#mia kindleshot
On the topic of Imperator,
I've been picking over the words to verbalize the thoughts, but I think it'd be very hard for Gaius to realize he's not going to get picked for Imperator--and really is only being considered for the position because A) he stepped forward and B) it's, well, you gotta at least act like you're being fair with the commander. This wound up being a longer ramble, so I'm gonna put a readmore.
Ooc I'd forgotten about Kindleshot, but I'd been aware that there would be other candidates, that's obvious; in character Gaius hadn't forgotten that he was technically only a legionnaire (it's IBS, I'm certain there are many charr who reminded him of it) but he's still definitely qualified, right?
Except, of course, he's the Commander, and that job insists that his attention will be called to other places. His impartial judgment as commander isn't what's desired by the charr. Not to mention the actual optics of the commander trying to take control of a major faction.
But most importantly, recent interactions with @catmanderratmander reminded me--and Gaius-- that his reputation is extraordinarily divided, and it's important to note that it's entirely reasonable that it be that way, because a charr commander is never home. Iron Legion knows him best as that centurion who was probably framed about a decade ago and got demoted and disappeared and came back a dragon slayer and then just never came back for orders. Pact soldiers know him as the unshakeable dragon-and-god slayer (thank you years of trauma-enforced compartmentalization training).
At the end of the day, the point is that like. He feels it burning in him, the need to be there and push how the legions need to improve--Crecia herself says Kindleshot's likely going to be more of the same. He knows promoting loyal soldiers and welcoming ex-Dominion isn't going to solve anyway, even if it's "just a stopgap move." He's not certain if it's a new obsession the way he spent most of his life trying to be The Iron Guy, if this is his new way of doing exactly that, even. He wonders if he's obsessing or being vain in how he feels the need for there to be others, a voice of dissent, being heard.
But he embarrasses himself in an extremely public way for the charr by putting himself forward and being entirely looked over, and I think. He still insists on trying, you know? I imagine he tries to spend more time back in the Citadel, but of course he still can't be promoted while he's Commander, as Kindleshot reminds him. He can't be given responsibility for soldiers he won't be around to command.
Well, then the pact is dissolved, so now what?
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evilpol · 2 years
Can I get 5, 11, and 13 for Mr Thunderjaw? (@commanderhorncleaver)
Aye, thank you so much for the ask! :D Glad to have a chance to talk about my old man cuz he ain't getting much attention from me lately ddjfgjkh
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5. What would they look like as the side character in someone else's story?
Honestly like many of my characters, Thunderjaw is already more of a side character in the story, able to be involved in it regardless of the commander. He's an Iron tribune who appears in Drizzlewood coast as one of the commanding officers leading the assault, and is actually the one taking over the command of Iron forces instead of Efram after Smodur's... Untimely ending, as he's the highest ranking Iron soldier remaining in Drizzlewood. He stays a supporting character and a temporary "imperator" of the Iron Legion throughout the rest of Icebrood Saga, as Mia Kindleshot is far away from Shiverpeaks at the time and Iron needs someone to take command in the meantime, however would never run for or be interested in the position of an Imperator when all's said and done, preferring to stay as a tribune. Thunderjaw's a loyal soldier and a good officer, but he's always been much more of a follower. He's capable of leading forces and giving out orders, but he'd hate to be the one and only in charge, he prefers to still have someone 'above' him to get orders from, to follow. He also has incredibly complicated feelings about Smodur's, well, everything throughout the charr civil war as he trusts and follows his imperator, charr he knew for a long time and respects deeply, despite being very conflicted about some of his decisions and blind ambition of becoming the Khan-Ur, but that's a whole another talk.
11. How accurate is their reputation/image compared to how they really are?
Thunderjaw has the reputation of being much more relaxed and mellow than many of his fellow tribunes, some may even call him soft or too lenient with how he treats his subordinates, but Thunderjaw can be plenty harsh and violent when needed, some older soldiers still remember him as the most fearsome fighter in the Bane when he was just a young legionnaire. He's plenty serious when the time calls for it, but he prefers to relax and have fun much more nowadays, sit in his office with a glass of strong whiskey instead of rushing into a fight every opportunity he gets. He's not really as kind or forgiving as Efram, not at all, but he ain't getting younger and mellowed out a lot with age, and if someone thinks they can take on him or that he's going soft, well. Thunderjaw's more than happy to prove them wrong, he's a strong, experienced fighter who put down many overeager young soldiers who had issues with him in his time, and those who choose to stick by him respect him greatly.
