#might take a break from doing full pieces for a bit tbh but I'll see HAHAHDJF
isjasz · 7 months
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[Day 224]
They're so silly
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
Hey there! So I want to start writing some fics for bart and I want to make sure they are as accurate as possible and he's kinda the main point of your blog so I was wondering if you could give me like a rundown of his character, how he behaves, what his trauma is like stuff like that. If it's to long to post let me know and I'll message you privately
hey :) that’s exciting, looking forward to reading them 🤩 honestly i could give u a run down but i do think a lot of things i feel strongly about r largely personal interpretations of his character from what we’ve seen + extra trivia, especially on things like trauma. Ill edit later to link u to some think pieces/previous asks where i fleshed out some specifics about his characterisation/background cause honestly to fully answer this question id probably end up writing the equivalent of a fic 😭 lol but the thing is, even if i don’t entirely agree with others views on the matters, other approaches/perspectives on him can lead to really interesting plot/character exploration/stories that id still love to read about! so whilst i might have a general outline on his characterisation, i think it’s also important to go along with what u personally interpret/feel. Also it depends whether ur specifically asking about his yj tv or comics iteration? Though honestly, the core aspects of my answers to both would be pretty similar. But i’ll answer in terms of YJ as that’s very much the point of my blog like u mentioned lol
i think what might also be worth mentioning are traps that some writers (including myself) can fall into that r worth avoiding and why:
- adhd/speed is his full personality
like yes he can be excitable/hyper with his head in the clouds and yes he can be cute about it, but that’s not his only personality trait, he can be serious about things, cocky/bit of an asshole, but also sweet and sincere/speak his mind, but also dubious. He’s multifaceted/complex that way (layered just like anyone can be tbh). It all depends on the situation and seeing how he acts in the series it a good call to see how it can be mirrored/further portrayed in other situations.
- he’s a character that needs babysitting
again yes, it’s common that a lot of his friendships/relationships have a tolerance type of aspect to it, but people he’s at the very least good friends with genuinely like him and have a dynamic that’s on equal footing, some authors can accidentally infantilise him too much which is just not the way to go with him.
- he’s so traumatised that he needs therapy asap
this isn’t to say life is a breeze for him or that he doesn’t/can’t have deep issues. I mean he literally comes from a post-apocalyptic society, that’s pretty troubling. It has lead to traits like how he’s notably desensitised to things like death, has sticky fingers (tendency to steal), doesn’t really have any problem with lying nor confrontation. But from what we have seen he seems to be incredibly adaptable to situations as well as very happy/comfortable in his current time. And i really don’t think the answer to why he can live a comfortable life in the present is because he’s had therapy. I don’t think he’s visibly stuck on any particular trauma (not that he doesn’t have any, they just don’t weigh him down as much as it could) and that as a result of his background, he has a much higher than average threshold for what it takes to get him to break down. I think just because he’s not caught up on what could be personal traumas, doesn’t mean it doesn’t come without it’s issues. Being desensitised to that extent can come with its own problems and i think he has a different set of values than the average person on the team. I think an interesting approach to this is that his “issues” would come about in unexpected/uncomfortable ways/circumstances that can affect his normal relationships like with his family (jay/barry particularly).
- he has complexes about his intelligence/capability/being a hero
personally, i really don’t think this is/should be a trait of his. He IS intelligent/capable and a hero point blank period. Just because he might have an unconventional way of doing/seeing things, doesn’t mean it brings these things into question, atleast, in terms of how HE views himself. Doesn’t mean others won’t have their issues with it for whatever reason, but generally he’s a pretty confident guy to the point of being cocky. Not in the sense that he’s a total dick about it, but because he knows he’s that good and is proud of it. Now this is an interesting trait because i think it actually plays quite nicely with his airheaded/strange moments. I don’t think he fakes them necessarily, maybe plays it up but only because he’s having fun and LIKES having fun too, as well as because he doesn’t want to advertise certain things because of whatever agenda he may have.
a lot of this is a mix of what i consider instrinsic to his characterisation but also personal interpretations. Just because i think he can be cocky, doesn’t mean i don’t think he doesn’t have any insecurities. If anything reading a fic about it would be so interesting (and there have been many that have dealt with it amazingly). All these traits/views don’t exist in binary and can be nicely complimented with other takes/interpretations of them. As long as ur passionate about the story and his character, i think ultimately u can write a really cool story which id be so excited to read. Even if he’s just going clothes shopping and nothing would arise to all that i’ve mentioned, it would still be fun to read. It’s ultimately all just fun :)
Everything i described, can sound a bit confusing, so i’m sorry about that lol. I hope the asks I will link will help too! I think checking out his TV tropes section (Kid Flash II) is also useful, it gives a pretty good rundown on a fair amount of his traits.
here’s also a part of another section that i really like too lol
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in terms of general facts, these might also help:
- he’s gay.
