#mha shigaraki tickle headcanons
tickly-giggles · 11 months
Okay, your Kurogiri was just sad. Like, reasonable and realistic and great, but now I'm sad. 😭
How about his son, Shigaraki? How is he as a lee/ler?
I'm so sorryyyy, I wanted to make it realistic TvT
Also, Shiggyyy!
Warning for mentions of abuse and PTSD
Shigaraki Tickle Headcanons
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Growing up in an abusive household didn't leave room for tickling as an experience
If any tickling were to happen, it would have been very brief and rare, likely between him and his sister
Since his villain arc literally began when he was still a child, he grew up without ever experiencing it to its fullest, and is extremely touch starved as a result
As an adult, he would think of being ticklish as a weakness
His skin is so dry from his constant scratching, so he's not as ticklish as he could be, but he is still quite ticklish
Circumstances would eventually lead to the League finding out that his worst spots are the tops of his knees, his thighs, ribs, and armpits
His armpits are especially ticklish because they never got scratched much throughout his life
Any other area is most affected by being squeezed and kneaded
His laughter is low and raspy, but gets squeaky (and still raspy) when you tickle his bad spots
He's touch starved, but very scared of physical affection
If anyone even tries to touch him, he recoils and gets aggressive
This is likely a reflex from the trauma caused by his father always hitting him
Naturally, he would hate the idea of being tickled, but I imagine he would open up to it over time
It would take a long time, but he could grow to like being tickled
It could be a way to help him cope with his fear of being touched
Some experimenting would lead the League to find out that a medicated lotion helps bring some life and sensitivity back to his skin
He would start keeping a small bottle of lotion on him at all times after that
He was never really given much praise as a child, either, so praising teases would fluster him so bad
Just gentle praising along with gentle tickles would destroy him
As a ler, he's very inexperienced
Any tickling from his childhood would have resulted on him being on the receiving end, so he's never actually tickled someone
He doesn't want to accidentally decay one of the League members, so he's never thought to try
He started wearing two-fingered gloves around the hideout so he could live without worrying about decaying anything
He wouldn't be open to tickling anyone immediately, but when he did, he would start with light pokes and jabs to his fellow members
He'd be confused and very embarrassed at first, but would grow more experienced over time
He likes to use light strokes of his fingers the most
He would get an extreme feeling of power at seeing someone beneath him going crazy with laughter, so that would help him feel more relaxed and open to the idea
A lot of his teases would be video game related
"Get comfortable, cuz this run has only just started~"
"I'm not even the final boss, and you're already running out of stamina?"
"If only you had a way to nerf how ticklish you are~"
His lees would think his teasing is so corny and laugh more as a result
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gaybananabread · 4 months
Could we get headcanons for the LOV +Hawks? They're a nightmare found family and must have violent tickle fights...
⋋🕯️LoV Tkl Headcanons🕯️⋌
~Alright, got these in! I love doing these hcs, it's fun just splatting ideas down on here! I've already done KFC and Crispy Boi, so I'll link them below. These maniacs would absolutely get into some wild fights, especially when tensions are high. Warning, this is super long, so be prepared (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠). Thank you for requesting!~
(Hawks and Dabi hcs)
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Neutral on tickling. Doesn't hate it, not super crazy about it.
He's just gotta be in the right mood at the right time.
Will kill anyone who tries to get him to admit it, but he doesn't totally hate it.
I'd say he's a lee. Besides the obvious risk of disintegrating someone, I just feel that he wouldn't want to touch another person like that for that long. Again, certain mood, certain time.
On the semi-rare occasion that he does get into a lee mood, he tries his best to ignore it.
He's the leader of the League! “Leaders don't indulge in childish things, it's below me!”
Yeah, that fails after about twenty minutes of denial.
This touch-starved boyo can not fight off a mood like that for long.
He'll try to subtly provoke one of the other members into doing it. Wearing one of his more beat-up shirts, crop top, maybe a tank top. Sitting with his arms behind his head, sassing them, everything he can think of.
The only one who ever really gets him is Mr. Compress. Someone else might pick up on the hints, but are too scared for their lives to do anything about it.
