isabellafoster13 · 1 year
This was requested on AO3 by AspenWood.
This is another reincarnation AU. It also takes place in the modern world. 
I hope you enjoy!
You Look Really Cute in that Sweater (Midnight x Lucy)
Lucy walked along the sidewalk, making her way through Magnolia and making her way to her high school. She wasn't looking forward to the exam that she had waiting for her, no matter how unavoidable it was. Although, she was looking forward to meeting the new student who Erza had told her would be arriving that morning. She's always loved when Fairy Tail High would get a new student and she knew that this one would be welcomed with open arms. A breeze of cold air blew by her, making her shiver a bit. Maybe she should have put on something other than her white sweater this morning. 
She picked up her pace, her want to meet the new student becoming stronger the closer she got to the school. When she arrived, she rushed into the building and made her way to her locker, the bell ringing for students to make their way to their first classes. 
Lucy began to gather her things from her locker when someone suddenly jumped on her back. She yelped and whipped around to see Natsu grinning back at her. The blonde sighed, "Natsu, you scared me." 
Natsu laughed, "hey, Luce, did you hear about the new guy?" 
Lucy closed her locker as she answered, "yeah, have you met him yet?" 
"No, but Erza has. She said that she thinks he's gonna be pretty shy." 
"That's no problem. I'm sure he'll start to open up soon." 
The pair made their way to their first class, Fiore History, and entered the classroom. Lucy made her way to her seat, right next to the window, and sat down to wait for the teacher to arrive and for the class to begin. She looked around at her classmates, seeing that Natsu and Gray were already fighting, Juvia was fawning over Gray, Mira was writing down ship names for different possible couples, and everybody else was sitting around and talking to each other. 
The loudness and distraction were put to a stop when a man spoke, his voice booming over the noise of the students talking, "sit down and be quiet!" 
Mr. Clive made his way over to his desk and waited for his students to sit in their seats and turn their attention to him. Lucy smiled as she watched him make his way to the front of the room, knowing that the new student was about to be introduced. Mr. Clive finally spoke, "we have a new student," he turned his head to look at the open door, "get in here." 
Lucy's breath hitched when in walked a handsome young man, his soft-looking hair a dual coloring of black and white. He was dressed in the standard Fairy Tail High uniform, albeit a bit sloppy, and came to a stop at the front of the classroom. Lucy noticed that he was wearing black eyeliner and black lipstick, making him look even cuter, in her opinion. 
Everything that was said was lost on her as she continued to stare at the new student, only being able to catch his name: Midnight. Her cheeks heated and her heartbeat picked up speed when Midnight began making his way over to her and sat in the empty seat that was right next to her. She was unaware that she was staring until Midnight turned to her, smirked, and said something that was said to her in nearly every single one of her dreams.
"You look cute in that sweater."
Lucy woke up to the sound of her alarm. She groaned as she rolled onto her back and rubbed her eyes. It took only a few seconds for her brain to move on from the dream she had and come back to reality. She sat up and mumbled to herself, "another one of those dreams." 
For as long as she could remember, every dream that she was able to remember entailed an attractive, two-toned-haired, young man named Midnight saying "you look cute in that sweater" to her. 
It was a confusing thing, and she was unable to figure out the reason. She had brought up the curious occurrence to her friends, but she was only ever met with more confusion and suggestions of reincarnation. 
She chuckled to herself as she climbed out of her bed and began dressing in her school uniform, pulling on a white sweater as well. When she exited her house and began making her way to school, her mind wandered to Levy's and Mira's constant suggestions. Every time she mentioned her dreams, two of her closest friends would proclaim that the only explanation was reincarnation. 
It was annoying, to be honest, but the two young women thought that it made perfect sense. "Think about it, Lucy," Mira would reason, "the only dreams you can remember are ones where you are alive during different times through history and the same guy says the same thing to you. It has to be reincarnation! You and Midnight are destined to be together!" The white-haired woman would always finish her explanation with hearts in her eyes and a dreamy sigh. Levy would nod in agreement, adding that there are countless stories of people, mostly young children, remembering things that could be explained as reincarnation. 
As Lucy walked, she couldn't help but wonder: were Levy and Mira right? She was never much of a believer in reincarnation, but now, she seemed to be unable to banish it from her mind. Then, she suddenly remembered something. 
They were getting a new student. 
