#mike wheeler ur so special
kidovna · 1 year
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happy birthday to my favourite stranger things character since 2016!!
(companion post to)
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sinclairstarz · 3 months
for the cinephile byler truthers. i made the party’s modern au letterboxd accounts
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in my head mike wheeler is the film bro cinephile of the party. hes a big brad pitt fan and fincher is his favorite director if you even care.. dirty dancing would be in his top 4 if he was honest. he went to see dune cause hes a scifi nerd, ended up hating it so much and complained about it to will but still gave it 2 stars cause it was pretty. did leave a very mean review. very critical rater but mostly leaves high ratings because he just doesn’t watch things he doesnt wanna see.
alternative movies i considered putting: pulp fiction (5 stars), the killer (1 star), se7en (5 stars), across the spiderverse (5 stars), nope (5 stars) , the batman 2022 (4 stars), once upon a time in hollywood (5 stars), inglorious basterds (5 stars), the matrix (half a star)
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the thing is so good and he has a poster of it on his wall in canon so it felt right. it just feels wrong not to do ghostbusters (plus its one of my favorite movies…) and yall need to hear me out on brokeback 😭😭😭 ur telling me he wouldnt bawl his eyes out??? ur wrong. will byers is a jake gyllenhaal lover. he watches dirty dancing a lot for mike, and loves ghibli movies a lot. he cried during rain man. honest rater but doesnt take it too seriously, mostly 4/5 star ratings
alternatives: saltburn (half a star), asteroid city (5 stars), blackkklansman (5 stars), the force awakens (3.5 stars), the perks of being a wallflower (4.5 stars), back to the future (5 stars)
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rogue one because lucas has taste. its the best star wars movie, if u care. he would love how fun and goofy ghostbusters 2 is. in my head Wes Anderson is like the party’s claimed director and they all watch his movies together and do marathons because the weirdness, comedy, and emotional commentary is a perfect mix for them. so. bottle rocket. lucas’ favorite wes anderson is the grand budapest hotel if u wanted to know. he rates things pretty highly and isn’t super critical.
alternatives: dodgeball (5 stars), scream 5 (4 stars), the matrix (3 stars), good will hunting (5 stars), jurassic park (5 stars), die hard (5 stars),
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likes making lucas watch gone girl on valentines day and telling him shes gonna do that to him next time he annoys her. v for vendetta is her favorite romance movie and shes a big marvel fan (in a cool way. kind of .) but thor ragnarok is probably one of her fav marvels, along with spiderman far from home and iron man. i just know she watches Casino Royale and decided she hated James Bond and then ended up watching all the Daniel Craig Bonds with Mike and loved Skyfall so much. the song is on her playlist and she did cry after No Time To Die.
Alternatives: Superbad (5 stars), baby driver (5 stars), bottoms (5 stars), 10 things i hate about you (3.5 stars), scream (5 stars), kill bill (5 stars), lord of the rings: the return of the king (1.5 stars)
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also a bit of a film nerd. i considered giving him a star wars and i know in my heart he’d probably have empire somewhere in his top 4. but star wars is lame and i wanted to give him se7en so he fucking gets se7en. he knows john wick is objectively dumb but he doesnt care hes just here for a good time. the party probably watched saltburn together and all fucking hated it. I just know hes a kurosawa nerd and always goes when the local theatres do very rare special showings of his movies.
alternatives: baby driver (4 stars), the ewok adventure (5 stars) hot fuzz (5 stars) harry potter and the sorcerers stone (4 stars) legally blonde (5 stars) spirited away (5 stars) dazed and confused (5 stars)
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she likes movies that make her feel all warm and fuzzy and hopeful. i wanted to give her breakfast club, but i think she’d honestly like sixteen candles more (even though breakfast club’s better). she cried at almost every movie in her top 4 and makes max rewatch juno with her like once a month. she gives most movies 5 stars unless she really hates them, and loves any movie thats fun to watch, even if its bad. she likes movies with pretty girls and fun colors.
alternatives: barbie (5 stars), legally blonde (5 stars), inception (2 stars), heathers (5 stars) pretty in pink (4.5 stars (she was mad andi didn’t end up with ducky)) my neighbor totoro (5 stars)
in conclusion if you haven’t seen They Cloned Tyron (2023) go watch it it deserved the oscar
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MY stranger things unpopular opinions <3
ok nobody asked but these r my stranger things unpopular opinions, inspired by a tweet where people just shared super common and well accepted opinions instead of actual controversy lol
also half of these r gonna be ronance centered because they’re literally all i think about
- first and foremost, nancy is a lesbian. i think so many of her actions and struggles can absolutely be traced back to comphet and repression and i feel like people want to cling onto her romance with steve and jonathan as a way to justify her fondness for them, when i think she can just care about them because they’re her friends and they’re trauma bonded(tm)
- while i like steve and robin being besties as much as everyone else i feel like people overestimate how close they really are in canon. of course they’re best friends but they really aren’t overly dependent on each other like people interpret them to be. they’re best friends but they also function really well on their own.
- though there’s no denying that will has feelings for mike i sincerely doubt that those romantic feelings are reciprocated and i think people are way too confident that byler is gonna be canon
- elmax is miles better than almost every canon AND fanon relationship in the show (i’d argue jopper and lumax (and biased opinion ronance) are the only genuine contenders)
- while i make a habit of being overly critical of men i think people forget that the “grumpy dad” trope with hopper that they like so much comes with him being a total dick sometimes lol
- both jonathan AND steve were weird as fuck in season 1. y’all r having a mid-off when u argue jancy vs. stancy
- and by mid-off i mean stancy wasn’t as bad as y’all act like it was and jancy is not as good as y’all act like it is
- y’all infantilize the FUCK out of robin buckley and im SICK OF IT!! she’s incredibly smart and strong and u people act like she’s stupid/a pushover/a nervous little baby
- in general i think the ronance fandom likes to apply tropes to nancy and robin in a way that isn’t accurate to their characters. its a very common and predictable pattern and i think thats why a lot of fan works feel out of character (an example to this is people applying grumpy x sunshine to nancy and robin respectively and it just doesn’t fit)
- karen is not a good mother. i think everyone can agree karen is weird as fuck for the billy thing, but i see a lot of people argue for karen that she’s really grown as a mother but i’m not seeing it. i don’t doubt that she loves her kids but there’s a reason mike and nancy are Like That
- y’all made up a ton of steve’s personality traits. i’m all good with interpreting his character a certain way but if the reason you hate nancy wheeler is because she unknowingly poked at insecurity of steve’s that u made up i have 0 respect for ur opinions lol
- and on that note steve is pretty badly written. i don’t think his path to “redemption” was bad but he’s so far from anything special that the love he gets from the fandom astounds me
- luckily this opinion isnt as unpopular anymore but steddie was figment of fandom imagination and the fact that it rotted y’all’s brains so bad to the point where you convinced yourself eddie munson was actually really important is just so...
