#mica illustration club
mica-ilclub · 5 years
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Come join us this Friday, September 13th in Fox 415 for our first meeting of the semester! Free food, fun activities, and new friends await!!! 🌊 Be there or be square 🐚✨
RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/381964389141442/
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chickpeamcb · 5 years
Out of curiosity, are any of y’all thinking about going to MICA in the next year?
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comicteaparty · 4 years
June 22nd-June 28th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from June 22nd, 2020 to June 28th, 2020.  The chat focused on The Stoop-Gallants by MJ Alexander and WW Rose.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on The Stoop-Gallants by MJ Alexander and WW Rose~! (http://www.thestoopgallants.com/site/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until June 28th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I need to reread/catch up to answer the prompts, but I gotta say this comic absolutely excels at what it does.
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I've been meaning to read this one too, I'll try and set aside some time to!
Stoop-Gallants has so much adorable humor and sass, Predictably, Alta is my favorite character; seeing her extremely awkward yet sweet relationship with Mica is my favorite.
Flea is also a sweetheart and I love seeing them learning more about their unpredictable magic and coming to be comfortable with it after avoiding it so long. This page in particular where they finally internalize that they're not a mistake and they're not alone made me tear up a little bit. T_T http://www.thestoopgallants.com/site/tsg/page-547/
What I like about the beginning of the comic is that it basically opens with accidental necromancy. I think it really just kind of paints the entire tone of the comic, sets the right expectations, and is honestly, just hilariously convoluted. My favorite moment in the comic so far was actually probably the accidental necromancy as well. I love necromancy, and just the way this happens is so hilarious. Plus, I like a lot of the other scenes it ties into, like Maxwell getting mocked for not being able to do any sort of necromancy. In the theme of this trend, my favorite character is Ru. Ru is just adorable and tries his best. I like his overall kind of boyish charms sometimes mixed with his honesty and honestly, just a great friend to everyone. As for characters interacting the most, I probably enjoy seeing Marigold and Alta the most. I really like how their relationship is kind of equal trust and equal wanting to punch the other person in the face. And yet, despite all this, Marigold really sticks by Alta and helps out in the ways only Marigold can. So I just find it to be such an interesting but wholesome relationship. What I like about the art is probably the character designs. I love that there's so many different body shapes, and in particular the heights. I love that some of the characters just basically tower over the others, cause I think that's something people neglect when it comes to fantasy settings in that you can really play around a lot more with those sorts of proportions. So I appreciate seeing it here.
For themes, I like the comic explores what to do when you have a natural talent at something but you don't like that something. I feel this is something we see with Flea, Alta, and Ru. And yet, all three handle it so differently, with Alta accepting, Flea reluctantly dealing with it after fleeing, and Ru going "Nah bro I don't want this." And I really like we get to explore whether our natural talents and destiny can be run from, or if we should just accept it. For the comic's overall story, I like the balance of character conflict vs. world conflict. This is a very character driven comic, but I never feel like the world is being neglected. Like the situation with the king, now the elves. The world is built slowly, but still at a place where you get a feel for where the characters live and how the world they live in affects them. As for the comic's overall strengths, likeable characters. Even when the characters are jerks, there's still something about them where you're like, "Ok I get it." And in turn, you're invested in all their goals, even when those goals are not necessarily something that fit together.
Comic Tea Party
9. How do you think Mica and Alta’s relationship will progress throughout the story? Will the two continue to blunder through everything, or will things continue to go smoothly? Also, how might Alta’s personal feelings about her career affect them?
10. Do you think Flea will successfully learn to control their magic? If so, how will this change them as a person? All in all, what do you think Flea’s story has to teach us about identity, destiny, and self-acceptance?
11. Will Ru be able to solve his necromancy problem? If so, do you think he’ll be happy about it? How does this all compare to Flea’s tale? Lastly, how will the events of Ru’s story affect Cymonee solving her problem?
12. How will the Consortium’s plans surrounding the king affect the main characters? Will they do something to stop it to achieve their own ends? Additionally, what role do you think Maxwell will play, whether as a “good” guy or “bad” guy?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
For themes, I like the comic explores what to do when you have a natural talent at something but you don't like that something. I feel this is something we see with Flea, Alta, and Ru. And yet, all three handle it so differently, with Alta accepting, Flea reluctantly dealing with it after fleeing, and Ru going "Nah bro I don't want this." And I really like we get to explore whether our natural talents and destiny can be run from, or if we should just accept it.
