#mianite alts
syndianites · 2 months
I've always wondered what the criteria for being an 'alt' in mianite was.
Like, assuming it was a thought-out thing and not just a fun gimmick of being in an alternate reality, how is it determined who your alt is?
There's a few ways you can look at it:
They are literally you in a different universe- like literally exactly who you are but put in a different situation
They are someone who fills the same *role* as you, being more a metaphorical alternate
They are who, essentially, took your place in the world. It was either you existed OR they existed, not both
They are just the mirror of yourself, so to speak. Someone very similar to you and having the same core features, but having different... aspects? Like, if you were loyal and brave, but generally rather shy, your alternate would /also/ be loyal and brave, but could be easy and outgoing.
The reason I tend to ponder this a lot with Mianite as a series is because it very much feels like it could go any way, /except/ the person being a literal you from a different universe.
And I know that may be an unpopular look at it, but if you compare our most popular alt- Mot, to Tom, aside from the name and being partially mob-fied, what do they have in common as people? Their backgrounds are very different (which is to be expected), their personalities are very different, their choices and decisions can often conflict with each other, and so on and so forth.
In my head, someone literally being a different 'you' would either entail them having the same exact name (both having been "Tom" or "Mot" at some point) or looking nigh identical (though the Tom/Mot example is a little harder considering their different mob afflictions).
I suppose what I'm trying to say, is that when I think of a "traditional" alternative self, I think of the exact same person who was just put in a different situation. Like if Tom, for example, had been put in a situation where his family had all died and he got infected, etc etc. But even when in different situations you find that people tend to look the same, or has similar personality traits, or even have a similar way of thinking. Of course, we don't get to see a lot of alt interactions because Mot, for the majority of the time we see him, is the only "known" alt (since we didn't know Steve was supposed to be a Wag alt).
So how would I, personally, define alts in the Mianite universe? Honestly, I'm not sure. For a while I went on the idea that it was someone who was in "your role" in this other universe. Mot and Tom are both champions of Dianite, Spark and Jordan are both important devotees to Ianite, etc etc, but can we use that to explain Jeriah and Alyssa, or even Wag and Steve?
I think I sit right between the "role" aspect of alts and the "mirror" aspect. They almost beg the same question, "what is this person's defining traits," but in different ways. Tom and Mot are both heavily loyal, Tom to his friends and even the previous Dianite, who he stuck with even when he was THE bad guy, and Mot to Alyssa and Dianite. Spark and Jordan are both very devoted and- crafty? I don't know what word I'd use, but Spark created a whole town, Jordan had the Jerry's tree, how Jordan was very invested in any study he came across and how Spark was very invested in spreading the word of Ianite, etc. From what snippets we get, Sonja and Alyssa are both playful at heart and kind, though we don't get to see too much about Alyssa. I'd make a stab at what Jeriah is like but we basically never see him. Wag and Steve are both rather straightforward and not afraid to cause damage to get what they want done- and also have the same taste in women (lol).
You could argue that this is because they fill the same "roles" as each other, but you could also argue that it's because the characters share the same "base traits." It's like the chicken and the egg argument- does the role require the traits, or do the traits lead to the role? If two people are alts of each other, who came first? Who is the "original," discounting the fact that we enter the world of Mianite through Tiem Reester and are biased into believing they are the originals.
The people who throw this most into question are the gods themselves. They literally fill the same roles, have the same names, have very similar characteristics, and are basically the poster-children to the "traditional" idea of alternate versions of yourself. But if you stripped away everything- the godhood, the names, the aspects of life they embody- what do they have in common? The gods present that "what-if" scenario that happens when you look into alternate realities far better than the "human" people we see. Are both Dianite's stubborn and confident? Are both Mianite's self-assured and believe themselves to always be in the right? Are both Ianite's dedicated to walking the line between aspects, trying to keep a grip on the happenings of their universe and the fluctuations of the Void?
Mianite, as a series, gives us /so many things/ to think about but never a solid resolution to these ideas because it was never meant to. It was a story made up on the fly, a bridge being built as we walked along it. And I think that's why it sticks in my mind so much compared to other series that broach similar ideas. There are so many open-ended questions that /we/ get to solve, to debate, to consider, that it just sticks with you because it is so, so hard to leave something "unfinished."