- if you make fruity four content without nancy because you don’t think she’s interesting enough you’re a loser
- byclair is literally SOOOO much better than byler the fact that y’all aren’t going to war for them is upsetting
- this better not be an unpopular opinion but ive been seeing more of it recently: if you think joyce byers is a bad mother block me rn
- any hate that eleven, max, and nancy get is almost ALWAYS rooted in misogyny
ok thats it i probably have more but i cant think of any </3
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
can you please do one with Stranger Things hc with an sweet autistic darling, like how do they handle certain situations and also when their darling have a huge meltdown
love ur fics btw❤
(Nancy will not be included on this list because she already has a separate headcanon bit for this)
Yandere Stranger things with a sweet autistic darling:
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Characters: Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Eleven (Jane) Hopper, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Billy Hargrove, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunningham, Jason Carver, Gareth Emerson, Jim Hopper, Joyce Byers, Henry Creel/Peter Ballard/001
Warnings: Manipulation, obsessive behaviours, possessive behaviours, violence, unhealthy mindset, Billy and 001 are assholes (just ike in canon) DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
Mike Wheeler:
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He'd definitely try his best to understand why his darling does certain things.
Or why they can't stand certain smells, fabrics, etc.
If his darling has very bad sensory issues, he'll do his best to make sure they're always comfortable since they're always sweet to him.
If his darling is having a meltdown in private, he's doing his best to comfort them and make sure they're okay but in public?
He'd pretend he didn't know his darling his he doesn't want to be embarrassed by them.
He'd apologize afterwards but he's not at all sorry.
Will Byers:
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This man is so attentive and caring when it comes to his darling.
If they have sensory issues, specifically with a certain fabric?
He'd replace all his clothes that are made of that fabric to one that his darling likes.
If his darling is having a meltdown he'd immediately try to help sooth them, it doesn't matter if it's in public or private.
Eleven (Jane) Hopper:
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She's in the same boat as her darling, they'd both be trying to help each in every situation, especially meltdowns.
Lucas Sinclair:
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Lucas would very nice and helpful but because of the basketball team and his popularity on the line, he may not always help his darling when they're having a public meltdown.
Would always help in private tho.
Eventually wouldn't care about popularity just to be there for his darling.
Max Mayfield:
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She was very kind and helpful with Eleven, so I assume she'd be the same with her darling.
With sensory issues she'd try her best to make her darling comfortable but there's only so much she can do.
When her darling has a meltdown, Max would sooth and coax her darling into being calm again.
Steve Harrington:
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Is extremely careful, basically walking on eggshells around his darling, especially if they have very bad sensory issues.
When his darling has meltdowns, he does his best to calm them down.
Jonathan Byers:
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He'd do basically the same thing as Will, except he'd also buy his darling anything they have a hyper fixation with.
Billy Hargrove:
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Honestly, he'd call his darling all kinds of slurs.
Would only hug them when he's wearing fabric that his darling can't stand.
When his darling has a meltdown, he'd yell at them to stop crying or laugh at them.
Robin Buckley:
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She's also autistic, so they'd both be helping each other out.
Eddie Munson:
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Eddie would treat his darling like how he treats everyone else.
This can be good and bad but it's more neutral than anything.
No special accommodations but no judgement either.
Chrissy Cunningham:
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The biggest sweetheart who would undoubtedly help in every way she can.
Always wants her darling to be happy and not uncomfortable.
Jason Carver:
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Very gentle and sweet, threatens anyone who makes fun of his darling.
When his darling has a meltdown, he'd carefully sooth them.
If anyone mocks his darling's breakdown(s), they'd instantly get a punch to the nose.
Boy or girl, it's doesn't matter to him, he just wants his darling to be as happy as possible.
He'd also buy them absolutely anything he could that his darling is hyper fixated on.
Gareth Emerson:
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Super sweet, probably has some sensory issues of his own, so he knows how to deal with them and help his darling with theirs.
When his darling has a meltdown, he'll try to distract them from what got them so upset then sooth them.
Jim Hopper:
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He's already a very caring soul despite his 'tough guy' exterior but he'd be extra sweet to his darling.
Buys them anything that he could afford that his darling is hyper fixated on.
Tries his best to calm his darling during their meltdowns.
Joyce Byers:
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Would treat her darling like anyone else but would be very caring during their breakdowns and help them with their sensory issues.
Henry Creel/Peter Ballard/001:
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Finds his darling much easier to manipulate, especially when they're having a meltdown.
Doesn't care much for their sensory issues but pretends he does so his darling will think that he cares deeply about them.
Basically does not care.
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ice-sculptures · 1 year
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hey everyone!! so, originally, i wanted to do one of these back when all of y'all were posting your 'follow forever' + favorite blogs lists for new year's eve, but at that point in time i didn't feel like i knew anyone well enough to make a full list. but now, it's been almost nine months (holy shit!!!) since i joined this fandom, and there have been so many people that i've connected with and who have made my experience on here so much fun and so special.
plus...it's my birthday today, so i thought - what better way to celebrate it than to show my immense love & appreciation for all my mutuals, followers friends, and anyone who has ever made my tumblr experience better?
this isn't really in any particular order, and also, i am so so sorry if i forgot anyone. i had to type this out at least six times over the past two months because tumblr kept deleting my progress for some reason, so i'm really sorry if i missed anyone because of it. i recognize the urls of anyone that regularly interacts with my posts, so i promise that if you've ever left nice tags in the reblogs of my gifs or replied to any of my WIPS or tagged me in a gifset or in a tag game or sent me a nice ask or anything at all, really, please know that i think you're wonderful and i love you all so much even if tumblr hates me and decided to erase all of the evidence of it 😅
okay, enough dillydallying!! putting this under a cut so that it doesn't swallow ur dash whole....n here we go :)
@fireplceashes hi jen!! i know i said like. just one paragraph above that this was in no particular order, but i immediately broke the no. 1 rule of law and lied, bc as my very first friend in this fandom you are so undoubtedly so special to me and i'm putting you first just because i Can and no one can stop me. but anyway. where do i even begin with you? you are easily one of the sweetest people i have Ever, ever met - not just on tumblr, but in my real life as well - and i really love talking to you So much. thank you so much for always listening to my rants, and checking up on me, and just generally being there for me. you're just a really soothing person to talk to and i never have to worry about being 'too much' or anything like that when i'm talking to you. and of course - you are also so, so talented, and your gifs are absolutely stunning. they always turn out so beautifully, and i'm so in awe of your editing skills. basically...i'm just Very grateful to have met you, and *mike wheeler voice* all of my other mutuals, they're great, but my fandom experience would not be the same without you ❤️
