#mike zacharias reader
smutbutoutofnowhere · 1 month
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shoutout to all my fellow smut enjoyers
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jojomheffer · 5 months
Yo I got fucked so good today that my pussy was all swollen, and I just could imagine the fact that these characters would absolutely fuck like animals until they saw your cunt swollen and sore, just like my man did.
TOJI FUSHIGURO, Gojo Satoru, Choso. ERWIN SMITH, MIKE ZACHARIAS, Onyankopon, Jean Kristein. WRIOTHESLEY, Childe (full legacy form), Ayato Kamisato. AKI HAYAKAWA.
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salv12dexter · 2 months
Y'all need start tagging y'all fanfics correctly. I don't want to read y'all sucking dick. Y'all be doing that on purpose.
You giving head while they used to chop off yours.
It's not feminist if you're attacking women for being uncomfortable with something. Fiction or not.
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m-jelly · 2 months
can I have some random headcanon of the vets and reader please 🥺
thank you jelly 😊😘❤️
I'm not sure what HC's you wanted? So I just went with basic stuff of being in a relationship with them because there are all kinds of HCs.
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@ladycheesington Thank you for the banner and helping me with the HCs
Reader x vets HCs
Time takes to ask you out: 3 weeks
First date: Cafe
First kiss: After the second date, a bit shy but then becomes passionate due to his built up strong feelings.
First gift: Flowers and tea
First time together: After two months as a couple, he'll be a bit nervous and he'll keep asking you if everything is okay and he'll go at your pace. It's very passionate and sweet with a lot of feelings.
Favourite date: Being at home with you, making your lunch or dinner with a movie or TV show. Sometimes a nice sit in the garden during good weather.
Jealousy level: 6/10 - more possessive than jealous. Trust you but not other people.
Sex drive: Increases the longer you are together and he has learned a lot about you and your body. His drive grows with his feelings for you. Explores more as you become more comfortable with each other. He does enjoy exploring and will try many things.
Contact time: Likes a lot of contact, loves hugs and kisses behind closed doors. Needs to have some sort of contact with you even if it is a slight touch. Loves to spoon as much as possible. Not very keen on PDA but will hold your hand or put his hand on your thigh under the table.
At home: he’s very domestic and likes to do chores together. He enjoys working together as a team and showing you the joys of cleaning and the cleaning tech. Cooking together is always fun for him.
Time takes to ask you out: Few days
First date: Italian restaurant
First kiss: On the second date he would ask you, very light and sweet
First gift: Flowers and a book
First time together: One month as a couple. Rather confident and makes sure it is loving and passionate
Favourite date: At a history museum or restaurant
Jealousy level: 3/10 He’s secure, knows he’s a good partner, and he doesn’t get easily jealous. If someone bothers you he will step in.
Sex drive: Bit more vanilla, but has a very good medium to high sex drive. Does enjoy being a dom.
Contact time: Likes being in the same room as you and just reading a book. He loves your company and presence. he doesn't need constant contact. Happy with PDA, will kiss you and hold you in public. Likes to spoon and enjoys kisses.
At home: Likes to work together with the house. Tends to take the lead a lot though, he mostly is in charge of a lot so if you want more responsibilities you will need to talk to him.
Time takes to ask you out: As soon as he realises he likes you. He will ask you out the very moment.
First date: Arcade or outdoor adventure
First kiss: On the first date
First gift: Perfume
First time together: Month and a half of being a couple. He's very careful and gentle as he is a big guy, so it'll be a slow process of you getting used to him.
Favourite date: Camping or gaming day
Jealousy level: 1/10 Rather confident in himself and finds it amusing if someone tries something with you because he knows they have no chance.
Sex drive: When you are comfortable and okay with the size difference, he'll have a high-ish drive and does a lot to pleasure you.
Contact time: Loves to spoon a lot. Really loves holding you for as long as possible. Likes to nap together too, he's like a cuddly wolf. Very okay with PDA. Likes to pick you up a lot and carry you around. Enjoys nuzzling because you smell incredible. Very passionate kisser.
At home: Does all the cooking, he really loves food so he will always make the food. He is rather good with keeping up with bills and tends to get on with things, but he keeps you in the loop and will work with you as a joint thing on everything else.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously @mari-zs
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levithestripper · 6 months
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how the members of the survey corp and marley warriors would train with you
warnings: gender-neutral reader
included characters: eren yeager, armin arlert, mikasa ackerman, jean kirstein, marco bodt, connie springer, sasha braus, reiner braun, bertolt hoover, annie leonhart, porco galliard, levi ackerman, erwin smith, and mike zacharias.
length: 1.5k || read on ao3 || join my taglist
a/n: hi y'all. i never thought i'd be writing for attack on titan again, but here we are lmao. i've been rewatching the series from the beginning, and this is the result of that. anyways, some are more 'x reader' than others, but i hope y'all enjoy it!
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— Eren Yeager
When you ask Eren to help you train, this boy gets so smug you can practically see his ego grow three sizes larger. You know you’re probably better off asking someone else who’s better, but you know Eren appreciates it when you go to him. He likes to show off and impress you, so you get more of a show than actual training assistance. Still, you appreciate the effort Eren puts into trying to help you out. Eren falls on his ass more than he likes to admit, making you hide your laughter behind your hand. 