She looked down at the sidewalk she was walking along, her mind questioning if this new student was Midnight. Was she going to meet her "destined lover"? Was this the day that these dreams ended and she would finally find her true love? She chuckled again, silently telling herself that she was being crazy. There is no way that could be what was happening. A cold breeze caused her to shiver and wonder if she should have grabbed a jacket. After realizing that she had experienced this in her dream too, she shivered once again. 
It hadn't taken her very long to reach Fairy Tail high as she made her way to her locker, the bell ringing. She silently told herself that she was being ridiculous in even beginning to entertain the idea that what was currently happening and her dream was at all similar. This happened every school day, it didn't mean anything. 
As she was gathering her things when she was suddenly jumped on from behind, yelping at the non-malicious attack. She turned around and saw Natsu. She sighed, "Natsu, you scared me."
Natsu laughed, "hey, Luce, did you hear about the new guy?"
Lucy closed her locker as she answered, "yeah, have you met him yet?"
"No, but Erza has. She said that she thinks he's gonna be pretty shy."
"That's no problem. I'm sure he'll start to open up soon." 
As they began walking, Lucy suddenly remembered her dream, making her bit her lip at the increasing number of similarities. Her day continued to play out as her dream did, her sitting at her seat and looking around at her classmates, Mr. Clive arriving and telling them to sit down and be quiet, and watching with a smile on her face as the new student entered the classroom. 
She suppressed a gasp when she saw the young man who walked in. Attractive, black-and-white hair, black eyeliner and lipstick, sloppy school uniform. It was him. It was the Midnight from her dreams that ranged in historical setting.
All talking went unheard by her as her cheeks heated with a red blush, her heartbeat became faster, and her breathing got caught in her throat. She watched with widened eyes as Midnight walked over and sat in the seat that was right next to her.
Then, once again mirroring her dream, Midnight turned to her, a smirk appearing on his cute face. From the look in his red eyes, Lucy could tell that he recognized her and had been plagued by dreams that were similar to hers. He then said the line that Lucy had heard in nearly every dream she's ever had. 
"You look really cute in that sweater." 
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by Ginia_P.
About fucking time I get a MidLu request! I have been waiting longer than necessary for someone to request a oneshot for this ship. 
I love MidLu! I don't know why I love it so much, I just do. Maybe it's because I love both Lucy and Midnight, or they look great together. It might also be because I am basically obsessed with Hero x Villian/Redeemed Villian and Bad Boy x Good Girl tropes. So much fantastic angst potential! MidLu is one of my OTPs and I am so happy to finally have a request for it. 
I hope you enjoy! 
Go Talk to Her (Midnight x Lucy)
Midnight sighed as he watched Lucy sit with her team, talking away with them. He sat at the bar, a mug of alcohol in front of him, with his arm propped up on the surface of the bar and his chin resting on his palm. He felt his gut erupt with butterflies and his cheeks warm when he saw her smile and heard her laugh. He was tempted to walk over and sit with her, joining in on the conversation. However, he stayed where he sat, unable to push himself to approach her. 
After some time of fighting dark guilds, Crime Sorciere decided to disband and join Legal Guilds. Racer had joined Lamia Scale, Meredy joined Sabertooth, and Hoteye had left to travel with his younger brother. Jellal, Cobra, and Midnight decided to join Fairy Tail. 
After their joining, Midnight had been experiencing strange feelings around Lucy. Whenever he was near her, he would become overwhelmed with nervousness. Every time he heard her laugh or saw her smile, he would feel a fluttering feeling fill his gut and his cheeks would get dusted with a pink blush. A single touch from the celestial wizard would send a pleasurable shock through his body. The mere thought of talking to her would make his heartbeat quicken and his palms sweat. He wanted to be close to her a lot, but was also too nervous to make himself approach her. 
The former dark mage looked down at the mug of alcohol in front of him as he scowled at himself. He didn't understand why he felt this way toward Lucy. He first thought that it was because he wanted to be her friend, but when the feelings persisted, got stronger even, he became even more confused about these feelings. He had never felt this way about someone before, so what was going on? 
He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a deep chuckle. He turned his head to see Cobra taking a seat next to him and giving him a knowing and amused smirk. Midnight gave him a scowl as he asked, "what's so funny?" 
The maroon-haired man chuckled more before he spoke, "just your thoughts." He then lifted his mug of alcohol up to his lips, taking a long drink. 
Midnight narrowed his red eyes at him, grumbling, "I wish you would stop listening to my thoughts. That's an invasion of privacy, you know." 
