#mikael manages not to kill her while she's extremely out of it
Lucie is cold, and bleeding, and the monster is gone but there is nothing she can do. Adrenaline keeps her away but, as soon as it crashes, she knows she will succumb.
To the cold, to the blood loss, to the failure.
She is dying alone, and it is meaningless. Carol will throw Emi to the monster again, Benito will not care, Diego and Luis and Jeffery are too far away to save her… The monster… Oh, god, the monster - it is going to take them, too. She will die alone and for nothing and soon Diego and Emi and all of them will join her too.
She thinks, on the breeze, she might hear someone call her name. It is a dying hallucination - it must be.
Maybe whatever god exists has granted her mercy, letting her hallucinate Diego one last time. Even if Diego is crying… But of course he is, because he and everyone else is about to die.
"Meu Deus, Lucie…" she can almost smell him. "Wait. Jeffrey! Jeffrey, help, she's still alive!"
Not for long, though; she knows it will not be long. The adrenaline keeping her heart going is leaking out of her wounds and into the snow. The pain makes her delirious, makes her see things she does not.
Lets her feel a warm hand on her cheek and harsh ones on her chest, something tight against her leg. She is in pain, she is in agony, and her mind has tricked her into not being alone.
"Lucie, can you hear us? Lucie!"
But he's only a hallucination, and Lucie does not want to stay.
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts so much… She's already failed, why won't it just let the pain end? Why won't it leave her be?
/The ice/ says a voice that sounds suspiciously like Diego. /People bleed slower in the cold./
Lucie doesn't think she wants to bleed slower - she wants to bleed fast, so she can die, so she can finally put an end to the pain.
For a moment she thinks she gets it, but then there is another sharp pain that shakes her core. Reality comes in flashes, barely understood; a blue coat, lights, yelling- She tries to call to the voices, to ask for Emi. Someone terrified slams a hand over her mouth, and she forgets to breathe.
A crackling radio, hysteria, something heavy pressed against her. She doesn't understand, she hurts and she hurts and its no longer cold but why hasn't she died, why won't the world just let her die and for a while the world fades out, but then there's Emi screaming her name and Diego stroking hair from her face and Benito throwing a fit over the amount of blood on her coat as he pulls out a needle and thread, and Lucie almost wishes it was real.
It isn't real, it isn't, the monster took her - she's a dead woman… not walking, but lying.
There's arguing all around her. There's screaming and yelling and she grabs the nearest trouser leg to try get attention.
It's Diego - ways Diego - who answers.
"Lucie?" He drops to his knees beside her, voice caught in a sob. "Lucie, Lucie, you're okay, we've got you, you're okay, what do you need?"
The words blur and she doesn't quite understand, especially when they're not in her own French.
Its hard, its impossible, but she must - she shakily presses a finger to her lips and pretends she cannot taste the blood.
It takes Diego a moment, before he turns and does his best to yell "I'll do it just be quiet!"
Lucie doesn't want Diego to leave, but he does, and she thinks, maybe, that dying alone might be kinder than hallucinations who abandon her.
They don't, however; Jeffrey takes the radio and Luis watches Mikael, and Emi is still clinging to her hand. Benito's hand is also taken by the girl, and his free one pokes bandages around her chest.
Lucie screams, and the world is black, and she thinks - finally!
But then reality crashes back, and she's being carried in arms she doesn't understand, and the carry must be real for she screams as footsteps shake her, but perhaps it is the monster back again, here again, unsatisfied with his larder and so moving her instead.
The jolting, the pain, being passed to someone - more yelling. So much more yelling, and agony as things are pressed to her wounds and her face and perhaps the monster means to smother her, but at least it means it is not touching the others.
The others, the others, who should not be here - who need to run and run and run and never look back because they are being chased and chased and don't they know they're all dead, all dead, all so so dead, but they //need. To. Run.//
A prick on her arm, and another scream - even if she is a failure, maybe she can bait the monster away and -
And Diego is there, and Emi, and Luis, and Jeffrey, and Benito… No Carol, no Mikael, and Lucie isn't sure that she cares.
There's more yelling and more loud noises, and the haze that is Lucie understands none of it, and the longer it goes on the more the haze grows.
Lucie doesn't remember the rest of it, just Diego and Emi sobbing, and that, perhaps, is how it always should have ended anyway.
Lucie wakes in a bed, with beeping all around. Diego is right there, at her side, more bandage than man but grasping her hand none the less. It is bright, too bright, but the world is only what it is.
Diego seems asleep, clutching her hand. Looking… Jeffrey lies in the next bed, Luis passed out on the floor between them.
And Lucie…
Lucie is covered in wires, and pain, and a blur, but she knows where she must be. She's… not dead? And Diego is hurt, but right here! They're safe, they're safe, they're safe, but where's Emi?
The panic comes back as soon as the thought occurs, dulled by the painkillers but still impossible to ignore. She wants to wreathe, to run, to find the girl and they need to get away before it comes back and-!
The beeping gets louder.
A doctor - not Bonito, someone she has never seen before - appears. He asks her things and she thinks she answers, he adjusts wires and makes notes and she doesn't understand. Diego is woken up - he looks exhausted - and clings to her hands, making her promises she doesn't think he can keep, as she panics.
When the doctor leaves, he pulls her into a hug, and sobs into her hair.
"Where's little brat?" she asks, shaking in his hold. "Where are we? What- I was dead, what happened?"
Diego holds her tighter, tucking her close and it isn't /safe/ but its /safer/.
"Benito took her to get food," he says. "It's okay, you're okay, we found you - Jeffrey and I got the bleeding under control, and Luis carried you back. Its… Its bad, but its okay! You're going to be okay."
With a shaking hand she touches one of the bandages on Diego's face.
"There were more infected," he takes her hand from his face, and gently holds it in his own. "It's okay, we got away. Well… Mikael and Carol didn't, but…"
"Fuck them," she whispers. "Fuck them both, fuck all of them." "Yeah," Diego agrees. "Even Jeffrey agreed to shoot them by the end."
Lucie feels light, feels giddy. The laugh bubbles forth, first a giggle, then a shriek, as stress pours from her soul into the void. "I was dying," she laughs. "I- I- I was dying, and Carol was going to kill Emi, and- and-"
The laughter gives way to sobs, and a door slams open. In marches the little brat herself, eyes wide and shaken as she clutches Benito with one hand, and a milkshake in the other. Benito seems much more relaxed, but for the glasses that hide his eyes - there's a large bag of MacDonalds over his elbow, and he tosses it at Diego.
"Lucie!" he calls. "See, Diego, I told you she'd live."
Diego flips him off, and leans over to wake Luis up.
Lucie is quickly distracted by Emi throwing herself on the bed, the girl scrambling desperately until she's pressed against Lucie and gripping her tight. Lucie surpressed the yells, the pain it causes, and hugs her back.
"You okay, little brat?" Lucie tries to soften her voice. "Did the dumb dumb doctor look after you?"
"Don't you dare do that again!" Emi screeches. "You're not- Dad's- you're not allowed to do that again!"
"I wasn't going to let you die," Lucie holds her. "We look after you, ok?" "No!" Emi sobs. "No, not okay!"
"Eh, chill out, she woke up so she's fine," despite his dismissive words, Benito is soft as he pets the top of Emi's head. "Well she's missing a leg, and her spine is fucked so she's probably losing the other one too, but its not like she can't live without legs. Will probably be faster on wheels than trying to run. So she's fine."
Lucie isn't sure which of Diego or Luis - or Jeffrey, newly awake but looking very out of it - the screech came from. She doesn't really care, the reality not crashing in yet. All she can do is laugh at the flippant tone Benito says it in, like telling someone their cat got hit by a truck - or, no, a normal person wouldn't sound like that then either, so like someone telling you there's a bug in your hair. It's not right, it's not how anyone should say it, but in the short time she's known him it is so /very/ Benito.
Some idiot doctor she barely knows but who has survived hell with her just flippantly has told her she'll never walk again, and all she can do is laugh and think, perhaps, not walking is a small price for being alive with her Emi and her boys.
Because they are /hers/ now, if the universe wants them from her they can tear them from her cold, undying hands.
It will hit her later, the mess of her situation, in the dark and the alone, but for now she laughs in defiance of a world that tried to kill her. She grasps it with her teeth, just like teeth bit into her, and may not be a hero, but she won't let it win.
It will be many, many months before Lucie will be okay, but she will. The flat she and Diego share will need to be sold, but Luis' Abuelita will open up her home to all six of them strays. Lucie will get her own room on the ground floor, Emi on the first, and the boys all share the basement. Most nights, however, everyone will end up in Lucie's room - and nobody will mind.
Diego will help her up, and Abuelita will make them all breakfast, and Lucie will wheel herself out to the garden. She will drink wine and laugh and watch her Emi and her boys. Jeffery will be helping with the flowerbeds, while Benito heckles him instead of reviewing his textbooks. Luis and Diego will drag Emi into a game of catch, and Lucie will cheer for her girl.
At least, until a throw will be missed; Lucie will catch it and return it, and will join them - one hand to the controls for her wheelchair, the other to catch the ball.
There will be nightmares and horror and days she can feel the glove on her wrist or pain in a leg no longer there or the break in her spine will be agony, but those are not the only days for her future.
There will also be family, and love, playing ball in the garden and teaching Emi French and late nights on the patio where she falls asleep beneath the stars and in the arms of her boys. Benito will train to be licensed in Mexico, Jeffrey will get a job at a new pizza place closer to their new home. Diego will research and use the hush money to find parts of the world she can still explore, and they will go together - and never out of signal range.
Luis will see his grandmother again, and Emi will have a new home. They all will have a home, in each other, in blood.
Lucie may not remember being saved, but she remembers how it felt to die afraid and cold and alone and believing you had failed everything in your life forwards.
Lucie will look at her future, then, and for the first time in many years see hope.
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
Maybe It’s Better This Way (Klaus x Reader)
Requested by anon. I love writing for Klaus but it can get very tricky since there are so many scenarios that have already been done and I try to do something that isn’t that much on the forefront if that makes sense. Enjoy!
P.S I suggest you read this while listening to George Michael- Careless Whisper cause it is based on the vibe of the song
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Klaus dreaded seeing (y/n), not because he hated her- quite the opposite actually- he loved her so dearly that when she got caught caught in the crossfire between him and his wonderful father Mikael, his father used her as a weapon to weaken him, luckily she survived but the only reason she got to live was because Stefan had turned her. (Y/n) was one of the few people that appreciated humanity, it gave her a sense of grounding, reminded her that she was this little thing on this huge earth. When she turned it was the new world of possibilities and Klaus felt responsible, it all became so much for him, he felt like he had to be around her 24/7 and (Y/n) saw how controlling he had gotten even though she was immortal. 
One night she left, in the middle of the night like a ghost and left the country, no one new her whereabouts for a few decades. Until she showed up to help the Salvatore brothers and defend Elena, she was informed about what Elena’s blood meant to Klaus and she owed Stefan so she braced herself for going against the man that she loved.
In classic Niklaus Mikaelson style him and his siblings had decided to throw a ball and what better way to see your ex lover than her attending your party with your new nemesis? She even went to buy a dress for the occasion, she wanted to make an entrance, it was the first time he would see her again and if he daggered her she need to go out in style. The dress was an Off the Shoulder 3D Lace Flower Sweetheart Bridal Ball Gown in pastel blue, Stefan had made fun of her for choosing an actual wedding gown nevertheless fashion is fashion and when she laid eyes on it she couldn’t find it in her heart to skip it.
She walked in the mansion she knew very well with the company of Damon, who was also dressed to impress, (Y/n) and Damon shared their love for fashion and the dry and dark humor so she needed him to keep her up and running with his clever remarks. 
“You are trembling”
“That’s because I’m scared”
She admitted right before she stepped foot on the main room, looking around and letting all the memories flood her mind, it was like no one else was in the room, as the memories took form and she saw them two running around and being a couple. A lump in her throat started to form, making it hard to breath as she tried to swallow it down, squeezing Damon’s arm as a way to signal him for her weird mix of emotions.
“You’ll be alright, if he wanted to hurt you he would have found you ages ago”
“I suppose you are right, I need alcohol”
Klaus had seen her walk in, he was on the top of the stairs, hanging in the shadows with his brother Elijah, both of them stunned by (y/n) walking in the room, arms linked with none other than Damon Salvatore and looking as stunning as always.
“After all this time”
Elijah spoke first, understanding that his little brother was still trying to comprehend the situation that was unravelling right in front of his eyes. Klaus felt like time froze, everything else leaving his sight and it was only (y/n), walking in his home in her dress, not even walking to him it seemed like she was floating around like a fairy princess  that came to bless everyone with her existence. Her ethereal presence, her untouchable beauty, the way she seized to exist brought him to this indescribable state of shock, he couldn’t even express what he was feeling when he saw her.
“Brother, are you alright?”
He finally managed to utter out. Of course he wasn’t, he had imagined this so many times yet he never thought it would happen, he had accepted it, shoved his feelings back and tried to understand why she left and now here she was, strolling in and bringing back everything he had hid for all those years.
“You don’t have to talk to her”
“I want to Elijah... I must”
His legs moved on their own, with their target being on (y/n). He had no idea what he was going to say or how he was going to react, it didn’t matter, he just needed to be next to her, to hear her voice. His mind was clouded by millions of thoughts and questions that he wanted her to answer, if he managed to get them out. 
He called for her as he stood behind her. She froze, thinking over her if it was too late to run or just pass out, her legs were already shaking so it wouldn’t be that hard to just collapse. The glass of champagne she had just grabbed reached her mouth for a big sip of encouragement before she slowly turned to face the man she had shared so much with. He looked as handsome as he had always been, yet the harsh stare brought her a wave of goosebumps.
“Hello Niklaus”
“Can you tell your friend to give us a minute?”
The word friend was filled with venom. He couldn’t understand why she had chosen him as a companion, another factor of his annoyance was that their appearance together meant they knew where she was and chose to not share that information with him. (Y/n) looked over at Damon and nodded, a sign that she felt confident enough to be alone with him, she wasn’t but she felt like she owed him that much. Damon excused himself and walked away to give them some privacy, he understood that the pressure that was put on (y/n) was a lot for one to handle, so if she needed a minute with the psychopath then he would gladly let her. 
“You’re here”
“Stefan asked me to come and... help him”
“Be honest with me love, he knows I would never hurt you so he wanted you as a secret weapon”
“You would never hurt me?”
It was a genuine question. He had every right to be mad at her, try to harm her and seek revenge in true Klaus style, everyday she wondered if it would be the day he came after her and tortured her or killed him. Now there they are, looking at one another and not knowing what to say 
“You think so low of me?”
