#midam edit
gay-destiel · 10 months
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midam + taylor swift
michael/adam milligan + long story short
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skykiuwu · 1 year
Haven’t seen anyone else make one of these even though this song is like literally them
Okay I’ll go back to art now
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fahclove · 2 years
Problems by Mother Mother // Midam Edit
Watch on YouTube here
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tuometarr · 1 year
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lucifersimp · 1 year
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the Cage after Sam left be like
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freetobeafcknriot · 4 months
a.k.a. this edit full screen experience edition !
  ▪︎ ACT I: Michael – all that you want.   ▪︎ ACT II: Adam – persevering.
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sparkz-n-glitz · 11 months
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
sweet that’s an hour of editing I’m sure I’m almost done with this podfic (I Have Only Edited Eight Minutes Out Of Forty-Two)
12 notes · View notes
baiboop · 2 months
Sharing my Heart
Chapter 7
The dark green cotton sheets of Adams bed hugged and crinkled around his body as he sank inward. He was trying to de-stress and for the most part his body was successfully relaxed, minus the tenseness that lingered in his shoulders.
Adam was stretched out, laying on his stomach with his upper body propped on his elbows. One hand was on his chin supporting the weight of his head, the other was clutching a pen.
The sketchbook he had found the day previous was sprawled out and opened in front of him, a couple miscellaneous pages were torn out and scattered about the bed and floor.
Adams hands worked quickly, madly scribbling nonsense down onto the pages, with only the occasional momentary pause of hesitation between strokes.
He sighed, letting his feelings and frustrations excrete through the pens blue ink.
Adam sang to himself in his head, a couple mumbles of lyrics escaping his lips- the tune of ABBA’s Knowing me, Knowing you physically manifested itself in the absent swaying of his feet that were up in the air behind him.
(Kate had been a huge ABBA fan, had all the CDs, even had a poster or two. Because of this Adam, pretty much, mentally downloaded every one of their mentionable songs.
He didn’t mind his moms incessant and repetitive song choices, the music was admittedly good. And it’s not like she never played anything else, she just had an inclination to ABBA.
Although he would technically label himself an ABBA fan by-proxy, even without Kate’s obsession he most likely still would’ve enjoyed their music anyway.)
After yesterdays emotional-rollercoaster and general festivities, Adam was totally worn out- mentally.
A guy can only handle so much emotional turmoil.
Especially when it’s turmoil caused by something entirely out of his control and also subsequently something he’s completely trying to avoid.
Adam had frequently throughout his life put forth his best effort to be the ignore-your-feelings type of guy, especially during his high school years.
It partially stemmed from his feeling of debt to his mom, he wanted to make up for being a burden to her and he didn’t want her to have one more thing to worry about, like him acting his feelings out constantly.
She worried about him enough anyway, much more than what Adam would’ve preferred.
But, unfortunately for him ignoring things never quite worked out.
That shoved down baggage always had an annoying habit of coming back up in the form either of a panic attack outright, or alternatively, in the form of him acting like a complete and utter asshole to anyone and everyone that interacted with him until the mood swelled into an outburst.
He just wasn’t built for bottling things up. He guesses (if genetics play any part) that his lack of emotional control came from his moms side, not Johns.
John and his sons seemed to have bottling things up down to a science.
Today he had, so far, been successful in outwardly appearing like he’d pushed his feelings down.
Yesterday he had been a little on edge but beyond that, if you’d ask him, he’s been just peachy.
Despite the tough front he had been displaying, Adam was still at all times acutely aware of just how bothered he was truly feeling. The thoughts itched at his brain but he refused them, distracting himself when any popped up in order to keep his composure. Like he said, peachy.
With the thoughts being kept in check he was functioning relatively normally. (All things considered.) He was able to simulate sleep for a good couple hours last night, resting his over-worked brain. Spending the remaining few hours of what he deemed the “night”, in bed, fully awake.
Durning the period after he had awoken, he chose to spend his morning with the covers up over his head, eyes closed and laying there in silence.
Just soaking up some more relaxation before he decided to ruin it with whatever the day would bring.
Up until a half-hour ago that was fine, enjoyable even, laying there had been further acting as the mental recharge he so desperately craved.
That was before his mind started to wander and yearn for some outside stimuli.
With his boredom increasing by the minute he started to find laying there becoming insufferable.
He started thinking of the days possibilities, deliberately passing over some of the more overly exerting ideas, he ended up landing on the memory of the sketchbook he found in the closet.
