#ROs Greek Gods/Goddesses
mwritesc · 2 years
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you are a demigod. a demigod on an island of stern cliffs and crashing waves and sea foam. the grass is yellowed and shifts with Zephyr, the west wind. the beaches are rock ribbed and gray as the heavens, home of the gods.
there is a house on Cyprus. one home, though it takes enough space for three. it sits right at the cliff's edge, hanging above the ocean like a lone lantern in the night. it is yours. but not yours alone. by the gods, if you were here alone…
Cyprus is an under development interactive fiction following your journey as a young demigod navigating the shifting wills of the gods, and mortals, following the famed birth of Aphrodite.
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Greek myth inspired story
Character driven narrative - let your home fall to ruin to ascend to Olympus, or resist your prophesied fate and make your descent
4 Unique romance options - pursue a god, a mortal, a nymph, or the goddess of beauty and love herself, all with different storylines and narratives
Partial romance options - pursue the charming guide of the recently deceased, if only for a moment in time
Character customisation - define the details of your demigod, including their dreams and motivations regarding the rest of the story
3 distinct 'factions' - the gods of Olympus, the cthonics of the underworld, and the nature deities on Cyprus. make allies, or enemies
Discover and choose your godly parentage - you know you are a demigod. It is why you're allowed to Olympus. And yet, your parentage remains a mystery.
Rated 17+ for depictions of violence and sexually suggestive themes
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Adonis [RO] - Sunlight on earth. Light as a breeze, and quick as it too. He loves and wonders with a fire that burns bright, but burns out just as fast. He's a thorn in your side for it, and he loves it, but you love him till death nonetheless. If only you could save him from himself, before he burns too close to the sun.
Aphrodite [RO] - Born from the sea foam, Aphrodite is the chosen goddess of beauty and love. Everywhere she goes, she brings just that. A breath of summer air, she is, with a kindness and hidden intelligence that shines through when she needs it. She will be the rebirth of Cyprus, or its destruction.
Zephyrus [RO] - The young deity of the west wind, Zephyr does not often stick to one place. His visits to Cyprus are brief, and he remains a mystery to all its inhabitants. All but you. Discover the true west wind, behind the soft, dark glances and long disappearances. Only do not let him discover you in return.
Teledice [RO] - Daughter nymph of Thallo, Teledice shares the bluntness of her mother and the ornate beauty of the spring. Teledice insists her duty lies with her sisters, and her mother alike, and will do anything, out of pure devotion, to keep Cyprus alive. Will you heed her warnings, or heed instead the call to the cosmos?
Hermes [Partial RO] - The charming guide of the notably deceased, Hermes fills his days of dark trips to the underworld with his own laughter. When he finds you (if you decide to make the trip to Hades' domain) he decides you might need a little laughter of your own.
+more TBA
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when-i-wake-if · 5 months
Some quick important information before we get to the ros descriptions!
Firstly I have lovely nicknamed the MCs to differentiate them easily
MC 1 is Dawn and when I mention them I will use Orange colour!
MC 2 is Dusk and their colour is Purple
Secondly, this game is technically a side project to @wanted-game-if and will update in shorter parts but will still probably be as long as my other IF
If you have any questions about the game, MCs or anything really feel free to send asks!!
Dawns ROs
Xeno || Xe/Xem || 21 || Human
Description ~ Short coily dark brown hair, lean build with a Bronze complexion, dark green eyes, Nubian nose, Xyr height is 5’11, Xe has a full tattoo sleeve on Xes right arm and a tattoo on the side of Xyr neck when outside of work Xeno tends to wear ripped black jeans, no sleeve neck length shirt, runners and a bunch of rings, necklaces and one stud earring.
Selena || She/Her || ?? || Ghost
Description ~ Shoulder-length ginger hair that is curled at the tips, She has a chubby build and pale skin, greyish blue eyes, a button nose, height if she could stand on the floor would be 5’3, freckles kiss her face and shoulders, she forever dressed in a light blue tea length swing dress and stockings with a pair of black flats, adorned in pearl earrings and necklace, to most she appears slightly translucent
Brier || He/Him or She/Her || Gender selectable|| 228 || Vampire
Description ~ Chin length afro-textured dark brown hair, Slim build and ebony complexion, Dark red eyes, button nose, height 5’7, outside of work they typically wear wide cuff pants, cropped blouse with a sweetheart collar, 4-inch heels or black dress shoes, round glasses, realistic heart shaped earrings, ruby necklace, silver rings
Míng || They/He || 30 || Dragon
Description ~ bleached white shoulder-length hair, lean build light brown complexion, black sclera and piercing yellow iris, flat nose height being 5'7, scales litter their body colours mainly being yellow and orange with some red ones sprinkled in, typically wears graphic tees , with a worn-out black bomber jacket, cargo pants and platform boots
Both MCs
Is || she/her, he/him or they/them || Gender selectable || ??? || Minor God of death {and dreams}
Description~ Long straight black hair that reaches past their ass typically in some kind of intricate hairstyle with silver jewellery woven in, curvy build with a tanned complexion, pale white eyes, roman nose, height 8,5 when not forced to dress modestly they are always wearing a short dress with a marabou robe or a satin robe and six-inch heels, adorned in many silver bracelets, necklaces, rings and flower earrings and they have belly button piercing
Dusks ROs
Sire || He/Him || 26 || Kelpie
Description ~ Shoulder length wavy dark green hair so dark it almost appears black Sire's hair always seems to look wet/damp, he has a dad bod and Ivory complexion, black eyes, Greek nose, His height is on the slightly shorter side standing at 5’4, usually wearing black leather pants, dress shoes and a button up shirt that never fully buttoned up
Loralie || They/Them || 24 || Siren
Description ~ Mid back length black goddess braids, Athletic Swimmer build and Dark brown complexion with dark blueish grey scales scattered about, piercing grey eyes, Flat nose, height 6’2, a large scar down the middle of their chest, gills most noticeable upon their neck, outside of work they typically wear cargo pants, muscle shirt, converse shoes, a gold locket, dangle earrings, spectrum piercing
Joshua || He/They || 20 || Werewolf
Description ~ Short messy dirty blonde hair, muscular build and tan complexion, amber eyes, Greek nose though it has obviously been broken in the past, scar along the right of their jaw, freckles speckled over his face, height 6’0, typically wears work boots, jeans and a muscle shirt with a flannel jacket
Z || She/He/They || ?? || Undead
Description ~ Messy straight chin length black hair with strands of grey hairs throughout, skinny build and pale olive and appears slightly greeny yellowish, black eyes, hawk nose, the height of 5'6 the left corner of her mouth is carved away revealing most of their teeth and flesh and their left hands pinky and ring finger are just bone the surrounding area seems to have a hideous burn scar though he typically covers it up by wearing white gloves, black turtle neck, beige torn pants and two different pairs of dirty runners
So this isn't absolutely everything but it is the most prominent thing of their appearances
The synopsis for the story will be coming hopefully by the end of May along with some more technical side I hope for the demo to come out in late August or early September we will see how things go
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roolsilver · 8 months
I think I FINALLY caught something I had been missing. I was talking to my grandma today about language>spelling>alphabets>syllabic alphabets>Japanese, and I was just thinking about Welcome to Demon School, and...
ESPECIALLY after how much they harped on Agares looking like Endymion.
BUT! Japanese has a syllabic alphabet! A-ri-su
AND! There is a Greek god whose domain is VERY convenient, and happens to be THE SON OF THE GODDESS OF LOVE AND BEAUTY.
