starzollena · 5 years
I miss #midcinfanfic days 😪☹️ Suddenly I need to read a fanfiction about rayvis harneit ☹️
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starlitsummermoon · 6 years
The peace that has blessed Wysteria for decades is suddenly threatened when a dormant desire of a King emerges. Striving to be the strong ruler the late Queen was, the Princess slowly uncovers her mother’s well hidden past, as it plagued by tragedy and haunted by death.
Meanwhile, the young princess’s relationship with a soon to be knight becomes frustrating as he refuses to understand her duties to the country. Confused and hurt, a dashing prince from a questionable neighboring country allows her to confide in him. What merely started out as “shoulders to lean on” quickly escalates to more passionate emotions.
All comes crashing down when danger itself seeks her out...
Lacerated Roses
coming very soon...
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catharia-catharsis · 7 years
[MidCin] : And the Clock Struck Midnight ~ {MCxByron}
Catharia’s Note: Just an excuse to write about Byron Wager. I have been stewing over this and because of work I haven’t really had a chance to type this out.  I hope you guys will enjoy and feel free to comment and whatnot.
Warnings: (Good Ol’) Angst, Post-Break Up 
The myriad of beautiful gowns swirled around the young woman who gracefully stepped in unison with both the music and man before her. She met a pair of watchful gray-blue eyes who trailed themselves over her delicate form which almost made her falter. A small smile appeared on her painted lips as her husband gracefully lead her into the final sequence of steps as the music reached a conclusion signaling the end of the dance. The Grand Ballroom was them engulfed with the sound of applause coming from the  dancers as the orchestra stood up and bowed towards them.
"Are you tired?" The deep baritone of her King caught her attention as he offered her his arm which she immediately accepted.
"I'm fine." The woman replied and allowed her husband to lead her towards one of the vacant chaise lounges by the elaborate decorated wall. "Maybe just a bit thirsty."
With an elegant flick of her husband's hand, a butler shortly approached the couple and Byron offered his wife a glass of champagne before taking a seat beside her. Presently, the newly-wedded King and Queen of Stein had been invited to the occasion and it was the first public event they attended as a couple.
Silence stretched between the two and the young bride could only sip the cold glass of alcohol she had been offered while the man beside her remained unmoving. It was like the  first time he met her--a diplomatic visit from Stein, which not under special circumstances. She was timid and soft-spoken for the duration of their brief conversation but she took a liking to him. Of course, she was beautiful and charming like most women who came from nobility yet it was not enough to break his icy demeanour.
The  Crown Princess of Protea--now Queen of Stein--watched as the dance floor cleared once more when another group of guests made their way unto the center. In a few moments, a new song started and she immediately recognized the melody being played as one of Wysteria's popular waltzes. The soft melody sailed through the room and in the corner of her eye, the Princess watched her husband's eye begin to scan the floor as if in search for something--rather, someone, through the crowd of dancers.
She was here.
Their engagement was brief and rather rushed, she would say. But who was she to complain having to marry another powerful and handsome man of another kingdom. The crown Princess of Protea had been blinded by the prospect of marrying the esteemed and noble Byron Wagner that she paid no mind to the gossip--she was a rebound from his previous engagement to another well-known individual, the Princess-elect of Wysteria.
It was halfway through the dance that the young woman finally spotted her--The Wysterian Princess. The said royal was gracefully twirled by her dance partner, sending her lace and pearl embroidered satin skirts in an elegant flurry. The young woman's chestnut tresses had been styled in loose curls and decorated in small diamonds to compliment her own features--especially those gentle cinnamon-coloured eyes. Beside her, the King of Stein remained quiet but she could tell that he had caught sight of the other woman for his body stiffened ever so slightly.
I wish you would look at me like that.
Jealousy welled up in the girl's chest as she  bit her tongue and lifted the flute of champagne to ease the slight sting. It was unfair. She was the Queen of Stein who is greatly admired and  could get anything she wanted. Anything but her husband's affections which remained elsewhere.
Although her husband had never mistreated her for the duration of both their engagement and marriage, the Queen of Stein could not bear to watch her husband stare longingly at the woman who broke his heart in the first place.
"May I be excused?" The female spoke after setting down the empty glass then making a move to stand.
Before the raven-haired King could offer his wife any accompaniment, the female quickly dropped into a curtsy and made her way towards the lieu with one of her ladies-in-waiting following closely behind.
As lively melody ended, the Wysterian Princess moved unto a curtsey as she bowed her head towards her dance partner who returned the gesture. Shortly, the said female weaved through the crowd to make her way towards one of the refreshment tables where she briefly stood and conversed with a few Laurellian nobles.
Giles had promised her that an hour or two of dancing and conversations with a few noblemen and women would be sufficient enough until she could return home. The Princess had prayed hard to whatever gods were above that she would not run into the king yet fate seemed to have other ideas.
A calm gray eye trailed over the familiar figure of Wysteria's Princess as she excused herself from one of Laurella's nobles. The brunette soon disappeared behind one of the glass doors leading unto a balcony that looked over Stein's royal gardens--perhaps for some fresh air. It had only been a few years since the two had last seen each other and yet the mere sight of the woman he loved flooded him with emotions. Five years had since passed since Byron and the Princess of Wysteria both decided to dissolve their engagement and live separate lives--much to the shock of both Wysteria and Stein's citizens who approved of the match unlike the nobles.
From across the ballroom, Byron watched the moonlight bathe the Princess' silhouette as she stood by the balustrade, gazing at the starry sky all the while holding a small flute of champagne. He silently wondered if it was possible that she looked much more beautiful after all those years they had been separated. The raven-haired king observed for a few more moments  before finally making his way over to her all the while ignoring the glances of some men and women whom he had passed.
Etiquette be damned.
The sound of laughter and idle chatter became much more faint as he entered the balcony. The woman clad in blue remained quiet, not indicating that she had heard him enter the small space, and continued to gaze at the night sky.
"Good Evening."
The Princess of Wysteria blinked at the familiar voice of the man she had been avoiding the whole night. The female plastered on a smile before tuning towards the King of Stein and dropping into a graceful curtsey before meeting a stormy grey eye.
"Ah, Your Majesty." The brunette greeted the regally dressed man with a smile. "It has been a while."
"Yes…It has been." The man replied as he slowly made his way over to the balustrade to look over the dimly lit garden. "You look…beautiful."
"T-Thank you." The female averted her eyes as she sipped the last of her drink while watching the night sky. "It's a bit late but--Congratulations on your marriage."
For years she had done a marvelous job in lying to herself and the one she loved in the hopes of doing what is best for both their countries in the future. Even after five years, the Wysterian Princess dreaded having to take part in any social event that Byron would be attending--forcing her to interact with him which she deemed to be too painful. The Princess of Wysteria turned her head towards her ex-lover and fiancée only to find him staring at her intently.
"I-Is something wrong?"
"Do you regret it?" The sudden question and intense look coming from the King of Stein caught the female off guard making her take a step back.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Do you regret your decision?"
A sudden gust of wind hit the two royals which ruffled the their respective cape and skirts. The blowing wind could not deter the female from turning her gaze away from that burning grey orb. She would be lying if she said that she didn't miss him at all--she loved him still.
"Sometimes." A wistful smile slowly creeped into the young woman's face as she lowered her gaze. "But it was for the best. "
Even after five years, she could not find anyone that filled the void in her heart. She promptly ignored the court's insistence of her finding a husband and instead immersed herself in her work, choosing to rule alone.
Now, here she was. Alone and feeling more miserable in front of the only person whom she had ever loved. She sent a fleeting glance at the entrance to the ballroom and she could see a few individuals who seemed to be peering through the near translucent curtains into the balcony.
"It was nice to see you, Your Majesty, but I must be on my way." The Princess of Wysteria bowed her head an indication that she was prepared to leave. "Please excuse me."
It was risky being alone with Byron for too long and she did not want to make a scene at such a formal gathering--it would be a scandal. A quick retreat was in order and she would do so subtly and immediately make her way home. The female  she slowly edged from the regally dressed royal, promptly leaving him on the balcony.
As the princess of Wysteria approached the ballroom, another silhouette stood in front of making her step aside. Hostility radiated off the Queen of Stein who stared at her intently and she met those eyes with unflinching confidence. If looks could kill then the brunette would have been dead before she could take a step from the ballroom but she would not be swayed easily, especially knowing that she did nothing wrong.
Well…That's not what the Queen of Stein thinks.
"Stay away from him." The woman spoke softly enough for only for her to hear as she passed her while reentering the lively ballroom. "He's mine."
I know.
Years of etiquette that had been ingrained on the brunette kept her emotions from easily being read by others--an advantage she had learned to appreciate. The brunette carried herself with poise and grace that would make Giles proud if he saw her. The crowd parted as Wysteria's princess walked on, ignoring their glances whilst keeping her cool  gaze. A few more people took a few steps back to make way for her as she continued towards the ballroom's large and elegantly decorated doors.
It was only until that the Princess reached the empty halls and was boarding her carriage when she heard the sound of the nearby castle clock tower's bell chiming. The cold midnight air made her shiver as she turned around to cast one last longing glimpse of the castle before disappearing into her carriage.
Unknowingly, steel gray eyes followed the runaway princess' figure as she cast a brief look over the stone building then climbing unto her carriage. Byron could see past that careful mask the woman wore for the whole evening and he found remorse and sadness although she tried so hard to hide it.
It didn't matter if they still loved each other.
It was already too late for they had chosen their paths.
He knew that they would never meet again.
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adralockhartfanfic · 7 years
@astridapples I actually finished one lol
Sid stood on the balcony outside the apartment he and Adra used to share. The cool night air blew past him ruffling his hair blowing small strands in his face. A deep growl came from his lips as his fist pounded against the railing repeatedly. All his anger slamming into the steel bar,
He screamed his voice echoing across the sleepy city beneath him,
“Why the hell did you do something so stupid”
His mind flashed back to exact moment he had lost her. It was two am on a Friday night, closing time at his favorite bar. Adra was working the night shift at the local hospital before she left she had asked him not to get too drunk. She knew he routine all too well, he sat at the bar plastered. His mind fuzzy from the alcohol, when a young girl who was just as drunk as he began to hit on him. He knew deep inside it was wrong but it felt so good to be wanted by a younger girl.
 In the meantime, Adra was finishing up her shift at the hospital sighing under breath she spoke in a soft voice,
“I really hope he isn’t wasted again”
She pulled her bag over her shoulder heading for home. Sid unlocked the door to the apartment the door hitting the wall as their bodies slammed into it a mess of sloppy kisses and groping hands. Adra stared down at the sparkling blue engagement on his finger as she rode the elevator to the thirteenth floor. A ding snapped her back to her senses, stepping out of the elevator she continued to play with her engagement ring sliding it back and forth across her finger. She had a sinking feeling in pit of her stomach, but just shook it off like see did everything else that concerned Sid.
 She dug through her bag pulling her keys from deep inside, rounding the corner she looked up to see their apartment door cracked open. A smirked formed on her face rolling her eyes, she pushed the door open half expecting to see Sid passed out on the couch asleep, but the room was silent. She saw the bedroom door closed, she heard muffled moaning coming from the door. She rolled her eyes one more thinking he was watching porn again,
“God, he is always horny”
Her words rolling off her lips pushing the door open,
“You know you could have waited until I got-“
Her words stopped mid-sentence, the sight before her rendering her speechless. Long blonde locks cascaded down a tanned bare back, the white sheets she picked out with Sid wrapped around her bare ass. Her mouthed dropped open at the sight of Sid underneath her bouncing body his eyes closed, mouth agape.
Her tears wouldn’t stop streaming down her face watching the spectacle in front of her. Her soft whisper reach his ears, he looked up at Adra. The image of her face forever burnt into his memory. Her chest rising as she tried desperately to hold back her tears,
“Oh, god Adra”
He pushed the young blonde off him grabbing the sheets and wrapping them around his waist. He stood in front of her, tears welled in her eyes.
“I’m sor-“
She held her left hand up to his face, stopping him from speaking. Her eyes landed on the ring on her finger. Taking his hand in hers, she slipped the ring off her finger and placed it into his open hand closing his palm around it. Turning away saying nothing to him at all, her back convulsing as he watched her leave. Dropping to his knees, as the door shut behind her.
 He hung over the balcony crying, tears running down his face. His knuckles now a bloody mess, he opened his hand. Her ring laid inside, he heart breaking in his chest, he knew that he had hurt her in a way she should have never been hurt. His arm outstretched over the railing, turning his hand dropping the ring thirteen floors to the ground below. Cracking the gem just as both of their lives had been fractured.
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starlitsummermoon · 6 years
I have to request some NSFW Sid!! Scenario..public sex while out on a date
Smoothing out my skirt, I gently placed myself down on the blanket Sid had set out for us. The tall grass crumpled beneath could have easily been mistaken for a plush cushion. Slipping off my shoes, I stretched my legs out to tickle my toes against the blades of our green fortress, nearly towering over me. The cooling sensation was relaxing.
