#mianite theory
syndianites · 2 months
I've always wondered what the criteria for being an 'alt' in mianite was.
Like, assuming it was a thought-out thing and not just a fun gimmick of being in an alternate reality, how is it determined who your alt is?
There's a few ways you can look at it:
They are literally you in a different universe- like literally exactly who you are but put in a different situation
They are someone who fills the same *role* as you, being more a metaphorical alternate
They are who, essentially, took your place in the world. It was either you existed OR they existed, not both
They are just the mirror of yourself, so to speak. Someone very similar to you and having the same core features, but having different... aspects? Like, if you were loyal and brave, but generally rather shy, your alternate would /also/ be loyal and brave, but could be easy and outgoing.
The reason I tend to ponder this a lot with Mianite as a series is because it very much feels like it could go any way, /except/ the person being a literal you from a different universe.
And I know that may be an unpopular look at it, but if you compare our most popular alt- Mot, to Tom, aside from the name and being partially mob-fied, what do they have in common as people? Their backgrounds are very different (which is to be expected), their personalities are very different, their choices and decisions can often conflict with each other, and so on and so forth.
In my head, someone literally being a different 'you' would either entail them having the same exact name (both having been "Tom" or "Mot" at some point) or looking nigh identical (though the Tom/Mot example is a little harder considering their different mob afflictions).
I suppose what I'm trying to say, is that when I think of a "traditional" alternative self, I think of the exact same person who was just put in a different situation. Like if Tom, for example, had been put in a situation where his family had all died and he got infected, etc etc. But even when in different situations you find that people tend to look the same, or has similar personality traits, or even have a similar way of thinking. Of course, we don't get to see a lot of alt interactions because Mot, for the majority of the time we see him, is the only "known" alt (since we didn't know Steve was supposed to be a Wag alt).
So how would I, personally, define alts in the Mianite universe? Honestly, I'm not sure. For a while I went on the idea that it was someone who was in "your role" in this other universe. Mot and Tom are both champions of Dianite, Spark and Jordan are both important devotees to Ianite, etc etc, but can we use that to explain Jeriah and Alyssa, or even Wag and Steve?
I think I sit right between the "role" aspect of alts and the "mirror" aspect. They almost beg the same question, "what is this person's defining traits," but in different ways. Tom and Mot are both heavily loyal, Tom to his friends and even the previous Dianite, who he stuck with even when he was THE bad guy, and Mot to Alyssa and Dianite. Spark and Jordan are both very devoted and- crafty? I don't know what word I'd use, but Spark created a whole town, Jordan had the Jerry's tree, how Jordan was very invested in any study he came across and how Spark was very invested in spreading the word of Ianite, etc. From what snippets we get, Sonja and Alyssa are both playful at heart and kind, though we don't get to see too much about Alyssa. I'd make a stab at what Jeriah is like but we basically never see him. Wag and Steve are both rather straightforward and not afraid to cause damage to get what they want done- and also have the same taste in women (lol).
You could argue that this is because they fill the same "roles" as each other, but you could also argue that it's because the characters share the same "base traits." It's like the chicken and the egg argument- does the role require the traits, or do the traits lead to the role? If two people are alts of each other, who came first? Who is the "original," discounting the fact that we enter the world of Mianite through Tiem Reester and are biased into believing they are the originals.
The people who throw this most into question are the gods themselves. They literally fill the same roles, have the same names, have very similar characteristics, and are basically the poster-children to the "traditional" idea of alternate versions of yourself. But if you stripped away everything- the godhood, the names, the aspects of life they embody- what do they have in common? The gods present that "what-if" scenario that happens when you look into alternate realities far better than the "human" people we see. Are both Dianite's stubborn and confident? Are both Mianite's self-assured and believe themselves to always be in the right? Are both Ianite's dedicated to walking the line between aspects, trying to keep a grip on the happenings of their universe and the fluctuations of the Void?
Mianite, as a series, gives us /so many things/ to think about but never a solid resolution to these ideas because it was never meant to. It was a story made up on the fly, a bridge being built as we walked along it. And I think that's why it sticks in my mind so much compared to other series that broach similar ideas. There are so many open-ended questions that /we/ get to solve, to debate, to consider, that it just sticks with you because it is so, so hard to leave something "unfinished."
