lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
ROs Signatures!
I lost the ask sooo sorry anon 😭
But Tada πŸŽ‰
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Context (left to right)
1 - Saeko (a little drawing of a mountain with a river behind it..idk OKAY-)
2 - Fai (and F)
3 - Zephyr (Zephyr Everheart.S)
4 - Kaisen (Kaisen with a ":)" smiley face)
5 - Akiyo (A.y)
6 - Miioni/miokai/mio (M. Aisara peru)
7 - ???? (Three X's, the first bigger than the two "Xxx" )
8 - Dante (Lahar)
Thanks for sending in the ask! :)
Hearts Galore πŸ’•β™₯οΈπŸ’•β™₯οΈπŸ’•β™₯οΈπŸ’•β™₯οΈπŸ’•β™₯οΈπŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’ž
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
I've got a question! What's the weirdest thing the ROs have ever eaten?
Hi anon! πŸ™ƒ
Weirdest thing sounds scary. Scary because it doesn't limit to food (β—Β΄βŒ“`●)
But luckily non of the ROs are cannibals or anything like that sooo, food and only food. I guess.
M would rather die than eat something they found to be inadequate, so cutting them out of this list would be on point.
Fried Tarantulas. They had to do what they had to do in the meeting room. Even eat the... Tarantulas the investor brought in from his wife's oh so spectacular dish. But they didn't find it to taste too horrible if that helps-
Salami and grapes. Someone told her it would attract fireflies to her at night if she at some and she did. Disappointing enough, no fireflies showed up that night :(
baked beans–and–egg pizza. Dante often goes to food stalls at festivals and had an unfortunate encounter one day with this one uncle.
peaches wrapped in banana bread... Just so we all know he wasn't aware that it was BANANA bread and assumed it was normal bread, and why eat normal bread with peaches? Idk? I have no say in this.
Fai is very selective and cautious about what exactly he eats so he wouldn't really be amongst the group you'd be in a situation similar or just going head in with eating random stuff.
scrambled eggs but instead of salt it's sugar. Some people find it weird but he still eats it anyway.
Paper. I know I said food but anon said THINGS and paper is a thing.
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
What are the ro's hobbies?
Hi anon! Hope you're having a wonderful day :)
Q: what are the ROs hobbies?
Some ROs (well 1 to be specific) will have more than one! And why would your MC's hobby/ies be?? I'm curious πŸ‘€
You can find supporting character's hobbies here!
Exhibitions such as crystal rooms or museums.
Stuff like this fit into M's preferences perfectly. They don't have to do much but look at artifacts and pretend like they're trying to find out the meaning of life. A typical thing nobles do to look smarter and more believably elegant. It irks them but only because they genuinely enjoy staring at crystal's for it's beauty. No talking or trying to always out match a noble. It's just you and the mesmerizing crystal.
Going through new huge libraries
Akiyo finds just searching through libraries comforting. It's not only the book's info but the feeling of a library, the scent, scenery and atmosphere all together. It's quite similar to people who listen to natural scenario based asmr for comfort (the ones without talking!)
Something similar to darts
Note darts aren't really a thing in this era so instead of the dart and board, Saeko uses various planks embedded into the ground and replaced darts with sharp pieces of wood she sharpens herself. The wood would usually be around 7.5 inches to 12 inches, which is way longer than a traditional dart (the size of a ruler, if you're wondering.)
Dante is a Foodie
Dante has grown to be a foodie (and doesn't even gain weight! Lucky >:( ) The growth of this hobby was caused by him often taking Mc to festivals and both of them going stall by stall to try everything. He even later on begins finding himself going there alone. He really loves all kinds of foods, even traditional ones!
Stage plays, sculpting and singing.
Quite an all-rounder isn't he? A jack of all trades would be the best discription. Kaisen is quite a perfectionist when it comes to skills and along the line of conning, he has found himself stuck with three specific skills. Well two now as he dropped one. Stage acting played a major role in his upbringing and later on had just about enough, still claiming "the play never ended" as he references to his life being one big play. Sculpting and Singing are things he found himself doing out of view point though, preferring to keep these... strangely enjoyable moment to himself. One day he might show you?
Somewhat quite similar to M, Fai considers stargazing to be a great hobby of his. Watching the stars shift around and blink in different orders is just fun. Yes, stars literally shift around at night and blink in rows at a specific time in Kobat (and it only can be seen from Kobat for some reason? Why's that?). Stargazing doesn't require much disruptions and interactions so it's perfect for him. Plus it's at night where almost everyone everywhere is asleep. Perfect silence.
