#might have to cut y’all off after the next hug war post I got so many asks 😭/pos
freddiesaysalright · 5 years
My Man Part III
A Ben!Roger Taylor x Reader Fanfic
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Damn y’all! This really took off and got me all motivated to write the next part and post it earlier than planned! Thank you for all the wonderful feedback!
Summary: Reader is a Broadway actress currently starring in a West End production of Funny Girl. She’s a widow, thanks to the Vietnam War, but it’s a well-kept secret. She also wants everyone to think she doesn’t care for rock music. She met Roger Taylor when he brought his date backstage. They didn’t start off great, but a party at Freddie’s started to turn them around.
Word Count: 2K
Tag List: @bohemian-war @kittygirlno @rebelrebelyourefaceisamess @rockyroadthepastryarchy @goodoldfashionedloverboyy @jennyggggrrr @discodeacygotmorerhythm If you want to be added, let me know! 
A/N: The end gets a little steamy! Nothing too explicit, but thought I’d give a head’s up. Also a little tease for what’s to come later ;)
Part I       Part II
Part III here we go!!!
The next evening, when you were in your dressing room, several of your castmates, including your co-star, Eric, and Gary swarmed in, demanding to know the details of a Freddie Mercury party. They all were speaking at once, asking questions about his house, what he was like, what you did, what everyone else did, and if you met the rest of the band.
“Stop!” you cried, exasperated and not registering any of it. “The party was fine, but I didn’t stay long.”
“Why?” Eric asked. “Was it too wild?”
“Was it too boring?” Gary added.
“No, it was a perfectly adequate amount of entertainment,” you said. “But I don’t really feel like discussing it. Could you all please leave my dressing room? We have a show tonight, you know.”
Disappointed, they all filed out and dispersed. Gary and Eric stayed behind.
“Was there something else you needed?” you asked.
“Did something happen at the party?” Eric wondered, gently. “Was it safe?”
“Oh, don’t misunderstand,” you explained. “Nothing happened that was inappropriate. I was treated with nothing but respect. I would just like to maintain my privacy and the band’s.”
“So you did see the rest of them?” Gary questioned.
“Ugh, just get out,” you groaned, yanking your door open and gesturing for them to leave. “I need to get dressed.”
They hesitantly obeyed. You released a sigh of relief. You didn’t mind being the center of attention as Fanny Brice, but you did mind it as yourself. You were always a private person, and your parents had made your more private than was humanly possible. Mostly because you had to hide everything from them until you finally left home.
The show went smoothly, and as you returned to your dressing room, you found yourself missing Roger. You absurdly wished for him to show up, even if he did have a date. You just had a need to not be alone tonight. You didn’t want to go to another party or anything, but the thought of returning to your empty flat made your shoulders sink. You looked at your picture of George and tried to smile.
“What am I doing?” you wondered aloud.
You tried to imagine what he might say to you, but nothing was coming. That was unusual. You furrowed your brow and stared harder, but the only thing your mind could produce was Roger Taylor calling your Mr. Darcy. His rich voice and thick accent ran through your brain like a waterfall. It was loud, beautiful, and thrilling.
But then a cloud of guilt came over you. How could this happen? You were attracted to Roger Taylor? While looking at a picture of your husband! You felt like you were being unfaithful. You had not felt attracted to a man since your husband. You never let yourself. It felt dirty and wrong and like the ultimate betrayal. You shook your head to try and clear it.
“No,” you said, looking up. “You cannot make me want him. I’m refusing.”
You snatched George’s picture, shoved it into your pocket, and marched out the door. When you greeted the fans at the stage door, you smiled and said warm hellos. As you signed programs and greeted them, you were able to feel good for a moment.
Then you walked to your flat. A surprise met you there that made you want to kick the universe’s ass.
“Mr. Taylor,” you greeted, trying to sound less annoyed than you were. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I want to take you out for a drink, Mr. Darcy,” he said with a smile. “Is your husband home?”
You looked down. “No.”
“Alright then, let’s go!”
He took your hand to try and lead you away but you remained rooted to your spot.
“Mr. Taylor, what are you doing?” you asked.
“Being nice?” he returned.
“But...why? What for? You know I’m married. What do you hope to gain from all this?”
He released your hand.
“I want to get to know you, Y/N,” he said. “You’re the first woman in the world who hasn’t treated me like a - I dunno - a god or something and I like being around you.”
His eyes bored into yours. The bright blue color made you feel like you were drowning. His words made your heart thunder in your chest. You wondered if he could hear it.
“You like...being around me?” you repeated, wanting to hear him say it again.
You felt your resolve failing. Your assertion to the universe that you would refuse him...well, a fat lot of good that did you now.
“Yeah,” he said. “I don’t really know how to explain it other than you make me...quiet.”
“Well, you’re going to have to explain that more,” you said, a smile claiming your lips. “You may do so over a drink.”
He grinned. “Let’s go.”
He took you to a small pub around the corner from your flat. You took seats at the bar and ordered a couple beers.
“A toast,” he said. “To making friends.”
“To making friends,” you agreed and clinked glasses.
