#might make it into a mini series but idk how i'll go about this + i plan on writing a /lot/ for my standards for this so.
astarriscus · 2 years
weow... actually inspired to write for genshin....... >.<
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sassylegshayne · 9 months
buff baby
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hi hello I'm finally gonna start talking ab dad!Shayne!!! this man has me in such a chokehold and the thought of him with a mini him makes me want to explode. idk if I'm gonna make this a series or anything, but I'll probably be posting more dad!Shayne soon 🫣 I hope y'all enjoy and lmk what you think!! mwah xo lees
1.1k words!
Standing silently in your bathroom, staring down at trio of positive tests, an idea popped into your mind.
Your smile spread wider as you wrapped your arms around yourself, the smell of your boyfriend still lingering on the sweater of his that draped off of your shoulders. It felt like your heart was about to beat out of your chest, your stomach filled with butterflies.
You glance to your phone, realizing Shayne would be home shortly, shocking you back into reality. You're quick to shove the tests back into their box, and then shove that box far, far into the back of your dresser drawer.
For the first time ever, you're really hopeful Shayne doesn't try and keep up with the laundry.
"Honey, I'm home!" Shayne called out playfully, wandering through the front door, setting your nerves on fire.
You jump a bit as he bursts through the doorway to your bedroom, quickly grabbing your waist and pulling you into him. You can't help but laugh, letting your head rest against his chest as he holds you tightly, pressinga soft, chaste kiss to your forehead.
"Hey, baby." He began, the nickname that normally comforted you now had your heart in your throat as you look to him with raised brows.
"I love you, this is really nice and don't wanna nterrupt it, but I might shit myself if don't." You couldn't hold back a small groan as you roll your eyes, shoving him away playfully as he chuckled, a grin on his face. Shayne grabbed at your hands, quickly pulling you back to press a peck to your lips before heading into your bathroom.
You couldn't help but laugh softly at the thought on your mind- that's the father of your child.
"Might wanna light a candle, I'm sorry!" Shayne called out, laughing.
"I can't be the dad because that baby has one blue eye and one brown eye, just like her ex!" Shayne yelled out, slamming the card on to the the tabletop as everyone cheered him on.
"And another thing," He continued through laughter as you gave him a faux shocked look. "She just wants me to be the father because I'm a YouTube celebrity!"
"Are you gonna take that, Y/N?" Angela called to you, perched on the edge of her seat as your group was nearing the end of the game.
"Fine, I didn't wanna do this to you, Shayne, but..." You laid down your card slowly, keeping your eyes on the man sat across from you as the room grew quiet. "The lie detector test determined that is a lie."
Shayne gasped, placing his hand to his chest before moving his popularity down on the board, the final blow of the game.
"Okay, and with that, we are ready to look at our test results, so if everyone would pass their packets to the person on their right." lan called out, Shayne leaning forward to hand you his as you passed yours off to Angela.
You slowly went around the group, everyone exaggerating their relief at not being the father. You tangled your fingers with Shayne's, gripping his hand tightly as Angela pulled your card.
"Y/N.. you are... not the father!" She squealed out, hugging you quickly as you grabbed Shayne's packet from your lap.
"Shayne.. I think we know how this is gonna end.." You began, laughing softly as you glance around, everyone else ending with the same result as you.
He nodded solemnly, taking a deep breath as he sat back in the seat. "I'm ready..."
You tried your best to hide your shakey hands as you pull out the card, the bright red box staring back at you.
"Shayne, you are going to be a father!" You called out, Shayne immediately jumping from his seat. He began storming off set quickly in a fit of exaggerated yelling and anger.
"Wait, what?!" Angela screamed out, her eyes wide as she registered your words.
"Did you say...?" lan began, the grin on his face was unmistakable as everyone began piecing it together, while Brennan was still following your boyfriend on his faux rampage.
You feel arms wrap around you tightly as Courtney and Angela begin to congratulate you, your cheeks blushed brightly as Shayne's yelling can be heard from off set.
Shayne chuckled as he cut the bit, turning to the camera behind him, the man behind it giving him a confused look.
"Did.. did you hear her?" Brennan asked, his brows furrowed— Shayne was way too calm to know what was happening.
"Yeah, I.. oh, fuck!" The brunette spoke, his blue eyes wide as he finally processed your words, sprinting back through the doors just as quickly as he left.
You barely have time to register his return before you're swept off your feet, finding yourself in a fit of laughter as you cling to Shayne's biceps.
Shayne felt like his face was about to split with just how big his grin was. He couldn't help but pull you closer, peppering your face with kisses before finally setting you back on your feet.
"You're serious, right?" Shayne finally asks, a bit out of breath from all of his screaming and running, his eyes searching your face as his hands gently cupped your cheeks.
"Yes, I'm completely serious!" You speak, barely able to contain your laughter as Shayne wraps his arms around you again, squeezing you gently against him.
You quickly slip from his grip, earning a pout as you grab your bag from off set, procuring the box of tests.
Shayne's hands began to shake as you brought the tests to him, the proof now sitting in his hand has a second wave of realization rushing over him.
He's quick to wrap you into his arms again, whispering his gratitude and love for you. You look up to him, his blue eyes brimming with tears as he presses a soft kiss to your lips.
You sniffle, tearing up a bit yourself as you reach up, wiping Shayne's cheeks as he laughs softly.
"Holy shit, that's a much more dramatic ending than expected.." lan laughed as he wrapped his arms around the two of you, squeezing you gently as he offered his congratulations.
"I can't wait for us to start making baby merch!" Spencer called from off camera, another fit of laughter erupting.
"Smosh's first baby!" Angela gasped, clutching her heart as her and Courtney coo'ed at the idea. The love, warmth and excitement in the room was better than you could've imagined.
"Well, uh, thanks for watching.." Shayne chuckled awkwardly, running a hand through his hair as the other stayed wrapped around your waist, holding you close to his side.
"You guys are gonna have a buff ass baby." Arasha mumbled, her eyes a bit wide at the idea as you chuckled, giving the camera a small wave.
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Here's a two-parter idea for hc (idk this time if it's a full or a Mini, I'll let you choose ;) )
1. How do the M6 hold babies? Who's a natural and who has the stiff "toddler who's meeting their baby sibling for the first time" hold? Who likes them & vice versa? Who's the person you hand a baby to & then immediately have to take it back bc something about their aura immediately made the baby freak out?
2. Similar vein; like the wands in Harry Potter, we all know kids pick and choose who they like & nobody has a choice in the matter. Which of the M6 do kids like? Who's a natural child repellent? Who do the kids always undyingly attach themselves to even though by all means that person seems like the last parson the children would fall in love with?
Feel free to include the courtiers or any other side characters too if you like, I think that'd be funny
The Arcana HCs: M6 with Kids
~ @themushroomgoesyeet this started out as a mini-hc and then I got so carried away I turned them into a full series. XD thanks friend! ^.^ - brainrot ~
Loves kids!! so young! so small! so full of life and energy!