@basiltonpitch spencer!! i feel the need to echo the first thing i said to you and remind you that i think you're a genius :') fun fact that i haven't told you: when i first found your blog, even before i realized that you were That person who wrote the benvi meta that i loved, the first posts that i saw from you were your beautiful web weavings, and i was immediately like Who is this person??? and Who gave them the permission to stomp all over my heart like this?? wtf?? i just. i love ur brain So so much and i'm so grateful that i get to enjoy your creativity in not one but two of my favorite fandoms (soon to be 3 with 911 maybe?) oh also...this is slightly embarrassing but i've gone back through your blog a few times just so i can read your incredible meta because all of your thoughts are so valuable to me. you are the Only person on this site that i trust to Get devi vishwakumar and one of the biggest reasons why i'm so excited for never have i ever s4 to drop is so that i can experience it alongside you!! and even outside of your creative genius, you are one of my favorite people to talk to bc you're so kind and so supportive and such an absolute sweetheart and i really love hearing everything you have to say. so. um. basically. i am just a Spencer Enthusiast through and through 💖
@padmedala carson!! hello!! first off, i've said this to you a million times, but i want to thank you once again for writing one of my favorite pieces of byler fanfiction. do you know that one post about reading fanfics and having to stop because 'he would not say that?' well, your work is the epitome of reading a fic and feeling wholly satisfied because yes, he would say that - in fact, i would not hesitate for a minute to say that you have the strongest grasp on will and mike's characterization - especially their dynamic together - out of any writer i've met in this entire fandom. like...i enjoy your writing so much that i've read a couple of your pieces for IT despite not having any knowledge of the source material simply because i wanted to experience more of your work. you're also such a deeply kind and supportive person, and you have no idea how much i appreciate every single time you've checked up on me or sent me a sweet message or even just dropped into my inbox to say hello. you make my dash infinitely brighter, and i'm so very glad to know you and have you as a friend on here 💞
@wllbyers dani!! hi!! i have so much to say abt how wonderful you are, and i was struggling w how to articulate this for a while, but then i remembered that you once said to me that you found my presence on the dash comforting, and honestly, that's exactly how i feel about you. forgive me for the awkward metaphor, but seeing you on the dash is like coming home after a long day and having a warm, home-cooked meal. seeing your url and icon always makes me smile, and i'm so grateful that we're mutuals because of how kind, considerate, and utterly genuine you are!! i don't know if i'm describing this right, but you just feel so real, you know? i feel like your personality shines through with every post you make, and i always love seeing it. and i'm sorry if this is weird to say, but your openness and your authenticity about everything going on in your life makes me feel a little bit less alone about my own struggles. also do you remember when you started watching 911 and eventually ended up getting ahead of me, and you tagged each and every one of your posts just so that i wouldn't get spoiled? i know it seems simple, but the sheer fact that you thought of doing that just for me had me melting into a little puddle w my face looking like that one meme of kristen bell. you are just so, so lovely and i'm unbelievably glad we're mutuals 🥰
@willblogger ima i've said this many times before but i absolutely Need to say it again: you are genuinely the funniest person on byler tumblr. i cannot count the number of times that you've made me full-on belly laugh (to the point where my stomach starts to hurt) and completely destroyed my attempts to casually and inconspicuously scroll through tumblr in public places. i dunno how you do it at all but every single thing you say is such an absolute delight and i am always giggling n kicking my feet when i read the tags on all of your posts. the thousands of people on tiktok and twitter copying your jokes could never do it like you. you've also got this deep understanding of the way the text has been written and i really appreciate how your analysis honors the characters as they are instead of trying to make them more palatable them for this fandom. it's just. it's rare to find people that love these characters as they are and understand them as well as you do and i feel very lucky to have found your blog. also this is not related at all but ur plushies are cute as fuck & i love them :) OH!! n thank u sm for being my number one stevebucky enthusiast mutual n partner in rage when it comes to avengers endgame!! can't wait to have a hate party w you (if you'd like) in five days 💗
@willelfanpage SARA HI HELLO do u see me waving at you. this is me holding up a banner screaming abt how much i love you. as the resident fandom cheerleader who gives and gives and gives so much love to everyone she interacts with, you deserve someone cheering YOU back on and that is what i am here to do!! you are so brilliant and you have never made an incorrect post in your life!!! all your fics are wonderful and i've loved reading them!! you are kind, you are smart, you are funny, and you make everyone around you feel so safe and comfortable and welcome here. like. i can't tell you how much i admire how open you are with your kindness and friendship and how you give it so freely to everyone you interact with. i love talking to you so much - whether it's hearing about your life or sharing our ideas with one another or just. venting about anything i want to - and your enthusiasm is utterly infectious and makes me feel more hyped and excited to be in fandom. forgive me for being so sappy on main but i will never not be touched by your endless love for fandom, not only these characters and the works that people make, but for the people around you as well and i hope u know i love u very much too 💞
@jackietaylcrs hii marianne fellow haver of good taste!! i remember you once made a post wondering if your followers would still love you if your stranger posting went down to 0.5% and i wanted to lyk that i definitely would!! i really like reading your commentary on ST and yellowjackets, but even when you're posting about a show that i'm not familiar with, you have this Way of speaking that i find very charming and funny and entertaining, and you bring this inimitable energy to my dash that i doubt i could ever find elsewhere. i like the way you sign off your posts with 'and like i say: brf slt.' i think it’s Neat n it fits you very well. alsooo THANK YOU very very much for being the one to convince me to watch yellowjackets!! people have been telling me to watch it for a long time but in the end it was your posts that made me say, fuck it, and finally watch it. also. um. ur posts abt stephen harrison make me feel very Seen so. thank u. ok bye 💗
@emblazons hello marie my beloved mutual marie!! honestly, out of everything in this post, this message was the hardest to write because i don't even know where to begin with you!! you bring so, so much to this fandom - your thoughtful, entertaining, levelheaded commentary, your stunning gifsets, your logical and witty posts, your incredibly supportive and kind personality, and your endless passion for this show and all that goes into making it, as well as our shared love & enthusiasm for noah schnapp 😅 every time i think you've made the most brilliant observation or put out the most beautiful set, you go and top yourself by finding something new or making an even prettier gifset. if i had to pick one person whose contributions to the fandom enriched my experience of this show? more than anyone, it would be you!! and i could go on and wax poetic about your talent forever (as i have on many, many occasions bc you deserve it 🥰), but i'm gonna end it here by saying that you are a gift to this fandom and one of my absolute favorite people on here, and that i'm beyond grateful to know you.