You took a sip together.
“So,” you said. “What do you mean exactly when you say I make you quiet.”
“I just mean that I always feel like there’s noise all around me,” he began. “Between rehearsals, shows, dates, parties...but all that goes away when you’re there.”
“Is it because I’m rude to you?” you wondered.
“It’s part of it,” he laughed. “But it’s also because you treat me like any other man.”
“Mr. Taylor,” you said. “I promise you I will always treat you like a human being. Even if you are a rock god.” You said this last bit with a teasing lilt to your tone.
“You think so? You’ve listened to our music now?”
“Can I admit something to you?”
“Please do.”
“I did know who you were when you walked into my dressing room that night,” you said, blushing as an expression of amused disbelief claimed his features. “I’ve actually been to a Queen concert.”
He threw his head back with a laugh.
“Well, you really are a great actress,” he said finally. “I believed you.”
“I’m glad you’re amused and not offended,” you replied.
“Which concert were you at?”
“It was in Sydney,” you told him. “George and I were on an anniversary trip and he was the biggest fan of Queen. He had a wonderful time.”
“Did you?” he asked.
“Oh, of course,” you said. “God, if he knew I was getting a drink with Roger Taylor…” you trailed off.
“He’d give you a free pass?” he joked.
“Naughty!” you cried, punching him on the arm. “But honestly, he might have.”
“Well, the man’s got good taste, I’ll give him that,” he said.
One drink turned into five and once again, your head swam with the alcohol in your system. Roger finally cut you off and insisted on walking you home after he paid the tab. You thanked him and he slipped an arm around your waist so you wouldn’t fall as you walked. When you got to your place, he opened the door for you and you made a beeline for the kitchen, desperate for water.
“Can I get you something?” you asked.
“Water, please,” he requested.
You were just tipsy enough that he ended up getting them instead. You sat on the couch. When he handed you your glass, you drank deeply from it. Roger didn’t sit. Instead, he walked over to your fireplace. On the mantle was a framed photo of George with his dog tags draped on the frame next to the flag you received at his funeral. Roger looked back at you with a sympathetic gaze.
“Your husband...he’s not coming home, is he?” he asked.
You decided you no longer cared to keep this from him. “He’ll never come home again.”
“How’d it happen?” he wondered.
“Vietnam,” you said, and you felt more tears filling your eyes. “I don’t know all the details. But I know that there wasn’t anything left of him. His body...it was completely destroyed.”
You sniffled. Your vision blurred as the tears spilled over so you didn’t see Roger move to the couch. But you felt him wrap his arms around you and press a kiss to the top of your head. In the safety of his embrace, you let out a sob. You were so tired of carrying your heavy heart around. And Roger was so warm and inviting. Like your own bed after a long trip. You could sink into him and rest at last.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he whispered.
“And the worst part is, I could have had something of him,” you said. You decided you were ready to tell someone about what was causing you all this pain. You had confessed this to no one else. “Just before I got the letter that he’d been killed...I found out I was pregnant. But three weeks later I lost the baby. I had the only physical bit of him left and I failed him.”
“Oh, Y/N, don’t say that,” he said softly. “These things happen. It’s nobody’s fault.”
“I appreciate the sentiment, but I can’t shake the guilt,” you said. “I don’t know if I ever will.”
“Listen,” he began, breaking away from the hug so he could look you in the eyes. “Do you even know how strong you are? You go on stage each night and make people laugh and cry and feel better. And you’ve done it all while falling apart over this. He’d be bloody proud of you. God knows I am.”
“Thank you,” you said, wiping a tear from your cheek. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you showed up tonight. I really needed a friend.”
He looked at you for a long time. He leaned forward and you feared for a moment he would try to kiss you. But he didn’t. He just offered a sweet smile.
“Glad to be of service,” he said. “Now that we’re friends, will you start calling me Roger?”
You giggled. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Mr. Taylor.”
After he left, you went to bed. Sleep came more easily now that you felt a little lighter. But all of a sudden, you felt someone crawl into bed beside you. You rolled over to see who it was. You smiled lazily when you met Roger’s beautiful eyes. He grinned back before cupping your cheek with his hand. He made gentle strokes with his thumb and you closed your eyes to the contact.
He pulled you close. You chests were pressed hard together as he deepened the kiss. You let out a soft moan as his hand traveled from your face, down your neck, and finally stopping on your breast. He massaged it gently through the fabric of your nightgown and you gasped, breaking away from his lips.
Then he rolled on top of you. You buried your fingers in his hair and urged him to kiss you again. He did and when he needed air, he trailed his lips down your jawline before finding a sweet spot next to your ear that made your hips jump to meet his. A familiar warmth surged in your lower belly and you whined with a need you hadn’t felt in the two years since George’s death.
Roger knelt between your legs and his hands floated down to the hem of your nightgown. He pushed it gently upward, his palms just barely grazing your thighs as he went. You squirmed, heels pushing into your mattress with frustration and desire.
