#might take myself to the movies to wait til my guy gets off work bc I def need to sit in the dark by myself rn
Liam & Edie
Liam: I dunno how to thank you for the surprise 🎁 as it’s still giving
Liam: what’s her fave scary movie? I never did get as far as jumpscares and chill
Edie: I wish I coulda taken 🧨 to her for you, see if she melted cool too
Edie: All I know is she hasn’t learnt a single thing from any of ‘em, which is unsurprising
Edie: Curtains open? ✔️ Door unlocked? ✔️ Home alone? ✔️
Edie: She should know only virgins survive 💀
Liam: asking for it from her hairsprayed roots to her painted toenails
Liam: but I left her standing for the 6 sequels
Edie: ☢️ fumes makes it even more of a shame
Edie: and that for her, alive, but at what cost
Liam: the twins play with dolls? you could melt her lookalike for me
Edie: I knew you’d like it
Liam: I like that she thinks it was me, that I’ve ever cared
Edie: Yes, you’ve really been biding your time in the shadows 🧛‍♂️
Liam: what shadows, you’re lighting everything up 🔥🎇🎆
Edie: That’s you
Edie: literally and you know, gay shit 😳
Edie: How’d I miss you, when did you drop the box off?
Liam: when I sent you hunting, in case the gay shit was turning too hardcore
Edie: Was it?
Liam: not for me
Edie: not for me
Edie: I’ve not stopped thinking about you since we met
Edie: as you can see
Liam: numbers don’t lie, you’ll see I’ve been listening to your tracks since you sent them
Edie: If I sing loud enough will you come find me
Liam: if I don’t show up rapid enough would you lose your voice
Liam: before that happens I wanna hear the thoughts you’ve been having
Edie: If that happened, I think I could still show you
Liam: what you could do is where my thinking stops
Edie: What are you doing today
Edie: Thinking is overrated
Liam: my dad unlocked his memories of me and wants to make more
Edie: Great timing
Edie: Is he at least taking you bowling?
Edie: The single dad’s first and last idea of what to do with their kids to seem ‘fun’
Liam: was about this time last year, scrolling back
Liam: he’s taking me ⛺️
Edie: Thank God for campfires
Edie: don’t forget your 🔦 for the scary stories
Liam: and the faked found footage
Liam: don’t forget about me
Edie: It IS a great location, give him that, but I’d need an invite for top marks
Edie: I couldn’t
Edie: How are you feeling about it though, really
Liam: scary stories do start with 🚗 and you’d fit in the boot easy
Liam: how long can you hold your breath?
Edie: [send a video as you did with the staring contest]
Edie: I’ll find the nearest body of water and work on it
Liam: long enough to fool him, but I’m not gonna tell you not to play dead in your 🛁 like a killjoy
Edie: What else can I do in your absence?
Edie: we’ll be having about as good a time as each other, that’s something
Liam: to Alexis or to me
Edie: Both if I do it right
Liam: how extra she is will make up for everything I’m not
Edie: you are everything
Edie: sorry
Liam: only from behind a lens or a screen, sorry
Liam: take away the sfx and yeah, we’ll be having as good a time as each other
Edie: Are you afraid?
Liam: I’m not anything, that’s what I’m trying to get across to you
Liam: you’ve got killer eyes with so much behind them, I don’t
Edie: There’s something
Edie: here, between us, even if it’s not of us
Edie: it’s real, we should follow it ‘til it isn’t
Liam: 🦎🧠
Liam: reflex behaviours ain’t enough for someone as braindead as Lex
Liam: you’re smart
Edie: they’re enough for me
Liam: if I had anything to give you, I would
Edie: I don’t want anything
Edie: I’m not like her
Edie: Whilst you’re around, I want to be around too, that’s it
Edie: you don’t have to do or be anything, I swear
Liam: I want to want things
Liam: but I don’t have the cheat codes for 🐒🧠
Edie: However small that bit of you is, it clearly exists, to even want it at all
Edie: I have nothing to lose with trying with you
Liam: yours is massive
Edie: I’m younger, there’s time for my hope to die
Liam: I’m not letting that happen
Edie: Protect me
Edie: and let me try for you
Liam: I have nothing to lose, already lost it
Edie: has it always been like this or could you access 🐒🧠 before
Liam: my ma didn’t raise a 👶 psycho, I used to react normally to stuff
Edie: You could again then
Edie: not saying it’d be easy or any patronizing shit like that though
Liam: but are you saying you’ll help me or any gay shit like that
Edie: Yeah
Edie: don’t worry, my god complex won’t make it culty
Liam: offer it me and I’ll drink it
Edie: Going ‘round acting like my cunt is magical seems like a Lexie kind of move
Edie: Everyone else is boring, you’re not, and I’m not, if nothing else
Edie: I’ll be better company than her or KM or any other twat
Liam: it was, doing the most to make herself killable is her only move
Liam: but I couldn’t do it and you were already better company anonymously
Edie: She’s a grief thief
Edie: and I’m definitely doing more than call her next time
Liam: she don’t matter, it was never about her
Edie: no, ‘course not
Edie: it’s about you for me though
Edie: I’ll fuck up anyone you want
Liam: start with my dad and I can skip this guilt trip
Edie: Okay, let’s think
Edie: it wouldn’t take a lot, if he only manages once a year as an average
Edie: has he got a new missus?
Liam: she wasn’t his but he liked my sister more, thinking about it
Liam: not that I know about, maybe it’s how short he is
Edie: a kid that isn’t here is easier to love because there’s less to do, nothing to do now
Edie: you reckon he’d call it off for a potential hook-up then?
Edie: might be desperate
Liam: there’s no calling it off, he’s too scared of my ma still and she’s had these days circled and !!ed
Edie: She’ll fuck me up if I ruin your bonding sesh?
Edie: I could catfish her instead but how exciting can a middle-aged man ever feasibly be 🤔😒
Liam: big tesco is gone, how many other places do you wanna have to avoid
Liam: I know something else you can do for me
Edie: I’ll take my chances 👊
Edie: Go on
Liam: if you set up to record and I stream it as often as the fucked wifi will allow we can kid ourselves I’m at your window 👀
Edie: We’re definitely doing that
Edie: You have the best ideas, seriously
Edie: not knowing when you’re watching and what you’re gonna see… 🥴
Edie: mine isn’t as good but [one of the nights he’ll clearly be away like if not tonight, tomorrow or whatever] you should be able to see this comet really clear at [a time] we can watch together
Edie: I’ll take the stream outside
Liam: your idea overtakes mine by miles, I’ll lose my dad in the woods or something before then
Liam: and if he stays MIA I’ll try and call you, when you’re not busy talking to Lexie
Edie: There’ll be a pub or something nearby, failing that, find a high point and push, you can be back by the time he regains consciousness
Edie: I’ll leave her alone now, if you want
Edie: I just don’t like her for you
Liam: she’s not for me, you can have her to do what you want with until I get back
Edie: 😈
Edie: She’s not invited to that either but I’ve got some ideas
Liam: me too
Edie: Surprise or secret?
Liam: neither, I wanna spend time with you, in person
Edie: When are you back?
Liam: 4 days
Edie: 4 days, I can do that
Edie: just about
Edie: patience isn’t my strong suit but I’ve been waiting a lot longer to meet you, it feels like somehow
Liam: when he drops me off, I’m yours
Edie: You won’t regret it
Edie: Summers not over yet, there’s so much we can do
Liam: I won’t regret focusing on you instead of school either
Edie: School is a different kind of torture
Edie: at least now I can see you every day
Liam: torture walking away after I have seen you
Edie: I won’t make you
Edie: we can stick together
Liam: we will
Edie: I miss you
Edie: even though I’ve not actually met you in person yet, and you’re not gone either
Edie: still
Liam: [send her your own version of the staring contest footage like I’m going nowhere bitch]
Edie: There’s something behind them, I swear I can see it
Edie: Do you believe me?
