#michelle patricia browne
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DNF The meaning wars the complete omnibus - Michelle Patricia Browne
I’m gonna be honest with y’all, I struggled my way through this book for almost two months and I only made it past the first two books (about 135 pages out of 467).
It just really wasn’t my thing, from the format and narration style to the way the author choose to present the information. It has a good premise and it’s full with great concepts and ideas, but most of the time they fell unconnected and fail to keep my attention enough to keep reading and find out if things worked out in the end or if any of the dropped plot points would make a return.
The voice of most of the narrators felt the same, even though we had a lot of POV changes and for me it felt too juvenile; the book is set in a future where different races are working all across the galaxy in different context and struggles; I read about space pirates and racism and religious trauma, and each concept on its own had so much potential but the way they were told just never managed to completely capture my full attention; and most of the time it felt like the romantic aspect of it overshadowed the rest of the plot and most relationships just didn’t make you care enough about them.
It felt a lot like the author had a lot of good ideas and scribbled them down in short stories but failed to develop their plot after that and just left it as it was.
I was going to try and finish it, the author was kind enough to send me the book in exchange of an honest review but I just couldn’t keep forcing myself to read it 😔 maybe in the future I’ll give it another try and change my mind!
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wondereads · 1 year
Personal Review (12/19/22)
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...And the Stars Will Sing by Michelle Browne
Crystal, a human Martian, is sent to the distant reaches of the universe to help create a wormhole for quicker travel. She enjoys the job, but all isn't as it seems. Tears in space and time keep closing and opening, personal conflicts fester among her team, and it all comes to a head when threatening messages start arriving. She narrates it all through letters to her good friend Sarah, who she hopes to see again soon.
A free copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Plot 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
For the most part, this book felt almost like a science fiction slice-of-life, which I've never really encountered before. Yes, there are intergalactic governments and advanced technology and something fishy is going on with the religious organizations (in my opinion), but a good majority of the story is about Crystal's day-to-day life. Probably the most interesting aspect was the character relationships, which I'll get into later.
The plot picks up in a more typical sense much later when those aforementioned messages start arriving. I was quite interested in seeing where that was going, but I feel like it was resolved too quickly. I feel like something this book struggled with was that there were so many things going on, but it's only around 150 pages in length. The focus was on interpersonal relationships, but then a typical sci-fi plot point is introduced, and there are also all sorts of hints that something larger is at play. Sarah's work with the Spiritualists feels like the cusp of a theocratic movement, and it is mentioned multiple times that the major conflict feels too easy. However, none of these things come to a semblance of fruition. I know this is a series, but I would've much preferred it if some more concrete events had been offered as the overarching plot.
As for the worldbuilding, it seems so interesting, especially the way Crystal's work with wormholes seems to verge on magic rather than science, but none of it is explained enough. There are all these alien species, allusions to galactic governments, and even new forms of measurement, but none of it is given the attention needed to acclimate the reader to the world. One of the major issues is how opening a wormhole will interrupt the drug trade in this corner of the galaxy, but there's really no explanation of which government would be in charge of cracking down, how they would do it, or even how the local governments are treating the issue. For a series described as a space opera, it doesn't have the political depth necessary for the genre since the story is largely limited to a snippet of Crystal's life with cursory descriptions at best since both the main character and her audience, her friend, are already familiar with the nuances of this world.
Characters 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
The character we are most familiar with is, of course, Crystal, as she is the main character. Unlike other novels which have potential for third-person or POV-switching, everything, absolutely everything, is told from her perspective, and the way things are portrayed tells us a lot about Crystal as a person. My only issue is that while I have a grasp on Crystal's personality, she doesn't really have an arc of development. She addresses some personal issues, such as constantly bickering with Jai, but the issues are so quickly and easily resolved that there's no satisfaction from the change.
That's an issue with a lot of the character/relationship things in this story. Things just move too quickly. Relationships form and break off within a single line, Crystal and Jai go from hating each other to dating (?) in less than twenty pages, and although they all go through a significantly traumatic event, there's basically no attention given to how that affects them emotionally and mentally other than a paragraph or two. This book is so short, and I think properly fleshing out the characters and their relationships with each other wouldn't go amiss.
Writing Style 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
I think most of my issues with this book can be tied back to the writing style, specifically the format chosen. I have never read an epistolary sci-fi book, and while it's unique, I don't think it works that well. Because it is someone used to this world writing to someone used to this world, two people who are already very familiar with each other, so much detail is sacrificed to keep their correspondence realistic. Worldbuilding is glossed over, descriptions and detail are lacking, and basic knowledge is just not provided. For example, I have no idea if Crystal has any living family. If she survives this stint in space, does she have anyone to go back to? These are questions that just can't be answered because of the framing device.
Because of the epistolary format, things also move way too quickly. Major events are resolved so fast that I can't even really bring myself to feel the gravity of them because they're introduced and then resolved almost immediately. Potential solutions to these issues could be changing the frame of the story; maybe Crystal is writing to someone younger, someone without the knowledge a young professional like Sarah would have. Maybe she doesn't know this person at all, like a pen pals kind of thing, so she provides a lot more context, just in case. Maybe these could be personal diary entries, recording what's happening for posterity. Or, honestly, I think I would've preferred to forgo the letter format entirely and just tell the story normally. The plot concept is there, and there's so much room for interesting character developments, but the crazy fast pacing and lack of explanations just diminish all that.
Overall 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
I think this book had a lot of potential. The plot is definitely intriguing, there are so many interesting concepts introduced, and there's a lot of room for conflict in the character relationships. However, and I do attribute part of this to the writing and epistolary format, there is just simply not enough. Nothing is properly explained, there's hardly any detail, and it makes it so rushed and confusing for the reader. With all the plot points introduced in this book, it could easily be twice the length in order to properly address everything introduced. Overall, it was a good start but the execution was lacking.
The Author
Michelle Browne: Canadian, also wrote The Underlighters and After the Garden
The Reviewer
My name is Wonderose; I try to post a review every week, and I do themed recommendations every once in a while. I take suggestions! Check out my about me post for more!
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manumikku · 10 months
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Cain Velasquez was granted $1 million bail Tuesday after eight months in custody.The former UFC heavyweight champion is being charged with attempted murder and 10 other gun-related charges in Santa Clara County (Calif.). Velasquez is being accused of chasing down a man, Harry Goularte, in his vehicle and shooting at him. Goularte is being charged with sexually assaulting a young relative of Velasquez.
Velasquez said in a civil lawsuit filed in June that Goularte molested Velasquez's 4-year-old son.
Velasquez will have to wear a GPS tracker and not come within 300 yards of the alleged victims in the case, per Velasquez's attorney, Mark Geragos.
"It's been a long slog and I am very grateful," Geragos told ESPN. "Nothing is as touching as watching him having it sink in with his wife, Michelle, there."
Velasquez, 40, had been in jail since Feb. 28 and pleaded not guilty in August. He was granted bail Tuesday by Judge Arthur Bocanegra at the end of a pretrial hearing after previously having been denied bail four times by Judge Shelyna Brown. Velasquez allegedly shot Goularte's step-father Paul Bender when he fired into the vehicle Goularte was riding in. Bender sustained no serious injuries.
