kanji-a-day · 4 years
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憂鬱・ゆううつ・depression, melancholy, dejection, gloom
what a mood
thank you @mikachan2005!!
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lustfulcat · 7 years
Meme Time
Tagged by @wouldnt-touch-you-anyway, @mitrr, and @jademyrtille. I’m probably guilty of all of these things let’s see how it goes.
Tagging: @things-all-love @anonimjeden @commandermardukas @quantum-yaoi-fan and @mikachan2005
rules: you can only say guilty or innocent  you are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you AND GET HYPE FOR SAEZURU CHAPTER 26.
asked someone to marry you: guilty
kissed one of your friends: guilty
danced on a table in a bar or tavern: guilty. it was a biker bar. I got thrown out.
ever told a lie: innocent...naw I’m lying GUILTY
had feelings for someone whom you can’t have: Erwin Smi- uh guilty.
ever kissed someone of the opposite sex: guilty
ever kissed someone of the same sex: guilty
kissed a picture: so guilty
slept in until 5pm: how is that a thing 5pm is still morning.
fallen asleep at work or school: guilty
held a snake: guilty
been suspended from school: guilty
stolen something: guilty
done something you regret: ffttttthahahaha so so guilty
laughed until what you were drinking came out of your nose: guilty
caught a snowflake on your tongue: guilty
sat on a roof top: guilty 
sang in the shower: guilty
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: oh check it out an innocent. I’m just good at dodging.
slept naked: guilty. WHO WANTS TO COME OVER?
made a boy friend/girl friend cry: guilty
been in a band: guilty but only slightly guilty because I was only slightly in the band
shot a gun: I’m very good with a sniper in Borderlands
donated blood: innocent, I bruise like a mofo and smoke too much weed they don’t want my blood.
eaten cheesecake: FUCKING GUILTY
still loved someone you shouldn’t: Erwin Smi- *sigh* guilty
have/had a tattoo: innocent
been too honest: guilty
ruined a surprise: guilty
ate in a restaurant and got so bloated you can’t walk after: that’s goals man. guilty
erased someone in your friends list: very guilty
dressed in a man’s clothes: guilty
dressed in a woman’s clothes: guilty
joined a pageant: innocent
been told you’re beautiful by someone who meant it: guilty
still have communication with your ex: innocent thank fucking god
cheated on someone: innocent
got totally drunk the night before an important exam: What about drunk during the exam? 
a total stranger treated you by paying your fare: innocent. I do occasionally have random men try to buy me things and it’s creepy. 
got so angry that you cried: guilty
tried to stay away from someone for their own good: guilty
actually murdered someone: of course I’m gonna say innocent to this *shifty eyes*
thought about mass murder: daily...uh...guilty
actually committed a mass murder: really?
rode in a stranger’s vehicle: I broke into a stranger’s vehicle while tripping balls once. I didn’t steal anything or drive the car I just wanted to lay down. Wait, um, guilty.
stalked someone: Erwin Smith. Guilty.
had a girlfriend: guilty *lenny face*
had a boyfriend: guilty
totally drunk during a holiday: fucking guilty why would you be sober on a holiday, that’s for amateurs.
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ineffableboyfriends · 9 years
pileof-goodthings replied to your post: guessssss whattttttttt
That is a gorgeous ring
Thank you sooo much. I love the way it looks.
mikachan2005 replied to your post: guessssss whattttttttt
so happy for you!! congratulations!!! ☺
Thanks so much!! :D
lazynbored replied to your post: guessssss whattttttttt
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Congratulations my dear! I wish you many many years of happy life together ♥
Awww thanks so much! I hope it turns out that way haha.
abravelittletoaster replied to your post: guessssss whattttttttt
Aahhh congratulations! Your ring is gorgeous :)
Thank you. =w= He did a good job picking it out.
andifbyyes replied to your post: guessssss whattttttttt
Best news I’ve heard all day CONGRATULATIONS SO MUCH!
oh wow is it? Thanks so much :D
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hana-wa-saku-ka · 10 years
mikachan2005 replied to your post: mikachan2005 replied to your post: req...
worse? isn’t it supposed to be the opposite? no one will ever hear them so no need to worry about going all out (if you get my drift). haha! go get him Sakurai-san, we are rooting for you!!!
