#michael ors
chicinsilk · 1 year
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US Vogue July 1986
Monika Schnarre wears a long wool jersey dress (Jasco), by Michael Kors. toque, Patricia Underwood, boots, Donna Karan. Belt used as a collar, Robert Lee Morris, belt, Barry Kieselstein-Cord. Hairdressing, Madeleine Cofano for Bruno Dessange; makeup, Lydia Snyder.
Monika Schnarre porte une robe longue en jersey de laine (Jasco), par Michael Kors. toque, Patricia Underwood, boots, Donna Karan. Ceinture utilisée comme collier, Robert Lee Morris, ceinture, Barry Kieselstein-Cord. Coiffure, Madeleine Cofano pour Bruno Dessange ; maquillage, Lydia Snyder.
Photo Bill King vogue archive
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lestatscock · 10 months
if I was Michael Sheen I'd tweet "There was a more intense version of the kiss where David went for a proper kiss" and post a gif of Ten kissing Madame de Pompadour then turn off my phone
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3416 · 1 year
hi emma! i miss the boys but willy the most atm, do you have any favorite game or interview moments of his?
hiiiiii there... can't believe how long this summer is going to feel without them tbh. BUT MISSING WILLIAM NYLANDER HOURS? okay, i got you.
one of my favorite willy vids is his leaf to leaf with jt from last year. he's just so.. chill and open and happy there idk. his laugh gets me, and it's the same in his older leaf to leaf with auston. i also love the one with zach hyman from covid times and getting to see him laidback in his own space. and then... more recently.. i have revisited the bunting and willy tim hortons drive through content 489324923 times to cheer me up. also for more serious but interesting conversation, i've loved what the leafs have done with their 3 course conversations and willy's swedish menu one was interesting!!
if you want some older days stuff, there's his 20 questions with kasperi kapanen from when they were on the marlies... that was my intro to their dynamic and i love it. (and the 20 questions from the year before that is good too.. he's just a young baby giggly cherub imo) (also peep this willy + pasta interview from back in the day... it's fascinating to dig into the old connections imo) and here's an old compilation of him laughing :') i'm sure there are fancams and vids on twitter of him, but i'm TERRIBLE at keepign track of and sorting media on twitter, my bad.
and then maybe my favorite willy video of all time bc i'm not immune to cute happy children is that iconic interview with his dad where he's in the bg squirming around and knocking shit over and laughing... cutest thing i've seen in my entire life EVER.
if you're looking for more hockey stuff, here's a fun fanvid abt his career highlights up until last year (and how bitchy ppl have been abt his career only for him to prove his worth over n over), and then here's a recent compilation of all his highlights from this year... get to relive his hockey skill and pretend like we're still watching him play. it's a crime that we're not.
anyway, hope any of that helped or cheered you up. i hate how every leaf goes dark during the off season, but i totally don't blame them. if worst comes to worst, i also scroll through their igs/twitters and just google search them or look through blogs who have them as favorites. it's rough out here missing hockey players.
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micarara · 2 years
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Le ore, Michael Cunningham
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cxffexngel · 2 years
                                                  ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
@volfinas​ || is it curiosity? probably not; this is something she is aware of, has always been aware of, since long ago when they had all been in canaan unaware of everything " you miss him greatly, don't you? " she just believes it is something that should be talked about, the absence of lucifer and their hopes of one day seeing him again // from gabriel oaisjdioada
                                                 ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
       It’s not something he gets questioned about that often, but it certainly is in his memory from different bonds that the current supreme primarch has memory of enough to easily form an answer in his mind, first. Even when his eyes lower at a freshly brewed cup for the former water primarch. Gabriel being the most concurrent sight between the four of the other elemental archangels that visit sometimes the airship, check on Sandalphon despise he’s assured the others it’s alright and that they shouldn’t - But much like... him; they care, unconditionally in their ways. And he likes to think he’s gotten better at ignoring that bitter sting of guilt that comes with that acknowledgement, it’s as easy as to bite down his tongue and let the numb ache and cooper taste soothe him in a completely wrong way that he’s sure the Singularity or the Girl in blue would nag him about.
