#Jack Meadows
forensicated · 4 months
A Tumblr Community for The Bill...?
Is there any interest in creating a community for fans of The Bill to discuss and have more opportunities to interact/chat about the show almost like a forum from what it sounds like?
If you'd be interested, please like/comment/reblog this post to show your potential interest so we can all see if it would be worth attempting to create one or not.
Tumblr is beta testing a new 'community' idea [apparently not available to all as yet but should appear for most] that it says is:
Communities is a new feature in development, currently in beta testing. Our hope is to empower everyone on Tumblr to create new, dedicated spaces to connect with people over shared interests. It’s a bit like using tags but more contained, it’s a bit like having a shared blog but with more options, and it’s a bit like a group chat except it’s slower. Access to communities is not yet out to all users, and currently has incomplete support across the Tumblr mobile apps
Labs blog post
Help page post/more information
It's still in testing mode and they're asking for feedback. They state it can be a private group or more open access.
Public communities can be seen and visited by non-members, logged in or logged out. However, only the feed of posts in each community tab, and the About page, are accessible. Non-members cannot view the member list, see who reacted with what, or see community comments. Non-members with an invite can see everything a member can see, but cannot interact with anything until they accept the invitation.
Private communities cannot be seen or visited by non-members at all. The existence of a private community is not hidden, however, if someone has the URL (they’ll see a message like “this is a private community”). Non-members with an invite can see everything a member can see, but cannot interact with anything until they accept the invitation.
I wrote a tag list of every member of the cast including notable long running guests. It took FOREVER. And this is what Tumblr cuts it down to. FGS.
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augustusaugustus · 2 months
13.90 Alternative Therapies
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A guest appearance from Benedict Wong in amongst all the screaming Rod/John.
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galen-the-technomage · 8 months
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inspectormonroe · 3 months
12.133 All in the Mind
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*Yeah okay, I still suck at subtitling gifs properly. I know.* The S22 episode 'Every Jack Has His Jill' is another one of those great episodes where we get Jack once again being a great pillar of support in Mickey's life. From very early on in the episode when it's early morning and they're the only 2 in the CID office obviously just chatting to Jack doing this talk.
And once again we're gifted with great acting from Chris Simmons and Simon Rouse. This episode as a whole is great. It shows Mickey is clearly starting to piece his life together and we see him start to heal from what happened 3 years prior.
It makes me glad that the writers didn't ever use Mickey's experience as a way for the station itself to use Mickey as a tool to get victims of assault to open up. The two episodes where Mickey interacted with victims, (In this episode and S25's 'Cry Wolf') it was on HIS terms to be a little open that he'd gone through such a horrible experience too.
Also gotta give a shout out to Laura Dos Santos who played Carrie in this episode. A nice ended episode with Mickey and Mia, just a shame the writers had to then go and piss all over it. I was rooting for them so much.
It also makes me wonder, did Mickey ever tell his dad what happened to him? Seems they were barely ever in contact.
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derekconway · 5 months
12.3 Runners Up
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(TBF, Derek is actually looking at the bottle of whisky in Jack's hand!)
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dciburnside · 9 months
9.36 The Short Straw
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gayness-and-mayhem · 2 years
Why does Jack Meadows have so many ex boyfriends?
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dsboulton · 2 days
14.62 One of Us
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tomproctor · 5 days
14.59 Red Herrings
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rodskase · 13 days
14.36 Powder My Nose
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forensicated · 6 months
494 words into a fic for the first time in about 15 years, yay!
Must stop letting myself get distracted by researching things for it and then going off on tangents and stopping writing however.
For example: It took Jack 17 and a half years to get back to being Superintendent but it's like 3 years before compulsory retirement for Superintendent ranks. I like a thought that @everythingisdragons recently too - they could have made a real feature of Jack's bitterness that he only got it as essentially a stand in just before he had to retire and that if it wasn't so close (or the reboot necessitating it) then he'd never have gotten it back given his reluctance to play the political game.
Gina was an Inspector for 15 years, 6 of which were at Sun Hill. She became Inspector 10 years after joining the MET which (yes this is Gina - but!!) as a female back then was quite some going (83-93) Timeline also means she would likely have been a Sgt when she and Adam were together.
I still have the itching to write my original character, Charlie, in even though it would not fit canon wise and would not make sense given the time that I'm writing about (Conviction ep time) 🤣🤣
Even now I'm trying to flick through the first Conviction ep to see if it mentions where the Devlin's came from as I remember they were 'new' to Sun Hill as a little crime dynasty but can't remember where they'd been. I remember post fire Jason had been in Kent so I'm assuming it's there but I'm far too anal and must check it out to be sure. Then I got distracted by writing this. ETA: Not Kent- they're from the wonderful catch all of 'Up North'.
My brain is very like these gifs, each bit dancing off to distract me into something else! (context: they're teasing Ali who had signed for Strictly Come Dancing at the time)
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augustusaugustus · 27 days
14.5 Villain
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ROBBINS: Seems a fair enough chap, your Mr. Meadows. We had a colonel like him in eight, and he’d always hear you out. Give you the benefit of the doubt. Get it wrong a second time, he’d be crawling all over you. I reckon your chief inspector is a bit like that, isn’t he. BOYDEN: You could say that. ROBBINS: Young Skase, though. I don’t think he’s got the patience to be officer material. BOYDEN: (noise of amusement) ROBBINS: Thought as much.
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“Podge” is the same dog owned by the old lady who was mugged in 13.101 “This Land Is Ours”.
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McCANN: You’re stretching the rules a bit tonight, aren’t you, Sarge? BOYDEN: Seems like the rules’ve been broken anyway. Shame a nice old boy like that has to end his days like this.
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This is The Bill at its best, and Matthew at his best—being a quiet, sympathetic ear to those who need it, even if they’re under arrest. Brilliant writing and acting, including from Geoffrey Chater as Robbins. An episode that really kicks you in the guts.
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steveloxton · 2 months
13.44 Dial ‘M’ for Marmalade
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inspectormonroe · 2 months
13.61 A Bunch of Fives
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I swear the writers hated letting characters that have struggled actually be happy. The relationship up and downs between Mickey and Mia are quite something. Mickey of course struggling to open up about what happened with Delaney, finally doing it and then Heaton and Mia having a fling behind Mickey's back. Why? No disrespect to Heaton's actor, but if I had to choose between Heaton and Mickey it'd be Mickey every day of the week despite the obvious flaws. Rewatching it a second time properly it really is something and I really wished Mickey and Mia had been allowed to just be.
Jack's support through the whole plot line and him clearly wanting to see Mickey happy too was really sweet, even if he did overstep a boundary mentioning Mickey's ex fiancee. There are really so many other moments from this plot line I could ramble and make gifs of, but lets be honest, Mickey punching Heaton over the desk is just SUCH a satisfying gif it needed making.
Overall I guess I'm also glad that once it was done it was done. Mia left a few eps later, Heaton refused Mickey's resignation, and he wisely had Mickey keep an eye on Jack during 'The Prodigal Son' and 'Judgement Call' plots.
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