Cobra scoffed, "since when have you ever cared about privacy?"
Midnight countered, "since we stopped being dark mages." 
Cobra shrugged and took another swig of his alcohol. When he sat the mug on the bar he gave his friend a smirk as he remarked, "so, you're in love with Blondie over there." He gestured toward Lucy, causing Midnight to turn around and look at her. The blonde was listening to Erza talk, a lovely smile on her face. 
The two-toned-haired man turned back to the dragon slayer next to him and furrowed his brow at him. In love with her? No way! He couldn't be! He voiced these thoughts, though he already knew that Cobra had heard him, "I'm not in love with her."
Cobra raised an eyebrow, questioning, "really? Are you sure?" A smirk played on his lips. Midnight could tell that the dragon slayer wasn't going to let up, only bother him further until he gets what he wants. 
Midnight looked back down at his drink and maintained his stance as he proclaimed, "I'm not in love with Lucy!"
Cobra hummed and finished off his drink before he asked, "how do you feel about her?"
"You heard me. How do you feel about Lucy? Tell me what you think about her."
Midnight's grip tightened on the mug in his hands as he stared into the drink. He was silent for several moments until he finally began to speak with a soft tone, "she's beautiful. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She's kind too. And very forgiving. She even forgave me before any of her teammates. She was also the first person to welcome me into Fairy Tail." A smile broke onto his face as he continued, a blush coloring his cheeks and his heartbeat becoming slightly faster, "Lucy is amazing. She was eager to be my friend and let me stay at her apartment until I found one of my own. Every time I would have a nightmare about the Tower of Heaven or our time with Brain, she would always comfort me. I'm not staying at her place anymore and yet she doesn't mind when I come over at night after another nightmare because I don't know who else to go to and don't want to be alone. She loves to go on jobs with me. She's probably my best friend. I-I..." He paused as he thought over everything that he had just said, realization slowly dawning on him until he looked at Cobra and finally acknowledged in a whisper, "I love her. I love Lucy." 
Cobra stood up and grabbed Midnight by the arm, pulling him to his feet. The Poison Dragon Slayer commanded, "good, now, go talk to her." He then pushed his friend in the direction of the celestial wizard. 
Midnight stumbled forward, throwing a glare back at a grinning Cobra before he looked back at Lucy. She was sipping on a strawberry milkshake, reading a book that was laying on the table. He took a deep breath and forced his legs to move forward, trying to ignore the wave of nervousness that crashed onto him. 
He tapped on the blonde's shoulder, swallowing in a failed attempt to relieve the dryness in his mouth when she turned around and smiled as she greeted him, "hey, Midnight!"
Midnight returned her smile with a small one of his own. His heart was pounding in his chest and his stomach was filled with butterflies. He averted his eyes from Lucy's and requested, "can I talk to you alone?"
Lucy nodded and stood up, leading him to the guild's doors. They exited the guildhall and stood in front of the closed doors, facing each other. The celestial wizard asked with a smile, "what do you want to talk about?"
Midnight blushed as he stared at the ground. He opened his mouth a few times, but was unable to say anything. He balled his fists at his side and silently cursed at himself. He shouldn't have jumped straight to confessing his feelings to Lucy. His cheeks burned and contemplated just hightailing it out of there. 
He jumped when he felt Lucy place her hands on his shoulders, sparks shooting through his body at the physical contact. He locked his eyes on the ground when he heard her ask, concern in her voice, "Midnight? Are you alright?" 
The reflector mage nodded and managed to say, his voice quiet, almost a whisper, "I-I just wanted to tell you that..." He trailed off before he took a deep breath and burst out, "I love you!" 
He finally looked at Lucy, seeing that she was staring at him in surprise. Midnight stiffened, waiting for the rejection that he was sure was soon to come. However, he was completely thrown off when Lucy gave him a big smile and exclaimed, "I love you too!" 
Midnight stared at her with widened eyes, shocked. He uttered, "you do?" 
Lucy nodded and leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips. Midnight stood there for a few seconds, surprised that Lucy was kissing him. He quickly got over his shock and kissed Lucy back, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by Pup.
The requester wanted this oneshot to be Christmas-themed and to feature the song "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper. This was a last-minute addition, in case you're wondering. The requester also wanted this oneshot to be longer than most of the others. I tried my best to do that. They also wanted me to change the lyrics a bit to better fit the fic, so if the lyrics are different, then that is why.