@RebelVampire I think this is a really good way of putting it! I also like that Ru's been gradually having to come to terms with the fact that he did what he did and grow from someone who's trying desperately to shed the consequences of the drunken magical mistake he made, and into maybe accepting he's responsible for it and should stand up for the zombie he's affected. I'm so curious to see if the elf kingdom in the current arc is going to have a solution, and if so, if it's a solution he wants to go through with.(edited)
The cast is very big and while I would love to see more Alta and Mica, I think they've gotten some of their big stuff out of the way and can move on with a relatively normal relationship. If the story does revisit them in a more dedicated arc, I would love to see some exploration of Alta's extreme savior complex and how that clashes with her perception of Mica's disability.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Did a reread recently -- this comic is so good, funny and genre-savvy with smart writing and lovable characters. Can't wait for the Volume 2 Kickstarter.
From the early chapters, I really liked Mica's and Maxwell's weird bond. Seems like they're going to be in different settings following unrelated storylines for a while, but I'm looking forward to when their paths cross again...mostly for Mica's reaction once she gets caught up on the progress of Maxwell's secret-magical-figurehead-coup gambit.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Also, the whole sequence where Maxwell has to explain "ugh, this stuff depends on an otherwise-useless narrow and restricted concept of 'virginity'". (And Ru has to unpack why he still qualifies...) I think that's the first point where you really feel the contrast between "a fantasy setting with lots of these traditional tropes and formalities" and "characters who feel and react like real people." ...without spoiling anything too specific, Rekhet's whole aesthetic (their fashion sense, their interior design) is the pinnacle of this. It is hard to pick a favorite character, but boy did they shoot waaay up the list almost immediately after their introduction.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I feel like the first solution Ru gets is gonna be something like "don't worry, we can incinerate your problem into a pile of ash that'll blow away on the wind!" -- and he's going to balk, because he's gotten attached enough that he wants the denizen free, not destroyed. No idea what he's ultimately going to settle on -- I think it'll be something weird and offbeat, not this easy to predict. In the meantime, Denny's antics are great. Especially when there's something plot-relevant or serious going on and it's just bopping around doing its own thing in the background. (And that one scene where they all got into fancy dress, and somebody gave the denizen a bowtie -- priceless. If it started getting a new themed accessory for every scene, I would not complain.)
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Mica seems like she has lots of plans and interests and desires, but hasn't had the time/money/resources to pursue anything more than "reading about them." Meanwhile, Alta is well-traveled, practiced and competent at lots of things, and has the resources to go around offering her services pro bono...but doesn't really like or care about her job, it's just something she fell into because she was good at it. Point being, I hope they'll get into a setup where Mica picks some dreams to follow, and Alta focuses on giving her the support/backing to do it, and then gets to share in Mica's actual enjoyment. And maybe Alta figures out she likes one of these things for its own sake, so they decide to settle down and pursue it together? Or maybe they just keep exploring indefinitely, and it turns out Alta's really into "being the devoted protector while someone else is in charge."
@Delphina He named the Denizen. Once you name something, there is no going back.
I feel like even though things are going good between Mica and Alta, that right now were in that happy passionate phase before real issues start to heat and they start to realize theyre kind of two different ppl. So I really think that they're going to increasingly face more and more challenges in that regards. I also think Alta is about to rethink careers, and that will probably make her defocus from building the relationship. I do think Flea will successfully learn magic, and I think in so doing Flea will gain newfound confidence but also just an entire new perspective on who they are and life in general. And I think Flea teaches us that if we continue to reject parts of ourselves, even if we dont like that, that we're just gonna wind up hurting ourselves until we explode and hurt everyone else around us. I also think Flea teaches us that identity is also fluid and that you can, will, and should change and that just cause you change, doesn't mean you aren't who you are. I think Ru will find a solution, but I don't think Ru will act on it. I reiterate in this chat again, once you name something, there is no going back. However, I don't think Ru's choice will help Cymonee. I do think Ru will find other ways to help as a sort of payback for Cymonee sticking with him. However, what I'm most interested here is the comparison so far with Flea. Flea is embracing powers, while Ru isn't. And I find this contrasting journey to be interesting. I mean Ru didn't get no Alta speech about self-acceptance, so I'm wondering how that alone paved the course of events. I feel like the Consortium's plans is what will bring the main cast together again, since they'll either stop the Consortium, or clean up their mess. Since places without a ruling head of government usually don't do so hot. I think Maxwell will serve as the person who tattles in the hopes he can come out on top.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
I am most looking forward to seeing more of Ru's story, cause I really want to know if he's gonna start self-accepting those necromancy powers of if he really will just react them for all time. As for final words, this a comic with some fantastic characters, has a really unique humor with how the characters conduct themselves,, and all around is definitely a comic that deserves some praise.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I hope that if Ru does choose to accept these necromancy powers, it's because he wants to, not because he has to. Like, I'm hoping he finds a solution to his problem, but he chooses not to go through with it. One thing I'm loving about the current two arcs is that it's given us a chance to go more in depth with these characters. I loved the parts where the whole gang was together as a group, but this just gives us a chance to see these relationships flourish. Though, I do hope we see more Marigold soon, plus some other side characters like Maxwell. All in all, I really love this comic, and I can't wait to see where it goes next!
