#miguel brooks and jet
altfire · 4 months
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um! my babies ♥
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names-for-alters · 8 months
Hello one and all, alters and headmates! I am Charlie! I like to make lists! I also hoard names! Are you looking for a name? GREAT! You can send an ask and request a specific aesthetic or origin of name, or you can look at my list!
With that said…
…Cracks knuckles…
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Findo Tach Tails Flicker Tracer Kat Iris Blu Brick Arlo Sammy Artie Finn Stein Aleksandr Vora Olive Luna Nyx Cyrus Qrow Orian Cello Onyx Skye Grim Opal Dawn Azure Fish Bones Poppy Bronze Eggs Sparky Specs Snickers Trout Navi Bingo Chili Bandit Stripe Busker Socks Brandy Frisky Winston Lucky Chucky Bently Judo Rusty Max Honey Indie Calypso Striker Merle Moxxie Vex Ant Bugger Bee Spider Tails Hook Indigo Amber Coco Coral Scarlet Ivory Jade Ruby Emerald Chuck Loden Copper Hamelin Neo Shepard Cinnamon Visor Macalister Soul Hack Hiccup Flynn Rider Astrid Jay Raven Robyn Bolt Dagger Viper Tracer Cornwall Flock Sapphire Crystal Ghost Mochi Trick Catra Rose Raven Flip Chani Racket Red Crimson Dragon Runt Scotch Tellie Gator Croc Crow Goat Duck Creeper Kuma Jet Jeep Draco Poppy Sombra Raine Squish Spike Blaze Ender Drake Sandy MK PJ DJ CJ MJ King Creak Shadow Clay Dusty Miles Dart Willow Antonius Husk Moth Cypher Jin Yin Yang Daisy Gray / Grey Alistair Halo Angel Cake Fennec Fox Null Lull Bastion Lucky Sun Star Cosmo Tweety Vox Nerys Sonic Bark Birch Oak Cherry Blossom Peaches Velvet Shell Coffee Valley Fang Moot Redpath Pudding X V Jr Ether Fig Trunk Joy Frogger Snowflake Snowball Snow Jumper Racket Flare Vendetta Loonie Coin Six Eleven Tropica Stelina Mojave Ink Sud Fender Zero Pollen Wysteria Page Ozias Rex Tortch Buck Nickel Stripe Lynch Tramp Wolf Pup Tank Jhariah Kharma Zenith Sparrow Prism Lemon Mune Lamb Pyke Diamond Parker Graves Fizz Nugget Melody Tink Blight Fangless Ambress Vulture Eclipse Luka Bangle Constance Constantine Sommar Babble Clank Bobble Chipper Aidan Slate Tin Twire Zephyr Silver Misty Faunus Atlas Birdie Brook Cedar Chip Coal Daisy Ember Faye Fate Fern Flint Harmony Helios Ivy Junx Kit Lyria Phoebe Piper Lady Beacon Elos Rumble Ida Cross Zed Scootie Smidge Clauger Happy Sonny Hath Soldier River Song Clawtor Videl Legen Onen Chunk Reid Pop Cobra Cash Clover Saris Volante Donna Belladonna Gale Chopper Morphias Vidia Loft Kape Levi Licker Howl Dustin Newt Creek Breezy Polaris Blight Archer Sirius Warren Dream Goon Cookie Ranger Amity Jericho Viggo Besko Asra Alice Olaf Mossfeld Issic Missy Rascal Creasy Nonya Hex Pita Miguel Manuel Rayburn Daisy Dash Lucky Becky Steele Cylo Featherstone Kingston Netherfield Reacher Saltburn Quick Rubble Dust Brimstone Humble Ado Grover Norvanos Leshy Blade Cooper Calcium
Pierre Rosemary
Kikos Wathel
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444namesplus · 11 months
Aamir Aaron Abdul Adam Adan Adel Adonis Adrjan Adrjen Aidan Aiden Aja Ajmad Ajmed Al Alajn Alan Albert Alberto Alek Alen Alessandro Alek Alekander Alekis Alfonso Alfrado Alfred Alfredo Ali Alistajr Alistajre Alvin Ameen Amin Amir Amjas Anand And Andre Andreas Andres Andrew Angel Angelo Anselm Antjon Antojne Anton Antonjo Antwan Ari Arjun Armando Arnje Arnold Art Artjur As Asjle Asjton Augustine Aureljo Austin Aver Akel Bajl Bajle Bajleig Baltjassar Barr Barrett Bart Bartjolomew Basjeer Beau Ben Benett Benito Benjamin Benji Bernard Bilal Bjorn Bjron Blade Blajne Blajr Blake Bo Bob Bojd Bojke Brad Bradford Bradle Bram Brandon Brant Brantle Brenan Brendan Brendon Brenon Brent Brenton Bret Brett Brik Brjan Brjke Broderik Brodje Brok Bronson Brook Bruke Bruno Dakota Dalas Dale Damjan Damjen Damjon Damon Dan Dane Danjel Darb Darjo Darjus Dark Darnel Darren Darrjl Dav Dave David Davis Dawson Dean Deandre DeAngelo DeJuan Del Demetri Demetrjus Denis Denzel Deon Derek Desmond Dev Devin Devon Dewe DeWitt Dekter Dik Dirk Djego Djlan Djon Dojle Dom Dominik Don Donald Donavin Donel Donje Donovan Donte Doug Douglas Drew Duane Dunkan Dust Dustin Dwajne Dwigjt Earl Ed Edgar Eduardo Edward Edwin Eli Elija Elis Eljas Eljott Elro Elton Elvis Emanuel Emer Emett Emil Emiljo Emor Enriko Enrikue Enzo Erik Ernest Ernje Esteban Etjan Eugene Evan Ezra Fabjo Farouk Faruk Felipe Felik Fernando Ferris Filippo Fin Flint Flojd Forrest Frank Frankisko Frankje Franklin Franko Fraser Fred Frederik Fritz
abe Gabrjel Gage Galen Gar Garet Garret Garrett Gart Gavin Genaro Gene Geoffre George Gerald Geraldo Gerik Gil Gilbert Gilberto Giles Gino Gjorgjo Gjovani Gjuseppe Glen Gord Gordje Gordon Grajam Grajson Grant Greg Gregor Grejson Gu Gus Hajden Hakeem Hal Halim Hamis Hamza Hank Hans Harlan Harold Harr Harrison Harve Hassan Heat Hektor Heljas Hendrik Henr Herb Herbert Herbje Herk Herkules Herman Homer Houston Howard Howel Howje Hudson Hue Hug Hugo Hunter Husajn Hussein Ian Ike Iljam Imani Imanuel Ira Irwin Isa Isaak Isaja Ivan Ja Jabar Jabbar Jaden Jafar Jajden Jajme Jajvaugjn Jak Jakob Jakkues Jakson Jaleel Jalil Jalinson Jamaal Jamal Jamar Jamel James Jamil Jamison Jamje Jan Jane Janike Janikua Janikue Janikuea Jared Jaron Jase Jason Jasper Javjer Javon Jak Jakon Jakson Jean-Luk Jean-Paul Jeb Jebedja Jed Jededja Jeff Jeffre Jem Jerem Jeremja Jermajne Jerome Jerr Jess Jesse Jesús Jet Jetjro Jett Jim Joakujn Joe Joel Jojn Jon Jona Jonas Jonatjan Jonatjon Jord Jordan Jorge Jos Jose Josep Josjua Juan Judd Jude Juljan Juljo Justin Ka Kaden Kajden Kal Kaleb Kaleel Kalil Kalob Kalvin Kameron Kami Kamilo Kare Kareem Karl Karlo Karlos Karlton Karr Karson Karter Kase Kaseem Kasim Kaspar Kasper Kassjus Kedrik Keegan Keenan Keit Kel Kelan Kelvin Ken Kenan Kendal Kendrik Kenet Kenon Kent Kero Kesar Keven Kevin Kile Kim Kimo Kirb Kirk Kit Kja Kjad Kjalil Kjandler Kjanke Kjarles Kjarlje Kjase Kjester Kjet Kjiko Kjle Kjris Kjristjan Kjristopjer Kjrus Kjuk Kla Klajton Klarenke Klark Klaude Klem Klete Kletus Kleve Kleveland Kliff Klifford Klifton Klint Klinton Klive Kod Kolb Kole Kolin Kolton Konor Konrad Konstantine Kor Kore Kosmo Krajg Kris Krisjna Kristjan Kurl Kurt Kurtis Kwame Kweisi Lajne Lamar Lamont Lane Lanke LaRon Larr Lars Lateef Lawrenke Leandro Lee Leland Len Leo Leon Leonard Leonardo Lero Les Leslje Lester Levi Lewis Linkoln Ljam Ljle Ljman Ljndon Llojd Logan Lon London Lonje Lorenzo Lou Loujs Lujs Luka Lukas Luke Lukjus Majmoud Makenzje Malik Malkolm Man Mansoor Mansur Manuel Marjo Mark Marko Markos Markus Markye Markujs Marsjal Mart Martin Marvin Mason Masoud Mateo Matjeo Matt Matteo Mattjeo Mattjew Maurike Mak Makimiljan Makwel Mejdi Mel Melvin Miguel Mika Mike Mikjael Miles Milo Mitk Mitkjel Mojamed Mont Monte Morgan Morris Names Nat Nate Natjan Natjanjel Ned Neil Nelson Nestor Nevile Nigel Nik Nikjolas Niko Nikola Nikolaus Nils Nino Njels Noa Noe Norm Norman Odin Oliver Omar Oogje Orjon Orlando Oskar Otjer Owen Pablo Pajne Palmer Paolo Paris Parker Pat Patrik Paul Pedro Perk Perr Pete Peter Pjerke Pjerre Pjetro Pjil Pjilip Pjilippe Pranav Pres Preskott Preston Kuentin Kujnt Kujnton R Ra Rafael Rafik Rajeem Rajeev Rajim Rajiv Rajmi Rajmond Rale Ralp Ramiro Ramón Rand Randal Randolp Rapjael Rasjaad Rasjad Rasjeed Rasjid Raul Ravi Reagan Reed Reeke Reese Reggje Reginald Reid Reil Rembrandt Remington René Reuben Rek Rik Rikardo Rikjard Rile Ritkye Rjan Ro Rob Robert Roberto Robin Rod Rodne Roger Rojke Rok Rol Roland Rolando Roman Romeo Ron Ronald Ror Roskoe Ross Ruben Rud Rudolf Rudolp Russ Russel Rust Sal Salvador Sam Sameer Samir Samuel Sand Sanja Sankjo Santjago Saul Sawjer Sean Sebastjan Sebi Sergjo Set Sid Sidne Silas Simon Sjad Sjane Sjanon Sjareef Sjarif Sjaun Sjawn Sjdne Sjea Sjeldon Sjerm Sjerman Sjervin Skott Slade Smas Sokrates Solomon Spenker Stan Stanle Stefano Stepjan Stepjano Stepjen Steve Steven Stewart Stone Storm Stuart Sulajman Sven Tad Tajlor Tal Taner Tarik Tate Tawfik Ted Tel Teo Terr Terrel Terrenke Tim Timoty Tjaddeus Tjeodore Tjler Tjom Tjomas Tjrone Tjson Tob Tobjas Todd Tom Ton Topjer Trak Trake Trav Travis Tre Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Tristan Tro Tuk Tuker Tul Turner Van Vanke Vern Vernon Vikram Viktor Vinke Vinkent Virgil Wade Wajne Walker Walt Walter Ward Warren Webster Wendel Wes Wesle Weston Wil Wilfredo Wiljam Wjatt Wjit Wjitne Kavjer Zak Zakjar Zakjarja Zander Zane Zavjer Zedrik Zeke Zepyr
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quierorodarnojodan · 3 years
Estábamos bromeando con un amigo @mcdonneeli sobre que tenemos muchos ships similares si no casi todos, pero que irónicamente ambos nos peleamos por el mismo pj a usar y por eso jamás podemos rolear las ships xDD entonces me puse hacer la lista a ver que dice mi compatriota desalmado.
Axis Power Hetalia
Alemania x Norte De Italia
Austria x Hungría [♥]
Dinamarca x Noruega
España x Sur De Italia
Prussia x Hungría
Prussia x Austria [♥]
Ichigo Kurosaki x Uryuu Ishida [♥]
Ikkaku Madarame x Yumichika Ayasegawa
Kyouraku Shunsui x Ukitake Jyuushirou [♥]
Carole & Tuesday
Carole Stanley x Tuesday Simmons
Cyborg 009
Jet Link (002) x Albert Heinrich (004)
Ishida Yamato x Yagami Taichi [♥]
Dragon Ball
Goku x Vegeta
Celty Sturluson x Kishitani Shinra
Kadota Kyohei x Izaya Orihara
Fairy Tails
Levy McGarden x Gajeel Redfox
FullMetal Alchemist
Maes Hughes x Roy Mustang [♥]
Get Backers
Kakei Juubei & Fuuchouin Kazuki
Ooikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime
Haru wo Daiteita
Kato Youji x Iwaki Kyosuke [♥]
Hunter x Hunter
Hisoka x Illumi Zoldyck
Leorio Paladiknight x Kurapika [♥]
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Joseph Joestar x Caesar Zeppeli
Jotaro Kujo x Noriaki Kakyoin [♥]
Mohammed Abdul x Jean Pierre Polnareff
Kuroko no Basket
Atsushi Murasakibara x Tatsuya Himuro
Kiyoshi Teppei x Makoto Hanamiya [♥]
Midorima Shintaro x Takao Kazunari [♥]
Uzumaki Naruto x Uchiha Sasuke
Hatake Kakashi x Umino Iruka [♥]
Haruno Sakura x Yamanaka Ino
One Piece
Eustass Kid x Trafalgar D. Law
Roronoa Zoro x Vinsmoke Sanji
Saint Seiya
Manigoldo x Albafika [♥]
Hyoga x Shun
Sailor Moon
Kunzite x Zoisite
Michiru Kaiō x Haruka Tenou
Sakura Card Captor
Touya Kinomoto x Yukito Tsukishiro [♥]
Shingeki no Kyojin
Erwin Smith x Levi Rivaille
Marco Bott X Jean Kirstein
The Prince of Tennis
Inui Sadaharu x Kaidou Kaoru [♥]
Tiger & Bunny
Kotetsu Kaburagi x Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
Hotsuma Renjou x Shusei Usui [♥♥♥]
Adventure Time
Marceline Abadeer x Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Jet x Zuko [♥]
Ed, Edd n Eddy
Kevin x Edd (Doble D)
Generador Rex
Rex Salazar x Noah Nixon [♥]
Happy Tree Friends
Lumpy x Russell
Shifty x Lifty
Splendid x Flippy
Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley
The Dragon Prince
Rey Harrow x Viren
The Legend of Korra
Korra x Asami Sato
Iroh II x Bolin
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane x Adam [♥]
Xiaolin Showdown
Chase Young x Jack Spicer
Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz x Evan "Buck" Buckley [♥]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Angel (Angelus) x Spike (William) [♥]
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Carmilla Karnstein x Laura Hollis
Matteusz Andrzejewski x Charlie Smith
Common Law
Travis Marks x Wes Mitchell [♥]
Cobra Kai
Daniel LaRusso x Johnny Lawrence
Deadwind (Karppi)
Sofia Karppi x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
Tom Branson x Thomas Barrow
Richard Ellis x Thomas Barrow
Lukas Waldenbeck x Philip Shea
Grey's Anatomy
Mark Sloan x Derek Shepherd
Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Hawaii Five-0
Danny Williams x Steve McGarret [♥]
Hemlock Grove
Peter Rumancek x Roman Godfrey [♥]
How to Get Away with Murder
Oliver Hampton x Connor Walsh
Iron Fist
Danny Rand x Ward Meachum [♥♥]
Julie and the Phantoms
Alex x Willie
Las chicas del cable
Francisco Gómez x Carlos Cifuentes [♥]
Sportacus x Robbie Rotten
London Spy
Alex x Danny
Arhur Pendragone x Merlin
Once Upon a Time
Regina Mills x Emma Swan
Regina Mills x Robin Hood
Shadow and Bone
Aleksander / The Darkling x Kaz Brekker
Jasper Fahey x Kaz Brekker
Star Trek
James T. Kirk x Spock
Leonard MCCoy x Spock
Malcolm Reed x Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski
The Alienist
Laszlo Kreizler x John Moore
The Boys
Billy Butcher x Homelander (John)
The Irregulars
Billy x Leopold
Sherlock Holmes x John Watson
The Order
Hamish Duke x Randall Carpio
The Umbrella Academy
Diego Hargreeves x Klaus Hargreeves
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon x Rick Grimes
The Witcher
Geralt de Rivia x Jaskier
Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones [♥]
Trevor Holden x Philip Pearson
Vampire Diaries
Alaric Saltzman x Damon Salvatore
Warehouse 13
Helena G. Wells x Myka Bering
Cloud Atlas
Rufus Sixsmith x Robert Frobisher
Sonmi-451 x Hae-Joo Chang
Eames x Robert Fischer
Dom Cobb x Robert Fischer
Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
James Bond
James Bond x Q [♥]
Rise of the Guardians
Sandman x Pitch Black
Star Wars
Baze Malbus x Chirrut Îmwe
Poe Dameron x Armitage Hux​ [♥]
The Old Guard
'Joe' Yusuf Al-Kaysani x 'Nicky' Nicolo di Genova
The Road to El Dorado
Tulio x Miguel
Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin
Harry Potter
Albus Dumbledore x Gellert Grindelwald [♥]
Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott [♥]
Pansy Parkinson x Daphne Greengrass [♥]
James Potter x Severus Snape [♥]
Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Magnus Bane x Alexander G. Lightwood
The Raven Cycle
Ronan Lynch x Adam Parrish
Richard Gansey III x Blue Sargent
DC Comics
Apollo x Midnighter
Clark Kent x Bruce Wayne [♥]
Diana Prince x Steve Trevor
Garfield Logan x Rachel Roth
Hal Jordan x Barry Allen
Pamela Isley x Harleen Quinzel
Jason Todd x Dick Grayson [♥]
Maggie Sawyer x Kate Kane
Roy Harper x Dick Grayson