Kids tend to be initially cautious when approaching him (he's so tall, and edgy-looking, and kind of loud)
But as soon as he notices them he's folding up his gangly legs so he can crouch at their level and make eye contact and ask them about their day and introduce himself to their toys
And oh my, the stories he comes up with - it's not uncommon for you to lose him in the marketplace and come back about thirty minutes later to find him seated on a crate, about fifteen children of varying ages sitting in front of him, hanging onto his every word with stars in their eyes as he props up a toddler with one hand and wildly gestures with the other
Depending on how enthusiastic his audience gets and how much time he has to work with, he may or may not teach them the basics of improv and catch them up in acting out his story
It's impossible to pull him away once he's appointed different kids to their roles and gotten them started on his fantastical adventure
Remembers all their names and faces and preferences and goes out of his way to wave hello to them if he ever spots them while he's out and about
Kids love the look and smell and feel of them but they rarely approach them because of how generally detached they seem
He's quite fond of kids himself, and they will straight up worship him if he puts effort into connecting with them, but most of the time he's too lost in his own wanderings to get around to it
Has strong feelings about their well being though, and will drop everything if they see one in need of assistance and not receiving it
Always accidentally ends up in a teacher's role (it's his infinite patience), he's just bad at knowing what might or might not be a good idea to teach them
How to knit? Wonderful! Now they have a new, soothing, productive hobby and skill set
How to pick a lock? No!! Now they're going to apply their scary levels of creativity and tininess to getting access into spaces they really shouldn't be in!
Known to randomly distract them during scary public things (you found them putting on an impromptu magic show in an alleyway for all the kids in the street right after a nasty cart crash)
Has an easier time with kids than with babies. Babies can't talk, if something's wrong they just cry while you try to troubleshoot
She regards them with distance and respect and they do the same for her
It's much easier to care for them with improved infrastructure and accessible education than it is to learn what kinds of bodily fluids are normal on a child and what kinds aren't
(spoiler alert - snot is normal. snot is expected. snot will be everywhere. snot can never be fully cleaned up.)
Kids pick up on this, and are generally more likely to admire the very pretty lady from a distance than they are to walk up and start talking to her
Every now and then, though, some precocious child will start following the trail of her perfume, which will lead them to her skirt, which they will bury their snot-covered face in because it's soft and smells nice
And every time, without fail, Nadia will pause what she's doing and bend down to politely introduce herself and ask for their name without a single though to the mess on her clothes
She actually does better with babies than with kids, because it's easier for her to hold and physically protect a baby than it is to try to have a conversation with a child and quickly discover just how different Toddler Logic is from Adult Logic
Small children congregate around him in droves and he has no idea why
They are small, they are fragile, they are living creatures who do not deserve to be hurt or abandoned, why are they crowding around his feet instead of holding onto their parents???
From a child's point of view, it's quite logical
Man is tall. Man is quiet. Man stands still. Man has gentle aura. Man provides shade. Man is clearly a tree (for chilling next to, and attempting to climb on, and occasionally bringing flowers to)
If Muriel can muster enough courage to break his initial "freeze" response, he'll find a corner to sit in so he can be extra stable and not run the risk of accidentally crushing someone
You found him like this once at a party, sitting still as a stone, with two kids chatting with each other on his lap, one scaling the sheer cliffside of his back, one perched on his shoulder sticking flowers in his hair, and two more playing with his hands (which are easily the size of their faces)
He gave you the same look you'd expect from someone stuck with a cat sleeping on their lap
Will listen to and remember any story he gets told and mention it later in conversation
Loves kids!!! x2
Unfortunately, she tends to scare the shy ones off at first with her intensity, which does make her cry herself to sleep sometimes
She has both the physical energy and the delightful imagination that perfectly suits her to joining into any game the kids around her come up with and making it one of the most exciting experiences of their tiny lives
She's also brilliantly prepared to comfort a child through any burden their small souls carry
Runny nose? She's got a handkerchief. Skinned knee? She's got band-aids. Dehydrated? She's got a water bottle. Hurt feelings? she gives the best (seriously, the best) comforting hugs
Nobody can mediate squabbles like she can (she brokered a trade deal with Firent, she can easily handle playground territory fights)
Over the years she's become the confidant of many tiny ones and you've caught her more than once mending a torn skirt or fixing a broken toy for a kid who didn't want to have to confess to their parents and face the consequences on their own
Does she fill you in on all the little one's gossip and drama? Of course. Does she take it just as seriously as her job? Absolutely
He likes kids more than he thinks he does. Unfortunately, they're not usually fond of him at first
When he looks at kids he just sees tiny people who aren't quite big enough yet to go to real parties or do anything interesting with him
That said, he also likes to help people. In the past it was partially to show off, but he genuinely enjoys making someone else's day brighter and knowing he was the reason for it
Plus, kids are considerably easier to impress than grown ups are
Children, on the other hand, are more likely to see a very loud blonde man with a scary metal arm and walk in the other direction
Lucio does not like it when anyone, child or otherwise, takes one look at him and walks away
He must convince them otherwise
Usually resorts to sweets (he's got his own weakness for cookies, even if he still has no idea how to make them)
You've watched him win the admiration of about thirty tiny people in fifteen seconds flat when he loudly proclaimed that he'd be buying any treat any children wanted from the baker's stall
To say that he was still talking about the stars in their eyes when they looked at him three weeks later is an understatement
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humanpurposes · 2 months
Thanks @targaryenrealnessdarling and @emilykaldwen for tagging me <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3(or masterlist)? 16 on AO3, but I also have two Christmas oneshots that aren't on there, so 18 I guess.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 269,227
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mostly House of the Dragon, occasionally the Ewanverse.
4. Top five fics by kudos Karma is a God, My Heart Belongs to Daddy, Come So Close That I Might See, Hysteria, Sour Switchblade.
5. Do you respond to comments? Usually! I like responding to comments, but sometimes it slips my mind.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My Tom Bennett mini series, Just For a Moment 🥲
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Mine All Mine, my Michael Gavey oneshot.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I wouldn't say it's "hate" but I've gotten some weird comments from people who hate Aemond, but like... you're reading an Aemond fic, what did you expect?
9. Do you write smut? If it ain't got smut it wasn't me (tearing my hair out every time I write it).
10. Craziest crossover? Still not over my vision of Aemond as Dream of the Endless.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I wouldn't say outright stolen. If I had a nickel for every time someone who went out of their way to distance themselves from me then ended up writing something quite similar to one of my fics, I'd have two nickels.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? @targaryenrealnessdarling @bottlesandbarricades 😐
14. All time favorite ship? All time?? I have loads idk, I'll always love Zutara. In HotD, Alysmond.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I was thinking about From Eden, my Osferth series recently. I feel like I should get back to that... eventually.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, character, I think I'm quite good at descriptions. And plot too, I think I have a good idea of the "big picture".
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Starting too many series and then taking months to update them. Overwhelming myself with specifics of a chapter plan. Putting off writing because I know it's not going to be perfect first try.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Yeah it's fun to have the odd bit of High Valyrian in my fics, but I worry about the translations and I'm not qualified enough to include more than a few lines.
19. First fandom you wrote in? That I published, HotD
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Noooo don't make me choose between my children- Karma is a God. Me and her been through the trenches together <3
No pressure tags: @randomdragonfires @inthedayswhenlandswerefew @the-heartlines @theoneeyedprince @barbieaemond @marthawrites and anyone else who wants to do it!
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staybabblingbaby · 1 month
Fan Experience with SKZ a2 d2
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader wins a contest to have dinner with SKZ and they become friends :D (and maybe more? 0w0)
Word Count: 1,399
Notes: I kind of went for a sillier sort of vibe for this (bc I am a silly person) but I wonder if it makes Reader seem too childish? This one is shaping up to be a one-shot, or maybe one-shot series, idk. I sort of feel like I need more lead up or environment descriptions, it just seems like it's moving pretty fast. I do have a car scene sort of outlined in my head as well as part of the dinner scene, but it'll probably be a bit before I write it lol I have once more accidentally avoided pronouns, unsure how I've done so. Might try to keep it up.
Warnings: None that I know of? It's just silly fluff idk what u want from me.