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about The Stoop-Gallants this week! Please also give a special thank you to MJ Alexander and WW Rose for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked The Stoop-Gallants, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://www.thestoopgallants.com/site/
The Stoop-Gallants’ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/snartha
The Stoop-Gallants’ Store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/snartha/shop
The Stoop-Gallants’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/snartha
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cloudcrouton · 6 years
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Illustration club be like @mica-ilclub
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estroms-blog · 5 years
Drone Racing pt.1, Research
Here we are, the main assignment of year 1. 
Me and Mica teamed up once again for the Brief we received from Bear London, where the task was to take a minority sport to a major player.
The first task was to summarize the brief we got from BEAR in 6 words. And we summarized it as follows: 
“Change the perception of drone racing”
and the longer version is:
“Create commercial success for Drone racing through brand activation”
After this task we started our initial research to find out more about the sport: 
Both me and Mica were quite stoked to get drone racing, yet also a bit frightened, because we had never heard of it before. It’s such a modern and new sport, so we didn’t even know how much there was to know about it in the first place. We had both heard about drones, and about racing. But, combined? 
We started our research with these initial feelings, and soon found out all of this: 
- Drone racing isn’t its true name, it’s actually called FPV (First perspective view) Racing and started out in Australia and New Zeeland roughly around 2014. 
- They have multiple leagues, with the most famous one being DRL. If you win a DRL, you’re the best drone pilot there is. 
- It’s extremely tech-driven. Even in the begining, we had to learn a lot of different terms to understand what it was that we were reading. 
- It’s an extremely expensive sport, with just the “shell” of the drone costing up to 1.000$. 
- There are different types of drones, small, motorcross, large film drones, and the fast racing drones. 
-The main target group is men that are hobby tech-enthusiast. There are very very few female pilots and none are represented in the big leauges.
-There are general rules you must follow if you want to compete in a race, and then there are rules that the pilots themselves have to respect if they want to compete. 
- Even if you’re the best pilot in the world, it’s not a given that you’ll make a living wage of racing drones. In 2018, drone racing faces a new issue: It's growing in popularity but isn't yet a viable career. Right now, the grassroots scene is as thriving as ever, but the number of pilots making a living out of flying remains pitifully small.
- It’s hard to follow as an audience since the drones are flying so fast, they go up to 120 miles per hour and a race only lasts 4-5 minutes. 
- The only was the racer can follow the drone is because the drone has a camera attached that transmits video to a pair of goggles the racer wears. Those are called FPV Goggles.
The sport is so modern, yet it has a hard time gaining attention because first and foremost it’s so tech-driven and masculine, so it might be hard as a young boy/woman to feel accepted into the community. Secondly, it’s hard to get an audience since it’s really nothing there to watch because the drones are flying so fast. 
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(FPV goggles) 
After the initial research, Derek gathered us to summarize our findings and share our initial ideas. 
 We spoke a lot about the fact that there are so few women competing in the sport, and how we could change that (Perhaps start a women-only club with mentors?). We also spoke about the fact that it is extremely hard to find spots where racers can practice. Because of regulations and laws, there is only a handful of spots in London and the surrounding area where racers can go and practice without being afraid of the police or having an audience that might get hurt. We then went over and discussed how other “minority sports” that are close competitors, such as skateboarding and e-sports, came to have the huge success they have today. A lot of skateboards success was that it was revived around the same time that punk became a big hit, and also that it was one of the sports competing in the first after x-games in 1997. E-sport, on the other hand, became a huge hit since so many people already did it on their own, and was interested to see other people playing it and therefore learning from them. 