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       And is not really that much of a kept secret, truly. From a pile of unsent letters he was taught that it was a good way to convey what his core wanted to say but unable to deliver when the recipient of those letters laid well beyond these skies and stars, to gazing upon pinkish clouds at sundown, searching for something and someone that has long since left this sky, to the large white plume Lyra had been gifted but she later gave to Sandalphon who keeps it in a delicate crystal display upon his room. Promises and next times, a revenge for a cruel and yet beautiful world that had no mercy for the one Sandalphon still feel greatly has wronged Lucifer. And yet, he swore to see it through everything, ‘til the very end so he can have a lot to talk to once it’s time to visit that faraway place. ‘‘ ...Yes. ‘‘ Finally, he finds his voice. It’s low, a bit distant and with sorrows he hardly shares about. Talking to the primarchs it’s both reassuring as it’s a mystery to him. They have long forgiven him and yet there’s still pieces of his core that don’t understand why they care – but much like how he wonders why the Girl in blue and the Singularity’s own forgiveness, Sandalphon just deals with it. ‘‘ He deserved more than just a legacy. He... deep down, wanted to do what you all have chosen to, and settle. ‘‘ and yet here he is in his place. The very thing Sandalphon didn’t want to happen his own personal nightmare and blessing. The weight of so many wings and promises he feels he can carry, and some days crush his bones bit by bits - all when he wished that he could finally give the former Supreme primarch that little wish he had weakly whispered, when all he could answer was poison and angry bile when meet with the awful reality of his own actions.
        He misses him, more than anyone - the selfish part of his says in a low voice within the depths of his mind but goes unsaid, his core cries with the loss as his sleep is riddled in nightmares each time he dares close his eyes by night, he misses him so much sometimes the most the archangel can do is will his white wings away and stare at nowhere in particular until the voices of someone else can finally take his focus somewhere else before letting his mind wander too far. Calloused hands etched with cuts and scars, newer ones from mundane accidents as paper cuts healing to the duller ones from bites, scratches and holding a heavy claymore’s handle too hard cradling the cup Gabriel had asked for to settle it before her with great care, not a sound meeting his ears when it meets the porcelain, golden rimmed plate it matches with, and with the tip of his fingers slides the order towards her. ‘‘ He’d be sad seeing me like this, wouldn’t he? ‘‘ Adds, a little tinge of bitterness there but amusement too, an attempt of a jest where he knows some truth lies. He’s never asked how it was for Lucifer bonding with the others, he hasn’t tried much beyond when they invite themselves over, and there’s enough time between battles he’s called forth to when he opens the kitchen and serves others. ‘‘ I don’t ask for pity though, it’s my fault that all lead to this, after all. It’s my burden to bear and I promised to live this through all - maybe go hours talking about what I’ve seen and experienced from what he couldn’t. That’s... Something I can do. ‘‘
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stupittmoran · 2 months
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This is a Tesla model Y battery. It takes up all of the space under the passenger compartment of the car. To manufacture it you need:
--12 tons of rock for Lithium (can also be extracted from sea water) -- 5 tons of cobalt minerals (Most cobalt is made as a byproduct of processing copper and nickel ores. It is the most difficult and expensive material to obtain for a battery.) -- 3 tons nickel ore -- 12 tons of copper ore You must move 250 tons of soil to obtain: -- 26.5 pounds of Lithium -- 30 pounds of nickel -- 48.5 pounds of manganese -- 15 pounds of cobalt
To manufacture the battery also requires: -- 441 pounds of aluminum, steel and/or plastic -- 112 pounds of graphite
The Caterpillar 994A is used to move the earth to obtain the minerals needed for this battery. The Caterpillar consumes 264 gallons of diesel in 12 hours.