“No, that’s not it”
“Dance with me”
He couldn’t take it any longer. This awkward conversation, her cold demeanor, his nervous side that was preventing him from grabbing her and kissing her in front of everyone. At least he would be able to touch her when they danced, He offered his hand and waited for a minute, (y/n) was caught off guard, the last thing in her mind was for Klaus to ask her to dance, she took two big gulps emptying the glass and left it to the side before she placed her hand in his and let him lead the way to the dancefloor.
As he brought her close to his chest he got a good whiff of her sour cherry perfume, it was so suiting, the only way he could describe it was like biting into a sweet juicy cherry your lover gave you and finding out it was poisonous. She smelled like a sweet death from your lovers hand, very fitting for the situation
“Your dress is exquisite”
“It’s a wedding gown”
“I always wondered what you would look like on our wedding day”
He said as he spun her around and brought her to him once more, leaving her speechless as her lips slightly parted in surprise. (Y/n) knew Klaus loved her dearly, still the subject of marriage had never been brought up, she didn’t blame him, the man was supposed to leave for all eternity, she worried more about him bringing up turning her to a vampire than a wedding ring. 
“Won’t you ask me why I left”
“No, I’d rather dance with you for a while, since I know I’m never going to dance like that again”
“Why not?”
“A dance is for the gentleman to show off his partner, make her feel special. No one is more special than you love”
“Stop please”
She felt tears cloud her eyes, tears that she refused to let them run down her cheek. As she rested her head on his shoulder and followed his lead, she let her love for him show for at least tonight. She had missed him so much, that his gentle nature felt like a drug that she would allow it to kill her. Klaus felt like he was in heaven, having her back in his arms was something he thought he would never experience ever again, this was a treat from above, even though she came in aid to something that did not work in his favor. 
“Maybe it’s better this way”
She whispered. She didn’t know if they would ever get back together, maybe in the future, she never thought he would take her back, so she held it together and did her best to enjoy her time. She looked up at him, her eyes making him feel like he was finally home, those sparkling eyes he had seen in his dreams, the eyes that every time they looked at him he felt weak.
“We could have been so good together”
“We’d hurt each other with the thing we want to say”
She replied back. Klaus was a man filled with pride, he loved her but he didn’t know how to love in a healthy way, at first she tried her best to understand and to help him, after the Mikael incident where he took all the blame things only got worst, he became vengeful, dark, his temper was extremely unstable and (y/n) was no angel. She winced at the memories of the things she had yelled in his face, she could be vicious and ruthless, her wicked tongue was her biggest weapon and the bullets wounded him deeply. 
“I should have know better than to hurt my only true friend, I wasted the chance that I was given”
“Please stay, for me”
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This week’s theory is one of my more self-indulgent. It’s also probably being proven wrong as I type. So if you see this and you’ve listened to MAG 181 already, try not to laugh at me too badly. I just want to get it down before I have to refile this Google Doc under “dead wrong” tomorrow.  What is this crazy, semi-coherent theory you ask?  Well? Basically I think Adelard Dekker, Mikaele Salesa, Gertrude Robinson(?), Gerard Keay, Christopher Meyer (and maybe the coroner’s uncle from MAG 36 and Alard Dupont) might have been part of an underground society that figured out how to weaponize the powers by fragmenting/channeling multiple entities at the same time - evading attention while manipulating things to their own end.
Read on for my decent into madness. 
EXHIBIT A: The Key of Solomon. Acquired by Gertrude Robinson in 2007, The Key of Solomon caught my eye with the following passage - found on a torn scrap of paper found by The Archivist in his exploration of the tunnels under The Magnus Institute (MAG 70): “They have for adversaries the Satariel, or concealers, the Demons of absurdity, of intellectual inertia, and of Mystery”. While I don’t think actual demons will come into play this late in the game, this is a very interesting quote taken from a book that we later learn was “one of the few volumes that contained elements from several powers” (MAG 80). In that same episode Leitner confirms the book was destroyed after proving itself to be too volatile, but could it be Gertrude learned a few tricks before disposing of the thing? The person who told Jurgen Leitner about the books called them “coded spell books”, and while Leitner seemed dismissive of this description, I wonder if there’s a kernel of truth in the simplification. 
EXHIBIT B: We know that opposing powers can cancel each other out. Gertrude used a man touched by The Vast to stop The Buried’s ‘Sunken Sky’ ritual. Heck, she contemplated using Gerry to stop The Unknowing because of his affiliation with The Eye. The Ceaseless Watcher has trouble seeing anything to do with The Dark, etc., etc., but what happens when you combine three or more powers? Answer: silence. Like Smirke’s buildings, and Breekon & Hope’s depot after it’s been cleared out - places where multiple powers interact are described as empty. Silent. Almost as if they can’t exist in one space without creating some sort of self-destructive feedback loop. Is it so impossible to think someone with enough canny could channel that? Use it for their own purposes? EXHIBIT C: Adelard Dekker. In MAG 63 whilst trapping the Not-Them in a table, the statement-giver observes that Dekker’s lips were “moving rapidly though no sound came out of them”. In other words, he was silent. Somehow managing to wield a power strong enough to actively contain the creature. It’s potentially a stretch, but Jon also notices Not!Sasha has torn strips of paper when he goes rifling in her desk (MAG 57). We know that Not!Sasha went poking about the tunnels as well. Is it possible she also took interest in the remains of The Key of Solomon? Was she trying to understand or gird herself against whatever had left her vulnerable when she was bound? 
[Archivist’s Note: Dekker is also described as wearing an outfit similar to the one Gerry Keay is found in when he arrives at St. Thomas’ with Diego Molina. It might be a bit on the nose to assume there’s a uniform if these folks are as organized as I’m making them out to be (they could be completely free agents who stumbled on the same hack), but I’m also not saying there isn’t.] EXHIBIT D: Gerry Keay’s poster. One of the first times we see our collective dead gay goth son (MAG 4) the statement giver comments on a poster supposedly painted by Mr. Keay bearing the caption: “Grant us the sight that we may not know. Grant us the scent that we may not catch. Grant us the sound that we may not call”. Tacked onto the bottom of a giant eye, the painting seems to only lend itself to one entity, but we know Gerry never fully gave himself to The Eye and the caption seems to speak to concealment. To silence. Even mysterious scents seem to be a reoccurring phenomena in the Magnus universe in places touched by more than one power. Did he know more than he let on when he met Gertrude? Do I maybe just want his last thoughts to be more resonant? “[His mother] would not claim his last moment. He was silent” (MAG 63). 
EXHIBIT E: When Gerry wakes up in St. Thomas he’s missing both a red-leather bound book, and a brass amulet (I need to make a separate post about how I think brass is used to trap/contain the entities at some point), but for now I’m mostly interested in the fact that he tells the nurse ‘Yes. For you, better beholding than the lightless flame” as if he has a choice. As if he has any modicum of control on what happens next. 
CONCLUSION: This tinfoil hat really is tight. I might have to have it surgically removed. I know I didn’t really get into how Salesa is involved (really, it’s mostly because Annabelle Cane has taken an interest), or how I think he was meeting Alard Dupont in 1982 when Trevor Herbert killed him, or that I suspect if Gertrude was part of the gang, she went rogue and Salesa (and maybe Adelard?) faked his own death when they realized she was more of a threat than an ally. As always, I am very much aware that I’m probably over-complicating things and just need to go take a nap.  SUPPLEMENTAL: I lied. I’m going to give a quick and dirty version of why I think brass is a method of containing the entities here: 
1. Gerry’s brass pendant (MAG 12).  2. Brass grate covering the entrance to the Serapeum of Alexandria (MAG 53)  3. Brass boxes in Christopher Meyer’s house, holding assorted artifacts touched by the entities (MAG 60) 4. Brass urn requested by John Amherst (MAG 36) - this one’s odd because it’s requested by John Amherst, but if the coroner’s uncle who seems to know more than he’s letting on is a part of this same secret society here, Amherst might just be taunting him. Rubbing his face in it, as it were.  5. The Sarcophagus wrapped in copper bands (MAG 64). Copper, yes, but brass is an alloy made from combining copper & zinc, so this might just be an early attempt.  6. A brass handle is on the door containing the first victim from MAG 86, Tucked in. It is worth noting that the statement giver here, was convinced someone else had been in the house before he called the police. A belief that is ignored/dismissed. Could it have been someone we know trying to trap the beast? SUPPLEMENTAL TO THE SUPPLEMENTAL: In MAG 95, Basira is seen reading “Introduction to Alchemy” - talking about Venus and the various  properties of copper. If there is something here, is she hip to the trade secret? She’s certainly extremely good at being silent/popping up without people noticing her, but I have no idea if it’s intentional, or if she’s just stumbled across something. Seriously, if you’ve made it this far, thank you for listening to my TED talk. You’re awesome. I’m insane, and I don’t know how the eff you pulled something sensible from that cesspool of text. but it’s fun not to be in this alone!  Cheers
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thehollowprince · 5 years
The Mikaelson family 😒. Spoiled Anglo Saxons who have committed countless atrocities but nobody dare hold a grudge or face their self righteous wrath. They literally owned a plantation and treat Marcel (black characters in general) horribly but I'm supposed to? They slaughter and pillage, exploit and manipulate but only their enemies are wrong for the same thing. The Originals aren't even compelling enough to warrant a spinoff, they were unkillable so where's the suspense?
Mikaelson family really was some borderline incestuous, extremely toxic shit. The way Klaus meddled in Rebekah's love life and was especially controlling of her. Throw the whole family away, tbh. They never learn or grow. They act like spoiled brats. Were the Mikaelsons black or brown, they'd have perished much much earlier. Davina was right calling Elijah no better than his siblings. Freya? She was the same. Being shitty runs in the family, I suppose.
When I first heard back in the day that they were going to do a spinoff show just about the Originals, I remember asking myself, "How?"
By that point in time, the family was whittled down to three remaining memebers. Mikael and Esther were both dead, as was Henrik, Finn and then most recently, Kol. Of course, by that time as well, the eighth sibling that "died of the plague" was assumed dead as well, long before we knew about Freya. A family of nine was now just three and we're supposed to base an entire show around that, especially when those three can't even stand one another?
Of course, then I watched the backdoor pilot and was even more confused. We were really going with the "Twilight" plot of Klaus' one-night-stand getting pregnant with a magical, miracle baby? And to have that baby mama be Hayley after what she had done to Tyler? But I stuck around because I was intrigued by this character Marcel and the politics of the witches in New Orleans. By that point in time we hadn't seen any semblance of a witch community so it was an interesting concept.
But then as the show kept going on and on, retconning everything we learned about them on TVD, I was getting more and more aggravated.
Stefan and Damon hadn't even heard of the Originals but somehow they very publically "founded" and ran New Orleans for over two hundred years?
And Michael never heard of them until the 20th century?
Elijah talks about Klaus burying his family at sea, only to be revealed to be the one who most often helped dagger his siblings?
Plus, how do you maintain a show with three potentially unkillable leads? Aside from the White Oak Stake, which was out of play for over half the season, there is no way to kill these characters, meaning there are no real stakes involved. I was much more invested in Marcel and Davina and the witch community, and the werewolves when they came along.
That was probably the biggest missed opportunity of the show. Plec and Narducci went on and on about how the theme of this show was Family, but what they meant to say was "blood family". If you weren't related to the Mikaelsons by blood, you were worthless. I mean, take Marcel. Here's a guy who came from nothing, was rescued and raised by Klaus (insert white savoir trope here) and became the leader of the entire vampire community of the city. Less than a century after Klaus and his family were run out of town, he managed to rebuild and lead his community, only for Klaus to stomp back in like an overgrown child and demand that Marcel give back the toys he threw away? Klaus ran, tail tucked between his legs, from New Orleans and never looked back but then has the audacity to be pissed off that Marcel did what he couldn't?
And that's not even getting into Elijah's two-faced hypocrisy, acting the nobleman while being more savage than any of his siblings. Remember when he mocked Lucien and Tristan and Aurora for the pain that he put them through? When he killed Marcel on the off chance he might become a threat, thus leading to the actual threat? When he murdered four teenage girls to restart the Harvest because it was beneficial to his family at that time? Good times, right?
And let's just, for a second, rewind to the issue of Marcel. Here was a character that was supposedly "part of the family", which we know was bullshit from the beginning because he wasn't called Marcel Mikaelson, no, he was Marcel Gerard. They treated him more like a pet than a member of their family and I shouldn't have to go into how gross that is, given the racial issues, especially in the South. And then we had the whole prophecy of the Beast. The moment that Elijah thought he might be a potential threat to this "family" that is more often at each other's throats than getting along, he murdered someone who was supposed to be "like a son" to Klaus. Who he, himself, purportedly loved as family. Like I said, if you weren't a blood relative, you were nothing. Even Hayley was only tolerated because she was the oven in which their Bun cooked.
Side Note: as much as I hated what Elijah did to Marcel, that whole scene leading up to it was my favorite in the entire history of the show. Since season three of TVD, so for five years, across two shows, I was waiting for someone to call the Mikaelsons out on their bullshif and I was so glad that it was Marcel. After everything that family put him through, he deserved to yell at them, to call out their "Always and Forever" crap for the all-purpose excuse they used it as.
But it wasn't just Marcel, Hayley was treated horribly, despite the fact that she was the mother to "their salvation". The fandom in particular treated her horribly, which in turn led the narrative to treat her horribly to appease the fandom, and on and on the cycle went. I had my issues with Hayley, no doubt, but her and Jackson worked really well together, and they both cared about the werewolves so it was a nice storyline. But then Klaus had them all cursed because how dare they try to take away his (not their, HIS) daughter from him to keep her safe from Dahlia. How dare she!
The problem with this show was that we had more than just the Mikaelson Family. We had an excellent found family in Marcel and Davina, and then Josh and Cami and even Vincent. It was right there, but never acknowledged and that is infuriating.
Speaking of Davina, let's get into their treatment of her. The Mikaelsons were notorious for how they treated Davina, as a tool to be used and then tossed aside when no longer useful. The number of times that Klaus attacked this poor girl is outrageous. And for her to die the way she did, sacrificed so that the Mikaelsons could use her to stop an enemy that they created was just disgusting. Especially come the next season when they continued to act like what they had done was totally okay but never actually apologized for it. The words "I'm sorry" never left Elijah's or Freya'a lips.
That was the most astounding thing to me, that they Mikaelsons continuously treated people like literal trash and then were the pikachu meme whenever they turned against them. They constantly played the victim card to their own victims and that is increasingly disturbing, especially given how many people ate that shit up.
And we had, as you said, Klaus' continuous interference into Rebekah's love life, which came off way more as jealousy than brotherly concern (combined with his weird abandonment issues). But that's okay, he got to live out that incestuous fantasy with Aurora, who was so thinly veiled to be another version of Rebekah that it's not even funny.
At the end of the day, I think that's why I loved the Trinity so much. Lucien, Aurora and Tristan were the versions of Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah that I never got. They were the versions of those three that got to be unapologetically villains without the sib story.