Zephyr and Dante would get along really well lol. Zephyr's hobby is cooking! Don't mistake this for making dishes and eating, as people would normally do. It's more of cooking for someone. Zephyr is a head leader of a certain squad in the S.Royal.G division and has three other members. He often finds himself cooking for them, much to their appreciation and overbearing praise.
Nothing? :0
Unfortunate,???? doesn't have a hobby and she refuses to even acknowledge that term. A life of being busy and moving from point a to point be doesn't require something as useless and as boring as a "hobby".
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lucid-fate-if Β· 1 year
How would the ROs react to finding MC's diary "accidentally" open and "accidentally reading on the page half-written" about MC's just realizing they have crush on the RO?
Honestly a little confused- not even a little. A LOT. M is pretty used to people disliking them and they, whether they admit it or not, know it's partially their fault if not completely. So someone liking them even after dealing with their snobby behaviour would have them questioning everything about life.
Would they admit reading it to the mc? Absolutely not! The last thing they want is to have an emotional confrontation. They're really bad with nice mushy stuff so they'd be super cautious around this topic.
β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ 
Akiyo is the type to enjoy observing people's habits and routines, to see if it matched the psychology book they had just finished binge reading so gathering information on people is pretty fun. But as soon as they realise it's MC liking them, they'd not know what to do. Flattered? Of course but what now..?
Would they admit reading it to MC? Yes they would and with a lengthy apology.
β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ 
Would store this piece of adorable information and do absolutely nothing about it lmao. The only change you'd noticed is how she'd begin acting like a personal bodyguard. Holding your coat once you walk into a room, shoving people who almost bumped into you- the whole shabang.
Would they admit reading it to MC? Nope. Saeko doesn't see how it's an issue and doesn't completely understand the purpose of a diary so the thought would never have crossed her mind.
β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ 
WOULD BE SO OVER THE MOON- the whole "not wanting to mess up your friendship" is the main issue in his route so finding out you liked him all along would be a huge relief and excitement.
Would they admit reading it to MC? would probably run into whatever room MC was in with the diary in hand like "OH MY WORD- YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT I JUST READ" like it's some gossip session before realising it's a DIARY and heavily apologizing.
β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ 
Interestingggg, would just double the teasing he sent your way after finding out you liked him too, but would never say he liked you too out of fear for something new? Trudging into the unknown is pretty scary to him, especially with all his baggage so he'd keep to himself as soon as things get too heated.
Would they admit reading it to MC? Nope. He doesn't know what you're talking about. Admit what? Where's the proof???
β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ 
PANICKING INTERNALLY, EXTERNALLY- MAYDAY , MAYDAY, REQUIRING IMMEDIATE BACK UP HE CAN'T BREATH- jokes aside would genuinely not know what to do. You liked him but what do you MEAN??? Would overthink every interaction you just had and would try to perfect nonexistent flaws after finding out you had even noticed him.
Would they admit reading it to MC? hell no, would rather chug down shards of glass and shave his head than bring it up.
β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ 
Wouldn't be too surprised, he's a veeeeery well known guy and had turned away a whole bunch of marriage offers, but you? Yours is special of course. As observant as he is, he'd already know you liked him before spotting your diary.
Would they admit reading it to MC? He'd probably bring it up to fluster you a bit before lecturing you on how to keep your belongings secure and how any other contestant would've found a weakness of yours there or ways to sabotage you. You can never catch a break with this guy lmao.
β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ 
Would find it a little funny and unbelievable. You have a crush on her? Soooo cuteeee. ??? Isn't really used to innocent acts of adoration or confessions, way too used to people being too direct and less on romance and more on other physical aspects. Would find your little crush as something new and as a breath of fresh air.
Would they admit reading it to MC? Would very much directly bring it up and tease MC a lot. Would never forget about this little adorable information and would have as much fun with it as possible lmao.
β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ β™‘β˜ 
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
How would the ROs react if someone flirts with MC? (Crushing or relationship stage, your choice)
Hi anon! Follower shower for you 🌹πŸ₯€πŸŒΉπŸ₯€πŸŒΉπŸ₯€πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ₯€πŸŒΉπŸ₯€πŸ₯€
Someone flirting with MC Crushing or Relationship stage? Why not do both Hehehe-
Edit: so like... I accidentally added a Flirty!Mc instead soooo apologies πŸ‘
Note: don't expect "normal" reactions. Not everyone is responsible, not everyone is 100% petty free. Different reactions from different people.