Other couples had found their spots along the shore of the lake, spread out of course. This particular lake star viewing festival in Laurelia was mainly for couples, to gaze upon the sea of stars out in the wilderness. Before I became princess, I had never heard of this romantic festival, and now I couldn’t remember how it was brought to my attention, because I was here! I was really here, with the love of my life.
“Eeee!” I squealed as Sid sat next to me, cradling my body against his, his hot body contrasting with the cool terrain. “I’m so excited! I’ve never done something like this!”
“I knew you’d love this,” his breath caressed my neck, pulling me close to him, “the best part is the privacy.” His grin could be felt on the soft hairs of my nape. Having him this close almost made me feel like I was in my own “home away from home.”
“With this tall grass, I can see why couples enjoy coming here. I saw plenty of people before we settled in, but now I can’t really hear or see anybody-”
Sid’s arms wrapped around me, pulling me down to the blanket. It took a moment for me to process what had just happened. The sudden gesture sparked my core, sending chills down my bare legs. Securing me next to him, we made ourselves comfortable, almost too comfortable. His hand wasted no time in finding my breast, slightly exposed by my summer blouse, squeezing and massaging it as tiny moans fell from my lips.
“Sid,” my whimpers were nearly drowned out by the rustling the grasses around us. “Not here. I don’t want anyone to see us… like this.” I knew there was a reason I dressed for hot weather for he was heating me up faster than noon.
“They won’t,” his teeth nipped at my earlobe, his other hand gliding up the loose folds of my skirt, dancing on my skin the whole way, “as long as we’re quiet.” I felt his fingertips against my panties, a shrill of pleasure pulsated through my skin.
“Aa-!” the strong bicep that pillowed head brought my face towards him, his lips capturing my cries of delight, his fingers slipping underneath the cotton barrier. The spark I felt earlier erupted into fire as I writhed against him, becoming drunk on the peaking thrill his fingertips delivered, teasing to go further, deeper.
“Why here?” I gasped between breaths of our kiss, growing more passionate by the second. “Why now?” My leg wrapped around his torso, giving him more access to my slick folds, desperately hoping he could hear my silent invitation. Refusing to answer me with words, his tongue lured be back into our kiss as his fingers delved inside.
The intensity of his magic forced me to throw my head back, breaking our kiss, yet forcing his lips into my chest as he seamless switched from kisses to nips and licks. My fingers entangled themselves in his hair, my eyes focusing on the twinkling stars above us for the first time that night.
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adralockhart-blog · 7 years
Sid’s Babygirl ~
I never write sweet stuff....so sorry if it sucks XD
Sid's fingers slipped through her long locks as she slept, his dark blue hues shimmering in the candlelight of the bedroom that surrounded them. His fingers trailed down from her hair, down the softness of her arm. Pale and beautiful lightly scented with rose from her recent soak in the bath. Breathing in deeply Sid sighed to himself content in her presence. His lips curving up into a smile as he reach the tip of her fingers. Lifting her limp arm to kiss each tiny digit before lying it back down on her side, his orbs landing on her stomach. Swollen from his daughter growing inside her, the doctors say any day now. He watched her stomach move from the little girl inside kicking up a storm,  she moved and groaned in pain she hadn't slept much at all in the last few weeks. Sid sat up from the bed moving his head to lay on the side of her stomach. "Hey little one, you must let your mother get some rest." a swift kick came to the side of his face making him chuckle rubbing his cheek. "Just like your mom, tell you what. How about I sing you a lullaby?"  She husky low voice began to sing, the tune of twinkle twinkle little star. The little girl in her mother's stomach started to cease movement at her father's voice. Slowly falling asleep inside her womb, Sid heard a soft sigh escape her lips knowing she was at ease. He continued to sing to the little girl from the outside stopping briefly to whisper. "I can't wait to meet you princess." He kissed her stomach closing his eyes humming the tune till he fell asleep himself.
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confused-tofu · 8 years
@emigotchi and I made a deal. She held up her end. Here’s the result of mine.
Nutmeg has a curious smell. Depending on the season, it can mean different things.
It’s at its most comforting in wintertime, at least it is for me. It leads to eggnog, mulled wine, sweet pies, and the holidays. It’s in the air when I meet friends, family, and strangers who wear thick scarves and smiles.
It is nowhere to be found, however, when I hurry through the light snow, walking home from work. We’ve been let off early today, to avoid the coming storm. I duck my head against the flurries, wishing bitterly for the hat I left at work in my haste. My heavy steps both crunch and sink into the fresh snow. All around people are bustling about, carrying shopping bags and packages. I move around them as they walk my way, granting them passage with their heavy burdens-
Before I realize what’s happened, I have fallen to my hands and knees over another human being on the sidewalk. The girl below me squeaks an apology and attempts to stand, but finds my torso in her path and slips once again. As she falls, she knocks my arm out from under me, and I go tumbling down once again.
At the end of all this, the two of are soaking wet from the snow, in a tangle on the sidewalk. I am at last able to see the girl who caused me to fall in the first place. Her short hair frames a cute face, with large dark eyes staring back at me nervously. She blinks.
“I-I’m so sorry, I dropped my earmuffs and tripped when I went to get them, I didn’t see you…”
I feel my face break into a smile, and I begin to laugh softly. She watches me, incredulous. “You know,” I can finally say, “they work better when they’re on your ears.”
She looks at me for a beat, and then begins to laugh with me. “I guess I’m just not coordinated… e-muff.” She holds up her earmuffs with a shy smile.
The pun is so ridiculous and unexpected I can’t help but laugh harder.
Once I regain my composure and get to my feet, I help her up.
“May I ask your name?”
She looks to her feet, but I see her smile and her dusty pink cheeks.
“Lovely to meet you, Emi.”
Her number safe in my pocket, I watch her gather her earmuffs and bag. As she turns to go, I can catch the scent of nutmeg from her hair.
I can’t stop smiling.
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adralockhartfanfic · 7 years
The Painter
I leaned over Robert’s shoulder to take a look at the new painting he was working on. He raised his arm in the air blocking my view
“No peeking!”
“Ah come on Robert just a little peek”
“Not yet”
He pushed me gently toward the sofa, I turned out and stuck my tongue out at him as I sat down. I looked around the room at beautiful paintings lining walls, each one so lifelike and full of personality.
“So princess, you needed to talk to me”
Robert spoke without looking away from his canvas. I watched as he dipped his brush in paints his hand elegantly moving with each stroke.
“Um yeah, I just needed to vent”
“Vent away” “Giles is really on my ass lately about this prince consort thing and it’s just getting under skin I guess”
“Haven’t you found anyone interesting yet?”
I blushed profusely, I couldn’t tell him that it was him.
“Yes I’ve met many potential suitors but”
Robert looked up from his canvas his eyes locking with mine.
“I found someone I really like, but I doubt he feels the same”
“How do you know that? Have you asked him?”
“No I could never ask him that, it’s just embarrassing”
“Then how will you truly know?”
Robert was right how would I ever know. He always treats me like a child, I guess it can’t be helped he tutored me many years ago. I wish he would see me for the woman I’ve become.
“Earth to Adra”
Before I knew it he was standing in front of me snapping his fingers.
“Oh sorry”
“It’s getting late why don’t you come back tomorrow, you don’t want people to get wrong idea do you?”
He winked his eye at me with a smile on his face. I really didn’t mind what people thought honestly. I stood to leave and noticed red silk fabric covering over his fresh painting.
“All in good time Adra”
“Fine, fine”
I stood at his door and bid him a goodnight. Robert returned to the canvas and pulled off the sheet to reveal a rough painting of Adra sitting by the riverbank picking petals off a daisy.
“You have no idea how beautiful you truly are”
 The following day after finishing my studies Giles, I went to the garden to get some fresh air, there I found Robert painting the garden flowers. With careful steps I snuck up behind or so I thought,
“Ah princess, what do I owe the honor of your presence”
“I was just getting some fresh air”
“I see”
I stood beside him, looking down at the picture before him. Beautiful yellow and red daisies graced the canvas, my favorite.
“Your paintings are beautiful; I wish I could paint like that”
“I could teach you if you want”
My face turned a deep crimson, he looked up at me and smiled. That smile made my heart melt.
“Of course, I’ll ask Giles for you”
“Oh thank you!”
I wrapped my arms around his neck before I knew what I was doing. I pulled away from him quickly. His face turned a pink shade of pink. Is he blushing? No it must be my imagination.
“Well I’m done for the day; I’ll see you later Adra”
He hurriedly packed his things and returned to the palace.
“Okay bye”
I whispered as I watched him leave.
A few days later Giles told me I would have my first lesson with Robert. I couldn’t control the smile on my face. I ran excitedly to Robert’s chambers and knocked on the door,
“I’m here”
“Come in”
I opened the door to see Robert setting up a blank canvas and paints for me. He turned and smiled at me. Oh god I thought not that smile not now, my face was red hot. He held out an apron to me,
“What’s this for?”
“You can’t be soiling your beautiful dress”
“Oh okay”
He sweet voice resonated in my ears, I was so nervous I struggled to put on the apron.
“Come here I’ll help”
I turned around, he moved my hair to the side to tie the apron around neck. His soft touch made shivers run down my spine. After neatly tying a bow he placed his hands on my shoulders and whispered in my ear,
“All done”
Oh god I never going to make it through this alive. I placed my hand over my chest where my heart raced inside. I took a deep breath and readied myself.
“Okay so we are going to start out with something simple”
“I’m ready”
I faced the canvas brush in hand, my pallet in the other.
“You’re going to paint this vase of flowers”
He placed a small blue vase with bright yellow sunflowers in it on a small table in front of me.
“Are you sure about this?”
“I have the upmost confidence in you”
“If you say so”
I was truly unsure about myself, but I began to paint anyways. To hell with it, you only live once. Robert sat at his desk sipping tea while Adra painting, he enjoyed watching her ever changing facial expressions. It reminded him of when she was younger. But she was no longer that young girl, she had developed in all the right places he thought. An hour had passed and I was finally done,
“I’m finished”
“Let’s see”
I stepped away from the canvas to show Robert my work. I waited patiently for his criticism, he was deep in thought.
“It’s terrible isn’t it?”
“I wouldn’t say that, it just different that’s all”
Different yeah that’s the nice way of saying it sucks, my face fell. I cast my eyes to the ground,
“Hey don’t pout like that”
“Sorry I’m not very good”
“Don’t worry about that, you’ll get better with time”
He lifted my chin to look at him, he smiled brightly at me. Causing me to smile back, he turned my chin and looked at the side of my face.
“You sure are a messy painter”
He took a piece of cloth and wiped yellow paint from my cheek, his face was so close to mine.
“There all better”
Our eyes met and for a moment I thought I could lose myself in those eyes of his. Before I knew our lips were drawn together, I felt the sweet warmth of his lips on mine. I clutched his onto his jacket for I feared my legs would give out at any moment. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, once our lips parted I could barely breath.
“Wow that was um”
Robert was at a loss for words, so was I truthfully
“Yeah it was”
I giggled in response and he chuckled right after.
 We moved our bodies away from each other both of us with red faces. Robert scratched his head shyly while clearing his throat,
“Well I think that’s enough for today, you don’t want to be late for your lesson with Leo”
I looked up at the clock and sure enough it was five minutes before three,
“Ah shit”
I hurriedly pulled the apron over my head leaving my hair a disheveled mess, I quickly opened the door and turned back to Robert,
“I’ll see you later then”
“You can count on it”
Adra smiled as she closed the door leaving Robert a mess of emotions, he placed his hand over his heart racing in chest, her sweet lips still lingered on his own
“You have no idea what you do to me”
I ran as quickly as I could to the library, I burst in the door out of breath to find Leo already waiting for me.
“My-my princess being tardy is very un-lady like”
“I’m sorry, my painting lesson ran late”
“Mm-hmm I see”
Leo looked Adra over as she sat down and opened her book, face flushed and her hair and dress were out of order,
“I’m sure painting is all you did”
“Hmm? Did you say something?”
“Nothing at all, let’s get started”
My lesson with Leo carried on into the early evening and I needed some time outside before bed, I watched as the setting sun painted the sky beautiful tones of red and orange. I sighed contently to myself,
“Hello princess”
I turned to greet to owner of the voice beside me,
“Hello Sid”
The palace information dealer, I knew he had an important place here at the palace but he annoyed the hell out of me. He wrapped and arm around my shoulder, I rolled my eyes as he spoke
“So Adra, have you chosen anyone as your prince yet?”
“No Sid not yet”
“Then how about you and I go find a secret place and go make some magic”
“I think I’ll pass on that”
I pushed him away, but he pulled me back into his embrace.
“Oh come on it will be fun”
“I’m serious Sid back off”
I shoved him hard away from me and ran back into the palace. Robert watched Adra and Sid from his window, his blood boiled. Later that night Sid was leaving Giles’ chamber when he past Robert in the corridor,
“Sid could I have a word with you in my chambers?”
“Yeah whatever”
Sid followed Robert back to his room, Robert closed the door behind him a devilish grin on his face.
 The next while I ate breakfast, Giles went over my schedule for the day. I yawned softly,
“Tired are we?”