So, here is a Christmas oneshot in October. 
I hope you enjoy! 
Time After Time (Midnight x Lucy ft. Mira)
Fairy Tail was lively this night. Decorations colored green, red, blue, white, and yellow were strung around the guildhall. The mages of the famous guild drank, laughed, and celebrated. 
It was Christmas night. 
All were as jolly as the folkloric Santa Claus. Mistletoe was hung at every possible place, courtesy of Mirajane. There were even guests from a few other guilds. Lyon sat with Gray and Juvia, chatting happily with them. Natsu and Sting were having an eggnog drinking contest while Yukino, Rogue, Rufus, and Lisanna watched with varied interest. Orga, Gajeel, and Levy sat near the stage, talking. Laxus and the Thunder Legion had finally moved away from the second floor and sat at the bar, deep in conversation with each other. Erza and Jellal sat with Wendy, Happy, and Carla. Sorano was with Meredy, watching as some Fairy Tail mages played darts. Cobra and Kinana were playing cards with Hibiki and Jenny. Sherry and Ren were cuddled together at their own table. 
The only mage that wasn't having the time of their life was Lucy. The celestial wizard sat at the bar alone, her chin resting in her palm that was propped up on her elbow which rested on top of the bar. She stared down at her strawberry milkshake, uninterested in it. She gave an audible sigh as she contemplated leaving early. 
There was one person missing. One person that she hadn't seen for nine months. Midnight. Since he joined Fairy Tail, he had been going on job after job in an attempt to make amends for all of the terrible things that he had done in the past. He was fighting dangerous monsters and helping people whom he had harmed years before. 
Lucy and Midnight had gotten close over the time that he had been in Fairy Tail. They've gone on jobs together, lived together for a brief period, and even went on vacation together a few times. They simply got along surprisingly well. As time went on, it didn't take long for Lucy to fall in love. 
Her heart clenched painfully as tears pricked the corners of her eyes. She swiftly wiped them away before she continued to drown in her thoughts about the former dark mage who had captured her heart. She missed him greatly. He had gone on long jobs before, but never this long. And worse, she wasn't able to contact him. He was on a dangerous job that kept him from keeping contact with her in any way. 
Lucy turned around to look at the other mages in the guildhall. Her brown eyes caught sight of all of the happy couples. She then turned around and pushed her cold drink away, folding her arms on top of the bar before she dropped her head onto her arms. She was glad to see that her friends were happily in love, she wasn't bitter about the fact that they had something that she could only wish to have. Rather, she just wished that Midnight would return. 
Before he left, he had assured her that he would return soon, but that was nine months ago. She wished that she could have at least told him how she felt, but when she tried, the words wouldn't come, her tongue had become suddenly heavy in her mouth. She sighed again and lifted her head, resting her chin on her arms. 
She liked to think that Midnight felt the same way, but she wasn't quite sure. True, he mainly only spoke with her, but that didn't mean that he loved her the way that she loved him. Despite how close they had gotten, it was still difficult for her to read him. She could tell when he was happy, angry, and sad, but she couldn't tell what he was thinking. 
Midnight was a book that she had difficulty reading, like a manuscript written in an old language that was largely lost to time. In this way, she felt like a philologist who was trying to decode the words that were etched into the aged paper, almost desperate to understand the content. Lucy wanted to understand Midnight. She wanted to know what was going on in his head. She wanted to know how he really felt about being a part of Fairy Tail, how he really felt about his new guildmates, how he really felt about her. She wanted to truly know him, but she didn't feel like she did, no matter what anybody else may say to the contrary. 
Lucy felt a stab of pain in her chest and tears trickled down her cheeks, no longer caring to wipe them away. Everyone was too busy to pay attention to her. She silently cursed herself for not even being able to confess her feelings to Midnight before he left. What if he died? She would've never known if he felt the same way. All of the jobs that he had been taking were increasingly dangerous, to the point that she was almost constantly worried for his safety. She didn't want to think about the possibility of him dying, but she simply couldn't stop her mind. What if he died? She had no idea what she would do if that happened. 
As Lucy dived more and more into her thoughts, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Mira giving her a sympathetic smile, asking, "are you alright?" 
Lucy turned around to look down at the bar. She lied, "yeah, I'm fine." She didn't like lying to her close friend, but she didn't want to worry anybody. She couldn't ruin her friends' Christmas party just because she was longing for a guy that had nearly killed her and probably didn't love her back. 