The bulk of necessary minerals for manufacturing the batteries come from China or Africa. Much of the labor in Africa is done by children. When you buy an electric car, China profits most.
The 2021 Tesla Model Y OEM battery (the cheapest Tesla battery) is currently for sale on the Internet for $4,999 not including shipping or installation. The battery weighs 1,000 pounds (you can imagine the shipping cost). The cost of Tesla batteries are: Model 3 -- $14,000+ (Car MSRP $38,990) Model Y -- $5,000–$5,500 (Car MSRP $47,740) Model S -- $13,000–$20,000 (Car MSRP $74,990) Model X -- $13,000+ (Car MSRP $79,990)
It takes 7 years for an electric car to reach net-zero CO2. The life expectancy of the battery is 10 years (average). Only in the last 3 years do you start to reduce your carbon footprint, but then the batteries must be replaced and you lose all gains made.
And finally, my new friend, Michael, made some excellent points: I forgot to mention the amount of energy required to process the raw materials and the amount of energy used to haul these batteries to the U.S. sometimes back and forth a couple of times.
But by all means, get an electric car. Just don't sell me on how awesome you are for the environment. Or for human rights.
Credit: @Hanna Roth
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bumblee-stumblee · 7 days
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Oregon man who drugged daughter’s friends with insomnia medication at sleepover gets prison term Updated 10:41 AM PDT, June 11, 2024 PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — An Oregon man who drugged his daughter and her friends with fruit smoothies laced with a sleeping medication after they didn’t go to bed during a sleepover was sentenced to two years in prison. Michael Meyden, a 57-year-old from the Portland suburb of Lake Oswego, apologized during his sentencing Monday after pleading guilty to three felony counts of causing another person to ingest a controlled substance, The Oregonian reported. “My whole life is destroyed,” he told the court. “Everything that was important to me up until that point is gone.” He said he planned a fun sleepover last summer for his daughter and three of her friends, all then age 12, but they didn’t go to bed by 11 p.m. as he wanted. Meyden said he wanted them well rested for the next day, but he also wanted them to go to bed so he could sleep. Meyden laced fruit smoothies with a sleeping medication, authorities said. Two of the friends drank the smoothies and eventually passed out. A third girl didn’t want the drink and alerted a family friend by text message after she saw Meyden return to make sure the girls were asleep. He moved the arm of one girl and the body of another and put his finger under one’s nose to see if she was asleep. The family friend picked up the girl and woke her parents, who then contacted the families of the other girls.
The girls tested positive at a local hospital for benzodiazepine, used to treat insomnia and anxiety. Prosecutors said Meyden’s daughter also tested positive. “No decent parent feels the need to drug their own child and her friends,” one of the girl’s mothers told Meyden during sentencing. “No decent parent feels the need to go down and confirm children are unconscious. No decent parent puts their hands on drugged and unconscious young girls without nefarious intent.
2 years is not enough.
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trigun-manga-overhaul · 11 months
I've always been meaning to ask- It's generally known that Wolfwood has a Kansai dialect in the original Japanese, which you've chosen to localize in English, but what I'm curious about is: does Livio have any sort of dialect or accent in Japanese as well? It seems the way he speaks in your translation has a some of the same quirks as Wolfwood, so that really got me curious.
Hey there and thanks for the ask!
Yes, it is 100% clear in the Japanese text that Wolfwood speaks with a Kansai accent. I remember reading in an interview long ago that Nightow imagined this accent to be southern or very cowboy in English, but I do not have it on hand so I can't back it up. Either way, we decided to go with the southern twang for Wolfwood, to ensure that his distinct speech prevails.
Now, Livio is a very interesting one with his language, as it goes through a metamorphosis during the time he has in the manga. It changes a lot, and that goes hand in hand with his character arc.
The first very obvious change that happens to Livio's speech, is his move from very polite, controlled and submissive speech as we meet him. Obviously this reflects his position as a pawn to the Eye of Michael. The key factors in this are the lack of dialect and his usage of "私, Watashi" to refer to himself.