Anyway, rant over, please go back to your regularly scheduled activities
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grailknightmonty · 1 year
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pages from the notes of Aurelia S[ ], a champion of the Nowhere, partaking in a cautious and ongoing study of our vast multiverse.
They call this mission Project Non est Ad Astra.
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syn4k · 2 months
gonna copypaste the fucking . Wall of text i just sent to Q about that whole fight to here. tom is SUCH A CHARACTER im gonna LOSE IT
(my friend Q: what're your thoughts on tom's character at this point in the series?)
i think that syndianites' tags were on the fuckin spot [referring to some tags that she left on a post of mine a day or so back, i sent it to Q and we both loved them <3) and also that hes just. drunk on bloodlust to distract himself from the fact that he's just lost everything
literally the only thing he has right now is the fish. This is why it ends up being such a big deal in the Tank of Judgement episode btw. [Q is watching through Jordan's POV for the first time right now and from his pov it's not entirely clear why Nemo is so important to Tom]
they took his diamonds they took his gear they took his life and they kicked in his teeth but he still has his fish
i imagine him twitching during the talk he had with the mianite/ianite alliance. brain going a billion mph weighing chances. oppurtunities. outcomes. when tucker gets angry it comes swiftly and strongly sure but tom was up against a wall in both the literal and metaphorical sense with nothing to lose because he'd just lost everything and so that enabled him to finally ditch the one thing that had been keeping him from going the edge and losing it entirely for so fucking long: his sense of self-preservation
watching it is beautiful in the way that an airplane on fire falling out of the sky is beautiful
you just know he woke up the next day muscles aching bones screaming like the worst hangover hed ever had in his life but two times worse but for now, he is blazing thrice as hot as tucker ever did when his anger was stoked by those petty dogfights they used to get into and he is unstoppable
(Q: nods ...but the plane still hits the ground)
he reminds me of myself when i'm tired and running off of fumes and self destructive and determined to just keep fucking going, in a way. i think thats part of why we latched onto him so hard
and i dont have any evidence for it but i think that this is the thing that really gets dianite's attention
he sees tom doing all this on his own and his first thought is wait, that kid's on my team. his second thought is just Fear because Oh Shit, That Kid's on MY TEAM.
(replying to Q) ohhhhhh boy. does it.
(Q: he doesn't feel he can control tom?)
(Q: and so he starts acting more controlling towards tom?)
if this goes how i think it goes anyways. which i think it does.
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septiceyeliner · 19 days
I could give everyone psychic damage by digging through my blog and bringing back 10 year old Mianite posts
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licantropa · 2 years
To go with my last post I made a rough timeline of the happenings in Ruxmor, to the best of my understanding of when they happened.
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poltergeist-coffee · 8 months
everytime i see people talk about the black matter on the qsmp i have to hold back the urge to talk about the taint from mianite
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fagtainsparklez · 2 years
i hope the server-altering event is somehow alesa’s fault. i hope she just goes ham and fucks up the fabric of reality somehow. she deserves it
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kiwibirdlafayette · 2 years
gonna personally have a fuck revising the post-mianite storyline to fit the current dsmp lore but if im being honest its gonna end with me going fuck it and canonizing gays on a boat
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blueishspace · 8 months
Here is a Minecraft deities/entities list I have created for myself but that I tought might help out others so I am putting it here... It's a mix canon headcanons, theories and interpretations so everyone is free to disagree with stuff, also keep in mind I am not into all these series so I am not an expert and a lot of these was made through research.
Creation deities and fundamental concepts of the universe:
Mojang/Minecraft/Microsoft - triple faced embodyiment of existance.
Hatsume Miku - canon creator of Minecraft apparently.
Clara - goddess of space.
Wendarr The Timekeeper - god of time.
Sad ist - goddess of lore (not canon but I find it funny so I am keeping it here).
Joehills - as Joehills, also a Joehills.
Molympus Slimecicle - God of magic, enchanting and crafting.
Molympus Condi - god of dimensions.
Light associated deities:
Jeb - creator and god of colours, probably inventor of light.
Aeor - reindeer deity of light and good.
BdoubleO - as god of the sun, possibly a god of rulers (he is the kingmaker after all).