He's not Alice, he's Eros! E-ro-su. A god who is JUST A LITTLE BIT FAMOUS FOR HIS ARROWS. The Romans called him Cupid.
So yeah, Asmodeus is Eros!
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mask131 · 7 months
The gods of Gaul: Rosmerta
After a god of abundance, a goddess of abundance !
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Rosmerta is a purely Gallo-Roman goddess. Not that she did not start out as a Gallic goddess, mind you! For sure she was originally a goddess of Gaul – her very name is Gallic in origin. But, the fact is that all we know about her, be it her role, her functions, her attributes, come from her incarnation as a Gallo-Roman goddess, part of the syncretized pantheon of Roman and Gallic gods. As such, we can only conjecture and guess who she was before the Romans arrived, based on the way the Romans handled and incorporated her.
One thing that is certain of is that Rosmerta always was a goddess of abundance. As I said, her name is Gallic, and commonly identified as being formed of three parts, “Ro”, “Smert” and “A”. The -a suffix merely denotes a female name. The prefix “Ro-“ is for amplification (like “very” ; a “robili” is someone who is very kind ; a “rocabalus” is a great horse). As for “smert”, it is found in many Gallic names and means either “who takes care of” or “who offers”. As such, Rosmerta could be translated as “The Great Giver”, “The Very Generous”, “She who takes care of very well”, “The Great Gifter”… In Gallo-Roman iconography, Rosmerta is often depicted holding a cornucopia, highlighting her role as a goddess of abundance and maybe fecundity (sometimes it is even stressed further by her holding the cornucopia in one hand, a basket of fruits on the other).
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In the Gallo-Roman religion, Rosmerta is the eternal companion, the paredra, the female equivalent of the god Mercury. On all the visual depictions we have of Rosmerta, very few depict her alone – she is usually always with Mercury by her side. This makes sense when you recall who Mercury was in Roman religion. Too many people consider that the Roman gods are just the Greek ones with a new name printed on them. Mercury might have been the equivalent of the Greek Hermes, but in terms of functions and symbolism he differed from him in many ways. Most notably, while the Greek Hermes was mainly a god of talent, cunning, cleverness and intelligence (which manifested in his various attributes as god of messengers and eloquence, science and athletics, merchants and thieves), the Romans focused much more on the idea of a god of travel and commerce: as such, Mercury is the god of merchants, markets, business travels and lucrative journeys first and foremost. He was an economic god, a money-deity, who embodied prosperity and riches in a material and financial form. As such, it makes sense for him, in the Gallo-Roman syncretism, to be paired with a goddess who herself seems to have embodied abundance and fertility.
Interestingly, we can see how Rosmerta got more and more “fused” with Mercury over time. For example, in many depictions of the duo, Rosmerta is not holding her usual cornucopia, but a pouch full of coins or a bag of money – which was THE defining attribute of Mercury. The “Mercurification” of Rosmerta reached its paroxysm in a bronze depiction from Annecy, where the goddess appears alone… But with Mercury’s wings on both sides of her head, while holding a purse of coins. The transformation is complete: Rosmerta became simply the female version of Mercury, and lost her own identity. We have a lot of votive offerings and various prayer-inscriptions for Rosmerta, but they do not give us much information about her, and always made her one half of a duo with Mercury.
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There is also this four-sided pillar which depicts Rosmerta holding Mercury's caduceus. You will notice with these pictures the very Roman aspect Rosmerta sports - with the Roman dress and veil and diadem.
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If you are curious, the other sides of this pillar found behind Paris' Sainte-Chapelle in 1748, depict Mercury, Apollo and a "winged Genie".
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Interestingly, the lack of romantic or sensual scenes between Mercury and Rosmerta have led many to theorize their couple was not a romantic or marital one. Many believe that Rosmerta was probably identified with Mercury's mother, Maia, who had her own cult by Roman times. For example, there is the fact we have votive inscriptions acting in parallels - some invoking "Mercury and Maia" together, others invoking "Mercury and Rosmerta", but the two goddesses never appearing side by side in the same inscription. Their cult-areas also carefully avoided any overlap geographically speaking (here is a map below from the Belgian website deomercurio) - and when you consider that Maia was a goddess of the season of spring associated with the rebirth/birth of nature ; that she was often seen holding a caduceus ; and that she had been before associated with various mother-goddesses of fertility (Ops, Fauna, Bona Dea)... In fact, the Mercurified statue of Rosmerta with wings on her head has been debated: because while many consider it is a Rosmerta statue, some rather see it as a Maia statue... The confusion is clear.
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Some theorized Rosmerta might have been a goddess of the fertile earth and the natural abundance (hence the cornucopia, the basket of fruits), which would have made the “natural” reflection of Mercury’s man-made, artificial riches (coins, commerce, merchants and markets) – after all, Gaul was one of the food-providers of the Roman Empire, and where the Romans got a lot of their cereals and grapes. To have a goddess of fruits coupled with a god of commerce would have been the perfect representation of the Roman conquest of Gaul… Some even push the idea further by saying maybe Rosmerta was an equivalent of Proserpina, or a female Pluto, as a goddess of the riches of underworld – but I found no conclusive evidence or solid theory for this, so I’ll mention it, but I give this no credit. Let us stick simply to how she is an abundance and fertility goddess, more likely a Maia equivalent.
There are other theories linking her to other Roman deities. For example some consider in Rosmerta a Gallic equivalent of the Roman goddess Felicitas, due to a Roman inscription listing all the important gods of Gaul having Felicitas following immediately the name of Mercury, as if closely associated with him, despite Felicitas not being typically seen as Mercury-adjacent in Roman religion. Another theory mentions how the Roman goddess Abundantia, the personification of abundance, had a strong worship in some parts of Gaul (for example by the Eduens), and was depicted in a similar way to Rosmerta as a goddess with a cornucopia and a patera in her hands. However the theory falls quite short, because on one side Abundantia was always depicted alone, without a male companion like Mercury, and on the other, almost all of the goddesses of Gaul were depicted with a patera (or in a lesser way a cornucopia) in their hands. The patera notably was one of the recurring, typical attributes of the Gallic goddesses ; and given many of them had something to do with abundance or fertility, the cornucopia went from hand to hand... But there is no denying that Rosmerta definitively echoed the Roman Abundantia, and that in turn Abundantia found her place in Gaul, filling a shared religious archetype of a goddes of abundance, a spirit of prosperity. Maia, Abundantia, Rosmerta - they all formed a web around a central core partially missing today, and testify to Gaul's strong attachment to the idea of a fertility goddess, of a personification of a nature filled with riches.
Another interesting clue when it comes to Rosmerta is how, in an engraving found in Reims, she has by her side not Mercury, but rather Toutatis/Teutatès... Is it a clue that maybe Toutatis was her original companion before Mercury arrived? There is also a fascinating Gallo-Roman depiction, a stone statue currently at the Saint-Germain-en-Laye museum, of Mercury with an unnamed goddess by his side:
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This statue is very, very important for several reasons. One: the goddess by Mercury's side is left unnamed, but if she is Rosmerta, then this statue might indicate not a mother-son relationship (as the Maia theory allowed to think) but a sexual one. Indeed, it would be one of the rare Rosmerta depictions with an accent on her body and a form of nudity - coupled with the suggestive gesture of touching Mercury's head. Two: Despite us knowing this was meant to be a Mercury, this Mercury is very unusual. He is not a youthful ephebe, but a mature, bearded man. No wings, no caduceus - only the pouch of coins typical of his charge... and a snake laying on his lap. Not just any snake: a ram-headed snake. If you read my previous post about the gods of Gaul you know what this means... This "Mercury" clearly sports the symbolism of Cernunnos. The bag of grains/food coins turned into a little purse, the antlers removed, but the beard and the ram-headed snake are still here, and the goddess still holds the god's head.
