#mike wheeler jumpscare
alchemistc · 1 year
Eddie practices his arguments with Steve.
The thing is -
Here's the thing. It's not that he's expecting an argument. So far every time either one of them have been irritated with one another, or pissed off about something, they usually just, like, talk about it and shit. Healthy-like, which is -
Totally fucking weird for Eddie My-Parents-Fought-As-A-Love-Language Munson and Steve Still-Figuring-Out-Its-Okay-To-Be-Loved Harrington. It's weird, it is, and Eddie can't help but wonder if Steve is just bottling shit up until it explodes out of him and he realizes that this thing they're doing just isn't worth it anymore.
So Steve does this thing, right?
This thing where he rolls his jaw and sometimes it pops and it makes Eddie want to stick a curly straw up his nose and scramble his own brains. And he's such a fucking neat freak that every time he's over, he ends up rearranging Eddie's room - not even in purpose, just. He likes to touch things, and Eddie gets it, he does, but touching things usually leads to picking things up leads to setting them back down and before Eddie's had time to look up, Steve has swept empty beer cans into the trash and lined up Eddie's models in a neat row like they're troops readying for battle and since he's like a war buff they're always lined up like a little battalion which is cute but also frustrating as hell because - because Eddie's chaos is organized and now he can't find his fucking lyric journal with the song he's very much not ready for people to see, or know about, or -
The point. The point is Eddie has been gearing up to talk to Steve about it for three days now and he's now at the stage where he practices. Works out the scenarios, muddles through possibilities, tries to anticipate every way it could go tits up.
He's never - Steve is most of his firsts, and he knows it's dumb and romantic but he'd like Steve to be all of his lasts, too, and so what if that means he's pacing the length of the trailer (all the while perfecting his Steve-voicr, which has been a tough one to nail but he feels like he's getting there. He's smarter and more eloquent than he lets on, is Steve.) and arguing with himself. Resetting, back to the start, working through a disastrous turn where Steve accuses Eddie of cheating on him (nope, reset, Steve's well aware Eddie wouldn't, cut that from the options).
"And seriously, Eddie, how could you think I'd do that shit to you, you know -."
"What the hell?"
Eddie whirls.
Mike Wheeler is standing in his living room, staring at Eddie like he's grown a second head. Which. Shit. They haven't actually, like, told anyone that they're...doing whatever it is they're doing (There's things Eddie wants to call it, but he hasn't brought them up yet because they're terrifying and super fucking telling and even though he's pretty sure he and Steve are on the same page he doesn't want to presume) so the kids don't know. No one except Robin knows, and she's states away and busy so.
"What the hell right back, Wheeler, what are you doing here?"
"I left my chem textbook here last night. You said I could come get it."
And - sure, he definitely had, but he'd sort of been staring at the hollow where Steve's neck and shoulder met and imagining biting it when he said it, so -
"So you broke into my house?"
"The door was unlocked."
"So you walked uninvited INTO MY HOUSE?" And he's maybe hamming up the annoyance as cover, but Wheeler just stares at him.
"Are you practicing breaking up with Steve?" Wheeler asks without preamble, with zero inflection, not even a quirk of his brow, and Eddie -
Flounders, is a generous term for it. Really what he does is shriek, and cackle, and then cover it up with the weirdest laugh either of them have ever heard which covers nothing at all. "What are - why would you - what makes you think - listen, Michael, you can't just break into people's homes and accuse them of - of - what exactly are you accusing me of?"
"Of having really terrible taste in men, Eddie, where's my textbook?"
"I don't fucking know, Wheeler, Steve rearranges shit all the time so who the hell knows where he would have -."
"It's probably on the bookshelf, then," Mike says, and then squints. "Are you...practicing arguing with Steve?"
"How do you even -?"
"Neither one of you is subtle."
"Shut up, Wheeler."
"If that's how you talk to Steve it's no wonder you have to practice your arguments."
"I'm not - you're infuriating."
Mike squares him with a look that reminds Eddie of when he's calculating hit points and strategizing his next move. He frowns. Sighs. "I have like ten minutes before I have to leave. Steve doesn't think you're cheating on him, so let's start from the top."
"The kids know," Eddie tells Steve, fingers shifting in Steve's hair, and Steve's lashes flash as he looks up from Eddie's lap. Mike had been - well, Wheeler might be half a decade younger but he'd been pretty instrumental in helping Eddie nail down the right approach to "Please stop cleaning up my messes you're ruining everything." so another non-argument is in the books, and Steve had looked confused about it but he'd agreed to try not to move shit around at least.
("I'm still cleaning up all the trash, though, you live like a goblin."
"It's hot that you know what a goblin is, baby."
"Are you...okay with that?"
"Are you?"
"I asked first."
It's not that he doesn't want to answer, it's just.
Okay he doesn't want to answer. Jesus Christ, he'd used Mike goddamn Wheeler as his Steve stand in to practice an argument that hadn't happened and he's still scared to call Steve his -
"I... don't really know. What to tell them." And that's - shit, not what he meant to say, Jesus.
