#micah daniels
rookisaknight · 2 years
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Im right and I can defend each placement here.
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chronicbeans · 7 months
Me: Mom, I'm alright. My fictional pookies are completely normal-
Mom: Look at them.
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Me: But mother, they're babygirl.
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aus-wnt · 2 months
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totaly-obsessed · 2 days
Woso Vacation Mode Appreciation
Request a player | with @alotofpockets
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air-rising · 4 months
Photo dump 😍
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brotherconstant · 2 years
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it was a relief and a horror to be known so perfectly.
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disneynerdpumpkin · 10 months
~ Scriptures about forgiveness ~
Matthew 6:15 "But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
Colossians 3:13 "Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive."
Daniel 9:9 "To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against him."
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Proverbs 10:12 "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses."
Micah 7:18 "Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love."
Mark 11:25 "And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."
Luke 17:3-4 "Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him."
Luke 6:37 "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:"
Matthew 6:14 "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:"
1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Isaiah 1:8 "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
James 5:16 "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
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wrongspacetime · 2 years
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The L Word: Generation Q (2019-) 3.04 | Last to Know
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mccleans · 2 years
music to my ears
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cinemaslife · 6 months
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#54 Aguas que corroen (Rust Creek) (2019)
Sawyer (Hermione Corfield) tiene una entrevista de trabajo en Washington y un coche que se cae a pedazos, decide tomar un desvío para ir a la entrevista y evitar el tráfico por acción de gracias, tomando carreteras secundarias para llegar a su destino. El GPS le indica que continúe por una carretera cortada y decide seguir desviándose por caminos secundarios, lo que la lleva a adentrarse más en el bosque.
Cuando baja de su vehículo para consultar un mapa se acercan a ella dos hombres Buck (Daniel R. Hill) y Hollister (Micah Hauptman), que son hermanos y que le pide que se quede a cenar con ellos, ya que en seguida va a oscurecer, cuando ella se niega intentan agredirla, pero ella se defiende y se esconde en el bosque. Los hermanos creen que ella les ha visto hacer algo mientras vagaba con su coche por el bosque perdido, y por eso deciden atacarla. Huye herida a través del bosque, motivándose para continuar. Aunque acaba durmiendo al raso y recordando que se deja el móvil en el coche.
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Alguien denuncia su vehículo por abandonado y la policía cree que está relacionado con otro crimen, pese a que el alguacil va a casa de los hermanos que están hechos un auténtico cromo por la paliza que les da Sawyer, se va sin hacer preguntas y asumiendo que es un accidente de caza.
Mientras ella se acerca al río para lavarse la cuchillada que los hermanos le dan en la pierna y lo cierto es que aunque se trata de una chica valiente, no está en su mejor momento. Los hermanos despeñan el coche de la chica después de la visita del alguacil. Por lo que sus posibilidades de salir se vuelven 0.
El plan de los hermanos sureños es, básicamente, perseguirla hasta dar con ella, algo no especialmente elaborado. Mientras Sawyer busca el móvil dentro del coche y lo encuentra hecho añicos.
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Como cazadores que son eso es lo que hacen con ella, acecharla, pero, precisamente, como cazadores no están preparados a que su presa se revuelva.
Cuando se queda inconsciente por el frío y el dolor, alguien la encuentra en el bosque y la lleva a su caravana. Se despierta sobresaltada y en un lugar que es un laboratorio de metanfetamina. Así descubre a un muchacho Lowell (Jay Paulson), pero antes de que se pueda dar cuenta se vuelve a quedar inconsciente por el dolor.
En la comisario todos se creen que el coche se quedaría sin gasolina y que se iría, pero el ayudante del alguacil insiste en llamar al dueño del coche registrado para quedarse más tranquilo.
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Los hermanos son primos de Lowell y están unidos en el negocio de las drogas, parece que Lowell no es como sus primos y quiere ayudar a la chica, pero para eso no puede perder su lealtad con ellos.
Sawyer escapa de sus ataduras antes de que los primos entren en la caravana y no anda muy lejos cuando Lowell la vuelve a encontrar al lado de unas ruinas.
Al fin la policía hace su trabajo, pero no gracias al alguacil, y descubren que el coche pertenece a los padres de Sawyer, pero estos se lo dieron a su hija y esta ahora se encuentra desaparecida.