It had already been established that Mercury's popularity in Gaul was part due to replacing some aspects of Cernunnos - but if this goddess is Rosmerta (and indeed, some Cernunnos depictions did have a cornucopia-holding goddess near the god, usually identified as an unnamed mother-goddess), does this imply Rosmerta was initially a companion of Cernunnos?
As usual we are left with more questions than answers, and vague relationships we ultimately can never confirm...
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 9 months
since pjo is airing now.... ROs as demigods???? or like which God/dess would they be? I'm in my mythology era again so
so the funny, super cool and very amusing thing is that I got two (2) pjo related asks like withing minutes of each other! so since you've asked two questions and the other only one I shall give you the ROs as Greek Gods/Goddesses (I thought it best to stick to one mythological pantheon, feel free to ask about other mythologies if you'd like!!) +ROs as demigods ( here )
From Dylan I kind of get Harmonia or Tyche vibes?? Harmony and Luck are kind of staples for their character but I could totally see them as Hestia too! They're kind of the hearth of the group, and their presence is a place to feel safe and at home within!
Shay gives me real Hermes vibes... Hermes has always given me the jokester of the pantheon vibes! Plus Shay being the only one who's actually travelled (excusing J) being the God of Travellers is very fitting! Hermes is also the Messenger God and Shay is quite easily the most open/communicative of the ROs!
So I actually had quite a hard time trying to pin Kinsley down to a God/Godess... My first thoughts are kind of ironic (and iconic) considering Athena and Poseidon's history of rivalry/conflict and Kinsley's theme of inner conflict... So I think I'll stick with the both of them! Kin is so smart and methodical that she's very well suited as the Goddess of Wisdom however! She's also very temperamental, much like depictions of Poseidon (especially in the Iliad) and she can be as vindictive as she can be calm and collected! (bonus thoughts of Khione, Goddess of Snow but Kin's multifaceted so....)
J is Nemesis, the Goddess of Revenge and Balance! It's legit the theme of their arc, so it's very fitting! Though I could also see J as Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon. (and if I'm honest, Artemis is actually a real theme for J in the actual story!) or even Themis, the Titan Goddess of Justice!
I feel like Theo is very in touch with nature but they're also very in touch with music so I was drawn between Apollo, the God of Music and Pan, God of the wild. (I would've said Demeter but I don't really get harvest vibes from Theo...) But I think I'll stick with Apollo actually, since music is a bigger inspiration for Theo! Plus, while the Sun isn't a big theme for them, Medicine is! And considering their parents are in the medical field──it's a part of their background!
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barclaysangel · 2 months
A Siren's Embrace; Chapter 4: Knowledge of the Sea
Hey everyone, here’s chapter 4! And, to no surprise…I have not finished chapter 6. So…next week’s chapter will probably be the last one for a while. I’m very disappointed in myself. I’m just busy with schoolwork and worrying over my future academic journey and career that I have no motivation. It doesn’t help that I have ideas for a new original Greek mythology story too. I’m all over the place. Sorry. But please comment what you think of this chapter, it does help fuel me and just makes me feel nice.
Thank you and enjoy :)
Word count: 1.8K
Tags: @streets-in-paradise @king-of-wicked
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Nika kept visiting Pearl. 
She came to the beach everyday in their secret little spot with Nika bringing different human things varying from foods to clothes or jewelry, and Pearl did the same by showing her colorful rocks or luring fishes to the shore so Nika could see them up close. 
The only day she was unable to meet her was graduation day. She was too busy that day but let Pearl know that she wouldn’t be able to see her. Nika could hardly focus on her own graduation, supposed to be one of the best days in a teenager’s life. She was supposed to be excited and happy to be free and then go to college. 
But her mind was on Pearl, swimming around in the deep ocean, no doubt coming up with new things to show her. 
I wonder if she misses me like I miss her. Nika thought silently to herself but tried not to dwell on those thoughts too much. She had to be focused, to celebrate with Jay, Lucy, and her parents. Even when all they did was go out to dinner together. Her parents, especially her dad, were hardly the ones to throw celebrations, much to Nika’s dismay. 
But she didn’t care all that much right now. A part of her would much rather celebrate with Pearl instead. 
And that’s exactly what she did, going to the rock the following day as soon as she was able to leave the house. 
Nika didn’t need to wait long at all, before Pearl’s head emerged from the ocean. Now, it was as if the mermaid just knew when the human would arrive, like she could sense her. 
“Hey there, Pearl.” She said with a smile, sitting down fully on the rock. 
“Hello, Nika.” Pearl replied, something in her voice holding a fondness to it before she moved closer to the rock and then pushed herself up onto it, sitting down right beside Nika. 
Pearl had never gotten that close to her before and Nika couldn’t help herself, she began staring. The blue scales of the mermaid shimmered and glistened, sparkling under the sunlight. Now that Nika looked closer, she noticed that Pearl’s hair held tints of red to it, almost auburn or burgundy. Dark red, slightly brown, long damp waves that resembled curls, tumbling down and just managing to cover her bare chest…
Stop! What the hell are you thinking! Look away, you perv, look away! Nika practically screamed at herself before forcing her eyes away, feeling herself blushing and clearing her throat to distract herself. 
She couldn’t just be staring like that, that would be incredibly disrespectful to Pearl to try and stare at her breasts. Thankfully it was covered by all of her hair, so there wouldn’t be any risk of Nika getting distracted. 
Gods, could you be any gayer?!
“I-I got something for you!” Nika found her voice after a moment too long, going through her bag and pulling out a silver necklace with a pendant dangling from the chain. 
Pearl touched the pendant gently with her wet fingers, tilting her head slightly in curiosity. “Pretty…what is it?”
“It’s called a necklace,” She told her, “the little circle is a pendant. And even though it’s really small, it has Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, marked on it. You can feel it too.” 
“Aph…ro…di…te…” The mermaid sounded out the goddess’s name, touching the pendant and smiling just a little. “It’s…lovely.” 
“And it’s for you,” Nika added with a smile, “I got it for you, so you can wear it and think of me whenever I’m not around to see you. It’s a gift for you, Pearl.”
Her green eyes lit up, still touching the pendant so carefully before looking at Nika. “Thank you. The gift is pretty. Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome,” She giggled softly, noticing how Pearl was beginning to speak more and learn new words the longer they spent time together, “do you want me to help you put it on?” 
“Yes. Please.” Pearl replied and Nika moved a little closer, unclasping the chain and wrapping the necklace around her. 
She touched the mermaid’s skin on the back of her neck lightly while clasping it closed and every part of her wanted to trail her fingers down to her shoulders and back, but she fought the urge and pulled herself back together. “There. It looks great on you.”
Pearl touched the pendant, smiling at her again. “Thank you. I will treasure it forever. Like how you treasure my gift.” She said, reaching out to touch the locket resting in the center of Nika’s chest where the pearl that she gave her rested in. 
The mermaid’s hand was so close, maybe a little too close, to her breast and Nika shivered. Good lord, calm down! It’s innocent, this is innocent, stop being so weird and calm the fuck down! She snapped internally at herself, gathering her self-control together and resumed her proper breathing. 