Anyway, rant over, please go back to your regularly scheduled activities
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chiangyorange · 6 months
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i think abt the fact that s2 dia is in the s1 world very intensely.
i also have other thoughts about the s1 evolving at a rapid pace to catch up in actual mc updates like say by the time the alternates come to the s1 world they experience like the ocean update, the combat update, the extended biomes update literally like all at once
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licantropa · 2 days
You always have like really interesting tracks on the alts so I was wondering if you have any particular headcanons their relationships
Yes yes yes I do!
Spark and Jeriah are two pieces of the same puzzle that do not go together to make the bigger picture. They’re both so similar. Spark who does things out of love for his goddess, and Jeriah who does things in spite of his god.
They met before Ianite arrived at Dagrun, but after Jeriah and the knights got basically excommunicated. Something interesting is that by just being allied with the knights, puts Dagrun as a whole against Mianite, so either Spark has his own issues against the god or he thinks Jeriah is the more lucrative ally to have.
Jeriah was infatuated with Spark after getting to know him, but it never went further than that and even dimmed down after Spark got with his lady. The things Spark wanted in a relationship (at the time) were things Jeriah couldn’t give him, however throughout their ten years in a different realm those feelings pop back up with a fervor, but Jeriah just waves it off as it being close proximity because they’re living together. He never knew whether or not Spark ever felt the same.
Jeriah cooks to sustain himself, while Spark cooks for the enjoyment of it. The issue comes from them having to cook for the other, as spark finds jeriah’s food far too bland at times, and jeriah feels as though spark’s food can be overwhelming.
Both of them can be patronizing to both Mot and Alyssa, while Spark at least means well (most of the time), Jeriah (to Mot) gets very rude very quickly. Mot can get under people’s skin pretty easily, jeriah being no exception to that, so they get into spats and arguments that are so bad that if not intercepted can get physical.
When Mot’s redstone and blacksmithing capabilities are combined with Sparks own designing and planning you get some pretty good competent (non-weaponry) creations. Most things are made with Spark kindly asking (more like begging) and Mot begrudgingly doing it because it’ll be better in the long run for him. Like should they be waisting materials to make a mortar and pestal? a skillet? a cafetera? probably not but at least Mot’s getting something out of it.
Mot and Spark have an overall positive relationship with one another, most of Mot’s opinions on him come from Dianite and his brief interactions with the guy. He does however think that a lot of his decisions in this other realm lean more towards stupidity than anything else. To trust this other Ianite just because she is a version of Spark’s Ianite, to Mot, is foolish and Spark doesn’t seem like he’s going to be listening to reason anytime soon.
The three of them share Mot’s last cigarette.
Alyssa, as she gets older, finds herself alone more often than not. What separates her from the rest is not champion status or godly attention, it’s age. The other three want her to ‘be a kid’ for as long as possible, but that’s difficult for her because of everything that’s happened, she feels as though she’s matured too much for that kind of mentality.
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grailknightmonty · 2 years
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today felt like a shitshow but hey look docksduo
(based on licantropa's epic memes)
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syn4k · 3 days
hm. what if they landed in ruxomar via the events of Storm
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
if jordan was in life series and his glasses changed with his life yall realize that would mean green life = spark conway, yellow life = ??? and only his red life is mr jordan sparklez
which. which is fucking genius. my fuel for the dianitee fire
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coolcattime · 1 year
The trial against Jordan goes rather well, at least in the minds of the two pirates. Martha and Andor would disagree with that description of the events as they were dragged bloody and wounded out of the area by Capsize. They don't know what happened to Redbeard after he stopped screaming, though they can certainly guess. Martha is slightly shocked by the seemingly callousness of Capsize towards his death, but any lectures she might have had disappear as they run through a thick black impossibly dark fog and they appear once again in a forest clearing with Redbeard sitting perfectly healthy on a log.