Darkness associated deities:
Exor - god of darkness and evil.
The World Historian - god of the void.
Null - god of emptyness, the lack of existance.
Life/nature/earth deities:
Prime - goddess of Life and possibly Fortune.
Velara The Benevolent - goddess of health, healing, regeneration, possibly growth.
PearleascentMoon/Santa Perla - goddess of agricolture and fertility, possibly goddess of the moon. (Agricultural cycles used to be measured using the moon cycle in the past so not too unlikely).
The Goat goddess (the perimeter one)- mostly a goddess of redstone but also goddess of tomatoes and fertility.
Molympus Grizzly - god of nature and tools.
Molympus Blitzy - god of mobs and animals.
Death/rebirth gods and entities:
Kristin - goddess of death and depending on interpretation the afterlife.
PhilZa - The angel of death.
Foolish - as the totem god of undying, is also a sky god and a sea god.
Lady Irene - I am not sure exactly about her domain but I am putting her here because it fits the themes.
Shad the destroyer - could have put him with the chaos gods but this feels like a better placement.
XD - as the god of Limbo, is also the main dsmp god and possibly a god of dreams.
Chaos gods:
Dianite - god of chaos and the Nether, also a god of trade and thievery.
Entity 404 - entity of pandemonium, somewhere between god and demon.
The blood god - pretty self explanatory.
Idona the malevolent - goddess of conflict and war or murder(?). Possibly a goddess of retribution like Nemesis in greek mythology.
Drista - goddess of mischief, pranks and levity (I think?).
The egg - who tought to create a sentient parasitic red egg is either a genius or insane lmao.
Herobrine - as creator/entity/deity of monsters, also possibly a god of mist.
Sky and water deities:
Jimmy - as demigod of rivers, possibly also a Listener.
Axolotl Lizzy - demigoddess of the ocean.
S2 Joel - god of the sky.
The Sky Gods (Wilbur Soot random items videos)
Foolish - as a sea and a sky god, also totem god of undying.
Herobrine - as possibly the god of mist, also creator/entity/deity of monsters.
Order gods:
Mianite - god of order, law and the Overworld.
BdoubleO - as possibly the god of rulership, also sun god.
Cucurucho - as rule enforcer entity...thing, also Qsmp entity.
Neutral gods and entities:
Ianite: Goddess of balance and the end.
Gray forester: Grayscale entity.
Tenos The Omniscient- god of experience, knowledge and wisdom.
Eldritch gods:
Grian - Watcher.
Martyn - Listener.
Jimmy - as possibly a Listener, also a demigod of rivers.
Joehills - as Joehills, also a Joehills.
Server gods and entities:
XD - as main god of the dsmp, also god of Limbo and possibly a god of dreams.
Callahan - minor dsmp deity.
Tubbo - main god of the Bear smp.
Cucurucho and Other Qsmp entities.
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voidandradiance · 14 days
literally just woke up to ask you this because i just remembered it but in the mianite zine fic you wrote i noticed you added a detail about tucker tending to the hearth and i was curious about what was going on there. whats up with that. what the dog doin
okay so. ianitees are pretty universally travelers, aren't they? pirates, sailors, runaway princes. that wanderlust is hardcoded into them, it's fundamental to who they are. it's not a stretch to say that the wanderlust is constant, not a surprise that ianite is associated most with the wind or sea. she can easily be taken as the goddess of travelers and in-between places, just as much in the middle as she always is.
the corollary to that, then, is that if she is the goddess of travel, then someone must be the god of putting down roots. it's not a total leap to assign that to mianite, especially when you look at the christian overlay that tends to get put on him and highlight the use of holy spaces as Sanctuary. this works particularly well when you look at his followers' behavior; in s1, tucker and sonja offer jordan protection and shelter, and even in s2 sonja plays the perfect host to anyone who crosses her threshold. mianite is the one with the grand, immovable temples, whose followers seem to plant themselves in one place and refuse to abandon it when under threat- again, see tucker and sonja with their lava moat and giant walls, their ethereal blooms and silverwood trees. the permanence matters to them.
what that concept of hospitality turned into, then, is the concept of a mianitee's hearth - sometimes literal, sometimes not, but the center of the place that they care for and where they offer others sanctuary. for a champion, it might be a temple, might be their home, but it's the same theory. if you are at the hearth, you will be protected. if you are the one tending the hearth, you are in charge of protecting the people there.
in the case of blanket of smoke, tucker has taken over the kitchen at mianite's homestead; his home is a smoking crater by then, but he has claimed that as his space, and everyone there as under his protection.
