#mikaela banes x sam witicky
thelooneytoon · 3 years
Transformers: The Story of Samantha Witwicky Ch. 2
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Chapter One!
Ultimate Masterlist!
Her room is honestly a disaster, but it's always like that so she’s not too worried about it. Mojo, her family’s chihuahua, is on the desk she has beneath one of her windows, curled up on the bed she placed there for him when they first got him. She rolls her eyes at the sight of the diamond necklace dangling around his neck and glinting in the sunlight, he looks ridiculous. She bends over to log onto her Ebay, talking to her dog as if he can understand what she’s saying.
“Alright, Mojo. I’ve got the car, now I need to get a friend other than Miles.” In reality, what she really wants is to get the girl, but there is no chance in hell of her landing Mikaela Banes. The raven haired girl is with Trent and, as far as Sam knows anyways, she has no interest in girls. She sighs raggedly, “Some money wouldn’t hurt either.” She pulls up the glasses on her Ebay page only to frown at the sight of a big fat zero. “Zero bids. Great, I’m broke.” She exits the browser before standing up straight and letting out a disappointed huff of breath. “Come on, Mojo.” She snatches up the orange pill bottle sat on her desk and turns to her dog. “You want your pain pills?” She twists the lid off and pulls out a small white pill with a single pointer finger decorated with blue nail polish. “Alright, I know you get wasted on these things, but if you piss in my bed again you’re sleeping outside. Okay?” She gives him the pill, Mojo lapping it up eagerly and seeming to smile as he does so. “That’s it for today.” Sam screws the lid back onto the bottle and sets it off to the side before pointing a firm finger in Mojo’s face. “No more. Crack head.”
She grabs her car keys off the desk before leaving the room, thumping down the stairs and out the door. Her parents are working on the yard, seemingly putting in pavers to form a path from the front door, and Sam smiles when she notices her mom is wobbling on one and complaining about them not hiring a professional. She strides eagerly to her car, twirling her keys around her finger as she goes only to stop short when her dad calls out for her.
“Ah, Sam.” He tsks disapprovingly, shaking his head as she turns to look at him questioningly.
“I do not like footprints on my grass.”
She blinks before turning to look behind her, gesturing emphatically. “What foot- there’s no footprints!” She spins in a circle as if looking for any evidence that she’d walked on the grass and, finding none, her dad continues as if she’d never spoken.
“That’s why I built my path. So why don’t you go from my grass to my path.” He gestures with the trowel grasped in his gloved hand as he speaks, Sam sighing and rolling her eyes as she does as he said.
“It’s family grass, Dad.” Sam and her dad’s relationship consists of 98% bickering, and honestly she loves it. Their back and forth never fails to entertain.
“Well, when you own your own grass you’ll understand.”
Sam doesn’t respond, continuing to follow the path towards her can but the sight of Mojo perched on his tower causes her to stop. The new necklace her mother had apparently put on him when he’d come outside was even more ostentatious than the last. “This, this-” she gestures dramatically at the small dog and his blinding bling, “I can’t do it anymore.”
“What?” her mom calls, brows furrowed as she looks between her daughter and her dog.
“You’re putting jewelry on a boy dog. He’s got enough self-esteem issues as a chihuahua, Mom.” She sighs, shaking her head. It was the truth too, she’s never met a more insecure dog in her entire life, and the gender confusion can’t be helping.
“That's his bling!” Her mom protests, and Sam can’t help but laugh as she shakes her head, moving to get into her car- her car!- and head towards the lake. “I want you home at eleven o’clock!” She calls after her, pointing maternally and watching with poorly disguised concern as Sam shuts her door and sticks her key in the ignition.
“Yeah, all right.”
“Eleven o’clock!” Her dad repeats, pushing up into a tall kneel and shaking his trowel at her.
She doesn’t respond, simply turning the key in the ignition instead. It took several tries, the car not wanting to start up right away, but eventually it does roar to a start.
“And please, for the love of god, drive safely!” Sam smiles at her mom’s concern, both women gasping when a large plume of black smoke escapes the car’s tailpipe when the engine finally turns over. She hears her dad say something as she pulls away, but can’t quite make it out, too caught up in the sensation of freedom pumping through her veins and dancing across her skin, the wind blowing through her rolled down windows playing with her hair and buffeting her shirt. She’d changed into a white blouse and denim shorts for the party, a small part of her- no matter how ridiculous- hoping Mikaela will like what she sees.