They realise as their adrenaline fades, that their wounds have also been healed. Confused and frankly concerned as to what the hell is going on, they look to the pirates for answers which Capsize assures she'll give after a quick breather. During the breather, Alister and Gaines appear. Alister the pirates appear to know, while Gaines they definitely don't. A few minutes later, Alyssa and Dianite come running into the camp. After some semi-awkward introductions, the four who have been there for a while now (Capsize, Redbeard, Alyssa, and Alister) go over what they know about where they are, notably that they are being forced into these trials, that they can't die, but they definitely can be hurt. And that even though they can't really fight back, they all have been given some strengths for certain situations, though they've all had to learn them via experience.
The camp is nicer than the clearing from earlier. The campfire is more than a bonfire and forms of shelter have been set up, and the clearing is surrounded by flora. Everyone new is told to make themselves at home, but not to stray into the darkness. After a little while of coming to grips with the situation, the newbies start questioning if there’s any way to escape. This far they have no answers, but Capsize assures she's been working on it.
Capsize has been in the Shadow’s Realm since her death at the hands of Furia. Originally she was alone, a little confused about what exactly was going on, until Furia appeared as a killer and her life became a recurring nightmare. She hasn’t revealed to the others how long she was completely alone for, just that it was far longer than she would've liked. She isn’t looking for sympathy, just for some way to get the others out of the world's worst afterlife, or at the very least stop her other friends from being mindless killers.
Her time alone has told her how to survive for longer against the killers. She’s found she gets stronger when people start getting hurt or dying, becoming quieter and faster. However, given that she isn’t about to just sacrifice the others, she instead uses her experience to keep the killers’ attention on her rather than them. Seeing that certain killers (*cough* Furia) already focuses more attention on her, she might as well use this to everyone’s advantage. In fact, her being chased speeds up the progress of the escape tasks just as long as she doesn't get caught.
Redbeard arrived in the Shadow’s Realm around a year after Capsize’s death. Sitting alone in Aethoria, he followed his sister’s voice into the Shadows not realising what was going on until it was far too late. The rush of emotions of seeing his sister alive was quickly overwhelmed by needing to escape an empowered Furia. He's not exactly happy to learn the suffering Capsize has gone through, but has basically devoted himself to protecting her from some of the harm the killers will try to inflict on her.
He has the ability to boost the others when he's injured. Particularly when he's injured, the others are faster and quieter. Though they've found it's harder to heal him than it is the others, he doesn't mind as long taking the hits to help the others. He's also found a method to break the jagged hooks that the killers throw those they've caught onto, by gripping onto the metal when he's being pulled off leaving it stuck in his shoulder. It's painful but it leaves the hook unusable for the rest of the trial.
The third survivor to arrive to the Shadow's Realm, Alyssa disappeared from the Season 1 world at the same time as Mot. She's extremely worried about where she ended up as she's pretty sure everyone here is dead. She at least finds some comfort in not having met any of the killers previously as she can see how that affects the other survivors.
During the downtime at the camp, she'll gather up flora that grows around in order to craft medical supplies for the trials. It works more effectively than other methods they've tried during trials. She also tends to catch the attention of the killers less than the others, something which she attributes to them having not met her before. She feels acutely aware of how she's being tracked in order to better hide. She's far better at hiding than she is after being found, but she's fine with not having attention on her in the first place.
The fourth survivor to arrive in the Shadow's Realm, and the final one to arrive by themself. When the Season 2 world began to fall apart, he awoke in the new place. He sees it as sort of a way to redeem himself for the terrible things he did for Mianite. He struggled a little with admitting what he had done to the people he finds himself with, though none of them are really in a situation where they could refuse his help.
During the trials, he's found that he can channel his own successes to correct the mistakes of others. So long as he is around other survivors, he can mitigate their failures but only as long as he himself is successful in the same task. He can also progress escape tasks quicker than normal as long as he works with another person, beyond just the advantages of two people working on one task.
With the group Martha is a little weary. Obviously she knows that causing arguments in the situation they're all stuck in is not a good idea, though she can't help but want to question Capsize for seemingly knowing so little when she's been in the realm for so long. This is causing some tension between the two as Capsize really isn't in the mood to be questioned.
Within the trials, Martha has discovered small totems that power up the killers. She's found that she has the ability to change these to instead benefit herself and her fellow survivors. Changing their arrangement in a particular way creates an area of healing which can be sorely needed within the danger of the trials. Completely destroying one allows her to convert its energy into progress for the escape tasks. Though due to the limited number, she has to make a decision as to which advantage she wants.