MC flirting with them
Crush stage: is quite HORRIBLE at handling flirting. Would almost always react negatively and insist on not being fazed by your "bafoonery". 100% in denial of course. But at the same time they are a horrible liar and you'd be able to tell they're flustered.
ReIationship stage: A lot of muttering on why you're like this (even though they fully love you!) and blushing. Would still be in the same state an hour later, your interaction fresh in their mind.
Someone flirting with MC
ReIationship stage : Short temper + Trying to woo over their person? Are you suicidal? M would never do anything physically horrible to the person, no. They're way too classy for that. Their words alone can and will tear you apart. How does it feel being laughed at by people witnessing what's happening? Was it really worth it?
Crush stage : Would most likely talk shit about that person by picking on random things. M is naturally quite nasty in a sense and it wouldn't be that far off their "usual self" as people see.
MC flirting with them
Crush stage: would recognize it as flirting, yes, but wouldn't know how to respond. Akiyo is pretty good at keeping a cool face (unlike someone) and you would assume it wasn't really affecting them. You'd be wrong. They would find themselves doing psychology research on your behavior and reading into it more than they should...
ReIationship stage: would genuinely enjoy it and laugh about it, but it would be you doing all the flirting (whether you're good or not) as this is not one of Akiyo's many talents.
Someone flirting with MC
ReIationship stage : Wouldn't be fazed. Wouldn't even acknowledge the poor desperate person. They are aware you only want them and no one else. The same going for them.
Crush stage : Kinda upset in a way at first but would quickly wash it down with water. You're your own person and it's not their place to get worked up. You might not even have noticed them that way.
MC flirting with them
Crush stage: what are you doing? Confusion, confusion. Would label something super logical to get it to make sense to her. Something like "your people probably spoke like that in your history as a way of code talk."
"The moon is beautiful tonight." A simple, yet well known line. Glance over at her and she'll have her dagger out, ready to attack the target codenamed "Moon" and understanding approach as "beautiful".
ReIationship stage: is more used to it now after you were as blunt as possible in the beginning and slowly easing her with the lines. Simple ones first. Baby steps. Would point out if she recognized what you said as a flirting advance and if correct, would have a sort of proud small grin. She did it!!
Someone flirting with MC
ReIationship stage : After teaching her, she'd assume she has to guess this too. "You're flirting." With the most deadpanned angry looking expression- her natural resting face! The flirt would high chance be intimidated. Boo hoo :(
Crush stage : Doesn't recognize it- you only later on teach her what flirting is so at this stage she doesn't know what's going on. You're having a conversation. The end? But as soon as the person tries getting... Physical with their flirting "threat" is all you'll hear and in the next second they're held at knife-point.
MC flirting with them
Crush stage: An honest blush is the best way to discribe his reactions! He isn't afraid to admit if you caught him off guard- would actually admit it as a natural reaction. Would not try to label it as you're interested though. You're best friends! What were the chances of there being more? You were probably more comfortable with him... Or yeah. Would know if he started dwelling on it, he'd only be hurting himself.
ReIationship stage: Quite a similar reaction but more self assured. He knows you actually like him, and he does too! Ain't that sweet? His initial reactions were honest replies but a kiss on the forehead or cheek would be added as a "thank you".
Someone flirting with MC
ReIationship stage : Would rather have you let the person down. Has enough respect for you to let you handle it! (Not like the other ROs don't respect you.). Dante is quite assured about your relationship.
Crush stage : Would probably be happy that someone/s find their best friend attractive but quite sad about it. He wants the best for you but at the same time.. he wants you..
MC flirting with them
Crush stage: would most likely do so in return as a light tease before being absorbed by his work. Detective-like work. It's quite difficult to maintain Kaisen's attention for more than 20 seconds before he thinks of something "of genius nature". After recognizing he is beginning to return the feelings though, he'd do the same. He shouldn't, but he wants to now. In the name of research, you are his new intrigue.
ReIationship stage: lazy kisses on your cheek, eyelashes and then rating your flirt attempt on a 1-10. Would also advise you on what scenario or tricky situations that would totally work in and which would get you a blue eye. You'd have to constantly remind him the flirts and complements are for HIM. he'd probably annoyingly say "I know" even though he didn't and actually forgot.