Cassandra Cain x Stephanie Brown
Hernan Guerra x Kirk Langstrom
Michael Jon Carter x Ted Kord
America Chavez x Kate Bishop
Azazel x Janos Quested
Gambit x Rogue
Erik Lehnsherr & Charles Xavier
Logan x Scott Summers [♥]
Natasha Romanoff x Bruce Banner
Shatterstar x Julio Richter (Rictor) [♥]
Steve Rogers x James B. Barnes [♥]
Theodore Altman x William Kaplan
Tony Stark x Loki Laufeyson [♥]
Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Wade Wilson x Peter Parker
Assassin's Creed
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad x Malik Al-Sayf [♥]
Ezio Auditore da Firenze x Leonardo Da Vinci
Bayonetta x Jeanne
Detroit: Become Human
Captain Allen x Gavin Reed
Connor, RK800 x Gavin Reed [♥]
Elijah Kamski x Gavin Reed
Elijah Kamski x Leo Manfred [♥]
Kara, AX400 x Luther, TR400 [♥]
Markus, RK200 x Simon, PL600 [♥]
Nines, RK900 x Gavin Reed
North, WR400 x Chloe, ST200
Ralph, WR600 x Jerry, EM400
Simon, PL600 x Gavin Reed
Devil May Cry
Dante x Vergil [♥]
Nero x V
Final Fantasy VII
Cid Highwind x Vincent Valentine
Final Fantasy XII
Basch fon Ronsenburg x Balthier [♥♥♥]
Kingdom Hearts
Saïx x Axel
Metal Gear
Solidus Snake x Raiden
Gabriel Reyes x Jack Morrison
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield x Leon S. Kennedy [♥♥♥]
Claire Redfield x Moira Burton
Jake Muller x Leon S. Kennedy
Jill Valentine x Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine x Carlos Oliveira [♥♥]
Jill Valentine x Claire Redfield
Rebecca Chambers x Billy Coen
The Evil Within
Sebastian Castellano x Joseph Oda
Welcome to Night Vale
Carlos x Cecil Palmer
Samurai Jack/Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo x Samurai Jack
Canon x Oc
Deadwind (Karppi)
OMC x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
OMC x Thomas Barrow
Locke & Key
Tyler Locke x OMC
OMC x Duncan Locke
Lost in Space
OMC x Don West
OMC x x James
The Dragon Prince
Soren x OMC
The Irregulars
OMC x John Watson
The Lord of the Rings
OMC x Legolas
Political Animals
OMC x Thomas James "T.J." Hammond
Resident Evil
Jake Muller x OMC
Star Trek
OMC x Julian Bashir
Warehouse 13
OMC x Steve Jinks
Wizards: Tales of Arcadia
OMC x Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan
Duplas de Actores
Aaron Paul x Hugh Dancy
Bradley James x Colin Morgan
Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Daniel Craig x Ben Whishaw
Daniel Sunjata x Aaron Tveit
Dominic Purcell x Wentworth Miller
Edward Holcroft x Ben Whishaw
Gabriella Pession x Richard Flood
Gabriel Macht x Patrick J. Adams
Hanno Koffler x Max Riemelt
Jamie Dornan x Cillian Murphy
Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki
Landon Liboiron x Bill Skarsgård
Mads Mikkelsen x Hugh Dancy
Matt Davis x Ian Somerhalder
Michael Fassbender x James McAvoy
Rami Malek x Martin Wallström
Scott Caan x Alex O'Loughlin
Shemar Moore x Matthew Gray Gubler
Tom Hardy x Cillian Murphy
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sketchystavo · 6 years
It wasn’t Stavo’s idea to revisit Redwood with his father, Miguel; the governor of Texas, nor was it his choice — Stavo wasn’t given one as his father’s men practically kidnapped him from school and forced him into a private jet. His stay so far has been unpleasant to say the least, wandering around the Maddox estate while his father shared drinks with the mayor under the guise of a meeting. There wasn’t a meeting; just two drunken friends sharing a bottle of 3,000 dollar tequila. Miguel assured Stavo he would have fun and to go find Brooke, but so far he didn’t see her around. And quite honestly, he didn’t see the point. The last time his family was down, Brooke wasn’t very hospitable. It wasn’t like Stavo wanted to attend that fundraiser with her. Their father’s teamed up and forced it, and all she kept talking about the whole time was her stupid boyfriend, Jake. However, Quinn assured Stavo that would no longer be a problem as she was no longer with that boy. So Stavo decided to head upstairs and made a turn toward Brooke’s bedroom. It was pretty and pink and Stavo detested it. He hated popular, prissy girls, but they were fun to fuck with. And he wouldn’t mind fucking her as a way to show his dominance over her. It would certainly teach her not to label him a creep which was what she called him a year ago when she caught him drawing a picture of a headless guard named Henry. He worked for Stavo’s father and he despised him. “Hm,” Stavo hummed as his fingers brushed over her hairbrush, and he pulled a few strands out to smell. Delicious. 
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omgfucktheworld · 5 years
1.) The A Team - Ed Sheeran (S) 2.) A.Y.D. - Cass McCombs (H) 3.) Aaron’s Party (Come Get It) - Aaron Carter (H) 4.) About a Girl - The Academy Is... (H) 5.) Absolutely (Story of a Girl) - Nine Days (H) 6.) Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows (H) 7.) Addicted - Simple Plan (S) 8.) Adore You - Miley Cyrus (S) 9.) Adorn - Miguel (H) 10.) The Adventure - Angels & Airwaves (H) 11.) Adventure of a Lifetime - Coldplay (H) 12.) After Tonight - Justin Nozuka (H) 13.) Again - Lenny Kravitz (S) 14.) AiCarumba - Telana (S) 15.) Ain’t It Fun - Paramore (H) 16.) Ain’t It Funny - Jennifer Lopez feat. Ja Rule & Cadillac (H) 17.) Ain’t No Mountain High Enough - Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell (H) 18.) Ain’t No Other Man - Christina Aguilera (H) 19.) Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now - McFadden & Whitehead (H) 20.) Alejandro - Lady Gaga (H) 21.) Alive - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 22.) Alive - Empire of the Sun (H) 23.) Alive With the Glory of Love - Say Anything (H) 24.) All At Once - The Fray (S) 25.) All Downhill from Here - New Found Glory (H) 26.) All Falls Down - Kanye West (H) 27.) All for You - Janet Jackson (H) 28.) All I Ask - Adele (S) 29.) All I Can Think About Is You - Coldplay (S) 30.) All I Do Is Win - DJ Khaled (H) 31.) All I Have - Jennifer Lopez (H) 32.) All I Wanna Do - Jakob Ogawa (H) 33.) All I Wanna Do - Sheryl Crow (H) 34.) All I Want - Kodaline (S) 35.) All I Want For Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey (H) 36.) All Me - Drake (H) 37.) All My Life - K-Ci & JoJo (S) 38.) All of the Lights - Kanye West (H) 39.) All Star - Smash Mouth (H) 40.) All the Right Moves - OneRepublic (H) 41.) All the Small Things - Blink 182 (H) 42.) All The Stars - Kendrick Lamar & SZA (H) 43.) All Those Nights - Chase Coy (S) 44.) All Those Pretty Lights - Andrew Belle (H) 45.) All Time Low - Jon Bellion (H) 46.) All You Wanted - Michelle Branch (S) 47.) All Your Love - Jakob Ogawa (H) 48.) Alone - Halsey (H) 49.) Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson (S) 50.) Alright - Kendrick Lamar (H) 51.) Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey (S) 52.) Always Love - Nada Surf (H) 53.) Always On Time - Ja Rule (H) 54.) Am I Wrong - Nico & Vinz (H) 55.) American Beauty - Thomas Newman (S) 56.) American Boy - Estelle (H) 57.) Amphetamine - Smino (H) 58.) Anaconda - Nicki Minaj (H) 59.) Angel - Akon (H) 60.) Angel - Amanda Perez (S) 61.) Angel - Natasha Bedingfield (H) 62.) Angel - Shaggy (H) 63.) Animal - Neon Trees (H) 64.) Annie - Safetysuit (H) 65.) Another Day - Kirby (S) 66.) The Anthem - Good Charlotte (H) 67.) Ants Marching - Dave Matthews Band (H) 68.) Any Other Day - Wyclef Jean feat. Norah Jones (H) 69.) Anyone Else But You - The Moldy Peaches (S) 70.) Apparently - J.Cole (H) 71.) Are You Bored Yet? - Wallows feat. Clairo (H) 72.) Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jet (H) 73.) Are You Happy Now? - Michelle Branch (H) 74.) Are You That Somebody - Aaliyah (H) 75.) As If - Blaque (H) 76.) As Long as You Love Me - Backstreet Boys (S) 77.) Asleep - The Smiths (S) 78.) Ass Back Home - Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch (H) 79.) Ass Like That - Eminem (H) 80.) At Least We Made It This Far - Relient K (H) 81.) At The Beginning - Donna Lewis (H) 82.) Atlas Hands - Benjamin Francis Leftwich (S) 83.) Attention - Charlie Puth (H) 84.) Autobiography - Ashlee Simpson (H) 85.) Avant Gardener - Courtney Barnett (H) 86.) Ave Maria - Beyonce (S)
87.) B.O.M.D. - Clairo feat. Danny L Harle (H) 88.) Baby Boy - Beyonce feat. Sean Paul (H) 89.) Baby Got Back - Sir Mix-A-Lot (H) 90.) Baby It’s You - JoJo (H) 91.) ...Baby One More Time - Britney Spears (H) 92.) Baby, I’m Back - Baby Bash feat. Akon (H) 93.) Baby, It’s Fact - Hellogoodbye (H) 94.) Baby, This Love I Have - Minnie Riperton (H) 95.) Back At One - Brian McKnight (S) 96.) Back Here - BBMak (H) 97.) Back in Time - Pitbull (H) 98.) Back That Azz Up - Juvenile (H) 99.) Back to December - Taylor Swift (S) 100.) Bad - Michael Jackson (H) 101.) Bad at Love - Halsey (H) 102.) Bad Day - Daniel Powter (S) 103.) Bad Romance - Lady Gaga (H) 104.) Bags - Clairo (H) 105.) Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson (H) 106.) Bang Bang - will.i.am (H) 107.) Barbie Girl - Aqua (H) 108.) Barely Breathing - Duncan Sheik (H) 109.) Bartender - T-Pain feat. Akon (H) 110.) A Bay Bay - Hurricane Chris (H) 111.) BB Talk - Miley Cyrus (S) 112.) Be a Model - Mr. Capone-E (H) 113.) Be Alright - Ariana Grande (H) 114.) Be Good to Me - Ashley Tisdale (H) 115.) Be My Escape - Relient K (H) 116.) Be OK - Ingrid Michaelson (H) 117.) Be Without You - Mary J. Blige (H) 118.) Beat It - Michael Jackson (H) 119.) Beautiful - Christina Aguilera (S) 120.) Beautiful - Eminem (S) 121.) Beautiful - Akon feat. Colby O’Donis & Kardinal Offishall (H) 122.) Beautiful - Snoop Dogg feat. Pharrell & Uncle Charlie Wilson (H) 123.) Beautiful - Patrick Nuo (H) 124.) Beautiful Day - U2 (H) 125.) Beautiful Girls - Sean Kingston (H) 126.) Beautiful Love - The Afters (H) 127.) Beautiful Soul - Jesse McCartney (H) 128.) Beauty and a Beat - Justin Bieber feat. Nicki Minaj (H) 129.) Because of You - Kelly Clarkson (S) 130.) Because of You - Ne-Yo (H) 131.) Because of You - 98 Degrees (S) 132.) Because You Live - Jesse McCartney (H) 133.) Bed - J. Holiday (H) 134.) Beggin’ - Madcon (H) 135.) Begin Again - Colbie Caillat (H) 136.) Behind These Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson (S) 137.) Believe - Cher (H) 138.) Believer - Imagine Dragons (H) 139.) Bennie and the Jets - Elton John (H) 140.) Best Day of My Life - American Authors (H) 141.) Best Days - Matt White (H) 142.) Best Friend - Foster the People (H) 143.) Best Friend - Rex Orange County (H) 144.) Best I Ever Had - Drake (H) 145.) Best of My Love - The Emotions (H) 146.) Best of You - Foo Fighters (H) 147.) Best Song Ever - One Direction (H) 148.) The Best Thing - Relient K (H) 149.) Better - Khalid (H) 150.) Better - SG Lewis & Clairo (H) 151.) Better Days - The Goo Goo Dolls (S) 152.) Better in Time - Leona Lewis (S) 153.) Better Now - Post Malone (H) 154.) Better Off Alone - Alice Deejay (H) 155.) A Better Place, A Better Time - Streetlight Manifesto (H) 156.) Better Than Her - Matisse (H) 157.) Better That We Break - Maroon 5 (S) 158.) Better Together - Jack Johnson (H) 159.) Between Me and You - Ja Rule feat. Christina Milian (H) 160.) Beverly Hills - Weezer (H) 161.) Beware - Big Sean (H) 162.) Big Girls Don’t Cry - Fergie (S) 163.) Big Love - Fleetwood Mac (H) 164.) Big Poppa - The Notorious B.I.G. (H) 165.) Big Shit Poppin’ - T.I. (H) 166.) Big Yellow Taxi - Counting Crows feat. Vanessa Carlton (H) 167.) Bigcitydreams - Never Shout Never (H) 168.) Bigger Than My Body - John Mayer (H) 169.) Birthday - Katy Perry (H) 170.) Birthday Cake - Rihanna (H) 171.) Birthday Sex - Jeremih (H) 172.) Bitch - Meredith Brooks (H) 173.) Bitch Better Have My Money - Rihanna (H) 174.) Black & Gold - Sam Sparro (H) 175.) Black Balloon - The Goo Goo Dolls (S) 176.) Black Horse and the Cherry Tree - KT Tunstall (H) 177.) Black Skinhead - Kanye West (H) 178.) Blame - Calvin Harris feat. John Newman (H) 179.) Blame It - Jamie Foxx feat. T-Pain (H) 180.) Blame It On Me - Parachute (H) 181.) Blindfold - Morcheeba (S) 182.) Blood - The Middle East (H) 183.) Blood On the Leaves - Kanye West (H) 184.) The Blower’s Daughter - Damien Rice (S) 185.) Blue (Da Ba Dee) - Eiffel 65 (H) 186.) Blurry - Puddle of Mudd (S) 187.) Boats & Birds - Gregory and The Hawk (S) 188.) Bodak Yellow - Cardi B (H) 189.) Body Language - Jesse McCartney (H) 190.) Body Party - Ciara (H) 191.) Bodybag - Hit the Lights (H) 192.) Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen (H) 193.) Bomb Intro/Pass That Dutch - Missy Elliot (H) 194.) Boogie Oogie Oogie - A Taste of Honey (H) 195.) Boogie Wonderland - Earth, Wind & Fire (H) 196.) Bookstore - Jon Brion (S) 197.) Boom Clap - Charli XCX (H) 198.) Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!! - Vengaboys (H) 199.) Boombastic - Shaggy (H) 200.) Bootylicious - Destiny’s Child (H) 201.) The Boss - Rick Ross feat. T-Pain (H) 202.) Bossy - Kelis feat. Too $hort (H) 203.) Bottoms Up - Trey Songz feat. Nicki Minaj (H) 204.) Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day (S) 205.) Bound 2 - Kanye West (H) 206.) Bow Chicka Wow Wow - Mike Posner (H) 207.) Boyfriend - Big Time Rush (H) 208.) Break Free - Ariana Grande feat. Zedd (H) 209.) Break It Off - Rihanna (H) 210.) Break My Stride - Matthew Wilder (H) 211.) Break the Ice - Britney Spears (H) 212.) Break Through - Colbie Caillat (H) 213.) Break Up - Mario feat. Gucci Mane (H) 214.) Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson (S) 215.) Breakeven - The Script (S) 216.) Breakin’ Dishes - Rihanna (H) 217.) Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park (S) 218.) Breathe - Faith Hill (H) 219.) Breathe - Michelle Branch (H) 220.) Breathe (2 AM) - Anna Nalick (S) 221.) Breathe - Taylor Swift feat. Colbie Caillat (S) 222.) Breathe Again - Jimmy Robbins (S) 223.) Breathe Me - Sia (S) 224.) Brighter Than Sunshine - Aqualung (H) 225.) Bring Em Out - T.I. (H) 226.) Bring It All To Me - Blaque (H) 227.) Bringin’ Da Noise - *NSYNC (H) 228.) Broccoli - Dram feat. Lil Yachty (H) 229.) Broken - Lifehouse (S) 230.) Broken - lovelytheband (H) 231.) Broken Clocks - SZA (H) 232.) Brokenhearted - Karmin (H) 233.) Bubble Gum - Clairo (S) 234.) Bubble Pop Electric - Gwen Stefani (H) 235.) Bubbly - Colbie Caillat (H) 236.) Budapest - George Ezra (H) 237.) Built This Way - Samantha Ronson (S) 238.) Bulletproof - La Roux (H) 239.) Bump n’ Grind - R. Kelly (H) 240.) Bump, Bump, Bump - B2K feat. P. Diddy (H) 241.) Burn - Usher (S) 242.) Burnin’ Up - Jonas Brothers (H) 243.) The Business - Yung Berg feat. Casha (H) 244.) Bust It Baby, Pt. 2 - Plies feat. Ne-Yo (H) 245.) Butterfly - Crazy Town (H) 246.) Buttons - The Pussycat Dolls (H) 247.) Buy U a Drank - T-Pain (H) 248.) Bye Bye Bye - *NSYNC (H)