Some other ideas we had: 
- Rebrand a league to make it more attractive for audiences to watch. 
-Make drone racing punk, instead of futuristic tracks perhaps race in old warehouses? 
- Create a game so people can try drone racing without actually buying a drone. 
After our hour-long chat, we realized that we won’t get the good insights unless we actually reached out to the community. So that is exactly what we did. 
We reached out to Drona Racing London on Facebook, the biggest group for drone raving-enthusiasts in the UK. There, Mica got in touch with a man called Paul who actually invited us to come and interview him at his next drone racing practice and see what it was all about. 
I the same time, I reached out to the FPV Racing thread on Reddit. FPV Racing is the largest drone community on Reddit, with over 19.500 members. They actively post about their latest races, drones or questions they have about specific technical problems. I posted the following thread: 
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While we actually had many more questions, we knew that no one would take the time out of their day to answer more than 3. And we got a really good response, both down in the comments and in my DMs! 
Many people started out by finding the sport on youtube and then decided to try it themselves. Most of them ended up staying because of the competitive element of it, but also because it was something they had created with their own hands and were able to control. While we didn’t get many answers to the last question, many felt that they wanted better technical-developments that would make their experience more immersive, such as better quality on the transmitters between the drone and their goggles. 
But the real insight came from our meeting with Paul. 
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We met up with Paul, a drone racer who twice a month brings together drone enthusiasts from all over west London to the Irish Center in Camden to practice drone racing,  drink pints and exchange news and knowledge. 
First, we had an hour and a half long interview with him, and then we spent the next two hours hanging out with the team, seeing them set up for a race and then racing against each other. And we got so many extremely good insights. 
Summarized they are: 
- There’s no audience because the drones are flying way too fast.
- The women are very welcomed, but because it’s seen as such a nerdy sport a lot of them feel unwelcomed or too feminine. 
- It’s the immersive experience that captures you. When you put on your goggles it’s like stepping into another world. 
- There are two main target groups, men between 25-35 that like the community part, and then 65+ old men that used to build model airplanes and now wants to try something more technical. 
-Yet, the worlds best pilots are on average 16-19 year old.
-The community is growing rapidly, both for the good and the bad. Good because you have even more people to learn from, bad because they’ve now reached the audience that might not want to do all the heavy research themselves (such as the early adopters have done) and expect to get all the info on a silver platter from older racers. 
- Finding a really good spot to practice on is like going on a treasure hunt. You might get a map over text that leads you to weird parts of London you’ve never visited before.
- Learning as a new racer is hard, but as soon as you know someone who knows someone you can easily get into the community. 
It was extremely fun going to the practice. Neither I nor Mica knew what to expect, but both of us ended up being properly impressed and I was almost excited to buy my own drone and start racing. Sadly, I’m only a student that can’t afford a drone :(
The week after we went to drone racing practice it was time to present our three strongest ideas and insights for Derek and Steve Stacy. 
Our final three ideas, presented as practiced in the reversed adgineering. 
1. Insight: The audience can’t connect to the drones as the major players of the sport. 
Creative proposition: Rebrand the DRL (Drone Racing League) Make it more human, less Tech-driven.
Tonality: Bold, human, passionate. 
Creative solution: Rebranding the DRL to put the human in the middle of the sport. 
Moodboard for the creative solution:
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and the campaign
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2. Insight: It’s not interesting to watch. 
 Creative proposition: Create a new league, where the main thing isn't about the race, but the location where to race takes place. 
Tonality: Daring, extreme, adventtureous. 
Creative solution: A new league that pays homage of the designs such as x-sports and the branding of the surfer clothing line. 
Moodboard for the creative solution:
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3. Insight: People want greater access to technical info about drone racing. 
Creative proposition: Create a new platform that welcomes both beginners and champions to share their knowledge. 
Tonality: Informative, friendly, community-wise. 
Creative solution: A platform that works similar to both Google and Reddit, with illustrations rather than images to attract more visual appeal. 
Moodboard for the creative solution:
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When we presented these ideas both our team, Derek, and Stacy all felt the first idea was the best. To shift the focus from the tech-heavy parts to the more human aspect of the sport might invite a bigger audience, and in turn get more people to actively pursue drone racing. So, idea 1 is what we set out to create. 
