrabed nambah 2, taunya cuma ada 1 huft. Bentukan roomnya mezanin gt, ada lantai 2 utk tmpt tidur dan jg di bawah.
Enakeun tempatnya kaaan~
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Naro2 barang dulu. Istirahat sebentar.. Nemo msh lemes, obat msh ttp diminum, ayahnya ngebeliin obat asma yg rekomenin adik iparku taunya ngga ada jd apotekernya rekomenin yg lain, eeh taunya itu obat yg sedang dikonsumsi nemo skrg wkwk bodor ah. Ngasih minum anak obat tp gatau merknya, samaaa kujuga gatau!
Siap2 lagi sekitar jam 4an lebih order grab car kita ke..
First stop, Tempo Gelato!
Uuuuu yummyyyyy.. Nemo makan eskrim lg batuk tp malah ini yg bisa bikin dia cenghar akhirnya bisa kembali ceria diaaa. Tiap saat aku berdoa sakitnya membaik kasian bgt ngga enjoy huhu
Look at these colours, so colourful~
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Aku order pake cone, itu paling kiri flavournya choco mint + caramel mix fruit.. Creamy2 tp ttp dpt segernya yakan. Ibu order coffee+vanilla. Adik krn ponakanku selera eskrimnya buah bukan susu jd order raspberry+pineapple. Anakku milih sendiri blueberry+raspberry pdhl dia sukanya creamy susu tp lg pgn buah2an kali yaa.
Biasalah playing tourist yakan.. Foto2 dulu yang banyak wkwkwk. Btw kita sehati bgt nih day 1 matching color bajunya. Pure ngga sengaja, krn kita sengaja kompakan baju di day 3 wkwk emg dasar sehati, sering terjadi wkt lebaran jg gitu, ngga jrg kompak padahal ngga janjian. Begitu kalo udah seselera kali yah. Kami pake nuansa biru pastel/blue jeans dan putih hihi
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Alhamdulillah nemo berangsur lebih ceriaaaa huhu. Happy bgt makan eskrim, makin sehat ya nak. Alhamdulillah msh bisa ngumpul dan liburan keluarga yg jrg terjadi. Mudah2an sehat selalu, rejekinya banyak, diberi umur jg. Kata bapak next hayu Malang! Hahaha aamiinn.
Next, Golden Geisha ramen di postingan selanjutnya karena aku deskripsiinnya bakalan bct bgt saking enaknya hahahaha.
Tag @sagarmatha13
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🎭🎼 Teatro Musical: “¡AY! ¿QUÉ SERÁ DE MÍ?” 💃💽💿🕺
✍️ Dramaturgia: Diego Lombardi
💥 Argumento: Paco, exitoso guionista de películas en Hollywood, regresa a Lima por un fin de semana y se reúne con su grupo de amigos de toda la vida para recordar y cantar sus canciones favoritas de cuando tenían veinte. Pero las mentiras tienen patas cortas y esa inocente reunión terminará sacando a la luz secretos que cambiarán la vida de todos. La puesta en escena es un musical con canciones de Hombres G (España), interpetadas por una banda en vivo que los hará vibrar con canciones del reconocido grupo.🎙️🎸🎹🥁
🥳 La felicidad real radica en vivir en libertad y se puede conseguir siendo sincero con uno mismo y con los demás; así los personajes deben confrontar sus mentiras y, a partir de ese momento, la vida puede comenzar otra vez. Se plantean dos universos: el real, en el que la acción ocurre con un estilo naturalista, y el del musical, que se suscita por momentos en la imaginación de los personajes. Estos dos se van mimetizando hasta que se convierten en uno solo.
👥 Elenco: Marco Zunino, Emilia Drago, Nicolás Galindo, Daniela Camaiora, Tati Alcántara, Miguel Alvarez y Sebastian Stimman.
📢 Dirección: Diego Lombardi
🎵 Música: Jorge Miranda (Awelo)
© Producción: Ahora o Nunca.
💪 Apoyo: PlazaVea, Scotiabank, Movistar y Oxígeno.
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📌 TEMPORADA: Del 26 de Setiembre al 21 de Octubre
📆 Funciones: Jueves a Sábados 🕗 8:30pm. / Domingos 🕖 7:00pm.
🏪 Teatro Nos PUCP  (av. Camino Real 1037 - San Isidro)
🎯 Entradas:
🎫 Zona Vip:  S/.150
🎟 Platea: S/ 90
🎟️ Mezanine: S/.40
🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/events/theater/lima-ay-que-sera-de-mi-63398
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presentecronologia · 2 months
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2005-Tras una larga espera, llega a Tijuana Aviador Dro. El show es en el Mezanine de El Foro.
