#mi pobre angelito
jukeboxofjellycat · 10 months
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jennibarreramsposts · 10 months
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luisa-tatis · 2 years
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unforromass · 1 year
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Por fin algo decente en tv de aire
Te amo telefe🖤🖤🖤
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shiguresouma · 1 month
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somosorigen · 9 months
Especial Cinembrollos: 5 Películas Para La Mañana Después De Navidad
¡Oh Blanca Navidad, sueña! (risas). Como suele pasar en estas fechas, las casas se inundan del aroma de las cenas navideñas,  la gente viste sus “mejores” galas y las básculas se esconden debajo de la cama.  Sin embargo, estos ritos no son los únicos en vísperas de la Noche Buena, de la Navidad, sino también una tradición son los maratones el día después de la fiesta y la comilona, las películas…
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cinemedios · 9 months
Las 10 películas navideñas más taquilleras de la historia
🍿🍿🎅🏻🎅🏻⛄⛄🎄🎄 Las 10 películas navideñas más taquilleras de la historia, Ya sea para que las veas o simplemente para que, en la reunión familiar puedas presumir este dato y debatir el orden por calidad y preferencia. Descubre en que lugar están las míticas Mi Pobre Angelito y las demás sorpresas dentro del top. 🎁🎁🧧🧧🍪🍪🫕🫕
Lo único necesario para disfrutarlas es el ponche. Ya sea para maratonearlas en familia, a solas con ponche y ensalada de manzana, o simplemente para presumir un dato curioso que nadie más conoce, este top, basado en los millones de ganancias monetarias generadas en las cajas registradoras, te servirá de entretenimiento y arma para tener un tema más de conversación. Rellena tu taza de ponche,…
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politemenacephd · 5 months
Period pains (NSFW Version)
Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader (+18)
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Contents: Comfort + smut, Period sex, Use of sex toys, Cooling lube, Multiple orgasms, Aftercare.
Word count: 3947
Notes: I'M BACK and im going through it let me have this please god. I'll be updating my other stories soon i promise <3
It was 7:30am at your apartment, and Miguel was checking his hair in the bathroom mirror.
He’d gotten up early to make coffee and eggs for you both, so you’d hopefully at least eat something before you headed out for work. he’d seen you accidentally miss breakfast one too many times.
He brushed back his hair and grumbled a little, noting the little shadow of stubble around his jaw and the flick of what might be a grey hair on his head, only to pause.
Where were you?
You were always awake by now. You’d been unresponsive spare for a few grunts when he woke up at 6am to get in a few pull-ups and a cold shower, but, that was pretty normal. By now though you’d always be at least listening to videos on your phone.
But… he couldn’t hear a thing. He slowly left the bathroom and headed down the hall.
‘Mi amor?’
Miguel pushed your bedroom door aside and whispered for you. The light inside seemed to be off, with only your bedside lamp on to illuminate the space, which surprised him further.
He pushed into the room and allowed his dark red eyes to adjust to the gloom with ease.
‘Mi amor? You- oh, mi alma.’
He dropped that soft, sympathetic nickname as he spied you utterly buried in the sheets of your bed, your face barely noticeable beneath the soft folds of fabric. He knew that face.
‘Mi alma, shh, it’s okay.’ He whispered soothing little words as he tutted and dropped down to your side, his knees bent into a squat so he could stroke the hair from your face. He watched you sniffle.
‘You’re cramping again, aren’t you?’ Miguel whispered.
‘It’s really bad, Miggy’ you whined. You looked unbearably tense, your nose creased from straining against some unseen hand squeezing your lower abdomen like a cruel god. He could see the exhaustion, the pain, the way your lips were slightly nicked from being bitten.
Miguel maintained his soft expression, gently running a worn hand down his face. ‘Shh, shh. No se preocupe, mi pobre angelito/a…’
He whispered that word over and over as he leaned in and kissed your neck. ‘Pobrecito…’ he purred, letting his lips linger up to your ear and temple and finally your head, where he tenderly breathed in your scent.
‘I-I gotta go to work, Miggy, f-fuck… Ah, I don’t know what to do’ you whimpered, tensing as another tight cramp made you curl in on yourself. You looked utterly drained. ‘I used up all my sick days, and my boss sucks, ah…’
Miguel’s face changed immediately, from soft to angry. His thick brows lowered and his lip curled, revealing a flash of his fang. He looked so stern, so protective. ‘Absolutely not’ Miguel said, his voice taking on a firmer tone. ‘No. Not on my watch.’