— Armin Arlert
Asking Armin to train with you surprises Armin more than anything. Him? You want to train with him?! He immediately rejects your offer, saying he can’t possibly help you with anything that isn’t tutoring. However, you insist upon it, assuring him that you want his help and prefer it over others. The training you guys do isn’t intense; instead, it focuses on the areas you said you needed to improve. Armin always pulls his punches, never wanting to seriously harm you. But if you insist upon it, he will come at you in full force, just not very happily. Afterward, Armin apologizes profusely for possibly hurting you, and you reassure him you’re fine. Expect a flurry of hugs from him and a part of his supper rations, but he denies knowing anything about where your extra food came from. 
— Mikasa Ackerman
Mikasa isn’t keen on helping you, viewing you as something that will only slow her down from achieving her goal of being as strong as she can be to protect Eren. It takes you a few minutes to convince her that you won’t get in the way or be a burden, simply wanting to shadow her, spar with her, and pick up any techniques that make her such a good fighter for yourself. Realizing you didn’t want her to teach you, Mikasa accepts your request, warning you that she doesn’t go easy or pull her punches. It’s safe to say that you hurt all over come supper time, wincing from the hard wooden benches in the mess hall. 
— Jean Kirstein
Similar to Eren, Jean is cocky as hell when you come to him for training help. He doesn’t stop until you threaten to ask Eren instead, which makes him shut up and behave. Jean’s a decent spar partner, so you’re in good hands with him. You’re decently matched against him, winning about half of the rounds and losing the other half by only a second or two. He’s better at the knife-disarming move than you are, though, which he teases you for.
— Marco Bodt
Marco is flattered that you picked him out of everyone else. Being the definition of an average fighter, Marco didn’t think there was anything he could help you with, but he’s ecstatic to spar with you regardless. After all, it’s time Marco gets to spend with you. And if you think he’ll go easy on you because you’re his partner, you’re sorely mistaken. Marco loves you and wants you to be as prepared for the world as possible, seeing no benefit in pulling punches. But that’s not to say he’ll beat you up, obviously. After all, this is only an exercise, so you’re relatively unharmed, ignoring the scattered bruising. 
— Connie Springer
Connie is more than eager to train with you, joking around and laughing the entire time. He knows he should take it more seriously, but Connie can’t help having fun with you instead, completely ignoring the current exercise. He’ll hide behind you and tap your shoulder, waiting for you to turn around before ducking just out of your view. When you finally catch him, you’re dizzy and out of breath from laughing so hard. Your efforts are rewarded with a peppering of kisses all over your face <3
— Sasha Braus
Like Connie, Sasha is just as obnoxious during training but takes it a bit more seriously than he does. If you are serious about training, she’ll do her best to take it seriously with you. She’s not immune to Connie making faces at her from across the field, and frankly—you aren’t either. Typically, if you’re sparing with Sasha, you’ll end up with Connie, too. 
— Reiner Braun
Training with Reiner is like training with your long-lost twin. You read one other perfectly, evading and blocking each other’s swings like it’s nothing. You duck underneath his outstretched arm to kick him in the back of his knee, but Reiner is two steps ahead, spinning on his heel to knock your feet out from under you. He expects you to yield, but you don’t give up that easily. Sneaking between his spread legs to pop up from behind, it was your turn to knock him unsteady, twisting his arm behind his back and disarming him of the prop knife he wielded. It goes on like that until the quittin’ bell rings, except the roles reversed themselves every few rounds. 
— Bertolt Hoover
Bertolt is still such a sweetheart, even when he’s trying to pin you to the ground. He wants to win, but that doesn’t make his timidness disappear. You win more often than not, but you let him get the better of you sometimes. Watching a blush spread across his face and neck is worth letting him win. His blush worsens when you point it out, too. Still, he likes sparing with you, regardless of how well he does or not. 
— Annie Leonheart
Training with Annie is very similar to training with Mikasa. It’s not that Annie believes you’ll hinder her progress; it’s because she’s simply not good with people. Annie knows you can hold your own against tough opponents; she’s seen you go against people like Reiner and Eren and win. The best way to put it is that she feels awkward, not knowing how to help you or what she should say. You’re the only one able to render Annie speechless, a talent that immediately raises you above the rest in her eyes. 
— Porco Galliard
If you want to spar with Porco, you better be prepared to have your ass beat into next week. He’s out to prove he’s the best, and not even you can get in his way. He’s stubborn and afflicted with tunnel vision, blinding him from remembering how talented you are at it, too. Porco’s favorite move is pinning you on your stomach, twisting your wrist until you forfeit your prop weapon of choice. He’s stupidly cocky about it, too, straddling your hips and spouting snark while your face is shoved in the dirt. You may be talented at that day’s exercise, but somehow, Porco always has the upper hand, no doubt due to his Shifter abilities giving him heightened agility and reflexes. He’s always stupidly proud of himself afterward, bragging to his friends about how many times he’d pinned you. It earns him a sharp flick on his forehead from you.
— Levi Ackerman
You must be a glutton for punishment if you seek out Levi as a sparing partner. His version of training isn’t just sparring, oh no, no. First, he has you running laps around the courtyard for at least thirty minutes. And if he catches you jogging, he adds another ten minutes. You wanted the best, so you’ll have to endure everything he throws at you to get it. Next is calisthenics. Push-ups, thirty-second planks, burpees, sit-ups, dips, and wall sits are the bane of your existence for the next hour and a half. By now, your entire body aches, and your legs are shaky and exhausted. Levi gives you a break, allowing you to drink nearly your weight in water and grab a quick snack before his torture resumes. He gives you enough time to ensure you don’t vomit, but finally, it’s time for sparring once you’ve finished your snack break. Once he deems training to be done for the day, you ask him why he put you through such an intense workout just to spar. Levi’s reasoning? If your body was tired, you’d fight better. If you’re exhausted, you’ll seek out more ways to end the fight quicker and discover new techniques as you go. If you get frustrated enough after losing to him so many times, combined with your body’s exhaustion, you’d eventually find a hole in Levi’s attack and utilize it. 