13. What is the worst/funniest/dumbest article that could be written about them in Tyria's trashiest gossip mag?
Okay asdhgf that's an interesting one, but probably some dumb, incredibly inaccurate gossip about his relationship with his fellow Iron Tribune, Silverspine (who belongs to my darling partner @orrianreaper <3) or... Pretty much everything about his son, Teo, who's got a reputation of an unruly rebel and "Thunderjaw's shame", despite Thunderjaw himself loving his son deeply and being involved in his life much more than charr usually are.
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sandcharrart · 4 years
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Grothmar Special Edition Playing Card Set Commissioned by Centurion Shadesword of Ash, from Sandshifter Tea of the Olmakhan, a memento of the All Legions Rally- 200 sets were given out at the party.
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i-mybrunettelady · 3 years
Horse plinko and eeby deeby from gw2?
Ayy nice more eeby deebies for me <3
horse plinko: character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason
Phlunt!! He's just so unlikable I wanna create an asura OC just to torment him. Plus he's mean to Taimi. And fun fact, if you're out of PoF story and you go to CONTACT TAIMI places in Elona, you basically get a dialogue like this: You: Taimi, this is the Commander. Phlunt: Huh? Who's this?
He's not only annoying but unwilling to listen to the identification you provide. I wanna bully him.
eeby deeby: character I would send to superhell
Smodur & Bangar. The only viable imperators are Malice and Crecia in my books (and Mia Kindleshot isn't all that bad from what little we know of her.)
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brax-was-here · 3 years
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Hey! There’s Mia Kindleshot. 
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vateo · 3 years
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i'm late but Charrtober week 4: Iron - Mia Kindleshot
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shiverpeakstraveler · 7 years
Just Like Fire Chp 3
Once again returning to Ascalon, Liana is informed of a Blood Legion training facility and hatchery falling under attack by the Flame Legion, and is sent by Rytlock to aid a charr ranger Rox in reclaiming it. Upon arriving, though, she finds the hatchery under attack by a group composing of Flame Legion and Dredge-just like the one that had attacked Cragstead.
Once Liana was able to get her bearings together, she hastily made her way back to the Black Citadel, not even bothering to slow down as she jumped between asuran waygates to reach the charr capital. Her mind was racing as she struggled to remain calm, trying not to think of what possible danger her father might be in the hands of his captors.
He's going to be fine, Liana, relax! she thought as she began the climb up to the Imperator's Core once more, Dad's been through rougher scraps! He's probably fighting his way to freedom right now!
But what if he's not? What if something terrible has happened to him?
"-talk about that later. I've got a mission for you. You're aware of the refugee situation."
Liana glanced up immediately when she heard Rytlock's voice. The Blood Tribune was speaking to a young female charr with sandy brown fur and a dark red mane. Going by her armor and choice of weaponry, the charr was a ranger like Liana, although the human couldn't find a pet by her side. Nearby was a large group of charr officials seeming to be discussing the threat of the dredge and Flame Legion alliance. She recognized a few of the members present, such as Imperator Smodur the Unflinching, Tribunes Torga Desertgrave of Ash and Bhuer Goreblade of Iron, as well as Mia Kindleshot, whom Liana vaguely remembered from a party a year ago at Minister Caudecus' estate that resulted in said Minister being relocated to the palace 'for his safety'.
"Yes, Tribune," the charr replied, her grip on the short bow in her hands tightening,  "I heard the Flame Legion have been mobilizing in northern Diessa Plateau."
"You heard right," Rytlock growled, "They're mucking with our assets up there, and it's singeing my fur. I need you to secure that hatchery we discussed. You think you can handle that?"
"Yes, Tribune. I'll leave right away."
"Good. Take any support you can find. You're likely to need it."
"Yes, Tribune!" the charr exclaimed before leaving to go gather supplies for the mission.
Maybe now I can see what Sourpuss wants, Liana thought before clearing her throat loudly.
Rytlock immediately turned to face her, the anger present across his face seeming to have fade away slightly.
"Commander, welcome. Unfortunately, this is a private defense quorum. Of course, if you have time, I would ask a favor of you."