Lighter stuff works best on him, though in certain spots, some good digging will be rewarded.
His worst spots are his palms and thighs.
It feels like his quirk would make those boys really sensitive, though you have to be careful around his fingers. Maybe some special gloves with the palm cut out? Eh, they'll get creative.
Melt spot would be his back. Light tracing, maybe feathers or something along those lines. Either way, he loves it.
Raspy, restrained little giggles at first. Boy refuses to laugh.
You get him good, though, and it'll be ear-splitting cackles and old-door-level squeaks.
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Switchy-switch, depending on what side of him is leading.
His calmer, more rational side typically means lee mood.
His angrier, more violent side normally means ler mood.
Twice thinks tickling is a fun way to bond with his fellow members, as well as just relaxing and enjoying it.
When he gets lee moods, they're often in-his-face and hard to ignore. Big, obtrusive need to get his shit wrecked.
The observant among the members can point it out. Extra giddiness, little jokes he wouldn't normally tell, and random giggles. Coin toss on who ends up giving a fuck, but still.
Hawks is usually his ler, though Toga is next in line. It's easy to get Hawks annoyed enough to send a feather after him. Toga is sadistic enough to wreck him whenever; it's asking her that's hard.
Worst spots are his ribs and armpits. Pitchy, boisterous cackles when you go for them.
Melt spot is his back. He loves back rubs that slowly become tickly, or just straight-up scribbles.
Evil little shit about it. The harsher personality has a field day.
If he's having a decent day and is feeling cruel enough, he’ll make a clone or two to help him.
Big squeezes, drilling into worst-spots, raspberries, you name it. He wants to see his lee cackling before he's done.
The kind of mf to say “Citchie citchie coo~” without a hint of shame.
Most of the time, he'll give revenge tickles. Occasionally, though, there'll be a softer ler that pokes out just for comfort purposes.
Aftercare really depends on who it is. Most of the time, his nicer side comes out.
He'll do anything from smug comments to back rubs and a fluffy blanket.
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First off: girlie loves tickling
Can and will bring it up confidently. She's already kinda crazy—who cares what they think about this?
Gives ler-leaning switch vibes, methinks. Always ready to destroy someone, but wouldn't mind some pokes along the way~
While they're less frequent, she definitely gets lee moods.
Knowing he'll almost always provide, she typically goes to Twice for tickly aid. If he's unavailable, though, it's skillfully tricking other members into giving her what she wants.
Very squirmy, can and will break your nose if you're not careful.
Worst spots are her hips. A few squeezes there and she's down for the count.
Melt spot would have to be her palms. She kinda gives off attention whore vibes, so she'd love any light, affectionate traces on them.
Got a bright and bubbly laughter that descends into cackles if you get her good. Blushes very easily, though she'll always have some blood-related excuse.
Run for the hills, my friend.
Ruthless little ler, doesn't like to stop until her lee is a teary, tickle-drunk mess.
She loves building up anticipation, big on tickle games and hide-and-seek chases
Light tracing up and down a lee's midriff, stopping just shy of their worst spots before digging in.
Most teasing bitch to ever roam the Earth-
“Oooooh, your cheeks are so red! I love that color on you, cutie~” “Laugh for me! You know you wanna~”
“Oh, I'm sorry, does that word make it worse? A-tickle tickle tickle!”
Most frequent lee is Twice, though she's gotten everyone at least once before.
Not much aftercare unless you ask. Maybe a glass of water or some rubs. If requested, though, she'll cling to you for hours.
🎩Mr. Compress🔮
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So we can all agree he's the group dad-friend, right?
Tell me you don't see it. That's right, you can't-(/hj)
Sees tickling as a fun way to bond and de-stress. Often used by him as a cheer-up method.
I'd say switch on this one. He doesn't really seem to lean either way—only that his friends are enjoying themselves!
Doesn't really get lee moods, though he's always open to a playful session with one of the League members.
Kinda like a human stress-toy volunteer
He doesn't mind it at all—it’s fun! What's the harm if it's doing somebody some good?
Worst spots are his belly and upper back. Get him there and he's a goner.
For melt spot, I'd say his tops of his thighs/calves. Man seems like he'd enjoy some leg tickles.