— Erwin Smith
Training with Erwin isn’t much different than training on your own. He acts professionally throughout the exercise, seeing it as nothing to take lightly. Erwin doesn’t go easy on you, but he does pull his punches, not eager to send you to the infirmary just because of sparring practice.
— Mike Zacharias
Believe it or not, Mike is like a combination of Levi and Connie. Training with him will last hours, but he’s having fun with you while he does it. Mike is quick on his feet, darting this way and that, always out of reach. It’s almost like a dance you’re engaged in. Every time you miss, he’ll pop a teasing joke as if he’s goading you into catching him. When you think you’ve cornered him, Mike’ll knock your legs out from underneath you, claiming the win for himself. He’ll help you back up and reset the round, giving the prop weapon to you this time.
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taglist: @myglitteringstardust, @alicchis-badonkadonks (sorry if this isn't you, it's the only blog that popped up when i typed in the user from my taglist form), @nxuvillette, @killeva, @aestosia, @aangzeo, and @fantasy-and-love.
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zoozvie · 1 month
Imagine: When your fellow officers and commander find out your secret
Erwin Smith, Hange Zoë, Miche Zacharias, and Levi Ackerman
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Levi is the first to knock on your office door, disrupting your solitude for the evening and you get up to let him in. Thankfully he’s a quiet shadow, without any energy to even complain about his trip to the inner wall. He makes a pot of tea quickly and slumps over in a chair pulled next to your desk as you work. A habit you fell into on the slower nights at HQ. He only spoke to question why your window was cracked open this time of day, and you informed him the late nights you’ve been pulling since everyone was away made the room stuffy.
Hange is next, you can tell by the ‘thunk’ of a body that runs into your door before they ask if you were there. You answer that it’s unlocked, and they let themselves in while chattering about the survey corps representative meeting everyone just came back from. Levi grumbles that he’d like a moment of peace without thinking about the inner wall pricks they had to entertain for hours, and Hange takes post on the corner of your desk that’s unoccupied. 
Erwin poked his head into your cracked open door a little after the first two joined, greeting everyone in the professional way he did before declaring how perfect it was to catch us in one place before anyone headed back to their quarters. He wanted to discuss technicalities on the paperwork that was distributed and to get everyone’s signatures. You agreed, although a little disheartened, to conduct one final meeting before putting an end to your night. Although there was one signature missing that Levi offered to fetch the owner of so he didn’t have to listen to ‘more political horse-shit’. You and Erwin exchanged pleasantries as he sat on one side of the sofa, to catch up on the weeks you weren’t able to converse properly over the leftover tea.
Levi finally came back with Miche in tow, already having informed him of the ‘party’ you were all having in your office, and sat back into his claimed seat. Miche greeted you warmly but didn’t move to sit on the sofa with Erwin, perhaps trying to make the meeting finish quickly.
Erwin began addressing the paperwork you all had but fell silent as a loud sniff pierced through his speech. Everyone looked at Miche expectantly, and he sniffed once, twice more. Turning his head about the room with a perplexed expression before looking back at you with a quirked eyebrow. You held your composure with your back straight and interlocking fingers on your desk. Maintaining the perfect image of professionalism, you stared right back at him. The other three’s heads swived comically between you two before pinning to the side of the room where your broom closet’s door was shut. A quiet rustling and scratching at the wood door had their attention, the tension between you and Miche stifling. You cleared your throat to defend your dignity–
When a soft ‘meow’ echoed inside the closet, your posture slumped over in defeat. Hange slowly walked over and cracked the door open before exclaiming as two, no, three, four young cats sprang out from their captivity, bobbing between everyone's legs before hopping up to your windowsill and jumping out. A younger black and white cat straggled behind to cheekily rub his body against Levi’s foot before joining the others.
The damage was done, most of your expression hidden behind your hands as you sheepishly smiled at the commander. Everyone thankfully had some level of amusement in your antics beside Levi, who reached over to pick a long strand of fur from your coat sleeve to tease you. You made a face at him. You’ve been alone at HQ for a while, no harm in keeping new company.
They just won’t find out you’ve named some after each of them. Little Levi may have gotten close to knowing his namesake but you’ll make sure at least that secret is kept hidden. For your own peace of mind.
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urbandeity · 3 months
Erwin would say "Kneel," and before his lips would even close you'd be on your knees, hands politely on your thighs, eyes on him.
Levi would say "Kneel," and you'd quite proudly respond with, "You first," and that'd rightfully earn you his heel stabbing into the crook of your knee and forcing you to the ground, where you're pinned in place by his foot on your calf and his hand in your hair. He'll be quick about wiping that smirk off your face.
Miche would be disinterested. Putting any notion of kneeling aside, he'd just sweep you up in his arms and hold you close against his chest, finding it much easier to kiss you like this than if you had been on the floor.