@mikeandwillel sandy!!!! you are so so smart and your analysis is absolutely incredible. i look forward to each and every one of your analyses because you always find the most clever parallels and your deep dives into each of these characters' arcs are always written with so much care and skill. and of course, i forever have you to thank for writing The ultimate masterpiece (your s4 painting arc analysis) that finally convinced me of byler endgame and thus made my fandom experience so much more relaxing and fun. i also really love & how much you love mike for all that he is -- i feel like it's a little rare in this fandom, so seeing how much you adore his true character and how you Understand him better than anyone else i've ever met makes me really happy. and not to mention, i have no idea how you managed to get so good at gifmaking in such a short amount of time but all your sets are so beautiful!! you're a gem fr 💖
@babygirl-jonathanbyers abbyyyyyy hello!! do you know how much i love seeing you on my dash? i love your pure, unapologetic love for jonathan, jancy, and the byers brothers and it really makes my whole day when i see a post from you appreciating those characters/ships. your moodboards are also So pretty and your presence on my dash is so positive and welcoming. i hope you're doing well on your hiatus rn and i can't wait to see you back on here again 🫂
@elmaxed lumiiiii hi!!!! when i think of you, honestly, the very first word that comes to mind is creative, because you bring so much to this fandom and i'm so grateful for it. i'm obsessed with everything you write because your fics are so lively and fun and make me smile uncontrollably every time i read them, all your headcanons are brilliant and adorable, your moodboards are gorgeous and not to mention, your themes are always so beautiful!! you're just...such a ray of sunshine on my dash and i'm so happy to have followed you 🥰
@mlchaelwheeler sarahhhhh my favorite stonathan pioneer and one of my first mutuals in this fandom!! i think you already know this but your analyses were a huge part of what got me into the byler fandom in the first place and i have never looked back, so thank you for that!! i Love love love ur theories (especially the s5 spec stuff) and i love seeing u in my notifs and reading your lovely and enthusiastic tags on everything you reblog and i love your love for st's OST!! you're a really smart, sweet, and positive person with the best opinions and i am forever rooting for mike to get a sword in s5 just for you 🙏🏼
@bylrndgm dearest elz you have no idea how happy your blog makes me 🥹 you're one of the most talented gifmakers i've ever met, and i always find myself smiling so much whenever i see you've posted something new (especially your byler x TS edits 🥰) because they're always so beautiful!! i've also always felt like your blog and everything you've posted is one of the purest and most expressions of love for mike and will....it's so clear that you love them So much and your blog makes me so happy to be part of this community. you've also always been so sweet to me throughout my entire time in this fandom and you're one of the people that has made me feel most welcome here. also since i never ended up responding to your DM i wanted to say that whatever path you choose, i'm sure that you're going to crush it and i am rooting for your success always 💖
@madcleradin sierra madcleradin byhops finalgirlbyers willcoded!! ok i promise i don't mean this in a weird parasocial way but i kind of admired you from a distance for a while even before we were mutuals just because every single one of your posts that ended up on my dash had me nodding my head and tapping my brain in agreement and clapping for u like this 👏🏼 all of your takes are top tier and i love how passionate you are about everything you talk about!! you're def one of the sweetest, friendliest, and coolest people on byler tumblr and following u has been such a gift ❣
@byclairs hello emily!! your gifs are absolutely stunning and i love following you because i Know i can always count on you to have the most based takes, both on stranger things (especially ur will takes - those keep me sane fr) and on fandom as a whole. also just wanna say that you have the best taste in ships and that you've got a 10/10 banger of a url that always has me mentally giving you a thumbs up whenever i see you on the dash ❤️
@heroesbyler stav!! you're one of the most brilliant analysts on this site and i'm so in awe of all of the incredible theories and analyses you've posted!! i'm obsessed w all of your banger gay mike posts & i'm also both fascinated and disturbed by all of the dots you've connected regarding brenner, henry, & the lab. your posts are so insightful and compelling and you've made me think about so many things that i never would've noticed on first glance. i also love that you're both unflinchingly confident but also insanely kind - a rarity in most fandoms, especially this one, and i love that energy on my dash. i'm very proud to be your grandma (your words not mine -- no i will not let you forget about that 🙏🏼)
@mandycantdecide hiiiii amanda!! i love your blog so much, and even though we don't share all of the same fandoms i love seeing your posts about everything you're interested in because i can always feel your energy and enthusiasm for it no matter what :) in fact, it was actually your posts that made me want to get back into 911, and you have no idea how grateful i am to you for that because being in that fandom is the most fun i've had in a really long time. so thank you, thank you thank you for that, and for generally being so sweet 💕
@howtobecomeadragon ayla!! hello!! i know we don't know each other super well but i Really wanted to let you know how much i appreciate your posts and all of your contributions to this fandom. you were one of my first favorite blogs when i first joined in august and you have no idea how thrilled i was when you followed me back haha 😅 i looooove your theory posts so much and i think your fics are fantastic (and i am Eagerly awaiting the end of come back to me and forgive everything so i can read it). you're also super sweet and kind to everyone around you, and i love seeing you on my dash 💞
@mrperfectlyfinetv hi jake!! as my designated Swiftie Mutual i feel like i should let you know that i don't usually follow taylor swift blogs bc swifties are scary but your gifs are so gorgeous and your takes are so good that i just Had to break my rule and follow you anyway. i really enjoy reading all of your opinions on miss swift even if you are a rep hater asdkjendfcskjflejrf and i adore all of your pretty ST and taylor swift gifsets!! i also love how much you love speak now and you've definitely made me go back and give it a few more listens so that i can appreciate it more & at this point i'm begging taylor to release speak now tv soon just for you 🫶
@magentamee - hi bre :) your art style is absolutely delicious and your writing is so cute and i've always noticed how committed you are to uplifting everyone around you in this fandom. also this is random but your friendship with amanda and @/likegoldintheair is so cute and whenever you guys post about each other i always find myself smiling at how sweet your interactions are. you’re just a person who always brings a smile to my face when i see you on the dash and i want to thank you for that 💗
@paintingformike hi!! i've said this before but i really do think you've always been The strongest soldier in the byler fandom (like, ngl your posts were Carrying byler tumblr for a while there while everyone was still in their debating-over-s5-canon phase). you've always been so levelheaded and astute with your observations, and i've always admired and respected how your posts make it seem so simple and So clear how all of the overarching themes of the show are leading to byler endgame. you've got an incredible way with words and i'm so glad to have you in our fandom 💞
and now for the creatives in this fandom - some incredible gifmakers whose beautiful sets have been the highlight of my dash, some wonderful writers who have ripped my heart out over and over again only to stitch it back together seamlessly just one paragraph later, and brilliant fan artists who are able to capture so much and make me feel the entire spectrum of human emotion with just a few brush strokes:
@sharpesjoy - em!! you're an absolute sweetheart and such a joy to see on my dash. all of your gifs are so gorgeous and so clearly infused with all of the love that you have for everything you watch and i've added several shows to my watchlist because your gifs have made me want to watch them so badly 💞
@heroeddiemunson - kai!! your creations are so beautiful and you have this unique gifmaking style that i'm totally obsessed with!! your colorings and typography are always so pretty and i Love how special and creative your sets are, especially the D&D character sheets. like.....i have no idea how u come up w all these incredible ideas but i'm so very glad u do bc my dash is better for it❣️
@kaliprasad - hi!! your blog is amazing and i'm so glad that i found it bc all your gifs are fantastic and i love them So much. i think your talent is insane tbh, that byers brothers set that you made for me a little while ago is still one of my favorite things i've seen on this whole site, and i love that you love them just as much as i do 🫂
@kingofscoops - no one, and i mean no one, does coloring like you!! all of your sets are so vibrant and bring so much life to my dash & i think the ST fandom is very lucky to have you ❤️
@aliecenthightower - emilia!! your gifs are stunning and i'm completely in love with your song lyric edits. they're all absolutely beautiful and i'm in awe of how perfect and emblematic the lyrics you choose are, like you just Get these characters, y'know?