"What do you mean?"
Steve crinkles his nose, and Eddie hates how goddamn cute it is, because he really wants to just, like, boop the tip of it and then suck Steve off but -
Where's Mike Wheeler when he needs him?
("If you ever tell Steve about this I'll tell Will to TPK your party for the next ten campaigns."
"Why would I tell Steve I'm helping you save your relationship?"
"Brownie points. So you can hold it over Henderson's head. Blackmail."
"I used to be terrified of you, but you're actually super lame, honestly."
"Preaching to the choir, my friend.")
"I mean, what...what do we tell them we...are?"
"Are you freaking out about calling me your boyfriend?"
He shifts, and Eddie's fingers slip through the strands of Steve's hair as he shuffles, scoots, sits up and twists to face Eddie.
"I am, right? I mean...you want me to be?"
Eddie hasn't practiced this conversation, because - because it's presumptuous, because it felt sort of like jinxing it, because -
"Yeah. Duh. Of course I - shit. Yeah. Yes."
Steve's smile is bright and a little knowing. "I have a confession."
"I'm not sure I want to hear it."
"Trust me, you want to."
"Okay fine," Eddie tells him, eyes on Steve's hand as he slots their fingers together. Eddie hooks his pinkie along the edge of Steve's sleeve. "Twist my arm, why don't you?"
"I'm actually kind of glad they already know. I've been trying to figure out how to tell them for a while. I've been, like - creating scenarios in my head to try to figure out how they're going to take it."
There's - okay, so Eddie's thinking a lot of things, right at this moment, like how Steve apparently also creates mind-scenarios to play out before a situation happens, and how they might want to test out their creativity in other areas, actually, and that derails his whole train of thought for a moment, but "How long?"
"How long what?"
"Have you been trying to figure out how to tell them?"
Eddie's not insecure, exactly, but he is a big fan of knowing what people he cares about think of him and how often they think of him and -
"I mean, since, like, the first time I kissed you?"
Eddie is stupid crazy about Steve Harrington. He's fully fucking feral for this man, honestly, it's dumb. Absolutely ridiculous.
"I'm in love with you," Eddie tells him, and the tips of Steve's ears are pink.
"I know," he says, with a smarmy little grin because Eddie had admitted (under duress, and screw anyone who doesn't think a naked Steve Harrington in your lap is duress) he'd been obsessed with Harrison Ford for like a full year in his tweens, and Steve takes every opportunity to remind Eddie he knows.
"I'd also very much like to circle back to you creating scripts in your mind about telling the kids about us."
"Henderson's always a nightmare, I swear to god."
"We gotta teach him some humility."
"He respects you more than he respects me, you teach him."
"You gonna say it back?"
"Well not now," Steve says, and Eddie wants to bite him.
"I love you," Steve says, while Dustin and Mike and Max argue about who knew first.
Eddie hasn't practiced this one. "I know," he says, and Steve's brow quirks when Dustin catches the exchange and groans.
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wynsvre · 8 months
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part 25 of cleric's radio au!! after this, i'm planning two more installments and then we're totally done 🥲🥲🥲
all other installments here!! thank you guys so much for all the love on this au :')
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sleepymrshmllow · 1 year
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insp 🌸
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messrsbyler · 1 year
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uhm... why would they parallel this if not because melvin is bon- [GUNSHOTS]
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willbyerssupremacist · 11 months
was it a popular year for blue flannels or??? like wtf😭💀
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paladibun · 1 year
WillEl Superman AU
Disclaimer: my Superman Lore knowledge is extremely limited so I would appreciate help in making this AU more elegant. (Also make up actual super hero names for them)
So the Idea:
Will and El split Superman’s identities roles.
Both of them are kryptonian but Will got the “being found by a human family” arc and El got the found and raised by the government arc
El becomes a superhero naturally after escaping the lab without developing a civilian identity
Will and Mike work for the Daily Planet, Mike as a reporter and Will as? Graphic designer? Not sure
They meet her after El saves both Mike and Will trying to follow her
Will grows up deeply ashamed of his powers and hiding them but meeting El made him see it differently
Will begins to allow himself to use his power when people need it but in secret. Which alarms everyone to a mystery superhero
Will doesn’t want this but is amused that both Mike and El are obsessed with finding out who he is
One day Mike and Super Will meet and Mike goes heart eyes. He confesses this to Will who somehow can’t place that it’s always been him (it’s the bowlcut)
For Mike it’s Interest in El -> realizing his interest was more in her message as a hero than romance & they become besties -> Obsession with mystery hero -> shenanigans where it’s revealed to be Will -> unearthing a childhood crush and then they smooch in the clouds
Oh yeah so I read a theory where Superman’s powers make more sense if they’re more like psychic’ey and super strength and flight is just elaborate telekinesis and I’m leaning heavily into that with them.