I gotta say, though, it was THE ORIGINALS, that finally got me to swear off of The CW. None of the shows I've ever watched on that network were good, especially looking back on them and realizing how fucked up they really were.
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lalainajanes · 5 years
KC + 5. “I’m stuck in the Mars colony, and you came to rescue me. Oops, I just kissed you, but it’s totally because I’m grateful, not because I love you and thought I’d never see you again… Ha… Ha… Maybe a little.” AU
Floating In A Most Peculiar Way
Her cell is bare, made of a plain grey stone that she can’t identify. It smells musty and she thinks she’s underground, the walls rough and curved. It holds nothing but a cot and toilet. A tray of food sits just inside the door.
Caroline’s stomach growls, hungry enough that even the unappetizing lump of lab grown protein she’d been given seems like a mouth-watering meal. She can hear nothing from beyond the thick metal door she’s locked behind, has no idea what time it is. She doesn’t even know what planet she’s on or who abducted her.
She’s seriously regretting leaving Othea.
If only she’d never found the picture.
She’d been making breakfast, had been delighted to find the tiny, cramped kitchen in Klaus’ rented quarters well stocked. He’d had real fruit, actual bacon. She’d rummaged through his kitchen to orient herself, then gone searching for something to tie back her hair.
A faded photograph, creased and seemingly forgotten in a drawer, had obliterated her good mood.
The Klaus in the picture had been younger, clean shaven and dressed in finery that was a far cry from the heavy boots and body armor she was used to seeing him in. She’d recognized two other faces. Front and center, sneering and superior, had been Mikael, the wealthiest and most ruthless merchant in the galaxy. He’d had his arm around Finn, his son and favorite minion.
Mikael had killed her father, had her mother tossed into a prison Caroline’s never been granted permission to visit. Her step-dad and his daughter had been to a harsh belt of mining planets. He’d ruined her life and Caroline had spent her entire adult life working to return the favor.
Seeing Klaus with him, in what looked very much like a family photo, had left her chest tight and her eyes stinging.
She’d told herself it was anger. At him, for being so persistent, for teasing and taunting and for seeming like he cared. He brought her gifts – pretty things, practical ones. A bracelet of pale blue stones, a tiny laser cutter that was just as powerful as something ten times larger. She’d tried to refuse them, of course, but he’d somehow always manage to slip them onto her person. She’d find them days later, in the bottom of her bag or tucked into a pocket when she went to wash her clothes.
She’d written him off the first time he’d walked into the bar she worked at. Bounty hunters were always, in Caroline’s experience, unbearably cocky. She smiled and flirted with them, for the tips and in hopes she could glean information or an opportunity from their drunken loose lips.
Klaus had turned out to be different.
He’d been a little more polished, well spoken, distractingly handsome. He’d kept coming back. Until bantering with him between customers was one of her favorite things. He’d made a point to let her know when he’d be off planet. She’d worried when he didn’t turn up after a job.
When he’d strolled in to the bar, three days after she’d been expecting him, with a black eye and a bit of a limp, she’d leaned across the bar and yanked his mouth to hers before he’d managed a greeting.
She’d closed up early that night.
They hadn’t slept much but she’d woken up with a smile, half buried under Klaus’ lean frame, pleasantly sore and sated.
Her contentment hadn’t even lasted the hour.
Hesitations led to injuries, sometimes death in Caroline’s more clandestine line of work and so she’d acted, slipped back into Klaus’ room and retrieved her boots and pants. Had been out the door and sending Kat an SOS before he’d even stirred.
She tosses another disgusted look at the lumpy grey substance that’s supposed to be food, deeply regretting that she hadn’t taken breakfast to go. Even if she wanted to eat it she can’t risk being drugged into docility.
The list of people who’d kidnap her, or pay to have her kidnapped, is shorter than it used be. Several of her enemies are dead (or worse) but she’s got more than her fair share.
She needs to keep a clear head.
Caroline paces, learns the parameters of the cell. She has no weapons, no means of calling for help. She’s been snatched from a transport ship, and no one will know she’s missing until she fails to turn up at Katherine’s. She hadn’t been due to arrive until next week.
The odds aren’t in her favor but that’s never stopped her from eking out a win before.
She feels the ground move before she hears the rumbling.
The floor shakes, seems to roll, and Caroline’s tossed into a wall as muffled crashes rock her cell. An attack, a vicious one, she’d guess, steadily moving closer.
She’d retrieves the cutlery she’d been provided with. The set’s made of flimsy metal but, alone underground in enemy territory, under attack, she’ll take any weapon she can lay her hands on. She tucks herself into a corner, and fervently hopes she won’t be forgotten.
She’d heard her guards muttering while she’d come up from sleep. They’d been paid handsomely - two warships, and weapons enough to outfit half a dozen more - to transport Caroline across the galaxy. Surely her captor would not allow her to die alone and waste such a hefty investment.
The lights in her cell flicker, then go out, and her cell is rocked again. The explosions feel like they’re just outside the walls that trap her, their impact more extreme. The stone against her back vibrates hard enough to jar her. Caroline clenches her teeth against a shout when she’s showered with debris.
She’s lurching across her cell, planning on squeezing herself under the meagre protection of her cot, when everything goes still. She pauses, squints in a futile attempt to see in the pitch blackness of her cell. She changes course, darts as quickly as she can towards the door and yanks at it.
Somehow, it’s still solidly sitting in its frame.
“Come on!” Caroline yells, putting all her weight into jiggling the handle. When it won’t budge she rests her ear to it, straining to make out any sounds on the other side.
Nothing. No footsteps or any sign of a captor coming to check on her. She resists the urge to kick the door – she’s woken up stripped of her boots, jacket, and anything useful that might have been in her pockets – and instead runs her fingers over it, searching for an edge.
Hopefully, the blunt knife they gave her is up to the task of taking apart the hinges.
Her fingers ache, have become slick with sweat and blood from the nails she’s ripped in her efforts. She’s ignoring the crumbling of the roof, refusing to look when she hears bigger and bigger chunks fall behind her.
Caroline flat out refuses to die alone in a cell, the victim of a cave in. She’s got too much left to do. Starting with ruining whoever had decided kidnapping her was a good idea.
The scrape of metal startles her and she straightens, backs away from the door warily. The turning of the lock is loud and she changes her grip on the knife, preparing to fight.
She cries out and has to turn away when it opens, the bright blue light her visitor carries hurts her eyes after hours in the dark.
She hears curse, then the light is lowered and a pair of hands, familiar though she’d only had one night to get acquainted with them, briskly run over her, checking for injury. Klaus seems satisfied that she’s whole, sinking a hand into her hair and covering her mouth with his.
It’s a possessive storm of a kiss. He angles her head with a tug of her hair, groans roughly at the first hot glide of his tongue. He’s frantic, sucking her lower lip harshly and tasting her deeply. Caroline doesn’t even think about discouraging him. She’d been thinking she’d never see him again and, with her fate looking dire, she’d acknowledged that she wanted to. She parts her lips and pressing up onto her toes, just as eager, plastering her body to his and relishing the need between them.
He’s warm and solid, his stubble scraping against her skin. The sting convinces her he’s real and not just a comforting figment of her imagination.
A loud, exaggerated cough startles Caroline and she shoves Klaus away. She wipes at her mouth, reality a harsh intruder. “What are you doing here?” she snarls.
He blinks, like he’s confused by her harshness. And maybe that’s reasonable considering she’d just had his tongue in her mouth.
“Rescuing you,” he offers, like it’s a question.
“I find that hard to believe.” Caroline shoves passed him, stops short when she spies two more men in the doorway. One’s wearing the same uniform as the guards who’d snatched her, the other isn’t, has a gun pressed to the guard’s head, but there’s something familiar about him.
He bows at the waist, “Kol Mikaelson, at your service. Rescuing damsels is not my specialty but if they’re all as tasty as you, darling, I might have to reconsider my line of work.”
“Shut it, Kol,” Klaus snaps. He grabs Caroline’s hand, sets a pack into it. Positions his body between her and Kol, who she suspects is his brother. “Your things. Get your boots on, we’re going to have to climb our way out.”
She takes it, because she’s not an idiot, and backs away. “Tell me why I should trust Mikael’s sons.”
Klaus’ eyes narrow, “How do you know Mikael?”
She laughs at the ridiculousness of that question but it’s high pitched and derisive. “I’ve never met him but I’ve been planning on killing him since I was about 15.”
She expects Klaus to be angry, or maybe incredulous, to accuse her of being insane. Instead he smiles grimly, “Me too.”
She hears a grunt, then a clatter, looks passed Klaus to see that Kol’s standing alone now, the guard crumpled at his feet. “Nonsense, Nik,” he drawls. “Your patricidal tendencies started years earlier.”
“It’s not patricide. He’s not my father.”
“Lucky you.”
It’s Caroline’s turn to be confused, she’s got at least a half a dozen questions on the tip of her tongue. Klaus shakes his head, reaches for her again. He cups the back of her neck, presses his forehead to hers. “Later. I’ll tell you anything you want. But we have to go now. The building’s heavily damaged.”
Caroline knows he’s right, “Okay.” She drops to one knee and digs into the bag Klaus had given her. “You’ve got a way off planet?”
“And a safe house. They’ll be looking for us.”
“God I hope the walls are thick,” Kol mutters. “I need my beauty sleep and I don’t want to hear you too rolling around and moaning all night.”
The withering glare Caroline shoots him is probably lost in the darkness. Klaus sighs from above her, the huff of air conveying a wealth of aggravation.
It kind of makes her want to mess with him.
“Who says I’m sharing a room with him?” she asks, fingers flying over her laces. “I ditched him before breakfast a couple days ago.”
She hears a laugh, a thump that sounds suspiciously like a fist hitting a stomach, and then a wheeze. “I’m a bit puzzled about that, love. I thought I was quite hospitable.”
“I found a picture.” That, she now realizes, is where she recognizes Kol from. He’s been in it too, tie askew and clearly inebriated. “A family picture.”
“You couldn’t have asked me about it?”
Maybe she should apologize for snooping but, since she hadn’t actually meant to invade his privacy, Caroline’s not going to. She strives to seem casual because she’d rather he not know how much it had hurt to leave him. “When a girl finds out the guy she’d spent the night with is closely connected to pure evil gut instinct takes over. I figured it was safer to run.”
Klaus turns, stalks towards the door, the set of his shoulders stiff. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that he’s pissed.
She stands slowly, just in time to catch the light stick Kol tosses her way. “Just so you know, no one hates Mikael more than Nik.” He’s friendly enough and when she glances his way she finds he’s watching her with a great deal of interest.
“Mikael killed my father.”
“Another thing you and Nik have in common.”
Kol leaves while she’s still trying to process that and Caroline scrambles to follow, shouldering her bag and carefully picking her way over the debris that litters the floor. Klaus is just outside the door. He jerks his head to the left, “This way. Be careful.”
Kol goes first and then Klaus waits for Caroline to follow. He stays close as they work their way down the corridor. She stumbles once and his hands are there, saving her from going down. He doesn’t touch her otherwise and Caroline finds she’s a little disappointed.
Kol’s last remark has quadrupled the questions she has.
Maybe it’s only practical to share a room.
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romana73 · 5 years
Post written by ME. The animated gifs listed AREN’T MINE and DON’T BELONG TO ME IN ANY WAY. In recent months I have been watching replies of TV Shows The Vampire Diaries (TVD) and The Originals (TO), TVD’s spin off. I realized one of hidden storylines I miss is incestuous relationship between Klaus and Rebekah, brother and sister, both ancient vampires and vampiric bloodlines progenitors. Many are indications and large subtext in two TV Show lead to realize relationship between brother and sister is incestuous. Unfortunately, Klaus and Rebekah’s relationship is never made concrete in story, there aren’t sex scenes or kisses between them. On the contrary, this storyline is left to die, in favor of normal and conventional ships such as Klaus/Caroline, Klaus/Camille and Rebekah/Marcel, in which there aren’t blood ties. Before continuing, I want to clarify a thing: in REAL life, incest DISGUSTS ME. In narrative fiction, however, if told well, brother and sister or/and cousins incest ​​and ONLY THIS may like me. On this point, we must remember one thing: Klaus and Rebekah AREN’T 100% brothers, but HALF BROTHERS, since they have only their mother Esther as a common parent. In vampiric literature and fiction in general, however, incest between brother and sister is more common than it seems, especially since, as TVD and TO remind us, one of beautiful sides of being a vampire is to free oneself and be disconnected from morality, conventions and rules human. Here are some examples: 1) In Vampire Knight manga and anime, protagonist Yuuki Cross is torn between romantic love for Kaname Kuran, her brother, a pure blood vampire and noble bloodline, to which their parents have promised her and Zero Kyriu, plebeian vampire and vampire hunter, raised with her:
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2) In TV show True Blood, vampire Eric Northman makes love with Nora, his vampire sister:
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3) Protagonists of horror movies The Hamilton's and The Thompsons are 5 vampire brothers, 4 males and a girl, called Darlene and she’s also Wendell, her twin, lover; 4) In role-playing game Vampire The Masquerade and Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, between of family and vampire clan Giovanni’s habits, there is incest:
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5) In Hemlock Grove TV Show, hybrid Roman Godfrey, partly human, partly vampire has a relationship with Letha Godfrey, his half-sister and cousin:
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As for incestuous relationships between brother and sister in narrative level is long, but for vampires, I stop here. Nevertheless, none of these couples resembles Klaus and Rebekah. Incestuous brothers pair really resembles two vampires is Cesare and Lucrezia, of The Borgias, 2011 Canadian TV Show:
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Big difference is in The Borgias third season, Cesare and Lucrezia physically consume their love, weaving a relationship, Klaus and Rebekah don't even kiss one another. Before moving on to parallels, however, I would like to show moments are indicative, in my opinion, of an incestuous relationship between Klaus and Rebekah: 1) Klaus's blatant jealousy for Rebekah's boyfriends and his habit of killing them or stabbing Rebekah, causing her to fall into torpor (vampire’s deep sleep) to separate her from them:
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2) Klaus's habit of always searching, until he finds her, and not leaving without her. A question Klaus asks most often in TVD and TO is: "where is Rebekah?"
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3) In 3x03 TVD episode and 1x03 TO episode, first Stefan then Camille mistake Klaus for Rebekah's FIANCE and remain perplexed when he replies he’s her brother:
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4) In TVD's 4x02 episode, disappointed by fact Klaus saved Caroline, abandoning her, Rebekah attacks Klaus, shouting, despite everything, she has always loved him and she has always been close to him:
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5) In TVD 4x04 episode, Klaus and Rebekah’s battle continues and their argument between contains ambiguous sentences: "You broke my neck”
“You threw away Elena's blood so I can't make anymore hybrids”
“Because you took me for granted!”