249.) Cake by the Ocean - DNCE (H) 250.) Calabria 2008 - Enur feat. MIMS (H) 251.) California - Phantom Planet (H) 252.) California Gurls - Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg (H) 253.) California Love - 2Pac feat. Roger Troutman & Dr. Dre (H) 254.) Call It What You Want - Foster the People (H) 255.) Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen (H) 256.) Calling All Angels - Train (H) 257.) Came Out of a Lady - Rubblebucket (H) 258.) Cameltoe - Fannypack (H) 259.) Can’t Believe It - T-Pain feat. Lil Wayne (H) 260.) Can’t Buy Happiness - Tash Sultana (S) 261.) Can’t Fight the Moonlight - LeAnn Rimes (H) 262.) Can’t Get Enough of You Baby - Smash Mouth (H) 263.) Can’t Get Enough of Your Love Babe - Barry White (H) 264.) Can’t Get You Out of My Head - Kylie Minogue (H) 265.) Can’t Help But Wait - Trey Songz (H) 266.) Can’t Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley (S) 267.) Can’t Hold Us - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Ray Dalton (H) 268.) Can’t Hold Us Down - Christina Aguilera feat. Lil’ Kim (H) 269.) Can’t Let You Go - Fabolous feat. Mike Shorey & Lil’ Mo (H) 270.) Can’t Stand It - Never Shout Never (H) 271.) Can’t Stop the Feeling - Justin Timberlake (H) 272.) Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - Frankie Valli (H) 273.) Can’t Tell Me Nothing - Kanye West (H) 274.) Candy - The Pack (H) 275.) Canned Heat - Jamiroquai (H) 276.) Careless Whisper - George Michael (H) 277.) Caroline - Amine (H) 278.) Carried Away - Passion Pit (H) 279.) Case of the Ex (Whatcha Gonna Do) - Mya (H) 280.) Case Study B - Jenny O. (S) 281.) Castle on the Hill - Ed Sheeran (H) 282.) Catch Me - Demi Lovato (H) 283.) Catch Your Wave - The Click Five (H) 284.) Caught Up - Usher (H) 285.) Cellar Door - Michael Andrews (S) 286.) Centuries - Fall Out Boy (H) 287.) The Chain - Fleetwood Mac (H) 288.) Chain Hang Low - Jibbs (H) 289.) Chains - Nick Jonas (H) 290.) Chandelier - Sia (H) 291.) Changes - 2Pac feat. Talent (H) 292.) Chariot - Gavin DeGraw (H) 293.) Charlie Brown - Coldplay (H) 294.) Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol (S) 295.) Chasing Pavements - Adele (S) 296.) Cheap Thrills - Sia feat. Sean Paul (H) 297.) Check On It - Beyonce feat. Bun B & Slim Thug (H) 298.) Cheerleader - Omi (H) 299.) Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the Elephant (S) 300.) Circus - Britney Spears (H) 301.) Clarity - John Mayer (H) 302.) Clarity - Zedd feat. Foxes (H) 303.) Classic - MKTO (H) 304.) Cleanin’ Out My Closet - Eminem (H) 305.) The Climb - Miley Cyrus (H) 306.) Clocks - Coldplay (H) 307.) Closer - The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey (H) 308.) Closer to Fine - Indigo Girls (H) 309.) Club Can’t Handle Me - Flo Rida feat. David Guetta (H) 310.) Clumsy - Fergie (H) 311.) Cockiness - Rihanna (H) 312.) CoCo - O.T. Genasis (H) 313.) Collide - Howie Day (S) 314.) Colorblind - Counting Crows (S) 315.) Come and Get Your Love - Redbone (H) 316.) Come As You Are - Nirvana (H) 317.) Come Back Down - Greg Laswell feat. Sara Bareilles (H) 318.) Come Back to Me - Vanessa Hudgens (H) 319.) Come Clean - Hilary Duff (H) 320.) Come Fly With Me - Frank Sinatra (H) 321.) Come On Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners (H) 322.) Come On Get Higher - Matt Nathanson (H) 323.) Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You) - Christina Aguilera (H) 324.) Come Thru - Drake (H) 325.) Come With Me Now - KONGOS (H) 326.) Coming of Age - Foster the People (H) 327.) Communion Cups & Someone’s Coat - Iron & Wine (S) 328.) Complicated - Avril Lavigne (S) 329.) Conducta - Osquello feat. Clairo (H) 330.) Confessions, Pt. II - Usher (H) 331.) Cool - Gwen Stefani (S) 332.) Cool for the Summer - Demi Lovato (H) 333.) Cool Kids - Echosmith (H) 334.) Cooler Than Me - Mike Posner (H) 335.) Cotton Eye Joe - Rednex (H) 336.) Cough Syrup - Young the Giant (H) 337.) Countdown - Beyonce (H) 338.) Country Grammar (Hot Shit) - Nelly (H) 339.) Crack a Bottle - Eminem, Dr. Dre & 50 Cent (H) 340.) Crank That - Soulja Boy (H) 341.) Crash Into Me - Dave Matthews Band (H) 342.) Crazy - Gnarls Barkley (H) 343.) Crazy - K-Ci & JoJo (S) 344.) Crazy for This Girl - Evan & Jaron (H) 345.) Crazy for You - Madonna (H) 346.) Crazy in Love - Beyonce feat. Jay-Z (H) 347.) Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen (H) 348.) Crazy Rap (Colt 45 & 2 Zig Zags) - Afroman (H) 349.) Creep - TLC (H) 350.) Cruise - Florida Georgia Line feat. Nelly (H) 351.) Crush - Dave Matthews Band (H) 352.) Cry Baby - CeeLo Green (H) 353.) Cry Me a River - Justin Timberlake (H) 354.) Cudi Zone - Kid Cudi (H) 355.) Cupid’s Chokehold - Gym Class Heroes feat. Patrick Stump (H) 356.) Cups (When I’m Gone) - Anna Kendrick (H) 357.) Curl Up and Die - Relient K (S) 358.) The Curse of Curves - Cute Is What We Aim For (H) 359.) Cyclone - Baby Bash feat. T-Pain (H)
360.) D.A.N.C.E. - Justice (H) 361.) Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood (S) 362.) Damaged - Danity Kane (H) 363.) Dance (A$$) - Big Sean feat. Nicki Minaj (H) 364.) Dance, Dance - Fall Out Boy (H) 365.) Dancin’ Across the USA - Lindsey Buckingham (H) 366.) Dancing In the Dark - Rihanna (H) 367.) Dancing In the Moonlight - Toploader (H) 368.) Dancing Queen - ABBA (H) 369.) Dancing with a Stranger - Sam Smith & Normani (H) 370.) Dang! - Mac Miller feat. Anderson .Paak (H) 371.) Dangerous - Kardinal Offishall feat. Akon (H) 372.) Dangerous - Ying Yang Twins feat. Wyclef Jean (H) 373.) Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers (H) 374.) Dare You to Move - Switchfoot (H) 375.) Dark Blue - Jack’s Mannequin (H) 376.) Dark Horse - Katy Perry feat. Juicy J (H) 377.) Daughters - John Mayer (S) 378.) Daylight - Maroon 5 (H) 379.) Dead and Gone - T.I. feat. Justin Timberlake (H) 380.) dead girl in the pool. - girl in red (H) 381.) Dear Child (I’ve Been Dying to Reach You) - Anthony Green (H) 382.) Dear John - Taylor Swift (S) 383.) Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low (H) 384.) December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night) - The Four Seasons (H) 385.) Deja-Vu - Beyonce (H) 386.) Demons - Imagine Dragons (S) 387.) Diamonds - Rihanna (H) 388.) Did It Hurt? - Never Shout Never (H) 389.) Die Young - Kesha (H) 390.) Differences - Ginuwine (H) 391.) Dilemma - Nelly feat. Kelly Rowland (H) 392.) Dip It Low - Christina Milian (H) 393.) Dirrty - Christina Aguilera feat. Redman (H) 394.) Dirt Off Your Shoulder - Jay-Z (H) 395.) Dirty Little Secret - The All-American Rejects (H) 396.) Disappear - Beyonce (H) 397.) Disco Club - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 398.) Disco Inferno - 50 Cent (H) 399.) Disturbia - Rihanna (H) 400.) Diva - Beyonce (H) 401.) DJ Got Us Fallin’ in Love - Usher feat. Pitbull (H) 402.) DNA. - Kendrick Lamar (H) 403.) Do It to It - Cherish feat. Sean Paul (H) 404.) Do My Thang - Miley Cyrus (H) 405.) Do You Know? (The Ping Pong Song) - Enrique Iglesias (H) 406.) Do You Realize?? - The Flaming Lips (H) 407.) Do You Remember - Jay Sean feat. Sean Paul (H) 408.) Doesn’t Really Matter - Janet Jackson (H) 409.) Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine (H) 410.) Doing Too Much - Paula DeAnda feat. Baby Bash (H) 411.) Domino - Jessie J (H) 412.) Don’t - Bryson Tiller (H) 413.) Don’t Be So Hard - The Audition (H) 414.) Don’t Cha - The Pussycat Dolls (H) 415.) Don’t Forget - Demi Lovato (H) 416.) Don’t Know Why - Norah Jones (H) 417.) Don’t Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers feat. Daya (H) 418.) Don’t Let Me Get Me - P!nk (H) 419.) Don’t Lie - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 420.) Don’t Make Me Wait - This World Fair (S) 421.) Don’t Matter - Akon (H) 422.) Don’t Mess With My Man - Nivea (H) 423.) Don’t Panic - Coldplay (S) 424.) Don’t Phunk With My Heart - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 425.) Don’t Speak - No Doubt (H) 426.) Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson (H) 427.) Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen (H) 428.) Don’t Stop The Music - Rihanna (H) 429.) Don’t Tell ‘Em - Jeremih feat. YG (H) 430.) Don’t Think I’m Not - Kandi (H) 431.) Don’t Trust Me - 3OH!3 (H) 432.) Don’t Wake Me Up - Chris Brown (H) 433.) Don’t Wanna Go Home - Jason Derulo (H) 434.) Don’t Wanna Know - Maroon 5 feat. Kendrick Lamar (H) 435.) Don’t You Know You’re Beautiful - Seabird (H) 436.) Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing - Stevie Wonder (H) 437.) Donk - Soulja Boy (H) 438.) Doo Wop (That Thing) - Lauryn Hill (H) 439.) Down - Chris Brown feat. Kanye West (H) 440.) Down - Jay Sean feat. Lil Wayne (H) 441.) Draw Your Swords - Angus & Julia Stone (S) 442.) Dreamgirl - Dave Matthews Band (H) 443.) Dreaming With a Broken Heart - John Mayer (S) 444.) Dreams - The Cranberries (H) 445.) Dreams - Fleetwood Mac (H) 446.) Drew Barrymore - Bryce Vine (H) 447.) Drew Barrymore - SZA (H) 448.) Drift Away - Uncle Kracker (H) 449.) Drive - Incubus (H) 450.) A Drop In the Ocean - Ron Pope (S) 451.) Drop It Like It’s Hot - Snoop Doggg feat. Pharrell (H) 452.) Drop That - Nifty (H) 453.) Drops of Jupiter - Train (H) 454.) Drown - Cuco & Clairo (H) 455.) Drunk in Love - Beyonce feat. Jay-Z (H) 456.) Drunk In the Morning - Lukas Graham (H) 457.) Drunk on Halloween - Wallows (H) 458.) Dynamite - Taio Cruz (H)
459.) E.I. - Nelly (H) 460.) Easier To Be - Lifehouse (H) 461.) Easy - The Commodores (H) 462.) Easy to Fall In Love - Brighten (H)  463.) Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks (H) 464.) Eenie Meenie - Justin Bieber & Sean Kingston (H) 465.) Ego - Beyonce (H) 466.) Elastic Heart - Sia (H) 467.) Electric Feel - MGMT (H) 468.) Empire State of Mind - Jay-Z feat. Alicia Keys (H) 469.) Enchanted - Taylor Swift (S) 470.) Erase Me - Kid Cudi & Kanye West (H) 471.) Escapade - Janet Jackson (H) 472.) Escape - Enrique Iglesias (H) 473.) Escape (The Pina Colada Song) - Rupert Holmes (H) 474.) Every Breath You Take - The Police (H) 475.) Every Girl In the World - Young Money (H) 476.) Every Good Thing - The Afters (H) 477.) Every Morning - Sugar Ray (H) 478.) Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall - Coldplay (H) 479.) Everybody (Backstreet’s Back) - Backstreet Boys (H) 480.) Everybody Talks - Neon Trees (H) 481.) Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears (H) 482.) Everybody’s Changing - Keane (S) 483.) Everyday Is a Winding Road - Sheryl Crow (H) 484.) Everyone Falls In Love - Tanto Metro & Devonte (H) 485.) Everything - Lifehouse (S) 486.) Everything I Ask For - The Maine (H) 487.) Everything in Its Right Place - Radiohead (S) 488.) Everything is Alright - Motion City Soundtrack (H) 489.) Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon (H) 490.) Everything’s Not Lost - Coldplay (S) 491.) Everytime We Touch - Cascada (H) 492.) Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac (H) 493.) Everywhere - Michelle Branch (H) 494.) Ex’s & Oh’s - Mia Love (H)
495.) Fuckin’ Problems - A$AP Rocky feat. Drake, 2 Chainz & Kendrick L (H) 496.) Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (S) 497.) Fade into You - Mazzy Star (S) 498.) Faded - Soul Decision (H) 499.) Faerytails - Telena (S) 500.) Faith - George Michael (H) 501.) Fake Love - Drake (H) 502.) Fall to Pieces - Avril Lavigne (S) 503.) Fallin’ - Asher Roth (H) 504.) Fallin’ Apart - The All-American Rejects (H) 505.) Fallin’ For You - Colbie Caillat (H) 506.) Falling - Iration (H) 507.) Falling In Love At a Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg (S) 508.) Family Affair - Mary J. Blige (H) 509.) Family Portrait - P!nk (S) 510.) Fancy - Iggy Azalea feat. Charli XCX (H) 511.) Fantasy - Mariah Carey (H) 512.) Far Away - Nickelback (S) 513.) Fast Car - Tracy Chapman (S) 514.) Fast Talk - Houses (H) 515.) Father Stretch My Hands, Pt. 1 - Kanye West (H) 516.) Fear of Flying - A Rocket to the Moon (H) 517.) Fearless - Taylor Swift (H) 518.) February Air - Lights (H) 519.) Feedback - Janet Jackson (H) 520.) Feel Again - OneRepublic (H) 521.) Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz (H) 522.) Feel I Bring - Aer (H) 523.) Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man (H) 524.) Feel So Close - Calvin Harris (H) 525.) Feel This Moment - Pitbull feat. Christina Aguilera (H) 526.) Feelin’ Way Too Damn Good - Nickelback (H) 527.) Feeling Good - Michael Buble (H) 528.) Feels - Calvin Harris feat. Pharrell, Katy Perry & Big Sean (H) 529.) Feels Like Tonight - Daughtry (S) 530.) Fergalicious - Fergie feat. Will.I.Am (H) 531.) Fifteen - Taylor Swift (S) 532.) Fighter - Christina Aguilera (H) 533.) The Fighter - Keith Urban feat. Carrie Underwood (H) 534.) The Fighter - Gym Class Heroes feat. Ryan Tedder (H) 535.) Find Your Love - Drake (H) 536.) Finesse - Bruno Mars (H) 537.) Firework - Katy Perry (H) 538.) First - Cold War Kids (H) 539.) The First Cut Is the Deepest - Sheryl Crow (S) 540.) First Time - Lifehouse (H) 541.) Five Colours In Her Hair - McFly (H) 542.) Fix You - Coldplay (S) 543.) Fjogur Piano - Sigur Ros (S) 544.) Flaming Hot Cheetos - Clairo (S) 545.) Flashing Lights - Kanye West (H) 546.) Fly - Sugar Ray & Super Cat (H) 547.) Fly Me to the Moon - Frank Sinatra (H) 548.) Follow Me - Uncle Kracker (S) 549.) Foolish - Ashanti (H) 550.) For All Time - Soluna (S) 551.) For the First Time - The Script (H) 552.) For You I Will (Confidence) - Teddy Geiger (H) 553.) Forever - Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne & Eminem (H) 554.) Forever & Always - Taylor Swift (H) 555.) Forever & Always (Piano Version) - Taylor Swift (S) 556.) forget her - girl in red (S) 557.) Formation - Beyonce (H) 558.) Free Fallin’ - John Mayer (S) 559.) Freak-A-Leek - Petey Pablo (H) 560.) Friday I’m In Love - The Cure (H) 561.) Friday Night Lights Theme Song - (S) 562.) From This Moment On - Shania Twain feat. Bryan White (S) 563.) From Time - Drake feat. Jhene Aiko (H) 564.) Frontin’ - Pharrell feat. Jay-Z (H) 565.) Froyo - Hans. feat. Clairo & Aso (S) 566.) Fuck It (I Don’t Want You Back) - Eamon (S) 567.) Fuck You - CeeLo Green (H) 568.) Furthest Thing - Drake (H)
