#mia sweir
migleefulmoments · 6 years
Time for some CC Self Reflection
If you haven’t read the comment posted by ajw I refer you to her blog. She answered an ask which hit on the most common criticisms we have made about their fandom- they are misogynists, they fetishize gay men and gay relationships,  they don't actually like the choices Darren makes about himself and his career but at the same time they infantilize him and turn him into a victim, The anon also called them out for NOT being true allies and that Darren and Chris aren’t sending secret messages to the fandom.  
Ajw responded with her usual lack of any self reflection and repeating old arguments. 
Let’s begin by saying that Darren and Mia are a couple. I have been hesitant to say that outright and always referred to things that Darren said because I have been clear that I do not know Darren but I have had it confirmed by someone who does have that kind of access to Darren’s life to know for sure that Darren’s truth is that Mia and Darren are in love, bundling a life together and are engaged. Proven fact. 
Now let’s tackle the response: Is the CC fandom misogynists? Yes, of course. She lists a handful of women in her life who are living real lives as if that proves she doesn’t post misogynistic hatred toward a woman she has never met. Recognizing women in one’s life who have real-life struggles doesn’t prove you aren’t a misogynistic...it just proves you aren’t obtuse.  
They are misogynists because their hatred of Mia is not based on a personal knowledge of Mia but rather a set of stereotypes and labels they have given her simply to fuel their hatred. They criticize the way she dresses, her personal hygiene, her work ethic, and her career choices based entirely on their own fantasies. They have decided that Mia -and only Mia - has no right to post anything on social media and when she very rarely does, that PROVES she is a fame whore and it provides more fuel for that hatred. THAT is the definition of misogyny.  
She says: 
I happen to HATE one women. But it is not because she is female. I would despise her no matter her gender, race, nationality, or sexuality.
When I look up the definition I get 
mi·sog·y·ny/məˈsäjənē/noundislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women."she felt she was struggling against thinly disguised misogyny"
The truth is that hating even one women based on stereotypes and ingrained prejudices against women is what makes it misogyny...not that Mia is a women.
Are they gay fetishists? Of course. 
She explains that she loved Klaine, not because they are two men but because “they were great, real, believable characters and D&C bright so much beauty into that relationship it was impossible for me not to love them”. I have already said before that season 2 and 3 Klaine were all of those things but after season 3, Chris was OVER Klaine and there was NO chemistry. But besides all of that- Klaine is scripted TV. There were several scripts that were auctioned off by the Box Scene Project for charity and many of us have read them, everything was written by the writing staff. Nothing they said or did was up to Darren and Chris except for a few ad-libbed lines we heard about. Nothing else...the words they said, how they stood, moved, danced and sang with one another was all controlled by someone else. The kissing scenes were all highly scripted with cameras directly in their faces. There is nothing real happening on a scripted-TV show. Lea and Cory were actually in love and dating and nobody believes the Finchel scenes were actually Lea and Cory. 
Ajw continues to adamantly deny that she confuses Klaine and CrissColfer when in fact it is a regular occurrence by both her and the fandom. Darren and Chris were coworkers and nothing more. Neither man has ever once hinted at being a couple. The fandom proclaims they are a great love and go on about what the two men do and yet there has never been even a hint of confirmation from Chris or Darren. The only proof the fandom has that Chris and Darren have acknowledged their great love is through their interoperation of Chris’s Instagram “likes”, Darren T-shirt graphics and a crap ton of fabricated theories. 
The entire CC Fandom “ships” CrissColfer. For them to “know” CC is real would first require Darren or Chris to acknowledge with words or actions that they have a relationship before they can “know” it is true. Until that time its nothing but shipping. Of course neither man has ever so much as hinted. In fact Darren has said “I’m straight” for 9 years and has been with Mia since before Glee started. Both Chris and Darren have asked them to stop, have talked about fans who don’t understand reality from fantasy and called them the Kragen and crazies.  Until Chris or Darren confirm with words that they are a couple, the CCers are “shipping” the two men. 
They fetishize Darren as gay based entirely on his behavior they deem was “gay”. They call him “Daisy” when he “acts gay”, claim he goes to gay clubs to “stare at half-naked men”. They say he is gay because he wears pink, a “God save the Queers” Tshirt, or tiny shorts in a gay rights parade. He’s gay because he puts on a wig and lip syncs Mariah Carey. Their beliefs about male and female behaviors and dress are quite disgusting. They reduce every gay man who enters Darren’s life to a “role model” who will be “helping him come out”.   