That's what I meant! It could be worse = they could be all living on the same floor. It also could be better too, because there's always a chance someone will accidentally overhear them. Besides, Shouta seems to have a tendency to burst into Youichi's room... 
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connectingfannibals · 11 years
Zup fandom! Greetings from Makati, Philippines. :)
Wonderful! :) Added!
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hana-wa-saku-ka · 10 years
mikachan2005 replied to your post: requierobl replied to your post: Looks...
And will Sakurai-san finally be able to use those truckload of lubricants and whatnot he bought in preparation? Youichi just finished his bath and is wearing a towel on his neck again! All the signs are in place! Only 9 more days to go!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Yup, everything is in place... except for the place. Sakurai has freaked out before about it not being appropriate enough after all. Now that I think about it, everyone except for Sakurai and Youichi lives on the second floor. So... it could be worse! 
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saotome-michi · 10 years
mikachan2005 replied to your post:On a somewhat separate note, the Doushitemo...
And justice is rightfully served! Hahaha! I nver got to the first 15 minutes of Frozen before I stopped watching so I don’t rly get the hype. Aaanyways, still debating whether to order the DVD now bcoz I might go to Japan on October *crosses fingers*
I will never understand the hype (high fives) plus it's just cool to see a BL film get so popular :D I'm really happy for Yoneda-sensei and everyone who worked hard on the movie!
And omg if you go to Japan you should totally buy it!!! As long as you're fine with the DVD region code being region 2, that is (I think region 2 covers Europe, Japan, the Middle East, and then some other countries). But then again if you're going in October you might not need to preorder now since Amazon will have a few weeks to restock before you arrive. Either way, I'll be crossing my fingers for you as well! Let me know if you get to go to Japan 
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saotome-michi · 10 years
mikachan2005 replied to your post:Hana wa Saku ka Chapter 30 Translation
I came across this post when I was about to give it to my drowsiness. And now I can’t bloody sleep. Again, thanks so muuuuccchhh!!!! σ(≧ε≦o)
mikachan2005 replied to your post:Hana wa Saku ka Chapter 30 Translation
And can we get a hurray for Fuji-Shouta! (๑>ᴗ<๑) I can’t wait til the next chapter!
Fuji-Shouta! Fuji-Shouta! Fuji-Shouta! >w< Love the bit where Shouta massages Fujimoto's shoulders and Takeo brings him food- I like to imagine that in the near future when Fujimoto's tired from work, he remembers that Shouta's not bad at massages and asks Shouta for another one hehe. Also whenever Fujimoto acts mature, Shouta smirks at him and rewards him with something (and then calls Takeo later so that he can smirk at him too) It's always entertaining to see those two taking turns being the mature one and the immature one. 
Hope you didn't stay up too late! Get some good sleep ;) 
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saotome-michi · 10 years
mikachan2005 reblogged your post:Thank you so much for translating hwsk and yna! If I may ask who's your favourite character in each of the two series? 
Aaaaand we have another Fuji-Shouta shipper! I also have this scene where they are in one of their usual playful fights, then suddenly they trip, fall together, and their lips meet. Of course both will say WTF it’s sooo disgusting and so on, but later on when they’re on their own, they will contemplate on the kiss, and blush, just as Youichi blushed on that veranda the night before Sakurai arrived and kissed whatever heterosexuality was left out of the adorable young man. But then, I digress. Anyways, is there a way to petition Hidaka-sensei to create a sub-story on Fuji-Shou? Because I am willing to create even a thousand different aliases to vote if it means we can get this thing on print! O(≧▽≦)O
p.s. On the side, I love Takeo-kun the most in HWSK, just because he is absolutely clueless with all the homo sparks in the air. A certified kuuki-yomenai. I just love dense guys. And he doesn’t seem the type to have prejudices on homos, so definitely a plus. ( ˘ ³˘)❤
Takeo-kun is a gift. He'll probably be very confused when he finds out about Sakurai and Youichi but then make peace with it and just be like "Well as long as you're happy" ^//^ Haha now that I think of it a spin off dealing with Takeo's dense pov would be entertaining as well 
And ahhh that accidental kiss scene would be so cute! I'd love a spinoff but of course it'd be best if Hidaka-sensei chose to write it herself because she wanted too. I'm encouraged by the fact that there are also Japanese HwSk fans who hope for a Fuji/Shouta spinoff... plus Hidaka-sensei put the two of them under an umbrella during the mini chapter so surely the pair can't be too far from her heart! 