Deep, rich laughter. Kinda like Santa, but less ho-ho-hoey, ya know?
Paternal tickle monster, no discussion.
He's got the “mental anguish” radar that good dads just seem to magically have.
He'll ask if they're okay and talk it out before starting his “special treatment” for their problem.
As said before, tickle monster gimmick is his thing.
“Is somebody stressed out? You know, tired minds are a special monster's favorite prey…”
“You'd better be careful with that frown around here. You don't wanna wake up…the Tickle Monster!”
“I can't hear you, dear! The Monster's taken over, and he's hungry for laughter!”
Seems like they'd kill him for it, but when they're upset, his silly antics are just what they need.
Tickles Twice and Toga the most, mainly to help with episodes or get Toga to wind down.
Shigaraki occasionally gets it, either for lee-mood help or pressure alleviation.
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He seems like a ler, ya know?
Like, he wouldn't hate being tickled, but he much prefers doing it to others.
Is a little too prideful to say it, but finds tickling people to be a fun way to wind down. Also, laughter is just adorable.
He'd be kinda in the middle on the roughness-scale. He's not gonna go feather-light, but his goal isn't to kill you. Just enough to get some good belly laughter.
But like bro…have you seen those claws?
Ista-death, no matter how he uses them. Gentle traces? Butterflies swarming. And if he decides to be cruel? Kiss your diaphragm goodbye-
Also, the snooty-snout? Besides being cute, I'm betting tickle nibbles would be double-evil.
Teasing bastard, but affectionately. He can't help but be a jerk, but it's all in good fun.
“Man, you're so ticklish! I've got no idea how you've survived this long.”
“I didn't even know it was possible to blush that hard! You're teaching me new things every day, giggles.”
“Wouldn't it suck if I went for your worst spot? What's that? Hmm, guess I'll do it now if you're gonna be like that…”
Favorite lee would probably be Shigaraki
Picture it: fanboy getting to tickle his obsession-boy and hearing his laugh. And if Shiggy’s in a lee mood? It's a trillion times better for him.
After crusty-man, he'd go for Mr. Compress. Tickling the dad-man could make any one of the members smile, and Spinner is no exception.
Teasy aftercare. Besides the snide comments and little remarks, he's nice with it. Glass of water, potential couch-cuddles afterwards with a video game or movie.
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wreckingtickles · 6 months
I wanna know how to wreck Dabi and/or Shigaraki. Crusty burnt nuggets need tickles too
Uh, tough targets both! Too edgy for me to have thought of them as lees before, but let me think.
Dabi is definitely upper-body ticklish. Like @lovelymessybubbly, I'm going to headcanon that his burnt-off skin is just for show/doesn't hurt. It would be fun to imagien it's actually more sensitive than regular skin, the poor goth boi. That would make gentle tickles to his ribs and the top half of his belly devastating, and his neck and ears would mess him up pretty good too. I'm also positive he has extremely sensitive nipples. I won't lie, he's pretty sexy, so I'd be down to give him the royal treatment, but I want to keep this somewhat SFW lol
But the way to really break him... again, not to spoil too much of Todoroki's story, but use ice cubes on him, especially his scars. He'll lose his mind. Ice cubes on his chest will have side effects too which I won't get into because, again, SFW.
As for Shigaraki, I think his feet, ribs and V-line are his worst spots. How I would have loved for him to unleash the hands he wears as tickle implements in the story lol So I suppose the tickling scenario is also pretty self-explanatory - some revitalizaiton Quirk awakening those hands, forcing them to curl and scratch...
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
are headcanons still available? if so, I propose this: shigaraki loves tummy tickles. they remind him of his mom. raspberries are the best/worst
{Headcanons to Dabbles: CLOSED!}
Heyo! As of writing this- the event is closed, but I got this before the last hour so you're in the clear, anon! I hope you don't mind I hijacked your headcanon for some DustBunny- I've been thinking about them alot lately. I hope you like it!
“You like this, don’t you?” Rumi’s soft voice sent tingles up his spine, her hand up his shirt and dragging random patterns along his skin. “Don’t you, dusty?”