He figured something he could do to pass the time, that wouldn’t cause any further stress, would be to draw- or write- or both.
Adam threw the covers down and half-rolled off the side of the bed, grabbing the sketchbook from the dresser that sat adjacent to him.
He tossed it down onto his bed and dragged himself into the kitchen. His grandma always kept pens, crayons, pencils and other writing utensils haphazardly assorted into a mug on top of the counter.
He snagged a good blue pen and a couple different colored highlighters, then made his way back.
Adam had loved to doodle all throughout middle school and even into high school, in his backpack you’d be lucky if you could find one unmarked page or plain set of notes.
The mind-numbing activity of idly scribbling his pencil around while his teachers lectured about god-knows-what, was exactly what had gotten him through the boredom of high school. Something about the activity just helped pass the time. Perfect.
Happy with himself, Adam got to work. Passing a little over an hour by filling two pages with scribbles of random things: crude drawings of mundane things, random lines from shows he likes and some of his favorite lyrics from different songs, even some of his moms favorite songs.
Scattered within the doodles you could find his house, his school, an apple tree, his moms car, corn, his dorm room, a cheeseburger, wild flowers and various animals.
None of it was good, truthfully Adam wasn’t a great artist. (He did, however, pass art class with a B-, so he’s not that bad.)
That being said, no one would be handing Adam any awards for his abilities.
Still, Adam wasn’t necessarily concerned with his artistic abilities, as no one else would ever see his creations in here.
He flipped the page, picking the pen up and tapping it on his chin in a thinking gesture.
Adam mentally explored the possibilities of what he should start the fresh page off with.
He spent a good deal of time debating, this was an important decision, after all.
The intense self-debate left a couple of rouge lines and dots on the page from attempted ideas. Eventually settling on the pond out front, he started to sketch it down.
Loosely, he drew the oblong oval shape of the pond, accompanied by the cat-tails and other marsh plants that surrounded it. Even throwing in a couple of trees on either side of the pond to really complete the scene.
He smirked at his drawing, satisfied with his rendering of the water. Adam started to sketch in a rectangle under it, which was meant to be a beach towel but didn’t really look the part.
He planned to add himself, his mom, and his grandparents, all on their own respective towels, soaking up the sun.
As he was sketching in the figures of each person, a sudden change in air temperature gave Adam goosebumps.
He felt the his hair stand on end and a certain sense of being permeating the atmosphere of his bedroom.
He briefly paused, frozen from the slight shock that was settling in from the primal feeling of being watched. He carefully started to look up from his work but before his eyes could meet the angel intruding on his drawing time, he heard Micheal’s voice.
“Hello, Adam.”
Adam startled, dropping his pen down and immediately lifting himself up with his hands. He shifted himself off of the bed and stood facing the other person.
His doppelgänger stared back, making direct eye contact, silently.
Adam studied the other figure for a moment, he knew it was Micheal- but he just wanted to double check that it wasn’t his reflection again. (Also taking that time to confirm that he wasn’t going stir-crazy and hallucinating.)
“Micheal?” Adam said breaking the silence, eyes gaping at the angels face.
“Yes, Adam?” Micheal replied almost inquisitively.
Oh my god. Finally.
Adam paused to let out a sigh, relieved by Micheals arrival, but still on edge and examining the archangels body language for any signs of what was going on.
That ultimately lead to nothing as Micheal rigidly stood there with a blank expression, all and all that told Adam absolutely nothing, so he did the only logical thing and just asked Micheal.
“Did you free us? Is it over?” He stared hopefully at the angels stoic face before adding, “And what took you so long?” The inflection in his voice changed for this last question, giving a flare of annoyance to the words.
The archangel stared back at Adams watchful eyes blankly.
Adam observed Micheals features, shifting into a quick expression of worry before hardening back into his default blank face.
“I am… Unable to free us.”
Micheal broke off the sentence, eyes boring into Adam waiting for an outburst from the human.
Micheal had always thought of humans as flighty, emotionally fickle little things, so he was willfully making an effort to be delicate.
He had been making this effort the entire duration of his time with Adam, however after his last visit and the reaction given by the human, he reevaluated his word choice and settled to be even more delicate for Adams sake. When thirty seconds passed and thankfully no such outburst came, Micheal continued.