- he does go to school (he was enrolled pretty soon after his arrival to the present) .
- he has brown hair (i’m sorry but whenever i read he has red hair i literally frown LOL).
- he is the son of meloni thawne (this one is more his general comic lore but everyone pretty much takes it as canon so, since we are on this topic he has a half brother owen mercer (son of captain boomerang) and his cousin is Jenni (daughter of Dawn)).
- he doesn’t know every single thing that happens to every hero/person in the future, especially since the timeline has completely changed from his original one. What he does know, is subject to debate and it’s always interesting to see what direction different authors take it. What i believe has direct confirmation from greg as well as was suggested in the series is that he for example didn’t know artemis was undercover and that kaldur was a double agent. This could suggest literally anything (they died during that time/they die much later down the line/ they survived but alliances became vague under the mutual threat of a world apocalypse etc)
- he doesn’t want to return to his “original time” it kind of goes without saying but it’s been made pretty clear in the series. He feels relatively at home in the present. Doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t miss some things/people from his past though.
- whilst he is pretty lax about having a secret identity, he still has one. Jay doesn’t have one and is a public hero. Do with that what u will lol
- this one is only “suggested” based on the fact that no one saw him off when he left to the present. It’s suggested that his parents are dead.
for now i can’t think of anything else, if i do i’ll edit it in. Hope this was somewhat helpful :)
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I’ve worked in retail for years (including walmart) and I’ve never heard of having too many items for self checkout??? Even at a smaller store…that’s just weird. I would’ve been put off about it too.
I can understand having a bad day, but I never took it out on anyone. Especially customers. So like, what’s his deal lol? Maybe I’m a tad bit dramatic but it sounds like he’s like ….targeting you? Idk, if it was me I would complain if it happened again. My anxiety would never allow me back into the store.
that's the thing, there wasn't a sign saying "you can only have X amount of items" or anything like that. i think, highkey, he was just kinda being a dick to me for some reason. i don't think he recognized me bc i've only ever interacted with him these two times, but… maybe???
in these type of instances, i try my best to give the benefit of the doubt. like, maybe he was having a shit day, maybe i was somehow holding him up from taking his break, maybe he did remember me from the last time and idk… doesn't like me bc of it. not sure tbh. but i remember our last interaction, and it wasn't like i thru a hissy-fit or something. i literally was just like "oh" and kept it moving lol
i think, like many ppl, he kinda sees the self checkout area as like "oh i have two items, might as well scan them myself" which is great and i get that. but, if i want scan my items myself, and i have a lot of items, then i'm allowed to do that.
and like i said in my rant, there was only one lane open to begin with, that also had a line. when i went to self checkout, out of the six registers, there was only 4 taken (if that) so it wasn't like i was holding up the line or something. well, at least not in that moment lol
bc i'm serious, when he said that to me, part of me wanted to be a bitch strictly bc like… he's wrong. but 9/10 times when ppl act like assholes to me, i just kinda blink at them and walk away. so the very next best thing i could do in that moment is become a problem and hold up the line (but also not really since there is five other registers ppl can go to).
i will say, it was funny at one point bc right after he said that to me, these two ladies came up and were trying to buy three cases of water bc they swore up and down that the sign said buy 2 get one 1 free. he had to call a manager over and everything and honestly it was kinda funny to see him get annoyed sksks
and i've been going to this store longer than this person has been working there. even with my social anxiety, i ain't gonna stop going bc he's a dick. if it's that bad, i'll go full karen mode. well, maybe not that badly, but like i would DEFINITELY talk to a manager bc at that point it's either personal or he's just a shitty worker.
this is gonna be a slight tangent to everything but also not.
so like i mentioned before, my family when we would go food shopping, we would buy a lot of stuff. kinda like do a whole month shopping in one trip. and the amount of times ppl would see us walk up the registers with our cart overflowing with food and just look so annoyed always confused me as a kid and still does now.
bc what is the difference (when you're a cashier) between let's say five ppl coming up with a couple items a piece, or two ppl coming up with bigger orders. like…. i just don't get it. it always felt like the cashiers i interacted with liked the smaller item orders over the bigger ones when… why does it matter? you're still standing there for a couple hours at a time. when i worked registers in the past, i didn't give a shit and a half if someone had one item or twenty. i get it if maybe a huge line is forming behind them, but even then, it's not my responsibility to open up a new line. ppl gotta wait. sorry, it's just how it is.