The drive to Miles’ house is short, and when Sam pulls into his driveway she’s quick to put the car in park and pull out her cell phone to text her oddball friend that she’s arrived. Why she’d agreed to let Miles come along she doesn’t know, what she does know is that it’s probably a mistake. She loves Miles, he was her first- and only- friend, but he doesn’t exactly blend in. He never fails to do something that draws attention to the two of them, no matter how many times Sam tells him to try and play it cool.
The long haired boy waves happily at her as he steps out of his front door, turning to lock the door behind him before bouncing hyperily over to the passenger side of the car and sliding into the seat. “Sweet ride, Witwicky! A little old, but still sweet.”
She laughs and shakes her head in amusement, throwing the car in reverse and backing down the driveway and out into the street, pulling away to head towards the lake. “Thanks! My dad actually took me to a dealership that was practically a junkyard, but I managed to find something decent.” She rubs her dashboard affectionately before reaching down to turn up the radio, the pair of friends singing along loudly with the windows rolled down and big smiles on their faces. She shuts it off when they approach the lake, pulling up to park by the curb and taking in all of the popular kids milling about. Football players, cheerleaders, the like. She shifts uncomfortably and her eyes are quick to find Mikaela standing near Trent’s obnoxious pick up truck.
Miles leans forward to look at the mass of their classmates assembled, his knee beginning to bounce nervously. “Dude, are you sure we’re invited to this party?”
Sam snorts and pushes her door open, her black and white converse scraping against the road as she stands. “Of course, Miles. It’s a lake, public property.” The chatter of party goers is loud as they step onto the grass, Sam ducking her head when she notices Trent looking in their direction. “Oh my god, oh my god, Mikaela’s here.” Miles is the only person in her life that knows about her feelings for Mikaela Banes, and she’s grateful that her sexuality hadn’t hurt their friendship, if anything it helped. Miles likes to joke that he felt even closer to her now that he knows they have a shared interest. He turns to look at her and rolls his eyes, clearly not getting why she’s freaking out. “Just don’t do anything weird, okay?” She pleads uselessly, knowing he’s going to do what he wants no matter what she says. “I’m good, right?”
He looks her up and down once before nodding and snickering. “Yeah, Sammy. You’re good.”
“Don’t call me that,” she groans, ignoring Trent as he starts calling out to them and having to resist slamming her face into the tree in front of her’s trunk when Miles leaps into the branches and begins to climb.
“Hey, guys, check it out.” Sam notices Mikaela move over to Trent at his words, wrapping her arms around his waist and setting her chin atop his shoulder. “Oh, hi. Hey, sweetheart! That car, it’s nice.” She huffs but doesn’t turn to face him, knowing that giving him the attention he wants would only fuel his fire, but her silence only seems to make him more determined. He pushes off against the side of his truck, Mikaela’s arms releasing him so he can stride over to where Sam was steadfastly watching Miles attempt to climb a tree. “So, what are you guys doing here?”
She sends him a look like he’s stupid- he is- before turning back to Miles, nodding at the tree when she answers him. “We’re here to climb this tree.” Her response seems to confuse him a little and he obviously doesn’t know quite how to reply.
“I see that, it looks- it looks fun.”
She nods, still avoiding eye contact, and has to hold back an eye roll when Miles grunts obnoxiously. “Yeah.”
“You know, I thought I recognized you. You came to watch your friend try out for the football team last year, right?” Oof. That had been a tough day. Sam had decided to try out for the cheerleading team on the recommendation of her mom, Judy saying that it would help her make friends, so Miles had tried out for the football team in a show of support. Said that way they could hang out together during practices and stuff and at games. Her own tryout had been a complete catastrophe, she’d humiliated herself without a doubt, and afterwards she’d gone to watch Miles’ tryout. It hadn’t gone well, she’d almost taken him to the ER the group tackle he’d taken had been that hard. The coach had to call his mom.