‘They won’t let me take time off just to—’
‘Let me talk to them.’
‘W-Wait, what?’
‘I’ll talk to them! I’ll explain.’
‘Miggy, that’s not how this works—’
‘It’s how it SHOULD work’ he insisted harder, with his clawed finger now pressed to his chest. ‘You’re hurting, you shouldn’t have to work. It’s that simple. Please, just- I’ll take care of it.’
Before you could even get a word in, Miguel got up and stormed over to the apartment landline. He scrambled in the dark for your little notebook of numbers before eventually realizing it was written on the kitchen whiteboard and not in there. He gave you another quick, tender kiss and then hurried to the kitchen to call your work.
You could only faintly hear him from inside the bedroom, but you knew he was heated. You could hear him arguing, spitting things in Spanish before dipping to remind the person on the other end just who he was.
‘¡Oye! What did I just say? I keep this city safe, and that includes you. Now, I’m keeping THEM safe. Do you understand?’
You felt your face getting warm at Miguel’s insistent whispered shouting.
‘Look, I’ll pay for an extra shift, whatever the hell you want. I’ll send in a note to HR explaining the situation. Do you want Spider-Man leaving a note to your boss? Or do you want to just be reasonable, and let them rest for just one day, because you’re sick?’
Your embarrassed heat grew deeper, rising to the point that it almost hurt.
It sounded like, in the end, he lectured your boss for so long on human anatomy and why you needed time off that they just caved and hung up.
When he reappeared in the doorway with that same soft, sympathetic smile on his rough, chiseled face, you couldn’t help but manage a soft chuckle.
‘They’re just gonna get rid of me now, so they don’t have to deal with you’ you mumbled up at him. Miguel approached the bed without concern.
‘Mm. They can try. I’ll remind them again that the protector of the city and the multiverse is overseeing your care’ he said in that smooth, rough voice, carefully parking himself on the edge of the bed once more. His weight caused the mattress to creak, nearly jolting your body with the size difference, but he steadied your hip with one hand over the sheets.
‘Okay, let me just…’
With his eyes trained on you Miguel reached beneath the sheets and groped around until he found your soft belly, and with a sigh, he started stroking it. His palms were warm, his fingers calloused and thick, his hand big enough to just fully envelop your lower abdomen no matter how bloated it was.
‘Shhh’ he cooed.
‘I’m not a- baby, Miguel’ you grunted back, though you were clearly enjoying the contact.
‘Mm. No. Wrong’ Miguel said with a soft chuckle. ‘You’re my baby. Mi alma, mi vida.’ He bent as he spoke to kiss your forehead, all while continuing the gentle strokes, letting the warmth of his hand soothe a little bit of the pain.
‘I’ll think, if I can, I’ll try to get in contact with Lyla in a minute. I’ll let her know that. if there are no big emergencies, I’ll be staying in today. Okay?’ he whispered against your temple.
‘Miggy, you don’t need to take time off as well just for me’ you grunted. You saw his playful red eyes crease, revealing the little lines by his cheeks. ‘Mm. I don’t need to, no. But unless the multiverse is falling apart at the seams… My job is to take care of people who need me, such as…’
He paused mid-sentence to bump your nose with his own. His skin was a little rough, so coarse and masculine. ‘Cute little civilians like you, eh? So, if the only person I save today is you, that’s my job done.’
‘You- dummy’ you grunted, laughing in spite of the pain as it made you wince. Miguel’s eyes softened with worry.
‘You stay there, and I’ll take over. Okay?’ he whispered. You sighed as the cramp loosened its hold on you.
‘Yeah… Yeah. Okay.’
From then on, Miguel was in full care mode.
He kept the lights low and brought in another blanket from the winter storage cupboard, just to make sure you were comfy and totally covered.
He went to the kitchen and ran the hot water, filling up the little plush hot water bottle shaped like a fluffy spider he’d got you as a gift a year or two ago when he found out how bad your cramps got.
He made hot chocolate over a pan on the stove, knowing you probably didn’t want bland tea or coffee since you were sleepy, but he added a bit of chili like he always did to give you something nice to enjoy while the cramps went down.