Liam: I said I’d keep your hope alive
Edie: It’s okay if you don’t, I know my 👀 don’t deceive me
Liam: your eyes are something else, they’ll wear my zoom and pause out on this 📷
Edie: I wish I had the words to explain how you made me feel, and I could explain it so good that you could feel it back
Edie: because it feels really good
Liam: we’ve got time, for you to find words or show me without
Edie: if 🎇🎆 wasn’t so overdone
Edie: or maybe when you’re on a 🎢 the second you drop and it feels like the world has fallen out from under you and there’s nothing you can do
Liam: when you’re finally coming up after waiting twice as long as usual for the 💊 to kick in and thinking you got scammed
Edie: exactly like that, but you’ve just taken a 2nd and you know it’s going to get even more intense
Liam: I’ll hunt for 🍄 while I’m here, you trust me not to accidentally kill you, yeah?
Edie: I do
Edie: have you done lots of 🍄s?
Liam: made tea out of some but fuck all happened, they were probably from big tesco, I was younger and didn’t know anything
Edie: 😆
Edie: Me either, but more because my dad only deals in synthetic crap, not because I’m young and don’t know anything
Edie: not a total drug noob, only hold my hand if you want to
Liam: I only got them up bc my sister wanted to put a twist on the tea parties she forced me into as a 👶 I was a drug noob
Edie: How annoying they didn’t work, that would’ve been fun
Edie: maybe more for your sister than you but still
Liam: she was 💔 but it ended up being fun after I cheered her up with my 👒👙 recreation
Edie: How could that not cheer anyone 😅
Edie: when you’re back I’m gonna need to see that myself, honestly
Liam: I’m not gonna fit in the one from then, but I’ll be able to get another 👙 close match to the 👶 pic or show you the vid of us if not
Edie: I’d like to see it, I bet you were real cute kids
Liam: she was
Edie: do you have lots of videos of you guys as kids?
Liam: not really, either they didn’t want it to be like they were hoarding the happy shit for when she wasn’t here anymore, or they thought they wouldn’t have to bc there’d be loads more of it, I don’t know
Edie: Either makes sense, you’re not planning for that to happen and then I can see why you wouldn’t want to when it becomes apparent
Edie: I wish I’d known her more than just another face and name at school, she sounds cool
Liam: you can get to know her, from me picking up my first 📹 there wasn’t much that didn’t get videoed, it was how she wanted it
Edie: I respect it
Edie: and you do have a good eye, you made me look 🤩 from the most basic footage
Liam: you don’t need editing, but I was trying to show off to you
Edie: I thought you were impressive before that point, but it still worked
Edie: especially when most act like face-tuning a selfie is a great feat of skill
Liam: [a selfie facetuned to a pisstakey degree so it looks wild]
Edie: [very much imagining that pillow face filter/handsome squidward]
Edie: 😱 catfished again, gdi
Liam: this has to work, me and you meeting, I can’t rewind to before we talked as if we never have
Edie: There is no going back
Edie: It will work, we’ll make it
Liam: it gets thrown out casually and fucking constantly, but I haven’t found anyone like you before
Edie: It has to mean something that it was you, and me
Edie: it’s so improbable, and we could’ve gone our whole life living in the same place and not ever getting to know each other
Liam: it means I’m not letting go of this, it’s me and you now
Edie: I want that too, I need to
Edie: nothing else makes sense, it’s not complete, it’s not right, I don’t want it
Liam: even if I’m 🤖 I’ll be trying to override my shite programming, harder than I’ve done, to do this right
Edie: 🍄💊 aren’t the only things that can rewire us
Edie: I’m not going anywhere, I won’t leave you, even if it takes forever, even if it never happens
Edie: trying with you is better than feeling like a failure with anyone else
Liam: anyone who’s made you feel like a failure is getting worse than the Lexie treatment
Edie: we’ll make sure the school doesn’t find the hit-list 😏
Edie: it’s like, everyone is so comfortable, and they do the same boring shit every day and never get tired of it, but none of it fucking matters
Liam: 🏫🔥
Liam: I’m down to make everyone uncomfortable
Edie: They need it
Edie: not that they’ll appreciate it but that’s not the point
Edie: I wanna make you feel everything
Liam: you’re so alive, that’s the point for me
Edie: I can be that
Edie: and I can share
Liam: I wanna be a reason you are
Edie: I’m so mad at your dad, full offense
Liam: get in line, but cut in front of me so I can 👀 at you
Edie: You can do more than look when I’m really in front of you
Liam: I keep thinking about what happens if I can’t
Edie: There’s still things we can do
Edie: that only require you to want to
Edie: and you can tell me if you don’t
Liam: I don’t wanna tell you things that’ll make you feel bad
Edie: I don’t wanna make you feel bad either
Edie: or force you to do something
Liam: you won’t, I’m not 😡 at my dad for forcing me to do this instead of being there with you
Liam: block works for negative emotions too
Edie: Okay, but still, it’d make me feel bad if you felt like you were performing for me
Edie: we don’t want that
Edie: when we do meet, you control it, okay?
Edie: Do what feels right
Liam: no crap ARG acting, I can agree to not do that
Edie: Good
Edie: so, you leveled up with drugs, what about girls or did that first nightmare put you off fully
Edie: I mean like, do you hook up with people or is it all ❌
Liam: she put me off, or how desperately I could tell she wanted me to want her did, she’d touch me and nothing would happen and she’d look at me like 🥺
Edie: It’s pressure
Edie: but I don’t think any boy has met her expectations, judging by how fast she gets through them so
Liam: pressure I piled on myself in the first place, thinking about my sister and how nobody ever wanted to touch her, like it was catching or when the lad she was into wouldn’t ask her out and I asked him why and he admitted it was bc he was shitting himself she’d drop dead, so I thought I should, bc she wanted to live those cliches and fucking couldn’t, I don’t know
Edie: People are shit
Edie: they don’t do or say the right things and they can’t handle the stuff you and your sister had no choice but to
Edie: and it’s fucking unfair there’s so much stuff she wanted to do and didn’t get to
Edie: of course the weight of that is going to make that near impossible
Edie: it sounds horrible but you aren’t dying though, and neither am I
Edie: so make the list, see it through, but the pressure is off with time
Liam: r/emo teens would have a post like, we are both dying, just at a slower rate than her
Edie: 🙄 they can do one, I’m never dying
Liam: yeah, please don’t
Edie: I promise
Edie: my ma’s wife died and I can barely remember her but enough that it fucks with my head
Edie: like she was always there, and some memories I have, she would’ve been, and it’s like, fragments, if I try really hard
Edie: but it could all be made up, I don’t know
Liam: I remember her so vividly I think I know what she’d do or say if she was in memories she’s not, but do I
Liam: or am I just lying to myself bc she should be there and it’d be less shit if she was
Edie: You were close, you did know her that well, that’s obvious
Liam: maybe she’d wanna tell me I fucked it and not to do all the shit I’ve done with her name attached to it
Edie: maybe
Edie: but right or wrong you’re the one that’s here and still has to do shit
Liam: if she becomes a fragment to me I don’t wanna be here
Edie: I don’t know if it’ll happen, I don’t think so though
Edie: I was a toddler, you weren’t
Edie: you have more to keep hold of
Liam: if I live for 50 more years then I won’t, I’ll have new memories pushing out the old and outdated tech
Edie: You aren’t relying on just your 🧠
Edie: You have 📷🎞📹📼
Edie: and you can make that last forever
Liam: do you have that of your step-ma
Edie: Yeah, she was more camera-shy than my ma, but there’s still lots of it
Edie: and she’s everywhere, you know, throughout the house and stuff
Edie: memories are important but so are those more physical, tangible reminders
Liam: my ma’s kept her room but she don’t exist downstairs, as if the 🚪 is to a hidden level and you have to earn your way there 💎💰❤️
Edie: It’s good you have somewhere
Edie: and your memorial
Liam: you should meet me there, my house, on day 5
Edie: okay
Edie: 😍😸🤩
Liam: pick a time bc I’ve stolen the place
Edie: I just hope it’s a time you’re there and not just your ma because who knows how much of me will be left to come back to at that point
Liam: I’ll be there to protect you, get used to that
Edie: I’ll try my hardest but wow
Edie: Right now that still gets me so
Edie: I’ve never had this before but I love how it feels
Edie: As for a time how’s [a time so early to prove how badly and ASAP we wanna see him] or [a more socially acceptable suggestion] if not?