You opened your eyes and bolted upright, breathing heavily. You looked around and thankfully, Roger was not actually there. It was just an incredibly vivid dream, you realized with relief. Your chest heaved and you felt cold sweat all over your flushed face. You threw your covers back and ran to your kitchen for water. You had to cool off. You drank a few gulps of water but still felt a heat between your legs.
“Oh God,” you sighed. “I’m in so much trouble.”
234 notes · View notes
fvckyouimaprophet · 5 years
All Summer Long | Chapter Eleven
Summary:  AU where Draco Malfoy gets stuck in his Animagus form, and Harry Potter unsuspectingly takes him in. Set post-war. | Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten
Notes: Explicit. I’m really rusty at writing porn, etc etc. Sorry y’all.
Hermione’s eyes widened in surprise as she opened the door. “Is everything alright?” she asked, motioning for Harry and Draco to come in. From another room elsewhere in their house, Draco could hear Ron talking to someone else. It took a minute to place the voice, but once he did, Draco swallowed thickly and glanced at Harry.
“Everything is fine. We just wanted to talk, but if it’s a bad time, we can always leave,” Harry said, his voice tight.
“Nonsense. I’m sure Ginny and Luna would be happy to see you.” She motioned to the shoe rack up against the wall and began walking away. “You can join us in the dining room. I’m afraid we’ve eaten most of the food, but you’re welcome to what’s left.”
The moment she had turned the corner, Harry turned to Draco, teeth gritted. “This is terrible. Ginny is the last person I want to announce this to.”
“Is she going to hex us?” Draco winced. “I recall she was particularly… adept at the Bat-Bogey Hex,” he added, thinking back to the incident in his Fifth year. The memory, however, had the opposite effect on Harry, who cracked a smile.
“I only heard about that one. Wish I’d seen that.”
“Oh, shut it.” He elbowed Harry before taking off his shoes. Harry followed suit and took a deep breath before making his way through the living room and towards the dining room.
Draco wasn’t entirely sure why he was surprised that Ron and Hermione lived in a house. After all, the Weasleys had lived in one growing up from what he could recall, and Draco was sure it was only a matter of time before there was a whole new generation of gingers terrorizing Hogwarts. The house was surprisingly tastefully decorated – Hermione’s doing, he was sure. Even Pansy would likely begrudging give it seal of approval.
He barely had any time to soak it in before they found themselves in the dining room, and Ginny got up, approaching Harry with open arms. Harry froze for a brief moment as Ginny’s arms wrapped around him before he set his forehead against her shoulder, just next to the crook of her neck. “Hey.” They held onto each other tightly, and Draco glanced away, getting the strange sense he was intruding on something important. His eyes met Hermione’s, and she offered an awkward, tight-lipped smile as she smoothed down her hair.
Luna cut through the silence as her chair scraped against the floor, and she made her way over to Draco. “That shade of blue suits you quite well,” she said, pointing to his button-up. “Perhaps you should have been a Ravenclaw.” She smiled and nodded her head as a greeting, and Draco nodded his back.
“I’ve been told Slytherin suited me quite well, but maybe.”
He looked over just as Ginny and Harry pulled back from each other, and Ginny glanced his way. “I’m not going to give you a hug, Malfoy,” she said. Before Draco could react, she pulled out her wand out of her pocket and had it pointed at him. Draco flinched, his hands shielding his face, and it took him a moment to realize she wasn’t going to do anything. “I don’t know who taught you how to duel, but your reflexes could use some work.”
Ron chuckled, and when Draco glanced over at Harry, hoping to get someone on his side, he saw that even Harry had a small smile. “It’s a good thing you’re not going to try to be an Auror. That’s all I’ll say,” Harry said. He let the moment linger for a moment before clearing his throat and sliding his hands into his pockets. “But we actually came here with something specific in mind.”
“How much do I need to brace myself?” Ron asked, and if he didn’t feel slightly nauseous, Draco might have been inclined to laugh.
“Merlin, alright. I’ll do my best,” he said, leaning forward in his chair putting his elbows on the table.
“Is everything okay?” Hermione asked.
“It’s nothing like that. Well, mostly. We ran into Nott earlier, and—”
“That sniveling worm,” Ron said. He scowled. “What did he do this time?”
“If you need someone else to go hex him, I’m happy to oblige,” Ginny said.
“Nothing. I mean, he threatened us, but not the way you’re thinking, and—”
“We’re… together,” Draco said, cutting him off. He couldn’t handle the roundabout conversation and the looks of concern. He pressed his lips together and looked at Harry, who opened and closed his mouth a few times before sighing.
“Yes, well, that’s the gist of it,” Harry mumbled. Ron looked a little baffled by his wording, but before Draco could explain, Harry did. “As in…” Harry placed a hand briefly on the small of Draco’s back for a moment before dropping it again to his side.
“Oh.” Hermione’s eyes went wide, and while she seemed to be trying to hold back her surprise, she wasn’t doing the best job of it. Ron, on the other hand, made no attempt to disguise his shock. His mouth hung open, and his knuckles were white from clutching the edge of the table.
“Where have I been?” he asked.
“That’s a good question.” Ginny’s voice carried an amused edge to it. “Where have you been?”
“You knew?” Harry sputtered.