569.) The Game of Love - Santana feat. Michelle Branch (H) 570.) Gangsta Lovin’ - Eve feat. Alicia Keys (H) 571.) Garden (Say It Like Dat) - SZA (H) 572.) Gemini Love (Kinobe Remix) - Shibumi & Telana (H) 573.) Get Buck In Here - DJ Felli Fel feat. Akon, Lil’ Jon, Ludacris & Diddy (H) 574.) Get Busy - Sean Paul (H) 575.) Get Down On It - Kool & The Gang (H) 576.) Get Down Saturday Night - Oliver Cheatham (H) 577.) Get It On Tonite - Montell Jordan (H) 578.) Get It Poppin’ - Fat Joe feat. Nelly (H) 579.) Get It Shawty - Lloyd (H) 580.) Get Like Me - David Banner feat. Chris Brown (H) 581.) Get Low - Lil’ Jon & The Easy Side Boyz & Ying Yang Twins (H) 582.) Get Lucky - Daft Punk feat. Pharrell (H) 583.) Get Me Bodied - Beyonce (H) 584.) Get Right - Jennifer Lopez (H) 585.) Get the Party Started - P!nk (H) 586.) Get Up - Ciara (H) 587.) Get Ur Freak On - Missy Elliott (H) 588.) Get With U - Clairo (S) 589.) Getting Into You - Relient K (S) 590.) Ghost - Ella Henderson (H) 591.) Gigolo - Nick Cannon feat. R. Kelly (H) 592.) Gimme More - Britney Spears (H) 593.) Gimme That - Chris Brown (H) 594.) Gimme the Light - Sean Paul (H) 595.) Girl - Brennan Henderson feat. Clairo (S) 596.) The Girl from Ipanema - Frank Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim (H) 597.) Girl On TV - LFO (H) 598.) Girlfight - Big Boi, Brooke Valentine & Lil’ Jon (H) 599.) Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne (H) 600.) Girlfriend - Bow Wow & Omarion (H) 601.) Girlfriend - *NSYNC (H) 602.) Girlfriend - Phoenix (H) 603.) girls - girl in red (H) 604.) Girls & Boys - Good Charlotte (H) 605.) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Greg Laswell (S) 606.) Give It to Me - Timbaland feat. Justin Timberlake (H) 607.) Give Me Everything - Pitbull feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer (H) 608.) Give Me Just One Night - 98 Degrees (H) 609.) Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran (S) 610.) Give Your Heart a Break - Demi Lovato (H) 611.) Gives You Hell - The All-American Rejects (H) 612.) Glamorous - Fergie feat. Ludacris (H) 613.) Go Getta - Young Jeezy feat. R. Kelly (H) 614.) Go On Girl - Ne-Yo (S) 615.) God Is a DJ - P!nk (H) 616.) (God Must Have Spent) A Little More Time on You - *NSYNC (S) 617.) God Only Knows - The Beach Boys (S) 618.) God Put a Smile Upon Your Face - Coldplay (H) 619.) God’s Plan - Drake (H) 620.) Goin’ Crazy - Natalie (S) 621.) Gold Digger - Kanye West feat. Jamie Foxx (H) 622.) Gone - *NSYNC (H) 623.) Gone Going - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 624.) Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips (H) 625.) Gonna Make You Sweat - C+C Music Factory (H) 626.) Good Feeling - Flo Rida (H) 627.) Good Life - Kanye West (H) 628.) Good Life - OneRepublic (H) 629.) Good Morning - Chamillionaire (H) 630.) Good Morning - Norah Jones (S) 631.) Good Old Days - Macklemore feat. Ke$ha (H) 632.) Good People - Jack Johnson (H) 633.) Good To Be Alive (Hallelujah) - Andy Grammer (H) 634.) Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys (H) 635.) Good Vibrations - Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch & Loleatta H (H) 636.) Goodbye - Kristinia DeBarge (H) 637.) Goodbye to You - Michelle Branch (S) 638.) Goodies - Ciara feat. Petey Pablo (H) 639.) Goodnight Goodnight - Maroon 5 (S) 640.) Got to Be Real - Cheryl Lynn (H) 641.) Gotta Get Thru This - Daniel Bedingfield (H) 642.) Gotta Tell You - Samantha Mumba (H) 643.) Grace - Kate Havnevik (S) 644.) Graduations (Friends Forever) - Vitamin C (S) 645.) Gravity - Alex & Sierra (S) 646.) Gravity - John Mayer (S) 647.) Gravity - Sara Bareilles (S) 648.) The Great Beyond - R.E.M. (S) 649.) The Great Escape - Boys Like Girls (H) 650.) Green Eyes - Coldplay (S) 651.) Green Light - John Legend feat. Andre 3000 (H) 652.) Grenade - Bruno Mars (H) 653.) Gretchen Ross - Michael Andrews (S) 654.) Grillz - Nelly feat. Paul Wall, Ali & Gipp (H) 655.) Grind With Me - Pretty Ricky (H) 656.) Groceries - Mallrat (H) 657.) Groove Is In the Heart - Deee-Lite (H) 658.) Groove Thang - Zhane (H) 659.) Grow Old With You - Adam Sandler (S) 660.) Gypsy - Fleetwood Mac (S)
661.) Hailie’s Song - Eminem (S) 662.) Half of My Heart - John Mayer feat. Taylor Swift (H) 663.) Halo - Beyonce (H) 664.) Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional (H) 665.) Hanging By a Moment - Lifehouse (H) 666.) Happy - Never Shout Never (H) 667.) Happy - Pharrell (H) 668.) Happy Together - Filter (S) 669.) Happy Together - The Turtles (H) 670.) Hard to Explain - The Strokes (H) 671.) Hard to Love - Lee Brice (S) 672.) Harder Than You Know - Escape the Fate (S) 673.) Harder To Breathe - Maroon 5 (H) 674.) Harlem Shake - Baauer (H) 675.) The Harold Song - Ke$ha (S) 676.) Harry (Barenoize Remix) - Medison (H) 677.) Hate It Or Love It - The Game feat. 50 Cent (H) 678.) Hate That I Love You - Rihanna feat. Ne-Yo (H) 679.) Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Frank Sinatra (S) 680.) Haven’t Met You Yet - Michael Buble (H) 681.) He Loves You Not - Dream (H) 682.) Head Over Heels - Tears for Fears (H) 683.) Headlines - Drake (H) 684.) Heads Will Roll (A-Trak Remix) - Yeah Yeah Yeahs (H) 685.) Headstrong - Trapt (H) 686.) Heart-Shaped Box - Nirvana (H) 687.) Heartbeat - The Fray (H) 688.) Heartbreak Warfare - John Mayer (S) 689.) Heartless - Kanye West (H) 690.) Heaven - Clairo (S) 691.) Heaven - DJ Sammy & Yanou feat. Do (H) 692.) Heaven - Los Lonely Boys (H) 693.) Heaven Forbid - The Fray (S) 694.) Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now - The Smiths (S) 695.) Heaven Sent - Keyshia Cole (H) 696.) Heels Over Head - Boys Like Girls (H) 697.) Hella Good - No Doubt (H) 698.) Hello - Adele (S) 699.) Hello - Beyonce (H) 700.) Hello Beautiful - Jonas Brothers (S) 701.) Hello It’s Me - Todd Rundgren (H) 702.) Hello? - Clairo feat. Rejjie Snow (H) 703.) Hemorrhage (In My Hands) - Fuel (H) 704.) Her Diamonds - Rob Thomas (H) 705.) Her Eyes Say Yes - Hit the Light (S) 706.) Here - Alessia Cara (H) 707.) Here (In Your Arms) - Hellogoodbye (H) 708.) Here Is Gone - The Goo Goo Dolls (S) 709.) Here It Goes Again - Ok Go (H) 710.) Here Without You - 3 Doors Down (S) 711.) Here’s to the Night - Eve 6 (S) 712.) Heregoesnothin - Never Shout Never (H) 713.) Hero - Regina Spektor (S) 714.) Hero (Kultur Remix) - Bamiyah (S) 715.) Hero - Chad Kroeger feat. Josey Scott (H) 716.) Hero/Heroine - Boys Like Girls (H) 717.) Hey Baby (Drop It to the Floor) - Pitbull (H) 718.) Hey Brittany - Forever the Sickest Kids (H) 719.) Hey Daddy (Daddy’s Home) - Usher (H) 720.) Hey Look Ma, I Made It - Panic! At the Disco (H) 721.) Hey Ma - Cam’ron feat. Juelz Santana, Freekey Zeekey & Toya (H) 722.) Hey Mama - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 723.) Hey Mama - Kanye West (H) 724.) Hey Mama - David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha & Afrojack (H) 725.) Hey Mami - Fannypack (H) 726.) Hey Stephen - Taylor Swift (H) 727.) Hey There Delilah - Plain White T’s (H) 728.) Hey Ya! - Outkast (H) 729.) Hey, Soul Sister - Train (H) 730.) (Hidden Track) Please - John Carrie & Moor Green (S) 731.) High You Are (Branchez Remix) - What So Not (H) 732.) Higher - Creed (H) 733.) The Hills - The Weeknd (H) 734.) Hip to Be Square - Huey Lewis & The News (H) 735.) Hips Don’t Lie - Shakira feat. Wyclef Jean (H) 736.) Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!) - Blu Cantrell (H) 737.) Ho Hey - The Lumineers (H) 738.) Hold My Hand - Jess Glynne (H) 739.) Hold My Hand - New Found Glory (H) 740.) Hold On - Jonas Brothers (H) 741.) Hold On, We’re Going Home - Drake feat. Majid Jordan (H) 742.) Holidae In - Chingy feat. Ludacris & Snoop Dogg (H) 743.) Holiday - Green Day (H) 744.) Holiday Road - Lindsey Buckingham (H) 745.) Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani (H) 746.) Hollywood - Madonna (H) 747.) Holy Grail - Jay-Z feat. Justin Timberlake (H) 748.) Home - Daughtry (S) 749.) Home - Phillip Phillips (H) 750.) Honestly - Cartel (H) 751.) Honey, I’m Good. - Andy Grammer (H) 752.) Hook - Blues Traveler (H) 753.) Hot In Herre - Nelly (H) 754.) Hot n Cold - Katy Perry (H) 755.) Hotline Bling - Drake (H) 756.) Houstalantavegas - Drake (H) 757.) How - Clairo (S) 758.) How Bizarre - OMC (H) 759.) How Deep Is Your Love - Bee Gees (H) 760.) How Do I Breathe - Mario feat. Cassidy (H) 761.) How Do You Sleep? - Jesse McCartney (H) 762.) How Low - Ludacris (H) 763.) How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) - James Taylor (H) 764.) How to Love - Lil Wayne (H) 765.) How to Save a Life - The Fray (S) 766.) How Was Your Day? - Mellow Fellow feat. Clairo (S) 767.) How We Do - The Game feat. 50 Cent (H) 768.) How Will I Know - Whitney Houston (H) 769.) How You Remind Me - Nickelback (H) 770.) How’s It Going to Be - Third Eye Blind (S) 771.) Human Nature - Michael Jackson (H) 772.) Hummingbird - Never Shout Never (S) 773.) Hummingbird Heartbeat - Katy Perry (H) 774.) Hung Up - Madonna (H) 775.) Hunger - Florence + The Machine (H) 776.) Hurtful - Erik Hassle (S) 777.) Hurts Like Heaven - Coldplay (H) 778.) HYFR (Hell Ya Fucking Right) - Drake (H) 779.) Hypnotize - The Notorious B.I.G. (H) 780.) Hypnotized - Plies feat. Akon (H)
781.) I Believe in a Thing Called Love - The Darkness (H) 782.) I Cry - Flo Rida (H) 783.) I Do - Colbie Caillat (H) 784.) I Don’t Like It, I Love It - Flo Rida feat. Robin Thicke (H) 785.) I Don’t Mind - Usher feat. Juicy J (H) 786.) I Don’t Think About You - Kelly Clarkson (S) 787.) I Don’t Wanna Know - Mario Winans feat. Enya & P. Diddy (H) 788.) I Don’t Want to Be - Gavin DeGraw (H) 789.) I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing - Aerosmith (S) 790.) I Feel It Coming - The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk (H) 791.) I Found a Way - Drake Bell (H) 792.) I Got U - Duke Dumont feat. Jax Jones (H) 793.) I Gotta Feeling - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 794.) I Hope You Dance - Lee Ann Womack (S) 795.) I Kissed a Girl - Katy Perry (H) 796.) I Knew I Loved You - Savage Garden (S) 797.) I Know What It’s Like - Jeff Tweedy (S) 798.) I Know You See It - Yung Joc feat. Brandy “Ms.B” Hambrick (H) 799.) I Like It - Cardi B, Bad Bunny & J Balvin (H) 800.) I Like It - Enrique Iglesias feat. Pitbull (H) 801.) I Like That - Houston, Nate Dogg, I-20 & Chingy (H) 802.) I Lived - OneRepublic (H) 803.) I Love College - Asher Roth (H) 804.) I Love It - Icona Pop feat. Charli XCX (H) 805.) I Love U - Tila Tequila (H) 806.) I Luv This Shit - August Alsina feat. Trey Songz & Chris Brown (H) 807.) I Luv Your Girl - The-Dream (H) 808.) I Miss You - blink-182 (S) 809.) I Must Be Dreaming - The Maine (H) 810.) I Need a Girl, Pt. 1 - P. Diddy feat. Loon & Usher (H) 811.) I Need a Girl, Pt. 2 - P. Diddy feat. Loon & Usher (H) 812.) i need to be alone. - girl in red (S) 813.) I Need to Know - Marc Anthony (H) 814.) I Never Told You - Colbie Caillat (S) 815.) I Ran - A Flock of Seagulls (H) 816.) I Think About You Everyday - A Rocket to the Moon (S) 817.) I Think I’m In Love With You - Jessica Simpson (H) 818.) I Think I’m Paranoid - Garbage (H) 819.) I Took a Pill in Ibiza - Mike Posner (H) 820.) I Touch Myself - Divinyls (H) 821.) I Tried - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony feat. Akon (S) 822.) I Try - Macy Gray (S) 823.) I Wanna Be Bad - Willa Ford (H) 824.) I Wanna Dance With Somebody - Whitney Houston (H) 825.) I Wanna Love You - Akon feat. Snoop Dogg (H) 826.) I Want Candy - Aaron Carter (H) 827.) I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys (H) 828.) I Want You Back - *NSYNC (H) 829.) I Will Remember You - Sarah McLachlan (S) 830.) I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor (H) 831.) I Will Wait - Mumford & Sons (H) 832.) I Wish - The Secret Handshake (H) 833.) I Would Die 4 U - Prince (H) 834.) I Would Do Anything for You - Foster the People (H) 835.) I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At the Disco (H) 836.) I’d Do Anything - Simple Plan (H) 837.) I’ll Be - Edwin McCain (S) 838.) I’ll Be Missing You - Puff Daddy feat. Faith Evans (S) 839.) I’ll Run - The Cab (H) 840.) I’ll Try Anything Once - Julian Casablancas (S) 841.) I’m a Believer - Smash Mouth (H) 842.) I’m a Flirt - R. Kelly feat. T.I. & T-Pain (H) 843.) I’m a Pirate, You’re a Princess - PlayRadioPlay! (S) 844.) I’m a Slave 4 U - Britney Spears (H) 845.) I’m Coming Out - Diana Ross (H) 846.) I’m Every Woman - Whitney Houston (H) 847.) I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers (H) 848.) I’m In It - Kanye West (H) 849.) I’m In Love With My Life - PHASES (H) 850.) I’m Just a Kid - Simple Plan (S) 851.) I’m Like a Bird - Nelly Furtado (S) 852.) I’m Like a Lawyer With the Way... (Me and You) - Fall Out Boy (H) 853.) I’m N Luv (Wit a Stripper) - T-Pain feat. Mike Jones (H) 854.) I’m On One - DJ Khaled feat. Drake, Rick Ross & Lil Wayne (H) 855.) I’m Ready - Jack’s Mannequin (H) 856.) I’m Real - Jennifer Lopez feat. Ja Rule (H) 857.) I’m Sprung - T-Pain (H) 858.) I’m Still In Love With You - Sean Paul (H) 859.) I’m With You - Avril Lavigne (S) 860.) Ice Box - Omarion (S) 861.) Ice Cold Pool - Wallows (H) 862.) Idiot Boyfriend - Jimmy Fallon (H) 863.) If Everyone Cared - Nickelback (S) 864.) If I Ain’t Got You - Alicia Keys (S) 865.) If I Ain’t Got You (Live Cover) - Maroon 5 (S) 866.) If I Can’t Have You - Shawn Mendes (H) 867.) If I Ever Feel Better - Phoenix (H) 868.) If I Never See Your Face Again - Maroon 5 (H) 869.) If I Were a Boy - Beyonce (S) 870.) If It Makes You Happy - Sheryl Crow (S) 871.) If Only They Knew - A Rocket to the Moon (H) 872.) If U Seek Amy - Britney Spears (H) 873.) If We Ever Meet Again - Timbaland feat. Katy Perry (H) 874.) If You Had My Love - Jennifer Lopez (H) 875.) If You Run - The Boxer Rebellion (S) 876.) If You’re Gone - Matchbox Twenty (S) 877.) If You’re Not the One - Daniel Bedingfield (S) 878.) Ignition (Remix) - R. Kelly (H) 879.) Imma Be - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 880.) In da Club - 50 Cent (H) 881.) In My Blood - Shawn Mendes (H) 882.) In My Car - The Pack (H) 883.) In My Feelings - Drake (H) 884.) In My Place - Coldplay (S) 885.) In the Air Tonight - Phil Collins (S) 886.) In The End - Linkin Park (S) 887.) In the Mood - Glenn Miller & His Orchestra (H) 888.) In the Name of Lovve - Martin Garrix & Bebe Rexha (H) 889.) Independent - Webbie feat. Lil’ Boosie & Lil’ Phat (H) 890.) Independent Women, Pt. 1 - Destiny’s Child (H) 891.) Infatuated - Memphis Bleek feat. Boxie (H) 892.) Innocent - Taylor Swift (S) 893.) Insomnia - Craig David (H) 894.) Into You - Ariana Grande (H) 895.) Into You - Fabolous feat. Tamia (H) 896.) Into Your Arms - The Maine (S) 897.) Intuition - Jewel (H) 898.) Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls (S) 899.) Ironic - Alanis Morissette (S) 900.) Irreplaceable - Beyonce (S) 901.) Irresistible - Jessica Simpson (H) 902.) Island In the Sun - Weezer (H) 903.) Isn’t She Lovely - Stevie Wonder (H) 904.) Issues - Julia Michaels (H) 905.) It Ends Tonight - The All-American Rejects (S) 906.) It Makes Me Ill - *NSYNC (H) 907.) It Wasn’t Me - Shaggy feat. Ricardo Ducent (H) 908.) It’s Alright, It’s OK - Ashley Tisdale (H) 909.) It’s Been Awhile - Staind (S) 910.) It’s Goin’ Down - Yung Joc feat. Nitti (H) 911.) It’s Gonna Be Me - *NSYNC (H) 912.) It’s My Life - No Doubt (H) 913.) It’s Not My Time - 3 Doors Down (S) 914.) It’s Not Over - Daughtry (S) 915.) it’s not u it’s me - Bea Miller & 6LACK (H) 916.) It’s Not Unusual - Tom Jones (H) 917.) It’s Not Your Fault - New Found Glory (S) 918.) It’s Only Right - Wallows (H) 919.) It’s Over - Jesse McCartney (S) 920.) It’s Personal - The Radio Dept. (S) 921.) It’s Time - Imagine Dragons (H)
922.) Jaded - Aerosmith (H) 923.) Jai Ho! (You Are My Destiny) - A.R. Rahman & The Pussycat Dolls (H) 924.) Jealous - Nick Jonas (H) 925.) Jenny - The Click Five (H) 926.) Jenny from the Block - Jennifer Lopez (H) 927.) Jingle Bells - Frank Sinatra (H) 928.) The Joke - Brandi Carlile (S) 929.) Juicy - The Notorious B.I.G. (H) 930.) Jump Around - House of Pain (H) 931.) Jump Then Fall - Taylor Swift (H) 932.) Jump to the Rhythm - Jordan Pruitt (H) 933.) Jumper - Third Eye Blind (H) 934.) Jumpin’, Jumpin’ - Destiny’s Child (H) 935.) Just a Friend - Biz Markie (H) 936.) Just a Girl - No Doubt (H) 937.) Just a Lil Bit - 50 Cent (H) 938.) Just Can’t Get Enough - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 939.) Just Dance - Lady Gaga feat. Colby O’Donis (H) 940.) Just Fine - Mary J. Blige (H) 941.) Just Friends - Jason Reeves (S) 942.) Just Friends - Jonas Brothers (H) 943.) Just Got Paid - *NSYNC (H) 944.) Just Like a Pill - P!nk (S) 945.) Just Lose It - Eminem (H) 946.) Just So You Know - Jesse McCartney (S) 947.) Just the Girl - The Click Five (H) 948.) Just the Way You are - Bruno Mars (H) 949.) Just Us - Dj Khaled feat. SZA (H)
950.) Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne (S) 951.) Keep Your Head Up - Andy Grammer (H) 952.) Kelsey - Metro Station (H) 953.) Kids - MGMT (H) 954.) Killing Me Softly With His Song - Fugees (S) 955.) Kiss and Sell - The Maine (H) 956.) Kiss from a Rose - Seal (H) 957.) Kiss Kiss - Chris Brown feat. T-Pain (H) 958.) Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran (S) 959.) Kiss Me - New Found Glory (H) 960.) Kiss Me - Sixpence None the Richer (H) 961.) Kiss Me Thru the Phone - Soulja Boy (H) 962.) Kiss the Girl - Ashley Tisdale (H) 963.) Kiss You All Over - Exile (S) 964.) Knock You Down - Keri Hilson feat. Kanye West (H) 965.) Kokomo - The Beach Boys (H) 966.) Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down (H)
967.) L.G. Fuad - Motion City Soundtrack (S) 968.) La La La - LMFAO (H) 969.) Lady Marmalade - Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya & P!nk (H) 970.) Laffy Taffy - D4L (H) 971.) Landslide - Fleetwood Mac (S) 972.) The Language - Drake (H) 973.) Larger Than Life - Backstreet Boys (H) 974.) Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - Katy Perry (H) 975.) Last Kiss - Taylor Swift (S) 976.) Last Night - Diddy & Keyshia Cole (H) 977.) Latch - Disclosure feat. Sam Smith (H) 978.) Laughing - The Guess Who (H) 979.) Lay Me Down - Sam Smith (S) 980.) Lean Back - Terror Squad (H) 981.) Lean On Me - Major Lazer feat. MO & Dj Snake (H) 982.) Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It - Dem Franchize Boys feat. Peanut & Charlay (H) 983.) Leather and Lace - Stevie Nicks & Don Henley (S) 984.) Leave It in My Dreams - The Voidz (H) 985.) Leavin’ - Jesse McCartney (H) 986.) Lemon Tree - Josh Rouse (H) 987.) Lemondrops - Telana (S) 988.) The Less I Know the Better - Tame Impala (H) 989.) Let Go - Frou Frou (H) 990.) Let It Go - James Bay (S) 991.) Let It Go (Bearson Remix) - James Bay (H) 992.) Let It Go - Keyshia Cole feat. Missy Elliott & Lil’ Kim (H) 993.) Let It Pass - Jakob Ogawa (S) 994.) Let It Rock - Kevin Rudolf feat. Lil Wayne (H) 995.) Let Me Blow Ya Mind - Eve feat. Gwen Stefani (H) 996.) Let Me Go - 3 Doors Down (S) 997.) Let Me Go - Hailee Steinfeld & Alesso feat. Florida Georgia Line (H) 998.) Let Me Hold You - Bow Wow feat. Omarion (H) 999.) Let Me Love You - Mario (H) 1000.) Let Me Love You - Dj Snake feat. Justin Bieber (H) 1001.) Let Me Love You (Until you Learn to Love Yourself) - Ne-Yo (H) 1002.) Let the Sun In - Wallows (S) 1003.) Let’s Get Loud - Jennifer Lopez (H) 1004.) Let’s Get Married - Jagged Edge feat. Run (H) 1005.) Let’s Get Retarded - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 1006.) Let’s Groove - Earth, Wind & Fire (H) 1007.) Let’s Stay Together - Al Green (H) 1008.) Let’s Stay Together - Maroon 5 (H) 1009.) Liar, Liar - A Fine Frenzy (S) 1010.) Life In Color - OneRepublic (H) 1011.) Life’s What You Make It - Hannah Montana (H) 1012.) Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous - Good Charlotte (H) 1013.) Light Up the Sky - Yellowcard (H) 1014.) Like a Boy - Ciara (H) 1015.) Like a Star - Corinne Bailey Rae (S) 1016.) Like Glue - Sean Paul (H) 1017.) Like I Love You - Justin Timberlake feat. Clipse (H) 1018.) Like I’m Gonna Lose You - Meghan Trainor feat. John Legend (S) 1019.) Like That - The Black Eyed Peas feat. John Legend & CeeLo Green (H) 1020.) Like This - Mims (H) 1021.) Like Toy Soldiers - Eminem (S) 1022.) Like We Used to - A Rocket to the Moon (S) 1023.) Like You - Bow Wow feat. Ciara (H) 1024.) Linger - The Cranberries (H) 1025.) Lip Gloss - Lil Mama (H) 1026.) Lips of an Angel - Hinder (S) 1027.) Listen to Your Heart - D.H.T. feat. Edmee (H) 1028.) Lisztomania - Phoenix (H) 1029.) A Little Bit Longer - Jonas Brothers (S) 1030.) Little House - Amanda Seyfried (S) 1031.) A Little Less Sixteen Candles, a Little More “Touch Me” - Fall Out Boy (H) 1032.) A Little Party Never Killed Nobody - Fergie, Q-Tip & GoonRock (H) 1033.) Little Red Corvette - Prince (H) 1034.) Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men (H) 1035.) The Little Things - Colbie Caillat (S) 1036.) Little Things - One Direction (S) 1037.) Little Wonders - Rob Thomas (S) 1038.) Live Like We’re Dying - Kris Allen (H) 1039.) Live Your Life - T.I. feat. Rihanna (H) 1040.) Livin’ It Up - Ja Rule feat. Case (H) 1041.) Livin’ la Vida Loca - Ricky Martin (H) 1042.) Lloyd, I’m Ready to Be Heartbroken - Camera Obscura (H) 1043.) Locked Out of Heaven - Bruno Mars (H) 1044.) Locked Up - Akon (H) 1045.) Lolli Lolli (Pop That Body) - Three 6 Mafia (H) 1046.) Lollipop - Lil Wayne feat. Static Major (H) 1047.) London Bridge - Fergie (H) 1048.) Lonely - Akon (S) 1049.) Loner - Kali Uchis (S) 1050.) Long Distance Call - Phoenix (H) 1051.) Look After You - The Fray (S) 1052.) Lose My Breath - Destiny’s Child (H) 1053.) Losing It - Never Shout Never (S) 1054.) Lost - Frank Ocean (H) 1055.) Lost and Found - Phoenix (H) 1056.) Lost in Japan (Remix) - Shawn Mendes & Zedd (H) 1057.) Love - Keyshia Cole (S) 1058.) Love - Lana Del Rey (S) 1059.) Love - Matt White (H) 1060.) Love At First Sight - Kylie Minogue (H) 1061.) Love Don’t Cost a Thing - Jennifer Lopez (H) 1062.) Love Galore - SZA feat. Travis Scott (H) 1063.) Love In This Club - Usher feat. Young Jeezy (H) 1064.) Love Is Free - Sheryl Crow (H) 1065.) Love Like This - Natasha Bedingfield feat. Sean Kingston (H) 1066.) Love Lockdown - Kanye West (H) 1067.) Love Me - Lil Wayne feat. Drake & Future (H) 1068.) Love Me Harder - Ariana Grande & The Weeknd (H) 1069.) Love Never Felt So Good - Michael Jackson & Justin Timberlake (H) 1070.) Love on the Weekend - John Mayer (H) 1071.) Love On Top - Beyonce (H) 1072.) Love Remains The Same - Gavin Rossdale (S) 1073.) Love Shack - The B-52′s (H) 1074.) Love Somebody - Maroon 5 (H) 1075.) Love Song - Sara Bareilles (H) 1076.) Love Story - Taylor Swift (H) 1077.) Love the Way You Lie - Eminem feat. Rihanna (H) 1078.) Love Will Make You Beautiful - The Afters (S) 1079.) Love You ‘Till the End - The Pogues (S) 1080.) Love, Save the Empty - Erin McCarley (H) 1081.) Lovebug - Jonas Brothers (H) 1082.) Loved by You - Kirby (S) 1083.) Lovefool - The Cardigans (H) 1084.) Lovesong - The Cure (H) 1085.) LoveStoned/I Think She Knows - Justin Timberlake (H) 1086.) Lovin’ You - Minnie Riperton (H) 1087.) Loving Is Easy - Rex Orange County feat. Benny Sings (H) 1088.) Low - Flo Rida feat. T-Pain (H) 1089.) Luck Be a Lady - Frank Sinatra (H) 1090.) Lucky - Britney Spears (S) 1091.) Luxurious - Gwen Stefani (H) 1092.) Lyrical Lies - Cute Is What We Aim For (S)
1093.) Macarena - Los del Rio (H) 1094.) Mad - Ne-Yo (S) 1095.) Magic - Coldplay (S) 1096.) Magic Stick - Lil’ Kim (H) 1097.) Main Title - Aaron Zigman (S) 1098.) Main Title - Spider-Man (Motion Picture) (H) 1099.) Make It Rain - Fat Joe & Lil Wayne (H) 1100.) Make Me Better - Fabolous feat. Ne-Yo (H) 1101.) Make Me Like You - Gwen Stefani (H) 1102.) Make Me Over - Lifehouse (H) 1103.) Make Me Proud - Drake feat. Nicki Minaj (H) 1104.) Make You Feel My Love - Adele (S) 1105.) Make You Love Me - Jarreau Vandal feat. Zak Abel (H) 1106.) Makes Me Happy - Drake Bell (H) 1107.) Makes Me Wonder - Maroon 5 (H) 1108.) Malibu - Miley Cyrus (H) 1109.) Mambo No. 5 (a Little Bit of...) - Lou Bega (H) 1110.) The Man - Aloe Blacc (H) 1111.) The Man Who Sold the World - Nirvana (H) 1112.) Man! I Feel Like a Woman! - Shania Twain (H) 1113.) Maneater - Daryl Hall & John Oates (H) 1114.) Maneater - Nelly Furtado (H) 1115.) Maps - Maroon 5 (H) 1116.) Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs (H) 1117.) Maps (Bonus Track) - The Fray (H) 1118.) Maria Maria - Santana (H) 1119.) Marry You - Bruno Mars (H) 1120.) Marvins Room - Drake (S) 1121.) Maybe You’re Right - Miley Cyrus (S) 1122.) Me & U - Cassie (H) 1123.) Me Against the Music - Britney Spears feat. Madonna (H) 1124.) Me Love - Sean Kingston (H) 1125.) Me, Myself & I - G-Eazy + Bebe Rexha (H) 1126.) Me, Myself and I - Vitamin C (H) 1127.) Mean - Taylor Swift (H) 1128.) Meant to Live - Switchfoot (H) 1129.) Medley: Summer Love/Set the Mood - Justin Timberlake (H) 1130.) Meet Me Halfway - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 1131.) Memories - David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi (H) 1132.) Mercy - Kanye West, Big Sean, Pusha T & 2 Chainz (H) 1133.) Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays - *NSYNC (H) 1134.) Mesmerize - Ja Rule feat. Ashanti (H) 1135.) The Mess I Made - Parachute (S) 1136.) Message In a Bottle - The Police (H) 1137.) Miami - Will Smith (H) 1138.) The Middle - Jimmy Eat World (H) 1139.) The Middle - Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey (H) 1140.) Middle - DJ Snake feat. Bipolar Sunshine (H) 1141.) Midnight City - M83 (H) 1142.) Migr8 - Telana (S) 1143.) Milkshake - Kelis (H) 1144.) A Milli - Lil Wayne (H) 1145.) Mine - Taylor Swift (H) 1146.) Misery - Maroon 5 (H) 1147.) Misguided Ghosts - Paramore (H) 1148.) Miss Independent - Kelly Clarkson (H) 1149.) Miss Independent - Ne-Yo (H) 1150.) Miss Me - Drake feat. Lil’ Wayne (H) 1151.) Miss You - Between The Trees (S) 1152.) Missin You - Trey Songz (H) 1153.) Missing You - All Time Low (H) 1154.) Missing You - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 1155.) Mo Money Mo Problems - The Notorious B.I.G. (H) 1156.) Mockingbird - Eminem (S) 1157.) Moment 4 Life - Nicki Minaj & Drake (H) 1158.) A Moment Like This - Kelly Clarkson (S) 1159.) Money - Cardi B (H) 1160.) Money Maker - Ludacris feat. Pharrell (H) 1161.) The Monster - Eminem feat. Rihanna (H) 1162.) More Than Words - Extreme (S) 1163.) The Morning - Raekwon, Pusha T, Common, 2 Chainz, & Kid Cudi (H) 1164.) Morning Train (Nine to Five) - Sheena Easton (H) 1165.) Most Girls - P!nk (H) 1166.) Moth’s Wings - Passion Pit (H) 1167.) The Motto - Drake feat. Lil Wayne (H) 1168.) Move Along - The All-American Rejects (H) 1169.) Move Bitch - Disturbing tha Peace feat. Ludacris (H) 1170.) Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera (H) 1171.) Movin’ Out (Anthony’s Song) - Billy Joel (H) 1172.) Mr. Brightside - The Killers (H) 1173.) Mr. Jones - Counting Crows (H) 1174.) Mrs. Officer - Lil Wayne feat. Bobby V & Kidd Kidd (H) 1175.) Ms. Jackson - Outkast (H) 1176.) Ms. New Booty - Bubba Sparxx, Mr. Collipark & Ying Yang Twins (H) 1177.) Music - Madonna (H) 1178.) Must Have Done Something Right - Relient K (H) 1179.) My Baby - Jesse McCartney (H) 1180.) My Band - D12 (H) 1181.) My Beautiful Rescue - This Providence (S) 1182.) My Blood - twenty one pilots (H) 1183.) My Body - Young the Giant (H) 1184.) My Boo - Usher & Alicia Keys (H) 1185.) My Cherie Amour - Stevie Wonder (H) 1186.) My Chick Bad - Ludacris feat. Nicki Minaj (H) 1187.) My Dad’s Gone Crazy - Eminem (H) 1188.) My Favorite Mistake - Sheryl Crow (H) 1189.) My Favorite Part - Mac Miller feat. Ariana Grande (H) 1190.) My Friends Over You - New Found Glory (H) 1191.) My Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne (S) 1192.) My Heart Will Find Rest - Chase Coy (S) 1193.) My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion (S) 1194.) My Humps - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 1195.) My Last - Big Sean feat. Chris Brown (H) 1196.) My Life - Billy Joel (H) 1197.) My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson (H) 1198.) My Love - Justin Timberlake & T.I. (H) 1199.) My Name Is - Eminem (H) 1200.) My Nutmeg Phantasy - Macy Gray feat. Angie Stone & Mos Def (H) 1201.) My Place - Nelly feat. Jaheim (H) 1202.) My Prerogative - Bobby Brown (H) 1203.) My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark (L.E.U) - Fall Out Boy (H) 1204.) My Way - Frank Sinatra (S) 1205.) My Way - Fetty Wap feat. Monty (H) 1206.) Myspace Girl - The Afters (H)