Liam: [soz to his mother but we are obvs picking the early af time and so soz to his dad too if it means he has to bring you back early] is cool with me
Edie: Serious?
Edie: I’ll see you then
Edie: should I wear something so your ma doesn’t hate me forreal though
Edie: 👒👗🥿
Liam: she’ll be happy I invited someone over, wear what makes you feel how you want to
Edie: 🎩🦺👙🧤🩰
Edie: Cool though, I’ll bake her something, tell me if she has any deadly allergies or hates now, like
Liam: 🚫👓🕶🥽🤿 I’d hate it
Edie: I know what you wanna see, don’t worry
Liam: everything
Edie: everything
Liam: ㊙️
Edie: 🎋
Liam: I wish you were here ​🌠​
Liam: I could be filming you instead of what’s going past the car window
Edie: definitely B-roll compared to me
Edie: but think of all the laughable monsters you can stick in the frame 🏞👹🏞
Liam: I’ll think of you laughing
Edie: I won’t use my wish on hoping you think about me then
Liam: unless there’s another specific thing you want me to imagine you doing
Edie: If I tell you now, you’ll know
Edie: you’ll have to tell me what you thought about when you get back instead
Edie: see if it came true
Liam: or I’ll show you when I get back, make it come true
Edie: that’d be a lot of wishes coming true
Liam: we’ve got a couple of weeks before summer ends
Edie: There is a lot we can do in a couple weeks
Liam: even more if we don’t waste time going back and forth between my house and yours
Edie: Another thing I can do before you get back
Edie: find somewhere to stay
Liam: you won’t even have time to feel tortured without me
Edie: and where’s the fun in that, right
Edie: you still need to hurry 😜
Liam: it’d be popular on the thread, beautiful girl in ⛓ but I’ve probably got competition enough from other lads with your tracks blowing up
Edie: you have literally no competition
Liam: I still need to hurry though 😏
Edie: only ‘cos I only want you and I’ll be lonely and bored
Edie: some of these dms could fuel an incel-gone-rogue storyline though, they wildin 😅
Liam: I’m about to subvert the cliche and make my dad turn the car round
Edie: + XP
Edie: power move on 💯
Liam: [sends her a virus or something] don’t click it, but do what you’ve gotta until it looks irresistible to the 👹
Edie: the sexy singles in MY area have prepared me for this moment
Edie: not to hit you with the 🥺 but you’re so sweet sorry
Liam: if Lexie’s denied me 🥺 off you forever, I’ll hit her with a 🔨
Edie: Tempting, very tempting
Edie: [showing him the bratz doll she’s found in some charity shop moment]
Edie: 🍀
Edie: If this works as a voodoo doll she’ll be 🥺 for the 🔨 by the end of today tbh
Liam: I’ll be 🥺 if you keep working this hard
Edie: gotta make you proud
Edie: also if I can find a way to get it into her house when I’m done fucking with it it’s game over 🤣
Liam: [tell her about some way that you sneaked in so her parents didn’t know about it when you were going out so she can use that]
Edie: [pretend we are not thinking about that lmao] 👍👍
Edie: you wouldn’t even need a ladder
Liam: don’t be upset
Edie: I’m not
Edie: you’ll sneak in my window soon
Liam: we’ll have a place of our own, just me and you
Edie: what do you want
Edie: town, country, cursed, uncursed
Liam: pick the 🏡 making you feel like you’re home and you don’t ever wanna go
Edie: 🥰
Edie: no spoilers whilst you’re away
Liam: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Edie: don’t break my willpower I barely have
Edie: I wanna give you all the surprises and it might be a fixer-upper
Liam: I’ll stop testing you, I know you’re gonna pass
Edie: You don’t have to, I can take it, like
Liam: you’re gonna say no spoilers on how you’re gonna prove it and break the 🖤 I don’t have
Edie: Never
Edie: I don’t quite know what you want yet but I’ll do anything you ask, you can test that
Liam: you’ll do anything for me
Edie: I will
Edie: I’m probably not supposed to say that, right
Edie: but it’s true and you should know
Liam: abusing what you’ve said would fall into letting your hope die, which you know I’m not gonna do
Liam: you can trust I’ll keep you safe
Edie: I trust you
Liam: that’s what I want
Edie: 🌠🧚‍♀️
Edie: Does your da still live in Dubo?
Liam: Greystones
Edie: Fancy
Edie: Not going to find anything like that for us
Liam: a holiday cottage that’s empty’s easy pickings
Edie: let’s go
Edie: this place is trash
Liam: when school starts everyone’ll have gone out of them all
Liam: and most don’t change their alarm codes from the default
Edie: we’ll have the whole town to ourselves between 9-5
Edie: can we can we 😍😍
Liam: Yeah, if they’re not gonna treat them like somewhere they wanna be more than a week out of the year, why shouldn’t we
Edie: so wasteful
Edie: why would you even want that kind of money
Edie: I want what you said, somewhere that feels like home and you never wanna leave
Edie: no matter how nice the location or whatever else of anywhere else, home is still the best
Liam: it’ll be homey, how you said, things around that remind you of me and the memories we’ve made in it
Edie: It can all be real, can’t it
Liam: or pretend if you want 🏠🧸🎠🍭
Edie: I’m never opposed to pretending
Edie: it’s weird
Edie: I feel like I know what I want already but that’s a new thing
Edie: like a ⚡️ hit and everything makes sense now
Edie: maybe it’s superpowers
Liam: what else do you want
Liam: a garden to bury Lexie in and
Edie: obviously 😏
Edie: NOT a basement to bury the kids in though
Liam: they’ll be with us, getting their wellies on so they can splash in the massive puddles
Edie: and go rock pooling
Edie: and then take the dog on a massive walk so we can come home and fall asleep on the sofa in front of an old movie
Liam: you’ll be watching the movie I’ll be looking at you
Edie: but then I’ll look up at you
Liam: and we’ll both be thinking about how we’re gonna edit the footage from today bc we don’t wanna cut nothing out
Liam: except maybe the dog getting bullied by a 🦀
Edie: 🤭 save his shame at the dog park
Liam: kids’ll have no fear
Edie: all they’ll know is love and good times and fun
Liam: we should bury something other than 💀🦴 they can dig up when they’re not 👶
Edie: an actually cool time-capsule
Edie: just with all the things we want to show them, that they won’t remember, or happened before them
Edie: if we get the right storage, we could even bury the 📼s
Liam: yeah, we can do it right
Edie: why not us
Liam: we’re different, we already know it
Edie: you make different feel alright
Edie: well, better than actually but you know
Liam: if I can’t do this with you, I’ll never be able to do it, more pressure than 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 sorry, but if we’re keeping it real
Liam: this is the closest I’ve come to a rebooted 🧠 since it was fucked up
Edie: If we can’t we’ll just 💀💀
Liam: you promised you wouldn’t and I already should’ve
Edie: Then I can’t fail
Liam: you test too well
Edie: and we’ve got time
Edie: if you don’t feel it straight away
Edie: have to give me a fair chance yeah
Liam: I’m not just saying I’ll meet you bc I know you want to, that’s more of a chance than I’ve given anyone in years
Liam: and you can have all my time after if you ain’t decided you don’t want it, I’m not lying about handing it over to you either
Edie: The only way that would happen is if you were a massive disappointment