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wing-ed-thing · 11 months
Miche Zacharius Relationship Headcanons
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𓆃 Miche is a man who thrives on acts of service. You hardly have to ask him to do anything; just hint at it, and Miche is already jumping into action
𓆃 He somehow knows the solution to everything, especially when it’s something hands-on. Your sink has been leaking for a week? He’s already grabbed his toolbox. Your obscure kitchen product broke, and you threw away the manual? Miche had one of those as a kid and knows exactly what to do
𓆃 You could be talking in a group about how you can’t lower your bed, and Miche is approaching you after asking if you want to have him take a look
𓆃 You never have to ask twice for anything. Mention anything about flowers once, and you’ve got them. Mention wanting a nice treat for yourself, and Miche is picking one up during his day in town
𓆃 The acts of service are great, but it’s also not a supplement for communication. Because as much as you appreciate the nice things he does for you, sometimes you just don’t want him to solve your problems for you
𓆃 Sometimes, you just want him to listen, and he’s already out the door, ready to handle whatever problem was getting on your nerves for the day
𓆃 “I’m a guy,” he’ll tell you very matter of factly, “That’s what guys do.” 
𓆃 He also thinks he’s helpful when you’re on your way out the door and he’s putting your wallet and keys in his pocket. 
𓆃 You’re trying to go over your mental checklist of things that need to be done before you leave the house, looking all over the place for your things. Meanwhile, Miche is standing by the door, “I have got your wallet and keys. Let’s go.”
𓆃 He hands them to you at soon as you close the front door saying something like, “I knew you wouldn’t be able to find them anyway.”
𓆃 Oh, he’ll also chronically forget to respond to you. You can walk out to where he’s reading a book or tending to his horse to tell him something important, and he just... doesn’t respond?
𓆃 You’ve started to say, “Acknowledge?” to remind him that he answered you in his head and not aloud. 
𓆃 Ugh, he’s such a dad too. He’ll stand around with an ale in his hand, talking to other guys about the costs of buildings or farm equipment 
𓆃 Can and will climb something recklessly or try to carry something too heavy for him despite your worried protests
𓆃 Miche is your knight in shining armor. Always there to rescue you in some way or another. 
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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violentvaleska · 7 months
𝑨𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔
ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ʳᵉᵃˡⁱᵗʸ
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sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ᴛʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʙᴜᴛ ᴘᴀɪɴ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴜᴍɪʟɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ. ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴀʀɴ ɪᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴡᴀʏ.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs: ↫ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ɴᴇxᴛ ↬
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ᴛᴀɢɢɪɴɢ: @xiernia @ajmiila02
ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴜʏs ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇʟʏ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛs, ᴋᴜᴅᴏs, ʟɪᴋᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢs ᴏɴ ᴀᴏ3 ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ɪᴛ sᴏ ғᴀʀ, ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀs <3
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"Thank you for agreeing to this, Faye." Erwin Smith's voice has a sinister undertone to it, making you swallow as he and his Section Commander stare at you with intensity. You liked the name at first, thought it was pretty even, but somehow after a month you got tired of it. It doesn't really feel like it belongs to you, and the frustration of not remembering anything still haunts you. While your dreams continued with vivid images of your past, none of it was of any use to the Survey Corps.
After your recovery, still with no memories or anything else, Commander Smith decided it would be best to discuss your future plans. You knew it would come to this, they would never have let you just stay with them. You sit in his office, fingers fidgeting nervously as you give him a small smile, not in the mood to talk to him any further. You've felt shy and insecure around him lately, doubting yourself for most of your stay here. Of all the other soldiers you've met, Section Commander Mike has been the nicest to you. His weird habit of sniffing you hadn't stopped yet, but you got used to it and found it a bit funny. His subordinate Nanaba, on a good day, would show you around and tell you all about the Titans she knows. Hange Zoe, another Section Commander, was nothing but a little creepy lately. They wanted to examine you after hearing from the Captain that the Titans hadn't attacked you. You like their attitude towards the cold man, though. Speaking of which, Captain Levi avoids any form of contact with you, for which you are grateful.
"We have discussed your matter. Not only in the Survey Corps, but we also spoke to General Zackly." You have heard that name before, he surely must be in a leading position. "He thinks it would be a good idea to recruit you. We can't condemn you for something we're not even sure you've done. You have no home to return to, and so far you are in good shape." His words hit you hard, pulling you into a reality you wish you didn't have to face. You do not want to be a soldier, a puppet in the hands of these men. Erwin seems to connect the dots, furrowing his brow at your obviously desperate reaction.
"Of course we can't force you. But where are you going, Faye?" You bite your lower lip and let your eyes wander through the higher-ups. Mike gives you a thumbs up, probably to reassure you of your decision, while Hange seems giddy at the thought of you joining the regiment. Captain Levi doesn't spare you a glance, his eyes fixed on the window, a cup of tea in his hand. You notice the odd way he holds it, fingers around the rim instead of the handle. You shake your head and meet Erwin Smith's eyes again.