Velasquez followed Goularte's truck in his own vehicle on an "11-mile, high-speed chase" through the city of San Jose, rammed the truck and fired a 40-caliber handgun multiple times into the truck, which carried Goularte, Bender and Goularte's mother, Patricia, according to the DA's office. Bender was hit with a bullet, though he sustained non-life-threatening injuries.
Velasquez's son told police Feb. 24 that Goularte took him into the bathroom of a daycare center and touched his genitals, per a court document. The child said Goularte told him not to tell anyone what happened and that this situation might have occurred "100 times." The child told police that they witnessed Goularte go into the bathroom with other kids, as well.
Geragos said having a hearing was key to Bocanegra making this decision. He said he's not sure when the trial will be held, but Velasquez will have a chance to go home beginning Tuesday.
"Instead of listening to all this hyperbole and nonsense bandied about, we had a hearing with cross-examinations and witnesses under oath," Geragos said.
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slowtides · 1 year
Reading List for 2023
I have settled on my reading list for the year and my reading goal. The books below encompass the books I will choose from (I don't expect to finish all of them). My goal is to read 52 books this year, not including JAFF. I will probably return to this list several times just to discuss how it is going.
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate by Naomi Klein (2014)
Zami: A New Spelling of My Name by Audre Lorde (1982)
Warrior Poet: A Biography of Audre Lorde by Alexis de Veaux (2006)
The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion (2007)
Blue Nights by Joan Didion (2011)
Let Me Tell You What I Mean by Joan Didion (2021)
A House of My Own: Stories from My Life by Sandra Cisneros (2015)
A Taste of Power: A Black Woman’s Story by Elaine Brown (1992)
Some of Us Did Not Die by June Jordan (2002)
On Call: Political Essays by June Jordan (1998)
The Cultural Politics of Emotion by Sara Ahmed (2004)
Upstream: Selected Essays by Mary Oliver (2016)
Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America by Firoozeh Dumas (2004)
The Choice: Embrace the Possible by Edith Eger (2017)
Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner (2021)
Ohitika Woman by Mary Brave Bird (1994)
And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos by John Berger (1991)
Time is the Thing a Body Moves Through by T Fleischmann (2019)
Ex Libris by Anne Fadiman (1998)
The Care Manifesto by The Care Collective (2020)
Dancing at the Edge of the World by Ursula K. Le Guin (1997)
A Book of Common Prayer by Joan Didion (1977)
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami (2014)
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong (2019)
The Story of a New Name by Elena Ferrante (2013)
Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay by Elena Ferrante (2014)
The Story of the Lost Child by Elena Ferrante (2015)
The Lost Daughter by Elena Ferrante (2008)
The Bone People by Keri Hulme (1986)
Gilead by Marilynne Robinson (2006)
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (1811)
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (1814)
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (1817)
Atonement by Ian McEwan (2003)
The Sentence by Louise Erdrich (2021)
The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams (2021)
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien (1954)
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien (1954)
The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien (1955)
Babel by R.F. Kuang (2022)
Moonflower Murders by Anthony Horowitz (2020)
The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz (2018)
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce (2013)
Time is a Mother by Ocean Vuong (2022)
Blue Iris: Poems and Essays by Mary Oliver (2006)
The Hidden Inequities of Labor-Based Contract Grading by Ellen Carillo (2021)
Queer Silence: On Disability and Rhetorical Absence by J. Logan Smilges (2022)
Our Body of Work ed. by Melissa Nicolas and Anna Sicari (2022)
Teachers as Cultural Workers by Paulo Freire (2005)
Living a Feminist Life by Sara Ahmed (2017)
The Cultural Politics of Emotion by Sara Ahmed (2004)
The Vulnerable Observer by Ruth Behar (1997)
Getting Lost by Patti Lather (2007)
Race, Rhetoric, and Research Methods by Alexandria Lockett, Iris D. Ruiz , James Chase Sanchez, and Christopher Carter (2021)
Opening Spaces by Patricia Sullivan and James Porter (1997)
Decolonizing Methodologies by Linda Tuhiwai Smith (2021)
Counterstory by Aja Y. Martinez (2020)
The Courage to Teach by Parker Palmer (2017)
We Make the Road by Walking by Paulo Freire and Myles Horton
Writing with Power by Peter Elbow (1998)
Writing without Teachers by Peter Elbow (1998)
The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop by Felicia Chavez (2021)
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brandonshimoda · 2 years
THE BOOKS I READ IN 2022, in the order in which I read them (*books I read before, that I was reading again):
Alexandra Chang, Days of Distraction 
Elizabeth Miki Brina, Speak, Okinawa 
Cynthia Dewi Oka, Fire Is Not a Country 
Hanif Abdurraqib, Go Ahead in the Rain: Notes to A Tribe Called Quest 
*Cathy Park Hong, Minor Feelings 
Victoria Chang, Dear Memory 
*Etel Adnan, Of Cities & Women (Letters to Fawwaz)
Sun Yung Shin, The Wet Hex 
traci kato-kiriyama, Navigating With(out) Instruments 
Raquel Gutiérrez, Brown Neon
Solmaz Sharif, Customs 
*Etel Adnan, Journey to Mount Tamalpais 
Lucille Clifton, Generations: A Memoir 
Emerson Whitney, Heaven 
Kim Thúy, em, tr. Sheila Fischman 
Angel Dominguez, Desgraciado (the collected letters) 
Janice Lee, Separation Anxiety 
*Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Dictee
*Cathy Park Hong, Translating Mo’um 
Kyoko Hayashi, From Trinity to Trinity, tr. Eiko Otake 
Lao Yang, Pee Poems, tr. Joshua Edwards & Lynn Xu 
Yuri Herrera, A Silent Fury: The El Bordo Mine Fire, tr. Lisa Dillman (
Mai Der Vang, Yellow Rain
Chuang Hua, Crossings 
José Watanabe, Natural History, tr. Michelle Har Kim
Walter Lew, Excerpts from: ∆IKTH 딕테/딕티 DIKTE, for DICTEE (1982) 
*Bhanu Kapil, The Vertical Interrogation of Strangers 
Vasily Grossman, An Armenian Sketchbook, tr. Robert & Elizabeth Chandler
Hiromi Kawakami, Parade, tr. Allison Markin Powell 
Lynn Xu, And Those Ashen Heaps That Cantilevered Vase of Moonlight 
*Etel Adnan, Sitt Marie Rose, tr. Georgina Kleege 
Jennifer Soong, Suede Mantis/Soft Rage 
*James Baldwin, No Name in the Street 
*Hilton Als, The Women
Dot Devota, >She 
V.S. Naipaul, The Return of Eva Perón 
Yasushi Inoue, The Hunting Gun, tr. Sadamichi Yokoo and Sanford Goldstein
Molly Murakami, Tide goes out 
Adrian Tomine, Shortcomings 
Hisham Matar, A Month in Siena 
Leia Penina Wilson, Call the Necromancer 
Gabriel García Márquez, News of a Kidnapping, tr. Edith Grossman 
Amitava Kumar, Bombay-London-New York 
Elizabeth Alexander, The Trayvon Generation 
Ryan Nakano, I Am Minor 
Constance Debré, Love Me Tender, tr. Holly James 
Hilton Als, My Pin-up 