Someone flirting with MC
ReIationship stage : Someone's trying to get with his partner? Guess we have a new clown in town. The way Kaisen would clown on the person and embarrass them would be on another level of disrespectful PFTT- and at the end would probably walk up to the person with a evil cheshire grin with his hand out for a handshake like "good game :)"
Manipulated the witnesses into thinking Mr/Miss/Mx.flirty can't take a joke or something aswell-
Crush stage : Turn their flirt advances into... Something questionable. So questionable it's... Sadly embarrassing- it's also quite convincing that someone would naturally think the flirt was talking about that and their stutter explaining wouldn't help. "Your fair skin looks amazing in that"- "fair only? Would you say that if mc wasn't fair... You're racist??" Cue everyone giving the flirt disappointed looks as they try to explain.
MC flirting with them
Crush stage: This boy can't- he can't! What reaction does he give? How should he respond? Why did you pick to complement his eyebrows?? His blush would be the brightest and reddest out of the whole group. Everyone shield your eyes! Fai is quite socially awkward and would not know how to respond to someone simply asking for directions on a map. Imagine flirting...
ReIationship stage: Yup. Youuu guessed it. He still can't lol. But he doesn't mind you seeing his red face, unlike the crushing faze where he'd most likely cover it insistently (please don't force him to look at you :-:).
Someone flirting with MC
ReIationship stage : depression, cry in his head, cry fr when he's alone. PLEASE REASSURE HIM!
Crush stage : depression, cry in his head, scold himself for even thinking there was something to begin with, cry fr when his alone. PLEASE MC, REASSURE HIM I BEG YOU!!
MC flirting with them
Crush stage: this one's a tough nut to crack. refuses to acknowledge your existence, advances. EVERYTHING. Would most likely scold you for being so causal and not alert of your surroundings. Would take him quite long to realize he likes you too, with his duties and goals in his line of sight. Zephyr most likely would choose to not bring it up until everything settles in his life. Nothing ever settles in the life of a royal guard.
ReIationship stage: you want to get scolded as a sweet adorable reminder of when you were both in your crushing faze? Flirt in public. You'd 100% find the way his face shifts from "oh, it's my love" to "BUT PUBLIKKKK-"
In private though he is the sweetest. Would respond quite elegantly though. You complement him for his golden-orangs eyes and he'd respond with #bigenglishwordssayingthankyou.
RIP author that has to smarten herself up for Zephyr, Akiyo and Kaisen...
Someone flirting with MC
ReIationship stage : Fight him. You want his partner? Okay, fight him. His sword out, shirt off. A typical death game for the one you want oh so much. Why're you running away all of a sudden-
Crush stage : Wouldn't really bud in but his behavior to the person would be cold. Colder than usual. Who are you? But he's smart enough not to make a scene for something like this. (Not smart in relationship stags I guess? XD)
MC flirting with them
Crush stage: "eh? Challenge excepted I guess." Would match your flirting with one of her own. Winning 1/10 tries. But as soon as she realizes that she's developing feelings- bye πŸ‘‹. This might seem harsh but it's for your own good. You don't deserve to be around the likes of... her...
ReIationship stage: would be more emotionally vulnerable with you. And you know what that means? None of that "Elsa shutting you out" business! Would most often react physically than verbally though. A tight squeeze of a hug or a pull of your cheek. You wanna go again? Would most likely "bully" you when you get into a flirt-banter.
Someone flirting with MC
ReIationship stage : eh? Who's this? Most likely suicidal aswell and unlike M she doesn't mind getting violent. A few threats here and there, mentions of family members, occupations, living address always gets them running. You'd probably have to scold her to be gentler and more subtle. But she'd never do all that in front of you to begin with so you wouldn't knowww.
Lies, she'd brag about it-
(First response with her is always eh? Even though she heard very clearly-)
Crush stage : guess who's about to get framed for a ✨crime~✨- just joking, or is she???
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
What inspired your world building? Its so good πŸ‘€
Also the names are so cool!
Hi anon! Having a good day? ✿
Also, thanks a lot! Ahhh- stop boosting my ego ΰΌΌα•—ΰΊˆΩ„ΝœΰΊˆΰΌ½α•—
The world building itself only came after the characters building and it was mainly influenced by Dante and secondly Miokai/Miioni/Mio.
Why? Dante appears to have a different fashion-traditional wear that isn't shared by most characters. He comes from a perticular tribe that had somewhat something to do with (reducted information) and their clothing, as presented in the clothing option, is referred to as Kobat Wear. I won't say too much but it had to do with wanting his fashion sense to have life and meaning rather than it being "he just randomly wears shiny silver and all"
And later on, I had added royalty to the mix after developing Miokai/Miioni/Mio's character as they are of royal blood but far different from Dante's bloodline.