0 notes
williamjworld · 6 years
Project Brief- Typography part 2
University of Cumbria BA(Hons) Graphic Design/Illustration Year 1 Module: GRAP4070 Communicating Ideas
Project 4 Letter Exchange
“A typographic hierarchy expresses an organisational system for content, emphasising some data and diminishing others. A hierarchy helps readers scan a text, knowing where to enter and exit and how to pick and choose among its offerings. Each level of the hierarchy should be signalled by one or more cues,
applied consistently aross a body of text.” Ellen Lupton, Thinking with Type
This brief is about extending the typographic knowledge and skills you started to look at two weeks ago into a larger piece of design using more information. You will be creating a typographic image and then combining this with a body of information which needs to be organised using a hier- archical system. You are tasked with producing a poster for a conference on creative typography called Letter Exchange.
Required elements
Your poster must contain: • an image/illustration made from type/lettering, which captures the idea of typography as an exciting, creative, experiemental endeavour • the full text about the conference (see document Letter Exchange Copyon Blackboard) • the poster must be A2 in size • you may use full colour • you cannot include any other kind of images
The brief divides into two parts:
1 The typographic image
We want to see lots of exploration and experimental play here, to develop an engaging and exciting typographic image which makes the audience regard typography as a creative artform and the conference as an inspi- rational event they would like to participate in. This can be made through any medium. Consider analogue materials and processes as well as digital methods: paints, inks, stencils, playing with the scanner and photocopier, projection, cutting, tearing, folding, sticking, collage, monoprinting, mixed media...If you can imagine doing it, then try doing it. This should be FUN! The only criteria is that it should be made from letterforms (which don’t necessarily have to spell anything). There will be studio workshop sessions to help you to develop your image and you may use any of the workshops for which you have had an induction eg. printmaking, metal, photography,wood etc. But don’t spend longer than the first week doing this.
2 The layout and typographic treatment of the information
Once you have your typographic image/illustration you need to turn your attention to the composition and typographic treatment of the information. How are you going to successfully compose the image and text content together? Remember that the overall layout must be well structured
and lead your reader’s eye through the information. As in your previous project, there are headlines, sub-heads, intros, main body text etc. There should be an evident typographic hierarchy to distinguish these levels of content. How do you use the elements within the type family to do this? (size/weight/u&lc/italics and other variants etc.) We want to see lots of control and attention to detail here. Initial layouts and compositions need to be considered as thumbnail sketches on paper before you start working on screen.
There are no restrictions on the number of typefaces, weights or colours you can use, but be discriminating about how many variants you really need. Is working within one type family, or a limited number of typefaces, going to produce a more coherent piece of design than throwing every- thing at it?
Assessment Criteria
1 IDENTIFY – Demonstrate an understanding of the need to identify appropriate research/source material in order to progress ideas/ concepts. 2 STRATEGIES – Select approaches and strategies that communicateideas and intentions to others in an effective manner. 3 SEQUENTIAL – Understand how to visualise ideas/concepts sequentially and selectively in order to arrive at creative solutions. 4 SORT – Identify an evaluative ability in shifting/sorting/testing/examin- ing in order to further develop ideas and concepts. 5 APPROPRIATE – Demonstrate the appropriateness of a design solu- tion to the demands of a set brief.
Thursday 14th March 2019
My tutor Tony and Rhiannon, show some of there own of typography, to get some idea of what me and my group could do with our own typography.
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There is also some of artwork from college where I did some typography in one or two projects and my Pinterest board with typography ideas.
This has given me ideas to do a poster design with what I asked to do in this project with some inspiration from other typography artists: 
Letter Exchange
A design festival for people who use type
7th – 9th June 2019 Cinema Teatro Sarti Via Scaletta 10 FaenzaItaly
Letter Exchange is the first international conference in Italy dedicated solely to contemporary typography, with talks, workshops and tours focusing on where typography is today and where its future may lie. The conference will be held in Faenza, a medieval city in the north-east of Italy, home to an ancient tradition of design and craftsmanship.
Conference Speakers
Sarah Hyndman A British graphic designer, writer and public speaker, Sarah Hyndman asks lots of questions, has become an accidental specialist in multi-sensory typography and is known for her interest in the psychology of type. She is the founder of the innovative Type Tasting studio; driven by her passion for changing the way we think and talk about typography. Sarah is also known for her thought-provoking and highly entertaining typography workshops, events and books including Why Fonts Matter and the type dating card game What's Your Type?