Edie: and I know you won’t be, so all I have to do is make sure I’m not
Edie: It’s going to work, I can feel it
Liam: [shows her that he’s been playing her songs over and over during this entire car journey because of course he has and also let’s pretend he’s rigged up some way of counting how often he’s watched those not blinking or breathing vids so he can show her that too bc he wants to feel something honey and he wants her to know]
Edie: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Edie: I need to write you more
Liam: who sorts your shows for you, you should build on this hype
Liam: and give me a chance to see you perform live
Edie: I don’t have management, but I’ve done a lot of gigs with the same people at the same places so we kinda hook each other up, keep in the know
Edie: There is a show [a few days after his bday moment] in [a town a few over]
Edie: I weren’t sure if I could get there but we can, if you wanna see me
Liam: [deets of people he knows who might or might not be genuinely helpful for booking stuff and letting you play places cos might as well make use of all those connections boy]
Liam: cool, I’ll get us there, even if none of the @s I dropped on you go anywhere else longer term, but they should, you’re mindblowing
Liam: by next year they’ll have built a festival round you here and my dad will have to give camping a fucking rest
Edie: You’re actually incredible
Edie: No one ever takes my shit seriously
Edie: I mean family, friends, it’s just this fun thing I do to them
Edie: but you get it, there’s no alternative, I have to get this shit out, to say and show it
Edie: Only if he buys a 🎫 but he’s not getting VIP with you
Liam: I understand
Liam: nobody respects mine, which I get when there’s probably 45k off the thread running round with a camera and I ain’t got your talent with it
Edie: You do have talent though
Edie: but I respect it regardless
Edie: we have to make cool shit together
Edie: not just 👶👶👶👶👶👶👶
Liam: I’ll put together something to play behind you at the show, how long are you gonna be up there
Edie: it’s 15 if you’re lucky 10 if you’re not, so you need 5 songs prepped to go but you might only play 2 or 3
Liam: what songs, are you surprising me
Edie: [send him a list of 4 so clearly one is a surprise]
Edie: so you can compliment them with what you make
Liam: 🤩
Liam: wtf did I listen to before you hit me with your link
Liam: you’re fucking sick at this
Edie: idk but I can soundtrack your whole life now
Edie: all I can write rn is 🥰🥺 cos that’s how you’ve made me
Liam: I’m down but if we go with it you should probably have less 👶👶👶👶👶👶👶 to soundtrack the lives of
Edie: okay just one
Edie: the perfect 👶 with the perfect life
Liam: perfect bc she’s got your 👀 and 🧠 and 💓
Edie: so we might need to have two
Edie: I want them to be perfect like you
Liam: 👶👶 wouldn’t ruin you physically or musically, she can have a brother
Edie: 💕👦👧🐶🧒👱‍♀️💕
Edie: that feels good
Liam: I used to really want a 🐶 when I was younger and my ma got me one of those 🤖 ones, it's probably still barking in a box somewhere
Edie: Awh, we’ve gotta find him and free him!
Edie: I had so many weird robot toys but they’ve all been used for parts by now for sure 🤖💔
Liam: he's not been melted, gotta be some proof I felt things before
Edie: You did, you clearly did
Edie: when you talk about your sister, it shows
Liam: I'd offer to talk my dad about you and see what shows but he's too easy to trick
Liam: most people are if it stops at a convo
Edie: Not caring is more convenient
Edie: not even like people are trying to be bastards, but if they don’t know what to say or do then it’s easier to take you at that one convo and pretend
Liam: I don't remember him ever not being his own bonus level of crap, but it's like you said, nobody else is loads better
Edie: Did he stick around, when your sister got sick?
Liam: for a while, when hospital wards covered in shit like 🌞🌈🦋 wasn’t a fuck you and 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ had answers he didn’t mind hearing
Edie: ‘til it got really real and really hard
Edie: gotcha
Liam: he’d show up with a 🎈 before the end so that makes it alright
Edie: 🤡 energy
Liam: ordered pennywise but charlie chalk showed
Edie: [sad clown noise voice note like womp womp]
Liam: [a video or pic of his dad like putting the tent up or something with that voice memo playing over and his eyes crossed out like miss you because bringing that detail back from when we first did these two]
Edie: [it’s a good detail, so we must, just adding some more detail like a red nose or whatever so you can have a lil back and forth here]
Liam: [add clown shoes or something boy because we love a cute back and forth, very JJ of you]
Edie: [not seeing those parallels for no reason later lmao, fully clownify this oblivious man soz not soz]
Liam: [honestly deserved I’d rather have an Ian than such a wet wipe of a person]
Edie: [tbh, wet hen]
Edie: you were not lying though, your da is so short
Liam: not lied about nothing
Edie: I’d never guess you were related
Edie: too bad for mine we look like him
Liam: I’ll ask for the 🎁 of a tube full of spit but he ain’t as happy to do what I ask as you are
Edie: Spoilsport
Liam: won’t be harder to be a better dad than him, however fucked I am
Edie: that’s the thing
Edie: it doesn’t even take that much
Edie: I could do it better now
Liam: I’d stay, even when it’s ugly or I don’t know what to do, I could make you that promise now before we’ve met
Edie: Me too
Edie: It’s like, the least you can do and loads don’t even do that
Liam: maybe I shouldn’t bother getting my 🖤 back, keep caring about nothing instead of only caring about myself
Edie: you’re not going to be like that
Edie: you weren’t before
Liam: how are you this sure
Edie: I don’t know how I just am
Liam: it’s gonna be the longest 4 days
Edie: [a timer you’ve made as you can]
Edie: 🥺
Edie: make him keep you busy, and I’ll keep busy with all the plans and surprises
Liam: I’ll keep busy thinking about finally seeing you
Edie: and watching the stream when you can
Edie: I’ll make sure it’s entertaining
Liam: let me know when you’re set up
Edie: I will, not home yet
Edie: hope my fam only embarrasses themselves in entertaining ways too if you see them
Liam: not calling you an 🚑 but I’m calling it you’ll steal every scene better than they do
Edie: 😇
Edie: I better
Liam: at most anyone else is gonna register to me as a shite ARG sound effect 👻🚪
Edie: That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about my fam
Edie: they might disagree but that can be explained away as the wind or house settling noises
Liam: you’ve got my full attention, inexplicable at first but it’s making more and more sense
Edie: 🌌
Edie: Random or fate, I want it
Liam: there's nothing to convince you of
Edie: Nope
Edie: You’re perfect
Liam: I’m buffering bc I ain’t used to it but I don’t want you to ⏸⏹
Edie: I can 0.25 speed though
Liam: don’t
Edie: I 👂 you
Liam: seriously, I’m still here when I can’t work out what to say
Edie: I’d feel if you’d gone 👻
Liam: not a feeling you've gotta get used to, I'll stick with protecting you
Edie: Promise?
Liam: I've already committed to drinking whatever you wanna pass me and a drop of your blood ain't gonna make wine taste any worse but I dunno how you're gonna deliver it
Edie: You going to your dads 🏡 at all?