So world building was immensely due to these two characters!
And as for names, they aren't really searched up as in there was zero research on them. It was names I just found very pleasant! Except for The Overseer who was named by @jaunefleurwrites as Valekt! And Nag Walan is a term in my language, not really a name. So it wasn't research nor was it a random name.
And if you might be interested, there is a "where the idea as a whole" ask here!
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
Which greek god/goddess would you assign to each of the ROs?
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Nemesis was the goddess of indignation against, and retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved good fortune.
In myth Nemesis was particularly concerned with matters of love. She appears as an avenging agent in the stories of Narkissos and Nikaia, whose callous actions brought about the death of their wooers
Harpocrates + Oizys
Harpocrates was the god of silence in the Hellenistic religion, adapted by the Greeks from the god Horus, who in Egypt represented the rising sun.
One of the symbols associated with the god Harpocrates was the rose: the expression sub rosa is used to mean confidentiality.
"In Greek mythology, Oizys is the goddess of misery, anxiety, grief, depression, and misfortune. Her Roman name is Miseria, from which the English word misery is derived."
Koios (Coeus) was the Titan-god of the inquisitive mind.
Coeus also represented one of the four pillars that hold the heavens and the earth apart. Based on his Greek name, it has been suggested that Coeus may have also been the Titan of inquisitive minds and intellect.
Dolos + Aergia
In Greek mythology, Dolos or Dolus is the spirit of trickery. He is also a master at cunning deception, craftiness, and treachery. Dolos appears in some stories tricking gods into lies.
In Greek mythology, Aergia is the personification of sloth, idleness, indolence and laziness.
Momus was the god of satire, mockery, and poets in Greek mythology;Β as well as a spirit of evil-spirited blame and unfair criticism.
He constantly mocked the Olympians, and because of this, he was exiled from Mount Olympus.
Narcissus, in Greek mythology, the son of the river god Cephissus and the nymph Liriope. He was distinguished for his beauty.
he rejected all romantic advances, eventually falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, staring at it for the remainder of his life.
As the god of war or, more properly, the spirit of battle. He was a superior fighter in battle and caused great bloodshed and destruction wherever he went.
Consequently, he was loved neither by gods nor by men. Ares is the Greek god of courage and war. He is one of the Twelve Olympians, and the son of Zeus and Hera.
Euphrosyne is a Goddess of Good Cheer, Joy and Mirth.
One of the three sister goddesses (known as the three Graces) who are the givers of charm and beauty in Greek mythology. Her task in the world was to fill it with joy and pleasant times.
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
How would the ROs react if MC gestures the ROs closer as if to tell them a secret, but instead plants a sweet kiss on their cheek?
Baffled, Bewildered, Bewitched, bamboozled but too stubborn to admit.
"tch, don't waste my time if you're not going to say anything!"
Would take a few seconds to think before laughing it off.
"now what is this, mc?"
Still obediently leaning over and waiting for the secret you were about to say even after the kiss.
"it is safe to ask now, mc. No one is listening in."
Would chuckle and do the same to to, proudly.
"And there's a kiss for you too!"
Would probably turn to face you before you even kiss him, making you kiss his lips instead just to make you blush? πŸ‘€
"Mc, what are you trying to do? And in public? Tsk tsk"
A whole panic attack, SOMEONE GET THIS MAN A BAG TO BREATHE IN- would most likely turn away so fast you'd think his neck broke.
Would probably predict your bafoonery, grab your chin and keep you there to glare at you, enough to think you messed up, until he gives you a forehead kiss.
"Now go away, I have my duties to complete."
Would most likely already notice your mischievous behavior and wait it out until you kiss her, then offer it to be her turn and have you close your eyes. But only flick you across your forehead with both hands cackling.
"Okay! Okay! Come back doll!!!"
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
How would the ROs react if MC falls asleep on their shoulders?
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ROs Reaction
Zephyr - his face 😐, his mind🎊✨ πŸ€ΈπŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸƒπŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ€ΎπŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ§—πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ•ΊπŸ»βœ¨πŸŽŠ
Kaisen - wouldn't make much of a fuss about it and would relax his shoulder to make sure you're more comfortable before going back to his work. Very simple right- that's only cuz he's busy because if not he'll be writing a moncle and mostach 😭
Saeko - would lift you (doesn't matter how heavy you think you are, she can LIFT-) and place you comfortably on your bed before grabbing a chair and sitting obediently beside you. Sitting like a gargoyle. No posture change till you wake.