Will doesn’t assume a superhero identity until close to the final battle of the story tho. Like officially in a nonstealth way because ultimately he is more interested in working from the sidelines and doesn’t want a career as a superhero but will help when needed.
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mariluvvs · 9 months
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season 3 byler
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wu-does-art · 1 year
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some mikes! the second is from a fic im working on.
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heinzezsquirt · 2 years
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i'm sorry, but this is so funny to me. the only one arguably with heart eyes is the scene from s2. and even then, i think it's arguable he’s just relieved to see her. ofc he's happy to see her he thought she was dead. but like the other scenes he's just looking at her lmfao
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but uh.. yeah... totally heart eyes in the first ones…
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 4 months
i started carmen sandiego today, it’s going pretty good! i’m enjoying it a lot :D
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demobatman · 2 years
never read a byler fic but yall need to capitalize on the fact that will is a canonical horror movie fanatic and have him play the "dont worry ill protect you" movie date trope with mike
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inutaffy · 2 years
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sage-greenery · 2 years
vividly remember when i watched vol2 for the first time and will pulled out that painting nsnd when i tell you i glitched out of existence 🤭🤭
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lipglosscherrybomb · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 ☆ 𝐌.𝐖 ☆
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙, 𝙢𝙞𝙠𝙚, 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙨. 𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙗𝙨𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙫𝙞𝙗𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙚’𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪. 𓆩♡
𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨: 𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 (𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩),𝙛𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛,𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜. <3
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
“you look so pretty right now.” he says, in between kisses.
you and your boyfriend had been making out for the past hour. something that had become a daily occurrence ever since you both started dating. you’d mostly do it in your room since your parents were hardly ever around, but today mike invited you over to his house instead. well, mrs. wheeler had.
mike explained the random invitation in vague details. saying she just wanted to meet you and get to know you better. mike figured you’d just come over a little bit earlier than planned considering his parents wouldn’t be there yet. give you two a head start.
you giggled as his hand traveled down to your thigh, rubbing circles on your skin, not daring to separate your lips.
“shut up.” you replied. pulling him even closer to you.
he pulls back quickly, you knew where that was going. you laugh, pulling back into a small distance.
“ i don't wanna touch you too much baby” mike sings along to your favorite song, ‘love bites’ by def leppard. you showed it to him a few weeks ago and ever since then he’s been obsessed with it. his logic went something like ‘if you like it then i like it.’ you couldn’t help but smile at your boyfriend’s singing. noting the fact that even though he wasn’t even trying, he still sounded good. he pauses to look at you, nudging you so you’d sing along too.
you roll your eyes, pretending to be annoyed, but you knew the smile on your face was a huge giveaway already. “cause making love to you might drive me crazy” you sing along this time. noticing the fact that your boyfriend sounded ten times better than you did. you look at him with a smirk and squinted your eyes.
“what? you don’t like it?” he laughed. noting your reaction. you look around his basement, pretending to think about his question. “nah.” you replied, trying your hardest to stay serious even though you knew you couldn’t. and not even seconds after, you burst out laughing, which made mike laugh as well.
“what?” he asks in between giggles. confused as to why you were laughing so much.
“no, no. nothing…” you trail off. it was so difficult to speak when he was right there in front if you, being adorable as always. so you decided to just stop talking at all. you lean in once more, him mimicking your action and letting your lips connect as the song faded into the background.
he takes the kiss a little further, gesturing for you to get on top of him. you silently agree, slowly getting on top to straddle his lap. once you do, he pulls away to get a quick glance at you.
“you’re hot.” he said. giving you a smirk. his hands finding their way to your hips. “yeah? so are you.” you reply in a small giggle, feeling embarrassed about him calling you hot, as if he hasn’t called you that a thousand times before.
he leaned back in, reconnecting your lips and redirecting your hand (which was resting on his shoulder) to his hair, something which you’d come to learn was a sign for you to play with his hair while you made out.
“hey, mike.” you hear a voice come from behind you. and god knows you’ve never flown across the room faster in your entire life. your heart basically beating out of your chest from the jumpscare that turned out to be nancy wheeler. “when you guys wanna quit making out, mom’s making dinner. she wants to meet y/n.”
“do NOT tell her she’s down here already.” mike spits out. you could swear that was the fastest you’ve ever heard him speak in your life.
“yeah, no shit.” nancy replies, running up the stairs and shutting the basement door.
you look back at mike, both of you flustered. you giggle, realizing his face was redder than yours was.
“can you sneak out and knock on the front door?” he asks, still pretty shocked.
“yeah, no problem.”
safe to say you’d never do that again.
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wistfulenchantress · 5 days
when the stuff i talk about/pay attention to on tumblr just started showing up on my PERSONAL insta. i feel invaded. when did my instagram find out i know mike wheeler is gay? wtf? it was almost a jumpscare. a blending of worlds.
does anyone relate to this or am i just crazy. it was so WEIRD. like, it wasn't even on my insta where i am witch it was on my personal one. thats SCARY
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