Jericho had made it exceedingly clear that the kitchen was his territory now, thank you very much, and that anyone who interfered with it other than Foxx could expect to get snapped at with his canines as well as his words... The champion of order can take over the kitchen while the rest of the world spirals out of control.
that's his metaphorical hearth in that moment. it's why he will put up with sonja interfering, but not the others. as for the literal hearth, andor muses earlier that:
...the fireplace has died down to embers. Someone ought to stir it back to life – and that may well be where Jericho has gone, actually. He's the one with the right to tend the hearths, especially here. He's the one with the responsibility.
and that is part of it, still! nobody else is touching the literal hearth bc that falls to him as the mianitee who has claimed the space and promised protection to those in it.
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parker2797 · 7 days
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So I have a theory regarding Tom in Mianite. So in the spin-off series Mianitian Isles it is revealed Tom’s character is the son of Declan aka The Priest who is a character that has appeared in all three Mianite series (S1, S2 & MI) and is a medium between the players and the gods of the server, the reveal came out during the funeral of Lord Hermod (Declan’s Brother). But how is this possible for Declan to conceive a zombie, but that is where my theory comes in, shifting to S1 of Mianite in the final episode the players travel to The End and met Ianite and she tells them for their help throughout the series she will grant them one wish Skipper Red beard & Captain Sparklez request she bring back Captain Capsize (Skipper’s Sister & Sparklez “Wife”), but she is brought back different she isn’t human but a zombie and Skipper is forced to kill his own sister, what if something like this happened to Tom & Declan, Tom died prior to Mianite S1 and Declan went to one of the gods to ask to bring back his son an attempt was made but like Capsize Tom came back as a zombie, but unlike Skipper Declan couldn’t kill his son, so Tom was left to roam the Overworld, eventually Tom regained his consciousness, but with no memory of his father.
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syndianites · 5 months
hellooo! you know I really do think that from the pirates arrival all the way to the finale, the most important in all of that is Tom. like, ianite could not even get her heart back if Tom was not there physically.
No but this is so real!
Please feel free to fact check me (its been a long time since my last mianite watch), but Tom is needed for SO much of it, he helped find the pieces of her heart (even if he wanted to steal it) and his boat is the one they needed to get around, and so on and so on and it always boggles my mind when I think about it because for all intents and purposes he WAS the enemy, even if he helped with Furia and talked with the others like a friend, he HELPED blow up the Mianite temple, he was STILL dedicated to Dianite until the point Dianite disowned him. And if you want to get theoretical about it, could they have even properly helped Ianite if there wasn't Dianite rep there? If there was no balance between Good and Bad with Tom standing right there?
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grailknightmonty · 1 year
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among the many travellers of the multiverse, are the fabled champions of the NoWhere- possessing an the ability to traverse unchained between timelines, with a collective goal to study the gigaverse, and its infinite inhabitants. One of such fell into this role accidentally, but now has seen and possesses knowledge of more than she ever could have imagined, and since then doesn't regret it one bit.
new SMP multiverse character dropped >:] More about her and her happenings soon! If you want to see the first of her character in action, her voice appears in my Mianite RPG Ep. 15 (starts at around 01:59:00) I’ll work on the voice acting i promise xD
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Scott, please tell me more about the family tree
Scott: Ok so... Thalassa is the name of the sea goddess which I believe is likely Lizzies and Jimmy's mother... Thalassa is one of Claras many many children with Wendarr, the embodyiment of time... Her siblings including Lady Death, Lady Life aka Prime, Lady Luck, The Void, The World Historian, XD, Fate and many more. Ladies Death, Life and Luck are triplets according to the myths... The World Historian has 3 children which are... according to my theory then Jimmy's first degree cousins? And they are Mianite, Ianite and Dianite aka Order, Balance and Chaos... Do you want more?