Victoria Chang, The Trees Witness Everything 
Leslie Kitashima-Gray, The Pink Dress: A Story from the Japanese American Internment 
Emmanuel Carrère, Yoga, tr. John Lambert 
Ronald Tanaka, The Shino Suite: Sansei Poetry 
Patricia Y. Ikeda, House of Wood, House of Salt
Soichi Furuta, to breathe 
Kiki Petrosino, Bright 
Sueyeun Juliette Lee, Aerial Concave Without Cloud 
Nanao Sakaki, Real Play
Esmé Weijun Wang, The Collected Schizophrenias 
Francis Naohiko Oka, Poems 
Geraldine Kudaka, Numerous Avalanches at the Point of Intersection 
Steve Fujimura, Sad Asian Music 
Augusto Higa Oshiro, The Enlightenment of Katzuo Nakamatsu, tr. Jennifer Shyue 
Julie Otsuka, The Swimmers 
Salman Rushdie, The Jaguar Smile: A Nicaraguan Journey 
Margo Jefferson, Constructing a Nervous System 
Hua Hsu, Stay True 
Barbara Browning, The Miniaturists 
Kate Zambreno, Drifts 
*Julie Otsuka, When The Emperor Was Divine 
Louise Akers, Elizabeth/The Story of Drone
Wong May, In the Same Light: 200 Poems for Our Century from the Migrants & Exiles of the Tang Dynasty 
Gabrielle Octavia Rucker, Dereliction 
Trung Le Nguyen, The Magic Fish 
Jessica Au, Cold Enough for Snow 
Tongo Eisen-Martin, Blood on the Fog 
Lucas de Lima, Tropical Sacrifice 
*Like a New Sun: New Indigenous Mexican Poetry, ed. Víctor Terán & David Shook 
Billy-Ray Belcourt, A Minor Chorus 
Kazim Ali, Silver Road 
*Sadako Kurihara, When We Say Hiroshima, tr. Richard Minear 
Simone White, or, on being the other woman
*James Baldwin, The Devil Finds Work 
Christina Sharpe, Ordinary Notes 
*Raquel Gutiérrez, Brown Neon 
Marguerite Duras, The Man Sitting in the Corridor 
Gayl Jones, Corregidora 
*Bhanu Kapil, The Vertical Interrogation of Strangers 
*Etel Adnan, Seasons 
Gwendolyn Brooks, to disembark 
Cristina Rivera Garza, The Taiga Syndrome, tr. Suzanne Jill Levine and Aviva Kana
Gwendolyn Brooks, In the Mecca 
Nona Fernández, The Twilight Zone, tr. Natasha Wimmer
Selva Almada, Dead Girls, tr. Annie McDermott
*Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Dictee
Valerie Hsiung, To Love an Artist
*Theresa Hak  Cha, Exilée and Temps Morts
Dao Strom, We Were Meant To Be a Gentle People
Randa Jarrar, Love Is An Ex-Country
*Dao Strom, Instrument
Osamu Dazai, Early Light, tr. Ralph McCarthy and Donald Keene
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun, tr. Donald Keene
Rachel Aviv, Strangers To Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories That Make Us
Mahmoud Darwish, Journal of an Ordinary Grief, tr. Ibrahim Muhawi
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hatingwithfears · 1 year
Here’s the complete list of books I managed to read in 2022.
168 books. 54,494 pages.
Renata Adler- Speedboat
Kendra Allen- The Collection Plate
Jonathan Alter- His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, A Life
Kenneth Anger- Hollywood Babylon
Jason Bailey- Fun City Cinema: New York City and the Movies That Made It
Peter Baker, Susan Glasser- The Divider: Trump in The White House 2017-2021
JG Ballard- The Atrocity Exhibition
Julien Barnes- Elizabeth Finch
Brit Bennett- The Vanishing Half
Charles M. Blow- The Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto
Anthony Bourdain- Medium Raw
Anthony Bourdain, Laurie Woolever- World Travel: An Irreverent Guide
Box Brown- Cannabis: The Illegalization of Weed in America
Mariah Carey, Michaela Angela Davis- The Meaning of Mariah Carey
Nick Cave & Sean O’Hagan- Faith, Hope, and Carnage
David Chang- Eat a Peach
Dan Charnas- Dilla Time
Leonard Cohen- A Ballet of Lepers
Lee Cole- Groundskeeping
Teju Cole- Black Paper
Ray Connolly- Being Elvis: A Lonely Life
Brian Contoir- Practical Alchemy
Antoine Cosse- Metax
Charles R. Cross- Here We Are Now: The Lasting Impact of Kurt Cobain
Daniele Cybulskie- How To Live Like a Monk
Travis Dandro- King of King Court
John Darnelle- Devil House
Michael Deforge- Heaven No Hell
Rita Dove- Playlist for the Apocalypse
David Duchovny- The Reservoir
Jennifer Egan- The Candy House
Robert Evans- The Kid Stays in The Picture
Scott Eyman- Cary Grant: A Brilliant Disguise
Nicolas Ferraro- Cruz
Mark Fisher- Ghosts of My Life
Mark Fisher- Capitalist Realism
Johnathan Franzen- Crossroads
Harry Freedman- Leonard Cohen: The Mystical Roots of Genius
Matti Friedman- Who By Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai
James Gavin- George Michael: A Life
Lizzy Goodman- Meet Me in The Bathroom
Andrew Sean Greer- Less
Dave Grohl- The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music
Joseph Hansen- Troublemaker
Joy Harjo- Poet Warrior
Robert Harris- The Ghost Writer
Noah Hawley- Anthem
Wil Haygood- Colorization: One Hundred Years of Black Film in a White World
Clinton Heylin- The Double Life of Bob Dylan
Andrew Holleran- The Kingdom of Sand
Michel Houellebecq- Serotonin
Sean Howe- Marvel Comics: The Untold Story
Dorthy B Hughes- In a Lonely Place
John Irving- The Fourth Hand
Walter Isaacson- Leonardo Da Vinci
Kazuo Ishiguro- Klara and The Sun
Junji Ito- No Longer Human
Robert Jones Jr- The Prophets
Saeed Jones- Alive at The End of the World
Stephen Graham Jones- My Heart is a Chainsaw
Rax King- Tacky
Stephen King- Billy Summers
Katie Kitamura- Intimacies
Chuck Klosterman- The Nineties
TJ Klune- Under The Whispering Door
Karl Ove Knausgaard- The Morning Star
Hideo Kojima- The Creative Dream
Milan Kundera- Slowness
Wally Lamb- I Know This Much is True
Yiyun Li- Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life
Thomas Ligotti- The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
Roger Lipsey- Make Peace Before the Sun Goes Down
Patricia Lockwood- No One is Talking About This
Ling Ma- Bliss Montage
Stuart B MacBride- Halfhead
Michael Mann & Meg Gardiner- Heat 2
Greil Marcus- Dead Elvis
Mike McCormack- Solar Bones
Jennette McCurdy- I’m Glad My Mom Died
Janelle Monae- The Memory Librarian
Ottessa Moshfegh- Lapvona
Leila Mottley- Nightcrawling
Alan Moore, Melinda Gebbie- Lost Girls
Grant Morrison- The Invisibles
Mannie Murphy- I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Sequoia Nagamatsu- How High We Go in The Dark
Joyce Carol Oates- Blonde
Joyce Carol Oates- American Melancholy
John O’Connell- Bowie’s Bookshelf
Ryan O’Connell- Just By Looking at Him
Jenny Offill- Weather
Paul Ortiz- An African American and Latinx History of The United States
Hiroko Oyamada- The Factory
Hiroko Oyamada- The Hole
Helen Oyeymi- What is Not Yours is Not Yours
James Patterson- Hear No Evil
Larissa Pham- Pop Song
Brian Phillips- Impossible Owls
Stephanie Phillips- Why Solange Matters
Keith Phipps- Age of Cage
Michael Pollan- This Is Your Mind on Plants
Richard Powers- Bewilderment
Questlove- Music is History
Kristen Radtke- Seek You
Sue Rainsford- Follow Me to Ground
Claudia Rankine- Just Us: An American Conversation
George A Romero, Daniel Kraus- The Living Dead
Karen Russell- Orange World
George Saunders- A Swim in a Pond in The Rain
George Saunders- Liberation Day
Samantha Schweblin— Fever Dream
Leonardo Sciascia- Equal Danger
Mark Seal- Leave The Gun, Take The Cannoli
Seth- Clyde Fans
Alan Sepinwall- Breaking Bad 101
Zadie Smith- Feel Free
Won-Pyung Sohn- Almond
Bob Spitz- Led Zeppelin: The Biography
Elizabeth Strout- Oh William!