Masterlist Link :D
"I can't do this." you whine pathetically. Ha-Yun, your best friend and the sacrifice you'd dragged to this fan opportunity, wraps a comforting arm around your shoulder.
"You're doing it." she says firmly. Maybe the arm wasn't a comfort after all, maybe you were her captive now. Turnabout is fair play you suppose.
"We're already here, and the guard has already left to get someone. It's too late to back out now." She finishes reasonably. She’s made several good points, but the day you admit that is the day you marry her. Unfortunately, Ha-Yun happened to be very straight.
"You don't know that!" You insist, "We could run right back out the doors, just poof! Gone." You speak like some sort of madness had taken over you. Quite honestly, it probably had.
Ha-Yun turns to face you properly now. She knows you well enough to know that you were genuinely freaking out, no matter how silly you were about it. She gives you a sympathetic smile, and tugs you closer. Presumably to keep you from running off (and maybe to actually comfort you, just a bit).
"It'll be fine. You adore those boys, just be chill and respectful and it'll all go well." Once again, Ha-Yun appeals to your reason. Too bad you weren't feeling very reasonable at the moment.
You turn yourself to hide your face in her neck and make a sound not dissimilar to a boiling kettle.
"What if they hate me?" You desperately question, "What if they think I'm weird, or ugly, or annoying, or, or, or!" You trail off breathlessly, on the verge of hyperventilating, and feel Ha-Yun gently pat your head.
She makes soft seal noises to mock you and then says, "Well if they do its not like you'll ever know."
Another keening whine leaves you as you slide down to crouch on the floor, arms sliding down with you to wrap around Ha-Yun's knees. She stumbles a bit, but regains her balance by using your head as a cane. She lets you stay there, blessed saint that she is, and continues to speak, wretched devil that she is.
"I mean, really, they're not gonna tell you to your face, and you're not gonna see them again after today." She points out. You'd like to argue, but it's not like she's wrong.
You'd ended up couched on the floor of the JYP building, clutching your best friend's pant leg, on a random Tuesday, about to meet Stray Kids AND eat dinner with them, by pure dumb luck. Actual, literal, luck. Like, won-a-raffle sort of luck. You may as well have won the lottery for everything this opportunity means to you.
Once-in-a-lifetime was an understatement.
"Just have fun with it," Ha-Yun finishes her mini-speech, heedless of your internal (and external) freak-out.
"I think I'll die, actually." You mutter petulantly into her thigh.
She snorts at you, ruffling your hair aggressively and disregarding your half-hearted attempts to swipe at her for it.
"C'mon, what happened to the person who was bouncing off the walls excited about this?" She cajoles, shaking you around but not dislodging you.
"They're dead and buried." You deadpan. It wasn’t like you weren't excited, really! You were just going to perish from sheer anxiety, that was all. Could anyone really blame you? You were about to meet your idols. It was kind of a big deal!
Ha-Yun does nothing but pat your head twice. "Well unbury them," She commands, "the guard is coming back."
Your head snaps up to see, not only the beefy security guard who'd checked both of your I.Ds and passes with great suspicion a few minutes ago, but also the Bang Christopher Chan.
Your brain stalls for a second seeing him dressed head-to-toe in casual black, barefaced and smiling beautifully at you. And then you realize the position you're in and scramble to stand properly, far too late for either of them to have missed your bout of insanity.
You attempt to slide yourself behind Ha-Yun in your humiliation, but the cruel woman snags your elbow with one hand, and your opposite shoulder with the other, and holds you in place in front of her. You take back anything nice you've ever said about Ha-Yun, she's pure evil and out to get you.
Before you can panic too hard, Bangchan and the security guard are in front of you. Though Bangchan is all warm eyes and kind smiles, you can't help but feel small in front of him. You shrink back into Ha-Yun, but she doesn't allow you to retreat. You promise to yourself to only make foods she doesn't like for a whole month when this is over.
"Hi, good to meet you!" Bangchan greets cheerfully. You do your best to match his smile despite your fear and return his greeting, introducing yourself before motioning to Ha-Yun, who was still holding you hostage.
"And this is Ha-Yun, she's my emotional support human today." You're not sure how she's as functional as she is as she both bows respectfully and shakes Bangchan's hand, prompting you to do the same. This was one of the many reasons you'd chosen to bring her over any of your friends who were actually Stray Kids fans. Functional emotional support summed her up nicely.
As greetings wrap up, Ha-Yun turns to you with mischief to dramatically interrogate you.
"Is Emotional support all I am to you?" She demands, "I thought we were more than that! I thought we had something special!" She places a hand over her heart as you'd shot her, dipping back way too far in her dramatics because she knows your hand will catch her whether you want it to or not.
Supporting most of her weight with your fist dug into her upper back, you retort, "You thought wrong."
Bangchan's snicker reminds you of your audience and you tuck your hands behind your back with an embarrassed flush. Ha-Yun is treated to a heated glare when all she does is laugh at you, but you may as well have been air for all it affects her. Two months. No yummy home cooked meals for Ha-Yun. You swore it.
Bangchan begins to speak and your attention is immediately back on him instead of your comedy act of a best friend.
"So, the company actually picked out the place for dinner, so we don't get to choose, sorry." And he really does seem apologetic, despite this seeming like a very reasonable thing to you. "It's this barbecue place down the road, we'll be meeting the others there, if that's alright?" Again he asks like he genuinely values your opinion in this, and the prospect of being in even one (1) of this man's thoughts as an individual causes you a bit of a crisis.
Luckily this is exactly what you'd bright Ha-Yun along for, and she easily agrees for the two of you, guiding you along with the experience of having born witness to more than one blue-screen brain moment in your life.
She strikes up an easy conversation with Bangchan as he leads the three of you deeper into the building towards a different door, leaving the security guard behind. You're a bit jealous of her comfort, since you sort of feel like you're simultaneously walking on air and suffocating on that same air, but she keeps her hand on your back to keep you walking and rubs little comforting circles there. So. She's forgiven. A little bit. Back down to one month of no yummies.
Bangchan leads the three of you back, explaining that there was a company car waiting for you all outside, but that it was closer to a more private entrance for security reasons. He catches you looking around curiously as you walk, and generously explains the types of rooms and offices you walk past like some sort of tour guide. In fact, he apologizes for not being able to give you a more thorough tour and you frantically assure him that this was more than you'd ever expected in the first place.
You don't catch the pleased look he has as you crawl out of your shell a bit to ask him more questions, but Ha‐Yun shoots him a grateful look over your head. If you see the tiny nod they exchange, you just assume they're using their listening skills as you speak.
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oh i have been tagged in a thing. ty @yugonostalgia2019. time to overshare
3 ships: Hmmmm ok I gotta list Taylor x Lisa, their dynamic makes me go absolutely feral without fail. Honestly I don't even need them as a ship I just love how horrible and amazing they are for each other. I am limiting myself to one Worm ship here, despite how much it pains me, but I shall provide brief descriptions for the other ships for the people who don't know the non-worm stuff here. Marina x Pearl from Splatoon are so damn cute and I adore them. Nepotism baby punk soundcloud rapper x runaway genius former child soldier military engineer is honestly just 10/10, and they're just so good! I swear to god if the DLC doesn't have a 20 minute cutscene of lesbian cephalopod kissing I'll riot. Splatoon is my biggest fandom besides Worm which is kind of hilarious to me considering the sharp difference in tone. Third ship... hmmm, The Doctor x River Song. I just think it's genuinely such a sweet concept and wonderfully executed, two time travelers who are in love but keep meeting each other in the wrong order so their experiences and knowledge of the other don't match up is tragic and great and I nearly cried at their final episode. Honestly just been a River Song fan forever too, she's eternally my transition goals.