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jasapendiriannibcvpt1 · 3 months
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0812-2999-5779 - Terima Beres, Pembisnis, Misal mau bangun bisnis, emang ga gampang, pasti banyaaak cobaan dan resikonya. Ada resiko kecil sampe gede yg bisa bikin bisnismu gagal
Ada nih satu lagi yang bikin bisnis mu kurang lengkap kalau gak ada legalitasnya!!
Yuk Follow
Instagram : @popjasaofficial Facebook : Pop Jasa Tiktok : popjasa_official Website : www.popjasa.id Youtube : @popjasaofficial No. Telp : 0812 2999 5779 Office : Ruko Mezanine Blok A No. 25 (Jl. Nginden Semolo, Kel. Nginden Jangkungan, Kec. Sukolilo, Kota Surabaya Jawa Timur
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Degree Show Proposal
For the degree show I'm looking to progress with a theme of connectivity that isn't confined to just the second floor mezanine. I want to create an array of concrete slabs, ranging in scale, arranged in different areas of the college building; including outside with detailed health and safety measures and risk assessmnets taken before the show. I want to allow the option for viewers to actiely stand on the work. I want to rid the idea of there being something stopping you from fully connecting with the work and instead promote connection on a deeper level.
By allowing the viewer to fully engage with the work I opne myself up to the possibility that some slabs could potentially crack or break. To try and take away from this fear I will deliberately break a few of the slabs.
Some of my slabs (larger ones) will potentially be hollowed out with polystyrene to still give the idea of conrete, however it means they are easier to handle during install. The smaller works will be made form 100% concrete.
The idea of having my work in different areasallows the audience to go on a journey and experience the work in different settings and conditions. By having my first made work outside for example it gives the idea of the passage of time, allowing the elements to change the slabs in a very natural, automatic way. I personally find this idea beautiful and feel that it allows my work to have a deeper connection to nature adding depth to this concept.
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ambuschool · 4 months
A Week In Bali
Sedari awal aku emang udh lumayan over thinking banget sama masalah kosan karena gue punya standar dan harapan yg besar sm kosan karena emang bener2 jadi penyokong kehidupan kita banget, kan. Gue mau Hannah tetep nyaman selama gak ada ibunya, punya play space yang lumayan (apalagi kl ada kolam renangnya itu udh sgt oke krn dia bs menghabiskan tenaga disana setiap hari, hahaha), terus yg terpenting juga, tempat tidur antara suami dan pengasuhnya Hannah juga jangan digabung krn pasti gak nyaman dan gak ahsan untuk sesama mereka. Dan alhamdulillah Allah ijabah dengan tipe kamar yg mezanine yg emg dari pas di Jakarta udh ku incer banget. Alhamdulillah tsumma alhamdulillah.
So, besides the kosan yg super alhamdulillah sesuai ekspektasi (plus ada dapur bersama jadi bisa masak juga! Hemat-hemat , ceu) i would like to reflect my pre departure training journey kali, ya.
Menurut gue, Australia Awards were very thoughtful of arranging this pre departure training! Menurut gue hampir setiap aspek persiapan kita untuk masuk kampus dipikirkan! Kita dapat briefing mulai dari cara ngisi visa, cara ngisi surat appointment untuk medical check up, ngejelasin GEDSI awareness, bahkan selama 6 minggu training ini, ternyata objective-nya adalah agar kami semua bisa menulis secara akademik (output-nya bikin paper 5 halaman-ish) dan juga bisa presentasi ilmiah dengan baik (output-nya poster presentation gitu).
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Hal yg menurut gue sgt.. wow?! Krn jujur kayanya beasiswa sebelah gak sekomprehensif ini mempersiapkan awardee-nya! Tapiiiii.. sebenernya wajar aja AAS udh se-prepare ini soalnya usia beasiswa mereka udh 70 tahun coy!!! Kl selama 70 tahun ini kualitas mereka masih sama kek beasiswa sebelah ya aneh bgt sih jujurrrrrr.
Dan saking detailnya penjelasan step by step mereka, gue merasa kuliah di bulan januari nanti masih jauuuhhhhhhh bgt :”) padahal kl dihitung waktu cm tinggal 3 bulan lagi, tp krn stepnya masih banyak dan panjang jadi kaya “haaaah ini tahap pertama dari segala uneasy yg akan lo hadapi di dunia master nanti coyyy” every end is another beginning, ya gak sihh? Mungkin this is the end of my scholarship hunting, but this is the new journey to become a master student.