J Randy Taraborrelli- The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe
Herve Le Tellier- The Anomaly
Manjit Thapp- Feelings
Olga Tokarczuk- The Books of Jacob
Jia Tolentino- Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self Delusion
Leo Trezenick- The Confession of a Mad Man
Stanley Tucci- Taste
Una- Becoming Unbecoming
Ocean Vuong- Time is a Mother
Chris Ware- Rusty Brown
WC Ware- Jimmy Corrigan
John Waters- Liarmouth
Peter Weiss- The Shadow of The Coachman’s Body
Missouri Williams- The Doloriad
Antoine Wilson- Mouth to Mouth
Sarah Winman- Still Life
Laurie Wollever- Bourdain: The Definitive Oral Biography
Kenneth Womack- Solid State: The Story of Abbey Road and The End of The Beatles
Hanya Yanagihara- To Paradise
Ed. Jelani Cobb & David Remnick- The Matter of Black Lives
Ed. Sinead Gleeson & Kim Gordon- This Woman’s Work: Essays on Music
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shrikehq · 1 year
∘ ₊✧────── anonymous asked ; can i get your members current most wanted? thanks!
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i asked those online in our discord right now, and they immediately came back with so many great suggestions ! i’ll go ahead and list them all below, but i’ll also ask our other members to reply to this post, should they come online and find some greatly wanted faces are missing from the list. i hope this helps ! 
alex fitzalan, alexandra shipp, amber midthunder, aron piper, ashley moore, banita sandhu, beanie feldstein, chance perdomo, chelsea clark, coco jones, courtney eaton, dacre montgomery, diego boneta, drew ray tanner, eduardo franco, fivel stewart, george seer, gigi zumbado, hunter doohan, imani lewis, jasmin savoy brown, jeremy pope, john boyega, jordan fisher, jurnee smollett, keke palmer, khadijha red thunder, kit young, lashana lynch, laura harrier, lauren london, laverne cox, leah lewis, leslie grace, lucien laviscount, mason gooding, melissa berrera, mena massoud, michael evans behling, michelle yeoh, mike faist, mikey madison, natasha lyonne, patricia allison, raymond ablack, rebecca ablack, reece king, rege-jean page, ross butler, ruairi o'connor, rudy pankow, sydney park, tati gabrielle, theo graham, tom holland, yara shahidi and zion moreno !
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monsterrae1 · 1 year
Get to know me
Tagged by @fatedbuck Thank you! 🖤
Three ships: buddie, sterek and stucky
First ever ship: probably Chuck/Sarah? Now that Im rewatching chuck im like oh yeah i shipped those two 😂
Last song: Saturday nights by Khalid
Last film: Glass Onion
Currently reading: something fabulous by Alexis Hall. And struggling my way through The meaning Wars omnibus by Michel Patricia Browne
Currently watching: Chuck, and I’m still in my 911 rewatch 😂
Currently consuming: a mixes berries smoothie
Currently craving: nothing
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better: (if they feel like doing this).
@peaceofficerdiaz @loveyourownsmiilee @eddiesbleps @swiftiediaz @lostinabuddiehaze @elvensorceress @elfbuckleys @buddierights @rogerzsteven @prettyboybuckley @dickley-buddie @eddiediazisascorpio @gaydisasterdiaz
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obscure-nexus · 2 years
People of Pigeonfield
Margret Martinez (98)
Xenia kobzar (97)
Ezekiel "Old man hicks" Hickens (93)
Ruth Nate (89)
Mark Kaleb (89)
Murphy Albert (88)
Patricia Albert (86)
Samantha Hebert (82)
Coffy Foster (82)
Madonna Michelle (78)
Katherine Mai (75) (Isabel calvin)
Andrew Wisteria (72)
Lisa-Susan Wisteria (69)
Harper Henry (67)
Daniel Jeanine (66)
Mary Cane (66)
Jackson Cane (65)
Felix Holler (65)
Lilinnia Holler (63)
Josh Windsor (63)
Walter Merry (62)
Harry Campbell (62)
Aurora Windsor (60)
Tyler Rane (60)
Nick Leens (60)
Ruth Campbell (59)
Henry Howard (59)
Donna Ward (58)
Father Aaron Katt (58)
Ashley Leens (58)
Nancy Howard (57)
Belle Rane (56)
Hattie Sallow (56)
Robert "Dick" Ward (55)
William Ian (55)
Leonardo "lion" Macke (55)
Phonia Jeanine (54)
Robert Brown (52)
Honey Katt (52)
Natalie Cawell (52)
Linda Martin (51)
Illya "Mother" Macke (49)
Hecktor Newman (49)
Hershel Monroe (48)
Karen Morris (48)
Hope Foster (46)
Benjamin Jones (46)
Ruby Newman (46)
William Peterson (45)
Willmar Faber (45)
Lily Faber (44)
Jason Kaleb (44)
Abigail Jones (44)
Elizabeth Peterson (43)
Daniel Kaleb (43)
Betty Watts (43)
Bella Hart (42)
Jeremy Hatfield (42)
Markus Ryan (42)
James Johnson (42)
Birdie Diaz (41)
Venus Edwards (41)
Ryan Campbell (41)
James Calvin (41)
Pamela Balck (40)
Betty Campbell (40)
Nancy Scott (40)
James Edwards (40)
Katie Johnson (39)
Brendan Fran (39)
Ruby Nate (39)
Sandra Morris (39)
Kevin Black (38)
Heinz Evans (38)
Elliot Henry (38)
Wilson Henry (38)
Nicky Novak (38)
Joy Fran (37)
Kaleb Micheal (37)
Hobbs Brown (37)
Susan Green (37)
Viktor Novak (37)
Alex Boshin (36)
Hart Evans (36)
Elijah Green (36)
Fitzgerald Wisteria (36)
Isabel Calvin (36)
Mabel Jackson (35)
James Jackson (35)
Addy "Sunshine" White (35)
Gracie Wisteria (35)
Penelope Russell (34)
John Cane (34)
Aiden Faith (34)
Nicholas Ridner (34)
Nora Jeanine (33)
Aiden Samuels (33)
Ethan Samuels (33)
Cloe Emery (33)
May Hill (33)
Jeremy Schmidt (32)
Sofia Michelle (32)
Emma Ridner (32)
Melody "Doll" Boshin (32)
John Carter (32)
David Brown (32)
Olivia Carter (31)
Rhonda Alexander (30)
Judith Gray (30)
Tiffany Sallow (30)
Joseph Gray (30)
Christopher Alexander (29)
Chelsea Wilson (29)
Zackary Harlow (29)
Liam Lopez (29)
Haven Beech (29)
Jimmy Lee (29)
Christenia Slaven (29)
Victoria "Vicky" Thomas (28)
Joyce Radley (28)
Faye Graham (28)
Cynthia Ward (28)
Ava Lopez (28)
Astia Larmann (would be 27 in '87)
Adien Radley (27)
Terra Parker (27)
Taffy Hart (27)
Derek De Leon (26)
Jax Macke (26)
Marilyn Leens (26)
Brandon Heathers (26)
Arthur Harrison (26)
Cherry Rodrigo (26)
Nadia Harlow (26)
Charlie "Apple" Nate (26)