She cleared her throat again. “Yes, ummm…I do love your gift. I wear it everyday.” She smiled a little, trying to think of something else to say. “What…what is it like? You know, being a mermaid. Your family. The other…mermaids or mermen. What’s it like?”
“Family…we are close,” Pearl answered after thinking for a moment, “we are raised with our families. Then we part to explore once we are of age. Join new families. With other mermaids and mermen. Find our mates. Some of us have children so merfolk can grow. And so on.” 
Nika listened, fascinated and curious about some of the similarities mermaids had towards humans. Some of the only major differences were one lived in the ocean and had tails and gills. 
“Do you have a mate?” She asked without thinking, immediately pinching her lips shut. Why would you even ask that?! What is wrong with you?!
“No,” Pearl responded casually, and Nika tried to ignore the brief sense of relief she felt in that moment, “I do know of merfolk that have mates. Some have one, some have more. Mermaids with mermen, mermaids with mermaids, mermen with mermen. They stay together once they are mates, bound to one another.” 
Nika’s intrigue only grew before she paused for a moment and managed to process what Pearl had told her. “There are…mermaids who are mates with other mermaids? And…the same for mermen too? And it’s all…normal?” 
“Yes. It is normal.” The mermaid looked confused now and tilted her head just slightly. “Is it not normal for Walkers?”
“Well, sort of? There are…women with women or men with men. But…a lot of other people who don’t feel the same look down on them. It’s not too bad around this town, although there are some people here who don’t like it, but…it can be worse in other places. Walkers aren’t as kind as mermaids, I believe.” Nika explained to Pearl to the best of her ability. 
She wasn’t a stranger to the homophobic things she’s seen or heard from people around her. Even the backhanded comments from her own parents were enough to keep her quiet about her differing sexuality. 
We accept and love you just…never tell a living soul about this and make sure to marry a man and live a normal life. 
So much for acceptance. 
Nika noticed Pearl’s eyebrows were furrowed now, her lips almost resembling a pout. It was really cute despite the circumstances. She clearly didn’t agree with many of the Walkers’ stance on “same sex mates”, but it wasn’t a topic Nika wanted to continue, so she changed the subject. “Is it possible for mermaids or mermen to…become a Walker? Even for a little bit?” 
This worked because the pout slipped away from Pearl’s lips before she nodded. “Yes. It is possible. But…dangerous. Very, very painful. Some do not survive the first change.” 
This was surprising to Nika. She had never thought about just how painful and even deadly the mermaid to human transition could be. She supposed it made sense, going from tail to legs. 
As much as she wanted to spend more time with Pearl, it wasn’t worth risking her life for it. Nika would much rather that Pearl stay a mermaid and in the water than to go through something so agonizing. 
The mermaid certainly didn’t deserve that. 
“Do you know any merfolk who have gone through the change and live? And stayed on land?” The human decided to ask next. 
Pearl shook her head. “Many I know stay in the water. They are afraid of the change. And Walkers are dangerous. They hurt our waters. They would hurt us too.” 
Before Nika could reassure her, Pearl reached out and suddenly placed her hand on the human’s cheek. The mermaid’s touch was wet and cold, but it still sent an electrifying feeling inside her body. 
“But you would not hurt me. I know it. I can feel it. You are good. Kind. Not a bad Walker. Not like the others.” Pearl spoke seriously, her eyes never leaving Nika’s. 
If her heart wasn’t racing before, it sure as hell was now. 
Maybe mermaids were just…really affectionate. Yes, that’s what it is. Stop overthinking everything!
“You are red,” Pearl pointed out, much to Nika’s horror and embarrassment, “your heart beats fast. Ill?” 
“No, no, I…I’m fine.” Nika tried to laugh it off, figuring that her blush would be noticeable but not realizing just how well a mermaid’s hearing could be until this very moment. 
Pearl didn’t say anything, studying her closer now while keeping her hand on Nika’s cheek still. Her sea green eyes trailed every single inch of her, from her face, down to the rest of her body. Panic was starting to set in, not knowing at all how to cope in this situation with her own thoughts screaming before Pearl began humming. 
Nika recognized this voice, this low and soft, haunting voice. A sense of tranquility washed over her, easing her mind and her emotions. She felt like she could finally breathe again, letting out a soft sigh of relief just as Pearl stopped her beautiful singing. 
“There. Calm now?” The mermaid asked and the human nodded, slowly realizing what Pearl had done. 
It was like a siren song. It must’ve been the same one that Pearl used to try and get Nika to sleep the day she rescued her and had used again to calm her nerves. 
That was certainly interesting. 
“Th…thanks.” She said after a moment, smiling a little and Pearl returned the smile, absolutely beaming at her. 
Shit…Nika was hooked on her already. Pearl had such an effect on her and it wasn’t just the siren song. There was something more to it, something that was so alluring to Nika and she just couldn’t get enough. 
It was fine, everything was gonna be fine. 
This would totally end up being completely fine…right?
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lilac-den · 1 year
I just played Silver King for the first time and I love it sooooo much!!! its so fun with the banter and the reactions (meek MC ftw i love making them flustered at everything) and yeah. Ironically, i codenamed my MC Aletheia after the greek Goddess of truth, not realizing that the squad all also had greek names lmaooo. it would've been hilarious to see everyone's reactions to the random hacker also naming themselves after a greek god. thanks for all your work and good luck with writing the rest!
Actually, I did add some Greek codenames that the ROs will comment about! Here's the list:
Athena (thank you @rip-rowsdower for correcting me on this!)
I would have added more, but honestly, that would be too many to list and I don't want to overload the names. XD
As for why Aphrodite isn't one of the names listed here, it's a pretty big spoiler. :}
Thank you for enjoying my IF and the ask, anon! :D
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midnightsun-if · 11 months
If the ROs, and the siblings, were Greek Gods who would they be?
Good question! I might use some of the same Gods/Goddesses for a few as I can see a few being reused, but let’s see!
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Koda: Hermes
Scarlett: Aphrodite or Artemis
Cyrus/Cyra: Apollo
Quinn: Ares
Caden: Hades
Sloane: Hephaestus
Blake: Aphrodite or Hermes
Reginald/Regina: Athena
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Cienna: Poseidon or Athena
Persephone: Hestia
Christian: Dionysus or Apollo
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theantarwitch · 2 years
Basic Metals and their Magical Properties: Easy Chart.
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Bronze: An alloy consisting primarily of copper, commonly with tin and often with the addition of other metals. Has the element Fire, hence its warm fiery color.
Auditory Magic: Music, communication, creativity, imagination, ambition, intuition.
Fire: Spells that create, control, or extinguish fires, control temperatures, or cause burns or explosions, create, move, and disperse smoke and other hot gases, increase or decrease the temperature of their targets.
Health: To fight infections due to its inclusion of copper.
Money: Was the second metal widely used to mint small denomination coins, excel at casting spells that bring wealth and prosperity, career, employment, job. Amulets for protection against harm in battle and for protection against robbers, burglars, embezzlers, muggers, and thieves.
Warrior: As a metal that was long used for the forging of weapons, good to increase their target’s fighting abilities, for agility, strength, resilience, speed and endurance, protection from wear-and-tear, good luck charms for warriors.
 Copper: A soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity.
Feminine. The Greeks copper as Cyprium, because they mined it on the island of Cyprus (which is pronounced kup-ros). Since Cyprus was known as the birthplace of Venus, the goddess of love, copper is often associated with her, and with the planet Venus as well, that’s why the alchemical symbol for copper is the symbol for the planet Venus.