This changes as he becomes Razlo.
Razlo's speech is pretty distinct. No, he does not have a thick Kansai dialect like Wolfwood, but he does pronounce words in certain ways. His speech is the kind that Japanese people would describe as vulgar; low class, gang-like. Razlo is a punk in every sense of the word when it comes to how he talks, both in the pronouns used towards other character, always the most hostile ones you can pick, and always speaks in a disrespectful manner towards anyone who isn't Chapel. This is also where we see "俺, Ore" used towards himself, a pronoun considered rude, or very masculine, if not used casually with your close friends.
When Livio is finally freed from Chapel and the Eye of Michael, he transforms more into his true self. He begins to use "俺, Ore" towards himself, his speech becomes more casual, occasionally playful, but also with some force. This is where it gets interesting.
Livio's speech pattern is reminiscent of the Japanese masculine stereotype of the Kyushu Danji, the macho man, or as would be perceived in the West, a core picture of toxic masculinity. However, since this is Nightow we're talking about, the idea is turned on its head.
Livio, despite being portrayed as a big, muscly, tough guy in almost every way he can be, is instead called Crybaby Livio. His emotions are on the outside, he's gentle, loving, and polite towards women. He even tries to imitate Meryl's very proper speech when he meets her, wanting to be respectful. He is everything that a Kyushu Danji isn't, yet speaks a lot like such a person when it comes to the patterns of his speech.
On the topic of this trope; Wolfwood tries his hardest to be a person like that, a Kyushu Danji, and it causes him mostly suffering. Wolfwood is indeed a victim of toxic masculinity himself, which makes it very interesting how this behavior is portrayed in the series. One suffers because of it, another turns the whole trope on its head and gives us the opposite.
Just more of those tiny Nightow things that I personally very much appreciate, especially for its time.
The short answer:
Livio does not exactly have the same written dialect in the manga like Wolfwood, however his speech is supposed to be crude, and "low class", something the Japanese often connect with the Kansai dialect. So, we decided on the team to give Livio a similar dialect to Wolfwood.
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whovio · 4 months
Outside our car.
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Neil Gaiman:
No, we never set David Tennant on fire. Setting actors on fire is wrong. We set a bookshop on fire, and we blew up the Bentley, though.
The Bentley was never burning while David was in it. The bookshop most definitely was. The „Making of Good Omens“ book explains everything.
(Why not set Michael Sheen on fire?)
Are you mad? He’s one of our finest actors, and a wonderful, wonderful person. The idea of setting a National Treasure like Michael Sheen on fire is purest insanity. No, if anything like that was needed, we would get stunt—people in, ore use CGI to fake it or something like that. Or possibly, if David Tennant wasn’t doing anything that day, we’d just set fire to him instead.
(What makes David Tennant so flammable? )
Love. The burning power of love.
And kerosene, obviously.
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So when I was in school The Blind side was one of the like... 3 movies the school always played during testing season and it's essentially playing a movie for the classes that don't have a test so we can sit down and shut up for those testing or some shit (I don't exactly remember the circumstances it's been a while since I been in school). The other movie I remember was Remember the Titans but that's irrelevant.
So you're telling me
This movie is based on a true story of a professional football player (I knew it was a true story I just didn't realize it was based on a professional football player)
The white family never legally adopted him they just tricked him into signing a conservatorship (even though adult adoption is legal in that state)
Michael Ore's does not like how the movie depicts him
And he never saw a cent of that money but the white family that "adopted" him made a shitton of money off of it?
Like I knew that the entire thing was "white savior: the movie" but this really feels... racist... and not for the obvious reasons. They tricked him to sign a conservatorship to make a movie about him that's implying that he's less intelligent and they're the white savior? White savior complex aside, it really feels like the movie implies he's less intelligent than he is (nothing wrong with being less intelligent but adding that the Black man is dumb in a white savior movie is the most racist thing).