@mayahawkins - MADDYYYYYYY you are So talented, and believe me when i say that your gifs have been the Biggest inspiration for my own gifmaking journey. all your sets are so pretty & i love everything you make - including your playlists which live rent free in my mind!! but as a reminder i also love following your blog for You and not just your gifs :) you're an incredibly sweet person and ur presence on my dash is utterly invaluable 💗
@padme-amidala - hi erika!! okay, calling you a gifmaker almost feels wrong because that word doesn't feel like enough to encompass how beautiful your work is...all ur ideas are So amazing and you have such a natural eye for color and detail!! it is so clear that you pour so much love into all of your creations, and if i'm being honest, one of the reasons why i am so grateful to be a byler shipper is so that i can appreciate your craft to the fullest. and you're also Such a genuinely kind person that i always look forward to seeing on the dash!! thank you for being so lovely!!
@wiseatom - hi thea!! your writing is the ultimate definition of comfort. when i read ur work, no matter what i'm doing physically, mentally i am in my cozy bed with the fireplace crackling in the corner, surrounded by twinkly lights and warm blankets, sipping hot cocoa bc that is the kind of emotion ur writing invokes ✨
@byeler - irene!! your fics were my introduction to the world of byler fics and i admire you and your writing so very much 💞 i don't know how it's possible for one person to have this much skill and talent, but you do, and i'm so grateful that you've chosen to share it with us. eagerly waiting on a new heavy hopes chapter was one of the highlights of my fandom experience and that fic is a piece of writing that i will always come back to over and over again 🫶
@astrobei - suni i have been reading fics for over a decade now and i have still never encountered a writer that does emotion quite like you do, devastating me with every single fic you put out. i promise i mean this in the best way possible but you're So damn good at capturing all of that heartbreak and pain and inflicting the same agony on your readers, and it would have killed me by now if not for the fact that you're equally good at writing the sweetest fluff that has me melting into a puddle whenever i read 🫂
@hopelessromanfic - lyssaaaa!!! i've been Such a huge fan of landslide ever since you started writing it - it's one of my all time favorite fics in the fandom and i'm obsessed with the storyline and your characterization in all of your fics 😍
@artistaquinterob - hi!! your art style is so ADORABLE and your use of color in your work is stunning and i just adore everything you draw, especially your will and el art and your jargyle art 🥹
@junkoandthediamonds - your character studies are beautiful and i'm obsessed with your byler comics, your gifs and your ST x DC crossovers!!! i love your realistic style so So much and if i worked for the duffers i would 1000000% hire you to draw the official comics because i can't get enough of your work 🥰
@livsmessydoodles - fun fact: last year, when HSMTMTS s3 was airing, i remember seeing your rina art throughout the season and immediately fell in love with your style and your interpretation of the characters, and the same exact thing happened when i saw your ST work, and it wasn't until you followed me that i put the pieces together and realized that you were the same person 😅 your style is So gorgeous and your art just makes me so happy, and trust me when i say that i am mentally wallpapering all of your work to the inside of my brain so i can look at it forever❣️
and of course, a very special shoutout to all of the people that i don't know too well but are still such a comfort to have on tumblr: @miwism @yearninginblue @kittykat940 @robinsnance @jesper-faheyss @bylersheart @usergabby @achingly-shy @wheelersboy @wontbyers @stbyers @will80sbyers @watpoetry @frodohaven 💝
+ to all my other mutuals: tumblr wouldn't let me link your profiles because of some ridiculous limit, but please know that i see all of you and i am hugging you through my screen rn. thank you!! 👍🏼
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murdrdocs · 2 years
how would mike be on ur bday… its my bday and people don’t write enough fics like this
firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMGGG. i’m honored that u came to me for this like srsly i’m blushing. also this has headcannons then a little ficlet at the end <3
i fully believe that mile wheeler is a sweetheart. don’t let what you saw in s4 and 3 fool you; mike is a sweetheart. he told me himself.
: ̗̀➛ months before your bday comes around, he’s working like insanely hard
: ̗̀➛ having to postpone your dates just so he could mow a few lawns, or pick up shifts
: ̗̀➛ he makes it up to you instantly though! taking you somewhere extra special just because he couldn’t make your weekly movie nights
: ̗̀➛ and as soon as your birthday comes around, you’re understanding why he kept blowing you off a few weeks ago
: ̗̀➛ he’s talked to your friends and family to see what you wanted for your birthday, and it definitely wasn’t cheap
: ̗̀➛ which explains why some of his old belongings kept disappearing
: ̗̀➛ even if you tell him that he “didn’t have to”, he’s not having it, forcing the gift into your hands and telling you that you can pay him back with a kiss
: ̗̀➛ and of course you do, sweet and soft and meaningful as you’re thanking him in between little pecks
: ̗̀➛ if you’re the party type, he’ll throw you a big one
: ̗̀➛ if you’re more of a hangout with friends type, he’ll make sure the other know
: ̗̀➛ literally whatever you want, he’ll try his hardest to execute
: ̗̀➛ except not baking ,,, he tried it once as a practice run and it went so horribly oh my god like disastrously
: ̗̀➛ mike is almost as happy as you on your bday tbh
you’re smiling, standing with max on your left and el on your right. your arms are wrapped around their waists, and theirs are around your upper back, over both of your shoulder blades.
mikes calling your name, even though you’re already looking at him. “smile!” he tells you.
“i already am!” mike shakes his head, curls moving as he does so.
“smile bigger.” you roll your eyes, not meaning it one bit, and do as he says, pulling your mouth wider to display practically all of your teeth. your eyes close with the movement.
beside you, el and max are giggling, and their giggles make you giggle.
behind your closed eyelids, you see a flash of light and you’re able to hear the camera in mikes hands clicking. you open your eyes when he’s bringing it down, you your eyes meet his. his are soft, gazing at you with so much emotion in them.
it makes your body heat up and you cast your gaze down, hand lifting from els waist to adjust the birthday hat that you wore on your head.
he raises the camera again and you resume your pose, a non-exaggerated smile on your face this time. just before mike can bring his finger down to the shutter button, there’s footsteps behind you and, throwing a glance over your shoulder, you’re greeted with lucas, will, and dustin, all smiling proudly.
“what, this isn’t fair!” mike says. “everyone gets a picture with the birthday girl but me.”
“take the picture, lover boy, and we’ll do one for you.”
without another complaint, mike quickly snaps the photo, stands from his squatting position and throws the camera to lucas as the others clear out.
mike wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you into his side, your hand finding his chest to keep you steady.
“smile,” lucas mocks, a mischievous glint in his eyes. you do so, another little laugh making it’s way through your smile.
“mike, you’re not smiling!”
you look over to mike, fully intending to chastise him for his hypocrisy. but your words get stuck in your throat when you find that he’s already looking at you, the tiniest hint of a smile on his lips while his eyes roam your face.
“look at the camera, not me.”
“the view here is much better, though.”
the others are groaning and yelling halfhearted insults at mike, claiming that he was insulting their extremely good looks.
you’re too flustered to do anything else other than turn back to the camera, lean your head on mike, and smile as big as you can.