Kek abis ini masih harus fiksasi kampus dan jurusan - di review dan di approve sm panel - terus nanti kedutaan ngedaftarin ke sistem uni - nunggu uni bales apakah di reject/unconditional/conditional - kl reject diproses ke uni kedua tapi kl unconditional langsung keluar DFAT contract - urus OSHC (asuransi kesehatan) - urus visa - urus travel ke oz - kalau lo punya keluarga lo harus nunggu visa student keluar - izin ke uni - uni approve baru proses medcek anak dan suami - hasil medcek digunakan untuk mengajukan visa dan OSHC - cari duit buat OSHC dan jaminan - terbang ke Oz wkwkwkwkwkwk
In between that, ya harus siap2 jual barang - pindahan barang jugaa!! Wk :”) ya gitu deh. Pah ini mana refleksinya malah cerita yg akan mendatang. Yaa gitu lah.
Selama seminggu ini ngerasa seneng bgt bisa belajar formal lagi dengan dosen fasilitator yang asik! Kenalan sm org baru, berasa blm punya anak! Wkwkwk!! Capeeekkkk bangett sih jujur krn bener2 dari jam 8-16 fullllll, sampe rumah tuh capek krn udh lama juga gk travel setiap hari kan, trs smp rumah tuh masih suka ada PR atau kerjaan ya ofkors 😭😭😭 jadi kaya minggu ini gue juga sedang meraba-raba dan merasa-rasa, gimana pembagian waktu antara belajar, mengasuh Hannah dan bekerja :”) capeeek bgtt tp yaaAllah semoga Allah ridho krn semua yg dikerjakan dlm rangka kebaikan sesungguhnya :”)
Jujur ini proyek buku jadi agak hhhh bisa gak yaa tp bismillah semoga Allah mampukan dan kuatkaan :”) bismillah semoga pekan depan data kuantitatif udh selesai dan bisa move ke pengumpulan data kualitatif :”) yaa Allah hanya padaMu kami memohon dan meminta pertolongan yaaAllah semoga bisa selesai tepat waktu bukunya karena yaaAllah aku BU bgt juga!! Wkwkkw kemarin bayar kosan aja pinjem uang tabungan Hamka 😭😭😭😭😭 yaaAllah bimbinglah kamii untuk mengolah data dan menuliskannya! Mudahkanlaah yaaAllah! Mudahkaan! Aamiinn yaa rabbal alamiinn!!
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Mezanine by YASAI SHOP feat. KAFU
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rise-in-exile · 5 months
17 April 2024
I trained back and biceps this evening. Not exactly Hyrox specific training but just muscle activation, good old fashioned hypertrophy, putting the muscle under stress. Followed by a 150kg sled pull for 5 rounds.
I'm really starting to enjoy training again. A lot of it is because I have a training partner but I'm also very aware it's because I have a goal in mind.
The gym I've been training at lately, I always had a bunch of anxiety around it because it's fucking massive and full of equipment I don't know how to use and the equipment I do know how to use is buried amongst it. It also tends to be a very busy gym. They've recently built mezanines within the gym so it's spaced over 2 floors and invested a lot of money so even when it's busy, it actually feels quite quiet.
There's no perfect time for anything, the important thing is you turn up and do whatever needs doing.
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inprimalinie · 6 months
Eroul de la Crocus City Hall: a dezarmat un terorist și a salvat zeci, poate sute de oameni
Jurnaliștii au găsit un erou care a dezarmat un terorist și a salvat zeci (poate sute) de oameni. Georgiana Arsene Din fericire, acesta a supraviețuit și este bine. Tânărul a povestit cum a fost. Trei s-au dus la mezanin, iar al patrulea a ieșit din coborâre. L-am văzut lângă paravan. Înainte de asta împușcase oameni cu sânge rece. Eram cu soția mea, am văzut teroarea sălbatică din ochii ei și…
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super-maracaes · 7 months
Edificio Cronos, San José.
El Edificio Cronos se ubica en Avenida Central, Calles 1 y 3 (diagonal a la Plaza de la Cultura). Conformado por seis pisos, más sótano y mezanine. Es un edificio apto para oficinas, ideal para empresas o instituciones del estado, por su ubicación estratégica, con acceso por servicios públicos de transporte. Su arquitecto fue el señor Adrián Guzmán. Continue reading Edificio Cronos, San José.