Energy Conductor: For control electromagnetism, control fire, control temperature, fight infections due to its antibacterial properties, warmth,
Money: Wealth, abundance, and prosperity. Amulets for protection the ravages of poverty and against robbers, good fortune and good luck, charms.
Hidden: to reveal evil actions and intents, especially lies and deceptions, to find hidden or lost objects and make the invisible visible.
Healing: Copper bracelets that supposedly to help with aches and pains, fertility,
Protection, safeguarding and transmission of essentials, to draw away negative energy,
Bring utility, change, attraction, balance, concentration, focus, friendship, happiness, harmony, love, lust, passion, peace of mind, peacefulness, purification, self-esteem, spirituality.
 Tin: A silvery metal that characteristically has a faint yellow hue, soft enough to be cut with little force. Associated with Jupiter, the planet and the Roman god.
Money: Success, prosperity, abundance, good luck,
Healing: Particularly rejuvenation and regeneration, often tied to tin, which, on a physical level, acts as a bactericide.
Protection from wear-and-tear. Home and family, every-day magic, utilitarian magic.
Illumination, knowledge and divination, desire, honor, hope, lust, passion. It also amplifies the magical properties of other ingredients.
In some belief systems, lightning is associated with tin. Lightning bolts are a symbol of the god Jupiter, so items charged during a lightning storm can be potent magical tools indeed.
Has naturally some awesome acoustic properties, often used in the making of bells and musical instruments.
 Aluminium: It has a great affinity towards oxygen, and forms a protective layer of oxide on the surface when exposed to air.
Visually resembles silver, both in its color and in its great ability to reflect light. The magician's "invisibility metal". Reflects incoming energies and makes the perfect base for magic mirrors. Useful for magical protection if worn as jewelry.
Air magic, calming, meditation, protection, soothing, travel, truthfulness.
Associated with Saturn.
 Nickel: A silvery-white lustrous metal with a slight golden tinge, belongs to the transition metals and is hard and ductile. Common in coins.
Permanence, glamour, greed, urban magic, brittleness, the home, opening doors, attraction, influence, knowledge, repelling, truth, wisdom.
Extends into most dimensions, and has many levels of existence, useful when additional information or energy is required, or when dealing with trying to solve problems, advance knowledge or a personal breakthrough or threshold shift is required.
 Steel: Is an alloy made up of iron with typically a few tenths of a percent of carbon to improve its strength and fracture resistance compared to other forms of iron. Popular in jewelry making since it’s so strong, durable, and affordable.
Permanence, glamour, greed, urban magic, brittleness, the home, opening doors.
Steel's energies are highly projective and it’s associated with the planet Mars, making it a spiritual armor. To protect yourself from psychic attacks, extreme negativity or anything that would suck the energy right out of you.
 Iron: Is, by mass, the most common element on Earth, forming much of Earth's outer and inner core. Associated with the earth itself, but also connected with the skies and the universe, because it is found in stars and other celestial bodies. Iron in the earth is often the result of crashed meteorites, it truly is a metal that reflects the ideology of “As above, so below.”
Associated with the planet Mars, as well as the god of war, is an almost archetypical representation of the warrior, of power, and of courage. Early weaponry was made from iron ores, and much of mankind’s conquest and control of the natural world is rooted in our ability to manipulate iron.
Permanence, opposition to nature, urban magic, influence, destruction, curses, strength, blood magic, health.
In grounding rituals and workings, or if you’re heading in the opposite direction, use it for astral travel.
Associated with protection, Horseshoes and other iron items can be hung around your home to create a magical barrier against those who might do you harm.
 Gold: In a pure form, it is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable, and ductile metal. Element Fire. The alchemical symbol of gold is a circle with a dot in the middle, the symbol for the Sun, of power and dominance.
Money: wealth, ambition, financial comfort and success, fortune, generosity, good luck, influence, money, opportunity, prosperity, power. Protection and against robbers.
Love: Traditionally used to craft wedding rings, a symbol of eternal love, loyalty, and devotion. Beauty spells, glamour, appearances, happiness, positive energy attraction,
Protection: Primarily for children, against harm and curses, and especially the evil eye.
Health, overcoming addictions, healing. strength
Sun magic for confidence, honesty, hope, positivity, willpower, wisdom.
 Silver: A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it exhibits the highest electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and reflectivity of any metal. Representation of truth and trust.
Considered a neutral metal, associated with moon magic, and all that comes along with it, such as intuition, wisdom, psychic sensitivity, psychic abilities, clairvoyance, cleansing, divination, dreams, lucid dreaming, meditation, purification, reflection, self-awareness, dowsing, spirituality.
A reflective metal, not just physically but on a metaphysical level, can reflect negative energy and help prevent psychic attack, offensive magic (like the silver bullet), hex-breaking, boosting energy
Warding illness (but not necessarily healing), good price-to-beauty ratio, domesticity, balancing, clearing, emotional healing & growth, grounding, hope, nurturing.
 Lead: A heavy metal that is denser than most common materials. Lead is soft and malleable, and also has a relatively low melting point. Associated with Saturn, and the god of the same name. Not especially pretty, tends to block out light and sound, and is a poor conductor of energy and electricity.
The heaviest of the base metals. Lead is not only heavy, it’s also durable and hard to change. Lead items found in archaeological excavations are usually still unbroken after thousands of years. Associated with fire, melts easily over an open flame. Once burned down, the lead is replaced by a fine yellowish ashy powder, which is why alchemists believed that lead and gold were so intricately connected. Lead is the metal of transformation and resurrection.
To focus on connection with your deepest unconscious self, meditation, and stability and grounding, to control negative behaviors and thoughts, break your bad habits, and overcome addictions. For communication with the underworld.
The silent metal, creates a space of silence, perfect for "black space" meditations.
A good barrier to all forms of energy, can be used to keep things in, as well as out.
 Mercury: A heavy, silvery element, the only metallic element that is liquid at standard conditions for temperature and pressure.
Was known as mercurius vivens, or “the living mercury,” because is the only one whose final form is still in motion.
Found in tombs in China, Egypt, and India dating back several thousand years, mercury was eventually used in healing medicine.
Is a bit of an anomaly when it comes to metals, unlike others, it’s not hard or malleable, it can’t be scratched, shaped, or bent, doesn’t conduct heat, but it does react to it, and will expand and contract based on temperatures–that’s why it’s used in thermometers. When it’s frozen, it actually works as an excellent conductor of electricity.
Because it appears as a living, breathing thing in constant motion, mercury is sometimes associated with the serpent. It’s symbolic not only with the life force itself, but also with the aspects of death and decomposition. Because mercury is dangerous to use, when it comes to magic, it is typically replaced by either silver or mercurial archetypes.
Magical workings involving mercury include communication and progress–after all, the god Mercury was a fleet-footed messenger–as well as mental clarity, higher learning and education, and the ability to be a persuasive and convincing speaker.
Extremely active and impactful at the multi-level, mercury has many applications from change, via transdimensional transportation of consciousness to being a perfect choice for a magic mirror.
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canvas-madness-txc · 6 months
Thoughts on The Song of Achilles
"Achilles did not slur my name as people often did, as if in a hurry to be rid of it. Instead, he rang each syllable Pat-ro-clus." This is one of the many, many lines that broke me. It says a lot about Patroclus and Achilles in only two sentences
"What has Hector ever done to me?" Well, call me, Julius Caesar, because this line has stabbed me repeatedly. I read The Iliad first, so I had expectations, but man, does it still hurt
"Some people might have mistaken this for simplicity. But is it not a sort of genuis to always cut to the heart?" I like this line a lot . It shows how close the two of them became. Also, there is some genuis in saying what you mean, regardless of simplicity.