Michelle "Lyra" Jones (25)
Sarah Jeanine (25)
Bryce Heathers (25)
Mabel Wilson (25)
Russell "Rat" Nate (25)
Tobias Mayo (25)
Ken Kaleb (25)
Paige Brown (25)
Kaylynn moss (25)
Vincent Bishop Devela-Bishop (24)
Cassie "Delight" Garner (24)
Katherine Johnson (24)
Kayla Dallas (24)
Lorlei Mayo (24)
Ruth Campbell (23)
Conner Kaleb (23)
William Jr Peterson (23)
Alex Merry (23)
Henrietta Watson (Newman) (23)
Herman Watson
Chuck Reed (22)
Emerald Reed (Edwards) (22)
Daisy Trembly (22)
Elizabeth Kaleb (22)
Alex Peterson (22)
Kaitlyn Ryan (21)
James Jr Johnson (21)
Lisa Howard (21)
Oliver Green (21)
Serendipity (Sara Belle) (20)
Jack Kaleb (20)
Shirley Scott (20)
Montang Faber (20)
Patience Johnson (19)
Brandy Hart (19)
Bailey Hart (19)
Evelynn Ross (18)
Carol Gray (18)
Noah Green (18)
Gracie Faith (17)
Ernest Henry (17)
Jackie Wisteria (17)
Rose Brown (17)
Wendy Novak (17)
Thomas Alexander (16)
Samuel Edwards (16)
Willima Hart (16)
Christopher Slaven (15)
Tina Calvin (15) [slaven]
Gabriel Jacobs (14)
Nathaniel Jacobs (14)
Theodore Harlow (14)
Wendal Novak (13)
Amethyst Edwards (13)
Tawny Hart (13)
Emma Faith (12)
Arthur Alexander (12)
Harley "Hailey" Brown (12)
Jacklyn Ryan (11)
Sally Wilson (10)
Clover Fran (10)
Penny Novak (9)
Lexi Dallas (8)
Miya Hailey (8)
Harmony Herman/Wilson (8)
Annacia Harlow (8)
Astrid Fran (8)
Kenneth Campbell (7)
Ricky Parker (7)
Rachelle Moss (7)
Jennifer Anderson (7)
May Heathers (6)
Ginger Harlow (6)
Herman Jr Watson (6)
Logan Ridner (5)
Donald Peterson (4)
Jean Watson (4)
Charlotte Dallas (3)
Emma Fayler (3)
Madison Carter (3)
Fig katt (2)
Heart Mayo (2)
Mia Wisteria (1)
Zita Reed (1)
Lynn Watson (6 months)
Aleigha Slaven (2 months)
3 notes · View notes
ulkaralakbarova · 4 days
When a virus leaks from a top-secret facility, turning all resident researchers into ravenous zombies and their lab animals into mutated hounds from hell, the government sends in an elite military task force to contain the outbreak. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Alice: Milla Jovovich Rain Ocampo: Michelle Rodriguez Matt Addison: Eric Mabius Spence Parks: James Purefoy Chad Kaplan: Martin Crewes James “One” Shade: Colin Salmon J.D. Salinas: Pasquale Aleardi Dr. Lisa Addison: Heike Makatsch Mr. Grey: Ryan McCluskey Ms. Black: Indra Ové Mr. Red: Oscar Pearce Dr. Green: Anna Bolt Dr. Blue: Joseph May Dr. Brown: Robert Tannion Clarence: Jaymes Butler Mr. White: Stephen Billington Ms. Gold: Fiona Glascott Medic: Liz May Brice Commando 1: Torsten Jerabek Commando 2: Marc Logan-Black Red Queen: Michaela Dicker Dr. William Birkin (uncredited): Jason Isaacs Film Crew: Writer: Paul W. S. Anderson Producer: Jeremy Bolt Producer: Bernd Eichinger Producer: Samuel Hadida Camera Operator: David Johnson ADR Editor: Matt Grimes Casting: Robyn Ray Production Design: Richard Bridgland Casting: Suzanne Smith Editor: Alexander Berner Line Producer: Albert Botha Associate Producer: Mike Gabrawy Executive Producer: Victor Hadida Executive Producer: Daniel S. Kletzky Executive Producer: Robert Kulzer Executive Producer: Yoshiki Okamoto Co-Producer: Chris Symes Original Music Composer: Marco Beltrami Original Music Composer: Marilyn Manson Art Direction: Jörg Baumgarten Set Decoration: Penny Crawford Hairstylist: Björn Rehbein Hairstylist: Friderike Roessler Hairstylist: Valeska Schitthelm Makeup Artist: Christina Smith Art Department Coordinator: Ingeborg Heinemann Assistant Art Director: Anete Conrad Animatronic and Prosthetic Effects: Pauline Fowler Animatronic and Prosthetic Effects: Martin Gaskell Supervising Art Director: Tony Reading Construction Coordinator: Ulf Sturhann Carpenter: Philipp Hübner Location Scout: Marion Gerhardt Production Illustrator: Ravi Bansal Sculptor: Colin Jackman First Assistant Camera: Adam Quinn Steadicam Operator: Jörg Widmer Still Photographer: Rolf Konow Prosthetic Supervisor: Barrie Gower Additional Music: Tom Holkenborg Choreographer: Warnar Van Eeden Driver: Susen Jarmuske Makeup Effects: Andy Garner Post Production Supervisor: Christine Jahn Production Office Assistant: Mirjam Weber Property Master: Danny Hunter Set Medic: Frank Guhn Special Effects Supervisor: Gerd Nefzer Stunt Coordinator: Volkhart Buff Stunts: René Bellmann Technical Supervisor: John Kurlander Unit Production Manager: Silvia Tollmann Unit Publicist: Francois Frey Visual Effects Editor: Paul Elman Script Supervisor: Caroline Sax Color Timer: Andreas Lautil First Assistant Editor: Franziska Schmidt-Kärner Best Boy Electric: Udo Kowalczyk Electrician: David Reppen Gaffer: Edgar Auell Production Accountant: Helga Ploiner Production Coordinator: Sammi Davis Visual Effects Coordinator: Muriel Gérard Researcher: Ian Frost Boom Operator: Alois Unger Music Supervisor: Liz Gallacher Sound Designer: Marco Raab Sound Editor: Frank Casaretto Sound Mixer: Roland Winke Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Michael Kranz Supervising Sound Editor: Stefan Busch 3D Supervisor: Phil Bignell Visual Effects Producer: Richard Yuricich Art Department Manager: Astrid Kühberger Software Engineer: John Charles Dolby Consultant: Norbert Zich Unit Manager: Esther Fischer Key Grip: Dieter Bähr Key Makeup Artist: Hasso von Hugo First Assistant Director: Jan Sebastian Ballhaus ADR Supervisor: Bjørn Ole Schroeder Draughtsman: Philip Elton Grip: Glenn König Animatronics Designer: Chris Coxon Second Assistant Director: Simon Emanuel Negative Cutter: Patricia Ferbeck ADR Voice Casting: Louis Elman Assistant Production Coordinator: Kerstin Biermann Casting Assistant: Natasha Ockrent Foley Editor: Noemi Hampel Costume Assistant: Claudia Maria Braun Costume Assistant: Elke Freitag Costume Assistant: Sparka Lee Hall Costume Assistant: Astrid Lafos Costume Assistant: Anette Tirler Negative Cutter: Renate Siegl Negative Cutter: Sandra Stier Animation: James Furlon...