First ever ship: Ohhhhh gosh this one is lame. Back when I was a wee lass in middle school browsing FF.net endlessly, my main fandoms were Pokemon and Super Smash Bros. I flat out didn't realize that you could ship anything except a man and a woman because like, no one told me, and I kinda was just not a fan of romance because I thought it was always forced in stories (I was right about that tho). But then I read a Smash Bros fanfic that had Lucina and Palutena shipped and I was just like... damn, women can kiss? That sounds so cool. Shame I can never do that. And so I read the shockingly large number of fics shipping those two because it was the only wlw ship I knew existed.
Last song: I don't actually listen to music that much. Last song is uhhh... the Monster Sanctuary PVP Theme I guess due to playing Monster Sanctuary PVP. If we're talking actual music, I think my sister forced me to listen to some Taylor Swift song recently? Idk what it was but I think the album was called 1984.
Last movie: I also don't watch movies much! Uhhhhhhhhh I think it was Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No. Might have been a different one? The Sharknado movie that ends with them crashing down to Earth inside of a shark after fighting them off from a satellite and one of the characters gives birth while coming down inside the shark and the baby cuts its way out with a chainsaw before the mom gets crushed by falling debris. Sorry for spoiling, I know everyone was really looking forward to watching Sharknado 3.
Currently reading: Making my way through the Snapshots series of Splatoon fics which are so fucking good. For published stories though, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight for a class. Thinking about rereading Worm and posting about it but I gotta beat the Lakesbian copy allegations.
Currently watching: I'm don't really watch anything when I'm on my own, I prefer to read in almost all situations. When I go home though, I watch One Piece with my sister because it is nice to spend time with her and she's very passionate about the show.
Currently consuming: Nerds Gummy Clusters. I regret every bite but I bought this shitty bag of candy so I gotta finish it. Fuck these are terrible.
Currently craving: Mini Chewy Sweettarts. They're my favorite candy and I have a massive sweet tooth so I've been craving them, but I swear every single damn store in a mile radius stopped stocking them and is now selling "Sweettart gummies" or "Sweettart chewy fusions" or "Sweettart ropes" or "Sweettart rope bites" and that is not what I desire! Where is my delicious mouth hurting candy ;-;
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tvxqdbsk · 1 year
i was just happening to read your ayyo concept analysis and was reminded, did u know snsd tiffanys solo (ijwd <3) was also partially shot at the same pink motel?? i just found it a bit funny that sm returned later for another release
I think the repack was not well planned, but they still made one bcs they could tell ppl wanted it, so it was pushed out half hearted. Lets now set the bar reaaal low they thought. If ppl had given up and we skipped this release, waited until a real new concept (maybe a mini?) i wonder if we might have dodged this mess
idk.. i also think 127 needs another career evolution? like im not sure how or how to put it, but something...preferably outside the nct bubble. socially? with more of the ent industry or? hm i could keep going i just realized haha
i cant believe i didnt recognize the motel but i havent seen that mv in yearsss. ok just went back and watched it and i guess the only part i should have recognized from the ay-yo teasers is the empty pool but otherwise i dont think i would have realized without you telling me bc they mostly used different areas of the motel.
my memory is a bit fuzzy with the details of the repackage timeline but im pretty sure we were told a while ago that there would be a repackage so thats why everyone was expecting one (or maybe not, maybe we just assumed there would be one). i really dont know what kind of strategy they were going for with this awful repackage. but sm are no strangers to delays so i dont get why they couldnt have just delayed it a few more months if they needed more time.
the 127s DO need a career refresh. wayv and especially dream both feel fresh and interesting at the moment even with dream currently promoting a 90s cover song. their concepts feel distinctive and characteristic of their respective subunits and both have progressively evolved over time in a way that makes sense. 127's concept just feels stale :/ i think the 2 baddies concept photos were ALMOST THERE with the jack henry inspired photography especiallyyy his rosalía pics and rob pat pics for gq. i think they could have really pushed the visuals. i would LOVE to see 127 with a bit more edge to them. and instead of worrying about staying as pretty as possible. theyre already pretty they dont need to worry about that. i want to see them be INTERESTING and PUSH THE BOUNDARIES for whats the norm in kpop ok i have a vision. dpr ian is a wonderful example of what im talking about, though i would like to see 127 go with a bit more editorial/futuristic/luxury branding.
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also look at some of the other pics from those shoots im obsessed
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there are also some really great korean photographers too who have done really interesting work that i think would fit 127 like:
cho gi-seok, an icon. everyone knows cgs! and for a reason! i especially love their matrix inspired series it would be sooo good for 127 but their other futuristic/tech shoots are perfect for 127 too
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pakbae is also great and while they focus more on fashion photography, they do occasionally work with idols for magazines. i love that they always throws a few interesting and unexpected images
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go won tae has done plentyy of idol photoshoots that you would probably recognize.
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less, aka kim taekyun, my tried and true. has also worked with a bunch of idols and with sm for superm and solo taemin and baekhyun concept photos in the past. i also love his editorial shoots but i'll just show some of the work he's done with sm. i think he could do something REALLY interesting if only sm would allow it
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drawnaghht · 11 months
This 2021 SDCC panel is also one of the reasons I couldn't agree with some of the stuff tumblr posts last year had stated... which was mostly made up! ie "Stan didn't actually work on the show" or
Like you can see the joy emanating from their faces when Stan and the cast and other crew explain their parts in the show... I can't believe any of them would hate it, whether this was a promo video or not xD Like... you don't go to a SDCC panel of the show you made if you... absolutely hated working on it. idk, it just doesn't make sense. I get that seeing a show or characters from a fandom lens makes people hate that show/characters make stuff up about the show later (i.e. other fans hating on Yuichi Usagi, just as a concept, bc of the ship/shipping, I get it) but it just seems... so strangely petty. Plus non-shipping fans might have been mad that this was not a direct adaptation.... Again I get it! I've been there with other stuff. But whether a show is good or bad, it seems mean-spirited to just lie about the crew or creators of it. It's okay to admit that you had different expectations about it. Yes, it's aimed at a younger viewership and does not directly adapt the darker aspects of the comic, but, that's wholly because of circumstance (Netflix show) and the show is good despite that. Your view of it can simply depend, well, on your view on spinoffs and animation in general, when you watched, what mood you were in. Whatever opinions fans might have, this panel seems to suggest the cast and crew had a mostly good time on it. Unless everyone here is some sort of pathological liar.