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daylights03 · 2 years
I just realized the reason why I’m so attached to Byler, it’s because of how relatable I am to their relationship. It’s actually amazing that Will is so ME coded. Having crush that later developed to mad loving my close friend. And the only thing that held me back from confessing my feelings to her was because she’s also a girl like me.
Isn’t it familiar to you Will Byers, Mike Wheelers ??
And the fact that after all those confusing phases, I ended up knowing that she was also into girls and I still had a chance !!!
allow me to skip some parts cuz it’s kinda embarrassing ( ._.)
Long story short, I decided to confess to her expected nothing bcuz I literally didn’t have anything to lose. But God does exists, she also admitted that she had feelings for me for years too. It literally was like the best day of my life, like I was the happiest person in the world u-u
The thing is, I know the best what it feels to have your crush likes you back. Especially, when you always kept those special feelings to yourself for so long now. And it feels like it’s gonna jump out of your chest anytime. That’s why as the Will supporter myself, I want the best for him. I want him to feel like I feel when the person you care the most also put you as their first priority. He needs to know that he’s loved and deserves to love whoever he wants.
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pretty-emo-dad · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 511 times in 2022
101 posts created (20%)
410 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 440 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things - 287 posts
#mike wheeler - 198 posts
#byler - 144 posts
#will byers - 90 posts
#lucas sinclair - 58 posts
#el hopper - 53 posts
#max mayfield - 48 posts
#eleven hopper - 47 posts
#jane hopper - 43 posts
#dustin henderson - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#spurred on by my heart aching and wanting to cry inside everytime one of my friends say “i think i left my beanie at [other persons] house’
My Top Posts in 2022:
Thinking about everyone in the party just stealing Lucas’ clothes and everyone has their favorites. Like with Erica of course it’s just their laundry getting mixed or the first jacket she sees before getting the mail but she loves taking the expensive sunglasses he never wears out places with her bc it makes him mad. And then Max mixes up the matching stuff they bought all the time but also steals shirts she likes. Dustin wears Lucas’ bandannas and his hat from season one actually used to be Lucas’. Will hates the cold ever since the MF so Lucas will just give him hoodies and flannels that aren’t his style, Will loves the jacket with the fuzzy collar. El is a chronic shirt stealer with both Lucas and Will, and her favorite is the shirt she wore before the piggyback. Mike claims to hate sports (and he does) but has taken Lucas’ windbreaker hostage and wears his letterman every chance he gets
128 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
What I say: I’m fine
What I mean: Mike wheeler has been established as a caring,supportive, and protective friend from very early on in the story. The only time he ever has outburst of anger/moodiness are in times when he’s under emotional distress. The entirety of season 3 Mike is acting out towards Will. Its established that Mike often takes his anger out on other people (“what is wrong with you” to El in season 1, punching hopper in season 2) Most of these times he’s angry at himself for his own shortcomings, he’s projecting. The big Mike Wheeler argument of season three isn’t him breaking up with his girlfriend, it’s him and will’s fight, where he says “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls”. Why would Mike, a caring devoted friend, someone who’s seen Will be bullied and been bullied himself, say that to his closest friend. In this context the argument doesn’t make any sense, unless mike is projecting his internalized homophobia onto Will. In this essay I will-
203 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
Dustin being all “it’s so funny that you all have types” and everyone immediately being like “NO I DONT???”
And Dustin is just like “….Lucas, you like brooding people that have a special soft side, max and mike are mean as fuck but you still love them, and will is a quiet brooder but broody nonetheless”
“Eleven Hopper I love you so much but me and max are the biggest dorks around you, you like girls who’s brains go dumb at the sight of you. And I know Mike was your beard but him and max are literally the same person different font”
“Speaking of mike- El being your beard HAD to be projection because there’s no fucking way you found the nicest person in the party that WASNT Lucas or Will on accident. You did that shit subconsciously and you need to know it. Also will and Lucas are buff as shit”
“Will you like guys who are nice to and would die for you, but you can also bicker with like an old married couple. I think you knew this already tho, love u”
“Max ur literally dating Lucas and El, who cant be too close without me actually tearing up because they are so Nice. They’re also super protective and you act like you don’t like it but you do. I know this cuz we’re besties”
And everyone is just like stunned into silence
301 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
Wait actually I’m thinking about how if Will and mike are stuck in the upside down in s5 the lighting will be mainly blue for them… and this season the lighting was mainly yellow. Yellow means wills pov and blue means mikes are u picking up what I am putting down
355 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Elmike breaking up bc they’re both gay only to be in love v the opposite gender versions of each other is so
462 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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smoosnoom · 2 years
i think this daily compliment will be long :)
i want to start with the title, bc as a non-native i just learned what a “salubrious” is. thanks for enriching my vocabulary i guess.
so i highlighted a few phrases that i particularly liked:
“Contrary to popular belief, he doesn’t like crying” yeah... cause will isn’t crybaby, just something doesn’t allow him to live in peace and without tears.
“voice the bare skeleton of what it should be” ur analogies 🥺
“and the reminder of what he’s lost makes him cry just a little harder” oh will :( this boy already awakens my maternal instinct and it breaks my heart that he has a broken heart.
“He’s a mistake when he’s awake, a murderer in his sleep, and a monster in both” i was starting into the void for a couple of minutes when i first read this.
“The air is cool and tasteless” you so accurately conveyed the state after a panic attack, when you calmed down and begin to notice such small things like air temperature.
“Mike holds him like he isn’t revolted, isn’t disgusted by the mess that Will is” and he isn’t!! every time will thinks badly of himself a piece of my soul dies.
“Mike feels all-encompassing, bigger than life, with long limbs and a bold personality” once again: i love the way you write! for some reason i felt so happy and satisfied after i read this sentence.
“you know you’re my best friend” im too soft for a reminder that they are best friends above all. like i know everything about you and still love you.
““I care about you,” Mike repeats, like he’s trying to say something else” the way you don't make Mike say "I love you". he’s a teenager, and scared, and in love with his best friend. of course he’ll choose another word.
“Mike’s staring problem seems to be heightened, now, when he shamelessly looks at Will” as he should! will is too pretty to not look at him.
“and Will feels vulnerable and exposed, but he’s also tired, and – it’s Mike” you emphasize one more time that they’re best friends and know each other better than anyone else. and that's why i love them so much.
“He fists the hand on Mike’s chest, and tugs him closer by the shirt, and Mike meets him halfway” i love that even though will is scared he still does something, still pulls mike closer.
“Will doesn’t deserve this kind of care. Mike keeps kissing him like he does” he does :( my poor little insecure boy.