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Lowell confiesa que cocina metanfetamina desde los 14 años y que por eso sabe tanto acerca de eso. Pese a que es amable con ella, no deja de tenerla retenida, él no tiene coche y están muy lejos de la civilización. Estando herida, morirá en el bosque. En un par de días los hermanos se irán, dejarán sus coches y Lowell la liberará.
Los dos congenian y hablan de química y de como conseguir la sustancia que Lowell necesita para poder venderla junto a los hermanos, también queda claro que el alguacil está implicado en los negocios de los primos, y desea que Sawyer aparezca muerta lo antes posible.
El ayudante del alguacil lo pilla en una conversación comprometida con los hermanos, y lo acaban asesinando. El plan, elaboradísimo, es plantarle el secuestro al ayudante.
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Mientras Sawyer empieza a desarrollar un síndrome de Estocolmo bastante majo, aunque Lowell sea bastante simpático, las cosas no dejan de ser como son, y más cuando el alguacil va a visitarlo a su caravana. Los primos saben que la chica está en la caravana por unas pisadas de más en el porche de la caravana.
Lowell y Sawyer le tienden una trampa a los hermanos cuando los descubren en la caravana, haciendo que todo estalle por los aires, pero hiriendo a ambos en la explosión. Por lo que Lowell no puede acompañarla mientras ella huye, y cuando tiene a su primo contra las cuerdas aparece el alguacil para dispararle.
La chica ya recuperada sale corriendo, huyendo por el bosque, y mientras el alguacil mata a Hollister, Sawyer es tan boba que cuando un coche de policía va a buscarla, ¡pum! Es el alguacil.
Ella no lo reconoce, pese a que sabe que los primos trabajaban para alguien más al que nunca vio ni oyó, por lo que el alguacil decide aprovecharse y pedirle que baje del coche para caminar hasta el arroyo. Para que se meta dentro y poder ahogarla. Sawyer mata de una puñalada al hombre y lo deja en el arroyo para que el agua se lo lleve.
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"Esta película ha sido difícil de visionar en castellano, ya que no está en las plataformas de streaming de manera gratuita y quería verla, en internet se comenta que es posible que esta sea una representación de lo que ocurrió en realidad con la desaparición de Maura Murray."
Maura Murray fue una joven de 21 años que desapareció después de un accidente de coche.
Un automovilista que pasaba y que también vivía cerca se detuvo en el lugar y le preguntó a la mujer que conducía el automóvil si necesitaba ayuda; ella se negó, alegando haber llamado a la asistencia en carretera. Al llegar a casa varios minutos después, el automovilista informó el accidente a los servicios de emergencia. Apenas veinte minutos después de la denuncia telefónica, la policía se presentó en el lugar de los hechos, pero la joven accidentada ya no se encontraba allí.
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turboredzone · 1 year
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Lion’s gotta eat
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xo-zizi · 2 years
Congrats to Daniel and Sam. Selfishly glad that I get them as scene partners for another season. But I would be happier if certain writers felt like they could apply criticism instead of taking it personally and doing whatever the fuck they want with the plot because their feelings got hurt. So whatever.
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aus-wnt · 1 year
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forensicated · 6 months
[Off the top of my head, this is the 7th time Smithy has been held at gunpoint in this year/series alone (and the year/series is not over yet as if I think I'm currently around October.) There's several Gun Runner at-gunpoints by various characters over the episodes, this one and Killer On The Run. If you include CO19 holding him at gunpoint and telling him to put his arms up after dropping the weapon etc in the final Gun Runner before Gina shouts he's a copper it's his 8th! 9th if you include the random gunshot at Carly's funeral but that's a stretch as it wasn't aimed at him (for once)]
Smiffina Episodes: An Honour To Serve - Part 2
This is the final Smiffina episode recap. There is a bonus mention that they met up for a drink down the line but that's it. As a massive aside there is a holby ep that Roberta guests in from 2014 whilst Alex is there as Fletch but they don't get any time onscreen together really 😞)
Part 1 finished with the camera focused on the officers outside whilst Smithy tried to free the hostages and arrest Quinn. The gun went off in a struggle and the last thing Gina heard was Quinn saying "You've got a man down".
Part 2 starts showing what happened inside when it all kicked off. I have issues with this because it's Really. Fucking. Stupid. Particularly for a sergeant and a former officer of CO19 with roughly 13/14 years policing experience at that time. (Who was a squaddie before that!)