“Well its lucky you have tomorrow off then”
He nodded his head, I squealed with satisfaction causing him to furrow his brow. I sit up straight and began to eat my breakfast again.
“Ah yes, I almost forgot. Sid has requested your presence, seems urgent.”
I dropped my fork on my plate with a clink, of all the people I wanted to see this early in the morning, Sid wasn’t one of them.
“Is everything okay princess?”
“Yeah I’m fine”
“He is waiting in the study for you”
I walked to the study as slowly as I possibly could, I knocked on the door
“Come in”
I stepped inside closing the door behind me, Sid had his back turned to me.
“What do you want now?”
“I must apologize for my behavior yesterday in the garden”
I scoffed at his response,
“Seriously your apologizing? What’s gotten into you?”
Sid turned towards me, I was shocked at his appearance. He had black eye, bloodied lip and visibly broken nose.
“What the hell happened to you?”
“What the fuck does it look like?”
“It looks like you got your ass beat”
I grabbed my stomach laughing at him, tears formed in the corners of my eyes. You’re such a hardass but you just got fucked up.
“It isn’t funny and you can go to hell”
He pushed me out of the way of the door slamming it behind him. I leaned against the wall and breathed out a sigh of relief. Still I wonder who did that to him. I went on about my day with a smile on my face, my lesson with Leo ended late evening and I ran into Robert on my way to my chamber.
“Evening princess”
“Evening Robert”
“Late night huh?”
“Yes but I have tomorrow finally”
“Ah any plans?”
“I want to go into town, it’s been ages since I’ve been”
“That sounds wonderful, mind if I’m your escort for the day?”
“I’d be delighted!”
“It’s a date”
I blushed slightly and bid him a goodnight rushing off to my chambers, after changing I jumped into bed replaying his words in my mind before drifting off to sleep.
 I woke up earlier than expected the next morning, I spent hours adjusting my dress and fiddling with hair until it was finally perfect. I heard a knock at the door,
“It’s me”
“Come in”
Robert stepped through the door, he saw Adra standing there with a smile on her face. Her rose scented perfume tickled his nose as he breathed in his surroundings.
“Something wrong?”
“Not at all, your stunning”
Her face immediately turned red at his words and she turned her face away from him,
“The carriage is waiting for us, are you ready to go?”
“Y-Yes I am”
We arrived in town after a short time, the plaza was lined with crowds of people. The sweet smells of the bakery filled my nose, I inhaled with a deep breath. God I’ve missed this place, I skipped happily beside Robert.
“This place has changed so much”
“That’s right you haven’t been here in years”
“I love this place”
I sigh happily and smiled up at Robert,
“Hey I have an idea”
Robert grabbed my hand and took off running, he had a huge smile on his face. I ran behind him laughing uncontrollably. He seemed so innocent and carefree, it reminded me of when me were kids. He finally stopped in front of his childhood house, now empty.
“Wow this brings back memories”
“Yeah it does”
“And there’s my house”
I pointed to a small cottage only three houses away. I smiled at him and tugged at his arm
“Hey the swing is still out back, let’s go!”
We stood in the backyard of my parents’ house, now mine since they past looking at the old swing that hung from the tree branch.
“Remember how you used to push me on this for hours”
“Yeah it was impossible to get you off”
I giggled reminiscing the memories of Robert and I as a child,
‘One more push please’
‘My arms are going to fall off’
He stood behind the swing motioning me over,
“One more push for old times’ sake”
I sat down in the swing, the branch creaked under my weight. He placed his hands on my back a gave a me a big push. I screamed excitedly, laughing and kicking my legs. He stood in front of me as I leaned my head back and watched the clouds, they were dark and grey. All of a sudden a loud clap of thunder boomed through the air.
“Maybe we should find some shelter”
“Oh come on”
“I’m serious”
“But I’m having fun”
I looked at him and pouted, with another clap of thunder the rain started pouring down.
“Oh that’s cold”
“Come on”
Robert grabbed my hand and we ran into the house, lightning lit up the exterior of the house brightly. Both us stood there soaked, I shivered.
“Let me find some candles”
“I’ll start a fire”
I left Robert to search for matches and some candles. While he started a fire to warm us, I came back and found a roaring fire already lit. I watched his profile in the fires flickering light. Drops of water dripped from the tips of his hair and rolled down his face and to his chest. My started to pound,
“When did you get so sexy”
“Say something?”
I froze up, I didn’t realize I had said it out loud. I tried desperately to cover my tracks.
“No nothing at all, I found some candles and a blanket”
“Good, good”
He took his jacket off and started unbuttoning his shirt,
“Whoa what are you doing?”
“Getting out of these wet clothes, which you should be doing as well. You don’t want to catch a cold do you?”
“Um no but”
He grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around his shoulders, his eyes elicited with passion I could see through the distance between us,
“Now hurry up and take off yours, I’ll keep you warm”
 “Fine but close your eyes”
He sat down on the floor in front of the fire, he scoffed as he closed his eyes and opened his arms wide. I stripped down to my undergarments, I sat down between his legs. He pulled me close to him wrapping the blanket and his arms around me. I felt his warm chiseled chest against my back, it heated me up in a second. His breath on my neck sent ripples of pleasure through my body, my pulse quickened. I’m sure he felt it,
“Um Robert?”
“Could you not breath on my neck?”
“You mean like this?”
He blew hot air across the back of my neck, I let out a soft moan
“I guess you don’t want me to do this either”
I felt his lips on my neck, he placed soft kisses down to my shoulder. He leaned close and whispered huskily into my ear,
“Adra I want you”
He hands caressed me under the blankets, each touch hotter than the last. I leaned back into him wrapping my arms around his neck. I want him so bad, no I needed him. He dropped the blanket to reveal our half naked bodies, he pulled me down to the floor and hovered over me. Trailing kiss from my neck to my stomach. I arched my back his lips felt like fire burning me from the inside out. As the storm raged outside I gave myself over to absolute pleasure.
 I awoke the next morning; Robert lay asleep beside me. I held my hand up into my view my fingers still intertwined with his, I looked closer at his knuckles. They were black and blue,
“-Nnn Adra”
Robert stirred out of his sleep his eyes focusing on Adra’s face, he smiled brightly.
“Robert can I ask you something?”
“What happened to your hand?”
“Oh that”
“Uh yeah that”
“Well it seems Sid’s face had a disagreement with my fist”
“Seriously? You did that to him?”
He chuckled softly, then looked me straight in the eyes.
“I can’t stand it when other men put their hands on the woman I love”
He sat up leaning against the couch,
“Yes Adra I love you”
My face flushed bright red, I tried to understand the words that he just said. My head was spinning, my vision blurry from tears. I jumped into his arms, just before the tears started to flow from my eyes.
“I love you too Robert”
I looked up into his eyes, I began to cry uncontrollably.
“Adra what wrong?
“I’ve loved you for so long, ever since we were kids. When you left my heart broke, I thought I’d never see you again. And when I came to the castle and found you in courtyard all my feelings came flooding came back, it’s like a dream”
He held my face in his hands wiping my tears with his thumb
“Adra I’m never going anywhere ever again. I’ve loved you from the moment I laid I eyes on you and I never stopped. Those years in I spend in Stein you were all I could think about, I missed you so much”
I smiled at him with everything I had through the tears that streamed down my face, our lips met and body felt like I was flying.
We returned back to castle, I held Roberts hand
“Come on I want to tell Giles right away!”
“Are you sure about this?”
“Of course I am! You’re the only one I’ll choose as my prince!”
We stood in front of Giles’ office and knocked on the door.
“Come in”
“Ah princess and Robert, what can I do for you”
I began to speak my voice unsteady, Robert sensed my tension and squeezed my hand giving me the strength to continue.
“Giles-I’ve chosen my prince”
“Hmm? You don’t mean Robert do you?”
“Of course I mean Robert; I’ve loved him since we were kids. He is everything I adore”
“Adra. Princess you can’t choose someone else from common birth, it’s just not possible.”
“Are you saying I can’t choose Robert?”
“Unfortunately yes”
My heart broke into pieces, tears streamed down my face, I couldn’t breathe. I placed my hand over my chest, I gasped for air. I heard Robert call my name but he sounded so far away.
The next thing I knew I was in my bed alone. I must have passed out, remembering the conversation I had with Giles my heart ached and I started to cry, I felt so helpless.
“How could I choose anyone else, there is no one else”
Nico knocked on my door and brought me tea. I tried desperately to wipe away my tears.
“Adra I’m sorry, I heard.”
“Oh Nico. I can’t choose anyone else”
He hugged me tightly as I cried.
“Listen I have a friend that might be willing to help. But you will have to give up everything here. Are you willing to do that for him?”
“Yes I’d give up anything and everything”
“Give me a few days, I’ll speak to Robert as well”
“Thank you Nico”
The next few days, I never left my room. I shut myself inside, I didn’t care about being princess anymore. If I can’t marry someone I love, I don’t want to be part of this.
Late one night Nico came to my room,
“Okay its set, let’s go”
Nico grabbed my luggage and we proceeded to sneak out of the castle, we were immediately caught by Leo.
“And where are you two off to so late at night?”
“Please Leo, let us go. I can’t stay here”
Tears welled in my eyes, he looked at me for what seemed like an eternity. He grabbed and pulled me into a hug.
“Be safe out there okay, I’ll miss you”
“Thank you, I’ll miss you too”
Nico and I ran to the carriage where Robert was waiting for us. Robert and I jumped inside and Nico drove off.
“Where are we going Robert?”
“An old friend decided to hear my plea and help us out”
He stroked my hair as I sat beside him. I soon fell asleep against his chest, leaving Wysteria behind us we raced through the night.
 The sun shined through the carriage windows as we pulled up to a castle.
“Adra wake up were here”
I rubbed my eyes sleepily and sat up.
“As ready as I’ll ever be”
He held onto my hand tight as we stepped out of the carriage. We walked to where Nico stood bowing to none other than King Byron and his knight Albert.
“King Byron? “
“I’m not a princess anymore. You’re the ‘old friend’ that helped us”
“Yes. Robert was tutor for many years and plus in helping you I got my knight back”
He turned his eyes towards Nico,
He smiled brightly at me.
“There is a cottage ready for you two, no one will ever know you are here. Only us three and that’s the way it will stay.”
“I can’t thank you enough King Byron”
I hugged him tightly around his neck, he faces flushed bright red as he patted me on the back.
“Ah yes, your welcome”
I ran into Robert’s arms, he picked me up and twirled around. I placed my hand on his face as he held me
“I love you more than anything”
“I love you too Adra”
I kissed him deeply, pouring all my emotions into him. Nico spoke up standing beside King Byron,
“It’s really too bad, she would have made one hell of a queen”
“I agree”  
Stein is my new home, Robert and I are happier than I’ve ever been in my life. I know I turned my back on my country, but I never wanted to be a princess in the first place. The only regret I have is not saying goodbye to all the people that helped me along the way. But then I see the smiling face of my husband beside me and all those regrets disappear.
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starlitsummermoon · 6 years
Nico X MC - Savory Risk (NSFW)
Requested by @yukarinova ❤️I hope you like it!
Rosita stood in front of her balcony window, mesmerized by the swaying tops of the trees as their leaves glistened in the moonlight. The storm was getting worse as the rain washed over the glass panes. Although it looked chaotic outside, inside, the princess felt somewhat at peace.
“You know,” Nico appeared behind her, locking her waist in his arms to pull her close, “you shouldn’t be standing so close to the window on nights like this.” Resting his chin in her shoulder, he nuzzled his face into her hair to take in her warm scent.
“Oh yeah?” Rosita giggled, feeling his hands running circles down to her thighs as he pressed his body against hers. “Why is that, Nico?”
“Because on nights like this, vampires are lurking about,” his lips grazed her ear as his low voice tickled her spine, “searching for unsuspecting prey-”
“Stop teasing me,” matching his low tone, her arm reached behind her head, running her fingers through his hair.
“And when they find what they’re looking for,” gliding his hand up her chest, he slowly undid the front buttons of her dress while his alluring voice kept her distracted, “they can’t help but want a little taste.”
Running the tip of his tongue along her neck, he pressed her body up against the freezing glass. With her dress now fallen to her ankles, her bare breasts squeaked with the condensation from the window.
“Oh, God, Nico!” she shrieked, his body so close to hers, she felt him quickly undo his belt, his pant falling to the floor. Turning as best she could, her eyes found his, begging for him to continue. “Nico, I- aah!”
Slowly, but forcefully, Nico pushed himself inside her slick entrance, hot and throbbing. Hands now at her hips, she used her newfound freedom to press her hands against the window to relieve some pressure.
“Rosita,” he panted, his thrusts shaking the window, her breasts slipping up and down the glass, their moans drowning out any squeaking. Leaning forward, his teeth sunk into sweat beaded flesh of her neck.
“Nngh!” his princess winced in pain, despite the hint of pleasure she felt from the gesture. Pulling back, Nico licked up any leftover saliva before thrusting harder, faster.