“No, it is not over. It will not be over until Lucifer and I are suitably able to recommence our battle and I triumph- effectively reigning in heaven on earth and returning my father to heaven.”
Adam said nothing, still continuing on with his gawking.
Micheal, decidedly, took this as Adam awaiting further clarity, since he had been avoiding the answer to Adams last inquiry. Micheals face took on a look of apprehension before he started.
“Truthfully, I have remained in a near constant state of altercation with Lucifer since our fall.
Our battles had been steadily increasing in intensity, until four hours, fifty-five minutes and thirty-two seconds ago.
At this time some of my frustrations subsided, I decided to cease engagement with my brother.
Due to our entrapment within the cage, any wounds inflicted on each other are superficial. Neither of us can actually kill the other, leaving the battles virtually meaningless.
Although I was well aware of that fact from the start- following the sudden turn of events at our initial battle, I had found myself completely enraged.
I don’t think I have felt such utter exasperation in battle… Ever.
Adam, you will have to understand, my brother and I have always fought. Lucifer has made me angry in ways not possible to any other being in this universe.
However this specific situation, I have found to be the most irritating set of actions ever preformed by two humans.
This in turn, caused at first disbelief, but coupled with Lucifer’s antagonistic nature and my entrapment in close quarters to him, it shortly developed into pure unadulterated rage.
I did, in fact, end up succumbing to this anger and giving in to Lucifer’s childish taunts. I selfishly fought and used my brother to relieve some of that built anger.
It was somewhat effective.
Some time after we ceased our antics, I had been pacing the confine and praying to my father, asking for forgiveness for my mistakes and misplaced anger as well as requesting his assistance in our freedom.
I had heard your calls and prayers to me during that time frame, however I chose to leave then unanswered as to not unnecessarily subject you to myself in an agitated state like that.
After all, I did swear to you that I would keep you safe.
No harm will come to you Adam Milligan, I will keep my word even if that means I have to shield you from myself, at times.”
Adam tentatively listened to and processed the onslaught of information presented by Micheal. He reviewed it mentally before zeroing in on Micheals first answer.
“What… What do you mean you can’t free us“
“What is meant by that, is exactly what I previously stated to you. I am unable to free us.”
Micheal paused, but elaborated without prompting.
“Quite simply put, this cage was specifically designed by my father to contain Lucifer, as you are aware he is an archangel.
As you are also aware, I am an archangel. While I am indeed different and much stronger than my brother, this cage was designed by my father, who’s power I don’t even come close to rivaling. I have no way to escape this prison that would not kill us both in the process.”
Adam could hear the tinge of irritation in Micheals flat voice, he decided to not press the issue of escape anymore, for the time being. Despite Adams own anger festering, he changed the subject.
“What happened? Why did we-“ Not wanting to use the word ‘lose’ he restates the first part of his question again.
“Well, just, what happened up there?”
Micheal broke eye contact by closing his eyes, he breathed out a deep sigh.
When he re-opened them, his brows tilted, taking a more downward turn and displaying his budding anger more clearly.
“Your brother, Dean, had intruded upon our match-“
Adam interrupted Micheal to add, “Half-brother. And we met once.”
Micheal leered at Adam giving a short nod and continued.
“This intrusion at first, seemed more of an annoyance than a threat.
He had brought a human companion, Bobby, and an angel, the traitor to his kind, Castiel.
Castiel was the one who burned your body, under normal circumstances my presence inside would have shielded you from damage. However he was able to effectively destroy the body while dodging any healing I would normally have commenced.
This feat was accomplished with holy fire, which in turn sent me away momentarily while I reconstructed the vessel.”
Adam shuddered while Micheal retold the burning. Hearing the words reconstructed made Adam feel sick.
“Again I found this to be more of a nuisance than threat, however in my absence Sam was able to take control back from my weak brother.
The Winchesters then re-opened the gate to Lucifer’s cage, using the horsemen’s rings.”
Adam looked confused, he made a ‘go on’ gesture to Micheal and when Micheal just returned a confused stare Adam spoke.
“What are the horsemen’s rings?”
“The rings act as keys to the Cage. They are worn by the four horsemen of the apocalypse, Pestilence, Famine, War, and Death. When all four rings are held together and the correct spell is recited, they will bore a hole into whatever surface they lay atop- leading directly to Lucifer’s cage.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” Adam replied scratching his head, it kinda made sense…
“As I was saying, they had opened the cage in my absence and immediately upon my return I was greeted with the sight of Sam Winchester attempting to throw himself and my brother back into the prison. I grabbed hold of the pair in order to stop the plummet back into the cage.” Micheal trailed off not finishing the story. It was alright though, Adam knew the end anyway.