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mcfiddlestan · 3 years
I wasn't technically tagged, but got it from @luninosity. :D
Rules: List all your WIP titles, all meaning even the ones that are vague or nonsensical. Tag as many people as there are WIPs (that might be a lot, so we’ll see!)
I have a lot so I'll separate them by ship, I guess (since I only really write the same ones lol)
- 30 Day OTP Porn Challenge: I've still got 12 days left to do. Day 19 has a... wobbly outline.
- College AU smutty one-shot for a friend: outline/prompt was given to me by said friend. Tony's an exchange student living in London, where he bumps into fresh from Norway student Loki, who needs help getting around. Tony offers to help, things lead to things. Smut.
- Fools Rush In: previously posted six completed chapters, but I hit a bad writer's block and took it down. I hope to someday finish it. it was one of the first long fics I started that was in-universe.
- Real Genius AU: semi-outlined, based on the 1985 movie with Val Kilmer. Chris Knight gives off heavy Tony Stark-vibes.
- Royals AU - outlined, a couple of chapters written. Kind of got the idea from the E! show The Royals. It's an ambitious fic, too. It was the first fic I brought in other characters besides the core Avengers, such as Erik Lehnsherr, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, and tbh if I were to start working on this today, I'd throw in Sam Wilson and maybe other characters.
- The Flame: another, like FRI, that was previously published on AO3. Up to five chapters, lots of scenes written but not strung together yet. Initially looks like ThunderFrost, but it is inevitably FrostIron (no Thor and Loki were not brothers). Idk if I'll ever get back to this one tbh.
- The House Guest: the storyline is all planned out, but I've only written two chapters. It's genderbent -- Antonia Stark and fem Loki Laufeyson. I've even got edits done. I'm hoping to work on it this year.
- Live-action Maleficent/Thor movies crossover: I've had this one in my WIP pile for almost a decade. It was something cooked up with @vikishus around the time the first Maleficent movie came out (I think). I've just never sat down to write anything for it.
- Musician!Bucky and Firefighter!Steve, modern day au: has a storyline, and a few pieces/scenes written. (Mixed in is some SamTasha)
- The Greatest Showman-ish AU: some idea jotted down after repeated viewings of the movie lol
- Every Piece Will Find Its Place: post-Winter Soldier prompt given to me anonymously; storyline sketched out, opening written
- 1950s Matinee Idol AU: an idea I sketched from a tumblr post I saw forever ago
- Hurricane: sequel to my one ThunderFrost fic, Lead the Way. The plot's kinda there and some bits.
- The Christmas Date: my perpetual almost-done gift for a good friend. It's literally nearly done. But I can't seem to get it down.
- All I Ask: my artist!Loki and recovering vet!Bucky AU. Been working on it for about five years now. Four chapters are done, with other scenes, and a full plot sketched out.
- Nobody's Hero: a prompt sent to me anonymously that's canon divergent. Bucky and Loki meet and fall in love in the 1940s, then Bucky goes off to war and the first Cap movie ensues. Fast forward to the present day, Loki finds Winter Soldier!Bucky and fights to break through his Hydra brainwashing.
- Second Time Around: like Fools Rush In and The Flame, I removed this from AO3 when I hit a block. Three chaps and a plot 3/4 written. Bucky is more a mix of Bucky and TJ from Political Animals (cuz I started it around the time that was on the air).
- Whatever It Takes: my single Dad AU. Seven chaps completed. The whole plot done. Just gotta write it!
- Snow/Zima RP: my attempt to transform my long ago RP with my ex into a more readable fic-like story. It's not easy lol.
- I have a random OT3 prompt waiting to be written with these three. 🤷🏽‍♀️
- Bodyguard AU: got a plotline and a few scenes. Hoping to work on this soon.
- Alt Prompt 12: I posted a prompt for #12 in the 100 Ways to Say ILY challenge already, but I had another idea I sketched out that was totally different. Still might make a good one-shot.
- @teadrinkingwolfgirl's angst prompt: it's a blank doc staring at me in my Google drive.