1207.) Na Na - Trey Songz (H) 1208.) Name - The Goo Goo Dolls (S) 1209.) Naughty Girl - Beyonce (H) 1210.) The Nearness of You - Norah Jones (S) 1211.) Need You Now - Lady Antebellum (S) 1212.) Needed Me - Rihanna (H) 1213.) Neighbors - Now, Now (H) 1214.) Never Be Like You - Flume feat. Kai (H) 1215.) Never Be the Same - Camila Cabello (H) 1216.) Never Going Back Again - Fleetwood Mac (H) 1217.) Never Gonna Leave This Bed - Maroon 5 (S) 1218.) Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift (S) 1219.) Never Know - Jack Jackson (H) 1220.) Never Leave You - Lumidee (H) 1221.) Never Let You Go - Third Eye Blind (H) 1222.) Never Say Never - The Fray (S) 1223.) New Light - John Mayer (H) 1224.) Next to Me - Jakob Ogawa (H) 1225.) Next To Me - Emeli Sande (H) 1226.) Next To You - Chris Brown feat. Justin Bieber (H) 1227.) Niggas in Paris - Jay-Z & Kanye West (H) 1228.) Nicest Thing - Kate Nash (S) 1229.) Night Changes - One Direction (H) 1230.) The Night We Met - Lord Huron (S) 1231.) Nine In the Afternoon - Panic! At the Disco (H) 1232.) No Air - Jordin Sparks & Chris Brown (H) 1233.) No Church in the World - Jay-Z & Kanye West (H) 1234.) No Diggity - Blackstreet feat. Dr. Dre (H) 1235.) No Hands - Waka Flocka Flame (H) 1236.) No Letting Go - Wayne Wonder (H) 1237.) No More (Baby I’ma Do Right) - 3LW (H) 1238.) No One Can Touch Us - Sing It Loud (H) 1239.) No Rain - Blind Melon (H) 1240.) No Scrubs - TLC (H) 1241.) No Such Thing - John Mayer (H) 1242.) No Surprise - Daughtry (S) 1243.) No Type - Rae Sremmurd, Mike Williams, A.Brown & K. Brown (H) 1244.) Nobody’s Perfect - Hannah Montana (H) 1245.) Northern Lights - Cider Sky (H) 1246.) Nothin’ On You - B.o.B feat. Bruno Mars (H) 1247.) Nothing In This World - Paris Hilton (H) 1248.) Nothing Lasts Forever - Maroon 5 (S) 1249.) Now or Never - Halsey (H) 1250.) Numb - LINKIN PARK (S) 1251.) Number One Spot - Ludacris (H) 1252.) Numbered Days - Eels (S)
1253.) Obsessed - Mariah Carey (H) 1254.) Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard (H) 1255.) Off I Go - Greg Laswell (S) 1256.) Oh Darling - Plug In Stereo feat. Cady Groves (H) 1257.) Oh, It Is Love - Hellogoodbye (H) 1258.) Omg - Usher feat. will.i.am (H) 1259.) On the 5 - Winnetka Bowling League (H) 1260.) On the Brightside - Never Shout Never (S) 1261.) On the Hotline - Pretty Ricky (H) 1262.) On the Nature of Daylight - Max Richter Orchestra (S) 1263.) On the Way Down - Ryan Cabrera (H) 1264.) One Call Away - Chingy (H) 1265.) One In a Million - Hannah Montana (S) 1266.) One Last Time - Ariana Grande (H) 1267.) One Man Wrecking Machine - Guster (S) 1268.) One More Chance/Stay With Me - The Notorious B.I.G. (H) 1269.) One More Night - Maroon 5 (H) 1270.) One More Time - Daft Punk (H) 1271.) One Step At a Time - Jordin Sparks (H) 1272.) The One That Got Away - Katy Perry (H) 1273.) One Thing - Finger Eleven (S) 1274.) One Thing - One Direction (H) 1275.) One Time Too Many - Phoenix (H) 1276.) One Week - Barenaked Ladies (H) 1277.) One, Two Step - Ciara feat. Missy Elliott (H) 1278.) Only - Nicki Minaj feat. Drake & Lil Wayne (H) 1279.) The Only Exception - Paramore (S) 1280.) Only Friend - Wallows (H) 1281.) Only Girl (In the World) - Rihanna (H) 1282.) Only One - Yellowcard (S) 1283.) Only Wanna Be With You - Hootie & The Blowfish (H) 1284.) Ooh Ahh (My Life Be Like) - Grits (H) 1285.) Oops!... I Did It Again - Britney Spears (H) 1286.) Open Arms - Journey (S) 1287.) Open Season - High Highs (S) 1288.) Open Your Eyes - Snow Patrol (S) 1289.) Ordinary Day - Vanessa Carlton (S) 1290.) Ordinary People - John Legend (S) 1291.) The Other Side - Jason Derulo (H) 1292.) Otis - Jay-Z & Kanye West feat. Otis Redding (H) 1293.) Oui - Jeremih (H) 1294.) Our Deal - Best Coast (H) 1295.) Out of My league - Fitz and The Tantrums (H) 1296.) Outta My System - Bow Wow feat. T-Pain (H) 1297.) Over - Drake (H) 1298.) Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray (S) 1299.) Over the Rainbow - Judy Garland (S) 1300.) Over You - Daughtry (S) 1301.) Overnight Celebrity - Twista (H) 1302.) Overprotected - Britney Spears (H) 1303.) Own It - Drake (H)
1304.) P.D.A. (We Just Don’t Care) - John Legend (H) 1305.) P.S. (I’m Still Not Over You) - Rihanna (H) 1306.) P.S. You Rock My World - Eels (S) 1307.) P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson (H) 1308.) Pacific Coast Party - Smash Mouth (H) 1309.) Panda - Desiigner (H) 1310.) Paper Planes - M.I.A. (H) 1311.) Paperweight - Joshua Radin & Schulyer Fisk (S) 1312.) Paradise - Coldplay (H) 1313.) Paralyze - Tila Tequila (S) 1314.) Paralyzer - Finger Eleven (H) 1315.) Paranoid - Kanye West feat. Mr. Hudson (H) 1316.) Partition - Beyonce (H) 1317.) Party In the U.S.A. - Miley Cyrus (H) 1318.) Party Like a Rock Star - Shop Boyz (H) 1319.) Party Starter - Will Smith (H) 1320.) Party Up - DMX (H) 1321.) Passenger Seat - Death Cab for Cutie (S) 1322.) Passionfruit - Drake (H) 1323.) Payphone - Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa (H) 1324.) Peaches & Cream - 112 feat. P. Diddy (H) 1325.) Penguin - Christina Perri (S) 1326.) Perfect - Maren Ord (H) 1327.) Perfect - Simple Plan (S) 1328.) Perfect Sweet Blue - Jakob Ogawa (S) 1329.) Perfect World - Huey Lewis & The News (H) 1330.) Perfectly Lonely - John Mayer (S) 1331.) Permanent December - Miley Cyrus (H) 1332.) Phone Call - Jon Brion (S) 1333.) Photograph - Ed Sheeran (S) 1334.) Photograph - Nickelback (S) 1335.) Picture - Kid Rock feat. Sheryl Crow (S) 1336.) Pictures of You - The Last Goodnight (H) 1337.) Piece by Piece - Kelly Clarkson (S) 1338.) Piece of Me - Britney Spears (H) 1339.) Pieces of Me - Ashlee Simpson (H) 1340.) PILLOWTALK - ZAYN (H) 1341.) Pimpin’ All Over the World - Ludacris feat. Bobby V (H) 1342.) Play - David Banner (H) 1343.) Please Be Mine - Jonas Brothers (S) 1344.) Please Be Mine - Molly Burch (S) 1345.) Please Don’t Go - Mike Posner (H) 1346.) Please Don’t Leave Me - P!nk (S) 1347.) Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want - The Smiths (S) 1348.) Pleaser - Wallows (H) 1349.) Pocketful of Sunshine - Natasha Bedingfield (H) 1350.) Poison - Bell Biv DeVoe (H) 1351.) Pompeii - Bastille (H) 1352.) Pon de Replay - Rihanna (H) 1353.) Pony - Ginuwine (H) 1354.) Pop - *NSYNC (H) 1355.) Pop Champagnes - Jim Jonez & Ron Browz feat. Juelz Santana (H) 1356.) Pop That - French Montana feat. Rick Ross, Drake, & Lil Wayne (H) 1357.) Pop, Lock & Drop It - Huey (H) 1358.) Poppin’ (Main) - Chris Brown (H) 1359.) Pound the Alarm - Nicki Minaj (H) 1360.) Pour It Up - Rihanna (H) 1361.) Power Hungry Animals - The Apache Relay (H) 1362.) The Power of Love - Huey Lewis & The News (H) 1363.) Power Trip - J. Cole feat. Miguel (H) 1364.) Pretty Baby - Vanessa Carlton (S) 1365.) Pretty Girl - Clairo (S) 1366.) Pretty Girl Rock - Keri Hilson (H) 1367.) Pretty Rave Girl - S3RL (H) 1368.) Princess of China - Coldplay & Rihanna (H) 1369.) Private Eyes - Daryl Hall & John Oates (H) 1370.) Problem - Ariana Grande feat. Iggy Azalea (H) 1371.) Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado feat. Timbaland (H) 1372.) A Public Affair - Jessica Simpson (H) 1373.) Pullin’ Me Back - Chingy (H) 1374.) Pulling Leaves off Trees - Wallows (H) 1375.) Pump It - The Black Eyed Peas (H) 1376.) Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People (H) 1377.) Pursuit of Happiness (Remix) - Steve Aoki (H)  1378.) Put It On Me - Ja Rule feat. Lil’ Mo (H) 1379.) Put Your Records On - Corinne Bailey Rae (H)
1380.) Radio - Beyonce (H) 1381.) Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (H) 1382.) Raise Your Glass - P!nk (H) 1383.) Rather Be - Clean Bandit feat. Jess Glynne (H) 1384.) Ready 2 Ride - Junglepussy (H) 1385.) Ready or Not - Bridgit Mendler (H) 1386.) Real Estate - Adam Melchor (S) 1387.) The Real Slim Shady - Eminem (H) 1388.) Realize - Colbie Caillat (S) 1389.) The Reason - Hoobastank (S) 1390.) Redbone - Childish Gambino (H) 1391.) Reflecting Light - Sam Phillips (S) 1392.) The Remedy (I Won’t Worry) - Jason Mraz (H) 1393.) Remember When - Wallows (H) 1394.) Remembering Sunday - All Time Low (S) 1395.) Renegades - X Ambassadors (H) 1396.) Replay - Iyaz (H) 1397.) Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac (H) 1398.) Rich Girl - Daryl Hall & John Oates (H) 1399.) Rich Girl - Gwen Stefani feat. Eve (H) 1400.) Ride - Lana Del Rey (S) 1401.) Ride - twenty one pilots (H) 1402.) Ride - Ciara feat. Ludacris (H) 1403.) Ride Wit Me - Nelly (H) 1404.) Ridin’ - Chamillionaire (H) 1405.) Ridin’ Solo - Jason Derulo (H) 1406.) Right Above It - Lil Wayne & Drake (H) 1407.) Right Back Where We Started From - Maxine Nightingale (H) 1408.) Right Now (Na Na Na) - Akon (H) 1409.) Right Round - Flo Rida feat. Ke$ha (H) 1410.) Right Thurr - Chingy (H) 1411.) Right Where You Want Me - Jesse McCartney (H) 1412.) Riptide - Vance Joy (H) 1413.) Riviera - A$AP Twelvyy feat. Joey Bada$$ & Telena (H) 1414.) Rock & Roll - Eric Hutchinson (H) 1415.) Rock Star - Hannah Montana (H) 1416.) Rock Wit U (Awww Baby) - Ashanti (H) 1417.) Rock With You - Michael Jackson (H) 1418.) Rock Your Body - Justin Timberlake (H) 1419.) Rocketeer - Far East Movement & Ryan Tedder (H) 1420.) Rockin’ That Shit - The-Dream (H) 1421.) Roll Up - Wiz Khalifa (H) 1422.) Rolling in the Deep - Adele (H) 1423.) Rollout (My Business) - Ludacris (H) 1424.) Rompe - Daddy Yankee (H) 1425.) Roses - Outkast (H) 1426.) Roses - The Chainsmokers (H) 1427.) Roxanne - The Police (H) 1428.) Rude Boy - Rihanna (H) 1429.) Rump Shaker - Wreckx-N-Effect (H) 1430.) Run It! - Chris Brown feat. Juelz Santana (H) 1431.) Run the World (Girls) - Beyonce (H) 1432.) Run-Around - Blues Traveler (H) 1433.) Runaway - Cartel (H) 1434.) Runaway Love - Ludacris feat. Mary J. Blige (H) 1435.) Runnin’ Around - Colbie Caillat (H) 1436.) A Rush of Blood to the Head - Coldplay (S)