“Mike is warm all over” nothing special im just a firm believer that despite the fact that mike is made of bones and skin he always has warm hands.
i also liked how mike left kisses on will's face. it's always so tender and sensual and vulnerable.
one again ily, i love you, I LOVE YOU. idk how many times i could repeat it bc i genuinely love u and how u create this fluttery worm things in my stomach ♥️
(im so sorry for such a long comment)
phhggmy god . jesuss christ im having heart palpitations i need u Permanently expelled from the face of the earth i am using u as a garnish i am feeding u fish food ohh my god . I Love U
if it helps i Also just learned what salubrious means ! i am always trying to expand my vocab :D
EXACTLYLY u get me so well . will doesn't Like crying but his life is literally a shakespearian tragedy it ISNT HIS FAULTTT
my analogies . what if we smooched
anytime will byers comes onto the screen i feel like a mother Joyce Byers I Understand You
HEELKGP so sorry for sending u into some sort of crisis 😭
:D im so glad u think so !!! i try rly hard on those kinds of aspects, i did it in "asunder" as well with him trying to calm himself down !!!! imssoo happy u thought so !!!!
will byers Therapy arc when
!!!!! thank u so much what if i figuratively literally die
YEYEYS they were friends first !!! they have that stable foundation !!!!! it will always come first !!!!!! that's why they work so well !!!!!!!!!
that is so true and real mike wheeler is a little scared too and i think that's valid
SSOOO TRUE will byers i need to paint him immediately
friends to lovers my adored <3
i think that's their whole dynamic u know Like . even tho they're both scares they still care abt each other and want each other close . despite the fear . Yeah
will byers Therapy arc Part Two
!!!!! and with will's aversion to the cold !!!!! mike warming him up !!!!!! daily anon u get me like no one else
YAYAYYYYY im so happy u liked the kisses i hoped it wasn't cringe or fail or loserish or Yikes !!!!! thankuuu so much
i Love u actually . i am taking u off to greece and we r sharing a bowl of strawberries . thank u always for being so so kind to me, u cheer me up endlessly !!! thank u !!!!!! 🫂🫂
0 notes
wheneveryourereddie · 6 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Inspired by this edit 
Read on AO3 
Summary: Richie and Mike are twins but couldn’t be anymore opposite. Even though Mike is happy with his relationship with Jane (Eleven), he can’t get his brother’s boyfriend out of his head.
Warning: There is this thing called ANGST near the end, so yeah, there’s that.
A/n: I’M STILL A REDDIE SHIPPER! PLUS MILEVEN IS ALL THE FUCKING WAY! I just saw this edit from instagram and I thought it was a cool idea, besides all the angst.
Richie and Mike maybe identical twins, but they couldn’t be anymore opposite then each other. Richie would always be coming up with the most ridiculous ideas while Mike would be needing to calm him down somehow. Even the way they dressed was different! Richie always had his glasses and Hawaiian shirts and ripped jeans. Mike could just be easily found wearing his navy blue hoodie or a decorated sweater and normal jeans. The two do love each other, they just don’t show it much.
“Did you do the homework?” Dustin hoped, pulling out his notebook.
“Yeah, it’s due next lesson,” Will nodded.
“Shit!” Dustin curse as he messily scribbled down something.
“You do this every time with English!” Lucas exclaimed.
Dustin groaned, “I’m sorry, but since when do I need to know Shakespeare’s work on Romeo and Juliet in my life!?”
“Right now would be a great time!” Max groaned.
“What does he do?” Jane asked confused.
“Leave his homework to the last minute as some sort of statement,” Lucas tried to explain.
“Jesus Christ!” Dustin sighed, “Mike, back me up here!”
Mike wasn’t listening to their stupid argument. His mind was far away from what was going on in front of him. Instead, Mike was watching something completely different. His attention was drawn towards his twin brother, Richie and his little boyfriend.
Of course, Richie had once again somehow injured himself. Only god knows how he did it, but there he was with Eddie. The two were sitting on the staircase of the school halls while others past by them. Richie was going on about something he probably saw while Eddie would make a comment here and there.
“Mike? Earth to Mike Wheeler?”
The last bandage went on and Eddie let out a sigh of relief. Richie smiled as he laced his fingers within Eddie’s little fingers. A small smile formed on Eddie’s lips, leaning his head onto his boyfriend’s shoulder. Mike saw his brother say something stupid, earning a disgusted face from the smaller figure. Laughter erupted from Richie as Eddie chuckled along with him.
“Jesus fucking Christ! Mike!”
It didn’t take long for Richie to soon start placing kisses on the side of Eddie’s face. That’s where Mike ruled the line. His eyes darted way from the happy couple. His gut was getting all twisted and jumbled up from what he saw. Mike clenched his jaw as he tried to forget the memory.
He had no idea why the hell he’s been feeling like this for a while. The Wheelers have known the Kaspbraks since kindergarten, they were cabin buddies in the 4th grade! It was just that Richie ended up being the gay, well bi, one of the family. With that, he found out the guy he liked was gay and thought fuck it. Mike knew Eddie was gay, and into guys like Richie for some reason. Hell, Mike wasn’t anywhere near gay, let alone bi like Richie! So then why the living fuck can’t he get Eddie out of his damn mind!
“What!?” He finally gave them the attention.
“Lucas is yelling at me for not doing my English homework, but in reality I won’t be needing it in the future!” Dustin tried to catch him up. “Now! Could you please explain to Lucas that there is no reason to study it.”
“You guys are freakin’ children,” Mike rolled his eyes.
“No we’re not!”
“We’re all children, you idiot,” Max corrected them. “We’re still under the age of 18.”
Dustin shook his head in annoyance, “You guys are fucking useless,” stuffing his notebook back into his backpack.
Will looked around, trying to find a clock, but stumble upon something almost illegal, “oh god.”
“What?” Max asked, looking in the same direction. “Is your brother trying to swallow him?”
Mike looked over, only to regret it later in advance. Richie’s arms were wrapped around the smaller figure as he pulled Eddie closer to him. Eddie had both hands on Richie’s face, trying to steady the hormonal boy. Meanwhile, both the boys looked like they were trying to eat each other until one is gone. Mike really wanted to stop the two, he really did, but he knew once he goes over he’ll never hear the end of it.
“Just ignore them,” Jane pulled Mike away.
Lucas, “yeah guys, just ignore them.”
“How about as revenge, dress up as Richie and try to make out Eddie,” Dustin thought.
“And this is why I come up with the ideas,” Lucas sighed.
“Even if I could, or wanted to,” he won’t lie, Mike did want to, just to see what it was like, “Richie tried dressing up as me for halloween, thought I was so emo it would be scary.”
“Did it work?” Will asked.
“He burnt himself with Nancy’s straightener and couldn’t even leave the house without bumping
into something.”
“Probably because a bat can see God compared to Richie!”
The party all nodded and tried to ignore the two. It was like a gift from the Lord when the bell rang. The group disbanded to the classes they had next. Mike, being the gentleman he is, he walked alongside Jane to her next class.
“Are you alright?”
“What?” Mike asked, confused.
“When Lucas and Dustin were arguing, you kept on looking at Eddie and Richie,” Jane explained. “You didn’t look happy.”
“I was just grossed out by them,” Mike shrugged off. “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Jane asked, a little more hopeful this time.
Mike gave his girlfriend a warning smile, “trust me, I’m alright.”
Jane returned the smiled, then gave him a quick peck before skipping off to her next class. Mike smiled and continued his journey to his own class. That’s when it clicked. Oh shit, Eddie was in his next class.
“Why is Richie’s t-twin staring at you?” Bill asked, looking behind them.
“I don’t know,” Eddie looked behind him.
