#mike dashwood
forensicated · 4 months
A Tumblr Community for The Bill...?
Is there any interest in creating a community for fans of The Bill to discuss and have more opportunities to interact/chat about the show almost like a forum from what it sounds like?
If you'd be interested, please like/comment/reblog this post to show your potential interest so we can all see if it would be worth attempting to create one or not.
Tumblr is beta testing a new 'community' idea [apparently not available to all as yet but should appear for most] that it says is:
Communities is a new feature in development, currently in beta testing. Our hope is to empower everyone on Tumblr to create new, dedicated spaces to connect with people over shared interests. It’s a bit like using tags but more contained, it’s a bit like having a shared blog but with more options, and it’s a bit like a group chat except it’s slower. Access to communities is not yet out to all users, and currently has incomplete support across the Tumblr mobile apps
Labs blog post
Help page post/more information
It's still in testing mode and they're asking for feedback. They state it can be a private group or more open access.
Public communities can be seen and visited by non-members, logged in or logged out. However, only the feed of posts in each community tab, and the About page, are accessible. Non-members cannot view the member list, see who reacted with what, or see community comments. Non-members with an invite can see everything a member can see, but cannot interact with anything until they accept the invitation.
Private communities cannot be seen or visited by non-members at all. The existence of a private community is not hidden, however, if someone has the URL (they’ll see a message like “this is a private community”). Non-members with an invite can see everything a member can see, but cannot interact with anything until they accept the invitation.
I wrote a tag list of every member of the cast including notable long running guests. It took FOREVER. And this is what Tumblr cuts it down to. FGS.
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augustusaugustus · 11 months
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Series Two titles, where they decided to switch to bizarre posterised grabs of scenes from Series One.
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jimcarver · 8 months
5.75 Exit Lines
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Congratulations to Tenille Dashwood (Emma) and Mike Rallis (Riddick Moss) who are expecting their first baby together!!!
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skyqueen3 · 5 months
Photos from my trip to Starrcast Downunder under the cut. (I also attended H.E.R and Australian Stampede but was too in the moment to take photos of the shows.)
In order: Victoria/Tara/Lisa Marie Varon, Shelton Benjamin, Jordynne Grace, Chris Masters/Chris Adonis, Mickie James, Lizzie Evo (an up and coming British heel and a local woman’s tag team called Prima Pi Kappa (PPK), made up of Nikki Van Blair (the blonde) and Frankie B. They were all so kind.
I also got autographs but no photos with Vix Crow/Alicia Fox, Tenille Dashwood and Mike Rallis who were also very lovely. If I ever cross paths with them again, I’ll be getting photos for sure.
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I was so nervous meeting everyone but they were all so kind and put me at ease, even making me laugh at some points.
I have watched Victoria and Shelton since I was 14 and wanted to meet them for almost just as long and it was every bit worth it. I even got a hug from Victoria. 😊 I could go on and on about these two but I won’t.
Jordynne Grace was only meant to be an autograph as the gold pass I had allowed me four ‘free’ autographs but when I went up the person helping her said I could also have a photo with her which was really sweet. She liked the koala I had on my bag and showed me one she was given. She was so sweet in person, I know I’m saying that about everyone but it’s true.
Chris Masters is a class act, even if I can’t sell the Masterlock to save my life. I feel like I should apologize to him for the shocking sell.
Mickie James put the whole H.E.R event together and my photo with her was the day after so I was able to tell her what an amazing show it was and she was so thankful about it. If you’re able to stream it, do so it’s worth it.
Lizzie Evo for playing a heel is so nice at the autograph’s table, it’s like night and day. I later found out she had a brief run in NXT UK which I thought was cool. From what I saw in her match, if shes not signed somewhere major soon, I’ll be shocked.
Prima Pi Kappa (PPK), Nikki Van Blair and Frankie B are so funny, both during their match and at the signing, I’m definitely going to do my best to keep up with what they do. (Hopefully they’ll eventually beat The Backslide Girls for the titles.)