She felt Mira gently lay a hand on her shoulder and softly respond, "I know that you aren't. Is it Midnight?"
Lucy gave a quiet cry at the sound of his name. As tears streamed from her eyes, she buried her face in her arms. She felt Mira wrap her arms around her, pulling her into a gentle but comforting hug. Lucy released a few sobs as she buried her face into Mira's chest while the white-haired woman rubbed circles on her back. 
They remained like that for several minutes until Mira proposed, "how about you get on the stage and sing something, Lucy?" 
Lucy pulled away, sniffling and wiping away her tears as best she could. She finally looked at Mira, questioning, "what?" Her voice was low and trembling. 
The take-over mage smiled kindly at her, gesturing toward the now empty stage as she explained, "a lot of the others have been singing. How about you give it a try?"
Lucy looked at the stage. She wasn't sure about that. She had just been crying, why would she want to sing in front of an entire guild, plus some? She shook her head, shifting her gaze to Mira as she said, "no, Mira, I think I'll just go back home instead." 
She got up and took only a few steps toward the guildhall doors when Mira suddenly grabbed her arm, pulling her back. Lucy turned around to look at her close friend in slight confusion. Mira pushed with a smile, "please, Lucy. You should sing that song you wrote. Be honest about your feelings." 
Lucy turned her body to face Mira, her eyes wide and her mouth agape, and she questioned with surprise, "how did you know-" 
She was unable to finish asking the white-haired woman how she knew that she had written a song when Mira pushed her in the direction of the stage. "Come on, Lucy. I promise, you won't regret it." 
Lucy looked back at Mira seeing her walk toward the doors and stand in front of them, no doubt blocking her way out. The celestial wizard sighed and made her way over to the stage, smoothing down her hair and clothing as she offered a silent prayer for her face to not show evidence of having previously been crying. 
As she stepped onto the stage, the loud mages before her quieted and focused their attention on her. She blushed slightly, suddenly embarrassed and nervous as a result of becoming the center of attention so suddenly. The music began and she closed her eyes, crooning the song that she had written in the times of loneliness that Midnight's absence had left her at the mercy to. 
Little to her knowledge, Midnight was approaching the guild, the slight skip in his step becoming more and more evident as he got closer. He was eager to see Lucy. He was eager to wrap his arms around her warm body and pull her against him. He was eager to see her smile and hear her laugh. He was eager to finally tell her how much he loved her and, if she felt the same way, to kiss her a thousand times to apologize for being away for so long. He was eager to assure her that he was back, that he was here to stay. 
He stepped up to the closed doors and pushed them open, only to freeze when the doors were opened only slightly. He heard a beautiful voice beginning to serenade the present mages. He knew that the woman who was singing was Lucy. He could recognize her honey-dripped voice from anywhere. He had heard it so much that it was the most recognizable sound he's ever heard. Her singing was especially recognizable to him. Too many times he had heard her singing, either to herself or to him. She would sing to herself when she was bored, or to him to help him fall back asleep after a nightmare. 
He opened the doors a tiny bit further and peeked through the crack. His eyes widened at what he saw, his breath bated. Lucy stood on the stage, her eyes closed and her hands clamped against her chest. The reflector mage listened to the song. A song that he knew from the many times he had peeked at it during its writing. 
Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick and think of you
Caught up in circles
Confusion is nothing new
Flashback, warm nights
Almost left behind
Suitcase of memories
Time after-
Midnight sneaked through the doors as she sang. He knew this song. Lucy didn't know that he knew. He knew the meaning of this song. It was a call to someone. A call to someone that she missed and wanted to return. He never would have thought that it was about him. However, now that he hears her sing the lyrics that she had written with a heavy heart, he knew now. 
She loved him just as he loved her. She was singing to him despite believing that he was still away. He felt his heart clench and pain shot through his chest as he swiftly made his way to the stage, watching her, not only because the lights overhead illuminated her in an almost painfully beautiful way, but also because he didn't want her to notice him just yet. He quickly noticed the tears that trickled down her cheeks, as inconsistent and slow as the beginning rains of a spring day. He made a vow then and there to do whatever he had to do to make it up to her, to make her forgive the pain and loneliness that the lack of his presence had caused. 
He walked up onto the stage, his footsteps slow and silent, as he gestured to the audience for them to stay silent. His red eyes locked onto Lucy. He was sure that he looked as though he was a sailor that was ensnared by the enchanting song of a siren. And, that wasn't too far from the truth. 