“P-princess!” he shouted, delivering his last thrusts as his seed shot deep inside her. The immense pleasure she felt left her fevered and dizzy as her hands clenched so tightly against her window, her knuckles turned white.
Then, there was a loud knock at her door. Gasping in shock, she had no time to react before Nico pulled the curtain over the two of them. Still panting from the exertion, the small space quickly turned humid, making both of them hotter.
Her door swung open, a clad of footsteps followed.
“Princess Rosita?” Alyn called out, somewhat panicked. “Princess Rosita, are you in here?”
Clasping his hand tightly around her mouth, Nico silenced her heavy breathing, his member still throbbing inside her as their mixed juices drizzled down his leg.
“Ssshhhhh,” his whisper was more like a hiss, flicking his tongue against her earring.
“That’s odd,” the captain of the knights scratched his head as he glanced around the room, searching for any signs of life. “I could have sworn I heard-“
Rosita heard nothing, she was completely focused on keeping silent as Nico continued to slowly push himself in and out, a devilish smirk smearing his lips.
Each moment passed slowly as she prayed that Alyn wouldn’t find them, let alone hear them. Although his movements were slow and easy, the risk intensified the pleasure as she nearly peaked.
Heavy footsteps ventured throughout her room as Alyn suspiciously searched. Her lantern was still flickering, she couldn’t have left it on, or he just missed her.
“Princess?” Alyn called out once more, drawing out his sword. His eyes shifted around the room, his ears strained, ready for any sign of life. “Are you in here?”
Rosita’s body shook intensely. Nico has managed to ease her over the peak of her pleasure, his fingers tightening around her lips as she screamed in her head, but that wasn’t good enough. Wriggling her jaw free, she bit down on his hand in place of moans and screams. He didnt even wince, no matter how hard she bit down.
“Where is she?” Alyn whispered, sheathing his sword. Still suspicious, more concerned, he left her room. The couple waited as they heard the click of the door, listening to his fading footsteps until they were no longer audible.
Flicking the curtain open, Rosita felt relief as a rush of cooling air caressed her face. Still attempting to catch her breath as Nico finally retracted himself from her, sweeping her into his arms.
“Nico,” framing his sweaty face with her hands, she gazed into his large amber orbs, still fiery with passion, “that was so-“
“Sexy,” his sultry tone confirmed her theory, he wanted more. “You were so well behaved, Rosita.” Gently placing her body in the bed, his knee pushed her legs apart.
“You want to keep going?” the Princess’s cheeked turned scarlet as she glanced back at her window, dripping with condensation save for her hand prints and the large space her breasts cleared.
“I’m still hungry,” licking his lips, he lowered himself over her.
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adralockhart-blog · 7 years
Sid x MC Black Butler AU
Ha of course you would Astrid
MC squinted her eyes, still trying to adjust to the bright light after being blind folded for what seemed like an eternity. Slowly coming into focus the figure before her holding out his hand was no other than her butler Sid. His white gloved hand extended to pull her to her feet. “M’lady?” his words husky and low. Slipping her hand into his being pulled up into her right position again, her eyes locked on the horror around her. “Did you do this?” MC gasped in disbelief the bodies of countless men laying dead at their feet. Sid nodded in reply his head turning to look over his shoulder his blue orbs now glowing a crimson red, “Did I not tell you? I am simply one hell of a butler.” 
OMG SO CORNY, FORGIVE ME! -falls over crying-
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confused-tofu · 8 years
hope y’all are ready to meet Robert
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ythmir-writes · 8 years
Informant For Hire
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Fandom: Midnight Cinderella
(A/N: the time for me to write about the LID has come nyahaha. as i was writing this, i realized that i would never be able to live up to Louis’ bitch face or Sid’s snarky commments in-game. i tried. i really tried.)
as requested by the lovely @letmesharpenyourclaws
notes: 6kish words, threw in some fluff and angst (like the little shitty angst queen tht i am) and ohmygod did louis really- ??
summary: Sid is commissioned by Louis for some legwork. Louis says that if any other informant were available, he would’ve hired them instead. Sid is just glad that he gets to spend the day with Louis. Even if that meant they had to do work for the Princess Elect. But is, it? Really?
Sid stepped down from the carriage and to his surprise was immediately greeted by a footman, asking if everything was in order and if his travels had been pleasant. His coat was taken promptly as soon as he entered the double doors. When he was led into the sala, refreshments were immediately offered. Wine, or something harder, could be arranged, if he desired.
It was just after breakfast.
Already, Sid was suspicious.
Louis had never offered refreshments to him. The last time this had happened, they had been brats. And the drink – which he had thought was just orange juice – had salt mixed in it. That had been payback for when he shoved Louis into a pile of mud.
Sid had not shoved Louis into a pile of mud ever since. As a matter of fact, Sid had not been able to physically touch Louis after that.
At least, not as much as he wanted to anyway.
As he took the glass of brandy from the servant, he wondered if it had salt in it somewhere. Or something more sinister. Like cinnamon. Or the infamous Carolina Reaper. As far as Sid could remember,  he had done nothing, yet, to irritate Louis.
He took a tentative sip.
It was just brandy.
“You’re on time.”
Sid turned and, as always, was dazzled by the man he saw. Blond haired and blue eyed, with a mouth that expressed more than he would ever dare admit, Louis was the sight of immense grace and refinement. And as always, Sid drank in the sight of the Duke as he descended down the grand staircase, never taking his eyes of Louis until he stopped a few paces away from him.
“Well, how can I even think of being late if you’re the one who hollered?” Sid said.
Louis’ neutral expression gave way to slight annoyance. “You’d probably do the same if Giles asked for you.”
“That’s business. I consider this house-call all pleasure.”
Louis narrowed his eyes.
“Don’t be so stiff.” Sid said before downing the rest of the brandy in one gulp. “You offered me refreshments! I feel like it’s a beginning of a new relationship already.”
“I figured it was the least I could do to be polite.”
Sid raised his brows, slightly surprised. Did he hear that right? Louis tried to be polite?
“Anyway,” Louis turned. “Let’s discuss the work on the way.” Then he paused. “I trust you’ve eaten?”
“Very well. Follow me.” Louis turned and beckoned Sid out of the sala and through the front doors. Already a fresh carriage was at the ready and Sid’s coat had been dusted. He shrugged it on and climbed into the carriage after Louis.
Sid could count the number of times that Louis had commissioned him. With one hand. Particularly, two fingers. The first had been something big: a rival in business had sent a spy into the Duchy and had been attempting to steal some family secret about their winery. Louis had wanted the mole smoked. And Sid had delivered the man’s head on a silver platter – only figuratively, because Louis had insisted on no bloodshed.
The second time, Louis had been frantic. At first, Sid had thought something bad had happened. He had rushed into the Howard manor, a little bit afraid, a little bit worried, and that had been the first time he had seen Louis so restless. Had a mutual friend been attacked? Was someone spreading bad rumors about the Howard family?
“I can’t find Lucia.” Louis had looked downright distraught.
As if a bird was not equipped to find its way home. As if the lord almighty had forgotten to put in a sense of direction into birds in general. As if Lucia had not been missing for a mere five hours.
But this was Louis. And he was beside himself with worry. Sid would have been insane to say no.
“You’re looking like you’re finding something amusing.” Louis’ voice brought Sid back from his reverie and he shook his head, chuckling to himself.
“Nah,” Sid said. “It’s nothing.”
“What is it?”
“You’ll just get all pouty.”
“Tell me.”
Sid grinned, resting his chin on his hand. “I was just remembering that time when Lucia –”
Louis turned away his head, and sure enough, he was pouting. Sid could feel his grin widen and it took everything in him to not reach out, turn Louis’ head his way, and give him a kiss.
It was no secret – at least, Sid thought it was not – that he was attracted to Louis. Sid would never tell anyone exactly when he knew he was lovestruck, not even the Princess Elect and that woman was fierce when it came to interrogation techniques. What was important was that he was in love. And that ever since he had come to realize it, he had been making advances.
A lot of overt advances.
Much to his dismay however, Louis had never really answered back to any of it. It was probably because of the fact that Louis had declared Sid enemy number one. Sid was pretty sure it had something to do with him teasing Louis since they were little, something that had spilled over to this day even as adults. But all hope was not lost, Sid thought, because if Louis could warm up to the Princess, then Sid was certain that Louis would eventually warm up to him too.
Plus, Sid was certain his charms had only exponentially increased as he grew older (the women made sure he was aware of that) but then again this was Louis Howard they were talking about. He was freaking ice.
A beautiful, gorgeous, and well-dressed ice.
Like now, for example, Louis was wearing an intricately designed dark blue coat, tailor-fitted across, and flattering the broadness of his shoulders well. Underneath was a black and blue dress shirt, with royal blue buttons and an accent around the collar, perfectly tailored as well to fit him snugly. A white cravat complemented his entire upper ensemble and Sid was tempted to tug it loose to expose Louis’ delicate neck. As a matter of fact, ever since he had laid his eyes on Louis earlier, he had been fighting the temptation to grab at him, tear at that shirt, and do unspeakable and pleasurable things for both of their benefit.
Sid grinned at the thought.
“I won’t even ask why you’re grinning.” Louis said.
“No, no.” Sid leaned forward. “This time I insist. Go ahead, ask me.”
Louis ignored him. “If I could get anyone else, believe me, I would.”
“What did you have in mind?”
For a moment, it looked as if Louis was embarrassed and then he said, “Bodyguard work.”
Sid wanted to clap his hands on his thighs and yell yes. But he stopped himself, and settled for crossing his arms to hide the fact that he was ecstatic. “You do know I’m an informant.”
“With multiple skills at your disposal.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
“I need to visit some shops in town.” Louis continued. “I need you to scan the areas for possible... irregularities.”
“Oh?” Sid found himself intrigued. He enjoyed it when Louis was being purposefully vague. “What kind of irregularities?”
“I assume you’re aware of the ball that the Princess Elect has organized?”
“Yes. It’s to happen in three days. A cultural exchange of sorts. She likes those kinds of things.”
“Well, apparently, Giles had gotten wind of some sort of vague plot. A rumor to be exact; hardly any evidence to back it up. But Giles - you know how he is - wants to be certain of a few things.”
Sid waited for Louis to continue. The Duke had been avoiding his eyes – not that that was anything new, Louis barely looked him in the eye – but there was something else about him today that Sid found different. Then again, Louis’ hair was not parted differently, neither were his earrings new. The brooch that fastened his cravat was the same bright sapphire. Yet there was something odd about Louis that Sid could not quite place a finger on.
“Did you get a haircut?” Sid asked.
“What?” Louis snapped, bristling. “Were you even listening to me?”
“I was preoccupied. You seem different today and I’m trying to figure out why.”
Louis sighed deeply. “If you had listened, you would have understood why. The Princess is under some sort of vague threat. Giles wants us to scout some of the shops where some of the tokens would be bought and see if anything seems off. Unfortunately, the threat is too vague for Giles to even settle on one possibility. He has full hands on deck, in Court and with the royal guard. A ‘thorough sweep’ is what he wants.”
“Typical him.” Sid could only agree. “Although he hasn’t contacted me for anything though.”
Louis sighed again. Deeper this time. And his voice was sullen. “He asked me to do it.”
“Wait, what?”
“We’re to work together.” Louis said through gritted teeth. “Need I say it in plainer terms for you to understand?”
Sid, despite his delight, found it hard to believe. “Okay let me get this straight. Giles asked you to work with me to see if something is going on with the shops we’re to visit,” Sid waved his hands, “Because of this vague threat?”
Sid chuckled. “I’ve never seen you agitated. Is that why you seemed different?”
“No.” Louis said, leaning back against his seat. “I’m nervous.”
Sid opened his mouth and then closed it, unsure how he should respond. True enough, Sid had never seen Louis truly agitated but neither had he seen him nervous either, and the latter was worrying. An angry and irritable Louis meant that everything was okay. It was a natural reaction for the Duke. A nervous Louis however, well, it was enough to say that Sid was concerned about a nervous Louis.
He let the silence linger for a moment, noting the crease between Louis’ brows.
“Well you’ve got me so don’t worry. You’re in safe hands now.”
“Jess would be a better guardian than you.”
“Hey,” Sid feigned insult. “I’m the one who taught her all the tricks!”
Louis shook his head, a small smile gracing his lips.
Sid himself smiled upon seeing it. At least Louis seemed comfortable enough to laugh at his jokes today.  Then he said, “What exactly does Giles want us to do?”
Another sigh, deeper than the first two and for a moment, Louis fidgeted again, as if he was wrestling with something inside him. “He wants us to go shopping.”
For a moment, Sid could swear he could hear the Royal Adviser laughing in the distance.
“Shopping.” Sid repeated. He couldn’t quite believe his ears.
Louis looked away before saying, “Hardly natural for us to just go into several stores and not buy anything.”
“Actually, that would be perfectly natural if one were a discerning buyer.”
“Giles want samples.”
“Then why not just say from the get-go?”