"Well, I did say I'd come back after I took care of something for Whitebear like you asked," she replied, "I've got a report from the Wayfarer Foothills."
"Where? Oh, yeah. That norn kid," he grumbled, snarling slightly as he recalled the guardian, "You went with him? How'd that turn out?"
"Better than expected. We managed to take back his homestead, but things are rough over there."
"Things are rough everywhere. You want a taste of it? I've got a soldier who could use some back-up. Name's Rox. I just gave her a mission to protect some Blood Legion assets. What do you say?"
"Sure, I'm game. Just tell me where I need to go."
"The North Nolan hatchery is in Diessa Plateau. Just outside the citadel's northern gate. The hatchery is northwest of the town. Go quickly. Rox'll be heading there soon."
"You got it. Catch you later, Rytlock," Liana acknowledged before hurrying off to look for Rox.
She soon found her gathering a few extra weapons, among them what looked to be a greatsword as well as a few daggers.
"You Rox?"
The charr immediately turned around, her muzzle twisting slightly in a frown as she gave the human a critical eye. "Depends on who's asking."
"I'm Liana Rohland," she replied, extending a hand out to her, "Tribune Brimstone asked me to give you a hand with your mission. Something about a hatchery?"
Rox's frown immediately became a grimace as took ahold of her hand and gave it a shake. "You'd be correct. It's under attack by the Flame Legion and the terrible things they're doing sicken me. Those poor defenseless baby devourers won't be able to stand a chance."
Devourers were scorpion-like arachnids with two tails, capable of thriving in arid and humid climates. Some were even able to grow to gargantuan sizes and for awhile were used by the charr as siege mounts. Nowadays, they were commonly the preferred pet of many a charr ranger. As intimidating and dangerous as they were, Liana couldn't help but admit to having a certain fondness for them.
"If it's one thing I'm good at, it's bashing Flame Legion skulls in," Liana proclaimed, cracking her knuckles, "How does one get to the hatchery, then?"
"Head out the northern gate of the Black Citadel into Diessa Plateau. That's Nolan. Just go northwest of the town, you'll find the hatchery. You can't miss it."
"Thanks! Erm....if it's alright to ask, why is this hatchery such an important asset?"
"It's one of the largest Blood Legion hatcheries and training facilities," Rox explained as she hauled herself off the ground, "We've got a lot of resources invested in it. If it were compromised, it would be a terrible loss."
"If it's so important, why isn't Rytlock sending other soldiers with you?"
"Blood Legion personnel are stretched thin protecting the citadel and preparing for war. Besides, I know a test when I see one!"
The statement caused Liana to raise a brow in surprise. "A test?"
Rox nodded with enthusiasm. "Tribune Brimstone wants to see if I'm resourceful. I'm trying out for his warband, you know?"
"His warband?"
"Yeah. I lost my warband in a mining explosion. I'm gladium. Does that bother you?"
Gladium were charr who lost their warband, and considered the lowest of the low in charr society. Usually the last one left standing or the one to turn coward, gladium would either try to find a new warband to call home, or find their place outside of charr society.
"Doesn't bother me a bit," Liana responded, "As long as you'll have my back out there, I'll have yours."
"Good to know," Rox rumbled slightly before glancing down at Nyla, who was looking at the charr from behind the human ranger, "Interesting pet you've got there. You don't really see alot of tigers these days."
Liana puffed up her chest slightly and rested a hand on Nyla's head. "I've had Nyla ever since she was a cub. Bit of a long story, really."
"I'd be happy to listen to it sometime," the charr chuckled, "Right now, though, we've got a hatchery that needs our help. Bring a friend if you can."
"I'll see if I can. Meet you there."
The North Nolan Hatchery was in as much disarray as Cragstead had been in. Dredge and Flame Legion were popping out of the woodwork in what seemed like never-ending waves, and Liana's ears were ringing with the cacophony of sonic weaponry echoing throughout the hatchery.
"Rah! We've got to do something! Those sonic devices are hurting the devourers!" Rox snarled as she glanced over from behind their hiding spot at the large cluster of hatchlings rendered immobile by sonic emitters.
Liana gritted her teeth as she stashed her bow away, quickly reaching for the greatsword strapped to her back. "Do what you can to cover me. I'll go try and smash the emitters and see if we can get the little guys to help us fight."