Laura Meseguer A freelance graphic and type designer from Barcelona, Laura Meseguera’s studio works for international and domestic clients but also in self-initiated projects. As a typographer and type designer, she has specialized in all sorts of projects involving custom lettering and type design, for branding and publishing. Her design approach is to create unique solutions for every assignment, based on the concept, the content and the context, always in close collaboration with art directors and designers. She designs and produces typefaces which are distributed through her own digital type foundry Type-Ø-Tones, that is also a member of TypeNetwork. She is the author of TypoMag: Typography in Magazines, published by IndexBook, and co-author of the book “Cómo crear tipografías. Del boceto a la pantalla”, published in Spanish by Tipo, and translated into Polish, Portuguese, English and soon in Chinese. She is a board member of the ATypI since 2017. She also teaches type design and typography in different schools. Laura’swork has been featured in several publications and exhibitions such as Graphic Design Now. She also holds awards from the ADG-FAD (The Art Directors & Graphic Designers Association, Spain), and TDCs for her typefaces Rumba Lalola and Qandus.
Ken Barber Ken Barber is the typeface design director and chief lettering officer at font foundry and design studio, HouseIndustries. His work is in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Institution’s Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum and the Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation. Ken has also been honored by the New York Type Directors Club, Association Typographique Internationale, and Design Museum London. In addition to teaching at The Cooper Union in New York City, he regularly leads workshops on the practice of hand-lettering. Ken co-authored House Industries: The Process is the Inspiration (Watson-Guptill, 2017) with Andy Cruz and Rich Roat.
Lance Wyman Design legend Lance Wyman creates graphic systems for cities, events, institutions, and transit systems. Fifty years ago, his groundbreaking identity for the 1968 Mexico Olympics helped establish the modern practice of environmental design. He is a member of AGI, an SEGD Fellow and a recipient of the AIGA Medal. There are three major books published on his work.
Veronika Burian and José Scaglione Choosing and using typefaces has become increasingly complex in recent years. The different kinds of licenses, the large number of fonts on offer, and the variety of pricing structure and language support on the market result in ascenario where type users can get easily lost. In this presentation TypeTogether’s founders, Veronika Burian andJosé Scaglione will discuss how to curate high quality, flexible, and scalable typeface libraries. Learn how to go about selecting and combining fonts, how to judge language support capabilities in an increasingly global market, and how to use typeface customization as a powerful graphic design tool.
Toshi Omagari Toshi Omagari is a type designer at Monotype. He studied typography and typeface design at Musashino Art University in Tokyo, where he graduated in 2008, and went on to obtain an MA in typeface design at University of Reading in 2011. Since he joined Monotype in UK, he has released a number of revivals of forgotten classics such as Metro Nova and the Berthold Wolpe Collection. He has also been involved in many aspects of multilingual typography and font development, including work on various scripts including Greek, Cyrillic, Mongolian, Tibetan, and Arabic.
Ellen Lupton
Ellen Lupton is curator of contemporary design at Cooper-Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum in New York City and director of the Graphic Design MFA program at MICA in Baltimore. Her latest exhibition is The Senses: Design Beyond Vision (April–October 2018). She recently published Design Is Storytelling with Cooper Hewitt.
Playing with a Heidelberg: Damiano Bandini’s letterpress workshop Damiano Bandini loves letterpress, and movable type. This is why he still runs an old letterpress workshop in downtown Faenza, carrying on the passion and knowledge handed down from father to son. La Vecchia Stamperia isa historic workshop (Bottega Storica dell’Emilia Romagna): everything started in 1920, so this workshop has been printing movable type on paper for more than 90 years – and counting. He has one of the largest collections of very rare metal block-prints and unique artistic wood type in use.
One day workshop, 5thth June 2019, 10.00am
La Vecchia Stamperia
Via Giulio Castellani 25
Faenza (RA)
Straights and Rounds
Richard Bailey and Bruno Maag will explain an effective and efficient approach to designing a typeface (family).
Participants will learn how to define the requirements, aesthetically, technically and linguistically, and how to set up
the design process.
Bruno began his career with an apprenticeship as a typesetter at Tages-Anzeiger, Switzerland’s largest daily
newspaper. He then studied Typography and Visual Communcations at Basel School of Design under Wolfgang
Weingart and Andre Gürtler amongst others. After graduating, Bruno emigrated to England to work for Monotype
where he established their ‘custom type department’, creating fonts for the New Yorker magazine, and others.