The fact that Patroclus realizes that his father's disappointment after he is to be exiled isn't for the crime but for not being cunning enough to cover it was cruel.
Odysseus, being the smug guy he is, just in general
Achilles has the most boyish, standard teen response after Thetis tells him she wants him to be a God. It really shows the divide of human and God in him. Also the contrast is kinda funny
"There is no law that gods must be fair, Achilles." That is both the truth and probably a warning
"Name one hero who was happy. You can't."
"I can't."
"I know. They never let you be famous and happy. ... I'll tell you a secret."
"Tell me."
"I'm going to be the first. ... Because you're the reason. Swear it." Laughter morphs into uncontrollable sobbing. Oh the dramatic irony.
Patroclus saying he could identify Achilles by touch alone is just WOW
"Useless information is my curse, I'm afraid." Me too, Odysseus, me too
Odysseus talking about Penelope 🥺
Polutropos- man of many turnings is now something I'm gonna utilize more often
I have now officially scarred both myself and my friend for life with the tales of "Mighty Tydeus, King of Argos, Eater of Brains," and Tantalus' eternal torment
The banter between Odysseus and Diomedes
"The goddess is appeased" CLEARLY NOT MORON
The fact that Agamemnon could anger both Apollo and Artemis is pretty impressive underneath its massive layer of stupidity (a thought that returned to me from before when I read The Iliad)
Odysseus calling Achilles "a weapon, a killer" because "you can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature" really drives home my conflicted feeling that are true for most of the Greek heroes, but specifically Achilles this time
"I hope Hector kills you."
"Do you think I do not hope the same?" THE GRIEF MY HEART
Backtracking here, but I like how Briseis and Patroclus had a close bond with each other
Pyrrhus: *exists* Me: go back to pre-algebra you're 12
I find it ironic that Pyrrhus was killed by Agamemnon's son Orestes, considering their fathers loathed each other. The dishonoring continues among generations, but reversed this time and ending with murder
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*Because I'm bored.*
Nyxlite once poked her head into the mortal realm once. She accidentally became the inspiration behind the Greek gods Nyx and Erebus because reasons.
LOR has fought both Thor and his kids because they thought he was the world serpent. He clearly wasn't.
HP Lovecraft accidentally saw LORs face and this drove him crazy enough to make his monsters. But....Nxyie did accidentally tell Sunblood that Azaoth is real and came to Lovecraft in a dream. Cause in her words 'he's a dick.'
Hera tried to stab Cherub the day they met because she thought he was zues's kid. He wasn't.
Sunblood and Takie are hated the most by the ror gods cause Sunblood 'betrayed them for the humans' and Takie used to be a hellhound.
Merchant and Archivist hate going near a battlefield.
Makmak is scared of Hera and Amaterasu.
Geaia and Solveria haven't ever seen an Egyptian god before.
Galeria has been around since the dawn of multi celled organisms.
Alexand being the son of Comet and Nxyie is often considered the biggest threat to heaven and hell.
Comet has no face and his body changes color depending on his mood. His default color is purple.
There's almost no information on The Rainbow Opal due to it being very very shy and many people not even thinking it's real. But it's the origin of magic on many worlds. In fact their tears have made fountains of youth which are almost always portals into the land of dreams due to the fountain being 'a physical manifestation of mortal dreams.'
Rainbow Opal or RO is the only primordial who can have it's real body fly around the universe without breaking something or becoming a massive target.
The gods used to be 2 pantheons. The primordials who are abstract concepts made somewhat physical to enjoy the planes of reality around them. Killing any of them will break reality. And the Ascenders who are various mortals who Ascended to God hood.
The ways the Ascenders ascended.
Sunblood - married a god.
Gealia - people confused her for Gaia and she gained power through worship.
Solveria - people thought she was an angel. So people worshiped her as a 'mighty servant of heaven' she nevered liked getting worshiped but she loves her worshipers.
Galeria - being a massive sea serpant makes people believe she's the daughter of a sea monster they need to keep happy.
Makmak - fell into a fountain of youth and landed in the land of dreams durning the dark ages he refused to leave and stayed there so long became the physical avatar of the dream world.
Takie - she was a hellhound who was jealous every other living being could have children while hell hounds can't so mad she started kidnapping children she was sure deserved her love which accidently started a cult of people who revered her as a pagan goddess of motherhood.
Comet - he was the result of a big bang imploding in on itself thus it became an anomaly of major proportion they then started leaving signs to those that live inside their body it is alive and he's aware of what's going on inside them.
Cherub - killed his godly father in self defense and accidentally stole his powers.
With the exception of Makmak the gods have been in a relationship before.
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wyrmfedgrave · 2 months
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1 to 3. Supposed scenes from the plot of "Unda."
Yet, only #3 comes close to this 'love' poem.
But, this is Lovecraft.
So, what's love got to do with it?
4. A nice video reading of this poem.
5 & 6. Complete collections of HPL's poetry, where this poem can be found.
Lovecraft: 1915 Output.
Intro: < M. Perez-Campos.
In 1914, Howard found out that M.W. Moe¹ wanted HPL to use other poetic forms - rather than always writing in heroic couplets.
Lovecraft defended his choice of poetic form based on it being a long standing habit of his & because of his personal antiquarian² outlook.
Or, as Howard put it, "As the strength of Antaeus³ depended on his contact with Mother Earth,⁴ so does (the full) merit (of) my verses depend (upon) their execution (in) this regular & time- honored measure."⁵
It would take another year before HPL composed a new response to Moe's challenge.
"Unda" was first shared with R. Kleiner⁶ - in one of Howard's long letters, on September of 1915.
The Work: "Unda, Bride of the Sea."
Dedication: To M.W. Moe, Esquire.⁷
Quote: "Ego, canus, lunam cuna"⁸ - Maevius Bavianus.⁹
Text: < hplovecraft.com
Black loom the crags of the uplands behind me; Dark are the sands of the far stretching shore.
Dim are the pathways & rocks that remind me, Sadly of years (now) lost evermore.¹⁰
Soft laps the ocean on wave polished boulders; (And) sweet is the sound (so) familiar to me.
Here, with her head gently bent (by) my shoulder, Walked I with Unda, the Bride of the Sea.¹¹
Bright was the morn of my youth when I met her, Sweet as the breeze that blew over the brine.
Swift was I captured in Love's strongest fetter, Glad to be her's & she glad to be mine.
Never a question asked I where she wandered, Never asked she of my birth:¹²
Happy as children, we thought not nor pondered,¹³ Glad with the bounty of ocean & earth.
Once, when... moonlight played soft (among) the billows, High on the cliff over the waters we stood,
Bound was her hair with a garland of willows,¹⁴ Plucked by the fount in the bird haunted wood.
Strangely she gazed on the surges beneath her, Charmed by the sound or entranced by the light.¹⁵
Then did the waves a wild aspect¹⁶ bequeath her, Stern as the ocean & weird as the night.
Coldly she left me, astonished & weeping, Standing alone¹⁷ amid the regions she blessed:
Down, ever downward, half gliding (&) creeping, Stole the sweet Unda in (an) oceanward quest.
Calm grew the sea & tumultuous beating, Turned to a ripple,¹⁸ as Unda the fair,
Trod the wet sands in affectionate greeting, Beckoned to me & no longer was there!¹⁹
Long did I pace by the banks where she vanished:²⁰ High climbed the moon & descended again.