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mikeyxcallahan · 2 days
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[ciswoman, she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [MIKAYLA “MIKEY” CALLAHAN]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [MAYA HAWKE]. You must be the [TWENTY-SIX] year old [WAITSTAFF AT WHEN IN ROME]. Word is you’re [INDEPENDENT] but can also be a bit [GLUM] and your favorite song is [CHATEAU BY DJO]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [FISHER’S COVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
Basic info:
Name: Mikayla Callahan
Nickname(s): Mikey, Callahan, Mike, Callie
Birthday: January 24th
Hometown: Aurora Bay, California
Time back in town: A year and a half
Languages: English and Japanese
Mother: Felicity Callahan
Father: Rowland Callahan
Grandfather (maternal side): Arthur Dashwood
Grandmother (maternal side): Delilah Dashwood
Cousins: Jude Bordelon ( @pcrdita )
Aunt(s): wc
Uncle(s): wc
Childhood friends: Jace Bergeron ( @jaceberg ),
Neighbors (Fisher’s Cove): Jace Bergeron
Co-workers (When In Rome):
Wanted connections:
Those listed above as well as
Open to pretty much anything
Tws: Depression, death, asthma attack
Born to Rowland and Felicity Callahan on a cool January evening in Aurora Bay, Mikayla was a beautiful and healthy baby girl. However, by the age of five she developed symptoms of asthma. It was something closely watched and it did have an effect on her life as she got older. Mikayla was given ample attention and adoration from her parents and grandparents and got to spend years living in Aurora Bay while her parents were stationed in California and she lived on base with them at Los Angeles’ Air Force base. 
From an early age, Mikayla became obsessed with planes and jets, deciding early on in life that she aspired to join the Air Force when she was old enough, just like her parents. The first disappointment in Mikayla’s life was that she learned that with asthma, she would be disqualified from enlisting. The second disappointment was the first time her life was uprooted and she moved out of California where her parents would be deployed next, moving when she was fourteen and just starting high school. Her grandparents offered their spare bedroom to her, but Mikayla wanted to see the world with her parents! What she hadn’t anticipated was just how difficult it would be to move so often and so far. They moved to Japan, where they resided during Mikayla’s teen years and early adulthood. During this time, Mikayla’s asthma symptoms lessened and after years of her asthma essentially ‘going away’, she knew she could potentially be eligible for a medical waiver and still be allowed to enlist.
So despite the hardships of moving around so often and dealing with her fear that her asthma would crush her dreams, Mikayla told herself not to give up and that all the hardships were a bit of practice for when she enlisted. She was going to do everything she could to make sure she was successful and well respected like her parents. 
However, one evening, seventeen year old Mikayla had an asthma attack for the first time in years. And over time the symptoms didn’t lessen and Mikayla knew she would officially be disqualified from enlisting. It was heartbreaking and she had no idea what to do. She took a few classes at a university in Japan while still living with her parents, but by her twenty third birthday, she was no longer permitted on base. Mikayla got a cheap apartment for herself in the city while taking classes, though she eventually traveled to different parts of Japan while she was struggling to find what she wanted to do with her future. She felt depressed and lost after learning she’d never be able to enlist.
However, one night she received a phone call from her grandmother and was told her grandfather died, which prompted Mikayla to decide she had enough of wandering around and she wanted to be back with family in a permanent place to stay, so she moved back to Aurora Bay, where she now lives with her grandmother in Fisher’s Cove and works at When In Rome as a server, still trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life as she tries to address her mental health.
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stillrealtous · 18 days
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georgefairbrother · 2 years
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Leading TV historian and author, Oliver Crocker, pictured here with Jon Iles (DC Mike Dashwood in 194 episodes of The Bill from 1984), has over the past few years been compiling an incredibly detailed oral history of the The Bill from those who actually made it, including its stars, supporting talent and behind the scenes artists and technicians. The ITV (Thames) police drama ran for nearly 2500 episodes, from its pilot, Woodentop, in 1983 to its final episode in 2010. At its peak, it was watched by 18 million viewers in the UK. Jon Iles was the very first interviewee for the podcast series, and set things off to a very high standard.
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In over 100 podcast episodes, Oliver has interviewed many of the major stars of the programme across its entire run, including Trudie Goodwin and Mark Wingett (above), Chris Ellison (DI Frank Burnside), Graham Cole (PC Tony Stamp), Eric Richard (Sgt Bob Cryer), Barbara Thorn (Insp Christine Frazer), Larry Dann (Sgt Alec Peters), Seeta Indrani (WPC Norika Datta); from some of the originals including Robert Hudson (Yorkie), Nula Conwell (Viv Martella), Colin Blumenau (Taffy) and Ashley Gunstock (PC Robin Frank), to stars of the later era including Todd Carty and Beth Cordingly. And many luminaries in between, from uniform and CID, too numerous to mention.