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chiangyorange · 5 months
You ever think about how Isles added a. Checks notes. Goddess of flow. Because I think about that.
thank fuck isles canonically is not a real realm that exists
nah but fr tho i DO actually have quite a few thoughts on how isles fits in to the overall narrative of mianite being such a strange offshoot compared to s1 and s2 read more if u want, i will say that its gonna get rambly and also im going to drop a few of my design notes about the isles gods specifically if that interests you
i have been piecing together lore via friends and the mianite wiki (which is a fucking dumpster fire for anyone that's trying to look for a specifics in lore but i digress) so not everything people may care about will feature in here (like the whole light/dark thing. gandus, she shadows, w/e im just focusing on the overall story. sorry but there is only so much i can handle atm) i DO actually think that isles is really interesting despite my initial dislike for it towards the end (yes yes ik but i can admit that i was a little. too indulgent of myself at the time) ANYWAY i think isles was some sort of like... fucked up puzzle box reality???? of the s1 world because there are just SO many references to s1 like ianites heart being stolen and dianite slowly becoming more demon-like and all those theories way back when of isles really being s-1 like its a prequel of s1 world which i think its semi true?? basically my thoughts are; isles is an offshoot mimic world intended to emulate the life of the s1 gods in their youth for whatever reason, and in their timeloop is trying to create a trap? a new world? essentially perfect the mannerisms and legitimacy of a real realm like the realm of mianite and the realm of ruxomar. why tom n jordan got pulled into it interrupting the timeloop for a moment, who knows. (also in reflection? thats so fucked up and rude to karl like king is trapped in a timeloop for no goddamn reason) the 4th god is weird tho and i hated every minute of it stop trying to make trio into 4 challenge (impossible, apparently) i choose to believe that the 4th god thing only happened because of fucked up timeloop interruption consequence ONTO MY DESIGN NOTES
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so. you probably noticed that their hands have visible joints like a doll or a marionette puppet. that is entirely intentional bc i legit think the isles gods are not real and instead constructs made with to have god-like powers. (shameless plug to the og post here if you wanna see every design ive made of the gods layed out all at once)
each design is supposed to be just a little uncanny like with all of them having pupils compared to the s1 and s2 gods who i draw them without. their smiles are a little too wide to match with their eyes. the green and red of ianite and dianite's eyes are a little too bright and noxious. overall i really wanted them to look as unsettling as possible if you imagine them limp and slumped over like a broken doll and theyre all dressed in something that is a little too perfect you know? like mianite looks like a friend you meet in the town square, ianite looks like a damsel princess, dianite is a handsome prince, like theyre all dressed a little too royal from a classic fairytale-- theyre too good to be true.
augh i think i have more to say but theres already so much in this one post that ill save it for another time
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coolcattime · 3 months
So, I think quite a lot about a Mianite crossover with my and my friends OCverse of Libris, which obviously an AU just for me but I keep thinking about it and want to ramble about it for a bit so see under the read more for just my most self indulgent au ever.
Also like feel free to ask me anything about this au (as with any of my aus) cause I like rambling ^-^
So post timeline Mianite, the group is attempting to create a stable magic source for the world, and are doing this through attempting to temporarily borrow magic from another world then figure out a more permanent solution. They know in theory that they can do this, since Sonja has been using the notes Mot used for the portal to Ruxomar, alongside her Thaumcraft knowledge to have temporarily created a rift, she just needs help keeping it open for long enough to get something magical out. Given that most of the group is interested in having magic of some kind she's gathered enough people that she believes in theory she should be able to keep the portal stable. With Martha, Wag, and Mot helping, she begins to set up the ritual. Tom and Capsize are watching off at the side since neither are particularly knowledgeable on magic, but wanted to be there regardless.