“Mmmph! N-No-Yes? Maybe- I don’t know-” Shigaraki would have given a clearer answer if he weren’t currently fighting for his life, tensing in her arms as the tickles spread across his belly. A part of him wanted to push her away- make some sort of claim he hated it and never wanted her to touch him again.
The other- far more honest part of him wanted to melt into her chest and tell her to never stop. Ticklish as it was, it was so comforting- a feeling he long forgot about since forming the LOV.
“Can’t make up your mind, love?” Oh that teasing tone! He felt heat creep up his neck, coloring his near-lifeless skin. “You’re blushing, so I’ll take that as a yes.”
“D-Dohohohn’t assume you know mehehhehe!” He tried for tough but broke near immediately when her tracing turned into skitters- light enough to keep him there but firmer enough to silence any protest. “Ahehehehe! Hehahahhahaha!”
“Aww, you’re cute when you laugh.” She pulled him closer so he was on his back, looming over him as her hand continued dragging across his belly. “And you’re not even fighting me. You really do love this, don’t you?”
“Ehehehahahhaaha! Huhuuhuhush! I’d duhuuhuhuuhst you if I fohohoohought bahahahc- eheheheheheeh!” He arched some when she pinched. “Dohoohohn’t doohohoho thahhhat!”
“Not a fan? Alright- how about this then?” She kissed his smiling lips before ducking down, her ears brushing his cheeks along the way. For a second, his mind went to unsightly places.
Then her mouth found the center of his belly and Shigaraki realized his priorities were jacked.
“AH! Ahehahahahahhahaha, nohohohohoohoohohhoo! Buhuuuhuuhhuny, stahahahhap thahahahhahahhahat!” He squeaked when she blew a massive raspberry against his skin, then another. On the third one he reached down, pulling her back up by the shirt. “Dohohoohhn’t! Tohooohohoho muhuhuhuhuch!”
“Pfft- you’re so sensitive!” She laughed, kissing him once more before bringing them back to their original positions, her arms coming back around his waist but staying above his shirt. At first he was satisfied with it.
“Hey um…you could er…do what you were doing earlier.” He mumbled, face burning. “I don’t mind the erm…”
“This?” Her fingers slipped past his shirt, returning to gentle tracing. Shigaraki squirmed back into her, a small but pleased smile on his lips.
“Yehahahah…I guehehehess this is fiihihine.”
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mianavs · 3 years
toxic trait headcanons | mha edition
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ft: overhaul, hawks, shigaraki
a/n: third and final part of my toxic trait hcs~ hope you enjoyed them ^^
tw: implied self-harm
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—Overhaul // Controlling
Assigned bodyguards to you that accompany you every time you leave the compound
Has a tracker on your phone to always know your whereabouts
Has to know what you’re doing at all times throughout the day
Expects you home at a certain time and will berate you if you’re too late
All of your free time is spent at his side
Dictates what you wear, what you do, and who you see
Will reward your good behavior with calls to your friends or visits to your family but only for a while
Knows all the passwords to your social media and email accounts
Keeps your phone on him when you come home from school/work and you have to ask him for permission to use it
Convinces you that everything he does is to protect you because you’re too weak
“Can I see my phone for a minute?” You play with the hem of your nightshirt as the request spills from your lips. “I just want to check my email before bed.”
“Are you clean?” Raising your head at the sound of his velvety voice, you nod like a girl eager to please.
“Come here then,” he replies and motions to his lap. The heat rushes to your cheeks as you approach your boyfriend take a seat on his lap in front of his desk with paperwork scattered across it.
His left arm wastes no time and snakes over your waste to keep you in place while his breath tickles the side of your neck. Pressure builds in your core as you feel him exhaling on your sensitive skin before humming.
“Good girl,” he praises before pressing a kiss on your neck. “Only for fifteen minutes but you have to stay on my lap.”
He fishes your phone from his jacket pocket and hands it over to you. Sure enough there are a couple of emails you read over and respond to knowing very well your boyfriend is monitoring every word you type.