Darren has said he is straight for 9 years and yet they claim he is gay simply because of their fantasies.  Darren has never even hinted he is anything but straight.  
Are they talented men? Sure, but they aren’t “the most wonderful, caring intelligent creative and generous human beings”...they are STRANGERS. Complete strangers. You can’t know if someone is generous, wonderful, and caring if you don’t actually know that person. Darren is a person that a lot of people like and a lot of people comment on social media that he is super nice and down-to-earth. Those same people also say a lot of nice things about Mia and the CC fandom only cares about the first type of post. But Is he generous? I have no clue---he charges a shit load of money for Meet and Greats! Is Chris wonderful, generous and caring? We have no clue at all. We know Kurt, we don’t know Chris. All of these things that CCers believe about Chris and Darren are based entirely on Kurt and Blaine or their own fantasies.
And together, they are a shining example if a love that is rare.  They have suffered so much and have been each other’s rock for EIGHT years.  There aren’t many like them and I don’t understand why it is wrong to admire them because they happen to be two men.  The way they love and respect each other is something we should all aspire to have. 
Again, we have the fetishization of love. They have a love that is rare? They have never shared anything about themselves that suggest any kind of love. They have NO PUBLIC relationship. 
Darren and Chris’s long-term suffering is entirely fabricated by the CC fandom. Darren has said “I’m straight”, “I love her very much” and talked about his wedding plans among other things. Chris said Will is his boyfriend when asked by a child at a TLOS event and dedicated a book to him. Suffering? Darren just won an Emmy, a Critic’s Choice and a Globe, his bar is hopping, his tour was a success...people who are suffering don’t have successful careers- especially one in which he must give on-camera interviews. 
“They are each other’s rock for EIGHT years”? Again, we have never heard anything from either man to suggest they are even friends, let alone each other’s  “rock”. They don’t have a love we should “aspire to”- that is all a fantasy. A100% fantasy. We really know nothing about anyone’s relationship except our own. It makes no sense to believe that two strangers who have no public relationship have a love we should all aspire to. How they cannot see this is entirely all their own fantasy, baffles me. 
Respect each other? It seems pretty clear to me that Chris doesn’t want anything to do with Darren -at least publicly. We know that Chris had to be forced to do the wedding interview, we know they have no public relationship, we know that Chris has asked the CCers to stop believing they are together and has said that Glee isn’t a documentary. We know that Chris doesn’t like to be talked about. I have no inside scoop on how Chris feels but it is clear to me, that he is not interested in waking the Kragen and as long as he fears that, he will not have a public relationship with Darren.
Does she hate Darren? Yes...she really does. Darren is that slightly douchy, frat-bro dude they hate so much. Darren is the man who accepts the product endorsements they rage about. The man they love and adore is the fantasy gay man they fetishize. He is mostly season 2 Blaine with whatever fantasy they have created. They want Darren to be a gay victim and they will rescue him. The man they cheer, the man they like is all a fantasy. 
They hate his choices and they blame everything they dislike on his team...a team that Darren hired and continues to believe in as evidence by this continued working with them. Contracts end and yet Darren has not changed his team in 9 years. Do they hate his family? Clearly, they “adore” his mother  but they have claimed that Chuck is bad because he likes and supports Mia. They hate all of Darren’s non-gay friends (as long as they haven’t said anything supportive of Mia). The friends she likes- a handful of people she has decided are “good” based on whatever a CCer uses to determine good vs. evil- Max, Jon, Etai, Lena, the ACS cast, proving again that the CCers can’t tell the difference between coworkers and friends. I know that Darren says the ACS cast is family but I hear that from a lot of casts they are doing press, and I believe they feel that way, but life gets in the way and it changes who is in our life. I’ve felt that way about coworkers I hadn’t heard from in decades.  Time moves on.    
We keep coming back to the concept: Darren is a stranger and believing things that Darren has NEVER said or even hinted at crosses all sorts of boundaries. One thing that is abundantly clear is that Darren is loyal and his friends from college mean everything to him. Denigrating that relationship to suit one’s fantasy is disgusting. Nobody whose entire knowledge of Darren’s life is gleaned from social media has any right to comment on his personal relationships. Period.   