It takes awhile for Andor to get over the terrible shock of seeing Jordan as a monster trying to kill him. He also struggles a lot with having to work with Alister considering their past interactions. He ends up relating quite a lot to the pirates in relation to their feelings about the killers as they also had close friendships with them.
During the trials, he can help people in ways others can't and can gain power from doing so. After rescuing other survivors, he gains the power to get himself out of the same situation without help later. Rescue someone from one of the hooks and later he can lift himself off one as if another person was there to help. Take a hit intended for someone else and later he can take multiple hits without consequence.
He's naturally quite introverted within the group as he didn't know any of them too well and being in constant danger isn't the best environment for growing relationships. Still he tries, and his previous ability to make a portal into the void between worlds comes of interest as the best lead any of them have to figuring out a method of escape.
Within the trials, he's much faster with the escape tasks than any other individual. This made sense to him with Jordan's complex machines, less so with the magic seals around Sonja's area. He's also found a way to craft the very bare bones materials salvaged from around the camp to create sensors that can alert where the killer is. They are easily destroyed by the killers but act as a good warning system for when they're getting too close.
Dianite (S2).
Though they're warming up to him due to assurances from the others, Dianite isn't too surprised that the reaction to him from the two pirates is that of fear and distrust. Honestly he's surprised they're as nice as they are given what he's heard about their world's Dianite. He's the first person to realise that said other him has possessed Tom, due to the odd behaviour towards him and just an persistent feeling from the killer.
He's found that he has the ability to sense certain things he can't directly see. He can't quite tell if that is an ability granted by the realm or from him being previously dead. From escape routes, to his fellow survivors, to the killer, it's as if he can see them through the walls. He's also found that he can quickly aid other survivors, healing them at the cost of inflicting their injuries on himself.
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firefly464 · 2 years
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Don’t mind me just
*breaks down sobbing*
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thedailypaper · 20 days
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a preview of my piece for the mianite 10th anniversary zine, dropping on the 30th! go check it out then @mianitezine
image id in alt text!
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voidandradiance · 1 month
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mcytblr-archive · 3 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: warpedfungusonastick
today's interviewee is warpedfungusonastick, who's been in MCYTblr since the summer of 2020 and is a member of dreamlying! below is a transcript of their account of early MCYTblr.
Digging back into what I have of my online history, I started the tumblr blog warpedfungusonastick in late July 2020. Beforehand I had a very small <20 follower dttwt account and saw that the Tumblr community was more my vibe. I was 18 when I got into being a dteam ~fan and my personal views on fandom and stan culture and parasocial relationships were, while still evolving, kind of against a lot of the culture that was growing up around especially the twitter fan community.
(This being said, this was the depths of COVID lockdown and I rarely left my house because I was a senior in high school in the U.S. and living with someone who absolutely could not get sick. So I was terminally online and can definitely say in retrospect deeply invested in the fan culture and even the creators/their online personas while being semi-ironically self aware of this relationship.)
I first saw a dteam video in later 2019. Funny enough (and not funny at all, because I think about these Patterns quite a lot), I had then just left the Cryaotic fandom. If you don't know, he was an old friend of pewdiepie who split with him around the time of or before the multiple pewdiepie scandals and pewdiepie whistling off several alt-right dog whistles and that whole thing. But back to the point, like a month after i became a regular Cryaotic Twitch viewer, a long expose came out about him being abusive to his ex-girlfriend and a groomer of underaged fans. Cryaotic was a faceless streamer whose iconography was this little blob thing and I will not abandon the theory that the origins of Dreamwastaken fanart are the direct successor to humanized fanart of this Cryaotic persona.
Through the whole Cryaotic thing I first found out about kiwifarms/lolcow. What stuck to me, beyond the abhorrent stuff said on those sites, was that they had a pretty clear system of archiving things using sites such as archive.is and were completely unafraid to post "doxxed" materials anonymously.