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thisfunktional · 1 month
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alexlacquemanne · 5 months
Janvier MMXXIV
Bridget Jones Baby (Bridget Jones's Baby) (2016) de Sharon Maguire avec Renée Zellweger, Patrick Dempsey, Shirley Henderson, Gemma Jones et Jim Broadbent
Arnaque à Hollywood (The Comeback Trail) (2020) de George Gallo avec Robert De Niro, Tommy Lee Jones, Morgan Freeman, Zach Braff, Eddie Griffin, Emile Hirsch et Kate Katzman
Copie conforme (1947) de Jean Dréville avec Louis Jouvet, Suzy Delair, Annette Poivre, Madeleine Suffel, Jane Marken, Danièle Franconville, Jean-Jacques Delbo et Léo Lapara
L'Inconnu du Nord-Express (Strangers on a Train) (1951) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Farley Granger, Ruth Roman, Robert Walker, Leo G. Carroll, Patricia Hitchcock, Marion Lorne, Jonathan Hale et Laura Elliott
Une affaire d'honneur (2023) de et avec Vincent Perez et aussi Roschdy Zem, Doria Tillier, Damien Bonnard, Guillaume Gallienne, Nicolas Gaspar, Pepe Lorente
Hôtel fantôme (Das letzte Problem) (2019) de et avec Karl Markovics et aussi Stefan Pohl, Maria Fliri, Julia Koch, Max Moor, Sunnyi Melles Laura Bilgeri
Aviator (The Aviator) (2004) de Martin Scorsese avec Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, Adam Scott, Kelli Garner, Alec Baldwin, Ian Holm, Jude Law et Danny Huston
Palais royal ! (2005) de et avec Valérie Lemerciere et aussi Lambert Wilson, Catherine Deneuve, Michel Aumont, Mathilde Seigner, Denis Podalydès, Michel Vuillermoz, Gisèle Casadesus, Gilbert Melki, Maurane
Du plomb pour l'inspecteur (Pushover) (1954) de Richard Quine avec Fred MacMurray, Philip Carey, Kim Novak, Dorothy Malonne, E.G. Marshall, Allen Nourse, James Anderson et Joe Bailey
Les Douze Salopards (The Dirty Dozen) (1967) de Robert Aldrich avec Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, Charles Bronson, Jim Brown, John Cassavetes, Richard Jaeckel, George Kennedy, Trini Lopez et Telly Savalas
Le silence des ânes (Das Schweigen der Esel) (2022) de et avec Karl Markovics et aussi Julia Koch, Caroline Frank, Gerhard Liebmann, Valentin Sottopietra, Klaus Windisch, Tobias Fend, Julian Sark, Stefan Pohl
Elmer Gantry le charlatan (Elmer Gantry) (1960) de Richard Brooks avec Burt Lancaster, Jean Simmons, Arthur Kennedy, Dean Jagger, Shirley Jones, Patti Page et Edward Andrews
Tendre Poulet (1978) de Philippe de Broca avec Annie Girardot, Philippe Noiret, Catherine Alric, Hubert Deschamps, Paulette Dubost, Roger Dumas, Raymond Gérôme, Guy Marchand, Simone Renant et Georges Wilson
Judy (2019) de Rupert Goold avec Renée Zellweger, Darci Shaw, Rufus Sewell, Michael Gambon, Finn Wittrock, Richard Cordery, Jessie Buckley et Bella Ramsey
Cinquième Colonne (Saboteur) (1942) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Robert Cummings, Priscilla Lane, Otto Kruger, Alan Baxter, Clem Bevans, Norman Lloyd, Alma Kruger et Vaughan Glaser
Robin des Bois, prince des voleurs (Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves) (1991) de Kevin Reynolds avec Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman, Christian Slater, Alan Rickman, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Nick Brimble et Michael McShane
La Fine Fleur (2020) de Pierre Pinaud avec Catherine Frot, Melan Omerta, Fatsah Bouyahmed, Olivia Côte, Marie Petiot, Vincent Dedienne et Serpentine Teyssier
Maigret et l'Affaire Saint-Fiacre (1959) de Jean Delannoy avec Jean Gabin, Michel Auclair, Valentine Tessier, Robert Hirsch, Paul Frankeur, Michel Vitold, Camille Guérini, Serge Rousseau et Micheline Luccioni
On a volé la cuisse de Jupiter (1980) de Philippe de Broca avec Annie Girardot, Philippe Noiret, Francis Perrin, Catherine Alric, Marc Dudicourt, Paulette Dubost et Roger Carel
Gosford Park (2001) de Robert Altman avec Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Kristin Scott Thomas, Camilla Rutherford, Charles Dance, Geraldine Somerville, Tom Hollander, Stephen Fry, Helen Mirren et Emily Watson
Meurtre à Hollywood (Sunset) (1988) de Blake Edwards avec Bruce Willis, James Garner, Malcolm McDowell, Mariel Hemingway, Kathleen Quinlan, Jennifer Edwards, Victoria Alperin et Patricia Hodge
Iron Claw (The Iron Claw) (2023) de Sean Durkin avec Zac Efron, Jeremy Allen White, Harris Dickinson, Holt McCallany, Lily James, Maura Tierney et Stanley Simons
La croisière s'amuse Saison 1
Une traversée de chien - L'Amour fou - Ami ou Ennemi - Farces et Attrapes - Une célébrité encombrante - Le Grand Air - Le docteur voit double - Le Grand Amour - Le Père du commandant - Monnaie de singe - La vie est belle au large - Tel est pris qui croyait prendre - Jeux de mains - Les Grandes Retrouvailles : première partie - Les Grandes Retrouvailles : deuxième partie - La Victoire en dansant - Le Gros Lot - Coupable, mais de quoi ? - Souvenirs Souvenirs - Il y a des jours comme ça - Qui comprend quelque chose à l'amour ? - Le commandant connaît la musique - Coup de folie - Ne comptez pas sur moi pour tomber amoureuse
Coffre à Catch
#148 : Bonne année 2024 à tout l'univers d'Agius ! - #149 : Zack Ryder : Woo Woo Woo, tu le sais ! - #150 : L'exceptionnel retour de Colby ! - #151 : Les adieux au catch de Tommy Dreamer ? - #152 : Tommy Dreamer enfin champion de la ECW !