The carriage finally pulled to a stop, signalling to the two that they’ve reached the first destination. Louis alighted after him, and to Sid’s surprise, he then dismissed his coachman, telling him to pick them up later at a certain cafe instead of having of having to escort them around town.
“Better to blend in.” Louis explained upon seeing Sid’s exasperated look.
“You’re Louis Howard.” Sid waved his hands. “Your hair shines like a beacon in a stormy night. You don’t ‘blend in’.”
“And a royal carriage isn’t less conspicuous?” Louis shot back, quite irritated. Louis hated having his looks used as a sort of excuse whether for or against him.
But Louis had a point. If they wanted to be covert, they had to ditch the coach. “Fine.” Sid conceded. “But who’s going to carry all the things we’ll buy then?”
“I have you, don’t I?” Louis answered and before Sid could even respond, before his brain could even think of a brilliant comeback, Louis had already pushed the shop’s door open and entered, leaving Sid stunned outside.
Oh this was going to be a fun day all right.
“You’re not taking this seriously.” Louis said.
“What? Of course I am!” Sid gestured to his face. “See this? This is my serious face. This is how I look when I’m taking care of real serious business.”
“Har har.”
“If I wasn't taking this seriously enough, I'd be cozying up to you more, boss.” Sid answered without missing a beat. He had been calling Louis his boss for the better part of the day. At first Louis had been irritated and embarrassed but eventually he resigned to his fate. It was either that, or Sid would pester him about holding hands.
The two men had gone from shop after shop after shop. Louis had a list of them that they needed to visit; specialty shops that the Princess Elect favored and from which the gift items for those attending the cultural exchange would be bought. According to Louis, the Princess intended to give something from Wysteria, little trinkets that were made from local shops and could not be found anything else. Sid noted that the palace attendants could have done these themselves to which Louis stared at him before mumbling something about Giles.
Sid left it at that. He was happy enough to be with Louis to really complain about anything.
So as the two went from one establishment to the next, Sid had been doing what Louis had requested him to do. He would stand outside and wait, trying to be discreet while watching the crowds and inspecting the shop. He kept an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, anyone who could be tailing them or watching them from the windows or in cafes just across the street. He looked around some of the shops, noting ingresses and egresses, windows, hidden doors, or suspiciously eager attendants.
And so far so good. Nothing dubious. Nothing out of the ordinary.
In some shops though, Sid followed Louis inside as the latter requested, commenting and picking out some stuff with him that they thought those in the palace would like at least so that their purchase would not go to waste. So far, they've bought several items, ranging from books for Leo, to quills for Giles, some cookie cutters for Alyn, fresh tea leaves for Nico, and stationery for the Princess.
It was during these times inside the shops with Louis that Sid most felt the surreal feeling inside his chest surge like waves, crashing inside of him as if they were trying to break free and spill over. Not only was he holding boxes of Louis’ purchases, it was also that Louis was with him. Actually and physically walking beside him, buying things with him, pointing out stores and leading the way.
Sid was unsure which was a blessing from the gods: was it the fact that he was to spend an entire day with Louis, or the fact that he was to spend an entire day with Louis shopping?
He chuckled at the thought.
He’d been chuckling a lot lately.
“I hope that your laugh means that you have not found anything suspicious.” Louis said, exiting one shop and promptly heading for another.
“That’s only half the reason.” Sid answered, timing his steps to Louis’. “But like the professional that I am, I can give you a quick rundown. So far, the shops we’ve visited have nothing about them to mark them for anything. Their alleys and backways are clean. No dubiously looking armaments or trapdoors that I could see. Also they’ve been very cordial. Excellent customer service to boot. All these while we haven’t even discussed my payment.”
Louis looked at him. “Then I suppose the other half is you actually enjoying this.”
It was not a question, Sid noted. “What’s not to like? I’m on a hunt with my dearest childhood friend, at least sort of; we’re shopping, at least again, sort of; and it looks like he’s having his own sort of fun too.”
Louis almost chuckled. “Really now?”
Sid’s grin did not waver. “I saw you smiling in that music shop.”
Louis shrugged, a smooth and practiced movement of his shoulders. “They had interesting pieces.”
“If it’s interesting enough to make you smile then I should take note of it.”
“And why should it be of any interest to you?”
“Oh? It wasn’t obvious enough that despite your constant rejection that I want to make you happy?” Sid said, without batting an eye.
Louis stopped dead in his tracks, gripping the box he was holding tighter. Sid stopped too, looking back at him, his grin turning into what he hoped was a genuine smile that he hoped could finally pierce through the thick barrier that Louis had placed between them.
For a few seconds they stood there, silent. Sid smiling at Louis. Louis, well, doing what he did best whenever he was with Sid: pouting and not looking him in the eye and blushing.
Hang on.
“Stay here.” Louis said all of a sudden, turning and walking away.
Sid took a step. “Louis - !”
“I said stay.” Louis repeated, an edge to his voice that forced Sid to stop and watch as Louis started crossing the street, completely ignoring him.
Dread instantly flooded Sid. Had he been too much? Had he been too pushy? Had his last declaration finally pushed Louis past his limit? His throat felt dry and everything inside him screamed at him to follow Louis and sort it out. But then Louis had told him to stay. He’d rather not continue antagonizing Louis if it meant that the day was going to end sooner than it had to.
Threat or no threat, Sid wanted the day to stretch just a little longer. How many chances did he have of having a day like this? How many chances did he have of seeing Louis look everything else except annoyed or sullen or cold? How many chances did he have of being able to walk nearly side by side with him as if it was the most natural thing in the world?
Next to fucking zero.
This was a rare opportunity. The rarest and most important opportunity in his goddamn life. And he wanted to savor it, to make the most of it. He wanted to reach out and hold Louis’ hand as they walked, to pepper him with kisses, to treat him to something nice or maybe buy him something to commemorate the day. The last thing he wanted was for Louis to storm off.
Sid turned his head expecting to see a disgruntled Louis. His voice certainly sounded like it. Instead of blond hair and piercing blue eyes however, something brown and crusted with white powder was being shoved into his face.
“A croissant?”
“We haven’t eaten.” Was all Louis said, his other hand wiping at his mouth with a napkin, his own croissant already finished.
“You’re offering me to eat the bread while you’re still holding it? Aww that’s so sweet.”
Louis looked confused at first but before he could even realize what Sid had meant, the latter had already taken a big bite. Almost instantly, the delightful taste of strawberry and cream filled his mouth. Louis still remembered his favourite flavour. The dread inside Sid gave way to relief and thrill and excitement all at once. Sid finished off the rest of the bread in three more chomps.
“You got more?” He asked, grinning, delighted to see Louis as red as those wax candles they bought for stamps.
For a moment though, Louis looked like he was going to storm off and leave him again, shaking like a leaf and blushing all the way to his ears. And for a moment, Sid was afraid he’d been too much. Again.
“Here.” Louis fished another croissant from the bag that hung from his arm, still blushing, and nearly hit Sid’s face. “Hurry up and eat.”
Sid didn’t need to be told twice. He wolfed down on the croissant as Louis held it for him. And then another - this time it was cream cheese with blueberries.
Sid could feel his heart smashing into his ribs. “You’re spoiling me. You still know my favourites.”
“Like I could forget.” Louis snapped. “And mind your manners. Don’t talk when your mouth is full.”
Sid finished one more and then grinned down at Louis again, “You got napkins to wipe with–?” But the rest of his words were forgotten because Louis had already taken one and was already wiping Sid’s mouth. And Louis was doing it so delicately that Sid felt his own cheeks warming.
Oh god, let the day never end.
“We still have six more shops.” Louis then said, distancing himself, and Sid fought back the urge to grab Louis and bring him back for a kiss. “But they’re a bit farther downtown. Are you still up for this or you’re just going to stand there and gape?”
Sid opened his mouth, then closed it, which prompted Louis to smile. The first real smile he showed the entire day. “Looks like I can still leave you speechless.” Louis said.
Goddamn well you could.
With each shop, Sid became more acutely aware of Louis. This was not to say that he had never been acutely aware of Louis before. As a matter of fact, ever since he knew he was in love with Louis, his first action whenever he entered a room full of bureaucrats would be to scan for Louis. The second, of course, would be to beeline for him.
At the moment however, Sid seemed to notice everything about Louis - more so than he usually did. Was this because Louis hand fed him the croissants so his feelings had skyrocketed? That seemed like a perfectly good answer.
Sid noticed how his blond hair danced whenever there was a breeze, or how he would wipe at his brow with a handkerchief whenever they paused to cross a street. He noticed Louis would always take the first step with his right foot when they started walking. He noticed that he preferred to tuck things in his left pocket. He noticed that Louis would stare a second or two longer at horses than he did towards people.
Louis was also walking closer to him now (or had it been that Louis was almost beside him all the while?). He was making more comments as they looked through the shop windows. He was taking in deeper breaths and overall seemed to be in a better mood than when they had started.
However, sooner or later, the day would come to an end.
“There, done.” Louis said, face lined with relief and emerging from the last shop with a box covered in fancy patterns and an intricately wrapped bow in deep blue. He took a moment to arrange the way the loops were holding and then he stopped and looked at Sid, noticing that he had been staring. “Is something wrong?”
“Nothing.” Sid shook his head. “C’mon, we’re heading to a cafe next right?”
“Yes.” Louis answered, catching up to him.
Sid wished that by the time they reached the cafe, the coach would not be there, that he and Louis would be able to linger over coffee and tea. They didn’t even have to talk to each other. Heck, even if Louis did not even notice his presence, Sid would be perfectly contented with that. All he wanted was for them to be together, for him to remain in Louis’ presence just a little bit longer.
Sid wanted to come up with an excuse, an alibi, anything at all that could prolong the day. Should he make something up? Should he pretend to have seen something out of the ordinary that would press Louis to investigate further with him?
The day had been excellent. Too excellent in fact that for brief moments it was as if the two of them were simply strolling on a fabulous day enjoying (to an extent) each other’s company.
There was a word for this, wasn’t there?
It was on the tip of Sid’s tongue, but he could not quite pinpoint it exactly.
“We’re here.” Louis said, stopping in front of a cafe. It was a quaint shop. Homey. A little bit crowded for Sid’s taste but he could picture the two of them sitting at the tables outside, pleasantly passing by the time in silence, waiting for the carriage to pick them up. He would be having coffee and Louis would be having tea. And they could stay like that for hours and hours and hours.
Now wouldn’t that be a dream?
Louis was about to head in but stopped as he spotted something in the corner of his eye, turning his head to get a better look. “The coach is here too.” He frowned.
Had that been disappointment in Louis’ voice?
“What now, boss?” Sid asked, shifting the boxes he was holding for a better grip, trying to sound cheery and unaffected.
For a moment, Louis simply stood to the side, still holding on to the box with the blue ribbons. He seemed to be debating something inside him. Sid saw the waiter hesitating inside the cafe, wondering if they were asking to be seated. Sid saw the opportunity -
“Let’s go.” Louis said, walking away from the cafe.
And it fell through his fingers like sand.
“All right.” Sid followed Louis, each step towards the carriage heavier than the last.
“You don’t have to come with me to report,” Louis said as Sid closed the carriage door and pounded twice on the roof to signal the coachman it was okay to go. The horses spurred into life and the carriage swayed with movement. “This was a task given to me and I intend to finish it myself.”
“I can hold your hand while you do it.” Sid suggested.
Louis rolled his eyes. Sid half-expected him to be sullen but instead he gave another small and rare smile. “I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“Yes.” Louis leaned back against his seat and closed his eyes. Then after a moment, he said. “Thank you for accompanying me today.”
“I don’t receive thank yous as payment.” Sid chimed. “But I can consider it if you let me kiss you.”
“I will end you if you do.” Louis opened his eyes to regard him. “Try me.”
Sid smiled and wondered for a brief moment if Louis was being playful or seriously warning him against bodily harm.
“Nah,” Sid leaned back against his seat too. “I’d rather not have a perfectly good day end in a bad note.”
For a moment, Louis looked surprised, perhaps half-expecting him to rise up to the dare but Sid would rather not force it. As much as he wanted to do it, it would leave a bad taste in his mouth. This was a good day. Even if he was not able to end it in his own way, at the very least it would end the way Louis wanted to - and he could be perfectly happy with that.
Louis continued to look at him for a few more seconds before turning his attention to the streets.
Within minutes, Louis had fallen asleep. Sid was tempted to give Louis a peck on the cheek but contented himself with watching him. He must have been tired. They had been walking for the better part of the day. Even Sid’s legs were aching and he never missed on legwork.
Sid continued to watch Louis as the latter slept, leaning slightly against the carriage frame, hands never leaving the gift on his lap. It was simply unfortunate the day really had to end.
But like most unfortunate things that had happened to him, Sid knew better than be bogged down by circumstances he could not entirely control. The only thing he could do was to look at Louis properly - and that had been what he had done; to memorize Louis’ face, those expressions that came and went and sometimes lingered longer than some. All Sid could do was to commit to his memory each quirk, frown, and delight. He had been doing this before and he was going to do it again. And over. And over. And over. So that the next time another snotty bureaucrat would shrill at how Louis looked like a doll, he would step in and quickly correct them.
