govindhtech · 4 months
Huawei’s next-gen MAGICS LH long-haul microwave solutions
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Microwave Networking solutions
In Baotou, Inner Mongolia, the China Unicom Inner Mongolia Baotou Branch and Huawei have successfully conducted the first-ever commercial test of the ground-breaking MAGICS LH long-haul microwave solutions. This novel microwave solutions is the greatest variety of microwave frequency bands ever recorded by a commercial device.
It covers five frequency bands (L6 GHz, U6 GHz, 7 GHz, 8 GHz, and 11 GHz) with a single antenna thanks to ultra-wideband technology. The system can save over 70% on microwave backhaul hardware expenses with a link capacity of up to 10 Gbps. The 36 km course of the test was covered.
Microwave Solutions
These days, microwave solutions need to combine many channels or frequency bands in order to obtain ultra-large bandwidth due to the limited availability of spectrum resources in the 6–11 GHz band. Up until now, installing separate antennas was necessary for the L6/U6 GHz, 7/8 GHz, and 11 GHz bands. In addition to raising expenses and delaying development, this proliferation of devices in a long-haul backhaul network creates major obstacles with regard to tower space and load-bearing capability.
Utilising ultra-wideband technology, which enables a single antenna to cover five frequency bands (L6 GHz, U6 GHz, 7 GHz, 8 GHz, and 11 GHz), Huawei’s next-generation MAGICS LH long-haul microwave solutions takes use of this. Compared to conventional solutions, this innovative capacity leads to an astounding 67% reduction in the number of antennas needed, as three antennas are generally needed to obtain the same level of coverage.
Furthermore, on RFUs (outside units), this is the first solution that may handle carrier aggregation (CA). CA cuts the required number of RFUs in half. The method reduces the transmit power of RFUs by 3–5 dB using state-of-the-art transmit power technology and algorithms, obviating the requirement for larger-diameter CA antennas. Smaller-diameter antennas can be employed to reduce tower area and load bearing capability when CA is not required.
Huawei’s MAGICS LH solution may deliver more than 20 Gbps bandwidth over 50 km, depending on the deployment conditions and bands employed. This is an amazing 300% increase in bandwidth compared to conventional systems, all while utilising 70% less gear.
A 36-kilometer microwave link with 1.8- and 1.2-meter antennas was set up utilising the 12+12 SD scheme for the Baotou test. The 7 GHz, 8 GHz, and 11 GHz bands were covered by the link, in addition to the L6 GHz and U6 GHz channels. According to the test results, this link was able to transmit 10 Gbps of bandwidth for the backhaul of 5G services between two sites. This is 200% faster than the largest-capacity microwave link that is currently in use throughout Inner Mongolia’s real network. In addition, this connection showed remarkable stability across the course of a two-month observation period.
“Microwave has always been key to improving user experience as a critical mobile backhaul method,” stated Han Xiaodong, Deputy General Manager of China Unicom Baotou. With Huawei’s MAGICS LH long-haul microwave solutions, you can get fast and excellent network coverage in faraway locations while also lowering power consumption and optimising total cost of ownership. The construction of China Unicom’s network has benefited from this progress.”
In the 5G future, network operators will have to meet the enormous demand for bandwidth, which will make it difficult to provide high-capacity connections over great distances. In this case, Huawei’s long-haul microwave solutions, known as MAGICS LH, stands out as a ground-breaking invention that provides an economical and effective means of bridging the distance, especially in isolated locations.
Microwave technology
Comprehending the Transmission of Microwaves
Data is transmitted using microwave transmission, which uses radio waves in the microwave frequency range, which is normally between 1 GHz and 80 GHz. Microwave deployment is more flexible and faster than fibre optic lines, which have the maximum bandwidth but necessitate costly infrastructure installation. However, the capacity and reach of conventional microwave technologies were limited, which limited their use in long-haul situations.
Microwave Communications
By overcoming these issues, Huawei’s MAGICS LH transforms long-haul microwave communication. Some of its highlights:
Ultra-High Bandwidth
MAGICS LH achieves noticeably higher bandwidths than traditional systems by utilising several channels and cutting-edge modulation techniques. Tests using China Unicom revealed transmission speeds of more than 20 Gbps over a 50-kilometer range a startling 300% increase.
Long-Haul Reach
MAGICS LH greatly increases the range of microwave transmission by utilising high-gain antennas and cutting-edge signal processing methods. Because of this, it’s perfect for backhauling traffic in rural areas, linking distant base stations, and granting network access in difficult-to-reach places.
Easier Implementation
The system makes use of a simplified architecture that includes four-channel RFUs (Radio Frequency Units) and four-band antennas. This results in shorter deployment timeframes and cheaper operating costs by simplifying tower installations and reducing hardware complexity.
The total cost of ownership (TCO) of MAGICS LH is substantially cheaper than that of fibre optic deployments. This is because there are fewer hardware requirements, quicker installation times, and less maintenance requirements.
Flexibility and Scalability
MAGICS LH’s modular architecture makes it simple to modify to meet various network requirements. Depending on the required capacity and distance, operators can select the right frequency bands and channel combinations. Furthermore, a smooth integration of the solution with the current network infrastructure is possible.
Advantages for Telecom Professionals
Network operators can gain a great deal from the implementation of MAGICS LH, including:
Fast Network Expansion
By bridging the digital divide and providing coverage to underserved populations, the solution expedites the installation of networks in rural places.
Enhanced Network Capacity
The increasing demand for data traffic related to 5G applications like VR, AR, and high-definition video streaming is supported by MAGICS LH’s high bandwidth capabilities.
Decreased Operational Costs
Operators can save a lot of money because to decreased TCO, which is a result of simpler deployment and less maintenance requirements.
Enhanced Network Efficiency
By offering a dependable and high-capacity backhaul solution, MAGICS LH maximises the use of network resources.
Long-Distance Microwave Transmission’s Future
Long-haul microwave transmission is expected to be significantly impacted by MAGICS LH in the future thanks to its cutting-edge features and tested performance. For network operators still facing difficulties in increasing capacity and coverage, MAGICS LH presents a strong, economical, and effective substitute.
Here are some prospective developments for MAGICS LH in the future:
Integration with artificial intelligence (AI)
By utilising AI-driven algorithms, signal processing can be further optimised, improving interference resistance and transmission quality.
Higher Frequency Bands
By using frequency bands higher than the E-band now in use, even more bandwidth may be made available.
Self-repair Networks
By automating troubleshooting and changes, AI-powered self-healing capabilities can reduce downtime and improve network reliability.
To sum up, Huawei’s MAGICS LH is a revolutionary approach to long-distance microwave transmission. MAGICS LH enables network operators to provide greater connectivity across large geographic areas by easing implementation, cutting costs, and delivering high bandwidth over long distances.
With AI and higher frequencies driving technological advancements, MAGICS LH is ideally positioned to have a significant impact on how network infrastructure is developed in the future.
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