“We dated for quite some time, Harry. I know what it looks like when you’re smitten.” The reaction was instant.
“Smitten?” Draco asked, a nervous laugh bubbling past the knot in his stomach.
“I don’t know if I’d go that far,” Harry mumbled at the same time, avoiding Draco’s look.
“Don’t be gross, Ginny,” Ron said, frowning. He turned to Draco. “I was going to say no offense, but I don’t think I’d mean that.”
“As long as it’s not a queer problem,” Draco said and smiled coldly.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake, of course it’s not,” Hermione said. “You know that’s not it.”
“Don’t make my brother out to be some archaic twat.” Ginny, so amused seconds ago, now looked icy. She motioned to Luna. “We’re a little more open-minded than some people.”
“Harry’s welcome to shag as many blokes as he wants,” Ron said, speaking over Ginny. “It’s more of a Malfoy problem.”
“You lot are bickering a good amount for a group of people all on the same side.” Luna’s voice, although quiet, had a sharp edge to it that lay a blanket of silence over them. She waited a moment before continuing. “We can all agree that Draco isn’t who he used to be. Neither is Harry for that matter.” She looked at Harry, and her posture relaxed. “Congratulations, Harry. And you too, Draco.”
“Thanks, Luna,” Harry said, smiling slightly. “I get how it might seem out of nowhere or a little surprising, though.”
“Not to anyone who saw the two of you at that party.” Ginny raised an eyebrow at Draco, and Draco had the sense that even if she was joking, he wasn’t completely in the clear yet.
“Of course, we’re happy for you too,” Hermione said and nudged Ron. Despite his pout, Ron nodded.
“There are a lot of men out there, but I suppose if he makes you happy, I’ll try my best to understand it. There are worse people.”
“That was almost a compliment, Weasley.” Draco could feel the knot in his stomach undoing with each passing second.
“Don’t push your luck.”
The moment lingered for a moment before Hermione interjected. “What does this have to do with Nott?”
Fuck. Amid the squabbling, he had almost managed to forget why they came there in the first place. And now that he remembered, the knot in his stomach came back full force. “He knows.”
“About us,” Harry clarified. “Somehow. I’m not sure how, and it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that he’s going to tell Matthews, and it’s not going to look good.”
“They’re going to get on you for not disclosing it before the hearing,” Hermione said, almost to herself. “It could threaten the Wizengamot’s decision.” Her shoulders deflated.
“I don’t think it’ll come to that. I’m not sure. But he threatened to leak it,” Harry said. Harry stepped back and leaned his head against the wall. “I can almost guarantee you that Skeeter will have something on it printed by tomorrow morning.”
“I’m so sorry, Harry.” Hermione looked between them and then back down at the floor. “I don’t think there’s much we can do, is there?”
“We wanted to tell you. We didn’t want you to see it in the papers,” Draco said. He let out a shaky breath.
“We appreciate it,” Hermione said.
“Well, fuck Nott, and fuck Matthews because I’m sure that the git is delighted.” Ron looked disgruntled as he said it.
“I don’t even want to get into Matthews. I don’t want to think about any of this. We still haven’t told Draco’s mother.”
“How do you think she’ll react?” Luna asked.
The room went silent, and with all eyes on him, Draco suddenly felt small in a way that felt all too common recently. His eyes dropped down to his hands, and he suddenly wished he were holding a glass or something he could put his attention to beyond his own fidgeting.
“I’m not sure. She knows and she’s been fine with me for quite some time. But the spotlight has been a lot for her.”
“She hasn’t said,” Harry said under his breath.
Draco and shook his head and gave Harry the best smile he could muster. “No, she hasn’t had to. We were in it for quite a while. I don’t need to tell you.” He back down at his hands and rubbed his right thumb across the back of his left hand. “She rarely leaves the manor for a reason.”
“Harry said she seemed to like him, though,” Ron said, earning a smack on the arm from Hermione. “What? Are we still not supposed to say that? If they’re together, I don’t see what’s so bad about it.” He rubbed the spot that Hermione had hit.
Draco let out a soft laugh. “I suppose she liked you well enough.”
Even though his cheeks were flushed, when Harry looked over at him, Draco saw something warm in his eyes. He held Harry’s gaze for a moment before dropping it down to the floor and shaking his head, still smiling. Despite underlying dread of what was still to come, he suddenly felt calm enough to breathe.
“I can see it now,” Hermione interrupted. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice.”
Draco jumped slightly and rolled his eyes. “We’re not that bad.”
“I’m getting why my sister said you two were smitten.” Ron frowned. “Alright, get out of here and go tell your mum.”
“Good luck,” Luna added.
They made quick goodbyes with everyone. Ginny motioned toward her wand again, and this time Draco didn’t jump, earning a respectful nod from her. And Hermione pulled Draco in for a hug—albeit a stiff one. It took the chilly air from outside for everything to settle back in, and Draco sighed.
“That went better than expected,” Harry said.
“It did, didn’t it?” A wave of exhaustion washed over him, and he squeezed his brow before looking back up at Harry. “We should go see my mother before it’s too late.”