Random Ships
- Harley/Bucky: I don't remember who sent this to me. But it's basically a DC/Marvel crossover. Joker's involved with Hydra, Harley is his Asset. She bolts, the Winter Soldier is sent after her.
- Loki/? Xmas prompt: one of those random Xmas prompts that make the rounds every year. Haven't decided who to pair him with yet.
- Fantasy Rom/Com starring Chris Pine and Tom Hiddleston: Okay, so this was taken from a random article online about fantasy romcoms that would be fun. This was one. And I was like, yo, I could write that. So far all I have is the prompt lol.
I don't even know how many I just wrote, so I'll tag a few peeps and if you're reading, feel free to do it!
@teadrinkingwolfgirl, @ishipanarmada, @bouncydragon, @rennemichaels (sorry I can't think of anyone else!)
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starlightxsvt · 4 years
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Sunrises || Choi Seungcheol au
Pairing: Seungcheol x Female reader
Genre: apocalypse au, slice of life (?), angst, kinda fluff, some action
Warning: zombies, death and stuffs
"Thank you for saving me that day." You murmur to the male sittig next to you.
Seungcheol, in return says nothing, focusing on peeling the apple in his hand.
It was the third day after he saved you and gave you a place to stay. The man didn't offer his name or any other information - though you figured it out from craved wood that hung on his room's door saying, 'Seungcheol's room' - neither asked yours but you enlightened him with it. He doesn't talk much and doesn't like to be talked much but you kept your mouth open anyway.
It was about two months since the strange virus spread and begun the apocalypse and you were lucky enough to have stumbled upon Seungcheol.
"I really mean it." You whisper. "I'm new in this place. Believe it or not but I moved here literally a few days before the apocalypse started."
You didn't get any response to that either.
"Do you have any family? I don't. My mother died long ago and my father's an addict so I basically ran from him."
More silence.
You take in his features which are too concentrated on peeling the apple. His brows were knit to a frown and he chewed on his lower  plump lip.
You swallow, "Who's Sunghoon?" You know you probably shouldn't have asked the question but curiosity got the best of you. You saw the name hanging on one of the rooms which was apparently locked.
He looks up at you, an angry look on his face. "I swear to any higher being up there, if you don't shut your mouth I am going to feed you to the corpses by myself." He stands up murmuring, "This is why I don't like helping people." 
You watch his retreating figure walk inside the house and you sigh, leaning against the apple tree and watching the sunset.
A week later
You thanked the heavens everyday for making you stumble upon a guy who's a farmer. Seungcheol had his own produce, a small field of rice and corns and a few apple and lemon trees. It was safe to say these were more than enough in a time like this.
The electricity is unavailable most of the time but it takes some surprise visits every few days for a few hours. That's when you and Seungcheol wash up and store water.
Your days go by rather quickly thanks to the neat system Seungcheol seems to have established. He had things run so smoothly that it was pretty unbelievable the world was going through an apocalypse right now. You help him around the house, cleaning things up, watering the crops and such. He had his own rules - don't waste water or tissues, don't eat too much, don't talk too much. You tried to follow them at your best but you couldn't stop yourself from starting a little conversation more often that which were only met with silence or threats. But so far, Seungcheol was a guy nice enough and you counted your blessings for meeting him.
A few more days later
When you ran from your place you only took your female necessities. Those were dumb things compared to others who ran away with guns and foods.
You sat in the guest room Seungcheol offered you, thinking about what you were gonna do after these necessities were finished.
Suddenly Seungcheol appears knocking on your door before entering. You turn to look at him as he takes a seat. "We'll be heading out tomorrow."
"There's a super shop a mile away from here. We're going there."
"Why do you think, smartass? We need to stock up on tissue paper and dry foods. I visited there a couple times after the apocalypse started. Apparently the government and NGO's provide foods and stuffs there for the survivors out here."
"Really?Then where are they? We need to find them. They probably built a shelter, we can go live there."
"Do you think it's that simple?"
Seungcheol sighs. "They are moving in their own pace, okay? The shelters are probably full now with survivors. When their capacity increases they'll let us know. I have a friend who works at the NGO. If he's okay he'll come for me."
"When was the last time you spoke with him?"
"On the day of the breakout."
"I see."
"Prepare yourself for tomorrow. Since you are living in my place, you are coming with me." He stands up to leave.
"I'm not a wuss, you know." You roll your eyes.
"We'll see."
"Yea. And you know, it didn't hurt to speak with me! We could talk more often Mr. Grumpy!" You call after him.