Everything seems to be going fine, if a bit slow since Sonja notes that the rift appeared faster before. However, they all know that magic is more than a little unstable in this world so they assume that the difference is just down to that. Until Tom calls for help and the four look over to see a magical glow forming around Capsize. Realising that the rift is forming on Capsize, the group panics, with Sonja, Wag, and Mot trying to stop the ritual and Martha rushing over to the two hoping that whatever domain she had over magic will be able to shift the rift off Capsize and to somewhere safe. Unfortunately neither group succeeded, the glow consuming Capsize as well as Tom and Martha, intensifying before it suddenly collapses in on itself and when it does the three have disappeared and instead there are three strangers unconscious in the dirt. Panic pretty quickly sets in, Sonja calling the others over, as they examine a stranger. A purple skinned man with horns wearing an oversized sailor's coat, a kid with messy hair, and a woman in a fancy yellow dress that looks like Capsize in the same way that most of the alts look like each other. They clearly aren't the same person, especially as she lacks any of the drowned features Capsize has since her revival, but similar enough. With no clue of where the others are gone other than the three new people, they're left hoping they wake up soon to find out where they came from.
Please skip to the end for OC descriptions - I was going to put them here but they became very long info dumps so I thought putting them after everything else would let things flow better
At the same time as these events, on Libris, a small group of adventurers catching up with each other are interrupted by their employer, Atlanta, deciding to show them all why they've been summoned to what seems like a pretty normal hill. The three groups made up off Idric Ba'lor, Medli, and Altair Delphine; Katherine Delaney and Leontine O'Dora; and Orla Waspchild have all previously met, but don't travel together and are all as confused as each other when they're shown the valley below and its covered in an odd purple ooze. Atlanta explains that the stuff appeared in a small patch a few weeks ago, and since has spread to cover what it currently does though they are now using their powers to contain it at the current level. They have no idea what kind of ooze it is, but that it appears to have some sort of hive mind aspect. Either way, they want the group to figure out what the stuff is and hopefully a way to get rid of it - or at the very least a permanent containment method.
Going to the edge for a closer look, so of them confirm that none of them have seen or heard of any slime or ooze that works like this. Leontine notes that it works like a couple of dungeon molds but that none of them would be able to grow on the surface to this extent. She also notes that the mushrooms don't like the ooze, which everyone takes as a bad sign.
Medli presents the idea that the ooze might have come out of a crossing point, from one of the other planes of Libris. So possibly if they can figure out which plane, they'll be able to figure out weaknesses. This is seen as the best idea any of them have, but the difficulty would come that to confirm they'd need to get to the centre of the ooze to the original patch which would almost certainly be incredibly dangerous. During the discussion of if exploring in the ooze is necessary right now, Orla runs ahead with a call that she'll come back if she dies.
Everyone gives chase, ending up having to fight their way through as monsters appear seemingly summoned by the ooze. While they aren't too hard to fight back, they quickly have to rely on Altair's divination to track Orla as she ends up teleporting rapidly ahead when one of the creatures tries to hit her. During the chase, Katherine begins glowing, a fact that none of them think anything of as it seems like a pretty harmless surge effect. That is until they finally catch up to Orla. Idric grabs hold of her and makes a couple of jokes while telling her not to run off again. Then the glow begins to intensify and Katherine panicked calls for the others as it feels like she's being pulled by something.
The group jumps into action. Altair and Medli attempt to counter whatever spell is latching onto Katherine with no success. Orla, Idric, and Leontine rush over to try and help her - Orla and Idric reaching her as the glow appears to almost consume her. Leontine is only a step away when she's knocked back as the glow rapidly shrinks in on itself, their friends nowhere to be seen, seemingly replaced with three unconscious strangers. A zombie in a suit, a human woman with lilac hair, and a woman they assume is half sea elf and looks enough like Katherine that Altair wonders out loud if they're related. Medli and Leontine both panic in different ways. Medli quickly mutters under her breath all the reasons that her friends are actually fine, while Leontine freezes in place, the mushrooms spreading around her both through the ground and as spores.
Altair, realising that they need to regroup, grabs one of the unconscious people and manages to snap Medli out of her panicking to grab the other two. Medli is extremely hesitant to leave Leontine, but can't get through the mushrooms to try and calm her down, calling for her doesn't seem to be working. She reluctantly grabs the other two unconscious people, and joins Altair to be teleported back to Atlanta, having that whoever they are, they’ll know what just happened to their friends and that Leontine will be okay in the meantime.
(OC descriptions;
Atlanta - An androgynous individual that runs a secretive organisation that could, if one was looking for something to call it, be called a magic guild. Their powers primarily focus on the manipulation of space.