“It’ll be fine, Draco.” Harry reached up, removing Draco’s hand from his face before pressing a kiss to the palm.
- - -
The silence among them hung for another moment before Narcissa spoke. “I can’t say I’m surprised to hear it,” she said. “Only surprised it happened this quickly. I grew up blind to what was right in front of me. Draco can be the same way. Even more so. And he’s as hardheaded as his father was.”
Draco bristled slightly at the comparison but knew that her intentions were far from ill. Harry must have thought the same thing because Draco saw him shift in his seat though he said nothing. “I don’t understand how you knew, Mother.”
She set down her cup and placed her hand on Draco’s, squeezing lightly. “You try so hard to place walls around you. Perhaps it isn’t a bad thing. You’re going to need to be strong to handle whatever Theodore has waiting.”
Draco was tired of being told to be strong. He slid his hands out from under his mother’s and stood up. “Excuse me for a moment.” Without waiting, he stepped away and made his way to the bathroom. He turned the faucet and waited until the water ran cold before cupping some in his hands. The water sent a jolt through him as it hit his face, and he let it hang for a moment before patting it dry with the towel. His mouth tasted faintly of bile, and his heart hummed past his body and through his chest.
Draco stood in the dim light of the bathroom for another minute, trying to steady his breathing, before turning the handle. By the time he returned to the sitting room, it was empty, and Draco craned his neck. “Harry? Mother?” It took him a moment, but somewhere, faintly, beyond the stillness of the night, Draco could hear faint voices.
He followed them through the kitchen and past the study until he saw two silhouettes in the balcony. They were speaking at no louder than a whisper, but Harry and his mother stood a foot apart, their faces barely lit by the embers of their cigarettes.
“I’m worried that it’ll be more difficult than either of us can imagine.” Harry’s voice was low enough that Draco had to strain to hear. Undoubtedly, it was about him, and Draco’s heart felt tight in his chest. His took shallow breaths, afraid that anything too deep might give him away to them.
“Whatever it is, he can take it.” Narcissa stretched her arm out and tapped the cigarette holder, and ashes falling beyond the balcony to the grounds beneath.
“You don’t know that.”
“I do.”
“Because he has to. He has no other choice.” His mother’s typically stiff posture wavered, and Harry lifted his hand, moving carefully and slowly until it was on top of Narcissa’s, both of them clutching the balcony rail.
“I’ll take care of him.”
“I know.”
Draco blinked several times, trying to clear his eyes, before coughing quietly to alert them of his presence. Harry removed his hand almost immediately from Narcissa’s, and they both turned around.
“Mother, I’d thought you’d quit.”
“Yes, well, certain circumstances call for it.” Although she smiled, it did not reach her eyes. She lifted the cigarette holder to her lips, and once she’d taken a large breath in, her face was quickly obscured by a cloud of smoke wafting from his lips.
“It didn’t seem appropriate to tell your mother no right now.”
“Smart boy,” Narcissa said.
“I wouldn’t be interested in someone who wasn’t.” At that, Harry rolled his eyes, and Narcissa laughed.
- - -
“That was exhausting,” Draco said, leaning against the front door as it closed behind them.
“At least everyone took it well.” Harry reached out, grabbing the sides of Draco’s open jacket and tugging him forward. “Now everyone knows.”
“That’s tomorrow.”
Harry fell face first against Draco’s chest with a groan. “Don’t remind me.” The delirium of the day had finally set in, and a quick spell revealed that it was after midnight. Draco could barely keep his eyes open, and he let himself begin to drift, noting the small vibrations that he could feel when Harry spoke or the gentle beat of Harry’s heart.
“We should go to bed,” Draco mumbled after a moment.
“Today was supposed to be a slow day. I was going to spend it all with you.” Harry’s hand slipped down Draco’s stomach and slid under his shirt. As his breath hitched, Draco’s eyes shot open. While he was still drowsy, he suddenly felt much more awake.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Harry grinned and dipped his fingers below the waistband of Draco’s jeans and popped open the button. His thumb ran along the v-line of Draco’s hip visible above before dipping back underneath.
Aside from the hungry look in his eyes, Harry looked off, like he wasn’t quite there. The day’s events had certain caught up with him as well. As much as Draco was reluctant to say anything, a nagging feeling in him told him this wasn’t right. Harry’s hand brushed against the base of his cock, and he whined before wrapping his fingers around Harry’s wrist.
“Oh come on...”
“What? You don’t want this?” Harry shook his head and slid his hand further down—as best as he could from the angle—until his thumb ran over the tip of Draco’s cock. Draco jerked, his breath catching in his chest. But his head was still clear enough that he knew now wasn’t the time.
“No, I don’t.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Harry pulled back, his cheeks red. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize—” His eyes met Draco’s, and Draco’s stomach knotted as he saw the embarrassment and confusion painted across Harry’s face. “I thought you wanted me like that.”
“I do. More than I can possibly express. But I’m barely awake.” Draco reached out, steadying Harry as he wobbled. “And I think you barely are too.”
“I don’t care.”
“I do.”