Fai - would freeze up and refuse to breathe. Blushing is on MAX. Please let him breathe :-:
Akiyo - They wouldn't have a problem with it at all but would be concerned for your neck. Will it hurt when you wake up? They'd wake you and help you get to bed.
Miioni/Miokai/Mio - Would be grinning to themselves if no one was in the room and once you wake, would deny anything and say you creased up their shoulder pads ☠️
???? - would either also draw on your face, use a feather to tickle your nose and all that annoying stuff. I'm sorry but there's no peace and cute scenes with her 🀑
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
πŸ’“ BEATING HEART for everyone
πŸ’“ BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Being clear and direct with them. None of this beating around the bush thing people often do to be polite. You think they're doing something wrong? Call them out. You want to suggest something to them? Speak up. It's this behavior that they are not used to and would suddenly find it fascinating in a way.
Compliments. Very simple casual complements coming from a specific individual continuously would have their heart racing. After a while of course. People find Akiyo as an annoying know it all and rarely complement them as they assume they get plenty for being so smart- they don't.
Taking your time with her! She's quite behind the rest when it comes to emotions, and normal physical things friends or lovers do together. Even something as simple as a head pat. Seeing that you aren't annoyed with her slow pace or brushing her off would make her feel a certain way about you. But she'll assume she's just sick and has a heart flu ☝
Emotional support. Being on his side, backing him up for anything and everything. Even though you're best friends, it still makes his heart race. You actually believe in him! This could brighten not only his day but his life.
Physical touch. This would be like hand holding, hugs, back rubs and all that. He'd express some disguised sound or movement like saying "ughh, emotional stuff"- or shrink away dramatically from an on coming pat, but this is only to disguise the fact that he's been touch starved since forever. He simply doesn't know how to react and genuinely enjoys it. Enough to make his cheeks redeem sometimes.
Just having a conversation and showing genuine interest AND as a bonus, returning to talk to him, because you're interested in him. You will baffle him for a long while and make him wonder why you keep on returning when he has nothing to offer- he doesn't even talk so why are you interested in this one sided conversation? but he'll slowly find himself looking forward to your encounters.
Clear persistence. When I say Zephyr has turned down a number of people, I mean he turned down a number of people. Their lack of persistence is what he finds annoying as he concludes that they weren't looking for something serious if they were dissuaded that fast. A person actually set on him would intrigue Zephyr and even thought you might not see any "progress", believe me, there's huge progress.
Honesty. Something about a naive, honest or just "too nice for their own good" type of a person has a strange effect over her. Very strange. She'd flirt randomly on reflex by saying stuff like "why hello there, come around here often cutie?" And a response like "Oh no, Its actually my first time here!" Would have her doubling over in laughter instantly. It's cute.
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
what are the ROs' favorite colors?
I've added the color coding as well so if anyone wanted their hex codes, TADAAA (but like... You could still look up the name of the color so I didn't need to)- BUT THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT.
Also some will have two favorite colors instead of just one.
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Barn Red
Hex #7C0A02
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Doesn't know people are even supposed to have favorite colors, this not having one of her own.
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Hex #ffd700
Hex #FAD6A5
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Cadet Gray
Hex #91A3B0
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Pistachio Green
Hex #93C572
Flax Yellow
Hex #EEDC82
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Hex #2A3439
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Redwood Red
Hex #A45A52
Sangria Red
Hex #5E1914
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9 notes Β· View notes
lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
who can dance? who can jive? who is having the time of their lives?
Fun dance skills : 2/10
[No ways in hell would they even ATTEMPT to] + [something about bafoonery and all]
Dance with decorum: 10000/10
[They were literally born for it]
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Fun dance skills: 4/10
[They'll try but they're not that comfortable.] + [They think they're doing horrible] + [you'd have to remind them fun dancing isn't meant to be impressive but FUN]
Dance with decorum: 9/10
[they're well aware of how to hold their ground at balls]
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Fun dance skills: 1/10
[she can barely flail her arms :( ]
Dance with decorum: 1/10
[she won't attempt, would rather at least attempt the fun one than...than this.]
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Fun dance skills: 10000/10
[King of having fun amongst everyone here.] + [You'd most likely struggle to calm him down when it's time to leave] + [he's just too hyper that way]
Dance with decorum: 8/10
[he isn't horrible] + [he is a nobles son after all] + [doesn't like it as much as fun dancing though] + [but still likes it because it reminds him of prince stories and finding love with these dances]
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Fun dance skills: 5/10
[Lazy as hell.] + [Would only actually do it if it'd get him closer to any goal he had.]