Liam: if I insist we’ve got to, to check the post
Edie: then do
Edie: no need to tell me his address though 🔎
Edie: it’ll be waiting
Liam: a drop, yeah ❌🧛‍♂️
Edie: it won’t be dripping out onto the carpet
Liam: the jumpscare my dad would get isn’t worth draining you
Edie: fake 🩸 for the scares only 🤞
Liam: there’s a bigger cliche that’d make this official whenever you want, but it’d only scare off the lads in your dms
Edie: do it
Liam: [idk how teens are making shit facebook official when facebook is dead but do something so people know you’re claiming her sir]
Edie: [probably a feed photo or something on insta I imagine, which would actually make you die because now it isn’t just private so clearly it’s not just a prank, han]
Liam: [yeah and probably also commenting on whatever she’s been posting lately in a way that’s obvious you’re a thing ™️ not just a fan of the bops]
Edie: [when I’ve already had to stop you saying ily, as if that’d be the wildest thing lmao but now truly 😖 we’re deffo crying wherever we are rn]
Edie: [do the same energy back because that’s your safest bet atm]
Liam: [loving imagining everyone’s IRL and online reactions tbh]
Edie: [it’s all the drama mick]
Liam: you’ll really have to skip big tesco now like
Edie: I’ll survive
Edie: you can forage for us 🌼🌿🍄
Liam: and if any families show up I’ll check their tents for 👶🐶
Edie: I bet there will be loads of cute 🐶🐶
Liam: when pick your fave out of the photo line up I’ll grab it
Edie: make sure it’s not a biter
Edie: you aren’t allowed to bleed out either
Liam: I dunno what being careful looks like, but to come home to you unhurt I’ll try copying what my dad’s doing
Edie: 🐒 see 🐒 do
Edie: evidence please
Liam: [all I can imagine is a David style wildlife documentary so do that please, soz not soz to his dad who is never gonna see this]
Edie: [that is literally exactly what I imagined too so yes]
Liam: [if the first time she hears his voice is when he’s doing a David impression though I will kms cos I think it is]
Edie: [lmaooooooooooooo oh you guys]
Liam: [keeping it #goals before JJ even exist as a couple byeeee]
Edie: [also the way we know your phone is blowing up right now, send the funnier ones through like]
Edie: 👀
Liam: [send the one from Lexie and the one from your mum for the very different but extra energies LOL]
Edie: Is she sOoOOoOOo happy for you
Edie: not your ma, obvs
Edie: missing those hands, barely
Liam: 😱 for you, I think she’s mixed you and the twins up and you’re 9 to her
Edie: 😒 She wishes I was
Liam: my ma is 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 that’s honestly worse
Edie: I could be anyone, like
Liam: in russia
Edie: maybe she’s done some light stalking
Edie: not hard enough to find anything off-putting but enough to know I’m ��real’ or whatever
Liam: done the ma version and asked her mates if any of their kids or kids mates know you
Edie: 🤞 no fuckers dobbed me in
Edie: prefer to make my own impressions, bad or otherwise
Liam: she don’t have many left who know what to say to her, you’ll be able to put either a good or bad word in for yourself
Edie: Did she go to any groups, during or after?
Liam: yeah, any of them gonna know you
Edie: nah
Edie: my ma did too but their timelines wouldn’t have overlapped
Edie: not saying they gotta go shop for hats right now
Liam: 🚫💍 with the 👶🐶 is it, you're gonna chuck me then
Edie: never 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Liam: she's been living in dubo since uni, she ain't gonna force us to march us down the aisle, but my ma's still northern irish enough to be pleased if we did
Edie: have you ever thought about it?
Liam: I had to when my sister brought it up, like loads of things I probably wouldn't have otherwise
Edie: You have time to think about everything important, that makes sense
Edie: what did she think about it? All the 👰💍🤵
Liam: it's on us, she couldn't think of anyone she'd accept a 💍 from
Edie: It is a pretty important part of it, when you really think about it
Edie: people who fantasize about it only think about the dress and the diamond and everyone staring at them
Edie: not the actual person they’re legally binding themselves to
Liam: she wasn't short of stares and you can wear what you want when you're dying 👑💎 everyday if you feel like it
Edie: Why not
Edie: though if you’re already sick of the stares
Liam: 👀 that weren't from a specific lad
Edie: What’s he doing now
Edie: he’d be out of school, right
Liam: [more deets than you should know or admit to knowing about this random boy years later because that's your brand]
Edie: She could do better
Liam: people are gonna be saying that about you
Edie: that you could, probably
Edie: I don’t care what they say
Liam: the lies they tell don't matter unless you think there's any truth to them
Edie: I believe you
Edie: and you say you want this
Liam: I can't do no better than you, Edie
Edie: There is no one else
Edie: even if I wasted my whole life looking from now, no one is topping you
Liam: even if you wanted to, I'm not gonna let you waste your life
Edie: I don’t
Edie: I want real and happy and you
Liam: this is real and I’ll keep you happy
Edie: I can’t wait to meet you
Edie: I don’t know how I haven’t seen you in person or heard you speak or all the things that come with it
Edie: I feel like I’ve known you forever
Liam: I should know more about you
Liam: what secrets are you keeping from the people who've known you forever, start there
Edie: Aside from the 💍👶🐶
Edie: Well, you know my dad is a dealer, yeah
Liam: I know he’s a dealer bc he’s supplied me at some raves and your dad bc people talk
Edie: Yeah, so the other’s dad is too, and they were raised together, which is like super fucked up of my ma, whatever
Edie: but if I’m getting stuff, I go to their dad and I hang out with him
Edie: he wants to be more involved, but they hate going to see him, it’s really sad
Liam: I’ve bought off him before too
Liam: don’t you wanna hang out with your dad
Edie: He’s not interested
Edie: And idk, I think my ma loved Caleb, but I don’t think she ever loved Drew
Liam: he don’t sound like he can love or be loved, anyone who could have you around and ain’t saying yeah to it is fucked
Edie: Maybe
Edie: his mum did leave him
Edie: I’d love to find her but there’s nothing to go on
Edie: Caleb is cool though, but they’d all be mad at me if they knew
Edie: Your turn
Liam: send me what there is and I’ll help you look, fresh 👀
Liam: my ma would be upset if she knew anything I’m up to
Edie: I feel that 😏
Edie: your secrets are safe with me
Edie: All I’ve got is a name, and when she was last seen, [give that info]
Edie: Maybe Caleb’s ma would know more, as she informally adopted them, but she also likes to pretend I don’t exist so
Edie: she’d not tell me
Liam: we don’t have to ask her, I’ll go round when she’s not in, see what there is to find
Edie: you’re so hot
Liam: what do you do when you’re hanging out with Caleb
Edie: smoke, usually
Edie: and ask him about when they were all kids, the cool shit they got up to
Liam: did he love your ma back
Edie: Yeah, they had the twins later so it definitely meant something
Edie: they’d probably be together but Billie’s ma had just died, it wasn’t good timing
Liam: have you ever tried to get them together again
Edie: not since I was a kid
Liam: now you’re not and you’ve got me, perfect timing for another go
Edie: you’d really help me?
Liam: yeah, you want happy and I said I’d keep you feeling it
Edie: [picture of your happy face ‘cos genuinely v overwhelmed]
Liam: [obvs put that as your phone background and show her and everyone else that it is]
Edie: [I definitely have a pic I can send you I wonder if there’s like a phone background generator ‘cos that’d be fun to do]
Liam: [oooh I hope so]
Edie: [If not we can change mine and screenshot fr though]
Liam: [unrelated but zeoob does fake tiktoks now btw so JJ and flatwhite energy will be even funnier]
Edie: [omfg, no way, gonna die]
Liam: [I haven’t found a background one yet though people be thinking I’m trying to design one for my phone, nay nay]
Edie: [yeah I don’t know how to search it either, we can just do it on mine though]
Edie: can I have a new one for mine?