"I don't know." The silence is uncomfortable, you feel ashamed to be so clueless, but can they blame you? "You can always change your mind and leave the cadet corps. Your recruitment lasts three years, after which you choose a regiment". He explains casually, making you wonder what the other regiment might be like. You nod your head and straighten your posture to appear at least a little more confident. "I'm going to join the cadet corps." There is a certain edge to your voice, an uncertainty that makes Levi's gaze shoot daggers at you. The truth is, he still believes you left the safety of the walls of your own accord. How you managed to get past the guards and survive out there for so long is still a mystery to him. Sure, he can see why four-eyes is so infatuated with you, or why Mike likes to look at you for longer than necessary. You're an attractive young woman who seems to have outsmarted the titans. Having you as a soldier could be of immense benefit, which is why Erwin so desperately wants you to be his obedient subordinate. Levi observes you closely, the way you behave and carry yourself. He notices how your freshly washed hair makes you look healthier, your skin still pale from lack of sunlight. You are truly beautiful, and you draw your comrades under your mysterious spell. Male and female alike. Erwin's next words quickly snap him out of his thoughts, causing him to tear his eyes from your form.
"Levi and Mike will train you. It may take another week to clear things up with Commander Shadis. You have a lot to learn." While Section Commander Mike approves the idea with a quick smile, Levi slams his favourite china onto the table, almost breaking it in half. His tea spills over the edge and burns his fingers, but he could care less.
"There's no way I'll be in charge of her training! I've got enough to teach my own troops." The small Captain complains, anger burning in his belly. You look at him and scratch awkwardly at the back of your head. Sure, you don't want him to be your teacher either, but you wouldn't dare complain about it so openly.
"Levi, it's only for a few days. Why don't you let them train with your new cadet, Miss Hansen? I'm sure they'll get along fine." Erwin encourages, not noticing the black-haired, grumpy man rolling his eyes at him. You think it's the first time you've seen them interact like this. Captain Levi's lips form a thin line, obviously fighting with himself to control his next insults.
"Whatever." He spits, his teeth clenched as he crosses his arms in annoyance.
"Well, now that that's settled, we'll get you a place in the women's barracks and a uniform." He promises, a confident smile on his lips, while his deep eyes gaze at you with what looks like adoration for you. Shuddering at the thought, you look elsewhere, realising that this was probably all he wanted from the start; you to stay close. Your case is special after all.
━━━━━━━༺ - ༻━━━━━━━
A week later, you are bruised and beaten, your skin covered in blue marks from where the Captain struck you. You've spent most of your time training with his squad, and only had the chance to learn from Mike three times in the last few days. He is a busy man, always at the Commander's side. Captain Levi's squad is not too bad, they are good individuals and you get on best with a girl called Emma Hansen. She's seventeen, graduated from the cadet corps only a month ago, and has been under Levi's command ever since. The other members are Eld, his second in command, the twins Lars and Luca and a woman called Vanessa. She's not very talkative and stares at you like Levi. Training with them wasn't so bad if it wasn't for their Captain. He has been on your back for the past few days, putting you through a hard and unforgiving process.
You find the ODM manageable and learn that you seem to be good at it. Fighting, running and riding aren't for you. The faster your stallion, Sonne, gets, the more fear you feel. Sonne may be a sweetheart and seems to enjoy the way you stroke her head, but her speed is something you can't quite grasp yet. Running wasn't a problem at first but combined with countless rounds of parkour and chasing your new comrades, you'll soon be tired out. You hate combat. Wrestling with Emma isn't a bad thing, she's thoughtful and restrained, giving you tips on how to improve. Your other sparring partner, Luca, is a little harsher with his moves, but he would always help you up after your failures and motivate you to keep going. And then there is your Captain. It feels strange to call him that, to feel the pressure to show him respect. After being officially accepted into the military two days ago, thanks to Commander Erwin's connections, you've had to tone down your insults towards the dwarf. At first, you used to curse him whenever he tried to pin you down or make you run another lab. But now? You've heard that he likes to punish those who disobey and disrespect him, and you're certainly not going to play with his temper like that... or so you thought. Today is your last day of training with the scouts, something you've been looking forward to.
You need proper training, and while you've learned a lot from the Scouts, Captain Levi's way of teaching is simply unorthodox and mostly humiliating. In the cadet corps, you would at least be able to learn with other beginners. Erwin Smith made sure that you got a place in the southern trainee programme, exactly where Eren Yeager is supposed to be enlisted. The thought of meeting him makes you nervous, wondering if he might be the key to your lost memories. You have also seen him a few times in your dreams; a boy with brown hair and the greenest eyes you have ever seen. "Is this freedom?" He would ask no one in particular, spreading his arms with a broad smile on his innocent face. Perhaps Eren is your little brother? Or maybe a family friend. You'll find out sooner or later, you can be sure of that. While sparring with Emma, you notice someone appearing behind you, clutching your hips tightly. You instantly stop your movements, stiffening at the unfamiliar touch. Just as you're about to turn to find out who's burst your bubble, the man begins to speak, causing your cheeks to blush. Section Commander Mike towers over you, a small smile on his lips, and you look up at him in amazement.
"You're moving your hips too much. Keep them steady, it will give you an advantage." He explains, his hands guiding you into his preferred position. "Don't lean your body backwards, your opponent could easily take your balance away." With that, he moves his hands to push your back a little further forward, his touch never leaving you. This catches Levi's attention, a frown creasing his pale face.
"Oi. Stop touching her like a bitch in heat. Fucking disgusting." The captain complains and leaves Eld, his poor sparring partner, to come over to you, Mike and Emma. You glare at him, roll your eyes and mutter a "you're one to talk" under your breath. Unfortunately, the little man heard you and shoots daggers at you with his cold, stone-like orbs. Mike holds his hands up in defense, a look of annoyance on his usually calm face.