"I felt like (the film) portrayed me as dumb instead of as a kid who had never had consistent academic instruction and ended up thriving once he got it," Oher wrote.
Yeah. This. What he said. He put it into words. Portraying a black man as dumb (especially if he's not in real life) in your white savior movie is just racist.
Also adopting a Black boy that would be a pro-football star and tricking him into signing papers that let's you make millions off his name feels... like slavery... like these white people aren't doing anything to make that money, they're using the fame he earned and profiting off him. You know?
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dtmzk · 10 months
Prologue analysis
So this is what I pulled up.
1. A reverse Annunciation.
The Prologue plays out like a reverse, twisted Annunciation. Instead of being 'pure', MC starts out 'tainted' (i.e watching porn and having seen death) and Gabriel the archangel comes to bring death instead of life. Whereas Mary can be inferred to be a teen when it happened, MC can be inferred to be an adult. While the Annunciation was a message about the child Mary would bear (i.e a next generation), the focus is placed on MC's heritage instead (i.e previous generations)
2. Seraphim, not archangels.
Gabriel, Michael and Raphael are ostensibly archangels. Seraphim are an entirely different order of angels, also known as 'the burning ones'. They have six wings - four to cover themselves, two to fly with - and it's hypothesized that they have to cover themselves in order not to perish in the face of God. They also spend all their time praising God.
Archangels are perhaps the most known form of angel as they are explicitly messengers who...well, bring over messages from God to earth.
It could be that their place was changed because the Seraphim are traditionally ascribed to being the closest to God. And as we know, in WHB, all angels have massive Daddy issues when it comes to God.
3. Japanese pronouns used.
Gabriel uses 'watashi' to refer to himself, which is, as most of you probably know, a neutral and slightly feminine pronoun to refer to oneself. He uses the normal 私 kanji for it instead of hiragana of katakana which maintains its professionalism. MC also uses this, at least, the female MC does.
Satan uses, of course, 'ore' for himself - the confident masculine pronoun. Minhyeok does this too. Both of them do use the 俺 though, which is a step above using the katakana オレ (which Heathcliff from LCB uses, it's even more arrogant).
MC refers to Satan using 'anata'. Funnily enough, 'anata' is also used when female characters refer to their beloved. However, it's the safe choice as using 'kimi' would have different connotations.
Meanwhile, Satan refers MC and Gabriel to as 'omae'. Which is, as you probably also know, ruder than either 'kimi' or 'anata'. It shows that he's assessing the situation very, very casually. Minhyeok also uses 'omae' for MC, but in this case it does imply a very close connection instead, and it'd be rude to use it for someone outside of that inner circle.
In contrast, Gabriel uses 'kimi' to refer to MC and to Minhyeok. The usage of that word puts a little space between the two, and signals that he doesn't regard you as much.
4. Wrath.
Wrath is the Sin of Defiance. It's the thing that happens when one decides that enough is enough, that they should have the right to bring change oneself, just because they aren't willingly to go on like this anymore.
Wrath doesn't necessarily involve anger, even though it sometimes does. One can have the Sin of Wrath while completely calm and controlled.
The emotion that is described as being raised in MC is described as rage. But rather, I'd say it is the exact Sin of Wrath. MC is angry, yes, but at the root of that is the Sin of Wrath. Quoting from another source: 'To act with Wrath is to stand up for oneself and tell reality “No, I refuse!” loud and clear.'
This is the thing that Satan points out he finds so delicious to see. After all, it's the first moment MC has been shown doing this.