—Hawks // Dishonest
Texts you less and less until he doesn’t text you at all
Lies about not getting your texts even though you know he’s read them
Evades your questions by changing the subject or asking questions of his own
Is gone for weeks saying he’s on a mission only to find out he’s not
Doesn’t show you any affection
Uses sex to ‘prove’ that he still loves you but it’s purely physical
His entire demeanor changes with a single phone call or text
On the rare occasions the two of you go out, the date will be cut short by him and he’ll leave blaming work
Gets agitated when you ask him what’s wrong, where he’s been, etc
“Where were you yesterday?”
“I already told you I was going out of town,” he snaps, going from relaxed to defensive in an instant.
“Then how did my friend snap this picture of you with some other people at a bar in town?” You hold up your phone and watch his eyes widen for a second before narrowing.
“Why does it matter, Y/N? I was working.” He runs a hand through his hair and starts pacing—something he only does when he’s nervous.
“I just don’t understand why you have to lie. Why not just tell me the truth?” Your throat tightens as you fight the tears.
“Because you don’t have to know every little thing about my work. It’s not like I’m cheating on you.”
“Why are you even bringing that up?”
He knows he’s messed up by the guilty look in his eyes and it makes you consider his words. The possibility he would cheat on you never crossed your mind but after all the lies you’re not sure what to believe.
—Shigaraki // Self-Victimizing
Claims you don’t love him when you disagree with him
Demands that you shower him with affection to prove your love
Commits acts of self-harm to gain your sympathy or to punish you
Blames you for his self-inflicted injuries/sickness while you treat him
Drives you to punish yourself for making him upset
When he succeeds, it’s in spite of his difficult background and expects you to praise him accordingly
If he fails, you’re expected to shower him with sympathy and reassure him
Convinces you that he can do no wrong and it’s everyone else—including you—who’s bad
“I’m sorry, Tomura. I really am.” Your hands trembles as it rubs ointment on his burned skin.
“It’s all your fault. You know that, right?” It’s not a question.
“Yes, It’s my fault. All of it is my fault so please…don’t h-hurt yourself anymore.” You beg as you gently bandage his burnt forearm. “I’ll do better. I promise.”
He raises his other hand and you freeze when he makes contact with your face. He smirks at the pure terror on your face before using his thumb to wipe away tears you hadn’t realized you shed. You only move again when he removes his hand before going back to fastening the bandage.
“You know I can’t help it, Y/N. I’m so messed up and it only get’s worse when you disappoint me.” He reasons and you nod knowing he’s right while contemplating proper punishments for yourself.
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heroes-r-us · 5 years
Kurogiri x reader Headcanons | MHA x reader| LoV x reader
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          LE ASK: Could i perhaps ask for some sweet fluff with Kurogiri? I don’t see a lot of stuff written for him. Could i have some head canons with cuddling? Maybe when he’s in his solid/human form?            
As his name implies, Kurogiri's entire body is made out of a mist. He normally wears a very elegant suit with a tie and has five metal plates that go from around his collarbone to just below his eyes. In his villain costume, he doesn't wear anything and only has three metal plates around his neck.   <-----  from da wiki.      
Okay, so I snatched that little tidbit from the wiki because I had never heard of him having a human form or body. BUTT apparently he has a neck???  IDK I don't normally question anime. I Have no idea how to write this, but I'll try to make it seem as tho he's normal????
Also, I couldn’t decide which gif I liked better so I used two!
            ~Momma Cat
- Like... even though he's mostly mist, he's still somehow the best snuggler??
- He's rather mature, and its so nice to relax and not have to worry about a tickle fight. COUGH dabi-shigaraki-litterally anyone from the LOV- COUGH
- He'll sometimes let you lay on his chest, but spooning is more his thing. He really likes to hold you.
-hand kisses, forehead kisses, neck kisses. ALL THE ROMANTIC SHIT
-He has a bad habit of nibbling on your ear while in bed. It's weird and he doesn't even realize he's doing it.
- He loves to use his quirk to impress you, although, he really has no need to. You've been hooked since day one.
-He also likes to brush your hair a lot. Braids, curls and fancy buns are not uncommon.
-He'll never admit to this but he will sit outside the door of the bathroom while you are bathing/showering; he knows its a bad habit but he can't bring himself to stop.