Commentary on DL interviews: - I fully second what georgesoot said about "No it's not odd, I at least partially strove for infamy. Any attention gratifies the ego after all, not just positive attention. Then there was the absurdity of it all". I tried to be a lot less controversial than some other DL members, but I did run with them and did say some things that weren't within the typical conventions of more mainstream and popular blogs of the time. It was a dopamine hit for people to interact with my blog--like any social media--but I/we did it in a kind of absurdist way at a point with the things we said and the ways we kind of transgressed whatever the normal way of being a fan blog was. - Re: Wormweeb--I was also kind of mentally ill and depressed and really only interacted with both friends online (even if they were friends from school). And as a result I took it all a bit more seriously than it was at the time. This is is less related but I used to get these--visceral? reactions to when Drama would happen because I was personally invested more so because I didn't want my online friend group who (although seen as a united front on the outside sometimes, I think) each had our Faves in the mcyt space and had had petty infighting over the morals of that (both seriously and unseriously, but everything starts to bleed, in my opinion).
More about my previous exposure to Minecraft fandom: I used to follow mianite back in the day and watched a lot of captiansparklez & aureylian. Since I joined the dteam fandom before any blog presence I was there for their very first streams (which got like…5k views 10k?) and the birth of the dsmp as essentially a server for friends (which led to minor discourse later when the line between roleplay and people on a MC server blurred.)
So my points of reference for these types of fandoms were a fandom that was very much for younger children (Mianite) and therefore the creators were treated with more distance and the recently up-in-flames Cryaotic fandom.
Back to doxxing/archiving/odd relation between: I used to joke about the tension between the right to privacy and to be forgotten on the internet and the right for nosy teenagers with too much time on their hands (and literally obsession brainworms) to dig up your past. Two things I think that were interesting about the most (in my opinion) morally dubious element of mcytblr and most people formed their negative opinions of critblr on was the having/knowing "forbidden" information. Most of this we were either told by randos or knew through other people online. A lot of it also ended up on Dream's kiwifarms, but that was a bit of a two-way street.
And the second part of this whole thing is the way that this information would come up among The Discourse. Because knowing some of the things we/I knew, you could call out creator's lies/misrepresentations of their histories/online pasts in ways that people who didn't know couldn't. Which was kind of where some of the in-jokes came from. I also took the habit of archiving things (old accounts, posts, whatever) to archive.is and such at the time because I fell on the 'I don't want this digital history to be erased if only for my own sanity.'
I think this has been rehashed before, but at every corner, the mcyt/dteam fandom was a fandom like any other, complicated by the fact that it was a real person fandom. And especially on tumblr where the Culture was a little different because no creators (few creators) were on Tumblr, people kind of just said and did whatever. I struggle to think of any of this as important in the grand scheme of anything, but there was a massive outpour of content because of the sheer size of the fandom across all platforms. There was 24/7 content, big fomo, and so I think blogs acted like pundits--like a forum on the newist in DSMP or Love or Host or MCC or whatever. My memory of that time has atrophied a lot but I think that DL and co. cropped up as the pundit subclass (however some of us had actual talent like wormweeb and made fanworks) and the fandom overall was sustained by a sprawling form of Conversation on the Latest Content.
Q: right-- and while other blogs caught people up on streams, dream lying was more interested in meta on the creators themselves?
I think that was a part of it. We were all united in this semi-ironic cynicism about fandom culture as a whole while being fans ourselves, and we socially shared this Vision of a number of variably worded critiques about - stan culture - cancel culture - the dangers/pitfalls/intricacies of these.
I think a lot of it was just shits and giggles, but at least I at one point had this idea that I was a tiny little measured response to the excess of fandom culture. I looked down on uncritical fandom and thought that especially because some of these creators cultivated deeply parasocial relationships with their young fans (I was not much older, but all 18 year olds are Like That) it was some sort of imperative to talk about that at least a little bit.
As I read through my old posts--these was a lot of self important a lot of rambling a lot of nonsense. And I don't really think that these fandom culture can be changed by one little microblogger with a couple hundred followers, but I stand by a lot of my initial criticisms of the ecosystem as a whole and mainly the creators themselves and their (heh) lying, their harm, their overall misconduct and above all the systems that created and enable their whacky ass bullshit to this day. .
But the doubled edged sword of (I return to the forbidden info thruline) I never really shared info that was private because I wanted to be somewhat ethical, so it always felt a bit like we/I was going crazy with things I knew to be true but obviously wouldn't share because that's nor super moral.