Instead of securing Quinn after knocking him down, Smithy hurries round the room and urges the kids and teacher out. He doesn't pin Quinn to the floor and shout at them to go, he doesn't even secure the gun. Quinn struggles to his feet and punches Smithy, knocking him to the ground. He then aims the gun at his head to shoot him at point blank range. Thankfully Sophie hits Quinn with a mug which forces the trajectory of the gun up to the ceiling instead of into Smithy.
This scene just does not make sense because Smithy has the skills, knowledge, common sense, experience and intelligence to know you don't let a dangerous, damaged and mentally ill man with nothing to lose keep free use of his firearm. ESPECIALLY when you have open access to pin him down, get backup and scoot the gun away from him after wrestling him down to the ground in the first place. I am 100 percent biased towards Smithy and can generally forgive him anything (Andrea. Kerry. Kezia.) but this shit is fruit loops.
I know that wouldn't have made for a very long part 2 though but it makes a mockery of the man's training and experience (and is the final push for Gina to resign😪) I've slowed the gif right down to show how stupid it is. He had the opportunity to get on top of him, pin him down and call for backup or scoot the gun across the room and then pin him down at the very least! But no, he runs around and shouts for people to run when he could have done that sat on top of the Very Bad Man.
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When Quinn staggers forward and grabs the radio to send the 'man down' message, Sophie pockets Smithy's phone. Gina's expression is devestating.
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They play with a little with the sound after and have Heaton call Gina "Ma'am?" twice before he says her name. It's a way of having Gina hear what sounds like Smithy saying 'Ma'am' in a muffled way but given their closeness it would have worked even better if it'd been "Gina?" and made more sense for that to have been said by Heaton given he'd not call her Ma'am as he's her superior. Or as @everythingisdragons says - Callum would have been a much better substitute vocally and subordinate wise and it'd make sense! He asks her if she's ok, WTF mate? Of course she isn't, she thinks Smithy's been shot and potentially killed.
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The attention is broken by the children running out of the door. Gina asks the teacher what happened to the policeman and she tells her she thinks he's been shot. Everyone other than Smithy, Polly and Sophie have gotten out. The relief are worried for their Sergeant, especially had noone knows for sure. Gina asks Sgt Hooper if he can go in to end it now and his advice is to wait until they get more idea of the action inside. Gina urges them to go in and take him by surprise so they can get to Smithy but Heaton says they don't have the element of surprise as he knows they're there.
Tony and Ben are sent to the nearby church hall where the children and teachers have been evacuated to see if anyone saw or heard anything of relevance and if not they can go home.
A poorly Rachel arrives having heard what was going and pours over the school blueprints with the other ranking officers and the headteacher. The nearest negotiators are 45 minutes away which is too long. Gina offers her services but Heaton doesn't think it's a good idea given her closeness to Smithy. "I can do my job sir." Heaton tells her he doesn't doubt it but he'd rather it be someone who's not as close to one of the hostages. Callum has done the course but hasn't any practical experience. He asks Gina to remain with him and she agrees. Smithy's radio is cut out of the transmission loop, Quinn's mobile is deactivated and the only people he can contact - and who can contact him - are the police. Rachel is tasked as the link between Heaton and the SO19 Sgt, Callum is going to negotiate with Gina as backup and Heaton is going to control everything from the yard.
Armed officers are placed on the roof opposite and a team of CO19 officers are placed on the staircase leading to the floor Smithy and the others are on. Rachel adds 2 officers to the CO19 team. Gina advises Callum to build a rapport with Quinn and to try and get him to release the girls and give them an update on Smithy, especially if they can get medical help in to him. Sally is set to make notes on the whiteboard of important facts as well as a timeline.
They fear Quinn has a history of dangerous behaviour and is a risk to himself as well as the two teenage girls [and Smithy!!!!!]. He has a history of harassing behaviour in Australia and has used the gun at least twice - once in Aus and once here. It's inferred to be the same gun (how did he get it to and from Australia - especially as he was deported (so you'd think more security when packing/leaving) and both were post 9/11?) Gina points out the only thing Quinn seems to want is Nicola and he won't stop until he gets her.