Recent highlights are fonts for Rio2016, multilingual type for Nokia and HP, and a lovely serif font for luxury hotel
brand Faena. He is currently investigating type and emotion, with a special interest in the physiological aspects.
Richard Bailey’s background is in corporate services, but since joining Dalton Maag he’s diversified into developing the design service offering and improving the client experience. Recent highlights include Ducati, USA Today, andAmazon. Richard holds the position of Operations Director, and is based in Dalton Maag’s London office.
Sign Painting with John Downer This class will focus on rendering a few particular styles of capital letters and scripts that were commonly used in European sign painting during the 19thth and 20th centuries.
The Original Champions of Design with Bobby Martin and Jennifer Kinon Join Original Champions of Design partners Bobby Martin and Jennifer Kinon and the OCD team for a behind-the- scenes look at their process, their work and their love of type. Since the branding and design agency was founded in 2010, OCD has partnered with a wide range of clients such as the Girl Scouts of the USA, Prospect Park Alliance, The New York Times, the National Basketball Association and The Studio Museum in Harlem to ensure their growth and creative goals. Evening talk, 8th June, 5.oopm Cinema Teatro Sarti Via Scaletta 10 Faenza
Micro Typography with Tânia Raposo In this 1 day workshop you will acquire typographic skills on the micro level — how to solve intricate typographic hierarchies, and how to fine-tune long passages of text. You will learn how and when to use various kinds of dashes, get acquainted with OpenType features and get to know all the strange characters in your glyph palette.
For further information and to register for the conference visit the website at www.letterexchange.com
Two day workshop, 6th-7thth June 2019, 10.00am
Biblioteca Comunale di Faenza (1st Floor)
Via Manfredi 14
Faenza (RA)
Two day workshop, 6th-7thth June 2019, 10.00am
Biblioteca Comunale di Faenza (2nd Floor)
Via Manfredi 14
Faenza (RA)
One day workshop, 8th June 2019, 10.00am
Biblioteca Comunale di Faenza (1st Floor)
Via Manfredi 14
Faenza (RA)
Better get planning.
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mica-ilclub · 6 years
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Welcome back illustration friends! keep an eye out for an email we'll be sending out regarding our first meeting ✨
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edivupage · 4 years
Maryland Institute College of Art Admissions: Everything You Want to and Need to Know
Overview of Maryland Institute College of Art
MICA, the Maryland Institute College of Art, located in Baltimore, MD. The institution has a large selection of undergraduate and graduate degree programs for students to choose from. Students are backed by a robust 9 to 1 student/faculty ratio, and professors take a personalized approach to the teaching and learning process. Outside of the classroom, students will find plenty of opportunities to engage with the campus community via many clubs and organizations.
Total Enrollment: 2,124 (1,714 undergraduates)
Gender Breakdown: 25% Male/75% Female
95% Full-time
Cost of Attendance Information
Tuition and Fees: $50,330
Books: $1,500
Room and Board: $13,720
Other Expenses: $1,500
Total Cost: $67,050
Financial Aid Information
Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 93%
Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of Aid
Grants: 93%
Loans: 43%
Mean Amount of Aid
Grants: $21,214
Loans: $7,087
Academic Programs Offered
Most Popular Majors: Illustration; Graphic Design; Intermedia/Multimedia; Painting; and Fine Arts and Art Studies
Retention and Graduation
First-YearStudent Retention (full-time students): 89%
4-Year Graduation Rate: 64%
6-Year Graduation Rate: 70%
Overview of Maryland Institute College of Art Admissions
Since MICA is a specialized art school, admissions are selective and competitive. In 2019, the school had an acceptance rate of 64%. Students whose SAT/ACT scores and GPA are within the institution’s requirements have a good chance of being admitted. Applicants must complete an online application and send test scores from either the SAT or ACT and high school transcripts. Glowing recommendation letters can bolster your application, along with being involved with student organizations and attempting a challenging course load. Students with unique talents and accomplishments can still receive strong consideration even if their GPAs are outside of the mean range. After applying, students will receive a message from an admissions counselor about the application process’s next steps. Interested students should check out the university’s website, which has helpful tips and contact information for the admissions offices.