Another note about The Rumors and DreamLying--in my memory we kind of thought were Something. And I guess we've been nudged along in that perception but I think the most vocal and controversial of us just said wild shit that stuck in people's brains and for the longest time I didn't associate myself with dream lying at all on Warpedfungus because I wanted to be Somewhat Normal, if measuredly critical and just…vibing. But I think at circles back to a lot of this being wank amongst a handful of terminally online people who at the time didn't get out enough and, like, fixated on this Thing because it was community (or a facsimile of) and at the end of the way we're all just archives or archived pages or gone forever.
(Which reminds me that for the longest time I had you and Roxytonic blocked because I thought archiving was corny but I now think it's kind of cool. It's a nostalgia trip, if anything else. I'm now in another fandom that would've really benefited from some hardcore archiving because so much of the old internet (and fan spaces amongst them--ie ff.net, livejournal, even more underground spaces) are completely lost to the sands of time and the deletion of those hosting sites, etc)
Q: i am very interested in your thoughts on, as you mentioned before in reference to cryaotic, the way that creators cultivate and manipulate fanbases, and the effects you think it had on how the mcytblr fandom
Dream, along with "learning/studying the algorithm" and getting insanely lucky, did many specific things to cultivate a fandom of immensely parasocial fans. And regardless of my cynical vision of what his motives were, his actions of wanting to be seen as a 'friend', sharing many personal details, being accessible to fans, DMing young stan accounts, following fan accounts, OKaying a lot of fanworks about him/his personal and the whole…gaybaiting (you know what i"m referring to) thing had the result of a very large very dedicated fanbase.
As far as cryaotic, it's my theory that dream knew the effect on having a very…intimate…relationship with his conventionally not ugly young white man friend, and used that. And as far as the other element that I associate between dteam/cryaotic--these were men who had very boring lives and probably saw themselves as undesirable to women Until they had this massive following and this kind of situation happens time and time again where people get Influence that didn't used to have and do messed up things with it. And I don't know what's to be done, but it's quite bad and completely goes against the "wholesome" image they try to cultivate. If not some of the stuff being actually crimes.
I think the common perception is sometimes that these cases are "bad apples" when there are so many bad apples And not even in the man aint shit way, but unlike more conventional routes to Fame, mcyts have no oversight unless they join and esports org and still then…the org may just side iwth them if it's worth it. And that's not to say that this stuff doesn't happen with conventional celebrity and even on college campuses and in everyday life and whatnot but I think people in such a public eye should be held to standards of conduct that may prevent some of this.
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syndianites · 6 months
For a prompt: "If you're gonna kill him I can't stop you, but he's really not worth the effort."
❤️ ❤️
"If you're gonna kill I can't stop you, but he's really not worth the effort."
Alyssa didn't jump, but it was a near thing. Her ears swivled, trying to catch the sound of breathing, footsteps, something that would give her a clue as to where the newest arrival was. All she heard was her own breathing and the ragged pants of Nadeshot below her, who struggled to catch his breath from where his windpipe was being crushed beneath her arm.
Catiously, she chanced a look around her surroundings. She almost missed them in the early sunlight of the morning. But no, there, hovering at her side was a- pirate?
She was a ghost, clearly. Between the transparent visage and the way her feet were just barely above the ground.
No matter.
"You're right, you can't stop me." Alyssa punctuated this statement by pressing down on Nadeshot's throat harder, taking sick satisfaction in the way he wheezed. "He certainly has it coming."
She got a snort from the ghost. "You're not wrong there, mate. But I'd be remised to let him die if that meant he would be haunting the land with me. I ain't looking forward to only having him as company if you decide you don't fancy talking to ghosts."
Alyssa huffed a laugh despite herself. Nadeshot had pissed her off for the last time, not only stealing from her, again, but taking something of Mot's- who had been MIA for weeks now. Sure, killing Nadeshot was a bit drastic, but it'd stop him from stealing from her and she doubted anyone else stuck in this place would miss him.
Still, she supposed the ghost was right. If she killed him she'd be subject to whatever law and court system that exists, and stand on trail, and hope that 'he stole my shit and is fucking annoying' held as a reasonable defense for killing a man.