Louis was not a doll. He was not a statue. He was not some petty snot-nosed nobleman who stayed stoic and still and immovable. They only saw Louis for what he represented - the duchy, his title, the fact that he was physically attractive. They never saw Louis for who he was - impossibly serious, a tease sometimes, with a devious streak and easily jealous. Louis was an explosion of emotion – if only they could just properly see him.  Like he did. They would chide at him for making fun of Louis. But he was not making fun of him at all. He was just telling the truth; the undeniable truth and beauty in front of him that all of them were failing to grasp correctly.
Too soon for Sid’s liking however, the carriage went its way through the castle gates, slowing to a stop upon reaching the carriage porch. The sudden stop jolted Louis out of his sleep. Louis was confused for a few seconds before realizing that they had arrived. Sid drank all of this in with his eyes, vowing to never forget the moment he had seen the Duke so vulnerable.
“I’m more surprised you didn’t pull some sort of trick while I was asleep.” Louis said, turning to him, his back to the palace.
“Nah. The fact that you fell asleep in the same carriage as me is it’s own reward.” Even Sid wondered why he hadn’t. “And I wanted to end on a good note, boss.”
“I could get used to hearing you address me as that.” Louis muttered. And for a moment, the two were silent. Sid made no attempt to move from where he stood, waiting for Louis to climb up the steps and into the palace. Louis himself seemed to be hesitating.
“As to the matter of your payment - ” Louis then said.
“I get a kiss?”
The look Louis gave him was almost murderous and Sid barked out a laugh. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Jeez, you can’t even take a - ”
Louis offered Sid the box he had been holding.
“Oh.” Sid took the box, wondered if he should shake it. “You know cash is the usual way things are done but as I have been saying since we started I could settle - ”
“Thank you for today.” Louis said.
“You will always cut me off, won’t you?”
“If you would only stop making jabs at me every two seconds, we could communicate properly.” Louis huffed out a breath.
“I love teasing you.” Sid could only admit it.
“And I simply have to suffer through it.” Louis sighed. Then thought for a moment. “I will try to engage in more productive conversations next time.” Louis continued. “Just don’t interrupt me every two seconds.”
“Next time? So we’re meeting again?”
“I didn’t stutter now, did I?”
Sid could only gape and Louis graced him with a rare smirk. “I do know how to push your buttons. At least I confirmed that today.” There was triumph in Louis’ voice. “You did enjoy the day, right?”
“Of course.” Sid said, a bit surprised that Louis had to ask him at all. That fact had been tacit. “Was it not obvious enough?”
“With you, sometimes I can only guess if you’re teasing or not.”
“With you boss, I’m always serious.” Sid grinned, giving him a thumbs-up. “I can show you now, if you want.”
“Show me -?”
And Sid did not even let him finish. He took Louis hand and placed a tender kiss on it before the latter could even pull away, before the latter could even put distance between them again.
And then Sid realized that Louis was not pulling away.
As a matter of fact, Louis was looking up at him with a strange look in his eyes, something that Sid had never seen before on Louis’ face. It was as if it was pleading and yearning but before Sid could even give meaning to that look, it was gone.
But still Louis was not pulling away.
“I had a good day too.” Louis said.
“Just good?” Sid said, scrambling to gather some sort of bravado to replace the nervousness that was hacking at his knees. He was holding Louis’ hand for crying out loud! “Not stupendously amazing? Or exquisitely enjoyable?”
Louis chuckled. “No.”
“You pushing my buttons again or...?”
“Next time,” Louis started, blushing. There was no mistaking it now. And at the sight of it, Sid felt his own cheeks warm by the second. “We should go and visit that cafe we missed. Would you like that?”
“Of course.” Sid said, a little bit too eagerly but he couldn’t have said it fast enough. Sid shook his head, something in the back of his head screaming to be noticed. That word he’d been trying to pinpoint all day, what was it?
“All right.” Louis smiled again. He squeezed Sid’s hand before parting. “I’ll see you then.”
Sid watched as Louis began climbing the steps up the castle. The nervousness gave way to a thousand happy emotions all at once. It had all happened, hadn’t it?
He had spent the day with Louis.
He had kissed Louis’ hand before they parted.
Louis had set up another day for them to visit the cafe and -
“Hey!” Sid shouted at Louis, trying to not hold his breath. “Are we dating now?”
Louis stopped and turned to face him, his face a mixture of amusement and exasperation. “For an information broker, you couldn’t piece the clues together?”
Sid wanted to kick the door open but instead settled for opening it unceremoniously and shouting at the top of his lungs, “You little shit!”
Giles Christophe, Royal Chamberlain and Adviser, the man with the unseen crown, was unperturbed by Sid’s actions. As a matter of fact, it was almost as if he had expected Sid to come bursting into his study at any minute that evening. Sid crossed the room in what seemed like three easy steps and leered at Giles who was sitting behind his desk, tucking a document on top of a pile to the left.
“And good evening to you too, Sid.” Giles said, smiling. “What brings you here at this late hour?”
“You set me up.”
“Really?” Giles chuckled. “Enlighten me as to how the great informant Sid was tricked by a lowly tutor like me.”
Sid narrowed his eyes. “Vague threats? All hands on deck? Not a knight to spare? Louis suddenly being called to inspect establishments in the town proper but somehow buying things that are seemingly on a list and curated specifically for you and the others?” Sid reached inside his pocket. “Louis even giving me a pocketwatch when I told you and only you specifically exactly five days ago that I lost mine?”
The smile that graced the chamberlain’s lips was like a blade that could cut through steel. “I’ll be expecting sweets from that cafe Louis was so eager to take you to.”
Sid knew the look on his face was sullen. “We weren’t able to go.”
“The carriage arrived too early.”
“Then I assume there will be a next time?”
Sid narrowed his eyes at Giles. “How much do you know, exactly?”
“Enough.” Giles placed his hands on his armrest. “And with what you’ve said, I can consider the threat to the princess vanquished.”
Sid frowned. “So there was a real threat?”
Giles nodded. “She could hardly contain her worry about the two of you. Stress is really bothersome. And I couldn’t stand to see her so agitated whenever she looked at you or Louis. Well, mostly you.”
“It is my duty to cover even the most seemingly harmless pranks aimed at the Princess Elect.” Giles answered, his smile still like the devil’s knife. “If I see a threat to her well-being, I must address it with haste. And if it should bring two people closer together… Well, that’s a win-win.”
“A win-win?”
“Are you going to punch me or thank me?”
Sid considered this for a moment. “Thank you, actually. After I punch you.”
Giles only laughed and Sid knew better than to actually punch the Royal Adviser. “I will be expecting sweets, then.”
“But next time, don’t include me in your little schemes.” Sid said. “I hate it.”
“I don’t think i can promise you that.”
“Gee, thanks.” Sid pocketed Louis’ gift back into his breast pocket. “Anything else I should be aware of before I go?”
Giles thought for a moment. “It was all Louis’ idea.”
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adralockhartfanfic · 7 years
Grandier & Grandier Law
I slipped the pillow off my head, my alarm clock blared 'Always by Killswitch Engage' through speakers of my sound system. My hand sleepy smacked the table next to my bed, finally hitting the alarm clock shutting it off. I yawned sleepily sitting up in bed, I heard the door of my bedroom open, in walked my best friend since grade school and roommate Giles.
“Adra wake up you can't be late on your first day”
I rubbed my eye, looking at him. Fully clothed, punctual as always.
“I'm up, I'm up”
He dug through my closet and threw clothes at me,
“Here wear this, if your late it will look bad on both of us.”
Giles left, I went to the bathroom to change. I walked out of my bedroom, grabbing my briefcase that was on the table Giles pushed me from behind out the door. We arrived at the tall office building the huge sign outside read 'Grandier and Associates' I shrunk back, I was nervous as hell. I recently graduated law school and this was my first job since, I  never imagined I would be working for such a huge firm. Giles stood at the doors,
“Adra come on lets go”
I breathed out slowly and stepped inside the building Giles following closely behind me. We rode the elevator the thirteenth floor, it stopped with a jolt. The doors opened with a ding, there stood two men in suits. The one with short black hair stood with his head cocked clearly annoyed, talking viciously to the person on the other end of his cell phone. The other looked down at his cell phone scrolling through the screen, strands of his black hair falling in his face that wasn't held back in his ponytail. Giles stepped past them and waited for me, the man with long hair, looked up and our eyes locked. His sapphire eyes pierced right through me. I was stunned I couldn't move, I felt my face turning multiple shades of red. He smiled softly, making me melt. I felt a tug on my arm,
“I'm sorry Mr.Grandier, Lockhart lets go”
Giles pulled me by the arm and out of the elevator past the man. The strange man grabbed my free hand stopping me in my tracks,
“Lockhart?  Adra Lockhart?”
“So your the new recruit, I'm pleased to meet you”
He took my hand and pressed it against his lips. I blushed profusely,
“How silly of me, I'm Sean Grandier.”
“Yo Sean lets go we have court in fifteen minutes”
The other man yelled holding the elevator doors.
“I'm coming Sid. Its great to have you with us. We will talk later okay”
I bowed slightly and smiled,
He waved as he disappeared behind the closing doors of the elevator. I stood in shock, watching the closed doors. I felt a smack on my back,
“Nice first impression on the boss Adra”
Giles chuckled  heartily.
“Shut up Giles”
I sat at my desk in my new office, Giles had given me a new case to look over. I was to be his second chair, for his upcoming trial. I read through the case file, I briefly looked up at the clock and realized it had been hours since I moved, I rubbed my temples feeling a headache coming on.
I sighed softly. Someone knocked softly on the door. I figured it was Giles coming to check up on me.
“What do you want Christophe?”
“Well I'm not Giles for one, but I did want to know if you would join me for lunch”
I looked up to see the owner of the voice, I stood up quickly.
“Oh Mr. Grandier. I'm sorry I dint realize it was you”
“Call me Sean please”
He smiled as he tucked his hair behind his ear. I could see his perfectly chiseled face, his adorable dimples graced his face as he smiled. I felt my cheeks heat up, I looked down trying to hide my embarrassment.
“I would love to but, Giles asked me to look over this. I'm going to be his second chair for this trial. And I want to do well, since this is my first case.”
“I see, what case is it?”
“People V Howard”
He stepped beside me peeking at the documents spread across the desk. He leaned in close over my shoulder our faces mere inches from each other. I breathed in the manly smell of his cologne. I tried desperately to still my racing heart, it rang in my ears so loud I was sure he could hear it himself.
“Ah the mob boss is finally on trial for all those murders. That's a big case Adra”
I melted hearing him say my name,
“Uh-yeah it is”
He patted me on the back,
“Well I will take a rain check on the lunch until your done with the case, okay? Do your best and put that bastard away”
He smiled and waved leaving my office. I fell back into my chair with a sigh, my heart slowly returned to normal. Jeez, he didn't have to be so close to me. I thought I was going to faint,
“Jesus Christ, what a day.”
I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and picked up the file once more scanning through the evidence we had on Louis Howard. Before I knew it the clock read six in the evening and it was already getting dark outside.
“Hey you ready to go home?”
Giles came in and plopped down on the sofa. He cracked his neck back and forth,
“Yeah I'm ready”
I picked up the papers and shut them in my briefcase. Stepping out into the hall, I noticed we were the last to leave. The office seemed eerily quite, expect the soft sounds of a piano playing in the distance. I cocked my head to the sounds,
“Looks like Sean is still here. He listens to symphonies when he is working”
“Oh I see”
I followed Giles into the waiting elevator, we arrived at home I fell face first  onto the couch exhausted. I let out a sigh of relief to feel the soft fabric against my skin. I rolled over to see Giles standing behind the couch, staring down at me. He smiled mischievously, I instantly rolled my eyes at him.
“Stop looking at me like that”
“I didn't say anything”
He laughed softly,
“Do you want something to eat?”
“Nah I think I'm just going to make smoothie and head to bed, I'm exhausted.”
“I'll make you a nutritious one, just relax you had an eventful first day”
He snickered,
“Fuck you Giles”
“I love you too bitch”
I closed my eyes as he went into the kitchen, I heard the blender start up and my consciousness slowly faded to black. Giles came back with a smoothie in his hand,
“Adra, are you already asleep?”
He watched her chest rise and fall slowly, her eyelids twitched slightly. He sat the glass down on the coffee table and walked to the linen closet. He came back with a fluffy blanket and threw it over her, he slipped her heels off her feet and tucked the blanket under her feet. He leaned down and kissed her forehead,
“Sleep well Princess”
He grabbed the glass sipping the contents and headed to his room. I awoke the next morning to the sun shining in my eyes from the living room window. I sleepily sat up and rubbed my eyes, I yawned and realized I was sleeping on the couch. Giles was quietly reading a newspaper at the dining room table.
“What the hell why didn't you wake me up?”