He brought it all in himself, his huge arms piled up with items. He was a little overkill, yes, but you let him pamper you. You were in no position to argue, and it wasn’t like the attention wasn’t welcome. You knew he thought of this domestic bliss as a privilege, not a chore, and so you’d gotten used to him spoiling you rotten.
‘Here, mi amor. Gently.’
He sat down and put the hot chocolate on the bedside table, and he watched as you quietly sipped at it with the sheets still huddled around your shoulders. It was a bit too hot and you almost burned your tongue, but it tasted so damn good. The satisfied little mumble you released was enough for him.
As you settled into the sheets, Miguel reached down and held up the little hot water bottle, waving it lightly. ‘Mm? You want this too?’ he whispered. When you nodded his smile widened, and he playfully walked the little fluffy spider up your belly and over your face before shifting it beneath the sheets.
‘Don’t! You know that thing terrifies me’ you said, spluttering slightly on your words as the spider-shaped bottles fluff got in your mouth.
‘Oh, no, scary’ he teased, pressing the warmth against your lower abdomen over your shirt. ‘Don’t be mean to him. He loves you so much, see?’
You rolled your eyes but did eventually relax, clutching the little plush to your navel. It was so warm, so fluffy. You could feel the slight dampness on the fur from condensation. It was soothing as you clutched it close.
Miguel’s eyes softened even further. ‘Good, good. There you go’ he whispered, tucking your hair behind your ear. ‘Now… Do you want your very handsome, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man to crawl into bed with you?’
‘Oh my god, stop’ you giggled, admiring his charming but slightly goofy smile. You had to admit, he was a good distraction. ‘Yeah, come on, hero. Hop in.’
Without another word Miguel shifted beneath the sheets himself, throwing off his shirt until only his pyjama pants remained. He kicked the sheets up and yanked you close to him, squeezing you tight to his chest.
‘Mm… Mmm, mi amor’ he purred, pressing his sharp chin and jaw into your shoulder blade. He clutched you to him like you were a plush doll, spooning you hard from the back until you were squished against his pecs and belly and thighs, and he held you there as you tucked his chin above your head.
‘Miggy’ you murmured under your breath.
For a while you both lulled, half asleep and half awake, with your phone sideways on the bedside table quietly playing your favorite videos to keep you company. You were still in a bit of pain, but it was fading into a dull ache now, leaving you to enjoy the warmth and safety of Miguel’s body.
And… the stirring of hormones in your body.
You began to stir a little as time passed, in the warmth and darkness of your room. Even in the mild amount of pain you were in, with Miguel’s huge body at your back, it was hard not to feel a slight, familiar stirring in your aching loins.
His breath above your head, he occasional little gruff snores, the feel of his biceps rippling as he pulled you close. The slight sweaty sheen over his abs against your back… The feel of his bulge, with no real cover spare for his pajama pants, pressed right up against your rear… His claws on your skin, his thundering heart…
In that dizzy state, you murmured softly, letting out only the faintest noise of pleasure. It was barely a whisper, and yet-
Miguel’s eyes shot open like a hawk, the red glow visible on your pillow sheet, dancing like the reflection of water. You felt him grunt.
‘… Really? You want to?’ Miguel murmured. You flushed so hot it hurt. Oh god, how did he know? How did he seem to smell it on you?
‘I- No! I mean…’
You stammered on your words as he leaned into you, squashing you down into the soft mattress. You saw his claws braced on the sheets and nearly rolled your eyes back into your skull.
‘Are you not in too much pain for that?’ Miguel whispered softly against your ear. He felt your hips buck at the sensation of air against that sensitive spot, and deep down he chastised himself for being a horny fool, because he knew he did it deliberately.
‘Mm… I mean, it- aches a bit, but— Look its fine, I-I don’t want to like, make things awkward or gross you out—'
‘Mi amor…’ Miguel bent down and kissed your cheek, his lips ever so soft, before moving those same lips back to your ear. ‘Do you really think I could ever be disgusted by your body?’
You didn’t reply immediately. ‘No…’ you said eventually, mumbling the words, as while you did trust him it was hard to not feel insecure.
Miguel leaned in and whispered again, this time, more directly, showing how aroused he could be if you wanted him. ‘Quiero cogerte, mi amor?’
You did a full-body shudder at his words, and he grinned, sensing that he knew the answer. ‘Mi vida, let me help you with the pain…’
You whimpered at his soft, husky voice, at his burning eyes now half-lidded with desire. You couldn’t pretend you weren’t still a little nervous, but…
God, you wanted to try.