With a great sigh she released him, taking a step back and kicking him in the side. "Run before I change my mind."
There was confusion in his eyes- clearly he couldn't see ghosts- but he griped his throat and stumbled to his feet. With one last wary glance he ran off.
Capsize stifled a laugh as Nadeshot ran. "He wont be forgetting the feeling of your arm at his throat, at least." She turned to Alyssa. "Name's Capsize, pleasure ta meet ya."
Rather than extend a hand, Capsize brought it to her chest and did a mock bow. She had no visible mark of death, no blood splatter or caved in head, or what have you. Either Capsize was a particularly powerful ghost or she'd been dead a while. Maybe both.
"Alyssa." She inclined her head. "Been dead long?"
Rude as it sounded, most ghosts that were as pristine as Capsize had long since at peace with their death. Hell, most would ignore any faux pas just to have someone to talk to.
True to form, Capsize snorted. "You could say that. I've seen you around, didn't realize you could see me, otherwise I'd have introduced myself sooner. Pardon my bluntness, but why are y'all here? If anyone was gonna fall out of the sky, I was expecting my mates."
Alyssa frowned, brushing the dirt off her knees. "Magic bullshit. Hoped into a portal and suddenly we were here instead of anywhere in our world. I imagine your friends got the same treatment- jumped into a portal and got spat back out at our place."
"Well then, guess we got a lot to talk about, huh?" Capsize smiled at her like they were already friends. It urked Alyssa, but as much as she'd want to complain she was tired of talking to Spark and Jeriah, and this world's gods were odd to talk to, considering her experiences with her worlds versions.
"I suppose we do."
Cue ghost shenanigans as Alyssa and Capsize try to figure out why the alts got sent here and the others got sent to Ruxomar, featuring: A return of the Shadows, talking shit about the gods, talking about feeling like they aren't enough for the gods they follow, bitching about their family, and more!
Thanks for the prompt!
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chiangyorange · 5 months
if Alyssa was six when the alts left wouldn’t that make Martha and Helgrind adults when Spark left? You’re so right on your Ianite and Spark takes, but for better and for worse I do think he raised his kids
time dialation fuckery is my excuse bc i realized a plot inconsistency literally 5 mins after i published that ask (inconsistency regarding the fic i published but it can also apply to mianite as a whole idk im not rewatching that, personally.)
in any case-- i choose to believe that mot brought alyssa with him when shes 16 because him bringing a 6 year old to ANOTHER WORLD????? WILDLY IRRESPONSIBLE. NO THANK YOU. anyway to the point abt helgrind and martha yea. they would be 20 when spark left huh.
i wont bring my """""canon""""" into this bc im still actively working on my fic but i have my reasons to treat martha and helgrind (his first name is glede apparently??? based off the wiki.) as 10 and alyssa as 16. this is for my Spark And Ianite Should Not Be Parents, Actually agenda
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licantropa · 1 year
Sonja now understands how Ruxmor’s Ianite had been able to easily confuse Jordan with the man sitting in front of her. Spark Conway.
It’s eerie watching him talk, his mouth moves but the voice is distinctly not her friends’, the words never fully register in her head. It was weird with Mot, but the physical differences made it easier to immediately differentiate him from Tom.
Sonja’s sat up with a heavy blanket around her, and Tucker’s in a similar position in a bed adjacent to hers.
There’s a knock. Spark stands to answer, and it is in his demeanor that she’s able to make the distinction. He has to take into account the brown and white feathered wings in every step he takes in the room, lest he bump into something and it breaks or hits one of them. He’s graceful in a way Jordan isn’t. It’s strange, to say the least.
“Conway, we caught a bit of a surprise.” Sonja’s ears turn towards the door, there’s something about that accent that’s recognizable, it’s on the tip of her tongue, but the fall has made her exhausted. Her mind’s everywhere, except where it’s supposed to be. Looking over to Tucker, she sees him trying to peek at the visitor. The door being in front of his bed makes his attempt more doable than her own.
“Couldn’t have grabbed a towel first? You’re getting salt water all over the place.”
It’s comical how quickly he rips the blanket off of himself to get out of bed.
“No. It be urgent.”