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bigman5318008 · 7 months
danced today. LIKE CRAZY!!!! tub bo found a disc somewhere. a new one not mine. and we had a Big party. every one was invited (me tubbo michael). was much fun. going to boogie m ore
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demonicchicken1121 · 2 months
@drinkinboilingcoffee I keep bothering you and it will happen again. Our conversation about our gay ass guys and their trauma inspired me to make this instead of working on the sl song for the musical or one of my many other wips 💁
the art is very very unfinished and guess who draws michael way ,ore than any of the animatronics. I’ll probably upload a more polished version to my YouTube at some point but the urge to shove stuff I make into peoples faces is very powerful uhhhhhh
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alarrytale · 5 days
There’s like a difference between shipping real people (making art, edits, etc.) and just thinking two actors are cute together and posting about it and even speculating and most people criticizing the former know the distinction. There’s not a lot of fic for hetero couples, there’s actually far more X reader het stuff. I don’t agree with the pov that rpf immoral or bad (within boundaries) and I think that the latter is a bit more problematic but I think it’s important to make this distinction if we wanna have an honest discussion.
Hi, anon!
I'm not sure what you mean? You mean make a distinction between fictional characters played by actors and shipping real people? So shipping Nick and TZP is okay, because they played fictional love interests, but it's more problematic to ship two F1 drivers or two football players on the same team?
I don't understand why there should be a difference when both examples are two real men who are not in a relationship, being shipped. It's very bizzare if people are only allowed to ship people who Hollywood have fictionally paired together already. So shipping TZP with Michael Lopez isn't as okay to ship, but Matt Bomer and J. Bailey is allowed. I think that's bullshit tbh.
There are no rules of shipping. It's fictional and not real. It's people living out their own fantasies, while knowing it's fictional. Shipping often happens when fans notice two people get on, have great chemistry or friendship, or if they don't get on at all. If people want to ship hobama or tomlinshaw, they can. If people want to ship Trudeu/Macron, they can. Ship and let ship. It's fictional.
The issue only arises when people start to think they're actually together (they might be, but don't want attention on it) or if someone is not out and don't want to have focus on their sexuality by being same-sex shipped, or when one or both of a pair is homophobic. Shipping doesn’t ruin friendships and it doesn’t invalidate the pair who's being shipped's real romantic and sexual relationships. Michelle Obama isn't lying awake because of people shipping hobama. Louis doesn’t give a rats ass about hay*ors.
I don't think there should be a distinction tbh. Let people ship what they want. If you're a public figure, it comes with the territory. Take it as a compliment and enjoy the attention.
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astrid-sama · 1 year
Una piacevole sorpresa
(Michael [good omens] x fem human reader)
(this fanfiction is available in english in my profile)
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Era una normale (e noiosa) giornata d'autunno, il tuo amico Aziraphaele ti aveva chiesto di poter stare in libreria al suo posto perché lui aveva degli impegni urgenti, tu essendo una brava amica avevi accettato di aiutarlo.
Eri al negozio da quasi tre ore e dei clienti non c'era neanche l'ombra, proprio quando credevi di poter morire di noia sentisti tintinnare il campanellino della porta.
<<Michael?! >> eri davvero stupita di vedere la tua angelica fidanzata, ma non hai sprecato l'occasione e ti sei lanciata tra le braccia del tuo amore.
<<Amore mio che ci fai qui? >>
<<Sono stata incaricata dall'Alto di controllare un traditore, ma a quanto pare sono stata invitata nel posto sbagliato. Sarà meglio che torni in Paradiso per riferire l'errore >>
Prima che Michael possa andarsene tu le afferri le spalle e (alzandoti in punta di piedi) la baci.
<<Michael perché non rimani un po' qui con me? Sto aiutando un mio amico gestendo la libreria mentre lui non c'è, ma mi annoio così tanto da sola. Per favore resta con me>> dici mentre guardi la tua amante angelica con occhi imploranti.
<<Beh immagino che il paradiso non brucerà se rimango ancora un po' qui>> disse Michael mentre ti prendeva in braccio e ti baciava appassionatamente.
Era bellissimo, baciare Michael era davvero paradisiaco e tu potresti perderti per sempre tra le sue braccia...