Adam hummed in response, it was much more straight forward than he assumed, in fact he had witnessed almost all of that happening and already knew it.
“Do you have a plan? Is someone going to get us out?” Adam looked hopefully optimistic within his line of questioning, after all heaven did promise him his mom, Micheal promised him.
“Of course, Adam. I have been and am currently operating as heavens leader in our fathers absence. The angels will stop at nothing to free me, and by proxy you. Although I do not believe they have the power to free us, with their collective prayers to our father he will certainly return and step in to right this mistake.”
“Your father? God?”
“Yes, that is correct Adam.”
“You think he’ll free us?”
“Of course I do, I know he will free us.”
“Hm, how long have you been heavens temp-ruler?” Adam said nonchalantly, making a sarcastic gesture with his hand.
“Since our father stepped out, three-hundred-eighty-seven thousand years and four-hundred-sixty-four days ago.”
Adam paused awestruck by the large number, processing how long Micheals been around, and how long god has been gone..
“Yes, Adam?”
“How old are you.”
“As old as fathers first creations, older than your galaxy itself. I am nearing thirteen-billion-eight-hundred-forty-four-million-seven-hundred-twenty-six-thousand-nine-hundred-thirty-one.”
Adam stared. That age was completely and utterly incomprehensible to him, to be that old, it’s just- wow. He shook his head slightly to get himself back on track.
“Wow, you’re old.”
“Indeed, I am among one of the oldest living beings.”
“Well, if your dad, God, has been gone for three-hundred-thousand-whatever years, what makes you think he’ll return now?”
“That is because this simply was not meant to happen, there is a plan, I know there is. This has gone not according to plan, God will set his plan right, He will free us Adam. Have faith.”
“Faith? In what? You’re absent father? No thanks.” Adam said with a snarky tone, placing his hand on his hip.
“Adam.” Micheal warned.
“No, I’m not going to be stuck here waiting for a dead-beat dad that may or may not save me. That’s what killed me the first time, you know? I. Want. Out.”
“Your father was just a man, Adam. My father is God. He will save you, Adam. Surely you have the capacity for patience.”
“Yeah, I can be patient. But waiting for something that’s guaranteed and waiting for something that probably won’t ever happen are completely different things. Don’t you think if God cared he’d have come back by now? Don’t you think he wouldn’t have left you stranded up there for a really long time? If he cared we would probably have been freed hours ago, what’s the point in him making us play the waiting game down here, hmm?”
The irritation radiating off of Micheal was almost tangible, Adams hand dropped has he remembered who specifically he had been sassing. His face paled a little as he awaited Micheals response.
“Adam, my father created you. My father created me. My father created everything. He is older than your human numeric system extends. Have faith. You see him as absent because you are just a man. I do not fault you for this, your mind is only capable of conceptualizing so many things. Three-hundred-thousand years for me isn’t even half of my life.
Do not speak on which you do not understand. My father will free us, if you wish to deny that I will not stop you however, it will happen.”
Adam shifted awkwardly under the scrutinizing angry gaze of his archangel counterpart. Getting scolded like that prompted Adam to apologize.
“Uhm, yeah. Sorry I guess, I was a little rude. It’s just.. This is shocking, you know?” Adam spoke softly.
“As I said, I do not fault you for the way your human mind processes.” Micheal said flatly.
Adam rolled his eyes, annoyed that Micheal was treating him like he was stupid. His momentary remorse all but snuffed out.
“Sure, whatever. Give me a call when your dad shows up.”
“Very well.” Micheal spoke, turning and vanishing.
“Fuck.” Adam dragged the word, disappointed in himself.
He hadn’t meant to make Micheal leave but he will admit he was being kind of an ass to him. Sometimes it was just so hard for Adam to not be antagonistic.
He dragged his hands down his face, plopping back down onto the bed and letting out a sigh. He should’ve just dropped it. Why does he always have to escalate the situation.
The very last thing that he needed was the person with all the answers gone.
To add to that, Adam was sick of being alone.
Adam stayed in bed for another couple hours, angrily thinking of the events that just transpired.
He’s been dwelling on the situation for the better part of two hours and he knows it’s time to get up.