Dance with decorum: 10/10
[has experience with conning nobles] + [he has to act the part to do it] + [so he knows a lot]
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Fun dance skills: 1/10
[Please don't make him πŸ₯Ί] + [too many eyes on everyone!] + [Would rather be a potted plant]
Dance with decorum: 1/10
[still the same] + [ to make it worse, this one is more serious than the first] + [heart racing, anxiety high] + [cue potted plant stance]
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Fun dance skills: -10000/10
[Zephyr? Fun?] +[ Oi, are you even listening to yourself-] + [ZEPHYR AND FUN??]
Dance with decorum: 1/10
[his excuse is, "I'm a soldier, not a feather feet dancer 😠" ]
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Fun dance skills: 10/10
[is most likely drunk while dancing] + [scratch that- is ALWAYS drunk when dancing] + [doesn't give a damn what whoever thinks]
Dance with decorum: 1/10
[no... No-] + [you better drag her backkk] + [she doesn't dance unless drunk and in her chill mood] + [drunk flirty person plus a room full of nobles who value etiquette is a recipe for disaster] + [it's better to watch her and keep her sober if you EVER have to go with the whole gang and it can't be avoided.]
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
Megaphone and masks (πŸ“£& 🎭) for all the ROs? :3
πŸ“£ MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
πŸ“£ They can be quite loud when they don't have things going their way :\
🎭 they act the exact same with other nobles, mid-class people and "peasants". The only person they'd act different to is someone they were comfortable enough with to confide in. Currently, they don't have anyone like that.
πŸ“£ They aren't loud nor are they soft spoken. Just a perfect balance.
🎭 Akiyo tends to speak on a "get to the point" type of way with people but would take their time to express themselves better if they thought the person they were with was trusted and actually cared.
πŸ“£ A bit to the loud side, but not yelling kind of loud like M. It is more of a that one person that just can't whisper type of loud.
🎭 They tend to act the same with everyone. Just as blunt and stoic. Saeko has a habit of leaving right after talking with a person but might linger aroun if she liked being around you.
πŸ“£ Quite loud. Sorry, he's just too hyper in a way most of the time.
🎭 Is just as nice with everyone but has an excited glint in his eyes when around people he actually appreciates. People like Mc.
πŸ“£ is quite quiet when he needs to be.
🎭 kaisen is the king of changing to adapt to situations. He is not the same with everyone. If he deems someone to be suspicious, he might switch up his behavior towards the person in question in hopes of changing the situation in his favour in the long run.
πŸ“£ Fai does not speak. Fai cannot speak.
🎭 He is an anti-social person so he often stays away from people as much as possible. Him willingly being around you for more than 20 minutes should be enough to know you are one of the rare people he likes being around.
πŸ“£ Loud and Commanding tone. Not yelling but in a no nonsense type of way.
🎭 He acts just as professional with anyone and everyone. He'd only be comfortable around a selection of close people. He'd do things like smile, laugh or lean into his chair and close his eyes, huffing in exhaustion. Something he wouldn't do in the presence of others.
πŸ“£ Loud because of her eerie laugh between conversations.
🎭 acts quite fakely with others and doesn't bother hiding it. Proudly having a don't give a shit personality. Genuine answers from her should be enough to know she values you more than the average persons she deals with daily.
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
ROs reaction to MC who is obliviously smooth? 😈
Ex : Brushing their hair to the side and saying "You're beautiful" or MC pulling RO's body close before they fall (MC doing it without romantic intentions πŸ‘€)
πΏπ“Šπ’Έπ’Ύπ’Ή 𝐹𝒢𝓉𝑒 - Flirtatious Mc?πŸ‘€
Denial, Denial, Denial.
It's giviiiiiiing tsundere- they'd often (on impulse) react with whining and yelling. Call them beautiful? "Ugh, I'm fully aware Mc." Pull them closer to avoid either of you getting attacked? "W-what are are doing peasant!?" They're hopeless like it that and only a patient Mc would be able to handle them...
Would brush off your interactions and deflect a lot but slowly (or not so slowly depending on how often you do it) would start feeling weak in the knees. But if you were a flirt to everyone, they'd never bother and wouldn't think much of it.
Has quickly adapted to your behavior and now thinks that's just how you are as a person. Will not question anything and everything at all. Even if you kiss her, she'd think it's a "comrade kiss" or something πŸ’€.It's a all (confess) or nothing deal with her sjsjskdkj-
He'd also be caught off guard every time something like brushing his hair out of his eyes (it always gets in his eyes so you got a lot of chances ΰ·†β•Ή.β•Ήΰ·†) or stuff like blunt complements. But he'd laugh and make it his mission to find something to complement about you. He never runs out of things to return!