1437.) S.O.S. - Jonas Brothers (H) 1438.) S&M - Rihanna (H) 1439.) Sad - Maroon 5 (S) 1440.) Sadie Hawkins Dance - Relient K (H) 1441.) Safe and Sound - Capital Cities (H) 1442.) Safe In the Steep Cliffs - Emancipator (S) 1443.) Sail - AWOLNATION (H) 1444.) Salt Shaker - Ying Yang Twins & Lil Jon (H) 1445.) The Saltwater Room - Owl City (H) 1446.) Samba de Bencao - Bebel Gilberto (H) 1447.) Same Girl (Duet with Usher) - R. Kelly (H) 1448.) Same Old Love - Selena Gomez (H) 1449.) Sara Smile - Daryl Hall & John Oates (S) 1450.) Satisfaction - Jackie Mittoo (H) 1451.) Save Room - John Legend (H) 1452.) Savin’ Me - Nickelback (S) 1453.) say anything - girl in red (S) 1454.) Say Anything (Else) - Cartel (H) 1455.) Say Goodbye - Chris Brown (S) 1456.) Say Hey (I Love You) - Michael Franti & Spearhead (H) 1457.) Say I - Christina Milian (H) 1458.) Say I Yi Yi - Ying Yang Twins (H) 1459.) Say It - Tory Lanez (H) 1460.) Say It Right - Nelly Furtado (H) 1461.) Say Ok - Vanessa Hudgens (H) 1462.) Say Something - Timbaland feat. Drake (H) 1463.) Say You Won’t Let Go - James Arthur (S) 1464.) Scars - Papa Roach (S) 1465.) The Scientist - Coldplay (S) 1466.) Scotty Doesn’t Know - Lustra (H) 1467.) Scream - Usher (H) 1468.) Seasons of Love - Rent (H) 1469.) Second Chance - Shinedown (H) 1470.) The Second That You Say - Chase Coy (S) 1471.) Secrets - OneRepublic (H) 1472.) Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind (H) 1473.) Send My Love (To Your New Lover) - Adele (H) 1474.) Senorita - Justin Timberlake (H) 1475.) September - Earth, Wind & Fire (H) 1476.) Set Fire to the Rain - Adele (H) 1477.) Set the Fire to the Third Bar - Snow Patrol (S) 1478.) Seventeen Forever - Metro Station (H) 1479.) Sex On Fire - Kings of Leon (H) 1480.) Sexy Bitch - David Guetta feat. Akon (H) 1481.) Sexy Can I - Ray J feat. Yung Berg (H) 1482.) Sexy Love - Ne-Yo (H) 1483.) SexyBack - Justin Timberlake & Timbaland (H) 1484.) Shadow of the Day - LINKIN PARK (S) 1485.) Shake - Ying Yang Twins & Pitbull (H) 1486.) Shake It - Metro Station (H) 1487.) Shake It Off - Mariah Carey (H) 1488.) Shake It Off - Taylor Swift (H) 1489.) Shake It Out - Florence + The Machine (H) 1490.) Shake That - Eminem feat. Nate Dogg (H) 1491.) Shake Ya Ass - Mystikal (H) 1492.) Shake Ya Tailfeather - Nelly & P. Diddy (H) 1493.) Shake Your Pom Pom - MC Joe (H) 1494.) Shallow - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper (S) 1495.) Shawty - Plies (H) 1496.) Shawty Is Da Shit! - The-Dream & Fabolous (H) 1497.) She Ain’t You - Chris Brown (H) 1498.) She Doesn’t Get It - The Format (H) 1499.) She Drives Me Crazy - Fine Young Cannibals (H) 1500.) She Hates Me - Puddle of Mudd (H) 1501.) She Is - The Fray (H) 1502.) She Is Love - Parachute (S) 1503.) She Just Likes to Fight - Four Tet (S) 1504.) She Knows - Ne-Yo feat. Juicy J (H) 1505.) She Says - Howie Day (S) 1506.) She Will - Lil Wayne feat. Drake (H) 1507.) She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5 (S) 1508.) She’s a Lady - Forever the Sickest Kids (H) 1509.) She’s Got You High - Mumm-Ra (H) 1510.) She’s No You - Jesse McCartney (H) 1511.) She’s So High - Tal Bachman (H) 1512.) Shimmer - Fuel (H) 1513.) Ship To Wreck - Florence + The Machine (H) 1514.) Shiver - Coldplay (H) 1515.) Shoop - Salt-N-Pepa (H) 1516.) Shooting Stars - Bag Raiders (H) 1517.) Shortie Like Mine - Bow Wow feat. Chris Brown (H) 1518.) Shoulder Lean - Young Dro feat. T.I. (H) 1519.) The Show Goes On - Lupe Fiasco (H) 1520.) Show Me a Good Time - Drake (H) 1521.) Show Me Love - Laura Mvula (S) 1522.) Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely - Backstreet Boys (S) 1523.) Show Me the Money - Petey Pablo (H) 1524.) Show Me What I’m Looking For - Carolina Liar (S) 1525.) Show Stopper - Danity Kane (H) 1526.) Shower - Becky G. (H) 1527.) Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna (H) 1528.) Sidelines - Wallows (H) 1529.) Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I’m Yours) - Stevie Wonder (H) 1530.) Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson (H) 1531.) Sing - Ed Sheeran (H) 1532.) Sing for the Moment - Eminem (H) 1533.) Single Millionaires - Brighten (S) 1534.) Sis - Clairo (S) 1535.) Sit Next to Me - Foster the People (H) 1536.) Sitting, Waiting, Wishing - Jack Johnson (H) 1537.) Sk8er Boi - Avril Lavigne (H) 1538.) A Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay (H) 1539.) Sleeping With a Friend - Neon Trees (H) 1540.) Sleepyhead - Passion Pit (H) 1541.) Slide - The Goo Goo Dolls (H) 1542.) Slide - Calvin Harris feat. Frank Ocean & Migos (H) 1543.) Slide Along Slide - Shifty (H) 1544.) Slipped Away - Avril Lavigne (S) 1545.) Slow Dancing In a Burning Room - John Mayer (S) 1546.) Slow Down - Bobby V (H) 1547.) Slow Down - The Academy Is (H) 1548.) Slow Jamz - Twista, Kanye West & Jamie Foxx (H) 1549.) Slow Motion - Juvenile (H) 1550.) Slow Wind - R. Kelly feat. Sean Paul & Akon (H) 1551.) Smack That - Akon feat. Eminem (H) 1552.) Smash into You - Beyonce (S) 1553.) Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana (H) 1554.) Smelyalata - Never Shout Never (H) 1555.) Smile - Lily Allen (H) 1556.) Smile - Uncle Kracker (H) 1557.) Smooth - Santana feat. Rob Thomas (H) 1558.) Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson (H) 1559.) Smother Me - The Used (S) 1560.) Snap Yo Fingers - E-40, Lil Jon, Sean Paul & YoungBloodZ (H) 1561.) Snow (Hey Oh) - Red Hot Chili Peppers (H) 1562.) So Far Away - Staind (S) 1563.) So Good - B.o.B (H) 1564.) So Sick - Ne-Yo (H) 1565.) So What - P!nk (H) 1566.) So What - Field Mob feat. Ciara (H) 1567.) So Yesterday - Hilary Duff (S) 1568.) Soak Up the Sun - Sheryl Crow (H) 1569.) Some Nights - Fun. (H) 1570.) Somebody - Natalie La Rose feat. Jeremih (H) 1571.) Somebody That I Used to Know - Gotye (H) 1572.) Somebody to Love - Queen (H) 1573.) Somebody Told Me - The Killers (H) 1574.) Somebody’s Baby - Jackson Browne (H) 1575.) Someday - Rob Thomas (S) 1576.) Someday - The Strokes (H) 1577.) Someday - Sugar Ray (H) 1578.) Someday - Nickelback (S) 1579.) Someday We’ll Know - Mandy Moore & Jonathan Foreman (H) 1580.) Someone Like You - Adele (S) 1581.) Someone to Call My Lover - Janet Jackson (H) 1582.) Something Good Can Work - Two Door Cinema Club (H) 1583.) Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay (H) 1584.) Somewhere Only We Know - Keane (S) 1585.) A Song About Being Sad - Rex Orange County (S) 1586.) Sooner or Later - Mat Kearney (H) 1587.) Sorry - Buckcherry (S) 1588.) Sorry Not Sorry - Demi Lovato (H) 1589.) SOS - Rihanna (H) 1590.) Southside - Lloyd feat. Ashanti (H) 1591.) The Space Between - Dave Matthews Band (S) 1592.) The Space Between - Valencia (H) 1593.) Space Bound - Eminem (S) 1594.) Space Cowboy (Yippie-Yi-Yay) - *NSYNC (H) 1595.) Sparks - Coldplay (S) 1596.) Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift (H) 1597.) Speakerphone - Kylie Minogue (H) 1598.) Speakers Blown - Hit the Lights (H) 1599.) Speaking Terms - Snail Mail (S) 1600.) Speechless - Dan + Shay (S) 1601.) Speed of Sound - Coldplay (H) 1602.) Spice Up Your Life - Spice Girls (H) 1603.) Spies - Coldplay (S) 1604.) Stab My Back - The All-American Rejects (H) 1605.) Stacy’s Mom - Fountains of Wayne (H) 1606.) Stand Up - Ludacris (H) 1607.) Star Girl - McFly (H) 1608.) Starry Eyed Surprise - Paul Oakenfold (H) 1609.) Stars Are Blind - Paris Hilton (H) 1610.) Starving - Hailee Steinfeld & Grey feat. Zedd (H) 1611.) Stay - Miley Cyrus (S) 1612.) Stay - Zedd & Alessia Cara (H) 1613.) Stay - Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko (S) 1614.) Stay Fly - Three 6 Mafia (H) 1615.) Stay the Night - Zedd feat. Hayley Williams (H) 1616.) Stay With Me - Sam Smith (S) 1617.) Step Up - Samantha Jade (H) 1618.) Stereo Love - Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina (H) 1619.) Stickwitu - The Pussycat Dolls (S) 1620.) Still Around - 3OH!3 (S) 1621.) Still Feel Like Your Man - John Mayer (H) 1622.) Still In Love With You - Jonas Brothers (H) 1623.) Stockholm Syndrome - One Direction (H) 1624.) Stolen - Dashboard Confessional (S) 1625.) Stone Cold - Demi Lovato (S) 1626.) Stop and Stare - OneRepublic (S) 1627.) Story of My Life - One Direction (H) 1628.) Strange Condition - Pete Yorn (S) 1629.) Strangers In The Night - Frank Sinatra (H) 1630.) Streetcorner Symphony - Rob Thomas (H) 1631.) Stressed Out - twenty one pilots (S) 1632.) Strings - Young the Giant (H) 1633.) Strong - Jordyn Taylor (H) 1634.) Strong Enough - Cher (H) 1635.) Stronger - Britney Spears (H) 1636.) Stronger - Kanye West (H) 1637.) Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) - Kelly Clarkson (H) 1638.) Style - Taylor Swift (H) 1639.) Sucker - Jonas Brothers  (H) 1640.) Suddenly I See - KT Tunstall (H) 1641.) Suffocate - J. Holiday (S) 1642.) Suga Suga - Baby Bash feat. Frankie J (H) 1643.) Sugar - Maroon 5 (H) 1644.) Sugar - Robin Schulz feat. Francesco Yates (H) 1645.) Sugar - Flo Rida feat. Wynter (H) 1646.) Sugar (Gimme Some) - Trick Daddy feat. Ludacris & Lil Kim (H) 1647.) Sugar Town (Bonus Track) - Zooey Deschanel (H) 1648.) Sugar, We’re Goin Down - Fall Out Boy (H) 1649.) Suit & Tie - Justin Timberlake feat. Jay-Z (H) 1650.) Summer - Calvin Harris (H) 1651.) Summer Breeze - Seals & Crofts (H) 1652.) summer depression - girl in red (S) 1653.) Summer Girls - LFO (H) 1654.) Summer Wind - Frank Sinatra (H) 1655.) Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince (H) 1656.) Sun Tan - Wallows (S) 1657.) Sunday Morning - Maroon 5 (H) 1658.) Sunday Morning - No Doubt (H) 1659.) Sundress - A$AP Rocky (H) 1660.) Sunflower - Rex Orange County (H) 1661.) Sunny - Boney M. (H) 1662.) Sunny - Frank Sinatra & Duke Ellington (H) 1663.) Sunrise - Norah Jones (H) 1664.) Sunshine - Aerosmith (H) 1665.) Sunshine - Lil’ Flip (H) 1666.) Sunshine Girl (Demo) - Jakob Ogawa (S) 1667.) Sunshine Girl (Pt. 2) - Jakob Ogawa (H) 1668.) Super Bass - Nicki Minaj (H) 1669.) Super Freak - Rick James (H) 1670.) Superman - Joe Brooks (S) 1671.) Superman - Eminem (S) 1672.) Superstar - Lupe Fiasco (H) 1673.) Superstition - Stevie Wonder (H) 1674.) Surfin’ U.S.A - The Beach Boys (H) 1675.) Survival of the Fittest - Robert DeLong (S) 1676.) Survivor - Destiny’s Child (H) 1677.) Sweat (A La La La La Long) - Inner Circle (H) 1678.) Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood (S) 1679.) Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap (H) 1680.) Sweet Dreams - Beyonce (H) 1681.) Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythmics (H) 1682.) The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani feat. Akon (H) 1683.) Sweet Nothing - Calvin Harris feat. Florench Welch (H) 1684.) Sweet Sixteen - Hilary Duff (H) 1685.) Sweetest Girl (Dollar Bill) - Wyclef Jean feat. Akon (H) 1686.) Swimming Pools (Drank) - Kendrick Lamar (H) 1687.) Swing, Swing - The All-American Rejects (H) 1688.) Switch - Will Smith (H) 1689.) Sympathy - The Goo Goo Dolls (S)
1690.) Take a Bow - Rihanna (S) 1691.) Take a Chance On Me - ABBA (H) 1692.) Take a Walk - Passion Pit (H) 1693.) Take Care - Drake feat. Rihanna (H) 1694.) Take Cover - Acceptance (H) 1695.) Take It All Back 2.0 - Judah & The Lion (S) 1696.) Take Me On the Floor - The Veronicas (H) 1697.) Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand (H) 1698.) Take Me to Church - Hozier (H) 1699.) Take You Down - Chris Brown (H) 1700.) Take You There - Sean Kingston (H) 1701.) Talk - Coldplay (H) 1702.) Talk - Khalid (H) 1703.) Talk Dirty - Jason Derulo (H) 1704.) Taper Jean Girl - Kings of Leon (H) 1705.) Tearin’ Up My Heart - *NSYNC (H) 1706.) Teenage Dream - Boyce Avenue (S) 1707.) Teenage Dream - Katy Perry (H) 1708.) Tell Her - Jesse McCartney (S) 1709.) Tell Me You Love Me - Demi Lovato (H) 1710.) Temperature - Sean Paul (H) 1711.) Thank You - Dido (S) 1712.) That ‘70′s Song - The Cab (H) 1713.) That Don’t Impress Me Much - Shania Twain (H) 1714.) That’s Life - Frank Sinatra (H) 1715.) That’s the Way It Is - Celine Dion (H) 1716.) That’s What I Like - Bruno Mars (H) 1717.) Theme from New York, New York - Frank Sinatra (H) 1718.) Then the Morning Comes - Smash Mouth (H) 1719.) There for You - Flyleaf (S) 1720.) There Goes My Baby - Usher (H) 1721.) There Is a Light That Never Goes Out - The Smiths (S) 1722.) There It Go (The Whistle Song) - Juelz Santana (H) 1723.) There She Go - Garren Sean (H) 1724.) There She Goes - Sixpence None The Richer (S) 1725.) There You Go - P!nk (H) 1726.) There’s Nothin’ - Sean Kingston (H) 1727.) There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back - Shawn Mendes (H) 1728.) These Boots are Made for Walkin’ - Jessica Simpson (H) 1729.) These Days - Wallows (S) 1730.) These Words - Natasha Bedingfield (H) 1731.) Thinkin Bout You - Frank Ocean (S) 1732.) Thinking of You - Katy Perry (S) 1733.) Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran (S) 1734.) Thirteen - Big Star (S) 1735.) This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arms Race - Fall Out Boy (H) 1736.) This Girl - Laza Morgan (H) 1737.) This Girl - Kungs & Cookin’ on 3 Burners (H) 1738.) This I Promise You - *NSYNC (S) 1739.) This Is America - Childish Gambino (H) 1740.) This Is How We Do It - Montell Jordan (H) 1741.) This Is the Thing - Fink (S) 1742.) This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris feat. Rihanna (H) 1743.) This Is Why I’m Hot - Mims (H) 1744.) This Is Your Life - Switchfoot (S) 1745.) This Kiss - Faith Hill (H) 1746.) This Love - Maroon 5 (H) 1747.) This Modern Love - Bloc Party (H) 1748.) This Old Heart of Mine - The Isley Brothers (H) 1749.) This Summer’s Gonna Hurt Like A Motherfucker - Maroon 5 (H) 1750.) This Town - Niall Horan (S) 1751.) This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) - Natalie Cole (H) 1752.) Thnks Fr Th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy (H) 1753.) Thong Song - Sisqo (H) 1754.) A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton (H) 1755.) A Thousand Years - Christina Perri (S) 1756.) Thrift Shop - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (H) 1757.) Thriller - Michael Jackson (H) 1758.) Through the Wire - Kanye West (H) 1759.) Throw It In The Bag (Remix) - Fabolous (H) 1760.) Throwaway - SG Lewis & Clairo (H) 1761.) Thunder - Imagine Dragons (H) 1762.) Thunder (Radio Mix) - Boys Like Girls (S) 1763.) Tie Me Down - New Boyz feat. Ray J (H) 1764.) Timber - Pitbull feat. Ke$ha (H) 1765.) Time After Time - Quietdrive (H) 1766.) Time of Our Lives - Pitbull & Ne-Yo (H) 1767.) Time of the Season - The Zombies (H) 1768.) Time to Pretend - MGMT (H) 1769.) Tipsy - J-Kwon (H) 1770.) Titanium - David Guetta feat. Sia (H) 1771.) Title and Registration - Death Cab for Cutie (S) 1772.) To Build a Home - The Cinematic Orchestra (S) 1773.) Together - Michelle Branch (S) 1774.) Tomorrow - Kali Uchis (H) 1775.) Tongue Tied - Grouplove (H) 1776.) Tonight (Best You Ever Had) - John Legend feat. Ludacris (H) 1777.) Tonight (I’m Fuckin’ You) - Enrique Iglesias feat. Ludacris (H) 1778.) Too Close - Alex Clare (H) 1779.) Too Good - Drake feat. Rihanna (H) 1780.) Too Good at Goodbyes - Sam Smith (S) 1781.) Tootsie Roll - 69 Boyz (H) 1782.) Toothbrush - DNCE (H) 1783.) Torn - Natalie Imbruglia (S) 1784.) Tote It (Remix) - Rod Lee (H) 1785.) Touch It - Busta Rhymes (H) 1786.) Touch My Body - Mariah Carey (H) 1787.) Touch the Sky - Kanye West feat. Lupe Fiasco (H) 1788.) Toxic - Britney Spears (H) 1789.) Treacherous Doctor - Wallows (H) 1790.) Treasure - Bruno Mars (H) 1791.) Trouble - Lindsey Buckingham (H) 1792.) Trouble - Never Shout Never (H) 1793.) Trouble - P!nk (H) 1794.) The Trouble With Love Is - Kelly Clarkson (S) 1795.) True - Ryan Cabrera (S) 1796.) True - Spandau Ballet (H) 1797.) True Friend - Hannah Montana (H) 1798.) Truffle Butter - Nicki Minaj feat. Drake & Lil Wayne (H) 1799.) Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden (S) 1800.) Trumpets - Jason Derulo (H) 1801.) Trust Me - The Fray (S) 1802.) Try a Little Tenderness - Otis Redding (H) 1803.) Trying To Be Cool - Phoenix (H) 1804.) Tubthumping - Chumbawamba (H) 1805.) Turn Me On - The Fray (H) 1806.) Turn Me On - Kevin Lyttle (H) 1807.) Turn My Swag On - Soulja Boy (H) 1808.) Turn Up the Music - Chris Brown (H) 1809.) Twins - Cass McCombs (S) 1810.) Two Hearts - Phil Collins (H) 1811.) Two Is Better Than One - Boys Like Girls feat. Taylor Swift (S)