They are thin, have a buzz cut, and have the tendency to float everywhere due to the fact that they are missing both their legs (though they do have a wheelchair for when they're fatigued). Notable clothing is a light coat with a structured petticoat bottom
Idric Ba'lor - A young tiefling man that is a merchant and ship captain by trade but is also an experienced adventurer. A violinist bard, his powers are focused around the manipulation of music to create magic, with his “college” (less literal than some bards as he's self taught) focuses on literally enthralling performances that can charm people to his will. Despite his young age could very well be regarded as one of the most talented bards on Libris.
A tall purple skinned tiefling with one of his two horns, a broken stump. He has messy white hair and a tail he will use to gesture with and hold things. Notable clothing include an oversized blue sailor's coat embroidered with constellations and his own missing horn, bejewelled and turned into a necklace with cord.
Medli - A teenage water genasi who is Idric's best friend who has been travelling as a member of his crew since running away from her college/home when her situation there turned from terrible to life currently in danger. Another bard and violinist, she similarly creates magic through music, though her college on manipulation through fear. She was less than keen on these ideas and now that she's left has been studying magic on her own terms to the point of having expertise in arcane theory. A pacifist, Medli tends to use learned spells to heal or otherwise support her companions during combat and when left to her own devices will try to figure out non violent ways to solve encounters.
A blue skinned water genasi with patches of scales around her skin and long blue hair. She’s only just shorter than average height, but all her friends are so much taller than her so she looks extremely short in comparison. Notable clothing is a green blanket typically tied around her waist, featuring a sun on one side and a moon on the other, it’s embroidered with the same style as constellations as Idric’s coat.
Altair Delphine - A teenage aasimar divination wizard who is generally incredibly stressed. They met Medli during a time where they briefly transferred to her school, and met again after she had joined Idric’s crew. Altair has also joined Idric’s crew, though is also employed by Atlanta as an apprentice, a role Altair did not ask for but admittedly Atlanta expects very little and pays a lot so they go along with it. As a divinator, their magic focuses on reading people’s futures, thoughts, and locating people and objects. They cast spells by using tarot as a focus.
They are lanky with long lilac hair tied back into a thick braid. Their eyes and many patches of their skin appear to be made from stained glass, the parts of their skin directly around these patches being blue compared to their otherwise human skin tone. Notable clothing is a tailcoat with the sleeves cut off.
Katherine Delaney - A half-elf woman from a noble family. She can be incredibly anxious due to a previous adventure gone wrong, though she does her best to protect though that she cares about. A wild magic sorcerer, Katherine has the potential for incredibly powerful magic, and a certain amount of manipulation over her own luck. However, her magic is incredibly unstable and when casting she always has the chance of a surge of magic escaping her and causing unintentional effects.
A thin, bronzed-skinned half-elven woman of average height, Katherine is covered in freckles and has long curly brown hair. Notable clothing include a fine yellow dress that has no business being travelling clothes, and two necklaces on golden chains, one with a moon pendant and one with a blue crystal containing liquid.
Leontine O'Dora - An amnesic elven woman with a symbiotic relationship with sentient mushrooms. Originally hired by Katherine’s family to be her bodyguard, Leontine tracked her down when she had run away and the two have since started dating. Leontine is a spore druid, an exceptionally deadly fighter with her quarterstaff and the necrotic powers of the mushrooms, creating mushroom infested zombies of those she defeats when she needs extra help in a fight.
An usually tall elven woman with pale skin and short curly ginger hair. The mushrooms sit in her hair and will often appear on her skin like accessories. Notable clothing is a purple dress with a thick collar of feathers.
Orla Waspchild - A nine year old human with a black and white moral compass expected of a child her age. Orla was raised by her military leader parents, stationed on a blockage around an island in the middle of a particularly deep lake. One night she learnt of something terrible her parents were doing, attempted to flee the ship, and ended up falling overboard. She called out for help, and when none came from the boat, she called out to the waters themselves for help. She hit the water, and turned to lightning striking across the water until she reached the shore. That night Orla learnt of her uncanny ability to not die. Whether Orla should die, a magical effect happens and she doesn't.
A small child with messy hair and tanned skin. Notable fashion is a necklace formed of a ribbon with a bell with the ringer taken out as the pendant.)
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