But Sam isn’t going to tell Trent that. “Oh, no, no, no, that-” she laughs and shakes her head, turning to face the hulking quarterback beside her, “that wasn’t like a real try out… he did it because I asked him to as research for a book I’m writing.”
Trent nods seriously, but his tone of voice makes it clear he doesn’t believe a word she’s saying. “Oh, yeah?”
“What’s it about? Sucking at sports?” Trent and his group of lackeys all laugh, the quarterback tossing the football he’s holding into the air before catching it deftly.
Sam smirks, folding her hands together as he opens himself up to the insult she has lined up. “Haha.” She laughs mockingly, ignoring the watchful eyes of Mikaela behind Trent as she destroys him. “No, it’s about the link between brain damage and football. No it’s a- it’s a good book! Your friends’ll love it. You know its got mazes in it and, you know, little coloring areas, pop up pictures. It’s a lot of fun.”
“That’s funny.” He takes a threatening step forward, and for a moment Sam wonders if he’s going to hit her in front of all these people and just how he thinks that’s going to work out for him, but Mikaela comes to her rescue.
“Okay. Okay.” She steps between them, placing a hand on Trent’s stomach and pushing him backwards. “You know what? Stop.” She doesn’t wait for him to follow as she strides off to the truck, Sam watching her go with what she knew had to be heart eyes before turning to Miles who was still perched in the tree.
“You got to get out of the tree.” Miles gives her an offended look but begins to climb down. “Get- just get out of the tree right now, please. What are you doing?” She rolls her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose when Miles back flips off the lowest branch, grinning at her proudly when he sticks the landing.
“Did you see the dismount? All the chicks were watching.”
“You’re making me look like an idiot! We both looked like idiots just now.” Miles doesn’t respond as they walk back over to her car, the long haired boy sliding into her passenger seat and not seeming to notice when she reclined against her own door rather than climbing in. She’s not focused on him though, her attention is fully on the breakdown of Mikaela and Trent’s relationship that was happening right before her eyes.
The raven haired, icy eyed girl stops by the driver's door, wrapping her fingers around the handle and giving Trent a charming smile. “Hey, how about you let me drive?”
Trent’s response is way too vehement, and Sam is offended on Mikaela’s behalf. “Oh no. No, no, no. This is not a toy. These twenty-twos,” he points down at his tires, “I don’t want you grinding on them. No. Why doesn’t my little bunny just hop in the back seat?” Sam’s teeth grit at his entire response, the sexism and lack of respect for his girlfriend in his words astounding her.
“Oh god, I can’t even tell you how much I’m not your little bunny.” She rolls her eyes and tucks her purse under her arms before strutting away, hair bouncing like something out of a movie with each step, and Sam silently cheers when Mikaela puts the manchild in his place.
“O- okay.” Trent falters, taken aback by the girl’s response and desperately trying to save face. “You’ll call me.”
Sam watches her go, admiring her long legs and swinging hips, only to be shaken from her thoughts by the sudden crooning of ‘Who’s gonna drive you home tonight-’ sounding from her car.
“Hey, dude?” Miles calls confusedly, his feet propped up on her dashboard and his hand reaching out to fiddle with the radio dial. “What’s wrong with your radio?”
“I’m gonna drive her home tonight.” Sam echoes, blue-gold eyes growing wide with the realization that now was her chance. Her chance to at least become friends with the girl she had feelings for, if not more. Miles leans out the window and stares at her with furrowed eyebrows, scoffing at the idea.
“What? She’s an evil jock concubine, Sammy. Let her hitchhike.”
The glare she gives him is fierce, and she contemplates tearing him a new one for his words but deciding she doesn’t have time. “She lives ten miles from here, okay?” She finally pulls her door open and plops down in her seat, turning to give Miles her best puppy eyes. “It’s my only chance, you got to be understanding here, all right?” She folds her hands together as if begging and turns her whole body to face him.
“Alright,” he concedes reluctantly with a nod, “we’ll put her in the back, I’ll be quiet.”
She gives him an incredulous look, eyebrows almost meeting her hairline and her voice high with disbelief. “Did you just say ‘put her in the back’?”
“I called shotgun.” Miles says like it’s obvious, causing her to snort.