CO19 sweep the staircases looking for Quinn. They spot him pacing one of the classrooms, freaked by the amount of guns he can see in the yard. Ben reports back to Heaton that they're in position and that Quinn has been seen but Smithy hasn't. Heaton gives Gina and Callum the go ahead to contact Quinn.He refuses to answer at first and drops his phone onto the table giving the viewers the first sighting of a dazed but very alive Smithy! Quinn screams at the phone to shut up.
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Finally Quinn answers the phone and Callum introduces himself. He asks to speak to Nicola and Callum says he will see what he can do but asks if they're all ok and if they need anything. He threatens to do 'the same to anyone who comes near as I did to the cop!' Callum asks if Smithy is ok and Quinn says he got what was coming. Callum asks what that means. "It means I shot him." he growls back. Gina instantly turns away from them and looks out the window.
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Callum asks if they can send a paramedic in. He claims it's too late for that and to only ring when he can talk to Nicola. Gina blanches and weakly says she has to go speak to the Super, hurrying out the room looking very wobbly.
"He said he shot him." "And we have no reason to believe anything that Quinn says!" Heaton insists, gesturing to the pile of witness statements, telling her none of them mention Smithy getting shot. "It might have happened once they'd left the room so that is meaningless. If Smithy is alive and well why hasn't he got in touch?!" Heaton gives Callum permission to speak to Nicola to see if she's up to speaking to Jake but he has to be adamant that she is 100% prepared and knows what to say. He warns Gina to keep the husband out of the way and tells her to keep positive about Smithy.
Quinn rants to himself that all Nicola had to do was listen to him as Polly is having an asthma attack behind him. "Polly's not well!" Sophie tells him. Quinn doesn't care and answers the phone as Callum rings back, telling him they don't want food/drink or similar, he just wants to speak to Nicola. Smithy and Sophie lock eyes during this and he reassures her but presses his finger to his lips to remind her to keep quiet and not draw attention to him. She shows him that she has his phone when Quinn is distracted ranting down the phone. Smithy gives her a thumbs up and gestures to keep calm and wait and it'll be ok. All Quinn keeps saying is that he wants to talk to Nicola and he knows she's there. Rachel brings Nicola to speak to Gina and Callum. She tells them she'll do anything it takes and say whatever he wants to hear to get Sophie safe. Gina warns her that Quinn is unstable and if they make a mistake they'll never get another chance. Nicola insists she'll tell him any number of lies and promise him anything to get her daughter out.
Sophie asks him why he wants to talk to her mum and Quinn tells her it's because he wants to tell her he loves her and always has/always will. Sophie sobs that he doesn't even know her and Quinn snaps that he does and that he's sorry he hit her and that it's not her fault but it's too late now and Nicola will have the rest of her life to regret what she did to him.
Callum briefs Nicola to not promise him anything unless he okays it or tells her to and that she must do exactly as he says. She promises to and they ring Quinn back and Gina updates Heaton.
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Sophie slides Smithy's phone to him when Quinn runs over to the other side of the room after spotting CO19 on the roof opposite. He crosses to another room with the girls and barricades the door, leaving Smithy in the classroom.
Nicola initially freezes on hearing Quinn's voice before asking him not to hurt Sophie and Polly. Callum writes things for her to ask - she asks if they need anything and he says he doesn't want to talk about them and that it's his time for answers. He asks why he rejected her and she says she didn't mean to. She asks him to give himself up. Quinn mocks this "If... when... they put me in prison, you'll be there waiting for me?" "Of course!" "For how long?" "As long as it takes. Let the girls out and we can be together." "Put the cop on...Why are you making her lie?" Callum starts to say that he wasn't making her lie but Quinn hangs up.
Gina receives a call and takes a shocked breath in, gripping Heaton's arm in her relief. "It's Smithy!"
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Smithy tells her that Quinn was spooked by CO19 being on the roof opposite and that he's moved the girls into another classroom. He tells Heaton he's fine and Sophie's alright but Polly is struggling to breathe. Quinn is refusing to answer the phone and so Callum keeps ringing back. Heaton says they can't pass Smithy's info on to anyone in the negotiating room because if Nicola lets it slip it's obvious that it's Smithy who told them. Quinn believes he's in control and they have to let him keep believing that. Quinn answers the phone and threatens to kill Sophie if Nicola lies to him again. He asks again why she rejected him and she was afraid of how he made her feel because she's married. She understands that he now loves her more than her husband and that she now knows how it feels to be loved so much and that she'd forgotten what it feels like to truly care for someone else. Sophie runs across the room and removes the barricade, shouting "MUM!" Quinn drops the phone and drags her away, starting to rebuild the barricade which in turn enables Smithy to open the door and unfortunately come face to face with him.