“ That's what big brothers do, sweetheart” (Rebekah and Klaus, 4x04, The Vampires Diaries) "[...] I mean, it's pathetic, really isn't it? How she continues to hand her heart to any man who shows her a hint of affection, you think she would learn by now from the endless cycle disappointment of and deception”
“But, I haven't.. instead, I STAY WITH YOU and let you leach every moment of happiness from my life” (Klaus and Rebekah, 4x04, The Vampires Diaries) 6) In TVD 3x08 episode and TO 1x02, first Elena, then Hayley, openly ask Rebekah WHAT'S REALLY BETWEEN HER and KLAUS, both surprised, even when she seems to hate him, she continues to love him:
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6) There are other sentences lead us to think about true nature of Klaus and Rebekah’s relationship:
“[...] I'm bored. I want to go”
“Then go without me, I'm not your GIRLFRIEND”
“No, you're my sister, which means...You have to do as I say”
(Klaus and Rebekah, 3x03, The Vampire Diaries)
A sister or cousin doesn’t respond to her brother or cousin: "I’m not your girlfriend", to limit she says "you aren’t my father" ...
let's continue:
“Nik was MY FAMILY. If you were after him, you were after me”
(Rebekah to her father Michael about Klaus, 3x09, The Vampire Diaries)
Oh, WOW!
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“Again with the wishes. Let me rephrase, you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years”
“What happens to one, happens to all. You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you'd lose YOUR PRECIOUS REBEKAH”
“Wouldn't be the first time”
( Klaus and Finn, 3x18, The Vampire Diaries)
“You could have come after me!”
“YOU WERE WITH KLAUS! I didn't know where, I didn't know if you still wanted to be with me! All you had to do was come home!”
(Rebekah and Marcel, 1x07, The Originals)
No matter how jealous a brother may be, why would a boyfriend be afraid to go and look for girl he loves and, above all, why should he think she might prefer her brother to him?
"You betrayed me. My OWN sister! " (Klaus to Rebekah, 1x08, The Originals)
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"She's your sister. How can you hate her?”
“Because she has done what no one else has managed to do to me for 1,000 years... RIP MY HEART OUT” (Camille and Klaus, speaking of Rebekah’s betrayal, 1x15, The Originals)
Oh ... double WOW!
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“You have no idea, do you? You have no idea what she was prepared to do for you [...]” (Elijah to Klaus, about what Rebekah was willing to do for Klaus, 1x16, The Originals)
Triple WOW, remember Rebekah, still human, was about to KILL her FATHER Mikael FOR KLAUS!
6) In TO 1x02 episode, Klaus tells he LOVE his sister Rebekah and, while other men come and go, HE’S CONSTANT in her life. In same episode, we learn Rebekah helped Klaus to GROW Marcel, whom he regarded as a SON. In TO 2x22 episode, Klaus asks Rebekah to stay in city and GROW his daughter Hope with him and Freya's help; 7) A perplexing narrative solution is Esther's choice, in TO 2 season, to transfer Rebekah’s soul and spirit into Camilla’s body, woman for whom Klaus and Marcel feel romantic feelings ... this isn’t first time Esther uses Rebekah to deceive Klaus. In TVD 3x20 episode, Esther enters Rebekah's body to trick Klaus and finish her plan with Alaric; 8) We cannot forget, then, Tristan, his sister Aurora and Lucien’s story, who remember Klaus/Rebekah/Marcel triangle, only with a vein of madness. Developed by Elaijah, Rebekah and Klaus, relationship between Tristan and Aurora is morbid and all-encompassing, so much so out of pure jealousy, Tristan almost tortured Lucien to death, on suspicion he was his sister's lover... only Klaus intervention, who created him, saved Lucien...
9) Watching TVD and TO we note when Klaus has to donate his blood to other vampires, he offers his wrist to women (Caroline in TVD 3x11 and 4x13, Elena in TVD 4x03), feeling pleasure when they drink. When Klaus must give his blood to men, he cuts his wrist, making blood flow in a glass, and then he pass it to victim. Only in extreme cases of life and death does Klaus offer his wrist to FAMILY men. For example, to Marcel in TO 1x22, when Marcel SAVES Hope born from witches, although he’s dying from Klaus' bite:
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This is because, perhaps, as Damon explains to Elena in TVD 4x02, blood exchange between two VAMPIRES (Blood Sharing) is something PERSONAL (also sensual judging Damon and Klaus reactions when a vampire woman sucks their blood). That's why he left me puzzled to see Klaus urgently and rebelling give his wrist to Rebekah to get her back...
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irinavampire2 · 5 years
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Full Name: Irina Mikaelson.
Nicknames/Titles: Rina, sister, little sister and blondie. 
Status: Undead.
Age: Unknown.
Age Appears to Be: She appears to humanity as if she is in her mid teens.
Species: Original Vampire. (Currently) + Witch. (Formerly) 
Hair: Blonde.
Eyes: Blue. 
Sexuality: Straight (Asexual).
Relationship Status: Single.
(Current Location)
New Orleans. (Never Visited)
New York City. (Formerly)
Mystic Falls. (Currently) 
Mikael Mikaelson (Biological Father)
Esther Mikaelson (Biological Mother)
Kol Mikaeslon (Brother)
Rebekah Mikaelson (Sister)
Klaus Mikaelson (Half Brother)
Freya Mikaelson (Sister)
Finn Mikaelson (Brother)
Henrik Mikaelson (Brother)
Elijah Mikaelson (Brother)
Dahlia Mikaelson (Aunt)
Hope Mikaelson (Niece)
Unnamed (Grandmother)
Unnamed (Grandfather)
Stefan Salvatore (Best Friend/Protector/Deceased)
Damon Salvatore (Best Friend) 
Super Strength.
Super Speed.
Super Agility. 
Super Senses. 
Super Senses. 
Super Durability.
Healing Factor.
Enhanced Emotions.
Emotional Control.
Mind Compulsion.
Sire Bond.
Dream Manipulation.
True Face.
(Unique Abilities To Irina)  
Shape-shifting - She has the ability to shapeshift into a black wolf even though she isn’t a werewolf or werewolf hybrid. It is her special ability and is unique to her. It is similar to Damon Salvatore when he was able to control the crow in the beginning of The Vampire Diaries but instead Irina can shapeshift into a wolf and it is a wolf instead of a crow.
She has such a pure kind heart, she has never fed from the human vein since being a original vampire and only drinks of animal blood or human blood bags. Irina helps the weak and saves many lives, she doesn’t like seeing other vampires feed from the innocent and will fight them and kill them.  
Irina is able to temporally heal humans or other supernaturals, she was able to take Sheriff Forbes pain temporally. She is able to ease other’s pain but only for a short period of time and then the pain will eventually come back.    
Death of Henrik Mikaelson.
Her pure heart and kindness.
Animal Blood.
Broken Neck.
The Cure.
Physical Trauma.
Werewolf Bite.
White Oak Ash Daggers.
Enhanced Thorns. 
Irina was born a witch, she was a very powerful witch, was turned into a original vampire by her mother Esther Mikaelson and shortly after she became a original vampire she ran away from her own family and disappeared for 1000 years and till she returned back to Mystic Falls.  
Irina and Henrik were extremely close, they were inseparable and did everything together as children. When Henrik died, something changed within Irina, she became lost and unsure of herself and life itself. She withdrawn from her siblings, her friends and anyone else who cared for her, the one person she would speak to was Stefan Salvatore and that was it. Season one of The Vampire Diaries, Irina had finally returned to Mystic Falls after 1000 years. It is believed that Henrik and Irina weren’t to far apart in age, as children, Irina was a couple of years older then Henrik and they were literally best friends. After Henrik died, it broke Irina to 1000 pieces and she felt so lost within herself. 
Irina is very protective of the innocent, she made a promise to Stefan Salvatore before he died that she would protect the innocent and Mystic Falls in his name. She kept that promise and was going to keep it, he even visited her from the other side as a spirit, although she couldn’t physically see him, he was there guiding her and sending signs.
She loves singing, dancing and listening to music, it one of her favourite things to do in her casual time. Half of the time she would be walking down the streets or through the woods with headphones on. Occasionally she sings and dances at places within Mystic Falls for fun not for profit, but to make people smile and happy.
She loves helping the sick or injured, animals or humans. One time she encountered a car accident on her run and noticed the woman in the car was badly harmed, she helped heal the woman enough so she wouldn’t lose blood and would make it to hospital in time. She has saved many animals and humans, a second time she saved three kids from a house fire. The mother and father of the kids got out in time but the kids got trapped, Irina managed to go into a burning house unharmed and saved the kids. Irina has control over her need to feed on human blood due to the fact she has never bitten a human in her vampire life or life, she has fed from animals or human blood bags. She is weaker then her siblings at times due to the fact animal blood doesn’t make vampires at their strongest but at their weakness. So when she see’s a human bleeding she can help them and won’t have a strong urge to feed on them like other vampires. She has control of herself and tends to remain strong, confident and independent, no matter the situations. If she was ever to feed off a human once, she may lose complete control due to the fact she has never bitten a human, or fed from one in her life, so it could make her crave human blood from the vein and become a ripper like Stefan or even as bad as Kol Mikaelson.
When Henrik Mikaelson and Irina were kids, they would always hang out at a big rock in Mystic Falls, Irina and Henrik had even carved their initials into the rock by using a knife. 1000 years later and the rock is still their and Henrik and Irina’s initials are still carved into the rock, Irina always visit the rock and sits or lays on it as she looks to the stars.
Irina is very stubborn, but is very caring and good hearted. She feels a strong empathy and connection of those around her, she always loves helping other’s in need. A couple of times she has taken some people’s pain away, she is such a confident and strong girl. Her parents made her a monster but the monster doesn’t take control of the good hearted girl within, she is full of empty and pure light, not darkness. Irina is very protective of those she cares about, she protected Elena a couple of times through The Vampire Diaries seasons. Her family, her friends she will protect them no matter what.
The night Damon Salvatore injured Vicki, she was their within the darkness and watched the whole thing. She was in her wolf form and did growl towards Damon in hopes to scare him away but it didn’t work. She then just ran off and stood from a distance, as anger built within her, before running through the crowd of people at the party. Of course half of the party people scream seeing a wolf, she didn’t care and she hoped it would make Damon stop hurting Vicki.
Irina has a brown leather diary, she has had it since she was young. It is a similar age to Irina and is old, but it is still in good condition and she writes in it everyday. It actually has so much written in her diary about the times her and Henrik use to spend time together and play as kids. She tends to keep all her memories in her diary or when times are rough she will write it down, when Stefan died she wrote a lot in her diary about her and Stefan and most of the things they both use to do together. She even wrote how the death of Stefan effected, and has written a lot of bad experiences in her diary also. Like the time she saw Vicki getting harmed in the woods by Damon, and how bad she actually felt that she couldn’t help, that made her feel hopeless. Irina’s diary is very special and she takes it with her everywhere, she will always find a peaceful place to write in her diary, such as her favourite rock in the woods where she use to spend most of her time with Henrik as kids.
A couple of times Irina has appeared in Legacies, one time she was in her wolf form and the other just in person enjoying time with her friend Josie.
Irina still remains in Mystic Falls and protects it with her life, she occasionally helps Hope and Alaric with any threats.
When Irina was young, she would take Henrik to their favorite place in the forest and she would make the fireflies all go into one place by using her telekinesis. 
Irina doesn’t want any romantic relationship, as she prefers being single and free. She says that having a boyfriend would mean nothing to her and she would eventually get bored. She says that having close connections with people and having loyal friends is all she needs more then any romantic relationship. She doesn’t want to get dedicated to anyone, she fears losing those she cares about and feels insecure about being in any relationship with anyone. Single for life, no kids or romantic relationships for Irina, just a kind hearted girl and true loyalty to the innocent. All her siblings have had true love and romantic relationships while Irina has just saved so many innocent lives and thinks that is the best life to follow.
Irina can translate elder futhark runes and other ancient runes, she has helped many in TVD with translating runes and other ancient language. 
Irina’s elder futhark is ᛁᚱᛁᚾᚨ.   
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antemortem-rp-blog · 5 years
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ELENA GILBERT twenty-two ☾ human nina dobrev
Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it.
She was born a Petrova and a Gilbert. Though not from the one listed on her birth certificate. An irresponsible John Gilbert knocked up a young Isobel Flemming. Neither of them was prepared to have a daughter, but Grayson and Miranda Gilbert were. So Elena’s was adopted by her uncle. No one save those four ever knew the truth. She grew up extremely loved by her parents regardless. Her life was pretty much as perfect as it could be. She was happy, popular, and beautiful. High school happened in the blink of an eye. She was on top and she thought that’s where she’d always stay. Elena, wanting to follow after her father, went into pre-med at Constance. While finishing her third year, she and her parents got into a tragic car accident. Elena was the only survivor.
It was the start of a whole new life. Despite not needing a legal guardian, Elena’s Aunt, Jenna moved back to town. She wanted to do right by her deceased sister and help her kids through everything. Elena managed to finish her last year and get into medical school. That’s when she met Stefan Salvatore. She though her world was finally on the up again. She didn’t realize how wrong she was. Their relationship was difficult from the start. His brother, Damon, hardly helped. Not long after, she learned the truth about the brothers—and vampires. Damon eventually caused the death of a friend of Jeremy’s. Not long after, she learned the truth about Bonnie being a witch and, in return, Elena told her about vampires.
And that’s when she learned about Katherine. They didn’t know why they looked alike, just that they did. In a whirlwind to get try and release Katherine from the tomb for information, Stefan was forced to feed on Elena. She discovered the truth about his bloodlust after. They hardly had time to stabilize Stefan before Elena learned the truth about her mother ( and father ). And in her mother’s wake, Katherine Pierce finally made her appearance in town. It seemed the death toll was only increasing. Elena learned about the Petrova Doppelgangers from Katherine. A battle over the moonstone ensued bringing about the truth about the Hale family and werewolves. 
Not long after, Elijah Mikaelson came to town and a new calibre of strength was witnessed. He began to put the pieces of Katherine’s arrival together for Elena. They all learned about the original hybrid and his curse. Elijah had a plan, but so did Bonnie. In looking through her family grimoire she discovered the spell for reverting vampirism. Klaus needed a human doppelganger. For the plan to work, they had to dagger Elijah to keep him from coming to stop them. However, while they were taking care of him Katherine took care of Jackson. Elena was willing to sacrifice herself for her friends. However, Damon, with the help of Diana, spelled Elena into the Abandoned House. Meanwhile, John Blackwell provided Damon ( and the circle ) with the information they needed. The circle reverted Kather to her human state and convinced Klaus that Katherine was Elena. Unbeknownst to all, Klaus had turned Jenna and planned to use her in the ritual.