More press coverage of the Samurai Rabbit SDCC 2021 panel:
IGN, Polygon (a few pics), Animation Magazine, Geek Network, AIPTcomics (I'll add any more I find if I find smth new)
Screenrant (announcement of the Comic-Con @ home lineup) longer article on AWN (2022, about the premiere with more pics)
also, Stan's interview with the SDCC blog in 2022
"UBLOG: Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles debuted its first season on Netflix, and has already been renewed. What was it like finally getting to see your characters come to life in that way, and how pleased are you that it was so well received? Sakai: We at Usagi Studios are very pleased with Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles. The protagonist Yuichi is a direct descendant of my Miyamoto Usagi who is featured very prominently and with a twist that I thought was brilliant. We worked very closely with Gaumont and Netflix, approving/adjusting scripts, designs, suggesting voice actors, etc. I even calligraphed (by hand) the logo for the series. Samurai Rabbit expanded on a mini-series I created titled “Senso” inspired by HG Wells’ War of the Worlds wherein the martians invaded feudal Japan instead. Japan took that alien technology and developed it, adding their own cultural elements. Samurai Rabbit takes place in the future with Yuichi a young samurai in training who worships his famous (or infamous) ancestor, Usagi. Like my Usagi stories, Samurai Rabbit is very character driven and the first season tells of Yuichi meeting what is to become his core group of friends as they battle yokai, the haunts and monsters of Japanese folklore. I’m so glad that a second season is coming up."
i cannot imagine Stan Sakai Lying. like. LEGIT i cannot so i don't get why ppl make stuff up abt the show. it hasn't been very egregious so far, just stuff in tags and reblogs, but still. weird. fandom is weird abt stuff like this lol! I also do not get the hate that the show itself and the character of Yuichi Usagi get for basically. Not being what people imagined in their heads of an Usagi Yojimbo spinoff. I kind of get that part, because when Avatar: LOK was previewed in 2011, I imagined such a vast and colorful version of the show based on just 2 art pieces, I was caught a bit off-guard by the 1st season's premiere, and completely let down by the 2nd season. So I get that part at least. Many articles seemed to suggest that this show would be an adaptation, and I am guessing this is where people's expectations rose ten-fold in a similar way to my 2011 self. From interviews, I sense that the crew had similar expectations when they joined: a Usagi aniamted project with Stan Sakai directly involved! I'd be asking to be on the show too if I'd been a Gaumont studios member at the time.
The mountain is high and it is hard to surpass. When Netflix ordered the show to be about a younger Usagi and gear it for a younger audience too, I find that perhaps the Gaumont and Usagi Studios crew also saw this. In a fan's eyes, almost no one could match Stan Sakai in his storytelling, and the crew are big fans of his work. So it would make sense that they started to see the show they were developing differently. Instead of something like the 2003 adaptation of Miyamoto Usagi, where they make him younger and change his story a bit, the SR crew saw an opportunity. Lets make it about a descendant and a whole different setting, yeah? So the show becomes something quite different, but more manageable now. The mountain seems more like a long trek than an unpassable task.
But it also seems from every interview and official release I've seen that most of the people working on the show really liked what they made and liked working on it, even if it wasn't a direct adaptation of Usagi Yojimbo, something most of the crew were a fan of already themselves.
also, the series was worked on at least since 2018. Yeah, it's aimed at a younger audience, but a lot of effort seems to be put into it anyway, from writing, acting and art aspects all-around, so it just doesn't seem like something that people would feel the need to lie about. it's a good show. It is just not a direct adaptation of the comics, that people have been wanting, or something "style adjacent" to the comics, e.g. what people expect of the comics (that it's only dark and gritty).
A 2019 comicon.com article sharing a facebook photo at Gaumont studios with Stan is the perfect example of this - "This studio is known for their work on the original Redwall animated series. Judging by the key art shown above and Gaumont’s location in Paris, I hope that the animated series will remain faithful to the darker tone of the comics." - of course an article by a reader of the comic would have something like this, but we can see as early as this, the writer is setting themselves up for higher expectations for the series. Which I don't find fault in, who doesn't want a cool animated adaptation of their favourite comic? But comparing a studio now to what the studio was 15-20 years before is like setting the reader up for expectations that are too unrealistic. Redwall is a beautiful adaptation, but each show/series will almost always have a different team of people working on, so from an animation work POV, it just seems like something unrealistic. Animation industry, both western and otherwise, has always been something that can't always cater to all interests.
not-so-hot take but: it's actually good that it's not a direct adaptation!
The expectations people put on any adaptations/projects based on an older thing, is probably also a huge factor in why both younger and older fans (both shppers and the fans of the comic) feel so terse about the series, when in reality, it's possibly the best result we could get for a netflix adaptation (if I look at any anime/manga live-action adaptations for example, netflix has sort of "dropped the ball" on many of these). The series having loose and not-so-loose connections to the comics canon basically ensures that nothing about the comics canon is ever changed much, or that Stan is never obligated to change the comic for the show. The comic and show are allowed to be separate, but the show is also an homage and open fanart to the comic.
This also means that whether viewers hate or love the series, perhaps having a non-adaptation og series based on the comic... means they will actually read the comic itself now. I see this with both liveaction and animated adaptations, but ppl usually don't pick up the og source material based on just one adaptation, and if the adaptation is good or faithful, they still won't - thinking of TMNT 2003 but also Rise series haters who insist Raph doesn't use Tonfa, when that was a og comics reference lol - there's no trust that the animation folk working on your favourite properties adaptation are ALSO FANS of the same thing. So the chances for that might be similar. If people are happy with an adaptation, they might be less likely to seek out more of it. But I just find this series an interesting attempt from that POV. It almost feels similar to what Transmedia Storytelling is explained as a technique - of telling a story across multiple platforms, adding something unique each time.
A direct retelling is different from an original piece or continuation set in the same universe. Imagine that Usagi Yojimbo, the original comic, is like a tentpole that readers gather around. As time grows on, different animated adaptations occur, some tabletop games, a theather play etc. Different media for Usagi to inhabit as a character and a concept. And then comes along Samurai Rabbit, wholly not an adaptation of the comic's stories at all, but something inspired of it, building on it, not changing it much, but still adding to the canon in its own way (the existence of the Ki-Stone in this show). It's different but it's entirely a work made out of love for the comic, and you can see it in the different aspects it adapts from the comic (the 2D sequences, the skull-death-bubbles, the references to the comic, how it shows Miyamoto Usagi) and how it approcahes the characters as a cast.
So because Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles is not a strict retelling of any of the comics narratives, it allows itself room to explore and grow as its own thing, while also loosely adding to the canon in an interesting and unique way.
I hope phrasing the show from that vantage point gives other existing a different view on it.
this show also credits everyone in the production, including even the 3D animation company (a lot of animated shows only credit the company itself, or at least used to do this a lot) so I think that speaks a lot about how the production sees the show itself. The people making the show are valuable and did well, whatever the reception is going to be. And genuinely, I hope it was actually a good experience working on the show for all of the cast and crew.
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hirazuki · 2 years
Okay this might be weird ass timing, but I saw the asl someone sent you about Naruto, and your brief mention of the Villain type characters at least EMBRACING their flaws rather than glossing over like Konoha does, and while first I wanted to chime in with like, YES SAME, my favorite characters are Hidan and Kakuzu, ESPECIALLY Kakuzu, and that's part of why - and boy do I have beef with Kishimoto about how SHIT their arc ended because he wanted to show off how Cool and Smart Shika was and Naruto's new move (Kakuzu should NOT have been killed by that he's too smart his death was insulting I'll die on that hill, and I'm not even gonna start on Hidan) but like—
One thing that's always pissed me off is that when I read Kakuzu's backstory from the data book, I was STUNNED Kishimoto never once addressed it as a flashback like the other villains got - FILLER villains got more than he did and his story is SO GOOD - except I think one brief acknowledgement by Fu in some anime filler? Whatever, the point is, it occurs to me that his backstory makes both Takigakure AND Konoha look less than perfect, given the jist is that Taki yeeted him in prison for failing to kill Hashirama. I wonder if that's why Kishimoto never wanted to address it?