<<T/N sono tornato grazie per... MICHAEL?! Per l'amor del cielo che cosa sta succedendo?!>> tu e Michael vi separate immediatamente, ti volti e vedi il tuo amico Aziraphaele guardare la tua ragazza con puro terrore.
(Ciao miei cari lettori sono viva! Volevo dirvi che questa fanfiction è stata pensata come un oneshot ma potrei fare una parte due se qualcuno la desidera)
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
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Does anyone want a T7S Titanic AU?
Steven Hyde (born 1885) as Jack Dawson: A twenty-six-year-old drifter from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, who gambled his way onto the Titanic. He's traveled throughout North America and western Europe, including Paris, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, and London, never settling down in one place. It's just him, his new friend Fez, a few books, and an acoustic guitar. Until he finds Jackie, a young woman who longs to free herself from the shackles of high society.
Jacqueline "Jackie" Burkhart (born 1887) as Rose Dewitt-Bukater: Part of the disgraced Burkhart family, her father Jack is in prison (he was on the wrong side of the law, and his trust was broken up by Teddy Roosevelt himself). And she's close to becoming an old maid, in her mother's eyes, so she must maintain appearances. And engage herself to a restless investment banker, and commit herself to misery. Like many before her.
Pamela "Pam" Burkhart (born 1865) as Ruth Dewitt-Bukater: Pam is desperate. Her husband is in prison, the money is almost gone, and she's trying to salvage what's left and save face. And that includes marrying her "old maid" of a daughter off to an investment banker.
Katherine "Kitty" Forman (nee Sigurdson) (born 1861) as Margaret "Molly" Brown: A former Wisconsinite and daughter of an abolitionist, she follows her restless husband Red to Chicago and then to Leadville, Colorado, where he strikes it rich. She's a mother, a nurse, and heads a soup kitchen. And as a part of the "nouveau riche," she's almost universally shunned by high society. But she's willing to lend a hand, when the rest? They hoard their riches, and sit on their laurels.
Michael Kelso (born 1885) as Tommy: A meager, reckless Scotsman and welder, hoping to find a better life in America with his wife Elizabeth "Brooke" (born 1883) and their children Elizabeth "Betsy" (born 1904) and John "Jay" (born 1910).
Fez (born 1886) as Fabrizio: Hyde's close friend, who he met in New York. He has accompanied him on his adventures in Paris, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, and London.
Karl Schmidt (born 1884) as Cal Hockley: Jackie's fiance. A hot-headed, ambitious investment banker.
Eric Forman (born 1886) as Lawrence "Larry" Brown: Shunning the family mining business by being a history professor at the University of Chicago and an amateur photographer and filmmaker, he's well known for consistently disappointing his father. But because of Red's failing health, his father appointed him to be the representative of the American branch of the Forman family at the family reunion in Northern Ireland. Unlike his father, he is notorious for being incredibly unlucky.
Donna Forman (nee Pinciotti) (born 1886): Eric's progressive suffragette wife and a promising freelancer, originally from New York, who fails to fit in with the society ladies. Her paternal grandmother (a Visconti) was born into old money, older than even the society ladies can possibly boast. But her father Bob also lucked out by investing in Henry Ford's business early on, largely due to his daughter's insistence.
Sarah "Sadie" Forman (born 1905): Eric and Donna's young daughter, who is quiet, pensive, and creative. She seems to have both her mother's love for reading and writing, and her father's love for photography and filmography.
William "Liam" Forman (born 1909): Eric and Donna's young son, who is often attached to his sister's hip.
Reginald "Red" Forman (born 1857) as JJ Brown: Not featured but consistently mentioned, Red is a mining engineer that struck it rich (and found a massive ore seam) in Leadville, Colorado, with his wife Kitty already (and still firmly) by his side. His branch of the family, hailing from Northern Ireland, left during the potato famine and initially settled in Point Place, Wisconsin. But his failing health prevented him from attending the Forman family reunion, so he asked Eric to represent the family in lieu of his attendance.
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