Elena thought nothing worse could happen after that. Stefan had left with Klaus, the circle was unbound, Jenna dead. She was walking around as a well-manicured mess. But then people began getting sacrificed. None of the witches knew anything that could help. She’d forgotten what it was like to live without death at every corner. So she wanted to to take everyone’s mind off the craziness. A night out. She never expected to see Isaac’s body drop. Diana convinced her to try her blood when Isaac needed to feed. And it all clicked into place. Doppelganger blood was needed to complete the transition. Elena was willing to try and do anything to get rid of Klaus, but not even Mikael was enough. After nearly getting everyone, especially Derek Hale killed, she surrendered. He agreed to let her live her life as long as she regularly gave him blood. She’ll keep doing it as long as she has to if it means keeping her friends safe.
Stefan & Damon Salvatore → COMPLICATED
She owes a debt to each brother. They have both sacrificed and taken too much. Elena doesn’t know where she stands with them. Since the break up with Stefan, she’s seen the human side of Damon grow and the darker side of Stefan revealed. They’re both equal parts light and dark. She’s come to see the naivety of her initial judgements. She grateful to them both, but she also can’t help but feel like she’s lost so much since their arrival.
Diana Meade → OLD FRIEND
She’s watched her descent into darkness. She wants so desperately to help her friend come back to her life, but she doesn’t know how to do it. Diana has always had a sound head on her shoulders and for the first time, she can feel the impulsive decisions eating away at her friend. She doesn’t understand how the witch can align herself with Klaus, but she wants to save her before it’s too late.
Peyton Fell, Lydia Lockwood & Caroline Forbes → FOUNDERS FRIENDS
Somehow, unlike like so many. Elena has always been good at keeping the peace. She may have enemies of her own, but the Founders girls have always been close to her heart. Having practically grown up with them, each holds a special place in Elena’s life. Peyton was Elena’s idol when she was young. Lydia was like a younger sister to Elena. And Caroline her constant, out of the three, Caroline and Elena were the closest. She always able to cool the girls before too many feathers were ruffled. 
Valeria Castillo → CONCERN
She doesn’t like the brunette. She’s reckless and dangerous. Not to mention, she showed up just when Elena was starting to see the good in Damon. Valeria reminds Elena of all the worst parts of Damon and she’s sure the vampire could bring it out of him if she wanted. She doesn’t trust the woman’s intentions with Damon, but moreover with her entire presence in town.
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nolaimagines · 6 years
Request: “Hello! May I please have a Kol Mikaelson imagine. They were together and in love way in 1100’s and he witnessed Klaus kill her, not knowing Rebekah’s blood was in her system(she was always extremely close with Rebekah) and she lived. She runs into Kol in the Quarter. He instantly recognized her, but she thought he was happy(seeing him happy with his family)and ignored his calls for her. You can choose the end. Feel free to edit and change anything you wish. Thanks love! ❤️”
Notes: I know it has been a while but this has been in my drafts for a while and so I thought I would finish it and post it. I hope you enjoy it!
“I wish my father would stop forcing me to marry someone I do not know. All he wants is power…I just want love…” You sighed, swaying your hands in the tall grass of the fields.
Rebekah sighed, “I know but you could have it worse…at least your father isn’t hunting you down with the intention of killing you.”
You immediately regret what you had said, forgetting that your best friend’s family was being hunted down.
“I wish you could stay here longer…we could protect you…my fathers army…” You tried your best to convince Rebekah but it was no use. Metal done minimal damage to vampires.
Rebekah laughed softly, “I wish it were that simple. But Mikael will stop at nothing to kill us, and anyone we know. He will do anything to get to us…”
“What is it Rebekah?” You looked at her, worried.
“Lets do it, tonight. I’ll give you my blood now. When it comes to dinner, go to your quarters early, and after dinner I will complete the transition…then by the time we have to leave…you can come with us. If Niklaus says no, you and I will runaway elsewhere…”
You nodded quicker than the words came out of your mouth, “Okay.”
Rebekah scanned the surroundings before biting her wrist and holding it up to your mouth. You took a deep breath before closing your eyes, and drinking her blood.
Ever since the Mikaelson’s had moved into your city, you had quickly grown close to Rebekah. You trusted her with everything, and within time she trusted you with everything, including their vampirism. You got along with most of her siblings. Klaus was difficult, but he had been with everyone, but you had a love hate relationship with him, which was of course frowned upon by your own father. Your father had his own intentions of who you were to marry. Your father wanted someone of royal blood, someone with a courageous heart, brave and strong. But it wasn’t Klaus you were in love with. It was the youngest of the Mikaelsons, Kol. Which was why in fact Klaus hated you. You had managed to soften Kol in a way that no one ever could. Kol had his eyes on you. Any man you were forced to dance with, would soon die a mysterious death – an animal attack, which lead to the castle grounds being shut down for your own protection. As the next heir to the throne, you were to be kept safe. But little did your father know, you were planning to run away with your best friend, and boyfriend.
“What are you two doing out here? If your father knew you were out here, do you have any idea of what he would do?” Kol’s voice interrupted the silence. You looked up and smiled, as he sat beside you.
“Well unless you are to tell him, he will never know I am out here, will he?” You smirked a little. Outsmarting Kol only ever annoyed him, because he was so protective over you, even if he was the one behind the ‘animal’ attacks.
Kol bit his tongue, giving you a warning look, “Okay, darling. Anyway, I couldn’t help but hear there is something you wanted to tell me.” He looked at you, then Rebekah, then back at you.
You cleared your throat, as you added another daisy to your growing daisy chain, “I…”
“I am going to turn Y/N into a vampire. She wants it. I have told her the bad things as well as the good. She isn’t taking no for an answer.” Rebekah sighed, “Besides, we can run away from all this. You and I will be free of Nik’s control, Y/N’s father will stop harassing her about marrying the right guy, when all she wants is to be with you-“ Kol’s head snapped your way.
“You want to turn to be with me, darling?” Kol sounded shocked.
Rebekah took the silence as an opportunity to excuse herself and leave.
You nodded, “Yes. It’s all I want. My father has been arranging for all these men to have my hand in marriage, and he won’t ever stop, he has even tried to convince Klaus. But ever since you have walked into this city…I have wanted you. Rebekah’s showed me everything there is to know about being a vampire, even the bad so that I know what I am getting myself into.  I love you Kol Mikaelson…with all my heart.”
Kol smiled, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you into his lap, “I will do it tonight, for you my love.” He kissed you deeply, lying down in the grass pulling you with him, as his hand pulled your dress up, his fingers trailing your legs.
Dinner had passed, and you were heading down the halls to your room.
“May I escort you to your room, love?” Klaus held his arm out as he caught up behind you.
If you were to convince Klaus that nothing out of the ordinary was happening, then you weren’t to reject him, “Yes, how kind.” You smiled as you held onto his arm.
Klaus smiled, and faced forward walking at an appropriate speed, “I see you have grown fond of my youngest brother, Kol.”
You looked down at the floor, almost shy, “Yes, I guess I have.”
“And I understand my sister has trusted you with our family secret?”
You nodded, keeping quiet.
Klaus sighed, “Can never really trust Rebekah. Always drags someone in. Someone to weaken us, someone who can easily get us all killed. Don’t get me wrong love, I do like you but I cannot have a weak link in my family. I cannot risk my family’s lives because I have let a human into our family. If Kol was to die because of you...”
It was at this point that you realized that Klaus has taken you to a different part of the castle, somewhere where only you and Kol knew of, “Klaus…I don’t intend on getting you killed. I love Kol, I would never want to hurt him.”
“By simply knowing of us, is enough to get us killed. Rebekah hasn’t told you about our father. Of course, she would leave out the one piece of vital information…” Klaus chuckled, and pushed you against the wall, quite harshly.
You yelped at the force, and struggled in his grip, “Klaus please…”
Klaus’ face hardened, the veins under his eyes making an appearance, “I will always protect my family…whatever it takes.” He growled, tightening his grip on you. You struggled against his grip, but it was no use. 
“You’ll lose Kol if you kill me...” You gasped out, his grip becoming tighter. 
“I’ll lose him and Rebekah if you stay alive!” Klaus growled, plunging his hand into your chest.
You screamed and gasped. Tears flooded your eyes, “Please…” you knew it was useless but you still tried. You looked up at Klaus who was only filled with anger, but you swore you could see a little sorrow.
“NIKLAUS! NO!” Kol’s voice echoed as he shouted his brothers name. Klaus’ head turned to look at his brother, while removing his hand along with your heart. Kol screamed, lunging himself at Klaus but he vanished leaving your body and heart in the grass. Rebekah called after Kol but halted seeing Kol on his knees hugging your body close to himself. “She’s gone…he took her from me! She…I loved her…” Rebekah wiped her tears away, staying silent. Being the new vampire she was, she didn’t know how long her blood would stay in your system.
--[Present day]-
Kol sighed, setting his glass down, rather harshly, as he swallowed the last gulp of his whiskey. He stared hard into empty space, wishing that today never existed. Today was the day that he lost you, or so he thought. He remembered the day of your death so clearly, so vividly. It replayed in his mind over and over. Your body falling to the ground lifeless, your eyes glancing over at him one last time as life left your body.
“Kol, why are you being like this?” Davina’s voice filled his ears, pulling him back to reality, “I’ve booked a night out for us, a night of dancing just like you asked. So, come on. We have got to get ready-”
“Davina, today is not the day.” Kol avoided eye contact with her, before setting a $100 bill on the counter and walking back to the compound where he fell onto the sofa, staring into space. 
Davina groaned, following Kol, determined to find out why he was being like this. “Kol...” 
“Don’t bother, Davina. Leave him alone today.” Rebekah stood beside Davina, turning towards Kol, only to see him moping around on the couch. 
“Why? What’s wrong with him? I’ve never seen him like this. He’s never cared about anyone, or anything so why now? What’s happened?” Davina was losing her patience. 
Rebekah frowned, “You mean to tell me, he hasn’t told you?” 
“No, of course I haven’t bloody told her.” Kol sat up, fed up of his new girlfriend, and sister talking about him as if he wasn’t listening. 
“Why not?” Rebekah questioned, “She deserves to know.” 
Kol growled, “Davina isn’t my girlfriend. I don’t have to tell her anything!” He snapped as he downed the rest of his drink, “Both of you just leave me alone. If you know what’s right, you will both leave me alone!” He grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the compound, desperate to be alone. 
--[days later]-
4 bottles of bourbon later, Kol went back to his usual self of carelessness and fun, but the memory of his loved one will always remain in his mind.
The Mikaelson Family and their significant others were Rosseau’s, celebrating the defeat of their evil Aunt Dahlia. Various citizens of New Orleans surrounded the vampire family, to make it look of a more natural party.
You opened the door to the bar slowly, and stepped inside asking for a bourbon, before leaning against the bar. You sighed, setting your phone on the bar counter, slowly sipping at your bourbon as your eyes scanned the people. You were quick to find the Mikaelsons before you made contact with Kol, who you found staring directly at you.
It was only a matter of seconds before he was standing next to you, his hands cupping your face gently, “Y/N...”
You looked up at him, and take his hands in yours, “Hi Kol...” 
“Darling...how are you even here? I thought Niklaus killed you...” Kol’s voice was just as soft as it was 1,000 years ago, “I saw him rip out your...” his voice trailing off, not wanting to relive the memory for the millionth time. 
“I had Rebekah’s blood in my system already...I take it Klaus didn’t know...so here I am...but I see you are happy with your family. I’m glad things have worked out for the best between you all...” You force a convincing smile, as you sip at your bourbon.
“Darling...” Kol interrupted your words, “Don’t let 5 seconds of laughter fool you. We have just defeated my Aunt Dahlia...long story that can wait for another day...for now, we must go. I just want to be with you.”
“And your girlfriend?” You take another sip at your drink, motioning at the brunette he was sitting with.
Kol shook his head, “She is just a friend. I promise. My heart has always belonged to you, and to you only.” 
“Kol, aren’t you going to come back and join the celebrations, or are you leaving us already?” Another british accent sounded from behind Kol. You could easily recognise who it was. 
Kol turned, and in doing so revealed you standing there. Klaus’ face went from shocked to anger in a matter of seconds, “How are you alive. I killed you. Ripped your heart out.” 
You shrugged, “Maybe you’re just seeing things, Klaus. Or maybe you just aren’t as good as killing as you thought.” 
Klaus growled, but switched his attention back to Kol, “Well? Are you coming back to join your family, or are you leaving us for her...oh wait it seems she isn’t staying...” 
Kol frowned, and spun around, scanning the bar for you, “Y/N!” 
“Looks like we are both seeing things...” Klaus chuckled, and he went back to sit with Camille with the rest of his family. 
Kol growled and stormed out the bar.  He looked in all directions before seeing you walking off in the distance
“Darling! Wait!” He called out to as he used his supernatural speed to catch up to you, “Why did you leave?”
You shrugged, “Seeing everyone...it felt weird. The last time I saw Klaus, his hand was wrapped around my heart...quite literally. That was also the last time I saw you...I mean even if I am here now...things can’t go back to  how they were can they?” You looked up at him, meeting his eyes.
“Isn’t that what you want?” Kol questioned, you could see the hurt in his eyes. All Kol ever wanted was to have you back in his arms. To hold you, and protect you from the world.
“Of course it is! But it has been 1000 years, Kol. I am not the same girl I used to be...I’ve done some awful things. Things I never imagined myself doing...” You began to panic. The past 1,000 years have been eventful to say the least. The torture, the running, and lying, the hunting...all because you knew of the Mikaelsons. Klaus was right...knowing of them came with consequences. But it was nothing you weren’t willing to go through for the man you loved. 
“And so have I, darling. We aren’t all perfect. We are vampires and it comes with consequences let alone we, the Mikaelsons, are the most hunted down vampires. I can’t say I haven’t done everything by the book...well I’ve lived by my book...” He chuckled softly, in which you laughed too. 
Kol smiled, holding out his hands, “Darling, I love you. I always have. Lets go somewhere together. I have a house in Europe, where I lived before I was dragged back into the family drama...I want you to come with me.” 
You smiled and took his hands, which were just as soft as they were a thousand years back, “So let’s go.”
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kakimonaye · 6 years
I’ve been on refreshing my Twitter and Instagram feed every second for the past 24 hours hoping that someone (anyone) would tell me that the spoilers for The Originals are inaccurate. If you have not read about the spoilers and would NOT like to know, please stop reading now. 
No, seriously. STOP. Because I’m unintentionally going to spoil it for you, and you will be very very devastated. 
Now for those of you who are up to date on this very very tragic ending, I will start off this therapy session by saying, WTF!!! 