Sonja’s going to ask who has him in such a rush, but Tucker beats her to it, answering her unasked question with shock and awe.
That gets her up. Her vision blackens immediately, and she has to take a second to recover. Damned vertigo. Damned flux flu.
She suffers through it and walks up to the door, only to be bombarded by an array of sights, sounds, and scents. Most notably is Tucker hugging Capsize, an action that Sonja mimics, coming up behind the pirate and joining in on the hug. She’s dripping wet and now subsequently, so are they, but Capsize laughs in between them and she chooses to focus on that. The hearty laughter of a woman twice dead.
Tucker has let go, but feeling another dizzy spell rising she shifted most of her weight onto Capsize. Hearing no complaints, Sonja moves her head to the side to take in the view. Fruit bearing trees surround them with a distinct now familiar scent of apples filling the air. There are flowering bushes, although some of them seem more like something she’d find in Ruxmor rather than here. Spark is no where to be seen.
“This is beautiful, holy shit. Where are we?” Tucker sounding just as amazed as she feels.
“What you don’t recognize your own house?”
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grailknightmonty · 2 years
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accidentally made a godswap AU and this dynamic is all you ever need to know about it
In this universe, Ianite's champions Sonja and Tucker come off of a pirate ship in search of help for recovering their lost goddess but unluckily for them Jordan "i hate people and I'm making it everyone's problem" Sparklez and Tom "i cant believe i have to deal with this asshole 24/7 in the name of order" SynHD are just. Constantly Like That, nothing will ever get done lets be real
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
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(this is so dumb, but your newest art reminded me of this convo. love to hear more about mianite pete if you’ve got more lore bits btw!!)
LMIUDUYDEGFB OMG YES canon now. this is canon it was foreshadowing all along I cannot believe this it is not dumb at all m8 im CACKLING
as for lore tidbits 👀 i gotchu i needed an excuse to infodump hehee
Pete began life as a sentient humanoid slime entity, think like cSlimecicle in DSMP where he just kind of learned from observing the champions around him and he gets pretty damn good at a lot of things
When the peeps go to Ruxomar in S2, Pete sort of emerges from the ground and is found by Mianite, who is impressed with his knowledge of stuff from survival to mechanics/tech, and grants him with a similar power to what FyreUK got from Athar, making him a funky little wizard
so he's sort of a mianitee as well bc from what ive learned from the cPete enjoyers is that he values fairness and rules, or basically the facets of order
His skin is like a combination of human and slime, so hes not like perpetually slimy but he's very bouncy (think like perma jump boost)
I like the idea of all wizards in Mianite drawing their magic from the essence of something out of nature (Firez has magma, KillerTom shadows, Brute maybe the sunlight, Wag is plasma/star matter), so in Pete's case, its the swamp biome, like mushrooms, swampland foliage, etc. Fits bc swamp is overworld, which is Mia's domain
Part of his abilities include the ability to procure slimeballs without his wizard powers, good for redstoners bc boom instant sticky piston
he mostly uses his wizard powers for tech related builds moreso then big structures which is how him and Gaines get along so well
his house is filled with a bunch of little slime cubes, whom are all his helpers (mayhaps the Jerrys jordan saw in mianite S1?)
It feels like it would make the most sense for this Pete and the Pete in VH to exist as separate versions of the character (also because I already like the VHPete backstory and design I made a month or so ago) and that could be even funnier if there was a X33n variant in the S1 Mianite universe as well with another name (as its supposed to be Gaines as the X33n in VH) and he technically befriends two multiversal versions of the same guy because I could see him and Gaines gettin along if they hung out. I could also see him being friends with Rupert, who seemed like he was the weapons/tech expert on Capsize's crew, Pete could find some cool way of reinventing somethin im willin to bet
And kind of on the flip side off my tags in the original post, another interpretation of his character could be to put him exclusively in Aitheaca as Wag and Steve's alt in that universe with the same sort of backstory (where Mianite still gave him his powers, but he'd be closer to William and Merina) and powers, but instead of being a more passive figure who's just here to do his own thing and be a god at stuff, is like a Gaines figure to Mianite helping the cause against Ianite and Flash- idk, nothing's really set it stone of course
But yee that's what I've got so far!
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