‘Okay, okay’ you murmured softly, ‘Oka—’
You couldn’t even get the third ‘okay’ out before his lips were on yours, gentle at first but soon turned ravenous. He pried your jaw down with his rough hand and traced his tongue around your mouth, letting it flick and hug your own tongue into submission, all while feeling you squirm and arch against the sheets.
‘Mmm! Mm…’
You practically melted as you tasted him in your mouth. He was still ever so gentle with your body, still petting your bloated belly as he kissed, but with your face he was as rough as possible. He bit at your lip, sucked on them, grunted when he pulled back and groaned while letting your mouth muffle the noise.
When he pulled back you were a mess, with spit hanging between your lips and your mouth filled with his taste. He looked down at you with a soft, breathy open mouth, and he grinned as he panted.
‘That’s my baby’ he purred. ‘On your front, lie down. Let me try something.’
You did as told, rolling onto your belly for him with the spider hot-water bottle still beneath you. You could hear him rummaging but couldn’t see what for.
You felt rather than saw him put a hand on your rear, easily tearing your pajama pants and panties down. He carefully folded them to the side for you to put on later, ignoring the pad so you knew he wasn’t fussed about your body.
‘There, mi amor. Shh. That’s it.’
His rough hands gently kneaded and massaged down from your lower back to your glutes to your upper thigh, relaxing your tight muscles all while enjoying the chance to get a handful of your ass as well. He loved the way you moaned softly, the way your hips shifted from the sensitivity, the way the warm flesh filled out his fingers when he squeezed.
It didn’t take a lot from you to get him as hard as possible, to the point his cock was straining against the fabric to get free.
He bent down and gave you a few teasing pumps, grinding his erect cock up against your ass cheeks until you squeaked, before quietly pulling down and kicking his own pants to the floor.
‘Okay angel, stay still for me. That’s my baby. I’m gonna try something’ he whispered, pressing the words into your back with a kiss.
‘W-What? Try what?’ you murmured, half delirious in a state of anticipation and dull ache.
‘The cooling lube’ Miguel replied in that husky voice. You could hear the soft, wet thwapping noise of him smothering his shaft with the stuff, the lube he’d got you with the added addition of a cooling sensation when applied.
He gave himself a few good stroked until his hand and cock were dripping with the stuff, unable to stop the urge to just fist it a few times while admiring your ass, but after one or two he found himself too desperate for the real thing.
As he mounted you from behind he let his weighty, slippery, lubed-up cock slip down to brush your entrance, holding himself up with just one hand until his bicep veins bulged, all so his other hand could grab something else. He pulled over the little bullet vibrator he’d got you, and with your belly on the bed, he slipped it down so it was comfortably squished against the mattress and your clit before clicking it on.
He bent and eagerly whispered in your ear. ‘Quiero metértela…’
The vibrations quickly melted you, but not before he made you tense again by slipping his whole cock inside you.
‘MM- MM, MM!’
Your muffled moans echoed through the room as Miguel slid in right to the base, his pelvis hitting your ass with a dull thud as he settled in your cunt. A heady, ecstatic groan escaped his lips, almost like a sigh of relief.
‘Mmm, Dios mio… uh- qué rico’ he whispered breathily, more to himself than to you.
You could feel his shaft stretching you out, bulging you a little with the sheer size, but all you could focus on was that cooling effect as it took over. Oh, fuck, it was amazing. It was so soothing, the mixture of pleasure from the vibrator on your swollen clit and his slowly, careful pumps gently numbing your sore insides.
It didn’t quite cover every ache but it was a heavenly relief. You moaned without shame, loud enough to fill the entire apartment, as you felt his huge body gently arching and rolling and pumping his hips against you. He breathed down on your neck as he moved, with one hand on the bed for stability and the other squeezing your hip and ass cheek in his claws, holding you in place as he slipped in and out.
The sound was obscene. The sensation was obscene. The sight of your bodies moving together, naked and sweaty in the dull red light of your lamp, getting faster and faster, was obscene.
And bit by bit, he got faster.
It was a mess, one that made you entirely forget about the state you were in. A wet, lurid mess of huffing and growling and hip slapping, of wet flesh squishing with each thrust and the mattress creaking like it would break at any second.