Oh god, Mike was full on staring at him. It took Mike a few seconds to realise Eddie made eye contact with him. He shuffled in his chair then starting paying attention to the lector. Eddie rolled his eyes as he pull his phone out.
“Wh-wah-what are you doing?” Bill asked.
“Texting him,” Eddie laid his phone out flat on the table, “cover me.”
Edd K: u need 2 stop starin
Mike’n Ikes: i wasnt starin!
Edd K: bullshit! u left scars on my head!
“What’s he saying?” Bill asked.
“Nothin’ yet,” Eddie sighed.
Edd k: why u starin’ anyways?
Mike’n Ikes: ur big head iz in da way
“Mr. Kaspbrak!” The teacher erupted, making poor little Eddie jump. Her heels clicked against the titles as she strutted forward towards the boys. Her hands were glued to her hips, “texting in my class?”
“I was texting him!” Mike stood up.
The teacher turned around, her stand becoming more strong, “and why would that be?” Mike hesitated, he couldn’t think of a lie right on the spot. “Well Mr.Wheeler?”
There was nothing but complete silence within the air. It would’ve possible to hear a pin drop.
“Still nothing?”
“No, ms.”
“Then how about continuing your conversation in the principal's office?”
“What?” Mike questioned. “Ms, come on!”
“Now!” Then turned back to Eddie, “You too Eddie.”
All Eddie did was groan and flung his backpack over his shoulder. Mike did the same thing and followed Eddie down the hall.
The two boys sat in complete silence, probably planning on how to kill each other. Mike had his backpack by his feet and his hands in his jacket. Eddie had one leg over the other, twiddling his thumbs in stress. Fumes were leaving Eddie’s ears in smoke.
“My mom’s gonna kill me!” Eddie sighed, running a hand through his comb hair.
“Sucks to be you then!” Mike groaned.
“This is your fault!”
“No, it’s not!”
“If you just paid attention, none of this would’ve happened!” Eddie started.
“I told you! Your giant head was in the fucking way!”
“We were on completely different sides of the class!”
“You’re annoying!”
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up Einstein!”
The door opened as a student left the room. It wasn’t surprising that it was Richie himself leaving the principal's office. What was surprising was finding his boyfriend and his brother there though.
“Wait there for a few minutes boys,” the administration instructed, then closed the door.
A smirk grew on Richie, “oh my holy shit!” His smile grew bigger. “What did my little bro and little spaghetti do?”
It was almost like on command, the two said together, “he did it.”
“Woah,” Richie chuckled. “You gotta explain at lunch!”
“I will,” Eddie sighed. “I’ll see you later.”
“See ya,” Richie pecked his cheek, then turned to his brother, “you’re fucked.”
“Piss off,” Mike hissed.
“Whatever you say, little bro,” he smirked, then walked off.
“You’re only older by 8 seconds!”
“He hasn’t been acting up!”
“Richie! He has!” Eddie tried to get his message across. “He’s been staring at me a lot more the usual, tries to start conversations with me, more touchy-,”
“Touchy!?” Richie stood up properly against the lockers. “How touchy? Touchy as in hand holding, or as in wants to have a taste of your special sauce?”
“I’m only asking Eds!” Richie defended for himself. “I’ll talk to him.”
“A, stop call me that & B, I better do it,” Eddie groaned.
“You sure? Cause I’ve been told we look almost like clones?” Richie was going on. “You could mistake him for me, and then that could lead to you being on your hands and knees like the other night!”
“Richie! I’ve known the both of you for god knows how long!” Eddie tried to calm him down. “I’ve got it.”
“Ah, Fine!” Richie slouched against the lockers. “I guess I won’t be your knight in shining armour!”
“You aren’t even a Knight!” Stan walked up to the couple, along with Bill and Beverly. “Let alone one in shining armour.”
“Wow, thanks, Stan!” Richie pulled a fake smile, the flipped him off.
“What did the p-principal say?” Bill asked.
“Principal?” Bev asked. “What happened Eddie?”
“Richie’s brother, that’s what happened.”
“Don’t worry Little Eds!” Richie smiled. “I’ve already got my revenge plan.”
“I said I was gonna talk to him.”
He knew where to go. This place was special to them, the three of them. Now it was different. They grew up and moved on to other things. Yet, whenever one of them is asked to meet here, then it defiantly serious.
This was those times.
Eddie waited for him there. His hands were constantly shaking in fear. The tension was already high in the thick air. He couldn’t wait anymore, where the hell was he?
The sound of gravel being pushed around startled him. Footsteps got louder the closer they came to Eddie. A tall figure took his seat next to Eddie on the log. The two did not make any eye connection whatsoever. Now it was time.
“I called you every night.”
“Yeah, I saw.”
“And did nothing!?” Mike asked, almost sounding heartbroken.
“What was I supposed to do?” Eddie finally looked over to Mike. “It was one stupid kiss, Mike!” Eddie stood up. “We were forced to kiss, remember?”
“Yes!” Mike stood up too. “Very clearly!”
“But that was months ago,” Eddie’s voice was more gentle now. “Mike. Ever since that damn party you’ve been acting differently towards me.”
“I know,” Mike sighed his bottom lip quivering, “and I fucking hate it.”
“If you continue this, Jane’s gonna find out,” Eddie tried to convince him.
Mike licked his lips, “she did this morning.”
“What did she asked?”
“That I was alright,” Mike hesitated, “because I saw you and Richie together, on the stairs.”
Eddie remembered that, oh so very clear. He just didn’t consider who was watching. He and Richie were too caught up in the moment to even care if a teacher had seen them. If only he was cautious a few hours ago.
“Mike,” his voice was soft but broken, “What I need right now is an explanation, not a full one, but at least an idea on what the hell is going on with you!”
“You wanna know!?” Mike cracked. “I wish I knew too!” Eddie was taken by his sudden outburst. “I wanna know why you’re always on my mind! I wanna know why it hurts so much me seeing you and Richie together! I wanna know why I want Richie to hurt you so I could be there for you! THE LIST GOES ON EDWARD KASPBRAK!” Mike had grown sick of this pain, now he was letting go of it. Tears started to drip down his cheeks and onto the gravel. “I wanna know why I’ve felt like this since that damn night.”
Eddie pressed his lips together as he swiped his tears away with his sleeve, “so what? Are you gay now or something ?”
Mike huffed, “I don’t know if this makes me gay, or bi or whatever the hell people want to identify them with these days.” Mike stepped closer to Eddie, the air getting thicker. “All I know is that, whatever these feelings are, there for you.”
“Mike,” Eddie sighed as he tried to hide more of the tears, “you know I can’t accept this, even if I wasn’t dating Richie or if I just wanted to.”
“I know,” Mike let out another tear. “I can’t force you to.”
“I love Richie, you’re twin.”
“That’s the only thing we have in common, besides our looks,” Mike chuckle. “We both love you.”
Another tear left Eddie’s sore eyes, “I really am sorry, Mike.”
Mike nodded, “it’s okay.”
“Goodbye, Mike.”
“Goodbye, Eddie.”
Then like that, he was gone.
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