The charr proceeded to nod as she reached for an arrow in her quiver. "Watch yourself. Those emitters pack quite the punch."
Liana made a sound of acknowledgement before leaping out from their hiding place, darting about as fire and sonic vibrations began to rain down upon her while Rox began to pick off the attackers. Each shattered emitter brought at least three or four angry devourer hatchlings lashing out at the invading forces, barbs and venom flying through the air. Before she had a chance to shatter the last sonic emitter, Liana found herself being knocked off her feet by a well-aimed blast of flame.
Shit! Shit! Shit! she swore silently as she proceeded to roll around, attempting to smother the flames. Once the fire had died down, she glanced around wildly for the source, her gaze locking down on a Flame shaman flanked by a few dredge oscillators.
"Show no mercy!" the shaman barked with a laugh, another fireball beginning to form in his hands.
Liana gritted her teeth as she grappled for her sword-swearing in several languages under her breath-when a sound like thunder shattered through the air. The shaman let out a howl of pain as he clawed desperately at a sticky substance that clung to his fur, a pungent smell wafting through the air.
Buckshot and lye? Only person I know who uses that is-!
"For the Legions!"
Liana immediately snapped her head behind her just in time to see a female charr leap over her, driving the butt of her rifle into the shaman's face. Three more charr came bounding in after her, the air immediately filled with pistol fire and the clanking sound of turrets activating. The leader of the charge-a charr sporting the fur and markings akin to that of a snow leopard and golden eyes-pulled back for a moment to haul the human ranger back to her feet.
"You're not sleeping on the job, are you, Commander?" the charr said with a smirk, "This party is just getting started!"
Liana couldn't help but grin as she leapt back into the fray. "You're a sight for sore eyes, Liviana! I didn't know you were in the neighborhood!"
"I wasn't. I was paying the warband a visit when we caught wind of these soft claws attacking the hatchery.  Jumped to the closest waypoint we could get to and hightailed it here."
"Either way, the help is definitely appreciated! Let's send these louts crawling back to wherever they came from!"
The arrival of Liviana and her warband turned the odds around in favor of the two rangers, and it wasn't long before the hatchery was cleared. As soon as the fighting died down, Rox quickly made her way over to a wounded charr sporting the colors of the Blood Legion.
"You there. I'm here on Tribune Brimstone's orders," she exclaimed as she started to tend to his injuries, "Report!"
"Sithio Quicklash of the Lash Warband," the charr responded with a grunt, wincing slightly as Rox examined his wounds, "We had no warning. They came out of the ground before we could sound the alarm. Dredge and Flame Legion."
"Your warband?"
"Was stationed here, yeah. Some are dead, but the others barricaded themselves behind the south gate. Here's the key. The invaders were in pursuit. We have to-!"
"You're wounded," Rox interrupts him, "You stay here and warn away anyone else who comes. We'll go."
"Yeah, we've got this, Sithio," Liana adds, giving the charr a reassuring look, "Besides, the hatchlings are going to need someone to protect them while we press forward."
Liviana soon approached the three, slinging her rifle over her shoulder. "Hatchery is secure for now. I'll have Cimmara and Luccia stay behind to give our friend here some back up while we head for the training grounds."
"Good idea, Vivi. We could definitely use a hand," Liana replied before turning to face the ranger beside her, "Rox, this is Liviana Gearseeker, Centurion of the Seeker warband and Warmaster in the Vigil. Liviana, this is Rox. I'm helping her complete a task for Tribune Brimstone."
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, soldier," Liviana greeted respectively, offering the gladium a salute, "I'll be honest, I'm surprised you didn't have backup. This isn't really a mission that can be pulled off by two people."
Rox pulled herself to full height as she returned the salute. "I'm trying out for Tribune Brimstone's warband. This is without a doubt a test he wants me to complete."
Liviana proceeded to let out a low whistle, clearly impressed. "The Stone warband, eh? That's not an easy one to get into. You and your pet will need all the luck you can get."
Confusion spread across the younger charr's face. "Pet? I'm sorry, but I don't have a pet."
"Well, it looks like you do now," the engineer replied, pointing to something behind Rox.
Both Liana and Rox spun around to find a pale white devourer hatchling standing near the charr ranger, chittering slightly as it stared up at Rox, as if awaiting a command.