Les Simpson Saison 1
Noël mortel - Bart le génie - L'Odyssée d'Homer - Simpsonothérapie - Terreur à la récré - Ste Lisa Blues - L'Abominable Homme des bois - Bart a perdu la tête - Marge perd la boule - L'Odyssée d'Homer - L'Espion qui venait de chez moi - Un clown à l'ombre - Une soirée d'enfer
Downton Abbey Saison 5
Tradition et Rébellion - Un vent de liberté - Le Bonheur d'être aimé - Révolution à Downton - Tout ce qui compte… - Étape par étape - Désillusions - Menaces et Préjugés - La Réconciliation
Castle Saison 4
Renaissance - Lame solitaire - Casse-tête - L'Empreinte d'une arme - L'Art de voler - Démons - Otages - Dans l'antre du jeu - Course contre la mort - Détache-moi
Kaamelott Livre IV
Tous les matins du monde première partie - Tous les matins du monde deuxième partie - Raison et Sentiments - Les Tartes aux fraises - Le Dédale - Les Pisteurs - Le Traître - La Faute première partie - La Faute deuxième partie - L’Ascension du Lion - Une vie simple - Le Privilégié - Le Bouleversé - Les Liaisons dangereuses - Les Exploités II - Dagonet et le Cadastre - Duel première partie - Duel deuxième partie - La Foi bretonne - Au service secret de Sa Majesté - La Parade - Seigneur Caius - L’Échange première partie - L’Échange deuxième partie - L’Échelle de Perceval - La Chambre de la reine - Les Émancipés - La Révoquée - La Baliste II - Les Bonnes - La Révolte III - Le Rapport - L’Art de la table - Les Novices - Les Refoulés - Les Tuteurs II - Le Tourment IV - Le Rassemblement du corbeau II - Le Grand Départ - L’Auberge rouge - Les Curieux : première partie - Les Curieux : deuxième partie - La Clandestine - Les Envahisseurs - La vie est belle - La Relève - Les Tacticiens : première partie - Les Tacticiens : deuxième partie - Drakkars ! - La Réponse - Unagi IV - La Permission - Anges et Démons - La Rémanence - Le Refuge - Le Dragon gris - La Potion de vivacité II - Vox populi III - La Sonde - La Réaffectation - La Poétique II : première partie - La Poétique II : deuxième partie
Affaires sensibles
Henri Martin, debout contre la guerre d’Indochine - 1923 : Germaine Berton : l’anarchiste qui tua pour venger Jaurès - Prince de Conty : où sont passés les lingots de l'épave? - De Paris à Dakar, le rallye du désert - Cannes 1987, Pialat et sa palme - Affaire Mis et Thiennot, la fin de l'énigme judiciaire ? - Agnès Le Roux, la disparition d’une héritière - Les mystères de Chevaline
The Crown Saison 6
Un engouement fanatique - Hors du temps
Le Voyageur Saison 2
La Forêt perchée - La tentation du mal
Alfred Hitchcock présente Saison 5, 6, 3, 7
Arthur - La Vengeance - Chantage - Pan! vous êtes mort
Concert du Nouvel An en direct du Musikverein, à Vienne (2024)
Adele Live At The Royal Albert Hall (2011)
Sexe et jalousie (1993) de Marc Camoletti et Georges Folgoas avec Jean-Luc Moreau, Marie-Pierre Casey, Patrick Guillemin, Marie Lenoir et Bunny Godillot
Billy Cobham's Glass Menagerie (1981) live at Riazzino, Switzerland
Agents Are Forever : Danish National Symphony Orchestra (2020) avec Caroline Henderson
Bonté divine (2010) de Frédéric Lenoir et Louis-Michel Colla avec Jean-Loup Horwitz, Benoit Nguyen-Tat, Saïd Amadis et Roland Giraud
Kid Paddle, Tome 1 : Jeux de vilains de Midam
Détective Conan, Tome 20 de Gôshô Aoyama
Castle, Tome 1 : La dernière aube de Brian Michael Bendis, Kelly Sue DeConnick et Tom Raney
James Bond : Le guide officiel de 007 de Lee Pfeiffer et Dave Worrall
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dollycas · 6 months
2023 Reading Challenges - It's A Wrap!
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2023 Reading Challenges - It's A Wrap!