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"Long time now see!" He snaps, pointing the gun at Smithy.
When the next part starts, Smithy is being secured to a chair with an extension wire. He reassures Sophie that everything is going to be ok and to try keep Polly calm.
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He tells Quinn to give himself up whilst he still can and Quinn points the gun in his face and orders him to shut up whilst he thinks. Smithy tries to reassure the girls as Quinn checks the windows. Quinn answers the phone again and tells Callum the girls are fine but Smithy's 'a bit tied up right now'. Callum asks for proof because an hour ago he'd told him he'd shot him. Quinn says he's tired of game playing and wants Nicola. He says face to face but they refuse it so he says "This might change your mind." And cocks his gun as he puts the phone to Smithy's ear. "Do whatever you need to do." Smithy tells Callum. Quinn is angry it's backfired on him and snatches the phone away, saying "That's enough! Are you satisfied? If I don't get her in here right now I will shoot him and then I'll shoot the lot of us."
Callum asks what to do. Heaton tells him to make contact with him 'Find out how serious he is'. HES JUST FUCKING TOLD YOU! Surely Heaton realises that will just anger him further and make him more likely to do it? The CO19 Sgt thinks going in now would be a risky move as they can't see him now he's moved and he could be anywhere or have chance to shoot them all by the time they get to him. He says if they go in now there'll definitely be casualties, possibly amongst CO19 and almost certainly amongst the casualties. "That's a risk we might have to take." Heaton sighs.
Gina stresses that they have to get paramedics in or Polly out to receive help. Quinn asks Nicola when she's coming in and without approval she says she'll come in as soon as he lets the paramedics in to see Polly. Quinn is surprised but agrees. She tells Callum she'll go in if she has to. Quinn tells Sophie that her mum is coming in to see her!
Rachel offers herself to go in in the place of a paramedic to get Polly so she can tell CO19 and the others where Smithy and the hostages are and the layout of everything. She's a fully trained first aider and Quinn hasn't seen her yet. Rachel changes and goes through, following the directions Quinn gave to allow them access. She and Smithy lock eyes but don't acknowledge each other with Quinn pointing the gun at them. She tries to check Smithy over but Quinn refuses to let her. The actual paramedic insists Polly can't remain in the room and will die if he doesn't let her leave. "Okay... take her."
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Smithy squeezes Sophie a small reassuring smile as they wait for Quinn to make his next move. As an officer Smithy knows that Nicola can't/won't be allowed in and can only watch as Quinn rings back and asks for Nicola to arrive. Callum tells him it's not that easy and reassures him that he has to get permission from the borough commander and that he has to promise that he won't try and hurt her. "Hurt her? I love her. Why would I hurt her?"
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He gives them 10 minutes and says he'll shoot Smithy if she doesn't appear and if they don't believe him he shot the last man who became him and the woman he loved - Mr Australia.
Rachel tells them that the gun looks like an old army revolver and that he's lost a lot of blood from his side. She tells them where the hostages are and that there's lots of furniture around whilst Callum tells Gina what Quinn said and that he has boasted about shooting a man before so he doesn't doubt he'd do it. Gina tells Heaton that Quinn has called their bluff and given them 10 minutes to bring him Nicola or he'll shoot the hostages and himself. She tells them that she fears he'll kill or die to feed his obsession.
Heaton realises the negotiations are over and asks Gina to tell Callum that CO19 are going in in 4 minutes. He wants Callum to ring Jake when given the signal so that CO19 get a few valuable seconds of distraction. They have to pray he will answer. Callum rings when given the signal and CO19 are given the standby order. Quinn is told that Nicola is on her way and that they rushed through the authorisation needed. Heaton gives the CO19 order to go and they move up as quietly as they can whilst Callum keeps Quinn talking. In the mean time Smithy has managed to untie his arms and leaps to his feet when the door lock is shot out and CO19 rush in, standing in front of Sophie and ordering Quinn to put the gun down. CO19 circle him and order him to put the gun down. He puts it to his head and faces off for a few seconds before complying and dropping the gun and doing as the officers order so he can be arrested.