Liam: [do send her one of the many pics of you I have where we’re on the grass]
Edie: I’ve never seen someone as cute as you
Liam: [send her her own pic back like HELLO look at you and this image]
Edie: you’re next level
Liam: your level but you completed it faster and unlocked more shit
Edie: [ARG where they make fake games as is a thing]
Edie: I wanna do this
Liam: so let’s do it
Edie: I’m home
Edie: just setting the stuff up and then I’ll storyboard as I stream
Edie: tune in when you can 💕
Liam: 🔁 bc you’ve said you’ll feel when I’m not
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uniformbravo · 7 years
“quick” life update while i wait for my ipod to charge
(do ppl even still use ipods in this day & age. whats spotify)
i never made any posts abt it but i started the new semester & im taking 2 classes, it’s funny actually bc i waited even more til the last minute than i usually do to figure out my classes & spent the 1st week of school trying to see a counselor to find out if i still needed classes and that’s a whole other story for a whole other day but long story short the answer was no but i decided to take a couple anyway
mainly because every time im not in school The Depression takes over & i just needed something to Do so im taking intermediate painting (even tho painting 1 made me want 2 die every day) and animation (even tho i’ve already decided i don’t want to be an animator????)
so heres the thing, okay, since these are classes i don’t need in order to fill any requirements or anything i had to pick them based on nothing, really, like my main reason for taking classes this semester was to give myself something to do, right. i picked painting because my friend had told me she was taking it so i was like yo i’ll just do that too bc we had fun last time & it’s a good way to stay in contact. originally that was gonna be my only class bc i knew it’d be a lot of work and time but then i talked to my school’s art counselor about transferring to another school after im graduated from here and i’d said i was maybe interested in storyboarding so we looked at schools with animation programs and i decided super last minute to just take the animation class here and Boy what a mistake
last semester i was talking on here about a computer art class i had considered taking but dropped bc it seemed kinda... shitty?? because i hated the way the teacher taught and i felt like i wasn’t gonna gain anything from the class??? well animation is taught by the same guy and hhhhhhhhh he’s so fucking unhelpful it’s such a nothing class
see i was hoping to learn some hand-drawn animation basics like timing, squash & stretch, the fucking bouncing ball assignment, shit like that, right. the teacher was like “today we’re gonna go over the 12 principles of animation” and i was like “sweet i’ve heard of that this’ll be good” & literally he brought up a list, read off most of the names, briefly described a few, and told us to google it if we wanted more info like?? holy shit dude????? thanks for nothing oh my god
i’ve been taking a lot of time practicing animating in flipnote studio on my 3ds and watching youtube videos and i’ve been learning so much more from that than anything explained by my teacher bc godddd. basically what the class boils down to is like. flash animation. so far we’ve been working in adobe illustrator and animate & i cannot stand illustrator. i know it’s a good and useful program and if i wanted to i could learn how to use it & eventually get used to it but just the way he teaches it makes me want 2 slam dunk my computer
the computer art basics class was strongly recommended to be taken before this class but tbh i don’t even think that’s the issue here because i tried to take that class and his method was the same; he does a demo on screen that you’re supposed to follow along and do with him and he explains what hes doing as he goes but he goes so fast that if u miss a step ur fucked 
and it’s not just that he goes fast, it’s also that theres no understanding of the program itself, like ok u know how in math there’s all these formulas where if u just plug numbers into them it gives u the right answer? i always understood formulas better when i knew what each variable stood for & why the values were being added or multiplied together because then it made it easier to extract the information i needed from word problems and also helped me memorize the formulas themselves easier because i could make those associations between numbers and purpose. i had the groundwork of the formula, so i could apply it to all kinds of situations
this class is like, he only gives you the very specific formulas required to accomplish very specific tasks in the programs so i can’t make the connections to figure out how to perform other tasks and i get super lost every time & it’s super frustrating & i could ask for help because he comes around and helps people who need it but i sit in the back corner so he never really even looks my way so i feel like i can’t get his attention w/o speaking up or getting up to go get him & i get lost so often that it’s really just a pain to ask him every single time
i just hate when i have a problem in one of the programs & i just have absolutely no clue how to fix it or even work around it? im used to photoshop and illustrator is just so opposite that my brain doesn’t want to work with it so im. 100% floundering in this class
we have 2 assignments during the whole semester, the first was a group project where we hand draw a 3-second animation (~30 frames) and that was literally the very first thing we did in the class with no prior guidance and honestly i suspect that the only reason he assigns it is to fill the requirement for a group project (which i know is a thing bc a lot of my past teachers have talked about it being a thing) so it was literally just. a nothing project
the second assignment is our final which is a 90-second animation (~1080 frames) and we have basically the rest of the semester to work on it, so about a month and a half-ish? and all we’ve learned how to do so far is motion tweening in animate, basically. i mean we did a ball-and-string thing which was kind of different but it mostly involved a lot of copy+paste bullshit in illustrator & also like automatic shortcuts & stuff, there was really no drawing involved at all
also it’s one of those classes where everyone just kind of messes around and does their own thing like?? i saw one girl reading manga on her computer & these two dudes at my table were comparing yugioh cards & i hear like 50 thousand conversations about anime every day & i mean im not one to talk tbh but it’s just the atmosphere, it feels like u either know what ur doing or u just fuck around w/ ur friends and im in the “neither of those” category and the girl who was reading manga is in the “both” category bc every other time i’ve looked over there she’s got this amazing masterpiece on her screen that she made in illustrator & i die inside every time what the fuckkc 
he showed us examples of final projects from last semester and i noticed that some of them were done traditionally or in programs that were obviously not illustrator so i asked him about it & he said it doesn’t have to be done in illustrator/animate as long as it’s 90 seconds long so Guess What i think i’m just gonna make it somewhere else lmaooo i mean i feel like it’s a missed opportunity bc i have these programs at my disposal & im not even using them but god amn. god fuckign damn
im thinking of animating it in flipnote bc that’s what i’ve been using & im pretty familiar with it by now but im not sure because there are some important things im not sure i’ll be able to accomplish with it like backgrounds (which are another requirement for the assignment) and i don’t want to back myself into a corner, especially with how little time i have to do it, so idk for sure. my other idea was to use clip studio paint but i have the pro version which only lets u use 24 frames per animation which totals out to a whopping 2 seconds so idk if i want to have to deal with that bullshit either. right now im considering making the rough animation in flipnote so i can figure out the timing & shit and then slapping it into clip studio to finalize everything (or technically i could even do that in photoshop, since im more familiar w/ it & can probably work faster there- from photoshop it’d be a matter of copying the finished frames into clip studio to export into 2-second clips & then compile those in movie maker & then bam finished animation)
so!!! it’s a lot of shit im dealing with in this class & im just like. if im doing it this way then why do i even need to show up for class. what am i even in this class for im just basically making an animation on my own time with my own resources using none of the techniques taught in the class. im only doing this animation because it’s an assignment for the class im not gaining anything from. it just seems so pointless & the only thing getting me through it is the thought that i could possibly put this in a portfolio somewhere down the line, and for that i’d want it to look nice and not rushed so im thinking that for the sake of finishing the assignment i might just use my rough animation so that i can spend more time on the “nice” version afterward
aaaanyway it’s um Late for me & i went on about this for too long but i needed to get it off my chest tbh, i’ve been thinking abt making this post for like 2 weeks so there u go. i didn’t even talk about my painting troubles good lord. if you’ve been wondering why i havent been online as much lately This is why. also bc im a huge loser and 100% of my free time has been going into watching anime bye
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babypadawan · 8 years
ya’ll mind if I... write a long ass emotional post??
alright so my life has been pretty tumultuous for the past 2 years, since my mom first became sick with (we would later learn) neurosarcoidosis. she can’t work anymore, and when it first happened I was in college and almost done. but I had to leave in the middle of a semester after my mom had brain surgery to care for her and my little sister. I ended up going back but my degree track was too derailed to complete my diploma. they let me walk, since I only had two classes missing, which was very bittersweet because it was a typical movie spring graduation but I knew in my heart I wouldn’t be able to come back to complete it for a long time, possibly forever. anyway my mom was there which was what truly mattered to me at the time so that was nice. 