One or two have remained elusive - Jeff Stewart (Reg Hollis) has thus far declined, perhaps understandably as his departure from the series was deeply and personally traumatic. John Salthouse (DI Roy Galloway) declined the podcast but was very friendly and helpful with information for Oliver's first of two books on the series, Witness Statements: Making The Bill Series 1-3. (Witness Statements II is now also out).
The interviews are fascinating as pretty much all the participants have been breathtakingly honest; about producers and their behaviour and often brutal decision-making, and about the rollercoaster life of an actor even in a successful series. It's not always as much fun as it looks. Having said that, it was a happy cast which made a big effort to make guest stars and extras welcome, and it's interesting to note that the older, more experienced actors, playing CID and uniformed supervisors, tended to mentor the younger actors in the same way their real-life counterparts took care of junior officers.
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Tony Scannell (DS Ted Roach) had agreed to be interviewed but sadly passed away before the recording date.
The Bill Podcast is on all the major platforms, and according to Listen Notes is in the top 1.5% of podcasts globally.
@robbielewis thought you might be interested in this one.
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For this week's tumblr post I chose the "guess I'll die" meme but from Marianne's perspective of Willoughby leaving. The original meme was a Mike Baldwin with "guess I'll die" as the caption and was used on Facebook to complain about the high costs of medical care in the US. The original meme insinuated that since medical costs were too high for poor people they might as well die. Throughout the years, the meme has alternated with different captions such as "Guess I'll rant". I thought this meme was rather fitting for Marianne given her reaction to Willoughby leaving for London. Upon Willoughby announcing his departure to London, Marianne was distraught, which was understandable given how everything went down. She had spent so much time with Willoughby that she'd fallen in love and was under the impression, much like everyone else, that they'd soon get engaged. But when Willoughby announces his departure it's in a manner that's so uncharacteristic for him.
He's built up to be Marianne's perfect match, with a similar personality and spirit, respectful and speaking his mind, however, there was something offputting with his behavior when leaving Marianne. He was too cheerful compared to Marianne who was breaking down at their departure. This is weird when you consider how entranced both people were with each other, yet he showed no signs of sadness leaving her. So when he finally does leave, she's a wreck, not speaking and staying in solitude from the rest of her family. It really did seem like she'd rather die than be separated from him. Her behavior while dramatized is also understandable, as she watched the person she loves leave for an uncertain amount of time and give her no reassurance or signs that he was as distraught as she was. Even when he was invited to stay with the Dashwoods, he rejected it so quickly making it seem like something was off. If I was Marianne I too would be upset but also embarrassed because it almost seems as if she was way more into him than he was to her. So for Marianne to be heartbroken during this time was very justified in my opinion.
resource: https://www.dailydot.com/memes/guess-ill-die-meme/
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bodybybane · 7 months
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forensicated · 3 months
Favourite CID Era
S4-6 also includes Don't Like Monday (Tosh's family at the bank) and Ted and Roxanne's first appearance together as officer/snout
Series 7-9 inc Viv's death, Dashers guesting after leaving, Frank disappearing without warning for a mystery job and Harry Haines arriving. Danny Pearce, Jo Morgan and Alan Woods also arrive. Jo is promoted to DS after a few eps. Jack is demoted to DCI and returns as a regular rather than guesting as part of AMIP.
Series 10-13 includes Rod being rather chauvinistic to poor Suzi who becomes CID in this series. Jo returns for a guest period and is about to move back permanently before.. ahem. The Target trilogy are a particular work of art in series 11. Don arrives in series 11 when Deakin is promoted to DI after Sally goes. John Boulton arrives not long after too and finally in series 12 Geoff and Liz arrive and Alan goes and Tom Proctor brings up the rear in S13. There is a lot of Alistair and Suzi fun however as she gently teases him throughout.
Series 14-16 brings Duncan and Kerry Holmes with Tosh leaving through sad real-life happenings and Alistair transferring as does Suzi. Series 15 brings Danny Glaze and Claire Stanton as an undercover CIB agent trying to catch Don. She doesn't expect to fall in love with another CID member, however. Unfortunately, we do lose Liz in 15 but she does pop back a few times. Series 16 is a BIG CID-focused series. Rod jumps before he's pushed and the truth about Don comes out after he and John have a fight. We lose John, Don, Kerry, Claire, Geoff, Deakin, Tom, and Tom. We gain Paul Riley, Kate Spears, Vik Singh, Alex Cullen, and Debbie McAllister. A somewhat unfair exchange. Saving the best until last however for series 16 as Mickey also arrives and is at his cheeky scamp best.