Lucy sang the net verse, still unaware of his silent approach: 
Sometimes I picture you
You're walking too far ahead
I'm calling to you, but you can't hear
What I've said
Then I say, "please, come back"
And I stay behind
The second hand unwinds
Midnight then raised his voice, singing the chorus with her: 
If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
Upon beginning the song together, Lucy whirls around to see Midnight walking toward her, a smile on his face and a look of love and regret in his eyes. As the realization that he was back quickly dawned on her, she faltered in her singing only slightly. 
They continued the chorus together, their eyes never once leaving each other's:
If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time
If you're lost, you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting
Time after time
Lucy turned to face Midnight. They stepped closer to each other, his arms snaking around her waist and pulling her closer. They stared into each other's eyes, both seeming to be in a trance, as Lucy sings the third verse:
After your picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray
Watching through windows
I'm wondering if you're okay
Secrets hidden from deep inside 
And the drum beats out of time
Midnight then joined her once again on the chorus, his voice stronger this time from the sudden confidence gain that resulted from being with her: 
If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time 
Lucy sings the refrain on her own: 
I say, "please, come back, I stay behind
The second hand unwinds
Midnight then rejoined to finish the chorus with Lucy: 
If you're lost, you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time
If you're lost, you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall, I will catch you, oh, I'll be waiting 
Time after time
Midnight stopped singing, letting the celestial wizard in his arms continued to sing: 
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after-
Lucy's singing quieted until it was a mere whisper as their faces inched closer and closer. She breathed the last lyric before their lips connected in a sweet and loving kiss that reflected to each other the pain that they had both gone through during the time that they were apart. Tears of happiness trickled down their cheeks. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, while his arms were wrapped around her waist, each of their bodies pressed against the other. 
Cheers erupt from the crowd, almost deafening. But, Lucy and Midnight were too distracted by each other to pay any mind. They pull away and pressed their foreheads together. They were clearly in their own world together. Everyone and everything around them was nonexistent. 
There was only Lucy and Midnight. 
Lucy felt her stomach drop as she began to question how long he was going to stay. Did he only have a short amount of time left? Was he going to stay for only a few days and then leave for, who knows how long? 
Her blissful smile dropped and she asked in a whisper, "how long are you going to stay?" She could feel her lip tremble only slightly. She felt tears well up in her eyes, dreading what he would say but also needing to know how much time she had with him. 
Midnight smiled kindly down at her, whispering back, "for as long as you want me to stay."
"Forever?" Her voice was hopeful with fear hinted in her soft voice. She was afraid that forever wouldn't be an option. 
Midnight brought a hand up to cup her cheek as he assured her with a gentle voice, "forever. I'm never leaving you."
They then kissed again, relishing in each other's presence. They were finally together, forever, this time. The burden that was weighing on Lucy's heart lifted and she felt happiness fill her being. She had the man whom she loved back. He was promising to stay. She felt the loneliness that she had been drowning in for so long quickly become replaced with happiness. As she stared into Midnight's eyes, she silently promised to make sure that he stuck to his promise. 
Midnight returned her gaze of love with one of his own. He remembered when he chased sleep, almost desperately. He spent much of his life in fervent search of peaceful sleep and wonderful dreams. These things weren't as common as he would have liked, which made them a treasure to him. However, no longer. He didn't need to run after fleeting dreams. He was living the most wonderful dream that he could have ever imagined, a dream that he never in his life would have imagined living. He had in his arms the most valuable treasure that he would ever find in his arms. She was beautiful, kind, forgiving, strong...just perfect in his eyes. And, if it meant never sleeping again, then he will stay by her side until his last breath. With her, he was finally home.
The pair were lost in each other, the rest of the world practically dead to them. They could only see each other. But, nobody in the audience minded this. They could see the longing that both mages had been going through, the loneliness that Lucy had been dealing with constantly when Midnight wasn't there and the dread that she went through when he was there, dreading when he would leave once again. They could see the regret that had been weighing on Midnight as he enjoyed every moment he could spend with Lucy before he had to leave for an extended period of time. 
The mages who witnessed the display allowed the couple their moment of reunion and love. This night was truly a merry Christmas.
I made this as long as I could, so hopefully, its length is to the requester's liking. I loved writing this! I also hope that the format of the song lyrics was correct, I used genius.com for the lyrics. 
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