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At the station, Sophie gives her statement and Heaton arranges a briefing. Arun reckons his school was 'like that every day!'. Tony hated school - or -"maybe it was the other way round."
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Smithy says he tried the direct approach... but it didn't get him very far. Gina tells him he did very well and sinks into her chair with a very heavy sigh. Smithy asks her if she's alright. She tunes back in as he moves directly into her eyeline and asks again with obvious concern in his tone. She promises him she's fine but there's something she's got to do and she'll meet him in the interview room.
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She composes herself after he leaves, moves to her doorway and smartens her uniform before taking a deep breath and leaving her office. She knocks on Heaton's door and asks him for a minute. She tells him she doesn't think it's going to come as a surprise to him as it's been building for some time but she's made her decision and she's going. She doesn't want to wake up and realise she's stayed too long and she's too old for anything else as both have seen happen to others. Heaton doesn't believe she wants to go as she's the one person they'd have to drag out kicking and screaming. "This job is your life." "WAS..." she corrects. She tells him it's not just about the loss of Emma and how that affected the station but everything, reminding him of her reaction when Sally and Callum jumped into water without a second thought to save a woman whilst Gina panicked on the Dock. Something she never ever thought she'd do. "And today when I thought I'd lost Smithy... Honestly Sir, my nerves can't take it anymore." She's so proud of uniform everytime they go out but it gets more terrifying everytime something happens. He accepts. ".. If you're sure. " "Thanks. Thanks very much, John."
Callum tells Sophie that Polly will be in hospital for a few days but she should be proud of herself for getting her help. Gerard is furious when he hears that Quinn needs to be assessed by a psych. He's even less happy when he hears that Sophie and her mum are not going home but to her parents house for a few weeks whilst they come to terms with everything and make a start on a proper separation for the couple.
Heaton tells Gina he knows she's not one for long goodbyes but they still have her for a month... Gina points out she has almost 6 weeks of leave owing and wants to go today without anyone knowing and without a goodbye party. She tells him he's spoilt for choice with three great Sgt's. She doesn't think Smithy will want the job as he didn't enjoy being acting Inspector and she thinks Callum would rather be out on the front line if given a choice. Rachel is the only one left... [ugh!]
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Tony overhears that Gina is leaving despite her asking John to keep it private and he goes straight over to Smithy to ask to talk to him after the debrief.
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Heaton takes Rachel through to his office to offer her the job. He tells her he was impressed with how she came in when sick and handled the team. He tells her Gina is leaving and he offers her the job with immediate affect. He brought her to Sun Hill because he had heard nothing but good things about her and that he wants someone fresh with energy and vision to move forward. Bulllshiiiiiit. *cough*. She asks to sleep on it and they'll talk tomorrow. Tony tells Gina that she played a blinder today. She says he did too but he tells her it's only because he has the best boss. "Always a pleasure to serve with you." he smiles.
Smithy hurries through to Gina's office to find her packing. He looks utterly gutted. "So it's true then." "Lots of things are true, like I should be at home with my feet up and a stiff drink." Smithy asks her if it's because of what he said and that he knows things have been difficult with everything including 'the Stone thing'. Gina tells him he might not like it but Callum is a good officer. "Look. you know that I've always admired the way you've done the job and that you've always given 100% but you've been a really good friend to me and that's what I'm going to miss the most." "I'm leaving the job, not my friends." Tony has told everyone as it spreads like wildfire round the station. "Not a lot to show for 25 years is it?" she smiles, showing him the head girl badge." "There's plenty to show." Smithy replies, choked. He asks her why now and she said she's done her bit, the jobs changed and it's her time to go. She wants to walk the length of England and Scotland. "and stop at every pub?" Smithy smirks. She asks if they can talk another time, like a drink the next night because she's exhausted and she knows Smithy is "I don't know how you're still standing!" Smithy tells her that the relief are organising a whip-round for a last minute leaving do and she asks him to tell them that she's already gone because she doesn't like long goodbyes and she'll never escape and besides, she'll see them all again soon. "I'll just not be shouting orders, well not in uniform anyway." Smithy smiles sadly and leans in and kisses her cheek.
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air-rising · 1 year
Daan’s post 😍😍😍
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Watermelon kisses, it's a vibe 🍉🌴
- via danielle van de donk
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lessirussolvr · 1 year
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