Now that that’s all out of my system, I would like to have a more adult-like conversation about The Originals upcoming series finale. First off, I would like to say that Niklaus Mikaelson has been one of the best characters to grace the presence of the fictional towns that are known as Mystical Falls and New Orleans. Klaus Mikaelson went from being the arrogant, evil (maybe Satan himself), self-centered big bad hybrid to a caring, loving brother, father and friend. His character development has been one of the most beautiful things witnessed in TV history. The same man who refused to show an ounce of humanity for centuries has become more open to love and life’s possibilities. The same man who wanted nothing more than to be king of New Orleans and have ultimate power is the same man who has learned that power means nothing without those you love most. 
The spoilers I've read do not do justice to a character that has become a fan favorite as both the villain and the protagonist. In The Vampire Diaries, Klaus was introduced as the villain who wanted to kill Elena Gilbert, killed Elena’s Aunt Jenna, slaughtered 12 of his hybrids, and about thousands of other people from around the world. He was the most feared and hated original. 
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When we first began to see a glimpse of hope and humanity in Klaus, is around the time he met Caroline. Klaus and Caroline have a chemistry that can not be imitated or faked. This much is true from Caroline’s visit to New Orleans and Klaus’ visit to Mystic Falls. 
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As we began to see more and more of the version of Klaus that Hope deserved as a father -- the Klaus he was before Mikael ruined him and his humanity -- I began to realize that Klaus is more than just a villain who turned good. He’s a representation for all the bad things that become beautiful. He is the representation for the moments you’ve wished you could take back before you realized those moments are the very reason you’ve become the person you are. Has Klaus made mistakes? Absolutely. However, I wholeheartedly believe he deserves a shot at redemption. He’s had little to no time with his daughter. He’s had to watch from the shadows and sacrifice their relationship so that she and their family could live their lives in peace. All of the sacrifices from the time he knew of her existence have been for his Hope. I think that is a man who deserves a chance to live and get to see his daughter grow old and have his epic love. 
If Klaus dies, Hope will become an orphan. I know what you’re thinking. If Hope is an orphan, it can build up to the Legacies storyline. While this may be true, there’s a way that this alleged storyline can still be accomplished without the death of our beloved original hybrid. If Klaus dies, Hope will be absolutely devastated. Klaus is the main reason Hope has managed to stay sane since the death of her mother. In the moments after Hayley’s death, Hope wanted to die. She literally begged her father to just let her die. She couldn’t imagine a world without her mother in it and most importantly she didn’t want to. She didn’t know a world where she only had one parent -- a parent that had been absent practically her whole life. It was extremely touching to watch Klaus become the father we always knew he was capable of being. He went from the little boy and a young adult who absorbed all the vicious and atrocious things Mikael had ever said, a man who’d become paranoid, resentful and full of hatred to a man who’d been there for his daughter when she needed him most. He’s proof that the cycle can end. He didn't allow his story to become Hope’s story. When she finally made her first transformation, he told her how proud he was. He didn’t make her feel small or treat her like an abomination. He is the very opposite of the type of father Mikael was. He’s the very best father to Hope that he can be. 
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 The Originals is relatable in a way that shows that no one is perfect. No one knows how to be the perfect parent, brother/sister or friend, but it is up to us to write our narrative. Klaus was raised by one of the most hateful men. He was abused both verbally and physically, he was hunted and tormented. He lost his biological father at an early age, unbeknownst to him, but despite all of these obstacles, he became the father that he’d always dreamed of. He believed that he’d inflicted damage on Hope that only a father was capable of doing. He may have been right but he has fought like hell to make it up to her. He is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to save his only daughter. He is willing to lay his life on the line to save hers. This is a character that deserves more time to tell his story. He has so much more life to live and stories to tell. 
I hope he gets to tell them.
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softersinned-arc · 3 years
biography — the vampire diaries & the originals. 
Note: I have developed this verse largely in conjunction with serendpitous and mournres, and my Originals verse is single-ship with mournres’ Marcel. This backstory will be my default, but if we’re writing in this verse and you’d like to discuss the possibility of a ship set entirely in TVD without involving TO, I’ll use the same backstory, but her relationship with Marcel will have remained strictly platonic.
22 AUGUST 1872 Astoria Ileana Grim is born in Venice, Italy to the middle daughter of an aristocratic Venetian family and her lover, whose name she refuses to reveal. Despite Astoria’s illegitimacy, she is her grandfather’s undisputed favorite, and he provides her with a significant education in magic; her raw power and insatiable curiosity prime her to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps as the coven’s leader.
SUMMER 1886 Astoria’s grandmother dies unexpectedly, the result of a curse, and her godparents, siblings Evander and Elyssa Vetri, return to Venice for the funeral. There, they take an interest in Astoria’s education, and offer to mentor her. They extend an invitation for her to join them in London; Astoria’s grandfather reluctantly agrees.
JUNE 1887 The Vetris accompany Astoria to London, where they begin to teach her. Astoria’s power, and her determination to learn as much as she can, prove to be a temptation, and the Vetris begin to teach her expression.
AUGUST 1887 Frightened of her growing power, and her waning control over it, Astoria begs her godparents to stop her lessons, and they refuse. Astoria begins to disobey, deliberately making mistakes and causing damage to the house during her lessons, and Evander becomes violent, while Elyssa begins to isolate her, refusing to allow her to leave the house and telling her that she deserves the abuse she endures. During this period, it becomes clear to Astoria that the Vetris will kill her, intentionally or otherwise, before they’ve satisfied their curiosity with expression. She begins to plan her escape, and in doing so begins to pretend to be weaker and more delicate than she is in the hopes that the Vetris will underestimate her; this proves successful.
MAY 1888 After a particularly brutal punishment from Evander, Astoria lashes out violently, killing both her godparents by boiling their blood in their bodies. She uses expression for the final time to bind their power to their bones and to accelerate skeletonization. She takes their finger bones with her in a reliquary. With limited money, and determined to escape London before the Vetris’ deaths are noticed, Astoria flees to Paris under the name Elizabeth Vane.  
As Elizabeth Vane, Astoria plays the role of medium, holding seances for the city’s wealthiest inhabitants; however, she rarely contacts the Other Side, preferring instead to quietly investigate her clients and put on a convincing and satisfying show. This continues for six years, during which time she contacts her family in Venice, who agree that she should remain hidden as the investigation into the Vetris’ death remains open in London. 
SEPTEMBER 1894 Astoria meets Klaus Mikaelson at a seance. Sensing his power, she contacts the Other Side when he asks it; she speaks to him as a Petrova doppelganger, killed in the twelfth century by plague. Klaus remains after the seance and invites her to return with him to New Orleans, and after sharing her history with him and obtaining his word that she would be protected from discovery or persecution, she agrees. 
NOVEMBER 1894 Astoria arrives in New York with Klaus before traveling south, slowly, to New Orleans. During the next several weeks, Klaus tests Astoria’s magical abilities, and determines that she could be a useful ally. They reach New Orleans in mid-December, and Klaus provides her with a small allowance and a place to live, with the expectation that she will help him find a way to break the hybrid curse.
31 DECEMBER 1894 Astoria meets the other living Mikaelsons — Elijah and Rebekah — and Klaus’ protege, Marcel Gerard, on New Year’s Eve. When asked later, she will insist that she fell in love with Marcel almost immediately, though Klaus will laughingly dispute this and insist that it took a few months for her to “start swooning.” 
APRIL 1899 Astoria returns to Venice when her grandfather falls ill, and remains there until his death. Astoria’s mother points out that she looks younger than she should, and Astoria, theorizing that the reliquary she keeps nearby has been enhancing her power, tests this by injuring herself severely. She heals with unexpected and inhuman speed, and determines that this is the cause of her slowed aging. Astoria’s mother, now leading the coven, offers to step down so that Astoria can take her place; she declines and returns to New Orleans, preferring to remain with her new allies.
1900 After several years of friendship, and what must be infuriating flirting for the numerous innocent bystanders forced to watch this unfold, Astoria and Marcel become romantically involved. 
1901 Kol Mikaelson is undaggered. Within the next several years, Kol invites Astoria to learn Kemiya alongside a handful of New Orleans witches; she thrives under his tutelage, but her unwavering loyalty to Klaus leads Kol to limit their interactions, eventually refusing to teach her. Astoria reports her suspicions of Kol’s behavior to Marcel, and later to Klaus, and when Kol tries to steal the paragon diamond, Astoria traps two of his fellow conspirators, Mary-Alice Claire and Astrid Malchance, in a dead witch’s mansion. This sours the relationship between Astoria and the New Orleans coven, who rightfully realize that Astoria’s primary loyalty is to the Mikaelsons, including Marcel. 
25 DECEMBER 1914 Astoria attends the Mikaelsons’ Christmas party with Marcel. Early on she speaks to Klaus and asks if he might be willing to strike a new deal with her, now that she is certain she cannot be linked to her godparents’ deaths. She is present when Klaus and Elijah dagger Kol, and is largely unmoved. After the party, Klaus agrees to new terms to their alliance: if she remains his ally, helping him not only to break the hybrid curse but in any of his endeavors, he will keep her alive and safe, and will grant her limited access to his mother’s grimoire. If she cannot find a spell for immortality by the time her healing significantly slows and her aging begins again, he will allow her to become a vampire, likely turning her himself. 
1918 Marcel leaves to fight in Europe with the Brotherhood of the Damned. He and Astoria write frequent letters, the contents ranging from beautiful poetry to spectacular filth. Astoria keeps Marcel’s letters among her most prized possessions long after the war. 
In Marcel’s absence, Klaus becomes more erratic and his moods become less predictable; he begins denying Astoria access to Esther’s grimoire and asking her to take on more and more dangerous tasks, seeing enemies everywhere. Astoria mentions this in her letters to Marcel and is slightly bothered by this, but not terribly, attributing Klaus’ behavior to his worry for Marcel. When Marcel returns to New Orleans, things seem to settle, and Astoria puts her concerns over the last several months out of her mind.
1919 Mikael arrives in New Orleans and slaughters most of the vampires there. Marcel survives; Astoria returns to New Orleans and finds him alive, though the two agree that Klaus should think he was killed. She offers to leave with him, but Marcel argues that she should remain with Klaus until she can achieve immortality, either by magic or as a vampire. She agrees, albeit reluctantly, and they promise to reunite once this has happened.
Astoria returns to Klaus and reports that she couldn’t find Marcel anywhere, and that she believes him to be dead; she enters a period of mourning that lasts nearly a decade, during which time she is unable to return to New Orleans and see Marcel again. Over the next ninety years, Astoria and Marcel see one another extremely rarely.
1922 Astoria, along with the remaining Mikaelsons, flees Chicago when Mikael finds them. She splits her focus between searching for a way to break the hybrid curse without a Petrova doppelganger and searching for a way to kill Mikael, becoming fearful that Klaus will kill Marcel if he learns that Marcel survived the attack on New Orleans three years prior and hoping to have something to regain his favor and warrant mercy.
1929 After a decade of trying to work while constantly moving, Astoria asks Klaus to leave her in Dublin, where she can settle in and begin her work in earnest, without having to uproot herself regularly. Klaus agrees, and he helps her settle in Dublin, promising to return within the next decade to hear of her progress. Their reunion is delayed when Astoria joins the British army as a nurse in 1939.
1950s Astoria returns to New Orleans briefly to celebrate Marcel’s successful legal studies. Marcel lets slip that he had to hide her letters from the Brotherhood during the First World War after a half dozen dramatic readings, and Astoria is delighted. She meets Thierry Vanchure, who promises to keep Marcel safe.
15 – 23 AUGUST 1969 Astoria and Marcel meet at Woodstock, having seen one another only a handful of times over the last fifty years. Frustrated by how little progress she’s managed, she again suggests that Marcel turn her, but they decide against it. Astoria insists that she will need to be Turned within the next fifty years, and that she can’t put off aging indefinitely. They remain in New York for Astoria’s birthday, and Astoria gets her first tattoo for Marcel after he leaves for New Orleans. 
1970s Using the magic she learned from Kol, and the pages from Esther’s grimoire, Astoria curses a stake that will temporarily disable Mikael. Klaus is able to test this, successfully, when Mikael follows him to Dublin; he and Astoria bury Mikael alive, using the time in which he is incapacitated to flee to the European continent. Astoria settles in Venice once more, taking refuge in her family’s home. 
1990s Astoria hears word that Mikael has been desiccated by a Bennett witch in Mystic Falls, Virginia. In gratitude, and curious to learn more about why Mikael had been in Virginia, Astoria travels there to meet Abby Bennett Wilson. Abby refuses to give her any answers, but accepts Astoria’s help to establish some security measures in her home. Not wanting to give Klaus false hope (and deal with the resulting negative fallout), Astoria reports back that Mikael had simply posed a threat to the town while searching for his children and that the witches there made an effort to defend themselves. However, she begins to wonder if perhaps Katherine Pierce had resurfaced, and begins nearly two decades of experimentation and study to find the fabled cure for immortality. 
the vampire diaries — episode by episode.
the originals — episode by episode (under construction).
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wazafam · 3 years
According to Klaus Mikaelson, he's the most powerful creature on the planet (although honestly he may have just been trying to talk himself up to impress Caroline). However, throughout his character arc on The Vampire Diaries, there were quite a few other supernatural beings that seemingly gave Klaus a run for his money and occasionally came close to killing him.
RELATED: The Vampire Diaries: 5 Times Klaus Mikaelson Proved He Was The Villain (& Times He Was Actually The Hero)
As the show's most threatening villain from the moment he appeared until the day he left for his own spinoff, Klaus had a lot of people coming after him. But out of all of the characters that fought against Klaus, who were the most powerful?
10 Stefan Salvatore
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When Klaus first got to town, he was apparently itching to become besties with Stefan Salvatore again, even though Stefan had no idea who Klaus was. And, when Klaus strongarmed Stefan into drinking human blood and leaving his Mystic Falls life behind, Stefan didn't take it well.
While the younger Salvatore was never any real competition for Klaus, he did manage to swipe Klaus' family and do quite a few other things to put Klaus on the defensive.
9 Tyler Lockwood
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Initially, Klaus was obviously planning on Tyler Lockwood becoming his new faithful servant and something maybe approaching a friend. However, Tyler understandably didn't appreciate his mystical enslavement and did everything he could to rebel against Klaus.
Tyler managed to win over all of Klaus' hybrids and break their sire bond to the Original hybrid, and considering that Klaus had been working towards this for centuries, it was a huge hit against him.
8 Katherine Pierce
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While Klaus wooed and charmed Katerina Petrova because he was planning on using her for his sacrifice, little did he know that he was messing with one of the most badass future vampires in history.
RELATED: The Vampire Diaries: 5 Times Stefan Salvatore Was The Hero (& 5 Times He Was Truly The Villain)
Katherine didn't take Klaus' plans to kill her lying down, and she not only foiled his plan to break his hybrid curse, but she spent the next 500 years dodging him and messing up his plans.
7 Rebekah Mikaelson
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Despite the front that he puts up, deep down Klaus loves his family more than anything. And it's quite possible that he loves Rebekah more than any of the others too.