He had gone feral in this state. The feel of that wet, tight cunt was enough to make him lose all higher thought and function.
‘Mmf- that’s it, that’s it, take it, fuck you feel so good—’
Every soft pulse, every moment your cunt squeezed him, every time he heard the soft sound of his own cock penetrating, it made him want to scream.
He pulled back and stroked his member around the rim of your entrance, letting the sensation of that and the slowly humming vibrator make your toes curl and your cunt clench like a fist, knowing exactly what would happen.
The moment you peaked he thrust back in, filling you out as you orgasmed, letting you scream and shudder and quiver as the tip of his cock eagerly twitched against your g-spot. He held you there and let you get it all out, letting you slowly tense and then collapse as the pleasure numbed the pain, before starting all over again.
He was edging himself in this state, refusing to stop until he’d let you cum as many times as possible.
He kept going, pleading softly each time for another one, coyly pulling out and bucking his hips until only his thick, throbbing member was pulsing in and out of your soaked pussy, and every time you orgasmed.
He repeated this nearly four times, until you were an exhausted mess and your clit was so swollen that just nudging it made you spasm a little, and only then did he give in to his own needs.
He grabbed your hips and pulled back, using just half his shaft so he didn’t go too deep and hurt you, and he began rapidly humping in and out as he chased his own high. He was grunting hard, his breath hot and his biceps dripping with sweat, his abs tensed and rock hard, as he finally felt that release build.
He groaned out loud, filling the apartment with his cry of relief, as his shaft throbbed and pulsed that thick load inside you. He pumped low and deep, letting the warmth fill you up and soothe the soft ache, making sure he got every inch inside your creamy little tightness before gently pulling out.
‘Are you okay, mi amor?’ he asked between pants, as his first priority was still to be sure you were okay.
Your low, shell-shocked moan of pleasure was enough to give him a bit of relief. He kissed your lower back, letting you stir and relish in the sweet, numbing after-effect of all that pleasure.
But then you shifted, and you felt the sheets beneath you. They were wet. They were soaked.
‘Oh, shit- Miggy, the sheets—’
‘Oye. I can change the sheets later if need be, it’s fine. We can get new ones.’
‘I’m- sorry, I—’
‘You did nothing wrong, my carino’ Miguel whispered affectionately. He pet your hair until you lulled.
‘I’m sorry, fuck- I’m such a mess—’
‘¡Oye! Oye…’ Miguel nestled in close and squeezed you tight, kissing down your sweaty neck to your back and then back up to your forehead. ‘Shh. Mi amor. It’s natural. It’s okay. I’ll deal with it, you relax. I had a great time…’
You managed to chuckle at that, at the very least.
As you silenced your worries Miguel continued with the aftercare. He stroked your back and hips and kissed your cheek, telling you how good you did and how good you were, how much he loved you, and ensuring he didn’t go too rough.
Only when he was sure you were exhausted and on the verge of sleep did he start dealing with the bed. He lifted you up with one arm, holding you to his chest as he cleared the sheets away and got new ones from the laundry cupboard, all while still holding you close. He had to put you down for a moment just to put the new sheets on, but the second they were you were back in bed.
He came in with a fresh box of pads and made sure they were by the bed so you could handle that yourself, with your folded clothes beside the bed to put on when you were ready.
He then turned and let you get ready with his back turned.
You were exhausted, but even in this state you felt your heart swelling with love for the big, soppy idiot of a man. You got dressed quickly and then settled back in bed, and after hearing your soft mumbled ‘done’ Miguel turned and crawled back into the clean, fresh sheets beside you.
He let you fall asleep in his grip, his lips on your forehead and his head in your hair, stroking your back all through the later afternoon as he let you drift off in a state of mildly aching bliss.
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queendomella · 2 years
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Como en la película de Mi Pobre Angelito: "ahora arrodíllate y dime que me amas".
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ereuven · 9 months
Este Diciembre...
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Mi Top 10 de mis películas favoritas de temporada.
1. Los fantasmas de Scrooge con Jim Carrey es mi película favorita de todos los tiempos.
2. Una Navidad de Locos no puede terminar Diciembre sin que vea esta película.
3. El Origen de los Guardianes obviamente amo esta película.
4. Mickey y sus Amigos Juntos otra Navidad
5. Mickey Celebra la Navidad mi cuarto y mi quinto lugar me recuerdan mi infancia y lo mucho que me la pasaba viendo Disney en las vacaciones de Diciembre.