“I never knew you were so sentimental about first times between this and last night.” With a huff, Harry pushed himself off of Draco and hovered over him. A petulant, near-whiny edge was beginning to form in Harry’s voice.
“That’s not it. I just want be able to remember it and to actually enjoy it.”
“You can’t tell me you’re not enjoying this.” Harry smirked and pressed his palm against the tent in Draco’s pants. Draco’s breath hitched, and he leaned in and pressed their lips together. For a moment, he let it wash all over him. Heat pooled in his stomach, as he ran a hand up Harry’s neck and into his hair, jerking it back as a whimper left Harry’s lips.
“Let me rephrase then. I want to be able to fully enjoy it.” He pressed a kiss to the side of Harry’s neck and smirked against the skin when he felt Harry quiver beneath him. “I don’t want to rush through it so that we can sleep and face the next day. I want to enjoy each moan—” Another kiss. “—each whimper—” Another. “—and each moment until you have nothing left in you anymore.” Draco ducked under Harry’s arms and slipped past him before Harry had time to register. “I have to go wash up.”
“You’re a bastard!” Harry yelled past him. A giddy thrill went through Draco, and he turned around just in time to get out of the way as Harry threw a couch pillow across the room. But by the time he was out of the bathroom—no more than five minutes—he saw Harry curled up on the bed, jeans still on, and fast asleep.
A strange sense of calm washed over him, and Draco carefully folded his clothes over the chair before slipping under the covers and joining Harry.
- - -
When he woke up, Harry was still asleep next to him. Draco rolled toward him, brushed the hair out of the way, and pressed a kiss to Harry’s forehead, but Harry still didn’t stir.
Draco got up and closed the door gently behind himself before getting into the bathroom. He turned on the shower, but no sooner had he gotten out of his briefs than did he realize that the towel wasn’t hung up.
It took him a moment to realize that Harry must have left it in the bedroom after showering. Glancing back down at his briefs, Draco considered putting them back on, but with Harry still asleep, there seemed little point. As quietly as he could, Draco opened and closed the door to the bathroom behind him. He turned the bedroom handle slowly before pulling it open, and—
Harry’s eyes were closed, but he was awake and completely naked. His face was pressed half against the pillow, and he lifted his hips off the bed just barely as his hand ran up and down along the length of his cock. Draco’s throat dried up, and his eyes lingered for a moment before he realized that Harry hadn’t heard him come in.
“Fucking shit.” Harry scrambled to pull the blankets over himself, and his face flushed as he slid into the bed. “What are you doing here? I thought you went to shower.”
Draco knew that he had to look obscene standing there, now half hard. But he couldn’t move. “The towel. I was looking for the towel.” Draco's breath stuttered, but he couldn’t find it in him to look away. Harry's hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat, and his face was pink. Draco's eyes traced down him as far as he could go before hitting the blanket.
He reacted faster than he could think through it. The heat spread past his stomach, and his hands trembled as he pulled the blanket back. Harry’s face flushed a darker shade of pink, but he did nothing to stop Draco. Rather, he stared up at him with wide, unblinking eyes, as if waiting.
“I want to blow you. Please tell me that I can blow you.” Harry didn’t hesitate before nodding. “Good.” Draco kissed down Harry’s neck before sucking at a spot right below his collar, hard enough to hurt but not hard enough to leave a mark. A whine escaped Harry's lips, and Draco smirked against the skin, making his way down until he reached just above his cock.
He took a moment to soak it in. Harry’s mouth was slightly open, his eyes strained shut as a pink glow crossed his cheeks. Draco could feel Harry’s thighs trembling next to him, and he kissed the inside of the right one, earning another moan. Harry’s cock strained against his stomach, the tip red, and Draco involuntarily rolled his hips against the bed, seeking friction.
“You’ll have plenty of time to gawk later,” Harry said, his voice breathy and strained.
Draco reached down, wrapping his right hand around the base of Harry’s cock before taking him into his mouth. His breath caught in his throat as Harry’s fingers wound around his hair and tugged, and he took Harry deeper. He tested his limits, closing his eyes and letting the sensation wash over him as he took Harry as deep as he could, his nose tickled by the neatly trimmed bush of hair at the base before pulling back out.
His tongue ran over the head before he made his way back down slowly, hollowing out his cheeks. Draco picked up a rhythm as best as he could, but when Harry lifted his hips, thrusting up, they lost any pretense of gentleness. Draco rocked his hips against the bed when he could, and he whimpered as Harry’s nails ran against his scalp.
It didn’t take long before Harry came, pulling at Draco’s hair until his eyes watered. Draco bobbed up and down twice more before pulling back and swallowing. His eyes raked over Harry once more, and he ran his thumb over the tip of Harry’s cock, earning a swat and a groan.
“Where do you keep the lube and condoms?”
At that, Harry perked up. “Top drawer.”
Draco grabbed it and uncapped the lube, squeezing a generous amount on his fingers before reaching down, running his index and fingers along Harry’s perineum before pushing them in. He stopped at the knuckles, giving Harry a moment to adjust before pressing in the rest of the way.