However, Klaus and Rebekah also manage to completely redefine sibling rivalry, so Rebekah has on occasion destroyed Klaus' ability to make hybrids, plotted with Mikael against him, and nearly gotten him killed when she was feeling particularly frustrated with her big brother.
6 Elijah Mikaelson
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It's clear that after all that they've been through, no matter how angry Elijah gets at his brother he could never actually end Klaus' immortal life. However, he has certainly tried on occasion, and he's gotten closer than most.
RELATED: The Vampire Diaries: 5 Times Elena Gilbert Was The Hero (& 5 Times She Was Truly The Villain)
Not only is Elijah one of the few threats to Klaus given that he's an Original, but his strategic thinking and ability to formulate a plan that could legitimately end Klaus makes him a real danger.
5 Vampire Alaric Saltzman
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Luckily for Klaus, his little sister put a stop to the Original Vampire Hunter version of Alaric very quickly, because if she hadn't, Klaus may have actually been killed.
Alaric was a true immortal whose only weakness was Elena Gilbert, and after Esther outfitted him with an indestructible white oak stake, prospects for Klaus' future were not looking good. This version of Alaric was one of the few characters that legitimately seemed to scare Klaus.
4 Esther
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As the witch who imbued Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelsons with immortality, it's obvious why Esther was such a threat to Klaus' life.
And unlike some other powerful creatures who could possibly pose a danger to Klaus, Esther was exceptionally intimidating to him because destroying him, the Original family, and the entire vampire race was Esther's life goal. And of course, Esther wasn't just capable of harming Klaus physically, clearly she could crush him emotionally and mentally as well.
3 Mikael
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While Klaus' mom was very determined to stifle her son's hybrid side and eventually destroy him completely, Esther's grudge against Klaus is nothing in comparison to Mikael's.
For pretty much all of Klaus' vampire life, Mikael was the only man who was physically capable of fighting Klaus, who actually had the drive and determination to kill him, and most importantly had the only weapon that could actually kill Klaus.
2 Silas
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To be honest, Klaus is extremely lucky that Silas' end goal wasn't to do him harm, because if that was Silas' aim then he likely could have succeeded.
As an ancient witch who was also the first immortal, Silas was an obvious threat. But what seemed to make him exceptionally dangerous to someone like Klaus is that Klaus could be compelled by him, which in theory would make Klaus completely helpless against him.
1 Bonnie Bennett
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It shouldn't come as much of a surprise given that Bonnie Bennett seems to be the most powerful witch in the entire Vampire Diaries universe, but she clearly was the biggest threat that Klaus faced during his tenure on the show.
Even in the early years when Bonnie had barely discovered her powers, she likely would have been the one to put a permanent end to Klaus Mikaelson had Elijah not put a stop to it.
NEXT: The Vampire Diaries: 5 Times Caroline Forbes Was The Hero (& 5 Times She Was Truly The Villain)
The Vampire Diaries: 10 Most Powerful Opponents Klaus Faced from https://ift.tt/3dUbyAY
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johnark · 4 years
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This is the Johnston family home in Hope, Arkansas. The family moved here in 1939 with the aid of Ruth’s brothers. This was then the home of Ruth until she was placed in a Hope nursing home after having her first stroke. She was subsequently moved to a nursing home in Hampton, Arkansas where she died at the age of 93. This continued to be the ‘family’ home until the death of TJ in 1983.
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The Johnston family home in Harrell, Arkansas as it was in the 1935 - 1939 period. Note the disrepair of the front steps leading onto the porch. This appears to be from years of neglect, attesting to the family financial situation in that period. This is significant. With labor cheap and available, still funds could not be committed to this repair. Times were indeed dire in the Johnston household. The people in the photo are Ruth, Vivian and John. The woman in the hat is unknown.
The principle contributors to this narrative are Melissa Mohon Papineau, John Charles McLeod and Frankie Lou Weisinger Means. Melissa now lives with her husband, William Edward Papineau, in Wichita, Kansas. John lives with his wife, Tamiko Tagusari, in Reno, Nevada. Frankie Lou lives with her son, Thom Means, in the family home in Woodberry, Arkansas. Here is the final resting place of the principle people named in this narrative. 
Ruth Gunter Johnston, 31 December 1886 - 12 April 1980, is buried next to her husband, Charles Bennet Johnston, 12 November 1875 - 22 November 1932, in Dickinson Cemetery near Harrell, Arkansas. The cemetery is located 2 1/2 miles East from Harrell on Highway 278, then North 2 miles on Road 38. Pleasant Grove Church is nearby. 
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TJ Johnston retired from sawmill work in 1982 at age 65. He was living in the Hope house at 707 East Division Street. He had always done most of the work around the house and very seldom hired outside help. The rain gutters in the house required cleaning. TJ failed to accept that he was now elderly and with less coordination, balance and strength. He undertook this task, one he had always done himself. He fell from the roof, injuring himself and was confined to the hospital. He chose not to go to the care of our family doctor, Dr. Jim McKinsey, in the Branch General Hospital where Vivian was the Chief of Nurses; but went to another hospital instead. Vivian commented that he would not receive optimum care in the facility that he chose. While confined in the hospital he suffered a heart attack and died, ten months after retiring. He had been a smoker for most of his life. While the fall did result in severe injury, surely it was demon tobacco that took his life. 
Vivian was the Chief of Nurses at Branch General Hospital. In addition to her administration tasks, she also worked in the cancer ward of the hospital. She developed a chronic cough. Dr. McKinsey, who she worked with there, kept urging her to check out the cough. Finally she made a chest X-ray. She told me “when I saw those X-rays I knew I was looking at my death warrant.” She had lung cancer. She had been a smoker most of her life and was a smoker then. She had surgery but all the cancer could not be removed. She was given six months to a year to live. In about a year the cancer returned. It was demon tobacco taking another life. 
 I, John McLeod, also smoked as a youngster as most people did in those days. I smoked for about ten years and finally became disgusted with the filthy habit. This was before we knew that tobacco could and most likely would kill you if you used it. Ridding myself of the demon tobacco was the most difficult thing I did in my life. I attribute a heart attack I suffered in 1999 to the demon tobacco. Today I continue life with high risk from cardio vascular disease. I wrote a blog about the demon tobacco. Create a hyperlink on your computer with the following address, click on it, and you can read the blog. If you are reading this on a computer connected to the Internet, that is a hyperlink. Just click on it.     https://JohnArk.Tumblr.com/tagged/tobacco
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                                     MELISSA’S FAMILY IN 2018
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From the left: Bradley Mohon Papineau, Mateus Lima, Melissa Mohon Papineau, Anne Papineau Nelson, Mikael Nelson, William Edward Papineau.
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In this narrative we have briefly stated that Big cared for her dying husband in difficult circumstance in Harrell in the early 1930s and later cared for her dying mother in her home in Hope. The comments about Big’s caring for her mother, Martha Frances, are on Pages 4 and 6 of this narrative. I observed this and was amazed at Big’s skill, patience, compassion and strength both physically and mentally in dealing with what I observed as a very difficult person and difficult situation. I was just a kid at the time, but I was mature enough to recognize an extraordinary life and death event unfolding in that room and appreciate what I was seeing. But even more extraordinary and astounding as well is how deplorable conditions, devastating events, surprising and disappointing betrayals around the final two years of the life of her husband, Dr. Charles Bennett Johnston (CB), were met with such extraordinary determination, loyalty, skill, organization, perseverance, compassion, dedication, endurance, improvisation, stamina, grit, moxie – need I go on? This was indeed an extraordinary situation confronted and overcome by a more than equally extraordinary person. I want to add to what has been said about this in this narrative on Pages 2, 21, 22 and 23. 
 Let me start by trying to establish the situation in the Johnston household in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Vivian told me that Charles B. Johnston died of Parkinson’s disease. This disease is a progressive, untreatable, incurable nervous system disorder manifested with movement disorders, autonomic dysfunction, neuropsychiatric problems among others. The end stage of Parkinson’s is an extremely distressing situation. Today hospice takes over at that point. Family cannot provide or endure care at that point. CB probably suffered with incontinence, insomnia, dementia, hallucinations, severe posture issues with back, neck, hips and was surely bedridden. Just think of a bedridden heavy man, drooling, urinating uncontrollably, with induced diarrhea to relieve constipation, depressed, and demented. It would have been impossible for Ruth to have cared for CB alone. However inexpensive, inexperienced assistance could have been available from the black community. Surely Ruth would have expected assistance from her children – Vivian 9 or 10, TJ 13 or 14 and Mary 16 or 17. The situation in CB’s room must have been hell. And probably smelled that way, too. Hell at that point and the future very bleak. The country was in the midst of the depression with 30% of the work force unemployed. Is this the reason that Mary dropped out of school, abandoned her family and ran away with Frank McLeod? What about family loyalty, personal responsibility, conscience? What did Ruth think when her oldest daughter abandoned her in the time of most need? Yes, abandoned. Fled. That’s the way it looks to me. Yes, living with Frank would have been “wonderful” compared to the hell that existed in the Johnston household. Had she stayed with Frank, as it turned out, it would have been a blessing for Ruth. But rather than escape from it, Mary returned just in time to add to that hell and responsibility for Ruth. I was born on 21 September 1931. CB was in the last, tortured year of his life. He died on 22 November 1932. So, in summary, the situation for Ruth at the return of pregnant Mary was: caring for CB in the direst and most demanding period of his declining health, supervising untrained CB care givers, caring for two high school children, managing a household, managing the family finances, and now Ruth has to organize the care of Mary and the child and deal with Frank McLeod. Probably Mary demanded that Ruth force Frank to marry her. The fact that Frank sent her home probably meant that he would not easily agree to this. Hiring an attorney and settling the situation through the courts if required was most likely out of the question because of finances, time element, physical location and life and death responsibilities. Probably in the interests of a quick settlement of the issue, Ruth and Frank agreed upon marriage, separation, no contact, no responsibility.  And Frank went happily on his way, leaving Mary angry, distraught and pregnant. This situation would surely have overwhelmed a lesser person. That house in Harrell, still standing in 2020 (Page 25), is a small one and could not physically accommodate all the activity thrust upon Ruth. So, Ruth organized an unknown benefactor in Artesian, Arkansas to take in pregnant Mary and care for her and her child. Ruth organized for Dr. J. E. Rhine of Thornton, Arkansas to deliver the child. Today unmarried mothers is a common situation. In those days there was an immense stigma associated with this. Even divorce carried a stigma. Was the Artesian relocation for Mary to relieve her of the humiliation by her classmates, and perhaps relieve Ruth of the humiliation by her peers in Harrell? I don’t think so. I think it was just a byproduct of the situation; that the relocation was dictated by the turmoil in the Johnston household at the time. It was life and death “crunch time” in the Johnston household and Ruth did not have time for social contemplations. Probably Ruth did not have the time or the inclination to convince Mary that this was the best course of action. She probably just informed Mary that this is what we are going to do and it is not open for discussion. If this is the way it was, and this supposition is logical in this circumstance, then it very well could have been a great point of contention and resentment Mary had for Ruth. So Mary went to Artesian, had the child and nursed to the weaning point where the child was sent to Harrell and Big’s care and Mary completed her high school education. Surely Ruth arranged this knowing that in the future Mary would be severely limited without at least a high school education. Ruth continued the management of the Johnston household which entailed the hospice care of CB; going into that room with its fetid, malodorous odor with compassion, skill and determination; the care of two school children; providing food for all of them; and financial control with dwindling resources, no income, no safety net from prior work or the federal government and the country in the midst of The Great Depression with 30% of the work force unemployed. Accomplishing all of this with a bleak future facing her could have been completely overwhelming, but she safely steered her ship of household through this massive storm to calm waters after the death of CB on 22 November 1932. The hell that had dominated the household for several years was passed, but the financial situation remained extremely dire. There was no income and the Great Depression and its effects loomed large. Now Ruth used her imagination and ingenuity. She began serving noon-time meals to the nearby railroad workers for twenty five cents per meal. The former college professor and wife of the town doctor found a way to overcome every obstacle. The next event confronting Ruth was the return to the family of Mary with her Artesian high school diploma, shown in photos on Page 10. It was soon discovered that Mary was once again pregnant. This revelation had to be distressing to say the least for both Mary and Ruth. I think this is where TJ told Mary ‘why can’t you keep your pants on?’ This infuriated Mary and she never forgot it. As stated in this narrative on Page 13, Mary, now an adult, nearly 22 years old and responsible for her own actions, was sent to the Witherington farm where her Artesian schoolmate, Frank Weisinger, was working to inform him that she was pregnant with his child and to see if he would marry her. He did the honorable thing and married her. Frank was a handsome, but simple man. His mind and world revolved around what was needed and what was required in the life of a ‘share cropper,’ which is essentially what he was. He had no vision of further education, of art and culture – only the farmer life that was presented to him. So Mary now the adult, nearly 22 years old, the daughter of a college professor and doctor, was left with the prospects and situation that she had created. 
The Johnston household in Harrell continued with little money and scant hope for a better future. Even in very limited circumstances, Ruth never lost her sense of humor. A story she obviously told Vivian and which Vivian told me involved a hefty eater among the lunch time railroad men. Finally Ruth informed the gentleman that she was going to have to increase his meal price to thirty cents. He replied “Oh, Mrs. Johnston, I wish you wouldn’t do that. I have enough trouble now eating twenty five cents worth.”  So in 1934 the Johnston household continued with its meager resources supporting Ruth, TJ, Vivian and John. This was the situation for the next four years. Then in the 1938 – 39 time frame Ruth’s brothers came to her rescue. They were prospering in the sawmill business in Hope, Arkansas. They invited the family to move to Hope and offered TJ an important job in the sawmill. The Johnston household world was transformed. The move to Hope, new situation and a change of life. The family income secured and hope for the future. Ruth happily joining her brothers and sisters with bright and unlimited prospects for her children and me. Mary was left with her prospects and situation that she had created. 
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vieuxnoyesrp · 6 years
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Isa. Elijah Mikaelson is an incredibly difficult character to nail; as the ethical backbone of his family, he is often charged with not only acting as his siblings’ moral compass, but also with damage control for the chaos they leave in their wake. On top of that are Elijah’s own emotional complexities and vulnerabilities, which are often at odds with the aloof and austere exterior he likes to exude. We were wowed by you attention to detail in this application, and the way you managed to tiptoe the line Elijah walks between disapproval and condescension, careful not to tip too far in the direction of superciliousness and superiority. It was clear to us that you had done an incredible amount of research in preparation for this application and we couldn’t be more honored or pleased to welcome you to Vieux Noyés RP. 
Isa, thank you very much for applying. As for Elijah…
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⤜ Name/alias: Isa.
⤜ Pronouns: She/her.
⤜ Age: 21.
⤜ Timezone: AEST/UTC +10.