-He actually has a lot of bad habits now that I think about it. The only one of the LOV that knows you exist is Dabi. Kurogiri had been planning on not telling anyone, but you had called in the middle of a discussion with the LOV (or what you knew as 'work hours') practically in tears because the cat he had gotten you had run away. Long story short Dabi heard part of the conversation and being the nosy lil shit he is, waited until Kurogiri left in the morning to follow him. Dabi sees you greet the bartender with a laugh and a cat in your arms, and he was actually just about to leave when you spotted him.
-Basically, Kurogiri wasn't happy, you were scared to death, and Dabi had been sworn to secrecy or a never-ending cycle of pain. Dabi didn't really give a shit, but he hoped to use this information for blackmail in the future. What? He never said he was an angel.
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tickly-giggles · 11 months
for the tickle fight, how about
dabi and shigaraki
idk... just thought it would be interesting
but if you don't want to do this, it's fine!! just leave this mes.
k thx byeeeeee!
Omgggg yess!!
Dabi vs Shigaraki
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Right off the bat, Dabi has an upper hand over Shigaraki because he is far more skilled in being a ler. Shigaraki, however, is less ticklish than Dabi. His death spot is his armpits, and Dabi would have to fight to get him to lift his arms. They are both of a similar strength and build, as well, so while Dabi may be more experienced and Shiggy less ticklish, it is more or less a fair fight.
For Shigaraki, I imagine a lot of his fighting would come from stalling for time by pushing at Dabi or keeping him pinned while he tried to practice his tickling. Their tickle fight would occur during the part of Shiggy’s story where he’s more comfortable with it, but he still hasn’t had a lot of practice. 
Dabi would be fighting tooth and nail to get on top and destroy Shiggy. He wouldn’t even take it slow for his first time, he just wants to feel superior. Besides, he knows Shigaraki wouldn’t want him to go easy, he’d take it as a sign of disrespect.
Once Shigaraki got the hang of it a little more, he would fight with more confidence. Neither of them know each other’s exact weaknesses, but he’d learn as he went. Dabi, however, knows all too well about Shiggy’s weakness to being praised. He might have cheated in preparation for the tickle fight and gone to one of the others for advice.
As soon as Shigaraki starts to have the upper hand in their battle, Dabi would give him a normal compliment. Shiggy would have Dabi’s arms pinned over his head and he’s ready to strike, then Dabi just hits him with a “You’re doing great!” and it just shocks him so much that he loses focus and Dabi bucks him off of him and pins him to the floor.
From there, he’d ruthlessly dig into his tummy, sides, and ribs while giving endless praises.
“That’s right, laugh for me like a good boy~.”
“Aww, your smile is adorable, boss! C’mon, smile more for me~. There ya go, good job~.”
“Such a sensitive belly. You’re taking it so well~. Not like you have much choice right now, but I’m so proud of you~.”
Not all of his praises would be teasing. He would feel genuinely happy that Shigaraki is enjoying himself and getting more comfortable with being touched. He wouldn’t dare say it out loud, though. So, he masks his legitimate praise as teasing.
Shigaraki would really try to wreck Dabi, he’d even go for his belly button once he found it was his death spot. In the end, however, Dabi is far more experienced and knew exactly what buttons to press to completely destroy Shiggy. He would eventually find his armpits and absolutely wreck him. The combination of the ruthless armpit tickles with the endless praising would leave Shigaraki as a disheveled, flustered puddle.
Both of them had the time of their life, but neither of them would admit it.
Winner: Dabi!
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
EEEEE!!! OMG!! I love the way you took my sentence starter!!! Like-SO. CUTE. Thank you so much for writing with Sanegiyu!!!!
Also short Headcannon for you friend!!!! Shigaraki. He is so. SO. Touch starved. And yet he barely lets anyone in the league touch him. Yet somehow, someway, Hawks is one of his allowed lers. Sometimes when Shigaraki is just in a HUGE Lee mood, he just walks up and says “do the thing before I dust you.” It’s hilarious-Dabi may or may not have a recording of one of the times Hawks recked Shiggy :3
*disappears like the Lorax holding my butt and floating away*
That last sentence took me OUT! jakrjkeajkrejrjk Oh my goodness, this headcanon!!!