Grey broke the dawn til the sad night was banished, still ached my soul (in) infinite pain.
1. Maurice Winter Moe was an American amateur journalist & English teacher in Appleton, Wisconsin & also at Milwaukee, same state.
Moe 1st knew of HPL in 1914 & was able to present A. Galpin (an out- standing student of his) to Lovecraft.
As Moe was the pios sort, the 2 men (Moe & Howard) discussed truth & religion frequently.
2. An antiquarian is someone who studies history & collects antiques or rare books.
3. Antaeus ("opponent") was a giant of Libya (North Africa at that ancient time) who got his immense strength from touching the Earth.
A son of the gods (Poseidon & Gaia), Antaeus challenged every traveler that passed by to wrestle him.
And then, killed them all...
Sadly for Antaeus, Hercules lifted him off of the Earth & crushed him to death in midair!!
Strangely enough, the Berbers knew Antaeus as Anti.
And, when Quintus Sertorius (a Ro- man commander) visited Tangier eons later, he was shown Anti's giant bones!
Hurriedly closing up the massive tumulus (burial mound), the Roman made offerings to Anti's spirit & also magnified the tomb's rep!!
4. Mother Earth is the personification of nature in the form of a goddess - with many local Greek names.
The Mycenaean Greeks were the 1st to call her Maka, "Mother Earth."
In English, the 1st use of a Mother Nature (as the "world") was in 1266.
'She' became widely popular during the Middle Ages.
That popularity would resurface in the 1970s, when a TV ad revealed that "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!"
Many other 'appearances' would follow this margarine ad.
The last that I know of was in 2016's "Moana", where she's known as Te Fiti, "the Mother Island."
5. A measure or meter is the basic rhyming structure of a line of verse.
Many traditional forms follow certain sets of rhymes alternating in specific order.
Lovecraft's preferred poetic form is the heroic couplet, a pair of rhyming lines used for serious themes.
Basically, it's a 10-beat line with alternating 'stressed' & 'unstressed' syllables.
6. Rheinhart Kleiner was an exquisite & sensitive poet, critic & an early correspondent of Howard's.
Kleiner inspired HPL to write poetry & criticized Lovecraft's racist & atheist philosophy.
Their letters covered eroticism, racial prejudice, poetic 'art', their upbring- ing & etc...
7. Esquire was a courtesy title that was added to the last name of all lawyers.
It isn't used, in the U.S., any more.
In Britain, however, an esquire is any property held only by the eldest son of the younger sons of 'peers' & certain other officials.
8. Latin for "I, Canus, cradle the moon."
Julius Canus ("grey-white, aged & wise") was a Stoic Roman philosopher who appeared - in a friend's 'vision' - after he was killed by Caligula's men!
9. These are actually the names of 2 Roman poets in the age of Augustus.
They are only known for bad poems & the malicious criticism of better poets!
Horace (best Roman poet) actually "invited the gods to drown Maevius", while that poet was aboard a ship!!
10. No, not Taylor Swift's 2020 album.
Basically, Howard meant "forever" or "always."
Nowadays, evermore is generally used in church.
11. This is actually a nickname for any coastal city - like Boston, NYC or San Francisco.
But, Venice is officially known by this name!
There's, at least, 2 films , an opera & book - even a shipwreck - all with that name...
12. Strangely enough, here HPL is saying that social status wasn't important - to Unda ("sea waves").
But, Lovecraft's just trying to fit in with Moe's own philosophy...
We know that Howard never really changed his mind on being a racist & white supremacist.
13. The narrator shared a love that was innocent & pure - like a child's ready acceptance of other kids.
14. A garland of willows fits right in, as it's a reminder of being abandoned.
15. Although charmed means "to be influenced as if by an amulet or magic spell."
It also means "to be filled with wonder & delight."
Entrance was originally "to be put under a spell" & "to be mesmerized."
Now, it's a bit more 'positive', "to be charmed" not "cursed."
16. An aspect is usually "a particular part of something else" or "how some- thing is regarded."
But, I think HPL is writing about the aspects of one's self:
A. The physical body.
B. The intellect & consciousness.
C. The emotional/intuitive spirit/soul.
17. I don't think Unda was the only one that was hypnotized.
He stood there, crying, but never did anything to help save his gal-friend!!
18. For a woman who's named after the biggest "waves", Unda sure walked out into a surprisingly calm sea.
Whatever 'force' claimed her, it had control over the oceans...
19 & 20. At no time are we told that Unda drowned in the ocean.
Mythologically speaking, water is seen as a sort of permeable barrier between the living & the dead.
Rather, she "was not there."
Then, a few lines down, she actually "vanished."
Into midair?!!
Next: Part 2.
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april-pad · 5 months
Alkonost - Legendary Bird with a Woman's Face
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In Russian Slavic folklore exists a legendary bird that has become central to modern reality, The Alkonost is a beautiful bird endowed with a woman's head that sings charming notes to lure its guests. The creature has endless powers to transform fruits and trees. According to campfire tales, the creature is similar to the Greek demigoddess popularly known as Alcyone.  The Greek tales count the tragic ending of this goddess who was transformed into a kingfisher after a battle with the gods. Some stories differ with the ending including one in which Alcyone escaped and was never seen again.
The World of Alkonost - The Slavac Legendary Bird
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In Slavic folklore, Alkonost lives in the underworld with her partner and counterpart, the Sirin. The two birds differ in their performance and character. While the Sirin is a bearer of sadness and remorse, Alkonost is the source of joy and fertility. Each takes turns sharing their essence with nature. Although little is documented on how exactly the Sirin emits its characteristics to others, its partner has several ways to instill her powers in her surroundings. One story highlights her reproductive process in which she lays her eggs on a beach and hides them in the sand. When the eggs hatch, they create a thunderstorm making the sea turbulent and impossible to navigate. However, during the Apple Feast of the Saviour day, both magical creatures set out on a vibrant display of their characters and powers. Sirin starts with an early morning visit to the apple orchard where it mourns and cries until noon.  The tales do not say how this affects the other creatures, maybe making them sad. As the afternoon approaches, Alkonost enters the orchard and perches on an apple tree. She begins her sweet songs of joy emiting her happiness to other creatures who all forget everything of the past and never seek them again. Her rejoicing is followed by laughter as she gets ready to bestow her blessings. Suddenly, the laughing stops and Alkonost spreads her wings shaking the dew from them. As the magic substance falls it grants healing power to all fruits on the tree where she is perched. Alkonost is commonly used by artists such as - The Russian band, - A rare minion in the Mythgard Dreni faction, - The RO-86 Alkonost in Gran Thefy Auto 5 Read the full article
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lucid-fate-if · 2 years
Which greek god/goddess would you assign to each of the ROs?
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Nemesis was the goddess of indignation against, and retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved good fortune.
In myth Nemesis was particularly concerned with matters of love. She appears as an avenging agent in the stories of Narkissos and Nikaia, whose callous actions brought about the death of their wooers
Harpocrates + Oizys
Harpocrates was the god of silence in the Hellenistic religion, adapted by the Greeks from the god Horus, who in Egypt represented the rising sun.
One of the symbols associated with the god Harpocrates was the rose: the expression sub rosa is used to mean confidentiality.
"In Greek mythology, Oizys is the goddess of misery, anxiety, grief, depression, and misfortune. Her Roman name is Miseria, from which the English word misery is derived."
Koios (Coeus) was the Titan-god of the inquisitive mind.
Coeus also represented one of the four pillars that hold the heavens and the earth apart. Based on his Greek name, it has been suggested that Coeus may have also been the Titan of inquisitive minds and intellect.