but before that we didn’t know what was wrong with her and I was 2 hours away at school with no car and no way to get home hearing stories about how she fell down stairs and passed out for days and my little sister almost getting taken by CPS and me thinking, believing, my mom was going to die while I was away. when she finally got diagnosed and the right surgery it lightened the load a bit. but she’s depressed because she can’t work or do most of the things she used to do.
which mean things fall to me. I do everything. cook, clean, grocery shopping, taking my sister to dance class, and every little thing in between. my mom can’t walk without assistance, and barely leaves the house without me. she’s in pain a lot. the disease sits on her spine, her brain. it produces pain in strange ways that we’re used to now.
we were homeless, for 5 months. somewhere between the surgeries and rehab and graduation, the landlord allowed the house to go into foreclosure, and kept it from us until the bank that bought it posted eviction notices on our doors and windows. not like I couldve kept us afloat with my under minimum wage job. so away went our lives, to be stored in a uhaul storage container til we found a place. turns out, handicapped housing is hard to find in my city. family, a term I use loosely now, turned a blind eye to us. maybe they felt they had helped too much during the pre diagnosis days, when I was giving college it’s titular try. one did though, my mother’s grandmother (my mom and I each tried staying with friends, which lasted no more than a week. we are no longer speaking to those respective “friends”). 
it was cramped, and dusty. other family members tried to tell my great gram to kick us out, to not jeopardize her place in public housing, the ones that acknowledged us, at least. we were put on a list for public housing back when we still had a roof over our heads. and 130 days without a home, we were finally given one, in the projects. which, okay, 4 walls and a roof is really amazing when youve been without, but I had grown up in the projects and was really liking the “project baby moves out, goes to college, makes something of herself” narrative I THOUGHT I was following. ha.
I was able to get a job that wasn’t bad for the most part. and we thought, finally, we’d be able to save. someone had tried helping us so I could get paid to be my mother’s caregiver and so my income wouldn’t be included in the rent. but apparently, in my state, you can’t be related to someone and be their caregiver with untouched income. which means now, on top of paying the bulk of the bills, I’ll have to come up with ~600 in rent every month. so much for saving money to get us out!! 
but wait, if I’m a full time student, my income won’t be counted. okay, can’t go finish my credits bc it’s only 2 classes which isn’t even full time. so I looked at a list of government subsidized education programs and decided on web design since I’m on the internet so much. only, I was a poor student when I first graduated high school and was given loans, and the government only has so much conditional money to bestow on the poor. so I can’t get a pell grant, or loans. SO in order to be a full time student to not pay an impossible rent, I have to pay out of pocket. or find an under the table job, though that would mean more time away from home and I need to be there to help my mom with fucking everything.
so... barring me actually writing a book, and that book being popular enough that people buy it, and that whole chain of events, excepting  a lottery win (which is just as likely tbh), I will be poor and struggling, forever. poverty is a vicious cycle. the government doesn’t allow you to have more than 2k in your bank account without going back to charge you more money. and I guess we could lie, but that time has long past and any lie to the government would prob result in little help but more harm.
my ex said something to me I’ll never forget. he said that I’ll always be poor, and I’d always have nothing. I lost a lot of friends when my mom got sick, I was sad and angry and anxious and was betrayed a couple of times so he was all I had. and hearing that broke something inside of me. or, shined a light on an already broken part of me. and maybe he was right, but what scares me the most is the thought that everyone else thinks the same way too.
this is the most I’ve talked about what happened to anyone, and that’s why. i opened up to my ex and showed him my cracks and he told me they were too much to bear. I’m afraid to tell anyone about my situation, because I’m afraid of that judgement. of being seen as a burden. I didn’t choose this life. I thought I was gonna graduate college and get my own apartment, or room with one of my friends, until I finally met The One. now I can barely have a conversation with people because I’m afraid we might touch on something that will reveal too much, or start a line of questioning that only leads to embarrassment for me. 
and i guess I’m really sad. and angry. and anxious, still. but it’s evolved. I’m lonely, but I’m afraid to connect. I’m angry because I didn’t choose this life and because of it, my own has been thrown in the air. I can’t imagine having a kid now. how would I push its stroller and my mom’s wheelchair? and I’m anxious about money. will I have enough to pay car insurance? to pay the phone bill? rent? oh and I’ve been out of school for 6 months now so I have to pay back student loans from my incomplete degree.
I try to think about my life 5 years from now and all I see is me, living at home, single, struggling. what guy will want a girl with all this baggage? I very clearly need help, but I’m too proud and pissed off to ask for it. family turned their cheeks. friends were mean snakes. I’ve become so much stronger since this all began, and I’m fiercely independent. I do everything myself, with an attitude yes, but I’m moving the heavy shit and figuring out how to fix shit. because if I don’t do it, it’s not getting done. I resent the charity case that is my life. I always wanted to move out of my city, and carve out my own little place somewhere in this world. I saw myself as a different breed than most of the girls from my city. I didn’t want to settle down early, I wanted to explore. I never bothered to make roots because I never thought I’d stay long. 
I just don’t know where to go from here. how to crawl out of this whole I was pushed into. how to make a life worth living despite everything making it feel like it’s not.
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borathae · 4 years
~Chapter 26~ I just want to say I LOVED this chapter so much. Them making up and all the fluff 😚👌💕 My heart really needed that. Also how you describe Namjoon in your story is exactly how i think he is in real life. Like always having some really well worded advice that sounds so well thought out but he didn't even have to think about it that hard, it just comes naturally to him. Where does one find a Namjoon? And the tea part? Excuse me? That was a whole movie moment. 😭 Eternity biiitch 😭 I had literally so many song options for this chapter but at some point I had to stop myself lol
🖤 My Everything - Ariana Grande
In this chapter or rather in the time between this & the last chapter oc accepts that she wants jungkook back in her life and said let's work on what we have bc it's far too powerful & special to just dismiss it because someone made a mistake which can be worked out. I think she always knew this but now she accepted it. "I've cried enough tears to see my own reflection in them and then it was clear, I can't deny I really miss it." I think oc realised this especially once jk revealed he needs time to think and that's when it hit oc that he might not come back and that she actually can't live without him. "To think that I was wrong, I guess you don't know what you got 'til it's gone. Pain is just a consequence of love. I'm saying sorry for the sake of us. He wasn't my everything 'til we were nothing. And it's taken me a lot to say. And now that he's gone, my heart is missing something so it's time to push my pride away 'cause you are, you are, you are my everything."
🖤 It's Gotta Be You - Isaiah Firebrace
I actually think this song represents both their povs. "I hear a million voices in my head telling me the things I should have said. I don't know why I let you go, oh I learned the hard way. Tell me it's not too late. Now my arms are open wide, they're hanging forever there, waiting forever, for you. I won't give up on you this time cause I ain't holding up, for nobody else. It's gotta be you."
🖤 Blind (Acoustic) - PRETTYMUCH
I can just see jungkookie laying alone in a motel bed pretending this is seriously over, crying himself to sleep and when he closes his eyes all he sees is oc. "I lose my mind before I see you and I separated, no I'm so scared to lose you, never choosing to let go. Love's so fragile, anything could happen, and we know. Hearts made of glass, but somehow we last. Yeah we made it, no I would rather be without vision 'fore I ever watch you leave. [...] I'd be better off blind. [...] When I close my eyes all I think about is you."
🖤 Here To Stay - Josh Devine
Jungkookie is here to stay 😭 "My heart on the line, so you'll never doubt the mountains I'd climb for us now. It's all about us now. I fooled my heart, let it break. I know this time we won't fade cause all my love's here to stay. [...] Through the dark fight our way. I know this time I can change. [...] I'm giving up everything for this, we'll figure it out I promise."