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garistanganadv · 9 months
Terbesar!! Distributor harga decking kayu ulin bogor, WA 0851-5711-1034, BLADO
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KLIK : https://wa.me/6285157111034 ,Perkenalkan kami dari Raja Decking Flooring Terbesar di Indonesia, siap melayani dan memberikan pelayan yang terbaik, meliputi : Decking Lantai (Pool deck), Lambersering (Plafond), Kisi-kisi (Fasad), Pintu, Pagar, Mezanine, Bahan kayu saja juga bisa, Kayu bangunan. Beberapa Bahan yang kami Pakai Kayu bengkirai, Kayu merbau, Kayu ulin, Kayu meranti, Kayu kruwing, Kayu kamper. Melayani Luar Jawa Dimanapun anda berada, Kami adalah Raja Decking Flooring dengan kualitas bahan terbaik. Kami mengedepankan detail pengerjaan, Produk kami dikerjakan oleh para tenaga berpengalaman di bidangnya. Kayu pilihan yang diproduksi secara khusus dengan kualitas terbaik. silahkan langsung hub i Kami jangan ditunda agar tidak menyesal. Ruko Citra Podo Blok C5 Ds. Podo, Kec. Kedungwuni, Kab. Pekalongan (Jawa Tengah) Admin 0851-5711-1034
#kayu #lantai #wood #homedecor #indonesia #flooring #jati #arsitek #furniture #kontraktor #mebel #rumah #jakarta #texmura #interior #blinds #design #homedecorlovers #jepara #building #bali #seamless #hotel #spraymop #apartemen #desainrumahunik #decoration #modern #minimalis #onlineshopbandaaceh, #kayu #lantai #wood #homedecor #indonesia
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ceyizpaketleriniz · 9 months
En Kaliteli Raf Sistemleri
İşletmelerin depolama ihtiyaçları gün geçtikçe artarken, etkili ve düzenli bir depolama sistemi bulmak önemli bir gerekliliktir. Raf sistemleri, bu ihtiyaca kullanışlı bir çözüm sağlar ve depolama alanlarını en verimli şekilde kullanmaya yarar. Raf sistemleri, çeşitli malzemelerin düzenli bir şekilde depolanmasını sağlar. Hafif veya ağır yükler için tasarlanmış farklı raf tipleri bulunur ve depolama alanını optimize eder. Raf sistemi, depolama tesislerinde yaygın olarak kullanılır. Depolanan ürünleri düzenli bir şekilde sıralamak, depolama alanını en iyi şekilde kullanmak ve kolay erişim sağlamak amacıyla depo rafları kullanılır. Marketlerde ve perakende mağazalarında raf sistemleri, ürünlerin düzenli bir şekilde sergilenmesini ve müşterilere kolayca erişilebilir olmasını sağlar. Raf sistemleri, ürünleri kategorilere ayırmak ve stok yönetimini optimize etmek için kullanılır. Raftech ile sizlerde bu raf sistemlerine hemen sahip olabilirsiniz.
Büyük depolama alanlarında etkili bir depolama düzeni sağlamak için depo raf sistemi kullanılır. Yükseklikleri ve genişlikleri ayarlanabilir, böylece depo içindeki her türlü malzemenin düzenli bir şekilde depolanmasını mümkün kılar. Ağır yük rafları, ise endüstriyel depolama için kullanılır. Paletli malzemelerin, büyük ve ağır yüklerin depolanmasında bir çözüm yaratır. Dayanıklı yapısı, güvenli depolama sağlar. Hafif raf sistemleri, küçük işletmelerden perakende mağazalarına kadar çeşitli ortamlarda kullanılabilir. Hafif malzemelerin depolanması için idealdir ve genellikle montajı kolaydır. Mezanin raf sistemleri, depolama alanını iki katına çıkarmak için kullanılır. Üst kat, genellikle ofis veya daha hafif malzemelerin depolanması için kullanılır, alt kat ise ağır yüklerin depolanması için idealdir. Raf sistemleri, depolama ve lojistik süreçlerini optimize etmek, malzemelerin düzenli bir şekilde depolanmasını sağlamak ve işletmelerin verimliliğini artırmak için vazgeçilmezdir. İhtiyaca uygun raf sistemleri seçimi, depolama alanlarını daha etkili hale getirir ve iş süreçlerini iyileştirir. Daha fazla bilgi için hemen raftech.com.tr tıklayabilirsiniz.
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💥 Homenaje Sinfónico Coral al genial Ennio Morricone a través de un repertorio de bandas sonoras de las películas: Once Upon a Time in America, Malena, La Leyenda del Pianista del Océano, Los Intocables, El Bueno, El Malo y el Feo, Once Upon a Time in West, Cinema Paradiso y La Misión.
👥 Elenco: Artefacto
📢 Dirección:Dirección: César Vega,
© Producción: AC Producciones.
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📆 Martes 03 y Miércoles 04 de setiembre
🕗 8:00pm.
🏛 Teatro NOS PUCP (av. Camino Real 1037 - San Isidro).
🎫 Entradas:
🎟 Mezanine: S/.56
🎟️ Galería: S/.64
🖱 Reservas: https://teleticket.com.pe/ennio-morricone-trascendental
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