He swings his legs over the side of the bed, taking a moment to stand up. His original plan of a little R & R was completely scrapped, in favor of some physical activities to help blow off some steam.
Adam figures that they must be safe enough, Micheal wouldn’t have shown up if it was too dangerous around them for him to take that chance and step away.
So that means one of Adams worries was effectively quelled.
The rest of his worries he would just have to deal with.
Eventually he made his way over to the mudroom to grab his shoes, and out the back door. Today he dressed himself in the red hoodie and his boxer shorts, walking long distances in this weather, in jeans, was just too miserable.
Adam set off on his walk, stopping every couple hundred feet to frustratedly debate calling out to Micheal.
His frustrations beat him and he ended up praying for a little more than half his walk.
No answer, of course.
Adam huffed, walking the long trek back to the house. He was overdue for some swimming, the laps had been big helpers in clearing his mind.
On the eighteenth day of Adams imprisonment with Micheal in the cage, (and twenty sixth of his possession.) Adam was feeling the effects of his patience wearing thin.
He had just finished his morning swim and was sat on the warm, dark metal of the backyards set of table and chairs. Next to the porch sat an empty bird feeder that was staked into the ground.
Bemused, he watched the feeder sway while resting his chin in his hands. His elbows hurt a bit from resting on the glass top of the table. ‘I should put some corn kernels in that.’ Adam thought to himself.
He hasn’t necessarily seen any wildlife so far, but he heard the occasional chatter of animals coming from the woods. Adam guessed this would be one good way to find out if there was any furry or feathered little friends anywhere near the property.
After the consistent dripping of water droplets rolling off of Adams wet hair and body stopped, he stood up. Pushing the chair out and scraping it along the concrete patio.
He jogged forward over to the glass sliding door and opened it, stepping inside the familiar ranch.
Adam heads toward the book shelf, it’s a dark oak structure with four shelves. The shelf was about a foot shorter than Adam and every crevice was packed to the brim with books.
He bent into a crouch, reaching for ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.’
Adam didn’t particularly love reading. As a kid especially, he would flat out boycott it. For the few books he did read he made sure to run through them numerous times. Until the spine of the book was soft and in rough shape.
Adam also didn’t particularly love the Harry Potter books, but his grandmother had read this book to him six or seven times in his childhood. He had even read it on his own once or twice.
This was wholly due to his grandparents having extremely limited reading options for an adolescent, the books and other reading materials the shelf had been packed with, were painfully and obviously for a much more mature audience. Basically they were extremely boring. They had some classics like ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’ and ‘Of Mice and Men’ but the bulk of the stuff on the shelves were old gossip magazines, bibles, encyclopedias, dictionaries and Readers Digest.
Luckily for Adam this had turned out in his favor, since he had read certain books repeatedly he was able to remember a great deal of the text within the books.
Originally when he had first wandered over to the book shelf he had attempted to read ‘The Lord of the Rings’ but having never gotten past the first chapter in his adolescence, he hadn’t remembered any of the text.
Adam soon realized the issue this created when he opened the from cover to find the inside pages were mainly blank with some smudges and random text. At first he was really puzzled by this phenomenon and tore the bookshelves packed shelves apart.
Opening every book and flipping through them, he stacked books with nothing or in-legible words in them, to the left of him and books with any readable parts to the right.
The contents of the right side pile started to help the situation click.
Oh duh, memory-scape, only gives you what you can remember.
The pile of mostly readable book options, consisted of, Chatlottes web, one article out of an old Vogue magazine, Harry potter, and about three books out of The Magic Tree House series.
With that discovery finally made, he grabbed his Harry Potter book, clutching the book to the side of his chest and under his arm before walking back out the sliding glass door.
He made his way through the permanently freshly-mowed back lawn area and over to the three side yard apple trees.
He halted for just a moment to gaze at the leaves that were softly dancing in the warm wind, then continued on to the entrance of the two-track trail that would take him to the older, bigger lot of apple trees.
The two-tracks surrounded the entire property, a square track around the house’s main property framed what grass counted as the back lawn and what was random field. You could clearly tell the difference with the grass inside the track being mowed and the grass outside being unkempt.
Besides the framing of the lawn, the trails also broke off at various different spots to lead you to back areas of the property. Adam jogged, his feet kicking up dust on the trails, his book still tightly held by his arm. He broke a light sweat by the time he made it to the clearing with the trees, he wiped his brow before slowing his pace to a walk.