He twisted his fingers and pulled out, carefully at first but giving in as soon as Harry started rocking against him. After three fingers, he pulled out and reached for the condom. He could feel his hair strewn everywhere, his own cheeks red and hot, but he didn’t care. He slipped it on as fast as he could before positioning himself, Harry’s knees tossed over his shoulders.
His heart pounded in his chest as the reality of the moment hit him, and a strangled laugh bubbled out of his mouth.
“What?” Harry asked.
Draco pressed his lips to Harry’s as he pushed in slowly, and when he bottomed out, he bit Harry’s lower lip. Their chests against each other, he could feel Harry’s heartbeat, and he nipped at Harry’s jaw before rocking out and back in.
They moved slowly at first, Harry’s hands starting at Draco’s shoulders and running down until they settled momentarily on his ass. But soon, Draco could feel the heat pool in his stomach, the familiar tight coiling, and their pace stuttered then sped as he grabbed Harry’s hands and pinned them above him with his right hand and held onto the bed frame with his left. It took them a moment to find their rhythm, but soon enough they were moving together, Harry’s hips lifting off the bed with each thrust.
When he came, he reached for Harry’s cock and stroked him roughly until Harry came too over both their chests.
They lay there for a minute, sticky and heaving, before Harry spoke.
“Did you want to shower first, or should I?”
Draco laughed. “Who said anything about showering yet?”
“Well, I mean, since we’re…” Harry motioned between them, and Draco grinned, pulling out and running his tongue along the half-dried mess on Harry’s chest.
“I don’t think it makes sense to shower until we’re done,” Draco said. Harry’s eyes widened, and Draco just smirked.
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lunafeather · 7 years
judeehopps replied to your post “If anyone else has seen The Last Jedi already and wants to discuss,...”
I’m curious about what you think. What did you think of it? I have mixed feelings...
Overall I enjoyed it a lot, but it did have a lot of issues. I think I liked The Force Awakens a lot more, so I’m glad that JJ Abrams will be directing Episode IX and not Rian Johnson, though obviously Abrams isn’t perfect. This film also continues Star Wars’ penchant for gorgeousness; so many scenes and shots were absolutely breathtaking in their beauty. This might be my favorite film when it comes to that.
Spoilers below the cut! (Also, fair warning! I have a lot of thoughts)
I wasn’t a fan of the limited interactions between our main trio, especially Finn and Rey -- whose relationship literally drives the narrative of this trilogy. Don’t get me wrong, that hug at the end literally made me squeal with joy it was so pure and sweet, but that is seriously all we got and like??? I DO ship Finnrey but I also just enjoy watching their friendship so this was a major downside.
Speaking of ships, I am VERY anti Rose/Finn. I feel like the kiss at the end of the film was incredibly forced and awkward, and came out of nowhere. They have okay chemistry, but I didn’t get a romantic vibe from them at all, so for her to swoop in with this huge romantic gesture and pull out the “I love you” before passing out was very out of place. I feel like they barely know each other, and Rose’s feelings are heavily impacted by her initial view of Finn as this Rebel Hero, and that her jump from awe to fury to love is just a natural progression of her fangirling, and not actual love. Not to mention the fact that Finn literally just froze when she kissed him, it wasn’t reciprocated at all. I hope that they have an adorable “WOW that was awkward” moment in the next film but that they remain friends only.
I really enjoyed Rey’s arc over the film. I think she is more powerful than we realize and I really hope we get to see that power as she trains to be an actual jedi (I’m sure we will). I also really enjoy her parallel’s to Luke in that she is insistent that Kylo can be turned and tries to sway him against her mentor’s wishes, that she is just SO GOOD inside (I, like others, was afraid they may try to tease her switching to the dark side, but I’m glad this film just reiterated how good she is), but I also love that where Luke succeeded, Rey did not. I think it would be very predictable and boring for Rey to “save” Kylo the way Luke “saved” Vader.
Branching off of that, the trailers had a lot of people spouting that whole, “ohhh this is just another copy cat/rehash of Empire, just like TFA was identical to ANH” (which is bullshit anyway, TFA had many homages to ANH but the story was different in a few key ways) crap that I am glad was destroyed immediately. All this chatter about the AT-ATs and the rebels trying to escape a base and Degobah and blah blah blah. None of it was founded, the film was actually VERY different from ESB. Which isn’t necessarily a good thing.... but I digress.
I am a tad miffed that Finn’s force sensitivity wasn’t touched on AT ALL. As far as I’m aware, someone has to be force sensitive to use a lightsaber and Finn used Luke’s at the end of TFA. I hope they touch back on that in Episode IX.
A big thing I am distressed about is the fact that one of the original trio is basically going to be killed off in each film. Han in TFA, now Luke in TLJ, and obviously Leia will need to be killed off in Episode IX... It’s really fucking depressing. Part of me hopes that they will write IX in a way that Leia doesn’t need to die but never appears on screen -- I feel like of the three, she would be the one to survive. It’s possible, narratively, but I doubt they’ll do that. Still.... Also, seeing as Luke became one with the force or whatever, I feel like he will train Rey from beyond, the same way Obiwan often advised him after his death. So maybe we’ll at least have that.