"Do the thing before I dust you" AHHH HELP! Shigaraki would be so aggressive about it for no reason? He's trying to act intimidating but his lee mood is so obvious it's hard to take him seriously akjlejrajkerjkae Hawk's is all: "Oh no boss PLEASE! Don't dust me!" while grabbing Shigaraki around the waist and tickling away akljerjajrajk Dabi records it occasionally but has since learned to be discreet; if Shigaraki catches him he'll dust the phone! Dabi may have went through several at this point ljajrejkaejkkajrj
Thank you for sharing, this was ADORABLE!
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
every time that spinner and shigaraki are playing video games together (and thaT’S CANON I LOVE THEM) dabi starts poking and tickling shig just to make him lose lol
I love this headcanon so much! I've gotcha covered, anon!
“No! Stop it!” Shigaraki growled, squirming at each poke to his hip and ribs. He and Spinner were currently in a fierce battle of Mario Kart, a Dry Bones and a Yoshi flying down the track on a split screen.
“Stop what? I’m just watching you play.” Dabi teased, fingers never stopping their poking antics. “Pay attention, you’ll lose.”
Beside them, Spinner snickered at his boss's torment, Yoshi flying across the screen and easily passing the off-coursed Dry Bones. “Come on, boss! Give me something here! You’re always saying how good at video games you are!”
“S-Shuhut up!” Shigaraki growled, attempting to ignore the pokes as he drove Dry Bones back on track. He was just about to use a blue shell when Dabi’s fingers jabbed just beneath his armpits, right into that bad spot just along his top ribs.
“HAH!” He shrieked, the controller falling out of his hands as he ducked back, arms pressed against his sides. Dabi wasted no time, ten fingers worming in and tickling the dust-quirked villain with fresh vigor. “That’s right.” He teased with a deep chuckle. “Laugh for me.”
“Gahahhahahahhahhahahaha! Dahahhahahahbi! Noohohohohoohooho!” He cackled helplessly, squirming and writhing, laughter bursting from his lungs and filling the space around them. Spinner, who had finished the race, tossed his own controller aside and grabbed Shigaraki’s wrists, raising them up and giving Dabi more spots to tickle. “Get him good, Dabi!”
“TRHAHAHHAHAHAHAHITOR!” The leader squealed, laughing even more when Dabi reached around him, leaving no spot untickled. His cheeks were flushed a rare shade of pink, eyes squeezed shut with mirth. Even his smile seemed less creepy, more giddy and childlike. “STAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAP!”
“Traitor? Me?” Spinner pretended to be offended, quickly transferring both of Shigaraki’s wrists into one reptilian claw. “I’ll have you know I’m quite loyal! The most loyal one here, thank you very much!” His now free hand scribbled along Shigaraki’s stomach, earning even more laughter from his young boss. “Take that back!”
“GAHHAHAHAHAHHA! BOHOOHOHOHTH OOOHOHOF YOHOHOHOHOU QUHIIHIIHIIHT IHIHIHIHIT!” Tears of mirth threatened to roll down Shigaraki’s cheeks, signaling he was reaching his limit.
Laughing, Dabi and Spinner pulled their hands away, watching as their boss curled up in a loose ball, gasping for air. “Heh...hehe...y-you two suhuhuhck…” He wheezed, blushing when Spinner and Dabi laughed.
“Looks like the race is over! I’m playing the winner!” Dabi announced, picking up the abandoned controller with a grin. He suddenly yelped when he felt two fingers jab his ribs, arms instinctively coming down to protect himself.
“Sounds good.” Shigaraki said from behind him, a promise of vengeance in his voice. “Try not to lose, Dabi.”
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
☁️Let’s Go Cloud Watching! (WIP List)☁️
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Heyo! I saw that some of my amazing mutuals have "What's Brewing" lists on their blogs of all their current works in progress, so I figured I should make one too! :3 I don't know how often I'm gonna update this- but I'll try my best to remember! :3
Little notes: While I’m gonna try my absolute best to fill every request, some might not be filled. I apologize if this happens!
Thanks for reading!