Dolos + Aergia
In Greek mythology, Dolos or Dolus is the spirit of trickery. He is also a master at cunning deception, craftiness, and treachery. Dolos appears in some stories tricking gods into lies.
In Greek mythology, Aergia is the personification of sloth, idleness, indolence and laziness.
Momus was the god of satire, mockery, and poets in Greek mythology; as well as a spirit of evil-spirited blame and unfair criticism.
He constantly mocked the Olympians, and because of this, he was exiled from Mount Olympus.
Narcissus, in Greek mythology, the son of the river god Cephissus and the nymph Liriope. He was distinguished for his beauty.
he rejected all romantic advances, eventually falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, staring at it for the remainder of his life.
As the god of war or, more properly, the spirit of battle. He was a superior fighter in battle and caused great bloodshed and destruction wherever he went.
Consequently, he was loved neither by gods nor by men. Ares is the Greek god of courage and war. He is one of the Twelve Olympians, and the son of Zeus and Hera.
Euphrosyne is a Goddess of Good Cheer, Joy and Mirth.
One of the three sister goddesses (known as the three Graces) who are the givers of charm and beauty in Greek mythology. Her task in the world was to fill it with joy and pleasant times.
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chrysanthemumgames · 3 years
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Hey everyone! I'm Jess (JJ) Laurier, and you're on the dev blog for Fields of Asphodel, an interactive fiction about the ancient Greek Underworld and its misfit residents, and its work-in-progress sequel, Blood of the Living. I'm excited to share these stories with you all!
This blog will have the occasional update, the occasional bit of art, and reblogs of things people have made for the game. Asks are welcome, though I’m a little slow.
Summary, characters, and the like under the cut!
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Fields of Asphodel is a game in which the player takes on the role of the Greek pantheon's deity of spring, on the eve of their (decidedly political) marriage to Hades, Lord of the Dead. After the constantly-simmering feud between Zeus and Demeter results in the rather unfortunate circumstance of a marriage neither party really consents to, the PC is whisked away to the Underworld, an unfamiliar realm that is all but the antithesis of fair Olympus.
There, they have the chance to make what they will of the lot they have drawn. The residents of the Underworld are an unusual, and unusually-accepting bunch, and there are friends or possible romantic connections to be made as well as a rather odd supporting cast to get to know, from the ever-bickering Moirae sisters to Hades's young adopted daughter Makaria to Kerberos, the gigantic, fire-breathing, three-headed dog.
But for all its charms—if indeed the PC should find any—the Underworld is not without its problems, and when a mysterious wasting disease afflicts Lethe, the river goddess of oblivion, the entire balance of life and death may be in jeopardy. It will take the PC, as well as the rest of the cast, to not only cure the affliction, but solve the mystery of what's causing it, and deal with the ever-spiraling fallout of the dead beginning to remember.
Of course, I shouldn't be misleading—the game is mostly about the relationships between its characters, and found family.
Blood of the Living continues the story of Fields of Asphodel, consisting of six distinct routes, one for each possible RO/PO, as well as subplots focused on the PC and their family. As the PC grows closer to their friends and potential romantic interests in the Underworld, they will quickly find themselves tangled in those characters' stories, even as they shape their own development as a deity, and how their relationship with their blood family moves into the future.
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The PC, Deity of Spring (M/F/NB): Raised by their mother Demeter, in a rather confined situation that they can have resisted or cooperated with. Now, on the whim of Zeus, they’re Consort of the Underworld. Shape their skills and personality, deciding what and how they contribute to the problem before their new home!
Hades, God of Death (M): That guy you’re married to now. Also King of the Underworld, but mostly just tired and uncomfortable.
Hermes, God of Passage (M): And travelers, and thieves, and loads of other things. Energetic, boisterous, youthful psychopomp who doesn’t quite feel he fits in anywhere.
Charon, The Ferryman (NB, he/they): Patient, serene guide of the dead with more than one uncomfortable secret.
Pyriphlegethon, The River of Fire (NB, they/them): Better known as Pyri. A burst of energy in a gloomy Underworld, if maybe a tad dense.
Alekto, Minister of Punishments (F): Leader of the Erinyes, also known as the Furies. Suspicious of the PC’s presence, and a bit of a grump.
Hekate, Goddess of Witchcraft (F): One of Hades’s chief advisors. Confident, curious, and fighting off the last vestiges of a long millennium’s loneliness.
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Hello again, everyone. FoA's writer here. (I'm also one of the two writers of Diaspora, but that's another can of worms.) :)
Thanks for reading this far!
My little single-person venture is, a tad presumptuously perhaps, called Chrysanthemum Games. Someday, I would like to be a full-time writer, but for now I do what I can to write like I already am and hope everything else falls into place eventually.
If you like the Asphodel duology, and would like to offer some support, I do have a Patreon (see above for link). It might interest you to know that the Patreon features the Build-in-Progress (BIP), a feature by which I update monthly with whatever I've written that month, whereas most people only see complete chapter updates. There's also art and bonus content and previews and process notes, as well as more frequent progress updates than I do for tumblr.
I track the tags ‘asphodelgame,’ and 'chrysanthemumgames' but if you want me to see something it’s probably safer just to @ me.
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Hello author, I saw your post about Song of Valhalla and got super excited about seeing it right after the Percy Jackson actor was announced for the Disney+ adaptation. Will it be based in Riordanverse? It will be really cool to at least get a mention of Percy and his friends, even if they are technically Greek demigods and we are supposed to be playing as a Norse one. Will you please share more details about the project?
jesus christ, i saw the part about an actor for percy being casted and immediately looked it up 😭 i'm glad they picked a boy around book percy's age. i've seen the kid in ‘the adam project’ and i gotta say that walker scobell's sass and sarcasm will actually match the character of the son of poseidon.
as a big fan of the PJO and HOO series, i've always wanted to write a story where people could play as a character in that universe. at first i wanted to completely leave out the existence of uncle rick's stories in my book but doing that just didn't feel right to me 😞 emotional attachment notwithstanding, there will be mentions of greek and roman demigods existing in the same world.
gods from various mythology moved steadily with the western civilization, causing chaos and falling in love with mortals along the way. nowadays, camps for the protection of the descendants of those gods are littered around america. some of the examples are: camp half-blood (greek; long island sound, new york), camp jupiter (roman; san francisco, california), camp valhalla (norse; boston, massachusetts), camp dwarka (hindu; trenton, new jersey), and so on.
camp valhalla is designated to protect and train the half-mortal descendants of norse entities, mostly their gods and goddesses. they'd be pushed to hone their warrior skills since most of them are the ones chosen by odin himself after they showed great potential and bravery during a conflict.
mind you that the campers can be anywhere from the age range of as young as 6 (yes, norse six-year-olds are built different) to 22. the older ones either become camp counselors or leave to settle permanently in the mortal world or end up in hotel valhalla after dying, which will be a final training and resting place for the fallen warriors until ragnarok comes.
most of the ROs are demigods, with the exception of one. elvan is half-jötunn and while camp valhalla doesn't usually get kids with a parent from realms other than asgard and vanaheim, odin doesn't discriminate if they have potential to be a great warrior. you can also find valkyries floating around here and there in the camp and they can even live there if they like, however most of them are settled in hotel valhalla.
i've set the timelines of SoV series in a way that it'll be happening before the ‘heroes of olympus’ series. imagine ragnarok and gaia's awakening happening at the same time, no wonder midgard will be fucked 💀
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