6. El Grinch de Jim Carrey simplemente es espectacular, película de cajón.
7. En Busca de Santa Claus con Whoopi Goldberg, casualmente era la primer película que veía en mi primer domingo de vacaciones, como siempre me levantaba temprano los domingos para ver a Chabelo, al terminar cambiaba de canal y estaba esta película, entonces tiene un lugar especial en mi corazón, Chabelo y Whoppi me acompañaban mientras estaba sola, tomando mi vaso de leche con galletas en pijama.
8. SantaClausula me encanta, me recuerda a mi hermana.
9. De Mendigo a Millonario esta película me recuerda a mis abuelos, a mi papá y a mis tíos.
10. Mi pobre Angelito no podía faltar, es un clásico.
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@daiki-blu ✨️ @miniatureprincedefendor ✨️
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onesmiletoyou · 11 months
Cual es tu película preferida de navidad ? 🌞
Por siempre serán las de Mi Pobre Angelito 🤭
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jukeboxofjellycat · 10 months
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Good night sweet dreams! 😊😴🎅🎄❄️
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didi08 · 2 years
Existen personas tan podridas por dentro que ven la vida de un animal como inferior, y yo me pregunto, inferior a que? A ti? Pero si una sola patita de ese animalito vale más que tu miserable existencia.
Deberíamos aprender de los animales a querer un poco más y mejor a los demás, porque a veces los animales son mejores personas que las personas mismas.
Porque sentarte y mirar como un pobre ser vivo sufre y se va apagando poco a poco te hace ser el ser más miserable y el despojo más asqueroso que se pueda encontrar en esta detestable sociedad llena de personas hipócritas y crueles.
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Y espero algún día volver a verte mi pequeño angelito 🐱♥️
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hoogodelagente · 2 years
En 2018, Macaulay Culkin recreó escenas de Mi Pobre Angelito para esta campaña de Google Assistant y el resultado fue maravilloso.
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unforromass · 2 years
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Sin menospreciar a "Mi pobre angelito" ni a "El regalo prometido", pero esta es la película que más espero ver en esta época... 🖤
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cherrylullaby · 2 years
Una parte de ti.
Hoy en medio de este basto mundo, mientras tiemblo de miedo y desesperación.
Mi corazón a optado por dejar de latir mientras me fundó con esta casa vacía y en ruinas... Esto soy yo.
La historia que nunca conté sobre la niña con un arete de pluma colgando de su oreja derecha, una niña que con el tiempo se tornó color azul... Una niña que lloraba cuando se sentaba a la orilla del mar, la luna siempre que podía la abrazaba.
El mundo no, las almas sentenciadas que a ella tanto le llamaban su atención con el pasar del tiempo y sin darse cuenta le habían robado partes de ella.
Siempre se sintió completa, y lo estaba, hasta que ese angelito que cargaba con su amor decidió darse una vuelta por este basto mundo. Quién le diría a ella que hay lugares en los que no puede entrar.
Las almas sentenciadas no eran más que eso, almas que tenían una sentencia puesto por algún dios al que no quisieron escuchar...
El problema de mi pequeña que tenía ilusiones de color rosa es que su angelito no sabía diferenciar entre la verdad y una mentira... Pobre angelito al que le han mentido tanto, y ya corrompido y herido ni cupido pudo hacer nada por él.
Ella con sus emociones corriendo siempre buscando un lugar en el cual esconderse del mundo, que necia... Y que Dios tan cruel que le dio la sentencia de siempre creer que no todo ese despojo errante solo la usaba.
Usar, desechar, mentir, manipular... Imagina cada verbo para describir algo malo, esas eran sus pesadillas recurrentes llenas de palabras vacías y caras sin nombre.
Una parte de ella era robada con cada encuentro, su sonrisa y sus besos te decía claramente amor, pero ellos ¿qué decian? Mi pequeña siempre tan frágil tan tonta que caía en cada engaño... ¿Su amor valía algo? La respuesta siempre era un no cuando la separación llegaba...
Se llevaban lo mejor de ella, se llevaron todos lo mejor de mi... Me dejaron con un océano de lágrimas y un cuerpo que solo sirve para dar placer, mi pequeña que tanto han herido.
Una sentencia a aún así seguir amando, buscando en almas vacías una sentencia igual
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