Okay, so first -- never feel weird for sending me Naruto asks!! Or Bleach asks! Or anything about any series/media/whatever I enjoy or I have even mildly dabbled in! Even if we have different opinions on things, I am always happy to geek out about shared interests ^^
YES EXACTLY, Kakuzu especially falls into this category (I love Hidan too, but he's a bit of a loose canon and as far as I can remember, doesn't have nearly as strong ties to his hometown as Kakuzu once had to Taki; I don't think he was ever enmeshed in upper level village politics like that). But yes, Kakuzu! I have no problem with how that fight played out or its conclusion, but I suspect that's only because while I enjoy these two, I'm not particularly attached to them, and the resolution of that conflict ticked off my own personal boxes for being "satisfactory," which is a very individual thing obviously. I absolutely get where you're coming from, and if something similar had happened to Orochimaru, for instance, I would be Very Upset.
Kakuzu's backstory is fascinating and honestly very demonstrative of the early days of the establishment of the village system and the various political considerations and machinations going on, ties in closely with our protag group since it directly involves one of the founders of Konoha, and is a compelling backstory to a member of one of the main antagonist groups of the series, so SAME???????? I was very surprised when I found out that Kishimoto had a super detailed, super relevant on multiple levels backstory for him that never got properly incorporated, and the only reason I can think of for leaving it out of the manga is it was cut due to editors. Idk why though, it's very well-developed as a plot point and backstory. I especially don't get why it wasn't included in the anime, given all the filler we get (< and I say this as someone who unironically loves fillers!!), because yes, you're right -- it's briefly alluded to by Fuu in the second chunin exams held in Suna, which is a filler arc towards the end of Shippuden. We've had filler mini-arcs within filler arcs themselves (for instance, Jiraiya's novel within Tsunade's tsukuyomi dream), so it wouldn't have been a stretch at all to do a brief glimpse into Kakuzu's past within the chunin exam filler arc... idk, dude, I've got nothing. I can't imagine it would be because it'd make Taki and Konoha look bad, because there's stuff like Zabuza and Kiri, Gaara and Sasori and Suna, and like... the entirety of Itachi and Konoha; all the villages including Konoha have looked less than perfect from the get-go. All I can think of is someone or multiple someones on the production team at SP didn't really care for Kakuzu so they never considered it, and it just came down to the team's personal preferences as to what they’d include as filler or not?
It's utterly baffling.
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
May I request a john smut in which, despite being the cocky beast that he usually is, he manages to get all gentle and intense when, after years of mutual pining, he finally makes love to ada's best friend who's younger and totally inexperienced. Idk I just need this to be fucking intense, like John suffocating his desire for ages and now finally indulging in his worst temptation and showing her what lust is... please i'll burn in hellll
a/n: first of all let me say: this killed me. like, it’s literally all i can think about. god help me. but thank you so fucking much for requesting this bc i liked it sooo much that i decided to make a mini series out of it with the help of my babe @stxdyblr-2k who was sweet enough to offer to ghostwrite on the series 🥰 and to all my other angels who requested fics, don’t worry i will get them done! just wanna give you guys the best quality work i can. my 1st priority are some tommy requests i got, as well as some michael ones after :)
love, abi xxx
whiskey business - john shelby x reader (1 of ?)
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warnings: nsfw! eventual smut, slow burn, john being sexy as all hell but also soft
John couldn’t tear his eyes off of you. From the moment you walked into the Garrison, arm loosely linked with Ada’s, clad in a black lace dress that hugged you just right, he couldn’t stop staring. Even Tommy and Arthur had noticed, cracking some joke about him being pussy whipped. The words floated right over his head, his mind on one thing only. The last time he had seen you, you were barely eighteen, cheeks pink as you waved goodbye out the train window to Ada as she sobbed. Ada had always had a flair for the dramatic, but the two of you had practically been attached at the hip your entire lives. So, he consoled her, reminding her that university wasn’t forever, that you would be back soon enough. And back, you were, red-stained lips sipping at a glass of something that Ada had practically shoved in your face. You weren’t a girl anymore, black heels crossed at the ankle as you sat across the room in a booth, laughing as Ada waved her arms, telling some sort of story.
“Just fuckin’ talk to ‘er, John-boy,” Arthur’s voice cut through John’s train of thought like a sharp knife, and he focused his eyes on his two brothers sitting at the booth across from him, clouds of smoke from Tommy’s incessant smoking heavy in the air around them.
“Fuck off,” John returned as he stood, earning a chuckle from Tommy.
“That’s right,” Arthur shouted as John made his way towards the bar, rolling his eyes at his older brothers. “Make sure you show her a real good time, eh?” Arthur’s voice was soon drowned out by the crowd around John, as they parted to let him walk through. He didn’t even see them, his eyes trained on your smile. Fuck, you were pretty.
“So, then I fucking kicked him in the balls.” Ada’s eyes sparkled triumphantly as she recalled the time she’d incited a riot, managing to cause great injury to a certain part of a policeman’s body. She did so casually, like it was no big deal. You couldn’t control your laughter as Ada grinned, pleased that she’d been able to make you laugh. “Fuckin’ missed you, Y/N,” she professed, shooting the rest of her gin and gesturing at the bartender to “leave the fuckin’ bottle, already.”
“Missed you too,” you smiled back at her, happy to be back in Birmingham in the company of an old friend. London was beautiful, but lonely. There was something inside you that missed the dirty streets, the crowded pubs bursting with familiar faces.
“Had to come over here myself to make sure it was you,” A deep voice interrupted your reverie and you looked up to see none other than Ada’s older brother John, looking even handsomer than the last time you’d seen him, in a grey-three piece suit, a cigar hanging from his lips. You’d had the hugest crush on him growing up, and the butterflies swimming around in your stomach seemed to confirm that you still found the tallest Shelby brother irresistible.
“Hi, John,” You offered him a shy smile and scooched over as he slid into the booth next to you, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your cheek. You couldn’t help but drink in the smell of his cologne, the various drinks that Ada had encouraged you to down making you press yourself closer to him.
“M’kay, if you’re going to fuck, at least wait until I’m gone.” Ada’s voice snapped you out of it and you looked away, a pink blush staining your cheeks.
“Says the one who managed to fuck three of my best mates before you left school,” John retorted, causing Ada to roll her eyes, shooting her whiskey and pouring the three of you another glass each.
“I feel like getting drunk, and I’m not doing it alone,” Ada announced, causing both you and John to crack a smile at her forcefulness.
“Good thing we took a cab here,” you returned, before shooting your whiskey. If you were going to have to stare at John all night, you thought, you might as well be drunk doing it. Wasn’t like he was going to be staring back.
Ada was shitfaced, dancing in the middle of the pub. Luckily, Isaiah had stepped in as her partner, making sure her stumbling didn’t cause her to trip and fall. Unluckily for you, this left a tipsy you and John alone tucked into a booth in the corner of the room, out of view. The conversation was friendly, and you were trying your best to keep your mind off the way you could see John’s forearms practically bulging out of his suit. It wasn’t fair, you thought to yourself, for him to walk around looking like that. Especially when you knew that he was probably fucking the latest movie star, or something. It was almost impossible for you to keep your head straight, yet you managed to keep it civil. However, you couldn’t help your gaze from drifting to his lips. God, they were so pink and looked so soft, it was unfair. You couldn’t stop yourself from imagining how they’d feel on your mouth, let alone other parts of your body. Jesus, you were fucked.
A third of a bottle of whiskey later, you couldn’t help but let yourself slide closer to him, heart beating fast in your chest as you sat tucked into his side, his arm around you as you laughed at a joke he’d made, something about the stick up Tommy’s ass. Your eyes shone as they met his blue ones, his arm sliding down until his fingers were brushing against your waist, radiating heat into your skin.
“Y’know, I’d tell you how fuckin’ pretty you look tonight, but I think you already know that,” John rumbled into your ear, lips just barely brushing against your neck. Your breath hitched, and he noticed, a small grin spreading across his lips.