“Miles, I’m not putting her in the back. You’ve got to get out of my car.” She gestures behind him, her last words full of determination as if she can force him out of the car through sheer willpower.
“That’s a party foul!”
“What rules?!”
“Our- bros before hoes!”
“I’m not a bro, Miles, and I’m begging you to get out of my car, okay?” Miles huffs but climbs out, slamming the door a little harder than was necessary in his annoyance. She gives him a bright and thankful smile before roaring off, giving Mikaela the same smile as she pulls up alongside her and slows down. “Mikaela! It’s Sam.” The raven haired girl side eyes her but doesn’t stop, her tan legs keeping pace beneath her denim miniskirt, so she carries on in hopes that she’ll say something that’ll convince Mikaela to get in the car. “Witwicky? Thanks for standing up for me but hope I didn’t get you stranded or anything. I was hoping I could ride you ho- give you a ride home.” She’s quick to correct herself, her cheeks flushing a bright red at the freudian slip. “In my car, to your house.” She’s about to start slamming her head against the steering wheel when Mikaela finally stops and turns her way, Sam beaming at her and reaching across to help her open the door. “There you go!” She coughs awkwardly and, still blushing, begins to drive once more.
“I can’t believe I’m here right now.” Pain shoots through Sam’s heart at Mikaela’s words and her smile drops from her face as she clears her throat. Well, that wasn’t what a girl wanted to hear when she had a gorgeous woman in her passenger seat.
“You can duck down if you want. I mean, it won’t hurt my feelings.” It most definitely will.
“Oh no, no, no. I didn’t mean-” she laughs sweetly, seemingly endeared by Sam’s words, “I didn’t mean here with you. I just meant here, like, in this situation.”
“Oh,” Sam nods understandingly, the pain in her heart easing.
“The same situation I’m always in , ‘cause, I don’t know, I guess I have a weakness for hot guys, for tight abs and really big arms.”
Sam can’t help the disappointed laugh that escapes at that, glancing over to see Mikaela looking at her with a confused and almost hurt look. “Sorry, I just…” she shrugs, forcing her eyes to focus on the road ahead, “I just can’t relate.” Mikaela’s brows raise and the hurt fades from her look as the confusion grows, and Sam lets out another laugh at the sight, not giving her the chance to vocalize the question on her mind. “I’m a lesbian.” She puts it bluntly, watching the girl in her car warily from the corner of her eyes. It’s pretty much 50/50 how Mikaela will respond, either she’ll brush it off like most people or she’ll be grossed out like the rare few.
She’s silent for a few heart pounding moments before she nods, settling back against her seat with a small smile. “I’m bisexual.” Sam’s head snaps towards her, eyes wide and lips forming a shocked O. That’s the last thing she was expecting Mikaela to say. Her mind races as Sam tries to figure out how to respond, but she beats her to it with another heart stopping sentence, this one painful. “Are you…” she turns towards her with a bright smile as she obviously tries to fill the silence with small talk, “are you new to school? This year? This is your first year?”
“Oh, no.” Sam forces out a chuckle as the pain returns to her chest. She’s invisible to people like Mikaela Banes. “No, we’ve been in school together since the first grade.”
Mikaela turns to her with furrowed eyebrows and her full lips twisted in a confused frown. “Really?”
“Yeah.” Sam snorts in reply, not meeting the other girl’s eyes. This was embarrassing enough without Mikaela seeing just how badly she’s hurt her feelings.
“No.” She draws out in disbelief, shaking her head before tilting it.
“Yeah, a long time.” Sam can see that Mikaela is embarrassed as she shifts in her seat, fiddling with the bottom of her cropped, orange tank top.
“Well, do-” she clears her throat before pushing on, apparently determined to try and save the conversation that was spiralling quickly, “do we have any classes together?”
“Oh, yeah. Yeah.” The shorter girl’s laugh is forced and short, dark amusement filling her at the forced realization that, despite the fact that Mikaela Banes is the apple of her eye, the girl hasn’t even noticed her existence despite them having gone to school together since they were seven.
“Really? Which?” She seems genuinely curious, if still a little embarrassed.
“History,” Sam starts, peeking at her passenger from the corner of her eyes as she continues, “Language art. Math. Science.”