Do Darren and Chris send them signs? She claims that they signs are for all of us but only the CCers actually take the time to listen. I can only LOLOLOLOL to this. As I have said before, the words that Darren and Chris say should be the only thing any of us are listening to. Their words are worthy of respect. believing they are sending convoluted signals hidden in social media while ignoring their words is fucked up. 
We end with Hollywood and closeting queer actors. Once again, the CC fandom’s version of closeting is one they have fabricated to fit their needs. No gay celebrity that I know of has talked about a forced closeting. No one has claimed a studio used a morality clause to keep them in the closet. Agents and mangers have encouraged queer actors to stay in the closet but nobody is forcing them to stay in. The real “closeting” happens when queer actors are not hired for jobs. That is a systemic problem that has to do with stereotypes and personal beliefs and NOT something that will be solved quickly or easily.  Closeting by a studio using a contract would be easier to change- a good lawsuit would end that kind of practice. But it isn’t that simple. 
I almost feel stupid answering this because it is so clear that the CC fandom’s fantasy is behind all of their “truths”. They have created and entire fabricated story that is so out of touch with reality that it can only be called scary. 
It’s late, I’m tired. Tomorrow I will proofread this and probably make it read better but I shall post it for now. Let me know if there are glaring typos.    
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Via Liela Crosset’s Instagram Story (05-26-18)
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 3 years
you know, I very rarely ever get asks in my inbox. and I can count on one hand the number of times I've had rude anons. but I've gotten 2 assholes in my inbox today complaining about 1.) that I reblogged posts containing Mia, and 2.) that I tagged her as Mia Criss instead of using her "real name", and 3.) that my reply to the anon from yesterday was ignorant and disrespectful.
I find it hilarious that I'm being called a "Mia stan", and told that I'm "praising her", when I RARELY ever reblog anything she's in or even mention her on my blog; and I didn't even add any conversational tags to any of the posts that I reblogged either, so how exactly am I catering to her?
if you hate Mia so much, why don't you have her name blacklisted so she can't accidentally pop up on your dash? because w/ tumblr tag filtering it actually doesn't matter that I tagged her as Mia Criss, because the OP tagged her as Mia Sweir, so your complaint that me using the "wrong name" made her slip through your filters is Bullshit.
but if anyone else feels like sending me hate, I'll block you the same way I blocked the other anons. because I don't give a shit. I'm done.
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d-criss-news · 5 years
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bonamore · 7 years
just a friendly remember that the guy whom you always ignore it is freaking famous, more than Daisy, and of course more than your queen, here is just one video of him
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darrencrissarmy · 5 years
Recently married “Glee” star Darren Criss, legally hitched to longtime girlfriend Mia Sweir in mid-February, has celebrated his upwardly mobile career with the slightly more than $3 million purchase of a family-sized home in a celeb-packed neighborhood in the leafy, low-key foothills above Hollywood.
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yogrl335 · 5 years
So now Abbydabbado and her trolls hate Bruno Mars and the man who designed the shirt Darren wore at his wedding. All this seems to be paid for by Mia’s father. If you start counting with Ricky Rollins, Ashley Weston, the Starkids, John Stamos, Mia’s friends, Darren’s brother, Benjamin Pasek, Andy Mientis, et al., Mr Sweir is paying through the nose. And for what? If he wants his daughter to be famous, just pay for advertising. Or have Darren feature her on a tour, or a photo shoot. Or just about anything really. You only see pictures of Mia if you troll the Social Media of anyone who is not Darren or Mia. If you look at his SM, you will find her only occasionally. So who the heck is looking for a new star by checking out the Starkids, Ashley, and the rest? Abs’ followers must be very desperate to believe this crap. Foolish girls believing a delusional middle-aged woman who should know better.
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scatter-the-stars · 7 years
What person right after getting engaged asks for wedding presents?
It's all bullshit and the fact that some people can't see that blows my mind.
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galexystarbucks · 10 years
I kinda like Mia's band's music. It's interesting and fun to listen to. 
And Mia's really cool. You know, in my opinion. Not that I'm a crazy nut Miarren shipper. I just like Mia lots.
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d-criss-news · 5 years
Earlier this year, recently-married “Glee” and “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: An American Crime Story” star Darren Criss put his Los Angeles starter home up for sale. Lucky for him, buyers went hog-wild over the supremely located midcentury bungalow, which is tucked away in the coveted Los Feliz neighborhood of town on L.A.’s Eastside. The property quickly sold in a bidding war for $1.81 million, a hefty $113,000 premium over the asking price.