Latest Weather Map (Updated): May 8, 2024
☁️☁️Overcast ☁️☁️
Itallics: Written and scheduled
Black Clover
Langris Finral sickfic
Blue Lock
Lees!Kuon, Gagamaru, Raichi, Lers!Bachisagikunigiri
Kunigami x Reader Tickle Fight
Lee!Bachira, Ler!Isagi
Lees!Reo, Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami
Chigiri x Reader comforting each other during a thunderstorm
Spider Shivers Game with Kunigiri
Nagiri tickle fight
Kunigami Barou Shidou Tickle War
Bungo Stray Dogs
Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Dazai
Lee!Kunikida, Ler!Dazai, Atsushi
Lee!Dazai, Ler!Chuuya
Lee!Akutagawa, Ler!Atsushi
Chainsaw Man
Beam/Denji Chaos
Lee!Aki, Ler!Himeno
Lee!Gonta, Ler!Kirumi
Ler!Togami x Reader
Ler!Gonta, Lee!Korekiyo
Dr. Stone
Reader x Ukyo
Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa
Demon Slayer
Zenitsu x BodyConscious!Reader
Lee!Douma, Ler!Reader
Switches Gyomei, Nezuko
Lee!Genya, Ler!Tanjiro
Douma and Gyutaro get Akaza
Tanjiro and Genya get Muichiro
Inosuke is too powerful. Time to bring him back
Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza
Lee!Tanjiro, Lers!Tengen, Rengoku
Switch!Akaza, Ler!Kokushibou
Lee!Rui, Ler!Akaza
Fire Force
Fruits Basket
Suna, Reader, Miya Twins
Asahi and Kuroo Flustering (might include the tickles)
Shirabu getting tickled by the third Years
Platonic!Kagehina tickles
Hell’s Paradise
Lee!Gabimaru, Ler!Yui
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Rohan x Reader
Lee!Bruno, Ler!Giorno
Lee!Joseph, Ler!Caesar
Switches! Okuyasu, Josuke
Ler!Avdol, Lees!Jotaro, Kakyoin, Polneraff
Jujutsu Kaisen
Lee!Haibara(?), Ler!Nanami
Lee!Gojo, Ler!Nanami
Lee!Megumi, Ler!Itadori
Ler!Gojo x Lee!Reader
Lee!Geto, Ler!Gojo
Gojo and Geto having a brotherly tickle fight
SatoSugu tickles and fluff
Lee!Gojo, Lers!Yuji, Nobara, Megumi
Lers!Shoko, Geto, Lee!Gojo
My Hero Academia
Lee!Dabi, Ler!Shigaraki
Todoroki x Reader
Ler!Aizawa, Lee!All Might (?)
Bonnie and Clemont being comfort buddies
Lee!Red, Ler!Blue
Sacredshipping tickle fight
Ortega x Reader
HassBrassLarrry Tickles
SK8 the infinity 
Spy x Family
Twiyor, Anya
Lee!Damien, Lers!Anya, Bond
Lee!Yor, Ler!Anya
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Lee!Kou, Ler!Mitsuba
Tokyo Revengers
Lee!Mitsuya, Ler!Draken
Yu Yu Hakushou
Lee!Kurama, Ler!Hiei
☁️☁️Sun Showers ☁️☁️
Remaining Headcanon Requests
Kokushibou Tickle Headcanons (Demon Slayer)
Arven Comforting Reader Headcanons (Pokemon)
Arven Winter/Christmas Headcanons (Pokemon) **Oh Hold until Winter**
Ler!Nemora Headcanons (Pokemon)
Arven with a gift giving partner headcanons (Pokemon)
Arven x Scared!Crush Headcanons (Pokemon)
Ler!Arven Headcanons (Pokemon)
Aoyama Headcanons (MHA)
Cherry Tickle Headcanons (Sk8 The Infinity)
Penny Headcanons (Pokemon)
☁️☁️Cotton Candy Clouds ☁️☁️
Fic Ideas I have that I might create. Putting them here for maximum motivation.
Ler!Tschuchigomori, Lees!Hanako, Nene, Kou **More an Idea** (TBHK)
Todobaku ice fight turned tickle fight (MHA)
Something With Vanessa cause she's amazing **More an idea** (Black Clover)
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