"Burn my hide," Rox growled before waving the hatchling off, "Shoo! Go back to your nest!"
More chittering, although the devourer seems content with ignoring that specific order as it began to circle around the charr.
"Listen. I can't take care of you right now."
Even more chittering.
"Oh, for rust's sake. Shoo! Git! I don't want another pet!"
Liana had to clap her hand over her mouth in attempt to hold back the burst of laughter bubbling up inside of her.  "Hate to tell you, Rox, but I think you've been adopted."
Rox let loose a grumbling noise before turning her attention towards the training area. "We better get going. The longer these bastards are lurking around here, the more damage they'll be able to cause."
"All too true. Lead the way, Rox," Liviana rumbled, "Time to send these softclaws running. Reeva! You're with me and the Commander!"
"You got it, Boss!"
The quartet immediately began their charge towards the training grounds, Rox having to stop every once in awhile in attempt to shoo the devourer hatchling away to no avail. As soon as they reached the gate, the charr ranger began to unlock it with the key Sithio had given them, only to freeze as if she had been dunked in ice water, a snarl tugging at her muzzle.
"Something's not right. Do you smell that?"
Liana began to sniff at the air, her nose wrinkling in disgust. "It reeks of sulfur around here."
"That means Flame Legion," Rox growled as she undid the lock and threw the gate open, "They're near. Be sure to stay close."
No sooner had Rox said those words did a wave of Flame Legion come crashing towards them, the sound of roaring flame being met with bullets and clashing steel shattering through the air. When the last Flame Legion fell to a ground, a portal similar to the one that had been in Cragstead appeared, revealing a dredge armored and geared similar to the shaman Liana and Braham had fought.
"Surrender, female!" the dredge barked, "You're outnumbered and outgunned!"
A smirk began to form on Rox's face. "I don't think so. I've seen things scarier then you come out of my pet."
Liana couldn't help but laugh. "Think I fought skritt more intimidating than him as well!"
The dredge let out an agitated shout before he began lobbing fireballs-A spellcasting dredge? That's new-at the group. While he lacked the precision and skill that the shamen of Flame possessed, he was still a threat as the four split up to avoid being struck. Liana could hear Reeva shouting curses as she ducked behind an overturned cart. From where she was hunkered down, she could see Liviana and Rox picking off countless numbers of reinforcements, Nyla and the devourer darting about as they attacked their targets. For every one that the two seemed to strike down, it seemed three or four more seem would take their place.
If we can get to the wise-guy calling the shots, we may have a chance to send them on the run. How are we going to get to him though with him lobbing fire around like confetti?
Liana snapped her attention towards Liviana, the engineer waving her over frantically.
"I think I know how we can turn the tide in our favor," Liviana hissed, holding up a grenade in her hand.
Liana glanced down at the explosive, frowning as she recognized what type it was. "Flash grenades don't work on dredge, though. They're immune to blinding attacks."
"I thought so as well," the engineer growled, "But I accidentally tossed one of these at him and it looked like it might have an affect on him."
"Looks like whatever magic they've been dabbling in robbed them of that immunity," Rox added, "Throw a handful or two at him, and we might be able to get a clear shot at him without worrying about him scorching our hides off."
Liana pondered for a moment before giving the two a nod. "Worth a shot. Let's do this!"
With a howl, Liviana sprung up, lobbing the flash grenades at the dredge spellcaster. A popping sound could be heard, accompanied by several bright flashes that left the dredge stumbling about, disoriented.
Probably regretting the choices leading up to this moment right now, pal Liana thought as she darted out from behind cover, greatsword at the ready as she sprinted towards her target.
The dredge was able to gain focus long enough to see the pommel of the sword strike him between the eyes, the force knocking him flat on his back. Sparks began to fly from his hands as he began to summon another fireball, only for them to die as quickly as they appeared as Liana drove the sword into his chest.
She hardly noticed the remaining forces fleeing as Liviana's warband gave chase, her attention instead focused on the damage that had been left behind. Fallen soldiers of the Blood Legion were scattered around the grounds of the hatchery along with several devourer warbeasts, no doubt all of them had gone down fighting tooth and nail against the invasion that claimed them.
This is just like what happened to Cragstead, if not worse. Spirits, who could have even imagine something like this happening?