Admissions Data                        
Maryland Institute College of Art Acceptance Rate: 64%
Test Scores — 25th/75th Percentile
SAT Critical Reading: 500/630
SAT Math: 530/660
SAT Writing: -/-
ACT Cumulative: 22/29
ACT English: 22/31
ACT Math: 19/27
Safety Net Schools: Easy to Gain Admission
If past admission data predicts that you would be a competitive candidate for Maryland Institute College of Art, it should be easy to gain admissions to the schools below. If Maryland Institute College of Art is currently out of your reach, then you are sure to be a competitive candidate for the schools below.
Texas Tech University, Pace University, University of North Texas, San Jose State University, California State University Long Beach, Florida Gulf Coast University, Washington State University
Same Tier: Just As Hard to Gain Admission
If you’re a competitive candidate for Maryland Institute College of Art, you should have an equal chance of gaining admissions at these schools.
George Mason University, Seton Hall University, Howard University, University of Houston, San Diego State University, University of California, Riverside, University of Arizona
Reach Institutions: Gaining Admissions Will be More of a Challenge
These schools are more challenging to gain admission into than Maryland Institute College of Art. If you improve your GPA and SAT/ACT scores, you’ll be a competitive candidate.
University of Texas at Dallas, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Syracuse University, University of Cincinnati, Penn State University Park, United States Military Academy
Applying to Maryland Institute College of Art
Application Deadline: February 1
Undergraduate Admissions Website:
Undergraduate Application Link(s):
Graduate Admissions Website:
Graduate Application Link(s):
The post Maryland Institute College of Art Admissions: Everything You Want to and Need to Know appeared first on The Edvocate.
Maryland Institute College of Art Admissions: Everything You Want to and Need to Know published first on https://sapsnkra.tumblr.com
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krissysbookshelf · 7 years
Free Ebooks (10/3/17)
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  Original post: http://ift.tt/2fPlHVB
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2xemHtR
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mica-ilclub · 6 years
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Last day to buy from our art market table!!! 🕺 Grab prints, postcards, cards, zines, tote bags and much more from our table on second floor of Brown 😘🌟
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mica-ilclub · 6 years
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Pictures from yesterday's Extreme Figure Drawing!! 💃 We enjoyed doing crazy poses, drawing in new ways, and listening to holiday music with hot chocolate and friends 😊☕️💕
Thank you to everyone who came, and we hope you had as much fun as we did!! Have a great rest of the semester and winter break! ✨
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mica-ilclub · 6 years
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Pictures from last week's art-inspiration meeting!! 🖌️✨ Thanks to those who showed up to enjoy the books despite the bad weather ☺️
If you didn't manage to make it to the meeting, worry not! We are considering providing more books and magazines at future meetings for your inspiration and enjoyment 📚 If you'd like that, please let us know in the comments below!!
Hope you all enjoyed the tips and resources we provided, and stay tuned for the next meeting 💗
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mica-ilclub · 6 years
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Thank you to everyone who came to our "Threading Through Time" opening reception last week! 🤗💕
It was good to see everyone enjoying the good food, company, and of course, the artwork. 🖼️ The exhibition wouldn't have been possible without the amazing submissions we received, and we're happy to see them given the attention and admiration they deserve!! 🌟
If you haven't seen the exhibition yet, be sure to take some time to go to the Fox Four Gallery and check it out!
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mica-ilclub · 6 years
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Hey everyone!Our theme for the Fall Juried Exhibition this year is ✨ 💃THREADING THROUGH TIME 🕺 ✨!!!!The deadline is 💥FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 2018 @ 5 PM💥. Please drop off your submission(s) and attached submission form(s) in the Illustration Club flat file in the Illustration Office.
Physical copies of the submission form are available in both the Sophomore/Junior studio as well as the Illustration Club flat file. Attached above is a digital copy if you need to print it out.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any comments, questions, concerns!! 💗
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mica-ilclub · 6 years
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Thank you to everyone who stopped by at our table at the Engagement Fair, it was great getting to see you all!!  🔥🌺✨
We hope you all enjoyed the flyers and sweets and will come join us again at our first General Body Meeting on September 14th! 😚
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mica-ilclub · 6 years
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Let's relax together! 😌 We will be having a self-care and de-stress meeting this week. ✨ Put on your comfy clothes, get tips on how to stretch, relax, and recharge. We will also be playing board games and eating homemade baked goods with tea and hot chocolate! 🤗☕🍪
RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2679022232123539/
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