I am jumping the gun a little bit by posting this today. So, I have included the two books I will complete by the end of the week. I am thrilled that I actually completed all, even exceeded some of the reading challenges I committed to this year. It's amazing what you can accomplish when your body stays reasonably healthy. Hopefully, I can do the same in 2024. I reviewed most of the books and each one listed is linked to my review. There were a few I read from my personal bookshelf so didn't write reviews. Those books are linked to Amazon. 2023 Reading Challenge
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LORI has completed her goal of reading 175 books in 2023! hide 202 of 175 (100%) view books
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A. Against the Currant by Olivia Matthews  B. Bookclubbed to Death by V.M. Burns C. Canter With A Killer by Amber Camp D. Dial M for Meow by Ruth J. Hartman E. Engagingly Dead by Michele Scott F. Four Leaf Cleaver by Maddie Day G. The Game is a Footnote by Vicki Delany  H. Hidden in the Pines by Victoria Houston I. The Ivy Tree by Carolyn Brown J. Jasmine and Jake Rock the Boat by Sonya Lalli K. Killer Cupid by Laurien Berenson L. Lemon Curd Killer by Laura Childs M. Murder at Wedgefield Manor by Erica Ruth Neubauer N. The Name of the Rosé by Christine E. Blum O. Of Mushrooms and Matrimony by Amy Patricia Meade P. Pruning the Dead by Julia Henry  Q. Dairy Dairy Quite Contrary by Amy Lillard R. Rivalry Gone Wrong by L.C. Turner S. A Streetcar Named Murder by T.G. Herren T. Tilling the Truth by Julia Henry U. An Unholy Death by Leslie Budewitz V. Viviana Valentine Get Her Man by Emily J. Edwards W. Word to the Wise by Jenn McKinlay X. Madame X by Niobia Bryant Y. Your Time is Up by Kat Jorgensen Z. Miss Zukas and the Raven's Dance by Jo Dereske Complete 12/1/2023 Mini- Challenges January - Seasons - Winter's End by Paige Shelton February - Kitchen -  Four Leaf Cleaver by Maddie Day  March - Girl/Lady/Woman - The Girl With the Dragonfruit Tattoo by Carrie Doyle April -  Flower - Digging Up Daisy by Sherry Lynn May - Royalty -  Earl Grey and the Shattered Graves by Victoria Tait June - Position - Hidden Beneath by Barbara Ross  July - Baseball -  Dame Alice Hits Hollywood by Allie Mahoney August - Sky - The Solace of Stars by Kathleen Ernst September - Territory - Anxious in Nevada by Diana Xarissa October - I Spy -  Pumpkin Spice Peril by Jenn McKinlay November - Compound Word -Bulletproof Barista by Cleo Coyle December - Christmas - Christmas, Criminals and Campers by Tonya Kappes
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A. Amy Patricia Meade - Of Mushrooms and Matrimony B. Laurien Berenson - Killer Cupid by Laurien Berenson C. Amber Camp - Canter With A Killer D. Vicki Delaney - The Game is a Footnote  E. Erica Ruth Neubauer - Murder at Wedgefield Manor  F. Sarah Fox - Six Sweets Under G. Emily George - A Half-Baked Murder H. T. G. Herren - A Streetcar Named Murder I. Ian Moore - Death and Croissants J. Jenn McKinlay - Word to the Wise K. Michelle Hillen Klump - Murder Served Neat L. Laura Scott - Dogged by Death M. Maddie Day - Four Leaf Cleaver by Maddie Day  N. Nancy J. Cohen - Star Tangled Banner O. Olivia Matthews - Against the Currant  P. Paige Shelton - Winter's End Q. Mindy Quigley - Ashes to Ashes Crust to Crust R. Ruth J. Hartman - Dial M for Meow S. Michele Scott - Engagingly Dead T. L.C. Turner - Rivalry Gone Wrong U. Lisa Unger - All My Deepest Impulses V. V.M. Burns - Bookclubbed to Death W. Michele Pariza Wacek - Murder Among Friends X. Diana Xarissa - Anxious in Nevada Y.  Samara Yew - Murder at the Seashore Z. Chad Zunker All He Had Left Complete - 10/5/2023
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Alabama - Read the full article
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requiemtvshow · 8 years
Requiem 4
Titre original Requiem 4
Genre Thriller horreur
Réalisateur Armani Johnson-King
Acteurs principaux Katherine Langford, Naomi Scott, Shawn Mendes, Cody Simpson, Nick Jonas
Pays d'origine États-Unis
Studio Johnson-King Movies et Hamptons Compagny
Bande Originale Total Eclipse of the Heart (Bonnie Tyler)
Durée 2 heures 06 minutes
Année de sortie 2020
Lieu de tournage Palm Springs, Cathedral City, New York
Budget de production 25 millions de dollars
Box-office international 215,5 millions de dollars
Le massacre reprend avec un nouvel agresseur dans la petite ville d'Oakswood, trois ans après l'élimination de John von Sachs. Le groupe de survivants est déterminé à arrêter cette vague de crimes coûte que coûte.
Casting Principal
Adele Carpenter Katherine Langford
Hendricks Guggenheim Shawn Mendes
Miles Brown Cody Simpson
Graham Guggenheim Nick Jonas
Shay Al Ryad Naomi Scott
Meg Carpenter Neve Campbell
Diane Carpenter Jamie Lee Curtis
Casting Secondaire
Brooke Reynolds Sarah Michelle Gellar
Olivia Gallagher Marcia Cross
Donna Sheridan Kathy Bates
Amadeus von Sachs Kevin Spacey
Casting de Victimes
Imany Washington Viola Davis
Douglas Parks John Slattery
Kimiko Osaka Jamie Chung
Carol Baldwin Christina Hendricks
Whitney Pinkey Queen Latifah
Pamela Brown Adrienne King
Bradford Craven Ryan Phillippe
Harold Branham Michael Chiklis
Patricia Delano Laurie Holden
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bewitchingbooktours · 2 years
A Bewitching Tuesday A Round-Up of Daily Tour Stops Author Interview- Release Day Blitz A Raven Remix Paranormal Penny Box Set by Sarah Hualde #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/KzCe50LEBWa Writing with Cats Guest Blog by Karenna Colcroft #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/zzJH50LEAJV The Inspiration Behind A Haunting at Marianwood by E.M. Munsch #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/i3jv50LEAp6 Music Playlist for Meaning Wars Omnibus: A Queer Space Opera by Michelle Browne #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/NqAM50LEBIX INTERVIEW - YA PARANORMAL COZY MYSTERY - A RAVEN REMIX (Paranormal Penny Box) by Sarah Hualde #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/OmjG50LEBNk Excerpt & #giveaway: The Color of Betrayal by Hollie Smurthwaite #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/boat50LEB8X 3 Tricks for A Cozy Halloween with Sarah Hualde - Release Day Blitz A Raven Remix #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/IR6G50LEBTr Crazy Witch The Witch Doctors Book Three by C.S. Edwards - Paranormal Romance #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/4ZsV50LEAZP A Reservoir Man by LJ Ambrosio #FictionalMemoir #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/kfJS50LEAzJ SPOTLIGHT Audio - SCIENCE FICITON - BEYOND THE NEXT STAR (Love Beyond, #1) by Melody Johnson #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/ihUj50LEAOp INTERVIEW WITH MICHELLE BROWNE (THE MEANING WARS OMNIBUS) http://supernaturalcentral.blogspot.com/2022/11/interview-with-michelle-browne-meaning.html Release Day Blitz ~ A Raven Remix (Paranormal Penny Box Set-Books 1, 1.5 and 2) by Sarah Hualde ~ YA Paranormal Cozy Mystery @Sthecoffeejedi https://saphsbooks.blogspot.com/2022/11/release-day-blitz-raven-remix.html Beta Test by Karenna Colcroft Virtual Book Tour #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/Rqbz50LEAFq Interview with LJ Ambrosio https://jbbookworms.blogspot.com/2022/11/a-reservoir-man-by-lj-ambrosio.html THE ART OF ALWAYS by PATRICIA FRIEDRICH http://supernaturalcentral.blogspot.com/2022/11/the-art-of-always-by-patricia-friedrich.html The Man Who Came and Went http://supernaturalcentral.blogspot.com/2022/11/interview-with-joe-stillman-man-who.html Author Interview & Release Day Blitz A Raven Remix Paranormal Penny Box Set by Sarah Hualde http://ow.ly/oAmN50LEBef #bewitchingbooktours
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tumsozluk · 2 years
Timothy Peter Browne Obituary | Star Tribune
Timothy Peter Browne Obituary | Star Tribune
Browne, Timothy Peter Tim Browne, age 72, died on September 28th, 2022. A husband, father, marketer, athlete, business owner, author, coach, publisher and sailor, Tim is preceded in death by parents William J. and Vera Ann Browne. He is survived by wife Colleen, son John, brothers Thomas (Sheila), Peter (Michelle), Robert (Carol), William, sisters Patricia Greenless (Michael) and Margaret Sveum…
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