1812.) U + Ur Hand - P!nk (H) 1813.) U and Dat - E-40 feat. T-Pain (H) 1814.) U Can’t Touch This - MC Hammer (H) 1815.) U Got It Bad - Usher (S) 1816.) Uma Thurman - Fall Out Boy (H) 1817.) Umbrella - Rihanna feat. Jay-Z (H) 1818.) Uncomfortable - Wallows (S) 1819.) Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie (H) 1820.) Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers (H) 1821.) Under the Milky Way - The Church (H) 1822.) Underneath It All - No Doubt (H) 1823.) Underneath Your Clothes - Shakira (S) 1824.) Unfaithful - Rihanna (S) 1825.) Unsteady - X Ambassadors (S) 1826.) Until We Get There - Lucius (H) 1827.) Untitled - Simple Plan (S) 1828.) Untitled #3 (Samskeyti) - Sigur Ros (S) 1829.) Untouchable - Taylor Swift (S) 1830.) Untouched - The Veronicas (H) 1831.) Unusual You - Britney Spears (H) 1832.) Unwell - Matchbox Twenty (S) 1833.) Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield (H) 1834.) Up and Away - Jakob Ogawa (S) 1845.) Up Up & Away - Kid Cudi (H) 1846.) Upgrade U - Beyonce (H) 1847.) Upside Down - Jack Johnson (H) 1848.) Upside Down (Spin Me All Around) - Secret Secret Dino Club (H) 1849.) Uptown Girl - Billy Joel (H) 1850.) Us - Regina Spektor (H) 1851.) Use Somebody - Kings of Leon (H)
1852.) Valerie - Amy Winehouse (H) 1853.) Vans - The Pack (H) 1854.) Velvet Light - Jakob Ogawa (S) 1855.) The Very Thought of You - Nat King Cole (S) 1856.) Video Games - Lana Del Rey (S) 1857.) Vienna - Billy Joel (S) 1858.) Viva La Vida - Coldplay (H)
1859.) Wait - M83 (S) 1860.) Wait (The Whisper Song) - Ying Yang Twins (H) 1861.) Wait a Minute - The Pussycat Dolls feat. Timbaland (H) 1862.) Waiting for Tonight - Jennifer Lopez (H) 1863.) Waiting On the World to Change - John Mayer (H) 1864.) Wake Me Up - Avicii (H) 1865.) Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day (S) 1866.) Wake Up - Petit Biscuit feat. Bipolar Sunshine (H) 1867.) Waking Up In Vegas - Katy Perry (H) 1868.) Walk Away - Kelly Clarkson (H) 1869.) Walk Away (Remember Me) - Paula DeAnda (S) 1870.) Walk Through Hell - Say Anything (S) 1871.) Walkin’ on the Sun - Smash Mouth (H) 1872.) Walking On a Dream - Empire of the Sun (H) 1873.) Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ - Michael Jackson (H) 1874.) Wannabe - Spice Girls (H) 1875.) Want U Back - Cher Lloyd (H) 1876.) War of My Life - John Mayer (S) 1877.) Warmest Regards - Half Moon Run (S) 1878.) Wasted - Cartel (H) 1879.) Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) - Silento (H) 1880.) watch you sleep. - girl in red (S) 1881.) Water Under the Bridge - Adele (H) 1882.) Waterfalls - TLC (H) 1883.) Wave - Justin Timberlake (H) 1883.) Waves - Mr. Probz feat. Robin Schulz (H) 1884.) The Way - Ariana Grande feat. Mac Miller (H) 1885.) The Way I Are - Timbaland feat. Keri Hilson (H) 1886.) The Way I Live - Baby Boy Da Prince feat. Lil Boosie (H) 1887.) The Way I Loved You - Taylor Swift (S) 1888.) The Way You Look Tonight - Frank Sinatra (H) 1889.) The Way You Love Me - Faith Hill (H) 1890.) The Way You Move - Outkast (H) 1891.) We Be Burnin’ - Sean Paul (H) 1892.) We Belong Together - Mariah Carey (H) 1893.) We Can Try - Between The Trees (S) 1894.) we fell in love in october - girl in red (S) 1895.) We Fly High (Ballin’) - Jim Jones (H) 1896.) We Found Love - Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris (H) 1897.) We Made You - Eminem (H) 1898.) We Ride - Rihanna (H) 1899.) We Run This - Missy Elliott (H) 1900.) We’re At the Top of the World - The Juliana Theory (H) 1901.) The Weekend - SZA (S) 1902.) Welcome to Hollywood - Beyonce (H) 1903.) Welcome to My Life - Simple Plan (S) 1904.) Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance (H) 1905.) What a Girl Wants - Christina Aguilera (H) 1906.) What Goes Around Comes Around - Justin Timberlake (H) 1907.) What Hurts the Most - Rascal Flatts (S) 1908.) What I’ve Done - LINKIN PARK (S) 1909.) What Is Love - Haddaway (H) 1910.) What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction (H) 1911.) What Would You Do? - City High (H) 1912.) What You Got - Colby O’ Donis feat. Akon (H) 1913.) What You Know - T.I. (H) 1914.) What You Know - Two Door Cinema Club (H) 1915.) What You Waiting For? - Gwen Stefani (H) 1916.) What You Wanted - OneRepublic (H) 1917.) What’s Left of Me - Nick Lachey (S) 1918.) What’s Luv? - Fat Joe feat. Ashanti (H) 1919.) What’s My Age Again? - blink-182 (H) 1920.) What’s My Name? - Rihanna feat. Drake (H) 1921.) What’s Your Fantasy - Ludacris (H) 1922.) Whataya Want from Me - Adam Lambert (H) 1923.) Whatcha Say - Jason Derulo (H) 1924.) Whatever It Takes - Lifehouse (S) 1925.) Whatever You Like - T.I. (H) 1926.) Whatta Man - En Vogue & Salt-N-Pepa (H) 1927.) When Did Your Heart Go Missing? - Rooney (H) 1928.) When Doves Cry - Prince (H) 1929.) When I Grow Up - The Pussycat Dolls (H) 1930.) When I Look At You - Miley Cyrus (S) 1931.) When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars (S) 1932.) When I’m Gone - Wiz Khalifa (S) 1933.) When I’m Gone - 3 Doors Down (S) 1934.) When It Started - The Strokes (H) 1935.) When It’s Over - Sugar Ray (H) 1936.) When We First Met - Hellogoodbye (H) 1937.) When We Were Young - Adele (S) 1938.) When You Look Me In the Eyes - Jonas Brothers (S) 1939.) When You Were Young - The Killers (H) 1940.) When You’re Around - Motion City Soundtrack (H) 1941.) When You’re Gone - Avril Lavigne (S) 1942.) When You’re Mad - Ne-Yo (H) 1943.) Whenever, Wherever - Shakira (H) 1944.) Where Have You Been - Rihanna (H) 1945.) Where Is the Love? - The Black Eyed Peas (S) 1946.) Where the Party At - Jagged Edge (H) 1947.) Where Them Girls At - David Guetta, Flo Rida & Nicki Minaj (H) 1948.) Wherever You Will Go - The Calling (S) 1949.) Which to Bury: Us or the Hatchet - Relient K (S) 1950.) Whistle - Flo Rida (H) 1951.) Whistle While You Twurk - Ying Yang Twins (H) 1952.) White Flag - Dido (S) 1953.) White Horse - Taylor Swift (S) 1954.) White Houses - Vanessa Carlton (H) 1955.) White Iverson - Post Malone (H) 1956.) Who Dat Girl - Flo Rida feat. Akon (H) 1957.) Who I Am - Nick Jonas & The Administration (H) 1958.) Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been - Relient K (H) 1959.) Who Knew - P!nk (S) 1960.) Who Let the Dogs Out - Baha Men (H) 1961.) Who Says - Selena Gomez & The Scene (H) 1962.) Who Says You Can’t Go Home - Bon Jovi & Jennifer Nettles (H) 1963.) Who We Are - Lifehouse (H) 1964.) Who Will Love You Now - Mitzi (S) 1965.) Whoa Oh! (Me vs. Everyone) - Forever the Sickest Kids (H) 1966.) Whoever She Is - The Maine (H) 1967.) Whoomp! (There It Is) - Tag Team (H) 1968.) Why Can’t I? - Liz Phair (S) 1969.) Why Don’t You & I - Santana (H) 1970.) Why Don’t You Kiss Her? - Jesse McCartney (S) 1971.) Why Georgia - John Mayer (H) 1972.) Why Not - Hilary Duff (H) 1973.) Why You Wanna - T.I. (H) 1974.) Wild Ones - Flo Rida feat. Sia (H) 1975.) Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift (H) 1976.) Wind It Up - Gwen Stefani (H) 1977.) With Arms Wide Open - Creed (S) 1978.) With You - Chris Brown (H) 1979.) With You - Jessica Simpson (H) 1980.) Without Me - Eminem (H) 1981.) Without You - Lana Del Rey (S) 1982.) Without You - David Guetta feat. Usher (H) 1983.) Wolves - Selena Gomez & Marshmello (H) 1984.) Womanizer - Britney Spears (H) 1985.) Won’t Go Home Without You - Maroon 5 (S) 1986.) Wonderful - Gary Go (H) 1987.) Wonderin’ Why - Aer (H) 1988.) Wonderwall - Oasis (S) 1989.) Work It - Missy Elliott (H) 1990.) Work Out - J. Cole (H) 1991.) Workin’ It Out - Hilary Duff (H) 1992.) Worth It - Fifth Harmony feat. Kid Ink (H) 1993.) Wouldn’t It Be Nice - The Beach Boys (H) 1994.) Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too - Say Anything (H)
1995.) XO - Beyonce (H) 1996.) XO (Cover) - John Mayer (S)
1997.) Yamaha Mama - Soulja Boy (H) 1998.) Yeah 3X - Chris Brown (H) 1999.) Yeah! - Usher feat. Lil Jon & Ludacris (H) 2000.) Year 3000 - Jonas Brothers (H) 2001.) Yellow - Coldplay (S) 2002.) Yo (Excuse Me Miss) - Chris Brown (H) 2003.) You - The Afters (S) 2004.) You - Chris Brown (H) 2005.) You - Switchfoot (S) 2006.) You - Lloyd feat. Lil Wayne (H) 2007.) You Always Hurt the One You Love - The Mills Brothers (S) 2008.) You and I - Anarbor (H) 2009.) You and I - Ingrid Michaelson (H) 2010.) You and I Both - Jason Mraz (H) 2011.) You and Me - Lifehouse (S) 2012.) You and Me - Penny & The Quarters (S) 2013.) You Are a Tourist - Death Cab for Cutie (H) 2014.) You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift (H) 2015.) You Can Call Me Al - Paul Simon (H) 2016.) You Can Get It All - Bow Wow (H) 2017.) You Could Be Happy - Snow Patrol (S) 2018.) You Da One - Rihanna (H) 2019.) You Don’t Know My Name - Alicia Keys (S) 2020.) (You Drive Me) Crazy - Britney Spears (H) 2021.) You Found Me - The Fray (S) 2022.) You Get What You Give - New Radicals (H) 2023.) You Give Me Something - James Morrison (H) 2024.) You Got Me - Colbie Caillat (H) 2025.) You Gotta Be - Des’ree (H) 2026.) You Know You Like it - DJ Snake & AlunaGeorge (H) 2027.) You Make My Dreams - Daryl Hall & John Oates (H) 2028.) You Might Be Sleeping - Jakob Ogawa feat. Clairo (S) 2029.) You Only Live Once - The Strokes (H) 2030.) You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette (H) 2031.) You Say - Lauren Daigle (S) 2032.) You Take My Troubles Away - Rachael Yamagata & Dan Wilson (H) 2033.) You’ll Be on My Mind - Jakob Ogawa (S) 2034.) You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine - Lou Rawls (H) 2035.) You’re Beautiful - James Blunt (S) 2036.) You’re Not Sorry - Taylor Swift (S) 2037.) You’re Not There - Lukas Graham (S) 2038.) You’re Still The One - Shania Twain (S) 2039.) Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Rey (S) 2040.) Your Body - Pretty Ricky (H) 2041.) Your Body Is a Wonderland - John Mayer (H) 2042.) Your Eyes Open - Keane (S) 2043.) Your Love - Nicki Minaj (H) 2044.) Your New Cuckoo - The Cardigans (H)
2045.) Zombie - The Cranberries (S)
2046.) 1 Thing - Amerie (H) 2047.) 1-800-273-8255 - Logic feat. Alessia Cara (S) 2048.) 1, 2, 3, 4 - Plain White T’s (H) 2049.) 2 Hold U - Clairo (S) 2050.) 2 Step - Unk (H) 2051.) 3 am - Matchbox Twenty (H) 2052.) 03′ Bonnie & Clyde - Jay-Z & Beyonce (H) 2053.) 3rd Planet - Modest Mouse (S) 2054.) 4 In the Morning - Gwen Stefani (H) 2055.) 4am - girl in red (S) 2056.) 4EVER - Clairo (H) 2057.) 5 O’ Clock - T-Pain feat. Wiz Khalifa & Lily Allen (H) 2058.) 7 Things - Miley Cyrus (H) 2059.) 7 Years - Lukas Graham (S) 2060.) 7/11 - Beyonce (H) 2061.) 21 Questions - 50 Cent (H) 2062.) 22 - Taylor Swift (H) 2063.) 24K Magic - Bruno Mars (H) 2064.) 30 Days - Never Shout Never (S) 2065.) 48 to Go - The Fray (S) 2066.) 100 Years - Five for Fighting (S) 2067.) 100% Pure Love - Crystal Waters (H) 2068.) 1901 - Phoenix (H) 2069.) 1961 - The Fray (H) 2070.) 1979 - The Smashing Pumpkins (H) 2071.) 1980s Horror Film II - Wallows (S) 2072.) 1985 - Bowling for Soup (H) 2073.) 1999 - Prince (H) Additional afterwards: Aftermath - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein (S) Amazing - Kanye West feat. Young Jeezy (H) Anthem, Pt. 2 - blink-182 (H) A Higher Place - Adam Levine (H) Busy Guy - Hans Zimmer & Hollywood Studio Symphony (H) Butterfly - Jason Mraz (H) Candy - Mandy Moore (H) Candy - Nat King Cole (H) The Candy Man - Aubrey Woods (H) Cheetah Sisters - The Cheetah Girls (H) Chelsea - Stefy (H) Cinderella - The Cheetah Girls (H) Come Baby Come - K7 (H) Courtesy Laughs - Phoenix (H) Definitely Unexpected - Hans Zimmer & Hollywood Studio Symphony (H) Destroying the Castle - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein (S) Do You Believe In Magic - Aly & AJ (H) Everyday - Buddy Holly (H) Girl Power - Cheetah Girls (H) Grapefruit - Almondmilkhunni (H) Greatest Time of Year - Aly & AJ (H) Hanging On - Cheyenne Kimball (H) Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros (H) I Can’t Go for That (No Can Do) - Daryl Hall & John Oates (H) I Like Presents Too - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein (S) I Like What You Say - Nada Surf (H) I Will Remember You - Ryan Cabrera (S) It’s Not My Boy - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein (S) Joy - Bastille (H) Juice - Lizzo (H) Lollipop - The Chordettes (H) Lost Stars - Adam Levine (S) Maestro - Hans Zimmer & Hollywood Studio Symphony (S) Maria - The Dave Brubeck Quarter (H) Mr. Sandman - The Chordettes (H) Never Ending Story - Gaten Matarazzo & Gabriella Pizzolo (H) No One - Aly & AJ (S) No One Else Like You - Adam Levine (H) Not Kids Anymore - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein (S) One Love - Jordan Pruitt (H) Outside Looking In - Jordan Pruitt (S) Peer Pressure - Jon Brion (S) Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ (H) Pretty Ugly - Tierra Whack (H) Pure Imagination - Gene Wilder (H) North - Phoenix (S) Numb/Encore - JAY-Z & LINKIN PARK (H) Stand By Me - Ben E. King (H) Starcourt - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein (S) Stranger Things - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein (H) Sunflower - Post Malone & Swae Lee (H) thank u, next - Ariana Grande (H) Theme from “Shaft” - Isaac Hayes (H) The Winner Is - DeVotchKa (S) Together We Can - The Cheetah Girls (H) Tribulations - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein (S) Voyeurism - Geoff Zanelli (S)
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