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saotome-michi · 11 years
mikachan2005 replied to your post: mikachan2005 replied to your post: Hana wa Saku ka...
Oh, I checked this site again w/ chinese scans and came across this :bengou.com/100521/… it’s the first time i came across it. would you be again so kind and also translate it please? :)
That chapter's already been translated actually! You can find it here. Unfortunately, the scanlation isn't very clear. 
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saotome-michi · 11 years
Such lovely messages T//T thank you all!
Motivated by your messages, I am proud to say that HwSk Chapter 25 is DONE! XD Well the translating part is. Now I just need to make it more reader-friendly (because some of the dialogue is really clunky) and figure out how to format all the moaning. Btw, Sakurai is such a pervert in this chapter and I got so much secondhand embarrasment from Youichi >//<
(Replies under the cut) 
crofesima replied to your post: Translating is both exhausting and rewarding. But...
awww Michi you’re the greatest ;;
No, no, no, you are the greatest Marta :D (Ah and just to let you know, I haven't forgotten about your message in my inbox! I'll answer that as soon as I can) 
repertoire replied to your post: Translating is both exhausting and rewarding. But...
you are a wonderful person for doing this <3
Awww I'm really not ^//^ but thank you for your kind words. 
corkscrew2 replied to your post: Translating is both exhausting and rewarding. But...
LOVE love Yuuutsu!!! so very happy you r translating these. looks like lots of talking in ch 23-24 needs to know what is being said! xD
Haha there is quite a lot of talking in Chapter 23 (haven't seen ch 24 yet). I'm glad you liked the translation! ;) Unfortunately, it'll take some time to get Ch 23 out since I'll soon be revising for exams, but hopefully it'll be out within a month or two. 
 ladyfrekles said: Thank you so much for your translation. I saw the raw last week and I was pulling my hair out for not being able to understand a word printed. I’m so glad you are a fan of Hidaka-sensei works, because it allows us to enjoy and understand the series.
And I'm glad that the translation helped! I'm pretty sure that I'll never stop being a Hidaka Shoko fan~ 
mikachan2005 said: You’re godsend! You can do away with not translating the moans in HWSK 25; We pretty much get the drift. Heheh. Thank you thank you sooooo much! We hope you don’t get tired of rendering such service to us HwSk & YnA addicts. Cheers! :)
Thank you! I'll never get tired of making you guys happy XD Especially when I get wonderful messages such as this! I'll be sure to translate some of the more...significant moans at least lol. 
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 sakuraiao reblogged this from saotome-michi and added
OMG! I can’t believe this is happening! >_< You’re such a lovely person!!! You make me really really happy! *v* (she leaves to read every lovely word of your translation)
Heehee I'm proud that it satisfies you ^^ 
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hana-wa-saku-ka · 12 years
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mikachan2005 replied to your post: I told you I’m getting closer. ……… not exactly...
i smell some steamy make-up sex in chapter 24!!!! i hope my nose will not fail me. ;op
You actually might be right and I think so too! I mean, everything just asks for this to happen -  it's already dark outside, they probably crave for some physical closeness (especially since they haven't been intimate since ch19...?) and we all know they BOTH WANT THIS TO HAPPEN. "Steamy" might be too much though, personally I hope they'll take their time and I'm looking forward to some nice foreplay. Makes me wonder if Sakurai finally did a proper research, cough.
However, in my opinion, they certainly need to talk this through first and come to some conclusions on the subject of Sakurai's transfer. I don't know what exactly is going on in ch23, but one single "I'm sorry" is definitely not enough. What do you guys think? Any thoughts? :)
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