Giles laid down his newspaper, turned in his chair and looked at me. He grinned sheepishly,
“You looked so peaceful, I couldn't bring myself to wake you up”
He looked down at his watch,
“By the way you have twenty minutes to get ready”
“What the fuck”
I jumped off the couch tripping over the blanket as I tried to scramble to my room. I heard Giles dying of laughter behind me, I quickly got dressed and somehow had five minutes to spare. I shoved the scrambled eggs and bacon into my mouth that Giles had prepared for me before running out the door behind him. The next few days went by in a flash and the court date finally came. I stood in the elevator with Giles trying to breathe deeply to calm my nerves. He looked down at me,
“You will be fine, I promise”
He placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I smiled in response and breathed out slowly.
“Lets do this then”
I held my head high and walked into the court room, taking my seat at the prosecutors table next to Giles. A blonde man sat with his lawyer at the defense table, so this is Louis Howard. He was handsome, his clear blue eyes met mine and I quickly looked away. Giles leaned over and whispered into my ear,
“Looks like someone came to see your first case”
He motioned with his eyes to the seat behind us. I turned and looked over my shoulder, there sat Sean three benches behind us. He gave me a reassuring smile, I heard Giles beside me
“Looks like someone likes you”
“Shut up Giles, we aren't in high school anymore”
The bailiff entered the court room, followed by the judge, Byron Wagner. In his commanding voice he said,
“All rise!”
I stood with Giles and the others, watching the young man take his seat. I sat down and listened to Giles give his opening statement to the jury,
“Ladies and gentleman of the jury, today you will be presented with undoubted evidence and testimony that Louis Howard the notorious mob boss, tortured and killed three innocence people in cold blood. You will hear expert testimony linking him to the crimes by blood and fingerprints.”
Giles sat back down, the defense attorney and delivered his opening statement. I barely listened at all I was looking through the file, sorting out our witness list. After he was finished, he returned to his seat. Giles stood,
“The people call Robert Branche”
The man stepped through the doors and took his seat on the witness stand. Giles began to question the man about his relation to Louis and his whereabouts on the night in question. He was Louis' right hand man in the mob, sending out kill orders and making sure they went through, if not taking care of it himself. We had granted him immunity on all charges for his crimes for his testimony against Louis. Which the defense challenged on cross examination, stating that only reason he is saying these things about his client, was that his immunity was at stake if he didn't. We called the medical examiner next, she outlined the details of the murders, how each one had been killed with the same nine millimeter gun, one bullet to the head. After being beaten and tortured for hours. We broke for lunch at noon, I stepped outside the courtroom,
“You guys did great for the first day”
Sean said walking up behind me,
“Keep this up and we will definitely win this case”
He smiled brightly leaving towards the elevator. I grabbed a quick lunch before court came back in session. After two more witnesses, court adjourned for the day. The defense lawyer approached us outside along with is client.
“Ten to fifteen Christophe”
“Not a chance Timmons”
I spoke up resolve in my voice,
“If I have anything to do with it your client is going to prison for the rest of his life”
Louis looked at us visibly angered at our refusal, Giles gave me a quick slap on the back with a smile. I headed back to the office looking over documents. I went to Giles' office to ask him a question on the case, but he was now where to be found.
“Hmm...where could he be”
I pulled out my cellphone and called his number, the line trilled dully as I heard the sound of Beethoven's ninth symphony play in the background behind me. I saw a dim light shining under Sean's office door, I didn't notice Giles had already picked up the phone,
“Adra? Hello? Did you pocket dial me again?”
“Oh, I spaced out for a moment. Where are you? I had question about the case and”
“You are going to have to handle the case on your own”
My voice almost a scream into the phone, I could visualize Giles holding the phone away from his ear. His voice was hoarse,
“I got food poisoning from something I ate at lunch, I can barely crawl out of bed much less handle a court case”
“What did you need to know about the case?”
“Its nothing, I'll figure it out. You rest and get better soon, Ill be home later okay”
“Yeah, goodnight”
I hung up the phone and softly beat my head against the wall beside his office. I felt a pit in my stomach, so I'm solo on Monday. Caught up in my despair I hadn't heard the door to Sean's office open.
“Adra your still here?”
I nearly jumped out of my skin at his voice. I turned to see him standing in the doorway, his undone tie hung loosely around his neck, the top few buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, his hair laid perfectly against his shoulders free from its elastic prison. He looked amazing, I could do nothing but stare.
“You okay?”
He asked concerned, I quickly regained my composure,
“Uh yeah. I was looking for Giles and I guess he is at home sick. So I guess I'm first chair Monday at the trial. Looks like my weekend is ruined”
I blew out a puff of air. The stress was unbearable, I only have two days to prepare for this. Sean cleared his throat,
“Grab your papers, maybe I can help you prepare. This is your first case solo, I remember how nervous I was”
“I don't want to be a nuisance, I'm sure your busy with your own case”
He went back inside the door. I grabbed the paperwork on my desk and went to his office, he sat on the sofa and motioned me to sit beside him. I sat down and laid out the papers on the table in front of us.
“Hold on one second”
He stood and moved to turn off the music,
“Oh please leave it on, Beethoven is my favorite composer.”
“Oh really?”
He smiled and made himself and I a drink. He sat the strong whiskey down in front of me. The scent burned my nose,
“I don't think I should be drinking at work”
“Don't be silly, its not like the boss is going to catch you”
He said chuckling with a wink of his eye,
“Besides it will help you relax a little”
I smiled and took a small sip as he sat back down beside me. Time passed quickly as we went over the case together,I was on my third glass of whiskey already. In truth I was drunk, but it was nice sitting with Sean talking about nothing in particular,
“Wow you play violin?”
“Yeah my mother made me learn when I was little, she thought it would make me more cultured.”
“Heh, she sounds like my mom”
“What did your mother force you to play?”
“I learned the piano, but I soon fell in love with sound. Beethoven and Mozart quickly became my favorite composers. I even wrote a small symphony once.”
“Your amazing Adra and your are full of surprises”
I laughed lightly as leaned closer to me,
“I'm not that exciting”
I felt his breath on my cheek,
“You have to let me hear you play”
“Heh, only if you let me hear you”
I smiled shyly, my face turning different shades of red. I happened to look up at the clock it was almost midnight.
“Wow its getting late. I'd better get home before Giles calls for a search party”
I started to stand but fell right back into the couch. Sean tilted his head back against the couch and laughed,
“I don't think your going to make it home tonight. Your drunk”
“And whose fault is that?”
I puffed my cheeks out irritated at him. I rubbed my temples in annoyance.
“Look I'll call my driver to take you home, okay? Just stay here while I call him”
I laid my head back against the couch as he got up to call his driver, I quickly drifted off to sleep. Sean turned around to ask Adra her address,
“Adra? Damn she is asleep, never mind I'll just take her home with me. Yeah I'm sure, I'll meet you downstairs in five”
Sean walked over to her sleeping body and picked her up in his arms and carried her to his waiting limousine. I moved around in bed feeling the cool touch silk sheets against my skin. The bed beneath me so soft that it felt like it was sucking me in. My eyes snapped open, wait my bed is hard as a rock and my sheets are cotton not silk, where the hell am I?  I cautiously pulled the blankets from my head, I laid in a four poster bed canopy bed, black lace hung down touching the floor. The lace blurred my vision of the rest of the room, the sky was a deep blue outside the sun hadn't even risen yet. I parted the lace and stepped out of the bed. Air chilled my naked legs, I quickly realized I was wearing an over sized shirt that hung all the way to my knees, I panicked. Holy shit where are my clothes?  What the hell happened last night? I quickly rummaged through the huge room looking any article of my clothing. I didn't notice Sean was sleeping on the couch that sat underneath the window. I tripped over an ottoman  sending me crashing to the floor,
“Ow dammit”
I sat  on the floor holding my knee, Sean sat up and saw Adra on the ground. He watched as she resumed her search crawling around on the floor,
I stopped dead in my tracks, oh shit who is that. Sean turned on a lamp that sat on a table beside the couch. I slowly looked in the direction of the light. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw his face. I fell back on my butt,
“You scared the life out of me Sean”
“I'm sorry, you fell asleep in my office. I didn't know where you lived so I brought you home with me.”
I quickly panicked,
“Did we, uh?”
I motioned my finger back and forth between him and I. He smiled broadly,
“No, no. I was a perfect gentleman. I slept on this couch all night”
I let out a breath, relieved that nothing happened. Sean rubbed his neck roughly,
“So it would have been terrible if it had?”
“No that's not it, I mean I would want to remember it if we did, uh-I ugh never mind”
My face flushed red, I heard him laugh as I hid my face in my knees,
“I'm just teasing you, I would want you to remember too”
I thought my heart was going to explode in my chest, he knelt down in front of me lifting my head from my lap. His gaze intense, my breathing quickened he was so close I thought our lips would touch any moment. Then he whispered his breath hot against my lips,
“Lets get you dressed”
He stood and walked out of the room, I sat there stupid look on my face. What the hell was that? I quickly got up and followed after him to the living room, Sid sat on the couch in nothing but pajama pants eating a cold slice of pizza watching the morning news. Our eyes locked,
“Your the new girl.”
“I-uh yeah”
He yelled over the back of the couch,
“Damn Sean you work quick don't you?”
“Nothing happened Sid”
“Mind if I move in then?”
He smiled mischievously starting to get up off the couch,
“Back off Sid”
He fell back onto the couch and started to channel surfing paying me no mind. I held my face in my hands and quickly shuffled past him. I found Sean in the dining room, looking through women's clothing. I cocked my head to the side,
“Whats this?”
“Oh, I told my driver your size and had him pick out some clothes for you. I hope you don't mind.”
I ran my fingers across the fabric, I picked up a cute black v neck tee. The price tag fell from the neck, a hundred and fifty dollars?
“Sean I can't accept these, they are too expensive”
“Nonsense, a princess should be spoiled like one”
“Sean I'm no princess”
“Of course you are, every woman is.”
His words made me smile, he handed me a pair of ripped up blue jeans.
“Those we go perfectly together, go take a shower, the guest bathroom is in there”
He pointed down the hall,
“After your ready we will go have breakfast,”
“Sean I have to go home”
“I promise I will take you home after breakfast”
He flashed me a bright smile, I couldn't resist him. I went and took a hot shower, truthfully I needed it. The hot water cascaded down my back relieving any stress still built up in my shoulders. I stepped out and dried off, I put the clothes on that Sean had bought for me. My hair still damp I stepped out of the bathroom and made my way to the kitchen where I heard  the sound of cups clinking together. Sean stood behind the island pouring coffee into two mugs, he was freshly showered, his black hair still damp the fresh scent of his cologne tickled my nose. I exhaled opening my eyes, he was staring at me not saying a word. I felt increasingly uncomfortable,
“What is it?”
“Nothing you look beautiful is all”
I looked down at my feet,
He held the cup out to me,
“Yes please”
I took the mug and sipped the delicious contents. After finishing our coffee we went to a little cafe, the smell of fresh baked pastries made my stomach growl in an unladylike like manner. I grabbed it hoping Sean didn't hear, a young lady showed us to our seat and took our orders.
“This place has the best breakfast food I have ever eaten”
“It smells delicious in here”
I smiled softly taking in the scenery of the cafe, the smells, the artwork, and the chatter of happy people. Sean watched Adra as she looked at the paintings on the walls, running her fingers across the wall next to her painted with a mural. His chest suddenly felt warm watching her,
“Hey Adra”
I continued to trace my fingers across the lines of the mural on the wall.
“Do you want to go to the art museum after this?”
Sean hoped she would say yes, he didn't want to let her go.
“I would love to, but I need to check up on Giles”
“Oh I see”
He looked down clearly disappointed, a pit formed deep in his stomach. He looked up at Adra, her face conflicted.
“Hey how about this, I'll go with you to check on Giles and if everything is okay, then we can go to the museum.”
Her face lit up,
We finished our breakfast and headed to my apartment, it was substantially smaller than his. I started to feel anxious about him coming up. We rode the elevator silently to the fifth floor, I walked to my door sliding the key into the lock. I opened the door and stepped in, thank god the place is actually clean for once.
“Giles, you here?”
I called out loudly throwing my keys on the table by the door,
“Yeah I'm in here”
His voice coming from his bedroom. I went to his bedroom and saw him lying in bed a pale sweaty mess,
“God you look terrible”
“I would tell you the same but your looking hot mama, who are you looking all sexy for?”
Sean stepped in the door behind me,
“Oh I see”
Giles said under his breath, I rolled my eyes instinctively.
“What do I owe the pleasure of your visit Sean?”
“Adra needed to check up on you, before I took her to the museum”
I looked over at Sean,
“Only if your well enough to leave to leave you alone that is”
“I'm fine, I called Alyn. So he should be here soon.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes you kids have fun”
I kissed his forehead and left, Sean stayed behind,
“Get better soon Giles”
“I will and you take care of Adra”
“I will”
I ran into Alyn while leaving,
“Hey Alyn”
“Adra, hows he doing?”
“Being a drama queen as always”
We both stood there laughing as Sean entered the room,
“Ah Alyn this Sean, our boss and Sean this Alyn, Giles' partner.”