Series 17-18 Near the end of series 16 we got a whole new bunch of CID after a mass exodus due to Don being revealed as a dodgy officer. To give them a chance to bed in properly, there were no cast changes to CID in series 17. The new lot featured heavily, Mickey went undercover as a rentboy for a bit and then as a football hooligan. Debbie's snout was her lover and there was quite hoo hah about him, There's a couple of guest appearances from Liz, one of which is a multi-parter that terrifies Kate Spears, Claire follows Don over to Australia to tr catch him and bring him to justice. In series 18 we lose Vik, Paul, Kate and Alex Cullen but gain Eva, Ken Drummond, Phil Hunter, Sam Nixon and Brandon. Series 18 is also the beginning of the numbered episodes and Paul Marquess...
Series 19-21: we gain Juliet for a short time before Rae gets fed up of the sexualised bisexual obsession for her storylines and we also end up with sexist arse, Rob Thatcher whilst losing Duncan, Danny and it's the first exit of Mickey too post-rape and the death of his mother over to MIT. It's not all bad, we also get Terry, Ramani and Neil. In series 20 we lose Rob when he finishes his vengeance against The Radfords by murdering Irene and being shot by CO19. We also lose Debbie and Brandon and Eva transferred to MIT. We gain Suzie in return, however. Series 21 we lose Ken in an explosion and Jim walks away after losing June and Ken. Gary who has been playing in CID for a little while gets short and transfers to the Manchester police. Jo arrives and Mickey returns from MIT. There's a mysterious newbie when Adi Mateen pretending Zain also arrives when it turns out that he's not the annoying gangster that's been buzzing round Sun Hill but has been undercover!
Series 22-24 - In series 22 we lose Ramani and Suzie, however, we gain Stuart and Kezia. THISISNOTAFAIRSWAP. Ahem. In series 23 we gain Grace and also Max at the very very end, Zain reaches the end of his tenure after being drawn to the dark side with Kristen and Phil transfers out rather suddenly as Scott appears to have jumped very quickly over to EastEnders. Series 24 welcomes Stevie and Banksy and we don't lose anyone!
Series 25-26 - I ummed and ahhed about making the last series a stand-alone selection on its own because it's a reboot but given it's only essentially half a year long and that the character changes happen in series 25 I put the two together. So, in this series we lose Jack as DCI because he becomes Superintendent. However we don't gain a new DCI, Neil just remains DI and does both jobs. Jo gets promoted but moves to uniform. Sam, Stuart and Kezia go (Could not have taken Sam being promoted to DCI!) and no one else leaves (other than Will) from CID until the very end. We have Mickey undercover as a homeless man, Max's drug problem and Mickey and Terry confronting him. Grace and Neil get together but Neil's son is diagnosed with cancer and so much more. Finally the entire station works together to nail the rapists of poor Jasmine (Respect 1-2)!
(Yep you guessed it, I meant to post this in the sierra-Oscar comm but got distracted.)
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augustusaugustus · 1 year
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DASHWOOD: Just like the good old days! CARVER: What good old days?
"Return Match" in which Mike comes back again and annoys Tosh this time instead of Jim, whom he eventually reconciles with.
I never understood why fandom tended to ship these two back in the day, but I have to admit that these two episodes really do have "when your ex reappears" energy.
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thedudear1992 · 7 months
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rawsmackdownnxtdivas · 7 months
Congratulations to Tenille Dashwood and Mike Rallis!!! 💍💞
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somosorigen · 1 year
Aztech… México y La Ficción
Las antiguas profecías aztecas se cumplen luego de la caída de fragmentos de meteoros y material extraterrestre. Sucesos extraños ocurren en los diferentes espacios y tiempos de las colisiones. Continue reading Untitled
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gayness-and-mayhem · 4 years
Bitch, the original 'The Bill' theme tune is making me nostalgic for 1987 and I wasn't even alive yet. Don't know why I'm putting myself through Tom getting shot again though, apart from maybe the Jim Carver/Mike Dashwood bits, bc ya know.
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