⤜ Activity: I’m on uni break from now until February, so I’d say around 7 with work.
⤜ Best form of contact: Tumblr.
⤜ Any triggers? Nope, but thank you.
⤜ How did you find Vieux Noyés? From memory, I think it was a supernatural related RPG tag.
⤜ What drew you to the RP? I adore the shows and books this roleplay is inspired by and I have a huge respect for design… Vieux Noyés stood out immediately because it was so beautifully put together, then I read the plot and was hooked! The Appreciation Blog was also really encouraging to browse through! It seems like a wonderful group of people collaborate here.
⤜ What is one subplot/element from the Plot page that you are particularly looking forward to seeing in this roleplay? I’m watching (binging?) The Originals for the first time and the tension between supernatural species has me on the edge of my seat—it’s clear this is just as prevalent in the roleplay. I especially love that the VN plot incorporates the Salem witch cult to the mix. To see just how much pressure the NOLA coven can withstand, and how many shifts in magical balance their home can endure is exciting. A power struggle between the Originals and Marcel won’t matter if the city crumbles! How the wares, psychics, hunters and humans contribute to that war will also be undoubtedly epic (so basically all the elements, I’m terrible).
⤜ Desired character? The one and only Elijah Mikaelson.
⤜ Why do you want this character? I’ve always gravitated toward influential types who are strong willed and intrinsic to other’s development (I love to plot!). I’ve written as sadistic business moguls, security heads in dystopian angelic societies and warlock gang lords from the 1920s… I’m fascinated by prominent figures in history and the effect power has over an individual’s actions and sentiments, so I like characters that are dealt immense responsibility. I’m equally intrigued by their inherent weaknesses and the blurry line that separates honour and evil. The noble stag, the ripper of hearts, the eldest living Original vampire epitomises both extremes. Elijah’s Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator states that as an Architect, he presents as a paradox to most observers, and that he lives by glaring contradictions that nonetheless make perfect sense from a rational perspective. His sense of morality is unparalleled among vampires, but simultaneously he is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable of them all—I can’t wait to explore that synergy.  
⤜ What are your future plans for this character? The Mikaelson siblings haven’t had a lot of fortune in the ol’ love department. Elijah particularly struggles to avert his attention from Klaus long enough to establish deep connections outside his family. It doesn’t help that on the extraordinarily rare occasion his focus has been elsewhere, tragedy has struck: first Tatia, then Celeste. There’s a quote from TO when Elijah says to his brother, “I have forsaken every single one of my desires in the name of your ridiculous redemption. No more. If I want something, I’ll take it. And nothing, nothing will stand in my way.” In the RP, I want Elijah to be pushed to this degree if he develops a romantic interest, triggering irrevocable consequences for his relationships and those inhabiting New Orleans.
⤜ Put yourself in your character’s shoes. Give us a few lines to describe a day in the life of your character… where do they live? Where and how do they spend their time? As Klaus expertly manipulates those in the French Quarter like pawns in a wicked game of chess, Elijah is close by to collect the pieces, regardless of how damaged they may be. While his dedication to his family is relentless, he finds peace in the Tulane University library or at Rousseau’s on nights featuring live entertainment. Further spare moments are spent playing the piano or writing in his journals which are kept in his offices at the Plantation House: a sanctuary for his business in the quarter and a beloved, albeit temporary home.
⤜ Give us three headcanons regarding your character of choice:
For a millennia, Elijah’s driving priority has been to protect his brothers and sister from their father, overconfident rivals, and each other. Elijah places family above all, even at the expense of his own happiness, but when they aren’t faced with imminent threats he utilises rare moments of peace to explore lands abroad; his favourite destination being Denmark where he lived with Klaus and Rebekah in the 1500s. Not sharing his sibling’s contempt for humans, Elijah has made many illustrious friends in his travels such as Caravaggio, Hemingway, and Ellington. Back in NOLA, Elijah continues to orchestrate alliances, believing unity is a necessary requirement for success.
After fleeing Mikael in the 11th century, Elijah settled with his family in Southern France. To assimilate into noble society, and for their true nature to remain undetected as they discovered the extent of their affliction, it was necessary to adopt local customs. This meant learning aristocratic manners and studying the arts. As his brothers found solace in paint or the blood of the townspeople, Elijah read every piece of literature he could get his hands on—discovering that strength came, not only from family, but from knowledge. This early exposure to formal education piqued a relentless curiosity that developed into something more sinister over the centuries. Elijah’s intellect is now his greatest asset, supernatural abilities aside. His penchant for establishing contingencies has proven invaluable and in battle, his strategic and calm demeanour only heightens his physical prowess making him near unbeatable (note: it’s always wise to carry a pocket handkerchief, just in case there’s a mess).
Elijah exudes elegance and is renowned for possessing an unfaltering gentlemanly demeanour. He values virtue over narcissism, but over a thousand years of life, an unparalleled encyclopaedic understanding of the world, and the inability to be killed has made the vampire supremely confident. He has no qualms reminding those that have forgotten that his niceties are a curtesy, not a given. Sassy Elijah is inevitable.
⤜ What are some plots you’d like to explore with your character?
As it mentions in the Plot Teasers section of Elijah’s biography, his future is entwined with his brother’s role in creating more hybrids, which will test loyalty. Furthermore, how will this impact his relationship with the Crescent Wolves and Hayley?
I’d love to do some flashbacks exploring the Originals’ historical ties to the city. There’s a great book I picked up after starting this application called “Empire of Sin: A Story of Sex, Jazz, Murder, and the Battle for Modern New Orleans” and the recounts from the early twentieth century in particular are magnificent.  
I want to see Elijah’s investment in Gia Talwar’s training and plot how he will respond to her tenacious spirit. I imagine he’ll be a bit overprotective too.
Will Elijah intercede between Elena Gilbert and Klaus if they meet again? Can Elijah ignore the doppelgänger’s intoxicating familiarity?
I’m sure the unknown whereabouts of Finn has Elijah on edge, tracking him down may become something of a priority.
⤜ Para sample: Inspired by events and quotes: x
⤜ Would you like to be considered for another character if not accepted as your primary choice? Ooh probably Rebekah Mikaelson. Keep it in the family ;)
⤜ Have you read the rules? Thoroughly.
⤜ Anything else? Thank you for taking the time to read this application. Elijah is a considerably complex fellow and a beloved canon character, so I hope I’ve done him justice!
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clickbliss · 5 years
Tanzer is an energetic new Mega Drive game held back by old-school problems
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by Amr (@siegarettes)
Publisher: Mega Cat Studios
Developer: Mikael Tillander
Genesis/ Mega Drive
A brand new Mega Drive title, Tanzer rocks an Amiga style aesthetic, calling back to games like Shadow of the Beast with its tracker style soundtrack and detailed landscapes. If I’m honest, that had me skeptical, as too often games from the Amiga school of design are easier to appreciate for their mood and artistry than for the experience of playing them. Publisher and developer Mega Cat Studios has also put out several titles for retro hardware before, which I often found similarly easier to appreciate as aesthetic exercises. But when they reached out with a chance to review Tanzer, I couldn’t pass up the chance to see what it’s like to play a new Mega Drive cartridge in 2019.
Luckily, Tanzer is more than a simple aesthetic exercise. Creator Mikael Tillander has imbued Tanzer with action that takes after Strider, with a big fuck off blade and cartwheeling flips for every jump. You can’t attack while moving, which initially felt restrictive until I understood that Tanzer wants you to spend most of your time airborne.
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Air movement is graceful, with a second jump that doubles as an attack, and is refreshed each time you strike an enemy. With good timing I was able to chain attacks off of them and quickly cross the landscape. This keeps combat fluid and gives it momentum that made each session faster as I continued to familiarize myself with enemy patterns. It gives Tanzer’s play a powerful energy that complements the frenetic mood it sets with its visuals and soundtrack.
The game sends you through time to destroy a mutant virus, giving it a great variety of areas, rendered in a broad palette of colors and enemies. The nightmare biology of enemies contrasts well with the architecture of the various time periods. Most of them have simple patterns, which make them easy to dodge, but are still dangerous given that Tanzer can only take three hits. Play smart and aggressive, however, and most of them will barely get a chance to attack, especially once you gain some abilities that let you outright negate their attacks. Between the fast strikes, flashy air attacks and elemental abilities there’s an expressive range of movement available. 
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That’s why Tanzer’s upgrade system feels like its biggest misstep. Enemies drop gold upon death, which can be used at the end of an act to purchase new special attacks, health and--strangely enough--saves. Especially when I started out, this meant that it was much smarter to move slowly and ensure I killed every enemy to make sure I had the tools I needed to play around, or just survive. It actively incentivized me to avoid staying airborne and clearing stages faster.
Aside from score, there aren’t a lot of formal rewards for engaging in Tanzer’s air chains. It makes approaching Tanzer’s levels messy. Using air movement to clear levels fast feels great, but leaves you with less currency to afford the more expressive moveset.  Learning enemy patterns to clear them all out is the obvious solution, but it slows down the pace and disincentivizes using one of Tanzer’s most fun tools. There are challenge areas that encourage you to time Tanzer’s air attacks to stay airborne between checkpoints, but these only give a score bonus, and have you intentionally avoid enemies that you’d otherwise gain more gold from.
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To be clear--there’s still fun in running through Tanzer’s stages trying to see how long you can stay airborne. And as I learned the stages it became easier to strike that balance between speed and efficient enemy destruction, with its elemental powers going a long way to give combat other forms of expression.  But it misses its chance to tie the intrinsic reward of movement with a formal one, which would open up expressive play more as you engage with its movement.
You either play methodical to get access to a more expressive moveset, or you limit yourself to your basic moves trying to shoot for a high score. Ideally, the two should complement each other and open up the game as you master its tools, but instead the two approaches act like different sets of challenges. Which isn’t invalid, but does feel unnecessarily limiting.
Along those lines, the checkpoint system is similarly limiting. Tanzer only has one life--three hits and you start all the way from the beginning. There are no continues, unless you save enough gold to buy one from the shop. Again, this requires methodical play, but also limits your options for expression, since you’ll have to play several stages without any abilities to earn enough currency to buy one. You’ll be able to continue indefinitely from that point once you’ve purchased the continue, but it will be erased if you reset or turn off the console.
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It’s an unwelcome return of Mega Drive era sensibilities, and manages to be even harsher than most games of the era, since they often gave you multiple lives and continues from the start, or at the least restored health between stages. No such luck here. Tanzer’s speed keeps it from being as egregious as it could be, since the early stages can be completed in just a few minutes, but as I grinded through them for the hundredth time I found myself wishing for at least a level select. Maybe this is what someone wants out a new Mega Drive game, but when SEGA’s own re-releases are offering these time saving options, it’s a decision that feels archaic.
I loved my time with Tanzer, at least moment to moment. Tanzer’s powerful vibes and art direction creates a club like atmosphere that makes it easy to fall into a trance, complementing the endless forward momentum you can achieve with good play. The tension between Tanzer’s extreme vulnerability and the ability to destroy a boss in seconds suits her knife edge, ninja-like movement. But where modern action titles have found ways to prevent even death from stopping their momentum, Tanzer continues to pump the brakes abruptly at its peaks, grinding itself to a halt. If not for its stubborn adherence to tedious old-school design continue systems, Tanzer could easily be a successful bridge between the best of the modern and past eras.
In Tanzer’s intro she mourns “All I wanted to do was dance.” It’s a tragedy then, that her graceful moves are tripped up by these missteps.
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maevelin · 7 years
Caroline was a complete BADASS. She played Klaus like a fool. Homeboy is still shook. I am worried though cause i really don't think Caroline is safe in this deal. She managed to prove herself but only to Klaus. The others as she stated only see her as a tool and imo as soon as they sideline Klaus they will remove her too cause no mafia boss can trust a woman who went against her husband. Her chances to escape this world is also 0 rn. I wonder what will be her next move. (1)
(2) I want her to side with Klaus for obvious reasons but he needs to prove himself. Will he be able to form a new plan and sideline Mikael and his new allies again? Caroline created a big mess and i am not sure if he can find a way out. I want him to be the boss of all bosses so that Caroline can be THE queen. They are going to be so powerful together. I loved how Klaus still cares for her & wants to protect her. If she was someone else her life would be in grave danger than it already is.         
(3) I can't wait to read more. You have me on edge like i am completely obsessed. I love the angst so fucking much but my heart wants them to come closer too. Looking forward to your next update. Hopefully some time soon if you can xx              
First of all thank you for your lovely words and for reading my story.
And yeah. Klaus is still in shock and was completely blindsided. And no, Caroline is not safe in that deal but she was desperate enough to make it. Mikael of course cannot be trusted. Neither is Montavaro. Or anyone else in that table. She knows it because she had lived in that environment and with these people all her life. However what she did was not only about proving her worth but about finding a way out from what she sees as a dead end. Keep in mind that Caroline is under extreme pressure right now and she reacts to all the abuse that has been inflicted to her (by her family, her enemies and Klaus too). She is trying to survive and that can be messy and dangerous and desperate. Caroline sees Klaus as her enemy more than anyone else. Because he is a monster but he is also confusing her emotions and her logic but he also manipulated her and has not treated her right. Then add his family into that. It is a mess from beginning to end and she is caught in the middle of it.
Caroline knows that no mafia boss would trust her after what she pulled and this is why she wants to make sure that Damon -out of all people- has enough power and manages to stabilize himself as the boss because no matter what she believes that he will at least ensure her survival. Which is her primary goal. For the long run.
Caroline does not trust Klaus (and it is too soon to know him) and wants to create a balance. She is smart enough to make a deal with both sides not one so to balance the scales here. She reached out to Montavaro and called a blood debt. She sided with Mikael. She wants Klaus to honor the initial deal and wants to make sure that Damon will be powerful enough to oppose him. If you actually pay attention she is playing with duets here. She is not trusting anyone so she makes sure to create enough push and pull between the opposites so to find a way to slip away unnoticed when they are fighting and are scheming. She knows that in the end they still do not think she is a major player in this game so she practically is: let them think that and let them kill each other to leave me the last one standing.
This could totally backfire. She is young. She just learning the game. She is not perfect. She is extremely flawed. She is scared. She is angry. She is confused. She is smart and naive and strategic and ignorant. She has talents but she is new at this. Right now she is improvising. Totally winging it lol. She is just at her beginning.
The one thing that is sure for now is that no matter how attracted she is to Klaus she does not want this life or this marriage. She does not want to be the Queen. She only wants to breathe again without fear, to survive and reclaim all that was stolen from her. To have rights and to have a choice and she is willing to fight for it. Even dirty.
And maybe Klaus can see that despite his anger because he does the same too. Or maybe not because he is also a bit delusional (being a megalomaniac dick in a total power trip will do that to you lol).
For now they are on opposite sides while connected with each other. So we will file everything under complicated and we will see how this will go.
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