"We're too late," Rox growled in frustration, her words tearing Liana from her thoughts as the charr moved to stand beside the human ranger.
Liana grimaced. "Blast it. At least we were able to save Sithio and the hatchlings."
"Look, treadmarks. Footprints. They took some of the workers away, alive."
The human's eyes immediately snapped towards the marks in question on the ground. Whoever had been taken alive definitely put up quite a fight before being dragged off.
More prisoners. Just like Dad. Raven's beak, I hope they're okay...
"I have to secure the hatchery, but then I'm going to track them down. When I find out where they took the prisoners, I'll contact you-Hey, are you alright?"
Liana was torn from her thoughts by Rox's question, turning to see the charr kneeling right next to her, a look of slight concern on her face.
"Wha-? Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine. I'm alright, Rox."
"Are you sure? You look like someone walked across your grave."
Liana bit her lip nervously as she stared up at the charr, her mind racing as struggled to put her thoughts into words.
"I....right before I spoke with you at the Black Citadel, I was returning from helping out with a similar problem in the Shiverpeaks. A homestead had fallen under attack by a group exactly like the one that attacked this hatchery. Prisoners were taken, too.....one of them being my father."
The concern soon turned to sympathy as Rox proceeded to clasp Liana on the shoulder. "I'm sorry....I hope you're able to find him."
"So do I," she replied, biting back the tears that were threatening to escape her, "I mean, he's a tough old cuss, but still."
"Hey, if he's as tough as you, I'm willing to bet he'll be causing some trouble for these skritt heads," Rox said with a grin, "Might be even fighting his way to freedom right now."
Liana couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "Wouldn't put it past him. He's not one to back down from a fight."
The two were soon joined by Liviana, rifle shouldered while she carried one of the weapons several of the charr and dredge had been wielding.
"Hatchery seems secure for now. My warband's scouring for stragglers at the moment," the engineer replied before handing the bizarre weapon-a rifle of some sort-to Liana, "Thought you might want to bring this to your colleagues at the Priory. I'm grabbing a few to study myself, but it looks like the Flame Legion and dredge combined their tech together."
Liana took ahold of the rifle and glanced over it with a critical eye. "You're right. My fellow scholars will definitely want to look at this. I'm not sure if I even heard of something like this happening before. An alliance between the two is something new altogether."
"I'll be informing my superiors within the Vigil about this as well. A combined force like this does not bode well, especially with the dragons breathing down our necks."
"Let them know they're taking prisoners as well. If we find out where they're taking them, we'll definitely need Vigil steel in order to spring a rescue."
Liviana nodded grimly before saluting both Liana and Rox as she turned to leave. "I'll be sure to do that. Fight well, Commander. And best of luck joining the Stone Warband, Rox."
Both rangers bid her farewell before they began to head back to check on Sithio, who Liana could tell had managed to get on his feet and was able to walk around from where he stood.
"By the way," Rox exclaimed, stopping in her track and staring at Liana with a raised brow, "Why was she calling you 'Commander'? I don't recall the Durmond Priory having such a rank in their order."
Liana bit her lip slightly, avoiding eye contact with the charr. "It's.....It's a bit of a long story. One I promise to share once we find out where those prisoners are."
Rox let out a hm sound as she glanced her over, a frown tugging at her muzzle. After what seemed like an hour she proceeded to shrug before continuing on her way.
"Alright, then. I'll be holding you to that. Till then, I'll contact you once I find out where they're taking everyone," she stated before glancing down at the devourer hatchling still tailing after her, " Right now, I need to find this guy something to eat."
"Sounds like a good idea. Catch you later, Rox."
Liana watched both the charr and devourer dart off towards the direction of the hatchery before continuing on her way towards Sithio, mind racing with numerous questions.
First Cragstead, now this hatchery. What are they after? What are they hoping to achieve?
She paused for a moment to glance down at the hybrid tech she clutched in her hands.
What-or Who, even-convinced the dredge and the Flame Legion to join forces in the first place?
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Where does Gaius see himself in five years?
(from @wall-legion )
Lately, he's rather... uncertain. At best, he'll be some sort of advisor for Mia Kindleshot in helping with the reforms of the legion, at worst he's retired and playing gilf for Efram?
And when I say best and worst, I just mean in terms of what he considers productive to his desires as a soldier.
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