Adam walked out into the clearing, heading straight for the largest tree.
The pale sunshine hit his skin as the cover of trees ceased, he looked into the sun, squinting slightly. It was an enteral june afternoon, a beautiful eternal summer memory.
Out of all of the bad stuff, this was the good.
He lightly picks up his pace to that of a speed-walk and finally reaches where the row of seven trees stood.
Holding his book tighter, Adam starts scaling the largest apple tree semi-one-handed. This would’ve been a much impressive feat if he had still been the size of a child. Fortunately for him he was six-foot, nineteen year old and apple trees were relatively short and stocky by nature, so he didn’t have much difficulty getting to the thickest branch he had enjoyed sitting on as a kid.
Nestled in to the branch of the largest apple tree, back to the trunk with his feet propped on a branch, Adam releases his death-grip on his book and pulls it out from under his arm. He opens it, rapidly flipping through the pages to get to where he had last left off. picking chapter 10 back up.
Chapter 10, Halloween.
Malfoy couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that Harry and Ron were still at Hogwarts the next day, looking tired but perfectly cheerful. Indeed, by the next morning Harry and Ron thought that meeting the three-headed dog had been an excellent adventure, and they were quite keen to have another one. In the meantime, Harry filled Ron in about the package that seemed to have been moved from Gringotts to Hogwarts, and they spent a lot of time wondering what could possibly need such heavy protection. "It's either really valuable or really dangerous," said Ron. "Or both," said Harry.
Adam closed his book, finishing on chapter fifteen and folding an ear into the top of the page.
He closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the bark of the trees trunk.
It had been over two weeks since Micheal’s last visit and subsequent leaving. Adam had been more than patient waiting for his return. He’d prayed and prayed, apologized and even wrote his prayers to Micheal in his sketch book. (Eventually tearing out that page and folding it into an ‘I’m sorry’ card.)
Adam had spent time pondering, how can a cosmic being of eternal celestial existence be so petty?
Sure, Adam was rude. He shouldn’t have made the comments that he did, but- It’s not like he said anything insane, they were relatively mundane concerns.
Plus, Adam had literally given up his life for Micheal, he definitely had the right to be a little pissed.
Annoyed or not, still Adam couldn’t help but long for some interaction, solitude is nice but he gets so bored and so lonely. It’s not that he isn’t used to be on his own, but he isn’t used to being so entirely and absolutely alone. There was always a delivery guy, or the clerk at a grocery store, or a waitress, he was never completely isolated like this.
It had been about two days since he last tried a prayer to Micheal and he didn’t necessarily feel like starting a new one now. He resolved to just think about Micheal a little more, work through it in his head like he had so many times before.
The difference this time is he was sort of starting to… Miss… Micheal.
He missed him.
Not because he even knew Micheal, not because he liked or enjoyed Micheal.
But because Micheal was quite literally his only option for companionship. So if you want to blame someone, blame the human brains need for social stimulus, not Adam.
He momentarily debated calling out to Micheal, not in a prayer but just talking to him. The thought was abruptly met with the archangels voice.
“Hello, Adam.” Micheals flat voice said from in front of the tree.
The sudden appearance startled Adam enough to drop his book and lose his balance on the branch. He wobbled not falling but ending up having to jump down when he couldn’t steady himself again. He landed a little roughly still shocked by Micheals return after the the half-month hiatus.
He looked up, blue eyes shone in the sun gazing back at him.
“Micheal? What are you doing here? Not that this isn’t a welcomed surprise, it is, I’ve been calling to you and you haven’t given me anything for over two weeks now, I was getting worried-” Adam cut himself off to end his rambling.
“You had desired my presence.”
“What? Oh.” Adam paused realizing what Micheal meant and not loving the answer. “Well, what about the other times I ‘desired your presence.’ where were you then? Ignoring me?”
“Adam, you had not desired my presence any other time. You were angry with me. You desired answers and you desired an outlet for your frustrations, you did not desire my presence, however.”
“Oh yeah? And how would you know that.”
“We share body and mind, Adam. You cannot lie to me, as I cannot lie to you.”
Adam shrugged this claim off, bending down to pick his fallen book out of the cool shaded grass a couple feet behind the two.
“Alright, well, thanks for… Showing up, I guess.”
“It is my pleasure, Adam.”
“Uh-huh, well can I make a request?”
“Of course.”
“Can you, not leave for weeks on end in the future, or at least could you warn me before you do.”