"I was just trying to teach her." He shrugs and crosses his gangly arms over his chest. "Besides, it's my duty to train her too, you know?" The Section Commander argues, but Levi is quicker to point out that he was "too busy" and had to do everything himself.
"Pf. Whatever." The blonde brushes the Captain off and turns his attention back to you. "Faye, I came to tell you that I will accompany you on your way to the southern division tomorrow." Your face instantly lights up, for you believed that the Captain would accompany you. That makes the journey seem a lot less torturous.
"Thank you, Section Commander, I really appreciate it." The way you smile warms his heart a little and he hums in appreciation. Levi scoffs at the sight, glaring at both of you before clearing his throat. "Mike, don't you have a section to lead, or something?" The taller one turns his attention back to Levi, raising his eyebrows at the man. "You want to get rid of me that fast, hugh?" He jokes, grinning at the Captain. "You interrupted our training. With all due respect, get lost." Rudely, Levi turns his attention from the Section Commander back to you and his subordinate, who has been watching their discussion with parted lips and rosy cheeks. Emma feels slightly out of place. "Of course, shorty." Mike insults, turning his attention to you and placing his big hand on your shoulder. "I'll catch up with you at dinner," he promises, leaving you alone with the Captain. Your eyes follow him for a while, confused by his kindness. Of all the people you have had to deal with, he, Nanaba and Emma have been nothing but subtle with you.
"Tch, silly girl. Stop drooling." Levi pulls you slightly out of your trance, cold eyes nagging at you, frustrating you. "I wasn't drooling. I was lost in thought." You bite back, imitating his sour expression. The way Levi treats his comrades is what you dislike most about him. Harsh, unforgiving and disciplinarian. Whenever you disrespect him, punishment follows. Cleaning, extra training or public humiliation is his way of "teaching" his subordinates. "Lost in thought? Got a death wish, idiot? If you daydream outside the walls, you are not only a danger to yourself, but to your squad as well". Feeling your hands clench at his words, your features darken. “Who said I was going outside the walls?” You ask in a provocative manner, noticing how his squad falls into silence at your question. "There are other divisions, and as a cadet I can choose my preferred division, can't I?" You feel Emma stiffen at your side as Levi approaches, stopping just in front of you. His heavy breath hits your skin and you can see that dangerous glint in his eyes, the one he has before he attacks. You know what's coming before it happens, but you're still not quick enough to move away from his outstretched hand. A yelp escapes you as he grabs your collar, pulling you closer to face him.
"Sometimes, Faye, we don't get to choose. Do you think the Commander would accept you joining the garrison, or better still the fucking MPs? You are here because you fucked up, now you have to make up for it." Spit hits your face as he hisses at you and you feel a rush of panic as he pushes you back, causing you to stumble and land on the ground, mud soaking your white trousers. "Not that you're good enough to join the military police anyway." He comments, looking down at you with disgust. Most of the other troops have stopped their training just to look at what has happened, and you are instantly ashamed. Hot, angry tears fill your eyes as you brush them away and stand up as quickly as you can. "Pathetic. Stop crying, soldier, and be a man." He turns and motions for his troops to follow him. You start to walk behind Emma when the Captain stops and looks over his shoulder, directly at you.
"Tch. Not you, brat. Get cleaned up, I can't stand looking at your filthy ass anymore."
Dinner is less strenuous. You've been starving for hours and are grateful for the steamed potatoes and fresh bread. Nothing special, but the food regulations make you feel lucky to get something at all. You decide to sit in your usual corner; away from the others and to yourself. You've been avoiding Levi since noon and don't feel like sitting with his troop. It would only lead to more humiliation for you, that's for sure. When Mike suddenly sits down on the bench opposite you, a shiver runs down your spine and you jump a little. You didn't expect him to be here so soon, he hasn't even eaten yet.
"Hey. I heard the Captain gave you a bit of a hard time. Don't take it personally, he's like that with literally everyone." He tries to reassure you, but you just cringe at the memory.
"He pushed me. Nothing big." You play it down, looking up from your plate to meet his eyes.
"So, about tomorrow. When and where should I meet you?" You ask, trying to change the subject so that Mike doesn't intrude any more. "Right. At the stables at 6 am. We should arrive around noon." He stops to take a sip from his cup of water and swallows a heavy gulp. "Make sure you pack all your things. Erwin also wants you to continue your dream journal. You should send him monthly reports." You groan and roll your eyes, not really understanding the whole dream journal thing.
"But they are useless." You remind him and cut into your potato, hoping to convince him that they are of no real help. "They are amusing, though. I can't believe you dreamt of Levi in a wheelchair. That's hilarious." He laughs a little and takes a bite of his bread, smiling at the thought of mankind's strongest being unable to walk. If that happens, they can forget about humanity. You, on the other hand, don't laugh as you swallow at the thought of this dream.
"It felt so real, though." You whisper, shaking your head in frustration, wondering what it could have meant.
"Don't worry your pretty head about it. Trust me." You smile a little, blushing as he winks at you. Mike is a flirt, attractive too. But somehow it feels like getting close to him would only bring you pain. And you were right.
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postwarlevi · 1 year
As the light of a new day peeks through the window, you yawn and blink open your eyes. Smiling you turn to your partner, only to frown instead, finding the bed empty.
Odd, it isn't like you to sleep past him. What time is it anyway?
Just as you turn again to look at the clock you hear shuffling from the hallway and soon he steps into the doorway of the bedroom.