They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. Giles called for Alyn from his bedroom, I giggled,
“Good luck”
Alyn rolled his eyes and waved us goodbye,
We left the apartment, walking through the streets of downtown. I felt like I was in my own world with Sean, even through the hustle and bustle of people roared around us. I felt a drop of rain hit the tip of my nose causing me to look up, then the rain began to pour down, I squeaked,
“Oh god that's cold”
“Come on this way”
Sean grabbed my hand and lead us into the park taking shelter under a gazebo. I t was raining so hard I could barely see the figures of people walking. I looked over to Sean, his hair was dripping wet clinging to his face, his white shirt was completely transparent. I could clearly see the outline of his muscles, my body was growing hot in contrast to the goosebumps the littered my bare skin.
“Damn where did this rain come from?”
“Heh, figures it would rain with my luck”
I tore my eyes from the erotic sight which was Sean. I shivered as the wind blew past us, chilling my skin even further. I felt Sean's arms wrap around me, my face pressed against his chest. My heart began beating rapidly,
“You must be freezing”
“I'm okay”
“Just let me warm you up”
I looked up at Sean his eyes meeting mine, our faces drew closer to each other like magnets that couldn't be pulled away from each other. Our lips touched as a rumble of thunder boomed across the sky. I felt electricity course through my lips to my toes. He pulled away leaving me breathless, his forehead touching my own. His breath hot and ragged on my nose as I looked up into his eyes, our lips met again and again in hot feverish attempt to overpower the other. Before I knew it I was in his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist. His kisses trailing down my neck to my collarbone, soft moans escaped my lips, gripping the wet tresses of hair.
“Sean we...can't...not here”
I panted heavily. He looked up at me, a disheveled mess he had made me.
“Ill call us a ride”
He held onto me tight pulling his phone out of his pocket calling his driver. Five minutes later a car pulled up to our location, he let me down softly and we ran to the car getting soaked all over again. We arrived back his apartment, it was dimly lit from the storm raging outside.
Sean yelled inside the apartment,
“Looks like he isn't here”
He looked at me with devilish eyes over his shoulder. Those eyes made me heat up from inside again, he pushed me against the wall he towered over me. He whispered in my ear, his voice husky
“Are you ready to finish what we started?”
I nodded my head in agreement, his lips crashed into mine leaving me breathless. I soaked in the heat radiating from his body.  I wanted him, craved him to my very core, from the moment I first laid eyes on him. I pushed my body hard against him, as I clawed at his wet shirt. He pulled away very breathing heavy,
“Lets go somewhere more comfortable”
He picked me up in his arms carrying me to his bedroom, he sat me gently on the edge of the bed. He pulled his shirt from over his head the droplets of water from his hair landed on his chest rolling down each set of abs to the top of his jeans. I couldn't resist it any longer, I placed my hands on his chest feeling his racing heart beneath. I scraped my nails lightly over his stomach, a soft groan escaped his lips.
His voice lit a fire deep inside my stomach, I wanted him now. Eyes full of lust he climbed onto the bed hovering over me showering my exposed body parts with hot breathy kisses, his eyes lighting up with each article of clothing he shed from my body. Meanwhile Sid had come home and noticed the wet footprints on the carpet leading to Sean's room. He ,quietly walked to the door and leaned his ear against it, soft moans escaped Adra's lips, while Sean made rhythmic groans.
“Ah Sean”
Sid listened to her muffled screams, he grin sheepishly and went to his room for the night. I  awoke to the singing of birds outside the window, the day was bright and beautiful. I tried to get up and I felt a heavy weight around my waist. It was Sean's arm wrapped around me holding me close to his chest. I grinned slightly remembering the night before events. I felt him stir next to me, he breathed in the smell of my hair and smiled,
“Good morning princess”
“Good morning Sean”
“Sleep well?”
He kissed the tip of my ear lobe,
“Did you have fun last night?”
I giggled as his breath tickled my ear,
He kissed my neck down to my shoulder, he whispered against my skin
“Its such a beautiful Sunday morning”
My eyes widened,
“Oh my god its Sunday and I haven't prepared for the case at all!”
I held my hands in my hands, dammit, I'm going to screw this case up! In a panic I jumped out of bed, and started putting on my still damp clothes. Sean wrapped a sheet around his waist and stopped me,
“Calm down, I'm going to be your second chair. We can prepare together”
“You are going to be my wing man?”
“Heh, yeah I guess I am”
He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, he went to the bathroom where he got dressed. I sat down on the sofa and started to go over documents, who I was going to call, what I was going ask, I huffed out a puff of air pulling my hair back in a messy ponytail. The sound of Mozart's Requiem in d minor flooded my ears with beautiful music, Sean came and plopped down beside me cracking his knuckles.
“Okay lets get started”  
We worked nonstop well into the afternoon, I yawned softly looking at my cellphone one o'clock. I felt better after Sean helped me and reassured me he would be there for me until Giles came back.
“Its about time I headed home”
“If you insist, although you could stay here another night, Ill make sure you get up for court tomorrow”
He grinned at me,
“Heh, thank you but I need some clean clothes and a shower. I'm sure Giles is dying ask me a million questions too.”
“Alright I'll walk you out”
I followed Sean to front door, passing Sid relaxing on the couch again watching sports center this time. He nodded as we passed, a smile on his face. Sean opened the door, I stood in the threshold looking up at him,
“Are you sure you will okay walking home?”
“I'll be fine Sean”
He leaned down pressed his lips softly to mine, I pulled away
“If you keep kissing me like that, I won't want to leave”
He smiled and leaned in for another kiss, I pressed my index finger against his lips stopping him. He frowned, I kissed his cheek and left a huge smile on my face. I stood outside the building looking up at the windows kicking myself because I left. I didn't want to leave but I also didn't want things to move to fast either. I turned down main street, it should take me about fifteen minutes to get home from here. I walked slowly pulling the collar of my jacket close to my face, the cool wind chilled my exposed neck. I kept my head down while I walked, my phone starting ringing in my pocket. I stopped and pulled out my phone to see who it was, I laughed answering the phone.
“Sean I just left”
“ I just wanted to make sure your okay, where are you?”
“I;m outside the old cbgb's store, I'm about five minutes from the apartment”
“Do you want me to come get you?”
“I'm fine really”
A black van pulled up behind me while I talked to Sean, I felt a pair of strong arms grab me from behind causing me drop my phone with a scream. I heard Sean yelling from the phone,
“Adra! Whats wrong? Oh god”
A man placed a white rag doused in chloroform, over my mouth I blacked out in seconds as they pulled me into the van. Sean yelled on the other end of the phone,
“Adra, I'm coming just hold on!”
Sean ran as fast as he could, finally coming to the cbgb building. He stopped huffing and puffing, he saw Adra's phone laying on the ground. He picked it up and held it to his chest, he quickly called the cops. I awoke in a to find myself in a dimly lit room of something that looked like an old warehouse, my head pounded. I soon found out I bound to a wooden chair, I began to kick and scream. The door to the room opened and in strolled Louis Howard, he clicked his tongue dissatisfied.  
“A lady should not conduct herself in this manor”
“What do you want?”
He grinned widely as he stepped beside me and punched me square in the jaw the brass knuckles that he wore breaking it instantly. Blood poured from my mouth, another blow landed in my chest taking my breath away, the next landed in my stomach. He leaned in and whispered closely to my ear,
“You should have took my plea deal”
I blacked out from the immense pain slumping over in the chair. Louis looked down at Adra's limp body, he spoke to one of his men,
“Call me when she is wake”
Sean sat in the police precinct clenching his fists, a sweaty and nervous mess. Giles sat next to him his hands on his head, shaking his leg uncontrollably. Two detective came to speak to him and Giles,
“I'm detective Burkhardt and this detective Meier. We are the leads on your missing friends case”
“We are going to do our very best to find her”
Sean hung his head low and blamed himself for letting her leave, letting her walk home alone. Giles shed tear after tear, praying nothing had happened to her. I raised my head I was still in the same room, I could only open one eye, the other had been swollen shut. My breathing was ragged, I had no idea what day is was or what time it is for that matter, all I could see in the dim light that hung over head. Louis walked in the room again shortly after I had awoken. My body wavered and my head moved from side to side as I tried to look at him in his cold eyes. I struggled to speak my jaw throbbed,
Its all I managed to say, I hung my head relishing the pain in my mouth. Louis cleared his throat,
“I told you that you should have taken my plea, now you going to pay with your life”
He pulled my head back by my hair, spitting in my face. He punched me in the side, I felt my ribs cracking beneath his hand, I blacked out once more. Sean stormed in the precinct looking for Burkhardt and Meier, he found them and slammed Meier against the wall.
“Its been two days and you guys are sitting here eating donuts and drinking coffee, what the fuck are you guys doing?”
Burkhardt pulled Sean from Meier,
“Watch yourself Mr. Grandier or I will lock you up”
“Its fine Al”
He smoothed out his jacket slowly,
“Sean, you need to go home. We are doing all we can, I promise you will be the first to know if we find anything”
Sean slammed his fist against the wall his face red with anger storming out of the station. I felt ice cold water douse my body shocking me awake, the pain had become numb by this time. I  looked up to see Louis before me once again, I felt the cold steel barrel of a gun touch my forehead, I prayed for death at that moment. I closed my eyes and remembered Sean's smile, I smiled  slightly as Louis pulled the trigger, everything went black. They loaded Adra's lifeless body back into the van and dumped her under the East  River bridge. Someone in a passing taxi saw her lifeless form and called police. Her pulse was shallow when they arrived, she was beaten beyond recognition. Taken to the hospital she was put into a medical induced coma. Sean was sitting at the apartment with Giles and Alyn, he didn't want to be alone. His cellphone started ringing in his pocket and after seeing Burkhardt's name on the screen he quickly answered it,
“Yes what it is? Did you find her?”
“Yes Mr. Grandier she is at the hospital in critical condition”
“Ill be right there”
He hung up the phone, Giles and Alyn quickly followed him to Mercy Hospital. They found her room, the sight of her made Sean's heart sink. A machine had to breathe for her, so many hoses and tubes coming out of her tiny body. He knelt next to her bed, grabbing her hand, squeezing it gently he started to cry. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. She still laid silent in the hospital bed, motionless. Sean hardly left her side at all, Giles came by to visit everyday. Today was special in particular, sentencing for Louis Howard started to today, they matched the dried saliva on Adra's face to his DNA. He was found guilty on three counts of murder and one count attempted murder, sentenced to life in prison without the possibly of parole. Sean looked over at Adra holding her hand,
“Did you hear that? You put him away for life”
Sean kissed her on the forehead. Tears started streaming down his cheeks, dropping on her face.
“We won Adra. We won my love”
Her body had completely healed but her brain activity still hadn't returned to normal. Sean played music for her every night, her favorites Mozart and Beethoven. He laid beside her holding her limp body close singing into her ear, the same song every night before he fell asleep,
“I am with you always, from the darkness of night, until the morning, I am with you always, from life until death takes me”
He kissed her forehead, whispering in her ear,
“I love you Adra, I fell for you the first day I met you. I can't bare going through life without such an amazing person by my side. Please if you hear me, wake up”
Her face twitched slowly, her hand squeezed his, Sean screamed for someone
“Doctor! Nurse! Come quickly”
Her brain scan began to beep showing signs of activity, her eyelids fluttered struggling to open. Sean stood at her side holding her hand tightly. I opened my eyes to harsh white lights, I held my hand in front of my eyes adjusting to the light my eyes psychically hurt but I could open them both. I was confused, the pain that racked my body before was gone. I heard a sniffle from beside me, I looked over to see Sea crying next to me a smile on his face.
“Your finally awake”
I struggled to speak but my voice was gone, the nurse held a cup of water. I sipped the cold liquid through the straw wetting my throat. I breathed in and tried again looking at Sean the entire time,
I cleared my throat once again,
“I heard everything you've said and I  have to tell you something”
I felt hot tears stinging my eyes threatening to spill out.
“Thank you for the music, singing to me while holding me close to you, I thought I was never going to feel your touch again. You are the only reason I clung to live, but more importantly. I love you too”
Sean kissed my cheek softly. Another few months passed by before being released from the hospital, I had to learn how to walk again, my muscles had deteriorated to almost nothing. I stepped outside with Sean holding my hand, the dark blue ring on my finger shined in the sunlight. I let the light shine on my face, it had been almost year since I felt the rays of the sun on my skin. The warm breeze blew my hair into my eyes as I took a deep breath in, taking all the scents I have missed. Sean stood watching me
smiling, he pulled me close wrapping an arm around my waist,
“Miss Lockhart, shall we go see Giles? I'm sure he is dying to see you”
“Not right now, I want to do something else”
“What might that be?”
I smiled up him wrapping my arms around his neck,
“I've been dying to feel your touch again. Could we head to your place first?”
“Of course princess”
He smiled that smile that I envisioned the moment I thought I was going to die. Now I get to live with it for the rest of my life. I held his hand tightly never wanting to let go, he was my prince and I his princess. I knew the moment I laid eyes on him a year ago in that elevator, he had stolen my heart for eternity.
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