“Yes to which part?”
“Both, I will try to remain present for you, but if for some unforeseen reason my presence it required elsewhere for an extended time period, I will inform you of said event in advance.”
“Okay, good.” Adam huffed, rocking on his feet a bit.
The pair shared a couple minutes of awkward silence, in which Micheal continued his staring and Adams eyes shifted to be anywhere else but in meeting with Micheal’s.
When Adam finally did look back at Micheal he noted the subtle tilt of his brow, Micheal appeared confused? Why did he have that look? Moments before Adam got to ask Micheal, what on earth (no pun intended) was confusing him. Micheal broke the silence.
“Why, what?”
“Why do you want me to stay and inform you if I will be leaving?”
Adams cheeks flushed slightly, that’s what was confusing Micheal, why Adam wanted him around.
“Well, because… You know. I’m just a guy, and guys need friends. I dunno how it works out in heaven but on earth we have friends.”
“Provide an example fitting of the word friend. I am aware of the definition but would like some clarification with example.”
“Okay well, a friend is someone you spend a lot of time with and are close to.“
“I have many brethren in heaven whom I work closely together with for long periods of time.”
“Right, well, do you particularly enjoy any of your ‘brethren’s’ company more than another? Do you seek out that person to spend time together?”
“I suppose I find Rapheal more tolerable than most other angels.”
“Okay, good! So do you like when you and Rapheal are together?”
“We are mainly together on business, I like that we have a common objective and that Rapheal can complete tasks with such efficiency.”
“Yeah… Okay don’t worry about trying to figure it out right now, I’ll explain it later.”
Adam waved Micheal’s confused expression off.
“Basically, I want your company sometimes because being all alone sucks for humans. Does that make sense.”
“Yes, I am aware you are herd-centric creatures. The need for a pack is inherently hardwired into your brain.”
Adam stared at Micheal with an annoyed expression.
“Yeah we’re that. So do you agree? Will you stay here with me sometimes and be my friend?”
“I suppose I will.”
Adam had a sense of accomplishment and pride festering inside, glad that Micheal had agreed to companionship and honestly not sure what he would’ve done if Micheal denied.
But this meant he didn’t have to be alone anymore, and that was awesome news.
“Great! Lets start tomorrow then!”
A/N: If anyone needs the numbers in numeric form and not words here you go, 387,464 and 13,844,726,931.
A/N: I think we sometimes forget how young Adam is when he first is trapped in the cage, I wanted to convey that immaturity through the childish way he argues with Micheal.
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gay-destiel · 7 months
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midam + taylor swift
michael/adam milligan + mine
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13x02 · 11 months
i promis eim writing someone needs to hold me at gunpoint to finish the 3 jack drafts . i also have a midam one im sorry theyre on my mind
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michaelmilligan · 2 years
Stickwitu by The Pussycat Dolls, Midam anthem:
So don't you worry about People hanging around They ain't bringing us down I know you and you know me And that's, that's why I say, hey
Nobody gonna love me better I'ma stickwitu forever Nobody gonna take me higher I'ma stickwitu
You know how to appreciate me I'ma stickwitu, my baby Nobody ever made me feel this way I'ma stickwitu
Nobody gonna love me better I'ma stickwitu forever Nobody gonna take me higher I'ma stickwitu
You know how to appreciate me I'ma stickwitu, my baby Nobody ever made me feel this way I'ma stickwitu
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tuometarr · 11 months
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...I love how I'm working on my WIP and it's supposed to be "canon compliant" or at least "canon compatible." But like... 15×18 except Michael's confirmed to be wearing a vacation t-shirt he got with Adam, and most likely pajama pants (or it could be jeans).
So I guess that's how the Winchesters find him.
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freetobeafcknriot · 5 months
you know those stories of people out there who feed crows so much that they end up befriending them and finding themselves with shiny trinkets the crows picked up while they were doing their own thing and bought back to them as a gift? adam would be exactly like that except he literally was doing the equivalent of who goes to the park to feed bread to the ducks. like he was there for the ducks and the squirrels and the bugs. hadn't even spotted anything weird. yet next thing he knows poof! he's a friend to a murder of crows and he's naming them.
it was michael's fault, animals can sense his presence and are drawn to him. just fyi. disney princess jokes were made.
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jumptheshark · 1 month
NO fucking way i get a midam edit on my fyp UNPROVOKED and it’s THIS 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
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