"Morning!" You say cheerfully, removing the blanket, going to get out of bed.
Apparently that is not the plan though, because with his eyes still closed he makes his way to his side of the bed and falls in with a groan.
He is not a morning person.
You smile and shimmy back into bed, stroking his cheek.
"I just had to use the bathroom." He mumbles, sounding like he never woke up.
"Well now that you're awake, I'll go make you breakfast." You say, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
Before you can even turn a strong arm gets hold of you, and you are not going anywhere.
With a tiny laugh you try to pull out of his grip around your body. "Come on now."
He shakes his head and furrows his brow. "No." And his hold tightens.
"No? You don't want breakfast?" You ask softly, kissing his nose playfully.
You don't even get a response, his breathing steadying as he tries to fall back to sleep quickly.
You let out a contented sigh, looking at your lovers relaxed facial features and feeling his body language.
"You can sleep, it's okay, I'll do something else in the meantime until you're ready to get up." You don't mind letting him sleep.
"Just stay." Is his final answer, and with that he tucks you further into his body, assuring you will not be going anywhere.
With a soft chuckle, you don't fight it anymore and snuggle into his chest.
"Okay love, you win." You close your eyes and are soon lulled to sleep by his beating heart.
A tiny smile appears on his lips as you both sleep the morning away.
You both agree that any time you get to spend in each others arms, is something you'd always look forward to.
A thank you to @charlotteplsdosth for this reversal idea, I hope it's a bit of a comeback, however small :)
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xoxosimp · 15 days
when he’s your friends with benefits but he gets so offended when you stay stuff like ….
“ you don’t have to explain,it’s not like we’re dating or anything.”
“ we’re just friends”
It was with that sentence that he vowed to fuck the word “friend” out of your vocabulary
- Miche Zacharias, Bucky Barnes
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chaotic-nick · 7 months
Boyfriend! Miche Zacharias Boyfriend Headcanons 𐑺ִ - 🌳 ₪ ˚ Ꮺ 🧺ꞌꞋ
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note: am I back? am I back? I hope so 😭🤚 I'm a day late, but here's a miche zacharias boyfriend headcanons. [Miche HC anon if you're reading this, hi. I wuvyu] I've so much to post about him in my drafts but time and being burnout is not so fun
warnings: unedited (I'm typing all this on my phone) slight mention of an FWB relationship, reader is artist-coded, Miche calls reader 'doll'
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boyfriend Miche and you whose relationship really didn't *surprise* your pool of friends at all. The two of you already acted like a couple. If anything it was you two who were surprised.
boyfriend Miche and you who started off as being friends with benefits [here's a fic I wrote] where alot of nights were spent sleeping on his chest, or him sleeping above you
fwb Miche who looked at you one night, so close to asking if you two should *escape again*
fwb Miche offering his shoulder to you when you shyly rest your head once Hanji starts talking about a new government funded research on Ragako's cattle practice.
fwb Miche who checks up on you throughout Hange's story, noticing that your fighting off sleep.
fwb Miche who's heart stops beating. he was sure it stopped beating when you looked up and said, 'let's go home'
fwb Miche who confirmed that he felt more that just "I like being around (y/n)." when he looked at your sleeping figure on his passenger seat when he stopped at a red light.
boyfriend Miche who's more shameless I'm asking you if he could watch you draw/write/edit/paint.
boyfriend Miche who's worried that you'll injure yourself making your canvases, so he takes it up in himself. "Can't have you accidentally hammering yourself with this—" "might've happened once".
Boyfriend Miche who took it as his responsibility to make your canvases from then.
Boyfriend Miche who tries to play it cool that he's in love. Everyone at work notices him smiling more, smiling at his phone more. His interns were sure that it was his bike that shamelessly roared when the clock showed 5pm.
Boyfriend Miche who keeps all your doodles of you two in his wallet. Just underneath the polaroid the two of you had taken.
Boyfriend Miche and you who are still friends. One day you catch him smiling as he cooked, "You're smiling stupid" "I am?" He says with a smirk "I'm in love with the prettiest person alive" "oh"
Boyfriend Miche who takes in your stunned face, leaning towards you to peck your face. Then a quick one on the lips.
Friends who kiss more, as you two would joke about.
Boyfriend Miche never understanding why you two should match. slowly though, he's the one who initiates it. Matching watches, matching keychains, matching baseball caps.
Boyfriend Miche who likes towering over you when you two shop for groceries or go to bookstores, vending enough to rest his chin on top of your head.
Boyfriend Miche also has an embarrassing amount of pictures of you sleeping on him.
Boyfriend Miche who goes straight to your house than his after an unexpected overtime. "I'd rather be here than that apartment"
Boyfriend Miche who tiredly watches you from the couch as you put takeout food on plates. "You didn't have to, (Y/n).You're tired, too" "Yea.. I still wanna eat with you unless you don't want to"
Boyfriend Miche has that stupid smile again, forcing himself up from the couch and joining you on the floor. "What was my doll's day like?"
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salv12dexter · 2 months
I know, y'all know, everyone knows. That these men are not gay, never have been and never will be. Seeing a man you want isn't going to make you feel better just because you see him with another man.
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m-jelly · 10 months
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@2moth-anon2 Requested.
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Double dessert
Erwin x fem!Reader x Mike
Poly relationship, smut, oral, body worship, established relationship, unprotected, love, fluff.
Your blonde lovers decide to dote on you all morning long.