Upon further reflection, I feel like the Casino excursion was very misplaced and unneeded. It was hectic and rushed and urgent, the whole movie was, and I wasn’t a huge fan of that. Star Wars movies ebb and flow with their pace, usually taking place over a moderate amount of time, but obviously this film had a very short time span and I gotta say, I’m not digging it. I prefer the story building, character building pace of the other films.
Humor was out of place a lot of times. The other movies were funny, yes, but the humor in this one was much too....modern? Even in TFA the humor was more classic, in this film it was annoyingly snappy. I really hated the opening scene and its “joke” with Poe pretending he couldn’t hear Hux. Hux should be scary and looming and menacing but that scene just made a fool out of him, and for that to be the OPENING scene is just.... no. Turned me off immediately. Some of the humor was spot on, like Chewie being watched by the family/friends of the bird thing he was trying to eat. THAT was good. Even Rey knocking that giant piece of rock over the cliff and annihilating those aliens’ cart of stuff was good. But most of the other humor was off.
My favorite moment/shot, and I’m sure it’s a lot of people’s, was Holdo hyperspacing into Snoke’s ship. Everything about that was GLORIOUS. The quick burst shots of the lightning blue spikes cracking the ship, the DEAD SILENCE -- no music, no sound effects, nothing -- until the delayed noise of the explosion, I was AWED. The ENTIRE THEATRE gasped and then hushed in the same awed silence as myself. What an amazing idea and execution.
Other favorite shots, Kylo and Luke standing on opposite sides of the screen, waiting to battle -- the colors and composition were beautiful. Crap, there are more but I can’t remember them now.
Mother fucking LEIA ORGANA, using the force to survive being blown into space. SHE DID THAT, Y’ALL. Do you have any idea how powerful she has to be to do that kind of shit??? I seriously thought they were gonna kill her off.
Luke Skywalker being a sassy shit during his astral projection gave me so much life. I love him.
I’ve seen a lot of disparaging comments about Yoda showing up but I actually liked that bit. I think it was one of the times when the humor was on point, and they had to have used a puppet because he looked great.
After a lot of discussion with my ex, we came to the conclusion that Leia must have known Luke wasn’t really there at the old rebel base. Initially I thought it was a vision/wonder twin connection like Kylo and Rey were having (which..... wtf???? Why was that happening? Could it not?) but then everyone else saw him so.... still, I think Leia knew it wasn’t really him. I think that’s why she didn’t touch him/hug him -- because they are VERY huggy twins -- and why she left Han’s dice behind. I think she knew she wouldn’t see him again, which breaks my heart. Because how alone is Leia now? She lost the love of her life, she lost her son, she lost her brother. Ughhhh.
So yeah, this stupid “connection” between Rey and Kylo the film was trying to force on us just.... irked me. I have heard that R*ylos are fangirling over the movie, which boggles my mind because Rey literally hates his guts?? She was disgusted by his naked chest and demanded he clothe himself?? She literally tried to save him because she’s a good person, not because he’s ever done anything to deserve it or because there’s some kind of “love connection” there?? He fucking mind raped her, guys. He almost killed the first person to ever COME BACK FOR HER. (again, why did this movie focus on the Rey/Kylo shit when there is a goldmine with Rey/Finn??????) Oh he’s also a fucking pyscho murderous asshole who killed Rey’s friend and hero in cold blood.
Snoke as a villain: Disappointing. Boring. Anticlimactic. I pity that we didn’t get backstory on him, though I suppose we never got any for the Emperor until the prequels. Still.... Snoke was a very thin and half assed master villain. Shouldn’t there be waaaaaaaaay more lore about the Knights of Ren? Is that going to come into play in Episode IX, seeing as Kylo is now the Supreme Leader? Also, how the fuck am I supposed to take Kylo seriously as the next major villain when he continues to throw temper tantrums and be easily manipulated by outside forces?
On that note, did he choose to spare Leia because of that conflict inside of him, or did Leia force sense him and mind influence him to not shoot?? WE’LL NEVER KNOW.
Second to last point: Not enough Chewie.
Final point: I liked the examination of perspective. Luke’s story of what happened the night Kylo went crazy, Kylo’s story, and finally the truth. How we twist things to feel better/to get what we want. How every story is biased. I thought that was neat.
I lied, one last thing: I am on the fence but leaning towards hating Rey’s parents being “nobodys”. I think it’s an interesting choice but not one that lends anything to the narrative. I think the hype around her parentage was stoked just so they could say, “HAHA she actually isn’t anyone special, you were speculating for nothing!”. Speculating is fun. Bloodlines are fun. Let nerds discuss! A big part of me hopes that Kylo was lying to Rey to make her more upset and thus “more likely” to swing to the dark side. To encourage her fear that she really was abandoned for no reason. BUT it would also be unique to have her be so special despite coming from nothing.
Alright, I’m done. I may think of more but that’s it for now. My rating would probably be like.... 6.5/10. In the top 5 but not the top 4. Enjoyable and beautiful but nothing special and a let down in regards to story and character development.
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