“You’re something else, you know that?” You shot back, a small smile threatening to take over your lips.
“M’not just sayin’ that. Couldn’t take my eyes off ‘ya, since you walked in.” John wasn’t kidding. For a second you didn’t know how to reply, staring up at him with a slight look of disbelief. The whiskey, however, had other plans, and had decided to respond for you.
“Can't keep your hands off me now." You smirked, waiting for him to escalate the moment, anticipation and liquor silencing the blaring alarm in your mind. God, you shouldn't want him as badly as you do.
"Can you blame me?" He muttered, dragging his fingers across the lace of your dress, tracing the pattern's loops absentmindedly, watching your jaw tense and lips part to take a gasping breath, your jacket having long vanished into the chaos of the pub. Your arms wound themselves around his neck, fingers twisting into his short hair. "Fucking come 'ere lass."
His strong arms lifted you onto his knee, gripping a thigh to help you balance, the friction of his rough hand against the stiff fabric pushing your dress up slightly. The need for more and the desire to know him completely intoxicated you far more than anything from a bottle; you'd never felt as though you were on fire from your drunk hookups. His fingers found the zip of your dress, tugging it down desperately, gripping the flesh of your exposed shoulder blades. A small groan erupted from your lips as you felt him chuckle below you, pressing a thumb to your lips to quieten you.
"John," you whined, pouting playfully against his thumb.
"I'll sort you out, I swear," He muttered, slipping his thumb between your lips. Instinctively, you sucked, locking eyes with him, his hand straying from your back to roughly grab your jaw, holding your gaze. "But if you're going to scream your 'ead off, we'll get caught."
"You wish you could make me scream, John-lad."
"Come off it, I could ruin you, Y/N." He stated, lifting your jaw, as though memorising the construction of your face, tone brimming with a cocky confidence only John could make attractive. "You want that?"
"More than anything." The words tumbled out of your mouth thoughtlessly, watching how his jaw tightened in response as you attempted to read his expression. He studied you for what must've only been a few seconds, but the moment passed so slowly, you could barely remember what it felt like to not be examined by his dominating blue eyed stare.
His grip guided your face to his, fingers tilting your chin so John's lips could brush against yours, before pulling you into a heated almost aggressive kiss, the straps of your dress barely grazing your shoulders, the hem of your dress bunching around your waist as he reached down your back to grab your bum in a firm squeeze. Your mouth gaped open in a gasp of pleasure, John taking the moment to run his tongue against your lips, gaining access and deepening the kiss. You were so caught up in the thrill of John's seduction that you hadn't noticed his hand suddenly pull away after moving your skimpy underwear to one side. You had instinctively ground your hips against him, he'd broken the kiss to let out a string of curses, complimenting you through his quickening breaths (“Fuckin’ wet for me already, aye?”), gripping your thigh. But as soon as he had pulled the thin silk from your thighs, the atmosphere shifted, his lip curling in frustration as his hands left your skin as though your flesh was suddenly scalding.
"John?" You prompted, resting a hand on his shoulder, noticing the dark shadows under his eyes for the first time.
"It's getting late."
"What?" Your voice sounded high and whiny, you mentally scolded yourself for sounding so needy. It was embarrassing to be rejected by the man you've admired for many years, but even worse to be openly vulnerable and so pathetic in front of your best friend's brother.
Oh fuck.
Realisation hit you, it was either that or the unholy quantity of alcohol you'd downed which turned your stomach. You had gone too far this time. It was one thing to flirt with John and desire him from a distance, it was an absolute betrayal to have sex with him, knowing Ada's insecurity about being used to get close to her gangster brothers- sex, power and politics. You had sworn during those tearful walks around the canal that you'd never hurt her. You couldn't do that to her.
Your sudden panic must've been obvious, you tried to stand up from John's lap, stumbling slightly, only regaining balance due to a sudden arm across your back, anchoring you upright.
"No one has to know. It's our secret yeah?" He muttered into your ear, his words comforting.
You nodded silently, the reality of the situation settling in. Your hands are shaking by your sides, John catches them, locking his fingers with yours.
"It's fine, now. Nothing happened yeah?" He stood up in front of you, his muscular physique looming before you, the creases across his torso reminding you that just a few minutes ago his body was under yours, he was breathless, needing your skin against his, desperate and vulnerable. "I'll zip you up. Turn around."
His hands dropped from yours to fumble clumsily with your zip, struggling in the gloom and fog of intoxication, he eventually succeeded, the lace clinging to the curve of your hips, waist, back and chest again. You wished it was him instead that was skimming your figure but you pushed the thought away with a simple, "Thanks."
"I'll walk you home yeah?" He offered, as he straightens your skirt and his tie, allowing you to fix his crumpled shirt collar and the row of shining buttons below his throat which you'd ripped open as he whispered dirty nonsense in your ear, smirking at how you arched your back and swore back at him through your moans.
"Isaiah already said he would, it'd be better for us both that way. You know how people around here talk." You replied, glancing at the mirror on the wall of the booth to quickly smooth your tousled hair. Despite only recently returning to Small Heath, you'd already encountered the rife gossiping and quickly realised your neighbour was incapable of minding his own business. "Nobody has to know, right?"
John nodded, disappointed but appreciating your rationale and quick thinking despite your state, "Right."
"Good night, John," You said politely, ignoring the tension in his tone and the sudden soft sadness of his eyes, turning your back and walking to the door. Back to the sticky dance floor, back to Ada, Isaiah, Finn, Tokyo, back to spilling drinks, ashing cigarettes, back to noise, safety and far from the man who made your morals vanish with the same lines he uses on probably every single one of his conquests. Fuck it. You were going to enjoy it, you sped up your pace in your heels, trying to ignore your shaking legs. You tried to ignore the guilty twang in your gut when Ada screamed your name across the pub and stumbled over, dragging some lad on her arm, pressing drunken kisses to your forehead and cheeks.
You couldn't help but look back to see his shadow sloping away into the darkness of the booths closer to the dance floor, being bullied mercilessly by his brothers you assumed. You watched him fake a smirk, take the knuckles to his brow from Arthur, snap an insult back to Thomas and settle into his rightful seat. You only shifted your gaze to Ada for a moment but when you looked back up, he was staring at you, jaw tense, icy stare burning into yours, arms folded on the table, the gold chains of his sleeve garters barely glinting in the dim light. He looked away but you could see his cheeks were flushed with blood even in the glow of the oil lamps.
Pretending nothing happened was going to be impossible.
to be continued!
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spoopy-fish-writes · 3 years
not a request but like
ikemen series mc w ptsd from everythin she goes through the stories, includin kidnappin, witnessin war and other ppl die, being threatened violence and SA, actually bein SA-ed, etc.
idk but its strange to me that mc never developed ptsd and/or paranoia symptoms and i need sumone who also knows bout em to talk w😤
This is what I've been talking about! It makes no sense to me that this girl would go through so much and seemingly have no negative mental affects from it. She gets taken into war against her will and gets kidnapped who knows how many times and is threaten by who knows who more times than I can count; not to mention the amount of times that people try to kill her and the people she's seen die on the battlefield.
Mini rant under the cut
Like, it's nice and all how I'm some routes they will actually try to resolve the LI's internal issues even if I'm done routes they do it miserably but it would be nice to see the LI develop through helping the mc. Like, I only really see that in Mitsuhide's route.