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Your eyes rolled back into your head as your arousal poured down your thighs. Your body shook as you panted and moaned out to the room. You threw your head back and screamed in pleasure as another orgasm ripped through your body. You were beginning to lose count now.
Erwin was eating your leaking pussy from behind while you were on your hands and knees. Below you was Mike with your clit in his mouth. Both men were eating you as if they were starved beasts. You were at their mercy and all you could do was grip onto the bed for dear life as your lovers worshipped you.
"I n-need s-someone inside of m-me." You pleaded with your lovers. "Please."
Erwin stood up and panted. "I'd be happy to complete your request."
Mike sighed. "I'm staying here. I love licking her clit and I get to see her be fucked and catch any of her delicious cum leaking out."
You whimpered. "Mike."
Mike chuckled. "You love it, baby."
"We'll do anything for you." Erwin ran the tip of his cock up and down your lips. "How does that look?"
Mike moaned. "Incredible. She's dripping wet."
"What a good girl."
You mewled. "I am a good girl."
Erwin pressed his cock into you just enough for you to adjust before he slammed hard and deep into you. Big hands gripped your breasts and massaged them. A large tongue flicked and moved against your clit. A long thick cock pounded in and out of you at a body-melting speed.
The delicate loving lips of Erwin dragged up your back. Teeth then scraped on your skin in a teasing manner. Your knuckles went white as you clenched the bed tightly. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you were worshipped by two men who loved you so much.
You flopped forward against Mike's crotch as you felt overwhelmed with pleasure. The hard erection of Mike pressed against your face and lips. You wanted to suck and lick him, but your pleasure was too intense that you couldn't focus.
Erwin's cock was so long that the tip rammed into your cervix and gave it a passionate kiss. These two men's impressive cocks were long and reached deep parts of you that had you becoming drunk on cock and pleasure. You were spoiled.
You clenched your toes tightly as you felt your coil tighten. You screamed in pleasure as your orgasm ripped through you. "M-mm! Fuck!"
Erwin grunted as your pussy walls massaged him. "Sh-shit." He dragged his cock out and panted. "Darling, your pussy is so addictive."
Mike moaned as he looked at your dripping pussy. "Fuck me, look at that. I need to eat."
You squeaked when Mike yanked you down on him. He sucked on your pussy and shoved his tongue deep inside you. You flapped your arm around and reached for Erwin. He smiled and took your hand lovingly and gave you a little squeeze.
You whined at Erwin. "Erwin."
Erwin softly kissed you. "Talk to me."
Erwin lifted you off Mike making Mike growl. "Don't pout. She wants your cock."
Mike sat up and licked your cum from his lips. "Mm, I'm happy to deliver. You want Erwin's cock too?"
You blushed and nodded shyly. "Can I suck you?"
Erwin's cheeks went pink at your cute request. He chuckled and nodded. "Of course." He sat you on the bed before moving away. "Wait there, darling."
Mike hugged you from behind and pressed his hard cock against your bum and lower back. "I'm thinking prone."
Erwin sat against the headboard. "You read my mind."
You licked your lips. "You both know exactly what I like." You crawled closer to Erwin and lay on your stomach. You grabbed Erwin's glistening cock and mewled. "Pretty."
Erwin pushed his fingers into your hair and massaged it. "Thank you."
Mike's large hands gripped your buttcheeks and pulled them apart so he could gaze at your pussy. He growled before pressing his cock deep into you. He watched as every inch of him was dragged deep inside your hungry pussy. He lifted your hips just a bit before ramming himself in and out of you.
You gripped Erwin's thigh tightly as you wrapped your mouth around his enormous cock. You moaned against him as Mike pounded in and out of you. Your eyes rolled back in your head as you purred against Erwin's cock. You sucked hard and moved your tongue against him.
You popped your mouth from Erwin and pumped your hand up and down on him. You mewled a little and turned your head to Mike. "Kiss?"
Mike crashed his lips against yours and moaned in happiness. "Love you, baby."
"Love you too." You looked over at Erwin. "Kiss?"
Erwin lifted your chin and kissed you sweetly. "I love you, darling."
"Love you so much."
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lavender-songs · 1 month
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Mike Zacharias X F!Reader
warnings: nsfw , face sitting , over stimulation , scent kink , dacryphilia
🦴 minors do not interact | 18+ only 🦴
mikes hands grip at your thighs, keeping them spread as he forces you to lower yourself onto his all the way. You can hear him inhaling your scent, the action forcing your ears to go red from embarrassment.
He groans, low in his throat. You feel his tongue swiping through your folds, tip barely prodding your entrance before he flattens his tongue over your cunt. He eats you like a man starved.
His nails dig into your flesh as he closes his mouth around your dripping cunt. Slurping your juices and grunting , a rumble that makes your legs shake and your eyes roll back.
He moves his hands to your hips , pulling you further down against his face. His tongue slipping inside of you and lapping at your insides.
You squirm, chest heaving with every gasp and whimper that tears its way through your body. He pulls out his tongue just to latch onto your clit and suck.
He knows just how to work you, tongue laving at your clit until your eyes are rolling back and you see stars. Your body tenses and you let out a squeal as you ride out your first orgasm, hips rolling against his now flattened tongue.
He doesn’t stop there, he presses you through the aftershocks. Mouth closing around your clit again and sucking hard until your eyes are watering and your mumbling quiet “ no more , no mores “ between gasps for air.
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mikesmatcha · 3 months
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Work doodles
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