“Sam,” Mikaela cuts in, as if she’s suddenly remembered who she’s sitting next to, but Sam knows she hasn’t.
She smiles at the darker haired girl’s effort, she hadn’t intentionally never acknowledged Sam’s existence in the past and she’s trying to now. It’s cute actually. “Sam, yeah.” She confirmed, nodding with a small smile.
“Sam Wilckicky,” Mikaela absolutely butchers her last name and it evokes a genuine laugh, Sam finally turning and actually making eye contact with the other girl, eyes crinkling in amusement.
“Wit-wicky.” She enunciates clearly, amusement clear in her voice. She’s not offended by the blunder, it’s a weird name.
“God, you know what? She runs a hand over her face before blinking over at Sam with an apologetic expression. “I’m so sorry. I just-”
“No, no, it’s cool,” Sam interrupts, meaning it strangely.
“I just didn’t recognize you.” It’s an obvious twisting of the truth. Sure, she hadn’t recognized her but that’s because she hadn’t known Sam was even alive until five minutes ago.
“Yeah, well, I mean that’s understandable.” Just as the words leave her mouth her car decides now is the perfect time to make this entire situation even worse. The engine begins to sputter and die, forcing Sam to pull off the road and into a grassy clearing decorated with a single tree. “Ah, no, no, no. No! Come on!” She slams her hand down angrily on the wheel as they slow to a stop, the radio starting to play Sexual Healing- much to Sam’s horror. Oh god, the way this must look. She can’t believe her car is pulling this shit right after Mikaela admits to being bi, she’s going to think Sam’s trying to make a move on her. “Sorry, I’m just working out the kinks. You know, it’s a new car.” She frantically begins messing with the radio, desperate for it to just stop, to no avail. “This radio is like, you know- it’s an old radio too, so-” She’s flushed a bright red, hoping, praying, that Mikaela won’t think she’s planned this, that she won’t walk away. She’s just found out she has a chance! She can’t let her stupid stupid car ruin that for her now. “Look, this isn't something that I, you know-” she starts practically pounding on the power dial, but the music is still pumping through her speakers. “I can't get this radio to stop. Look, I wouldn't try this on you. You know. 'Cause this is like a romantic, romantic thing that I'm not trying to do.” She’s rambling, she knows she’s rambling, and she knows she’s not really helping her case, but she can’t stop the torrential flow of words pouring past her lips.
“Uh huh.” Mikaela doesn’t look at her as she begins pulling the top half of her black hair back, efficiently pinning it to the back of her head and out of her face.
“Not that you're not worthy of trying something like this on.” She wants to slap herself when those words come out, she needs to shut up now.
“No, of course not.” Mikaela drawls, finally pulling her hands away from her thick hair and bedding down to drop her purse on the floorboards, not seeming to really listen to Sam’s rambling.
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“I'm a friend of yours.” She places a hand over her heart, eyes wide and trying to convey how absolutely serious she is that she wasn’t trying to pull anything right now. “I'm not a romantic friend, romantic friends do this. I mean, I'm not that- that friend. I mean, we- I could be. If-” She’s so thankful when Mikaela cuts her off, pushing her door open and stepping out as she does so.
“Just pop the hood.” She moves around to the front of the Camaro and lifts the hood when Sam does as she asked, not noticing the girl beating up her car and whisper yelling at it angrily.
“Stupid!” She kicks the floorboards before taking her aggression out on the stereo. “Shut up, shut up, shut up.” The car lets out an odd electronic squeal before going silent, so Sam lets out a relieved huff of air before stepping out of the car and moving to join Mikaela. She’s leaning forward, hands braced against the propped up hood and her short shirt stretched further up to reveal more of her toned, tan stomach. Sam forces her eyes away from the exposed skin and to her new car’s engine that’s way nicer than it should’ve been. It’s a hundred times newer than the car itself and sleek, the silver metal shining brightly in the setting sun. Damn. She wasn’t expecting that. She knows nothing about cars but even she can tell that’s a nice engine.
Mikaela agrees, looking over it admiringly before grinning over at her, blue eyes squinting slightly against the glare. “Whoa, nice headers. You've got a high-rise double-pump carburetor. That's pretty impressive, Sam.”