It would be natural for her to not only be afraid like she is shown to be but also paranoid and anxious, sometimes even traumatised like with what happens in Masamune's route but that's more or less resolved with the power of love within like 2 chapters max. They make it clear to get that she might die if she does the wrong thing and might just die anyways. I'd be panicked, you'd be panicked, anyone would be at least some degree of panicked and paranoid if they were suddenly out in a situation where death is literally stalking them.
I know it's not meant to be realistic but they could have at least fine that even if I do like the outspoken mc. That's probably something I'll have to do myself though because Cybrid doesn't really care about much of the mc's development in most routes. You get some of that in Masamune and Mitsuhide's route but otherwise she has a tendency to fall flat a lot of the time.
Like, I genuinely don't mind if they keep her as sweet and non violent as she is. I just want to see a little bit more development and understanding on her part so her character isn't completely one dimensional. Idk how, but do what was going on in Mitsuhide's route in some way in the rest of the routes so she isn't just blindly staying in a time period that she doesn't really know jack shit about bc the girl used to zone out during history classes n doesn't know much.
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cuziloveyou7 · 4 years
20 questions tag
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Tagged by @randombtsprincessa thank you for thinking of me! I appreciate u 💜
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1. What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Tbh I don't really know. I usually say peach or potato but you can also call me Es or whatever u feel suits me 🤷🏽‍♀️
2. When is your birthday?
January 7th!
3. Where do you live?
The Netherlands 🇳🇱 (so I u Dutch... I need more army friends, want like ik heb maar 2 army vrienden en mn moeder lmao)
4. Three things you are doing right now?
Catching up with friends, listening to music, studying Korean
5. Four fandoms that have peaked your interest.
Kpop and... what even falls under fandoms? I'm into so many things🤔
6. How had the pandemic been treating you?
At first it was really stressful bc I had exams. Then I went into hermit mode. Then I got anxiety and almost fell back into depression 🙃 but right now I'm doing really good! I feel happy, healthy and meaningful!
7. A song you can't stop listening to right now?
Sweet melody - Little Mix,
Blue hour (dance break version) - TXT
So good - Dove Cameron
Dingga - MAMAMOO
Love me the same - Esmée Denters
8. Recommend a movie.
I gotta think hard about this bc its been a while since I've seen a movie I got really into... ohhhh! I did see "Little Women" recently! I knew the bcc mini serie so it was fun to watch the movie! Also... Timothée Chalamet.. do I need to say more 😉
9. How old are you?
I'm 20! Only for a few months tho, I'm getting older each day 😄😉
10. School, University, occupation, other?
I finished college in May! I'm having a gap year, but I have a part time job which I'm thankful for in these times of uncertainty! So for now I'll be your local cashier and cleaning lady 🤑. Next September I'm starting university for another 6 years 🙆🏽‍♀️👩🏽‍🎓
11. Do you prefer heat or cold?
I'm a winter baby, I was born in a country where we barely have warm weather so yes, I do love the cold! I hate being sweaty. Also I like hot cocoa with a pile of blankets on a cold winter night! Whenever I visit the fam in the Philippines I go hide where the airco is, otherwise I'm ko bc of the heat.
12. Name one fact others may not know about?
Ehhh... I feel like I'm really open on Tumblr.. oh no wait I know something 😆 I went on a dating app for 3 month in July bc I was bored eventhough I swore to never download something like that...
13. Are you shy?
Let's not call it shy but introvert bc with my friends I'm hella crazy. I also tend to watch from afar at first so people might think I'm shy but I'm just analysing the situation and if people are worth my energy.
14. Preferred pronouns?
15. Biggest per peeves
Loud chewing, feet... don't show them to me bc no! Just no! I'm sorry I don't even like my own. Telling lies or saying one thing then do the other.. wooww I'm boiling just thinking about it.
16. What is your favourite "dere" type?
Okay, I'm gonna be honest this took me a minute of research bc I'm really bad at all these terms 🙃. But now that I know (and I will probably forget again bc dis brain...) I'd say its either a Dandere or Deredere type (I'm boring right?)
17. Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
I'd say right now its a solid 6,5 or 7 even maybe. Could always be better but I've been at a 1 a few years ago so...
18. What's your main blog?
This one! @cuziloveyou7
19. List your side blogs and what they're used for?
I don't have any! Was thinking about it but I'm already a horrible page owner on this main one 😑
20. Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
I'm super introvert so it takes a while for me to open up, so don't give up on me!
I'm really open to anything when you've found the cracked in my wall. Which can make for really great, fun and heated conversations!
Friendships are super important to me and I value it a lot!
I'm a high sensitive person so I get burned out a lot in social gatherings, also social anxiety!
And the most important one! I have this scared attitude towards boys/men/guys idk how when and where it came from but it's there so I would appreciate u helping me out sometimes and understanding this angst instead of making fun of it and saying "they're just boys not aliens or something" yes thank u I wasn't aware 😒
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Tagging: @an-annyeoing-writer , @kittylefayy, @oheyura , @saintxuxi and ofcourse anyone who wants to
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jiminrings · 4 years
I'LL SHOW YOU!! :D Sorry- I had to. Also, if you had to place each member in a particular au how would you do it? (Idk if that makes sense-) but for example, in which au do you think that Jin will fit in? A next door neighbour!au or a small café owner!au?? P.S. I love your writing 🥺👉👈 you're doing amazing, don't lose hope if you don't get enough response, good things take time and in the end it'll all be worth it. I'm here for you! :D 💜💫✨
okay so first of all i LOVE u so take that down pls
with everything i’m gonna be unloading,.,.,
this may be a spoiler of the fics i plan on writing :D
jin!!!!!! :D
he fits in that next door neighbor!au omg
and like wHAT IF in this fic jin has a sT. BERNARD FOR A DOG!!!!! and the last time he left ziggy on his own,,.,., whew the place was a MESS
and y/n’s his next door neighbor he bArely knows but as soon as he asks if you could possibly watch over ziggy for awhile??? absolutely YES
aha single dad!jin and swimming instructor!y/n and jin’s lil baby daughter that i can’t decide the name for (help pls)
model!yoongi!!!! he’s queued to be written as a full piece :D
a dermatologist fic mayhaps??? i watched just go with it with my mom too many times bc she loves jennifer aniston
ooh ooh a bOYFRIEND FOR HIRE type of gig!!!!
the classic photographer au and y/n as the last resort for his model
initially they hATE each other but something happens along the way aha
best friend!hobi who eventually falls for you :((
joonie!!!! :D
this is another one queued ok be quiet
he’s an up-and-rising artist
and well y/n’s the caretaker for the gallery and joonie works at nights
there are rather unexpected bits in this plot i’m rEALLY excited about
of course it’s the rich boy!au hence insufferable!!!
oOOOOOH also how about uh
this mini-series that i’m planning to write within this week :D
and like it’s an actual fic not a bullet point fic :D
aha :D
a hybrid type of bullet point fic!! :D
y/n’s a nurse there and tae hATES y/n even if you’ve literally done Nothing to him and ur always kind
i’m so psyched for this fic it’s gonna be aDORABLE
lots of a brooding panter!tae and jungkook the bunny hybrid that likes getting on his nerves
how about a ceo fic???
but y/n and ggukie were actually classmates in middle school thru a lil bit of high school and they did not have the bEST relationship ever
bc ggukie is that spoiled lil kid who had fancy meals for lunch and would roll his eyes at you
oh my god i have a lot of ideas in store for jungkook
a lil mafia!au and y/n’s a clueless and cheery nurse and jungkook is immediately (°▽°) i must pROTECC
this might be an idea bc i finished watching fight for my way but uHHHH A FIGHTER!AU MAYHAPS????
i had too fun with this ask
love u
ask hann :D
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