"Shut up."
The next day
"Listen carefully, don't waste anytime. Just grab the things you need and walk into the car." Seungcheol says parking the car in front of the convenience store.
You nod and watch him load his gun and tuck it behind him.
The store is a mess. Broken pieces and bits of metals everywhere. You both walk in and look for the things you came for. Luck seems to be on your side as you find a couple of dry food packets, some toilet papers and some pads -though they are not the best quality, you have to make do with these. You quickly put them on the tote bag you brought with yourself and turned around.
Seungcheol was on the opposite Isle looking through selves for God knows what. You walk out to the front of the store and see and notice taped there.
Food will be supplied here every week along with other necessities. If you are a survivor please hang in there. Once we manage more accommodation, we will come for you. Regarding the infected, our research says they are deaf, so please use that to your advantage.
You turn around to tell Seungcheol about this but instead you meet the eyes of a corpse. It stands there, a mess of blood and gunk as your soul leaves your body.
It approaches you, making garbled sounds and you take back a few steps. From behind him you see Seungcheol approaching will a huge piece of metal rod.
The corpse doesn't turn back to the noises Seungcheol's feet makes while approaching you through the mess, instead it's focus is solely on you, ready to devour. They're really deaf, huh. It opens its mouth ready to chunk a piece of your body when Seungcheol hits him in the head and bangs a couple more times to make sure it's immobile.
"Quick, get in the car. More of them might be around here."
You two dash back to the car, carrying your goods and he starts the car quickly. You look behind to see more of the corpses appearing from around the store. Dusk was approaching soon which meant the corpses will be more alive and ferocious.
The car speeds through the empty road as you clutch onto your tote bag. "Did you know they were deaf?"
"You didn't?" He throws at you. You roll your eyes at him.
"Thanks for saving me again."
"Maybe next time I won't."
Another couple weeks or so later
"I'm going to the supermarket."
"At this hour? It's almost dusk. Are you crazy?"
You watch as Seungcheol puts on the necessary protection on his arms and legs and checks his gun.
"They people from NGO deliver foods during this time since there is no survivors out at this hour. I'm gonna go there and try to meet the delivery guy. Also I need to refill my car."
"To pass a message."
"To your friend who works at the NGO?"
"Yes. I need to let him know that I'm alive. Then he'll come for me."
"What if he's dead?"
Seungcheol says nothing. You forbid him to leaves a few more times but he completely ignores your pleas saying he has to take a  chance. Before he is out the door, he hands you his gun. "Keep this with you. Until now, they corpses have never been around here so just stay inside the house and you'll be safe. I don't know if you have your memories after you becoming a corpse but if you see me coming here looking like one of them, shoot me."
What? You swallow as your heart tugs.
"Stop talking like that. You don't need to leave. We've plenty of food. We'll get by. Don't do this Seungcheol."
"Remember what I said." He speaks, ignoring you and turns around.
"Wait." You call, tears pooling in your eyes. "At least take the gun with you. You'll need it more than me. Besides I dont even know how to use it."
Seungcheol looks at you for a beat before taking a gun and giving you a small smile - the first one he ever gave you.
You watch him leave as the sky turn in hues of purple and black.
You spend a restless night, sitting in your room watching the sky and thinking about Seungcheol. You think of how he opened up a bit more in the last few days and the moments you shared.
Sunghoon was my brother. He was in the military. We were outside, celebrating his discharge when the infection spread. The corpses got him while he was trying to save me. I failed him.
I waited for him for a long time, thinking he'd come back. He didn't.
Y/n, if I don't return by dawn don't wait for me.
As the night passed anxiety got the best of you. This is it. I lost him. He's gone. I'll have to survive now, alone.
You were about to have a break down as you saw the first streak of light spread through the sky. You walked to the roof of his farmhouse watching the colors in the sky. You start to accept the fact that you're alone from now on. That is until you see Seungcheol's jeep approaching towards the house.
You held your breath and didn't move your position, waiting to see him come out.
You thought sunsets were pretty until you saw Seungcheol's tired figure getting out of the jeep, his eyes meeting yours and flashing a smile, the brightest one probably, at the crack of dawn.
Sunrises were pretty too. Even prettier perhaps.
A/N: Tbh I wasn't so confident in this one but oh well, here it is. Also thank you for loving my previous work, it really means a lot. As for this one, if it doesn't flop, maybe I'll write a part 2 👀.Anyway thanks again! 💖
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