Her brows furrow and she glances confusedly between Mikaela and the engine. “Double-pump?”
“It squirts the fuel in so you can go faster.”
“Oh,” Sam nods, her attraction to this woman multiplying by a thousand due to her obvious expertise in mechanics. She’s always suspected there was more to Mikaela than her pretty face, and now she’s being proven right. Mikaela’s wicked smart. “I like to go faster.” Why would she say that? She mentally slaps herself, frustrated with herself and her proficient ability to stick her foot in her mouth no matter the situation.
“And it looks like your, uh, your distributor caps a little…” Mikaela leans forward and reacheches out to wiggle said cap, arching attractively and unintendedly as she does so, “loose.”
“Yeah, how did you know that?”
“Uh, my dad.” She turns to smile at her again, causing Sam to beam back. “He was a real grease monkey. He taught me all about this. I could take it all apart, clean it, put it back together.”
“That’s weird, I just wouldn’t have pegged you for mechanical.” It’s true, Mikaela has always come across as incredibly feminine, not one you would expect to get her freshly self-manicured hands dirty. But now that Sam knows that the girl is clearly multifaceted, she’ll never underestimate her again. She leans around to press her head against the front of the hood, out of Mikaela’s sight, scrunching her eyes closed and trying desperately to get a handle on not only her mouth, but her eyes. They kept flicking over to Mikaela’s visible abdomen without permission, a very attractive visible abdomen.
“Well, you know, I don't really broadcast it. Guys don't like it when you know more about cars than they do. Especially not Trent.” Sam snaps back to scowl at Mikaela, slightly disappointed with her for feeling like she has to change or hide who she is to get with a guy who doesn’t even deserve her. “He hates it.” The taller girl looks over to smile almost sadly at her lift, not quite understanding the expression she sees on Sam’s face.
“You shouldn’t hide who you are or play dumb for the benefit of some jock.” Sam’s not quite sure if that’s the right thing to say, but she means it. Mikaela’s eyes search her face for a few moments contemplatively before she pulls back, standing up straight and putting her hands on her hips as she stares down at the car’s engine.
“Okay…” she trails off, biting her lip before nodding resolutely, apparently having decided to just ignore what Sam said. “You want to fire it up for me?”
“Oh!” Sam nods and jogs over to reach in through the driver’s side door and twist the key in the ignition. “Yeah, yeah, no problem.” The engine struggles to turn on, making odd sputtering and grinding noises each time she turns the key. She debates with herself for a few moments before deciding things can’t really get any worse, she might as well ask the question on her mind. “You know, I was thinking, if Trent’s such a jerk why do you hang out with him?” There’s a few moments of silence before she sees Mikaela straighten up, resignation written all over her face as she takes a step back from the engine and moves around to the passenger’s side.
“You know what? I’m just-” she reaches through the open window and scoops up the strap of her purse, pulling back and straightening as she pulls it over her shoulder. “I’m gonna walk.” She begins backing away, giving Sam a tight smile and reaching up to pull the clip from her hair. “Uhh, good luck with your car.” She spins away and begins striding through the long, brown grass that’s flowing in the wind, much to Sam’s horror.
“Alright,” she calls after her, “walking’s healthy, right?” Mikaela doesn’t turn back or respond and Sam begins begging her car to cooperate, desperate and running out of time she turns the key over and over. “Oh, God, no no no no no no no no no no. Come on, please. Please, you gotta work for me now. Don't let her walk away. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Please, please.” She slaps the steering wheel in frustration before turning the key one last time, letting out a whoop when the radio begins blasting Baby Come Back and the engine roars to life. She whoops and darts out of the car, rushing to slam the hood down with a loud clang as she calls out after the girl she wants so badly. “Hey!” She leaps into the driver’s seat and throws the car into reverse, swinging the car around before switching into drive and tearing after Mikaela. “Hey, wait a second!”
Mikaela turns around at the sound of her shouting, unable to hold back a grin at the sight of Sam waving enthusiastically from behind the wheel of the car, dirt kicking up behind the tires as she goes and music thumping through the air. She laughs, opening the door when the car comes to a stop beside her and sliding in, settling down in the seat as Sam gives her the brightest grin she’s ever seen.
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