🖤 Call You Mine - The Chainsmokers & Bebe Reha
I'm sorry but that's literally their story if you replace bar with diner. "When we thought that we couldn't get higher things started looking down. I look at you and you look at me like nothing but strangers now. Two kids with their hearts on fire, don't let it burn us out. Think about what you believe in now, am I someone you cannot live without? 'Cause I know I don't wanna live without you, yeah come on, let's turn this all around. Bring it all back to that bar downtown when you wouldn't let me walk out on you, yeah. You said, 'Hey, what you doing for the rest of your life?' and I said, 'I don't even know what I'm doing tonight'. Went from one conversation to your lips on mine and you said, 'I never regretted the day that I called you mine'."
🖤 Fire Meet Gasoline - Sia
This is what I imagine playing when oc just can't take it anymore and literally throws herself at jk and they hug so tight he can't breathe 😭💖 "I ache for love, ache for us, why don't you come, don't you come a little closer. So come on now, strike the match, strike the match now. We're a perfect match, perfect somehow, we were meant for one another, come a little closer. Flame you came from me, fire meet gasoline. [...] I'm burning alive. I can barely breathe, when you're here loving me." Also "I got all I need, when you came after me"
🖤 Can't Help Falling in Love - Haley Reinhart / Kina Grannis
Those are two separate covers but I just can't decide between them. You know just the whole 'so you really want me to stay?' 'yes we complete each other' vibe. "Shall I stay? Would it be a sin if I can't help falling in love with you? Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you."
🖤 Best Years - 5 Seconds of Summer
This relates to the last chapter where jk realised he wants to build a life with oc. And this just sounds exactly like something he would say to her when they're sitting together on the couch 😢 "You've got a million reasons to hesitate but darling, the future's better than yesterday. [...] Gave you a million reasons to walk away. But I'll build a house out of the mess and all the broken pieces. I'll make up for all of your tears. I'll give you the best years. [...] I promise, darling, you won't regret the best years."
🖤 Black And White - Niall Horan
Same as the previous song and also this is literally their story. "That first night we were standing at your door fumbling for your keys, then I kissed you, ask me if I want to come inside 'cause we didn't want to end the night. [...] Yeah, I see us in black and white, crystal clear on a star lit night in all your gorgeous colors. I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life. See you standing in your dress, swear in front of all our friends there'll never be another. I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life. Now, we're sitting here in your living room telling stories while we share a drink or two. And there's a vision I've been holding in my mind, we're 65 and you ask 'When did I first know?' I always knew."
Okay, okay so I gotta go on and hurry up with replying to your messages fjsdfjas. Excuse my lazy ass, but I really want to take my time with your messages and saDLY online classes didn’t let me until now 😔🤧
Honestly I totally agree with you, this is highkey how I imagine Namjoon to be in real life as well. Also no joke, working on Namjoon was always so much. I really loved his parts in the story. They were so healing for me to write hahfhads 💜 
Also I am literally so happy that you enjoyed Chapter 26 so much, it is one of my favourite chapters from the story as well. It is just so healing and cute. Like that part when Kook makes her all laugh and Namjoon is all like “damn that bitch laughs really weirdly” but Kook is all like heart eyes for her. do yOU HEAR ME CRYING IN MY ROOM?? 😔😭💜
Imma put the rest under “read more” because your bitch has a lot to say hahHAH
My Everything - Ariana Grande
Your description just hIT me like a truck. HAHAHHA BYE I am laughing in pain 😭😭 Oh god I don’t even know what to add because you described it just so perfectly well 😭😭 I caN’t here I am cryIng at the first song you recommended 😔
It’s Gotta Be You - Isaiah Firebrace
Okay lis t EN I am :( I will literally start sobbing right here and now 😭 like omfg that part when he is all like “When you walked away my heart tried to replace ya with someone like you, but I could never find it. I don't want to find it.” if that isn’t the reader trying to move on with Hoseok but realising just how much she needs Kook. But also at same time it’s Kook all trying to pretend that they have broken up, but ending up crying every night because he misses her so much. I will now cry 😭😭
Blind (Acoustic) - PRETTYMUCH
Okay you just changed my mind, this is IT. This is most definitely Kook being all sad and heartbroken in his motel room. Nooo lisTEN I AM FAR TOO EMOTIONAL I AM SOBBING :( Okay but also this part, listen this part: “I'm so scared to lose you, never choosing to let go [...] When I close my eyes all I think about is you. This is real love.” if that isnt them being all like “I’ll never let go again” later when they are cuddling in bed :( 
Here To Stay - Josh Devine
Okay... why are those lyrics literally so damn accurate?? Help I am scared? They are literally so accurate hgnfgnan bYE 😭😭😭 also omfg I didn’t know this song and I freaking love their voices. They just HIT right 😭 I can’t jajsdj like every song you’ve recommended as of now made me cry (in a good way) 😭 like just that part “We'll figure it out I promise cause all my love's here to stay.“ I will throw myself away 😭
Call You Mine - The Chainsmokers feat. Bebe Rexa
listen anonie I wanna smooch you. I do not know how you always manage to find songs that just F I T so right, I am comBUSTING 😭😭 gosh this is giving me such hardcore memories of how it felt like to start writing this story (lil fun fact for you guys, exactly one year ago I started working on the Cocktail Trilogy 😔) I can’t this would fit so well to a lil flashback, showing all the amazing times they had together. Like them just driving down the coast, the reader has her arms around his waist while Kook is sneaking a glance her way and smiles. Like just imagine 😭
Fire Meet Gasoline - Sia 
Omg the moment you described 😭 this is it. I can imagine it so clearly. How Kooks eyes widen in surprise at first before they flutter closed. How he nuzzles his face into her shoulder and twists her sweater in his fingers so she would never leave again. How she is squeezing her eyes shut and twisting his hair to press him even closer. Now that they are finally together again it feels so right. The world could burst into flames all around them and yet they wouldn’t let go. Nothing matters for them except the other person. 
And now I made myself sOB again  😔😭
Can’t Help Falling in Love - Hayley Reinhart / Kina Grannis
OKAY LISTEN NO JOKE I LISTENED TO THE KINA GRANNIS COVER WHILST WORKING ON THAT CHAPTER! I love that song so much and holy shit the lines you chOSE YES!! 😭😭 this is song is them 100%, I don’t make the rules and I thank you for recommending it 😭😭
Best Years - 5 Seconds of Summer 
Anonie you are out to make me cry 😭😭 (first of all I love 5sos so much) HOLY SHIT LISTEN THIS IS TOO MUCH 😭😭 I can’t, I literally can’t. This just broke me HHAHSH 😭😭 like if that song isn’t the moment when he is all like “you won’t regret it I promise. I’ll make you so happy.” liKE HOLY FUCK MY HEART IS ACHING 😭😭 anonie seriously thANk YOU, you don’t even want to know how often I have listened to this song whilst working on Purple Rain. Good god, this just awoke so many memories 😭
Black and White - Niall Horan
ANOTHER SONG I CONSTANTLY LISTENED TO WHILST WORKING ON PURPLE RAIN 😔 anonie I can’t believe that three songs of my “writing songs” also made you think of Purple Rain. Fuck I can’t, I’m currently listening to it and I am sobbing HAHAHH 😭 like okAY listen, do you want to know which scene I always think about when I listen to that song? The one day when Kook took her to a junkyard and then when they later drove up a mountain to watch the city. And it’s that moment when they are both just like screaming on top of their lungs and then end up falling into each others arms because they are just so goddamn fucking alive when they are together 😔
Honestly anonie thank you. This playlist was such an emotional rollercoaster to listen to (in a good way). Holy shit it awoke so many memories and fuck, you just get me and my story 😔 thank you anonie, I really fucking love you 😔💜
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