Records reveal that Criss paid $1.2 million for the property a bit over seven years ago, back in winter 2012, and the upgraded single-story abode offers three bedrooms and two baths in about 1,700 square feet of living space.
The buyer is a 36-year-old Canadian named Adam Feeney, better-known in the music industry as the Grammy-nominated DJ and record producer Frank Dukes. Though he’s not quite a household name, Dukes is one of the most prolific producers of his era and is responsible, at least in part, for some of contemporary music’s biggest hits. The Grammy-nominated impresario sports songwriting credits on the Weeknd’s “Call Out My Name,” Cardi B’s “Be Careful,” Camila Cabello’s “Havana,” and Kanye West’s “Real Friends,” among many other popular tunes.
A gated and camera-watched carport is attached to the front of the house, which offers a stacked-stone fireplace, various original architectural details and beamed ceilings punctuated with skylights that flood the interiors with natural light. There’s also a petite kitchen with chocolate brown cabinetry and stainless steel appliances, plus an adjacent combo living/dining room.
Both the guest and master bedroom open directly to the backyard via French doors, while a potential third bedroom features pale wood siding and is currently done up as a makeshift music studio-meets-den sort of casual affair. Out back, the desirably private backyard includes a covered patio for alfresco dining, a grassy lawn and kidney shaped pool. A towering wall of bamboo effectively shields the property from view of the neighbors, imbuing the place with a park-like, vaguely tropical atmosphere.
Criss and his new wife Mia Sweir have upgraded from their Los Feliz starter home to a new, $3 million homein the nearby Hollywood Hills. That gated and high-hedged estate, best-described as a transitional contemporary, has a family-sized 4,700 square feet of living space and another backyard swimming pool.
As for Dukes, this is not his first property purchase in L.A. or in Los Feliz, for that matter. Back in May 2018, he paid about $1.85 million for a charming Spanish-style cottage in a different part of town. That house is not currently listed on the open market, but it’s probably a safe bet that he’ll want to unload it at some point in the near future.
Konstantine Valissarakos of Nourmand & Associatesand Rick Yohon of Sotheby’s International Realty jointly held the listing; Denise Rosner of Compassrepped Dukes.
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darrencrissarmy · 5 years
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Our 19 Favorite Celebrity Weddings of 2019
Mia Swier + Darren Criss
February 16, 2019
As if Valentine’s Day weekend doesn’t make us feel single enough, Glee star Darren Criss and his girlfriend of seven years, director and producer Mia Sweir, tied the knot on the 7th Saturday of 2019 with one of the most extraordinary celebrations we’ve seen. The New Orleans Museum of Art offered the perfect setting and location for the musical duo’s edgy taste. Kristin Banta of Kristin Banta Events planned “a dusk ceremony in the sculpture garden under the Spanish moss, an opium den-inspired cocktail reception… and a surprise explosive neon after-party inside the museum.”
Darren and Mia surprised their guests with more than an after party. They started the evening by officiating their own nuptials — Criss even provided the ceremony music, thanks to his songwriting background. The newlyweds continued their non-traditional night with a “first song” performance instead of a first dance, followed by an incredible concert reception. What else would you expect from the musical duo? They even incorporated some of our 2020 wedding trend predictions into their incredible day.
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mrs-quinzel · 11 years
I dont think he kissed her. But okay, I'll admit his smile and her laugh were kinda cute. And the Blake's comment (it's good you got Darren) was just... I'm not fangirling. I just wish we could see get more public interactions, it'll reassure me somehow. And as I always say, as long as Dare is happy, so am I. M
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hugsformia · 11 years
Okay, so I've put in every submission I have received so far, and there's still two days until the deadline for submissions. 
Again, I want to thank everyone who is a part of this project. Thank you so much.
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what-the-huffle-puff · 11 years
yes, i ship crisscolfer,
but Darren has confirmed that he is dating Mia,
so everyone should support him in his choices, because their both happy together,
I also think that Darren and Chris are obviously very good friends, just think that both Mia and Will are friends with each other which shows how close Darren and Chris actually are.
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savingrae · 11 years
I'd really really like to know where Mia's coachella dress is from. It's gorgeous. Anyone know?
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jtwhiteside · 12 years
I just watched Moonrise Kingdom
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And I just can't get over the fact that Darren and Mia dressed up as Suzy and Sam! In the film Suzy and Sam are the cutest couple ever, and are clearly meant to be together!
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I'm dead. =.=
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