Will often find a weakness to your "flirt game" both of you have going on. Doesn't matter how you're good at flirting, he'll either shrug or deflect your complement off or top on it by reversing it back on you somehow.You have to be thinking on your feet 24/7 with this one.
Will. Not. Know. How. To. Interact. With. You.
Fai would probably make it a mission to stay a few centimeters away from you, not that he doesn't like you company, no no. It's more of a "he doesn't know what to do and is fully aware you would find him weird whenever he makes flustered little sounds."
So what's his solution? Stay away from Mc at all cost!
Deflect, Reject and Evily chuckle happily in private.
You'd never know he actually enjoys your flirting, often saying stuff like "we're on a task mc, wake up!" Or "save the bafoonery for the end of the tournament..."
Of course he never means all that. He just likes to see mc sulk in defeat and crowl back in their dented ego to go concoct a new plan or script.
Watch out, as she has a "take what you dish out" motto. If you're acting like you can handle her, then she'd like to see you try, simple. (To pass time of course, no actual attachments in the mutual flirting from her side.)
Reflect instead of deflect, but just because she's flirting doesn't mean she is head over heels for you!
Are there any from your side?? πŸ‘€
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
What are the ROs favourite flowers?
ROs Favorite Flowers + meaning!
....... ....... ...... ....... ......
A Red Carnation
"CarnationsΒ represents pride and beauty. Their different colors can have different meanings. A redΒ carnationΒ means love, pride, and admiration"
A lotus
"The lotus because while growing from mud, it is unstained. It represents having a strong and collected mind. The lotus also stands for the purity of mind and body."
Cherry Blossoms
"The cherry blossom represents beauty and violence, birth and death."
Blazing Star
"Also commonly known as Liatris and Gayfeather, these blooms symbolize joy, happiness and blissfulness."
Zinnia Flower
"Zinnia flowers of all colors are given in memory of an absent friend. It is also usually associated with friendship, endurance, daily remembrance, goodness, and lasting affection"
"Based on a lore, the story about forget-me-nots is that God was walking in the Garden of Eden. He saw a blue flower and asked it its name. The flower was a shy flower and whispered that he had forgotten his name. God renamed the flower as forget-me-not saying that He will not forget the flower."
"The rose was created by Chloris, a nymph who became the flower goddess Flora and is thought to have transformed fallen heroes into some of the other flowers including the Rose."
"beautiful, but leading to organ failure if ingested"-
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lucid-fate-if Β· 2 years
What are the ROs ideal romantic dates?
P.s I'll give S the most precious things in the worldπŸ’–
πΏπ“Šπ’Έπ’Ύπ’Ή 𝐹𝒢𝓉𝑒 - ROs ideal romantic dates!
Mionii/Miokai/Mio -
A sort of balcony date? Very vague but the idea of having a meal with you from a high view (without the annoying trees and wind from a cliff) sounds super appealing to them!
A sort of writing concourse of sorts. Basically like a writing convention where lots of people display their verbal and prewritten art. The choice to write a poem for fun with a partner is available and they'd like to take you one day.
(saeko is currently bluntly asking how you would be able to hand over everything in the world to her and is looking too deep into it-)
A perfect date would be to buy something like board games and stay with you inside. Going out is not something she enjoys and often needs time to recover, and who better to recover with than you!
A food fare date! Walking past lots of stalls/shops and tasting almost everything on the menu is a very fun way to spend some time with you in his opinion. He'll get to know what your favorite meal is and remake it for you one day!
A walk of sorts. Be it a normal walk around the town or at a place specifically for walking dates? Kaisen isn't much of a fan of sitting so something practical (but not too practical. He's a lazy guy :-:) would be perfect?
A little meet up with his friends... Okay his animal friends to be specific. Due to his ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ???? He developed ??? ??????? ?? ???? ?? animals. He'd really like you to meet his squirrel friends, Fiori to be specific!
A rock climbing sort of date? Not with other people though, just the both of you. You'd have to remind him it's a date and not a training drill a lot though as you'd randomly hear him yell behind you "posture straight soldier! And tighten you grip!"
Would be similar to the birthday gift, a scavenger hunt. But instead of you setting it up for her like the birthday answer, it will be both of you trying to beat each other on finding the 'reward'. Don't expect her to play fair though-
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